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Art Exchange 2.0: Fantasy

Started by Crow, July 13, 2010, 02:38:06 PM

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Since the last art exchange was a hit, it's been decided we make a tradition of this!

What is an Art Exchange?
QuoteBasically, it's like a "Secret Santa" event, except with art. People sign up and post references for what they want drawn. You could ask for art of a character of yours, your favorite animal, yourself or a friend/family member/pet, a character they like from a book/movie/game/etc... even a theme ("draw me something involving violins" or "Norse mythology" or "gender dysphoria") Anything, really. Whoever is hosting the event (in this case, me) will secretly match up participants and private message each participant telling who they're drawing for. You then have a certain amount of time (usually around a month is standard) to draw whatever that person wants drawn. Once you finish your picture, private message it to me so it's kept secret until the big reveal-date. Once everyone has sent in their pictures, I will create a board with everyone's lovely artwork on it so people can collect their art and thank whoever drew for them. (A lot of times people like to play a guessing game to figure out who drew for who.)

Anyone can participate! You don't have to be the world's greatest artist, as long as you put some effort into your part of the exchange. It's about fun and community and gift-giving, not about collecting professional-quality art. Don't feel bad if you aren't the best artist and don't throw a tantrum if the person who drew for you isn't.

On that note, it would be nice for everyone to at least do a finished picture with coloring (or shading, as the case may be for those who do greyscale) or a background. I know some people have a hard time with backgrounds-- you're not expected to draw full-blown scenery or anything if you don't want to. Just a pattern or something will work, as long as you do something to fill the background to give your picture has a more finished feel to it. That way, we don't have half the participants getting masterpieces and the other half getting tiny headshots and uncolored sketches. Just to be fair.

Sounds like fun, right? And the boost the exciting-factor, we now have an (optional) theme: Fantasy! However, if you don't care for fantasy but still want to participate, fear not! You are welcome to interpret the theme in whatever way you want or simply not adhere to it at all-- it's intended to boost inspiration, not block it. You are encouraged to participate in the theme to add to the community fun, but you are by no means required and shouldn't feel guilty if the current theme isn't quite your thing.

Additionally, we now have a system in place to hopefully prevent AWOL artists:
There is now a participant list at the bottom of this post. Participants who have finished their art will have their names bolded. Approximately a week before the deadline, anyone who still hasn't sent in their art will receive a friendly reminder via PMs from me.

If someone still hasn't finished their art by the deadline, they will have to sit out the next exchange unless they have a valid excuse for not being able to finish. ("I had art block/was busier than I expected" is not a valid excuse; "I was kicked out of my house/grounded from the computer/hospitalized" is a valid excuse.)

A substitute will then be called in to draw for the person that participant was supposed to draw for. The substitute will then have a week to draw a replacement picture. People willing to be contacted as a possible substitute can make note of this in their initial sign-up posts—this does not obligate you to substitute. It just means you are open to the possibility and willing to be contacted about it.

If at some point you do realize you are unable to draw for the exchange, please tell me sooner rather than later, since the sooner I find out, the more efficiently I can remedy the problem!


If you want to sign up, just fill out this form and post it on this board:
QuoteYour Name: (what you go by)
What you want drawn: (your characters, fandom characters, yourself/friends/pets, favorite animals, specific themes... you name it, just make sure you include any references people might need to draw what you want drawn)
What you can draw: (humans, animals, "anthro" characters... tell me what you draw so I have someone who only draws humans trying to draw someone's pet cat)
Examples of your art: (again, so I can match people more accurately and don't have a horror artist drawing cute fluffy bunnies... links to a couple representative pieces or to DA/Photobucket/other art site account will do)
Willing to Sub: Yes/no

The deadline for sign-ups will be July 23, 2010, so you have about a week to sign up. I'll then sort people and have PMs sent out within a couple days, and you'll have until August 30, 2010 to finish your art. Handouts will be a week later, on September 6, 2010.

Participant List:
Bold names have turned art in

1.) Osiris Sub Finished
2.) Tree
3.) Diane (Crow)
4.) Pica
5.) Coppélia
6.) Shang
7.) Silver
8.) Crypt
9.) Miniar
10.) no_id
11.) Farm Boy
12.) Lachlann
13.) Fenrir

(Sign-ups are OPEN)

If anyone has any questions, feel free to ask!

(P.s.- I'm going to sign up once someone else posts, so I don't make this post even longer than it already is. x3)
Top Surgery Fund: $200/7,000


Since most of the info is covered in my sign up for the first exchange-
Quote from: Osiris on May 08, 2010, 07:10:33 PM
Name: Osiris
What I can draw: I will occasionally draw with pen and ink (never with pencil) and tend to have a cartoon style. I don't draw often so I'm kinda rusty. More recently I've worked on CGI art and playing around with making random objects, Example: Key Chain.. I've also started playing around with making sort of anthropomorphic characters Example: Cheetah/Woman Portait. I also paint in oils and acrylics Example: Koi Fish. Which technique I will use will depend on what subject I get and which one I feel is the best to execute the image.
Examples of my work: For more examples of my work you can visit my deviant art page

What I want drawn: A fantasy creature of some sort, I'd like it to have horse-like features if possible and to look BAD ASS! :D
अगणित रूप अनुप अपारा | निर्गुण सांगुन स्वरप तुम्हारा || नहिं कछु भेद वेद अस भासत | भक्तन से नहिं अन्तर रखत


    Your Name: Tree
    What you want drawn:
any of the following:
- a luna moth
- a quaking aspen tree
- a quetzal (this bird: (side note: physical characteristics of animals of different sexes are confusing. oh, wildlife.)
    What you can draw: give me anything except ppppleeease not a cityscape/something with a lot of buildings/straight lines/angles
    Examples of your art: I live at
    Willing to Sub: Nope, sorry. D: I have another exchange going on and I have some 25 drawings left!

...Hi Diane~!


Your Name: Diane
What you want drawn: Your interpretation of a spirit of rebirth and renewal based off of or somehow inspired by a M>-bleeped-<ie (possibly but not necessarily playing off the fact that m>-bleeped-<ies are scavengers) interacting with a spirit of nurturing and safety, based off of or somehow inspired by some kind of seahorse or leafy/weedy sea dragon. You can make them as animal-like or humanoid as you wish (Fairies? Dragons? Anthro? Spiffed up, magical m>-bleeped-<ies and seahorses? Whatever else comes to mind, really?). Both, however, are genderless (and sexless) spirits.
What you can draw: Animals, anthro characters, humans
Examples of your art: My DeviantArt
Willing to Sub: Sure (as long as nothing unforseen comes up, but I guess that goes without speaking... also, why am I being so specific-- I already know what I think, because I'm the one running the exchange!)
Top Surgery Fund: $200/7,000

Pica Pica

    Your Name: Pica Pica
    What you want drawn:
Something floral - not roses, maybe dandelions and daisies but not twee either, can be a whole daisy city if you want, or dandelion monster - or whatever.
    What you can draw: I am not much of an artist so most of what I draw is a simplified - linear version of whatever it is I'm drawing.
    Examples of your art: I don't have anything, maybe I should set something up. I get a big black pen and doodle and play, then I take little pens and fill in little details and stuff. I very much like the result, it's doodly.
    Willing to Sub: Ok, but don't put me first in the sub queue or nuffing.

'For the circle may be squared with rising and swelling.' Kit Smart


Lots of sign-ups already! How exciting~

One question, though: Pica, are there any specific kinds of subject matter that you really do/don't like to draw? As in... Animals, anthros, humans, objects, landscapes... any that sound especially appealing or particularly nightmarish?
Top Surgery Fund: $200/7,000

Pica Pica

I'm guessing i don't really want to draw anthrostuff, or anything with a need for photorealism
'For the circle may be squared with rising and swelling.' Kit Smart


Your Name: Coppélia
What you want drawn: A man with the following characteristics:
-the head of a horse
-a hummingbird proboscis
-camel feet (not camel toe)
-a forked tail
-a slingshot made of bananas
-John Lennon glasses
-Abe Lincoln's Top Hat of Truth
-a billowing Skirt of Justice
-a shirt that reads "Lincoln NB or Bust"
-holding a tennis racket in one hand
-making a peace sign with his other hand (which is enveloped in flame)
-a set of fly wings on his back
-a pet vampiric rabbit
-tinkerbell and another fairy floating overhead with a bag of pixie dust saying "16 kilos? That's it?!"
-I forgot the antlers!
-...I think that's everything. Feel free to add more if the fancy strikes you.
What you can draw: People and some animals (horses, dogs, cats, wolves with difficulty, and skunks...oh, and dragons!). I am very much out of practice so it might take me a few tries to get anything right.
Examples of your art: I've been meaning to upload some stuff to my deviantart account but I haven't yet. Though as you can see per my picture, I have made batman happy in photoshop.
Willing to Sub: Maybe, only if absolutely necessary.


Gee Coppélia, I wonder if you were specific enough in what you want drawn. :D
अगणित रूप अनुप अपारा | निर्गुण सांगुन स्वरप तुम्हारा || नहिं कछु भेद वेद अस भासत | भक्तन से नहिं अन्तर रखत


Your Name: Gabriel/Shang
What you want drawn: I would love to have a nice anthro character of a male Archaeopteryx trying to put on girl's clothing while his buddy, a dragon, kind of looks on with amusement.  However, if that's not possible, I'd like a guy who's:
-long black hair with blue streaks
-blue eyes
-putting on girl's clothing, or attempting to
-fangs, two of them on the canines
-large wings--black, dragon-like or bird-like.  If bird-like, shaped like a bird of prey.
-tail and ears, not canine.
What you can draw: I can't draw humans, unless you want a profile.  I can try and draw just about anything, just give me a reference picture and I can't draw movement or 3/4 things too well.  I'm better with things that don't have fur.
Examples of your art: Leafy Sea Dragon
Dino-Dragon Thing
Willing to Sub: No

--Forgot this was fantasy so I'm adding in a few bits--


Quote from: Osiris on July 14, 2010, 11:07:14 AM
Gee Coppélia, I wonder if you were specific enough in what you want drawn. :D

Lol and you with your very specific BAD ASS fantasy creature of some sort :P

I actually had to draw that same "guy" several years ago, and I want to see what someone else's interpretation will look like. I named him the "Super Elk" because...of the antlers I forgot to put in the list :D Thank you my dear Osiris for helping refine what I want drawn


Your Name: SilverFang
What you want drawn: Anchiornis huxleyi (aka the four winged bird.) It's sort of fantasy, no one's seen one and even if they did exist, they're dead.
What you can draw: Humans, animals, probably anthro (it would be an interesting challenge.) Dragons (I'm not very good though.) Not too picky though.
Examples of your art: Sorry, don't really have an online art dump.
Willing to Sub: Yes


Your Name:Cryptster or Crypt Chris
What you want drawn: A royal crest that features a dragon and a lion. The crest is for a a royal family with the surname of Darkheart. Use your imagination. The only requirements is a dragon and a lion.
What you can draw: Honestly just about anything but I specialize in the anime/video game art style, semi-realism, graphic design, & photo-manipulation.
Examples of your art: This is a new dA account so not all of my work is posted on here, but here:
Willing to Sub: It will depend. I am willing but if something comes up, I won't be able to.


Your Name: Miniar
What you want drawn: A Shapeshifter.
Colours should be blue highlights on gray.
Shapes are "Owl", "Tiger", and "skinny/twink-Elf".
How you handle/mix/incorporate this information is yours! ;)
What you can draw: Most things I "can" draw, but there will be artist's privileges taken and I don't promise to produce anything "epic".
Examples of your art: Older Stuff Newer Stuff
Willing to Sub: I am "willing", but I work so slow that I should be low on the list of "people to get to sub"... very low.

"Everyone who has ever built anywhere a new heaven first found the power thereto in his own hell" - Nietzsche


Your Name: no_id
What you want drawn: the death of Cleopatra upside down and inverted. You don't have to take this literally... More points if you don't actually. ;)
What you can draw: I don't have much of a clue. I'd say 'anything' as long as not too much realism is required since I tend to go fauve. Animals aren't my best though - I've never practiced much on them. But, in the end it's all a matter of style.
Examples of your art: some photography: 1, 2 some photo manipulation and banner design 1, 2, quick drawings (doodles) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, a painting 1... This is all old stuff to be honest. Haven't uploaded anything recently.
Willing to Sub: Maybe. I need to see how this works for me first.

Also, Miniar: your artwork is amazing.  8)
Tara: The one time in my life I thought I was happy, I was a f**kin zombie.

True Blood S3E2


"Everyone who has ever built anywhere a new heaven first found the power thereto in his own hell" - Nietzsche




I'd like to sign up, but I'm not sure when my hand will be better.
Don't be scared to fly alone, find a path that is your own
Love will open every door it's in your hands, the world is yours
Don't hold back and always know, all the answers will unfold
What are you waiting for, spread your wings and soar

Farm Boy

Your Name: Farm Boy.
What you want drawn: A fierce, red dragon with a cheesy grin, getting his toenails painted in rainbow colors by a woodland elf/centaur/other non-threatening mythological being for comedic effect.  I haven't really got any specific critter/being in mind, so go crazy!
What you can draw: I'm best at animals.  My art is realism style (I'm no good with anime or anthro), and my humans are just not good enough to be seen by other people.  lol
Examples of your art: My DA account.  Not much here since most of my work is boxed up and I never sign on here.
Willing to Sub: Yes.
Started T - Sept. 19, 2012
Top surgery - Jan. 16, 2017


Quote from: Lachlann on July 16, 2010, 01:09:14 AM
I'd like to sign up, but I'm not sure when my hand will be better.
Oh noooo-- what happened to your hand? D8 Hand injuries are hard on people's abilities to join art exchanges. It's very unfortunate.

(Also, holy crud-- this board has only been up two days and we already have the amount of participants as the last exchange! I wonder how many more we'll get? 8D)
Top Surgery Fund: $200/7,000