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Me stop smoking?

Started by Raven, September 13, 2010, 05:37:51 PM

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I have done a little thinking lately and one part of me wants to try to stop smoking and a other part of me is scared half to death of quiting.. I've been smoking since I was at least 16 and everytime I go so long without an cigarette I get too cranky and easily irritated. And this scares me cause I have a little girl and I fear that if I get like that I may have to stay away from her til I calm down. I mainly want to try to quit cause of the way money is right now. But I also fear cause I like to drink from time to time when I go through the withdrawls if this may provoke me to drink more to stay sane or something. I am stuck cause idk which option I should do to stop or not stop smoking.


As a life long smoker, 40 plus years, I say it is better to quit and be around for your little girl, than to have her alone without you.  It would only be a short period of time with the cranky.


It would be a good idea to quit. Just resist the drinking urge, you're resisting the smoking urge after all so it can be done.


Yea to quit is the better option. This is harder than I thought it would be cause I live with my mom and she smokes to and she just keeps tossin me cigarettes wiithout me even asking her to throw me one and maaan I done caved three time oO I gotta try harder and plus I aint gonna drink while I'm tryin to quit smokin that part isn't going to be hard as I don't have a drinkin problem.


Quitting smoking is tough. I've been working on it for 8 years now, and as we speak I'm smoking one.

There's all sorts of things you can buy that cost as much if not more then just continuing to smoke. Some people say they help, I say it's all garbage.

Your not alone. Millions of people are trying to quit smoking every day.

The best thing I can say is take your time with quitting. It's taken you a long time to teach your brain that this is ok. It'll take a while to teach your brain that it's not ok.

Just because you light up another one doesn't mean you've failed, it just means you'll have to try harder next time. I've gone down from smoking 20+ cigarettes a day to smoking 8-10 a day and for me that's a big improvement. Next step for me, cutting down to only smoking 3-5 cigarettes a day.

Just a basic article about smoking and children...

Does reducing smoking in the home protect children from the effects of second-hand smoke? Journal of Family Practice Online.
(ROCK) ---> ME <--- (HARD PLACE)


Quote from: Raven on September 13, 2010, 05:37:51 PM
But I also fear cause I like to drink from time to time when I go through the withdrawls if this may provoke me to drink more to stay sane or something.

Quote from: Raven on September 13, 2010, 08:43:05 PM
I aint gonna drink while I'm tryin to quit smokin that part isn't going to be hard as I don't have a drinkin problem.

Somewhat contradictory.


Yeea I am tryin to get that no drnkin while tryin to quit attitude. But grrrr by the way things are going today here at home so far I gotta do something or I'm gonna go nuts. I aint had a cigarette nearly all day and omg the crap that happend so far has seriously got me wanting to smoke to calm my nerves this suuucks. But I'm tryin


> Be sure to remember WHY you're doing this. For your health? For your little girl? Let those be the proper motivation and keep strong!

> And don't forget, we're here for you as well. :D


You also have to know that you have to want to quit to make it happen.  If you really don't want to quit then you're not going to be able to quit.  Think of exactly why you want to quit and keep that in your mind and try and make sure you want to quit with every bit of your being.  My teacher, who smoked for 30 years, quit in one day because she truly wanted to quit.  She didn't use anything to help her and just stopped cold turkey and she hasn't smoked in a good 10 years.


Thanks :)  I do need to quit not only as the way money is right now but for my little girl and my health. I've been smoking for seven years mainly menthols for the majority of the years and switched to lights and then switched to natural tobacco cigarettes cause it was supposedly addictive free, I don't buy it (the nonaddictive part) cause for obvious reasons. And I know that second hand smoke isn't good for my little girl to be around cause it can cause her to develop asthma to the best of my knowlegde. She already has a heart murmur I know my smoking didn't cause that at all but still she don't need to around it. She's my world and she needs me to be here for her. So if I can't quit for me then I can at least quit for her. I did it before for her before she was born, but never was the withdrawls this bad that I can remember.


Good luck!

Oh, there's supposed to be this nifty thing out that's a smoke-less cigarette and it doesn't have nicotine or anything in it to my knowledge and it's out to help people stop smoking. 


Thanks. I've heard about those, my friends dad smokes them. I think she said that they light up or something when it aint got no more whatever it is in it. I can't remember where she said that there sold at heh I'll look it up and see what I can find out.


Quote from: Raven on September 14, 2010, 01:24:42 PM
Thanks. I've heard about those, my friends dad smokes them. I think she said that they light up or something when it aint got no more whatever it is in it. I can't remember where she said that there sold at heh I'll look it up and see what I can find out.

It's supposed to help and I hope it all goes good for you!  I just know someone who used it and hasn't smoked an actual cigarette in years and she only uses the smokeless one because it does the hand-to-mouth movement, and she'll use it way past when it's supposed to run out.


I hope everything goes good too. I'm sorry if I sounded cranky or anything, I've been trying not to smoke all day and everything else.


Quote from: Raven on September 14, 2010, 05:10:24 PM
I hope everything goes good too. I'm sorry if I sounded cranky or anything, I've been trying not to smoke all day and everything else.

I don't think you sound crank at all!  And it's OK, I understand.  My mom was a bit cranky when she stopped, but it was worth putting up with the crankiness.


Heh I'm surprized that I don't sound cranky. I broke down smoked one cigarette...feel bad about it


I'm cheering for you, even if you can't tell!


I aint had a smoke all day well a few hits but not a whole cigarette. And my lord the irritablety and crankyness even has my own mother running from me a few times. And plus my ex old man and I got into it today over vistation and he felt my wrath. I am honestly doing my best to hold my tougue and control my temper and everything til these withdrawls subside. I'm tryin my best to quit and everything.


Well I have some good news to report for once about my tryin to quit smokin :) late last night I calmed down quite a bit and didn't have really any withdrawls and I actually felt pretty good for once in my life :) I'm starting to think that I can actually do this and the only big issue I had last night was I kept waking up off and on all night so I'm tired more than anything right now but I survive.