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What is your Phobia?

Started by Janet_Girl, October 12, 2010, 11:45:27 PM

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Quote from: Nikolai_S on December 12, 2010, 05:21:39 PM
I'm not the only person afraid of escalators? I had no idea. It takes me several seconds of standing, staring at the steps before I can move onto them at the right time.

After being thrown down a flight of stairs, I had an intense phobia of escalators and ordinary stairs. I still feel a bit sick getting onto an escalator some days and I freak out if someone comes down a flight of stairs toward me when I'm walking up.


Tight spaces, clothes. I'm claustrophobic.

And the dentist. But every once in a while I force myself to go.


Tight clothes ? I did not know claustrophobes were afraid of tight clothes :o. I mean, are you uncomfortable with... Socks ?
A's Transition Journal
Last update: June 11th, 2012
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April Dawne

I'm sure these have been mentioned plenty of times, but mine are insects and arachnids... anything creepy-crawly makes me go into panic mode, especially if it can sting or bite. Butterflies and fireflies and praying mantis' I love, however.

Falling. That's a really big one. I used to wake from recurring nightmares of falling off buildings or cliffs.

I do have a slight social phobia, I really prefer to go unnoticed in large crowds. If I'm at the mall for example and I suddenly feel peoples eyes on me, I just want to get away. I start feeling WAY too warm and uncomfortable and panicky. It's always been that way. If I'm at a party among friends it's a completely different situation, I can be the center of attention with no problem.

~*Don't wanna look without seeing*~

~*Don't wanna touch without feeling*~



Just remembered another one: tornadoes. Thankfully, I live in an area where natural disasters are very uncommon, but tornadoes are one thing we get in Minnesota.
Just this past summer tornadoes got to be pretty common around where I live, and I completely panic when tornadoes are around, even if there is no immediate threat.
I live in central Minnesota and I traveled with my SO to southern MN to pick up a Dodge Charger he was buying. On the way back, we stopped in a small town so I could use the restroom. The sky was nearly black and sirens were blaring, and when we tried to get into a grocery store (for shelter and a place to pee), the doors were locked. We couldn't even get to a safe place if tornadoes got too close. So... I was locked outside with tornadoes. Yeah, I was freaking out pretty bad.


I only have two phobias, though the reactions to them are immense. First off is a fear of thunderstorms, I almost got struck once, was 30 feet from where a bolt of lightning hit, knocked me flat on my ass from just the "impact" I guess you would call it, I really can't explain it, but it was deafening and I was dazed for about ten minutes afterwards, thankfully it hit a water main and not me but still, you never forget that deafening sound, now any time lightning starts striking too close I freak out and refuse to go outside, shame too, I use to watch the lightning when I was younger cause I found it cool, but stuff happens I guess. Second is a big fear that I'm going to have to fight to transition, and that's a fear of hypodermic needles, I'm cool with tattoo needles and piercing needles, but hypodermics freak me out unless I'm able to fully inspect both the vial, the needle and do the injection myself after fully inspecting what's going into me, I guess it's more of a case of I'm scared of hypodermic needles when they're in someone else's hands, then again I was a fricking pin cushion for doctors when I was younger when they kept trying to shove all these different meds which didn't do jack on me and calling for blood tests every week. But that's a fear I'm going to have to fight, in truth, it is my biggest fear in transitioning.
Anything worth doing is going to be a challenge, after all, how can you feel proud of something that's just handed to you without some effort?
If I wanted the easy route I'd stick to being miserable, but that's just not my style.


I'm impervious to all sorts of bugs.
I've learned that if you go get a piece of paper to smush them, by the the time you get back they'll have hidden.
I just smash them with my bare hands now.
I leave daddy-long-legs alone, although I do get annoyed if they walk across my face at night and wake me.

Elevators are fun. I used to go ride the weights.
You get on the roof of the elevator either through the hatch or by opening a door on the floor above where the elevator is.
You use the inspection controls on top of the elevator to place the car halfway up the shaft.
At this point you are adjacent to the counterweights on steel cables.
You step off the car and onto the counterweights and and hold onto the steel cables.
You have your friend send the car to the basement and the counterweights to the top of the shaft.
Note: Be very careful if your friend decides to send the car up and pass by the counterweights.


Dude, I.. I know this sounds extremely stupid, but.. I'm deathly terrified of sunfish.  Ugh.  Disgusting, horrifying creatures.  Ughhhhh.. and spiders.  Especially the sun spiders we get here in California.

Seems that animals with "sun" in the name terrify me, lol.  BUT LOOK AT THEM...


Sunfish are disturbing, I agree. Spiders don't bother me, but I googled sun spiders and they look like frightening things. Phobias of specific species make sense to me. I hate all wasps, for example, but Asian giant hornets are effing terrifying. They can kill you. It actually makes me wary of travelling to parts of Asia. I would in fact avoid certain parts to avoid it.


Mild claustrophia, scorpions, bears, monkeys, crowds, and heights...oh yes, and dentists
"I am imagination. I can see what the eyes cannot see. I can hear what the ears cannot hear. I can feel what the heart cannot feel."
Peter Nivio Zarlenga


Mostly big dogs...mainly due to the fact I was bitten in the hand at age 5 by a dog I was trying to pet.  I had to go the hospital and get was all a terrifying event for me.  I still have the scars!  Then again in my teenager years when I was visiting my grandma and she let me inside and I kid you not, 2 seconds after going inside her dog ran up to me and bit my leg.  I screamed and yelled profanities and all my grandma could say is, "Watch your mouth!" as I writhed in pain.   :'(  Ever since then...I don't trust ANYBODY who says, "Oh my dog won't bite you, hes a sweetheart." 


Sick people. I hate hospitals because they are filled with them. I guess it's an irrational fear of getting sick as well. But hospitals give me the creeps.
That and blood. I hate seeing it out of the body. My friend got a nose bleed one time and I almost passed out. How weak is that? xD
Every day brings me one step closer to being myself.


Quote from: Cindy on October 13, 2010, 03:36:49 AM
Being caught in a lift (elevator?), happened to me and freaked me out.

Me too on above, this has happened to me a couple of times in life, and it's the worst being stuck in a elevator, not knowing when you are getting out, or if the thing is going to plunge 20 stories to your doom. I would add I am mildly claustrophobic, don't think I could be a spelunker, tight spaces get annoying, one time I had a tunnel I dug partially collapse on me when I was young, I think that did me in...

Overcoming fears is something I've gotten really good at over the years....Like overcoming the fear to transition, and overcoming my own internalized transphobia(s).

Interesting to read other's responses today in this classic post....

C -


Spiders, poisonous snakes, heights.

Things that concern me, Hurricanes/ Flooding.


"My inner self knows better than my outer self my true gender"

Not yet quite ready to post my real self.


My Common ones: 
   +Alone in the dark (gotten better though)

My Weird ones:
   +Balloons.  ...yeah stick one near me and I back away. I'm afraid of them popping near me. Have an odd sense that it 
                   would hurt me and my ears are sensitive I don't like the noise.
   +Being Jumped Over.
   +Dams   I'm TERRIFIED to walk over them. Afraid they'll break or I'll fall in the water or something.
   +Holes  only if they are deep and dark, unable to see where they stop.

My "Deep" Ones:
   +Being killed by an idiot.   Funny to say, but what I mean by this is there are a lot of people out there who don't think before acting and hurt people for it. Most common example is probably drunk drivers. I just have a deep fear in me of ever being killed by a person that (as haughty as it sounds) is just "more stupid than me." I don't want to die by an "intellectual lesser being."  Idk, it's a weird stupid thing and it sounds even worse trying to explain it but it's just a weird thing I thought I'd be honest about since I have been listing them all. I feel weird saying this XD
I hereby sign this message to the understanding that it is what I said. You, the viewer, thus adhere to the adhering of this message to have been adhered.

Ticking Time bomb: 533 days


I used to live in a place with a water well. Once in awhile I would have to repair the pump and always got an uneasy creepy feeling around the well head. It was just a shallow well. Some of them can be hundreds of feet deep though.


"My inner self knows better than my outer self my true gender"

Not yet quite ready to post my real self.


Quote from: Evienne on May 20, 2019, 06:52:31 PM
   +Being killed by an idiot.   

me too on above, I always hug family members when we part ways, knowing that small risk exists.



it's a freaking stupid phobia but they absolutely squick me out. I see one, I freeze. I hate them, I loathe them, I want them GONE.

I can deal with snails fine, i love spiders, i've got no real issue with insects or rodents but I hate hate hate slugs. Eeew

and sensory deprivation.
As in total darkness, no sound, no nothing. I don't find it relaxing at all, my idea of hell is a sensory deprivation tank. I would absolutely LOSE it. I remember as a kid having to be taken out of this activity that involved being led through a sort of soft play in the pitch darkness. i panicked, I had to be escorted out mid meltdown. Whoops.

As a result I can't stand being blindfolded and I can't stand complete silence. My biggest fear genuinely seems to be complete sensory deprivation.

ooo just thinking about it freaks me out.

and it's funny because I like to think i'm a pretty fearless person. I mean, I love thrill rides, i've paraglided, i've got no problems with heights or anything like that but put me in a pitch dark room with no sound and I will LOSE IT. Completely and utterly.

I used to have real problems with blood and needles but man, lemme tell ya, decades of borderline hemhoraging on a monthly basis and having regular blood tests for an ongoing hormonal disorder has left me kinda numb to both.
That and growing up with cats who regularly decided to paint the walls in rat entrails. Thanks cats, thanks. *sigh*

I have a lot of wierd things that aren't quite phobias too though.

I HATE reflections in the dark, they creep me right out. Like mirrors or still water in the darkness, the way it reflects these almost shadows is super creepy to my overactive imagination.
I also hate the closed shower curtain if I go to pee in the night because my brain is all "a murderer is hiding there" (bah)
I can't sleep if the wardrobe doors are open and I can't sleep facing AWAY from a door of any sort (be it a wardrobe or a bedroom door) so if i'm in a room that has a door on one side and wardrobe on the other I really struggle to settle. I dunno what the fear IS so much as I just feel really uneasy with my back to a door. Go figure.
Im getting better on that one.

I'm also a super nervous pee-er so if there's a queue or if there's something wierd about the toilet or stall I struggle. Again i'm getting better on that one, I can use portaloos now! I never used to be able to.
So that's progress.

But these are autistic things, apparently the bathroom thing is actually not that uncommon in autistic people. Go figure.

I also do the checking and other obsessive things common in ASD folks. it's annoying but you just gotta do it or it gnaws at you and makes you really anxious.

And i'm not keen on dogs. Again i'm getting better but having been bitten a few times and all the horror stories, i'm wary of them.

but yeah my biiiig phobias are slugs (wth?) and sensory deprivation.
I mean I genuinely hate silence even if there's light. I can't handle it. It like... makes my brain itch.


One thing- clowns. Circus clowns, Bozo. pennywise, statues, paintings. All clowns. I can control it, meaning I don't freak out. But I never took my kids to the circus. Grandma always did that. Neighbor/friend collected clowns. I had to pretend to think they were interesting. He might have picked up on it since he never asked me again.

Quote from: F_P_M on May 21, 2019, 04:28:12 PM

it's a freaking stupid phobia but they absolutely squick me out. I see one, I freeze. I hate them, I loathe them, I want them GONE.

Funny story about slugs. My daughter was potty training and we were remodeling, leaving an exterior bathroom wall not fully sealed against the outside. She had just done her first "I have to poop " successfully. A minute or two later, she goes back to the bathroom and starts screaming "My poop crawled out of the potty!". On the floor, was the biggest slug I have ever seen- 6-8 inches long and a lot thicker than my  than my thumb. Yes, it looked like her poop had crawled out of the toilet. Fortunately she did not develop a potty problem (a very real concern at that time) or a slug problem. But yes, they are very gross.



AIEEE! I'd have absolutely lost it!

Slugs man, so gross.

Im not keen on toads either but that's because one night I was awoken to this screaming noise and thought the cat had a bird or something. Went downstairs, turned on the light, toad... huge toad, bubbling away and SCREAMING. I didn't even know toads COULD scream! or bubble for that matter.
Being me, I was all "it's just a toad" so I tried to pick it up.
another thing I learned about toads. Not only are they icy cold, they're also REALLY SQUISHY!

It uh.. kinda got thrown.

I'm not proud to say I screamed and woke my step dad up lol.

Damn toad. I learned way more about toads than i ever needed to know in that one night.