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What is your Phobia?

Started by Janet_Girl, October 12, 2010, 11:45:27 PM

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Quote from: JesseA on October 14, 2010, 10:41:11 AM
there's this bizarre fear I have that when it's dark outside someone is watching me through the's rather creepy

oh god this! I hate a bare window when it's dark, I walk past it and expect to see a face suddenly appear


I was gong to say I don't really have any phobias, I'm just F.I.N.E (thats F***ed up, Insecure, Emotional and Neurotic...and I am definitely all of those things), but thinking about it I have a distinct fear of precipices and cliff edges, but not heights and drops (that's Cremnophobia phobia fans), definitely suffer from an acute fear of failure (Atychiphobia if your interested) and there are definitely times when the thought of having to be on my own terrifies me (Monophobia I think it's called).

I will also never leave a message on an answer phone or voice mail if I can possibly avoid it.

However having read this I might just start telling people I have barophobia just because being scared of gravity has to be the best phobia ever.




I don't know if you'd classify it as social phobia, but I hate calling people I've never met. My heart races and I end up staring into my phone and feeling slightly sick. I force myself to do it anyway, though I avoid it if at all possible.

Oddly enough, I'm (mostly, only a little bit twitchy) ok if it's to a business, or via email or sms. I still triple check everything before I send it though.

I don't like phoning people, because to me it's about the same as repeatedly belting them over the head with a foam bat and screaming "TALK TO ME!!! ME ME ME ME ME!!! NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW!!!". It's rare that I have something to say that needs to be paid attention to at that instant, so I'm happier letting people get back to me when it's more convenient for them. I also prefer it when people treat me the same way. I don't see email or sms as "less personal" at all - just "less invasive".

I used to be a lot worse. I couldn't post on forums for a start. I joined up here and forced myself to post to try and fix that. I still read everything more than twice before I post, but I don't even get slightly nervous anymore. I used to be terrified.

I also don't like the crowded areas. In a crowded waiting room, train, or break room I have the most terrible time choosing a seat. I can never pick who's personal space I'll invade. Sometimes, when I can, I just leave.

I hate invading other peoples personal space, and I hate having my personal space invaded (exception : if I think you're hot, then you get a free pass into my personal space with my blessing :laugh:).

Another weird phobia - I had this car that had broken down on me so many times, and generally been a pain (3 years owned, 3 months running. Bad car) that I actually developed a fear of driving it!

I would pull up (that's when it'd usually die), and start uncontrollably shaking. Last time I drove it I shook so bad I almost stalled it. That sucked, because I actually really liked that car. I even swapped the engine out, spent a heap of time and money on it. After that it ran well, but I could never get over the shakes. In the end, I had no choice but to sell it.

After that, when I'm stopped somewhere and the revs change slightly (or look like they're about to drop) I still get a bit nervous. I'm getting over it with the new car and learning to relax again, but I think I'll always be in the habit of scanning my gauges and listening for noise changes a bit more than most people.

All my phobias share the same weird feature - I can mentally control myself, but it's the physical effects such as shaking and wanting to throw up that I find overwhelming.

I dislike some things in this thread - crowds, "fly larvae", wasps (both kinds ;)), brutish aggressive people - but they don't inspire the irrational fear response.

Oh, one last one - I'm absolutely terrified of being outed at work. It's a matter of social survival. But I'm sure many of us can relate.




Quote from: aydan_boy on October 16, 2010, 01:13:10 PM
I'm scared of teenagers :S

I'm coming for you. What time do you go to sleep?


I don't really have any phobias that affect me in day-to-day life but I certainly have them in dreams when I sleep. Therefore I would say my most consistent phobia is that of technical failures. I routinely have dreams where someone or multiple people are trying to kill me and guns or other weapons fail to fire, fall apart, or are ineffective at stopping the attackers. Then I will often have dreams where I'm driving a car and the brakes fail yet despite pulling the emergency brake I can't get the car to stop. For miles and miles going through red lights, narrowly avoiding oncoming trains, and old ladies in wheelchairs about to get run over, instead of the car gradually coasting to a stop, it keeps going faster and faster and more out of control. I've had dreams where I am piloting an airplane and either can't get the plane to take off and the runway is running out or I'm trying to land it and again it won't descend and the runway room is running out. I've had dreams where I'm in mines or submarines and something went wrong and they are either filling with water or slowly caving in. I had a dream not too long ago where I was in a plane travelling so high that there was no more gravity and I looked out and saw the entire planet Earth below. Somehow the door accidently opened and I floated out of it and the entire dream was trying to get back to the plane. The worst are computers. Suddenly my PC will become a blue or black screen with text scrolling about the nuclear bomb or other explosive that is about to detonate. The more I'm trying to get the computer not to explode the closer it is getting to going boom.

This makes me think we depend too much on technology.


Snakes... oh god I am terrified of snakes. Even just pictures of them freak me out. That and needles which I will have to get over soon enough.

Victoria L.

Bugs (especially moths) and I don't know if these count, but I really don't like undressing in front of others or using the restroom with others (or being anywhere near anybody when I have to go to the bathroom).

I recall seeing that hating undressing in front of others is an actual phobia but I don't know about the bathroom one.


Quote from: Silver on October 17, 2010, 02:36:00 AM
I'm coming for you. What time do you go to sleep?

I have just died of laughter. XD


hmmm I have lots of things I fear and I'm willing to admit that.. but then again I did have Generalized Anxiety Disorder and Social Anxiety Disorder (gotten past both of them mostly).. but still I sometimes find myself fearing realitvely stupid things and more serious things from occaison to occasion.

Numba 1 fear at this time in mah life would be around Transition... for some reason choosing not to transition due to some kind of social pressure and living in this gawdaweful limbo for the rest of my life.. or transitioning and finding out it was a horrible mistake (though that seems highly hihgly unlikely)

Lesseee other things that scare me on occaison - demon movies, noises in the night, peoples gaydar (not reading as male to those especially attuned with their inner gaydar), my dad, and uhhhhhh babies.


Probably the thing that frightens me the most is the thought of being sound asleep by myself in my own apartment and waking at 3 am to the silhouette outline of an unknown man standing by my bed.


I´m uncorfotable in social ocasion but I have real fear of bodys and dissection, with is pretty bad whem you consider that i´m trying to graduate in biology

Alyssa M.

All changes, even the most longed for, have their melancholy; for what we leave behind us is a part of ourselves; we must die to one life before we can enter another.

   - Anatole France

some ftm guy

hey Alyssa, that isn't you in that pic of someone rock climbing is it? if it is....fear of heights huh?   :laugh:

some ftm guy

oh woops, i forgot, mine are, even though I've stated them somewhere else:
any social situation parties, meeting new people
using the phone - first 2 probably dysphoria related
driving - due to moms yelling and being way too freakin tense most of the time i tried driving practice
it used to be talking to my mom about anything but coming out to her and her taking it really well changed that, too bad i can't drive with her in the car or anywhere in sight ever again >:(
also i hate mirrors but i don't know if you could call it a phobia. it's obviously from my wrong body.

i kinda don't get how people can be afraid of the clown from the Stephen King movie IT, Tim Curry is hilarious in that movie. a lot of things are funny that are supposed to be scary. he's just a freakin riot in the library scene :laugh:

Alyssa M.

Quote from: Noah the brave-ish on October 27, 2010, 12:05:23 AM
hey Alyssa, that isn't you in that pic of someone rock climbing is it? if it is....fear of heights huh?   :laugh:

It's a photo of someone else, but yes, I love climbing. It would lose a lot its charm, though, if I weren't afraid of heights!
All changes, even the most longed for, have their melancholy; for what we leave behind us is a part of ourselves; we must die to one life before we can enter another.

   - Anatole France


I used to be afraid of elevators and then a couple bad experiences got me over it. When I was little I pressed the button the doors opened, but there was no elevator, just dark empty shaft. My first though was that the lights were off, not that there was no elevator. So I had already lifted my foot and nearly took a step. Second time I was in an elevator and it actually dropped. It really wasn't that bad. We got to the floor, doors didn't open, then it just dropped. Turns out elevators have side breaks, you can't just go plummeting down. You just drop ~2 feet. I guess you could if the side breaks fail. They work with gravity though so chances are they wont. It was over before there was really enough time to panic. Just had to step up to my floor, which is the most dangerous part. If it drops again you could be cut in two.


I think my only two real phobias are darkness and heights. I will probably use my night light for the rest of my life.

As for heights, one time I had to walk over a railroad trestle and I had to have my mom and stepdad hold my hands the entire time. Good thing I hadn't seen Stand By Me before then...I was Vern Tessio that day.



Heights, spiders, and needles in that order.
Boring, I know.  :P
Oh I'm a lucky man to count on both hands the ones I love

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