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Broken ankle.

Started by VanOcc, January 04, 2011, 07:54:25 PM

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I think this is probably the most relevant place to post, but I was wondering if any of you have ever broken your ankle! Weird question I know, but I fractured my fibula and tibia and dislocated my ankle a few weeks ago. I'm looking for a bit of support because tbh, being stuck at home when I'd just got used to being at uni and had made a few friends is f'n awful.

I had surgery to have plates and screws put in and my ankle reduced (dislocation sorted) just under three weeks ago, so that was the first time I'd been under general anaesthetic. I've also had to inject blood thinners daily to avoid getting a DVT because I'm so immobile so the two things combined have really made me consider how a transition would be. If that makes sense. I'm bio female but strongly identify as male, or in other words feel I should have had a male body. (Not sure where my actual gender identity fits in there yet - I'm not sure if I want to identify as a man per se).

I can't describe the feelings you go through being on crutches and being inside the same four walls for weeks on end. I've been at home now since December 7th, and I'm not due to get my cast off until Jan 27th, so it's going to be nearly two months. You just feel so isolated, alone, stressed and worried about how you're going to heal.. not to mention the absolute boredom of having sod all to do all day but surf and read the occasional book.

My trans identity is a massive problem with my parents as well, quite aside from the fact my family is pretty dysfunctional. Not being able to eat what I want, smoke when I want, do what I want, see who I want.. etc. Independence has always been so important to me.

I've got pics of what my ankle looked like when I broke it and how it looks like now post-op if you guys wanna see. I'd post them straight up but they are pretty gory so here are some links. (Think it's okay to do that?)

About 3 hours after I fell:

Two weeks after my op:

I had to wait nearly two weeks after my fracture to get it operated on. You can see how it's still seriously swollen but at least it doesn't look as deformed. And hey, the scar didn't get infected so that should be cool. Any comments appreciated guys.


Ouch! Dude that looks horrible.


Yes, looks allot like mine did but they did the surgery differently... Truly no fun

The main things to remember in life are Love, Kindness, Understanding and Respect - Always make forward progress

Superficial fanny kissing friends are a dime a dozen, a TRUE FRIEND however is PRICELESS

- V M


Quote from: Virginia Marie on January 04, 2011, 10:41:01 PM
Yes, looks allot like mine did but they did the surgery differently... Truly no fun


Thanks for the hugs. XD Needed. I'm about three weeks to getting my cast off, so the days are passing by a little faster now. How has your ankle healed btw? Any residual pain, arthritis etc? I'm worried about having long term problems, people tend to think with fractures that its six weeks and voila, but that's just not the case. I might not get back to how I was before the fall for a year or more.

Quote from: Janet Lynn on January 04, 2011, 10:10:49 PM
Ouch! Dude that looks horrible.

Yeah I know.. Even though that was my ankle it's weird to look at now. Doesn't look like mine lol.


Everyone heals differently

Mine healed up pretty good but has always 'popped' a bit since... Didn't really bother me much until I got older... But I have several other injuries and a bit of arthritis just about everywhere so it's hard to tell what is caused by what anymore

I'm sure you'll be fine and wouldn't worry unless there is an obvious problem

*More Hugs*
The main things to remember in life are Love, Kindness, Understanding and Respect - Always make forward progress

Superficial fanny kissing friends are a dime a dozen, a TRUE FRIEND however is PRICELESS

- V M

Ashley Allison

Hey there VanOcc! I literally have the same surgery scar as you, except it is 2 cm back posterially probably... Anyways, I broke two tendons out of their right place, due to ripping a ligament rock climbing.  Having surgery and crutches for 4 months last year...  Not fun! I can totally sympathize with you! I feel so sorry for you... It is the worst.  If you need any advice, help or support just message me dude :)
Fly this girl as high as you can
Into the wild blue
Set me free


I hope you don't mind me being completely random but I really like your avatar. the lard picture makes me laugh everytime I come across one of your posts


Quote from: forallittook on January 05, 2011, 12:40:19 AM
Hey there VanOcc! I literally have the same surgery scar as you, except it is 2 cm back posterially probably... Anyways, I broke two tendons out of their right place, due to ripping a ligament rock climbing.  Having surgery and crutches for 4 months last year...  Not fun! I can totally sympathize with you! I feel so sorry for you... It is the worst.  If you need any advice, help or support just message me dude :)

Ahh, four months? I guess I should stop complaining then! Haha. I feel okay today. It's like every ongoing problem - some days are okay, some days are godawful. But yes, thanks. If I need to expect some angst coming your way :P Have you gone back to rock climbing? I think a lot of people forget the soft tissue damage associated with fractures - it's a lot worse than the fracture itself. I hope they gave you some vicodin or something!

Quote from: Virginia Marie on January 04, 2011, 11:35:17 PM
Everyone heals differently

Mine healed up pretty good but has always 'popped' a bit since... Didn't really bother me much until I got older... But I have several other injuries and a bit of arthritis just about everywhere so it's hard to tell what is caused by what anymore

I'm sure you'll be fine and wouldn't worry unless there is an obvious problem

*More Hugs*

Oh, every joint in my body cracks. I'm pretty sure I cracked a rib when I fell as well.. my chest is very tight and it hurts when I breathe in, also pops a lot. I don't mind popping right now, but check in forty years when I'm crippled with arthritis. Thanks for the hugs. I am getting better at not worrying. I just have a massive fear that I'll go back and get my cast off, and then they'll do an x ray and say that the fracture they didn't plate has slipped and I need more surgery :/

Quote from: Logan1986 on January 05, 2011, 12:46:32 AM
I hope you don't mind me being completely random but I really like your avatar. the lard picture makes me laugh everytime I come across one of your posts

I'm just doing my bit for lard.. :p Glad it makes you laugh! That was totally the point. Give us a few days and I'll change it to something hopefully as amusing :)


I had long 5 hours op to repair my ankle that was deteriorating after old accidnet and sugeon put two full length and one shorter pins in with plates and lotsa screws and staples.
had to have a cast to kneee for full 12 weeks but the final result is much better as I can now wear spike heels instead of having to look for wider ones and the back and hip pains I used to get walking have totally gone.
There was no mention of blood thinners or DVT even though I was housebound on crutches.
I hope yours is a full success too.


Quote from: lilacwoman on January 05, 2011, 03:23:45 PM
I had long 5 hours op to repair my ankle that was deteriorating after old accidnet and sugeon put two full length and one shorter pins in with plates and lotsa screws and staples.
had to have a cast to kneee for full 12 weeks but the final result is much better as I can now wear spike heels instead of having to look for wider ones and the back and hip pains I used to get walking have totally gone.
There was no mention of blood thinners or DVT even though I was housebound on crutches.
I hope yours is a full success too.

An old accident? Had it been plated then? 12 weeks ey. Ouch. Yeah you really should have been given Clexane injections. Because of being immobilised, even around your house, your blood isn't being circulated enough in the non weight bearing leg, basically. But hey. You're good. And they hurt like hell so don't worry lol. Nice one with the heels :) Can't say that's my motivation though :P


even with the knee high cast I was able to tense my calf muscle and wiggle my toes so probably got enough circulation.
For 24 hours after the op I and most other patienst had to wear the tight socks so perhaps the idea is that if the circulation is OK with the sock on the good leg then the bad lag will circulate properly.

Here is one set of statistics which shows DVT has low rates.   I can't help thinking that with the bad health and diets of many of the slobs turning up for surgery now that DVT rates may be higher.   Then again if couch potatoes die in hosiptal they have themselves to blame.

Then this study concludes that DVT rates are so low that routine anti-DVT measures are not necessary.   This study was done in a town with a macho culture so maybe all these fractures and DVTs were on men who drank and smoked more than average.


Yo, just thought I'd update. Cast off today, hurts like hell to walk on and I've totally got a gangsta limp.

But that's not so bad now :)



*Shivers at the sight of that plate and screws stuff*  :o
The main things to remember in life are Love, Kindness, Understanding and Respect - Always make forward progress

Superficial fanny kissing friends are a dime a dozen, a TRUE FRIEND however is PRICELESS

- V M


I shattered my ankle in a motorcycle accident about 16 years ago.. Tibia and Fibia broken 11 places total. Reconstruction and a solid year in dislocation for healing left me unable to walk on it. So 18 months after the accident I had a subtalor fusion done and tolk another 12 months to recover from that.. I gained well over 150lbs during long periods of partial mobility and only now after finaly starting transition am I back down to pre accident weight. The fusion was the only choice I had to ever walk or be mobile again. Hardware was ALWAYS very painful and I could always tell weather changes. About 5 years ago I had the rest of the hardware removed as some of the 9 screws they used during fusion were backing out and coming thru the skin. I am very active now and hard running and wearing heels are about the only things I cant do.. So my best advice is to KEEP it healthy and if the Ortho calls it quits find another!
