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Dr. Who? Anyone?

Started by Key, February 17, 2011, 10:28:33 PM

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I think I just had a geekgasm :(.

Princess Rachel

got the new DWM, squee, bounce, squee, bounce :)


Princess Rachel

Lis Sladen, aka Sarah Jane Smith, passed away she was a long serving star of the show and she worked with the 3rd, 4th, 10 & 11th Doctors as well as having her own telly show The Sarah Jane Adventures which has been one of CBBC's top rated shows



I had no idea she was 63 - she sure didn't look it :'(


Quote from: Princess Rachel on April 19, 2011, 04:49:07 PM
Lis Sladen, aka Sarah Jane Smith, passed away she was a long serving star of the show and she worked with the 3rd, 4th, 10 & 11th Doctors as well as having her own telly show The Sarah Jane Adventures which has been one of CBBC's top rated shows

Oh wow. I just read she was battling cancer. She looked awesome. I hope they tribute her somewhere in this season's show. :(
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Quote from: Princess Rachel on April 19, 2011, 04:49:07 PM
Lis Sladen, aka Sarah Jane Smith, passed away she was a long serving star of the show and she worked with the 3rd, 4th, 10 & 11th Doctors as well as having her own telly show The Sarah Jane Adventures which has been one of CBBC's top rated shows

I only found out last night that she passed away. Apparently they will launch a new show to tribute her. R.I.P.


The new series started last night & it was fantastic!


They are repeating the last of David Tennant's series here now, so we shouldn't have long to wait for the next Matt Smith series. Can't wait.
"Don't ask me, it was on fire when I lay down on it"

Princess Rachel

good story, shame about the weak enemy, they're just asking for a Doctor spanking, even the Cybermen should have wiped them out years ago, the have cybernetic minds that can't be wiped like biological minds


Princess Rachel

better episode last night :)  The Moff seems to have the opposite problem to Russ, he does really weak part one's and then follows them up with amazing part 2's, where as Russ could really build up a story to an amazing cliffhanger and then have a weak get out of jail free ending rather than deal with them effectively (this is all imo of course)
By lummy did the Doctor spank the Silence too, I still think the Cybermen would have wiped them out.  The survival suit seemed to have an om-com built into it, which harks back to Empty Child/Doctor Dances.  The identity of the girl seems shrouded in mystery The Moff seems to be hinting she's Amy & Rory's child but that seems far too obvious a clue to me.  I think the clue is that she's someone's daughter, the Doctor's daughter to be precise.  IMO she's a poorly rejenerated Jenny (from The Doctor's Daughter) and we'll see her again in a new body perhaps for the mid-season clifhanger...



I have heard some theories that River Song is Amy and Rory's daughter, can't remember where I got that from though. And I love Rory, really hope we get to see more of his time as the centurion because 2000 years is a very long time, he must have had a lot of interesting experiences.


Last night episode was amazing; until the whole ordeal with the child. Yeah, i remember Jenny and that was stupid too. I'm not wanting to see a kid spin-off either. I guess i'm showing so much hate? Would rather the Dr. have a son. That way if he does finally run out of lives his son would replace him :D

Pica Pica

Big fan of Doctor Who since I was little and they were doing Sylvester McCoy.
Very keen on Matt Smith, but having a little trouble with Amy - however next week had the Doctor and Pirates - and I adore pirates.
'For the circle may be squared with rising and swelling.' Kit Smart


Quote from: SaveMeJeebus on May 01, 2011, 09:10:34 AM
Last night episode was amazing; until the whole ordeal with the child. Yeah, i remember Jenny and that was stupid too. I'm not wanting to see a kid spin-off either. I guess i'm showing so much hate? Would rather the Dr. have a son. That way if he does finally run out of lives his son would replace him :D
Well the problem is that we know from WAY back in 1963 that the doctor has a daughter and granddaughter... so we needed to tie up a few loose ends here.

And yes as I am both old enough to have seen that very first episode when it was transmitted back in 1963 and I also worked on the show as a technician when I was at the BBC. So you may take it that I do know my stuff as regards the cannon of the show.

Unlike most of you I have actually seen and read the official BBC files on the character background - These are the "secret" files that writers get given access too when they are working on the show to ensure that they stay consistent. - Its a standard technique with long running shows like this to help the writing team to work together and those files contain things which are true - but which will not necessarily be directly revealed to the audience. In the case of the granddaughter Susan - we saw her onscreen from 1963 - 1965, but in the background notes her family history is/was also sketched out.



Quote from: rejennyrated on May 01, 2011, 09:30:52 AM
Well the problem is that we know from WAY back in 1963 that the doctor has a daughter and granddaughter... so we needed to tie up a few loose ends here.

And yes as I am both old enough to have seen that very first episode when it was transmitted back in 1963 and I also worked on the show as a technician when I was at the BBC. So you may take it that I do know my stuff as regards the cannon of the show.

Unlike most of you I have actually seen and read the official BBC files on the character background - These are the "secret" files that writers get given access too when they are working on the show to ensure that they stay consistent. - Its a standard technique with long running shows like this to help the writing team to work together and those files contain things which are true - but which will not necessarily be directly revealed to the audience. In the case of the granddaughter Susan - we saw her onscreen from 1963 - 1965, but in the background notes her family history is/was also sketched out.

Yeah, we'll i'm glad they are tying up loose ends then. Pssht, no need to be rubbing it in :P

Princess Rachel

didn't Bill Hartnell want to play his own evil son in a story?


Princess Rachel

tonight's episode was a bit of a clunker for me, just kept falling out of the storyline and watching the clock wondering when it'd be finished, not the best thing to happen to one of your viewers I think :(



Tonights episode was ok, a bit predictable though, and Amy's attempt at CPR bugged me, also why was the Doctor just sitting there when she was doing it, first aid 101 people, if there is more than one of you then don't just sit there like a muppet watching one person do all the work  >:( . Anyway apart from that this ep wasn't bad, the ending was pretty sweet.


This episode was shot in Cornwall just down the road from where we live and in fact in the place where Alison grew up, namely Charlestown.

It was a strange mish-mash rehash of "The Stones of Blood" from The Key To Time season and "Enlightenment" from The Black Tulip season.

I kept waiting for Valentine Dyall to pop up as the Black Guardian, and to find that the "pirates" were in fact all immortals, meanwhile the Siren was obviously the Cailleach.

Oddly enough the "Stones Of Blood" was also filmed in Cornwall.

Come to that the first two episodes had elements from Mawdryn Undead - the silence were like the failed time-lords who were trapped in a state of incomplete regeneration. They also had an idea stolen form Robert Anton-Wilson (the author of the Illuminatus Trilogy) in that they were like the Ffnords - the hidden words on the page that you never see which contain the hidden answer to everything...

Yes I know - I'm an incurable anorak - but for about 10 years in the 1990's I was effectively the BBC Archivist who looked after the master recordings of all those old shows...


I have to admit that last night's episode didn't do it for me at all. Roll on next week.
"Don't ask me, it was on fire when I lay down on it"