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ReelMagik Prosthetic Penis

Started by Tyler90210, March 07, 2011, 02:29:13 AM

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Quote from: Da Monkey on August 18, 2011, 08:02:21 AM
I don't see it on the YouTube page? I just see a comment they wrote 4 months ago saying they had an STP option and a smaller prosthetic in production but they only just made the smaller prosthetic and took down 'STP coming soon' off their website since then... ?

ok yeah i was referring to the post that said they were developing an stp and a smaller size. i assumed they were still working on it.


in other news, i'm about to buy a reelmagik. i can't decide between the 6" or the 4.5". they both look so damn realistic and i would LOVE to be able to have sex (6") but if it's going to be huge to pack with every day and look absurd, i would probably prefer to get the smaller size and just not be able to have sex. hmmmm decisions decisions. advice is welcome.


"I still use a 'soft' packer when I am out and about...because I can position it anyway I choose..."

"With prosthetics, it's mainly 'trial-by-error' if you have tha money to spend..."

"Not to sound like a 'crab-a$$' but this has never been an issue for I was able to do a lot of 'trial-by-errors' "

"I never found tha six-inch to be a problem 'girth-wise' or girl enjoys it, and I have used it anal-ly on her as well...slow insertion is a must..."  ;D

"I have an 'old-faithful' that I use for sex; that IS always at 'attention' for great sexual pleasures..."  ;D

"But my custom one is fantastic...and yes, I have taken it out and about...with practice pee-pole you will learn how to correctly pack it W/O it being 'offensively' noticeable..."

"If you have Gay-male friends...ask them very quaintly 'How do you tuck' they will be happy to show and tell you...really, how to make your 'thang' look presentable..."

"...and if you are just looking to have something between your legs, personally, I wouldn't buy anything over X amount of money, because I am not looking to have sex with becomes more of an 'aesthetic' thing then sexual..."

"but deffinitely for sexual pleasure, invest, will be well worth it in the long me..."  ;D

"...I've never needed 'clit' stimulation...when I am sexually motivated/aroused...I experience sexual 'explosion' like a 'natural' male...again this takes time and sexual experience...with you knowing your body..."  ;D

"If tha mind is male in attitude...tha stimulation will be male in form, as well..."

"Just for FYI...I wear 24/7...soft/hard or in tha middle...even to believe it or not, I do experience the 'proverbial' early-morning 'Hard-on's "  ;D

"Again it is a 'state-of-mind' put your mind there, and your package will follow...performing just tha way you wish it too..."  ;D

" with everything...practice and experience, allows for perfection, when using and learning, ' Packing for Sexual Intercourse...with any length [for tha users specs], can have an outcome which can be 'phenomenal' to say tha least..."

"Don't hesitate...just do what comes natural to yaH..and it'll all fall in place...NO pun intended...."  ;D


So, I got an email back from them saying
"We are happy to inform you that your order has reached the production stage.  Your order will require 7-10 to be completed, at which point it will be shipped.  You will receive a tracking number once that occurs.  Thank you, and have a good day."

7 to 10 what?
I figured I'd ask here before emailing them back.

I bought it nearly 8 weeks ago.

Darrin Scott

Could you write a review when you get it? I'd like to see as many reviews as I can on this thing.



It's probably taking so long because you ordered it before the halloween period. Let's not forget that they are first and foremost a make-up and FX store. :P They'll be rushed off their feet right now.


Quote from: riccirules on September 19, 2011, 12:50:35 PM
So, I got an email back from them saying
"We are happy to inform you that your order has reached the production stage.  Your order will require 7-10 to be completed, at which point it will be shipped.  You will receive a tracking number once that occurs.  Thank you, and have a good day."

7 to 10 what?
I figured I'd ask here before emailing them back.

I bought it nearly 8 weeks ago.

I ordered a little over a month ago, standard 4.5inches with rod. I think I just missed their deadline and my orders considered in the "halloween season".

I bought a Lolajake last year for my friend and we were very disappointed. It did not resemble male genitals very well (I'm a naturally born male and happy with my gender and see junk everyday lol, so I know what looks legit) it's Shiny, which we expected, and HUGE. we ordered a 5inch pack and play model (my friend is slim and shorter, on the smaller side overall) and this thing was over 6inches and extremely thick with massive balls. We got the Foreskin option which from the pictures made it look far more realistic (like real skin) but this just made it much thicker and it ripped the first day out of the box and continued to rip and fall apart constantly. My friend was extremely sad over all of this. My friend still uses it occasionally to pack with lose fitting pants and says it helps to get the "walk" right but after spending $1000+ on it we were not happy at all. This was intended to be my friends penis basically 24/7 and it was not able to be anything close to that.

Then I stumbled upon Reelmagik and wow  ;D that looks amazing! So i ordered one for my friend as a surprise!!!

I'm real excited to hear any reviews anyone has and have heard nothing but good things.

two questions for Riccirules:
1. Did you get a number when you ordered that said what place in line your at? or did you order before they started doing this, it's ok if you don't want to give out that information I'm just trying to figure out where in line I'm at.

2.When you do get yours sent can you let me know if the package (no pun intended) was discreet? Lolajake was discreet but I still live with my parents and wondering if this comes in a cardboard box with nothing on it or I'm fearing some kind of sign that says "Warning: This box contains a penis!" I don't know how I'd be able to explain that...

Thanks, and again happy to hear any reviews or anything about the reelmagik prosthetics


by now all of the prosthetics are "currently unavailable"...i'm just hoping they'll take new orders again after halloween...


For those who ordered and received the 4.5inches with rod, could you tell us what you think of it? Even pictures would be perfect :) thanks!!


Eh. I haven't bought one of these, but it looks kind of strange, dimension-wise. Is it meant to look that... chubby in the middle? I guess it's easy enough to ask for customs though.

Deep down I'm an FTM Prosthesis loyalist.  :) But this one looks like a good alternative, at least. A lot of the other cheap "alternatives" have been shockingly bad.

Shane Loveless

Why is everyone having a problem with bulging?
I have a 6" Mr. Limpy and I don't have problems.
I could post pics if anyone wants to see.


Yeah ... if anyone can give a review on how the 6" w/flex rod looks under briefs and under jeans, that would be awesome. I can imagine without the flex rod there wouldn't be a bulging issue but the flex rod seems like it would add a perma-boner look.


So at first, sorry for the mistakes I do when I write, I'm french.

So I bought the adanced 6" with the flex-rod.
It's my first packer/prosthetic and I got it for a few months know.
I won't be able to give you details about intimate relation and sensation for the parteners because I don't have one at the moment.

The prosthetics seems to me very realistic, the skin texture an the details of the paint job look a natural. The hair as well, the hair is even hiding the junction between the prosthetic and your skin. So it makes a very reaistic prosthetic, so some lolajakes, ftmprosthetics, likerea and the tyron on picture and I think it's the oine with the most esthetic details, which makes it the more realistic of the market.

As my first packer, I had some time of adaptation. 6" is a big size, maybe not the most adapted for everyday use, espacialy if you are short like me. I see mine more like a "week-end" dick. ^^ I would more recomend the 4"5 for every day use.

A little con. I order the extra-strengh adeshive with the prosthetic. But it is not gluing perfectly. The main part of the prosthetic stay glued, but the edges quickly unstuck. I think it partly due to the weight of the prosthetic and abd the shap of the edges wich are not tottaly curved at the end to the body lines, the edges are goinf a verry little bit to the the front wehre they should go to the back. So as it it gets unglued the hair is going in beetween the prosthetic and my body in the glued, so I have to be carful when I take off the prosthetic  to not draw out them.
But as I said I've just tested the reelmagik's glue, so I don't what would be the result with another medical adhesive such as the holister.

Even with this two cons I'm very hapy with my prosthetic and recoment reel magik.


how tall r u? cause u sed u r short so im jus wonderin for size.
-- Alexander Tyler (call me Tyler though)   8)


I'm thinking about ordering one as well. My gurl likes fast, rough, hard sex. If i use to this prosthetic is there a way that it wont come off?? and how much is the 8"?


Thanks for the awesome pics and review Hurgo! :)


I'm 1m67.

A way to be sure the prosthetic won't come off during sex is tu use a boxer brief with a hole in it. You know, those boxers with which you can put out the penis to pee without pulling the boxer off. you put the verge out but let the testicles inside, that way it won't come off for sure, the only inconveniant is just you're not completly nude.


Thanks Hurgo for these details! ;) Is there someone who could do the same (pics and feelings) with the 4.5inches with rod? I'm guessing that there is at least 1 person who owns it already! :)