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Feeling Lost

Started by Tom, May 07, 2011, 08:56:11 PM

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Alright, so, I've been practicing as a Wiccan/Neo-Pagan for roughly five years now. I've done plenty of reading and studying. I've listened to my heart and to the energies of Gaia, the Goddess and the God; to what they had to tell me. In time, I performed my first ritual and wore a pentagram. As time passed, I still studied and eventually put up my own altar. I've done several rituals and performed many, many readings. I've respected Mother Earth and listened to the Elements.

But. I am a solitary practitioner. I've never joined a coven and never had much interest to do so. And for me, I do not feel it is necessary to "practice", if you will, every day. So I do not say a chant morning and night to the Moon and the Sun, I do not divine every day, and I do not place offerings.

I have been comfortable with this way of life because I know myself as a lover, not a fighter. I keep in mind that I shall harm none, and that I must always hold an open mind. I have lived and learned from karma. In growing up, I have always been a neutral spirit. I take no sides and fight with none. Though I may feel anger, I don't even know how to express it. I don't even understand those who can be angry for petty things or be so hateful. In fact, I find negative energies make me sick. This isn't to say I'm perfect. I know I've made mistakes but I do the best I can to learn from them, to make up for them and to do the best that I can.

I have found comfort in being surrounded by Gaia, in embracing her spirit. And I have found great sadness in her continued destruction. I hold no grudge against mankind but I feel hurt and depressed by the way we live, the things we've done. All the prosecution, the hate, the war, all of it. I wish there were a way for me to even just do something, anything, to reset it all and to restore it all. But that cannot be done. So I live through today, for the sake of tomorrow. I do the best I can.

I've always a had a wish. And I know to some, it's rather naive but it's what I wish for. If I could, I would take all the world's peoples' problems, sadness, issues and place them on my shoulders. Why? Because I want everyone to be happy. I live for people's happiness.

And in all of this, though I grow in confidence within myself. I have to wonder. Am I doing this right? Is there one way of doing it? Should I be doing something else? I've always believed in the Wiccan Rede and the philosophies of ancient religion and paganism. And that, there is not one exact way of practicing it but a multitude and as long as you can adhere to those guidelines and embrace it wholly, then it was how you felt most comfortable in practicing. And though I believe this now, a small part of me is wondering if I am doing something wrong?

I'm just looking for some non-negative/non-lecturing advice. Some guidance maybe or even some tips. As much as or as little as you'd like to say.

Young Witch
Live through today for the sake of tomorrow.


The best we can do is to cast spells to bring guidance to man kind.  Remember the rule of three, young witch.


Thank you, I'll do the best I can. ^^ I'll keep living for a better tomorrow, helping people, leading by example and living for happiness. It's what I'm good at. X3
Live through today for the sake of tomorrow.

Tesseract Allen

Spirituality is as personal as anything, there's o wrong way to do it! So keep on doing what you're doing! As long as you're making the world a better place that is...
Twitter: Transmogrofied


Quote from: Tom Edward Quackenbush on May 07, 2011, 08:56:11 PM
I've always a had a wish. And I know to some, it's rather naive but it's what I wish for. If I could, I would take all the world's peoples' problems, sadness, issues and place them on my shoulders. Why? Because I want everyone to be happy. I live for people's happiness.

This part really strikes me, because it used to be the goal of my existence as well.  It was only just recently that I realized how burdensome that would be to my own psyche, like a butterfly trying to carry a boulder.  How could I ever help others if I was so weighed down that I could never fly?  And what if that boulder rolled down a hill?  I'd be tied to it and potentially crushed.

Better instead to unburden myself of the troubles of others so that I could be free to soar.  That may sound selfish and uncaring, but I really believe that the heart of empathy is freedom--the more unburdened you are, the easier you can enter the hearts of others, feel what they're feeling, and make a real difference in their lives.  Taking on the burdens of everyone leads only to entanglement, and how can you be of help to someone if you can't tell their problems from those of everyone else?

And consider this: could you be more help to the world by taking its burdens or by radiating your light into the lives of others?  Funny things, burdens... as soon as we're unburdened, we so often find something else with which to burden ourselves!  You could never possibly take it all, so why start trying?  Live for light, live for love, live for peace.

(Want to talk about synchronicity?  As soon as I typed that, my Zune started playing Let It Be.  :laugh:  Hello, universe!)


@Tesseract: Thank you! ^^ It really is true.

@Zoe: Wow that's so true. Haha it's like I always say, if I followed the same advice I gave others in helping them, I'd be in a better realm of existence right now. And that's the funny part, it's so hard to follow your own advice. But it is true how when you've helped yourself is really when you can help everyone. It's not like I have to shut myself out or turn people, I just have to learn to think for myself sometimes, to help myself. This is gonna take some work, but when's a better time to try than now?

(lol Wow, gotta love it when that happens.)
Live through today for the sake of tomorrow.

Kei Yuuki

I know from long ago being Solitary at times made me feel lost.... so I decided to find a local group, if not to hold circle with, at least to talk to and to have a sense of community. Doing so makes most feel so great to be alive.   :)