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what movie did you see last?

Started by Princess Rachel, June 04, 2011, 10:12:20 AM

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Princess Rachel

Please forgive me if there's already a thread like this one, I couldn't find it.


Princess Rachel

The Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides

It's reboot time, hardly any of the cast from the first trilogy returns, only 3 of them and a monkey and I'm not too sure it's the same acting monkey in the role.  The plot is rather like a mix between a serious police car chase and a farce with things really getting OTT just for the sake of being OTT rather than because it adds to a character or it advances the plot.  The four captains are very diverse characters although one barely gets any screen time and one gets far too much but I won't say which one I think it is but he has a peg leg.  The rest of the cast are rather anonymous and expendible, a little too easily at times and while I'm not exactly sure its possible for a movie to be too piratey and not piratey enough at the same time this movie manages it a little too often.  The title really should be Captain Jack Sparrow: On Stranger Tides as its all about him, everyone else is just there to make Jack look good and thats why it loses a mark, because it should be about Jack making Jack look good.



better than expected.. plus erika christensen is simply wow! *sizzle*.
She's in my all time favourite movie "Home Room" as well.

How To Rob a Bank - trailer


Do I have to write a review?

Hall Pass
Pan from the office, Owen from the Little Fockers (guy with broken nose), and Stephan Merchant were the only people i recognized. Quite a few funny moments, i personally expected it to be worse. I'm not sure i can spoil any moments, but there's this one moment that is really unexpected as i didn't know movies are allowed to show it.
2.5 Stars out 5

The Seeker: The Dark Is Rising
Meh, just skip this awful film.  ::)



Hesher: 5/5

It's an indie movie, and it's just coming out of theaters, so it'll be hard to find for a while. It's basically about a hardcore rocker Metallica fan named Hesher who just decides to live in a mourning family's house. The family consists of TJ, a young bullied boy who his depressed over the death of his mother, his dad who has completely lost his way, and the grandmother who is just trying to keep the family together. Hesher becomes some sort of strange guardian for the family.
Lots of profanity, lots of vulgarity, and I was literally turning to my friend and whispering "What the hell are we watching?" the whole time. But it was strangely charming and emotional. It's my new favorite movie.
It stars familiar faces (Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Natalie Portman) as well as new talent, but they all were amazing at their roles. I highly recommend this movie if it sounds like your style.
"If a bullet should enter my brain, let that bullet destroy every closet door." -Harvey Milk




The Day After Tomorrow. It's probably not the best movie on the planet but I really enjoy coming home after a long hot day, popping it in and going to bed.

Amazon D

Hmm the last movie i saw was with my son over 14 yrs ago CASPER THE GHOST  :o

EVER SINCE THEN  i started just waiting for them to get to TV and well they are all like new even though they are old

well these days i don't have a TV just the puter   but i did finally get DSL last month  ;D
I'm an Amazon womyn + very butch + respecting MWMF since 1999 unless invited. + I AM A HIPPIE


Michael Joseph

I saw two recently.Hangover 2, id give it a 3/5, it wasnt as good as the first one to me. I saw fast 5 right before that. id give that a 5/5.


Harry Potter Deathly Hallows. It was pretty good.


Jackie Brown for the first time in too long.... awesomeness!


Gnomeo and Juliet.
3/5 - She's a red", "And he's a blue."

Princess Rachel

X-Men: First Class
I saw this on sunday with my friend Zoe.  It's a much better film than Wolverine, much less of a candy floss feel to it even though the costumes are just a too clean to be believable as being real and the sets just a little too staged to feel lived in, but aside from these minor issues the film is very good, a really classy effort on the whole with the back stories for Magneto and Professor X gone into much greater depth and detail.  There's some old favourites in the first batch of mutants such as Mystique, Beast and a cameo I won't spoil, plus some new ones too, like Banshee, Riptide, The White Queen and Angel.   It's been promised that if the film does well (ie everyone spends their money making millionaire movie producers even richer) there may be another two films made.


Ann Onymous

last one I saw was The Lincoln Lawyer.  Between the legal connections and the Austin connections, it made the short list of ones I would not wait for to hit cable.

Caught it right before it left from the theater (I am one of those who RARELY goes to see movies in a theater)...would have liked to see a few of the minor characters have their respective story lines wrapped up with more clarity but overall, I liked it.   



FIGHT APATHY!, or don't...


Paul - Two British geeks travel to America to do a tour of a few alien hotspots. Turns out they'll also encounter a little fella and they'll go out of there way helping him. 2.5/5

Princess Rachel

Green Lantern
A somewhat geeky mix of Top Gun and Aliens with some aeroplanes and a nasty big alien creature terrorising people.  There were some cheap looking CGI shots of the alien and the guardians looked like they were wearing some of Lady Gaga's cast offs.  Still there's a lot of potential for a sequel and if done right with a better production team and an imaginative director it'll easily outshine this by the numbers origin story.



The Shawshank Redemption
I always watch this movie when I'm feeling down, it gives me hope. I think this is a film that everyone should see at least once. I don't think it's the best movie of all times as some people would suggest on a certain movie database site, but it is a great piece of filmmaking. It's not without flaws, but it is a very moving movie(for me anyway).


@Princess Rachel: I like your reviews of X-Men and Green Lantern.  If we were in the same area, we'd totally have to go see some movies!


Harry Potter and the Deathly hallows part 1 

5/5 loved it...cant wait for the i a geek? Yes..yes i am.