General Discussions => General discussions => Fun and Games => Topic started by: ~RoadToTrista~ on October 10, 2011, 02:52:47 PM Return to Full Version

Title: Death by........
Post by: ~RoadToTrista~ on October 10, 2011, 02:52:47 PM
Here's how to play;

Above poster says "Death by (blank)", the blank being anything pretty much, the next poster tells us how the above poster died from whatever they said, then they tell us a new "Death by" and so on and so on.


Person A says,

"Death by skittles"

Person B says,

"You eat them too fast and they come out your nose" (or something), then under it they put

"Death by lint" (or something)

And then Person C repeats and tries to come up with a creative way that Person B dies, then posts what they themselves die by. ^.^

Make sense? Mmmkay I'll start it off.


Death by tomatoes
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: Devlyn on October 10, 2011, 03:14:18 PM
You get sauced! Death by hair.
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: Constance on October 10, 2011, 04:07:10 PM
The stylist slips and cuts off your head.

Death by chocolate...
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: Fighter on October 10, 2011, 07:49:32 PM
While turning the volume up on your music, the button gets stuck and it keeps going up until your head explodes due to the loudness.

Death by...Risk (the board game).
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: Devlyn on October 10, 2011, 07:59:39 PM
You're killed by Professor Plumm, in the library, with the lead pipe! Death by ice cream.
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: Fighter on October 10, 2011, 08:08:23 PM
What? That's not Risk, that's Clue! ::) Well, unless I was playing Risk with professor Plumm in a library, beat him at the game, and then he killed me with a lead pipe that he just happened to have. I guess that works!


While eating the ice cream, you develop a rare disorder in which you will die if you stop eating ice cream. To prevent your death your only option is to eat even more ice cream. However, the extreme amount of cold from the ice cream causes you to have such a severe brainfreeze that you ultimately die. But hey, at least the disorder didn't get you!

Death by roleplaying ;o.
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: ~RoadToTrista~ on October 11, 2011, 01:42:25 AM
You're a level 15 woodnymph shaman with 26 dexterity, 17 stamina, and 19 willpower who uses the Sword of Oblivion to chop your enemies down in repeated and uncoordinated strikes . You're opponent is a level 12 gnome berserker with 12 stamina, 14 critical strike chance, and 19 armor penetration who uses the Helm of Incineration to burn things. You have a duel, while in battle, the gnome makes a dirty comment about your mother, and this enrages you, the fight is no longer fun and games, it becomes personal. Being a shaman, who are completely incompetent with one-handed and two-handed swords, you accidently stab yourself with the Sword of Oblivion several times (which was a pencil) while you're in fits of angry gestures. ^.^

Death by empty water bottles. :o
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: Devlyn on October 11, 2011, 07:55:13 AM
Holy crap, what was I thinking? Stupid four letter board games! Anyway, while putting your empty water bottles out for curbside recycling, you are run the curbside recycling truck! Death by shrubbery.
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: Fighter on October 11, 2011, 09:13:01 AM
You decide one day to find a shrubbery. However, you have a great deal of trouble finding a suitable one for an affordable price. So you decide to join to Knight who say Ni, because they often get shrubberies for free. However, as a member of the Knights who say Ni, you are confronted by one who knows the secret word that the Knights who say Ni cannot hear: It. You hear the word It so many times that your ears bleed profusely until your entire body runs out of blood and you inevitably die.

In case you don't get the reference :). (

Death by dirty laundry.
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: JenJen2011 on October 11, 2011, 09:20:43 AM
The foul smell reeks inside your body which causes the body to rot to death.

Death by super glue.
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: Devlyn on October 11, 2011, 11:12:46 AM
While performing your own version of the hard hat test, you plunge to your death, because you forgot everything on television is fake. Death by the "Jerry Springer Show."
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: Constance on October 11, 2011, 11:18:47 AM
A perfectly normal family shows up on the the show, causing all viewers to spontaneously combust.

Death by Algebra
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: kylie clark on October 11, 2011, 11:30:53 AM
all the numbers make your head explode.

Death by television
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: Devlyn on October 11, 2011, 04:57:46 PM
Your 80" hi-deffer than thou TV falls off the wall, squashing you like a bug. Death by Funyuns.
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: Fighter on October 11, 2011, 09:02:13 PM
You are eating Funyuns while watching a tennis match when one slips out of your hand very badly. One of the tennis players accidentally hits it by accident with their racket thinking it's the ball (it was a large funyun), and it's launched straight into your throat. You end up choking to death on the tasty treat.

Death by Nyan Cat!
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: Lynn on October 11, 2011, 09:29:24 PM
You get the sudden urge to try and "sing" along to nyan cat, but accidentally put on the 10 hour version. It's so catchy that you can't stop and you die from exhaustion (but at least you die happy!)

Death by a plush giraffe!
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: Devlyn on October 12, 2011, 08:11:05 AM
You decide to take your plush giraffe for a drive. You get lost and inadvertantly drive by the Plush Giraffe Factory. All the plush giraffes inside want to join their friend in freedom, and you are killed in a plush giraffe stampede. The police rule it blunt fuzzy trauma. Death by shoes.
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: valkyrie256 on October 13, 2011, 06:45:47 PM
A person in a 10th floor apartment decides that they don't want their shoes anymore and toss them out the window. You happen to be standing where they land.

Death by air.
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: ~RoadToTrista~ on October 13, 2011, 07:39:32 PM
Both members of the French band, Air, go into a homicidal rage and beat you to death with their instruments for no reason. (Idk who they are I just typed in "air" on Wikipedia, lawl)

Death by....... Oprah!

Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: Fighter on October 13, 2011, 08:42:58 PM
Oprah goes crazy. And needless to say, when Oprah goes crazy, the WORLD goes crazy. All hell breaks loose! Cats start chasing dogs, grown men run and scream like little girls at the sight of a jack-in-the-box, and perfectly ordinary people resort to cannibalism! And they're not even hungry! To try and keep the peace in the world, an organization is formed to stop Oprah's rampage, in which every sane person, including yourself, is forced to join lest they be swallowed up in the chaos. While the forces of this nameless organization are being mustered, Oprah rallies her children to wage a war and attempt to take control of the world. While on the front lines, you come face to face with Oprah and fight her in a hand-to-hand battle to the death. After an emotionally and physically scarring battle with the former talk-show host, you both let out one last punch and take each other out. With Oprah dead, the world resumes its normal balance and begins to rebuild itself. You die, but at least you die a hero.

Or, if that's too much, you end up being one of the audience members on the show. Oprah herself invites you up on the stage to tell your story, but she accidentally trips and falls when trying to shake your hand. She falls on you in such a way that you break your spine. Death is instantaneous.

Pick your poison :).

Death by internet smileys like this one --> :).
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: LexiToPeter? on October 13, 2011, 10:35:36 PM
After a day of constant instant messaging and emoticon-usage, you leave your laptop open and running and then fall asleep nearby. needless to say, the smileys are sick of the abuse and morph out of the screen into the physical world. Your remains are never found. :)

Death by a picture frame. XD
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: Felix on October 14, 2011, 12:25:03 AM
You become obsessed with someone you love and can't have, and hang a beautiful photo print of the person on your wall, in a heavy gilt frame. Every day you approach and speak to and adjust this huge wall hanging, and so the odds of a mishap naturally increase. One day while you are lovingly straightening the picture on the wall, it slips. The immediate head injury doesn't kill you, but the subsequent hematoma bleeds you to death over a few weeks of confusion and incoherence.

Death by daydreaming.
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: ~RoadToTrista~ on October 14, 2011, 01:23:04 AM
Quote from: Fighter Sadie on October 13, 2011, 08:42:58 PM
Oprah goes crazy. And needless to say, when Oprah goes crazy, the WORLD goes crazy. All hell breaks loose! Cats start chasing dogs, grown men run and scream like little girls at the sight of a jack-in-the-box, and perfectly ordinary people resort to cannibalism! And they're not even hungry! To try and keep the peace in the world, an organization is formed to stop Oprah's rampage, in which every sane person, including yourself, is forced to join lest they be swallowed up in the chaos. While the forces of this nameless organization are being mustered, Oprah rallies her children to wage a war and attempt to take control of the world. While on the front lines, you come face to face with Oprah and fight her in a hand-to-hand battle to the death. After an emotionally and physically scarring battle with the former talk-show host, you both let out one last punch and take each other out. With Oprah dead, the world resumes its normal balance and begins to rebuild itself. You die, but at least you die a hero.

Or, if that's too much, you end up being one of the audience members on the show. Oprah herself invites you up on the stage to tell your story, but she accidentally trips and falls when trying to shake your hand. She falls on you in such a way that you break your spine. Death is instantaneous.

Pick your poison :).

Death by internet smileys like this one --> :).

Omg I lol'd so hard. XD
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: JenJen2011 on October 14, 2011, 08:03:47 AM
Oprah gained another 300lbs and sat on me.

Death by Britney Spears.
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: JenJen2011 on October 14, 2011, 08:04:18 AM
oops I just f'ed up. Sorry LOL.
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: Valeriedoeswcs on October 14, 2011, 09:53:01 AM
You dance in a club with a schoolgirl outfit.

Death by gum!
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: Devlyn on October 14, 2011, 04:12:07 PM
A contestant in the Bazooka Bubble Gum bubble championship, you develop the hiccups during the final round. The resulting bubble carries you to the clouds before popping, and you plunge to the ground. Death by flashlight.
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: Sage on October 14, 2011, 04:43:50 PM
You startle a person in a dark alleyway who was carrying a large (and rather heavy) metal flashlight, who is delusional and believes that a Zombie Apocalypse has begun.  This person thinks for a moment that you're a zombie and starts swinging the flashlight at you like crazy because, of course, he doesn't want to be a zombie, too.  Your brains and ocular fluid paint the nearest wall a lovely maroon and chartreuse.

Death by...crickets.   :o
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: Fighter on October 14, 2011, 07:44:50 PM
Quote from: ~RoadToTrista~ on October 14, 2011, 01:23:04 AM
Omg I lol'd so hard. XD
Really? Aww, you're making me blush :).

Quote from: Sage on October 14, 2011, 04:43:50 PM
You startle a person in a dark alleyway who was carrying a large (and rather heavy) metal flashlight, who is delusional and believes that a Zombie Apocalypse has begun.  This person thinks for a moment that you're a zombie and starts swinging the flashlight at you like crazy because, of course, he doesn't want to be a zombie, too.  Your brains and ocular fluid paint the nearest wall a lovely maroon and chartreuse.

Death by...crickets.   :o
All crickets in the world start a war with the grasshoppers. After both sides finally invent ballistic weapons (Due to increased brain activity received via lab testing. Oh science, what can't or won't you do?), their battles begin to become much more destructive. While you're at [insert public shopping area here], a fight suddenly breaks out between the two opposing species of insects, and you along with everyone else at [insert public shopping area here] are obliterated in the crossfire.
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: Devlyn on October 14, 2011, 08:01:56 PM
Sadie, aren't you forgetting something?
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: Devlyn on October 17, 2011, 03:48:29 PM
OK, I'm ruling that "death by neglect!"
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: Fighter on October 17, 2011, 08:19:30 PM
FFFFFF! I'm usually good about that sort of thing too!

Yeah, death by neglect. I died. This is my dead face ---> :(.


Death by toenail clippings.
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: Devlyn on October 17, 2011, 08:53:43 PM
<using movie announcer guy voice> IN A WORLD, WHERE TOENAIL CLIPPINGS ARE WORTH MORE THAN GOLD....... you are stabbed in an alley for your toenail clippings! Death by bread.
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: LexiToPeter? on October 18, 2011, 03:15:17 PM
You are at your in-laws parent's house for Thanksgiving. They do not like you. At all. Unfortuneately, because of the highly tense, awkward, and near silent atmosphere in the dining room, you begin to have a nervous breakdown and you choke on the bread you were eating.

Death by a guitar.
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: Sage on October 18, 2011, 03:37:04 PM
You are abducted by aliens and experimented upon, then your memory is erased and you are returned to Earth.  You, being none the wiser, go about your day, eating one of your favorite snacks: cashews.  You suddenly swell up like a red balloon and die of anaphylaxis.  Apparently the aliens' experimentation had an unforeseen side effect: a deadly allergy to cashews. 

Death by TV.
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: Devlyn on October 18, 2011, 06:55:49 PM
After nodding off in front of the TV, you are awakened by the Emergency Alert System. Not realizing that "This is only a test" you hide in your bomb shelter. An autopsy reveals you ate spoiled green beans left in the shelter since Y2K. Death by chicken.
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: Fighter on October 19, 2011, 12:29:06 AM
Tell me, have you ever played the Legend of Zelda and hit a chicken one too many times?

Pretty much this happens. (

While eating a roast chicken (delicious), that happens. Even though you try to defend yourself, there is no known way to survive a chicken attack.

Death by Cave Story!
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: Fighter on October 21, 2011, 09:17:50 AM
Should I be sad or happy that nobody wants to kill me?
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: Kaylie on October 21, 2011, 10:43:04 AM
The "Doctor" turns all the Mimigas into his slaves using red flowers and uses them to create a giant piece of cheese (like the one they use in the cheezit commercial) to roll over and squish every one on earth! (I didn't know what Cave Story was either but I looked it up, it sounds pretty cool actually  :))

Death by Goombas! (from mario) =P
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: Sage on October 23, 2011, 09:42:52 AM
Okay, so you're wandering around Hyrule with Link and Mario, killing octoroks and goombas as you go.  Well, when you get to the castle to pay Princesses Zelda and Peach a visit, they're having a secret slumber party and you're not invited.  You insist that you both must be there to protect them, because Ganondorf and/or Bowser could appear at any time, and they decide to throw pillows at you, saying they need a break from all the drama centered around the villains; they want some relaxing girl-time, which means no boys (or anyone else) allowed.  Disgruntled, you, Link and Mario leave.

When you get back outside, more octoroks and goombas await you.  You're so disappointed that you missed the toenail-painting pillow-fighting pajama party action that your battle performance is inhibited exponentially, and the goombas decide to rally up and kill you. 

The octoroks get bored and decide to go home and spit rocks at the Zoras.  They let the goombas have all the fun.

Death by perfume.
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: Natkat on October 23, 2011, 11:03:46 AM
you get it sprayed up in your nose untill it get to your brain and infect you so you start bleeding out from your brain and die by blood lost.

Death by nyan cat.
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: Fighter on October 23, 2011, 02:07:58 PM
I actually asked for Death by Nyan Cat myself before haha. But anyway...

You sign up for lab testing as a lab rat. While being tested on, a freak accident causes you to become part human, part catnip, and part candy. Due to the mixture of catnip and candy, Nyan Cat comes soaring out of the sky and eats you. And then does a cute little "Mew" afterwards!

Death by the Death of a Salesman (the play).
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: Jayr on October 28, 2011, 11:18:48 AM
As Willy finally decides to kill himself in a car accident; he never sees you walking by the road, and runs you over before comitting suicide.

Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: Constance on October 28, 2011, 01:24:08 PM
Quote from: Jayr on October 28, 2011, 11:18:48 AM
You're crushed under the stampede of bacon fiends in search of the Internet's Favorite Food.

Death by Gumballs
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: Devlyn on October 30, 2011, 05:34:20 PM
While taking a tour of the Allbrands Gum Factory, you go into a trance watching the rainbow of gumballs going by on the conveyer belt. Unable to take your eyes off them, you stumble into the sugarless gum vat. The good news? 4 out of 5 dentists recommend Shades O'Grey for their patients who chew gum! Death by vintage TV commercial.
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: Felix on November 03, 2011, 01:02:09 AM
You're sitting on your couch watching your old rabbit eared wood-paneled television, and a commercial from the fifties comes on. A happy wholesome woman wearing an apron, forced grin, putting something in to bake in the oven. Her clothes and her kitchen are unnaturally clean, and she wears makeup and does not sweat. She looks almost plastic.

You watch her a little too closely, and world outside the tv falls away. You become her. When the commercial ends, there's nothing left of you.

Death by dinosaur.
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: on November 03, 2011, 01:32:30 AM
Quote from: Felix on November 03, 2011, 01:02:09 AM
You're sitting on your couch watching your old rabbit eared wood-paneled television, and a commercial from the fifties comes on. A happy wholesome woman wearing an apron, forced grin, putting something in to bake in the oven. Her clothes and her kitchen are unnaturally clean, and she wears makeup and does not sweat. She looks almost plastic.

You watch her a little too closely, and world outside the tv falls away. You become her. When the commercial ends, there's nothing left of you.

Death by dinosaur.

You get kidnapped and tied to a chair with a TV in front of you behind bulletproof glass and a gun in your hand with a single round. The TV is set at it's highest volume setting and is playing a constant loop of Barney the dinosaur.
You can only take so much...

Death by cowbell.
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: Devlyn on November 04, 2011, 07:16:00 PM
While showing off your mad cowbell skills onstage, the Gene Frenkle Trophy*, a 1,000 pound solid gold cowbell diplayed over the stage snaps a support cable and lands right on you! Death by heat.    *Who?
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: Jayr on November 15, 2011, 02:04:19 PM
A sleep, peacefully in your house, a man breaks in your house and kidnaps you. You find yourself in what is known as the iron bull.
Unfortunately for you, your killer loves experimenting with old torture methods. You hear him laugh, as he sets the fire...


Death by Ramen Noodles.
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: on November 18, 2011, 03:25:00 PM
Quote from: Jayr on November 15, 2011, 02:04:19 PM
A sleep, peacefully in your house, a man breaks in your house and kidnaps you. You find yourself in what is known as the iron bull.
Unfortunately for you, your killer loves experimenting with old torture methods. You hear him laugh, as he sets the fire...


Death by Ramen Noodles.

You eat them... nuff said.

Death by raindrop.
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: Felix on November 22, 2011, 08:40:51 PM
The raindrops contain spores that multiply in your lungs (unlike these benign spores - (, and you suffocate, dying smelly and wet.

Death by good intentions.
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: ~RoadToTrista~ on November 22, 2011, 08:57:04 PM
After I accidently knock you down, I apologize and try to help you up. However I don't realize my own strength, and I pull your hand off. You bleed to death. D:

Death by chicken zombies.
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: Kaylie on November 23, 2011, 08:39:09 AM
You go into the fridge to get some eggs for your breakfast when all of the sudden you hear a cracking sound, the eggs hatch and zombie chicklets spring out of the egg cartoon and onto your face as they rabidly pick at your eyes. Now that you are blinded they continue to devour you ever so slowly since they are only little zombie chicklets after all until they finally reach the object of their gruesome lust... YOUR BRAINS!!!

death by sponge, I was gonna say lint roller but I think some one already did that so either way I guess  :P
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: fionabell on November 26, 2011, 10:07:23 PM
washing yourself with a sponge you rub it over a cut on your skin. It soaks up all the blood out of your body

Death by pigeon
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: Z7Z on November 26, 2011, 10:22:41 PM
Pigeon gets mad at you for not refilling the bird feeder, and pecks your heart out as punishment.

Death by procrastination.
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: AmySmiles on November 27, 2011, 10:22:09 AM
You're skydiving.  Being the hardcore procrastinator you are, you decide you'll pull the ripcord later.  Splat.

Death by tweezers. :P
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: Devlyn on November 30, 2011, 06:42:54 PM
Look both ways before crossing the street...Don't go swimming for an hour after eating...You shouldn't run with tweezers....but you just never listened! Death by fish.
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: Jayr on December 01, 2011, 01:18:27 AM
Nuff said.

Death by...Santa Clause.

Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: Natkat on December 01, 2011, 05:07:09 AM
jingle bell jingle bell jingle all the way.... oh NO... NOOOO ARGG!!!

his heavy butt in my face, what a painfull death..
death by fluffy bacon.
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: Sweet Blue Girl on December 01, 2011, 06:33:32 AM
I really dont know what a fluffy bacon is... Now i google it...

Ok death comes obviously.
You see the fluffy bacon and guess it's something to use in the rear of the car for lubrificating the brakes, it must be so, with all that oil...
So it happens than at 140 km per hour while driving and eating a bunch of steel wires, yes you're a robot, and yelling out proud Ymca, a blue rodent crosses the highway.
You brake very hard to avoid it but the bacon in the brakes starts friing for the high temperatures and instead of slowing down the tyres it drops down on them making the car loose grip on the rear axle.
So you hit a guard rail then another car and when you get out of your car happy that you just have lost an arm in the process, the rodent very angry for the shock, jumps on your shoulders and eats your electrical brain, and that's it.
Next time you know: the best utlization of the fluffy bacon is putting it as a pillow over the kitchen chairs.

My turn
Death by invasion of a stupid alien.
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: themanicbard on December 01, 2011, 07:59:35 AM
The alien is so stupid it takes you on a trip to the moon, but forgets humans need air to breathe and you suffocate.

Death by fur stole.
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: Gadgett on December 01, 2011, 09:07:56 AM
You throw the fur stole on and walk outside. It's is a beautiful day and the sun is shining. You feel happy, accepted and loved in your fur stole. as you walk out to cross the street you are almost run over by a speeding car. As you stand there restarting your heart you look at the end of your stole and notice it has been wrapped around the bumper and go flying down the road.

Death by... DR. TRAN
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: themanicbard on December 01, 2011, 10:42:19 AM
You die from internal bleeding from all those 'hot dickings' Dr. Tran's been giving away.

Death by pineapple.
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: Devlyn on December 06, 2011, 07:33:31 PM
When Grampa nods off in the rocking chair, you find his WWII souveniers, which include a pineapple style hand grenade. Recalling a really funny comedy bit, you pull the pin, and throw IT! Five seconds later, you and Gramps are blown to smithereens. Death by embarassment.
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: Sweet Blue Girl on December 07, 2011, 05:00:50 AM
an embarrassed person wants to ask you your phone number and a date, but doesn't find the words. He/she tries to speak, but no sound comes out. He/she tries to makes signs but they look confused. Hours pass, and then days, and then weeks. The moon replace the sun, the rain replace the dry. He/she is always in front of you searching inside the strength to ask you to go out with him/her, till finally something happens and you and he/she die old.
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: Sweet Blue Girl on December 07, 2011, 05:01:32 AM
death by light coke
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: Devlyn on December 14, 2011, 07:15:28 PM
Deluded into thinking you can drink all you want because it's zero calories, your body is turned to stone by the artificial sweeteners and you become a garden statue. A beautiful garden statue. Death by glue.
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: Sweet Blue Girl on December 15, 2011, 10:40:52 AM
you read carefully the indications of the new super glue bottle you bought for building your first real mini steam train, you look so close that eventually some glue drops out of the bottle right into your eyes. Totally blind, you go to the phone to call for help, but it ends up being the domestic garbage incinerator, that cooks your hand and leaves you consciousness on the ground. Your husband comes back home and carries your body to the er, but when the doctor sees you the situation is disperate, he has oily one choice: saving your hand or your life. Being him a notorious hand fetichist, he decides to save your hand, cuts it, put it under a formaline solution bottle and leaves you dying in an horrible agony on the operation table.

Death by hypno therapist
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: Devlyn on December 23, 2011, 08:42:34 PM
Wanting to make all your New Years resolutions stick, you buy the Svengali Home Hypno Therapy kit. Deciding to cure your impatience first, you pop in the CD on the ride home. Your car plunges off a cliff, and the police find the CD player on track 4, "You are now getting sleepy..." Death by holiday decorations.
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: Natkat on December 24, 2011, 05:50:53 AM
an easter egg falls agenst your head from a high building.
a very fat man try to save you,

he catch the egg but lands on you insteed
you die
dead by green tea
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: Devlyn on December 24, 2011, 03:57:05 PM
You're a smart shopper. You can smell a bargain a mile away. So, of course you buy 55 gallon drums of window cleaner. Dragging the drum to the window, your hands slip and you go ass over teakettle right out the window. A true case of self defenestration. Death by cake.
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: Natkat on December 24, 2011, 06:33:16 PM
somebody trow a cake in your head, its a strawberry cake and the strawberry is actually a boob who explode when it hits you.
death by robot unicorn attack
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: King Malachite on January 08, 2012, 09:10:05 PM
You were trapped in a dungeon and escaped.  While escaping you come across a robot unicorn drinking from a magical lake.  You go up to pet this unicorn and when you do it short circuits shocking you.  The horn eventually goes through your right eye and proceeds to impaling your brain and you die.

Death by a bucket of Chinese food
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: Constance on January 08, 2012, 09:18:09 PM
Quote from: Malachite on January 08, 2012, 09:10:05 PM
Death by a bucket of Chinese food

It was ONE ton of soup, not won ton soup.

Death by text message.
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: King Malachite on January 08, 2012, 09:46:02 PM
You were texting on your cell phone while walking and caught your foot on a loose flagstone.  You fall and break your next and die.

Death by a steel chair
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: Jayr on January 11, 2012, 01:15:22 AM
I walked inside your house with a steel chair, and knocked you upside the head until you bled to death.

Death by Mexican food.
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: King Malachite on January 11, 2012, 05:34:40 AM
You eat 40 year old Mexican food from an old trash man and get horrible diarrhea and die.

Death by a plastic soda bottle
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: xander on January 16, 2012, 12:37:28 AM
A soda bottle is thrown out of a car window, hits you on the head as you're walking around a lake. It knocks you out, you fall in and drown.

Death by sandles.
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: caseyyy on January 16, 2012, 01:28:11 AM
You're wearing your sandals in a park, the strap gets caught on a root, and you fall into an open campfire pit.

Death by eyeglasses.
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: King Malachite on January 16, 2012, 09:48:09 AM
You were cleaning your eyeglasses with your shirt while walking and fell off a cliff due to your horrible vision.

Death by anime
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: caseyyy on January 16, 2012, 02:44:43 PM
You're watching anime when all of a sudden a brightly coloured scene comes on, and you have a horrible seizure, which results in you hitting your head on the corner of a coffee table (this actually happened to one of my dad's clients, thankfully he didn't die, he was just really hurt)

Death by the tooth fairy - literally or figuratively
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: King Malachite on January 16, 2012, 02:47:10 PM
You put one of your teeth under a pillow when the tooth fairy comes and decides she wants the rest of your teeth so she knocks them out and you bleed to death.

Death by a wireless computer mouse
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: Sweet Blue Girl on January 16, 2012, 04:01:15 PM
Well I have my wireless mouse and I try to work with it when all of a sudden the battery runs off. I have so much work to do that I try to use the mouse while plugged to the power charger, but a thunder reaches the ground in the nearby and it doesn't work it anymore. So I open it just to find that the chemical batteries are all melted inside the shell, when I see that in the middle, just above the laser the wheel is in reality the home of a little hamster very angry for all the fuzz. He jumps out of the mouse and tries to kill me with a jugular bite but I avoid him making two steps behind, when the light comes back the electric charger and the melted chemicals explode and throw pieces of mouse everywhere and I and the hamster sit down and relax enjoying all the light surrounding us, joining a life long friendship till we eventually die old.

Death by supermarket.
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: King Malachite on January 16, 2012, 04:15:34 PM
You run in a supermarket and trip over a wet floor sign breaking your neck in the produce section

Death by a lamp shade
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: Felix on January 23, 2012, 12:36:37 AM
Quote from: Malachite on January 16, 2012, 04:15:34 PM
You run in a supermarket and trip over a wet floor sign breaking your neck in the produce section

Death by a lamp shade
I probably shouldn't mention wwII here. No I shouldn't.

You decide to do the archetypical drunk partier thing and dance around with a lampshade on your head, but because you are drunk and partying and can't see, you of course fall down. You break your leg and some of the bone pierces the skin, and your fellow partiers are too inebriated to get you to the hospital before sepsis sets in. You go into shock and die.

Death by good intentions.

Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: King Malachite on January 23, 2012, 10:53:55 AM
You are driving when you come across a dying cat on the side of the road.  You pull aside to check on the cat with good intentions to care for it and it has rabies and bites you.  You go crazy and run in the middle of the road and get hit by a car and fall into a nearby lake and drown.

Death by public speaking
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: Constance on January 23, 2012, 12:25:06 PM
Quote from: Malachite on January 23, 2012, 10:53:55 AM
Death by public speaking
The microphone is actually a Decepticon, transforming into a cyber anaconda which subsequently eats you.

Death by scone.
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: King Malachite on January 23, 2012, 01:03:51 PM
You ate a bunch of scones that accidently had rat poision dumped in it and died.

Death by laundry basket
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: Constance on January 23, 2012, 04:26:26 PM
Quote from: Maya Zimmerman on January 23, 2012, 04:20:15 PM
Death by philosophical inquiry.
You stop thinking. Therefore you aren't.

Death by Wikipedia.
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: Constance on January 23, 2012, 05:17:40 PM
Quote from: Maya Zimmerman on January 23, 2012, 05:05:21 PM
Death by metaphor.
You inadvertently use a simile instead of a metaphor, and a grammar nazi bludgeons you to death with a copy of The Do's, Don't's and Maybes of Grammar.

Death by Nutella.
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: ~RoadToTrista~ on February 24, 2012, 02:30:09 AM
You get overly excited and dump the whole jar on your face. Then it goes up your nose and suffocates you.

Death by smurfs.
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: King Malachite on February 24, 2012, 04:52:34 AM
You were walking on the street when you see the actual smurfs fighting each other and then run after you so you run and accidently impale yourself on a tree branch and die.

Death by T-Shirts
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: Devlyn on February 28, 2012, 06:06:58 PM
T- shirts with a bullseye on them are always dangerous! Death by pencil.
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: King Malachite on February 28, 2012, 06:28:16 PM
You were running with a pencil and then triped when the pencil went up your nose and through your brain

Death by laptop.
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: Jamie D on February 29, 2012, 12:20:17 AM
Quote from: Malachite on February 28, 2012, 06:28:16 PM
Death by laptop.

The battery overheats and ignites your pants.  You are incinerated.

Death by teeth whitening strips.
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: King Malachite on March 09, 2012, 10:52:43 PM
You accidently choked to death on those teeth whitening strips.

Death by a unicorn.
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: Constance on March 09, 2012, 11:11:07 PM
Quote from: Malachite on March 09, 2012, 10:52:43 PM
Death by a unicorn.
I told you not to play leap-frog with it.

Death by Mr. Limpy.
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: King Malachite on March 09, 2012, 11:15:12 PM
You were in the sex shop looking for a Mr. Limpy when you bumped into a shelf and then a crate of Mr. Limpies fall on your skull crushing it.

Death by a toy basket.
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: ♥ Dutchess on March 12, 2012, 09:15:57 PM
You didn't listen to your mother and continued to put your toys in your mouth!

Death by Leprechuan
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: King Malachite on March 12, 2012, 09:22:20 PM
You were running along the street not paying attention when all of a sudden you tripped over a Leprechuan gnome breaking your neck.

Death by a sack of potatos.
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: ♥ Dutchess on March 13, 2012, 03:00:17 AM
You forget to take the potatoes out before the sack race and you trip and impale yourself on on a blade of grass

death by cheese grater
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: Constance on March 13, 2012, 11:00:26 AM
Quote from: Rhi-Affirmed on March 13, 2012, 03:00:17 AM
death by cheese grater
You grate Dove soap over your pasta instead of cheese and poison yourself.

Death by Swedish Meatballs
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: Sephirah on March 13, 2012, 12:08:46 PM
Quote from: Connie Anne on March 13, 2012, 11:00:26 AM
Death by Swedish Meatballs

You accidentally get sat on by Magnus Samuelsson while he's warming up for a powerlifting competition.

Death by constipated albino ferret.

Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: Constance on March 13, 2012, 12:14:54 PM
Quote from: Sephirah on March 13, 2012, 12:08:46 PM
Death by constipated albino ferret.
The White Weasel is cunning, they say. But also irretrievably stupid. It mistakes you Exlax and devours your in an effort to relieve it's intestinal suffering.

Death by Mass Effect 3.
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: Sephirah on March 13, 2012, 12:32:11 PM
Quote from: Connie Anne on March 13, 2012, 12:14:54 PM
Death by Mass Effect 3.

(I can think of worse ways to go, lol)

Hmm... you inadvertantly forget to eat and drink whilst playing, and a dessicated corpse with a huge cheesy grin is all that remains.

Death by a chess grand master with a slinky.
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: King Malachite on March 13, 2012, 03:58:38 PM
You actually beat the chess master but then the chess master gets mad and strangles you to death with a random slinky nearby.

Death by a second hand T-Shirt
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: ♥ Dutchess on March 13, 2012, 07:13:57 PM
You hear your first Justin Bieber song and the closest thing to you is your big sisters t-shirt, you wrap the shirt around your head suffocating yourself.

death by a chess piece
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: King Malachite on March 13, 2012, 08:41:25 PM
You mistake the chess piece for a granola bar and choke to death.

Death by a paintball gun
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: Jam on March 13, 2012, 10:11:10 PM
In yOur excitement you run  and trip, impaling yourself in the eye with your paint ball gun.

Death by false teeth
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: King Malachite on March 13, 2012, 10:32:39 PM
You dance you false teeth in your mouth and get into the groove so much you accidently swallow them and you get posioned and die.

Deah by a flagstone.
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: Felix on April 10, 2012, 12:26:57 AM
Quote from: Malachite on March 13, 2012, 10:32:39 PM
You dance you false teeth in your mouth and get into the groove so much you accidently swallow them and you get posioned and die.

Deah by a flagstone.
Your body is found in the mined-out quarry, and we're still trying to figure out who killed you. (

Death by record shop.
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: Jamie D on April 10, 2012, 04:21:41 AM
Quote from: Felix on April 10, 2012, 12:26:57 AM
Death by record shop.

You accidentally set a 33 1/3 rpm album you want to hear on the 78 rpm mode, it flies off the turntable and decapitates you.

Death by kittens.
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: King Malachite on April 10, 2012, 02:17:35 PM
Quote from: Jamie D on April 10, 2012, 04:21:41 AM
You accidentally set a 33 1/3 rpm album you want to hear on the 78 rpm mode, it flies off the turntable and decapitates you.

Death by kittens.

You were eating a steak when a group of mutant kittens came and slashed your throat while running off with the steak.

Death by tumblr
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: Jamie D on April 11, 2012, 02:52:03 PM
Quote from: Malachite on April 10, 2012, 02:17:35 PM
Death by tumblr

While blogging at the laundromat, you accidentally fall into the industrial-sized dryer set on "heavy load."
(The original "tumbler".)

Death by kisses

Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: Constance on April 11, 2012, 02:58:31 PM
Quote from: Jamie D on April 11, 2012, 02:52:03 PM
Death by kisses

While shopping for chocolate at a big box warehouse store, you are smashed under a metric ton of the Hershey's product.

Death by Belly Button Lint
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: King Malachite on April 11, 2012, 03:06:26 PM
Quote from: Connie Anne on April 11, 2012, 02:58:31 PM
While shopping for chocolate at a big box warehouse store, you are smashed under a metric ton of the Hershey's product.

Death by Belly Button Lint

Someone decided to play a joke on you by putting their belly button lint in your sandwich and you therefore choke to death on it.

Death by capitalism
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: Constance on April 11, 2012, 03:35:13 PM
Quote from: Malachite on April 11, 2012, 03:06:26 PM
Death by capitalism
You sold you soul for rock 'n' roll, but the devil didn't need your body so he threw it away.

Death by Popcorn
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: King Malachite on April 11, 2012, 03:39:44 PM
Quote from: Connie Anne on April 11, 2012, 03:35:13 PM
You sold you soul for rock 'n' roll, but the devil didn't need your body so he threw it away.

Death by Popcorn

You insist on getting the super extra jumbo sized popcorn with as much butter as the Nile at the movie theaters and died having a heart attack.

Death by a leather jacket
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: Jamie D on April 13, 2012, 05:39:05 AM
Quote from: Malachite on April 11, 2012, 03:39:44 PM
You insist on getting the super extra jumbo sized popcorn with as much butter as the Nile at the movie theaters and died having a heart attack.

Death by a leather jacket

After donning your new leather jacket, you were run down by a rival motorcycle gang.

Death by The Rolling Stones
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: Constance on April 13, 2012, 11:59:23 AM
Quote from: Jamie D on April 13, 2012, 05:39:05 AM
Death by The Rolling Stones
Your optometrist gives you a new prescription that allows you to see much more clearly and with greater detail. You see a photo of Sir Mick Jagger and Keith Richards and the sheer horror of the site stops your heart.

Death by Roast Chicken
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: King Malachite on April 13, 2012, 12:07:58 PM
Quote from: Connie Anne on April 13, 2012, 11:59:23 AM
Your optometrist gives you a new prescription that allows you to see much more clearly and with greater detail. You see a photo of Sir Mick Jagger and Keith Richards and the sheer horror of the site stops your heart.

Death by Roast Chicken

You were eating roast chicken so fast that you choked to death.

Death by reincarnation. 
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: Jayr on April 20, 2012, 01:36:12 AM
You reincarnate as a toaster strudel, are shoved in the toaster and slowly cook too death.
If that didn't kill you than the kid eating you will.

Death by Snorlax!
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: King Malachite on April 20, 2012, 01:39:38 AM
You saw a giant Snorlax statue and then proceeded to hug it.  That's when the statue tumbled over you and you were crushed to death.

Death by a shoe.
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: Constance on April 20, 2012, 09:52:15 AM
Quote from: Malachite on April 20, 2012, 01:39:38 AM
Death by a shoe.
You went to the home of the Little Old Lady Who Lived in a Shoe who had so many children she didn't know what to do. So, the brats ate you.

Death by Fashion
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: King Malachite on April 20, 2012, 01:22:42 PM
Quote from: Connie Anne on April 20, 2012, 09:52:15 AM
You went to the home of the Little Old Lady Who Lived in a Shoe who had so many children she didn't know what to do. So, the brats ate you.

Death by Fashion

The fashion police actually started carrying guns and  they found out that your closet was full of 50's attire.....needless to say what happened next.

Death by radio
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: LordKAT on April 21, 2012, 05:19:58 PM
You were playing Trivia Grit 43 and gave so many wrong answers that your teammates put that radio where it has never gone before.

Death by Apathy
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: King Malachite on April 21, 2012, 05:40:36 PM
Your apathy while driving a car caused you to crash and die in a firery explosion.  Even then you still didn't care.

Death by cream cheese icing.
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: kviggo on April 26, 2012, 01:08:25 AM
The cream cheese icing was delicious enough for you to shove your face into a pile and clog up your nose and mouth, suffocating yourself to death in cheesy goodness.

Death by Post-It.
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: King Malachite on April 26, 2012, 01:16:44 AM
You put a post-it note on your burger thinking it was cheese and you choke on the post it note to death.

Death by a steak.
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: JayKyle on April 26, 2012, 08:22:55 PM
Your steak contains a form of unknown pathogens from a foreign 3rd world country that eat you from the inside out.

Death by oxygen.
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: King Malachite on April 26, 2012, 08:45:57 PM
Suddenly you are reincarnated to a fish underwater and spot that nice pink worm dangling on a shiny hook....

Death by Russia
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: JayKyle on April 26, 2012, 08:48:44 PM
The whole "communist" freak out starts up again and you are targeted as being one of those lovely little spies and is turned over to the CIA for "questioning" ~.^

Death by Game Controller
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: King Malachite on April 26, 2012, 09:32:33 PM
While you were playing a game it froze and did not autosave so you get so mad you hit the game controller over your head until you crack open your skull.

Death by Egg Drop Soup
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: JayKyle on April 26, 2012, 10:45:33 PM
The egg in your soup turns out to be an alien and decides that humans are quiet tasty and go well with broth

Death by Fake Plants
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: King Malachite on April 26, 2012, 11:05:39 PM
You decided to make your room into a jungle with fake plants when you tripped and got strangled to death over  plastic vine.

Death by Hooters workers.
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: JayKyle on April 26, 2012, 11:14:38 PM
haha you get smothered by boobs (nice way to die)

Death by bottle caps (not the candy)
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: King Malachite on April 26, 2012, 11:34:38 PM
That's the THOUGHT they were candy....all 87 of died from internal bleeding.

Death by robots.
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: JayKyle on April 26, 2012, 11:37:33 PM
The "promised car" turns out to be a decepticon that hates squishes and he throws you out while you're going 90 down the interstate

Death by vaccuum cleaner
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: King Malachite on April 26, 2012, 11:41:28 PM
You decided to put your mouth on the vent to get the piece of carrot stuck in your teeth out but the vaccum sucked all of your insides out.

Death by a Tiger Woods poster.
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: JayKyle on April 26, 2012, 11:45:30 PM
You see it in the middle of the night and think its someone breaking into your house, scaring yourself so bad that you give yourself a heart attack (oh that was lame >.<)

Death by thumb tack
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: King Malachite on April 27, 2012, 12:05:19 AM
lame is fun!

A thumb tack fell in your cereal and while swallowing it the tack pierced a vein in your throat and you choke on your own blood to death.

Death by a clothes hanger.
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: JayKyle on April 27, 2012, 12:15:33 AM
Magneto decides you're in his way and pierces it through your heart

Death by lock combination code
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: King Malachite on April 27, 2012, 12:27:09 AM
You decided to break in a museum and attempt to open a lock with a combination code.  Only you get the code wrong 5 times in a row and after the fifth time the safe shoots a laser through you head killing you.

Death by a gym sock
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: JayKyle on April 27, 2012, 12:29:47 AM
Your gym sock comes alive and decides it wants to know what the inside of your stomach looks like and climbs into your mouth...

Death by shadows
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: King Malachite on April 27, 2012, 12:31:48 AM
You were scared of your own shadow and tried to outrun it but you fall off of a cliff in the process.

Death by a professional wrestler.
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: JayKyle on April 27, 2012, 12:34:07 AM
You are in your final match against a professional wrestler but slip and fall off of the raised platform and the larger guy lands on top of you and breaks your neck

Death by ceiling fan
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: King Malachite on April 27, 2012, 12:39:11 AM
You were throwing a ball in the air in your room when it hits the fan and breaks it off of the ceiling and crashing into you slicing you open.

Death by a poptart
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: JayKyle on April 27, 2012, 12:43:06 AM
you're america's most wanted and the CIA put poison in the filling, have a nice breakfast!

Death by electoral vote
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: King Malachite on April 27, 2012, 12:47:40 AM
The more bigger and popular states voted in a dictator and now he's ordering an execution of everyone.....great job popular states....great job.

Death by silly putty
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: JayKyle on April 27, 2012, 12:52:24 AM
You decide to give yourself a silly putty mustache but end up shoving some up your nose and in your panic you end up clogging your passage way and sufficate

Death by licking
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: King Malachite on April 27, 2012, 12:54:00 AM
You decided to lick a hibernating bear while you were drunk.  The bear woke up and it didn't wind up pretty.

Death by a flying fish
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: JayKyle on April 27, 2012, 12:57:46 AM
Quote from: Malachite on April 27, 2012, 12:54:00 AM
You decided to lick a hibernating bear while you were drunk.  The bear woke up and it didn't wind up pretty.

Death by a flying fish


You go out on a aquatic adventure in the amazon and low and behold you see a flying fish. However, its mating season for the fish and the female fish was being chased by a flock of aggressive male counterparts and you are beaten to death by their swarmming bodies.

Death by camera flash
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: King Malachite on April 27, 2012, 01:02:08 AM
That camera flash sent secret codes to your mind telling you to climb the highest diving board and jump into a pool.  However the pool was waterless and you broke all of your bones. (That was the best I could think of >.>)

Death by the Grand Puba
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: JayKyle on April 27, 2012, 01:10:52 AM explode randomly (what'd you like send brainwaves to infiltrate and kill my cells ^O^'; )

Death by horseradish
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: King Malachite on April 27, 2012, 01:16:57 AM
You got in a horseradish eating contest and won.  However it was so nasty that you puked your insides out.

Death by a giant rubber snake
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: JayKyle on April 27, 2012, 01:20:21 AM
Turns out, it wasn't rubber but a giant basilisk and you turn to stone after looking into its eyes

Death by flash drive
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: King Malachite on April 27, 2012, 01:24:39 AM
You didn't take the flash drive out safefly so the whole computer short-circuited and you were electricuted to death.

Death by a stamp collection.
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: JayKyle on April 27, 2012, 01:26:42 AM
As you are adding you latest stamp you've collected, you lick the back but it still contains some traces of Acid and you go crazy and think you're covered with beetles and take a kitchen knife, deciding to stab them off of you....

Death by God
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: King Malachite on April 27, 2012, 01:29:34 AM
God struct you down with lightening when you told a lie about not eating the cookie out of the cookie jar.

death by a toaster
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: JayKyle on April 27, 2012, 01:32:20 AM
Sam Witwicky was your upstair neighbor and dropped the Allspark shard the burnt through your ceiling and turned your toaster into a transformer. Unfortunately, everything the Allspark touches appearently turn into blood thirsty decepticons and he doesn't want to give you you're aresnic infused poptarts from the CIA

Death by recycling
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: King Malachite on April 27, 2012, 01:34:00 AM
You were on your way to recycle some cans but the homeless man beat you to death with his cane and too your cans instead.

Death by a red coat.
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: JayKyle on April 27, 2012, 01:36:26 AM
You make a pack with the devil to become a demon and Dante comes looking for you (ahaha different red coat ^^)

Death by etch-a-sketch
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: King Malachite on April 27, 2012, 01:38:48 AM
You cracked one of those bad boys open to see what it looked like on the inside and you sniffed so much of the powedery substance that your heart collapsed.

Death by tuna
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: JayKyle on April 27, 2012, 01:41:00 AM
The tuna don't like that you keep eating their family members and as you lay sleeping one night, they stalk into your room, pull back the covers and....

Death by silver
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: King Malachite on April 27, 2012, 01:44:23 AM
A sharp hard end in that silver lining in the cloud broke off and impaled you in your skull while you were walking.

Death by VHS
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: JayKyle on April 27, 2012, 01:07:01 PM
You decided to visit an antique store and a shelf breaks dumping a load VHS' on you of which one contains a biochemical weapon implanted by terriorists long ago. This causes an outbreak that destroys America along with you some weeks later

Death by tracing paper
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: King Malachite on April 27, 2012, 01:14:50 PM
Quote from: JayKyle on April 27, 2012, 01:07:01 PM
You decided to visit an antique store and a shelf breaks dumping a load VHS' on you of which one contains a biochemical weapon implanted by terriorists long ago. This causes an outbreak that destroys America along with you some weeks later

Death by tracing paper

While you were running in the art section of walmart you slipped on a loose sheet of tracing paper and hit your head on the shelf causing the shelf to fall and crush your throat.

Death by a baseball bat
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: JayKyle on April 27, 2012, 01:21:55 PM
You get lost while looking for the baseball field and wind up in the wrong part of town and are beaten to death by your metal baseball bat by the group of local thugs

Death by white noise
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: King Malachite on April 27, 2012, 01:25:44 PM
You were in search for the white noise but instead found the brown noise and crapped your insides out.

Death by a children's book
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: JayKyle on April 27, 2012, 01:28:24 PM
You decide to read one of your childhood favorites but become so depressed afterwards that you decide to jump off a bridge

Death by light
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: King Malachite on April 27, 2012, 01:29:51 PM
You were driving at night when you were blinded by another car's light and crashed into a tree.

Death by sand
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: JayKyle on April 27, 2012, 01:33:39 PM
You rub a lamp and ask the genie for to grant you 3 wishes, however he's in a bad mood and shoves you head into the sand and holds it down for a while...

Death by Robot Chicken
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: King Malachite on April 27, 2012, 01:37:12 PM
After watching the show you decided that you were going to obtain a live chicken of your own.  The chicken you were trying to get obviously did not see it that way and showed you it's objection with it's razor clows to your throat.

Death by drums
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: JayKyle on April 27, 2012, 01:44:19 PM
Its the 1500s and your accused of murdering, stealing, and the whole nine yards and as your led to the gallows, the drums begin and when they stop, so do you

Death by head phones
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: King Malachite on April 27, 2012, 01:47:08 PM
You were listening to your headphones in the bathtub when you dropped a frayed cord in the water so you get shocked to death.  Ironic the song you were listening to was Judas Preist-electric eye

Death by a toe nail
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: JayKyle on April 27, 2012, 01:52:01 PM
You were chewing your toe nails (*barf*) and give yourself a fungal infection in your mouth that turns cancerous and eventually kills you

Death by suds
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: King Malachite on April 27, 2012, 01:53:21 PM
You turn into Spongebob and catch the "suds" and wasn't cured enough intime

Death by Squidward
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: JayKyle on April 27, 2012, 01:57:19 PM
Squidward takes experimently steriods and goes on a rampage becoming a neo-nazi and killing everyone that isn't like him

Death by teddy bears
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: King Malachite on April 27, 2012, 02:02:02 PM
The government implanted recording devices in your teddy bear and heard you talk about how you think they suck so they come to your house and force you to oversdose on sleeping pills

Death by life
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: JayKyle on April 27, 2012, 02:05:09 PM
You life is so great and wonderful that your neighbor decides to steal it and put it in a jar

Death by Darth Vader
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: King Malachite on April 27, 2012, 02:06:52 PM
You had a nightmare about Darth Vader and it gave you a heart attack in your sleep

Death by peanutbetter and jelly sandwiches.
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: JayKyle on April 27, 2012, 02:11:55 PM
nightmare & darth vader <3 ^^

Turns out, you've suddenly developed an extreme allergy to peanutbutter and your throat and tongue swell up sufficating you

Death by Lipstick
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: King Malachite on April 27, 2012, 02:26:49 PM
You swallowed too much of your own lipstick while eating so you died from the poisioning

Death by toilet paper
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: JayKyle on April 27, 2012, 02:30:52 PM
You're in a 3rd world country and didn't bring your own and use some that is there. However it contains bits of wood and glass and you cut yourself after wiping and bleed to death

Death by mirror
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: King Malachite on April 27, 2012, 02:35:32 PM
You broke a mirror and were terrified about the 7 years of bad luck so you killed yourself to avoid it.

Death by a roasted duck
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: JayKyle on April 27, 2012, 02:43:42 PM
A duck got caught in a nuclear blast and became mutated by the radiation growing to unbelieveable porportions. It then decided to terrorize SC and eat those inhabiting the state

Death by cat fur
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: King Malachite on April 27, 2012, 02:46:52 PM
A cat jumps on top of you and starts scraching.  You have a severe alergic reaction to the fur and you go into shock and die.

Death by old beer bottles.
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: JayKyle on April 27, 2012, 02:56:50 PM
You decide to travel out into the good old mid-west, except the good old mid-west doesn't like you and you're beaten with the tree decorations

Death by french fries
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: King Malachite on April 27, 2012, 03:00:33 PM
You were so hungry for french fries that you forgot to chew and choked to death.

Death by 5 trees.
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: JayKyle on April 27, 2012, 03:03:50 PM
You decide to go for a walk in the woods and venture into Treant territory and are mobbed by a group of Twigblight thugs (geek alert ^o^)

Death by Nerds
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: King Malachite on April 27, 2012, 03:06:45 PM
You ate so many nerds that you became a nerd yourself and were eaten

Death by Call of Duty: Black Ops
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: JayKyle on April 27, 2012, 03:16:31 PM
You're game comes a live and you fail your mission resulting in your own death

Death by slurpy
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: King Malachite on April 27, 2012, 03:17:24 PM
You drank a slurpy so fast you get a fatal brain freeze.

Death by pigs.
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: JayKyle on April 27, 2012, 03:27:21 PM
You're hog tied and thrown into the pig pen who are feral from the previous meal of flesh and are ripped apart and devoured

Death by spit
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: King Malachite on April 27, 2012, 03:28:13 PM
You choked on your own spit while cussing someone out.

Death by the wall
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: JayKyle on April 27, 2012, 03:35:32 PM
While you're neighbor is choking on his own spit, he falls against the wall which brakes, collapses ontop of you and breaks your neck

Death by drawing
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: King Malachite on April 27, 2012, 03:42:46 PM
You drew so much that your hands fell off and you bled to death

Death by socialism
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: King Malachite on June 09, 2012, 11:02:57 PM
Quote from: Malachite on April 27, 2012, 03:42:46 PM
You drew so much that your hands fell off and you bled to death

Death by socialism

I suppose I will be the one to off myself.  >.>

I was partying so hard in celebration for socialism that I got drunk and fell off a cliff.

Death by books.
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: ~RoadToTrista~ on June 09, 2012, 11:19:30 PM
You opened the book too close to your face and got papercuts on both your eyeballs. You run around blind and in pain until you're hit by a train.

Death by some random old lady.
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: King Malachite on June 09, 2012, 11:40:48 PM
You attempted to rob an old lady but she beat you to death with her cane.

Death by the Goodwill Store
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: PrincessKnight on June 10, 2012, 03:35:38 AM
The clothes you bought at a Goodwill store are coated with a hallucinogenic substance that makes you think you're a rabbit. You cut off your foot for good luck, and bleed to death. Lucky for you, you're too high to feel it.

Death by a baby.

Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: Natkat on June 15, 2012, 12:10:56 PM
you eat the baby and get a bone stuck in your throat and gets sufficated.

Death by boobies.
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: Constance on June 15, 2012, 12:21:50 PM
Quote from: Natkat on June 15, 2012, 12:10:56 PM
Death by boobies.
While on a birdwatching expedition, you are summarily devoured by the blue-footed variety.

Death by rose petals.
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: King Malachite on June 15, 2012, 04:19:53 PM
You die making love on a bed of rose petals via heart attacm.

Death by censorship
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: ~RoadToTrista~ on June 15, 2012, 05:26:16 PM
While partying in Vegas, you get really drunk and flash your no-noes at a cameraman whom had asked you for an interview for his documentary. Had he not blurred out your junk, someone working in the medical field would have surely seen the video, and would have been able to denounce that the mole that you had was indeed cancerous.

Death by Lumpy Space Princess.
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: King Malachite on June 15, 2012, 05:32:40 PM
You were walking in the store and found a Lumpy Space Princess doll.  You just had to have it so you trip in to the shelf running to it and cause a giant box of Lumpy Space Princess dolls to crash on your skull killing you in an instant. 

Death by a typewriter
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: Constance on June 15, 2012, 05:43:31 PM
Quote from: Malachite on June 15, 2012, 05:32:40 PM
Death by a typewriter
The paper gets stuck and your brain implodes while trying to find the CRTL, ALT, and DEL keys.

Death by MC Escher
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: PrincessKnight on June 17, 2012, 12:59:50 AM
Entranced by his art, you stare at it for hours. Your head 'splodes trying to figure it out.

Death by chocolate cake.
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: King Malachite on June 17, 2012, 01:07:15 AM
You eat so much chocolate cake that you vomit your insides out and pass out and die.

Death by a basketball
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: Catherine Sarah on June 17, 2012, 11:22:31 PM
Waiting at the bus stop after a hard game, you sit on your basket ball. Regrettable it cannot withstand your weight. It explodes, causing you to lose balance and falling backwards into heavy peak hour traffic and run over by a 'B' double.

Death by a beauty salon
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: PrincessKnight on June 17, 2012, 11:30:24 PM
You pass out from all the fumes from the beauty products, and your head falls onto a nail file and you die.

Death by TV.
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: King Malachite on June 17, 2012, 11:33:36 PM
You purposely ignored the "do not try this at home"  warning and tried one of the stunts on Jackass.  You decided to go catch a snake and it bit you spreading it's poisionous venom through your veins killing you in minutes.

Death by a toaster
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: justmeinoz on June 18, 2012, 04:03:40 AM
You are enraged by your toaster burning your toast again and throw it at the wall. It bounces back at you and you are electrocuted.

Death by Avocado.
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: Catherine Sarah on June 18, 2012, 04:13:12 AM
Being the first Avocado of the season and in your haste to sample its delicacies your knife slips while cutting it, forcing the seed to be expelled with great alacrity and speed, it hits you in the nose, causing you to scream, where upon the seed slithers down your throat to firmly lodge itself in your wind pipe cause immediate death by suffocation.   RIP  Karen.

Death by a clock
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: Constance on June 18, 2012, 03:25:44 PM
Quote from: Catherine Sarah on June 18, 2012, 04:13:12 AM
Death by a clock
Your time is up.

Death by Philosophy
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: King Malachite on June 18, 2012, 05:48:08 PM
You wanted to know if a tree falls and no one is around to here it if it makes a sound so you get a buddy to be a mile away when you cut it down to se if he or she can hear it.  Unfortunately the tree falls on you but your buddy doesn't hear it so you die after bleeding out to death.  At least the question was answered.

Death by a poptart
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: Catherine Sarah on June 21, 2012, 08:47:53 AM
You might have to help us out a bit here Malachite. I have absolutely no idea what a "poptart" is. Unless you specifically want my imagination to rupture and go so ballistically mad, that not even I understand it.

Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: Constance on June 21, 2012, 01:20:26 PM
Quote from: Catherine Sarah on June 21, 2012, 08:47:53 AM
You might have to help us out a bit here Malachite. I have absolutely no idea what a "poptart" is. Unless you specifically want my imagination to rupture and go so ballistically mad, that not even I understand it.

A poptart is a flat pastry that one puts in the toaster (or in the microwave if you want them soft and chewy). (
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: King Malachite on June 21, 2012, 01:46:37 PM
Connie is right and they can be tasty.  Just don't let them stay on your teeth for more than 4 seconds if you don't want giant holes in your teeth.   :D
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: Catherine Sarah on June 21, 2012, 07:42:09 PM
Thanks Connie. Ahh for those local delicacies. And thanks for your clock. That was funny.
OK back to business.
You place your poptart in the toaster which malfunctions. Causing it to be expelled at high velocity and being in an uncooked state is still soft and gooey. It hits you in the face, immediately binding itself like glue and having covered your nose and mouth, the only place you can breath is through your ears. Regrettably you've had a recent cold blocking your airways, whereupon you die of suffocation.

Death by a newspaper
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: King Malachite on June 23, 2012, 06:00:20 AM
While you were reading the newspaper a saw a fly and decided to roll up the newspaper to swat at it but instead you accidently hit the fly in your mouth and you choke to death on the fly.

Death by a bowl of water
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: Catherine Sarah on June 23, 2012, 06:08:12 AM
In your haste to speedily set this "lack luste"  ;D ;D :angel: method of death. You trip on the carpet, fortunately not spilling any water. However you land on the floor, face down in the water. I know what you're thinking.  You think you drowned. ....... WRONG. Wait for the end of the story before you go leaping off on a tangent.

The bowl has a shape edge on it, which cuts your jugular vein and you bleed to death, all over your brand new spanking carpet. AND boy, isn't your partner upset. Just as well you died.

Death by a nose blow   (You've got a cold)
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: King Malachite on June 23, 2012, 06:42:23 AM
As you were sick with a runny nose and no tissues you grab the nearest thing to you to blow and wind up grabbing your old gym sock from years ago.  As you blow into it the smell is so repulsive that your pass out and fall on the floor cracking your skull and died.

Death by a telephone
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: Catherine Sarah on June 23, 2012, 07:32:05 AM
It is now the year 2852. Technology has exploded beyond our wildest dreams. While speaking to you on the telephone, from a call box, I witness a shooting of a local Mafia identity (fortunately not one of the Aussie Mafia that frequent this site. Particularly the one from South Australia, not Kelly, she's the hustler for the organisation. Leave her alone, she's an excellent kneecap surgeon) Where was I?  ..... Oh yeah. One of the shot hits the phone line I'm using to call you, the bullet travels at the speed of light to your phone, where upon the bullet emerges from your phone, implanting it in your head, via your ear, killing you outright, immediately.

There was a strange twist to this event, in so far as the coroner was not able to determine the actual cause of death. In your reaction to being hit by the bullet, your handset (yeah, still using old technology I see. Pays to get with the times. Doesn't it?) wraps round your neck, and as you fall, it winds on more cord, finally pulling tight enough to cause suffocation. Until the coroner has adequate evidence to prove cause of death and the release of the death certificate; you remain on the slab.

Death by a tickle
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: King Malachite on June 23, 2012, 12:37:46 PM
You and a long lost relative decided to reunite at the top of the cliff where he proceeds to tickle you.  You laugh so hard that you fall off a cliff and die.

Death by a tie.
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: Constance on June 23, 2012, 12:46:24 PM
Quote from: Malachite on June 23, 2012, 12:37:46 PM
Death by a tie.
It's your birthday and you are given a tie. However, the abomination is so hideous, the sight of it stops your heart immediately.

Death by Velvet
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: King Malachite on June 23, 2012, 01:15:37 PM
You put your nose against some velvet that has some hallucenagenic drug in it so you went crazy and punctured your eye on a nail and died.

Death by a taxi cab
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: PrincessKnight on June 23, 2012, 11:28:36 PM
A confused Autobot mistakenly smashes a taxi cab into the ground, thinking it's a Deceptecon. You happen to be underneath it now.

Death by camera.
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: King Malachite on June 24, 2012, 12:38:21 AM
You were so embarrased by the video someone took of you naked with a camera that was posted online that you jumped off a cliff and broke every bone and died.

Death by Saturn
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: justmeinoz on June 24, 2012, 03:18:43 AM
You decide to get a closer look at the replica Saturn V rocket at the local High School's Science Fair, just as they decide to demonstrate the replica engines.  You are toast, literally!

Death by wombat.
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: King Malachite on June 24, 2012, 04:25:28 AM
You see a cute little wombat and try to pet it.  It bites you and gives you rabies.  You go crazy and run into a lake and drown.

Death by sweat
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: justmeinoz on June 24, 2012, 05:29:52 AM
They don't need rabies, which we don't have here, but let's not spoil a good story, if they go mental they are bloody vicious.

You sweat during your gym session so much that the electrically operated door locks on your hi-tech super safe apartment electrocutes you.

Death by blancemange!
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: jasper3 on June 24, 2012, 08:09:14 AM
The band's concert was so loud, it busted your eardrums and you inevitably became deaf. On your way home from the concert, a train was coming. You forgot you couldn't hear and *Boom!!!*

Death by manga inking
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: LordKAT on June 24, 2012, 09:23:04 AM
You are so addicted to manga that it comes to life in and you succumb to the shock.

Death by fairy dust.
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: Catherine Sarah on June 24, 2012, 11:36:46 AM
You weren't aware that you are allergic to fairy dust. Anyway this obnoxious fairy douses you with so much fairy dust, it invakes your nostrils, causing you to sneeze so hard you literally sneeze yourself inside out, thus exposing major organs to excessive radiation caused by the hole in the ozone layer. This causes immediate and catastrophic failure of vital organs. You are now  ......... dead.

Death by tea
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: King Malachite on June 24, 2012, 01:23:26 PM
You drank your tea so fast before it cooled off so you burned your throat and suffocated.

Death by love
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: jasper3 on June 24, 2012, 02:50:56 PM
You had found a girl who would love you to death. Too bad it was a little too literal, hence the past tense. She stalked you and took pictures of you and stole your brushes and combs and put the hair on the life size doll replica of you in her closet. One night, after she had gathered your clothes, hair, and even some dead skin for her mannequin, she found she was missing something: eyes. She sneaked into your bedroom while you were asleep and gathered what she had needed to love the replica of you. The end.

Death by rainbows
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: King Malachite on June 25, 2012, 12:45:27 AM
Against all warmongs you followed a rainbow to the end and instead of finding treasure you find a trap that makes you fall  face first into a bear trap cracking your neck and making you die.

Death by a lobster
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: PrincessKnight on June 25, 2012, 03:18:34 AM
While going for a swim, you accidentally get caught in the middle of the war between lobsters and crabs. It turns out crustaceans have nuclear weapons now. byebye!

Death by tortoise.
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: LordKAT on June 25, 2012, 03:40:22 AM
Tortoise grabbed those undetonated nukes left by the crustaceans and asked you for advice on defusing them. You went to show them how easy it is ,....but you were wrong.

Death by embarassment.
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: King Malachite on June 25, 2012, 04:17:02 AM
One of your co-workers took to a picture of you drunk at the office party and showed it to everyone and you were so embarrased that you quit.  You can't find another job so you live off the land and get eaten by a bear.

Death by 5 chocolate bars
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: justmeinoz on June 25, 2012, 06:17:54 AM
You are mauled to death by a Grizzly Bear looking for the five chocolate bars in your pockets.  It wanted dessert after eating Lord Kat.

Death by Vegemite.
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: Catherine Sarah on June 25, 2012, 09:13:19 AM
In your zest to have a Vegemite sandwich for lunch, you hurried into the kitchen and grabbed the jar of Vegemite, with your slippery hands. As it's snowing down your way today, your reflexes are impaired causing the jar to fall and shatter on the floor. In your attempt to clean up the mess, you stand on a char of glass which causes you to slip on the gooey Vege on the floor. You fall over backwards hitting your head on a cupboard and sustaining a severe brain hemorrhage you bled to death.   RIP Karen

Death by talking
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: jasper3 on June 25, 2012, 09:21:40 AM
You talk so much that you get lockjaw and you cannot eat or drink and you go days, ill and starving.

Death by sparkles!
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: Catherine Sarah on June 25, 2012, 11:28:46 AM
While playing round with your sparklers in the car, you are temperorly blinded when a sparkle lands in your eye. You fail to see the railroad crossing, and as you cross it you are hit by a train and killed. So in fact the sparkle didn't kill you, the train did. But still you're dead.

Death by a sneeze
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: King Malachite on June 25, 2012, 12:35:38 PM
You were around so much pepper that you sneezed your lungs out and stopped breathing.

Death by a toy sailboat.
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: Catherine Sarah on June 25, 2012, 09:04:13 PM
While sailing your toy sail boat on a lake, it stopped working (It was an expensive remote control one. You must have won Lotto recently have you?). So you swam out to recover it. As you approached it, it suddenly malfunctioned and started to work. Approaching you at high speed the keel passed over you slitting your throat. The ensuing blood soaked water caught the attention of a dozen sharks who immediately attacked you and ate you all up. The Coroners report stated death by misadventure, from playing with toys; at YOUR age. Shame shame.

Death by Peanut butter and jelly
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: King Malachite on June 25, 2012, 09:08:01 PM
You entered a peanut butter and jelly sandwich competition and won.  However your stomach stretched so much it ripped and you die of a painful death.

Death by a can of unopened beans.
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: Ms. OBrien CVT on June 25, 2012, 09:17:50 PM
While examining the can you don't notice the dent.  You go to open the can and it exploded like a grenade.  You die from the can shrapnel.

Death by coffee.
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: King Malachite on June 25, 2012, 09:26:25 PM
You drank 40 cups of coffe and your heart exploded.

Death by a horse shoe.
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: Catherine Sarah on June 25, 2012, 09:30:12 PM
While standing at the coffee machine making  your early morning heart starter, the machine malfunctions and doesn't stop making coffee. In an attempt to top the mess from worsening you lay under the machine with your mouth open. Finally your excessive intake of caffine, over excites your heart, sending you into cardic arrest.       RIP Ms. OBrien. She was a dear soul   :'(  :'(  :angel:

Death by a pencil sharpener
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: King Malachite on June 25, 2012, 09:34:03 PM
You had a broken pencil sharpener and accidently cut yourself on the razor.  You cut got infected and spread to your whole body and you died in your sleep peacefully.

Death by tuna
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: Ms. OBrien CVT on June 25, 2012, 09:36:06 PM
@Malachite Never approach a horse from behind.  They kick.  And the shoe split your skull.

@Catherine While sharpening your pencil,your finger get stuck in the hole removing the tip of your finger.  You bleed to death.

Death by Incubus
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: Catherine Sarah on June 25, 2012, 09:47:08 PM
Regrettably the demon hadn't been practicing safe sex. You were sooooo worried you never slept ever again. Finally you scummed to sleep deprivation. You went peacefully though.

Death by Insolvency
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: justmeinoz on June 26, 2012, 05:50:44 AM
Along with everything else your recently transplanted Liver is repossessed.  Accordingly you kark it.  RIP Catherine. Except her liver which is doing nicely in Gina Reinhart.

Death by llama.
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: Catherine Sarah on June 26, 2012, 08:50:55 AM
god bless Gina Reinhart. May I see some of the family fortune, by courtesy of Kerry O'Brien's 4 Corners.

As the Continental shift proceeded south, a major geographical abberation occurred due to the explosion of tower 4 Fukushima power plant causing Tasmania to make a sharp left hand turn on route to the Antarctic, and head towards south America. After several months Tasmania was washed up on the shores of Peru.

Karen, obviously so excited she wasn't going to the Antarctic, set about celebrating her new found homeland. Realising their landing date coincided with breast cancer week celebrations, she set out looking for something pink, appropriate to wear.

Travelling a short distance inland, Karen discovers the infamous ilama and not knowing the botanical implications of such a sensuous fruit, she, like the original Eve, from the garden of Eden, sank her incisors into this luscious tempting forbidden fruit. It's evil and deadly sap entered Karen's over indulged Maccas metabolism, where upon she succumbed to the lifeless euphoria of the plants venom.  RIP Karen.

There is a silver lining to Karen's death. You'll be pleased to know, it was not in vain. Tasmania enacted a state of war against Peru and South America, and seeing they were severely outclassed, South America succeeded to Tasmanian rule, just before morning tea the day of the invasion. Thank you Karen. You will be immortalised in Aussie folklore for a millennium to come.

Death by varmint     
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: King Malachite on June 26, 2012, 03:54:23 PM
The varmint you were hunting bite you and then his buddies decided to feast on your legs making you bleed to death.

Death by a puppy
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: Catherine Sarah on June 26, 2012, 09:19:42 PM
The puppy you just bought jumped out of your arms as you were crossing the road. In the mayhem that ensued distracted you to the fact a 'B' double truck was bearing down on you. The truck couldn't stop in time and it ran you over. Fortunately the truck had a new type of tyre on it that was soft enough not to cause injury to you, however the puppy wasn't so lucky.

He ran in front of a little old lady on her way to church and she ran over the puppy, killing it outright. There must be a moral to this story, but I can't quite find where i put it. It's not on your desk is it ?

Hummm realities seem to be merging here. We have merging of Death by Corrupt a Wish. Humm when did I put my meds? Not on your desk are they?

Death by lawnmowing
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: King Malachite on June 26, 2012, 09:24:03 PM
I'd rather the puppy live and me nto be the lucky one.  :(

You decided to cut the yard in the rain and you accidently ran over a broken wire that immediately electrocuted you to death.

Death by a pogo stick
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: Catherine Sarah on June 26, 2012, 09:33:51 PM
Having soooooooo much fun with your newly acquired pogo stick, you decided to bounce your way down the road. You jump so high at one point that you reach the over head wires, become entrapped and electrocuted in front of the returning peak hour traffic.

Death by having a bath
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: King Malachite on June 26, 2012, 09:41:48 PM
You accidently slipped and hit your head on the fossit and landed in your bath water but you were passed out so you drowned.

Death by a clothes hanger
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: Catherine Sarah on June 27, 2012, 07:08:41 AM
In your haste to run for the train this morning, when you grabbed your coat out of the closet, you failed to realise the coat hanger was still firmly attached to the coat. Running down the platform chasing the train the coat hanger inadvertently hooks onto a grab rail on the side of the train.

You now become airborn due to speed of the train, and as the next station is some 20 miles away it looks as though you may be able to cling on long enough to untangle yourself at the next station. Unfortunately it was a cheap coat hanger from Walmart, where upon the hook of the hanger snaps off, immediately releasing you from the speed of the train. You hit the ground, bouncing several times only to bounce your way in front of an oncoming train. The rest is history, and so are you.

Interestingly though the certificate stated death by misadventure from a failed coat hanger hook from Walmart. They made absolutely no mention of you being hit by a train. Oh BTW the "good triumphs over evil" bit is, the Coroner recommended Walmart be sued for a zillion dollars for selling substandard coat hangers

Death by ................ misadventure.                  (And I DON'T mean; Miss. Adventure)
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: King Malachite on June 27, 2012, 11:27:01 AM
The wild misadventures you had as a teenager doing crazy things and not going to sleep for such long periods of times are finally catching up to you.  Unfortunately the stress is so much that your heart immediately explodes.

Death by the Moon
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: Metal Stuart on June 29, 2012, 04:54:40 AM
small portion of the moon falls to earth and smacks you in the head

death by clock
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: Catherine Sarah on June 29, 2012, 09:49:25 AM
If you'll excuse the plagerism. You ran out of time

Death by an assignment
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: King Malachite on June 29, 2012, 07:27:49 PM
The school assignment you were given was too hard that you went crazy andk ept hitting your head on the wall until you bled out and died.

Death by a pan
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: Catherine Sarah on June 29, 2012, 09:36:56 PM
You were cooking your favourite flapjacks in your best pan. Tossing the flapjacks into the air to turn them, your hand slipped on the greasy handle. With the idea in mind of saving the flapjacks from total destruction, you concentrate your efforts on securing their well being, forgetting about the trajectory of the frying pan.

Successfully capturing the said flapjacks with minimal damage you celebrate your dexterity and coming through your blind side is the frying pan at terminal velocity, striking you on the head. Blunt brain trauma causes immediate concussion and falling to floor, the flapjack is released from your hand and finally comes to rest over your mouth and nose, actually changing the theme of this thread into death by suffocation. However the death certificate does indicate death was principally caused by the blunt trauma of the pan. So I guess it's a win - win situation for all.

Death by nail polish
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: King Malachite on June 29, 2012, 10:14:13 PM
You and a couple of friends got drunk one night and decided to play a game where a person drinks nail polish and the last one to surrender wins.....and you were the lucky winner at a price of serious poisioning to your death

Death by a trailer park
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: Catherine Sarah on June 30, 2012, 11:16:37 AM
In your haste to get into town to watch the latest release of the Star War movies, you inadvertently drove well over the speed limit. Close to town is a very sharp turn in the road, that due to your excessive speed, you failed to take. Your car careered off the road, slamming into a pole, knocking the sign that was mounted on the pole, clean off, causing it to fall on your car, immediately cutting you in two causing instantaneous death.

The Coroners death certificate noted that death was due to a trailer park, as the sign that was the direct cause of death was an advertisement for Ambervale Trailer Park, which it stood directly outside of.

Death by intolerance
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: King Malachite on June 30, 2012, 11:25:12 AM
Your intolerance for eating healthy foods and only eating junk foods  as caused you to die of a heart attack.

Death by a stamp collection
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: Catherine Sarah on June 30, 2012, 11:53:46 AM
As the GFC (and Global Warming) were well and truly in full swing (Well they both go hand in hand some how. Don't ask me about technicalities, however, never fear I don't think GW features too much in this story) Money was no longer the standard currency. Apart from the Aussie dollar, if you're prepared to believe Julia Gillard.

Stamps had now become the preferred currency. Charitable institutions umping on the band wagon early in the piece, sent out people to local communities to collect stamps in order to maintain their welfare programmes. Calling on you for your donation, you told the collector you had no stamps. An argument ensued and in the fracas the collectors pen stabbed you in the heart causing immediate death.

As a result of the autopsy, the Coroners report stated death was the direct result of a stamp collector.  ;D

Death by painting
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: King Malachite on June 30, 2012, 11:57:53 AM
You were working on a masterpiece of a panting.  You spent day and night trying to perfect your painting.  You didn't eat or sleep or drink or use the bathroom during this time.  You eventually completed it but you died from dehydration and starvation.

What as this work of art you ask?  Why it was a splendid painting of an apple with a worm in it in the middle of the sea.  It sold for 5 million dollars.

Death by jello
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: Catherine Sarah on June 30, 2012, 12:21:03 PM
Well, Global Warming ( well by now with Greece bankrupt, Italy insolvent, Spain flat broke and on the street, everyone has given up worrying about the GFC and have gone back to playing real Monopoly. You know the one with paper money and plastic houses ..... or wait .... no sorry the GFC was the real one wasn't it?) Meanwhile, back at the global warming, the excessive rise in temp, upset your hormonal balance, giving you an absolute insatiable appetite for jello. And I mean insatiable. You ate it 48 hours a day 23 days a week. You couldn't get enough of it.

Within a short period of time, and due to your rapid increase in size, you weren't able to make a Dr's. apt. Your blood sugars went through the roof and onwards to Mars and beyond, overstaurating your heart with diabetic sugar proportions where it finally stopped beating. You died and went to Jello heaven. The sliver lining to this one (although T&C prohibit silver lining to "Death by's" I just forgot which post I was in) was that you died the sweetest person on earth. (OK everyone, on the count of three ....... Ooooorrrrrrrrrrrr) (Thank you: such enthusiasm)

Death by amalgamation
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: King Malachite on June 30, 2012, 12:27:34 PM
You bit your tounge trying to say amalgamation rapidly.  While screaming in pain a fly landed on your toung and laid eggs in the wound.  The eggs then hatched and you suffocated by swalling the baby maggots.

Death by patriotism
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: Catherine Sarah on June 30, 2012, 01:13:21 PM
At a reenactment ceremony, celebrating the win of WWII by American forces over the Japanese Empire and honouring the death of so many brave men and women who gave everything for their country; you represented one of the many survivors who were able to place the American flag at the scene of the fierce retake of Guam. Unfortunately as the flag was just to be driven into the ground, you slipped and fell into the path of the now descending flag pole. With split second timing the pole lances you through the heart causing immediate, yet painless death. And yes, seeing the precedence has already been set, the sliver lining to this tragedy is that your name is added to the honour role of your fallen comrades

Death by tracheitis
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: King Malachite on June 30, 2012, 07:02:33 PM
Your constant years of smoking has given you tracheitis.  Your throat then swells up cutting off your air.  You try to call for help by the phone but the operators think you are joking.  As a result your heart stopped and you died.

Death by a Magazine
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: Catherine Sarah on June 30, 2012, 07:26:37 PM
While taking a leasurely drive in your open top sports car through the country side, a sudden unpredictable cross wind picks up an old Cleo magazine. The magazine being old and weather beaten is in poor condition causing the glue that holds the pages together to fail. A seemingly neverending stream of pages wrap themselves round your face. here are too many to fight off, including the enormous centrefold. Finally, being unable to see the bend in the road ahead, you slam into a solid 6' round tree stump. Death is immediate.

Death by tovarisch
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: King Malachite on June 30, 2012, 07:33:38 PM
You were drunk and decided to play Russian Roulette (how fitting) with your fellow tovarisch.  Even with one bullet in the revolver lady luck wasn't on your side. 

Death by staples
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: Catherine Sarah on June 30, 2012, 08:06:34 PM
Being a commodity in constant demand the pressures applied to manufacturing is stressed way beyond its capacity. With so little maintenance it fails in a catastrophic manner, causing the machinery to explode in gargantuan fashion and you are killed in the massive amount of broken machinery flying through the air

Death by baba au rhum
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: King Malachite on June 30, 2012, 08:16:39 PM
You had so much baba au rhum that it went straight to your thighs after a while.  While going hiking you were greeted by a hungry bear.  You tried to run but your thighs of thunder slowed you down by 80% even after the bear gave you a 10 minute head start.  He gets annoyed after a while and decides to hurry up and eat you.  Now all that baba au rhum inside of you has went straight to the bear's thighs.

Death by magnets
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: Catherine Sarah on June 30, 2012, 08:54:59 PM
 :laugh:  :laugh:  :laugh:  :laugh:  :laugh:  :laugh:  :laugh:  :laugh:  :laugh:  :laugh:

The magnetic field from these magnets are soooooo strong that they alter your brain wave patterns, causing you to do strange miraculous and often dangerous things. One such crazy thing you attempt is to reverse the electron flow of the Hadron Particle Collider. This causes an immediate black hole, through which you are sucked into with alarming alacrity. The hole disintergrates immediately and without further evidence of knowing where you are. After all you could be just beyond the bush near the fence, or in deep outer space still traveling to galaxies beyond our comprehension. You are posted as missing in action.

A royal commission set up years later to answer so many unanswered question, including who I eventually wrestle with, to clear up the matter of your disappearance before they break for morning tea, declare you dead from death.

Death by Kaaba
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: King Malachite on June 30, 2012, 09:12:13 PM
You tried to run to the Kaaba but authorities thought you were trying to vandalize it so you were shot in the head on sight.

Death by a microwave
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: Catherine Sarah on June 30, 2012, 09:51:35 PM
And by an absolute freak of nature when you walked through the path of this microwave, the out of band harmonics created a most unusual peak lobe of sub audio frequencies finding the immediate fundamental frequency of your skull. Destroying your head causing a nural aneurysm. Death followed.

Death by Fafnir, prior to their demise

Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: King Malachite on June 30, 2012, 09:54:37 PM
You try to look up what exactly a Fanir is but the computer is so slow you drive yourself crazy waiting and shoot yourself in th head.

Death by ice
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: Catherine Sarah on July 01, 2012, 12:24:47 AM
Oh goodie. A chance to go back to the Global Warming epidemic. And the imposing Carbon Tax. (Still holding $23 a ton) ((Even in the light of the GFC)) ((( As we all know Greece has been sold to the Irish to pay back the IMF loan))) (((( but Italy remains steadfast it won't pay a drachma till Iceland commits to the bail out))))  (((((((((((((( Can't someone stop this idiot?? ))))))))))))))
(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( This has got totally out of hand )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
*Enter Mod  :police: {{{{{ (Just thought I'd try something different)))) }}}}}} Jamie D, Devlyn, the GodMother and all her cohorts. Immediately embalm Catherine and carry her off to solitary confinement for the term of her natural.

Yes the GW thingy has altered the molecular structure of all ice now. Instead of it melting when the temp rises, it actually expand exponentially depending on the day of the week it is. [[[[[[[Weekends it's on double time and a huff]]]]]]]]]]]]]  <<<< There's more money in "huffs", than there is in halves >>>>> ***** Just thought you'd like to know that******

Well in any case, being a hot day (((((((((( and you guessed it. {Yes boring old parenthesis again} it is a long weekend at triple time and a few more huffs ))))))))))))) you drop into your local milk bar and order a sarsaparilla, to which they add ice . On drinking this  >:-) potion the ice reacts immediately with your body temperature, causing a rapid increase in the size of the combined ice, swelling you up to explosive proportions, whereupon the obvious happens RIP Mr. Malachite.

Death by zalophus californianus
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: King Malachite on July 01, 2012, 12:38:08 AM
You decided to taste that animal in an underground black market restaraunt.  It wasn't cooked properly so you die from food poisioning.

Death by dice
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: PrincessKnight on July 01, 2012, 03:00:32 AM
While playing Monopoly, you roll too many doubles in a row and are sent to jail. Since your playmates take this game too seriously, you are actually taken to jail, where a psychotic guard who hates everyone with the letter M in their name chokes you to death with a pair of big fuzzy dice.

Death by Youtube.
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: King Malachite on July 01, 2012, 03:08:53 AM
You are  so addicted to Youtube that you die from lack of food.

Death by fans
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: LordKAT on July 01, 2012, 11:18:53 AM
You were mobbed by your fans after winning your latest American gladiator games. They were so eager that you were trampled under foot.

Death by good luck.
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: King Malachite on July 01, 2012, 05:11:32 PM
Your good luck has caused you to win the lottery.  However you let everyone know and someone gunned you down for your cash.

Death by 2 chocolate bars
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: PrincessKnight on July 01, 2012, 11:53:55 PM
You refuse to share with me.  >:(

Death by pocketwatch.
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: GhostTown11 on July 02, 2012, 12:03:56 AM
You try to pet a lion.

Death by lion.
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: King Malachite on July 02, 2012, 02:42:58 AM
You tried to shave a lion.

Death by a BBQ
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: Catherine Sarah on July 03, 2012, 10:05:09 AM
You live on the top floor of a 16 story apartment block. Your lease has expired and you have to move. You've packed up all your belongings and safely stored them in a waiting truck below. Just then you remember your BBQ on the patio outside. The removalist offers to winch it down the side of the building, providing someone is below to guide it.

Your brother who is helping you to move, offers to help. He goes downstairs and holds the guide rope while the removalist lowers the BBQ down.

You do a final check of your empty apartment, and while doing so, your brothers cell phone goes off. You take the call only to find it's an urgent call for your brother. You race to the window to tell your brother to take this call, unfortunately you didn't see the BBQ being lowered and it bumps into your head causing you to fall out the window. You fall to the pavement below and in the fracas the rope breaks and the BBQ then free falls to the ground, squashing you into the pavement, killing whatever wasn't already dead.

Death by a phone call
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: King Malachite on July 03, 2012, 12:05:14 PM
You get a phone call and when you put the phone up to your ear it explodes and kills you.

Death by a toilet
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: Catherine Sarah on July 04, 2012, 10:57:28 AM
You get flushed       away.   :laugh:    :laugh:    :laugh:

Death by 6:37 pm
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: LordKAT on July 04, 2012, 12:53:27 PM
Poisoned at 6 pm, stabbed at 6:10, shot at 6:20, conked on the head at 6:30, until finally, you die at 6:37.

Death by kisses. Preferably chocolate ones.
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: King Malachite on July 04, 2012, 04:33:14 PM
You ate too many Hershey Kisses that your stomach exploded and the acid ate away at your insides leaving you to die a slow and painful death.

Death by a nightclub
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: ~RoadToTrista~ on July 04, 2012, 11:49:30 PM
The vibe of the music causes you to completely let yourself loose and you take over the dance floor. Unfortunately there was an old disco ball that no one ever bothered taking down. It breaks loose and falls on you in the middle of the funky chicken.

Death by spicy food.
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: King Malachite on July 04, 2012, 11:53:39 PM
You take take in a smell of some spicy food and it's so spicy that the smell gets stuck in your nose burning your eyeballs out.  As you run around blind you impale yourself on a cactus.

Death by toilet paper
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: Catherine Sarah on July 05, 2012, 08:05:04 AM
You ave one of the biggest colds you've EVER had. You are constantly sneezing. Whilst in the bathroom you are ceased by another attack of sneezes. You draw so much air in, that the vortex created, draws the toilet paper into your nostrils and mouth, effectively sealing your airways. On the expulsion of your sneeze, it finds all avenues blocked, you explode and are shattered into small fragments, never to be found again.

Death by illusion
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: King Malachite on July 05, 2012, 08:18:59 AM
The sweltering heat caused you to lose your mind and see illusions of oysters everywhere.  As you follow the trail of illusions to its supposed origins you are hit by a truck and killed.

Death by swear words
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: Catherine Sarah on July 05, 2012, 10:15:52 AM
It's in the days of the Spanish Inquisition. You normally swear your head off while tending your farm property. However on this day, you are in town witnessing the demise of some local heretics, where you get caught up in the aura of the moment and start swearing your head off. The chief bishop hears your incessant cussing and has you summoned immediately to be burnt at the stake for such irreverent behaviour.

Death by uub
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: King Malachite on July 05, 2012, 02:23:34 PM
You challenged Uub's powers to the point where you ticked him off so he decided  to finish you off with a Kamehameha wave.

Death by failing grades
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: justmeinoz on July 06, 2012, 05:48:05 AM
Due to failing grades the only job you can get is as Rick Santorum's cleaner.   The thought of this causes your brain to explode.

Death by typographical error.
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: King Malachite on July 06, 2012, 06:06:58 AM
The typographical error on your pain meds caused you to overdose killing you.

Death by politics
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: justmeinoz on July 07, 2012, 02:11:01 AM
Your new job is to proof-read all of  former Prime Minister John Howard's Parliamentary speeches.  You end up slashing your wrists to escape the years of boredom ahead.

Death by iPod.
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: King Malachite on July 07, 2012, 02:14:26 AM
Your Ipod broke so you decided to steal another one.  Unfortuantely you were caught and in your town stealing is punishable by death.  You were hung without a trial.

Death by paper.
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: Jayr on August 15, 2012, 10:40:27 PM
A paper plane hits you in the eye ball, making you fall of a cliff.

Death by ice cubes.
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: King Malachite on August 16, 2012, 08:03:01 AM
You drank an ice beverage so fast that you choke on an ice cube and die.

Death by a bar stool.
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: ~RoadToTrista~ on February 05, 2013, 01:45:01 AM
You sit on a barstool in a bar after closing time with all the lights out; not realizing that barstools are actually ferocious creatures that only pretend to be inanimate until they're left alone with an unsuspecting stranger to their den. Then they eat you...

Death by thread-necroing!
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: King Malachite on February 06, 2013, 01:37:56 AM
The previous posters form an angry mob and beat you to death with pillows.

Death by a cardboard box
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: Devlyn on February 27, 2013, 07:02:43 PM
You freeze to death in your cardboard condo.

Death by chocolate, again, please!
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: Amy Fox on February 27, 2013, 07:13:37 PM
You hear a knock at the door, open it and see a heart shaped box of chocolates on the floor outside your door, you hurriedly look left and right before picking them up and taking them to you room where you eat them slowly savoring their rich taste you are just about to start on the second layer when you realize there is a strange ticking noise in the room you look around curiously for the source and barely have time to ponder where the heck it is coming from before the bomb concealed in the second layer explodes showering you with chocolate however causing your untimely death in the process.

Death by drawing pin
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: Devlyn on February 27, 2013, 07:29:45 PM
Pffffft, my third box of ticking chocolates this week! Some clown at work puts a drawing pin on your chair. This drawing pin:


Death by frisbee.
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: King Malachite on May 16, 2013, 04:27:35 AM
You play a competitive game of frisbee and after winning you do a victory dance under a tree.  Suddenly, lightning hits the tree and it falls on you.

Death by lipstick
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: Devlyn on May 16, 2013, 11:00:02 AM
Trying to watch every wiffle bat to the groin video on the internet, you die of old age.

Death by futility.
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: Catherine Sarah on May 16, 2013, 11:12:28 AM
Being the greatest mind, achiever, inventor the world has ever seen, you suddenly get struck down with writers brain. You can no longer think of anything great to do. Your life becomes futile to the point you bury yourself and die.

Death by Hershey chocolate malteds.
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: King Malachite on May 16, 2013, 04:38:35 PM
You eat some Hershey chocolate malteds lacedwith a mind-altering substance that makes you jump in the river and drown yourself.

Death by a bucket with a smiley face on it.
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: ~RoadToTrista~ on May 25, 2013, 02:25:00 PM
The smiley face on the bucket is eeevil. As you stare into it's eyes it consumes your soul.

Death by puppies.
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: King Malachite on May 25, 2013, 05:41:43 PM
You disturb a bunch of sleeping puppies and the mother is not pleased so she tears your throat.

Death by sail boats
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: Tom on June 13, 2013, 07:07:44 AM
Ah, death by sailboats. Well you see, my good man, since you were a young lad, you had an awe for ships of the sea. All kinds and in all styles. But best of all, you truly appreciated the sail boat. From the beginning of journeys over great waters, the sailboat has always been reliable. Yet, living in the small town you did and coming from a family of potato farmers (of which your family traded with the neighbours next door, who traded turnips - not much of an exchange if you ask me, but I won't argue), you could not yet obtain your dream of being a member of the docks. Working hard, though, you were a strong lad among the stock yards and the like. It came as no surprise, when in time, you began to work in a factory for - you better believe it - sailboats! Alas, you dreams came true! You were so exuberant with your dream come true that you slipped in one evening to admiring the towering masts and relaxed sails, the great hulls in all their painted glory. But being as excited as you were, and with all the hard work you had been doing, you exhausted yourself. Without careful thought, you carelessly leaned against the wrong support was the one holding the whole of the row up! Well, like some kind of cliche, they fell like dominoes and you became crushed. Such a sad, sad story of a lad.

Death by mini seashells!
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: Corwynn Jade on June 23, 2013, 05:28:17 AM
while walking down the beach one day you meet a merperson, they make advances which you refuse due to biological incompatibility. Come to find out they are the spoiled aire to the throne and don't take kindly to being refused. Daddy sends mer assassins after you, one of which severs your jugular with a thrown mini sea shell. you bleed out

death by my little pony
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: Catherine Sarah on February 05, 2014, 07:53:26 AM
As you mount the little pony, its fairy godmother happens to pass by. Having only good thoughts for her pony, she gets her wand out and waves a spell over the donkey. Turning it into a unicorn. You now firmly saddled on the donkey, take flight as it leaps skyward. Sadly it forget you were on its back while passing a nearby star, which you hit with your head, causing you to fall back to earth, impaling yourself on a Vegemite jar, killing you instantly

Death by osmosis 
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: JamiePhsx42 on October 14, 2015, 09:43:04 PM
In your ever increasing obsession with salt, you find a sea-salt factory and dive into a vat of delicious salt.  The water in your body diffuses through your skin and into the salt.  You've returned from whence you came!

Death by Mt. Rushmore
Title: Re: Death by........
Post by: Catherine Sarah on October 17, 2015, 10:43:55 AM
Being the pioneering outdoor adventurer you are, you set out one fine and sunny day for a picnic in the park. Sadly your GPS leads you profoundly astray and you end up in the dense woods. Realising you need your bearings, you hike to the top of the nearest mountain.

Realising where you are, and feeling happy and content, you decide to refresh yourself with the picnic lunch you brought along. Further sadness mounts when you misinterpret the rumblings of the mountain to be simply your digestive gas reactions to the cauliflower you put in your salad.

It suddenly dawned on you, albeit too late, you never stopped at the shop to buy the bloody cauliflower, and the rumblings were the pre eruptions of Mt Rushmore. Before you could say gee whizz and put the lid on the Vegemite jar the mountain exploded, launching you off into space, never to be heard of again, presumed missing in action. (Fortunately there was enough oxygen in the Vegemite that sustained you long into the future) We just assumed you died.

Death by laughter