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Title: about TG-related Reproductive Transplants and Stem Cell use... thoughts?
Post by: veritatemfurto on February 29, 2012, 05:12:01 PM
Starting a new topic from the spinoff that developed in the hormones and erections thread... (,115657)

to recap from where things started to branch off:
Quote from: Jennifer.L on February 28, 2012, 02:25:46 PM
Sweety you and me both.  It's well, If post op size is related to pre op I'm in luck.  But damn I wish I could trade the an FTM. 
Quote from: veritatemfurto on February 28, 2012, 03:42:29 PM
I thought some group of European/Mid East scientists were working on that... swapping the organs of two compatible transsexuals, or growing them new sets in the lab from stem cells...
Quote from: Naturally Blonde on February 28, 2012, 04:33:28 PM
Now we are in the realms of science fiction!  show us the source please!
Quote from: Jennifer.L on February 29, 2012, 12:35:42 PM
Saudi arbia

But there's a Catch 22,  They can implant the equipment, and you can even have a baby with it.  But you can't keep the girly bit's  you have to kill you immune system while you have them.  And well the nerves arn't right so your not gonna feel much of anything.

I only skimmed it so I apologize if I'm wrong about anything. (
Quote from: Bird on February 29, 2012, 02:20:42 PM
It is, in theory, possible to do this, it is not fiction. The reason why there are lines to wait for hepatic, cardiac or transplant for any other organ is because there needs to be a suitable donor. This is related to a series of proteins that are expressed across the cells that determine if the immune system will regonize the organ as part of the body or as foreign.

I see a uterus trasnplant as something very complicated, up there with lungs transplants, but I don't think it is the realm of fiction, it is the realm of things that are to come.

uterine transplantation has been under study since 1896, and in documented human experimentation since 1931... but up until just last year it was all but a success... ( (

BUT the most critical part of the whole process wouldn't be finding a genetically compatible donor (which if the donor is FTM would mean a full swap would be possible) but it's the connecting up all the blood vessels that go with it that are the hardest part of the Op, and the #1 reason it fails to take...

As for Stem Cell use to cultivate new tissues as a viable replacement to the penile inversion + shaved scrotal extension, Sigmoid colon, and even the new Cheek-cell methods of GCS, things are still in the hypothetical phase of study... But once that is over, I do think that may allow MTF's to be able to have real genetically identical Vaginal and labial tissue grown for use if the rest of the reproductive plumbing  is just too complicated to do.  That would give MTF's something closer to a post-hysto female up to the cervix, rather than just a hole that needs dilation to stay usable but really doesn't have much functional use...

So despite all that stem cell use for MTF's may still fall short of providing us the ability to give birth to our own genetic children :'( BUT with the use of a surrogate mother, it can still provide us genetic offspring in a variation of in-vitro fertilization where our stem cells are used in place of eggs from ovaries.

I hate to say this but I think that it would be easier to grow or transplant a male set onto an FTM using the rerouted plumbing from their extracted uterus into the neo-corpus spongosium to let them have full erections than for an MTF to be able to truely bear young. :(

OK, any thoughts???

feel free to post even after 30 days!
Title: Re: about TG-related Reproductive Transplants and Stem Cell use... thoughts?
Post by: bballshorty on April 14, 2012, 11:34:54 PM
Quote from: veritatemfurto on February 29, 2012, 05:12:01 PM
So despite all that stem cell use for MTF's may still fall short of providing us the ability to give birth to our own genetic children :'( BUT with the use of a surrogate mother, it can still provide us genetic offspring in a variation of in-vitro fertilization where our stem cells are used in place of eggs from ovaries.

hehe, this might work too, I was thinking of messing with the DNA in eggs/sperms -posted a thread about this just a few min ago-
Title: Re: about TG-related Reproductive Transplants and Stem Cell use... thoughts?
Post by: noleen111 on January 11, 2014, 02:59:38 AM
very interesting read.

I am one of those m2f transsexuals that would like to have child... so this interested me very much

I would not mind having the first procedure done, as with that you can maybe conceive naturally... plus I would also like experience a period. I know you girls will read this and say.. why.. Its part of being a me it will make me feel even more complete. Being pregnant is the most magical thing a woman can experience, and use t-girls miss out. I would love to experience this magical ride.. To be stuck with periods.. i think is a small price to pay.

my roommate who is a girl.. says I am so lucky not to have periods.. When I tell her i would like to experience it, she just says.. the cramping and bleeding is not fun. Wearing a tampon is not that great she says.
Title: about TG-related Reproductive Transplants and Stem Cell use... thoughts?
Post by: Kassie on June 23, 2014, 01:47:34 AM
Lol me two I had a >-bleeped-<ed up male puberty started at the age of 10 back in 1993 I hated it and being a boy
Title: Re: about TG-related Reproductive Transplants and Stem Cell use... thoughts?
Post by: ThePersona on July 10, 2014, 05:02:06 AM
I want to experience my period and give birth too, except that's probably very possible for me (born intersex assigned male, generally I just say born male) I already have what's needed to give birth but being male assigned at birth makes you sterile if intersex if you don't have testes (and the only reason my parents decided to go male route was they had 3 daughters already and then had me and then they would go on to have 2 more so now they have 6 daughters, so much for wanting a boy) if anyone knows if it would be possible for me to get pregnant and menstruate then please by all means tell me! I want my periods! I want children!