Community Conversation => Female to male transsexual talk (FTM) => Transsexual talk => FTM Top Surgery => Topic started by: Bimmer Guy on December 28, 2013, 10:42:57 AM Return to Full Version

Title: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Bimmer Guy on December 28, 2013, 10:42:57 AM
Hey guys.  I thought we could use a thread where all recovery updates could be recorded in one place.  This can be for recent surgery updates (Day 1), all the way through years later as to how one is progressing.  People can update over and over again as time goes on.  Be sure to tell us what you are using for scar treatment, if anything.  Feel free to post pictures (I still need to look into doing this).

I will start:

11 week update

Things continue to go well. I changed from Scar Away strips to using the Scar Away gel. The strips were cumbersome and the academic studies I found on the subject said that the strips and gel had the same outcomes.

I have read good stuff about Bio Oil (anecdotal evidence), so I use some of that, too. Massage is very good for scars.

So, my routine is to apply Scar Away in the morning after my shower. When I get home from work, I rub in the Bio Oil. Before bed, I apply Scar Away again. I like to always have the incision line "moist", as that is part of what is supposed to heal the scars.

My scars are definitely less read, however, I have not been consistent with taking weekly pics under the same lighting conditions, so it is hard to say from pictures. However, I am confident they have.  They probably did not show any significant change until 6 weeks of consistent scar therapy.  You are supposed to only use this stuff for 3 months, but I am guessing I will be using it for a year. Based on this brief period of use, I would say that it will cost me about $35-40 per month for scar treatments, if I continue with the same level of diligence. I believe that this investment will be worth it.

I can also say that my scars are pretty much flat.  I think this significant at this stage of healing, and would be due to the silicone gel, as well. I believe my using the gel as soon as possible after surgery, kept the scars from becoming as raised as they would have become without treatment (not to say that they weren't raised when I started the treatment, however).

I have been pleased so far that my scars have not stretched. I still do not lift my arms up completely above my head. I feel a pulling if I do this. I hope that I am not just delaying stretching of scars, but rather assisting them in healing to the point where they will not stretch once I use my arms more. I am also not strength training for the same reason (even though I want nothing more than to build up my pecs!).

The sides where the drains came out has settled down a great deal (they were puffy). However, there is still a small area of skin on each side that are puffy and slightly sore if pressed. These are not dog ears. With tubes coming straight out from your sides, only to be flattened with a very tight ace bandage for 6 days, your skin is being pulled/lifted away from your body. I am hopeful that it will eventually become completely flat. My motivation for using the Bio Oil is mainly to massage this area.

The nipples have healed nicely with no difficulties. You can still see where the nipple was attached to the skin through stitch, however.  It is hard to explain, but picture little pieces of your red areola pulled away from the nipple, and stitched onto the white/black/brown skin surrounding the nipple of your chest.  I don't know if this is what all free nipple grafts look like, or not.  I hope they fade (I am pale Caucasian).

I did have one "spit suture" along the incision line. This is where the body pushes out one of the stitches. You just have to wait for it to fill in from the inside (skin growing). It has been a 5-6 weeks for me and is finally filling in (via phone through emailed pics,, Garramone said it would only take a couple of weeks). I am very glad that I only had one (well there was one other very small one), of these. Even though there are hundreds of stitches, I was concerned about how slow it was to "fill in", plus the hole itself was getting a bit larger. Additionally, the spot on the incision line where the suture came out of, is a bit wider that the than the rest of the incision line. More "spitting sutures", would have meant more widening.

I will do more updates in the future.  I hope people will come in and post.

ETA: Added 3 month (12 week) picture below.  It would be GREAT if when people posted an update, they included a picture (taken the same day as the update).  Please note, I am not on T.

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Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Jeatyn on December 28, 2013, 06:21:57 PM
Good idea for a thread, I shall start using this instead of my other one.

I haven't been given any info about scar treatment, though I do have bio oil laying around anyway from other scars (it didn't work on them, but I'm gonna try it anyway) - when should I start doing that?

It seems like we have complete opposite attitudes to surgery recovery - you sound like you want the cosmetic results to be as good as possible. I on the other hand do not give a monkeys what it looks like, so there will be no super diligence on my end and I will be lifting and stretching ASAP xD

18th day update  :P

Over the last few days I have completely abandoned the compression tube, I have patches over my nipples to stop them rubbing on stuff...they are still really dark and just basically look like big scabs. I'm assuming that's normal at this stage.

I cannot for the life of me get the sticky crap off from where the honeycomb bandage was. No amount of scrubbing is shifting it >:(

I've ran out of pain meds, but it's not too bad now. The whole area aches when I first stand up, but then settles down once I start to move around. I have a pulling feeling in a very specific area, on the inner edge of one of the incisions, it's feels like someone is gently pulling on it and it's really strange.

On one side in particular my skin is....puckered? ruffled? pleated? xD I don't know if I've caused that by sleeping on my side, not wearing the binder and generally ignoring the advice I was given or if it's just because my skin was so stretched out and saggy to start with.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Jack_M on December 29, 2013, 01:29:46 AM
I had top surgery with Dr Bowman in Vancouver, Canada on Dec 17th.

11th day update:

I'm amazed with the scarring.  It's so pink and fine already!  I'm really hoping for good results here.  No redness at all, just a very, light pink.  I have Gilbert's Syndrome (recently diagnosed) so I haven't taken any pictures because I don't want people getting a hold of my pictures and attributing it to the surgeon.  My left side isn't so bad now but my right side is still quite swollen and my chest is yellow.  I got jaundiced after the surgery and didn't cope well with the blood loss (because of the Gilbert's Syndrome).  My right side got the worst of it so the bruising is bad.  I don't see if affecting the results too badly but I think it's affecting me psychologically because I keep expecting pain that doesn't come just because it looks sore!  Lol.

My left side - I can raise my arm to about 3/4 range.  Right side only 1/2 with it only slightly above shoulder line before I feel pulling. The worst part for me is actually under the scar on the right side where the worst of the bruising is.  It feels tight and it's annoying but it's getting better day by day.

My nipples are looking amazing.  There's still some scabbing and bleeding associated with that but once the scabbing is over and done with I anticipate good results.  There's no stretching there and I can barely see where the stitches were now.  I keep them covered with gauze and tape to try to prevent more bleeding so the scabs can form and fall at their own rate.

The top right scar has a more open part to the scar, likely because of the swelling and that could well affect scarring, but not worrying too much about that too be honest.  I'm not going to be going top half naked too much anyway as I don't actually swim!  I CAN swim but because of bad ears I'm not allowed to get my ears wet so swimming is a rarity.  Otherwise the more top half naked I'll likely get is what you can see while wearing a dobok that can get pulled open a bit during sparring and that's it.

My scars aren't like Dr. G's.  They follow the pec line more so they go across and then up the way around the pecs.  Once the swelling goes down I'll be able to see what I'm working with pec wise and then when I'm allowed, hit the gym to improve that!  Lol.

I have a compression vest that I'm going to keep wearing for 6 weeks but I'm used to it now and it's not as bad as a binder.

So far so good!

I'm going to start scar guard soon, there's a couple of areas I want to close up a little better before I touch them with scar guard.  As for when you use scar therapy: as soon as the wound is closed.  Don't use it on open wound!  Watch what you get too.  Something that says it works on stretch marks as well as new scars is a BS product.  Scar therapy should be specific to age of scar.  What will work on a new scar won't work on an old keloid scar for example.  Bio oil isn't the best IMO.  It's better for stretch marks and fine lines like that.  The mechanisms of how they say it works are a bit weird too.  It's more vitamin based but the skin is a barrier for that so really all it's doing is keeping the scar hydrated, which is good for the scar, but I don't see it doing much for the actual healing asides from that.  I used it for about 2 months on a surgery scar on my back years ago and it did nothing, but it did admittedly help with stretch marks. A silicone based gel has much better documented results and targeted specifically to new surgical scars and recommended by plastic surgeons.  It wasn't available for a long time because the application wasn't so great and you had to keep applying it all day but it's been improved since.  It does rely on you being quite vigilant with it though.  So 3-4 times a day would be optimum but at least twice.

Jeatyn, I suggest you put on the binder, sleep on your back and follow the advice!  If you're noticing issues now, follow the advice now before it gets worse :-/.  As you are healing your skin will conform to how it is post surgery.  If you're sleeping on one side and pulling on that.  You'll be affecting the healing process because your skin will think this is the normal way it should be and the scar will heal with that stretched skin idea rather than how it should be.  That's why compression post surgery is important too.  It helps the scar form in the optimum way where everything is kept together and in a tight fashion and not pulled by uncompressed sleeping on your side which could lead to puckering as the scar doesn't know where the norm is meant to be, and a potentially wider, stretched scar rather than fine. 
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Jeatyn on December 29, 2013, 06:38:01 AM
Another update, which actually happened about an hour after I posted the last one

One of my nipple scabs fell off (well it fell half off and I pulled it off the rest of the way, no way I was having that flapping around and catching on stuff) I'm surprised at how much nicer it looks, I thought the black mess was my actual nipple, not just a scab, which freaked me out at first because I thought my nipple was falling off :P

I'm now wearing the compression tube again, because I don't have any more patches to put over my nipples, they're not sore or anything but still make me nervous

You can see the puckering and the dog ear on the right.

I managed to get quite a lot of the sticky crap off, with a baby wipe ::) scrubbing the hell out of it hasn't been working but apparently a gentle wipe is effective.

Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Bimmer Guy on December 29, 2013, 11:39:12 AM
Hey, Jeatyn.  I am glad to hear that you are going back to the compression tube.  I will choose good long term outcome with short term discomfort/inconvenience over short term convenience every time! 

I also worry when I hear guys say they don't care that much about long term outcome because they will never show their chest (so they don't take care in recovery), or they don't concern themselves with surgeon choice based on outcome.  This seems to often be guys in their earlfy 20's.  They are more concerned in just being "flat as soon as possible", instead of waiting for a bit (if the issue is about getting it done between semesters instead of waiting for the end of the school year, not wanting to wait the 4 months until a friend can travel with them for a surgeon they would actually prefer, etc).  You may find that down the road you do care, and would have made a different choice (s) if you thought ahead.  I do understand how chest dysphoria is an emotionally painful thing, though and the need to get it done as soon as possible.

I am not speaking to you specifically Jeatlyn, this is something I have thought to say many times, just haven't before.

/speech from an old 43 year old to the younger guys...ha!

Jack, I get where you are coming from when you say that Bio Oil won't make a difference in scars.  I am using it for two reasons... to keep the area moist (which as you said, has been proven to help with scar improvement) and as a way to have a slick surface for massage (massage has also been proved to help with scar reduction).

I started with Scar Guard but moved to Scar Away gel because the dried silicone would flake off. 

I'm not sure what you mean when you say that Garramone's incision lines do not curve up around the pecs.  Mine certainly do this.  I have a slight curve from beginning to end (all the way up around the sides, into arm pits).  When I flex, the incision lines curve around the pecs beautifully.

Something else to mention to you Jack is that I had no bruising and very little swelling (swelling was really only where the drains had be taped down).  Although I hear you saying that you have other medical issues that effects your bruising/swelling, perhaps you may want to use Arnica (bruising) and Tumeric/Curcumin and Bromelain (inflammation/swelling), if you aren't already taking these/other supplements for healing.

Carry on, Recoverers (not a word, but I like it)!
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Jack_M on December 29, 2013, 01:11:48 PM
Brett, don't get me wrong bro, I'm defo doing absolutely everything to ensure the best results possible. I just know that for me personally, as a non swimmer, there's less overall concern for me if things don't end up perfect but I'm also stealth and so even just the accidental pulling my dobok open in a sparring match requires passibility. The only time I'm not wearing the compression vest is when it's in the wash and I didn't wash it for a week (ewww I know! Lol)

The only form of arnica that's actually active is in topical form and with the same problem as bio oil, the skin is a natural barrier so it's not really going to do anything with regards to established bruising. Same goes for any drugs really. Once you have an established bruise, it's only heat and time that'll get rid of the sucker. It's only when it's actually in the process of swelling or bruising that any of that helps in diminishing it. I've been using heat packs and it's definitely going down. There's no swelling on the left side, that was more just bruising and yellow all over. The swelling was exclusive to the right and now it's just that hard bruise you can do nothing but use heat packs on and wait to disappate. It's like someone kicked me really hard in the chest and I'm wearing the result of that for a while. :P

It's hard to explain what I mean with scars, they just don't go out towards the sides at all and curve up sooner. From the armpit level, I'm maybe 3 to 4 finger widths before getting to scar (so more front of chest than side and from what I've seen of pics much higher) and then the scar goes down at around a 30 degree angle before flattening out.  Once the bruising is gone I'll take a picture that may make more sense.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: aleon515 on December 29, 2013, 02:40:18 PM
7 weeks post-op (Dr G's clone heehee): I'm over 40, just say. Way over 40.

I have a little swelling under my arms esp on the left side (I am right handed so wondering if this is a bit of overcompensation on my part?).
I started with scar sheets went to ScarGuar (as I was getting curling from scar sheets, but hate the SG too-- mostly the nasty nasty smell). I have found something else, which is also silicone based. (BTW, research only supports the use of silicone products. If you want to use other stuff it's up to you, but there isn't research out there that proves it's better than time, which of course does work to some extent too.)

Yes Dr G's clones' scar lines do curve, though I can't say much re: where the heck my pec line is, if I even have one. LOL

Anyway the scar has faded and is pinkish. The nipples seem a little hard or whatever can pin down. I am going to put a picture up here or two when I have a chance.

Watching Brett with interest here because I know he and I will look identical. :)

Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Bimmer Guy on December 29, 2013, 07:57:39 PM
Hey, Jack, I was for certain not referring to you (there were one or two other posters in other threads in the past that fueled my thinking).  You seem to know yourself well and clearly are making smart, careful decisions with your recovery.

Interesting information about the inability for any "medication" to help with a bruise that is already established.  Makes sense.

Jay, you crack me up!
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Jeatyn on December 29, 2013, 09:02:22 PM
I've stated on multiple occasions that I'm not really fussed about the cosmetic results. Hell, I was more than willing to lose my nipples completely if it meant I would be less likely to need a two step procedure, my surgeon was desperately trying to sell me on how much better my nipples would be with the two step, how the sensation would be maintained and blah blah....I was like, that's great and all, but I really don't care. I have no sensation to start with. Going through all of this, recovering, and then being left with say, B cups, and still having to bind would have been a huge blow. My surgeon seems to have listened to me on this regard - either that or I was just lucky - my nipples are still completely in tact yet I'm also pretty much flat. The second procedure is supposed to involve shaving down the length of my nipples, correcting any dodgy bits (dogears, etc) and liposuction to contour and flatten. I highly doubt I will be going in for a revision, certainly not anywhere in the near future. If the surgeon is willing to put it on hold for a couple of years then maybe - but definitely not in 6 months.

I am 500% happy with the results I have, regardless of the puckering and puffy bits; and my nipple length seems fine. I was a very saggy E cup, I was not expecting miracles, it already looks so much better than I pictured. (6 years of double binding and breastfeeding does that to ya :P) The vast majority of the messed up stretch mark ravaged skin has gone, you can still see some of the bigger ones in the photos. My skin was so stretched out there was literally at least a centimeter between each of my pores - I could see them all individually. The rest of my body is pretty much the same - a big web of various scars and stretchmarks. Even if my chest turned out absolutely perfect the rest of me would still be a mess :P hence why I don't care as much. I will absolutely be working on my body shape, getting rid of all the fat and building up some muscle - once I'm happy with the shape I will be covering myself in tattoos :D nobody is going to notice my scars, stretchmarks or puckering when I'm done.

I mentioned in my other thread that my partner quit his job to help me out - I can't even fathom how I would have coped if he hadn't done that. If I didn't have a 3 year old to take care of it would have been more feasible. I'm sure I would have figured it all out somehow, but I'm glad I didn't have to :P our savings won't last forever though so he needs to be getting back into work, if we had to do this all over again in 6 months we'd be in some serious debt. I also have uni to think about and I run a business, the less downtime the better.

I have classes starting, presentation deadlines and client meetings coming up in the next week - I don't really feel like I'm going to be anywhere near ready :-\ carrying a backpack with a laptop and various books seems like an impossible task and I still get pretty tired and achy just pottering around doing housework.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Bimmer Guy on December 29, 2013, 10:27:18 PM
Jeatlyn, I think that your chest looks great.  I never would have wanted to do a two step, either.  You mentioned puckering and puffiness, this should go down.  I still have some puckering, Garramone said it would go down, I hope it will.  If it doesn't I am ok with that, as well.  I am already beyond pleased.

I am glad that your partner was there to help you.  Managing a three year old would have been crazy on your own.

In terms of school, how about getting one of those packs that you can wheel behind you, rather than a backpack?    I don't know the cost on those, but maybe you can find a cheap one?  A backpack certainly wouldn't be good for you.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Bimmer Guy on January 01, 2014, 12:04:06 PM
3 months post-op

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Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: AdamMLP on January 01, 2014, 12:52:43 PM
Looking good Brett :)

I wonder if this could be stickied to give people an idea what their surgery might be like and so that people can share their updates?
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Bimmer Guy on January 01, 2014, 01:15:03 PM
Quote from: lxndr on January 01, 2014, 12:52:43 PM
Looking good Brett :)

I wonder if this could be stickied to give people an idea what their surgery might be like and so that people can share their updates?

Thanks, lxndr!  The only bummer has been watching my pecs deflate more and more due to lack of any use (along with my biceps...but they wouldn't have been that noticeable in this picture, anyway, as I am not on T... my biceps only had some definition when flexed). 

In terms of a sticky, I can see how that would be a good thing.  Especially if we always put pictures along with our updates.  I will leave it up to the mods if they want to make this a sticky or not.  I was thinking it would be good if people put pictures here, along with their written update.  I forgot to mention that in the opening post, however, and didn't even do it myself!

ETA:  Since we can modify our posts here, I just added a picture to my opening post.  Jay (I know at some point you will come back to this thread  ;)), how about modifying your post to include a picture from today (unless you have one from that day/very close to the day of the posting).  Jeatlyn, I am glad to see you have one up to go along with your update.  How about it Jack (I understand you were hesitant because you are concerned people will connect your bruises - from the Gilbert's Syndrome- with your maybe at your next update)?
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Jeatyn on January 01, 2014, 01:39:09 PM
3 Week Update

Feeling absolutely great these past few days. I think I might be ready to go back to uni next week after all. Few things worry me - I have a two hour commute morning and evening during rush hours. I always end up having to sit upstairs on my second bus, either that, or I have to stand. I don't feel like I could manage this for a whole hour. If I could sit downstairs, great! But the pulling on my chest holding onto a bus rail or getting up and down the stairs on a moving bus will be horrible. At rush hours the drivers WILL take off at full speed the second the doors are shut; and will drive past stops if you aren't standing up and waiting right by the door. I'm not even taking into account carrying a bag at this point, teachers will just have to understand that books and laptop aint happening.

My other nipple scab fell off, everything looked great so I had a bath. All the sticky crap is now gone and I feel properly clean for the first time in 3 weeks :P getting in and out of it wasn't too bad either, I had to sort of shimmy onto my knees and use my legs to get up - which is no easy feat in a bath xD but I managed it.

I'm using E45 cream to massage the area. I have loads of it lying around and is recommended in my little post-op pamphlet :P I probably won't invest in any other sort of scar treatment purely because I don't have the money to spare.

I appear to have dog ears on both sides now, not sure if they will settle down over time? I've also noticed that one side of my chest has more fat than the other. I still think I'd rather see how diet and exercise shapes things before considering a revision.

You can definitely see how stretchmarky my skin is in this photo, scars are the least of my worries :D

PS: looking great Brett! I agree about posting photos, don't be shy fella's I love comparing notes  :P I think it's great having this all in one place, the individual threads can get overlooked easily and you can forget which one's you've read or replied to.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Bimmer Guy on January 01, 2014, 01:59:36 PM
Quote from: Jeatyn on January 01, 2014, 01:39:09 PM
Feeling absolutely great these past few days. I think I might be ready to go back to uni next week after all. Few things worry me - I have a two hour commute morning and evening during rush hours. I always end up having to sit upstairs on my second bus, either that, or I have to stand. I don't feel like I could manage this for a whole hour. If I could sit downstairs, great! But the pulling on my chest holding onto a bus rail or getting up and down the stairs on a moving bus will be horrible. At rush hours the drivers WILL take off at full speed the second the doors are shut; and will drive past stops if you aren't standing up and waiting right by the door. I'm not even taking into account carrying a bag at this point, teachers will just have to understand that books and laptop aint happening.

My other nipple scab fell off, everything looked great so I had a bath. All the sticky crap is now gone and I feel properly clean for the first time in 3 weeks :P getting in and out of it wasn't too bad either, I had to sort of shimmy onto my knees and use my legs to get up - which is no easy feat in a bath xD but I managed it.

I'm using E45 cream to massage the area. I have loads of it lying around and is recommended in my little post-op pamphlet :P I probably won't invest in any other sort of scar treatment purely because I don't have the money to spare.

I appear to have dog ears on both sides now, not sure if they will settle down over time? I've also noticed that one side of my chest has more fat than the other. I still think I'd rather see how diet and exercise shapes things before considering a revision.

You can definitely see how stretchmarky my skin is in this photo, scars are the least of my worries :D

PS: looking great Brett! I agree about posting photos, don't be shy fella's I love comparing notes  :P I think it's great having this all in one place, the individual threads can get overlooked easily and you can forget which one's you've read or replied to.

You look great, Jeatlyn!  The swelling is for sure going down.  You really can't tell how your chest will look for a couple of months.  You will find that it settles down more and more and you might be more pleased than you are now.

How about asking the bus driver when you get on to wait until you are seated?

Also, how about modifying your post to list how many days/weeks since your surgery? ;)

I did go ahead and wrote a PM to FA asking to sticky this (I didn't know who else to ask?).
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Jeatyn on January 01, 2014, 02:07:20 PM
Quote from: Brett on January 01, 2014, 01:59:36 PM
You look great, Jeatlyn!  The swelling is for sure going down.  You really can't tell how your chest will look for a couple of months.  You will find that it settles down more and more and you might be more pleased than you are now.

How about asking the bus driver when you get on to wait until you are seated?

Also, how about modifying your post to list how many days/weeks since your surgery? ;)

I did go ahead and wrote a PM to FA asking to sticky this (I didn't know who else to ask?).


I considered that, but I dunno I'd just feel a bit daft - I'm probably gonna have to resign myself to just setting off super early, to get out before rush hour. Then go for a coffee or something when class was over instead of rushing to the bus and wait for it to settle down. 2 hours may turn in to 3 hours for a couple of weeks until I have full arm useage
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Simon on January 01, 2014, 07:04:13 PM
Brett, you look great, congrats! Seeing results like that makes me anticipate my own surgery just that much more.  :)
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Bimmer Guy on January 01, 2014, 07:59:11 PM
Quote from: Simon on January 01, 2014, 07:04:13 PM
Brett, you look great, congrats! Seeing results like that makes me anticipate my own surgery just that much more.  :)

Thanks, Simon!  Nice of you to say!   :)
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: aleon515 on January 01, 2014, 10:21:57 PM
Ok 7 weeks post-op (Dr G.) (picture taken 1/1/14):
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Bimmer Guy on January 02, 2014, 06:37:08 AM
Wow, Jay, your incision lines stayed nice and thin!  Mine widened a bit, as you can see.  This started happening after I went back to work after 2 weeks.  I have a desk job, but I still needed to reach for things, just general movement.  Although my incisions seems to be thinner than many pictures I see of other chests, yours are fantastic!  Thanks for posting.   :)
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Alexthecat on January 02, 2014, 07:22:26 AM
I hope mine stay thin. How long you think until they won't be able to widen at all?
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: aleon515 on January 02, 2014, 12:41:56 PM
Quote from: Brett on January 02, 2014, 06:37:08 AM
Wow, Jay, your incision lines stayed nice and thin!  Mine widened a bit, as you can see.  This started happening after I went back to work after 2 weeks.  I have a desk job, but I still needed to reach for things, just general movement.  Although my incisions seems to be thinner than many pictures I see of other chests, yours are fantastic!  Thanks for posting.   :)

I'm disappointed man, I think that since we are clones the following should have happened:
1. I get nice big pecs like you. Not sure where my pecs went, it was part of the clone-packaged deal.
2. My scar goes almost all the way across, it should be separated like yours is by an inch.
3. You have nice thin scars like mine.
4. On a positive note, our nips look pretty similarly nice.

Not sure re: the scars but they don't appear to have stretched at all (maybe under the arm a bit, but even then). I haven't been super careful really. I am NOT working out. Heard someone say they are working out. I don't really plan to do that for awhile. I am doing stuff like walking the dog. She isn't much of a puller and is well-trained.
@Alex the Cat, not sure re: that question. I think they may widen as long as you could feel them around you. I have certainly not gotten to the point that I don't feel them. I definitely feel a pulling or something which reminds me of having surgery. Recall something Dr G said about guys going jet skiing two weeks after surgery. I assume none of you all are reading this here. But a. how do you forget so fast and b. that's total idiot. Wait for week 6 or something. LOL

(Note I put a time reference in my picture.)

Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Bimmer Guy on January 02, 2014, 05:26:02 PM
Quote from: aleon515 on January 02, 2014, 12:41:56 PM
I'm disappointed man, I think that since we are clones the following should have happened:
1. I get nice big pecs like you. Not sure where my pecs went, it was part of the clone-packaged deal.
2. My scar goes almost all the way across, it should be separated like yours is by an inch.
3. You have nice thin scars like mine.
4. On a positive note, our nips look pretty similarly nice.

Not sure re: the scars but they don't appear to have stretched at all (maybe under the arm a bit, but even then). I haven't been super careful really. I am NOT working out. Heard someone say they are working out. I don't really plan to do that for awhile. I am doing stuff like walking the dog. She isn't much of a puller and is well-trained.
@Alex the Cat, not sure re: that question. I think they may widen as long as you could feel them around you. I have certainly not gotten to the point that I don't feel them. I definitely feel a pulling or something which reminds me of having surgery. Recall something Dr G said about guys going jet skiing two weeks after surgery. I assume none of you all are reading this here. But a. how do you forget so fast and b. that's total idiot. Wait for week 6 or something. LOL

(Note I put a time reference in my picture.)


Jay, you totally crack me up!  Ok, so maybe Simon is right, only the nipples look the same on Garramone's chests!  Seriously, though, if you pull up transbucket/youtube/etc, I can tell you which is a Garramone chest and which isn't!

Big pecs?  Well, you're awfully nice I have watched them deflate over the last 3 months!  Not that I ever had "big pecs", but I was happy enough with them for not being on T! 

Alex, Garramone told me that scars stretching is individual and we really have no control over it.  Our bodies do what they want to do.  He told me about a guy he had who called him a year after surgery for a referral for physical therapy.  Seems he had "frozen shoulder" from not using his arms for a year trying to keep the scars from stretching.  Guess what happened after he started using them....yep, they stretched!

I'm going to hold out for 6 months before I do any pushups or anything pec related.  What is the downside for trying?  This is the reason I got my surgery in the Fall.  I wanted to have until the Spring to heal.  I actually care more about the scars lightening, than widening.

Jay, what kind of work do you do (if you are currently working)?
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Jack_M on January 05, 2014, 12:31:05 AM
I'm a good example of things going wrong.

Some idiot yanked me by my right arm when I didn't offer my seat in the bus to a woman who didn't even want the seat. Never said anything to me, just went straight to yanking my arm. I already had some minor swelling and bruising on that side, now it's really bad and depressing me as it's almost like I have one massive boob now.

So here's how things can go wrong. It's always possible. Seeing surgeon on Tuesday to see what he says. I know draining can be painful but I don't care. If it's possible, I want it yesterday! I'm particularly concerned with pulling and widening. Even on the left side where it's causing my once circular left nipple to stretch. I'm sure the right nipple is a write off.

Really depressed now. Keeping up scar treatment on the off chance everything improves and I don't need revision (ha! I wish!) because scarring wise I'm happy. I know the pic isn't the best quality but on the left side especially, they're pink and fading well. Still a little scrunched up at armpit and centre but the stitches haven't dissolved there yet.


Now I'm going to crawl back into the pit where I wish I'd never been born. Saving up for this surgery was bad enough but money aside for revisions, I hate not being able to work out. I have no outlet for my frustration now and couldn't go through this again. I'm barely coping this time! It's a nightmare going through this madness when you're stealth!
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Simon on January 05, 2014, 01:13:07 AM
Jack, I honestly don't know what to say to help ease your frustration. That just sucks, try to remember that it can be fixed. I hope you broke the guy's would have had every right to do so.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Bimmer Guy on January 05, 2014, 09:59:02 AM
Hey, Jack.  I am really sorry you ran into this idiot.  I would be angry and frustrated, as well.  It is like every top surgery patient's nightmare.  I'm sorry, my friend.  Hopefully, any revision will not make much in the way of scars, as you're right, your incisions look great.  Keep us updated, and hang in there.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Jeatyn on January 05, 2014, 10:32:23 AM
Aw Jack that sucks so much, I'm sorry that happened to you buddy - this is the exact sort of thing I'm worried about when I start using public transport in a few days. People are such idiots :( other than the swelling though your chest is looking good, the scars look great
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Alexthecat on January 05, 2014, 11:18:12 AM
I hope you yelled at that guy. Make him think twice about grabbing people. Maybe call it assault and get him to pay for revisions lol.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: aleon515 on January 05, 2014, 12:33:13 PM
Quote from: Brett on January 02, 2014, 05:26:02 PM
Jay, you totally crack me up!  Ok, so maybe Simon is right, only the nipples look the same on Garramone's chests!  Seriously, though, if you pull up transbucket/youtube/etc, I can tell you which is a Garramone chest and which isn't!

Big pecs?  Well, you're awfully nice I have watched them deflate over the last 3 months!  Not that I ever had "big pecs", but I was happy enough with them for not being on T! 

I'm going to hold out for 6 months before I do any pushups or anything pec related.  What is the downside for trying?  This is the reason I got my surgery in the Fall.  I wanted to have until the Spring to heal.  I actually care more about the scars lightening, than widening.

Jay, what kind of work do you do (if you are currently working)?

Your clone here Brett:
I could probably tell his patients too, he has a nice even scar that usually curves gently and good nipples and placement.
I'm going to hold out for about 6 months. Dr. G says 6 weeks. I think this is crazy but he has so many young patients, it might be the only way he can keep them from doing something esp. silly. I am actually more interested in lightening too and they have lightened nicely. I am retired so that helps. I will be happy to see if I can ever get some pecs, might be useful now that I am seeing them. But I am not rushing into anything. I have normal arm movement so pretty sure they won't freeze in place. Perhaps my skin isn't too elastic.

And to Jack, oh man feel so sad for what happened. I hope it is temporary, but oh geeze!!!!!

Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Bimmer Guy on January 05, 2014, 01:33:55 PM
Quote from: aleon515 on January 05, 2014, 12:33:13 PM
Your clone here Brett:
I could probably tell his patients too, he has a nice even scar that usually curves gently and good nipples and placement.
I'm going to hold out for about 6 months. Dr. G says 6 weeks. I think this is crazy but he has so many young patients, it might be the only way he can keep them from doing something esp. silly. I am actually more interested in lightening too and they have lightened nicely. I am retired so that helps. I will be happy to see if I can ever get some pecs, might be useful now that I am seeing them. But I am not rushing into anything. I have normal arm movement so pretty sure they won't freeze in place. Perhaps my skin isn't too elastic.

And to Jack, oh man feel so sad for what happened. I hope it is temporary, but oh geeze!!!!!


My incisions widened a bit when I went back to work.  That is when they got red, as well.  When I say widened, I only mean a bit wider than my original incision.  I wish I had taken another week off (rather than just two weeks after surgery), but I had already taken a total of 3 weeks from work because of traveling and such.  I wonder if it would have made a difference.  I do recommend to any of you pre surgery out there that you don't go back to work until three weeks after the date of surgery (and I am talking about a desk job here).  I thought I was careful enough with my reach, but I guess not.

And yes, I agree, it is more than just the nipples that tell one it is a Garramone chest.  The gentle curve you mentioned.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Bimmer Guy on January 05, 2014, 01:34:58 PM
Quote from: Alexthecat on January 02, 2014, 07:22:26 AM
I hope mine stay thin. How long you think until they won't be able to widen at all?

I am looking forward to seeing your Medalie chest!  You must be stoked.  You're getting close!   :)
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: littleprince on January 05, 2014, 03:09:34 PM
I was told I should post my results here, so I would like to share with you. I had my top surgery with Dr. Megan Hassall on the 14th of November.. so I am nearly 8 weeks post-op. The scabs have only recently fallen off. I was not given any aftercare information. The lines are a bit wavy, but I actually really like it. I love my chest so much, it finally feels like me. I did not want lines that were curved (the shape of a breast) but I am fine with them not being "perfectly straight". I heal really well also (I have had over 20 surgeries in my life) so they should become barely noticeable eventually.
I have never worn a bra in my life (I have always bound myself and refused to wear bras when I hit puberty) so I don't know what cup size I am, but people have said I was probably a C.
I had a simple bilateral double mastectomy with nipple grafts. I am thinking of writing a complete review on my surgery, covering everything (to help other transmen).. so maybe tell me if you are interested?

Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Bimmer Guy on January 05, 2014, 04:44:04 PM
Quote from: littleprince on January 05, 2014, 03:09:34 PM
I was told I should post my results here, so I would like to share with you. I had my top surgery with Dr. Megan Hassall on the 14th of November.. so I am nearly 8 weeks post-op. The scabs have only recently fallen off. I was not given any aftercare information. The lines are a bit wavy, but I actually really like it. I love my chest so much, it finally feels like me. I did not want lines that were curved (the shape of a breast) but I am fine with them not being "perfectly straight". I heal really well also (I have had over 20 surgeries in my life) so they should become barely noticeable eventually.
I have never worn a bra in my life (I have always bound myself and refused to wear bras when I hit puberty) so I don't know what cup size I am, but people have said I was probably a C.
I had a simple bilateral double mastectomy with nipple grafts. I am thinking of writing a complete review on my surgery, covering everything (to help other transmen).. so maybe tell me if you are interested?


Glad you posted your information here.  Your incision lines look really great.  Glad to hear you heal well.

I have seen Hassall do both double incision and the pedicle technique.  How does she decide which one to do?  Did she give you an option?  In your surgery did she make your areola smaller (I don't know if Hassall does this, or not)?

I think it is great you plan to write a full review of your surgery.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: aleon515 on January 05, 2014, 10:55:10 PM
I'm sure the extra time really helped me out. I could have worked at a sedentary job a couple weeks after surgery, but I was a teacher. This isn't a desk job, and all sorts of things come up that you don't expect.

Prince, you also have nice thin scars, that's going to heal nicely, I'd guess.

Still mad for Jack. Geeze.

Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Alexthecat on January 06, 2014, 02:27:22 AM
I'm worried about when I go back to work. It's a stocking job and I'm lifting all kinds of things and stretching this way and that. I might just make my leave longer if the incisions are still pulling. It's originally 6 weeks.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Jack_M on January 06, 2014, 02:38:12 AM
Quote from: Simon on January 05, 2014, 01:13:07 AM
Jack, I honestly don't know what to say to help ease your frustration. That just sucks, try to remember that it can be fixed. I hope you broke the guy's would have had every right to do so.

If I could go back in time I'd murder the guy, I'm that mad. But no, I didn't do anything but cry out in agony :(. It's been over a week; it's horrible. Hoping my surgeon gives me good news on Tuesday or I may cry for the first time in years!

I do appreciate the support though, guys, thanks. I just wish this was over. Revisions would have to be years down the line for me. No time! I have a Taekwon-do seminar at the end of February, so now my focus is purely on being able to properly move for that! I'm supposed to be sparring too so I need this fixed up last week! Timing was good for me in terms of work, but my surgeon was on vacation for Xmas so it didn't work out perfectly in the end.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Jeatyn on January 06, 2014, 04:28:11 AM
It will all be worth it in the end Jack - focus on the end goal and rest up as much as you can.

I start back at uni tomorrow - I'm both excited and nervous as hell. I honestly don't know how well I'm going to manage on the bus, class itself should be fine, I do computer programming mostly - though I have a computer building class on wednesday, I shall just be an overseer rather than doing anything if I can get away with it :P my tutors know I am recovering from surgery, though I didn't specify what type. None of my classmates know anything.

I'm really really itchy lately, though the pain is minimal in my chest my back is still giving me issues. I can now lay on my stomach for short periods if I have pillows in the right places which is nice. It's mostly the sitting around doing nothing I feel is messing up my back, getting back to uni will be good for me once I get used to it. The first week will suck though.

On the other hand, I can wear whatever I want! :D no layers! I won't be sweaty or have indigestion from all the compression. I won't be both hungry and yet bloated feeling all day and I can pee without it having to be a huge ordeal. As a side note, my student finance came in today, right on schedule for the first time ever - 2014 is shaping up pretty nicely so far. It's the little things ;D
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Bimmer Guy on January 06, 2014, 09:06:39 AM
Quote from: Alexthecat on January 06, 2014, 02:27:22 AM
I'm worried about when I go back to work. It's a stocking job and I'm lifting all kinds of things and stretching this way and that. I might just make my leave longer if the incisions are still pulling. It's originally 6 weeks.

Supposedly, 6 weeks is enough time for physical jobs.  I have heard of guys who have gone back sooner than that.  In terms of the pulling, I still feel it.  Pulling doesn't mean your incisions will pop open.  For me, I use it as a guide for trying to not have my scars widen.  I think the chips fall as they may when it comes to that, though.  I think it is based on our individuals bodies, and perhaps how tight the surgeon pulls the skin (makes sense to me, anyway). 


Jack, I have wondered about you going back to Taekwon-do so early (or it seems early, anyway) re: the sparring.  Hold on to hope about doctor's appt.  Maybe try to focus on the happiness of simply having a flat chest, when it gets you down?  Hang in there.


Jeatyn, good luck to you, tomorrow.  I think your plan of getting to the bus early is a good one.  The itchiness means it's healing!  Laying on our stomachs (that alone) is supposed to be bad for our backs, isn't it?


Is it possible to do multiple quotes in our posts?
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: aleon515 on January 06, 2014, 04:50:30 PM
@Jeatyn, I went thru the thing of being very itchy and I think my worst week was week 3 not week 1. But you will get over it and feel better. I used cortisone cream and that helped a lot.

@Jack, I agree with Brett on this one re: martial arts. I know it's important to you but it is a pretty intensive sport so soon after surgery, even if you didn't have the accident you had. Though a goal is useful. I still (8 weeks) feel a bit of pulling along the incision if I reach too far or lift something heavy or...

@Brett, I definitely use the feeling of pulling as a guide to what I try not to do again and what I do. I think it's probably a fairly good guide, but I don't worry that the sutures will pop open at this point, I don't think they can. I believe in most cases they are pretty well absorbed or whatever. I have no idea how to do multiple quotes, I think you could open multiple windows or open a text document. But boy does that sound like WORK! I'll do this here.


Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Jack_M on January 07, 2014, 05:30:44 AM
Sparring wouldn't start until end of February which is actually over 12 weeks post surgery. As long as the swelling is gone in next week or so, it's all good. I still have swelling slightly in left side and almost full range of motion with that arm. All going well 6-8 weeks is all you need to take off. From everything I know and have read, your body is gonna heal how it's going to heal. If you widen the scars in 6-8 weeks working out, you'd have still widened the scars if you wait to workout a year later. At least moving more at an earlier stage, silicone based scar fading options can still work their magic to minimise scarring. At over 12 weeks that's near double the recovery time.  Even with the swelling the main issue is more to do with incisions and scar healing. I'll obviously discuss with surgeon at 6 week appointment at end of January, but that's the only part of this whole shambles that I'm hopeful should be fine.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Darrin Scott on January 07, 2014, 02:22:11 PM
Just did my pre op blood/physical. 14 more days!!
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Bimmer Guy on January 07, 2014, 06:38:29 PM
Quote from: Darrin Scott on January 07, 2014, 02:22:11 PM
Just did my pre op blood/physical. 14 more days!!

Woo Hoo!  Remind us who your doc is again?
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Darrin Scott on January 07, 2014, 07:14:03 PM
Dr. Kathy Rumer in Ardmore pa.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Alexthecat on January 07, 2014, 07:23:06 PM
They said I don't need bloodwork.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Darrin Scott on January 07, 2014, 07:31:35 PM
Who's your surgeon?
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Bimmer Guy on January 07, 2014, 07:44:39 PM
Quote from: Darrin Scott on January 07, 2014, 07:14:03 PM
Dr. Kathy Rumer in Ardmore pa.

Oh, that's right, I remember you saying that now.  I know a guy who got his chest done by her.  He was quite pleased with it.  What made you decide to go with Rumer?
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Darrin Scott on January 07, 2014, 07:47:43 PM
I chose her because of location and because she's good with bigger chested people. I like her results.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Jeatyn on January 08, 2014, 02:06:53 AM
Well that was unsuccessful. Yesterday I didn't even try to go to college, I had a night of no sleep and felt like crap.

Today however, I woke up early and was ready in record time to get out for the early pre-rush hour buses. I had a shoulder bag with my laptop in, I figured I'd be able to handle it. I stood at the bus stop for half an hour, no buses showed up (three should have come in that time) and I realised I actually wasn't ok with the bag, it was already starting to hurt pretty bad. So I just thought screw this and came back home -_- the rush hour traffic was already starting so I missed my window of opportunity to guarantee myself a downstairs seat.

I've taken some pain meds and I'm sorting out my folders to put on a USB pen and will consider trying again in a few hours after the traffic dies down sans bag.

Feel pretty frustrated now, but ah well, I will get there all in good time.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Jack_M on January 08, 2014, 02:23:26 AM
650ml of bloody, yucky, brown fluid drained out of my right chest today. Didn't hurt that much except for the stab on the outer side. Fun part: had to stand for the whole thing! That was...uhh...interesting, and my way too inquisitive med school student ways couldn't be switched off and I watched the whole thing. Ouch!

Took away all the welling though. Having to compress even more too (few towels shoved under my compression vest).

Just glad to have a flat chest and it actually doesn't look all that bad right now! :) May have to get it drained again on Thursday. Hopefully not, but it's a real possibility. Crossing all my fingers.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Elijah3291 on January 08, 2014, 02:55:09 AM
Jack, I am glad you were able to find a dr to drain your chest. I am guessing your swelling was a hematoma like I had? I had a LOT of trouble finding a surgeon who would drain mine, mine luckily went away on its own. it really sucks what happened to you but I am glad the swelling has gone down. Keep up with the compression, thats what made my hematoma go away.. and I know how much it sucks to have to "bind" after surgery.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Jack_M on January 08, 2014, 03:11:42 AM
I got my surgery locally so my actual surgeon just straight away drained it when he saw it today and will do the same on Thursday if required. Can't say how happy I am to have chosen local! Yeah, it was a haematoma and apparently I have the record for amount drained now. A record I'd gladly have gone without tbh! Lol.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Elijah3291 on January 08, 2014, 03:25:41 AM
I'm glad your surgeon was local, thats lucky and convenient :D
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Elijah3291 on January 08, 2014, 03:31:37 AM

here is my 7 months, 3 weeks post op, with Dr G. Waiting for that stretch mark on my left side to go away. The photo's are misleading but my scars are actually turing more white.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: aleon515 on January 08, 2014, 03:55:19 PM
Quote from: Jack_M on January 08, 2014, 02:23:26 AM
650ml of bloody, yucky, brown fluid drained out of my right chest today. Didn't hurt that much except for the stab on the outer side. Fun part: had to stand for the whole thing! That was...uhh...interesting, and my way too inquisitive med school student ways couldn't be switched off and I watched the whole thing. Ouch!

Took away all the welling though. Having to compress even more too (few towels shoved under my compression vest).

Just glad to have a flat chest and it actually doesn't look all that bad right now! :) May have to get it drained again on Thursday. Hopefully not, but it's a real possibility. Crossing all my fingers.

Wow sounds awful, esp the "guests" and the pain and the compression, but I am pretty sure that you are strong enough to handle all that, but still rough going. Glad it looks like it will work out. Crossing my fingers for you.

@Elijah-- you're looking good. Could not tell you had problems you did. I know what you say re: the color. I think the camera turns everything redder. Some guy posted his nipples today and I can't even tell the picture is so red looking.
Jack's hematoma was caused by someone pulling him violently. :(

Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Bimmer Guy on January 08, 2014, 08:21:58 PM
Quote from: Darrin Scott on January 07, 2014, 07:47:43 PM
I chose her because of location and because she's good with bigger chested people. I like her results.

Great.  It is best to choose a surgeon whose results we like for our body type.  Good luck to you.

Jeatyn - Sorry it didn't work out today.  I hope tomorrow is a better day!

Jack - glad you got it drained and are pleased with how it looks.

Elijah - your chest looks great.  Thanks for posting!
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Bimmer Guy on January 10, 2014, 06:38:20 AM
Hey, Jack, did the doc say you would have to get a revision due to what happened?  Are things shifted out of place?  I know you mentioned the shape of your nipple changing shape.

I saw on the other thread you have to get a drain.  I hope it isn't that difficult to deal with.

Hang in there!
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Jeatyn on January 10, 2014, 07:59:24 AM
Well that was a fun hospital appointment.

The clinic was delayed by an hour and a half to start with, several screaming children in close proximity - always a nice addition.

I finally got in there, nurse didn't know what I was in there for but then saw "Dr Rubin" on my chart and was like "oooh, you're one of THOSE patients, ok" and gave me a weird look.

I thought great, this will be fun. She mis-gendered me the whole time. So did the other nurse she called in to help ::)

I got my stitches (apparently I do have stitches, they told me just glue at one point) YANKED out - and she said if any more come to the surface to do the same thing.

I've had to put plasters on where she yanked a couple out because it's bleeding and sore. A little bit of white stuff came out too, like the crap that's inside pimples. Will keep an eye on it - hope it's not the start of an infection =/

This can't be right can it? Surely you're not supposed to just force the things out? Aren't they supposed to dissolve over time?
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Alexthecat on January 10, 2014, 08:46:49 AM
Quote from: Jeatyn on January 10, 2014, 07:59:24 AM
This can't be right can it? Surely you're not supposed to just force the things out? Aren't they supposed to dissolve over time?
What happened to the new age of dissolved stitches? I know the ones they had in my head as a child still have a scar, though I don't think they used any scar care on it back in the early 1990's. They had to cut them out.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Jeatyn on January 10, 2014, 09:04:50 AM
I've never had stitches before. The rest of them must be inside me I guess o_0 I must have been stitched and then had skin glued over the top. I had some scabby bits on the edges of my incisions with what looked like just normal white cotton thread poking through, they were yanked. Then I had a weird clear plasticy thing sticking out of my nipple, also yanked. That one was horrible, it was only a tiny nubbin poking out and ended up being like 1.5cm by the time she was done pulling it out. I figured this whole time that thing was just a bit of dried glue xD Weirdly though as gross as it looked, there's no hole or bleeding on the nipple like their is on the edges.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Jack_M on January 10, 2014, 10:46:46 AM
They remove them if they come to the surface so it's entirely normal. I actually did all that myself at home. Any that come to the surface you can grab with tweezers and get them out. The ones I had were more for the tie over bandage nipples at the time. They can dissolve but they're also not holding anything together internally and can be yanked. At your stage of healing you don't really need the stitches any.more and are just waiting for them to dissolve or come to the surface and be pulled out speeding up the process.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Bimmer Guy on January 10, 2014, 01:04:50 PM

Just a small comment.  One thing to watch for is "spitting sutures".  I had one of these (and two very small ones).  That is when the body pushes out a stitch.  I am NOT saying this is what you are experiencing.  I didn't have glue, so I don't know how that whole thing goes, including these plastic type stitches you are talking about.  What made me decide to say something was you mentioning the "white cotton thread".  That is what my "spit sutures" looked like.  The result was a small hole that took quite a while to close (a month).  It isn't a bit deal but in the two places where the main ones were the scar widened a bit.  Like Jack said, any of those stitches that come out are not holding you together (so no big deal), but I would just suggest you gently pull them out. 

ETA:  I just found this link:  I guess they are all of them are called spitting sutures.  Anyway, I found one post about a guy with top surgery who had this happen.  His incisions widened too.  But, in looking at this article I just posted, it looks like it is not that rare, so maybe it is rare that the "holes" develop like mine did, and most of the time that doesn't happen. 

The article says to clean the area with alcohol or hydrogen peroxide and then put polysporin over it.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Jeatyn on January 10, 2014, 03:39:09 PM
"The the top may open with a little discharge (which looks like a small dab of "pus"- most likely just white blood cells and other things) and you will see a little fishing line sticking out.  Usually this happens along your suture line (incision/ scar)."

This sounds exactly like what happened. Glad to know it's normal! She was just so rough with it xD I've just checked and there's still more thread  on the other side, I gave it a pull but son of a b**ch it stings D=

Is it cool to just leave them? Will they just fall out/dissolve? There's an angry painful hole now, I'd rather not end up with those all over my incision line
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: aleon515 on January 10, 2014, 06:36:39 PM
I expect you'd know if you were rejecting the sutures but it happens. I know this guy who is on youtube and this happened to him. OY poor guy. All the sutures seemed like they came out and his incision got very wide. I think Brett and I might be referring to the same guy, he's a friend of mine.

But you can push out individual sutures and not have the whole thing go. I think it is normal to have sutures come out a little bit, there was something in the post op directions from Dr G about it. But I didn't have this problem.

Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Bimmer Guy on January 11, 2014, 12:03:17 AM
Quote from: Jeatyn on January 10, 2014, 03:39:09 PM
"The the top may open with a little discharge (which looks like a small dab of "pus"- most likely just white blood cells and other things) and you will see a little fishing line sticking out.  Usually this happens along your suture line (incision/ scar)."

This sounds exactly like what happened. Glad to know it's normal! She was just so rough with it xD I've just checked and there's still more thread  on the other side, I gave it a pull but son of a b**ch it stings D=

Is it cool to just leave them? Will they just fall out/dissolve? There's an angry painful hole now, I'd rather not end up with those all over my incision line

If it were me, I would be really gentle with it.  If it was something I could just clip off, I would for certain do that.  I didn't know what mine was at the time.  Like I said, it was this small piece of soft cotton.  I just very gently pulled and it came out.  It was pretty quickly after that I saw the hole.  Then I saw there was another one, but the thread was only slightly popping out.  I put a small bandaid over the spot for a couple days and somehow it flattened out or something.  Hard to explain, but the hole was "sort of" there even though I never pulled any thread out.  There was a small widening in that area, but it never came all the way out and there wasn't a full on hole.  I then found another very small hole that wasn't a big problem.

It sounds like you are describing two different types.  Fishing line hard piece and those cotton pieces.  Or are they from the same hole?  I only had the super soft cotton thread.  Anyway, I personally would not pull a damn thing.  If it were something I needed to clip, I would clip it.  I am not so keen on those nurses!

Jay, the guy I saw on youtube only had the sutures on the sides/under his armpits.  He said something about going to see a nurse to get them pulled out regularly as they came to the surface.  Is that the same person?  I actually didn't think it was youtube?  Maybe it was transbucket?  Maybe even the same guy?  Can you post the video here (are we allowed to do that)?
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Jeatyn on January 11, 2014, 07:15:34 AM
The one on my nipple was possibly a fishing line type one....thicker than a fishing line though. The ones on my incisions are the cotton type. I had a whole bunch more of them poking out this morning, only on the very edges again, on both side. I gave a very gentle pull and I got a few out no pain or bleeding, and one wouldn't budge, so I trimmed it. There's more plastic stuff poking out of my nipple in the exact same place again, but it's not coming out enough to even attempt to pull on it. The rest of my incision line seems totally fine, maybe I only got stitches on the edges and glue in the middle? I really wish I had been told this stuff :P

The ones the nurse did are mess -_- one has scabbed over but the other looked like a big pimple this morning and I couldn't help but squeeze the crap out. I'm gonna put a bandaid on it now though to stop the temptation to fiddle with it.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Bimmer Guy on January 11, 2014, 09:53:38 AM
Quote from: Jeatyn on January 11, 2014, 07:15:34 AM
The one on my nipple was possibly a fishing line type one....thicker than a fishing line though. The ones on my incisions are the cotton type. I had a whole bunch more of them poking out this morning, only on the very edges again, on both side. I gave a very gentle pull and I got a few out no pain or bleeding, and one wouldn't budge, so I trimmed it. There's more plastic stuff poking out of my nipple in the exact same place again, but it's not coming out enough to even attempt to pull on it. The rest of my incision line seems totally fine, maybe I only got stitches on the edges and glue in the middle? I really wish I had been told this stuff :P

The ones the nurse did are mess -_- one has scabbed over but the other looked like a big pimple this morning and I couldn't help but squeeze the crap out. I'm gonna put a bandaid on it now though to stop the temptation to fiddle with it.

DO NOT PULL OUT THE ONES ON YOUR NIPPLES.  These are normal to push through, only clip them.  (No, your nipple won't come off - I assume - but you shouldn't be messing with them).

Seriously, though dude, is that where the nurses were pulling them from?   >:(

Quit messing with your incision lines altogether. Are you still wearing a binder from the doc?  If so, keep it on and don't touch the stuff.  I actually put small band aids over two incision line ones (cotton ones) and they never came out then.  Subsequently, I didn't get holes there.  You need to baby your chest until it all gets healed. Don't forget the hydrogen peroxide and then polysporin/Neosporin afterwards like that article said.  That will keep you from infection.  And don't be squeezing >-bleeped-< either!

I am guessing you got stitches on the incision line and then they added glue for extra measure.  I can't imagine glue being put on your nipples.

P.S. I bought cheap mustache scissors at the pharmacy to clip the nipple stitches and it worked well.  Just wait until they push out far enough and then clip them.  I had like 8 push through on one nipple and 3-4 on the other.  They pushed out right around the time that your are.  Again, I think this is pretty common.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Alexthecat on January 11, 2014, 11:58:08 AM
I told my grandma your story Jack. She was like "you are not leaving the house until you are healed".
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: aleon515 on January 11, 2014, 12:30:11 PM
Yeah I'll look for the video later. Poor guy. Anyway, I never touched my incision line after I got the tape off. (I mean except to put silicone on it. I never cut the sutures and would not have unless they bothered me. You are going to have more trouble if you don't leave them alone. I think Dr G's advice was to cover stuff up with a band aid and neosporin. I believe part of the neosporin bit is that it is an antibiotic but it also keeps stuff hydrated which is good for healing. And it makes you feel like you are doing something constructive.

Never pull anything out of your nipples-- no ixnay never.

LOL re: Alex the Cat's grandma. Jack needs a spanking. LOL

Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: SaerJoe on January 11, 2014, 12:42:47 PM
New to the forum, guys, and I'll apologize if I'm posting this in the wrong place. 

After a lifetime of living with "Sir" more frequently than "Ma'am" and scaring thousands of women in public restrooms with what I'll call God's hardware/software mix-up (we have to have a sense of humor, no?), at 50 years old I educated myself and had top surgery 12/12/13 with Dr. Raphael in Plano, TX as well as male contouring to the thighs, flanks and knees.  Thus far, I have nothing but great things to say about him and his entire staff.  To my knowledge, he is the only surgeon thus far NOT using drains for the double incision surgery.  My recovery thus far has been amazing, now at one month tomorrow. 

Regarding this recovery---the nipple grafts are essentially healed and look pretty good.  I even have sensation in both of them, which I'm shocked about (the cold winter has been a "joy" feeling the little critters tightening while they heal --with the shivers).  The incisions I'm covering with Scar-Away, 1.5"x7" silicone sheets, which reduced the incredible swelling of the incision line that started after they removed the initial surgery tape (2 weeks it fell off).  Got them from  Not cheap, but knocked the building incision bumps to half within 24 hours.

My question to the group:  Have any of you experienced what feels like muscle spasms anywhere in the chest area, post-op?  I've got what feels like sporadic muscle cramps under my arms.  And if you did experience them, perhaps you might share what you did to alleviate them?  I started Lymphatic Massage this week (fantastic, except made me very sore by that night) and am hopeful that with this and some TLC ...... I'll reach the goal of 100% range of motion back, and of course, a wonderful life without those mammary glands I apologized to for never needing.   :)   Any suggestions would be so appreciated. 
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Bimmer Guy on January 11, 2014, 04:32:05 PM
Quote from: SaerJoe on January 11, 2014, 12:42:47 PM
New to the forum, guys, and I'll apologize if I'm posting this in the wrong place. 

After a lifetime of living with "Sir" more frequently than "Ma'am" and scaring thousands of women in public restrooms with what I'll call God's hardware/software mix-up (we have to have a sense of humor, no?), at 50 years old I educated myself and had top surgery 12/12/13 with Dr. Raphael in Plano, TX as well as male contouring to the thighs, flanks and knees.  Thus far, I have nothing but great things to say about him and his entire staff.  To my knowledge, he is the only surgeon thus far NOT using drains for the double incision surgery.  My recovery thus far has been amazing, now at one month tomorrow. 

Regarding this recovery---the nipple grafts are essentially healed and look pretty good.  I even have sensation in both of them, which I'm shocked about (the cold winter has been a "joy" feeling the little critters tightening while they heal --with the shivers).  The incisions I'm covering with Scar-Away, 1.5"x7" silicone sheets, which reduced the incredible swelling of the incision line that started after they removed the initial surgery tape (2 weeks it fell off).  Got them from  Not cheap, but knocked the building incision bumps to half within 24 hours.

My question to the group:  Have any of you experienced what feels like muscle spasms anywhere in the chest area, post-op?  I've got what feels like sporadic muscle cramps under my arms.  And if you did experience them, perhaps you might share what you did to alleviate them?  I started Lymphatic Massage this week (fantastic, except made me very sore by that night) and am hopeful that with this and some TLC ...... I'll reach the goal of 100% range of motion back, and of course, a wonderful life without those mammary glands I apologized to for never needing.   :)   Any suggestions would be so appreciated.

Hi, SaerJoe, welcome to both the thread and the site!

Nope you are in the right place!

I have not experienced the muscle spasms you mention.  I had shocks of pain every once in awhile at the incision line, but no muscle pain.  I am wondering why it would be happening under your arms?  I would call your surgeon to ask about it, as I have never heard of this before.  Massage can be good, but it sounds like you need to be careful with it!

Thank you for taking the time to give us a run down on your surgery history and recovery.  That is neat that you have nipple sensation.  Were these free nipple grafts (meaning, did he remove them completely off your body, trim and then sew on), or did he keep the nerves attached during the surgery?

I started with the Scar Away strips, but it seems like the surrounding skin is allergic to them, getting very red and dry.  I am using the Scar Away gel. 

In terms of no drains, I do know there is a little known surgeon in CA that does that.  His name begins with a V, but that is all I remember.  I think there are other surgeons, as well.

Thanks for coming to the thread, any way I can talk you into posting a picture?  You can modify your post and place it there. 

Let us know what your surgeon says!
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: AdamMLP on January 11, 2014, 04:39:34 PM
The other side of the pond in the UK there's Andrew Yelland who doesn't use drains either.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: SaerJoe on January 11, 2014, 05:33:10 PM
@Brett:  it was my own nipples cut, trimmed and free-grafted back on.  The only real numbness I have is a small area between the left nipple and incision, and the incision itself is a little numb.  I did get a texted answer back from their nurse that what might be going on is that the nerves are reawakening.  Makes sense.  The sporadic and brief intense nature of it feels like muscle, but who knows!  It does seem to me that the incisions are quite long, at 7.5" and 8" each.  I was a 36A prior.  But any old way, I'm keeping the faith on the healing aspect, and as a small business owner, I was a bad boy and went back to the office at one week (the owner needs to show up at the annual Christmas party) and was driving after 10 days.  I'm taking it as easy as a type A can : ). I'm dedicated to healing this body I respect, and will be sooooo ready to get back to the weights and building muscle again....  I'm not sure how I will handle not riding a motorcycle this Spring, but will refrain if proper healing requires.  : (. I will post a picture if I can figure out how to do so from this iPad.  Cheers to you!
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: aleon515 on January 11, 2014, 05:42:47 PM
Ok here's the video of the guy who's body rejected the sutures. I don't think he has actually stopped but it has slowed down. Jay
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Jeatyn on January 12, 2014, 10:16:52 AM
I'm getting a little worried now =/

Yes the nurse did pull a pretty long one out of my nipple, and two from the incision line. The hole she created has healed up just fine now since I cleaned it up and put a bandaid on. I have developed another hole now though along the incision line which was leaking milky stuff and a bit of blood - not like full on puss and bleeding - but still, I'm pretty sure I shouldn't be leaking D= I can't see any sutures anywhere near's just a random hole. I'll call them up about it tomorrow. Might ask for some antibiotics just in case. The guys chest in the video looks really sore =/ poor guy

Recovery has been going great so far and now suddenly I'm unraveling  ::)
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Bimmer Guy on January 12, 2014, 11:58:54 AM
Quote from: Jeatyn on January 12, 2014, 10:16:52 AM
I'm getting a little worried now =/

Yes the nurse did pull a pretty long one out of my nipple, and two from the incision line. The hole she created has healed up just fine now since I cleaned it up and put a bandaid on. I have developed another hole now though along the incision line which was leaking milky stuff and a bit of blood - not like full on puss and bleeding - but still, I'm pretty sure I shouldn't be leaking D= I can't see any sutures anywhere near's just a random hole. I'll call them up about it tomorrow. Might ask for some antibiotics just in case. The guys chest in the video looks really sore =/ poor guy

Recovery has been going great so far and now suddenly I'm unraveling  ::)

I'm sorry if I put you in a panic!  I am sure everything is fine, and really, I don't think you can do much about the soft thread coming out of the incisions.  Just don't pull anything from the incision line (or at least the soft thread, I don't know what to do if you get fishing line there...I would just clip it).  My guess is the hole appeared because a soft thread from that spot came out at some point.  You really can't do anything about that.  I have a divot on one spot that I didn't see anything come out of, so that is my assumption.  Different from the hole, but still something happened there.  The time I saw another soft thread want to pull out I just put a band aid over it.  It never came out and eventually just kind of dissolved or something (I dunno, I just know it went away).

Like I said, the main thing is to just clip the stitches from the nipples.  The holes you get along your incision line (from the soft thread coming out), will fill in.  It just takes time.  I called Garramone about it (because I hadn't learned anything about spitting sutures yet), and as expected, he said there was nothing I could do.

I would suggest if you are not being careful with how you are moving your arms around and stuff, to change that.  Try to do less.  Lift your arms less.  I know you have a child, so it may be hard, but try to keep your arms closer to your body as you do things and try to reach less.

The guy in the video was not the one I saw a picture of on transbucket.  Thanks for posting this one, Jay!
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: aleon515 on January 12, 2014, 04:04:53 PM
Despite the fact that Riley says this is fairly common, I haven't heard of such an extreme case as his before. He also posted on FB what it looked like when his body rejected the sutures and it looked pretty bad too. I think you'll be ok, Jeatyn. But even in Riley's case, he is might have a worse scar but he still will stop doing this at some point.

BTW, for scars, I read the most thick impenetrable medical studies I could manage and the thing is that while there are other things out there for scars, pretty much silicone is the only thing that really works more than a little, such as Mederma. I don't know that Bio-oil etc works at all. So the thing is to find something with silicone that actually stays on and you tolerate. The silicone strips curled up at the ends for me, and I HATE the smell of ScarGuard, have no idea why no one talks about the smell. I am using something else now. It is pricey but the silicone seems to stay on and it has a nice smell. The thing is one individual is one individual, someone like A Lions' Fears on youtube, he was very small to begin with, so how he heals (or any one person) doesn't tell you much.)

Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Jack_M on January 12, 2014, 04:25:21 PM
From what I've read of bio oil it doesn't work unless it's the only way you're doing anything as it provides moisture. You'd probably be just as well with Vaseline really.

Scarguard smells like nail varnish. But the smell is 100% gone once you screw the top on and in under 1 minute once it's dried. I tried that and one other but with scar guard I find I'm having to actually peel the stuff away for another application. It doesn't rub off me so I like that aspect, knowing it's there, doing its thing and not splitting or rubbing away. I think silicone sheets would stick best but more designed for straight scars. With curved scars you'd have to cut them up and overlap. I'd imagine it a hassle.

Jeatyn: Don't over worry about the stitches. I've pulled out a couple so far. It's not dangerous, just watch the nipple. You're waaaaaaay more healed than me. You don't need them, it's just that they can take several months to dissolve entirely but lose strength and break off in places. That's what pokes through. You can clip them if you like but you'll be forever clipping them as once it starts poking out, it's likely to keep poking out and pushing through until they're dissolved. Either clip and cover, or just grab tweezers and see if it'll gently pull away. If it resists, then obviously leave it. Simples! Lol. Either works. It doesn't matter if it's along the scar either. No idea why folk think this area isn't to be touched. Whatever has poked it out has just happened to occur on that line. The only thing you should watch in that case is not using silicone products on broken skin. And for that reason you're better to try pulling it away as that tiny hole would heal in no time and you can keep using scar reducing products sooner.

If you don't believe me, then a simple GP appointment will solve all your problems. Go there and they'll try seeing if it comes free safely or clip and cover themselves for you, so you don't have to ummm and ahhhh.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Jeatyn on January 12, 2014, 05:25:12 PM
I certainly haven't been overdoing it, I've barely lifted a finger this whole time, even with the kiddo, my partner has been taking care of everything like a hero ^_^

As for scar care I just have E45 cream, I have no spare money at all and the silicone stuff aint cheap :P

I'm going with the rule of thumb that if it comes out with the bare minimum of pulling then it's fine, if not, clip.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: AdamMLP on January 12, 2014, 05:32:57 PM
It wasn't so important, but when I had dissolveable stitches in my hand from a very, very minor operation, both me and my school nurse looked at them and didn't think they'd be dissolveable (looked too thick, like the very strong thread used for sewing leather), so we decided to snip them and pull them out. Turned out one or two of them had started to dissolve. I can't remember how long they'd been in there, probably about two weeks, so it does go to show that things take a while to begin dissolving.

I used bio oil on that to keep it supple, and the scar is white now, but I think it would have been anyway, even the worst of my other scars elsewhere are white now. I was given the bio oil by someone who'd had an operation to fix her shattered shoulder.

Someone did mention somewhere about using 100% silicone lube or something on the scars as a cheaper method of scar reduction, maybe that would work for people on a low budget? He did mention to make sure it didn't have any nasty ingredients added though.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Jeatyn on January 12, 2014, 06:55:41 PM
Quote from: lxndr on January 12, 2014, 05:32:57 PM
Someone did mention somewhere about using 100% silicone lube or something on the scars as a cheaper method of scar reduction, maybe that would work for people on a low budget? He did mention to make sure it didn't have any nasty ingredients added though.

o rly? Interesting, I can get an unlimited supply of free silicone lube from student services at uni heh. I would imagine you'd have to put it on constantly though, even the purpose made gel stuff needs to be applied several times a day doesn't it?
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Bimmer Guy on January 12, 2014, 09:36:35 PM
Yep, it is all about silicone.  That is what the studies keep showing.  Mederma doesn't work.

I was using the Scar Away strips (and had no problem with them staying on at all..they curved up easily...perhaps you were using a different brand, Jay?), but they irritated the surrounding skin.  Scar Guard flakes off.  I have now been using Scar Away Serum and have planned to stick with that.  However, today I started reading about InviCible Scars  It has good reviews.  It has silicone as it's main ingredient, plus aloe, Vitamin C, and a couple of other things.  I am considering ordering the one month supply for $9.99 (it would have to be pretty good for me to pay $40/month, though).  I also like the idea that it is a lotion.  I am tired of waiting and waiting for this serum to dry before putting on my shirt and it is freezing here in the Northeast right now!  Studies have shown that you can use a blow dryer without impacting the efficacy, but the old ass blow dryer left here from an ex is too hot to blow on my skin.

The other reason that I like that it is a lotion is that my incisions are getting a bit dry.

The Bio Oil was helping with the dryness some, but I just read this today: so stopping that.

Anyway, I am still contemplating ordering the InviCible Scars.  I actually planned to do a search on this site tonight for it.  Has anyone heard of it?

Jay, what is the product you are using now?

ETA:  As an aside, I just want to tell you guys I really appreciate the this thread and the conversations here (and the encouragement I have gotten from everyone).  You guys rock.  I am really glad I joined this site!  Thanks for being so accepting of someone new.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: AdamMLP on January 13, 2014, 03:00:21 AM

This is the person talking about silicone lube.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Jeatyn on January 13, 2014, 07:30:31 AM
Had a cat emergency this morning. Getting him in the box to go to the vet was no easy feat, he escaped about a thousand times D= it was a lot of pulling and pressure on my chest and I had to keep chasing him around and picking him up >.> not ideal, but the cat was my priority. Back at home now, had some pain meds, feeling very achey.

He's in surgery now getting all stitched up, he basically had a big gaping hole in his chest. I've heard of pets and owners looking like each other but this is madness xD He makes me look like a right pansy, here I am on bed rest for weeks with my chest and he was scampering around the house not giving a hoot about the big hole in his o_o
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Bimmer Guy on January 13, 2014, 08:49:55 AM
Quote from: lxndr on January 13, 2014, 03:00:21 AM

This is the person talking about silicone lube.

Very interesting.  I wouldn't use any lube unless I knew all of the ingredients because you don't want anything that can be bad for the scars (like Vitamin E is, for example).  Thanks for posting this idea and link.  I continue to think about how this thread will be useful to people who get top surgery in the future.  This is a good example of that.  :)

Jeatyn, you could certainly see if you can get all the ingredients of the lube from your health center at uni and run it by your doc. 

Anyway, what the hell happened to your cat?  A hole in his chest?  Damn.  Sounds like he is ok, though.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Jeatyn on January 13, 2014, 09:24:20 AM
Quote from: Brett on January 13, 2014, 08:49:55 AM
Very interesting.  I wouldn't use any lube unless I knew all of the ingredients because you don't want anything that can be bad for the scars (like Vitamin E is, for example).  Thanks for posting this idea and link.  I continue to think about how this thread will be useful to people who get top surgery in the future.  This is a good example of that.  :)

Jeatyn, you could certainly see if you can get all the ingredients of the lube from your health center at uni and run it by your doc. 

Anyway, what the hell happened to your cat?  A hole in his chest?  Damn.  Sounds like he is ok, though.

Absolutely no idea what happened, I woke up and he was just chilling on the window sill bleeding all over the place acting like nothing had happened >.> it was a huge scary hole, I could see inside D= but apparently he was lucky enough to have totally missed anything important. He's in recovery now bless him and totally fine.

I'm gonna grab some of that lube tomorrow and check out the ingredients. It's worth a shot!
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: aleon515 on January 13, 2014, 06:38:54 PM
I tried silicone lube. Now I have a nice big bottle which isn't useless because, ok, you might know why. :) Anyway, conceptually it's fine, I guess. The stuff I got is called Pjur and is pretty much 100% silicone. There are no vitamins or anything else in this. But is slippery silicone and never never blends into the skin. You can have it on for hours. This is nice for sex in the shower, let's just say, but less nice over t-shirts and so on. I used it when I wore pjs so it doesn't matter so much. If you always wore t-shirts underneath I guess it might be okay. Just goopy and so on. (The kid mentioned the anal lube. This has some other oil in it, the regular lube does not.)

I'm trying out the invici-scar stuff (review in another thread). Pretty much do not like anything else I have tried and that's pretty much why I tried it.

BTW, ScarGuard has vit E, probably not much.

Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Bimmer Guy on January 13, 2014, 08:24:14 PM
Quote from: aleon515 on January 13, 2014, 06:38:54 PM
I tried silicone lube. Now I have a nice big bottle which isn't useless because, ok, you might know why. :) Anyway, conceptually it's fine, I guess. The stuff I got is called Pjur and is pretty much 100% silicone. There are no vitamins or anything else in this. But is slippery silicone and never never blends into the skin. You can have it on for hours. This is nice for sex in the shower, let's just say, but less nice over t-shirts and so on. I used it when I wore pjs so it doesn't matter so much. If you always wore t-shirts underneath I guess it might be okay. Just goopy and so on. (The kid mentioned the anal lube. This has some other oil in it, the regular lube does not.)

I'm trying out the invici-scar stuff (review in another thread). Pretty much do not like anything else I have tried and that's pretty much why I tried it.

BTW, ScarGuard has vit E, probably not much.


Jay, are you saying you reviewed invici-scar somewhere on this site?  Are you referring to my question about Invicible Scars?  I couldn't find anything in search.

ETA:  Oops!  I'm sorry, Jay.  I should have looked through the whole board before opening my mouth!

Jeatyn, you have one wild cat there! 
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: aleon515 on January 13, 2014, 10:09:12 PM
It would be kind of hard to review them after so short a time. My review is really just how I like using the product, i.e. it's nice to use. I'm sort of giving them a temporary thumbs up until I see how long the bottle lasts. I think that's the big if to me.

Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Alexthecat on January 14, 2014, 08:03:49 AM
Hey what is good to disinfect the drain holes with?
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: aleon515 on January 14, 2014, 01:26:01 PM
Dr G said to cover with neosporin. That should work as it is a triple antibiotic.

Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Jeatyn on January 15, 2014, 10:42:06 AM
I think I might have an infection  :-\ that leaky hole I mentioned isn't scabbing over at all, and my incision line is all lumpy and painful around it. I gave the lumpiness a bit of a poke - not like a full on squeeze, just a poke to see how swollen it was - and more white stuff came oozing out the hole. I feel sort of off, I guess, a bit tired and trouble concentrating but that could just be lack of sleep - I don't feel full on ill. I am hot and clammy though, I mentioned how hot and humid it is today to my partner and he says it isn't, he reckons it's freezing.

I've called the doctors, but they can't see me until next Thursday. Should I be concerned and insist they see me sooner?

We don't have Neosporin in England...I'm gathering it's some sort of antiseptic cream? Is Sudocrem the same thing? I've been using Sudocrem on the area and covering it with a bandaid.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: SaerJoe on January 15, 2014, 03:00:31 PM
update post one month visit to surgeon:  Doc Raphael thinks everything looks great, and I would have to agree other than a little assymetry going on with the left side.  Truthfully, I'm so happy to be gone with the boobs that I catch myself smiling several times a day when i realize they're not there anymore!

The report on the muscle pain is the awakening of the nerves.  I am doing more stretching (went to the American Cancer Society's website on stretching post-mastecomy) and this is helping quite a bit.  Doc did answer the question as to how long the internal stitches take to fully heal:  6 months.  Did say motorcycling was ok at 2 months.  No softball for 6 months, though.  No need to wear a compression vest or any at all for that matter, although i read on many sites that compression on the chest can help the final result there. 

So anyway, onward and upward on the healing process.  I guess I was really lucky in the healing department with not having drains--had no external bruising of my chest or anywhere up top.  Tons of bruising on the lower work (thighs, flanks, knees) that Arnica Cream took care of like it was nothing. 

It's great to follow this string y'all.  Just can't tell you how happy I am fitting in 501's again, and to be able to wear cotton tanks without feeling like .....  a girl.  Nothing against girls of course, except my dream's always been to marry one, not BE one : ) 

Cheers to you all---  if anyone has pointers on how to post pictures, I'm all ears.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Kreuzfidel on January 15, 2014, 07:04:37 PM
Quote from: Jeatyn on January 15, 2014, 10:42:06 AM
I think I might have an infection  :-\ that leaky hole I mentioned isn't scabbing over at all, and my incision line is all lumpy and painful around it. I gave the lumpiness a bit of a poke - not like a full on squeeze, just a poke to see how swollen it was - and more white stuff came oozing out the hole. I feel sort of off, I guess, a bit tired and trouble concentrating but that could just be lack of sleep - I don't feel full on ill. I am hot and clammy though, I mentioned how hot and humid it is today to my partner and he says it isn't, he reckons it's freezing.

I've called the doctors, but they can't see me until next Thursday. Should I be concerned and insist they see me sooner?

We don't have Neosporin in England...I'm gathering it's some sort of antiseptic cream? Is Sudocrem the same thing? I've been using Sudocrem on the area and covering it with a bandaid.

I personally would insist on them seeing me earlier than that.  If they can't, perhaps a visit to the A&E. 
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Bimmer Guy on January 15, 2014, 09:09:44 PM
Quote from: Jeatyn on January 15, 2014, 10:42:06 AM
I think I might have an infection  :-\ that leaky hole I mentioned isn't scabbing over at all, and my incision line is all lumpy and painful around it. I gave the lumpiness a bit of a poke - not like a full on squeeze, just a poke to see how swollen it was - and more white stuff came oozing out the hole. I feel sort of off, I guess, a bit tired and trouble concentrating but that could just be lack of sleep - I don't feel full on ill. I am hot and clammy though, I mentioned how hot and humid it is today to my partner and he says it isn't, he reckons it's freezing.

I've called the doctors, but they can't see me until next Thursday. Should I be concerned and insist they see me sooner?

We don't have Neosporin in England...I'm gathering it's some sort of antiseptic cream? Is Sudocrem the same thing? I've been using Sudocrem on the area and covering it with a bandaid.

Gosh, Jeatyn, I don't know what to advise at this point.  I sure wouldn't want to wait until Tuesday, though!  I think you should push things a bit there.

Neosporin is a brand of antibiotic ointment.


SaerJoe, I am glad your appointment went well and you are feeling so good!  And I agree, there is nothing like a pair of 501's!

I don't know how to post pictures, my girlfriend did it for me.  She used photobucket.  I have no idea how to do that stuff.  Hopefully, Jeatyn or someone else will chime in.  I really want to see your results!
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: AdamMLP on January 16, 2014, 02:46:47 AM
Quote from: Jeatyn on January 15, 2014, 10:42:06 AM
I think I might have an infection  :-\ that leaky hole I mentioned isn't scabbing over at all, and my incision line is all lumpy and painful around it. I gave the lumpiness a bit of a poke - not like a full on squeeze, just a poke to see how swollen it was - and more white stuff came oozing out the hole. I feel sort of off, I guess, a bit tired and trouble concentrating but that could just be lack of sleep - I don't feel full on ill. I am hot and clammy though, I mentioned how hot and humid it is today to my partner and he says it isn't, he reckons it's freezing.

I've called the doctors, but they can't see me until next Thursday. Should I be concerned and insist they see me sooner?

We don't have Neosporin in England...I'm gathering it's some sort of antiseptic cream? Is Sudocrem the same thing? I've been using Sudocrem on the area and covering it with a bandaid.

Neosporin isn't antiseptic cream, it's antibiotic, which means you'll not get it over the counter here. We've cottoned onto the fact that having antibiotics freely available everywhere is a bad idea due to increasing MRSA. The best you can do really is use an antiseptic like Sudocrem or Savlon, but they won't really beat the infection if there is one. Make sure you're eating properly, your body needs nutrients to be able to fight it off, and try to get an emergency appointment at your GP. They should be able to give you one, and you need one if it is an infection.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Jeatyn on January 19, 2014, 07:41:06 AM
Just got back from the hospital, didn't want to wait until Thursday. The area was getting more and more swollen and painful so I decided to squeeze it last night, an unholy amount of puss came out D= the pressure release was much needed. The nurse said that was a good thing to do - if I hadn't of done it she would have, so I saved them the job :P there was still more to come out so she sorted it out, then cleaned it all up and I have dressings back on, along with some antibiotics. Gotta go back on Friday to see how I'm getting on.

As for posting pictures, you need to upload it somewhere first, like photobucket. Once you've uploaded it on photobucket there will be a box that says "direct link" on the right hand side, click in there and copy the link. Then on the forum you click the little photo button, first one on the left hand side, underneath the "B" button; and paste the image link between the "img" tags.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Bimmer Guy on January 19, 2014, 10:47:28 AM
Quote from: Jeatyn on January 19, 2014, 07:41:06 AM
Just got back from the hospital, didn't want to wait until Thursday. The area was getting more and more swollen and painful so I decided to squeeze it last night, an unholy amount of puss came out D= the pressure release was much needed. The nurse said that was a good thing to do - if I hadn't of done it she would have, so I saved them the job :P there was still more to come out so she sorted it out, then cleaned it all up and I have dressings back on, along with some antibiotics. Gotta go back on Friday to see how I'm getting on.

As for posting pictures, you need to upload it somewhere first, like photobucket. Once you've uploaded it on photobucket there will be a box that says "direct link" on the right hand side, click in there and copy the link. Then on the forum you click the little photo button, first one on the left hand side, underneath the "B" button; and paste the image link between the "img" tags.

Hi, Jeatyn.  I am glad you came back to update, as I was wondering about you.  I am really glad you didn't wait and went to the hospital.  So it is officially infected?  Did the nurse say why she thought it may have gotten infected?  I mean, your incisions were closed at that point.  Also, did you take a round of antibiotics after the surgery?

I also meant to ask you if you ever made it back to school and how the bus/carrying of books is going for you?

Thanks for posting as to how to do a picture for SaerJoe.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Bimmer Guy on January 19, 2014, 11:21:17 AM
Scar Treatment Update

I have adjusted what I am doing for my scar treatment.  Last time I talked about this I said that I did Scar Away serum after shower, bio-oil for massage after getting home from work in the evening, followed by Scar Away serum before bed.  I mentioned in another post recently that I learned that Bio Oil had some serious toxins and I did not want that being absorbed into my body (so I need to find something else).  I mentioned I started with Scar Away scar strips when I first got my surgery, but the strips irritated my skin.  Well, although I feel confident that the serum is useful/working, I am aware that there are times that more may need to be applied during the day (which I can't do because I am at work), I sometimes put my shirt on for work in the morning before it is fully dried, etc.  The stuff takes 4-6 minutes to dry and it is too cold here in the Northeast to sit around to let it dry much of the time!  Anyway, I am not feeling confident that my approach at this point is the best, so I did some revision.

When I was getting irritation from the scar strips, I had been wearing them 24 hours per day.  I have found that when I only use them for 12 hours, my body can manage it.  I don't have to be as conscious of the strips as I do the serum, so I thought it useful to add the strips back in.

New Approach

1) Scar Away serum in morning after shower.
2) 9x6 Pure Silicone Personal Lubricant after work for massage treatment (on order). *
3) Scar Away scar strips to bed.
4) When possible (like on a weekend in the morning before shower), I will use a Coq10 moisturizer as that is supposed to help with cell regeneration.

So far (the last 3 days), the strips have not irritated my skin.  I was looking for an essential oil for massage (and still may pick some up), but realized that if the massage could be done with the chemical that is supposed to decrease our scars (silicone), why not use it!  I will just wipe it off after/clean the area (whatever needs to be done), so that the scar strips will cling when I put them on later.

Anyway, the reason why I am so focused on scar treatment is that I know that the earlier you start, the shorter time it should take and the better chance of light, flat scars.  I don't want to do this forever!

Will not cause allergic reactions or skin irritations. Contains NO additives, fragrances, fillers, vitamins, colors, water, liquids or any variety of other cost savers. There is no testing on animals in developing this product.  No parabens, no phosphates, etc.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: SaerJoe on January 19, 2014, 02:05:23 PM
Hey Brett--all~~. Thanks for the rundown on how to post pictures.  With your help I think I can figure it out.  Will post the work of art LOL tomorrow when I have access to DropBox (like photobucket).  Thanks! 

Sounds like you're healing well, Brett.  Would like to see your result as well if you would share a link.  I've used the gels and have had the best luck with the 1.5x7 Scar-away sheets.  Sorry you've had reactivity to them as they're so easy. (I tape them down when they get weak).  Within 12 hrs the knotted up collagen relaxes and settles down so much flatter for me than the topical things.  The other thing too is that the silicone on the strips gets much diminished after 2-3 wash/wear cycles.  (Says to hand wash them).  On the most recent application of some new ones, I just left them on ---even in the shower, and through today it's 2 showers.  I'd read that in one of the reviews for the things on  Another thing you might consider is using polyurethane sheets instead of silicone if you're having sensitivity to it.  Clinical trials are saying that it does what silicone does, but faster.  They are pricey, but then again, in the scheme of life, maybe worth it.  The other thing the surgeon recommended was the lymphatic message, and that too seems to help things along.

Well, I'm counting the days to "Day 56" or that 8 week milestone where I can get on that bike.  We're plenty warm down here in the SW, and 65 is riding weather in my book (I'm from the Northeast also and have business up there----so cold this year!).  Dosing back up on T a week after surgery and feeling just a little better every day, I'm busting at the seems to get lifting and get going!  Most days are good despite a reminder here and there I need to slow down.  Without thinking....Friday morning I rolled across the bed to hug my wife like I always have, and was shocked at how great I pain or strange sensation!  But later that day, I could have really used a nap, and I'll admit, I'm glad I did this in the winter where the early darkness has me unapologetic about going to bed early.  We just have to follow the body's needs, and not be afraid to baby ourselves a while. 

Well, off to make some snacks and get ready for another football Sunday.  I wish speedy healing for all!

Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Bimmer Guy on January 19, 2014, 02:22:30 PM
Hey, Joe (is that the name you want to be used, or your full screen name).

I use the 7 inch, as well.  It just makes more sense.  Is there a reason why you don't remove the Scar Away strips and wash each day (24 hours) as directed?  You are also supposed to change to a new set each week.  I have found that they are wide enough that I can cut them down the length of the strips to get 2 sets.  I do find that after I remove them (about 12 hours), my scars are flatter (they raise later after I have them off for awhile). 

Do you have a link to those clinical trials for polyurethane sheets?  I would be MORE than interested.  I have yet to hear that one and I am Mr. Research!

What are you using for massage?

My photo is on the first post of the thread (I started the thread).

My scars are wider than I would like.  I swear they are slightly wider than a week ago.  It really may be in my head.  I have to measure the width and create a baseline.  I really don't understand it.  I am very cautious (less so now, but I really hardly lifted my arms for the first one-two months).  Anyway, I am a bit disappointed by all my efforts.

Glad you continue to post.

I bet you ARE looking forward to riding!
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Jeatyn on January 19, 2014, 03:19:39 PM
6 Week Update (technically not for another 3 days, but hey)

Foreword: I totally wrote a reply to your questions Brett, but then my browser crashed >:( so I'm gonna do a full update instead

At my hospital visit today I had swabs taken so not sure if I do have an actual infection yet. I saw a doctor who seems to think it's just fluid buildup - this confuses me, surely if it was fluid buildup it would be leaking....fluid xD not huge amounts of puss. My incisions were fully healed up, but I mentioned before that I had some pleats/ruffles/folds (never sure how to describe them) most of them flattened out nicely, the biggest one didn't, it still hasn't, that's where the original leaking was coming from. My theory is that it was just too big to flatten, so it opened up and gradually got bigger and more irritated letting in all kinds of germs....culminating in a gross puss explosion :-X I now have at least three holes in the same area, sort of awkward to see. Before I squeezed it I had like, puss blisters? Not sure what you'd call them, big white lumps along the incision line; I squeezed - they all exploded - leaving behind quite a few holes. This was probably a mistake - if I had let the nurse do it she probably would have made a small cut and drained it properly. It was a huge relief at the time though, it got like 10 times worse than when I last posted about it but then felt instantly better once it was empty. Learn from my mistake :P call up straight away if you have any concerns, I'm one of those who won't go to the doctor unless absolutely necessary, if I had got antibiotics straight away this might not have happened, but hey ho! Hindsight is always 20/20

That being said though - doctors in England are super stingy with antibiotics, so that they don't become ineffective. So if I had called sooner, they might not have given them to me anyway, the nurse was still cautious with handing them over today and called in two doctors and another nurse for their opinion on whether I needed them. So no, I wasn't given any antibiotics straight after surgery.

On the bright side, the other side of my chest is healing beautifully. My nipples are better than before surgery, responding to hot and cold and I have sensation, I didn't before - very interesting. Not sure if this a psychological thing - remove the dysphoria and the nerves spring into life :P

I went to uni last week, I managed the bus ok but I did have to go upstairs to get a seat and felt some pulling. I don't feel comfortable trying it with a bag yet. Other than the bus it was great! For starters I can get dressed in 5 minutes now, no messing about with binders and layers and "can you see my chest in this shirt?" - I was early for the first time ever.

I'm also cold for the first time ever! I usually went outside for a cigarette without a coat, even without a coat I was wearing at least three layers and always overheating xD I went out this time, in just a t-shirt, out of habits sake and oh boy it was cold. I have one mate in class who knows I'm trans and he laughed at the fact he could see my nipples through my shirt. He said it was weird how he didn't noticed that I never had nipples showing before :D Also for clarification before disapproving - I switched to e-cigarettes a few months before surgery, my surgeon agreed this was acceptable :P I still go outside, purely because everyone else does.

I'm back to being able to do most every day activities, housework, picking a few things up from the shop, playing with the kidlet, etc. I can't quite reach above my head properly, my shower nozzle and top kitchen cupboards are just out of reach...glad I have someone else here or I would be taunted by cheerios. I haven't tried vacuuming yet, or picking the little'un up. She totally understands though bless her. She randomly comes up and asks me "how's your poorly chest?" and if my partner is making a lot of noise she goes "shhhh! Daddy has a poorly chest and needs to rest!" xD

I was starting to consider working out again before this infection kicked in. I removed some of the weights from my dumbbells to make them light enough to manage, it doesn't really feel like it's doing anything productive but I'm sure it's better than nothing, I gotta build up slowly. I'm going to leave it for a few weeks now though.

Edit: Pictures! I swear my skin in general isn't this red in person, why do cameras do that? ::) The white dots on one of my nipples are the fishing line type sutures poking out. They have been like that for a while, not pushing out any further, I'm leaving them alone.


Y'know, it's a good job I'm not fussed about cosmetics, my chest is quite a mess isn't it? :P poofy bits on the inside and outside edges, incisions widening, asymmetry, stretchmarks, infection xD I genuinely don't care though, looks perfect under clothes and certainly looks and feels about a billion percent better than it did before surgery.

And the infected bit in case anyone needs a frame of reference in the future for what to look for. That red circle is where all the swelling was. It was like a golf ball =/ You can also see the fold that started it all.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: SaerJoe on January 19, 2014, 03:26:19 PM
@ Brett:  Joe works fine, SJ,'s all good.   :)  Saer is a Celtic derivation of Sawyer, Sayer, Sayre etc.  It means carpenter or some such.  My mission is to keep the initials of my given name (no change in signature.  Good luck with that, right?!  LOL

Here is the link from the NIH site I found.  Other information can be found in the reviews of various products found on Amazon etc.  I've decided for now to stick with ScarAway.  I'm sure I'm doing too much and and am being more active than I should be.....but it's impossible for me to totally slow down.  In many ways I feel 20 years overdue at having this done (buried myself in college and work).  At 50 and a business owner covering 2 states, I've lost so much muscle and weight from surgery time, I am ready to get on with this life!,d.cWc

I'd read a lady on an Amazon review for the ScarAway sheets that there really is no need to remove them---I suppose what I'll do is let this new set get loose for a couple days, and then wash them as directed, rotating 2 sets.  Shower, put them on and go------keeping them on for 24 hours each, and discarding after one week.  Truthfully, I'm trying hard not to obsess too much about it all.  As a type A : ) I could obsess endlessly about the symmetry and scarring.  I'm mostly so glad to be at peace with that aspect of femaleness gone---I'm trying not to get too far in the weeds about the "perfection" of this very human body!  We have to take it easy on ourselves!

Picture attached---hope the upload works. 

Regarding massage, I googled "lymphatic massage" and luckily I found a lady here 7 miles from my home that specializes in it, as well as Swedish and related sports massage.  You're probably at a good jumping off point for it (my doc said ok to go at 3 weeks post-op).  It's great to go along with the massage you might do at home.  The difference here is that for the scarring, quite a bit of pressure needs to be applied and yes, to the point of hurting.  The idea is to break up the massive collagen formations that make up the lumpiness, as is the body's response (and because the dermis has been damaged at the incision line, over-response).  At first they'll massage along the incision line, and later, across it.    I've had 2 sessions thus far, and right after it feels great, but later in the day you'll feel a bit sore (I slept like a rock).  I'm all ears to hear about your experience with it, if you go.  Please do educate yourself on it, check with your doc, and do take it at your own pace, by all means.

Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: aleon515 on January 19, 2014, 06:57:59 PM
Some of the lumpiness is not the outer scars, it's the inner ones. I say that because my scars nearly touch, not thrilled about this but I guess not possible not to do this since that's to keep the scars from puckering. Anyway, early on there was a lot more lumpiness than now. (I guess I am 10 weeks out). Anyway they look and feel a lot better, and I really thought that it looked like it was more on the inside anyway. Interesting that this all takes 6 months or so to heal. Interesting.

I am not doing any exercise (well walking that's it) yet. I still feel a lot of pulling along the scar line if I do anything really strenuous (such a reaching really far). I know that Dr G says you can start all that up in 6 weeks. But I think what he is really trying to do is keep the younguns from going out at week 2 and jet skiing. I've heard of doctors recommending very hard stuff like no lifting anything over a gal of milk up to 6 months. That's really hard to do, and easier to get compliance in basic care if you set the bar kind of low. Just my take. (BTW, I have wondered if the story of our inane friend who went out on jet skis at 2 weeks is some apocryphal story. :)  )  OTOH, I am doing all normal activities, and did almost immediately after surgery, so all the chores and so on.

Interesting about your massage, but I don't really like being touched so I think that is way out for me.

BTW, I would guess you could keep the ScarAway sheets on all the time. Not sure how well they would stick. I used a generic, but I found they really stuck a little better right after they were washed. It seems like moisture makes them not stick as well. So sweat and so on make them less sticky.

Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: SaerJoe on January 19, 2014, 07:59:32 PM
Totally agree that the lumpiness is mostly all on the inside.  The way I understand it, it's collagen formation under the damaged outer layer of skin or dermis (at the incision).  Because I'm still very active my greatest concern is to baby this to the point I'm fully healed (doc says the internal stitches take 6 months to fully heal; I had no outer stitches or drains), while working to regain full range of motion as the body allows me to.  So...a little light yoga stretching, hand weights to keep tendons/ligaments from freezing up, a little walking and a few minutes on the Nordic track, careful to keep the heart rate moderate.  I'd say at this point my reach and range of motion is about 85%.  A morning stretch feels about 90% normal.  Am pleased this far with progress.  Nipples healed very quickly.

The ScarAway strips are stickiest right out of the liners, so I thought I'd try the online reviewer's suggestion of leaving them on until they loosen, just for grins.  They are a little looser on this second day, and tomorrow I will take them off before showering for work and wash them (you're right, always stickier when new or freshly washed).

While I'd love for these scars to be near invisible in 6 months, I'll be ok with whatever this body can do.  I respect the natural healing process, and the kind of assault this surgery is on our bodies.  After the first week, feeling how strongly the chest seem to pull me "down", my concern turned to the range of motion, something I really hadn't considered.  Reading several sites about mastectomy and how many women suffer muscle soreness and even damage, and sustain permanent mobility issues, my focus turned to both aspects.  My fear is in babying these scars too much to the point I wake up 3 or 4 months out with beautiful scars, only to realize my reach has been diminished to the point of pain.  So my approach I guess, is in slowly balancing the two goals; mobility and reduced scarring.  I am surprised doc says motorcycling is ok at 8 weeks.  I can tell you I'm not sure that's the best advice, and will wade very carefully back in, taking a short hop or two....none of my 100 mile down and dirty runs.  That would be crazy!

Very nice chatting with you, Jay, and Brett.  Very nice to meet you guys, and also the Brit.  Such a cute story about the "kidlet" and her reactions to Daddy's surgery. So cute!

By the way, did the picture link work?  I was only able to open it (on an iPad) by highlighting the https address only, without the "img" info.

Cheers, all!

Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: aleon515 on January 19, 2014, 10:29:00 PM
I think mastectomy patients have *many* issues that we won't have. You have to remember that most mastectomies are for cancer, so that to prevent cancer from spreading they actually remove the lymph nodes and sometimes even parts of the chest wall and so on. So the pain, stiffness and so on, is mostly caused by that. They have a MUCH harder time with recovery. I have had friends who have had them and I am doing MUCH better than any of them-- due to a much lesser procedure. (As well as not having cancer and being happy instead of sad at loosing the chesticles.) I am pretty sure you would have to almost stop using your upper arm muscles and so on, to get stiff as the only case I ever heard of is the one Brett mentioned (not sure which thread). I think looking at youtube top surgery patients would give you a better idea how we typically do. I should post my next video here.

I'm not doing exercises but I am also not limiting my movements at all and have pretty much normal range of motion. But I can feel pulling or something. But it is when I do long reaches or something like that. I am pretty sure that is 100% normal. I think that I have heard this is the case at 6 months or so (or perhaps longer). Mostly I am taking the dog for long walks. I am pretty sure I will be hiking sometime soon. It has been very nice and warm lately, this requires me to use a hiking stick, so that would be the first upper body exercise I've really had. (I am in the foothills.)

I have no illusions about how my scaring might be. I expect that given my age, lack of pecs, and lack of body hair I don't have much to hide them. But they still are nice and thin and have lightened up quite nicely, I imagine thru the use of silicone products. Dont' really like the strips. So now onto my third product (now Scaraway serum). I don't think the applicator works so so well, so might try one of my choices.

Your link did NOT work. You can go in after you post and check them out. it's what I usually do.
I think there are several of us going thru this in very close proximity so it is kind of fun to watch this. Jayr also, well he and I met in Fl. But I don't think he posts too much.

Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Bimmer Guy on January 19, 2014, 10:54:15 PM
Joe, you make no sense to me.   :P

You put out the money for massage but are going against the suggested use of the Scar Away strips in order to save a couple bucks?  Yes, I read the amazon reviews as well, but how could changing out the strips and washing them frequently NOT be good?  The "washing" of them rejuvenates the silicone (that is why they are sticky again, just like when they come out of the package).  It is the rubbing of your thumb with clear soap that does this.  Quit wearing them in the shower!  What the hell?  Do what the damn package says! lol If you want to wear them 24/7, excellent.  Just run two sets at a time and put on a dry set after each shower.

I looked into the massage in my area and I have a name/number to call tomorrow.  Thanks for the tip!  I had read about it, but didn't really consider taking the step.  Although I don't have the same sensory issues as Jay, I don't really like being touched by people.  I have never gotten a back massage due to this, so I am not sure if I could tolerate someone touching me on my chest.  Even if breasts aren't there anymore, I haven't even let my partner hang around there, yet.  I'm going to call and find out about it, but not sure I can follow through with it.

Thanks you very much for the study.  Very, very interesting.  I am going to see if I can find more on it.

As an aside, I found at least 2/3 studies comparing the strips to the serum/gel.  It was determined that they had the same level of efficacy.  However, they did find that people are more apt to finish the full treatment if they use the serum/gel.  People quite earlier if they use the strips. 

Jay, what isn't working with the applicator?  I just pump the tube and then gently roll the serum on (I hold up a mirror to my chest when doing so to make sure I got the whole incision line), and it's done.  What is it you are having problems with?

Joe, right, picture didn't work.  Ask the wife for help, maybe?
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: aleon515 on January 20, 2014, 01:59:44 AM
I love my clone, he is so darn direct. :)

"I don't get you... follow the darn directions, what the heck is wrong with you? Are you flipping lazy?" LOL.
True. Nothing silicone is cheap. Unless you want to get lube. Lube will work but it will get on everything. The idea of getting two sets is actually a good idea. I think they are a pain to use, but I think they are a really good idea. Seems like everyone goes for them for awhile.

I do like touch but totally on my own terms. Kind of like a cat. I will never ever get a massage. Yuck. OTOH, "don't yuck my yum" might apply.

Yeah the applicator isn't always applying gel. Sometimes takes one pump, sometimes two or three. I have read that comment in the complaints/comments btw. The stuff is good though when it comes out well. It doesn't seem to last as long as the invicible (but oh well, not going down that street again). But it doesn't come off all over like lube. I'm sorry but I am on the quest for the perhaps silicone product. Wish me luck. :)

If you want to take off the [img] brackets, it might load as a website? I've had trouble with those brackets before.

Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Jeatyn on January 20, 2014, 04:31:25 AM
The image didn't work because you missed off one of the brackets at the end ^_^
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: SaerJoe on January 20, 2014, 06:10:21 AM
(//)I'll have to say, Jay and Brett, you two crack me up with the lack of desire to be touched?  It's a therapeutic massage, not an appt with a hooker!  : ). My better half is afraid to work on them because she's out of her realm in terms of technique. 

Brett---to each his own on the path forward with the scars.  You've posted at length about your changing protocol---I've just shared something I'm trying.  Of course take it for what it's worth!  I shower under a "rain head", not a wall mount type shower, so no direct spray on the chest area at all, and I use non-lotion soaps and shampoos.  The point of the silicone sheets is to keep them sticky enough to stay on.  The "reactivating" you're speaking of in terms of washing is to reactivate the stickiness of the silicone.  On day 3 of having them on, I regret pulling them off before this morning's shower because they were still uber stuck! 

The strips are expensive, but I didn't get to a place where I could pay cash for all of this by being lazy.....or cheap, right?!  I work 55-65 hrs/week, so little time to mess with it!  I'm not a big fan of waste, so the time saved in leaving them on is great for the morning rush, and why not save a couple bucks along the way, a personal thrill.  : ).  Just a personal peccadillo like not liking massage.

I wish everyone luck with their results!

On radical mastectomy/cancer patients: I understand fully the difference between removal of nodes etc.    Lymph nodes, nerves and muscle CAN be damaged in any surgery/mastectomy.  The muscle cramping that prompted my first post was reflective of this concern.  The sensation felt far different than simply nerves starting to "re-fire."  Hence, the reading about the issue.  My left incision is wider than the right, and I have more pulling in that arm. goal is to work toward full mobility and baby the scars along the way.  So far, so good.

The pic was posted twice, from an iPad....and placed exactly inside the brackets.  I was able to download it when highlighting the hyperlink within the quotes.  I'll try it today from the office on my PC to see if the forum links get any happier with it.  I'm sure the world is fascinated to see an old chest, LOL?!

Hope everyone has a great week.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Bimmer Guy on January 20, 2014, 09:28:34 AM
Quote from: SaerJoe on January 20, 2014, 06:10:21 AM
(//)I'll have to say, Jay and Brett, you two crack me up with the lack of desire to be touched?  It's a therapeutic massage, not an appt with a hooker!  : ). My better half is afraid to work on them because she's out of her realm in terms of technique. 

Brett---to each his own on the path forward with the scars.  You've posted at length about your changing protocol---I've just shared something I'm trying.  Of course take it for what it's worth!  I shower under a "rain head", not a wall mount type shower, so no direct spray on the chest area at all, and I use non-lotion soaps and shampoos.  The point of the silicone sheets is to keep them sticky enough to stay on.  The "reactivating" you're speaking of in terms of washing is to reactivate the stickiness of the silicone.  On day 3 of having them on, I regret pulling them off before this morning's shower because they were still uber stuck! 

The strips are expensive, but I didn't get to a place where I could pay cash for all of this by being lazy.....or cheap, right?!  I work 55-65 hrs/week, so little time to mess with it!  I'm not a big fan of waste, so the time saved in leaving them on is great for the morning rush, and why not save a couple bucks along the way, a personal thrill.  : ).  Just a personal peccadillo like not liking massage.

I wish everyone luck with their results!

On radical mastectomy/cancer patients: I understand fully the difference between removal of nodes etc.    Lymph nodes, nerves and muscle CAN be damaged in any surgery/mastectomy.  The muscle cramping that prompted my first post was reflective of this concern.  The sensation felt far different than simply nerves starting to "re-fire."  Hence, the reading about the issue.  My left incision is wider than the right, and I have more pulling in that arm. goal is to work toward full mobility and baby the scars along the way.  So far, so good.

The pic was posted twice, from an iPad....and placed exactly inside the brackets.  I was able to download it when highlighting the hyperlink within the quotes.  I'll try it today from the office on my PC to see if the forum links get any happier with it.  I'm sure the world is fascinated to see an old chest, LOL?!

Hope everyone has a great week.

Hey, Joe.  I think my delivery did not indicate I was seriously just teasing you!  If you hadn't mentioned getting massage (thus putting out cash for that), I wouldn't have busted your balls about it!  What is toughest about deciding on our approaches is that we really can never know what it is that "really" worked with our treatments, as time lightens scars as well.

I hear you about waste and saving money.  My behavior is quite incongruent.  On the one hand I rarely order anything but water at a restaurant because I think beverage prices are insane.  I make sure I always buy those select-a-size paper towels so that I don't use more than I need.  Yet, I will spend thousands of dollars modifying my car.  Go figure.

I would like to see you chest, Joe, but it sounds like it is more hassle than it is worth!

Jeatyn, thanks for the 6 weeks update.  I am glad that they decided to give you the antibiotics.  It sounds like you are taking these complications in stride!  It is also really interesting about the nipples (the hot/cold you mention).  Also, yes, it is colder out without the heavy binder!  As I recall, you wore more layers than I did (I just wore one binder and one t-shirt), so it must be really noticeable to you!  I also know exactly what you mean when you talk about getting dressed in the morning.  Sometimes, especially when I am in a rush I notice I forget and have that moment of <pause>, "Ok, wear is my binder and I am ready for the struggle", and then I realize I don't have to worry about it.  I didn't realize I used to have this almost sinking feeling right before I got dressed when I had to choose a binder.  Glad you are managing without having to bring a bag.

Yes, please post a picture at next dressing change!

As Joe said, have a great week, everyone!  Where is Jack?
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: SaerJoe on January 20, 2014, 09:49:09 AM

I'll always keep trying.  Went through the same copy link/paste process, but this time from a PC and not an Apple production.  Geesh, right?  If it shows up, this is a photo from 29 days post-op. 

And I, too, wish Jeatyn a speedy recovery.  Sounds like some bumps along the way, and he's rolling with the punches well.

Cheers to every one for a great week! :D

Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: SaerJoe on January 20, 2014, 10:31:52 AM

last attempt to post photo from DropBox!
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: aleon515 on January 20, 2014, 12:55:50 PM
Quote from: SaerJoe on January 20, 2014, 06:10:21 AM
(//)I'll have to say, Jay and Brett, you two crack me up with the lack of desire to be touched?  It's a therapeutic massage, not an appt with a hooker!  : ). My better half is afraid to work on them because she's out of her realm in terms of technique. 

Well I can't speak for Brett (though why not, being his clone and all?). But I am on the autism spectrum, specifically I'm Aspergers. It has nothing to do with what kind of touch it is-- casual is maybe the worst because I can't prepare my brain for it. It has nothing whatsoever to do with sex. I can pretty much take it in a medical procedure but massage is actually an extended thing, which I'd find difficult. Having these issues has ramifications for what I wear (haha fun binding with this!) and sex too. But the condition itself is called "tactile defensiveness". This is most likely a LOT more than you wanted to know. Hehe, I am so good at that.

As for difference between top surgery and a mastectomy-- well it's true that the lymph nodes COULD be damaged with the surgery, it's true I suppose. I have never actually heard of this though. Somewhere in the 5% of cases where there are complications, is SOMEONE with this issue (maybe). I think what is more likely to happen is that IF someone is unusually absorbed in not wanting the stitches to stretch, they could keep their arms down and kind of get frozen that way. I don't think with normal tasks (I mean I do a hundred things a day where I move my arms out from my sides), that's going to happen. I just don't think it is a real concern. I think initially you are stiffer but as you move it goes away. The condition that I described happened to one of Dr G's patients. But it could happen to anybody I suppose, I just think that this is not the typical thing to happen. You are earlier in your recovery than we are and no doubt a bit stiffer, but I can assure you this does go away in a normal situation. 

Also it is REALLY typical to have a lot of twinges and shots of strong pain and so on. It's I think because your nerves are really confused. They just cut into them (nothing at all to do with the lymph nodes) and the nerves are kind of mixed up. There is also kind of healing pain and so on. I had them up to a month after surgery, and don't now at all (10 weeks).

BTW, love my iPad, but I do have trouble during certain kinds of things. It doesn't work too well doing two things at once.

Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: SaerJoe on January 20, 2014, 01:11:03 PM

thanks for sharing your experience regarding Asperger's.  Am familiar, and surely understand. 

As for the links to DropBox--not sure what's up there.  Tried to post it twice from a PC---I see the link in the reply form, and yet it doesn't show up in the posted msg.  I might try it from my Mac again tonight.  It's the only device I haven't tried it from.  I would have thought the PC would work.  I'm sure it's just the one magic button I haven't tried, so I'll keep hammering.  If DropBox doesn't do it, I'll download PhotoBucket and fill up more hard drive space there.  : )

Don't mind the blank posts, and by all means, don't fall on the floor if you see the pasty white skin in Tommy John's hit your screen.  : )
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Alexthecat on January 20, 2014, 02:10:59 PM
1 week post op.

Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Jeatyn on January 20, 2014, 03:54:46 PM
Your chest looks great already Alex! Your nipples look especially amazing for only one week. Had a momentary chuckle there, this must be the one place you can casually compliment another guys nipples.  :D

I updated my post above with pictures.

I am indeed taking the complications in stride, I'm pretty laid back in general (since starting T anyway) - I figure worrying about it won't fix it any quicker so why waste the energy. It's much better already, swelling has gone way down and there's much less leakage. Still quite a lot though, I have already changed dressings twice and the one I have had on for only a few hours is all gross already =/ I was only given four changes, so for the moment I just have regular gauze being held on by the dreaded compression tube ::) I'm gonna save the proper stick on dressings for when I'm going to uni. I figure I should be keeping it as clean as possible, not letting the dressing with all the ickyness on just sit there.

Edit: Forgot to mention RE: photobucket. You don't need to download anything to use it, you just sign up and then drag photos into the browser to upload them. Not sure why drop box isn't working, the tags seem fine, the pictures are just acting like they don't exist!
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: SaerJoe on January 20, 2014, 04:06:58 PM

Edit: Forgot to mention RE: photobucket. You don't need to download anything to use it, you just sign up and then drag photos into the browser to upload them. Not sure why drop box isn't working, the tags seem fine, the pictures are just acting like they don't exist!

Thanks for the DropBox feedback.  I've never had trouble with it before, so not sure.  I've put the Photobucket app on my PC and will attempt again later from there.  Some apps are happier than others, depending on how this site was put together.  Onward and upward, right?

Thanks again for the assist Jeatyn--a speedy recovery to you! 

PS:  I've noticed too that on T I am much calmer.  Love. it.!
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Kreuzfidel on January 20, 2014, 04:57:29 PM
I can't believe how great your chest looks after just 1 week, Alex.  That's amazing.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Bimmer Guy on January 20, 2014, 09:25:58 PM
Jeatyn, you do seem to be humming along.  You do well at taking things in stride!

Joe, fantastic looking chest (and body!). 

Alex, glad you came into the thread and posted your pictures.  As Jeatyn says, your nipples look amazing!  Is there some sort of clear material over top of them?  Hard to tell from the picture.  When do you get it all removed?
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: SaerJoe on January 21, 2014, 05:57:08 AM
That is a fantastic job, Alex!  Who was your surgeon?  My nipples looked like a train wreck at one week.  By the third week they looked ok.  Sensation back for the most part, right more than left.  Surgeon told me that one breast was slightly heavier than the other and that was the reason for the longer incision on the left.  I never noticed though. 

Thanks all, for sharing your stories and photos---I look forward to following progress and sharing more experiences.

The trick for any other unlucky Dropbox user:  drop the [img] gizmos that bracket the link before hitting save or post.  That's all it took.

Jaetyn, Alex, Brett and Jay---nice to know ya!  Be cool!
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Alexthecat on January 21, 2014, 08:48:17 AM
The nurse said they used skin glue on the incision but didn't mention anything on the nipples. I'd have to take a closer look but I doubt it really is anything there because I'm done with visiting them. Maybe it looks like that because I had just got out of a shower. Dr. Medalie did me and I was a A/B probably more a B and left was bigger than the right by a bit. My incision lines go way under my arms the same on both sides.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: SaerJoe on January 21, 2014, 08:51:58 AM
Quote from: Alexthecat on January 21, 2014, 08:48:17 AM
The nurse said they used skin glue on the incision but didn't mention anything on the nipples. I'd have to take a closer look but I doubt it really is anything there because I'm done with visiting them. Maybe it looks like that because I had just got out of a shower. Dr. Medalie did me and I was a A/B probably more a B and left was bigger than the right by a bit. My incision lines go way under my arms the same on both sides.

Looks great, Alex!  I too was an A, and the incisions go all the way under my arms, one a little longer than the other.  Incisions 7.5 and 8.5" each.  You know, we guys are always fascinated by measurements, aren't we??!!  LOL

Medalie did a great job!  Happy Healing!

Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: aleon515 on January 21, 2014, 12:02:28 PM
Quote from: SaerJoe on January 21, 2014, 05:57:08 AM
That is a fantastic job, Alex!  Who was your surgeon?  My nipples looked like a train wreck at one week.  By the third week they looked ok.  Sensation back for the most part, right more than left.  Surgeon told me that one breast was slightly heavier than the other and that was the reason for the longer incision on the left.  I never noticed though. 

Thanks all, for sharing your stories and photos---I look forward to following progress and sharing more experiences.

The trick for any other unlucky Dropbox user:  drop the [img] gizmos that bracket the link before hitting save or post.  That's all it took.

Jaetyn, Alex, Brett and Jay---nice to know ya!  Be cool!

I agree. Mine didn't look like a train wreck, more like pepperonis. I don't think Dr G likes that one. LOL.
Cool to meet you buddy!

Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: SaerJoe on January 21, 2014, 12:12:30 PM
Quote from: aleon515 on January 21, 2014, 12:02:28 PM

I agree. Mine didn't look like a train wreck, more like pepperonis. I don't think Dr G likes that one. LOL.
Cool to meet you buddy!


@Jay:  I'm with ya on the pepperoni's!  LOL  True that!

Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Jeatyn on January 22, 2014, 05:09:02 AM
Eugh, I feel like crap. I assume it's side effects from the antibiotics. The infection itself seems to be getting much better but there is a war waging on my insides xD I'm also exhausted regardless of how much sleep I get and my limbs feel like they're made of lead.

I came home at lunch time from uni yesterday and I've not made it in today. I was supposed to be attending a board meeting this afternoon - I am the rep for my year - I've asked them to reschedule it, if they can't I'm gonna have to drag my ass in for it.

I dread to think how much of a nightmare situation I'd be in if my surgery went ahead on the 8th of January like it was originally. Thank god I had the Christmas break as a buffer zone for the majority of my recovery time or my grades would be completely trashed.

Stupid infection, does it not know how inconvenient it's being?  :P
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: SaerJoe on January 22, 2014, 08:39:29 AM
Quote from: Jeatyn on January 22, 2014, 05:09:02 AM
Eugh, I feel like crap. I assume it's side effects from the antibiotics. The infection itself seems to be getting much better but there is a war waging on my insides xD I'm also exhausted regardless of how much sleep I get and my limbs feel like they're made of lead.

I came home at lunch time from uni yesterday and I've not made it in today. I was supposed to be attending a board meeting this afternoon - I am the rep for my year - I've asked them to reschedule it, if they can't I'm gonna have to drag my ass in for it.

I dread to think how much of a nightmare situation I'd be in if my surgery went ahead on the 8th of January like it was originally. Thank god I had the Christmas break as a buffer zone for the majority of my recovery time or my grades would be completely trashed.

Stupid infection, does it not know how inconvenient it's being?  :P

I hear you on the surgery date.  Mine was 12/12/13 and I am so glad I had the holidays to kind of muddle through to get the first couple weeks out of the way.  We need to be able to function!

Not sure what your doc has recommended, but experience has told me that whenever I go on antibiotics, I've needed to dose up big-time on pro-biotics.  I have quite a history of GI trouble, and I take probiotics as a normal daily course.  But on antibiotics....I double them. 

The other thing you might ask doc about is Vitamin B6.  Vitamin B6 the way I understand helps with muscle and nerve repair so perhaps .... might help with the feeling like crap? 

Just thoughts.  Hope you get feeling better!!!!!

Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: elliott on January 22, 2014, 08:56:41 AM
Congrats to everyone here on finally getting surgery! I had my surgery 6 weeks ago, was unfortunate enough to loose my left nipple graft but strangely it's still healed really well and looks a lot like a nipple so I'm not too bothered. My scars are still pretty red as it's so recent, but in terms of the general shape and appearance I'm really pleased.


Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Jeatyn on January 22, 2014, 10:12:59 AM
Looks great Elliot! The fact that you lost a graft isn't even noticeable.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Darrin Scott on January 22, 2014, 10:15:21 AM
Looks great Elliott!!
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: aleon515 on January 22, 2014, 11:46:29 AM
You really look great Elliot, can't tell re: the nipples. I'm guessing perhaps you didn't lose as much as you thought. BTW, you have amazing pecs!! Who was the surgeon?

Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: elliott on January 23, 2014, 04:44:25 AM
Thanks guys!

Quote from: aleon515 on January 22, 2014, 11:46:29 AM
You really look great Elliot, can't tell re: the nipples. I'm guessing perhaps you didn't lose as much as you thought. BTW, you have amazing pecs!! Who was the surgeon?

Thanks! I was really surprised by them too, I was only 5 months on T when I had my surgery so wasn't expecting to have any! Finally allowed back in the gym today so looking forward to getting back in shape properly. I'm from England so had my surgery with a Dr in London called Miles Berry, he and all his staff were absolutely fantastic.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Bimmer Guy on January 23, 2014, 11:07:30 AM
As I said on the other thread, Elliot, your chest looks great!  The surgeon did a great job making his incision line exactly under your pec.  And like you said on the other thread, the indent in your chest really does highlight your pecs!  I bet you never thought that indent would come in handy one day!  ha!
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Kreuzfidel on January 26, 2014, 02:15:27 AM
Well, here's my update.

Had surgery on Thursday, was released from hospital today (Sunday) - so I stayed in hospital a lot longer than folks in the US seem to.

My surgery went well.  Dr. Hassall said that she had to perform a graft on the right nipple only as it had an odd blood supply - so here's hoping that it takes well and heals up.   

My drainage was minimal, so I had the drains removed today (thank goodness, wow they were painful).  After about 3 nights of no sleep, I'm hoping to sleep a bit more comfortably tonight at least.

I've not had a complete reveal yet, but will do so on Tuesday or Wednesday when I see Dr. Hassall again to change the dressings.  But so far, I took a photo when I was allowed to take my binder off for a wash-up:


Pain-wise, I'm pretty sore still.  The whole time in hospital I was only given Panadol (Tylenol) for pain unless I asked for something stronger at which point they gave me Oxycodone.  I've only needed the strong stuff a few times - usually when I wake up from sleeping overnight in the mornings and am writhing in pain.

Other than that, everything seems to be going well (fingers crossed).  I'll keep updating as I learn more.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Bimmer Guy on January 26, 2014, 09:20:24 AM
Hey, Kreuzfidel!  I was wondering how you were getting along.  I'm glad you came to the thread to update.  You look great!  So, you got the pedicle technique?  Your chest surrounding the area of the incisions really does look great.  The more I see/learn about the pedicle, I really might have chosen this, if possible.  I would have liked those scars, better.

That is interesting about the right nipple.  I guess with it being a free graft there is a good possibility that you will only have erotic feeling in the left one, huh?  I wonder how that would be (like if it would feel strange for it to be that way)?

Sorry to hear about the pain.  It is interesting how some of us have a lot while some of us have little.

How much time did you take off from work?  Do you have a physical job or a desk job?

Don't forget to put up pics after the reveal!

Happy healing!
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Jeatyn on January 26, 2014, 01:58:15 PM
Sounds like we had a similar experience Kreuzfidel - I was surprised when when I was told I'd be kept in hospital for a few days because all the american guys seem to come home the same day! The pedicle technique seems to be quite uncommon too. Interesting that you've ended up getting one graft and one pedicle, pretty sure I haven't heard of that happening before - though I'm guessing it probably has at some point, not all guys document the process. I guess at least you'll be able to write a first hand "review" of both types! xD

There's only one con I can think of regarding the pedicle technique, if you consider it that, I can feel the blood my chest. It still feels pretty tender. I'm wondering if it will be visible once my bodyfat% is down and I've built up some pecs.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Bimmer Guy on January 26, 2014, 03:23:37 PM
Quote from: Jeatyn on January 26, 2014, 01:58:15 PM
Sounds like we had a similar experience Kreuzfidel - I was surprised when when I was told I'd be kept in hospital for a few days because all the american guys seem to come home the same day! The pedicle technique seems to be quite uncommon too. Interesting that you've ended up getting one graft and one pedicle, pretty sure I haven't heard of that happening before - though I'm guessing it probably has at some point, not all guys document the process. I guess at least you'll be able to write a first hand "review" of both types! xD

There's only one con I can think of regarding the pedicle technique, if you consider it that, I can feel the blood my chest. It still feels pretty tender. I'm wondering if it will be visible once my bodyfat% is down and I've built up some pecs.

What's the coil thing?  I'm lost here.

Yes, it looks like all surgeons outside the U.S. have you all stay over a few nights.  I don't know any surgeons here in the U.S. that keep people overnight.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: aleon515 on January 26, 2014, 03:52:10 PM
Quote from: Brett on January 26, 2014, 03:23:37 PM
What's the coil thing?  I'm lost here.

Yes, it looks like all surgeons outside the U.S. have you all stay over a few nights.  I don't know any surgeons here in the U.S. that keep people overnight.

I don't think the same day surgery center concept really exists in Europe. I tried to google this and got a same day surgery center named something like Europe Same Day Surgery Center. LOL. I think it was a cost savings thing for the US having a sort of unique "system" of private pay for profit insurance.

Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Kreuzfidel on January 26, 2014, 11:09:13 PM
Thanks for the comments, guys.

Quote from: Brett on January 26, 2014, 09:20:24 AMYou look great!  So, you got the pedicle technique?  Your chest surrounding the area of the incisions really does look great.  The more I see/learn about the pedicle, I really might have chosen this, if possible.  I would have liked those scars, better.

Thanks, Brett!  It's odd because when I initially spoke to Dr. Hassall, she indicated that she would be doing grafts on both nipples - we didn't even discuss the pedicle technique at all, so I was pretty much more surprised that she had done a pedicle on the left.  Anyway, I suppose it's a unique situation, so I'll keep posting on how each one is going. 

Quote from: BrettThat is interesting about the right nipple.  I guess with it being a free graft there is a good possibility that you will only have erotic feeling in the left one, huh?  I wonder how that would be (like if it would feel strange for it to be that way)?

Yeah it's a bit weird!  I don't know - I told her that I didn't care about sensation which I don't - so having one nipple with potential sensation and the other completely numb will be very different lol

Quote from: BrettHow much time did you take off from work?  Do you have a physical job or a desk job?

I took 6 weeks off from work - which is more than most guys tend to take, but at the same time my job is probably 90% desk-based, but when I'm working on the floor, I'm lifting heavy boxes - so I didn't want to take any chances.

Quote from: Jeatyn on January 26, 2014, 01:58:15 PM
Sounds like we had a similar experience Kreuzfidel - I was surprised when when I was told I'd be kept in hospital for a few days because all the american guys seem to come home the same day! The pedicle technique seems to be quite uncommon too. Interesting that you've ended up getting one graft and one pedicle, pretty sure I haven't heard of that happening before - though I'm guessing it probably has at some point, not all guys document the process. I guess at least you'll be able to write a first hand "review" of both types! xD

There's only one con I can think of regarding the pedicle technique, if you consider it that, I can feel the blood my chest. It still feels pretty tender. I'm wondering if it will be visible once my bodyfat% is down and I've built up some pecs.

Yeah, defo - I'll be writing a review one my odd half-n-half chest lol 

I'm not sure why she didn't just do them both as grafts which was what I initially wanted, but oh well.  I will have a feel for the coil thing when I'm a bit less tender - I think that would feel pretty weird, but I guess as long as it looks okay I won't be too bothered. 

Thanks again for the well wishes, y'all :)
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Jeatyn on January 27, 2014, 05:14:41 AM
Quote from: Brett on January 26, 2014, 03:23:37 PM
What's the coil thing?  I'm lost here.

The nipples are kept on a stalk of blood vessels and the surgeon coils them round on themselves to fit them in snugly behind the skin. My stalks ended up really long, someone with a smaller/less saggy chest I would imagine won't have such a prominent coil.

I'm not too sure how the body works when it comes to blood vessels, maybe eventually it'll all be "rewired" and the coil will blend in better.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Bimmer Guy on January 27, 2014, 09:03:08 AM
Quote from: Jeatyn on January 27, 2014, 05:14:41 AM
The nipples are kept on a stalk of blood vessels and the surgeon coils them round on themselves to fit them in snugly behind the skin. My stalks ended up really long, someone with a smaller/less saggy chest I would imagine won't have such a prominent coil.

I'm not too sure how the body works when it comes to blood vessels, maybe eventually it'll all be "rewired" and the coil will blend in better.

That is SO cool.  So if I picture it in my head does it make sense to picture it as tubular shaped pushed straight into the chest.  Or tubular shapes laying flat against the chest or something?


Kreuzfidel, if you don't mind sharing, is your lack of interest in sensation about not having any before, so you don't care, not wanting them touched before so you don't care, or feeling uncomfortable with having sensation before?

For me, I didn't care about sensation because I didn't like my breasts touched due to both my dysphoria and the sensation was really disturbing to me.

Interesting thing is that I have heard that guys that were uncomfortable with having their areolas/nipples touched when they were breasts became more comfortable and actually started to enjoy the sensation (or maybe "let" themselves enjoy the sensation), afterwards.

Last question.  For some reason I read your post as saying that she used pedicle and on the other she made a DI incision?  For some reason I picture the same incision on both sides, but your one nipple free grafted.

I think it is great that you took 6 weeks.  I went after 2.5 and even with a desk job, I believe that is what widened my scars a bit.  With travel it was 3 weeks from my job.  Although I had the vacation time, my job includes meeting with clients and I didn't want to not be available to them any longer than that.  I should have worried less about them and more about me.  I didn't want anyone to know at work that I was getting any kind of surgery either, so I said I was just taking vacation.  I haven't even taken a full week from this job in the entire time that I have been there (almost 8 years), and I knew it looked weird.  It was hard to work around people's questions as to what I "did" on my vacation because it was understandably weird to think that someone took off that much time to "go to a few places, but mainly hang out at home".

Anyway, I wish I had done at minimum 3 weeks after surgery, maybe more.  Oh well, next time!  lol
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: aleon515 on January 27, 2014, 12:54:52 PM
I was very glad I would not have had to go to work in the first 2- 2 1/2 weeks. I think that you are maybe more tired than you think you would be and that sort of thing. Plus there is the stretching and so on.

I don't really care about the feeling, and would probably not have been a good candidate for pedicle since my nipples and areola were really pretty large, esp the nipples. Very happy Dr G doesn't give you much in the way of these. LOL

I think I will get a lot of feeling (esp since I have some feeling now) but probably not erotic sensation. I think when people get that back it's the mind anyway. I don't know how you would really get that back with DI unless you have a very strong sensual feeling, I won't say imagination, not sure what to call it. I don't doubt people saying they do, but I do question that it is actually coming from the nipples and areola.

Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Alexthecat on January 27, 2014, 01:34:14 PM
Day 14 - 2 Weeks post op

Nipples be peeling like crazy. The edge of the tape has started to come off also.

Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Jeatyn on January 27, 2014, 02:22:00 PM
7 Week Update

I am back on track, the infection has cleared up, which means no more antibiotics wreaking havoc on my system. Woohoo! I think I'm at that dangerous stage of recovery where I feel totally fine, which makes it easy to overdo it. I clean the entire house and once I'm finished I realise my chest is super achey and I'm need of pain meds. It's nice to be able to clean though, my partners idea of clean is different to mine :P

I'm able to pick the little'un up for short periods, so I can get her in and out of the bath and her cot. Just in time too, my partner got a new job so I can't rely on him for everything.

I'm still not sure I'm confident enough to take my laptop to uni, I will see how I feel in the morning.

Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: aleon515 on January 27, 2014, 04:52:39 PM
@Jeatyn: Yeah watch out buddy! All the lifting and so on from cleaning house. Now is the time to be a lazy bum. Go to it. :)
@Alex the cat, you are looking VERY good. :)

Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Bimmer Guy on January 27, 2014, 07:41:09 PM
Hey, guys, looking good!  Glad the infection is gone, Jeatyn!

Alex, we were to cut off the pieces of tape as they lifted up. 

Jay, I thought that with pedicle they could still cut down the areola size.  If not, that would not have worked for me either!
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Kreuzfidel on January 27, 2014, 08:18:58 PM
Jeatyn and Alex - you guys look amazing!

Quote from: Brett on January 27, 2014, 09:03:08 AMKreuzfidel, if you don't mind sharing, is your lack of interest in sensation about not having any before, so you don't care, not wanting them touched before so you don't care, or feeling uncomfortable with having sensation before?

I don't mind - I never honestly get to discuss these things anywhere but on Susan's, so it's nice to have questions. :)

Yeah my lack of interest in sensation is that I never allowed my breasts to be touched or seen - so sensation meant nothing to me.  I'm pretty much the same as you about them being touched - that will obviously change now because they CAN be touched, but I can't really miss something I never had or enjoyed I suppose. *shrug*

Quote from: BrettInteresting thing is that I have heard that guys that were uncomfortable with having their areolas/nipples touched when they were breasts became more comfortable and actually started to enjoy the sensation (or maybe "let" themselves enjoy the sensation), afterwards.

That's something I may experience with the left one as it will still have sensation - I can't imagine that it will affect me greatly if I don't ever regain sensation, though. 

Quote from: BrettLast question.  For some reason I read your post as saying that she used pedicle and on the other she made a DI incision?  For some reason I picture the same incision on both sides, but your one nipple free grafted.

Yeah that's basically what it is.  I haven't seen anything under the gauze yet (that happens tomorrow), but the way I understand it and from what the bandages look like I will have DI on both sides with the incisions in the same places - just one nipple will have a stalk attached and the other will just be a free graft.

Quote from: BrettI think it is great that you took 6 weeks.  I went after 2.5 and even with a desk job, I believe that is what widened my scars a bit.  With travel it was 3 weeks from my job.  Although I had the vacation time, my job includes meeting with clients and I didn't want to not be available to them any longer than that.  I should have worried less about them and more about me.  I didn't want anyone to know at work that I was getting any kind of surgery either, so I said I was just taking vacation.  I haven't even taken a full week from this job in the entire time that I have been there (almost 8 years), and I knew it looked weird.  It was hard to work around people's questions as to what I "did" on my vacation because it was understandably weird to think that someone took off that much time to "go to a few places, but mainly hang out at home".

Wow that's a pretty short amount of time.  I know what you're saying though - I'm a bit of the same, I want to be there for my job, but I know that I tend to push myself and over-work so I had better just bite the bullet and take off as much time as I can get away with.

I struggled with telling them about the surgery - I'm stealth at work, so I had to make something up.  Fortunately I was vague enough that everyone just kind of accepted that it was something to do with my other health problems.

Quote from: BrettAnyway, I wish I had done at minimum 3 weeks after surgery, maybe more.  Oh well, next time!  lol

lmao That is the funniest thing I've read all day!  ;D
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Alexthecat on January 27, 2014, 08:20:08 PM
Quote from: Brett on January 27, 2014, 07:41:09 PM
Hey, guys, looking good!  Glad the infection is gone, Jeatyn!

Alex, we were to cut off the pieces of tape as they lifted up. 

Jay, I thought that with pedicle they could still cut down the areola size.  If not, that would not have worked for me either!
Yeah I've been doing that, it's starting in the armpit to come off. Though the nurse didn't say how to do it specifically.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: aleon515 on January 28, 2014, 12:00:40 AM
Quote from: Brett on January 27, 2014, 07:41:09 PM

Jay, I thought that with pedicle they could still cut down the areola size.  If not, that would not have worked for me either!

They can, probably also can do nipples (not sure but I'd guess) but I imagine there is a limit to this. TBH, had trouble finding this out.  I also thought that it wasn't really good for bigger chests, though not sure what "bigger" is.

Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Jeatyn on January 28, 2014, 01:45:37 AM
I've had issues finding much info about the pedicle technique online too. My areola were trimmed down but weren't huge to start with, apparently I can get the length of the nipples trimmed if I get a revision, but I won't, they seem alright to me. My chest more than likely fell into the realm of "bigger" at an E cup - all the info online suggested that I would have been most suitable for a T-Anchor - my surgeon apparently disagreed :P I'm glad I don't have to deal with the extra scars, I would have hated having to deal with delicate nipples for ages, mine seem 100% healed other than that one stupid suture that's still stuck in one :P

I know a lot of people wouldn't be too happy with all the dog-ear type bits I have and the folds, who knows if they would have been less likely with a different technique? I remember my surgeon saying something to me along the lines of "the great thing about the NHS is that I can offer revisions without it costing you anything - so I can take my time and focus more on the blood vessels than on getting all the tissue the first time around - it would more than likely be fine if I did it all in one go but I haven't done it before, and you are not going to be my guinea pig" - this was when he was telling me that I would more than likely still be left with a small amount of tissue and possibly still have to bind for 6 months after the first surgery until I got the revision, which I protested.

I'm still not sure if he actually DID make me his guinea pig, they seem totally fine to me, the way he described it I was sure I'd still have A cups at the very least. I have a bit more tissue in one side than in the other, which ironically I actually think looks better than the flat one...the extra fat fills out the ruffled skin a bit better and I'm not a skinny guy anyway. My partner has bigger moobs than me now despite being in better shape :D
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Kreuzfidel on January 28, 2014, 11:27:16 PM
So today I'm 6 days post-op. 

I visited Dr. Hassall's office this morning to have my dressings changed and so that she could have a look at the state of my nipple graft on the right nipple.  It was the first time I've seen my chest completely unveiled under the dressings.  I was blown away!  It looks amazing.  I've got a couple of photos to show you:

Front View:


The "puckering" or wrinkly look around the incisions is from the clear skin-like waterproof bandages that I've been wearing.  Not a permanent feature thank goodness.  The right (grafted) nipple has the dressing stitched to the nipple itself - according to my surgeon, it's to make sure that it's kept secure as it can slip around pretty easily.  Underneath she said that the graft is pinking up nicely which means that it's getting a blood supply.  Happy to hear that, hoping that it keeps on doing well and survives.

Side View:


I'm really happy that she ended up going with the "across the nipples" incision that she is pretty well-known for.  All in all, I'm just ecstatic and she is a really amazing surgeon.

Today I'm still pretty sore.  I'm not "in pain" as such, but it feels like really really sore muscles in my pecs and the front of the ribs.  It starts up when I try to have a sleep.

I'm holding off the Endone because I was pretty traumatised by the constipation/impaction horror.  Panadol is doing an okay job so I'll be keeping on it for a while yet.  I get the sutures out of the left side on Monday and on Wednesday will see Dr. Hassall to have the sutures removed from the grafted nipple.

Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Jeatyn on January 29, 2014, 09:24:06 AM
Looking good Kreuzfidel! I've never seen anyone with incisions like yours....and never seen the dressing actually stitched on....what happens when it's time for it to come off?

I went to college today with my laptop in a backpack, it was totally fine. I also went to the library and ended up taking three books out, which were also fine to carry. ;D yay

I've also realised I've had a nice walking speed increase. It's about a 1km walk to my daughters nursery. I time myself every now and again, my best time from before surgery when going at a flat out power walking exhausting pace was 11 minutes. Yesterday I did it in 8 minutes at a casual pace. Wearing a binder was hindering me more than I thought, I can't wait to start working out again!

Edit: Also, last night the suture on my nipple was poking out a bit more, so I tried to pull it out, it was having none of it, so I trimmed it. The rest of it sorta scooched back inside and has left behind a hole -_- I have a band aid over it and am gonna leave it well alone. An infected nipple is the last thing I want.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: aleon515 on January 29, 2014, 12:19:13 PM
One reason I didn't take Vicodone, heard all the stuff guys said about being constipated, and was more worried about that. I think really it's more uncomfortable than out and out pain anyway. Itchy and constricted that's what I felt.

Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Kreuzfidel on January 29, 2014, 05:45:19 PM
Quote from: Jeatyn on January 29, 2014, 09:24:06 AM
Looking good Kreuzfidel! I've never seen anyone with incisions like yours....and never seen the dressing actually stitched on....what happens when it's time for it to come off?

Thanks, mate :) 

Dr. Hassall's method is fairly unique from what I know.  A lot of guys dislike the way it looks as it goes across the nipple, but it's pretty much that you either love it or hate it.  I liked it and so that was why I chose to have her do it.

She will apparently just snip the sutures that are holding the dressing on - they're separate to the actual sutures that keep the nipple on, so from what I gather they're just long and a bit loose and will come out pretty easily.

@aleon - Yeah the discomfort is what really gets me.  I guess some may call it pain, some may call it discomfort.  I just refer to it as soreness since it's not "pain" in the sense of excruciating or searing.  I'll be quite happy when I can sleep without this post-op binder, though.  It's not tight, but it squeezes just enough to pull and smush the sensitive tissue.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Alexthecat on January 29, 2014, 06:02:03 PM
When would you say is a safe point that the whole incision line would be closed up?
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Bimmer Guy on January 29, 2014, 07:40:34 PM
Excellent looking chest, Kreuzfidel!  I think the incision lines/scars are going to look just fine when they heal.  I like Hassall's work!
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Bimmer Guy on February 02, 2014, 05:02:43 PM
4 MONTH UPDATE (16 weeks)

Hi, guys. 

It has been 4 months, so I thought I would do an update.  The picture does not indicate much change, and it is true that you really can't tell when comparing the two pictures.

However, there are a couple of things different with my chest:

* The scars are lighter.  I would not say they are flatter than they were at 3 months, however.
* Although not noticeable on the last picture, the puckering along the incision lines has pretty much gone away.
* I feel feel hardly any pulling if I lift my arms straight up above my head, which was not the case just a month ago.
* The "puffiness" on either side under my arms where the drains were have decreased.  On the right side it is completely gone and I feel no tenderness when I press on the area.  The left side continues with some puffiness (although significantly less), and only slight tenderness when I press on it.  I hope this area goes completely flat and I have more hopeful now since the right went all the way down.  The left drain is the one that was more painful during the time the drains were in.  Either the drain was put in with more of an angle or Garramone made this part of the bandage tighter on this side (I actually have some theories about the cut of my incision lines and how the drains were placed/tightened against my body based on Garramone being - I assume - right handed).  :)
* The "spit suture" is completely filled in and probably was a week or so after my last update.  On the whole it was not a big deal.
* I talked about how you could see small pieces of the areola being pulled away and stitched into the white background of the chest around the entire areola.   Fortunately,it is smoothing/rounding out.  I don't know how that works exactly, but I like the fact that my areolas no longer look sewn on like a child's homemade doll's eyes do (if that makes any sense).
* Since my 3 months update, I said in subsequent posts that that my scars seem to have widened.  This is not accurate in looking at pictures.  It may not be pencil thin, but I think it is still on the thinner end of what is most common.  I think in looking at other people pictures it is really hard to tell width, anyway.  Regardless, I believe that it will flatten and lighten quite well in time, based on another long scar I have on my body (colon resection).


Silicone treatment - I have changed my scar treatment.  At the 3 months update I said that I had changed to the Scar Away serum because the strips were a hassle.  The other thing about the strips is that they irritated my skin.  Purely psychological or not, I felt like the strips were keeping the puckering along the incision lines from going away.  A couple of weeks ago I tried the strips again.  Waiting for the serum to dry (4-6 minutes), was not my favorite thing to do, being it is winter here.  Yes, using a hair dryer was an option, but it still took awhile and I didn't like the high heat on my skin.  Additionally, the serum needed to be reapplied before I got home from my relatively long workday.  Moreover, it seemed like it made the scar dry.  I found myself using lotion after first waking up prior to shower just to decrease the dryness.  This lead me to reach back to trying the strips again after about 8 weeks on the serum.

The width of my incision allows me to use one strip for both sides as I can cut it lengthwise.  My incisions are a bit longer on each side than the 7 inch strip, so I use 1.25 strips per week (as I have to add two small pieces).  They stay on well and I am very pleased with them.  They are NOT irritating my skin this time.  I believe that this is a function of the strips being not as wide (I did not cut them in the past).  It seems as though the strips irritate the surrounding skin, but not the scars.  Less skin is being touched now that I am cutting them.

Massage - Massage has also been known to lighten/flatten scars.  At the time of my 3 month update, I shared that I was using Bio Oil.  Although there are no studies that actually prove that Bio Oil lightens/flatten scars (only anecdotal evidence), I figured that since I wanted to do massage anyway, why not use the Bio Oil.  A few weeks later I found out that Bio Oil is indeed toxic for our bodies.  I listed this in another post.

Please consider stopping using this product and pass the information along to your friends.

With Bio Oil out, I needed another massage agent.  Originally I purchased a 100% silicone lube (which worked fine), but I decided I really needed something that would moisturize the skin too, as although with the strips the scars do not get as dry as the serum did, using a lotion or some sort of moiturizer is still necessary for me.

I started a thread asking for opinions.  I ended up going with an organic jojoba oil.  It works fine, I really have nothing interesting to report on it.

In terms of working out/strength training, I really haven't gotten back in the game yet.  I did start some cardio which pumps oxygen into our bloodstream.  It makes sense to me that could be helpful to scar healing.  I am still going to wait a couple of month be
fore working on my pecs/upper body.  I know that scars widening is based on our bodies and not as much on what we do (unless we do really stupid stuff in the beginning), but my natural inclination is just to wait a bit more.  I figure as long as I get it going in the Spring, my chest will look fine under t-shirts by summer!

Ok, so here is the picture.  As stated in my first post, I am not on testosterone:

Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: aleon515 on February 02, 2014, 09:38:15 PM
I look just like Brett, so I don't have to post.

Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Bimmer Guy on February 02, 2014, 10:31:52 PM
Quote from: aleon515 on February 02, 2014, 09:38:15 PM
I look just like Brett, so I don't have to post.


LOLOLOLOL.  I seriously laughed out loud, Jay!
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Kreuzfidel on February 03, 2014, 01:32:45 AM
Brett, that's a fantastic update - very helpful to read about what you're going through at this stage of your healing and I'm glad things are looking good from your perspective, as well. :)

Your chest really looks great!  Your nipple placement looks bang on perfect IMHO - just an observation as I've been thinking a lot about nipples the last few days lol
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Bimmer Guy on February 03, 2014, 09:03:25 AM
Quote from: Kreuzfidel on February 03, 2014, 01:32:45 AM
Brett, that's a fantastic update - very helpful to read about what you're going through at this stage of your healing and I'm glad things are looking good from your perspective, as well. :)

Your chest really looks great!  Your nipple placement looks bang on perfect IMHO - just an observation as I've been thinking a lot about nipples the last few days lol

That does sound hilarious!  Especially since I know you mean you are thinking about surgical nipples and not the nipples on your wife (I think your partner is your wife)!  Yes, I am very happy with my nipple placement.  I continue to be very happy with Garramone's work.  I feel very fortunate to have what I perceive as a good outcome.  I really was concerned with not being on T that it would not look that great.  I had a really hard time finding videos of anyone who had top surgery without being on T.  I only found two.  That is why I think it is important that I always mention that I am not on T any time that I post a picture.  It gives people who are not on T an example of a "non-T chest" (for lack of a better word!).

Thanks for the kudos.  I hope that OTHERS (Jay, as his last update was a month ago), do some thorough updates as well.  I am hoping you will update us with pictures on Wednesday after you get all the sutures removed.  Also, what do you plan to do for scar treatment, if anything?
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Kreuzfidel on February 03, 2014, 05:02:27 PM
Brett, I think that Garramone is a real blessing for guys like us.  Because of his experience, he is able to produce results that are just above and beyond.  I think that more surgeons will begin to offer these surgeries, too - and Garramone is really "getting it out there" and making a name for himself, so he will be an inspiration to other doctors.  I like the fact that he will do surgery for guys not yet on T without judging them, too. 

I think it's really good that you're putting the fact that you're not yet on T in your updates - I came across a couple of pre-T guys' videos and pics online, but few and far between for sure. 

I'm hoping to post another couple of photos when I get everything sussed out tomorrow.  I saw the nurse on Monday and she took out most of the sutures, but my grafted right nipple is looking nasty so I didn't want to see it (yes, I'm a chicken) so I didn't take a photo then lol  Good results, Brett - looking forward to keeping up with your progress.  :)

*PS Regarding scar treatment, not sure yet.  I plan on talking to her on Wednesday about it, I know that they suggest silicone, but I want more specifics.  Right now all I have is them telling me that micropore tape will be my best friend.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Alexthecat on February 03, 2014, 05:23:20 PM
I'm pre T also.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Kreuzfidel on February 03, 2014, 05:34:18 PM
Alex, I honestly can't say that I remembered you were!  Good on you, guys.  Your posts will definitely be helpful to those looking for info - considering it's scant elsewhere on the Net.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Bimmer Guy on February 03, 2014, 06:58:58 PM
Quote from: Kreuzfidel on February 03, 2014, 05:02:27 PM

*PS Regarding scar treatment, not sure yet.  I plan on talking to her on Wednesday about it, I know that they suggest silicone, but I want more specifics.  Right now all I have is them telling me that micropore tape will be my best friend.

Kreuzfidel, I appreciate all your comments!

In reference to what I quoted above:  I have a friend who is weird and detail oriented like me.  He knew I was researching scar treatments and took it upon himself to look up some things.  Silicone has long been acknowledged by the medical community as the prescribed method for reducing scars (lighten and flatten them).  Anyway, the below is part of an email he sent me:

Start of email <

This one:  Silicone occlusive treatment of hypertrophic scar in the rabbit model.  gives a good summary in the results section.

This one: The effects of topically applied silicone gel and its silver derivative on the prevention of hypertrophic scarring in two rabbit ear-scarring models is a short self-explanatory abstract.

This may interest you the most: The Efficacy of Silicone Gel for the Treatment of Hypertrophic Scars and Keloids points A-D of the introduction gives a set up. Then I think you will want to pay particular attention to the whole discussion section at the bottom, specifically the last two paragraphs pertaining to application.

I don't think this next one is applicable at this time but it is a discussion of various treatments of both hypertrophic and keloid scars via a variety of methods. If you get a year or two down the line and feel the need for something else, this is a review. I don't think you will need anything other than what you are doing now.

Something else I found of interest is the new use of Botox for managing muscular movement on facial trauma as a mechanical scar reduction tool.

> End of email


Anyway, just thought I would post this in case you are interested in research type stuff.  I can't remember if I read it in the above links or somewhere else, but I can tell you that the serum had just as good outcome as the strips.  I recall reading that people who were using the serum were more likely to finish the treatment than those who were using the strips.

ETA:  SaerJoe read that polyurethane works well too.  This is the article he posted a bit ago.  Until I see replication(s) of this study, I am going to stick with the tried and true method of silicone.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Alexthecat on February 03, 2014, 07:51:34 PM
Ok I have the end of a stitch right under my skin poking straight out. HELP.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: aleon515 on February 04, 2014, 12:15:29 AM
Quote from: Alexthecat on February 03, 2014, 07:51:34 PM
Ok I have the end of a stitch right under my skin poking straight out. HELP.

Do not pull. I think you would be safe to cut it, if you are able. If you can't cut it, for instance if it is too short, you could take a bandage and cover it up. Eventually it should dissolve but meanwhile sounds unpleasant.

Yeah I'll do an update in a bit. It's looking pretty nice. I've been on T, but you wouldn't know it to look at my pecs. It's a shame as Brett's clone, that I couldn't at least have gotten his pecs. But NO, what's wrong with this?

Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Jeatyn on February 04, 2014, 11:08:04 AM
So I pulled this outta my nipple:


This is after I had been trimming it for several days as it poked itself out more and more, it finally came out with no resistance and I am still in shock at how long it is xD seriously, what the hell?
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Alexthecat on February 04, 2014, 03:20:03 PM
Now off comes the nipple.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: aleon515 on February 04, 2014, 05:30:37 PM
Quote from: Alexthecat on February 04, 2014, 03:20:03 PM
Now off comes the nipple.

Well I think it's been a few weeks, hasn't it been? I wouldn't think it would come off at this point.

Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Alexthecat on February 04, 2014, 05:54:46 PM
Quote from: aleon515 on February 04, 2014, 05:30:37 PM
Well I think it's been a few weeks, hasn't it been? I wouldn't think it would come off at this point.

Oh that was a reply to Jeatyn since he pulled out the whole nipple stitch.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: SX0877 on February 04, 2014, 06:11:10 PM
Quote from: Alexthecat on February 03, 2014, 07:51:34 PM
Ok I have the end of a stitch right under my skin poking straight out. HELP.

I don't think it matters. The part under your skin will dissolve and the outside part will fall off. I noticed a few bits of stitch poked out and they just fell off when I rubbed the aera in shower (But actually you probably should not rub).
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: SX0877 on February 04, 2014, 06:12:34 PM
Quote from: Alexthecat on January 27, 2014, 01:34:14 PM
Day 14 - 2 Weeks post op

Nipples be peeling like crazy. The edge of the tape has started to come off also.


lol our chests do look identical.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Bimmer Guy on February 04, 2014, 07:48:55 PM
Quote from: Jeatyn on February 04, 2014, 11:08:04 AM
So I pulled this outta my nipple:


This is after I had been trimming it for several days as it poked itself out more and more, it finally came out with no resistance and I am still in shock at how long it is xD seriously, what the hell?

You just couldn't help yourself, could you, Jeatyn?  Damn crazy kids!!

It IS wicked cool.  Thanks for posting the picture!  So much time has passed, I'm sure it is fine.  I'd call my surgeon, but that's me.

Alex, your response to Jeatyn cracked me up!
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Bimmer Guy on February 04, 2014, 07:52:58 PM
Quote from: SX0877 on February 04, 2014, 06:12:34 PM

lol our chests do look identical.

Did you go to Medalie too (that is who Alex used)?  Mind telling us about your surgery/recovery and maybe even add a picture to the thread?
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: SX0877 on February 04, 2014, 09:51:19 PM
Quote from: Brett on February 04, 2014, 07:52:58 PM
Did you go to Medalie too (that is who Alex used)?  Mind telling us about your surgery/recovery and maybe even add a picture to the thread?

Yes I had my surgery with Dr.Medalie and the recovery went extremely well--pain was minimal if any and no complication. My result is just a typical "manufactured by Dr.Medalie"; the only difference was that my nipples were grafted together with areolae, rather than separately.
I am 100% happy with my results even though my nipples were placed slightly lower than I preferred (but still normal). I did not discuss any question, expectation or preference with the surgeon prior to surgery. After seeing so many results I think Medalie generally places the nipples a little bit lower than Garramone does, so if anyone has any preference they should probably bring it up when the surgeon is marking on the chest before surgery.
Sensations are coming back gradually.
I was stupidly concerned that if I gained weight after surgery, I would have fat stored on my chest or even some development of the remaining breast tissue, and have "boobs" again, as seen in some overweight cis-males. However I have gained around 10 lbs since recovery and nothing is growing on my chest :laugh:.
I will post my result soon, when I get a chance to take a picture.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Alexthecat on February 04, 2014, 10:14:50 PM
Yeah there isn't much space between the nipple and incision line. My bandaids go over the line. I was like SX, didn't care exactly where anything went as long as I was flat and both sides matched.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Kreuzfidel on February 05, 2014, 01:34:06 AM
Quote from: Brett on February 03, 2014, 06:58:58 PM
Anyway, just thought I would post this in case you are interested in research type stuff.  I can't remember if I read it in the above links or somewhere else, but I can tell you that the serum had just as good outcome as the strips.  I recall reading that people who were using the serum were more likely to finish the treatment than those who were using the strips.

ETA:  SaerJoe read that polyurethane works well too.  This is the article he posted a bit ago.  Until I see replication(s) of this study, I am going to stick with the tried and true method of silicone.

Thanks for the info, Brett!  I'll defo look into these things.   By the way, how soon after surgery can you start applying scar treatments?  I'm sure I can ask Dr. Hassall, but I honestly don't know if I've ever read when it's safe to start.  ???


Tomorrow is 2 weeks post-op.  I saw Dr. Hassall today and she looked at my nipple graft after I saw the nurse on Monday who said it looked sad but okay.  Dr. Hassall said it still has a lot of healing to do, but that it looks fine - so if the surgeon is happy, then I'm happy.  This was my last appointment with her as I'll be going back home to Adelaide on Saturday.

She removed the last of the stitches out of the graft and changed the tape and waterproof dressing on my skin.  The left side of my chest looks amazing - healing perfectly.  It's just that I managed to actually look at the graft today and it looked horrific to my eyes.  It was almost bloody and just like an open wound - it's a bit concave as the top layer has sloughed off.  Apparently that's okay according to Dr. Hassall.  I just hope that it continues to heal without issue as I'd really hate to lose the graft and have to have another surgery.

But all in all, I'm quite happy with the way it looks.  I'll take a photo and post it next week when we change the dressing at home.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Jeatyn on February 05, 2014, 05:46:01 AM
I'm certain my nipple won't fall off at this point :D the thing poking out was preventing it from healing properly at the top, I had a hole. I no longer have a hole, all sealed up!
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Alexthecat on February 05, 2014, 01:45:10 PM
Day 21 - 3 weeks post op. Little late to posting

I haz perdy nipples.

Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Bimmer Guy on February 07, 2014, 09:59:20 PM
Quote from: Kreuzfidel on February 05, 2014, 01:34:06 AM
Thanks for the info, Brett!  I'll defo look into these things.   By the way, how soon after surgery can you start applying scar treatments?  I'm sure I can ask Dr. Hassall, but I honestly don't know if I've ever read when it's safe to start.  ???


Tomorrow is 2 weeks post-op.  I saw Dr. Hassall today and she looked at my nipple graft after I saw the nurse on Monday who said it looked sad but okay.  Dr. Hassall said it still has a lot of healing to do, but that it looks fine - so if the surgeon is happy, then I'm happy.  This was my last appointment with her as I'll be going back home to Adelaide on Saturday.

She removed the last of the stitches out of the graft and changed the tape and waterproof dressing on my skin.  The left side of my chest looks amazing - healing perfectly.  It's just that I managed to actually look at the graft today and it looked horrific to my eyes.  It was almost bloody and just like an open wound - it's a bit concave as the top layer has sloughed off.  Apparently that's okay according to Dr. Hassall.  I just hope that it continues to heal without issue as I'd really hate to lose the graft and have to have another surgery.

But all in all, I'm quite happy with the way it looks.  I'll take a photo and post it next week when we change the dressing at home.

Hey, KZ (your name is so long!), you can start using scar treatment after it is completely closed. 

Don't sweat how your grafted nipple looks.  Most look like >-bleeped-< at first.

Yes, please post pics next time you have the dressings off!

Alex,  your chest is looking good.  It looks as though all of your pictures is you holding the camera down low pointing up towards your chest.  Any way you can get someone to take it straight on?  Chests look different based on where you are holding the camera/ the angle.

You incision lines look really DON'T MOVE and they will stay Just. Like. That. lol
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Bimmer Guy on February 09, 2014, 10:14:30 PM
Ok, so I don't think this is "just in my head".  It seems as though there as been a marked lightening of my scars since I have been using the jojoba oil for massage over the last couple of weeks.  I probably have only used it about 5 times, too. 

Anyone else doing any kind of massage and seeing a difference?  I think it may be the moisturizing from the oil that is making the difference, as well.

Jay, are you still using the Scar Away serum or have you changed to something else?  I continue with the Scar Away strips, 24 hours/day.  I was saying to my partner tonight that it does suck to think that I am going to be wearing these stupid strips for a year (this is my estimate).  I just want to be done with it all, already!  Grrr.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: aleon515 on February 10, 2014, 12:46:42 AM
Yeah I am continuing with the Scaraway serum. Not a big fan of the applicator, but I don't really want to pay for shipping from Amazon. The stuff is not too sticky or whatever else that could be wrong with it. Looks like i will get pretty much exactly 1 month out of them. (I don't know why but a guy named Rae, on youtube, another clone, got only a week out of his bottle.) I might use it for 6 months, not sure after that or if it matters anymore. I have heard someone asked Dr G and he basically said something like use it for a couple months and you won't have much benefit after that. One thing I have found with it, is that you can think it is not coming out because of being numb. I am more numb on one side than the other. Guessing this is what happened with Rae.

BTW, had EXACTLy the opposite experience massaging. I used grape seed oil per the recommendation of the masseuse that posted here once. I felt it made my scars stretch more. Now maybe they would have anyway. I noticed our friend on youtube who is most obsessive about massaging has the reddest scars. Might be a coincidence? Doubt it has much to do with what you are massaging with. But maybe I gave you better advice than she did. :)

Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: timbuck2 on February 10, 2014, 05:26:57 AM
2 months and 20 days. Left nipple is a little more oval shaped than I'd like to be but I doubt it's as noticeable to other people. I had no sensation in my nipples at all before surgery and now they're so ridiculously sensitive I can't even scratch them if I'm itchy. Anyone else have this change?

(I had to edit my tattoos out so it probably looks a little weird around my neck.)
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Bimmer Guy on February 10, 2014, 09:19:48 AM
Quote from: timbuck2 on February 10, 2014, 05:26:57 AM
2 months and 20 days. Left nipple is a little more oval shaped than I'd like to be but I doubt it's as noticeable to other people. I had no sensation in my nipples at all before surgery and now they're so ridiculously sensitive I can't even scratch them if I'm itchy. Anyone else have this change?

(I had to edit my tattoos out so it probably looks a little weird around my neck.)

Hey, timbuck, thanks for posting.

1) Could you tell us who your surgeon was?
2) You mentioned that your nipples are more sensitive, did they keep them attached during surgery, or did you have free nipple grafts?
3) What scar treatment are you using, if any?

I think that your chest looks really good.  I would suggest not focusing on what is going on with nipple shape.  I am 4 months/one week out and the shape has changed over time (including past 2 months).  They say things don't completely settle until 6 months.  I think that your nipples look very well done.  They look very natural.


Jay, in terms of the stretching of scars...I know that they say to not use Vitamin E oil due to stretching (at least early on).  I have not heard the same of any other product.  Is it possible that you are just moving around more and that is why they are stretching?  It could just be normal life.  My scar are continuing to widen a bit, which bums me out, but I really think we don't have much control over it.  Garromone pretty much said this to me.

For the Scar Away serum, I did it by sight.  You can't tell if it is on by feel due to numbing.  Let it dry completely before you put a shirt on.  If you don't want to wait, use a blow dryer.  Per a research article, using a hair dryer did not take away from efficacy of silicone serum treatment.  After it dries it is not sticky.

In terms of our fellow clone on youtube, he recently made a video saying that he hasn't used anything in 2 months.  The other thing to remember about him is that Bio Oil is the only product he has ever used (besides Scar Guard very briefly), and there is not data that suggests that stuff works, just anecdotal evidence.  I also have noticed his scars have not lightened.

In terms of the idea that Garramone says that after a couple of months it makes no difference, I beg to differ.

Let me tell you something that has been amazing to me and a bit shocking.  I have a long rippled/bumpy scar from a colon resection I got in 8/2010.  I have been using the serum on that from the beginning.  At first it was just a place to "wipe off" the extra after placing over my incisions.  The scar was already white due to time.  Anyway, it has been simply amazing to me the way that it has flattened out.  I mean there were significant caverns (I can't think of a better word) along the scar line and it has really flattened.  The rate of change on this has been much quicker than the lightening of my chest scars.  Supposedly, it takes much longer for old scar to lighten/flatten, but this has been amazing!  Needless to say, I will continue to use the serum in this area.  The serum settles right in to the crevices.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: timbuck2 on February 10, 2014, 10:10:40 AM
Quote from: Brett on February 10, 2014, 09:19:48 AM
Hey, timbuck, thanks for posting.

1) Could you tell us who your surgeon was?
2) You mentioned that your nipples are more sensitive, did they keep them attached during surgery, or did you have free nipple grafts?
3) What scar treatment are you using, if any?

I think that your chest looks really good.  I would suggest not focusing on what is going on with nipple shape.  I am 4 months/one week out and the shape has changed over time (including past 2 months).  They say things don't completely settle until 6 months.  I think that your nipples look very well done.  They look very natural.

Curtis Crane in San Francisco, CA.
I had nipple grafts. One of them bled a lot more than the other and unsurprisingly thats the one I'm not fond of haha. I've been using the scar away scar diminshing serum that you mentioned above on and off and I've seen a marked difference on each side. Left is lighter and the right is smoother.

I'm glad to hear it looks good! We're all our own worst critic so naturally I've been finding every little flaw but I'm glad to hear about the changes you've had. Gives me a better idea of what can happen.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: aleon515 on February 10, 2014, 12:24:22 PM
Quote from: Brett on February 10, 2014, 09:19:48 AM

Jay, in terms of the stretching of scars...I know that they say to not use Vitamin E oil due to stretching (at least early on).  I have not heard the same of any other product.  Is it possible that you are just moving around more and that is why they are stretching?...

For the Scar Away serum, I did it by sight.  You can't tell if it is on by feel due to numbing.  Let it dry completely before you put a shirt on.  If you don't want to wait, use a blow dryer.  Per a research article, using a hair dryer did not take away from efficacy of silicone serum treatment.  After it dries it is not sticky.

In terms of our fellow clone on youtube, he recently made a video saying that he hasn't used anything in 2 months.  The other thing to remember about him is that Bio Oil is the only product he has ever used (besides Scar Guard very briefly), and there is not data that suggests that stuff works, just anecdotal evidence.  I also have noticed his scars have not lightened.

In terms of the idea that Garramone says that after a couple of months it makes no difference, I beg to differ.

Yes, I think it could totally be coincidence!!! It just happened when I used the oil and perhaps I moved more or whatever. They are going to stretch for whatever reason. And yes, I realize our clone on youtube used Bio Oil. Haven't actually heard anything taht says this works. I'm sticking with the serum. I think it might be the best, at least for me, since I do not want to use strips. I was saying the pros of it, as I haven't had any problems with stickiness or anything like that. It's fairly reasonable. Mine have lightened a LOT. Goign to post soon.
Well Dr G is not an expert on scars, he just creates them. LOL

Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Alexthecat on February 10, 2014, 03:53:58 PM
Day 28 - 4 weeks post op

Starting scar strips today.

Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: aleon515 on February 10, 2014, 05:20:41 PM
Hey got an update. I'm 3 months post-op. A clone of Dr Garramone. Some swelling on left side esp. Right nip hasn't "popped" whatever that would entail (he talks about this). I am using Scaraway serum, which is silicone gel. The scar actually looks a lot lighter IRL. Looks quite red in the picture.  No problems at all. Just went snow shoeing this weekend, so this is really the first time I have really done exercise in awhile (would have been nice had I been a little more worked out for that one!!).  Jay

Picture: (

Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Bimmer Guy on February 10, 2014, 07:07:58 PM
Alex and Jay both of your chests look really, really great!  Jay, with you holding the camera differently it is a better view of your chest than before.  I think the learning curve for the top surgeons out there is getting better!  Seems to me we are seeing better results in the community as a whole.

timbuck, I find it really facinating that you are having sensitivity when you had free grafts!  I have no feeling in my nipples at all.

Thanks for the updated pictures, guys!
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: aleon515 on February 10, 2014, 11:49:42 PM
Yeah Brett, I realized that why my chest didn't look as good in the pictures was I was holding the camera. It looked so much better in the videos. I decided to take the picture on the computer and not the iPad. Also, of course, I think it starting to look very good and the just having had surgery look is gone.

Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Alexthecat on February 11, 2014, 12:53:04 PM
Medalie says I don't need the bandages any more!
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Sebryn on February 11, 2014, 10:30:06 PM
Wow everyone is looking good. I had my surgery on Jan 23rd and I can't express how happy I am. The only thing that I have to remember now is walking outside in the cold with only a T-shirt is now really only a T-shirt and not a tank under a binder under a T-shirt lol.

Dr. Gary Lawton did my surgery and I'll post pictures once my nipples are less of a scabby mess. I am pleased with my scar lines so far and the way my pecs look. I was a tad worried since this surgeon doesn't have his patients use binders at all post surgery, unlike most other top surgeons, but his results on a couple of the local guys were excellent and he is local to me so I went with him and I can say I'm happy I did. One difference I notice now is my nipples seem sensitive, which was not expected since they are grafts and were not sensitive at all before. Perhaps I had a disconnect to what they were before the 23 I had a mental block of some sort...Interesting thought.

Another question for all you guys...what do you do about the boredom? I'm at a loss for what to do. I'm used to working 7 days a week between 5 and 8 hours each day so beyond work, sleep, working out and cabbing stones and gems I didn't have time for anything else. I'm already bored with Netflix and TV...ugh the reruns are endless. I never realized before now how physical my hobbies are.

So does anyone have boredom beating tips or activities safe for post top surgery?
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Alexthecat on February 11, 2014, 10:46:49 PM
Quote from: Sebryn on February 11, 2014, 10:30:06 PM
So does anyone have boredom beating tips or activities safe for post top surgery?
Play many flash games.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Sebryn on February 11, 2014, 10:56:49 PM
Quote from: Alexthecat on February 11, 2014, 10:46:49 PM
Play many flash games.

Lol I laughed at that since I have been thinking of getting my MacBook and doing that, but then I may be tempted to program/code and I don't know how excessive typing would be on the surgery wounds since I get in a "zone" and lose track of almost everything around me, including time and body pain responses.

I have been playing many many apps. (All the Doodle game apps beat 100% without using google...) I mainly use my iPad since it's very difficult to type code on.

Thanks for the link.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: aleon515 on February 11, 2014, 11:23:37 PM
I was VERY stir crazy! After awhile a trip to the grocery store and kind of thing where I could move around was what I wanted. I was so happy when I could drive again. I'm afraid I had the same problem. I just think some people are more restless than others.

I watched a lot of Netflix, but after awhile that didn't really work either.

Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Kreuzfidel on February 12, 2014, 02:40:27 AM
Quote from: Sebryn on February 11, 2014, 10:30:06 PMSo does anyone have boredom beating tips or activities safe for post top surgery?

Sign up for  Hours of fun (but then again, maybe not - I'm just a nerd).

I love writing, so this is giving me a great chance to catch up on all of my essays I've been working on.

Also, I've been doing more art - I've not had the inclination to draw in a long time.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Kreuzfidel on February 12, 2014, 05:49:27 AM
3 Week Update:

Surgeon - Dr. Megan Hassall (Sydney, New South Wales, Australia)

Sugery - Bilateral Subcutaneous Mastectomy - left nipple re-sized with preserved blood supply; right nipple free grafted (could not preserve the original blood supply)

So today I was allowed to remove the post-op binder that I've been wearing since the surgery.  It was great to have it off, although I'm highly sensitised over the skin at the top part of my pecs.  I'm still mostly numb throughout the entire pec region on both sides, though I have some tenderness when I press on that area.

I've been wearing silver pads over both nipples, micropore tape over the incisions and clear, waterproof dressings over both sides of my chest.  My wife changed the dressings tonight and was told by Dr. Hassall to debride the skin that's sloughing off over the nipple graft. 

My incisions and the left nipple look fantastic, but the right nipple (graft) is worrisome.  It looks absolutely atrocious - and my wife is a little concerned about it, so we've emailed through a photo to Dr. Hassall to get her input.

Here is my chest overall tonight:


This is the nipple I'm worried about (right nipple - grafted): WARNING - do not scroll down if you are easily nauseated as this is a bit graphic!





Can anyone who has also had grafts tell me if this is somewhat normal for 3 weeks? 

Anyway, I hope that it survives and isn't dehiscence.  I really can't even fathom complications at this point - so positive thinking.

This is the last week (if nothing happens out of what's expected) I'll have to wear this waterproof dressing.  My first night sleeping with no shirt on!  No binder - nada.  I've been using Zonta cushions (that the ladies here make for women who've had mastectomies - my wife's workmate and our mutual friend who survived breast cancer has kindly donated hers to me) for sleeping and wearing between the seatbelt and my chest when I'm riding in cars.  They're really soft and comfy - and I may just keep sleeping with them even when I don't need them anymore  8)

I'm really glad I still have several weeks off work.  I've found that my arms are pretty weak and shaky still - not sure if it's due to not using them much for 3 weeks or not.  I'm also still feeling a bit tired and have to have a nap during the day, but not nearly as tired as I was even just last week.  Anyhoo - I'll keep updating.

Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Jeatyn on February 12, 2014, 07:21:32 AM
Kreuzfidel your incisions are looking amazing, they're so thin and light already. I can't comment on the nipple graft, I'll let someone with experience chime in.

I'm finding it interesting in this thread how there's a variety of different techniques on show. Thank you all very much for sharing :)

I don't have much to report, everything is looking basically the same since the last picture. I am pretty much back to normal in terms of mobility, I haven't tried weight lifting yet but it's on the cards in the near future. All my usual day to day stuff is no problem, vacuuming, carrying my college stuff around, picking up the kidlet, etc. I am still aware of pressure on the area, if the little'un gives me an over vigorous hug or the cat walks on me while I'm asleep I feel a bit of a jolt, it's not pain though, just slightly uncomfortable pressure, I react more than is warranted because I'm used to being delicate :P Sleeping in any position is not a problem, including on my front if I put pillows under me. So things are ticking along nicely ^_^
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Alexthecat on February 12, 2014, 03:07:10 PM
Quote from: Kreuzfidel on February 12, 2014, 05:49:27 AM
I would be extremely concerned about that nipple graft. Yours looks like its dying.

Here's mine at 3 weeks.

Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Frank on February 12, 2014, 04:53:20 PM
Kreuzfidel, I don't have experience in the chest surgery area to reference yet but I do have an interest in the medical field and I would also be very concerned with that nipple. It appears to have separated from the surrounding flesh. At three weeks, everything should have long been closed up, that doesn't look remotely healed. Does it hurt?
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Kreuzfidel on February 12, 2014, 04:56:50 PM
Quote from: Jeatyn on February 12, 2014, 07:21:32 AM
Kreuzfidel your incisions are looking amazing, they're so thin and light already. I can't comment on the nipple graft, I'll let someone with experience chime in.

Thank you, Jeatyn! 

Quote from: Frank on February 12, 2014, 04:53:20 PM
Kreuzfidel, I don't have experience in the chest surgery area to reference yet but I do have an interest in the medical field and I would also be very concerned with that nipple. It appears to have separated from the surrounding flesh. At three weeks, everything should have long been closed up, that doesn't look remotely healed. Does it hurt?

Yeah, I'm pretty worried.  I guess I'll just have to wait and see what the surgeon says when I hear back from her.

The thing is that it would normally be scabbed over, but she has me debriding (taking off the dead scabby stuff) every time I change the dressing - which ends up make it look like a bloody mess.  I wonder what would happen if we just left the scabs on it?  She also doesn't have me putting any kind of antibiotic ointment on it like I read about other guys doing.  If I don't hear back from her, I may go and see my GP since the surgeon is in Sydney.

I really don't want to fly back out to Sydney to have another surgery.  What happens if it dies?  Does it just scar over?

*Edit:  I forgot to say that it doesn't hurt.  It's still all relatively numb in that whole area.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Alexthecat on February 12, 2014, 05:09:18 PM
I put on ointment but I didn't pick at the scab. Between 2 and 3 weeks is when it just started falling off in chucks every time I changed the dressing.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Bimmer Guy on February 12, 2014, 05:30:27 PM
Quote from: Alexthecat on February 12, 2014, 03:07:10 PM
I would be extremely concerned about that nipple graft. Yours looks like its dying.

Not.  Helpful.   :police:


Kreuzfidel, I can see how your nipple might look that way if she is having you continue to remove the scab.

It makes sense to send her an email, though.  Personally, I would ask her why you are supposed to pull off the scab all the time.  How is that good for healing, would be my question.  I would think that would delay healing and create scarring. 

Good luck.  Try not to stress.

ALSO...I think your chest looks great!  Great incisions as Jeatyn remarked!

Thanks for posting and keeping us updated.


Jeatyn, good to hear from you too.  How many weeks are you out now?

Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: timbuck2 on February 12, 2014, 06:31:07 PM
Brett: I know! I was hoping I wouldn't have any sensation at all as I'm not fond of nipples in general and didn't want to worry about any extra pain there. I dunno what my surgeon did but I could feel them just a day or two after surgery. Great for some guys...terrible for me xD

Kreuzfidel: I'm with the others, that nipple doesn't look good! Please clean it up on and don't pick at the scab, I'd put some ointment on and bandage it up if I were you. I really hope you don't get an infection! :(
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Kreuzfidel on February 12, 2014, 07:13:32 PM
Thank you for the reassurance, Brett and timbuck2.

I'm honestly panicking a bit at the moment with all the talk about it dying.  I don't really know what to do.  I can fly back to Sydney if I have to, but my god that is something that we really can't afford right now - in terms of additional time off work and money  :(

*Edit:  I've been looking online at nipple grafts (mostly in women) and to be honest, a lot of them look similar if not worse than mine at 3 weeks.  It seems like at the 6 week point, they should be pale and scarred over, completely healed.  I'll take some comfort in that - it may just be a slow process.

Will keep updating.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Bimmer Guy on February 12, 2014, 10:41:36 PM
Quote from: Kreuzfidel on February 12, 2014, 07:13:32 PM
Thank you for the reassurance, Brett and timbuck2.

I'm honestly panicking a bit at the moment with all the talk about it dying.  I don't really know what to do.  I can fly back to Sydney if I have to, but my god that is something that we really can't afford right now - in terms of additional time off work and money  :(

*Edit:  I've been looking online at nipple grafts (mostly in women) and to be honest, a lot of them look similar if not worse than mine at 3 weeks.  It seems like at the 6 week point, they should be pale and scarred over, completely healed.  I'll take some comfort in that - it may just be a slow process.

Will keep updating.

Yeah, man, what the hell do we know?  I mean, seriously.  We aren't surgeons and each of us have seen only so many nipples at week 3.  Everyone heals differently too.  Plus, the rate of healing and WHAT IT LOOKS like at each point of healing I bet is different based on what is being done to the nipple during recovery (you are to pull the scabs off, I was to keep them moist with a blob of antibiotic gel).  Different surgeons use different bandages.  If you were a binder afterwards or not is different.  There is just no way to compare this stuff I don't think when you are looking at different surgeons (and our individual healing).

I think the only way that you can really compare your nipple to anyone else's (to know if it is ok or not), is if you had pictures of a Hassall patient at 3 weeks.  That's it.

It's going to be ok.  If if something funky is going on, it will be alright.  Hassall carries a good reputation.  Hang tough until she gives you the all clear.

Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: SX0877 on February 12, 2014, 10:52:13 PM
Kreuzfidel, it seems like the healing is a bit slow, but your nipples are NOT dying--the edge is nice and pink.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Kreuzfidel on February 12, 2014, 11:25:50 PM
Thank you, Brett and SX0877.  That makes me feel heaps better  ;D
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Bimmer Guy on February 13, 2014, 12:03:58 PM
Quote from: SX0877 on February 12, 2014, 10:52:13 PM
Kreuzfidel, it seems like the healing is a bit slow, but your nipples are NOT dying--the edge is nice and pink.

Right, this is what I was thinking, too.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: aleon515 on February 13, 2014, 05:13:10 PM
Quote from: Brett on February 13, 2014, 12:03:58 PM
Right, this is what I was thinking, too.

I agree. Someone asked Dr G about how you would know if a graft was dying and he said basically it turns black. So this still looks like tissue, also wondering re: the idea of pulling the scab off. I wonder if this was EXACTLY what she meant. Might mean to kind of help it along if it were already coming off. But looks like you might be reinjuring (or injuring) it.

Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: NathanExplosion on February 14, 2014, 11:39:15 AM
Day three for me! Woke up feeling great. Having trouble sleeping a bit, but only because I have to sleep upright. I'm a teeny bit sore today but nothing intolerable. Not even sure I need a Norco today... I'll probably just take a Tylenol or a Celebrex. :)
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: aleon515 on February 14, 2014, 12:54:17 PM
Quote from: NathanExplosion on February 14, 2014, 11:39:15 AM
Day three for me! Woke up feeling great. Having trouble sleeping a bit, but only because I have to sleep upright. I'm a teeny bit sore today but nothing intolerable. Not even sure I need a Norco today... I'll probably just take a Tylenol or a Celebrex. :)

Well I never even took Vicodin, which is more the strength of Norco, I'd imagine. Know a lot of guys who only took 1-5 Vicodins. It was more uncomfortable than painful really, and not a lot you can do about being uncomfortable, sorry to say, but to realize that this is really time limited.

Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Alexthecat on February 14, 2014, 01:14:04 PM
Quote from: NathanExplosion on February 14, 2014, 11:39:15 AM
Day three for me! Woke up feeling great. Having trouble sleeping a bit, but only because I have to sleep upright. I'm a teeny bit sore today but nothing intolerable. Not even sure I need a Norco today... I'll probably just take a Tylenol or a Celebrex. :)
Be careful with sleeping upright. I got a power lift recliner chair and it caused me severe pain in my lower back. It hurt worse than the surgery and I ended up taking pain pills for my back rather than my chest.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: NathanExplosion on February 14, 2014, 01:15:28 PM
Quote from: aleon515 on February 14, 2014, 12:54:17 PM
Well I never even took Vicodin, which is more the strength of Norco, I'd imagine. Know a lot of guys who only took 1-5 Vicodins. It was more uncomfortable than painful really, and not a lot you can do about being uncomfortable, sorry to say, but to realize that this is really time limited.


Yeah, honestly, the only real discomfort I have is the tightness of the bandages... and the fact that I can feel fluid moving in my chest is really almost nauseating, but I guess normal considering I don't have drains. Other than that I feel really good today.

Is it weird that surgery also seems to have cured my allergies for the most part?? I can breathe through my nose! That's a first!

Will definitely be careful about my back. So far the only real discomfort in sleeping upright has been my neck... and the fact that I'm a side sleeper and I can't get comfortable on my back all night!
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: NathanExplosion on February 14, 2014, 02:28:59 PM
Has anyone else had an issue with bandages giving them blisters? I just noticed I have a little blister on my tummy, underneath some sticky bandage/medical tape. It's small and nowhere near my incisions and doesn't looked infected or anything, just a little blister where it looks like the tape has been pulling at my skin. Is that normal?
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: AdamMLP on February 14, 2014, 04:47:36 PM
Quote from: NathanExplosion on February 14, 2014, 02:28:59 PM
Has anyone else had an issue with bandages giving them blisters? I just noticed I have a little blister on my tummy, underneath some sticky bandage/medical tape. It's small and nowhere near my incisions and doesn't looked infected or anything, just a little blister where it looks like the tape has been pulling at my skin. Is that normal?

I've not had surgery yet so I can't comment, but perhaps you could put a large plaster/bandaid over where its blistering to stop the tape pulling at it.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: aleon515 on February 14, 2014, 05:15:46 PM
Quote from: lxndr on February 14, 2014, 04:47:36 PM
I've not had surgery yet so I can't comment, but perhaps you could put a large plaster/bandaid over where its blistering to stop the tape pulling at it.

I think that would work (though you will probably then get irritation from the band aids/plasters. But anyway it's caused by rubbing no doubt.

Just an uncomfortable thing, but you just had surgery. Not supposed to be a walk in the park.

Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Kreuzfidel on February 14, 2014, 06:31:46 PM
Quote from: NathanExplosion on February 14, 2014, 02:28:59 PM
Has anyone else had an issue with bandages giving them blisters? I just noticed I have a little blister on my tummy, underneath some sticky bandage/medical tape. It's small and nowhere near my incisions and doesn't looked infected or anything, just a little blister where it looks like the tape has been pulling at my skin. Is that normal?

I had a blister underneath the tube on the right side where my drain was rubbing against my skin - I haven't had any blisters with tape or anything - just general skin discomfort from the waterproof bandages.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: anibioman on February 15, 2014, 01:44:49 AM
Hey I've been posting on tumblr as I go into a lot of detail so if anyone wants to read detailed daily posts check out my tumblr. (
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Bimmer Guy on February 15, 2014, 09:51:12 AM
Quote from: anibioman on February 15, 2014, 01:44:49 AM
Hey I've been posting on tumblr as I go into a lot of detail so if anyone wants to read detailed daily posts check out my tumblr. (

Hey, looking great, man! 

For the purposes of the thread (future readers), would you be open to posting one of those photos directly onto this thread (rather than a link)?  If so, please also tell us how many days post op the picture is and the name of surgeon.  We are trying to make this thread a "one stop shop" for a person looking for photos and recovery updates. 

Are you having any problems with your recovery?  Anything unusual from what you have heard others have experienced?

Thanks for posting on this thread!

Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Bimmer Guy on February 15, 2014, 12:27:58 PM
Nathan and/or FB,

How about telling us a bit about the healing process for your surgery.  I remember you mentioned your surgeon is Dr. Jeb Horowitz.  I looked at his site and didn't see anything about top surgery.  Is this something he typically does?  I am curious about his background and how you found him.  Also how about you tell us his protocol.  Could you give us a summary on the bandages you have on, if you have drains, did you have free nipple grafts assuming you had double incision, how long you will have to wear a binder after the bandages are removed if at all, when is your pre-op appt, etc.  (all the good stuff).  I know you have mentioned things here and there, but a summary would be helpful.

If you have pictures, even better!  Congrats again, guys!
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: FlightyBrood on February 15, 2014, 03:13:54 PM
So the boyfriend and I are four and three days along respectively. We developed this weird wet cough. It doesn't hurt at all but it's there. Is it common to have after surgery?
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: FlightyBrood on February 15, 2014, 03:46:06 PM
Quote from: Brett on February 15, 2014, 12:27:58 PM
Nathan and/or FB,

How about telling us a bit about the healing process for your surgery.  I remember you mentioned your surgeon is Dr. Jeb Horowitz.  I looked at his site and didn't see anything about top surgery.  Is this something he typically does?  I am curious about his background and how you found him.  Also how about you tell us his protocol.  Could you give us a summary on the bandages you have on, if you have drains, did you have free nipple grafts assuming you had double incision, how long you will have to wear a binder after the bandages are removed if at all, when is your pre-op appt, etc.  (all the good stuff).  I know you have mentioned things here and there, but a summary would be helpful.

If you have pictures, even better!  Congrats again, guys!

Whoops I totally didnt see this! Ive been using my phone(hence all my typos) so...I would be happy to divulge healing process and info!

Dr.Horowitz doesnt have anything about this particular procedure on his site, but I do know he's worked with transgender men before. Someone from this forum actually recommended them. I was a bit iffy about Dr.Horowitz at first, because he didn't have any pictures available of this procedure. During the consultation, which was in a lovely office with lovely staff, all my worries were quelled. He knew that I was going to a male chest, and went through every detail about the surgery and why he would make incisions where he planned to make them. I know he has worked with trans patients before, but I don't know that he's ever done this particular surgery. He knew the male chest well and seemed to have done this before. Though I have not been able to see either my nor my boyfriend's chest (we are in tight bandages i will mention more of that later) i am very confident in his work. My boy says he feels great, and he has less foam glued to him than I do and i can tell it is very flat, but not awkwardly so. I will post pictures for you guys.

Dr.Horowitz has been doing surgery since the 80s, and he also is the head of a foundation that helps underprivileged children in third world countries by surgically repairing things like cleft pallets. I read the entire brochure that was in his office. He is very very kind, he expressed many many apologies that he wouldn't be able to do the procedure that he does (purse string) that leaves very minimal scars. It didnt feel fake or anything, he was very genuinely sorry that we would have scarring. He doesn't require a letter, but I feel like he prefers the person going in for the procedure to be on hormones. His protocol is easy, you go in for a consultation and then you pay $500 down to schedule your appointment any time you can. They bent over backwards to make sure we had the surgery when we wanted to have it because we had a tricky financial situation. You have a pre op a week before surgery, they give you everything you need (TED hose, peroxide, anti biotic ointment and some herbal things to help) and go over the healing process with you step by step.

The original plan was to have a compression vest on and no bandages, however the woman who sized us didnt take into account we would have...ahem...less flesh on our chests. No big deal, though. They bandaged us up with a layer of foam, medical tape and a compression ace bandage. They will be coming off next friday. Dr.Horowitz explained that he felt drains were unnecessary, because even patients with drains have fluid that doesnt come out and they're fine. Because of the lack of drains, i think, we have to sleep upright in a reclined position for a week. It is pretty hellish, but not unbearable. We did have nipple grafts, he explained in great detail about the procedure for that and why they had to be removed and put back on at all.

The binder will be worn for six weeks, Boyfriend seems to think that after a while you only have to wear it to bed. I'm not sure about this, we will ask at our one week post op appointment. The bandages are stuck to us with something i believe to be medical adhesive. Occasionally you can feel fluid moving around and its really gross, but we both prefer it over drains. We've been told to spongebathe until they come off.

I'm three days along, boyfriend is four, and we are both feeling pretty okay. I took Tylenol instead of norco today, as the pain wasnt so much that i needed the stronger stuff.  we are both happy to answer questions about everything. Like I said, all my worries were quelled when I met the surgeon. He at the very least did his research, because he explained how a lot of surgeons dont seem to know where the proper placement of a male nipple is, then explained to us where it should go.

Here are some pictures, sorry for the blurry one ill take a better one when im not so sleepy:
( Me, all that lumpyness you see is foam i swear
( The boy, he has less foam and it looks AWESOME.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Bimmer Guy on February 15, 2014, 04:27:02 PM
Hey, FB, thanks for all the information.  Garramone uses an ace bandage.  I am assuming you will get a binder to use rather than the ace when you go to post op?  The foam part is interesting, I haven't know of that before.  I would think it would make the bandage feel less tight, maybe not though.

Most guys sleep sitting up with or without drains.  I believe Garramone changed to saying you could sleep on your back too, but everyone I know sleeps sitting up or in a recliner.  I slept sitting up for 3 weeks, just because it was more comfortable.  It was at least 6 weeks until I could roll to my side without pain/discomfort.  Gosh, it seems so long ago now even though it has only been 4 months!

It is kind of neat that you guys are his (what it appears to be ), first double incision surgeries.  I am very interested in seeing the results.  Did he measure your chest and mark where he planned to put the nipples?  I noticed on his site he said he did gynecomastia, so he does work with male contouring regularly then.  The moving around of fluid is interesting.  I have never heard someone who had no drains talk about that happening, but it makes total sense that is what it would be.

Did they call you by your preferred names/pronouns?  What did he give you peroxide for?  What were the herbal meds?  Arnica?

I know, lots of questions!  I am a curious fellow!  ha
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: NathanExplosion on February 15, 2014, 04:54:34 PM
Quote from: Brett on February 15, 2014, 04:27:02 PM
Hey, FB, thanks for all the information.  Garramone uses an ace bandage.  I am assuming you will get a binder to use rather than the ace when you go to post op?  The foam part is interesting, I haven't know of that before.  I would think it would make the bandage feel less tight, maybe not though.

Most guys sleep sitting up with or without drains.  I believe Garramone changed to saying you could sleep on your back too, but everyone I know sleeps sitting up or in a recliner.  I slept sitting up for 3 weeks, just because it was more comfortable.  It was at least 6 weeks until I could roll to my side without pain/discomfort.  Gosh, it seems so long ago now even though it has only been 4 months!

It is kind of neat that you guys are his (what it appears to be ), first double incision surgeries.  I am very interested in seeing the results.  Did he measure your chest and mark where he planned to put the nipples?  I noticed on his site he said he did gynecomastia, so he does work with male contouring regularly then.  The moving around of fluid is interesting.  I have never heard someone who had no drains talk about that happening, but it makes total sense that is what it would be.

Did they call you by your preferred names/pronouns?  What did he give you peroxide for?  What were the herbal meds?  Arnica?

I know, lots of questions!  I am a curious fellow!  ha

Hi Brett! FB went to sleep (thank goodness, our cat has been keeping us up all night trying to jump on us and/or screaming at the door when we lock him out... poor thing is used to cuddling) so I'll fill in! No worries on all the questions, we're happy to answer. :)

I assume the foam is for comfort. It's a little itchy, but I imagine it feels a lot better than the ace bandage would against our skin. Not sure why FB has so much more foam than I do though - maybe because he's so much skinnier, I have a bit of my own padding, LOL. They are giving us compression vests at post op, yay! It sounds like it will be much comfier than all of these bandages and foam.

Dr. Horowitz was very thorough. He measured a lot of places more than once just to double check, and watching him mark where the incisions would be and where he would liposuction was very interesting. He marked exactly where he would be cutting, exactly where he would liposuction (he suctioned the front between the breasts, and a lot on the sides to make sure there would be no dog ears). I don't think he marked where he would put the nipples, but he went through every step of the male contouring with us. His goal was to get it flat and male-shaped in all one surgery.

Apparently the fluid that's moving around just gets absorbed by the body. I have no idea if this is the case, but I have to pee practically every ten minutes, and I wonder if it's not some of the absorbed fluid? That seems odd, but maybe. I'm especially "squishy sounding" today... it's really gross but apparently normal!

The surgeon and his assistants were fantastic about using preferred name and pronouns. The nurses at the surgical center misgendered me a lot  at first - however, I don't really blame them, because they didn't know it was transgender surgery. All they had was paperwork labeled as a "bilateral breast reduction" with my legal name and sex on it. As soon as Dr. Horowitz came in and began using the correct name and pronouns, the nurses caught on. They were very nice and I was too sleepy to politely correct them, but I'm sure if I had, it would've been fine.

The peroxide is just for gently cleaning the incisions once we have our bandages off. He said to clean them with 50% peroxide and 50% water. Arnica was one of the herbal meds, and the other was bromelain - however, I did not take the bromelain and neither did FB. It said not to take it if you are allergic to flour (I am gluten intolerant) and the top ingredient was gelatin, which makes FB sick. They said it was no big deal to not take it, that it just promoted healing. They said eating pineapple would be a good substitute!

I have very little pain today, just discomfort from the bandages. Can't WAIT to get these things off!
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Kreuzfidel on February 15, 2014, 07:07:49 PM
Quote from: FlightyBrood on February 15, 2014, 03:13:54 PM
So the boyfriend and I are four and three days along respectively. We developed this weird wet cough. It doesn't hurt at all but it's there. Is it common to have after surgery?

I have a suspicion that this may be due to the intubation (tube down your throat).  I also had this little cough for a few days, then it went away.  Otherwise, it may be a remnant of the bug you had earlier - and maybe the bf is getting it, too.

Quote from: BrettMost guys sleep sitting up with or without drains.  I believe Garramone changed to saying you could sleep on your back too, but everyone I know sleeps sitting up or in a recliner.  I slept sitting up for 3 weeks, just because it was more comfortable.  It was at least 6 weeks until I could roll to my side without pain/discomfort.  Gosh, it seems so long ago now even though it has only been 4 months!

HOLY SMOKES.  I could never have slept on my back or sitting up for longer than I did!  I think I managed three days flat on my back and was then able to (carefully) sleep tilted towards the side a bit with some pillows.  I'm just over 3 weeks now and am finally able to sleep on my sides again - thank the gods!  I really long for the day when I can have a good ole' belly sleep...*sigh*
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: FlightyBrood on February 15, 2014, 08:19:58 PM
Washed my hair today. Took a lot out of me, more than I expected. Mum came for a visit and brought the boy and I some (gluten free) cupcakes. Tired, way tired...but today I didn't take any of the strong pills, just two extra strength Tylenol. I feel fine pain wise, I'm developing a rash along the edge of my bandages...anything I could do to quell that? Maybe I'll call the Dr Monday cause it's pretty unbearable.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Bimmer Guy on February 15, 2014, 09:03:01 PM
Thanks, Nathan!
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: aleon515 on February 16, 2014, 12:51:58 AM
Quote from: FlightyBrood on February 15, 2014, 08:19:58 PM
Washed my hair today. Took a lot out of me, more than I expected. Mum came for a visit and brought the boy and I some (gluten free) cupcakes. Tired, way tired...but today I didn't take any of the strong pills, just two extra strength Tylenol. I feel fine pain wise, I'm developing a rash along the edge of my bandages...anything I could do to quell that? Maybe I'll call the Dr Monday cause it's pretty unbearable.

Yes, didn't wash my hair for a week. I was smart and got a VERY short cut. It was funny as I thought it actually got worse and then better so that it kind of looked good after 4 days or so. Yes it's tiring to do stuff. Rash around bandages, well you could try some cortisone cream, which is what Dr G recommended. Also take Benadryl, which is going to tire you out. I started taking Zyrtec before the surgery, but that MIGHT work, and doesn't have the grogginess factor. I hate that feeling actually.

Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Jeatyn on February 16, 2014, 07:58:49 AM
10 Week (in two days) Update


Not much change, just pink rather than red scars and everything is 100% sealed up.

I'd say I'm about 95% back to normal in terms of mobility like I mentioned in the other mini update. At this point I feel physically ready to start working out again, but my work schedule is so crammed right now I really just wanna get that all out of the way first before I commit to any sort of workout regime. The backlog of assignments and extensions and clients I have at the moment seems to have no end xD I lost a lot of time because the meds for my infection made me really sick, which wasn't anticipated at all. The pain killers also didn't help my mental capacity ::)

Luckily, it's half term. I got a ton of stuff done last week, and will do the same this week coming. Hopefully I'll be back on track by the time I go back.

I see my surgeon at some point in April, I forget when. I know he's going to suggest a revision. I'm interested to see what he'll say when I tell him I'd rather see what I can do myself with exercise and then consider a revision later down the line if I feel I need one. I don't know if the NHS works that way, but we'll see. If not, then I probably won't ever get a revision.

I also got a letter to say I have an appointment at the gender clinic at the end of March. I haven't seen them in almost 2 years, I guess they want to ask how I feel about my surgery, gonna be a short appointment :P "So how do you feel?" "fantastic thanks!" what else is there to say?
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Bimmer Guy on February 16, 2014, 11:12:36 AM
Quote from: Jeatyn on February 16, 2014, 07:58:49 AM
10 Week (in two days) Update


Not much change, just pink rather than red scars and everything is 100% sealed up.

I'd say I'm about 95% back to normal in terms of mobility like I mentioned in the other mini update. At this point I feel physically ready to start working out again, but my work schedule is so crammed right now I really just wanna get that all out of the way first before I commit to any sort of workout regime. The backlog of assignments and extensions and clients I have at the moment seems to have no end xD I lost a lot of time because the meds for my infection made me really sick, which wasn't anticipated at all. The pain killers also didn't help my mental capacity ::)

Luckily, it's half term. I got a ton of stuff done last week, and will do the same this week coming. Hopefully I'll be back on track by the time I go back.

I see my surgeon at some point in April, I forget when. I know he's going to suggest a revision. I'm interested to see what he'll say when I tell him I'd rather see what I can do myself with exercise and then consider a revision later down the line if I feel I need one. I don't know if the NHS works that way, but we'll see. If not, then I probably won't ever get a revision.

I also got a letter to say I have an appointment at the gender clinic at the end of March. I haven't seen them in almost 2 years, I guess they want to ask how I feel about my surgery, gonna be a short appointment :P "So how do you feel?" "fantastic thanks!" what else is there to say?

Hey, Jeatyn, thanks for posting a picture.  I was wondering how you were getting along.  Anyone heard anything from Jack?

Your lines look really good.  I see a significant lightening of the scars already.  You haven't talked scar treatment, so I assume you haven't been using anything.  I am aware you have a full life with school and a toddler, so I am thinking it would be low on your list.

I was wondering if you could have someone else take a picture of your chest.  I would like to see what your chest looks like when your are along side your body.

Why would your surgeon think you need a revision?

Thanks for checking in!

ETA: I was just looking back through the thread and saw your 7 week picture.  Such a big jump in healing in the last 3 weeks.  Glad you didn't wait until later to post.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: NathanExplosion on February 16, 2014, 11:46:24 AM
Wow Jeatyn, you look AWESOME. The shaping is excellent. Don't see why you'd need a revision unless you're terribly worried about dog ears, which aren't even that noticeable. Not sure how it works - would working out flatten them out?

Checking in on day five... five days to go til our post op. Sleeping is getting more difficult, especially for the poor boyfriend, who is UNBEARABLY itchy under his bandages. I think he finally managed to knock out after a benadryl and he's currently sleeping soundly. Trying to make ZERO noise because I know he needs the sleep. :(

Think we're going to renew WoW subscriptions today to pass the time. The person we've had staying with us is leaving today, but I think we're good to go on our own now.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Calder Smith on February 16, 2014, 02:38:04 PM
Quote from: Jeatyn on February 16, 2014, 07:58:49 AM
10 Week (in two days) Update


Not much change, just pink rather than red scars and everything is 100% sealed up.

I'd say I'm about 95% back to normal in terms of mobility like I mentioned in the other mini update. At this point I feel physically ready to start working out again, but my work schedule is so crammed right now I really just wanna get that all out of the way first before I commit to any sort of workout regime. The backlog of assignments and extensions and clients I have at the moment seems to have no end xD I lost a lot of time because the meds for my infection made me really sick, which wasn't anticipated at all. The pain killers also didn't help my mental capacity ::)

Luckily, it's half term. I got a ton of stuff done last week, and will do the same this week coming. Hopefully I'll be back on track by the time I go back.

I see my surgeon at some point in April, I forget when. I know he's going to suggest a revision. I'm interested to see what he'll say when I tell him I'd rather see what I can do myself with exercise and then consider a revision later down the line if I feel I need one. I don't know if the NHS works that way, but we'll see. If not, then I probably won't ever get a revision.

I also got a letter to say I have an appointment at the gender clinic at the end of March. I haven't seen them in almost 2 years, I guess they want to ask how I feel about my surgery, gonna be a short appointment :P "So how do you feel?" "fantastic thanks!" what else is there to say?

Looking good!
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Jackop on February 16, 2014, 03:50:13 PM
Hi everyone, I'm new here and thought I ought to post in order to provide some useful information that I never really read before my top surgery..

I'm now 17 days post-op and doing alright. My procedure was conducted by Dr. Morehouse and his wonderful staff in Albuquerque, New Mexico. I can't say much about the doctor, as he's a little rushed but good at what he does. I chose not to go with nipples due to my body not having a good ability to heal (I have no idea why, it's just always been this way. It's rejected every piercing, modification, treatment, but tattoos). I'm getting them tattooed on soon or just getting a large piece on my chest later.

As of 17 days, the original tape directly over my scars has yet to come off due to my fear of showering throughout this entire process. i've had plenty of sponge baths, and have been grateful for help from my partner. A lot of the complication that arose from my surgery was my initial bad reaction to the effects of anesthesia and major nausea that developed from this and lasted on for quite a while due to the Scope Patch that was put on me to stop the nausea. It actually caused worse nausea once taken off (mainly due to it deriving from the plant called Devil's Breath, which is used controversially in some medicine, but also known as a date-rape plant in some countries, and is very poisonous). I suffered for many late nights, crying from terrible bouts of nausea and losing all sense of reality/perception/everything. I'm now on a tapering regimen of Ondansetron and Meclazine. This regimen has saved me from nausea, and now the worst is over- I'm very grateful. I also had pain from constipation, but worked through that easily after starting a 5 day regimen of putting a serving of Miralax in each cup of water that I drank- not to exceed 4 servings in a day! (Personal regimen: 5 servings day 1, 3 servings day2, 2 servings day3, 2 servings day 4, 1 on day5, but it's debateable if it was actually needed at this point). Taking a lot isn't detrimental to health, but it will give you diarrhea, which to me was a god-send at the moment, and the few days that it lasted afterward, but this is something of a person-by-person preference. Constipation doesn't bother many, but it was painful for me.
I had a hematoma on my right side and, as a result, my right-side drain needed to stay in for 12 days. This was highly annoying, but didn't hurt me much. The drain on my left-side caused immense pain, and that was mainly due to it not having anything to drain. It was taken out a little late and that ordeal was extremely painful for me. But, the nurses that work with Dr. Morehouse stayed with me for hours helping me when they didn't need to, and that has meant the world to me. His staff is really five stars. At 15 days, I had a needle stuck in me to drain some blood (30cc's!) left over in my right side, and have another appointment for 2 days from now, and will most likely have some taken out then, too. I thought that the draining of the blood through a needle was going to be painful, but with all of the pain that I have been through, it was nothing at all. I've heard of the surgeons who don't use drains after surgery, and if I had had the money at the time, would have went that way for surgery.
What I've been surprised most about is the pain of the nerves in my chest. i looked it up, and since these nerves received trauma and were stretched, I now have to re-train them to know that a touch isn't causing pain. I've been using a good cream called Amazing Cream (I bought it in a local pharmacy, for muscle pains, and all-over aches, but it's offered elsewhere and online I'm sure). My scars don't hurt, largely, and I've been instructed by my surgeon to massage them, even though it will be painful. He said the harder I massage them, the more flat and non-noticeable they will be. So, I've been rubbing them, and it doesn't hurt much, which is awesome, but I still have yet to see any scars, since my original taping has yet to come off or be pulled off by me.
I'm wearing a light chest binder that's quite comfortable; even if it rides up, it doesn't both me too much.
I'm no longer taking pain meds regularly (stopped on day 11; Oxycodone was prescribed to me), yet still need one or two small 5mg's at night right around 6pm, as my body starts hurting at that time and I have to slow down a lot.

I will keep updating, and add pictures once my taping comes off.

Overall, if you're reading this before your surgery, I would suggest you know how your body responds to certain medications such as morphine and the like, as the overwhelming nausea was by far the worst part of the post-op recovery for me.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: NathanExplosion on February 16, 2014, 06:37:33 PM
Thanks for the info Jackop! I wish I knew how my body would react to this tape. I now have two tummy blisters that are very itchy and annoying! They're small and easy to manage, but wow they make me want to rip my hair out!
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Bimmer Guy on February 16, 2014, 07:01:46 PM
Wow, Jackop, you have really had a rough go of it.  Sorry it has been so tough for you.  I hope things only continue to improve.

Be careful about that tape on your chest.  I thought that it wasn't good for us to have it on for such a long period of time?  I guess when you see your surgeon in two days he will mention this if it is a problem.

Yes, it would be great if you posted pics, when you are ready.

Hang in there and thanks for adding to the thread!
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: NathanExplosion on February 16, 2014, 07:20:00 PM
Quote from: Brett on February 16, 2014, 07:01:46 PM
Wow, Jackop, you have really had a rough go of it.  Sorry it has been so tough for you.  I hope things only continue to improve.

Be careful about that tape on your chest.  I thought that it wasn't good for us to have it on for such a long period of time?  I guess when you see your surgeon in two days he will mention this if it is a problem.

Yes, it would be great if you posted pics, when you are ready.

Hang in there and thanks for adding to the thread!

It is like sticky gauze so I am not really sure. It's also underneath my foam and ace bandage... and unfortunately we don't see him for another five, yuck! Ten days total for me.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Bimmer Guy on February 16, 2014, 07:29:10 PM
Quote from: NathanExplosion on February 16, 2014, 07:20:00 PM
It is like sticky gauze so I am not really sure. It's also underneath my foam and ace bandage... and unfortunately we don't see him for another five, yuck! Ten days total for me.

Hey, Nathan!  I was actually talking to Jackop.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: NathanExplosion on February 16, 2014, 08:04:12 PM
Quote from: Brett on February 16, 2014, 07:29:10 PM
Hey, Nathan!  I was actually talking to Jackop.

Whoops, my bad!
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: aleon515 on February 17, 2014, 02:07:47 AM
Quote from: Jackop on February 16, 2014, 03:50:13 PM
I'm now 17 days post-op and doing alright. My procedure was conducted by Dr. Morehouse and his wonderful staff in Albuquerque, New Mexico....

As of 17 days, the original tape directly over my scars has yet to come off due to my fear of showering throughout this entire process. i've had plenty of sponge baths, and have been grateful for help from my partner. A lot of the complication that arose from my surgery was my initial bad reaction to the effects of anesthesia and major nausea that developed from this and lasted on for quite a while due to the Scope Patch that was put on me to stop the nausea. It actually caused worse nausea once taken off ....

I had a hematoma on my right side and, as a result, my right-side drain needed to stay in for 12 days.
Overall, if you're reading this before your surgery, I would suggest you know how your body responds to certain medications such as morphine and the like, as the overwhelming nausea was by far the worst part of the post-op recovery for me.

Hey Albuquerque! I'm in ABQ too, and know who Dr. Morehouse is, several of the local guys have been to him. (Though I went to Dr Garramone.) I wonder if I know you? We have a very great support group here run by the Transgender Resource Center of NM. If you are not familiar check out:

The Scope patch can be nasty stuff!! I have used it on boat trips and cut it in half (which you are actually not supposed to do, but it is strong stuff!). Anesthesia can have bad effects on some people, and they think that post-anesthesia depression might be caused by it sometimes. Didn't have these problems but I know people who did.
Wow, oxycodone is powerful stuff-- be careful!! Sorry about the complications and hope you are on the road to recovery.

I think 2-3 week were most unpleasant for me, so hang in there.


Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: NathanExplosion on February 17, 2014, 01:31:08 PM
Day 6 for me and 5 for FB. He started feeling very weak last night. Drinking lots of water helped, and we managed to get some sleep, but he's still weak today. Got in contact with the surgeon and he seems to think he's just a bit dehydrated and exhausted from not sleeping and suggested Gatorade... family is bringing some over and we'll keep updated and see if that helps. I'm just being an over worrisome boyfriend but this kid's gonna give me a heart attack!
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: NathanExplosion on February 17, 2014, 02:54:27 PM
Mom brought Gatorade and forced us to get up and go for a short walk. The surgeon apparently told her, but not US, that we need to make sure we stay fairly active because laying around in bed can make us feel sick. Whoops! FB feels a lot better now but damn these bandages are itching both of us.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: NathanExplosion on February 17, 2014, 08:41:01 PM
Hey guys, FB is having trouble eating today. He gets nauseous every time he eats. Taking nausea pills helps, but as soon as he starts eating again, he feels sick. We've tried soup, solid food, yogurt, etc. Any advice on getting him to eat something? It's making him feel awful because he's barely eaten all day.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Kreuzfidel on February 17, 2014, 10:02:42 PM
I would suggest something like Jelly (called Jell-O in America).  Maybe upgrade to fruit once he's feeling better.  Is he taking his pain meds?  I think post-surgical nausea is pretty common, but I'm not sure if it's all that common this long after surgery.  If it continues, speak to your doctor.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Sebryn on February 17, 2014, 10:10:52 PM
Have you guys tried liquid meal replacer? Mashed potatoes? Heck even ice cream or frozen juice? Pudding? Crackers of some kind that he can nibble on slowly? I remember from another post that he's sensitive to gelatin so jello is probably out for him unfortunately. Just something to get his stomach going. Once he starts to feel ill tell him to pause in his eating for a few minutes (10-15mins in my case) and then start again. Maybe ask the doctor if it's safe to take an antacid? I know I was extremely nauseated after my surgery, it just finally is mostly gone in fact, but I have rather exaggerated reactions to medications at times (pain meds for example and anesthesia...yeah no fun). The only thing that has worked for me ever for the nausea is a strong dose of anti nausea medication every 4-6 hrs....and boy did I regret it if I messed up the dose time. They also had to put me on a medication for acid reflux and on for stomach ulcers....a little unorthodox but it did the trick. Tell FB to feel better and take care of yourself too Nathan. Good luck you guys.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: NathanExplosion on February 17, 2014, 10:25:35 PM
Oddly, he hasn't had any pain meds today so we don't really know what's causing the nausea besides him being dehydrated last night. You're right about the gelatin allergy (you're good!) but he did manage to finish a pudding cup earlier. He's been eating a little here and there so he's not starving or anything, but the poor thing feels hungry and then gets nauseous when he eats! He's slowly drinking some Ensure now and it seems to be helping and keeping the nausea away.

Most of all I think he just needs a good night sleep, so he's trying to get enough food in him that he can sleep comfortably. Neither of us have really had a good night's sleep in days. I talked to the surgeon and he said to get a good night's sleep and see if the nausea is better in the morning, otherwise he will prescribe something else.

Thanks guys!!
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Bimmer Guy on February 17, 2014, 10:30:24 PM
Quote from: NathanExplosion on February 17, 2014, 10:25:35 PM
Oddly, he hasn't had any pain meds today so we don't really know what's causing the nausea besides him being dehydrated last night. You're right about the gelatin allergy (you're good!) but he did manage to finish a pudding cup earlier. He's been eating a little here and there so he's not starving or anything, but the poor thing feels hungry and then gets nauseous when he eats! He's slowly drinking some Ensure now and it seems to be helping and keeping the nausea away.

Most of all I think he just needs a good night sleep, so he's trying to get enough food in him that he can sleep comfortably. Neither of us have really had a good night's sleep in days. I talked to the surgeon and he said to get a good night's sleep and see if the nausea is better in the morning, otherwise he will prescribe something else.

Thanks guys!!

Nathan, you guys are making a good choice with him drinking the Ensure.  As I was reading the post, I was planning on suggesting either that, or Boost.  He will get some nutrients, plus stay hydrated.  Good plan.  Tell the guy to hang in there from me!
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Sebryn on February 17, 2014, 10:47:32 PM
No problem. If he's very nauseated you guys might use milk products with caution (my number one reactive after surgeries, even on nausea meds). Bread like foods (even gluten free ones) can help to absorb the stomach acid a bit, which can lessen the upset stomach. Papaya is also a natural nausea aid. :) Fresh is best but we keep the pills on hand too. Oh and don't forget to keep track of the....stool situation. Constipation can cause nausea with me and I always feel better after that's been taken care of. Prunes usually do the trick for me or ask your doctor what he recommends if he hasn't already recommended something.

I agree, sleep is the best medicine. Just make sure to eat something if you guys are still taking pain meds, even over the counters. Some crackers or a slice of bread. It helps protect your stomach lining.

Do you guys usually take a multi vitamin of some kind? That might also help some. And don't forget to move around and get the circulation moving and the digestive tract, your stomach needs the movement to stay "awake". I remember walking the hospital halls very quickly after my hysterectomy to "wake up" my digestive tract and keep things moving. They made me walk every 4 hours until I had a movement and honestly the more I walked the better I felt. After this surgery I just wandered around the house for 10-15mins at a time and then went back to recline in bed or in the living room.

Drag a cat toy around to entertain your cat maybe? A length of yarn perhaps? (I remember one of you saying your cat won't let you sleep.) A laser pointer to wear him down? I have a small poodle who sleeps with me and my sister has one too so I sleep with a pillow laying over my chest and stomach to provide a...."pounce buffer". It has saved many could have been painful moments.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Sebryn on February 17, 2014, 10:53:17 PM
Oh I forgot to add rice, good old plain rice. It's very bland but it may be just what he needs. Easy to fix too and it comes in microwave cups. The minute rice kind. And once his stomach is less upset you can add more things to the rice. I did the same thing after my first kidney surgery. Fixed a big bowl of rice and reheated it in small portions when I got hungry, slowly adding a bit of seasoning and some veggies and chicken breast pieces once my stomach was ready for it.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: NathanExplosion on February 17, 2014, 11:18:17 PM
Thank you so much Sebryn, that all sounds like awesome advice! Especially the "pounce buffer" pillow, LOL. The cat SEEMS to have gotten the hint that he can't walk on us now (maybe - he's a moron), but the pillow will at least let us rest a little easier. I think the "stool issue" might be a lot of why he was nauseous today. I'll spare you the details but that's been... relieved.

Meanwhile, I feel a little guilty because I feel AWESOME today. No pain, lots of energy, eating fine. I think I took all of the good feelings between us and left FB high and dry. Whoops.

Seriously, thank you guys so much for all the advice. This would have been a LOT more difficult without some advice from others who have gone through this.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Sebryn on February 17, 2014, 11:46:31 PM
Some of FB's seemingly slower recovery might be the hit his immune system took right before his surgery when he had the flu. He and I are in the same boat there I think. I'm recovering a tad slower and my surgeon confirmed that it could be the fact that I had the flu two weeks before my surgery date and had just recovered (thank you tamaflu) five days before the surgery. So I've been taking immune boosters and multi vitamins that have been cleared with my surgeon.

As for the cat....if he doesn't like water you might want to keep a squirt bottle on hand to keep him at bay to help you guys recover without being pounce upon. Or give him a catnip laced toy to take his frustrations out on?

And Nathan don't feel bad for feeling good. It just means you'll be able to help your guy out when he needs you. :)

Take it easy and tell FB not to worry, he'll feel better. Give it time, you guys haven't even reached the week marker. Honestly I haven't started to feel good until just the last two days (I'm three weeks post op on the 13th btw.) I still get tired and want to sleep a lot. I wasn't cleared to drive until Friday in fact, so I'm a bit behind most people in recovery, but that's okay. Everyone is different in recovery. :)
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Bimmer Guy on February 18, 2014, 07:34:58 AM
Quote from: Sebryn on February 17, 2014, 11:46:31 PM
Some of FB's seemingly slower recovery might be the hit his immune system took right before his surgery when he had the flu. He and I are in the same boat there I think. I'm recovering a tad slower and my surgeon confirmed that it could be the fact that I had the flu two weeks before my surgery date and had just recovered (thank you tamaflu) five days before the surgery. So I've been taking immune boosters and multi vitamins that have been cleared with my surgeon.

As for the cat....if he doesn't like water you might want to keep a squirt bottle on hand to keep him at bay to help you guys recover without being pounce upon. Or give him a catnip laced toy to take his frustrations out on?

And Nathan don't feel bad for feeling good. It just means you'll be able to help your guy out when he needs you. :)

Take it easy and tell FB not to worry, he'll feel better. Give it time, you guys haven't even reached the week marker. Honestly I haven't started to feel good until just the last two days (I'm three weeks post op on the 13th btw.) I still get tired and want to sleep a lot. I wasn't cleared to drive until Friday in fact, so I'm a bit behind most people in recovery, but that's okay. Everyone is different in recovery. :)

Excellent point about FB having been sick before, so immune system being down to begin with.  I agree with vitamins (vitamin C important) and immune boosters.  Eat clean, whole foods, stay away from processed stuff, if possible.  Salmon, walnuts, almonds, blueberries, homemade chicken soup, protein, are immune boosters.  Get his mom to bring you some healthy groceries.  Lots and lots of filtered water after the nausea goes away.  Take light walks to get the body moving.  He needs to sleep a lot too (with no cat interruptions!)

Obviously, all the above food is after he can eat.

Ginger candies or ginger chews for nausea.  His mom can get some at the pharmacy/grocery maybe.

Side note, the same directions are good for you, too!  :)
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Jeatyn on February 18, 2014, 08:06:52 AM
Hello, by the way, to the new people posting updates. I only have a few minutes spare here and there to post so forgive me for not addressing everyone individually.

Somebody beat me to it, but I was going to suggest ginger for the nausea, ginger biscuits/gingerbread works best for me. Anesthesia and pain meds in general always make me sick. I think it's awesome you guys are going through this together. That foam looks super uncomfortable, it'll feel awesome once it all comes off. I barely kept my compression tube on never mind bandages and padding xD I'm terrible

About scar treatment: I haven't been doing anything consistent. When I remember, I have E45 cream I massage all over my chest but that's about it :P

As for revisions, I assume he will mention the dog ears, and the fact one side has quite a bit more fat left in in than the other. The dog ears also seem to have fat in them - which is why I'd rather lose bodyfat overall and see how it looks then. My surgeon seemed pretty adamant in our pre-op consultations that he would like to do some cosmetic tweaking 6 months after my initial surgery to make my nipples shorter, correct dog ears and do some lipo. If I could afford the downtime, then sure, why not, it's free :P but I really don't want to be incapacitated again. The nipple thing I definitely don't think is necessary. The idea of having them shaved down doesn't appeal :D

I'd be interested in seeing pictures of the person who mentioned they opted to have no nipples at all. Hopefully your recovery starts to go a bit better, it'll all be worth it in the end :) I told my surgeon I would rather opt for no nipples than go for a two step procedure to save them - like you I plan on tattooing the entire area anyway so I wasn't worried about it. It turned out I got to keep them, so that was a bonus.

Edit: I got my partner to take a picture so you can see my chest in a more natural position

Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: NathanExplosion on February 18, 2014, 10:55:20 AM
Definitely a good point about FB having been sick. He went to sleep really early last night, and got interrupted a couple of times, but he never stayed awake too long. He's asleep now thank goodness and I'm going to let him sleep as long as he can! We finally gave up on sleeping completely elevated, but it's uncomfortable to sleep completely flat, too. I long for the day I can sleep on my side again...

I think I might make the trek (down the street, literally) to the grocery store and pick up some more Gatorade and get some ginger chews and what not. Thanks for that suggestion - I used to LOVE those ginger candies that came in the green wrappers from Trader Joe's.

As for me, I had my first nightmare about having my bandages off last night. That was not fun. My chest looked like some melted, mutant version of its former self. -shivers- At least I was sleeping deeply enough to dream!

Jeatyn, I definitely don't think nipple revisions are necessary, if any revisions at all! Your nipples look fantastic (which is such a weird thing to say out of context...) and I didn't notice any asymmetry in pictures.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Jeatyn on February 18, 2014, 01:02:18 PM
hehe I complimented someone's nipples earlier in the thread and had the same thought :D

The beginning of recovery sucks because you're tired but unable to get comfortable and everything is so much effort. I can't believe I'm 10 weeks down already, it flies by don't worry!

How long until you get the bandages off? Though I'm not familiar with your surgeon I'm sure it won't be as you've pictured :P
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: NathanExplosion on February 18, 2014, 01:05:23 PM
Quote from: Jeatyn on February 18, 2014, 01:02:18 PM
hehe I complimented someone's nipples earlier in the thread and had the same thought :D

The beginning of recovery sucks because you're tired but unable to get comfortable and everything is so much effort. I can't believe I'm 10 weeks down already, it flies by don't worry!

How long until you get the bandages off? Though I'm not familiar with your surgeon I'm sure it won't be as you've pictured :P

Don't I know it! I tried a little too hard to sleep on my side last night and now my sides are sore. :P

This Friday, thank goodness. The closer we get to getting them off, the slower time passes, LOL.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: FlightyBrood on February 18, 2014, 01:44:32 PM
First night of good sleep I get...and the cat jumps right on my chest. Luckily I caught him before he landed, and he just got a claw stuck in my bandages. Managed to get back to sleep after that, miraculously. My rampant insomnia that I always have doesn't help my rest needing situation. Feeling a bit better today.

Funny, the thing that kept me going is the feeling of how good going for our walks make me feel. When im up and around I feel fine, when I lay down I'm nausious and sick. Weird.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: aleon515 on February 18, 2014, 01:55:35 PM
The Mythbusters did an episode on seasickness (well the nausea) remedies. Ginger worked the best of common remedies. Though seasickness itself is dizziness and not nausea, per se. I think Scope is a dizziness treatment, btw. Not sure how effective and safe it is after surgery. Side effects and warnings are quite serious (psychosis and so on).

Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: NathanExplosion on February 18, 2014, 03:15:31 PM
So we had a big "D'OH" moment and remembered that FB is slightly anemic... usually having a rare steak now and again was keeping it managed, but we kind of forgot about that when I started watching my cholesterol. I think with all of this healing and such, his iron levels just completely bottomed out. He's got all the symptoms, too - weakness, dizziness, fatigue, pallor, cranky, short of breath, and the biggest one that lead us to this conclusion is RESTLESS LEG SYNDROME. Poor kid runs a marathon in his sleep.

Picked up some iron supplements and some salmon for dinner. He's asleep again for now.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Bimmer Guy on February 18, 2014, 06:18:40 PM
Glad to hear you think you found the missing link, Nathan!  Jeatyn, your chest looks better with every picture!  <high five>
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Elijah3291 on February 18, 2014, 06:32:38 PM
Quote from: NathanExplosion on February 18, 2014, 10:55:20 AM
I long for the day I can sleep on my side again...

when I was in the hotel after my surgery I found it helpful to sleep on the couch rather then the bed, so if you have a couch available you can prop yourself on the back of the couch and lean part of your back against the back cushion so that way it kinda feels like you are on your side, obviously be careful and if it hurts don't do it.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Jackop on February 18, 2014, 07:11:43 PM
Quote from: Brett on February 16, 2014, 07:01:46 PM
Wow, Jackop, you have really had a rough go of it.  Sorry it has been so tough for you.  I hope things only continue to improve.

Be careful about that tape on your chest.  I thought that it wasn't good for us to have it on for such a long period of time?  I guess when you see your surgeon in two days he will mention this if it is a problem.

Yes, it would be great if you posted pics, when you are ready.

Hang in there and thanks for adding to the thread!

Hi there!
I got back from the doctor's not too long ago, and he said the tape still being on is perfectly fine. They have started to peel and I've peeled some back to take a look and the scars look good! I was mainly keeping them on while my right side was healing up from the hematoma (and I'm just a little bit of a baby).
What Dr. Morehouse instructed was that once I take them off (which will be done soon now that I know all is well), just massage with Vitamin E oils, and press down on the scars, the harder I press and massage, the better they'll look in the end. Surprisingly, he only took 15cc of blood out today from the right side that was still swollen a bit from the hematoma (that's all he said was in there) and I'm looking much flatter, and feel so much better.
These last two days have been amazing with how fast I'm suddenly recovering! I was able to close my car door yesterday on my own without swinging it to gain momentum first, and that meant a lot to me.

Thanks for the support all.
I'll update soon and take pictures! Dr. Morehouse does such great work.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Jackop on February 18, 2014, 07:24:30 PM
Quote from: aleon515 on February 17, 2014, 02:07:47 AM

Hey Albuquerque! I'm in ABQ too, and know who Dr. Morehouse is, several of the local guys have been to him. (Though I went to Dr Garramone.) I wonder if I know you? We have a very great support group here run by the Transgender Resource Center of NM. If you are not familiar check out:

The Scope patch can be nasty stuff!! I have used it on boat trips and cut it in half (which you are actually not supposed to do, but it is strong stuff!). Anesthesia can have bad effects on some people, and they think that post-anesthesia depression might be caused by it sometimes. Didn't have these problems but I know people who did.
Wow, oxycodone is powerful stuff-- be careful!! Sorry about the complications and hope you are on the road to recovery.

I think 2-3 week were most unpleasant for me, so hang in there.


Hey Jay!
We've met thrice before (I was really wondering why your picture looked so familiar to me!). Adrien and everyone at the Transgender Resource Center are amazing! I've been to two meetings there, and have gotten so much information from these great people. I've been volunteering lately at the LGBTQ Resource center on UNM campus, and hear very often about the TGRCNM!
Will you be at the next meeting, Jay? If so, I'll see you there. I'm going in this Thursday to deliver my old binders for the guys who need any!
My name is Jack, and I'm young (25). I don't know if you remember me!
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Jackop on February 18, 2014, 07:28:13 PM
Quote from: NathanExplosion on February 17, 2014, 08:41:01 PM
Hey guys, FB is having trouble eating today. He gets nauseous every time he eats. Taking nausea pills helps, but as soon as he starts eating again, he feels sick. We've tried soup, solid food, yogurt, etc. Any advice on getting him to eat something? It's making him feel awful because he's barely eaten all day.
I would suggest applesauce and yogurt. I survived for ten days off of those after surgery.
Good luck! I hope both of you are feeling better!
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: aleon515 on February 18, 2014, 10:15:26 PM
Quote from: Jackop on February 18, 2014, 07:24:30 PM
Hey Jay!
We've met thrice before (I was really wondering why your picture looked so familiar to me!). Adrien and everyone at the Transgender Resource Center are amazing! I've been to two meetings there, and have gotten so much information from these great people. I've been volunteering lately at the LGBTQ Resource center on UNM campus, and hear very often about the TGRCNM!
Will you be at the next meeting, Jay? If so, I'll see you there. I'm going in this Thursday to deliver my old binders for the guys who need any!
My name is Jack, and I'm young (25). I don't know if you remember me!

I'm thinking I know you too. But lots of new people. THere is no meeting this Thursday but I will be there the next one (the 6th I believe). The LGBT Resource Center is awesome as well.

Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: FlightyBrood on February 19, 2014, 04:41:38 PM
I was feeling kind of woozy today, it honestly feels like I'm drunk or something...It's hard to keep my head up. Other than that, totally fine.

I was suddenly starving to death, and i really REALLY wanted french fries. Luckily we had some frozen ones, and we cooked them up and I ate a whole plate. I feel totally fine! The only thing is the weird dizziness.

Day after tomarrow is the big day! Couldnt come faster. Will post pictures.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Sebryn on February 19, 2014, 08:53:56 PM
Quote from: FlightyBrood on February 19, 2014, 04:41:38 PM
I was feeling kind of woozy today, it honestly feels like I'm drunk or something...It's hard to keep my head up.

Quote from: FlightyBrood on February 19, 2014, 04:41:38 PM
I feel totally fine! The only thing is the weird dizziness.

Could be side effects for the pain medication and/or the meds for muscle spasms if you got any. Certain anti nausea medications do the same thing to me. If you're taking Benadryl the "drunken stupor" feeling is exactly what it does to me. And remember that even after you stop medications they still remain in your system a certain amount of time, just like T.

Glad you're feeling better. :)
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Bimmer Guy on February 19, 2014, 09:13:44 PM
Quote from: Sebryn on February 19, 2014, 08:53:56 PM
Could be side effects for the pain medication and/or the meds for muscle spasms if you got any. Certain anti nausea medications do the same thing to me. If you're taking Benadryl the "drunken stupor" feeling is exactly what it does to me. And remember that even after you stop medications they still remain in your system a certain amount of time, just like T.

Glad you're feeling better. :)

I'm thinking dehydration.  People don't realize the body needs lots of water to heal.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: FlightyBrood on February 19, 2014, 11:15:36 PM
Quote from: Sebryn on February 19, 2014, 08:53:56 PM
Could be side effects for the pain medication and/or the meds for muscle spasms if you got any. Certain anti nausea medications do the same thing to me. If you're taking Benadryl the "drunken stupor" feeling is exactly what it does to me. And remember that even after you stop medications they still remain in your system a certain amount of time, just like T.

Glad you're feeling better. :)

Aha! I've been taking benadryl every night to sleep! Well that solves that then.

Quote from: Brett on February 19, 2014, 09:13:44 PM
I'm thinking dehydration.  People don't realize the body needs lots of water to heal.

I have been keeping meticulously hydrated after a terrifying incident, what basically triggered my downhill fall was that I let myself get dehydrated. Since then it's gatorade and lots and lots of water. I check my pee to make sure its nice and clear every time i go i am so parranoid!

I ate a good dinner and I managed to get back to walking outside, though not all the way down the street because of the benadryl feeling. ill skip out on taking one tonight as im pretty tired and ill see how i feel tomarrow. Last day of this torture! day after tomarrow the bandages come off and ill never be itchy again!

a big part of my trouble was that my stress levels were through the roof. everything i do to relax (shower, play scary video games, other...things) i can't due for various reasons. I am dirty and greasy and it really messes me up. thankfully its at the point where i went from "how can i do this for X more days??" to "just two more days". Two is much more doable than even five or even three.

An afterthought to add to the actual healing thread: for a while all I could do was walk around and sob uncontrollably. apparently this is common and a side affect of anesthesia. watching toy story 3 definitely didnt help that...
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: aleon515 on February 19, 2014, 11:47:36 PM
Exactly why I didn't take various meds. (Vicodin and Benadryl in particular). I hate all those sensations as much as I hate feeling pain, which I didn't have that much of tbh. More discomfort. Not much you can do about being uncomfortable, even very uncomfortable, imo. Also read the side effects for the Scope patch, if you are on that one.

Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: FlightyBrood on February 21, 2014, 06:55:36 PM
Greetings gents! I'm on my phone so no pictures, but our work is AMAZING. it's so perfect. I've got some swelling on the right side from having to stop the cat from jumping on me, but the Dr gave us two thumbs up! We are having our first binder free victory meal and well post pictures when we get home.

Seriously, this guy is AMAZING. you guys will freak.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: NathanExplosion on February 21, 2014, 07:49:02 PM
Nine days post op

Finally... pictures!!! Of mine at least. FB is worn out from today so he's resting a little before more pictures commence.




Special guest star, Harvey...  ::)

Everything looks AMAZING. I did get to see my nipples and they look fantastic, too. Everything is taking well. I barely have any bruising or swelling, except for on the sides (you can probably tell)... hoping that flattens out because so far it's my only complaint! Everything feels great. The surgeon (a different one did our post-op - not who actually performed the surgery) was NOT gentle removing my foam and stuff though. :P

Seriously, I almost cried on the way home. Everything looks incredible. You can't really tell, but our incisions are SO thin and tiny.

I actually thought seeing my nipple was really cool, even though it was a little gruesome looking (nothing terrible, just a little bloody and scabby). And then suddenly... the room was spinning and I was nauseous. I guess it subconsciously freaked me out? Thought that was kind of funny, actually.

Will get FB to take and post pictures soon - his looks amazing too. And one last question... any idea how to get this medical adhesive off of him? He's still got a pretty solid layer of it - the adhesive came off of the foam and stayed on him. :P Blankets are sticking to him in bed currently.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Kreuzfidel on February 21, 2014, 07:54:39 PM
Man, oh man!

You look amazing, Nathan!!!  I'm so happy for you!  That is great work!  You have every right to feel proud!

Keep those incisions nice and thin - no stretching or straining for a while!

Normal to feel faint after seeing your nipples looking bloody.  I get that way, too.

Regarding the adhesive - I don't know what's available to you there, but here they sell these little individual wipes in the pharmacy that are called "adhesive remover" and they're packaged kind of like alcohol wipes.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: FlightyBrood on February 21, 2014, 08:09:45 PM
Eight Days Post Op

ive got mine in! here they are!


Here is some close ups of the little swelling ive got. im really worried about it...its leaking a little bit. But they dabbed at it at the drs office and didnt say a thing. then again...that dr didnt even take our incision tape off! (hes not the one that usually sees us...)


all that darkness is red leaky stuff. should i be worried about that at all? its leaked onto my bandages a bit.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Kreuzfidel on February 21, 2014, 08:19:16 PM
Crikey, Flighty!  Absolutely amazing!  You must be on Cloud 9!  You're flat as a pancake :D

Regarding the leaking, sounds like fluid to me - what is normally drained out in the drains.  If they weren't worried about it at the doctor's, I wouldn't worry too much.  But if you really are concerned, can you get in touch with the surgeon who did the operation?  Otherwise, ring your GP and ask them.  Where is it leaking from (as in, incision, hole, etc.)?
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: FlightyBrood on February 21, 2014, 08:32:53 PM
Quote from: Kreuzfidel on February 21, 2014, 08:19:16 PM
Crikey, Flighty!  Absolutely amazing!  You must be on Cloud 9!  You're flat as a pancake :D

Regarding the leaking, sounds like fluid to me - what is normally drained out in the drains.  If they weren't worried about it at the doctor's, I wouldn't worry too much.  But if you really are concerned, can you get in touch with the surgeon who did the operation?  Otherwise, ring your GP and ask them.  Where is it leaking from (as in, incision, hole, etc.)?

yeah! im totally in love with this chest...i cant believe its not that of a cis dudes! i honestly can not.

the leaking is coming from the actual incision, i think. they werent worried in the slightest at the doctors, in fact they didnt even mention it. i only just noticed it was leaking at all when i took my bandage off and it had the smallest spot of fluid on it. my fear is just that the incision tape might fall off or something if it gets too saturated or something...

im a worrier. pain i can handle just fine (though ive got none right now!) but ill worry for ever about everything.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Bimmer Guy on February 21, 2014, 09:02:47 PM
Hey, guys, you are both looking, great!  FB you have practically NO swelling.  Fantastic! 

Congrats, guys!
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Calder Smith on February 21, 2014, 09:11:42 PM
Nathan and Flighty, you both look awesome! Congrats on the top surgery. :)
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Kreuzfidel on February 21, 2014, 09:32:38 PM
Quote from: FlightyBrood on February 21, 2014, 08:32:53 PMmy fear is just that the incision tape might fall off or something if it gets too saturated or something...

It's just micropore tape from what I can see.  You can get it at any pharmacy.  If it gets wet and comes off, just put some fresh on it. 
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Sebryn on February 21, 2014, 10:55:24 PM
Amazing looking guys. Guess I'll have to post some pics of mine...once I hunt up a camera better than my iPhone.

In regards to the tape residue if you aren't sensitive to baby oil it can help break up the stickiness so you can gently remove the residue.

As for the leaking my surgeon had me cover the incisions with those gauze pads for a week after my surgery (I had no wrapping/binding/tensor wrap at all) to keep the incision "goo" from getting everywhere.

4 week update:

Incision lines are very narrow and I am keeping them that way with a trick I learned from a piercer about treating hypertrophic scarring using micropore tape over the scars after I let the silicone gel dry. (The tape compression treatment was okayed by my surgeon prior to using it.) Nipples are still scabby but the surgeon says its normal. My left nipple is more advanced in healing than the right. I am still covering my nipples but am happy overall. No work still but I can drive a little bit. The tape on my incisions seems to help remind me not to over reach, which helps considering I feel good otherwise. I still have bouts of nausea and dizziness from the anesthesia but that is pretty normal for me.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Bimmer Guy on February 22, 2014, 09:28:17 AM
Sebryn, thanks for the information.  Can you tell us who your surgeon is?  Will look forward to pictures.  All of mine are taken with an iPhone 3, so no worries on that!
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: NathanExplosion on February 22, 2014, 12:57:21 PM
We got to shower, YAY!!! I feel so much better! My nipples are also REALLY itchy... which I guess is a really good thing!

I am really, really wanting to giving a glowing recommendation for Dr. Horowitz to everyone. Think it would be acceptable to make another thread detailing his work and how it went? More people should really know about his work, as it's absolutely amazing and a lower price than other people had quoted us. And no drains!
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: FlightyBrood on February 22, 2014, 01:02:39 PM
Swellings seems to have gone down a bit! I saw my nipples for the first time...NOT a pretty site! Bit they itch, my god they itch!! Its the worst good feeling out there id imagine.

The leaking, as everyone told me, isnt a big deal. the assistant to our surgeon, stephanie (who insists i maintain email contact with her throughout healing) keeps checking up on me and making sure i feel okay. She made sure that I was back to eating solid food (I am). The entire staff of this office is so sweet, and very easy to talk to. I dont feel nervous calling them at all, which is odd since I can't even talk to my mom on the phone!

If you hear about someone in california looking for a surgeon....this is the man.

Been fighting tears since yesterday...tears of pure joy. this months been AWFUL and i see it was all just leading up to this amazing moment.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Bimmer Guy on February 22, 2014, 04:36:58 PM
Quote from: NathanExplosion on February 22, 2014, 12:57:21 PM
We got to shower, YAY!!! I feel so much better! My nipples are also REALLY itchy... which I guess is a really good thing!

I am really, really wanting to giving a glowing recommendation for Dr. Horowitz to everyone. Think it would be acceptable to make another thread detailing his work and how it went? More people should really know about his work, as it's absolutely amazing and a lower price than other people had quoted us. And no drains!

Hey, Nathan.  I think it makes sense to do a shout out for him and your experience on another thread.

For updates on recovery, including photos as you go along, it would be great if you kept doing it here.  Make sure you keep mentioning his name in your photo updates, so when people read this thread in the future they will know your chest is from his good work.

I'm glad you both are so happy!

Give us pics on the nipples when you can.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Bimmer Guy on February 22, 2014, 04:38:56 PM
Quote from: FlightyBrood on February 22, 2014, 01:02:39 PM
Swellings seems to have gone down a bit! I saw my nipples for the first time...NOT a pretty site! Bit they itch, my god they itch!! Its the worst good feeling out there id imagine.

The leaking, as everyone told me, isnt a big deal. the assistant to our surgeon, stephanie (who insists i maintain email contact with her throughout healing) keeps checking up on me and making sure i feel okay. She made sure that I was back to eating solid food (I am). The entire staff of this office is so sweet, and very easy to talk to. I dont feel nervous calling them at all, which is odd since I can't even talk to my mom on the phone!

If you hear about someone in california looking for a surgeon....this is the man.

Been fighting tears since yesterday...tears of pure joy. this months been AWFUL and i see it was all just leading up to this amazing moment.

I hear you on the tears.  It was weird, but when I saw my chest for the first time (in Garramone's office - post op appt), I got tears in my eyes, too!  Certainly took me by surprise!
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Bimmer Guy on February 22, 2014, 04:52:38 PM
Hey, Jay, I think you might be right about the massage widening my scars.  The ends of the incisions in the center of my chest I believe have widened since doing the massage.  I don't get why they would tell us massage helps scars.  Flattening and making them lighter I suppose, but I do think it may cause some of the widening.  Maybe.  Who knows, you know?

I will say that on the whole my scar has gotten wider than I was hoping it would.  I don't know the reason for this since I have been so careful.  My assumptions are:

1) Just my skin.
2) Maybe Garramone took off too much skin so it was really tight?

I don't know, I have been so anal about it all, it just doesn't make sense.  It is disappointing.  The chest itself, I LOVE, I am just surprised at the scars.  They don't look out of bounds from the pictures I have seen at this stage of healing (4 months, three weeks), but there are definitely thinner ones out there.  Also, I am reading a lot of people here saying that their scars are pretty darn thin.  Of course, everyone on here is behind me on healing, so maybe that is why.

I don't expect to ever have huge pecs or chest hair to cover the scars, so I am not pleased.  Not that I plan on going without a shirt anyway, I suppose, I was just not expecting them to get this wide.   :(

Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: aleon515 on February 22, 2014, 05:51:16 PM
Brett, I don't know re: the scar thing, but it does make a certain amt. of sense that you are stretching skin when you massage it. I just noticed a change very fast when I did it. But you hear from everyone to massage it. The only place it makes sense is there is a certain place where the scar is kind of lumpy-- it's kind of in the center and I think it is actually from internal stitches as I am guessing they take longer to absorb. Anyway it's my thoughts for whatever the heck they are worth.

I think they will eventually lighten. You see the guys who have had their surgery a year or two (or more) ago, and you see that the scars are lighter. So maybe you will have to wait til the then.

i would say, well I am less than thrilled with the scar but it does look a lot better to me than what used to be there, if you get my drift.


Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: NathanExplosion on February 22, 2014, 06:20:49 PM
Alright! Will definitely post updates here. :) I'll be sure to snap a picture of my nipples next time I shower.

Think I'll make a shout out thread for Dr. Horowitz when we're more healed up and can show more of what others can expect to look like.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Bimmer Guy on February 22, 2014, 06:24:56 PM
Quote from: aleon515 on February 22, 2014, 05:51:16 PM

i would say, well I am less than thrilled with the scar but it does look a lot better to me than what used to be there, if you get my drift.


Yes, Jay, that is the way that I really should look at it. 

In terms of lightening, I know that it will in time.  I have a scar vertical on my stomach from another surgery and it is very light.  The issue is that the one on my stomach is quite wide and is certainly something you can see.  Therefore, even though I know my chest scars will get light like the other, I am conscious of the fact that it will still be noticeable (more noticeable than I previously thought).

Thanks for your support, Jay.  I appreciate it.  This is the first time I have been down about the I just noticed a significant change. 

/whine (I swear)!
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: SX0877 on February 22, 2014, 09:11:59 PM
Don't worry too much,Brett. Everybody heals differently.
I had my surgery last summer and it was not until this months that I noticed my scars were getting lighter.
I form keloid easily--small scratches or cuts could leave me a scar, so I had never thought that my chest scars would get better at all, but they did.
Keeping a healthy diet and active lifestyle can help your skin regenerate better and faster.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Bimmer Guy on February 22, 2014, 11:13:06 PM
Quote from: SX0877 on February 22, 2014, 09:11:59 PM
Don't worry too much,Brett. Everybody heals differently.
I had my surgery last summer and it was not until this months that I noticed my scars were getting lighter.
I form keloid easily--small scratches or cuts could leave me a scar, so I had never thought that my chest scars would get better at all, but they did.
Keeping a healthy diet and active lifestyle can help your skin regenerate better and faster.

Thanks, SX.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: NathanExplosion on February 23, 2014, 04:06:49 PM
Eleven days post op

Nipple pic incoming! Mine and FB's both look remarkably better just since yesterday. I'm amazed at how fast we're visibly healing.


Swelling is down on both of us too. Yay!
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Bimmer Guy on February 23, 2014, 07:48:56 PM
Looking great, Nathan!
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: FlightyBrood on February 23, 2014, 10:58:48 PM
Ten Days Post Op
Dr.Horowitz in Huntington Beach, California.

Not too sure why my nipples are still black and gross...hope its nothing to worry about....


also it looks like one is over too far...its not!!!! that side is still a little swollen. its going down steadily though!
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Alexthecat on February 23, 2014, 11:26:44 PM
I wish I was that skinny.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Kreuzfidel on February 24, 2014, 02:27:34 AM
4 1/2 week update:

Surgeon: Dr. Megan Hassall
Surgery date: 23 January 2014
Surgery type:  Bilateral subcutaneous mastectomy with right nipple grafted, left nipple pedicle retained


As you can see, my chest is looking almost healed at just over 4 weeks.  The right nipple is looking much better now - continue debriding the dead tissue as directed by the surgeon.  So, slowly but surely the graft is healing.  It will take a few more weeks before it starts looking completely healed.  I still have a little swelling just under that right nipple, but I think it's slowly going down.

I'm not happy about the creases on my incision lines.  They used a clear, cellophane-like waterproof dressing on my skin initially after my surgery and advised me to continue to use it for the first 3 weeks on top of the micropore tape.  Unfortunately, due to the fact that this dressing wrinkled like crazy being so thin, it actually looks to have caused permanent "wrinkles" in my incision lines which I am honestly not pleased about.  I don't know if the creases have caused the skin to adhere in those places, but I can stretch it out and it just goes back again. 

I don't know if anyone else has experience with these kinds of creases?  I'm not sure if I need to try and massage them out or what.  Either way, I can live with creases - it's not as bad as having moobs, after all.  I'm hoping that once I'm able to work on bulking up, they may stretch out with muscle growth.  Who knows.  But overall I'm quite happy with the result. 
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Sebryn on February 24, 2014, 04:43:54 AM
My surgeon was Dr. Gary Lawton.

Also have you thought about using micropore tape as a scar reducing treatment Brett? It can help reduce scar stretching and is often used to treat and prevent hypertrophic scarring. The tape allows the skin to breath but holds the surrounding stronger tissue in place which prevents the weakened (fresh scar tissue and in some cases even older scar tissue) from being able to stretch and pull apart. You apply it by firmly rubbing the tape down along the scar line, using small pieces if needed to conform to the scar shape, keeping the tape pieces as long as possible with a 1/4 inch of tape hang over on either side and the ends of the scar.

Honestly I've used micropore tape to treat scars before, namely one I got from barbed wire on my leg (mending fence on a cattle ranch sucks btw). I've also used just silicone recently to treat scars from my hysterectomy and kidney surgeries. The newest scars from Sept (some double scars, ie same incision site used twice) are pale and flat but did widen and the ones from almost a year ago are barely visible. I used kelo cote gel on those scars and not too horribly consistently either. The scar on my leg is not visible at all anymore and never gained that raised or stretched appearance at all. It did take around a year to fade in color though. The scars on my hands and wrist from cats, a rabbit bite and chemical burn are another matter, all are clearly visible and raised slightly though they are pale now...and are older than the scar on my leg that was treated using only micropore tape. The only difference being nothing was applied to the scars on my hands besides vitamin E oil.

This time around I am using both kelo cote silicone gel and micropore tape compression. The kelo cote gel dries well and is water proof supposedly and doesn't smell. The tape goes on over the scars once the gel is dry.

Also your chest is looking good Kreuzfidel. For the wrinkling I'd suggest contacting the surgeon if you're concerned but I'm fairly certain once your skin regains the elasticity once advanced healing is ending (6months - 1 year in this type of surgery I think) the wrinkles should go away. Building muscle might help stretch the skin more taut also.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: FlightyBrood on February 24, 2014, 12:35:21 PM
lookin good kreuz! what is it with right nipples man?? they seem to like to swell and puff. its great that youre mostly healed up, i was wondering when id be good to not worry about cracking an incision!

longing for the day when i can lay the way i want...
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Sebryn on February 24, 2014, 01:29:29 PM
Quote from: FlightyBrood on February 24, 2014, 12:35:21 PM
lookin good kreuz! what is it with right nipples man?? they seem to like to swell and puff. its great that youre mostly healed up, i was wondering when id be good to not worry about cracking an incision!

longing for the day when i can lay the way i want...

I have a theory for the right nipples.... Most of us are right handed I bet hah. We use our dominate hand the that side gets the most movement.

As for laying on your sides and whatnot I was told I had to wait the full six weeks period otherwise the swelling would get worse on whichever side was lower than the other.

I think it was right around three weeks for me when the incisions quit being as...touchy/fragile feeling. Just remember that fresh scars are decently fragile and keep the movement reasonable. Again on average six weeks is generally when the deeper incision lines (the ones inside) are knitted strongly enough to not separate/pull apart. Don't forget you actually have several layers of stitching and incision lines that are healing. :) The outside might look sealed but the inside might not be yet.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: FlightyBrood on February 24, 2014, 01:58:45 PM
Quote from: Sebryn on February 24, 2014, 01:29:29 PM
I have a theory for the right nipples.... Most of us are right handed I bet hah. We use our dominate hand the that side gets the most movement.

As for laying on your sides and whatnot I was told I had to wait the full six weeks period otherwise the swelling would get worse on whichever side was lower than the other.

I think it was right around three weeks for me when the incisions quit being as...touchy/fragile feeling. Just remember that fresh scars are decently fragile and keep the movement reasonable. Again on average six weeks is generally when the deeper incision lines (the ones inside) are knitted strongly enough to not separate/pull apart. Don't forget you actually have several layers of stitching and incision lines that are healing. :) The outside might look sealed but the inside might not be yet.

good to know! ive been laying on my back and such, im not even going to risk lying on my side or anything. my nipple is swollen because i had to jerk my arm to stop the cat from jumping on me one night. its going down, according to the boyfriend....

Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Bimmer Guy on February 24, 2014, 06:51:15 PM
Hi, Sebryn,

I haven't tried that tape, but KZ mentioned it before. 

I use the silicone strips, so that would be a problem there.  However, I also have the serum (I just feel more confident in the strips).  Perhaps what I will do is use the serum at night with the micropore tape on top of it.  I wonder if I am doing most the the stretching during the night?

Thanks for the tips.

KZ, I really believe that the wrinkling will go away with time.  I don't think it will be too long of a wait, either, if it was about the tape.  I had some puckering that is almost all the way gone, but that is connected to the stitching of the incision.

ETA: My girlfriend picked me up the tape while she was at the store.  I will start this tonight!
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Kreuzfidel on February 25, 2014, 02:48:57 AM
Thanks for the reassurance, guys.

Yeah I'm hopeful that it's temporary. Not much I can do about it anyways - looking to hit the gym this year or at least get some half decent home equipment.  Very tired of chicken wings!
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: NathanExplosion on February 25, 2014, 11:35:21 AM
Quote from: Kreuzfidel on February 25, 2014, 02:48:57 AM
Thanks for the reassurance, guys.

Yeah I'm hopeful that it's temporary. Not much I can do about it anyways - looking to hit the gym this year or at least get some half decent home equipment.  Very tired of chicken wings!

You and me both Kreuz. Well... I'm a little more on the side of bat wings than chicken wings. Went shopping yesterday and found it very frustrating to not like my body but not be able to work on it for a while! When would you guys suggest would be an acceptable time for me to hit the treadmill?
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: FlightyBrood on February 25, 2014, 12:04:42 PM
Quote from: NathanExplosion on February 25, 2014, 11:35:21 AM
You and me both Kreuz. Well... I'm a little more on the side of bat wings than chicken wings. Went shopping yesterday and found it very frustrating to not like my body but not be able to work on it for a while! When would you guys suggest would be an acceptable time for me to hit the treadmill?

three weeks like the dr said nate!!!!! (im watching you)
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Sebryn on February 25, 2014, 03:50:44 PM
I'm glad that I had been lifting weights three times a week and running everyday before surgery for the last year. (With a binder on...ugh...had to run in the wee hours of the morning to avoid the heat. Not going to miss that.) I think that is one of the major issues behind my stir craziness. I can't lift weights, or work out. Also I can walk but no running because it gets my heart rate up, something my surgeon said to avoid for six weeks. You guys might want to check if that's the same for you Nathan and FB before climbing on a treadmill since it can be easy to get your heart rate up right when you first begin a new exercise regimen. And yes FB keep an eye on Nathan lol. In the greater scheme of things six weeks is nothing....well besides mildly annoying when you feel the best you've ever felt in your life. :)
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: FlightyBrood on February 25, 2014, 05:44:52 PM
Quote from: Sebryn on February 25, 2014, 03:50:44 PM
I'm glad that I had been lifting weights three times a week and running everyday before surgery for the last year. (With a binder on...ugh...had to run in the wee hours of the morning to avoid the heat. Not going to miss that.) I think that is one of the major issues behind my stir craziness. I can't lift weights, or work out. Also I can walk but no running because it gets my heart rate up, something my surgeon said to avoid for six weeks. You guys might want to check if that's the same for you Nathan and FB before climbing on a treadmill since it can be easy to get your heart rate up right when you first begin a new exercise regimen. And yes FB keep an eye on Nathan lol. In the greater scheme of things six weeks is nothing....well besides mildly annoying when you feel the best you've ever felt in your life. :)

You dont even know, this guy is over here trying to carry groceries and reach high shelves...hes a monster in the making! Just one of the many questions to ask the surgeon...along with what it was like to hold a disembodied nipple.

in healing news, im 12 days along and my nipples have started to turn pink!!
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Bimmer Guy on February 25, 2014, 07:47:05 PM
Nathan, my surgeon said the same as Sebryn's surgeon.  6 weeks before cardio (heart rate up).
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: NathanExplosion on February 25, 2014, 08:10:02 PM
I'll definitely have to ask the surgeon - our post-operative care sheet says three weeks!
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Kreuzfidel on February 25, 2014, 08:21:18 PM
Six weeks before cardio?  That sounds pretty excessive, but if that's what the doctor ordered...

I'm just glad I took a full 6 weeks post-op off.  I intend to start cardio after I go back to work - but will probably not hit the gym/weights until after a couple of months.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: FlightyBrood on February 25, 2014, 08:22:29 PM
anyone know why you cant get your heartrate up? whats the reason behind that?
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Sebryn on February 25, 2014, 09:56:27 PM
Increased stress on your system, mainly the blood vessels I believe. When your heart rate goes up blood pumps faster through your body, especially muscles, to deliver them oxygen. So since you have had surgery which involved cutting the muscles I believe the reasoning behind it is that it could stress the healing inner incisions which in most cases haven't fully sealed until that six week mark.

Just keep it at a nice slow pace or walk outside maybe? I was cleared for long walks on week three. (A couple of miles if I wanted.)

Remember you both went through a major surgery even though it doesn't feel like it now. I actually personally had to look into exactly what was involved in the surgery for it to sink in how much was done. Not for the weak stomach or easily grossed out, but it does make it hit home once you realize what all was cut and then sewn back together internally.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: FlightyBrood on February 25, 2014, 11:42:49 PM
Quote from: Sebryn on February 25, 2014, 09:56:27 PM
Increased stress on your system, mainly the blood vessels I believe. When your heart rate goes up blood pumps faster through your body, especially muscles, to deliver them oxygen. So since you have had surgery which involved cutting the muscles I believe the reasoning behind it is that it could stress the healing inner incisions which in most cases haven't fully sealed until that six week mark.

Just keep it at a nice slow pace or walk outside maybe? I was cleared for long walks on week three. (A couple of miles if I wanted.)

Remember you both went through a major surgery even though it doesn't feel like it now. I actually personally had to look into exactly what was involved in the surgery for it to sink in how much was done. Not for the weak stomach or easily grossed out, but it does make it hit home once you realize what all was cut and then sewn back together internally.

We were told to walk week one, so we did do some walking around the street. Not miles and miles or anything but we could walk if we wanted. It made me feel much much MUCH better. Around i think three days or so for me, we started walking outside. We've got a little dog who was SO excited to go for his walk! Made sure mom held the leash though.

I was told there was no muscle involved in my surgery, that it was all skin based. Either way, increased blood flow makes sense. I'm not particularly a runner myself, but I know Nate's dying to get back to working out.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: aleon515 on February 26, 2014, 12:04:46 AM
I wouldn't recommend running (not sure when you are though). But walking is good for you. I started maybe 2nd day and think it helped quite a lot.

Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Sebryn on February 26, 2014, 12:24:55 AM
Hah yeah I think I was told to rein in on the miles since I am used to running miles and miles everyday. I could walk after day one and did but was told not to overdo it, to the point he even gave me a distance limit. Now I have to relearn how to more slouching. Yay. I hear you guys on the dog walking...we have two little poodles. One is mine and I am very thankful I trained her to walk next to me so I can walk her hands free by tying her leash to my belt/belt loop. Very useful. And she despises running so she keeps me in check lol.

All in all none of us can really advise you on exercise restrictions since each surgeon has different restrictions. Ask your surgeon since there is normally a clause in the surgery agreement about complications and revisions not being covered if you don't follow the surgeon's post-op care and restrictions. A lot of surgeons have varying restrictions and restrictive periods.

Most of the six week periods are based off of the far end of the average healing time for people in general. You'll see six weeks quoted a lot for healing times, such as piercings and tattoos. Even though those types of things don't really register as a big deal they really do put a strain on your system as it heals. A lot of times you'll be told to avoid caffeine and alcohol as much as possible and to be "chill" until healing has completed, on average one and a half to two months (6-8weeks).

I believe there is some truth to the cardio thing personally. I have tattoos and piercings, some I got before I started being diligent about running and some after. The ones before I was running everyday never swelled, almost at all. Kind of freaky hah, like my near zero swelling after top surgery. Now the second and third part of my forearm tattoo were done after I had been very diligent in my running (minus down time for my hysterectomy and kidney surgeries) and both swelled excessively, especially the third time which was weird since it was the least time I'd ever spent in the chair. The only thing that changed was the running every morning. So at least for me I believe being as chill as possible about the cardio is the way to go to promote a good healing period.

Also don't forget the vitamins and veggies. :) I think I'm driving people around here insane with my health nut diet.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Jeatyn on February 26, 2014, 01:55:41 PM
11 weeks mini update

I tried running again for the first time since surgery yesterday, it felt pretty amazing to not have things bouncing around but what little bouncing I did feel felt weird and pully. So I am settling for brisk walking for now. I plan on weights tomorrow and shall report back!

Also, I went clothes shopping, after years of hiding under XL button down shirts I am now wearing size small t-shirts, they fit on the shoulders and  don't hang all the way down to my freaking knees - so awesome ;D (why do clothes manufacturers assume all XL wearing people are tall anyway?)
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: FlightyBrood on February 26, 2014, 04:35:50 PM
so im just short of two weeks along and my nipples are still black and kind of gooey. going in tomarrow for my two week post op, but its been bothering me. is this normal? just want some peace of mind until tomarrow...

also, one of them has a little holeish thing near the bottom of it, and the other bled a little bit. Are those things normal?
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: aleon515 on February 26, 2014, 06:08:32 PM
11 weeks is fine for running. I thought there were some guys who were under 8 weeks in.
Not sure what the doctors instructions were but a lot of doctors don't like you to raise your heart rate before about 6-8 weeks.

Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Kreuzfidel on February 26, 2014, 08:56:05 PM
Quote from: FlightyBrood on February 26, 2014, 04:35:50 PM
so im just short of two weeks along and my nipples are still black and kind of gooey. going in tomarrow for my two week post op, but its been bothering me. is this normal? just want some peace of mind until tomarrow...

also, one of them has a little holeish thing near the bottom of it, and the other bled a little bit. Are those things normal?

Yeah, I'd say it's normal.  I was terrified because I couldn't find any information on it or how they should look.  I'm 5 weeks today and my right one is still gooey.  It can take a long time to heal.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: NathanExplosion on February 27, 2014, 08:40:49 PM
So two week post op was today, and the doctor said everything looked good. My left nipple looked to be mostly pus (not the areola, just the nipple), but the doctor said to just keep an eye on it. He said I could stop using gauze and just put normal bandaids on it. However, he was out of bandaids that were big enough, so he put gauze and tape over it and said to put a bandaid on it when I got home.

However, when I got home and went to take the gauze off, the pus-y nipple stuck to the gauze and seemed to start pulling off in a big chunk and bled. I FREAKED OUT and put the gauze back and left it alone.

Is my whole nipple coming off or was it just a big scab? The areola looks great, nice and pink. I called the surgeon but he didn't pick up and his mailbox is full, GRRR.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Kreuzfidel on February 27, 2014, 09:01:34 PM
It's fine, I'd say.  Give the surgeon a ring again and keep trying - but mine is doing the same thing.  The areola is fine, but the center nipple part is essentially just a little lump of dead tissue attached to new granulating tissue underneath.  It's essentially a big gross scab and if you pull it before it's ready to detach it'll bleed.  Just keep the gauze on it and keep an eye on it. 
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: NathanExplosion on February 27, 2014, 09:04:49 PM
Alright, thanks Kreuz. I peeked at it a bit and it almost looks like a hole beneath the whitish, yellowish, pinkish mess under there, but it looks like the scab is still attached to some living tissue. I am definitely going to just leave it alone for now and try the surgeon again in the morning! The surgery center is closed now but we have an email in to them and they sometimes respond after hours.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Bimmer Guy on February 27, 2014, 09:21:24 PM
My one nipple looked like just a blob of scab attached to a healthy areola for a period of time, too.

Sounds like you are making good decisions in how you are handling this, Nathan (calling the doc, not messing with it, etc.).

One thing I have learned over the last 4 months is that we can all have freaky things happening with our nipples, but they all seem to turn out ok.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Kreuzfidel on February 27, 2014, 09:47:47 PM
Nathan, I don't want to gross you (or anyone out), but here's a photo of my nipple at 4 1/2 weeks with the gooey stuff in the center:

Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: FlightyBrood on February 27, 2014, 10:00:46 PM
Quote from: Kreuzfidel on February 27, 2014, 09:47:47 PM
Nathan, I don't want to gross you (or anyone out), but here's a photo of my nipple at 4 1/2 weeks with the gooey stuff in the center:


upon seeing this, nate exclaimed "THAT is more what it looked like"

so he says he feels a LOT better about it, then.

Kreuz, youre seriously like our super hero.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Kreuzfidel on February 27, 2014, 11:20:17 PM
Dawwww my pleasure!  ;D 8)
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: FlightyBrood on February 28, 2014, 01:58:06 AM
So we went to bandaid up my nipples and wouldn't you know...the same thing happened to me! So it seems it is just a scab after all!

All that worrying for nothing...hah...
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: NathanExplosion on February 28, 2014, 12:27:30 PM
So I guess I should ask this too - what should I DO about that scab? It's REALLY stuck to the gauze I have on. Like, really stuck. And it's definitely not ready to come off yet, but I need to shower today and I should change the dressing... but the scab is definitely attached to things I shouldn't be pulling off. GRRR.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Sebryn on February 28, 2014, 03:34:16 PM
Maybe ask the surgeon if applying a thin <--- and I mean thin! (Too much can cause problems for some people.) layer of triple antibiotic ointment over the scab to keep it from sticking and drying to the bandage would help. My own surgeon prescribed a cream/ointment used for burn treatment to protect the wounds from infection that I've been using from day 1, he told me I could stop using it if the scabs weren't sticking to the bandage...but I tried it yesterday and they still are so the cream went back on last night after my shower.

Oh and be careful showing with certain bandages/tape. I tried with all three different kinds of tape and it made the tape worse to pull off, made it stick worse. So use the shower removal option with caution.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: FlightyBrood on February 28, 2014, 05:23:15 PM
you all know us, you all love us, some of you cant get enough of us! its time for one half of the comedy duo as funny as they are real (read:not at all) to post his two week update!

Top Surgery Update-2 Weeks Double Incision with Dr.Horowitz in California

So we just got the OK to start cleaning our incisions which means YOU ALL GET TO SEE THEM! Im gonna confess, the lighting in these pictures make everything look GARISH, but everything is spot on beautiful in person. Without further ado, pictures!


look at those beauties! thinner than a macbook air (and twice as durable) and they are barely even noticable. I honestly havent seen them myself, while i was cleaning it it just looked like normal skin! Here I have a bandage over my problem child nipple, the twin brother to my partner in crime's problem child. I was worried to take it off, as the scab stuck to the bandage last night and i have to physically hold it on while i removed the gauze. BUT lets see...


Tah dah! Everything came off completely fine! There they are gents, looking pink and healthy! All those reading this thread, its TOTALLY NORMAL for your nipples to be a bit gooey and black! I didn't know that, I wish I had read this post three days ago...

I still have some strings poking out, spitting sutures i believe theyre called, but ive been giving them a clip as soon as i see them-my advice is use nail clippers instead of scissors. It keeps the suture from bending rather than cutting and thats terrifying.

If you look at my first pictures, youll notice my nipple appears to be escaping my chest-that was due to swelling. Im happy to say the swelling has gone down TREMENDOUSLY and the little guy is right back where hes supposed to be. You'll also notice some yellowish stuff in the middle of my chest. Thats just some medical adhesive that has decided to attempt to become a permanent part of my body. If you're having trouble with that stuff too, try some anti-bacterial soap to dry the stuff out. Then you can peel it away at the edges. Lather, rinse, repeat!

ive got some swelling in the sides there, those are NOT dog ears. I did not have drains and I have no complications resulting in not having them.

Cheers, gents!

Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: NathanExplosion on February 28, 2014, 05:32:51 PM
Two week update (sixteen days actually)

Alrighty! So showering didn't help my stuck scab. It's DEFINITELY not ready to actually come off, so what I did was just trim down the gauze as much as possible and got it down to two layers. Nothing major - it looks fine under there, it's just all stuck together. Gross!

I took pictures of my chest one side at a time because I wanted to take a break in between peeling all that tape and such off. So here's the "good side"...


Looking good! The only reason my incisions look dark is because I still have some marker on me where the doctor marked where my incisions would be. This nipple is nice and pink and has a thin, brown scab, which is what the surgeon said it should look like.

Aaand... the bad side.


Now, this picture looks WAY WORSE than it actually is! I SWEAR the incision on this side looks exactly like the other side in person. For some reason I COULD NOT get a picture where the incision didn't look awful and garish and red. I'll try again next time I clean. But it's also super thin and healing up great. That little patch of gauze is what is stuck on, and I just slapped a bandaid over it.

The sides are still swollen because I had a TON of lipo there - the surgeon said he drained a liter just from my sides! So those should flatten out on their own, and then more once I start working out and losing weight.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Kreuzfidel on February 28, 2014, 07:59:48 PM
Guys, your chests are looking AMAZING!!!  I always expect incisions in photos to look 2x as red as they do IRL, so no worries.  Both your incisions are nice and even and look like they're healing well.  It only gets better from here!

Nathan, ask your surgeon about the sticking to the gauze thing.  I'm not using gauze to cover my sticky nipple - I'm using a silver-infused wound pad.  Maybe switching to something like that will cut down on the sticking.  Again, your surgeon will let you know what he thinks would be best.

Again, congrats guys!  You must be on Cloud 9!
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Bimmer Guy on March 01, 2014, 11:32:57 AM
You guys look great!  As Kreuzfidel said, it just gets better.  Glad to hear you both are clear that there is still a lot of swelling and that there is nothing to worry about if your chest isn't just the way you want it to look.

Things look really good guys for only 2 weeks.


P.S.  I had planned to do a 5 month update picture, but it really does look the same as the 4 month one!  The only difference, like I said, was perhaps a bit more widening in the incision.  Where I see the widening is in the center where the incision lines were pencil thin. 

The scars continue to lighten, though, although slowly.  I am less upset about how wide the scars are than when I wrote that last post about it.  I take heart in the fact that my old scars are extremely light and also the fact that Garramone has good placement of the scars.  They will tuck in a bit under the muscle, expecially when they get totally flat.  Again, looking at old scars, I can see they get flat with silicone treatment.

I also have to keep in mind that it will not be very often (or at all), that people will ever see my chest.  Maybe a few years down the road on the beach (I will worry about sun exposure for a couple of years), but that really isn't a big deal.  I can't take too much heart in that though, because I worry about the scars for me, and what I see in the mirror.

EDIT:  Just noticed I won't be at 5 months until next week.  I doubt there will be any change though.  I will do a 6th month picture.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: NathanExplosion on March 01, 2014, 04:14:47 PM
Brett, I'm glad to hear you aren't feeling so down about your scars. I think you're your own worst critic with them, and while it of course matters in this case, I think you should keep in mind that they will always look worse to you than they really are. I think you're right that they will disappear a bit under the pectoral muscle soon!

A tiny update for me - the nipple that is stuck to the gauze is definitely a scab, and it's looking more ready to come off now. There is a nice pink nub under there! It's not QUITE ready to come off yet so I'm still leaving it alone and just changing the bandaid over the small piece of gauze. I feel loads better!
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: NathanExplosion on March 02, 2014, 03:02:48 PM
The infamous stuck scab came off, hooray! There's a pink nub under there! It's still a little gooey, but looking LOADS better. Phew.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Bimmer Guy on March 02, 2014, 10:37:02 PM
Quote from: NathanExplosion on March 02, 2014, 03:02:48 PM
The infamous stuck scab came off, hooray! There's a pink nub under there! It's still a little gooey, but looking LOADS better. Phew.

Glad to hear it!  RELIEF, eh?
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Jeatyn on March 03, 2014, 12:07:36 PM
Looking great you two! The no drain technique seems to work well, I wonder why it's so common to have drains when it doesn't appear necessary. I probably would have been fine with no drains, less than 10ml even from the first time they were emptied. To quote Brett....ah well, maybe next time :P

I'm very much enjoying working out and being active ;D I was a little worried that I was just using the "I'll try harder after surgery...." line as a scapegoat but it really is sooooooo much better now. I can breath and jump and even do press ups for the first time in my life :D it's waaay easier without the evil twins getting in the way.

I'm finding myself walking to places I would usually get the bus to, hell the other day me and my partner bought some chairs and then carried them the 2 miles home no trouble at all. It's nice that I can keep up with him now, he's very excited at the prospect of going hiking together at last.

I never used to understand anyone who said they enjoyed working out and all that talk of endorphins and whatnot, all I ever used to feel when I exercised was pain and dysphoria, I only did it because I had to xD I get it now! I feel amazing! Nobody can argue that this surgery is purely cosmetic, my quality of life improvement is off the charts ;D
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: NathanExplosion on March 03, 2014, 09:47:02 PM
Quote from: Jeatyn on March 03, 2014, 12:07:36 PM
Looking great you two! The no drain technique seems to work well, I wonder why it's so common to have drains when it doesn't appear necessary. I probably would have been fine with no drains, less than 10ml even from the first time they were emptied. To quote Brett....ah well, maybe next time :P

I'm very much enjoying working out and being active ;D I was a little worried that I was just using the "I'll try harder after surgery...." line as a scapegoat but it really is sooooooo much better now. I can breath and jump and even do press ups for the first time in my life :D it's waaay easier without the evil twins getting in the way.

I'm finding myself walking to places I would usually get the bus to, hell the other day me and my partner bought some chairs and then carried them the 2 miles home no trouble at all. It's nice that I can keep up with him now, he's very excited at the prospect of going hiking together at last.

I never used to understand anyone who said they enjoyed working out and all that talk of endorphins and whatnot, all I ever used to feel when I exercised was pain and dysphoria, I only did it because I had to xD I get it now! I feel amazing! Nobody can argue that this surgery is purely cosmetic, my quality of life improvement is off the charts ;D

Absolutely seconding the "quality of life" statement. I can't WAIT to get back to working out and I HATED working out before. Everything is so much easier now!!!
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: aleon515 on March 07, 2014, 04:53:52 PM
Wow fresh pepperonis!! Sorry you need the drains in. I had a friend who couldn't get his drains out til a week later. That's a major pain, but looks like it will look good when all is done.

Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Kreuzfidel on March 07, 2014, 04:55:49 PM
Your chest is looking great, chipper! :D

Sorry to hear about having to keep the drains in longer.  You'll be alright, though.  Time will soon start to fly.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Bimmer Guy on March 07, 2014, 09:19:05 PM
Your chest looks, GREAT, chipper!  I'm glad you decided to come in and post with a picture.  I know what you mean about wondering what the areolas/nipples would look like under the bandages.

Speaking of which, I was looking at my areolas/nipples today.  I find that now that I am over the wonder of having a male chest, I have gotten more critical of how my chest looks.  I mentioned my disappointment with having scars wider than expected.  I feel like I have been able to "let go" of this, but it was interesting the way I had this intense sadness for a couple of days about it.  Very unexpected.

Anyway, today I noticed that my left nipple is too large for my areola.  A couple months back I spoke about how my areolas look stitched on... little red pieces of areola pulled away from the base and stitched against my pale skin, all the way around.  Well, as those "pulled" pieces get absorbed (as expected), the actual size of the areola is more apparent.  It is smaller than it first appeared.  Subsequently, the nipples look larger.  The left one looks too large for the size of the areola, in my opinion.  The nipple also looks like it has "plumped up" recently or something.

I am not unhappy with size of the areolas, I love their size.  I just wish the size of the nipple was a bit smaller.

I wonder if you can get a revision on a nipple?  Could Garramone just do a simple cutting down of it?

Jay, what is up with your areolas/nipples?  Are yours stitched on like mine?  It is very hard to explain, so I am not sure I am making in clear.  In looking at the close ups of other guys on here, it seems as though their areolas have smooth edges right out of the gare. Mine, on the other hand, are growing into being smooth.  How are yours?

Congrats again, chipper!
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: NathanExplosion on March 07, 2014, 10:25:42 PM
Brett, if I'm understanding you correctly, ours are stitched on the same way. I believe they're dissolved now but you can see where there were little tiny visible stitches all the way around the areola and some redness from it. It should be fairly easy to shave down the nipple, if you mean it is too long? Or is it too big the other direction(s) if that makes sense?

Looking good by the way, chipper!
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: aleon515 on March 08, 2014, 02:08:31 AM
Quote from: Brett on March 07, 2014, 09:19:05 PM

Anyway, today I noticed that my left nipple is too large for my areola.  A couple months back I spoke about how my areolas look stitched on... little red pieces of areola pulled away from the base and stitched against my pale skin, all the way around.  Well, as those "pulled" pieces get absorbed (as expected), the actual size of the areola is more apparent.  It is smaller than it first appeared.  Subsequently, the nipples look larger.  The left one looks too large for the size of the areola, in my opinion.  The nipple also looks like it has "plumped up" recently or something.

I am not unhappy with size of the areolas, I love their size.  I just wish the size of the nipple was a bit smaller.

I wonder if you can get a revision on a nipple?  Could Garramone just do a simple cutting down of it?

Jay, what is up with your areolas/nipples?  Are yours stitched on like mine?  It is very hard to explain, so I am not sure I am making in clear.  In looking at the close ups of other guys on here, it seems as though their areolas have smooth edges right out of the gare. Mine, on the other hand, are growing into being smooth.  How are yours?

Congrats again, chipper!

I am not surprised that guys are so critical of their chest results. Makes sense that dysphoria doesn't go away totally. I know a guy whose results look darn good, he is so depressed with them. Everybody thinks that they look wonderful, but he can't be convinced. Finally folks just started telling him to get a revision. Strange thing.

I am personally critical that I have no pecs. Also the right nipple, I think what is that it takes some amount of time, but it looks like there is no nipple, just areola. I know nothing happened to it, so I am guessing maybe it has yet to come out. Odd. Also I am still swollen under the right arm, which is odd because the right one was where I had more trouble with the drain and all.

BTW, chipper , better out of the drains for sure, even though they are a pita.

Also I was talking with a cis male friend of mine. He is about my age. He never goes anywhere without a shirt.
It sounds like I am happier with my chest than he is?

Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Kreuzfidel on March 08, 2014, 02:20:55 AM
Quote from: aleon515 on March 08, 2014, 02:08:31 AM

I am not surprised that guys are so critical of their chest results. Makes sense that dysphoria doesn't go away totally.

Yeah I've been stopping myself lately from being so upset over the little things like the creases in my incisions - but then I think back and reckon "anything is better than before".  I can live with creases, but not with moobs!
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Bimmer Guy on March 08, 2014, 01:08:10 PM
Hi, guys.

Nathan, I looked back at pictures on this thread and realized that I must not have paid as good attention to the nipples as I thought.  However, if you notice Kreuzfidel's areola on post #323, the edges do look very smooth.  That, and my memory of the first pictures posted of Alexthecat is where I got the thinking from.  You're right, though, eveyone's appears to be stitched.

I stood in front of my mirror this morning and realized that the nipple I have issue with looks fine from far away.  Someone would have to get up in my areola's face to see that it isn't great.  I am just being picky.

I took some pictures of the two of them.  The first one is areola/nipple I am talking about (left side of chest).  The nipple is too large for the size of the areola (not meaning length, Nathan).  As an aside, you can see at the top of the areola, that there is a still a bit of exess tissue that will be absorbed making the areola a bit smaller.

The second one is blurry, but is my other (right) nipple.  To me, the nipple/areola are in good proportion to each other.  To be honest with you, what the hell do I know, I have never been up close to a cis guys's (or trans guy's) areola!

(5 months and 1 week)


What do you all think?
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: aleon515 on March 08, 2014, 03:06:14 PM
My understanding is that it really takes a long time for top surgery results to completely settle in and heal. Actually Brett your nipples look a lot better than mine at this point, and I see what you mean by farther away vs nearer.

Also just remember, "all those ripples and wrinkles will smooth out".  :D
I'm sure Brett will recognize where the quote comes from.

I like my incision line better than the moobs.

Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: FlightyBrood on March 08, 2014, 05:52:16 PM
so...theres a hole in my chest....

the incisions were completely healed up and i got the OK to stop cleaning them with peroxide and...

i was changing my tapes today and my incision started leaking puss and i put peroxide on it and squeezed it out, and now theres a hole in my incision??? its small but deep. i emailed the surgeon but of course their office is closed.

sigh...why do things always go wrong for us on the weekends??
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Bimmer Guy on March 08, 2014, 08:35:40 PM
Quote from: FlightyBrood on March 08, 2014, 05:52:16 PM
so...theres a hole in my chest....

the incisions were completely healed up and i got the OK to stop cleaning them with peroxide and...

i was changing my tapes today and my incision started leaking puss and i put peroxide on it and squeezed it out, and now theres a hole in my incision??? its small but deep. i emailed the surgeon but of course their office is closed.

sigh...why do things always go wrong for us on the weekends??

Could be the "spitting sutures" I experienced (just one).  Jeatyn had a time with it, as well.  They fill in.  Try not to stress until you hear from your surgeon.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Bimmer Guy on March 08, 2014, 08:40:23 PM
Quote from: aleon515 on March 08, 2014, 03:06:14 PM
My understanding is that it really takes a long time for top surgery results to completely settle in and heal. Actually Brett your nipples look a lot better than mine at this point, and I see what you mean by farther away vs nearer.

Also just remember, "all those ripples and wrinkles will smooth out".  :D
I'm sure Brett will recognize where the quote comes from.

I like my incision line better than the moobs.


Well, I am wondering if you think that the nipple is too large for the areola in the first picture (my left side)?  What is your nipple to areola ratio like?  To me the second picture (my right side) is more balanced. 
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: FlightyBrood on March 08, 2014, 08:54:22 PM
Quote from: Brett on March 08, 2014, 08:35:40 PM
Could be the "spitting sutures" I experienced (just one).  Jeatyn had a time with it, as well.  They fill in.  Try not to stress until you hear from your surgeon.

its weird because i have multiple spitting least i thought i did? ive got these little clear strings poking out (i think im down to just three left) and the doctor said everything was fine and i could cut them off and itll be fine. are those...not spitting sutures?? or maybe this one is a suture that spit and i didnt realize it?

anyways, the whole thing drained completely empty. if i remember anything from my (very basic) medical classes its that if something starts draining on its own, drain the heck out of it.

the little thing LOOKED like a flat zit just under my incision. i took the tape off and made the most minor of stretches and it exploded. i cleaned it up and put some peroxide on it and then it drained until it became a hollow hole.

its really hard for me to calm down about things, because i have some pretty serious anxiety issues so if one little thing looks moderately worriesome i cant stop stressing out about it. the surgeons office is closed sundays i believe so im pretty much not sleeping until monday, unless by some miracle the surgeons assisstant gets back to me tonight or tomarrow. until then ill keep it clean, drained and covered.

i just dont know what happened...i was really diligent with cleaning until i was told i dont have to anymore...the moment i stopped cleaning this happens...ugh...
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Kreuzfidel on March 08, 2014, 09:29:48 PM
Quote from: FlightyBrood on March 08, 2014, 08:54:22 PM
its weird because i have multiple spitting least i thought i did? ive got these little clear strings poking out (i think im down to just three left) and the doctor said everything was fine and i could cut them off and itll be fine. are those...not spitting sutures?? or maybe this one is a suture that spit and i didnt realize it?

anyways, the whole thing drained completely empty. if i remember anything from my (very basic) medical classes its that if something starts draining on its own, drain the heck out of it.

the little thing LOOKED like a flat zit just under my incision. i took the tape off and made the most minor of stretches and it exploded. i cleaned it up and put some peroxide on it and then it drained until it became a hollow hole.

its really hard for me to calm down about things, because i have some pretty serious anxiety issues so if one little thing looks moderately worriesome i cant stop stressing out about it. the surgeons office is closed sundays i believe so im pretty much not sleeping until monday, unless by some miracle the surgeons assisstant gets back to me tonight or tomarrow. until then ill keep it clean, drained and covered.

i just dont know what happened...i was really diligent with cleaning until i was told i dont have to anymore...the moment i stopped cleaning this happens...ugh...

Did your surgeon actually advise you to use peroxide to clean your wounds???  Considering the fact that medical literature actually now advises against it as it can slow healing and destroy granulating tissue, I find that a bit odd.

Regarding the oozing hole - like the others have commented, probably a suture.  I wouldn't be putting peroxide on it, mate.  Just use saline solution to flush the area - then dry it and cover it with a sterile dressing until your surgeon returns to work. 
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: NathanExplosion on March 08, 2014, 09:36:38 PM
Quote from: Kreuzfidel on March 08, 2014, 09:29:48 PM
Did your surgeon actually advise you to use peroxide to clean your wounds???  Considering the fact that medical literature actually now advises against it as it can slow healing and destroy granulating tissue, I find that a bit odd.

Regarding the oozing hole - like the others have commented, probably a suture.  I wouldn't be putting peroxide on it, mate.  Just use saline solution to flush the area - then dry it and cover it with a sterile dressing until your surgeon returns to work.

No kidding? I hadn't heard that! He advised a 50% peroxide and 50% water mixture, so we've been using that. Should we put some antibiotic ointment on the hole?
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Alexthecat on March 08, 2014, 09:51:38 PM
Here's week 7 nipples. I think my right nipple has more nipple compared to the left nipple.

Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: FlightyBrood on March 08, 2014, 10:41:46 PM
Quote from: Kreuzfidel on March 08, 2014, 09:29:48 PM
Did your surgeon actually advise you to use peroxide to clean your wounds???  Considering the fact that medical literature actually now advises against it as it can slow healing and destroy granulating tissue, I find that a bit odd.

Regarding the oozing hole - like the others have commented, probably a suture.  I wouldn't be putting peroxide on it, mate.  Just use saline solution to flush the area - then dry it and cover it with a sterile dressing until your surgeon returns to work.

50% peroxide 50% water is what they had us using.

i wasnt planning on putting peroxide on it any more actually, since the stuff would get inside the hole and something about peroxide internally doesnt strike me as a good idea. im showering soon so ill take a look at it then. until the dr gets back to me ive got a bandaid over it and some micropore tape over that
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Kreuzfidel on March 08, 2014, 11:33:50 PM
Quote from: NathanExplosion on March 08, 2014, 09:36:38 PM
No kidding? I hadn't heard that! He advised a 50% peroxide and 50% water mixture, so we've been using that. Should we put some antibiotic ointment on the hole?

It probably wouldn't hurt, would be better than peroxide IMHO. 

Quote from: FlightyBrood on March 08, 2014, 10:41:46 PMi wasnt planning on putting peroxide on it any more actually, since the stuff would get inside the hole and something about peroxide internally doesnt strike me as a good idea.

Yep, it's not a good idea.  Just keep it flushed with the saline until you speak with your surgeon.  50% peroxide dilution is typically okay for surface abrasions, etc., but I wouldn't recommend it for an open wound.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: aleon515 on March 09, 2014, 03:22:04 AM
@FB- this is a useful site:
I think basically it's clean it gently and use the antibiotic cream. I don't think the hydrogen peroxide is recommended.

@Brett- I'll try to do a close up on my nipples today for your viewing amusement. LOL.

Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Jeatyn on March 09, 2014, 07:22:17 AM
Quote from: FlightyBrood on March 08, 2014, 05:52:16 PM
so...theres a hole in my chest....

the incisions were completely healed up and i got the OK to stop cleaning them with peroxide and...

i was changing my tapes today and my incision started leaking puss and i put peroxide on it and squeezed it out, and now theres a hole in my incision??? its small but deep. i emailed the surgeon but of course their office is closed.

sigh...why do things always go wrong for us on the weekends??

As Brett mentioned this sounds very similar to what happened to me and it was not pleasant. Defo go see your surgeon as soon as possible to see if you need antibiotics, did you have antibiotics straight after surgery?
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Bimmer Guy on March 09, 2014, 10:35:16 AM
FB, I agree with Kreuzfidel about the peroxide.  I took pause at that when you first mentioned that was part of your routine, but I have learned that different surgeons do things differently, so I figured it best not to comment.

I will tell you that Garramone told me to just cover the hole with triple antibiotic ointment for a couple of days and then just leave it alone.  However, I had no stuff coming out of my hole, no infection.  I saw a second white string peeking it's way out a day or so later and I just covered it with a tiny band aid, and it never came out.  Both of mine were just soft white string, neither of them were that clear fishing line type stuff.  It took a month, but filled in, just as Garramone said it would (he told me 2 weeks, though).

I remember you said you had some serious anxiety problems, but just try to hang in there.  Jeatlyn may be helpful in this regard since he had an infection.

As an aside, "spitting sutures" is not abnormal.  I posted some links earlier in this thread when Jeatlyn was talking about this.  There was quite a bit of discussion about it all with others chiming in.  I would suggest searching mine or Jeatlyn's name in order to find those posts.  It will be informative and may relieve some of your anxiety.

Alexthecat, those are some beautiful areolas/nipples there!  Yes, a bit more nipple on the one than the other.  I think they both look great! 
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: FlightyBrood on March 09, 2014, 03:11:56 PM
Quote from: Jeatyn on March 09, 2014, 07:22:17 AM
As Brett mentioned this sounds very similar to what happened to me and it was not pleasant. Defo go see your surgeon as soon as possible to see if you need antibiotics, did you have antibiotics straight after surgery?

i didnt have any antibiotics after surgery.

Quote from: Brett on March 09, 2014, 10:35:16 AM
FB, I agree with Kreuzfidel about the peroxide.  I took pause at that when you first mentioned that was part of your routine, but I have learned that different surgeons do things differently, so I figured it best not to comment.

I will tell you that Garramone told me to just cover the hole with triple antibiotic ointment for a couple of days and then just leave it alone.  However, I had no stuff coming out of my hole, no infection.  I saw a second white string peeking it's way out a day or so later and I just covered it with a tiny band aid, and it never came out.  Both of mine were just soft white string, neither of them were that clear fishing line type stuff.  It took a month, but filled in, just as Garramone said it would (he told me 2 weeks, though).

I remember you said you had some serious anxiety problems, but just try to hang in there.  Jeatlyn may be helpful in this regard since he had an infection.

As an aside, "spitting sutures" is not abnormal.  I posted some links earlier in this thread when Jeatlyn was talking about this.  There was quite a bit of discussion about it all with others chiming in.  I would suggest searching mine or Jeatlyn's name in order to find those posts.  It will be informative and may relieve some of your anxiety.

Alexthecat, those are some beautiful areolas/nipples there!  Yes, a bit more nipple on the one than the other.  I think they both look great! 

im not worried about the clear string spitting sutures. theyeve been there since i got my foam off one week in. Im used to them by now, ive just been cutting them as they come out.  seeing my surgeon isnt an option until at least tuesday, so hopefully they get back to me and tell me its nothing big.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Bimmer Guy on March 09, 2014, 03:47:27 PM
Garramone automatically gives you an antibiotic to start taking immediately after your surgery. 

Maybe he will call you in a prescription for an antibiotic on Monday when you call his office.  Tell them about the pus.  It is as easy as his nurse making the call to the pharmacy where you can pick it up/send someone to pick it up.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: aleon515 on March 09, 2014, 04:00:37 PM
My experience is that pus is almost always treated internally. It's usually a sign of infection that's not so superficial. Not sure if everyone would treat it that way.

Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Bimmer Guy on March 09, 2014, 04:36:18 PM
Yo, Mr. Clone, you promised me some nipple pics!  Now get on it!   :D
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: aleon515 on March 09, 2014, 05:43:25 PM
Quote from: Brett on March 09, 2014, 04:36:18 PM
Yo, Mr. Clone, you promised me some nipple pics!  Now get on it!   :D
Okey dokey, Mr. Clone Man. :)
left first, then right. BTW, funny black and blue on incision line. Strange.  Jay

( (

Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: FlightyBrood on March 09, 2014, 10:21:55 PM
they got back to me, and told me that sometimes this just happens. i was instructed to put neosporin on it and keep it covered up, and that a nurse will call me tomarrow about it.

its not a big deal apparently. wen i changed my tape today there was no more pus or grossness so thats good news.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Bimmer Guy on March 10, 2014, 08:21:44 AM
Those look perfect, Jay! How many months/weeks are you out?

Interesting about the blue line.  It is interesting to see how all bodies respond and can look differently as they heal, all getting to the same place in the end.

Quote from: FlightyBrood on March 09, 2014, 10:21:55 PM
they got back to me, and told me that sometimes this just happens. i was instructed to put neosporin on it and keep it covered up, and that a nurse will call me tomarrow about it.

its not a big deal apparently. wen i changed my tape today there was no more pus or grossness so thats good news.

Glad to hear it, FB.  What kind of tape are you putting on every day?  Is there anything between the tape and the skin?  What is the purpose of the tape?
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: aleon515 on March 10, 2014, 05:59:07 PM
Quote from: Brett on March 10, 2014, 08:21:44 AM
Those look perfect, Jay! How many months/weeks are you out?

Interesting about the blue line.  It is interesting to see how all bodies respond and can look differently as they heal, all getting to the same place in the end.

4+ months. I think they look pretty good but have obviously not "popped" as the nipple I think is a little inside or something. I think the I may have laid on something and so bruised it. It would probably be more prone to that.

Funny thing, there is a long discussion of nipple placements since I put  mine up. Coincidence, or just that there were a few pix of nipples lately.

It's a really silly word btw.

Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Bimmer Guy on March 10, 2014, 08:14:16 PM
Quote from: aleon515 on March 10, 2014, 05:59:07 PM
4+ months. I think they look pretty good but have obviously not "popped" as the nipple I think is a little inside or something. I think the I may have laid on something and so bruised it. It would probably be more prone to that.

Funny thing, there is a long discussion of nipple placements since I put  mine up. Coincidence, or just that there were a few pix of nipples lately.

It's a really silly word btw.


I can see where you said the nipple hasn't popped in the first picture (if I look hard), but it looks like it has in the second?  The first one looks fine to me, anyway.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: aleon515 on March 10, 2014, 11:22:30 PM
Quote from: Brett on March 10, 2014, 08:14:16 PM
I can see where you said the nipple hasn't popped in the first picture (if I look hard), but it looks like it has in the second?  The first one looks fine to me, anyway.

Yeah the left one looks fine. I think in some way the picture looks more out than the actual right nipple. I'm guessing they eventually come along. I've heard healing is actual a lot slower than you might think.

Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: rexyrex on March 14, 2014, 09:59:28 AM
I had my top surgery on the 29th of Jan. Had peri-areolar technique with Mr Yelland (though he rarely does it as he mostly do the DI) So i took the risk as he seems happy to do it. All went well and im happy how it came out. I did have an infection on one of my nipple 3/4 weeks in and was worried how it would look once it was gone and healed. But my infection went away quickly after having some antibiotic cream and tablets. So here it is 6 weeks post op.

( ( 
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Bimmer Guy on March 14, 2014, 08:19:16 PM
Hey, Rex, it looks great!  Thanks for sharing!
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Kreuzfidel on March 14, 2014, 08:34:00 PM
Your chest looks really great, rexyrex!
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: rexyrex on March 15, 2014, 07:07:14 AM
Quote from: Kreuzfidel on March 14, 2014, 08:34:00 PM
Your chest looks really great, rexyrex!
Quote from: Brett on March 14, 2014, 08:19:16 PM
Hey, Rex, it looks great!  Thanks for sharing!

Thanks man, i went out a few days ago in just a t-shirt, i still feel like i have to hide it still and still feel like i have a lumps there but i will get use to it, just a weird feeling but also glad now they are gone.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Alexthecat on March 15, 2014, 08:42:27 AM
Almost 9 weeks here and I got out of the shower and part of my incision line was puffed like a big white zit. I barely touched it and pus and blood came out. It was only a little spot along the line but I don't think it should be doing that. It was fine earlier.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Bimmer Guy on March 15, 2014, 05:49:21 PM
Quote from: Alexthecat on March 15, 2014, 08:42:27 AM
Almost 9 weeks here and I got out of the shower and part of my incision line was puffed like a big white zit. I barely touched it and pus and blood came out. It was only a little spot along the line but I don't think it should be doing that. It was fine earlier.

It should be fine.  Just put a little antibiotic ointment on it and a bandage for two days.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Darrin Scott on March 19, 2014, 07:49:44 PM
1 week post op. ( (
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Bimmer Guy on March 19, 2014, 07:55:08 PM
Looks great, Darrin!  Your smile shows how thrilled you are!  Congrats!!!!!

Thanks for posting in the thread.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Kreuzfidel on March 19, 2014, 08:04:04 PM
Wow, Darrin, you look amazing!!!  And I agree - so happy!  You have reason to be - your chest looks really great, nice and symmetrical (and flat haha)  8)
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Darrin Scott on March 19, 2014, 09:01:19 PM
I love my chest. I was a 40g pre op. I have no dog ears either!
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Bimmer Guy on March 19, 2014, 10:27:22 PM
Quote from: Darrin Scott on March 19, 2014, 09:01:19 PM
I love my chest. I was a 40g pre op. I have no dog ears either!

You said your surgeon was good with bigger guys.  Good choice!
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Darrin Scott on March 20, 2014, 04:06:27 PM
Quote from: Brett on March 19, 2014, 10:27:22 PM
You said your surgeon was good with bigger guys.  Good choice!

I know. Sorry to sound redundant. I'm just really excited. Thanks everyone for the nice words!
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Simon on March 20, 2014, 04:31:21 PM
Your chest looks awesome, congrats! A 40 G before surgery? Wow, I'm sure that's a huge relief having them gone.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Calder Smith on March 20, 2014, 04:34:38 PM
Your chest looks great, Darrin. That smile tells how happy you were.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Bimmer Guy on March 20, 2014, 09:07:24 PM
Quote from: Darrin Scott on March 20, 2014, 04:06:27 PM
I know. Sorry to sound redundant. I'm just really excited. Thanks everyone for the nice words!

Not redundant at all.  I was just pointing out that you were correct and I was happy for you.  She did a great job!

Also, no worries...I couldn't stop talking about it for weeks I was so thrilled!  My friends were sick of me!
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Jeatyn on March 21, 2014, 05:07:36 AM
Such an awesome picture Darrin, you look so happy! :D

I totally thought I had my post op appointment today, I was waiting for the bus and everything about half an hour ago. Then I was just idly glancing at my letter and realised it's not for another two weeks xD why I thought it was today I really don't know.

On a semi-related note. I had a GIC appointment on monday, and she has given me the go ahead to start the process for getting hysto. I'll have an appointment in a couple of weeks with someone else from the clinic to get my formal second opinion and then the referral can be sent off....but I'm basically already approved, it's just so they can tick all the paperwork boxes :P Interestingly, she presented me with a whole bunch of options about which surgeon I wanted and which hospital I wanted to go to. I never had this option for my top surgery, it was just "you're going to this guy" - very strange. She said she would do her best to fit it in around the time of my summer vacation too, which is awesome.

I will also be able to get my new birth certificate at some point this's all finally working out :D
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: anibioman on March 22, 2014, 05:08:33 AM
( There are a bunch of pictures in between on my tumblr. Also I have a super detailed write up of my recovery.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Alexthecat on March 22, 2014, 06:57:15 AM
Does anyone get a prickling sensation on the nipple grafts sometimes? I think it's from my shirt but its annoying and almost hurts. 
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Bimmer Guy on March 22, 2014, 09:53:50 AM
Quote from: Alexthecat on March 22, 2014, 06:57:15 AM
Does anyone get a prickling sensation on the nipple grafts sometimes? I think it's from my shirt but its annoying and almost hurts.

No, but I would when there were still those hard fishing line type stitches sticking out from the areolas.  You sure yours have all dissolved?  Look close with a magnifying mirror and clip, if needed.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Bimmer Guy on March 22, 2014, 09:55:37 AM
Your pictures look great, anibioman.  I hope more people learn that Fischer does a great job with double incision, not just keyhole.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Alexthecat on March 22, 2014, 10:01:15 AM
Quote from: Brett on March 22, 2014, 09:53:50 AM
No, but I would when there were still those hard fishing line type stitches sticking out from the areolas.  You sure yours have all dissolved?  Look close with a magnifying mirror and clip, if needed.
I looked and ran my finger around the areola but I don't see anything. I think it just does it to annoy me even when my shirt isn't touching. It's only poor lefty nipple, it's more bunched than righty nipple.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Bimmer Guy on March 22, 2014, 10:16:32 AM
Awareness and Acceptance:

Ok, guys, so I am a bit slow on the uptake.  I have talked about my scars thickening and not really understanding this.  I have literally had either scar strips or silicone gel on at EVERY SINGLE MOMENT (except for one 8 hour period), since week two after my surgery.  Yes, you heard that right...24 hours a day, with constant precision, meticulous about it.  I haven't worked out, either.  So, I haven't understood why my scars look so different from everyone else's (worse), on this thread.  I couldn't figure out what I was doing wrong.

Now I understand.  My scars are hypertrophic.  For some stupid reason I thought that all scars were either Keloid or Hypertrophic.  Meaning, I thought that hypertrophic was just another was of indicating visible scars.  Well, dumbass Brett, this is not the case.

SO, what I am looking at is thicker, wider scars than someone without this.  They say it could build up for up to two years, and then start to settle back down.  They are rope like.  Sucks.  Sucks.  Sucks. 

Strange though because the surgical scar on my stomach did not become hypertrophic.  I read that it mainly happens on the chest.

Anyway, you can note it on any of my pictures (first post).  They are now wider and thicker/heavier than that first post picture.  I will post a 6 month picture when I hit that mark in a couple of weeks.

The positive is I am no longer driving myself nuts trying to figure out what the hell is going on with my scars!  It's a shame because my OCD behavior would have made for some non-visible scars!

Sad day.  Oh well.  They should lighten over time (which they already are), and become more flat (not happening yet).  But, since they are so wide, they will always be pretty noticeable. 
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: NathanExplosion on March 23, 2014, 10:31:24 PM
(Almost) Six Week Update
(not until Wednesday, but I'm impatient...)

Just wanted to pop in and throw down some recent pictures! I'm now tape-free, nipple-bandaid free, and SO CLOSE to vest-free. Everything is closed (that I can see) and the only real "wounds" left are some ugly spots where the bandaids and tape were pulling my damn skin off. My nipples are doing AWESOME.


Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Elijah3291 on March 23, 2014, 10:40:21 PM
Quote from: NathanExplosion on March 23, 2014, 10:31:24 PM
(Almost) Six Week Update
and the only real "wounds" left are some ugly spots where the bandaids and tape were pulling my damn skin off. My nipples are doing AWESOME.

same thing happened with my skin from the bandaids, don't worry it my take a long time but it will fade.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Sebryn on March 23, 2014, 11:26:05 PM
Brett you might look into management/treatment for hypertrophic scarring. Like the micropore tape. I have scars on my hand and wrist that did this. The one on my wrist is beginning to flatten out and fade now with treatment of the kelo cote gel and micropore tape. I apply the gel -once- a day when I change the tape and that's it. I only apply the gel to my chest twice a day and change the tape at the same time.

The scar on my leg that I talked about in an earlier post would have probably became hypertrophic without taping. The scar on my wrist was about six months old when I started treating it out of curiosity and the need to rub off the extra gel at times from my chest. I'd try and treat the scars on my hands but most of them would be a pain to keep taped hah.

Btw guys amazon sometimes has good deals on the kelo cote gel. Mine has lasted quite a while, it's the same bottle from April last year when I was treating my hysterectomy scars. A tiny bit goes a long way.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Kreuzfidel on March 24, 2014, 01:23:29 AM
Brett, what treatments are available for hypertrophic scars?  Have you considered possibly getting a tattoo to cover over them at some stage in the future if you're still unsatisfied?
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Bimmer Guy on March 24, 2014, 07:31:19 PM
Quote from: Kreuzfidel on March 24, 2014, 01:23:29 AM
Brett, what treatments are available for hypertrophic scars?  Have you considered possibly getting a tattoo to cover over them at some stage in the future if you're still unsatisfied?

Hi, Kreuzfidel.  You mainly just do what you would do with regular scars.  They say to just keep the silicone on them and massage. 

You can also get cortizone (steroid) injections, but you run the risk of the scar becoming indented into the skin if too much is given. 

They are an excess of collagen.  I suppose my body overproduced what was needed for healing.  Massage breaks down the excess collagen, which is why massage is particularly good for these scars.

Interestingly, they often have blood vessels and nerves.

So, the hope is that eventually they will become as light and flat as any other scar, it will just take an extraordinarily long time.

I am just going to continue with scar strips and start doing massage again.  If this indeed is going to take a couple of years, Scar Away is certainly going to make some serious dough off of me!

I don't think I would ever get a tattoo in that area.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: anibioman on March 26, 2014, 10:23:40 PM
hey brett I have a little bit of a hypertrophic scar on my right side to the left of my nipple. You're not the only one. I've been trying my best to keep it flat with strips and stuff but it's not working. It just started to inflate last week so I kinda freaked out. If you find anything that works to reduce it please share and if I find something I'll be sure to post about it.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Bimmer Guy on March 26, 2014, 11:22:18 PM
Hey, Sebryn.  Somehow I missed your reply.  I have appreciated you responding to me in the past.  Thank you for responding again with your thoughts.  I did do the micropore tape as you suggested previously.  My body seemed to just not want to keep it attached.  No matter what I did. 

I have read a lot of articles from academic journals.  All I see is just the information on use the silicone and massage when it comes to hypertrophic.  To be honest with you, with everything I have read, I have a hard time believing that micropore tape can keep a hypertrophic scar from happening, if that is what the body wants to do.  I had a colon resection and did not have a hypertrophic scar there.  The scar I got when they put my chemo port in (horizontal scar) was not hypertrophic.  The scar created to remove the port, (vertical scar), right under the first scar, became hypertrophic (which I just realized when I figured out that my DI scars were hypertrophic.  At the time, I assumed the scar was wider/more rasied due to just poor stitching by the surgeon when it came to the second scar).  Both of these are at the top of my left pec.  The hypertrophic vertical 3 year old scar has gone down considerably since I started putting silicone treatment on it beginning when I started my DI scar treatment.  I am quite pleased.  The non-hypertrophic horizontal scar was already beautifically healed.  I just used Scar Gaurd periodically on that scar.

Hypertrophic scars occur most often on the chest.  That is probably why my colon resection scars did not become hypertrophic.

antiobioman, try to not get too upset about it.  Be conscious of using the silicone gel or silicone strips.  The reality is we have no control over this if this is what our bodies want to do.  In the end, they will fade and flatten, it will just take longer than scars that are not hypertrophic.  Silicone and massage.  That is the treatment.  Not to be negative, but they may get worse.  Mine did. 

I tried every combination imaginable to try to manage this.  Silicone gel.  Siiligone sheets.  Massage.  No massage.  Different combinations, including time of day and order of treatment.  Here's the thing, if the body feels a need to create hypertrophic scars, it will.  This is the only conclusion I can come to and what the academbic literature supports.

Usually hypertrophic scars start around week 2-3 and continue from there.  I am at 6 months tomorrow, actually (I just realized this), and they really widened the last couple of weeks.  Like I said, I can only do what I can do.  I am trying to have a good attitude about it.  I am lucky that I had top surgery.  Anything else is minor.

As always, thanks for listening, guys.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Sebryn on March 26, 2014, 11:39:08 PM
I was thinking about you guys having scar problems again today and I remembered seeing something about using a tool that looks like a small paint roller but with acupuncture looking needles on it to help with scaring. I can't find the article I read now but I just thought I'd pass that along. Maybe professional massage? Seeing a dermatologist might help also, they might have some ideas beyond the cortisone injections.

Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: aleon515 on March 27, 2014, 03:07:51 AM
I've heard of this Brett, don't really know if it worth it. There are also salon type places that will do this on a maybe larger basis. I found out about a place that will do this. Am not at this point interested but it might be something for the future. Don't really know much about it actually.

Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: FlightyBrood on March 27, 2014, 04:22:06 AM
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaalright gents! heres my Six Week Update (Dr.Horowitz, Lagoona Beach CA)

Theyre sideways because i was playing fallout and couldnt be bothered to get up. Its two AM!
Youll notice ive got a band aid over one of my incisions. I had some pus things that would pop up. I was told to drain em, put peroxide on them one time and cover them with a band aid and some antibacterial ointment. MOST went away in three days, but of course the last one is always a doozy, and its still around. HUGE, like a centemeter wide but its nearly healed up completely so. Alls well with that.

You might also notice that my nipples still have scabs attached....they wont come off and i dont want to tug on them. ive been keeping band aids on over them 24-7 for the past six weeks. theyre fully healed but the scabs are just stuck. Any ideas on getting them off? ive cleaned them off a TON, there was a ton more on the areola but theyre gone now. Not too worried really.


GREAT picture of the scars themselves, close up. They look a LOT wider and darker in the picture than they do in real life. A LOT. some spots theyre barely noticable. I keep micropore tape on them most of the time, save for showers and right now i just dont feel like having it on. Other than that i wear the tape. Its not too bad and theyve lightened a TON already. I am very pleased.

Still have some swelling on the right side. its going down very, very, very slowly but its MUCH better than it WAS. Ive already regained some feeling in my nipples. More in the left than the right. Its awesome cause i was SUPER worried about losing feeling, or the nipple all together. they came out just fine, we didnt even have any problems...useless worrying. My specialty! Current worry: Hypertrophic scars. I feel for you Brett! Things will get better though, ill see what i can dig up about them. Maybe try laser treatment if thats an option for you...

So thats about it, i think. Im pretty much healed up and i feel great! No more vest starting tomarrow (just in time-we leave for our celebratory vegas trip tomarrow!) and once this swelling goes down im done. Everything looks AMAZING, some random pains still but thats fine with me.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Kreuzfidel on March 27, 2014, 04:57:15 AM
Looking fantastic, Flighty!!!  I'm really amazed - the result is awesome and you should be really proud  ;D

Regarding the scabs, don't pull them if they're not coming easily.  I've read that some guys here put Vaseline or antibiotic gel on the nips, covered them with large bandaids and that moistened them enough that the scabs came off.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Bimmer Guy on March 27, 2014, 07:39:45 AM
Hey, guys.  Thanks so very much for the support.  Thanks for another idea, Sebryn.  Interesting concept.  I think for right now I will let the body do it's thing.  I don't think I will be going without a shirt for a time, so I do have the time (even if it stinks!).  But again, ideas from anyone is greatly appreciated!  Mr. Clone, as always, I appreciate your input!

FB, I would strongly suggest you let the scab over the nipple just be.  Mine were still on there probably 2 weeks after there were no scabs over the areolas.  The body heals itself.  No reason to get them off early.  Our bodies know when scabs should come off.  I wouldn't do anything to speed the process along.  Long term gain for short term pain (well, not pain know what I mean!).

Also, FB, I can't believe it has been six weeks!  i think you are in the clear when it comes to hypertrophic scarring.  The process usually starts at 2-3 weeks.  Mine seems to come in slowly.  Keloids come in much later, but unless you have had keloid scarring before this, no worries on that one!  Your chest looks great.  Congrats to you! 

Nathan, you are looking like some seriously healthy healing, as well!  Good areola placement and size for you chest, me thinks!  Congrats on a great chest!
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: FlightyBrood on March 27, 2014, 01:09:11 PM
The scabs were already peeling off, and i poked a bit and off they came! they look pretty good, theyre a bit puffy but i assume this goes away with time. ill post pictures...sometime. im off to do my t shot and go to vegas!

thanks for all your help with healing, guys. pretty sure i wouldnt be nearly as well off as i am without it! i LOVE the work, everything about it, i have no complaints! cant wait to see whats next in this

Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Kreuzfidel on March 28, 2014, 01:20:59 AM
Update - 9 weeks post-op

Surgery Date: 23 January 2014
Surgery Type:  Bilateral Subcutaneous Mastectomy - left nipple stalk preserved, right nipple free grafted
Location:  Sydney, Australia
Surgeon:  Dr. Megan Hassall

So I've included two photos taken today - I'm now 9 weeks post-op. 



Some of the "wrinkles" or creases that I was previously complaining about have smoothed out a bit - but they're still there.  I think that time is the only thing that will tell what the ultimate outcome of it will be.

It's not perfect - there are some "dents" and lumps - but it's still heaps early, so I will reserve judgment on the final look after about a year - then, if I need a revision, I need a revision.

Overall, I'm bloody happy with the result.  My troublesome right (grafted) nipple is no longer an issue - it's completely healed up now.  I was pretty worried about it for a while.  My incisions are still thin, no stretching *knock on wood* or keloids forming.  I'm now working on getting into shape - I've started a weight training program and hope to develop my pecs a lot more so that the look isn't quite so "hollow" in the few "dented" spots.  But yes...quite happy.  8)
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Bimmer Guy on March 28, 2014, 10:20:10 AM
You're looking GREAT, Kreuzfidel.  Hassall really did a good job.  I can already see where you are getting some muscle development from working out, based on your last pictures.  Can't see a dent or lump from here!  Do you have sensation in the areola/nipple stalk was preserved?  That is the hope, right?

I am glad that you gave us an update along with picture.

How was it going back to work for you?  I believe you said you had 6 weeks off?  Do you have a physical job?
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Kreuzfidel on March 29, 2014, 08:05:09 PM
Quote from: Brett on March 28, 2014, 10:20:10 AM
You're looking GREAT, Kreuzfidel.  Hassall really did a good job.  I can already see where you are getting some muscle development from working out, based on your last pictures.  Can't see a dent or lump from here!

Thanks heaps, Brett!  Really made my day (work's been stressful and just feeling bleh), so thankies thankies  ;D

Quote from: Brett on March 28, 2014, 10:20:10 AMDo you have sensation in the areola/nipple stalk was preserved?  That is the hope, right?

That's definitely the hope, but no sensation yet. 

Quote from: Brett on March 28, 2014, 10:20:10 AMHow was it going back to work for you?  I believe you said you had 6 weeks off?  Do you have a physical job?

It wasn't too bad - I had light duties for the first couple of weeks.  After this week I'll be going back to doing my usual (which does involve a little heavy lifting twice a week).  Luckily it's mostly a desk job except when I'm on the floor.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Bimmer Guy on March 29, 2014, 10:17:40 PM
Interesting stuff to share:

So, I got home today from the Keystone Trans Conference in Harrisburg, PA.  I met Dr. Kathy Rumer today, the surgeon who did Darrin Scott's chest.  I introduced myself after her talk because one staff person she had with her is the person who does all the skin work, including scars, for the practice.  They were kind enough to take a quick look at my chest even though I was not signed up for an actual "consultation".

Well, you know it is never a good sign when the surgeon's eyes widen.  >-bleeped-<.  Bottom line, she was surprised at the hypertrophic scarring.  Just surprised it happened.  Also was surprised that there was so much of it, so to speak.  Asked what my surgeon said about it.  I told her I haven't contacted him.  I had read that hypertrophic scarring never had anything to do with the surgeon, just what the body does and I would assume he wouldn't admit it if it was his fault anyway.  She looked closely and actually asked if he did internal stitches or did I have staples or something?  It seemed as if she was actually confused as to how this could have happened.  When I asked her if it could have been his work that created the hypertrophic scarring (and not just what one's body does), she got skiddish and said that she can't comment on another surgeon's work, you know because she doesn't know exactly what his surgical process was.  :-(  So, ummmmm, yeah...

The whole thing was so fast because she had people waiting and was kind enough to see me right after her presentation.  It was actually QUITE kind of her being that her office is an hour away from me and I chose to travel over 1,000 miles from my home for my surgery instead of just going to her.  She could have told me to f*ck off.

Anyway, she says that at one year post op, the woman who does the skin work, can start doing some laser and such to help fix it.  I am just guessing it is laser, I didn't want to hold her up, so I didn't really ask any questions.  I mainly just wanted to confirm that it was hypertrophic scarring and find out when it would make sense for me to seek out scar treatment (if I decide to do so).

I really didn't think that what I had was that unusual.  Her face was also a bit humorous looking back.  You would think she would have thought to hide her shock!  lol

As an aside, she was a great person, great personality.  I won't say I am sorry I went to Garramone, no matter what happens with the scarring, as his contouring is spot on, and that is what is most important to me (and the areolas!), but as a person, she was great.  If there is anything else I might want plastic surgery wise, I would check into her.

I plan to take some pictures and send them to Garramone.  Evidently, Rumer will work on your scars for free if you get your surgery from her.  That's pretty awesome.  I don't know what Garramone will say.  I mean, is there really anything to say?  Sorry, for your luck, mate?

I do feel like I am taking it all in stride though.  I just keep returning to my happiness that I got this done.  Also, I do believe that it will all work out in the end.  The width of the scar will always be there, but I should be able to get this thick scar at least flattened and lighter in color (I hope).

The silicone strips do seem to help with the scar getting lighter and I suppose may have kept the scar from getting even worse than it could have been.

Will post a picture tomorrow.  I am 24 weeks (6 months) post op this week, plus with me talking about my scars so much, I should put up a pic for you guys to see, anyway.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Kreuzfidel on March 29, 2014, 10:44:50 PM
Brett, that would be good to see a photo if you're okay to post one - just to have context, I suppose.

I think it was good to have another doctor's opinion of your chest, though.  Even though Garramone has yet to weigh in, you will have another perspective (even if it was just a reaction and an insinuation).  Hopefully Garramone will have some suggestions for you.  I also think it will all work out in the end - even if you have to travel to see a specialist. 
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: aleon515 on March 29, 2014, 11:30:44 PM
My understanding is that scar repair is a separate speciality kind of. I don't know if Dr G does this. I have not heard that he does but then again, I don't know. I have never heard that it was the surgeon's fault and that the body does odd things during healing sometimes. Like the guy I know who's body spit out half the stitches! Also if it were his technique, wouldn't he have tons of guys with hypertropic scarring?

BTW, I think Dr Rumer has a much more varied practice than Dr G, and does a little of all sorts of things including GCS/SRS and has cis patients as well. AFAIK, Dr G does only FTM top surgery and the occasional lipo (on trans men).

BTW, speaking of odd stuff, my scars are black and blue on the incision line (still). My PA was going to look into it, but she hasn't yet, otoh, I have a weighed blanket, and wondering if I lie across it wrong. It has these little plastic beads in it and I wonder if it could have injured me.

Kruez: You look great!!!


Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Bimmer Guy on March 30, 2014, 10:45:08 AM
Jay and Kreuzfidel,

Thanks for the constant support.  I feel like we have been going through this together.  I has been cool to have gotten to know the two of you.

Yes, Jay, Dr. Rumer does many different surgeries and FTM top surgery is certainly not her main focus.  However, any kind of surgery gives scars, so she would know about hypertrophic scarring.  I think it is notable that she was surprised and curious about this having happened, so it is not something I can just push aside based on the fact that FTM Top Surgery is not her specialty.

You are right about scar work being a specialty.  She has a professional (I don't know what her credentials are) skin person who does that specifically for her.  They were both there when I showed them my chest.

It's weird, I just said to my girlfriend, that I prefer to think that Garramone's hand had nothing to do with it.  I suppose I like to keep him in my head as a Master of sorts!  I just didn't like the fact that 3 times Rumer avoided answering my question as to whether or not the surgeon's work itself could cause hypertrophic scarring.  You are right though, he does 500 a year, so why haven't we heard about this before?  On the other hand, the guy can't do things perfectly all the time, can he?  Maybe he cut too much of my skin and pulled too tight?  I don't know, just trying to make sense of it.

I don't know if I will get any kind of treatment for the scars.  I read stories about the steriod shots and lasering and such not really working on these scars.  Some people say it makes things worse.  I am glad that she said wait another 6 months.  That was my original plan, anyway.  I might email her with a couple questions after I email Garramone.  I hope he is responsive to my concerns and can give me some thoughts as to why this might have happened.  I'm sure that will make me feel better.

I will get some pictures up.  Carry on, Gents!

P.S. If anyone knows of any videos of hypertrophic scars on FTM top surgeries, I would appreciate you passing them along.  I can't find anything on youtube, but I may not be the best "searcher".

EDIT: I did see has the same problem, though.

EDIT AGAIN: looks like he put up a 3 year update.  Check out the progression of 1-3 years.

I can see my scars going this same road.  Could be worse, I think!
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: neutrois on March 30, 2014, 02:17:51 PM
I'm Micah, the one who wrote the posts linked above.

The number one thing I recommend for hypertrophic scarring is cortisone injections. By far this made the biggest difference. Within a few days (days!) the scars flattened. This has the side effect that they widen and stretch (given finite space, the tissue has to go somewhere I guess), which didn't bother me as much as the raised texture was.

Take a look at my 5-month update photos (http://"") to see the hypertrophic scars up close. I had my first shot 7 months post-op, and had 3 rounds in total a few months apart. If you look at month 10 vs month 12 in the 1 year post (http://""), you can see a huge difference in the coloring and texture; I probably had that 2nd cortisone shot somewhere in between.

The second booster was the silicone gel. Objectively it's hard to measure the effect of this, but for the periods when I stopped using it my scars would swell up and start to raise again. When applying, my partner massaged my scars for 5 mins every time. I'm still applying this sporadically, even after 3 years.

The third element was laser. There are different kinds of laser, and the first try was an new one the dermatologist was experimenting with which did nothing. The second one he tried was Intense Pulse Light (3 rounds), worked very well to improve the coloring. That is, it turned them from a deep purple and bright red to light reddish, closer to skin tone.

I've also researched the pin-prick roller and it sounds painful, though the "reviews" are promising. I'd rather get a professional massage at some point.

In general, the sooner you treat scars the better, though I'm 3 years in and still seeking treatments and still seeing results.

The last factor is time. I think we don't see enough pictures of 5-10+ year post-op chests. I'm confident that my scars will eventually fade, they're just going to take a lot longer to get there.

Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Bimmer Guy on March 30, 2014, 03:35:42 PM
Hi, Micah.  You may have guessed, but I am the "Just another guy", who wrote on your blog.  It does make sense that flattening means becoming more wide.

In terms of scar management, these guys here know that I am have been obsessive with my silicone strips and silicone gel.  24 hours a day, I never miss a beat.  I think/assume that this is the reason why they are fortunately pink in color.

I see how massaging makes a difference.  Lately, I have been massaging at night with jojoba oil, and then putting on the gel before bed.  They are flatter in the morning.  However, I am wondering if that is a function of me laying horizonatally/no upright moving around, so there is less blood moving around there.  Ok, maybe sounds stupid, but I know that the hypertrophic scars have blood vessels in them.  Did you notice the same thing?  I only started noticing it since I have been massaging the last week or two.

You may have seen in my post that Dr. Rumer said that I shouldn't consider scar treatment until one year.  I read that in most places, as well.  Where did you get your information that said otherwise?

Thanks for your response here, as well as on your blog.

Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Bimmer Guy on March 30, 2014, 03:58:28 PM
Surgery Date: 10/10/14 (24 weeks/6 months)
Surgery: Double Incision with nipple grafts
Surgeon: Garramone
Scar Treatment:  Scar Away Strips/Scar Away Gel.  Used 24 hours a day, every day, beginning week 3.
Testosterone: No
Strength Training: No

You will note the hypertrophic scarring.  The scars are raised and thick.  They are worse, rather than better, if you compare to my first picture (Opening Post), when I was at 3 months.  Thickening started happening at 3 weeks and has increased over time.

Scars are significantly lighter than they appear in below pictures taken with iPhone 3 camera.  They are a light pink.

I continue to have a slight puffiness under my right armpit.  I am very pleased with my areolas/nipples.  Still some jagged edges on the areolas, which should continue to disappear.


Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: neutrois on March 30, 2014, 03:59:30 PM
Ok, now I put 2 and 2 together Brett!  ;D

The blood flow fluctuation is a good theory. Mine are usually more red and swollen after exercising, for example, and flatter in the morning.

Scar treatment isn't an exact science, every person and doctor will give you different advice, so just do your research and conclude what you think is best. For instance I think that most oils or creams don't actually work beyond just moisturizing your scars. I used vitamin-e stuff for a while and personally felt it was counterproductive; then again the Castor Oil seems to be helping a little. A lot of it might also be individual reactions to different products. The general advice I heard most often is to treat them the sooner the better, though you should wait until the incisions are fully healed (so don't put anything on them until ~8-12 weeks post-op!).

Another useful tidbit that I learned is that the surgeon can inject cortisone directly into the incision in the OR when they close it up, so if you suspect you are prone to hypertrophic scars ask about this option (although in my case, I had no idea). My doctor did this for my hysto scars and even though they are tiny it was a good precaution, I can barely see those anymore.

Feel free to email me if you want more info, but I think I laid out all I know here already! :laugh:
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Bimmer Guy on March 30, 2014, 04:12:02 PM
Thank you, Micah.  Yes, I don't expect that the jojoba oil will actually improve the scars, I am only using it for lubrication.  I understand that jojoba is good for our skin, so that is why I chose this one.

Interesting information on being able to inject cortisone at the time of surgery.

I actually had a colon resection which means I had a cut (actually they had to do it twice) from above my belly button down to the top of where my pubic hair starts in 8/2010.  No hypertrophic scars that time.  So weird.

Last thing, your understanding is that there is never a case of surgeon error that causes these scars, correct?  Were your stitches internal?

Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: aleon515 on March 30, 2014, 04:17:27 PM
Hey Micah buddy! :)  Glad to see you here (so to speak). Sounds like you gave my clone Brett some good advise, for which I thank you. Want my clone happy. :)
Brett, you look good, think that you should go for the cortisone shots (I mean it's what I would do). Actually the scars look a bit like our other clone on youtube. I have certainly seen these scars from different surgeons.

BTW, Dr Rumer does top surgery, but not too many I think. Has a varied practice, and I know someone getting her GCS/SRS from her (I think).

Yes, Brett feel like we've sat around for hours talking.

Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Bimmer Guy on March 30, 2014, 04:28:07 PM
Quote from: aleon515 on March 30, 2014, 04:17:27 PM
Hey Micah buddy! :)  Glad to see you here (so to speak). Sounds like you gave my clone Brett some good advise, for which I thank you. Want my clone happy. :)
Brett, you look good, think that you should go for the cortisone shots (I mean it's what I would do). Actually the scars look a bit like our other clone on youtube. I have certainly seen these scars from different surgeons.

BTW, Dr Rumer does top surgery, but not too many I think. Has a varied practice, and I know someone getting her GCS/SRS from her (I think).

Yes, Brett feel like we've sat around for hours talking.


I agree that this is how our friend's looks.  I have thought this before.  His appear a bit wider on his videos then mine, actually.  You really don't think it looks too bad?  Maybe I built it up to seem worse.

I know Rumer does top surgery.  That is why I felt like a douce bag asking her for advice on my she is an hour away from me and I didn't go to her...only to ask her for advice/help later! 

Darrin (on this thread) went to her.  I think his chest looks good.   
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Darrin Scott on March 30, 2014, 07:19:33 PM
I did have my surgery with Dr. Rumer and no, she's doesn't do top surgery primarily, but I'm very happy with my chest. I think it fits my body very well and I have no complaints. There are some pros to her not only doing top surgery. I had one on one attention, she is always available to answer my questions and we are able to speak a lot before and after the surgery about my expectations going into surgery.

I would highly recommend looking into her for someone who wants surgery. I'm not trying to sound like an infomercial here, but there seems to be an idea that because she doesn't do top surgery primarily that she isn't as good as other surgeons or is no good at all. This simply isn't the case and I feel like I have to say something about that.

As far as her not commenting on another surgeons work, I don't think you really can as each surgeon does the surgery different. Plus, if it gets back that she said something against another surgeon it could affect her reputation as a surgeon herself.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Bimmer Guy on March 30, 2014, 09:19:48 PM
Yes, Darrin, I certainly understood why she would hesitate to comment on another surgeon's work.  There is more than one reason.

I found her to be incredibly personable and I found myself thinking that I understood why you chose her for your surgeon.

I can see her as wanting to be very accessible, as well.


Ok, guys, so I sent an email to Garramone, so I will see what he has to say.  I originally had it in my head that I wouldn't do the cortisone shots because of the possibility of indentation of the skin (bad effect of tx).  I figured I would wait and see.  Then after reading what neutrois said and doing some research, some surgeons say to get on it right away and start injections, and some say to wait and see.  Regardless as to what Garramone says, I am not sure how I am going to decide with all the differing opinions out there!

Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Kreuzfidel on April 02, 2014, 08:22:49 PM
Quote from: Brett on March 30, 2014, 03:58:28 PM
Surgery Date: 10/10/14 (24 weeks/6 months)
Surgery: Double Incision with nipple grafts
Surgeon: Garramone
Scar Treatment:  Scar Away Strips/Scar Away Gel.  Used 24 hours a day, every day, beginning week 3.
Testosterone: No
Strength Training: No

You will note the hypertrophic scarring.  The scars are raised and thick.  They are worse, rather than better, if you compare to my first picture (Opening Post), when I was at 3 months.  Thickening started happening at 3 weeks and has increased over time.

Scars are significantly lighter than they appear in below pictures taken with iPhone 3 camera.  They are a light pink.

I continue to have a slight puffiness under my right armpit.  I am very pleased with my areolas/nipples.  Still some jagged edges on the areolas, which should continue to disappear.



Brett, your scars don't look nearly as bad as I was thinking based on your descriptions previously.  I know that you are self-conscious of them, but for what it's worth - they don't look too bad to me.

Overall, your chest is amazing!  I really think you've got something to be proud of there, mate. 

Do you think that the puffiness under your arm is swelling, even at this stage? 

*By the way, did Garramone get back to you?
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Bimmer Guy on April 02, 2014, 09:48:50 PM
Quote from: Kreuzfidel on April 02, 2014, 08:22:49 PM
Brett, your scars don't look nearly as bad as I was thinking based on your descriptions previously.  I know that you are self-conscious of them, but for what it's worth - they don't look too bad to me.

Overall, your chest is amazing!  I really think you've got something to be proud of there, mate. 

Do you think that the puffiness under your arm is swelling, even at this stage? 

*By the way, did Garramone get back to you?

Thanks, Kreuzfidel.  Thanks for bolstering me up a bit.  I do need to focus on the positive.  The shape is very good.

I don't know if it is swelling or not.  I would say no, but people say there is a whole year before it goes down.  I think Jay (who also had Garramone), still has some.  It is where are drains were.  I would think that if it were something that didn't go away more people would talk about it (if both Jay and I have it, must be common from Garramone, or drains in general?).

Maybe a better way to look at it is that it is not swelling that has to go down, but rather it is skin that still has to retract.  Don't know.  That drain was a very painful one for me.

I have not heard from Garramone.  I emailed him Sunday night asking for a call.  Today is Wednesday night.  I suppose I will have to put in a call.  I assume he will just say, sorry dude, it happens.  What I am curious about is if he thinks I should wait on treatment (as Rumer suggested, but as we know that was a fast and quick conversation), or if I shouldget some cortisone shots now.  My research has found mixed results.  My preference is to wait and see what happens.  Only one or two random surgeons have made the statement that getting treatment sooner rather than later is wise (and neutrois/micah said this).

For me, hearing that the cortisone shots result in the scars widening (they are flattening against the body, so they would have to), makes me unhappy.  I would prefer to have raised scars than wider scars.  I really would prefer that my body do the healing.  Eventually they go down.  I like to think that when they do, they will just soften and shrink so to speak, no widening.  Maybe that makes no sense. 

I understand that they could continue to "grow" up to a year.  They will start to go down after that.  My hope is that with constant silicone treatment I can keep them from getting worse, or at least stunt their growth.  I have been thinking about the cost of this, though.  I am guessing I am spending about $40 in scar treatment per month.  Also, being hyper conscious of always having something on 24/7 is draining, as well.

I am now massaging every day.  Sometimes twice a day.  That is really important for these scars. 

If Garramone tells me I should get some treatment now I will feel in a pickle.  I would rather wait, but I respect his opinion.  Bottom line, I'm not sure what I would do.

I don't want to bother him, but I think I will give his office a call.  I really thought I might hear from him today, as Wednesdays are his consult days, so he is not in surgery.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: aleon515 on April 02, 2014, 10:47:27 PM
I never email a doctor on Saturday or Sunday. These emails just get lost in a glut of emails that come on Monday morning. So you might try again.

Puffiness or swelling under the arm is pretty common, my understanding. I thought it was up to 6 months but I have actually heard longer.

Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Bimmer Guy on April 03, 2014, 06:32:16 AM
Quote from: aleon515 on April 02, 2014, 10:47:27 PM
I never email a doctor on Saturday or Sunday. These emails just get lost in a glut of emails that come on Monday morning. So you might try again.

Puffiness or swelling under the arm is pretty common, my understanding. I thought it was up to 6 months but I have actually heard longer.


LOl  I actually said a year because I thought you were the one who said that in a post once.  I suspect skin elasticity.  Maybe it won't go back since I am 44.  I dunno.  I plan to ask Garramone when I talk to him.  Excellent point about weekend emails getting lost in the shuffle.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: NathanExplosion on April 03, 2014, 01:16:16 PM
Our six (actually seven) week post op is today, so I'm mostly posting to remind myself to post the results on that... everything is healed up and looking fantastic for me, but we'll see what he says about FB who is still having some little cyst-like things.

I almost thought I wouldn't make it because I thought I had a check engine light - turned out to just be a low tire pressure light... doh.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: aleon515 on April 03, 2014, 02:24:25 PM
Quote from: Brett on April 03, 2014, 06:32:16 AM
LOl  I actually said a year because I thought you were the one who said that in a post once.  I suspect skin elasticity.  Maybe it won't go back since I am 44.  I dunno.  I plan to ask Garramone when I talk to him.  Excellent point about weekend emails getting lost in the shuffle.

You can also call, and then they'll tell you what to do. I got a email lost because I sent a picture to his "picture" address.

Okay would be interested in hearing about the swelling in older guys.

Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Darrin Scott on April 03, 2014, 02:38:05 PM
I think it's always best to call. Emails get lost. I always actually call my surgeon with any issues and email pictures if requested.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Kreuzfidel on April 03, 2014, 05:29:33 PM
Quote from: Darrin Scott on April 03, 2014, 02:38:05 PM
I think it's always best to call. Emails get lost. I always actually call my surgeon with any issues and email pictures if requested.

I agree.

My post-op emails were completely ignored by my surgeon's office no matter what day of the week I sent them on.  The only time they looked at them was when I rang and queried why I'd not had a response.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: NathanExplosion on April 05, 2014, 12:59:15 PM
Seven week post op went great! I'll post some pictures later. We've gotten to the point now that they're pushing other expensive stuff on us, though, lol. They convinced us to get a ($97 - OUCH) bottle of Biocorneum, but it should last a long time. Anyone here have any experience with it? I'm reading fantastic reviews but it seems like there are a handful of people it didn't work too well for.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Bimmer Guy on April 05, 2014, 04:41:22 PM
Quote from: NathanExplosion on April 05, 2014, 12:59:15 PM
Seven week post op went great! I'll post some pictures later. We've gotten to the point now that they're pushing other expensive stuff on us, though, lol. They convinced us to get a ($97 - OUCH) bottle of Biocorneum, but it should last a long time. Anyone here have any experience with it? I'm reading fantastic reviews but it seems like there are a handful of people it didn't work too well for.

I researched it a bit.  The only thing that I can see how this is different from any other silicone gel is that it includes SPF30.  It makes sense you would read good reviews as it is a silicone gel, which is the only treatment that has been proven to help with scars.

The question for you is if the extra cost is worth it for the SPF 30.  Personally, I wouldn't open it, take it back to my plastic surgeon, and order the >$20 Scar Away gel online.  Your chest shouldn't be out in the sun for over 12 months, anyway.

Sorry to be harsh, but I figured I would just be direct.  It pisses me off to see people taken advantage of (which I think this product does), especially young guys like you who don't have the extra cash to waste.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: NathanExplosion on April 05, 2014, 05:03:26 PM
Quote from: Brett on April 05, 2014, 04:41:22 PM
I researched it a bit.  The only thing that I can see how this is different from any other silicone gel is that it includes SPF30.  It makes sense you would read good reviews as it is a silicone gel, which is the only treatment that has been proven to help with scars.

The question for you is if the extra cost is worth it for the SPF 30.  Personally, I wouldn't open it, take it back to my plastic surgeon, and order the >$20 Scar Away gel online.  Your chest shouldn't be out in the sun for over 12 months, anyway.

Sorry to be harsh, but I figured I would just be direct.  It pisses me off to see people taken advantage of (which I think this product does), especially young guys like you who don't have the extra cash to waste.

Well, honestly, I sprung for the biggest size so the amount we got for the $90 is enough for MONTHS for the two of us, so overall I think the price wasn't too bad comparatively. I'm seeing $20-$25 for a twelve week supply of Scar Away (so six weeks for each of us.) I am seeing people paying double or triple that for this amount of Biocorneum though so I would definitely say it doesn't sound worth it then.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Bimmer Guy on April 05, 2014, 08:06:42 PM
Quote from: NathanExplosion on April 05, 2014, 05:03:26 PM
Well, honestly, I sprung for the biggest size so the amount we got for the $90 is enough for MONTHS for the two of us, so overall I think the price wasn't too bad comparatively. I'm seeing $20-$25 for a twelve week supply of Scar Away (so six weeks for each of us.) I am seeing people paying double or triple that for this amount of Biocorneum though so I would definitely say it doesn't sound worth it then.

Ok, well glad you got a good deal on price. 
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: AStrikes on April 08, 2014, 12:49:35 AM
Hey guys,

New to the thread and have enjoyed reading all of your inputs. I am currently 18 days post opt. I had minimal pain the first week. After my first week I had a follow up appointment where they took the tape off my skin and cleaned everything up. This is what hurt the most. The nurse said it happened to be because of my skin type. The tape (durapore tape/silk tape) was stuck on there like no other. So all of that is what caused the most pain. I went to work after having a week off and was surprised how tired my body still was. I could only last about 6 hours at most before my body would shut down. I wasn't in pain per say but my body just felt drained. Luckily my job was extremely supportive and allowed me to leave early.

I was able to drive about a week and a half out but just to short distances. Also, going into my third week ice been getting better and better everyday. I couldn't and still can't carry a briefcase. I actually just carry a backpack for not. It's easier to distribute the weight and also it's doesn't have a strap going across my nipple like my briefcase did.

I had my surgery with Dr. Peter Raphael in Plano, TX. I am extremely satisfied with my results. I had a bilateral mastectomy with free nipple grafts and liposuction. He was amazing along with his staff. I have sent a couple of emails and received a response on the same day with a phone call. It also was nice to not have to deal with drains.

I'm posting from my cell. But when I get the chance I'll post a picture of my progress. Wishing everyone a quick recovery.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Bimmer Guy on April 08, 2014, 06:16:06 AM
Quote from: AStrikes on April 08, 2014, 12:49:35 AM
Hey guys,

New to the thread and have enjoyed reading all of your inputs. I am currently 18 days post opt. I had minimal pain the first week. After my first week I had a follow up appointment where they took the tape off my skin and cleaned everything up. This is what hurt the most. The nurse said it happened to be because of my skin type. The tape (durapore tape/silk tape) was stuck on there like no other. So all of that is what caused the most pain. I went to work after having a week off and was surprised how tired my body still was. I could only last about 6 hours at most before my body would shut down. I wasn't in pain per say but my body just felt drained. Luckily my job was extremely supportive and allowed me to leave early.

I was able to drive about a week and a half out but just to short distances. Also, going into my third week ice been getting better and better everyday. I couldn't and still can't carry a briefcase. I actually just carry a backpack for not. It's easier to distribute the weight and also it's doesn't have a strap going across my nipple like my briefcase did.

I had my surgery with Dr. Peter Raphael in Plano, TX. I am extremely satisfied with my results. I had a bilateral mastectomy with free nipple grafts and liposuction. He was amazing along with his staff. I have sent a couple of emails and received a response on the same day with a phone call. It also was nice to not have to deal with drains.

I'm posting from my cell. But when I get the chance I'll post a picture of my progress. Wishing everyone a quick recovery.

Hi, AStrikes! 

Welcome to the thread and the site. 

Thank you for being so thorough in your post.  We like that (ok, maybe I am the only OCD one around here....).

Interesting to hear about removing the tape.  Raphael uses that quilting technique.  I wonder if that is why it hurt.  Also, I have never heard of tape getting removed after week one.  It would be great if you could post pictures with the tape on, so we can see what that looks like.  Also, of course, it will be great to see how your chest looks now.

Glad it hear it went so well and that you liked Raphael.  No one else who has posted on this thread has gone to him, but I have always heard of him being a respected surgeon. 

Glad to have you here!
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: aleon515 on April 08, 2014, 11:56:40 AM
Quote from: Brett on April 08, 2014, 06:16:06 AM

Thank you for being so thorough in your post.  We like that (ok, maybe I am the only OCD one around here....).

Interesting to hear about removing the tape.  Raphael uses that quilting technique.  I wonder if that is why it hurt.  Also, I have never heard of tape getting removed after week one.  It would be great if you could post pictures with the tape on, so we can see what that looks like.  Also, of course, it will be great to see how your chest looks now.

Glad to have you here!

I saw a video where someone (not sure it was Dr Raphael) removed the tape on the video. I was changing the bandages over the drain holes and didn't see what I was doing. I accidentally pulled tape off the incision. Yikes did that hurt! So I can't imagine this, but perhaps there are ways to do that might hurt less.
I know several people that went to him. There is a local guy here that does top surgery, but some people go to Texas as it is close to NM. (I didn't feel it mattered once air fare and hotel were involved, but some guys have driven there.) Glad you were happy with him.

Brett, I hate to let you know you are NOT the only OCD guy here. LOL
Welcome AStrikes!

Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: NathanExplosion on April 08, 2014, 12:39:47 PM
Quote from: AStrikes on April 08, 2014, 12:49:35 AM
Hey guys,

New to the thread and have enjoyed reading all of your inputs. I am currently 18 days post opt. I had minimal pain the first week. After my first week I had a follow up appointment where they took the tape off my skin and cleaned everything up. This is what hurt the most. The nurse said it happened to be because of my skin type. The tape (durapore tape/silk tape) was stuck on there like no other. So all of that is what caused the most pain. I went to work after having a week off and was surprised how tired my body still was. I could only last about 6 hours at most before my body would shut down. I wasn't in pain per say but my body just felt drained. Luckily my job was extremely supportive and allowed me to leave early.

I was able to drive about a week and a half out but just to short distances. Also, going into my third week ice been getting better and better everyday. I couldn't and still can't carry a briefcase. I actually just carry a backpack for not. It's easier to distribute the weight and also it's doesn't have a strap going across my nipple like my briefcase did.

I had my surgery with Dr. Peter Raphael in Plano, TX. I am extremely satisfied with my results. I had a bilateral mastectomy with free nipple grafts and liposuction. He was amazing along with his staff. I have sent a couple of emails and received a response on the same day with a phone call. It also was nice to not have to deal with drains.

I'm posting from my cell. But when I get the chance I'll post a picture of my progress. Wishing everyone a quick recovery.

Good to hear of someone else that didn't do drains! I didn't actually know how uncommon that was until after I found out I wasn't having drains either, so I'm excited to see your results.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: AStrikes on April 10, 2014, 05:49:28 PM
Hey, whenever I post and error pops up so that is become frustrating. Also, I don;t know how to post an image. Everytime I do I get a broken image logo. help?
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Kreuzfidel on April 12, 2014, 06:29:42 AM
11 Weeks Post-Op

Surgeon:  Dr. Megan Hassall - Sydney, Australia
Date:  23 January 2014
Surgery:  Bilateral Subcutaneous Mastectomy - Left Nipple preserved pedicle, Right Nipple free grafted

So I'm posting my 11 week post-op update.  I'm actually at 12 weeks, but these photos were from last week (forgot to post them up).

Front view:


As you can see, I still have visible "creases" in my incision line which I am not happy about at all.  I realise that it may be a rather small and trivial thing to some people, but it bothers me and I will continue to observe to see if they eventually straighten out before I seek her opinion on a revision.  Otherwise, the incision lines are still very thin (I'm still wearing the micropore tape until next month) - I'm not using any kind of silicone gel or scar treatment at this stage.

3/4 view - right nipple (free graft):


This graft had me pretty worried for a long time.  I honestly thought that it would reject considering how horrific it looked (just refer back to the older photos just after my surgery).  But it did just as she said it would - every time we changed the dressing and debrided the necrosed tissue, it would just close up and get better.  Now it looks pretty good IMHO.  It's slightly larger and more oval-shaped than the left, but again - small things.

3/4 view - left nipple (preserved pedicle):


I've never had a problem with this one, fortunately.  Happy with the shape and how it generally turned out.


I'm still mostly numb about 3 inches above and all the way down to my nipples.  I have some vague sensation returning around the incision areas, but certainly nothing in the nipples themselves at all.  I no longer feel the incisions stretching when I do my workouts, so I'm not as worried as I was a few weeks ago about scar stretching.  I'm still going to keep wearing the tape for another few weeks until the 3-month mark as instructed. 


I'm overall very happy with the look of my chest.  Dr. Hassall left a little tissue to give me the correct contour in my chest instead of being just pancake flat which I like.  As it's still early, I'm not too concerned - but there's a small area just under my right nipple that looks like there's a bit too much tissue remaining and resembles a tiny "mini-boob" when I raise my arm.  Time will tell if it's just swelling.

Otherwise, with a shirt - you can see the shape of my chest beneath clothes.  Looks pretty natural to me so no complaints:

Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Bimmer Guy on April 12, 2014, 09:33:05 AM
Wow, Kreuzfidel, most stunning to me is how quickly you are bulking up!  There is a big difference even when unflexed.  Good job, mate!    :)

And the chest looks simply fantastic.  It really looks great for only 11 weeks!  Holy smokes!  I am very pleased for you!

I am so jealous of those thin and light scars (but very happy for you!).   

I understand why you would worry about the creases.  I really do.  For what it is worth, I still have some on both sides closest to the center of my chest and I am 6 months out.  It really was a slow process for them to go away, and I admit mine weren't as severe as yours, but they were definitely very visible.  Did you get to ask her about them at all?  Are there cases where it never goes away?  Can it be be fixed in revision?

What concerns me are my stretch marks.  With all the years of binding and my flatting straight down of my chest the stretch marks are there.  I am hoping that after I take care of the hypertrophic scar issue something can be done with the stretch marks.  There are a lot of products out there, but I have read physicians as saying that none of them really work.  I need to look more into possible laser or that type thing.  Stretch marks are something I really haven't looked into, so I don't know anything about care for them.

Again, congrats on a beautiful chest that is only going to look better and better in time!  Those scars will be invisible for sure!

P.S. Thanks for the extensive review along with pictures.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Bimmer Guy on April 12, 2014, 10:01:29 AM
Brief Hypertrophic Update

Ok, so I never heard from Garramone, but I did not follow up with a phone call.  I need to do that.

What I wanted to share is that with doing the massage twice per day religiously, the scars are getting flatter. 

I do wonder how permanent this is, however.  Meaning, I wonder if I stopped massaging, if they would raise again (long explanation as to why I think this might be the case).  But, I don't think they will be as tall.  I think they are widening a bit as they flatten, which is logical  :(

I continue to use jojoba oil.  I continue to not think that the type of oil makes a difference, just the massage itself.  Jojoba is very good for the skin, plus I have a bottle of it in organic form, so that is why is another reason why I continue this particular oil.

I decided that I will go with whatever Garramone suggests when I finally call him.  If he says to seek cortizone shots right now, I will investigate that option.  If he says to let them flatten their own or tells me to do professional massage, I will go that route.  If I did the massage and it is easy enough to do, I will see if my GF can just do it for me, due to cost.

Earlier in the thread someone was posting about getting professional massage and I wrote about my discomfort in anyone touching my chest, due to leftover (habitual?), dysphoria.  I think that has abated enough to where I would be more comfortable.  Just thinking about the idea is not disturbing in the way it was. 

Kreuzfidel, do you think massage may help with the creases?  Maybe that is something to ask Hassall.

It's a beautiful day out, so I am off!
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Kreuzfidel on April 12, 2014, 05:35:05 PM
Thanks heaps, Brett!  *Blush*  I really appreciate your feedback, mate.   ;D

With stretch marks, I've seen some being treated on a show called "Embarrassing Bodies" - I'm fairly sure it was done with laser treatment and there was a significant difference before and after.  .I don't know if that's even offered where you live, but I suppose it's still an option.

That sucks that Garramone didn't get back to you - but my surgeon did the same thing.  I don't think they can be bothered answering post-op emails, so a phone call will be the only way to go.

I hate that you had creases, too - but at least it's not something unique to me. *sigh*  I'm hoping they'll keep stretching out - I think they're not as bad as they were, so here's keeping my fingers crossed.  I asked her in the email about the creases, but of course never got a response.  I don't know that it's worth calling her at this stage since it's only 11 weeks - I'm not even sure if it can be fixed with a revision, but if it's still bad and bothering me in closer to a year I'll definitely give her a call.

I'm a bit like you in regards to massaging my chest - my wife hasn't really even touched it yet and I worry about it.  When she was wiping it down to get the sticky tape stuff off, it made me queasy - mostly because it's still numb and feels hella weird.  What is the science behind massage, Brett?  What does it actually do?  I'd be willing to give it a go if I knew how it worked.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Bimmer Guy on April 12, 2014, 06:49:35 PM
Quote from: Kreuzfidel on April 12, 2014, 05:35:05 PM
Thanks heaps, Brett!  *Blush*  I really appreciate your feedback, mate.   ;D

With stretch marks, I've seen some being treated on a show called "Embarrassing Bodies" - I'm fairly sure it was done with laser treatment and there was a significant difference before and after.  .I don't know if that's even offered where you live, but I suppose it's still an option.

That sucks that Garramone didn't get back to you - but my surgeon did the same thing.  I don't think they can be bothered answering post-op emails, so a phone call will be the only way to go.

I hate that you had creases, too - but at least it's not something unique to me. *sigh*  I'm hoping they'll keep stretching out - I think they're not as bad as they were, so here's keeping my fingers crossed.  I asked her in the email about the creases, but of course never got a response.  I don't know that it's worth calling her at this stage since it's only 11 weeks - I'm not even sure if it can be fixed with a revision, but if it's still bad and bothering me in closer to a year I'll definitely give her a call.

I'm a bit like you in regards to massaging my chest - my wife hasn't really even touched it yet and I worry about it.  When she was wiping it down to get the sticky tape stuff off, it made me queasy - mostly because it's still numb and feels hella weird.  What is the science behind massage, Brett?  What does it actually do?  I'd be willing to give it a go if I knew how it worked.

Hi, Kreuzfidel!

I don't know that massage would help with creases, but it makes sense to me.  You would be are moving/rubbing the skin around...loosening it up, so it can setttle into a natural position.  Just a thought...worth asking, I think.

So you still have some discomfort with your wife touching your chest too?  I am still uncomfortable too.  Wish I wasn't.  I am thinking I just have to push through it??  Lots of years with dysphoria, so I guess it is hard to shake.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Kreuzfidel on April 14, 2014, 03:04:12 AM
Yeah, Brett - I think it's just a time thing really.  Like you said, you can't just wave a magick wand and do away with the years of dysphoria.  I'm just getting used to looking at myself topless now - touching is going to take some time for sure.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Darrin Scott on April 14, 2014, 08:12:23 PM
Though Id post my 1 month post op. I love my new chest ( (
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Bimmer Guy on April 14, 2014, 08:50:32 PM
Hey, Darrin.  You look GREAT!  Thanks for posting.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Bimmer Guy on April 14, 2014, 09:31:35 PM
Hey, Elijah, you look great!  Are you/did you use any kind of scar treatment?  They are fading well.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Elijah3291 on April 14, 2014, 09:36:59 PM
I did use some generic silicone strips for about a month or more once the scars were healed but it seemed that they actually widened my scars, it did seem to flatten them though, but it could be coincidence, I stopped using them though because the few inches of scar that I never covered with strips were thinner then the strip covered bits.

I think its you that mentioned massaging your scars right? How is that working out for you? I had been massaging mine (but stopped) with circular motions and lotion, how about you? I feel like massaging would be really helpful in breaking down scar tissue.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Bimmer Guy on April 14, 2014, 10:29:50 PM
Quote from: Elijah on April 14, 2014, 09:36:59 PM
I did use some generic silicone strips for about a month or more once the scars were healed but it seemed that they actually widened my scars, it did seem to flatten them though, but it could be coincidence, I stopped using them though because the few inches of scar that I never covered with strips were thinner then the strip covered bits.

I think its you that mentioned massaging your scars right? How is that working out for you? I had been massaging mine (but stopped) with circular motions and lotion, how about you? I feel like massaging would be really helpful in breaking down scar tissue.

I think the massaging is definitely helping some.  I am using circular motions.  I don't think it matters what type of oil/lotion you use (I used Jojoba oil, it lasts longer than lotion), it is the massage itself that breaks up the scar tissue.

Some say olive oil works just as well as anything else, so if you have some in your kitchen, grab that!

Garramone did do a really good job shaping your chest.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Kreuzfidel on April 15, 2014, 02:02:47 AM
Darrin and Elijah - your chests look amazing!   :o
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: aleon515 on April 15, 2014, 11:51:46 AM
Quote from: Elijah on April 14, 2014, 09:28:29 PM
Hey everyone, well I'm nearly a year post op. I'm at 11 months today, time flies!

DI (obviously) Garramone

Well *obviously*! :) Nice results and healing little clone brother. LOL!

Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: lost.cowboy on April 17, 2014, 04:53:37 AM
I really recommend Bio Oil.

this is with just 6 months of daily use:

Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Elijah3291 on April 17, 2014, 06:09:08 PM
Ryanronald, does the bio oil stain clothing, cotton, sheets?
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: grownupteeth on April 18, 2014, 02:58:28 PM
Quote from: chipper on March 07, 2014, 10:28:58 AM

I went to Dr. Rockmore of Albany, New York last Friday (February 28th, 2014) for a "bilateral subcutaneous mastectomy with free nipple grafts for gender transformation." Yesterday, I had my first post-op visit and got to check out my bod, bandage free, for the first time. I am now able to shower but my drains will unfortunately remain in until next Thursday because I'm still producing a significant amount of the drains will be in for 13 days total. Aside from that unfortunate setback, the whole process has been awesome. I had some intubation difficultiess during the surgery itself, but everything has been handled wonderfully. My chest feels awesome and looks incredible. Above is a picture from yesterday's appointment- 6 days post-op.

Chipper, I'm getting a consult with Rockmore next Tuesday - can you tell me anything else about the experience?  I'm kinda hesitant to go to him because he's not as well known as some, but all the results I've seen so far have been great and he's in my area (I'm in NYC). Feel free to send me a message! Hope you're healing well!
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: grownupteeth on April 19, 2014, 12:17:43 PM
Thanks - that's awesome to hear. I just recently moved from the west coast and always planned on having surgery with Brownstein/Crane so I don't really have a lot of info about people out here. Checked out your tumblr, the results look great and it seems like the experience was awesome, it's definitely making me feel more confident about choosing him :) I might message you if I have any more specific questions...
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: aleon515 on April 19, 2014, 01:33:39 PM
Brownstein doesn't do top surgery anymore. The whole practice is Dr Crane.

Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: lost.cowboy on April 21, 2014, 02:30:37 AM
Elijah - it doesn't stain sheets but it is best to get it rubbed in properly and not still be feeling wet when you get into bed or put a top on if that makes sense, i sort of wipe off anything that hasn't absorbed after a good massaging
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: ZanBuck on April 29, 2014, 03:03:37 AM
Hello everyone! New person here, and my top surgery was March 12 so I'm about 7 weeks out. I went to Dr Mangubat in Renton WA (I live in Seattle so it was a short trip, and a few guys in my support group recommended him). He and his staff were excellent, and I had been working my upper body muscles enough that he was able to draw a good line for incision around the pecs. I'm really happy so far, though my nipples look a bit weird to me and I'm still a bit swollen. I'm looking forward to getting back into my workout schedule next week, I hate being inactive. :(

I'm 10 months into being on T and 11 months since my decision. Its really great having this resource, and I'd like to thank everyone for sharing pictures especially so I don't feel quite so nervous about everything.


(P.s. surgery was "bilateral simple mastectomy with nipple grafts")
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Bimmer Guy on April 29, 2014, 06:43:19 AM
Quote from: ZanBuck on April 29, 2014, 03:03:37 AM
Hello everyone! New person here, and my top surgery was March 12 so I'm about 7 weeks out. I went to Dr Mangubat in Renton WA (I live in Seattle so it was a short trip, and a few guys in my support group recommended him). He and his staff were excellent, and I had been working my upper body muscles enough that he was able to draw a good line for incision around the pecs. I'm really happy so far, though my nipples look a bit weird to me and I'm still a bit swollen. I'm looking forward to getting back into my workout schedule next week, I hate being inactive. :(

I'm 10 months into being on T and 11 months since my decision. Its really great having this resource, and I'd like to thank everyone for sharing pictures especially so I don't feel quite so nervous about everything.


(P.s. surgery was "bilateral simple mastectomy with nipple grafts")

Alex, so glad you posted!  I think it is great when people post who have gone to less well known surgeons.  Would you be willing to post a picture?  Congrats on your surgery!
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Darrin Scott on April 29, 2014, 07:42:54 PM
Quote from: ZanBuck on April 29, 2014, 03:03:37 AM
Hello everyone! New person here, and my top surgery was March 12 so I'm about 7 weeks out. I went to Dr Mangubat in Renton WA (I live in Seattle so it was a short trip, and a few guys in my support group recommended him). He and his staff were excellent, and I had been working my upper body muscles enough that he was able to draw a good line for incision around the pecs. I'm really happy so far, though my nipples look a bit weird to me and I'm still a bit swollen. I'm looking forward to getting back into my workout schedule next week, I hate being inactive. :(

I'm 10 months into being on T and 11 months since my decision. Its really great having this resource, and I'd like to thank everyone for sharing pictures especially so I don't feel quite so nervous about everything.


(P.s. surgery was "bilateral simple mastectomy with nipple grafts")

Congrats! My surgery was also March 12th!!
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Bimmer Guy on April 29, 2014, 09:42:36 PM
And March 12th was my birthday!  ha!

Hey, Darrin.  How about an update pic when you get a chance?
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: ZanBuck on May 02, 2014, 02:21:33 AM
Thanks all! Here's a few pics... Sorry about the poor quality, my camera (phone) hates up close pics. Lets see if this works, I wasn't sure where best to host images. (

March 15th: ( (

April 22nd: ( (

Overall I'm really happy with the progress, and I just started working out again yesterday so I'm even happier now.

Quick question: is there anything I can do to help my nipples along? They have a little extra scarring around the edges from the sutures that held the stents in place, but I'm not sure whether I should use the scar strips etc on them?

p.s. Happy birthday Brent!
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Bimmer Guy on May 02, 2014, 06:49:04 AM
You look great, Zanbuck!  Your surgeon did a great job.

Don't put anything on the nipples.  They need to move along at their own pace.  I am 7 months out and they are still shifting shape on the edges.  Never use scar products on them at any point.  A big no.

Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: ZanBuck on May 03, 2014, 06:15:07 PM
Thanks Brett, I really appreciate the feedback. I'll leave them alone and let them progress naturally (I just like to be able to actively do something about making things progress forward, I know I just need to be patient).
No matter how much I read, being able to ask questions of other people feels more real. Most of the guys in my support group are pre-surgery, and the few that aren't its been a few years since their top surgery so they don't remember many specifics about the beginning. A year ago I never would have dreamed that I would be going to a support group, or that I could actually start being happy with my body.

Hope everyone is doing well.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: aleon515 on May 07, 2014, 11:28:34 PM
My clone (Brett) has been asking, so here is my 6 month update. I think the right nipple looks like it still needs to "come out" a bit. Anyway here it is. I am developing teensy tiny pecs. I have to point them out, as they are very teensy tiny. LOL      Jay

Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Bimmer Guy on May 08, 2014, 06:35:57 AM
Hey, Jay. 

You are looking GREAT my friend!  Nice thin lines.  Are you still using Scar Away gel or are you feeling good about how they look and are comfortable with the knowledge that they will get better over time?

I can see your pecs in comparison to the past.  Honestly!  I know you have been working on it.

I do think your chest looks really great.  I am happy for you!  Go, Garramone!
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: aleon515 on May 08, 2014, 01:29:02 PM
Quote from: Brett on May 08, 2014, 06:35:57 AM
Hey, Jay. 

You are looking GREAT my friend!  Nice thin lines.  Are you still using Scar Away gel or are you feeling good about how they look and are comfortable with the knowledge that they will get better over time?

I can see your pecs in comparison to the past.  Honestly!  I know you have been working on it.

I do think your chest looks really great.  I am happy for you!  Go, Garramone!

Thanks my clone friend. Yes, I am still using Scaraway gel. I have kind of decided to use it for a year, but I do think they will get lighter in time anyway.

Thanks re: pecs. I do think there is *something* there, it's very slow when you are at my advanced age. Perhaps I can't do quite as aggressive a workout and feel like it is still safe. Though I have a gay friend (no, not that
way :( ) who said his took forever and he is way younger than I am.

Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: MaximmusFlavius on May 09, 2014, 04:18:23 AM
I have been waiting since way before this thread began to post my own photos. Now I can :D

I had double incision on the 28th of April with Mr Yelland in Brighton, UK.

The first picture is from a few days post-op, the others are from this morning (11 days post-op). I had my dressings etc removed yesterday.


I still have a bit of swelling that will hopefully go down with time. But for now it just looks like I have pecs!
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Kreuzfidel on May 09, 2014, 04:39:11 AM
Maximmus, your chest looks amazing!!!  Wow, I'm pretty impressed with Mr. Yelland's work.  That's incredible.  You really have something to be proud of, mate!  ;D
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Bimmer Guy on May 09, 2014, 06:41:22 AM
Congrats Maxximus!

It looks really good.  Yes, enjoy the extra pec look right now!  ;D

It has been 7 months for me and I still smile everyday I look in the mirror.  I just took the dog for a walk about a half an hour ago and paused, having that moment of dread that I had to grab the binder (I had just gotten out of bed, so still a bit fuzzy).  I smiled after I remembered.  Those moments don't happen as much (thinking I need to grab my binder), but noticing the feeling of my shirt right against my chest certainly still does.

Thank you for posting the picture with your bandages.  I am always curious to see how the surgeons wraps us differently.

What is the recovery plan?  Meaning, do you have to put anything on your nipples?  Do you have to wear a vest?  Etc.

Congrats again.  It looks great!  Thanks for posting!
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: MaximmusFlavius on May 09, 2014, 07:08:04 AM
Quote from: Kreuzfidel on May 09, 2014, 04:39:11 AM
Maximmus, your chest looks amazing!!!  Wow, I'm pretty impressed with Mr. Yelland's work.  That's incredible.  You really have something to be proud of, mate!  ;D

You just made my day, cheers!!

Quote from: Brett on May 09, 2014, 06:41:22 AM

Thank you for posting the picture with your bandages.  I am always curious to see how the surgeons wraps us differently.

What is the recovery plan?  Meaning, do you have to put anything on your nipples?  Do you have to wear a vest?  Etc.

Congrats again.  It looks great!  Thanks for posting!

I had to wear a neoprene back binder for compression on top of the bandages. Mega uncomfortable pain in the backside to begin with, but totally worth it! I have to continue wearing it for a couple of weeks just to keep the compression and protect everything. I feel incredibly vulnerable without it now I've got used to it. I wasn't told specifically to cover my nipples and actually forgot to ask, but I've covered them with some gauze as I'm worried they'd get stuck to the binder. I was given some micro pore tape to put on the incisions for a week or so, until the roll runs out basically!

Also something I forgot to mention before is that Yelland doesn't use drains.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Bombadil on May 09, 2014, 09:57:39 AM
Maximmus your chest looks great.

ZanBuck- your chest looks really good too. I will definitely be following your recovery. I live out your way and if there is a local option that would be great. I don't know when I'll be able to get surgery but someday. :)
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: aleon515 on May 09, 2014, 01:59:47 PM
Maximas, you chest is looking great. Funny thing though, I think that he has a very distinctive look to his surgeries. Not really like Dr G but his own distinctive that I think looks great. I have a friend that went to him.

Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Darrin Scott on May 14, 2014, 02:24:21 PM
Sorry it took me a while to respond. I saw there was a request for my chest. Here it is 2 months post op. I might get a revision for the top part where my chest meets. I go next week for another check up. ( (
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Bimmer Guy on May 15, 2014, 06:19:14 AM
Hey, Darrin.  You are healing REALLY great for only two months!  Your incision lines are so light.  Have you been using any scar treatment?

When you spoke about revision, you said where you chest meets.  Do you mean where both sides come together (the middle of our chest)?  What is it you are looking to be different?

Anyway, looking good!
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Darrin Scott on May 15, 2014, 09:38:50 AM
Quote from: Brett on May 15, 2014, 06:19:14 AM
Hey, Darrin.  You are healing REALLY great for only two months!  Your incision lines are so light.  Have you been using any scar treatment?

When you spoke about revision, you said where you chest meets.  Do you mean where both sides come together (the middle of our chest)?  What is it you are looking to be different?

Anyway, looking good!

No scar treatments yet. Yeah, where both sides come together. I am only 2 months post op so maybe the swelling will go down. I won't have one done until I'm at least a year post op.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: MaximmusFlavius on May 19, 2014, 06:02:21 AM
3 weeks post op. The asymmetry actually looks more pronounced in these photos than it does in the mirror, probably due to the angle of the picture. The lines around the incisions are imprints from the micropore tape and compression, not skin wrinkling.


Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Bimmer Guy on May 19, 2014, 08:50:19 AM
Wow, really looking great there, Maxximus.  You can see where the swelling is going down, and your natural pec definition is coming through!

Congrats on the healthy healing and thanks for coming back to keep us updated!
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: NathanExplosion on May 28, 2014, 01:54:21 PM
Hey guys! Long time no update! :P We've been CRAZY busy lately, but here's a 3.5 month update from me!


The sort of "dog ear" thing I have going on on the side is much less prominent when standing up. This is a sitting picture so I'm a little squished, lol.


You can see a little better here. They're getting flatter every day, too.

Our scars have been lightening a LOT using the Biocorneum. Except we've been lazy lately and haven't done it in a week or two... :P Gotta get back to it.

Everything is smooth sailing, now - no more complications and life is back to normal. :) I need to post a recommendation for Dr. Horowitz.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Bimmer Guy on May 28, 2014, 06:22:58 PM
Hey-Hey, Nathan, looking great!  I was JUST thinking about your guys yesterday and wondering how you two were getting along.  Glad you are so happy with your chest!   :)
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: grownupteeth on May 29, 2014, 07:42:28 AM
Hi guys, just had DI yesterday morning with Dr. Rockmore in Albany, NY.

When I was doing research on surgeons there wasn't a lot of info on the internet about him, so just wanted to share my own experience - seriously can't recommend him + his team enough  :)  Really thin incision lines, results look amazing so far, and there's almost no pain (just general muscle pain from the anaesthetic, and I'm only taking Aleve, no painkillers). My insurance was ending at the end of the month, and they went above + beyond to move appointments around and talk directly to the Aetna etc. so I got the whole thing covered two days before my insurance expired.

If you're considering going to him, feel free to ask me anything! I'll post pics soon.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Bimmer Guy on May 29, 2014, 05:33:27 PM
Quote from: grownupteeth on May 29, 2014, 07:42:28 AM
Hi guys, just had DI yesterday morning with Dr. Rockmore in Albany, NY.

When I was doing research on surgeons there wasn't a lot of info on the internet about him, so just wanted to share my own experience - seriously can't recommend him + his team enough  :)  Really thin incision lines, results look amazing so far, and there's almost no pain (just general muscle pain from the anaesthetic, and I'm only taking Aleve, no painkillers). My insurance was ending at the end of the month, and they went above + beyond to move appointments around and talk directly to the Aetna etc. so I got the whole thing covered two days before my insurance expired.

If you're considering going to him, feel free to ask me anything! I'll post pics soon.

Excellent.  Glad you are so happy.  Congrats on your surgery!
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: grownupteeth on May 31, 2014, 08:11:36 AM
Quote from: chipper on April 18, 2014, 07:27:07 PM
Hey, I highly recommend Rockmore! Being close to home really made the experience incredibly easy, comfortable, and economical. Aside from logistics, Rockmore is incredibly consistent with results- and that was important to me. I consulted with Rockmore as well as Costas in Concord and Bartlett in Brookline. Ultimately, Rockmore won me over. He's a chill dude and I couldn't be more happy. I appreciate his willingness to make me comfortable. My consult was nearly an hour because I came in with a list of questions. Rockmore answered every single one, thoroughly and personably.

About my experience: I had my Jackson Pratt drains in for 13 days and think Rockmore really listened to my body's needs. I didn't bruise, was able to shower after 6 days, and called the office anytime I had a silly question. Nurses always called me back almost immediately and the office is always able to fit you in for post-op appointments. The whole experience was incredibly smooth and a million times easier than I'd anticipated. I was able to set up my appointment the day of my consult and pick my surgery date. Then I realized I needed to reschedule the date a couple days later, and the office was so accommodating and didn't even question why I had to postpone. Payment is due 14 days before surgery. I waited until the very last minute and didn't have any issues. Everyone at the surgery center was awesome, I wasn't misgendered the entire time!

I can't emphasize how painless and smooth the whole experience was. Rockmore is surprisingly well known in the New England region and rightly so. On the net you really have to search to find stuff on Rockmore... but it's out there! Before surgery, I spoke with several guys who had gone to Rockmore and met a few folks through a local group. He's got a solid reputation in my area. I've got a bajillion pics on my tumblr and document my chest daily. If you've got any specific questions, feel free to get in touch ;)

Hey, just wanted to say thanks for all your help/info when I was researching surgery...I had DI with Rockmore 3 days ago and it was the best experience ever! Much appreciated :)
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: SX0877 on May 31, 2014, 03:06:04 PM
( (
1 year post op
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Bimmer Guy on May 31, 2014, 03:15:04 PM
Quote from: SX0877 on May 31, 2014, 03:06:04 PM
( (
1 year post op

Wow, man, your chest looks great!!

Remind us again though who your surgeon was and the surgery type.

Thanks for posting!
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: SX0877 on May 31, 2014, 05:36:57 PM
Thanks, Brett. The surgeon was Medalie.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Bombadil on May 31, 2014, 06:00:00 PM
Quote from: SX0877 on May 31, 2014, 03:06:04 PM
( (
1 year post op

you look great
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: aleon515 on June 01, 2014, 04:40:34 PM
Wow SX and various digits! You look like a freakin' Greek god or something. :)

Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Bimmer Guy on June 01, 2014, 05:30:51 PM
Quote from: aleon515 on June 01, 2014, 04:40:34 PM
Wow SX and various digits! You look like a freakin' Greek god or something. :)


haha This made me laugh out loud.  Yes, he does look good!    :)
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: SX0877 on June 01, 2014, 07:16:09 PM
Thanks a lot christopher, Jay and Brett.  :laugh:
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: prin on June 06, 2014, 06:26:32 AM
hallo buddies, im new to group. can u tell me which type of surgery needed for medium chest? and where doyo guys do the surgery? how much it costs?
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Bimmer Guy on June 06, 2014, 06:47:37 AM
Quote from: prin on June 06, 2014, 06:26:32 AM
hallo buddies, im new to group. can u tell me which type of surgery needed for medium chest? and where doyo guys do the surgery? how much it costs?

Welcome to the site!

Those are some really broad questions. :)  I would suggest starting by reading the link below as it answers your questions pretty extensively.  Then post any specific questions in the main area of the Top Surgery section (instead of in this recovery thread).

Again, welcome!
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: MaximmusFlavius on June 19, 2014, 12:15:17 PM
I'm now at 7.5 weeks weeks post op with Mr Yelland. Pretty much got all my movement back. The occasional big stretch still pulls. Been back at work for two weeks. Went swimming for the first time since a couple of months before top surgery and it was amazing! I was nowhere near as self conscious as I thought I would be.

Been using kelocote on the incision lines since about 2.5 weeks post op.



I have surprisingly more pec muscle than I originally thought. I was disappointed at first when I wasn't as flat as I wanted to be, until I realised I actually had a decent amount of muscle underneath! In the second picture on the left, there is a dip in my ribcage, probably caused by years of binding, that makes my chest look a bit bigger than it is.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: GQjoey on June 19, 2014, 05:21:52 PM
1 month and a couple days post-op. Had surgery with Dr. Buckley in Minnesota. SHE is hilarious, and is so laid back and chill about everything. I met with her a couple times before my surgery date, and she answered any and every question I could think of. Her staff, is also great. The morning of surgery I was pretty f'n nervous, I'd never been put under before. They brought me back into a prep-like room to change out of my clothes, and I met pretty much everyone that was going to be in the surgery room before I was put out. All the nurses and aftercare people were very professional and really helped put my mind at ease. I went in at 5:45 am and was back home by 1 pm.
Just took the last of my tape off my incisions (probably could of done this 2 weeks ago). I've been too chicken sht to scrub my chest down in the shower, but got most of the residue off. The dark spots towards the front of my incision is still a little scabby.

Left Side -

Right Side - not diggin' the raised pucker, hoping it will go down with time/getting back to working out. Also, there's a dip or a little bit of a caved look look.

Nips -


Overall, I'm pretty happy with my results. I know these surgeries come with imperfections and am just stoked I was fortunate enough to be able to finally have surgery.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Bimmer Guy on June 19, 2014, 07:15:04 PM
Maxximus and GQJoey,

You both look awesome!!

Maxximus, I have seen some great stuff of Mr. Yelland and also some only ok chests.  I think your chest is great!

GQJOey, it is amazing how fast your nipples have healed!  They look really good.  Thanks for posting about your surgeon.  I have never heard of Buckley.

Thanks for posting, guys!
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Pictrig18 on July 09, 2014, 04:30:14 PM
Hey guys

I was asked to get my experience here in this topic. Instead of writing a novel here, I'm going to post the link to a review I put online. Two, actually. You can see the progression of pictures on the first one really well. I saw Dr. Tholen in Minneapolis on May 22nd. Double incision with grafts. Great experience - bump in the road with a hematoma, but all is good, no effect on my results.

If anyone has any questions, feel free to ask here or message me :)
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Bimmer Guy on July 09, 2014, 10:36:59 PM
Quote from: Pictrig18 on July 09, 2014, 04:30:14 PM
Hey guys

I was asked to get my experience here in this topic. Instead of writing a novel here, I'm going to post the link to a review I put online. Two, actually. You can see the progression of pictures on the first one really well. I saw Dr. Tholen in Minneapolis on May 22nd. Double incision with grafts. Great experience - bump in the road with a hematoma, but all is good, no effect on my results.

If anyone has any questions, feel free to ask here or message me :)

Hey. great review on surgeon and your progress.  I followed your other thread and I just wanted to say that your one month pics look awesome!  I'm really happy for you.  I am sure that the hematoma was anxiety producing to say the least!  Happy healing!
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: aleon515 on July 10, 2014, 01:43:50 PM
Hematomas are scary looking for sure (and I'm sure scary event!!!) but I've seen pretty many of these and it seems like many people with them end up looking fine, so odds are good you will too. Hang in there!

Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Pictrig18 on July 10, 2014, 08:12:50 PM
Thanks guys - yeah, the hematoma is more nerve-wracking than anything. And annoying since it has required extra time in the compression vest - it finally comes off tomorrow for the last time (second time trying this, swelled the first try enough to put the vest back on for a couple weeks). Can't wait to be able to move around and workout to make things look better.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: BGking on July 17, 2014, 09:05:12 PM
Hey y'all , three days post-op from a periareolar top surgery. :) I had it done with Dr. Rockmore in Albany, NY. The staff at the surgical center were AMAZING. I never had surgery before and they made me feel very calm and comfortable. I haven't had much pain just annoyance at the drain spots. I haven't been draining much at all either and the nurses said they didn't think I would. I chose Rockmore because of the awesome results Kenton and other people have had. From reading Kenton's posts I found that my experience barely differs except that he was required to wear a compression vest and I wasn't. I find this a little strange because almost everyone I've read about no matter the surgeon has had to wear a compression vest. Idk why he didn't tell me to wear one. I hope it won't affect my results in a negative way! I'm still kinda out of it from the pain meds but I shall post pictures within the next couple days for y'all. Should I be worried about no instruction on the compression vest? :p
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Bimmer Guy on July 17, 2014, 10:14:18 PM
Quote from: BGking on July 17, 2014, 09:05:12 PM
Hey y'all , three days post-op from a periareolar top surgery. :) I had it done with Dr. Rockmore in Albany, NY. The staff at the surgical center were AMAZING. I never had surgery before and they made me feel very calm and comfortable. I haven't had much pain just annoyance at the drain spots. I haven't been draining much at all either and the nurses said they didn't think I would. I chose Rockmore because of the awesome results Kenton and other people have had. From reading Kenton's posts I found that my experience barely differs except that he was required to wear a compression vest and I wasn't. I find this a little strange because almost everyone I've read about no matter the surgeon has had to wear a compression vest. Idk why he didn't tell me to wear one. I hope it won't affect my results in a negative way! I'm still kinda out of it from the pain meds but I shall post pictures within the next couple days for y'all. Should I be worried about no instruction on the compression vest? :p

Hi, BGking.  Congrats on making it to the "other side"!

I am glad that things went well.  Not all surgeons require vests.  Garramone doesn't.  He gives you an ace bandage you have the choice to keep wrapped around you as a way to remember you just had surgery so you are more careful, but there is no compression past the 6 post day healing.

You should find out if Kenton had double incision.  Maybe that is why he had the wear the vest and you did not?

I would not stress about it.  It isn't like they would have forgotten to give you one!  ha.  But, if it makes you feel better, call them.

Glad to see you here.  Do you have someone helping you at home/at your hotel?  Keep us updated!

Congrats, again!!!
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: devention on July 18, 2014, 02:20:02 AM
Awesome! Everything I hear about Rockmore makes me more confident that I'm going to him next year when my insurance comes through.
Congrats on your surgery! Can't wait to see the pictures!
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: BGking on July 18, 2014, 03:15:20 AM
Quote from: Brett on July 17, 2014, 10:14:18 PM
Hi, BGking.  Congrats on making it to the "other side"!

I am glad that things went well.  Not all surgeons require vests.  Garramone doesn't.  He gives you an ace bandage you have the choice to keep wrapped around you as a way to remember you just had surgery so you are more careful, but there is no compression past the 6 post day healing.

You should find out if Kenton had double incision.  Maybe that is why he had the wear the vest and you did not?

I would not stress about it.  It isn't like they would have forgotten to give you one!  ha.  But, if it makes you feel better, call them.

Glad to see you here.  Do you have someone helping you at home/at your hotel?  Keep us updated!

Congrats, again!!!

Thanks Brett! Kenton had the peri just like I did. I'm trying not to stress about it but anxiety and worry are my average emotions! :p I just wanted to make sure it wouldn't harm my results if I wasn't wearing one. Do you know why there is no compression past six days? The facility mentioned a vest to me during a phone interview a few before my date but when I woke up I asked why I wasn't wearing one and the nurse just said no compression vest. I had read it keeps the skin to the chest wall and aided in healing so I am a little nervous if my results will "drag" or "drop" from not wearing one. As of right now, not really I have my aunt coming over every day but I'm really just sleeping and checking my laptop on a table I put next to my bed before surgery. I can't wait to get these darn drains removed! :p  :o
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: BGking on July 18, 2014, 03:37:04 AM
Quote from: devention on July 18, 2014, 02:20:02 AM
Awesome! Everything I hear about Rockmore makes me more confident that I'm going to him next year when my insurance comes through.
Congrats on your surgery! Can't wait to see the pictures!
He definitely knows his profession well. He seemed very confident. He was friendly during the consultation and before surgery. He talked about the weather because he knew I had a three hour drive back home from NY afterward and of course it was raining. :P And while marking my chest (which was just two lines underneath my old chest mass - which kinda surprised me he didn't draw more) he asked how long I was on T and then he said it was definitely doing its job! I think he only made two lines because he just knew what he was doing and had the vision of how he wanted my chest to look in mind already. The only thing I found really odd with him was when I woke up the nurses said he had left already but before the surgery they said he would come in when I was awake to make sure everything was alright. I mean I suppose it doesn't matter I just expected him to come in and ask how I was. But other than that I think my results will turn out very well without my worrisome self getting too stressed about not wearing a compression vest. I'll post some pictures later on when I figure out how to post them. :P Thanks everyone!
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: devention on July 18, 2014, 05:58:13 AM
Quote from: BGking on July 18, 2014, 03:37:04 AM
He definitely knows his profession well. He seemed very confident. He was friendly during the consultation and before surgery. He talked about the weather because he knew I had a three hour drive back home from NY afterward and of course it was raining. :P And while marking my chest (which was just two lines underneath my old chest mass - which kinda surprised me he didn't draw more) he asked how long I was on T and then he said it was definitely doing its job! I think he only made two lines because he just knew what he was doing and had the vision of how he wanted my chest to look in mind already. The only thing I found really odd with him was when I woke up the nurses said he had left already but before the surgery they said he would come in when I was awake to make sure everything was alright. I mean I suppose it doesn't matter I just expected him to come in and ask how I was. But other than that I think my results will turn out very well without my worrisome self getting too stressed about not wearing a compression vest. I'll post some pictures later on when I figure out how to post them. :P Thanks everyone!
I'm guessing that some emergency came up that he had to deal with.
Good to hear you had such a good experience. After hearing so often about bad trans healthcare (not from plastic surgeons, necessarily), it's nice to hear stories about awesome trans healthcare experiences. Very encouraging.
To post images, there's a button right beneath bold on the main post reply page. Upload a picture to the image hosting site of your choice and put the URL between the image tags. I think you have to have a certain number of posts, but I can't remember how many.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Blue Senpai on July 18, 2014, 06:33:53 AM
Quote from: BGking on July 18, 2014, 03:37:04 AM
He definitely knows his profession well. He seemed very confident. He was friendly during the consultation and before surgery. He talked about the weather because he knew I had a three hour drive back home from NY afterward and of course it was raining. :P And while marking my chest (which was just two lines underneath my old chest mass - which kinda surprised me he didn't draw more) he asked how long I was on T and then he said it was definitely doing its job! I think he only made two lines because he just knew what he was doing and had the vision of how he wanted my chest to look in mind already. The only thing I found really odd with him was when I woke up the nurses said he had left already but before the surgery they said he would come in when I was awake to make sure everything was alright. I mean I suppose it doesn't matter I just expected him to come in and ask how I was. But other than that I think my results will turn out very well without my worrisome self getting too stressed about not wearing a compression vest. I'll post some pictures later on when I figure out how to post them. :P Thanks everyone!

I just looked up Rockmore and realized he's in Albany. Definitely someone I'll consider.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Bimmer Guy on July 18, 2014, 06:43:05 AM

Garramone has a tight garment around you ( double is rare or I think maybe now never? he does any other technique), for those 6 days while the drains are in.  It is after he removes those that you no longer have any kind of compression.

I would call them today and ask for the reason why your chest, specifically.  I think that is a reasonable question.  Good luck.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: aleon515 on July 18, 2014, 07:02:20 PM
Quote from: Brett on July 18, 2014, 06:43:05 AM

Garramone has a tight garment around you ( double is rare or I think maybe now never? he does any other technique), for those 6 days while the drains are in.  It is after he removes those that you no longer have any kind of compression.

I would call them today and ask for the reason why your chest, specifically.  I think that is a reasonable question.  Good luck.

(Dr Garramone) It's on his page that he does peri, but every person I know of has been talked out of peri by him. Some people go and get a peri elsewhere and some do end up with a DI. I think he likes it better because he can control results more. If I could have had a peri he would not have been my surgeon. I want someone who WANTS and LIKES to do the procedure I want (or is reasonable), not someone who has to do it kicking and screaming, so to speak.

Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Blue Senpai on July 18, 2014, 07:07:26 PM
Quote from: aleon515 on July 18, 2014, 07:02:20 PM

(Dr Garramone) It's on his page that he does peri, but every person I know of has been talked out of peri by him. Some people go and get a peri elsewhere and some do end up with a DI. I think he likes it better because he can control results more. If I could have had a peri he would not have been my surgeon. I want someone who WANTS and LIKES to do the procedure I want (or is reasonable), not someone who has to do it kicking and screaming, so to speak.


Funny you should say that, Beck talked about Dr. Garramone on pressing for DI surgery in his video.

Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: aleon515 on July 18, 2014, 07:11:02 PM
Quote from: Blue Senpai on July 18, 2014, 07:07:26 PM
Funny you should say that, Beck talked about Dr. Garramone on pressing for DI surgery in his video.

Well it DEFINITELY is not any kind of secret. A Lions' Fears talks about this in his video and does go for DI. I think if you asked he would say he doesn't like to do it and it doesn't have good results.

Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: BGking on July 18, 2014, 09:04:25 PM
Quote from: Brett on July 18, 2014, 06:43:05 AM

Garramone has a tight garment around you ( double is rare or I think maybe now never? he does any other technique), for those 6 days while the drains are in.  It is after he removes those that you no longer have any kind of compression.

I would call them today and ask for the reason why your chest, specifically.  I think that is a reasonable question.  Good luck.

Hey guys I called the office today and asked the nurse why I wasn't given a compression vest. They said Dr. Rockmore used to use them but stopped a year or so ago because he saw that the risks outweighed the benefits so he doesn't use them anymore. They said if it caused wrinkles or folds in the skin it would negatively impact results and patients may swell up after so they don't fit causing more creases and whatnot. They told me as long as I am not bruising or bleeding from the location of the drains I'm healing just fine. Still barely draining anything but I suppose that's good. The nurse said Rockmore sometimes suggests wearing an under armor sports compression shirt for a month after the drains are removed and I should ask him during my follow up appointment this Tuesday. I will definitely ask him. Whatever he thinks is best I suppose I just want as awesome results as Kenton and the other guys I spoke with before settling on him!
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Bimmer Guy on July 18, 2014, 10:09:07 PM
Quote from: BGking on July 18, 2014, 09:04:25 PM
Hey guys I called the office today and asked the nurse why I wasn't given a compression vest. They said Dr. Rockmore used to use them but stopped a year or so ago because he saw that the risks outweighed the benefits so he doesn't use them anymore. They said if it caused wrinkles or folds in the skin it would negatively impact results and patients may swell up after so they don't fit causing more creases and whatnot. They told me as long as I am not bruising or bleeding from the location of the drains I'm healing just fine. Still barely draining anything but I suppose that's good. The nurse said Rockmore sometimes suggests wearing an under armor sports compression shirt for a month after the drains are removed and I should ask him during my follow up appointment this Tuesday. I will definitely ask him. Whatever he thinks is best I suppose I just want as awesome results as Kenton and the other guys I spoke with before settling on him!

Glad it worked out!
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: aleon515 on July 18, 2014, 11:57:24 PM
BTW, I don't think Beck is right that only people who have had surgery 2-3 years ago or more are happy with results from Dr G. I know plenty of people who had surgery recently that are happy, as I am.  The statement on "trademarking" is not *entirely* true according to Dr G's Facebook. At the time, he felt someone else was going to trademark it and keep other people (him) from using the term, so he trademarked it. He says he has never tried to stop anyone else from using it, which must be the case as a lot of surgeons use the term. If he wanted to sue them, he could do so. But I do agree that he doesn't really like to do peri (and may not really do it).

I didn't watch the whole 18 minutes but was kind of curious about it.

Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Bimmer Guy on July 19, 2014, 08:37:26 AM
Quote from: aleon515 on July 18, 2014, 11:57:24 PM
BTW, I don't think Beck is right that only people who have had surgery 2-3 years ago or more are happy with results from Dr G. I know plenty of people who had surgery recently that are happy, as I am.  The statement on "trademarking" is not *entirely* true according to Dr G's Facebook. At the time, he felt someone else was going to trademark it and keep other people (him) from using the term, so he trademarked it. He says he has never tried to stop anyone else from using it, which must be the case as a lot of surgeons use the term. If he wanted to sue them, he could do so. But I do agree that he doesn't really like to do peri (and may not really do it).

I didn't watch the whole 18 minutes but was kind of curious about it.


I really think it is as simple as, "You can't please all of the people, all of the time".  There are also some people who can just never be pleased, no matter what you do.  There are going to be people who are not pleased with his work.  There are going to be people who are not going to like his personality.

But, here's the thing, there must be less of those people who feel the above (don't like his personality and aren't pleased with his work), or people still wouldn't be coming to him in droves.

I talked with Garramone on the phone 4 days ago (which I will write about in a update post in this thread).  I have hypertrophic scarring completely across both incisions.  These are scars that are thick, raised, and will take a long time (a couple of years), to flatten and go white.  I called him to see what he thought.  He told me that if I wanted to, he would do a scar reduction for free.  This means removing the entire scar and restiching me.  The chance of the new incisions/scars not becoming hypertrophic again is very slim.  It is how my body heals on my chest.  He is willing to do this FOR FREE EVEN THOUGH IT IS NOT HIS FAULT.  Knowing that it is pretty futile, it is not like he even tried to talk me out of it.  He was just like Brett, it almost always comes back, but I will be happy to do it.  Prior to calling him, I had already done research and knew the lack of success with this, so it didn't surprise me when he said this.  But, what did surprise me is that he was willing to do it for free!

Oh, and the other thing about the video was that the guy was upset that Garramone doesn't do more for the community?  What the heck?  Being a surgeon for a specific surgery doesn't mean he needs to be an advocate for the community, advertise things on his site that could help transguys, etc.  Do we expect oncologists to go on cancer walks, advertise products that could help cancer survivors, etc.  It makes no sense to me.

Garramone owes the community nothing.  He is just a guy who happens to specialize in top surgery. 
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: aleon515 on July 19, 2014, 03:09:53 PM
That's great re: scar revision, do tell more.

I don't think the guy in the video has any knowledge re: what he might do for the community (if he does) one way or the other, how does he know this sort of thing? Many people who do things for the community do them quietly, so it's possible someone funds programs or something quietly. But I don't think a surgeon is required to be an activist, in any case. Being an excellent surgeon is actually doing "something for the community" imo. I really don't like people bad mouthing someone they don't know. From his FB, I think he is rather hurt by this sort of thing. He's kind of a sensitive guy actually.

Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: devention on July 19, 2014, 08:48:08 PM
Being so specialized in doing one type of surgery that a tiny portion if the population would benefit from is definitely "doing something for the community". Imagine him retiring without a protege.
He could make a lot more money doing other surgeries. But he's helping a population that doesn't have enough in the way of support.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: aleon515 on July 19, 2014, 10:48:46 PM
Quote from: devention on July 19, 2014, 08:48:08 PM
Being so specialized in doing one type of surgery that a tiny portion if the population would benefit from is definitely "doing something for the community". Imagine him retiring without a protege.
He could make a lot more money doing other surgeries. But he's helping a population that doesn't have enough in the way of support.

I agree with that assessment. I think a lot of doctors are learning top surgery by looking at the kind of results he is getting. Results are really much better everywhere because the bar gets raised. I think at some point he may hire someone to work with him, but he is still doing some crazy number of surgeries per day and not seeming to be slowing down any. (This happened with Dr Brownstein, he started off alone and then hired Dr Crane.)

Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: devention on July 20, 2014, 12:15:21 AM
Quote from: aleon515 on July 19, 2014, 10:48:46 PM
I agree with that assessment. I think a lot of doctors are learning top surgery by looking at the kind of results he is getting. Results are really much better everywhere because the bar gets raised. I think at some point he may hire someone to work with him, but he is still doing some crazy number of surgeries per day and not seeming to be slowing down any. (This happened with Dr Brownstein, he started off alone and then hired Dr Crane.)

I really hope he does hire someone that he sort of hand-trains. He and Brownstein are/were considered the best in the industry for a reason. And he has definitely raised the bar all over.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Bimmer Guy on July 20, 2014, 11:36:20 AM
Let's get this thread back on track and do our best to keep it on track in the future.    We want to keep it to a place where guys don't have to read through a bunch of unrelated posts when they are healing and looking for tips (yeah, I know I contributed to the derail myself!  So, this is a reminder to myself as well.  :)).  I know I can't tell people what to post and where (please don't read this as me trying to be a moderator), but the reason it is a sticky is so it stays focused and doesn't get lost, kind of like the passing thread.


Hi, guys.  I am writing this 2 weeks after the above date, but the below picture was taken at the above date, so I figured I would back date.

Surgery Date: 10/10/13
Surgery: Double Incision with free nipple grafts
Surgeon: Garramone
Scar Treatment:  Scar Away Strips/Scar Away Gel.  Used 24 hours a day, every day (3 weeks - 6 months).  Kelo-Cote (6 months - present)
On Testosterone: No
Currently Strength Training: No

My last update was at 6 months (page 21, post #413).  At this time I spoke about my hypertrophic scarring.  I won't go back into that, as you can see the photos and information on that post, and prior posts.

Since that time, I have been using Kelo-cote which is "intended for the management of old and new hypertrophic and keloid scars..."  I have not been massaging because my experience with massaging was a widening of the scars.  I am sure this is was not the case (as I have not seen any research saying that does widen scars), but it is "just in my head".  Regardless, I have not been massaging.

I have not gotten cortisone shots became I know for certain that the scars widen when you do that (logical, the skin has to fall to the sides).  My theory (based on my own hope...I have read no research claiming this), is that if I let the raised scars deflate naturally, there won't be a widening effect, but instead will just sort of subside in place.  Thus far, I have seen this come to pass (except in one spot, but I had been furiously massaging that area at the time of widening).  This is one reason I continue to plan to not get cortisone shots.

So since last update, the hypertrophic scars are less "angry" so to speak and less hard.  They are slightly deflating.  They are not getting any wider as they subside in height.  They continue to get a bit lighter and are light pink.  This is significant, as most hypertrophics stay red/purple (but, mine were never purple), for at least a year.  I truly believe that the Kelo cote has made a big difference.  It has also made a significant difference in flattening out the vertical scar on my stomach from another surgery, and also the color of another scar on the top of my chest.  These scars are 4 years old and were quite "bumpy" so to speak.  The change is incredible.  I REALLY wish I had taken before pictures of these scars.  I will say that for these old scars the Scar Away gel/strips was already flattening them, and I do believe that the Scar Away gel/strips is what kept my incisions from getting as red/purple as you see with most hypertrophic scars.

In my last update I talked about contacting Garramone for consult about the cortisone shots.  I emailed him on a Sunday and never heard back.  I didn't follow up, mainly because I met Kathy Rumer, MD at a trans conference (not, not Philly's) and let her look at my chest.  She said that I should wait for a year and then come see her.  I figured Garramone would say the same.  Additionally, I didn't plan on shots, anyway (there is a risk of cortisone flattening the scar too much, creating an indentation, of sorts).

The last month or so I started thinking more about scar revision and decided even with the cost of travel, I would prefer that Garramone would do this work.  Knowing that there is a very high probability that the incisions would become hypertrophic again (some people just tend to get them after surgery, especially in the chest area), I thought we could at least talk about it.  Well, he said a couple of things:

1) They pretty much always come back and he doesn't think the surgery is worth it, but he would be willing to do it
2) I should wait a year from date of surgery to see how much better they get before making a decision
3) I should wait a year from date of surgery to see how much better they get before doing cortisone shots (I'm glad I went with my instincts to wait).
4) He would do the scar revision for FREE!  Now this one I didn't expect!

I didn't expect the free scar revision (which includes removing the entire old scar and restitching), because my scarring has nothing to do with his work.  It is just how my body heals.  So, I thought this was pretty cool.  I did mention to him that I read (in one article) that sometimes if a person gets cortisone shots every two weeks after surgery, that hypertrophic scars may not form again, but he didn't think this was really accurate.

So, my plan is to wait a year to do the cortisone shots.  I am guessing I will never get scar reduction surgery.  Honestly, it will just be too stressful and disappointing if it doesn't work and who knows if it will be worse?  Plus, I will have to start ALL OVER with hypertrophic scars again.

I also contacted Garramone because I did not like that the sides of the chest continues to have a bit of extra skin that kind of pops out to the sides.  It isn't something I see on bio males.  I knew that they were not "dog ears", nor did I think they were "back fat".  I wondered if a bit of lipo suction was in ordered.  Anyway, I sent him the picture below.  I put my arms and upper back into a position that highlighted the problem as much as possible.  Meaning, it actually doesn't look this bad when standing naturally (note my 6 months picture...the swelling on the left side did go down since that picture, as I said I hoped it would).

I have seen the look of this on many other guys (different surgeons), some a lot worse, but I have never seen them talk about it.  Garramone acknowledged what I was seeing was correct and this is his explanation:

He said that I was indeed seeing things correctly, and that this does happen to individuals who have top surgery.  What happens is that our side incision scars stop the fat from dropping down naturally like a bio male.  He said that surgeons do the best they can to take out the right amount of fat, but you can only tell so well during surgery how much to take.  He says that if you take too much out, you run the risk of creating a indentation on the sides of the chest that look weird.  That of course looks weirder than having a little extra fat there.

He said that he thought mine looked pretty good (again, I positioned my body to accentuate the fat as much as I could for picture).  He said that typically what is seen as a poor result is if the skin flops over.  As you can see, mine does not, even when I hold my body in a certain position to make it as obvious as possible.

Really, I noticed it the most when I am leaning back in a chair.  The fat flattens to the sides and it looks funny if I look over at my armpits.

Garramone said he would do a free revision on this, using lipo.  Just like the scar reduction, he said I should wait a year just to make sure none of it is swelling.  He said I should massage the sides too, to try to break down any of the scar tissue that could be impacting the issue.

Anyway, below is the picture with the fat accentuated.  I don't have another picture to post, sorry.  Pretty much though my chest looks the same as the 6 month pic, except the scars are a bit lighter.


P.S. If the other guys who had surgery could post updates, that would be great.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: BGking on July 20, 2014, 03:31:34 PM
Does anyone know a good image hosting site that doesn't share your pictures with other website other than where you post the link? I would like to post photos but am weary of the chance they may be able to be "searched" for on the host's website? Anyone have any good host sites they trust? Thanks guys.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Blue Senpai on July 20, 2014, 03:46:58 PM
Quote from: BGking on July 20, 2014, 03:31:34 PM
Does anyone know a good image hosting site that doesn't share your pictures with other website other than where you post the link? I would like to post photos but am weary of the chance they may be able to be "searched" for on the host's website? Anyone have any good host sites they trust? Thanks guys.

You can make a Photobucket account, make an album (set it to private) and just share the uploaded pictures located in the album.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: SX0877 on July 20, 2014, 04:09:07 PM
Your chest looks great, Brett. I won't worry about the underarm fat. It is normal and I have seen cis guys with it.
You body also looks very masculine and fit, especially for someone who is not on T and does not to strength training.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Bimmer Guy on July 20, 2014, 06:14:27 PM
Quote from: SX0877 on July 20, 2014, 04:09:07 PM
Your chest looks great, Brett. I won't worry about the underarm fat. It is normal and I have seen cis guys with it.
You body also looks very masculine and fit, especially for someone who is not on T and does not to strength training.

Thanks, SXO.  Like I said, I actually moved my arms into the position where it looks the worst for the camera.  It just bugs me every time I look at it, so I really might get some free lipo done.

I need to get back to working out.  I was pretty religious about it before surgery and I have always gone back and forth with being committed to cardio and weights, or just cardio.  Then I get off know how it goes.  Anyway, I wondered if working out would decrease the fat on the sides.  Logical, right?  But, since I never had that before I thought maybe it was connected to the surgery.  So, I asked him about it.

I find the whole scar tissue blocking the ability of gravity to do its job, interesting.  Anyway, I thought my long tale might be useful to someone as like I said, I have seen it before. 

Thanks for your thoughts and good wishes.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: aleon515 on July 20, 2014, 07:40:03 PM
I agree with you both with the way you have your arms out, probably makes it look more exaggerated but there is some fat under the arms (and his explanation sound valid). I don't know if working out helps or not. Though it would build up your pecs which can't hurt the appearance. I do think this is less drastic than one I have seen elsewhere.

I don't really know re: the scars. I don't know how revision of scars works in people who have keloid scars, wouldn't you just scar from the revision? Or are there ways to mitigate that to some extent.

Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: SX0877 on July 20, 2014, 07:43:22 PM
Quote from: Brett on July 20, 2014, 06:14:27 PM
Thanks, SXO.  Like I said, I actually moved my arms into the position where it looks the worst for the camera.  It just bugs me every time I look at it, so I really might get some free lipo done.

I need to get back to working out.  I was pretty religious about it before surgery and I have always gone back and forth with being committed to cardio and weights, or just cardio.  Then I get off know how it goes.  Anyway, I wondered if working out would decrease the fat on the sides.  Logical, right?  But, since I never had that before I thought maybe it was connected to the surgery.  So, I asked him about it.

I find the whole scar tissue blocking the ability of gravity to do its job, interesting.  Anyway, I thought my long tale might be useful to someone as like I said, I have seen it before. 

Thanks for your thoughts and good wishes.

I have some underarm fat on one side (actually i don't know if that is just my fat or breast tissue), it was not very noticeable at the beginning, but now it shows when I tighten my pec/shoulder muscles. The muscles kind of push the fat out to a more noticeable position.
I only work out occasionally but I'm on T so I have been gaining muscle mass and fat altogether for about 10-15 lbs since the surgery. So I guess losing fat might be more helpful than putting on muscle to solve this. But based on your photo, you definitely don't look like you need to lose weight, so going for a free lipo should be the easiest fix.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Bimmer Guy on July 20, 2014, 11:18:19 PM
SXO, I actually DO need to lose weight (my weight has never been this high...or rather my gut has never been this big), but thank you!

Quote from: aleon515 on July 20, 2014, 07:40:03 PM
I agree with you both with the way you have your arms out, probably makes it look more exaggerated but there is some fat under the arms (and his explanation sound valid). I don't know if working out helps or not. Though it would build up your pecs which can't hurt the appearance. I do think this is less drastic than one I have seen elsewhere.

I don't really know re: the scars. I don't know how revision of scars works in people who have keloid scars, wouldn't you just scar from the revision? Or are there ways to mitigate that to some extent.


Keloid scars are different from hypertrophics.  People often use the terms interchangeably, unfortunately.

Keloids are the really bad ones to have.  Usually it impacts individuals of African- American decent (and maybe some other dark skinned minority groups...I'm sorry I can't remember).  Keloids are the ones that can get really huge and cauliflower like.  Those almost always come back after scar revision.  Very, very hard to treat.

Hypertrophic is not genetic, and are really quite random.  I would of course still scar from the revision, but I was hoping to have a normal yours, like anyone elses.  You can google pictures of hypertrophics.  Sometimes the revised scars don't become hypertrophic, but the chance is high that they will.  I read about people who typically get hypertrophic scars getting shots of cortisone every two weeks while the fresh incision heals to try to keep it from getting hypertrophic, but Garramone wasn't convinced that this would make a difference.

In terms of working out for the puffy sides, right, it wouldn't make a difference, as it is a scar tissue issue.  I will do the massage, as he suggests.

Thanks for coming in, Jay!
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Jeatyn on July 21, 2014, 04:29:19 AM
Hi everyone! I know it's been ages since I popped in, I still don't have any photos to show but I wanted to say why.

I got a new phone, and apparently this particular model has serious issues with the camera, mostly it just crashes the entire thing when I try and take a picture. I thought I had finally cracked it when I realised about half an hour ago that it had a front camera. All seemed to be going well...until I tried to get them onto my computer, when it tells me they're "corrupt or missing" .... soooo .... yeeeah  :P no photos I'm afraid. There's a regular digital camera somewhere in the house but I can't find it  :(

I don't really feel like that much has changed anyway. I had my 6 month post op appointment not that long ago so I guess I'm around the 6 month mark at this point, I've lost track :D

We discussed revisions, reducing the length of my nipples, dog ears...and the poofy bits in the middle of my chest. Before he could say anything though I told him I wanted to build up some muscle and lose some fat before getting anything else done, give him a better canvas to work with.

He agreed to see me again in another 6 months to see how I was getting on and if I felt I needed a revision. I'm not entirely sure that's enough time for me to get my body to a place where I'd consider it stable enough to go for a revision but we'll see. I've been so lazy with working out since surgery but I'm back on track now....on an exercise bike right this second in fact  :P

I'm really not sure about the nipple thing, though I have noticed that my nips do look permanently erect under thin shirts :P it's just the idea of having the ends of them sliced off....ick =/
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: BGking on July 24, 2014, 12:49:41 AM
9 Days Post-op update to inform all prospective guys on what they could experience after surgery.
Type: Peri-Areolar (Less invasive procedure)
Surgeon: Dr. Rockmore

I haven't felt much pain since the surgery. I was just very tired and slept for a large majority of the first week. I was prescribed weak pain killers (Percocets and an antibiotic). I didn't have a problem with either, just make sure you eat before taking them. My drains and stitches were removed two days ago. It felt very strange to have someone pull plastic tubing out of a hole in your skin but it wasn't painful; it just burned a lot. Since then I've felt 100% better than with them in. They were very irritating and kinda itchy where they were located under my arms. Now that they're gone, I feel a little less tired and less sore. Most of my left pec is still numb and my right is sore. I still have medical tape on my left because it wasn't ready to come off when the stitches were removed. The dr said the tape will fall off when it is ready. I've just been sponge bathing because I'm afraid to shower (Gross I know, I hate feeling dirty but I'm really nervous to shower). Now I'm wearing a compression vest and am just resting. But really all I can say as of now is that there hasn't been too much pain. So I hoped this helps anyone gauge the early recovery stage. I'll keep you guys updated. Here are some pictures from two days ago. (The purple is just marker and there's some dried blood around my nipples).

P.S. Anyone know any good ways to shower without ruining anything? :P

( (

( (
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: BGking on July 24, 2014, 11:25:36 AM
Quote from: chipper on July 24, 2014, 07:28:09 AM
Looking good BGking. I was also in Rockmores office 2 days ago...small world. Wonder if I saw you!

Thanks man! :) Oh wow that's crazy, what time were you there? I arrived around 1:15pm and left at about 2pm. There were several people in the waiting room when I got there so it's definitely a possibility! :P
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: BGking on July 24, 2014, 11:44:21 AM
Quote from: chipper on July 24, 2014, 11:40:25 AM
Whoa, I was there around the same time!!!
I arrived at like 1:25... left around 2pm as well. I was wearing jeans and a white t-shirt.
Whens your next follow-up appointment? I go back in September.
Do you live nearby? If you ever wanna rendezvous, I'm game.
Happy healing, amigo... your chest looks AWESOME.

No way dude! Yeah I think I did see you, did you have a hat on by chance? My next follow up is in one month; late August I believe. I don't live in NY but in Southern Massachusetts. And yeah dude definitely game, once I'm recovered a little more if you ever wanna do something just message me or someway and we can try to get together. Thanks dude!
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Jeatyn on July 25, 2014, 06:32:22 AM
Haha this is crazy this is the second meetup that's happened because of this thread :D

*waves to Maximusflavius* .... I know you're lurking there somewhere

I got my camera to work at last, huzzah, you can now all be graced with my godly physique

7 months ish post op


PS: BGKing, Dayum! To the chest and the rest of it :D As for showering, do you perhaps have a poncho? That might work.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: BGking on July 25, 2014, 04:55:43 PM
Hahah wow I didn't realize this thread has brought others together, and thank you on the compliment. :) You look incredible! You're only 7 months? Those lines are faded quite well for that amount of time! :)

I don't have a poncho, unfortunately. I'm just scared the water pressure will damage or hurt my chest as I don't have shower that can change settings. Can you feel your chest? My right is almost back to full feeling but my left (bandaged side) is still almost completely numb. It's strange. Must've "dug" a little deeper on that side as I believe it contained more tissue than the other. XD
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Jeatyn on July 25, 2014, 06:08:55 PM
I got my feeling completely back a few days after sucked, I had to go back and beg for pain meds. All good now though!

The first thing I did when I got home was attempt to shower but I had my partner just sorta hose me down avoiding the chest xD it felt like ages before I was able to give everything a good scrub and get all the stickiness and pen marks off, baby wipes are a good alternative until you can do it properly.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Jay76 on July 26, 2014, 11:28:40 AM
Quote from: Elliot on January 22, 2014, 08:56:41 AM
Congrats to everyone here on finally getting surgery! I had my surgery 6 weeks ago, was unfortunate enough to loose my left nipple graft but strangely it's still healed really well and looks a lot like a nipple so I'm not too bothered. My scars are still pretty red as it's so recent, but in terms of the general shape and appearance I'm really pleased.



Looks good, I had top surgery 10 days ago and have a lot of swelling especially on the right. Just wondered whether you had significant swelling? Also did you have a large chest originally?
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Bimmer Guy on July 26, 2014, 06:11:24 PM
BGking.  Your chest looks fantastic!  Thanks for the thorough write up and pictures.  It has been two days since you have written, so you have probably figured out the shower by now!  Garramone just had us guys keep our backs to the shower heads and slowing let the water wash over our backs down our chests.  I just would gently put soapy water across my areolas with my hands.  He told me to not face the shower head for 3 weeks.

Jeatyn, your chest looks really great!  Wow that is some good scar healing very fast.  I am happy for you.  Your chest came out really well.  Thank you for the updated picture!
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Ayden on August 07, 2014, 11:17:22 PM
Surgery date: 7/24/2014
Surgeon: Dr. Garramone

I finally get to join this thread! So, sorry for the lateness of this post. I've been enjoying an excuse to be extremely lazy and not do anything. Honestly, I need to stop being quite as lazy, as I really need to get back to my usual activities. Anyway, I'll sum up my entire experience here.

I actually ended up leaving Osaka around 1pm on July 21st and arriving in florida around 7:30-8pm on the same day thanks to the international dateline. I met my bestie/sister there in Ft. Lauderdale at the airport and we took a cab to the Comforte Suite hotel that Dr. G's office recommends. A word of warning, don't take independent cabs in Ft. Lauderdale; they are just scalpers. Go with yellow cab. It wouldn't have been a problem if I had thought to call ahead for a shuttle or get a temp cell phone before I even arrived in the country since I was not going to take my Japanese cellphone and get insane charges.

Since I live in Asia, I decided to get my physical and clearance through a local doctor in Florida rather than trying to locate an English speaking doctor here who could do the medical paperwork to the satisfaction of an American surgeon. I went to the doctor that Dr. G's office told me about on the 22nd and they were great. It was a quick in and out, fairly close to the hotel and the doctor was really nice (and nice looking to boot). Turns out I'm pretty darn healthy, aside from needing to lose a little weight, which I already knew. I was able to do a walk in with their office at around 9am, and I was out by 11, I think. From there we went to walmart and stocked up on more than enough things and an ungodly amount junk food. Ever since we were kids, the second my best and I get together we revert to being daring 7 year olds who think that our stomachs are made of iron and that very small graphical errors on video games are the most hilarious thing in the world. She also suggested picking up some canned soups which, as it turned out, was a very good idea. We did order out a few times, but that was because I wanted to. We really wouldn't have had to at all.

The 23rd was the pre-op and I was scheduled for 11am. I arrived, checked in and found out from Jodi that my bloodwork had not been faxed over. I called the doctor's office, had a mini panic attack and ended up waiting until 1pm to be seen. I'm not sure if this was because of the paperwork (which had still not arrived when I was called back) or because of how busy he was. There were so many other guys in there that it was crazy. I mean, I know that there are a lot more of us out there than who are on here, but honestly, I had never expected to see so many guys there like me. It was kind of interesting. Though, I believe I was the only gay one, which was made funnier by the fact that everyone assumed S was my girlfriend. Anyway, pre-op was short and sweet, couple of pictures and I had to lose my nipple piercings, but I'm getting those puppies back eventually, if only for aesthetics. I was given three prescriptions (antibiotic, painkiller, nausea meds) and I went ahead and purchased the arnica and the bromelain, as well as the scarguard from his office. I probably would have been fine without the herbals, but I figured it couldn't hurt and frankly, I think they did help. They told me if it was a cost issue to just get scarguard, but after the amount of money I had put in a little more wasn't going to hurt. His office is located near a Publix and they offer a pretty good discount on the prescriptions from his office, so its certainly not a huge deal to pick them up in Florida.

As it turned out, I was the first surgery of the day on 7/24, so I had to get there at 6am. After some paperwork, the surgical center fee and a urine sample I was taken back to the pre-op area. I forgot my compression socks in the hotel room, but I actually ended up not needing them at all since they have heated leg massaging things they put on you in the OR. After getting dressed in my lovely gown and getting settled in the bed I got to meet the anesthesiologist and the RN who was in the OR with me. They were both quite nice and the nurse had an excellent manner. I had a conch piercing which gave them some trouble getting out (I also wasn't able to get it back in, sadly). S was brought back with me and she and I ended up chatting and, as per usual, laughing like hyenas. Dr. G. came back and drew on my chest. I was really relieved to see that he was awake and alert, since I am a terrible morning person. The nurse thought we were amusing and even commented that I apparently didn't need "happy drugs" in my IV. When they did give me the benzo, I have to say, that was awesome. Everything was great. My nurse that I probably wouldn't remember anything, but I do remember a good deal compared to what I've heard others say. In the OR I was moved to another table, covered with a toasty blanket, had my arms strapped out and the leg massagers put on. I remember telling the nurses about Alaska and live in Osaka and when the anethesia was put in my IV it burned a little. I remember complaining to the anesthesiologist that she needed to "heat up the drugs before she molested me with them", then taking two deep breathe from the oxygen mask, everything getting fuzzy and nothing. I woke up in the recovery room and I was in pain. Apparently I woke up way too early and I was given from demerol for the pain, though for some reason the nurse gave me a shot instead of putting in my IV (a fact that I still am kinda ticked about). S was brought back early my mistake and I remember her talked to me and I think I was complaining to her about hurting. Anyway, I dozed back off and I apparently I slept for two more hours. It was after 11 when I finally woke up, and I could still feel a decent amount of pain. The nurse wouldn't give me anything else, and in hindsight she knew what she was doing. I was pissed though.

The next several days were actually a lot easier than I thought they would be. I slept that first day and its pretty much a haze. But, after that I was fine and aside from some drowsiness from the pain medication I didn't sleep any more than normal. I just did so in weird bursts and my hours are still wonky. I'm waking up at 5:30am and falling asleep at like, 9. I had a draining problem with my right drain that we had to go back to the surgical center to address. The nurse showed us how to empty the drains but she did not tell us how to strip them in the event that they became clogged, which is exactly what happened with my right one. I went in the day after surgery, maybe about 24 hours after surgery and Dr. G stripped the drain and showed us how to do it. He was really sweet about it and was pretty surprised by how much sensation I had. I could feel the vacuum in the drain basically suck a lot of fluid out. It was weirdest feeling, and it hurt a decent bit. He patted my shoulder a few times and told me "Don't worry, you're fine buddy!" It ended up being a good thing that I went in though, because the bulb was a malfunctioning one and the drain stopper that prevented fluid from going back up popped out when he stripped the drain. They changed it free of charge and I was in and out in maybe an hour and half, though it only took so long because Dr. G was in surgery. That and the constipation are the only hiccups I have had in recovery thus far.

My range of movement is coming back great, and I can get around a lot better than I thought I would be able to. The only strange thing is the differed sensation from the nerves and the weird pulling sensation I get around my left nipple. Its painful, just really weird. My nipples look icky, but I think that's to be expected. I'll post pictures eventually. I have A LOT of sensation though, and the only numbness is my scars a small area around them. I can feel some stinging in the nipple grafts when water his them and I can feel pressure and some sensation when I put the xeroform and nerosporin on.

The flight back wasn't too bad, I managed to get around fine. I would say to anyone travelling internationally get as direct a route as possible like I did and avoid JFK if possible, That airport was a damn nightmare for me.

So, with the overview out of the way, I'll get into a couple specifics:

Dr. Garramone was really, really sweet. I don't get what the complaints about his bedside manner are. He was friendly, relaxed, open, professional and generally just very comfortable to be around. His staff were great, all of my questions were answered in a timely fashion and I have no complaints. When my paperwork had not cleared, I told them the name of the doctor and that was the end of that. Jodi and Dr. Garramone said that they knew the doctor I saw and he was excellent about getting results to them. In the event that they had not had them at the end of the business day, Dr. Garramone said he knew he would have them in the morning no problem. I honestly can't think of a single complaint about the practice, and after my reveal, I felt very confident that I had made the right choice. Due to my weight (I'm not huge, I'm just stocky and a bit heavy at the moment, though I am already losing weight) I was concerned about dogearring and needing lipo, but after taking the tape off the incisions (I did so in the shower last night) I have no puckering, no dogearring, my incisions are flat and for the most part very straight. I have very little swelling that is already noticeably less and I had only a slight amount of bruising. I honestly can't even imagine myself going anywhere else.

I do have one warning I want to give to others though: Dr. G DOES NOT take chest tattoos into consideration when placing nipples. So, if you are anal about your tattoos potentially being disrupted by a nipple being grafted on top of them you may want to reconsider surgeons or talk to him during your consultation. My right nipple is placed partially in my tattoo and my left just barely covers a bit of it. I don't really mind and it doesn't screw up my ink all that much, but if it had been an elaborate one it may have ended up looking worse. I don't regret my choice at all, but some people may.

Another thing I wanted to mention was my choice of lodging (very happy with) and weird encounter my friend had. After a lot of thought I decided against NBR. A lot of people swear by it, but it just didn't sit right with me for some reason. I already dislike being around a lot of strangers and I never liked bed and breakfasts, so I didn't see the appeal at all. The selling point of 'you can meet a lot people' was not appealing to me and I wasn't really going there to be social. I know I could have stayed in my room, but it would have still been staying in someone's home essentially. I didn't need company or anything like that since S and I are really quite skilled at entertaining ourselves. We laughed at emulator program because it was called 'sluss' for about, I'm sadly not kidding, 15 minutes. I nearly pee'd myself. So I was not worried about being bored. Yes, we had to take cabs, but it wasn't that much really, and even with buying my own food for the hotel (every room comes with a fridge and microwave since they have a lot of post-op recovery stays) and paying for cabs, it ended up being the same price if not a little less than going to NBR. The day of surgery, I didn't need to take cabs at all, as the office set me up with a car service free of charge there and back to the hotel. It was an excellent service. The only hiccup was that the guy who had surgery after me left at the same time (since I slept for so long after) and thanks to his mother and my being insanely loopy the driver took five of us back to the hotel. I should have just taken the car since it was for me and not all of us, but I wasn't in the mindset to make any choices (normally I would have thrown a fit) and S didn't want to make me wait any longer since I really just wanted to get back and sleep. But, the important point is that it was free and still essentially being put in a van and driven back, so that was no different than if i had stayed at NBR.

At the surgical center, when I was in surgery, the owner of NBR came to the surgical center and was handing out his card and inviting people to come to the retreat for get together/social event. He was talking to another couple and tapped S on the shoulder, handed her his card and invited her and her partner to come hang out and chill with 'the guys'. It struck her as odd and it does to me too. I mean, its a surgical center that about 30 doctors work at and Dr. G wasn't the only one who had patients there. I'm sure he would say he was doing it be nice, but to me its just really, really weird. I mean, he handed out his card to random people and invited people who had just had surgery, who were staying in hotels and who couldn't shower or be presentable or in some cases sober thanks to pain meds, to come and hang out at his b&b/house. How did he knew she was with me? She wasn't wearing a sign, so unless he was looking at her computer while she messaged my husband to let him I know I was okay, that means he was just assuming random things about random people. That doesn't sit right with me. Its just a strange, kinda creepy and odd thing to do. So, thanks to that and a few other things I have been told and read, I am extremely happy I didn't go there.

The rides to from surgery, the cost which ended up being the same if not cheaper, the weird encounter and the fact that I met one of the nurses that Dr. Garramone puts the guys traveling alone in touch with and she was very sweet, I honestly can't see any reason why they are a better choice than a hotel. Unless you are exceedingly social or can't manage on your own, I don't think its worth it. That's just me. I'm sure the owner is a nice enough guy, and I don't have anything against him. This is just my opinion and my thoughts, so don't take anything I say as gospel or even personally. A lot of guys swear by their experiences, and a lot of them think it was not the best idea. I fall into the latter.

I've pretty much written a novel... yeesh. Sorry for the wall o'text. If anyone has any specific questions I will do my best to answer them. I have a couple of quick questions of my own for guys who went to Dr. G.

-Did you guys use the scarguard or did you go directly to using strips?
-Did you wear your ace bandage the two weeks after drain removal or did you wearing it for longer/shorter duration?
-Now much neosporin did you use over the xeroform and did it last all three weeks? I swear it looks like it isn't enough at all.
-How did you know you were healed enough to stop bandaging the nipples?

I'm so overly paranoid about screwing up my results.

ETA: I promised S that I would add that I was an awful patient and even if you can do something, probably don't if you don't have to and let someone else do it. I was okay to travel but I did tire much faster. I'm almost fine to do most things around my house but I have to keep telling myself its okay to harass my husband.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: aleon515 on August 08, 2014, 12:20:28 AM
I'm not going to reply to all Ayden's stuff about NBR, except to say I had a decent stay. But it's good there are many options for for folks.

I'll just answer your questions here as I think I could. Also I agree that Dr G is a nice guy and has a business like manner. I was not turned off by it. I also liked his staff and found them helpful.

1. Don't use Scarguard. It flakes off and smells nasty. Your best choice and one you should try is the Scaraway strips. Some people have had luck with generics but I didn't. Your second is to use the scaraway gel. Scaraway stays on forever, but a disadvantage is that it dries slowly. Scarguard dries quickly because it has acetone or something in it. No one mentioned the smell but me. Bowled me over.
(Since you got the bottle, go ahead and use it up. It doesn't last long.)

2. I didn't exactly wear as long as he recommended as I think  this is a new thing. I kind of ended up stopping, I don't think I suffered for it. He wants you to remember you had top surgery. I am not 20 years old and wouldn't be doing anything dopey.
3. A regular sized tube lasted me the whole time. I don't think I had much left. You don't have to plaster it on. Less is more, as they say. More will just come off. You are trying to keep it moist that's the idea actually.
4. I kept with his recommendations. He says 3 weeks after he unwraps you, and that's what I did. I didn't do it a day longer than I needed to and was very sore and itchy and ready to take the darn things off.

I'm pretty independent and the only thing I didn't do when i got home is take out the trash and clean the cat litter box because they involved lifting more than 10 lbs.

Oh yeah and welcome to the clone army! :)

Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Ayden on August 08, 2014, 01:19:35 AM
Jay: thanks for info! I'm such a worrier. Maybe we should get a clone club lapel pin or something!

Like I hoped I had made clear, and I will say it again:  I have nothing against NBR. I'm sure it's a nice place and the owners are nice people. I am just glad I didn't stay there. I don't think me or S would have been comfortable.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Kreuzfidel on August 08, 2014, 06:36:08 AM
6 Months Post-Op

Surgeon:  Dr. Megan Hassall
Location:  Sydney, Australia
Surgery Date:  23 January, 2014
Surgery Type:  Bilateral Subcutaneous Mastectomy with Nipple Grafts (right nipple, full graft; left nipple, pedicle preserved)

So I thought I'd do my 6-month update, although it's actually a bit past 6 months now. 

The skin puckering/wrinkling that I was so worried about initially (due to the dressings causing my skin to crinkle along the incision lines) seems to have mostly disappeared now (thank goodness for the wonders of skin elasticity).  Overall, I'm bloody pleased!  Sure, there are a few imperfections, but that's pretty standard, I think.

The nipple that was free-grafted, and which I feared would reject, is doing great.  The scarring is more noticeable inside and around that nipple and it's become slightly elongated and is a tad bit larger and higher than the left - but meh.  It looks like a nipple, so I don't really care too much.  It survived.

Sensation-wise, there's more feeling around my nipple area now - and by that I mean about a 4 inch radius from the nipples which was initially numb.  The feelings are a bit like when your foot has gone to sleep and is waking up.  The nipples themselves still have zero sensation, but I'm not bothered by it as nipple sensation was not something I cared about in the first place.

At this point, I'm not thinking about a revision even though there are places where I think that more tissue could be excised.  I'm pretty happy with the result, and working out has helped build up the look of the area, too.  The scars are super-fine and fading nicely. 

Close-up of the scars:

The overall result:


Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Bimmer Guy on August 08, 2014, 06:29:49 PM
Ayden!  Congrats, clone brother!  So, glad you are doing well.  Thanks for being long winded.  I loved reading every detail!

I concur with you about Garramone's personality.  I have never understood those who experienced him in a different way.  However, we are all human, so I am sure he has off days.

1) Scar guard sucks.  Ditto what Jay said.  Why do you guys keep falling into the trap of buying Scar Guard at Garramone's (no offense :)) ?  I think the supplements he sells are of use, but I bought them prior to going.  Cheaper and one of them you are supposed to start taking 3 days prior to surgery. 
2)I didn't wear the ace bandage.  As Jay said, the only purpose of it is to remind you to not lift your arms or do something stupid.  The purpose is not compression.
3)I used a medium amount of neosporine.  Garramone pointed out the importance of not putting on a big blob.  In terms of the xerofoam lasting, I was a freak about it, worrying about not having enough.  Then I see a couple months later you can buy some yourself online, so don't drive yourself bonkers, just buy more.
4) I would suggest that you follow the instructions and bandage the areolas for 21 days, period.  If at day 22 you are uncomfortable stopping bandaging, call the office.

I am glad that you are happy with your choice of lodging.  If you look at Garramone's site, you will see that he no longer recommends a specific hotel.  In conversation with Garramone's office recently I learned that things have settled back down between Garramone and NBR.  This is the second falling out they have had over the past 4 years.  They have such an odd relationship.  I think the owner's personality and how he relates to others can really rub people the wrong way.  He also has no filter and doesn't think about how he says things or even what he says, half the time.  This is what gets him into trouble, imho.  Garramone's FB posts certainly made it seem like something horrible happened.  Now you ask the office about NBR and they just give you a shrug and say some like staying there, some don't, they don't have an opinion.  Like I said, weird those two.

Please post pics when you are ready.  I am really very happy for you.  Are you glad that you gave yourself that one extra night before going home?  Also, glad to hear you got through the drain issue.  Glad you got into him quickly and got it taken care of.

You didn't post your surgery date at the beginning of your post.  What was the date again?
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Bimmer Guy on August 08, 2014, 06:36:00 PM

You look freaking AMAZING my friend!  Wow, the incision lines, the nipples, etc.  She did a good job, but what you have done with your workouts is what makes your chest look so kick ass!  Love the avatar!

Really glad you posted! 
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Ayden on August 08, 2014, 09:24:03 PM
Brett: thanks for info. I think I'm over complicating everything in my head a little. I bought some scar away strips so now I just have to wait for them to get here.

You know, I think you probably summed up things between the two quite well. S said that it was just odd but not threatening. I'm glad to hear that they worked things out. The hotel was very comfortable so as far as recommendations it was a good one, but I'm sure everyone makes the right choice for them.

Yes, I am very happy that I stayed the extra night. I think with domestic flights leaving later the same day would be okay. With long international flights I think one extra night is enough time. A few extra hours to make sure nothing goes amiss and rest can't hurt. I doubt anyone would need more than an one night though. Mostly though, it was that I had a day to move comfortably and stretch and such before I hopped on a 22 hour trip and a 15 hour flight.

I will add my dates to the beginning of my post here in a sec, thanks for the reminder.

Kreuzfidel: Damn man! You look great! Your incision lines are super thin and really neat. Have you started a regular workout routine yet?
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Bimmer Guy on August 08, 2014, 09:45:29 PM
I'm sorry Ayden, you did say the date in your post, 7/24!  I actually read half before work and half after (I was running late), and forgot!

Don't worry about being paranoid.  I was ultra, crazy, crazy paranoid.  I accounted for everything to ensure the best result.  And guess what?  I got hypertrophic scars.  Thick, hard, vessel induced scars (sounds scary...but true!).  This is something I couldn't account for.

Point is, try not to stress too much, as you only have so much control over the situation.   ;D

How many weeks will you be out of work?  Don't you work with preschoolers?  How are you going to get around the whole not picking them up thing?  I remember you brought this up a long time ago.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Kreuzfidel on August 08, 2014, 10:22:58 PM
Thanks, Brett and Ayden.  :D  I'm definitely not seeing the result I'd imagined I'd see this time 6 months ago - that being a GOOD thing haha

@ Ayden, yeah I've been on my regular routine now.  I'm only hitting the weights 3x a week and following up with half an hour of cardio to cut.  Slow-going, but hopefully gonna be worth it.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Ayden on August 09, 2014, 02:29:17 AM

Quote from: Brett on August 08, 2014, 09:45:29 PM
I'm sorry Ayden, you did say the date in your post, 7/24!  I actually read half before work and half after (I was running late), and forgot!

Don't worry about being paranoid.  I was ultra, crazy, crazy paranoid.  I accounted for everything to ensure the best result.  And guess what?  I got hypertrophic scars.  Thick, hard, vessel induced scars (sounds scary...but true!).  This is something I couldn't account for.

Point is, try not to stress too much, as you only have so much control over the situation.   ;D

How many weeks will you be out of work?  Don't you work with preschoolers?  How are you going to get around the whole not picking them up thing?  I remember you brought this up a long time ago.

I'm trying not to over stress myself! I had a nightmare that I bent over and my nipples fell off a few nights ago and now I keep squatting instead of bending over. At least I have really, insanely strong legs!

I know you have the bad scarring. Dr. G told me he didnt think I would scar badly, but he also said he had been wrong in the past. I figure, I have healed well from past injuries so we shall see. Either way, it's worth it to me to be rid of the twins.

I'm actually on medical leave from work. It's a small company and right now there is a huge shift at the school so I'm on medical leave until I feel I'm able to go back to work. When that time comes, if I chose to go back, all I need to do is tell my bosses. I'm still in regular contact with my bosses and their son and a few of the staff and teachers as well as parents, so I'm not too worried about job security. It really helps me to know that I don't have to worry about looking after little ones in this shape. They are too precious for me not play with and I don't want any of them getting hurt because I'm not tip top.

Quote from: Kreuzfidel on August 08, 2014, 10:22:58 PM
Thanks, Brett and Ayden.  :D  I'm definitely not seeing the result I'd imagined I'd see this time 6 months ago - that being a GOOD thing haha

@ Ayden, yeah I've been on my regular routine now.  I'm only hitting the weights 3x a week and following up with half an hour of cardio to cut.  Slow-going, but hopefully gonna be worth it.

It's already showing, keep at it. When did you feel up to doing weights? That's what I'm amped for. I'm glad to see that you're back to normal in such a short amount of time! I'm hoping I get even a tiny bit of your luck.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: rexyrex on August 09, 2014, 06:38:59 AM
Thought I update my peri-areolar from yelland.

6months post op. :)
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Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Bimmer Guy on August 09, 2014, 09:25:48 AM
Ayden, good to hear you don't have to worry about work!

In terms of scars, my history is that I heal really well, including scars.  Hypertrophic scars typically happen on the torso and shoulders and since I have never been cut there, there was no way to know.  This is something no doc can know in advance.  No worries about it though....very small percentage!

I tell you what, though.  I love the way my chest is shaped minus the scars.  I would take this shaped chest WITH the scars (under the assumption they will eventually fade, but will still be a WIDE faded scar, unfortunately), over a chest that isn't shaped this way with thinner, less pronounced scars.  I need to remember to remain grateful to have even been able to get this surgery.  Somehow your post was a reminder of this.  Thank you!

I do plan to return to Garrramone for a revision on the sides.  I hate feeling skin against the inside of my arms.  It is very uncomfortable and feels weird.  I keep thinking maybe it is in my head, that I just didn't notice before because I always had a binder on, but it really isn't the case.  It is very bothersome.  Other guys clearly have this same thing happening, but I have never seen anyone talk about it before.  So, that people know what I am talking about, read post #518, page 26.

I wish I had asked how long I would have to stay in the area if I got this done when I talked with Garramone a few weeks ago.  Does anyone know?  Meaning, when a person gets a little bit of lipo what the recovery is like?  I guess I have to look this up, as I have no framework for this.  I have this vision of staying there two nights and then coming home...which is just completely made up in my head. 



I think that your chest looks perfect.  You can't tell at all that you had any type of surgery!  Really good.  Is Yelland part of the NHS?  Thanks for the update. 

Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: rexyrex on August 09, 2014, 12:00:32 PM
Quote from: Brett on August 09, 2014, 09:25:48 AM

I think that your chest looks perfect.  You can't tell at all that you had any type of surgery!  Really good.  Is Yelland part of the NHS?  Thanks for the update. 

He actually private, but he will work under the NHS too.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: FTMDiaries on August 09, 2014, 01:37:45 PM
Quote from: rexyrex on August 09, 2014, 06:38:59 AM
Thought I update my peri-areolar from yelland.

6months post op. :)

Great result! I'm well jel. Yelland is brilliant, isn't he?
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: rexyrex on August 09, 2014, 02:04:44 PM
Quote from: FTMDiaries on August 09, 2014, 01:37:45 PM
Great result! I'm well jel. Yelland is brilliant, isn't he?

Indeed he is, nurses were also very good too.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: dapperseb on August 15, 2014, 12:32:47 PM
Hello everyone! I had my surgery on August 7th with Dr. Garramone. He was super friendly, he joked around with me, talked about his favorite places to go in the area because I'm local. I live within 40 minutes of his office, and he said it's unusual to get someone so close come in because he usually gets people from all over the world.
I had very very little pain post op. Most of it has been in my back due to the ace bandage.
As for my chest, I learned that I am allergic to medical tape. My whole chest is covered in blisters and it's awful. The tape was itchy and burned and was stuck to me so bad that my friend actually ended up ripping it trying to get it off of me (the post op nipple dressing tape).
I actually don't like not wearing the ace wrap because my chest feels so foreign to me. I was overwhelmed by how it looked at first. I thought it looked weird and I wasn't sure if I even liked it. But I'm sure that's to be expected considering it has been a part of me for a very long time. The more I look at it, the more I love it. He had to join the incisions in the middle because of how heavy my chest was. I'm ok with that. I also noticed I have a little bit of extra skin under my left armpit that's really bugging me, but other than that, it looks great!
My whole chest is totally numb with random twinges here and there. I feel like I can feel my nipples reattaching, it's very odd. Very tight as well, which is the reason I don't like not wearing the ace, it makes me feel like the sensation is from the bandage and not my chest itself. Idk, I'm weird.
I kind of feel nervous about my right nipple because it looks like one of the stitches may have come out too early at the top and it's kind of peeling up? Idk. I'm really paranoid about losing them lol.
I also now look like I'm pregnant and never realized just how much my stomach stuck out LOL. It's also very weird to have my nipples so close to my armpits o.O

Linking some photos - warning, the blisters are gross.

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Front view.
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Left side.

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Right side.
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Skin puff.

EDIT: I forgot to note that the scars on my stomach are from birth and not in any way attributed to my surgeon. I've learned that I have to add that disclaimer because for some reason people have a problem with Garramone and I've seen them take photos of other people with scars not attributed to the surgeon and try to say that they're from him.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Bimmer Guy on August 15, 2014, 09:42:41 PM
Hey,dapperseb, you look great!

Sorry to hear about the allergy.  Those blisters look painful!

Try not to worry about your areolas/nipples.  They are going to look good, then bad, then good, then bad....  you get the drift.  It will all work out in the end.

The left side is probably just swelling.  I would give it a good solid 9 months before you decide otherwise.

Welcome to the Garramone clone club!   :laugh:

Happy healing and thanks for posting your sugery experience and pics!

Keep us updated.

Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: dapperseb on August 19, 2014, 06:41:45 PM
So I'm about 12 days post op now, things seem to be healing up nicely. I'm becoming less numb and more sore but I see that as a good thing because at least it's a sensation.
I do have one concern, my right drain hole has not closed up at all and if i pull the skin around it, it's actually quite large.
I was thinking about just continuing with my sterilization of the area and using some butterfly bandages to close it up and calling the doctor if it doesn't close up a little bit within a week.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Bimmer Guy on August 19, 2014, 07:57:48 PM
Quote from: dapperseb on August 19, 2014, 06:41:45 PM
So I'm about 12 days post op now, things seem to be healing up nicely. I'm becoming less numb and more sore but I see that as a good thing because at least it's a sensation.
I do have one concern, my right drain hole has not closed up at all and if i pull the skin around it, it's actually quite large.
I was thinking about just continuing with my sterilization of the area and using some butterfly bandages to close it up and calling the doctor if it doesn't close up a little bit within a week.

Glad to hear you are carrying on ok, dapperseb.  I don't remember what my drain holes looked like, so I can't help you there.  But, are you saying that you can pull the skin apart?  As if you need stitches?  That would concern me a bit.  If so, I would take a picture of that and send in email to him.  Call the front desk and ask them to have Garramone look at it and email you back.  Or, if it isn't too bad, do the butterfly bandage, like you said.

Let us know how it goes.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Ayden on August 19, 2014, 08:49:44 PM

Quote from: dapperseb on August 19, 2014, 06:41:45 PM
So I'm about 12 days post op now, things seem to be healing up nicely. I'm becoming less numb and more sore but I see that as a good thing because at least it's a sensation.
I do have one concern, my right drain hole has not closed up at all and if i pull the skin around it, it's actually quite large.
I was thinking about just continuing with my sterilization of the area and using some butterfly bandages to close it up and calling the doctor if it doesn't close up a little bit within a week.

If you are concerned, like Brett said, give them a call. The office won't answer emails from post op patients (from what I've heard from other guys) but they do well with phone calls.

My drain hole on my right side (it was always my problem side) closed up around day 15 or 16 I think. I just kept it covered with a bandaid pulled tight. It looked like it was open but my husband said he could see it filling in. Keep an eye on it and if you see any inflammation or it's painful you'll want to call them.

Make sure you take it easy man. I'll keep my fingers crossed for a fast recovery.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: dapperseb on August 21, 2014, 12:35:47 PM
Thanks for your replies! We just put some butterfly strips over them and left them be.
I went to see my OBGYN today (she's the one who prescribes my T and does my blood work) for my 3 month hormone checkup and she asked to take a look at my chest.

She said everything looks really great and i told her about the drain holes, she said they haven't closed because there's still some fluid that wants to drain out. She told me to keep an eye on it and help it along by massaging around my drain holes and my body will take care of the excess fluid on its own.
She also told me to massage that puff of skin on my right side because it's fluid as well and everything should get sorted on its own if I massage it and keep compression on it even after I'm allowed to stop wearing the ace wrap.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: aleon515 on August 21, 2014, 01:58:01 PM
Just noticed this one. Odd.

Yes, Scarguard is junk, why is it you all buy it from Dr Garramone (and it's not even discounted)? Everything I've read about Arnica is that it is good stuff. But he charges triple quadruple of what you can buy it elsewhere. It's not expensive under $10 a bottle. I don't know re: Bromelian, but this is not expensive either elsewhere.
I bought xeroform online (couldn't find locally).

I agree re: Dr Garramone. He was nice and professional enough. He's a surgeon so I don't exactly expect "cuddly". :)  I found him calming and encouraging. (Of course, he did say I was very good looking for my age, I think he meant my chest though. LOL)

Funny, how he's changed his mind re: NBR. I think the two of them (Leland at NBR and Dr G) have unusual personalities. Both nice guys but I can see they might have a more of a personality issue. Perhaps they both have the ability to rub folks the wrong way sometimes. Yeah it sounded like something awful happened.

Happy healing all you guys.


Quote from: Brett on August 08, 2014, 06:29:49 PM
Ayden!  Congrats, clone brother!  So, glad you are doing well.  Thanks for being long winded.  I loved reading every detail!

I concur with you about Garramone's personality.  I have never understood those who experienced him in a different way.  However, we are all human, so I am sure he has off days.

1) Scar guard sucks.  Ditto what Jay said.  Why do you guys keep falling into the trap of buying Scar Guard at Garramone's (no offense :)) ?  I think the supplements he sells are of use, but I bought them prior to going.  Cheaper and one of them you are supposed to start taking 3 days prior to surgery. 

I am glad that you are happy with your choice of lodging.  If you look at Garramone's site, you will see that he no longer recommends a specific hotel.  In conversation with Garramone's office recently I learned that things have settled back down between Garramone and NBR.  This is the second falling out they have had over the past 4 years.  They have such an odd relationship.  I think the owner's personality and how he relates to others can really rub people the wrong way.  He also has no filter and doesn't think about how he says things or even what he says, half the time.  This is what gets him into trouble, imho.  Garramone's FB posts certainly made it seem like something horrible happened.  Now you ask the office about NBR and they just give you a shrug and say some like staying there, some don't, they don't have an opinion.  Like I said, weird those two.

Please post pics when you are ready.  I am really very happy for you.  Are you glad that you gave yourself that one extra night before going home?  Also, glad to hear you got through the drain issue.  Glad you got into him quickly and got it taken care of.

You didn't post your surgery date at the beginning of your post.  What was the date again?
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Bimmer Guy on August 24, 2014, 12:13:59 PM
10.5 months update

Hey, guys.  So, it has been two months since my last update.  I just wanted to say that the hypertrophic scars have gone down a mild/moderate amount!  I am very glad for this.  Still raised, of course, but definitely somewhat deflated at least a small bit in almost all areas of the scars, which is new.  I think it is the massaging I have been doing most nights.  I know that time is a part of it, but there is a big enough jump over the past two months, that I really think that massage has helped.

I have also decided that I am going to get the liposuction on the sides.  Since I often have my shirt off in the house (seems I am always waiting for the kelo cote to dry, plus I am hot because it is summer here), I really notice the feeling of my sides against the inside of my arms.  I just can't get used to it.  It really creeps me out for some reason.  Of course, the improved look of my chest is the biggest reason for the revision, but this feeling is really propelling it, as well.

Does anyone know how long I will be out of commission?  I have no idea how liposuction recovery works.  Has anyone had a revision that included only liposuction?

I wish I had asked him on the phone.  I don't know why I didn't think to do that.  I am really conscious of taking up his time on the phone, which is probably why.

Any information or thoughts would be appreciated.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Adam (birkin) on August 25, 2014, 02:00:38 AM
Quote from: aleon515 on August 21, 2014, 01:58:01 PM
(Of course, he did say I was very good looking for my age, I think he meant my chest though. LOL)

haha I just had to acknowledge this, that's so funny and slightly rattling at the same time.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: aleon515 on August 25, 2014, 11:52:55 PM
Not at my age Birkin. :)


Quote from: birkin on August 25, 2014, 02:00:38 AM
haha I just had to acknowledge this, that's so funny and slightly rattling at the same time.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: dapperseb on August 26, 2014, 08:02:17 AM
Hey everyone!
Just a little update/question.
I decided to stop wearing the ace wrap because I feel like it's just too much trouble. It's too difficult to get on by myself in the mornings, even then I can only wear it for a few hours because it makes my ribs and under arms sore. I've had it off since early last night but right now right above my incisions under my arm pits is SUPER sore if I touch that area.
Does anyone know if it's possible to just compress that one side where the skin puffs out under my arm pit without having to wrap a bandage around me? I've been massaging it when I remember, but she said compression should help too.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Bimmer Guy on August 26, 2014, 06:41:21 PM
Quote from: dapperseb on August 26, 2014, 08:02:17 AM
Hey everyone!
Just a little update/question.
I decided to stop wearing the ace wrap because I feel like it's just too much trouble. It's too difficult to get on by myself in the mornings, even then I can only wear it for a few hours because it makes my ribs and under arms sore. I've had it off since early last night but right now right above my incisions under my arm pits is SUPER sore if I touch that area.
Does anyone know if it's possible to just compress that one side where the skin puffs out under my arm pit without having to wrap a bandage around me? I've been massaging it when I remember, but she said compression should help too.

I wouldn't consider doing anything other than your surgeon says.  Which may include wearing something uncomfortable.  Call her.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: dapperseb on September 03, 2014, 11:25:03 AM
Almost 4 weeks post op. Supposed to stop dressing my nipples on Friday but I don' think I will be doing that just yet.

Can anyone tell me if this is normal? Both of my areolas are fine but the nipples themselves are gross. They're both yellowy, but the right one is like liquid, like it's straight up pus with a hard little scab in the center that moves around when I touch it. I'm just concerned about them falling out or something. The left one doesn't move around.

( (
Right nipple.

( (
Left nipple.

Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Bimmer Guy on September 03, 2014, 07:36:22 PM
Honestly, everyone heals differently, so it could be completely fine.  I would email your surgeon the photos and ask for a call.

Quote from: dapperseb on September 03, 2014, 11:25:03 AM
Almost 4 weeks post op. Supposed to stop dressing my nipples on Friday but I don' think I will be doing that just yet.

Can anyone tell me if this is normal? Both of my areolas are fine but the nipples themselves are gross. They're both yellowy, but the right one is like liquid, like it's straight up pus with a hard little scab in the center that moves around when I touch it. I'm just concerned about them falling out or something. The left one doesn't move around.

( (
Right nipple.

( (
Left nipple.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Alexthecat on September 15, 2014, 07:24:49 AM
So there was like a little tiny scab looking thing on my nipple. It had been there for awhile. After a few flicks with my finger nail it came off and gobs of white puss oozed out. Anyone have that happen to them this late in the healing?
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: MaximmusFlavius on September 21, 2014, 10:16:01 AM
I thought it was about time I posted an update, so here are pictures of my chest 4months and 3 weeks post op. My surgeon was Mr Yelland, Brighton, UK.


The asymmetry is nowhere near as pronounced as it looks in this picture. The scar on the right side does not dip anywhere near as much in real life (compare to the second picture).


The scars have stretched more that I would have liked but that's due to me doing too much in the way of physical activities too soon I think. I also have annoying acne which I am more self conscious of than my scars. A few times I've had spots come up underneath the scars.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Bimmer Guy on September 21, 2014, 12:24:59 PM
Hey, Mazimmus, you are looking good!  You didn't post who your surgeon was?  I know you posted it before, but would you mind editing the beginning of your post to include it?  You have a good result, so guys may want to know from these pictures who your surgeon is!

For what it is worth, your scars don't really look stretched to me.  Everyone's skin heals differently and I have seen guys who took great care to not move much still have scars the width of yours.

Are you using any kind of scar treatment?

Thanks for the update!
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: MaximmusFlavius on September 21, 2014, 12:37:23 PM
Quote from: Brett on September 21, 2014, 12:24:59 PM
Hey, Mazimmus, you are looking good!  You didn't post who your surgeon was?  I know you posted it before, but would you mind editing the beginning of your post to include it?  You have a good result, so guys may want to know from these pictures who your surgeon is!

For what it is worth, your scars don't really look stretched to me.  Everyone's skin heals differently and I have seen guys who took great care to not move much still have scars the width of yours.

Are you using any kind of scar treatment?

Thanks for the update!

Done  :)

The only scar treatment I've been doing is applying kelocote most mornings and evenings (I sometimes forget). I also have a massage bar a friend gave me from lush that I use occasionally called therapy.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: harlee on October 06, 2014, 08:08:59 PM
I'm 2 days away from being 1 month post op and this is what it's currently looking like...
I feel as if the stitches weren't still there, my areolas would be almost invisible :P I was hoping they would be more healed at this stage. Also on my left side (right in the picture) I am experiencing some swelling and now bruising. Before it was a lump, I could feel my muscle or something twitching in that area (around 2 weeks post op). The lump formed after I accidentally coughed pretty hard at around 2 and half weeks. Just recently in the last week it's gotten the bruising colour. I'm not sure what to do, even wearing the compression bandage isn't making it smaller. Any advice? 


Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: devention on October 08, 2014, 02:53:49 PM
Contact your surgeon and tell them what's going on. You may have burst an interior stitch by coughing and it's fluid buildup. Send pictures if they ask.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Bimmer Guy on October 08, 2014, 06:10:59 PM
I would definitely contact your surgeon.  Chest looks great, by the way!  Congrats on your surgery!
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: amd on October 09, 2014, 10:21:16 PM
Hi all,

I think I figured out how to post my latest picture, from 5 weeks postop DI with free nipple graftswith Dr.
Garramone. You can see the swelling under my right arm that I am worried about
( (

Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: devention on October 10, 2014, 08:12:58 PM
That looks great, AMD!
I wouldn't worry too much about the swelling at this point. From what I understand, swelling is pretty normal until up to a year post-op. It might be dog-earring, though; I'd ask Garramone about it.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: amd on October 10, 2014, 09:16:28 PM
Quote from: devention on October 10, 2014, 08:12:58 PM
That looks great, AMD!
I wouldn't worry too much about the swelling at this point. From what I understand, swelling is pretty normal until up to a year post-op. It might be dog-earring, though; I'd ask Garramone about it.
Thanks, devention! Yeah, I am trying to be patient.  It still feels really sore and tender under there, so it very well could be partly swelling that will go down more.  I may wait a bit and send him more pics if it doesn't go down. I guess if it is dogears, I would just eventually get a revision. It wouldn't be the end of the world, as much as I scrutinize it every day. :)
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Bimmer Guy on October 11, 2014, 10:18:58 AM

Welcome to clonehood! (this is what we call Garramone's top surgery guys around here...we see him as very consistent in his work).  It looks like Garramone has created yet another great chest!

In terms of the swelling on the right side, I admit mine was not that severe.  Yours is a different type of swelling then mine was and I would suggest that it is not the side swelling I have typically seen on Garramone's patients (however, that is not to say it is NOT normal swelling for his work).  It is not a dog ear.  If he says it is swelling and that you should not be concerned by it, then I would go with that.  The man does 500 surgeries a year, I'm sure this isn't new for him.

Hang tight and enjoy the new chest! 
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: amd on October 12, 2014, 08:18:17 AM
Quote from: Brett on October 11, 2014, 10:18:58 AM

Welcome to clonehood! (this is what we call Garramone's top surgery guys around here...we see him as very consistent in his work).  It looks like Garramone has created yet another great chest!

In terms of the swelling on the right side, I admit mine was not that severe.  Yours is a different type of swelling then mine was and I would suggest that it is not the side swelling I have typically seen on Garramone's patients (however, that is not to say it is NOT normal swelling for his work).  It is not a dog ear.  If he says it is swelling and that you should not be concerned by it, then I would go with that.  The man does 500 surgeries a year, I'm sure this isn't new for him.

Hang tight and enjoy the new chest!

Thanks, Brett, proud to join the clone ranks! I am enjoying my new chest so far. It actually helps to know your swelling wasn't that pronounced.  Dr. G originally thought from the pictures that it was a seroma that needed draining. When ultrasound showed it wasn't, he said it could be general tissue swelling. I am going to keep an eye on It, though, especially reading about how sometimes swelling can be an infection sometimes. My side isn't red or hot but it is tender. I keep realizing that my healing is going to be bumpy and by fits and starts, not perfect from day one.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: harlee on October 19, 2014, 08:27:08 PM
I'm about 6 weeks post op now and doing much better  :) My swelling and bruising is going away on its own which is good. I like the shape of my nipples but  they still look better from a distance at the moment. There is soft puffy white skin on parts of my areaolas which has been peeling off sometimes in the morning when I change the bandaids. The skin underneath is very pink. I hope this isn't a bad thing!  I havent heard anyone else talk about this white skin, only scabs.. which I didnt seem to get  ???

Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: devention on October 19, 2014, 09:05:03 PM
The pink skin is perfectly normal. It can sometimes take a while for the correct pigmentation to come back to nipple Grafts.
Your chest looks great, man.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Bimmer Guy on October 19, 2014, 10:14:55 PM
Your chest looks fantastic, harlee.  Congrats!
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: aleon515 on October 19, 2014, 10:25:20 PM
Quote from: amd on October 09, 2014, 10:21:16 PM
Hi all,

I think I figured out how to post my latest picture, from 5 weeks postop DI with free nipple graftswith Dr.
Garramone. You can see the swelling under my right arm that I am worried about

Swelling is somewhat normal. I was actually swollen under one arm for several months. I think you look great 5 weeks.  Welcome to the clone army buddy! :)

Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: amd on October 20, 2014, 06:32:02 PM
Quote from: aleon515 on October 19, 2014, 10:25:20 PM

Swelling is somewhat normal. I was actually swollen under one arm for several months. I think you look great 5 weeks.  Welcome to the clone army buddy! :)


Thanks, Jay, I am a proud member of the clone ranks!
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: amd on October 20, 2014, 06:40:18 PM
Quote from: harlee on October 19, 2014, 08:27:08 PM
I'm about 6 weeks post op now and doing much better  :) My swelling and bruising is going away on its own which is good. I like the shape of my nipples but  they still look better from a distance at the moment. There is soft puffy white skin on parts of my areaolas which has been peeling off sometimes in the morning when I change the bandaids. The skin underneath is very pink. I hope this isn't a bad thing!  I havent heard anyone else talk about this white skin, only scabs.. which I didnt seem to get  ???


Your chest looks great, and the bruising seems to have healed amazingly well. Congrats!

I am right at 6 weeks postop too, and my nipples are still doing weird things. It's not exactly white like you're describing, but they're mottled (different shades of pink mostly, but some parts quite light).  I will see if I can post a picture. I kinda wonder if part of it is that I kept covering them with bandaids and some kind of goop (neosporin, then just petroleum). Not sure. But mine definitely have that puffiness too.

Anyway, congrats and happy healing!
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: harlee on October 20, 2014, 09:20:24 PM
Thanks everyone :) I've just been worried that I'm healing too slow since I don't seem to be as far along as other people who are also 6 weeks post op! I really wanted the nipples to be healed before I go back to work.. which is next week  :-X

Quote from: amd on October 20, 2014, 06:40:18 PM
I kinda wonder if part of it is that I kept covering them with bandaids and some kind of goop (neosporin, then just petroleum). Not sure. But mine definitely have that puffiness too.

I'm still using the antibiotic gel stuff too. Maybe I should stop? I just thought you were supposed to stop when they looked normal?
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Bimmer Guy on October 21, 2014, 06:26:49 AM
Garramone only has you use the antibiotic ointment for three weeks following reveal.  Meaning it is used on weeks 2, 3, and 4 and then you stop.  Do what your surgeon says.  It's an simple question, so their front desk may be able to tell you.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: amd on October 27, 2014, 12:30:21 PM
( (

Left side
It's hard to see, but I "spit" a couple dissolvable stitches under my left armpit. You can kinda see the little holes in the incision line this caused, healing up. It did widen the scar there a little bit.

( (

Right side
This is where there's a little bulge still in my armpit. Garramone said it might be lymphatic tissue or a lymph node, which he leaves alone. I am gonna keep an eye on it and see how it heals or changes over time, if at all.

( (

Here are some pix from 7.5 weeks postop DI with free nipple grafts by Garramone.

Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Bimmer Guy on October 27, 2014, 08:38:04 PM
Thanks for the updated, pictures, amd.  You are really looking good!  Your areolas/nipples look perfect.  I have one nipple bigger than the other (areolas match).  There isn't a big difference, but it is something I see.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Banf on October 31, 2014, 11:17:29 PM
May as well stick my updates in here - and some advice!

Keep that post-op tape on as long as humanly possible! There's a massive difference between my scars at the front (where you can see the tape stayed on longer), and at the sides (where I pulled it off earlier since it appeared to be coming loose, and was annoying me). At the front it's very hard to see the scars unless you're looking for them - they blend into my normal skin colour well. The scars at the sides are quite a bit darker and wider, however, and are visible from a distance.

This was my chest 1.5 - 3 weeks after surgery:

And 3 years later:
The flash is pretty un-natural, but I wanted to take a really clear picture.

I admittedly didn't use any anti-scar cream beyond a few weeks post-op. :P
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Bimmer Guy on October 31, 2014, 11:29:00 PM
Banf, you look great, thanks so much for posting!  Anything you learned when it came to scar treatment (or lack there of), that you could share with us?  Also, who was your surgeon?
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Banf on November 01, 2014, 07:09:45 AM
Thanks! Well I had the absolute best intentions of using all the scar stuff in the world for ages, but I turned out to be just really lazy with the stuff. :P
I bought this ( and applied it for a while, but I don't think I finished the tube in the end. Maybe it helped, maybe it didn't.. Can't tell with these things!
I went to Garramone, I thought you might recognize a clone ;D

I wrote some more stuff about my op back here:,99118.msg755112.html#msg755112
And to answer Ender's question which I didn't respond to at the time! Well my nerves are all back in tip-top shape now, appropriate sensation everywhere. So no lasting damage from either DI or the lipo. :)
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Bimmer Guy on November 01, 2014, 10:55:56 AM
Quote from: Banf on November 01, 2014, 07:09:45 AM
Thanks! Well I had the absolute best intentions of using all the scar stuff in the world for ages, but I turned out to be just really lazy with the stuff. :P
I bought this ( and applied it for a while, but I don't think I finished the tube in the end. Maybe it helped, maybe it didn't.. Can't tell with these things!
I went to Garramone, I thought you might recognize a clone ;D

I wrote some more stuff about my op back here:,99118.msg755112.html#msg755112
And to answer Ender's question which I didn't respond to at the time! Well my nerves are all back in tip-top shape now, appropriate sensation everywhere. So no lasting damage from either DI or the lipo. :)

Hello, fellow clone!

Kelo cote is the best..anything silicone is good.

It was good to read about mansculpture.  At the time of my top surgery I didn't need any, but have gained since then (about 12-15 lbs).  10 of those lbs came on when I started testosterone 7 weeks ago and I definitely have love handles now. :( 

Some of it is naturally occurring muscle too (which is crazy how your muscles plump up like that without working out!), but the fat is there as well.  Hopefully, I can just work it off.  It was great to link to the other thread and see that you still have your pictures up.  Very helpful!
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: aleon515 on November 01, 2014, 11:42:39 AM
I definitely recognized a clone brother. :)  You look wonderful!!
Should be posting next week. I am officially and exactly 1 year post-op today.

Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Bimmer Guy on November 01, 2014, 04:06:51 PM
Quote from: aleon515 on November 01, 2014, 11:42:39 AM
I definitely recognized a clone brother. :)  You look wonderful!!
Should be posting next week. I am officially and exactly 1 year post-op today.


Yay!  Congrats Mr. aleon!  Looks like you and I both had our surgeries on a Thursday.  :)
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: aleon515 on November 13, 2014, 05:36:21 PM
Haven't posted a one year post-op yet so here goes. :)
The scars did get a little thicker. Too bad. Also have a rash (or maybe just acne but kind of seems more like a rash in that it itches).


Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: devention on November 13, 2014, 09:02:29 PM
Lookin good, Jay!
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Ayden on November 14, 2014, 08:26:01 AM
Looks great clone brother! I hope my scars look even half as good!
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Bimmer Guy on November 14, 2014, 06:34:34 PM
Quote from: aleon515 on November 13, 2014, 05:36:21 PM
Haven't posted a one year post-op yet so here goes. :)
The scars did get a little thicker. Too bad. Also have a rash (or maybe just acne but kind of seems more like a rash in that it itches).



Jay, looking great my friend!  8) Thanks for posting!
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: amd on November 15, 2014, 01:02:24 PM
Jay, looking good! And it looks like the scars are fading nicely, even if they stretched a little bit. Are you still working out your chest? The pecs look more defined.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: aleon515 on November 15, 2014, 06:15:52 PM
Quote from: amd on November 15, 2014, 01:02:24 PM
Jay, looking good! And it looks like the scars are fading nicely, even if they stretched a little bit. Are you still working out your chest? The pecs look more defined.

Thanks for all your nice comments. Yes, Dr G does a fantastic job with his clone army. LOL
I can't lift and so on right now due to sore wrists. I'm giving myself 6 weeks off (which means two more weeks, I think).

Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Bimmer Guy on November 15, 2014, 08:31:21 PM
Quote from: amd on November 15, 2014, 01:02:24 PM
Jay, looking good! And it looks like the scars are fading nicely, even if they stretched a little bit. Are you still working out your chest? The pecs look more defined.

I agree.   :)
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Jeatyn on November 17, 2014, 05:54:56 AM
Looks like everyone is doing well in here ^_^

11 month update

Several different angles, I need some opinions.




In a few weeks I'll be seeing my surgeon again to discuss revisions.

I've been doing my best with working out, but I have been recovering from hysto so it's been a little slower than I would have liked.

I have built up some chest muscle though, and I swear, the more muscle I get, the more pronounced my dog ears look. I have a weird concave thing going on. My pecs are filling out at the top, there's no left over tissue there. There is more towards the middle of my chest, on my left side in particular - which I would assume would get removed with lipo.

How are dog ears corrected? Do they have to full on slice them off and redo the stitches? I've never seen any post op pictures that have the poofy bits in the middle of the chest like mine does either.

I feel like if I want this stuff fixed it's going to be like getting full on top surgery all over again. Slicing and dicing both edges of my incisions to tidy them up, and my nipples slicing off to make them shorter. I don't want to go through that again. A little bit of lipo, fine, but a whole other surgery just makes me think it isn't worth it.

So, yeah, I dunno what to do.

Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Alexthecat on November 17, 2014, 06:29:35 AM
You have it free right? I'd do the dog ears then worry about the nipples later on if you still feel ucky about them. Nipples look fine to me.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Jeatyn on November 17, 2014, 06:40:04 AM
yah I get it for free on the NHS. I'm not sure if there's some sort of deadline, like if the funding won't be available if I ask to wait or don't want everything done in one go.

My nipples do look permanently erect and really visible if I'm just wearing a t-shirt but I'm not too bothered. I'm not too bothered about any of it, if I had to pay for it I'd 100% say no thanks and leave it how it is. With it being free though I'm sorta like "why not?" - but the answer to "why not?" becomes "because I don't want to recover from another surgery" if I need more than just lipo.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: mm on November 17, 2014, 11:04:29 AM
Jeatyn, you look good with your arms down at your side.  I can see what you are talking about with your arm up.  Do you expect your nipples will relax in time or will stay erect?  How has your hysto slowed you down?
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Bimmer Guy on November 18, 2014, 08:44:54 PM

I don't think the dog ears is a big procedure.  I think it is a pretty minimal slice and re-sew.  I looked it up once. 

In terms of the nipples, from your pictures they don't look too long, just sayin'.  My nipples are permanently erect (if you are saying hard).  If I wear a tight thin shirt, they are noticeable.

On the whole, I do think that your chest looks really great.  The pecs have filled out really nicely, you can tell you have worked on them!  Personally, if I were you, I would get the dog ears fixed, but that is me.  If it were an issue of a recovery for the same length of time and all for recovery, like you, I would hesitate.  I really think it is a relatively minimal procedure, though.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Jeatyn on November 19, 2014, 07:02:21 AM
They aren't actually erect all the time, just look like it, when it is actually cold they are even more noticeable xD

I guess I'm just gonna have to ask exactly what would be done to fix them and what the recovery would be like....and if there are any sort of deadlines. I absolutely can't miss any more time at uni. I got top surgery at the end of term last year and then hysto at the beginning of term this year.

There's a few graduate jobs available through a partnership with the uni and I hope to get one of those, which would start pretty much immediately after the term is over. I don't have time for more recovery xD
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: harlee on November 22, 2014, 03:46:02 AM
I'm 2 and a half months post op with Dr. Garramone :) I think he did a great job!

Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Bimmer Guy on November 22, 2014, 07:55:40 AM
Quote from: harlee on November 22, 2014, 03:46:02 AM
I'm 2 and a half months post op with Dr. Garramone :) I think he did a great job!


Wow, looking FANTASTIC, harlee!  Welcome again to the Garramone Clone club.  I know you were concerned about your areolas.  They look great! 

Thanks for posting an update.  I always look forward to updates from guys.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: harlee on November 22, 2014, 04:27:33 PM
Quote from: Brett on November 22, 2014, 07:55:40 AM
Wow, looking FANTASTIC, harlee!  Welcome again to the Garramone Clone club.  I know you were concerned about your areolas.  They look great! 

Thanks for posting an update.  I always look forward to updates from guys.

I called Dr. G at around 8 weeks post op because I was concerned and he told me to just stop covering the areolas altogether. So I did and they started to come good  :laugh: My right one is a different colour in some places (you cant see it too well in the picture) but hopefully that will change over time too!
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: devention on December 02, 2014, 08:55:54 PM
Quote from: Jeatyn on November 19, 2014, 07:02:21 AM
They aren't actually erect all the time, just look like it, when it is actually cold they are even more noticeable xD

I guess I'm just gonna have to ask exactly what would be done to fix them and what the recovery would be like....and if there are any sort of deadlines. I absolutely can't miss any more time at uni. I got top surgery at the end of term last year and then hysto at the beginning of term this year.

There's a few graduate jobs available through a partnership with the uni and I hope to get one of those, which would start pretty much immediately after the term is over. I don't have time for more recovery xD
From what I understand, recovery time is really short. You basically go into their office, get a local anesthetic, the doctor removes the extra skin, and you get sewed up. Couldn't give you an exact figure for recovery, but it probably wouldn't be any different than getting a skin tag or mole removed (just bigger). I can't imagine it being longer than a couple weeks, if that.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Polo on December 23, 2014, 11:59:28 AM
So I've been searching through the pages of this thread and others, and I don't seem to find much in the way of periareolar surgeries. Does anyone have experience with a peri surgery, namely with Dr. Garramone or Dr. Crane (Brownstein's legacy)? Dr. Garramone seems uncomfortable with it, and I can't find pictures for Dr. Crane.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: aleon515 on December 23, 2014, 12:29:52 PM
You might look into some other surgeons. Perhaps Medalie? But there are other surgeons doing peri that are very happy to do it and do a great job. Dr G doesn't really do it, and if there are no results on the webpage, perhaps Dr Crane doesn't either, or isn't comfortable (more into lower surgery anyway, I believe a partner is doing these surgeries now).

Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Polo on December 23, 2014, 12:53:37 PM
I was just looking at Medalie, actually, not sure why I hadn't found him before. I'd welcome any one weighing in on him as well. Dr. McLean in Canada seems to do good work but I'd rather stay stateside for any intensive medical procedures... Thanks for the reply, Jay :)
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Bimmer Guy on December 23, 2014, 05:36:24 PM
Quote from: Polo on December 23, 2014, 12:53:37 PM
I was just looking at Medalie, actually, not sure why I hadn't found him before. I'd welcome any one weighing in on him as well. Dr. McLean in Canada seems to do good work but I'd rather stay stateside for any intensive medical procedures... Thanks for the reply, Jay :)

Hi, Polo.  Did you read all of this thread?  There is at least one example of Medalie's work.

You may want to do a search for him on this Top Surgery child board as he is talked about a great deal on Susan's, in general.  If you can't find anything in a search, I would suggest making a thread about him.  I bet that you will get a number of responses.

This sticky thread has been for recovery updates, rather than discussions around surgeons.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: JayDawg on December 24, 2014, 10:16:47 AM
I had top surgery December 17, 2014 with Dr. Parker at Parker Plastic Surgery ( in Athens, Georgia. He and his staff were great. My parents flew in from Texas to help me out post-op and spend the holidays with me.

Here are my before/after pics at 8 days. The drains just came out yesterday, and I still have gauze over the drain holes and nipples; just uncovered for the pictures. I am also wearing my compression vest. He wants it on me for 4 weeks total, I think.

Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Bimmer Guy on December 25, 2014, 09:05:39 AM
Hey, JayDawg, looking great!  Awesome Holiday present you gave to yourself!  Thanks for coming in and posting pictures and the link.

Does Dr. Parker have much experience doing FTM top surgery?  I don't see anything on his site about it.  How did you find him?

Please keep us updated with pictures and let us know how you are healing.  Glad you have your parents to help you out.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: JayDawg on December 26, 2014, 07:47:47 AM
Quote from: Brett on December 25, 2014, 09:05:39 AM
Does Dr. Parker have much experience doing FTM top surgery?  I don't see anything on his site about it.  How did you find him?

I was trying to find someone close to home to do my surgery. I found one example of Parker's top surgery on transbucket. I live in Athens, so his office was definitely convenient to me. At the free consultation, I was shown a little photo album of 10 or 12 other top surgeries he's done and they all looked good. I was really impressed with all of his before/after pics for all types of his surgeries - he has excellent aesthetics and symmetry in all of his work, and scarring was fantastic. He uses a quarter for nipple resizing, but I requested a nickel for mine, and I'm happy with the size. I think they will be perfect when healed.

I know one other person that had him for top surgery in October, and he is also happy with his chest. Dr. Parker would not at all mind doing more of these surgeries; I don't know why he doesn't have anything about them on his web site, but I suspect it's because he mostly caters to women and cosmetic surgery. My mom is actually considering using him for some facial work next year.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Bimmer Guy on December 26, 2014, 09:48:12 AM
Quote from: JayDawg on December 26, 2014, 07:47:47 AM
I was trying to find someone close to home to do my surgery. I found one example of Parker's top surgery on transbucket. I live in Athens, so his office was definitely convenient to me. At the free consultation, I was shown a little photo album of 10 or 12 other top surgeries he's done and they all looked good. I was really impressed with all of his before/after pics for all types of his surgeries - he has excellent aesthetics and symmetry in all of his work, and scarring was fantastic. He uses a quarter for nipple resizing, but I requested a nickel for mine, and I'm happy with the size. I think they will be perfect when healed.

I know one other person that had him for top surgery in October, and he is also happy with his chest. Dr. Parker would not at all mind doing more of these surgeries; I don't know why he doesn't have anything about them on his web site, but I suspect it's because he mostly caters to women and cosmetic surgery. My mom is actually considering using him for some facial work next year.

JayDawg, thanks for telling us about another good source for top surgery. 

Unfortunately, I think the main reason why many surgeons don't post that they do this work is because they are worried that cis individuals would be turned off by it and they would lose business.  There are a ton of plastic surgeons out there to choose from so if a cis individuals sees something that turns them off, they can just click to the next plastic surgeon's website when perusing for a surgeon for their tummy tuck.

Dr. Fischer managed this by creating a separate website.  Before Garramone changed to top surgeries only, he had the same thing (I believe I am remember this correctly..don't think I am mixing him up with someone else).

No disrespect to your surgeon, this may not be the reason for it, just putting out my thoughts.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Henri on December 28, 2014, 09:43:16 PM
Hi everyone! It's been an insane amount of time since I've been here, but a lot of life has happened and it's been a great adventure. I recently got top surgery! My surgeon was Dr. Garramone, and I'm really happy with the results so far and had a great experience. I'm healing fairly well as far as I can tell.

I have some swelling on the left side (side with the shoulder tattoo) near the side which is fairly visible. I've been wearing the ace compression bandage as instructed and soon will be taking it off for good. The swelling on the left has been pretty consistent throughout healing and I'm guessing it will probably take months to disappear. Did most of you have swelling of this sort even after you no longer had to wear the ace bandage (or other sort of compression) and it went away with time? I'm very eager to finally let my incisions breathe haha. Just wondering if this type of swelling is fairly normal to have for some months or so.

17 Days Post Op:
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Bimmer Guy on December 29, 2014, 09:18:00 AM
Another fantastic Garramone chest!  Welcome to the Garramone clones!

It really looks great, man.  That small swelling on the side will for certain go down.  Swelling can actually take up to a year and I had some on my right side for about 6 months.  You really have a lot less swelling than I would think for only 17 days.

Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Henri on December 31, 2014, 10:25:54 PM
Hehe, I'm glad to join the ranks! :'D

Ah, that's good to know 'bout the swelling. Tomorrow is the day I finally get to stop wearing the post-op ace compression and I still have about the same amount of swelling. Good to know time is basically the only cure haha. So ready to be able to just wear a shirt and not have back pain from the compression!

Also, something interesting I noticed today while changing my nipple dressings, is that there were actually hairs growing on the nipples themselves. Has anyone else had this happen? Is it normal? I very carefully tried pulling at them to see if they came out, which they all did very easily, so I'm not sure if they're going to keep growing back? I thought the nipple grafts wouldn't have hair growing on them because of the type of skin (my nips didn't originally have hair follicles on them or anything).
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Bimmer Guy on January 01, 2015, 11:29:51 AM
Quote from: Henri on December 31, 2014, 10:25:54 PM
Hehe, I'm glad to join the ranks! :'D

Ah, that's good to know 'bout the swelling. Tomorrow is the day I finally get to stop wearing the post-op ace compression and I still have about the same amount of swelling. Good to know time is basically the only cure haha. So ready to be able to just wear a shirt and not have back pain from the compression!

Also, something interesting I noticed today while changing my nipple dressings, is that there were actually hairs growing on the nipples themselves. Has anyone else had this happen? Is it normal? I very carefully tried pulling at them to see if they came out, which they all did very easily, so I'm not sure if they're going to keep growing back? I thought the nipple grafts wouldn't have hair growing on them because of the type of skin (my nips didn't originally have hair follicles on them or anything).

Are you sure the "hairs" aren't pieces of thread?  That is common for a Garramone chest.  You are supposed to clip them off as they come out, don't pull if there is any resistance.

My one nipple (not the areola, the actual nipple), had like 9-11 coming out at once.  It was an interesting picture to take from the side, seeing all these little "hair like" threads sticking straight out.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: aleon515 on January 01, 2015, 01:00:48 PM

I agree, looks like threads to me. DO NOT pull. :)
And welcome to the clone army. You look great.


Quote from: Brett on January 01, 2015, 11:29:51 AM
Are you sure the "hairs" aren't pieces of thread?  That is common for a Garramone chest.  You are supposed to clip them off as they come out, don't pull if there is any resistance.

My one nipple (not the areola, the actual nipple), had like 9-11 coming out at once.  It was an interesting picture to take from the side, seeing all these little "hair like" threads sticking straight out.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: amd on January 05, 2015, 12:45:28 PM
Congrats, JayDawg and Henri!  You both got great results.

( (

I put this in another thread, but here's my healing update. Picture is my chest at 17 weeks postop after DI with Garramone. I may get a revision for the little bulge of tissue under my right armpit, not sure yet

I have had total scar care ADHD so I don't really know what has helped and what hasn't. Right now I am annoyed with the little buggers because they seem to be doing whatever they want (including a couple hypertrophic patches and really widening under myleft armpit where I had a couple internal sutures poke through).

Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Bimmer Guy on January 06, 2015, 05:01:49 PM
Quote from: amd on January 05, 2015, 12:45:28 PM
Congrats, JayDawg and Henri!  You both got great results.

( (

I put this in another thread, but here's my healing update. Picture is my chest at 17 weeks postop after DI with Garramone. I may get a revision for the little bulge of tissue under my right armpit, not sure yet

I have had total scar care ADHD so I don't really know what has helped and what hasn't. Right now I am annoyed with the little buggers because they seem to be doing whatever they want (including a couple hypertrophic patches and really widening under myleft armpit where I had a couple internal sutures poke through).

Thanks for the updated pictures.  It is looking really great!

I just looked back at your old pictures and that bulge of skin has gone down considerably.  It may go completely away.

I have significant hypertrophic scaring.  The whole length of both scars, unfortunately.  At some point I will go see a plastic surgeon to get cortisone shots.  Some areas have flattened now at 14 months out from surgery.  I am very pleased with my chest otherwise.  I love the Garramone shape.  It has always reminded me of Superman.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: newyorker75 on January 10, 2015, 07:57:52 AM
Hi guys,

I just had my surgery with Garramone on Wednesday. Still all wrapped up and this Ace bandage is killing my back, especially in the mornings. I know they said I could loosen it a little but I'm so afraid that it might mess something else up. I'm still in a bit of pain, but cut the vicodins down a little bit.

Did you guys loosen the ace bandage after the first few days? Is there any reason I should just try to stick it out until my post-op on Monday?

I'm so surprised that so many people didn't have pain -- this stuff hurts quite a bit! Then again, I'm 39, so maybe age has something to do with it...

Also, I'm flying on Tuesday. What are your experiences with going through airport security with an ace bandage on? Did anyone give you trouble?

Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Bimmer Guy on January 10, 2015, 11:48:01 PM
Quote from: newyorker75 on January 10, 2015, 07:57:52 AM
Hi guys,

I just had my surgery with Garramone on Wednesday. Still all wrapped up and this Ace bandage is killing my back, especially in the mornings. I know they said I could loosen it a little but I'm so afraid that it might mess something else up. I'm still in a bit of pain, but cut the vicodins down a little bit.

Did you guys loosen the ace bandage after the first few days? Is there any reason I should just try to stick it out until my post-op on Monday?

I'm so surprised that so many people didn't have pain -- this stuff hurts quite a bit! Then again, I'm 39, so maybe age has something to do with it...

Also, I'm flying on Tuesday. What are your experiences with going through airport security with an ace bandage on? Did anyone give you trouble?


One of the things I often mention as a big pro of staying at New Beginnings in FL was that the owner/nurse there knew exactly how much it could be loosened. I would say that he unwrapped the bandage the length of two times around the body (if that makes sense), and then rewrapped it back up, just not as tight.  Maybe aleon will come into the thread and tell us if the owner did the same for him and what he remembers.  That is what got rid of the pain. 

I wonder if you call Garramone's office they could give you some sort of direction as to how you can know that you have not loosened it too much.  You don't want to suffer needlessly, but you don't want to screw it up, either.  I completely get that.  That is why I was glad I had someone there who knew the deal.

I don't see why you would have a problem with airport security with a bandage.  It has no metal on it.  Remember, the only purpose of the bandage is to remind your brain that you shouldn't be lifting your arms.  There is no medical reason/need to wear the bandage.  I didn't.  I figured I was bright enough to remember to not lift my arms.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: AleksiJason on January 13, 2015, 09:00:14 AM
Quote from: amd on January 05, 2015, 12:45:28 PM
Congrats, JayDawg and Henri!  You both got great results.

( (

I put this in another thread, but here's my healing update. Picture is my chest at 17 weeks postop after DI with Garramone. I may get a revision for the little bulge of tissue under my right armpit, not sure yet

I have had total scar care ADHD so I don't really know what has helped and what hasn't. Right now I am annoyed with the little buggers because they seem to be doing whatever they want (including a couple hypertrophic patches and really widening under myleft armpit where I had a couple internal sutures poke through).

I think your chest came out great, the bulge is super small and barely noticeable.  Do you have a mirror shot of your chest? sometimes those are more accurate and shows your chest better
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: aleon515 on January 13, 2015, 03:25:55 PM

That'll go away. I imagine that's swelling, which is common early on.

Quote from: AleksiJason on January 13, 2015, 09:00:14 AM
I think your chest came out great, the bulge is super small and barely noticeable.  Do you have a mirror shot of your chest? sometimes those are more accurate and shows your chest better
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: JayDawg on January 14, 2015, 08:23:14 AM
4 weeks post-op. Dr. Parker, Athens, GA, USA


Doc is happy with my healing thus far and I got permission today to leave off the nipple bandages, and to do anything I want to physically. Next follow-up is in 3 weeks.

I started using bioCorneum+ on the incision scars 2 weeks ago, applying every 12 hours.

Nipples are still a bit gooey since I've been applying antibiotic ointment twice a day and keeping them covered for the most part. Hopefully, they will dry out today and I can stop wearing the tight a-shirt under my work clothes (to hold the nipple bandages in place).

I also asked about the skin irritation, and he's pretty sure it's just nerves reconnecting. He suggested 600-800mg of ibuprofin 3 times a day, with food, to reduce that and some swelling. I should see a difference in a few days.

Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: AleksiJason on January 17, 2015, 08:16:13 AM
Quote from: Henri on December 28, 2014, 09:43:16 PM
Hi everyone! It's been an insane amount of time since I've been here, but a lot of life has happened and it's been a great adventure. I recently got top surgery! My surgeon was Dr. Garramone, and I'm really happy with the results so far and had a great experience. I'm healing fairly well as far as I can tell.

I have some swelling on the left side (side with the shoulder tattoo) near the side which is fairly visible. I've been wearing the ace compression bandage as instructed and soon will be taking it off for good. The swelling on the left has been pretty consistent throughout healing and I'm guessing it will probably take months to disappear. Did most of you have swelling of this sort even after you no longer had to wear the ace bandage (or other sort of compression) and it went away with time? I'm very eager to finally let my incisions breathe haha. Just wondering if this type of swelling is fairly normal to have for some months or so.

17 Days Post Op:

Hey dude, do you have an updated chest pic?
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: AleksiJason on January 17, 2015, 10:12:38 AM
Quote from: harlee on October 06, 2014, 08:08:59 PM
I'm 2 days away from being 1 month post op and this is what it's currently looking like...
I feel as if the stitches weren't still there, my areolas would be almost invisible :P I was hoping they would be more healed at this stage. Also on my left side (right in the picture) I am experiencing some swelling and now bruising. Before it was a lump, I could feel my muscle or something twitching in that area (around 2 weeks post op). The lump formed after I accidentally coughed pretty hard at around 2 and half weeks. Just recently in the last week it's gotten the bruising colour. I'm not sure what to do, even wearing the compression bandage isn't making it smaller. Any advice? 


Hi, who was your surgeon?
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: AleksiJason on January 17, 2015, 11:32:35 AM
I read most of the thread, as far as body rejecting sutures, my surgeon used dissolvable stitches but I am exactly 11 months post op today and still have rejecting stitches popping gets infected and forms a big yellow or green pus bubble on either my nipples or scarline....then when i go to pop it not only does the pus come out but the whole stitch comes out with it.....i haveto pop them and immediately shower to get rid of the far ive had at least a dozen rejected stitches on nipples and scar line.....started at about a month post op and my last one was just a few days ago and i feel another one in my nipple trying to push its way out.....1/2 my nipple is red and swollen and hurts right now, next phase is the pus bubble should be within the next few days....then the stitch comes out when i pop hasnt effected my results i dont think so at least
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: aleon515 on January 17, 2015, 02:27:44 PM
Yeah it's nasty. I have a friend who that happened to. It didn't affect his results but it was painful and unpleasant.


Quote from: AleksiJason on January 17, 2015, 11:32:35 AM
I read most of the thread, as far as body rejecting sutures, my surgeon used dissolvable stitches but I am exactly 11 months post op today and still have rejecting stitches popping gets infected and forms a big yellow or green pus bubble on either my nipples or scarline....then when i go to pop it not only does the pus come out but the whole stitch comes out with it.....i haveto pop them and immediately shower to get rid of the far ive had at least a dozen rejected stitches on nipples and scar line.....started at about a month post op and my last one was just a few days ago and i feel another one in my nipple trying to push its way out.....1/2 my nipple is red and swollen and hurts right now, next phase is the pus bubble should be within the next few days....then the stitch comes out when i pop hasnt effected my results i dont think so at least
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Henri on January 20, 2015, 03:33:26 PM
1 month 1 week

Things are looking really good and healing really well for the most part. Still got a stitch poking out of the center of my nipple, and probably some more hiding. A couple of days ago my left nipple had a few hidden stitches that came out along with some pus/lymph and that was gross. The idea of the little holes in my nips kinda squicks me out. Other than that, I've had some ingrown hairs along my incision that are causing trouble. Where I can I try to delicately free them so they don't become infected.

My range of motion is pretty much back to normal at this point, I can lift my arms without feeling any stretching. Still avoiding working out but returning to most normal activities. I haven't been putting on any kind of scar guard, honestly I kind of like the scars and at this point I'm just letting them do their thing and heal. I will probably massage them when they're healed enough where it's okay to start doing that, as my main concern is just maintaining a great range of motion and not having the scars get "stuck" and not want to move with my body.

Does anyone know how long one should wait before it's okay to lightly massage the scars?




Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: mm on January 20, 2015, 03:57:18 PM
Henri, you really look great.  What size were you before; who was your surgeon?
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Henri on January 20, 2015, 06:55:12 PM
Quote from: mm on January 20, 2015, 03:57:18 PM
Henri, you really look great.  What size were you before; who was your surgeon?

Thanks! My surgeon was Dr. Garramone, and I was probably an A cup before. I opted for DI as I was worried about the possibility of needing a revision and also just liked the placement and general results from that particular surgery. :3
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: AleksiJason on January 22, 2015, 09:48:10 AM
I was also very small pre-op going into surgery with Garramone.....just a short back story....ive been diagnosed with schizophrenia since i was 7 years old.....i came out as trans when i was 11.....i was not given my psychiatrists permission to start Testosterone until the age of 24....he admitted it was because my history of psychiatric illness.....although he approved hormones he did not approve top surgery yet but i was desperate.....i was only a very small B cup naturally.....but for a trans man i felt like i was a since my psych wouldnt give me an approval letter for top surgery yet i came up with the idea to get a breast reduction and try to convince the surgeon to take all the tissue out.....i went to about 6 different reduction surgeons for consulations......they all said they could take an extreme amount out because i could lose my nipples (even though i told them i dont care if i lose my nipples that was not the way they practiced) i went with the one who promised to make me the smallest (a SMALL A cup)  he promised me he would make me a small A cup....i came out of surgery nearly the same size i went into it.....all he did was lift them....they were the same size only perkier.....i was enraged.....when my psych finally gave me approval for top surgery at the age of 26 i went for dr Garramone.....he said i had to have double incision to remove the scar tissue from my prior i regret having a reduction cause i probably woulda been a candidate for keyhole......on top of it all i am not happy with my results.....i have excess tissue on my chest that makes it look like i have man boobs.....i am working on losing fat through dieting and lifting weights to gain muscle......i am hoping within a years time i will be slim and muscular and hopefully my chest will look better......if not i definitely need a revision for loose skin and excess tissue......not sure whether i would take the chance and go back to Dr. G or go with another surgeon ....ive thought about it and it's between Crane, Medalie and Raphael
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: harlee on January 23, 2015, 12:00:26 AM
Henri, your nipples are perfect!  8)
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: AleksiJason on January 28, 2015, 07:49:25 AM
Henri i was told you can start lightly massaging the scars in circular motions when u feel comfortable, listen to your body, if it causes pain dont do it.....if u have pain i was told to try and massage the area (lightly) above the scar and below the scar to start.  Then further along u get with healing you can apply more pressure to the scar.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: aleon515 on January 29, 2015, 02:58:20 AM
Henri, I think you actually look great. I won't comment and say I think so unless you do. There is going to be swelling until up to a year post-op. Nobody should even think about revision until then. You are just way too early on to think about it. I actually had swelling on one side that made me look I was uneven, until almost 6-8 months later. Everything looks completely natural now. Just concentrate on getting better, not pulling stitches overly, not lifting too much, and so on. Trust me that you will look better, and everything you are seeing now looks completely normal and not as you say like he left too much breast tissue. Yes, you had to have a DI due to the revision, but it should not affect the results otherwise, and doesn't look like it has. Also nipples look great, esp so early on.

You should NOT be doing weights yet. Way too early and can make scarring more visible by stretching scars. Dr G says 8 weights but it wouldn't really hurt to wait longer.

Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Henri on January 29, 2015, 11:40:25 AM
Quote from: aleon515 on January 29, 2015, 02:58:20 AM
Henri, I think you actually look great. I won't comment and say I think so unless you do. There is going to be swelling until up to a year post-op. Nobody should even think about revision until then. You are just way too early on to think about it. I actually had swelling on one side that made me look I was uneven, until almost 6-8 months later. Everything looks completely natural now. Just concentrate on getting better, not pulling stitches overly, not lifting too much, and so on. Trust me that you will look better, and everything you are seeing now looks completely normal and not as you say like he left too much breast tissue. Yes, you had to have a DI due to the revision, but it should not affect the results otherwise, and doesn't look like it has. Also nipples look great, esp so early on.

You should NOT be doing weights yet. Way too early and can make scarring more visible by stretching scars. Dr G says 8 weights but it wouldn't really hurt to wait longer.


Ah, wait, I might have written my previous post a little confusingly. I'm super happy the the results and not worried about needing a revision at all! The swelling has already gone down a lot and I know it'll take quite some time for it to settle down :3 My post might have gotten confused with AleksiJason's story? Either way, I've been taking it really easy and still haven't started working out. I'll probably wait more until 3 months to do anything really strenuous.

@AleksiJason Good to know! Also, I hope you're able to get the results you want soon, I'm so sorry you had to go through that!

@harlee Thanks! Hehe, they're looking a lot cuter than originally.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: aleon515 on January 29, 2015, 01:12:41 PM
Glad you're happy Henri, because you should be. :)

Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: harlee on February 01, 2015, 02:09:14 AM
I'm almost 5 months post-op now, time went so quick! I'm happy with the scars but not 100% on my nipples just yet. The right one is a little raised around the edges (I think its scaring?) but it might only be so noticeable because it is a different colour? Also, when I go swimming my nipples and areola seem to turn white and the skin looks like it wants to peel off. I haven't heard anyone talk about this  :-\ The colouring is pretty off altogether so I might consider tattooing after 2 years post op if I'm still not happy. Did anyone have the edges of their areola flatten over time? 

The red marks and white lines near the scar are because I've just taken off the micropore paper tape that I use. That will go away after 10 minutes or so. I havent used any scar creams, silicon, or massaging, just the  tape 24/7 :)


Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Bimmer Guy on February 01, 2015, 09:06:11 AM
Quote from: harlee on February 01, 2015, 02:09:14 AM
I'm almost 5 months post-op now, time went so quick! I'm happy with the scars but not 100% on my nipples just yet. The right one is a little raised around the edges (I think its scaring?) but it might only be so noticeable because it is a different colour? Also, when I go swimming my nipples and areola seem to turn white and the skin looks like it wants to peel off. I haven't heard anyone talk about this  :-\ The colouring is pretty off altogether so I might consider tattooing after 2 years post op if I'm still not happy. Did anyone have the edges of their areola flatten over time? 

The red marks and white lines near the scar are because I've just taken off the micropore paper tape that I use. That will go away after 10 minutes or so. I havent used any scar creams, silicon, or massaging, just the  tape 24/7 :)



Looking great, harlee!

I have a small blob (?) of skin on the edge on one of the areolas.  I have a couple of sleeveless workout shirts(underarmour type) that you can see my areolas/nipples through because T has really increased my chest size.  That one raised area can be seen against the shirt, almost like a small nipple.  So it looks like I have an areola with two nips on it when I put on these shirts.

Anyway, I am tossing the shirts because I wouldn't wear any shirt where you could see my areolas, but I admit this is disappointing.  Also, harlee some edges of the areolas take time to take on the color.  I just looked at mine and spots where they were completely white, are now turning red.  They weren't the last time I looked, which was probably less than two months ago (right around the one year mark).  I would say the edges that still weren't flat came down around the same time (one year mark).  I think your goal of waiting two years is a smart one.

My one nipple is larger than the other, but there is nothing I can do about that.  However, it also has some white on it.  The colors of the nipples have not changed over these 14 months, if that is of any help.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: newyorker75 on February 02, 2015, 09:35:26 PM
Hoping you guys can give some advice. Almost 4 weeks post-op with Garramone (surgery was 1/7) and seem to be healing up slowly but nicely overall. I'm 39 so don't bounce back as quick as someone younger might, I guess.

Anyway, I've had this redness under my incisions since about a week after I took the steri strips off. I was using ScarGuard at first but found it just as annoying as everyone said it was so switched to the ScarAway strips. I thought maybe the strips were the problem but the redness doesn't extend to my armpits, it's only on the front, on both sides.

I talked to Garramone about it today and he didn't seem worried since it's not swollen and there's no fluid or pus or anything. He said to try Advil but it hasn't seemed to help.

Also, two nights this week it got little worse, like just covering a bigger area and brighter in color, but then seems to settle down by morning. It also doesn't really hurt, but you know, it's all still pretty tender so who knows.

Has this happened to anyone? Any ideas on if there's anything I can/should do? I'm a little worried. I've made it this far, don't wanna get it all messed up now!

Thanks guys.

There are faint pen lines in this pic where I was keeping track of whether it grew or shrank (it shrank). (Also the redness around my nipples is just from the bandages as per usual)

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Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: aleon515 on February 03, 2015, 01:34:55 PM
If you are getting MORE redness (I think some is probably normal and why Garramone didn't react to it), it could be an infection. I believe that's possible. I'd get back to him and say it's worse (perhaps pictures). You could try the triple antibiotic cream over the incision, but I think you should talk to him.

BTW, I'd stay off all the scar products. I actually didn't use them til my incision had more or less healed and it was just a scar.


Quote from: newyorker75 on February 02, 2015, 09:35:26 PM
Hoping you guys can give some advice. Almost 4 weeks post-op with Garramone (surgery was 1/7) and seem to be healing up slowly but nicely overall. I'm 39 so don't bounce back as quick as someone younger might, I guess.

Anyway, I've had this redness under my incisions since about a week after I took the steri strips off. I was using ScarGuard at first but found it just as annoying as everyone said it was so switched to the ScarAway strips. I thought maybe the strips were the problem but the redness doesn't extend to my armpits, it's only on the front, on both sides.

I talked to Garramone about it today and he didn't seem worried since it's not swollen and there's no fluid or pus or anything. He said to try Advil but it hasn't seemed to help.

Also, two nights this week it got little worse, like just covering a bigger area and brighter in color, but then seems to settle down by morning. It also doesn't really hurt, but you know, it's all still pretty tender so who knows.

Has this happened to anyone? Any ideas on if there's anything I can/should do? I'm a little worried. I've made it this far, don't wanna get it all messed up now!

Thanks guys.

There are faint pen lines in this pic where I was keeping track of whether it grew or shrank (it shrank). (Also the redness around my nipples is just from the bandages as per usual)

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Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: AleksiJason on February 05, 2015, 09:02:11 AM
Quote from: newyorker75 on February 02, 2015, 09:35:26 PM
Hoping you guys can give some advice. Almost 4 weeks post-op with Garramone (surgery was 1/7) and seem to be healing up slowly but nicely overall. I'm 39 so don't bounce back as quick as someone younger might, I guess.

Anyway, I've had this redness under my incisions since about a week after I took the steri strips off. I was using ScarGuard at first but found it just as annoying as everyone said it was so switched to the ScarAway strips. I thought maybe the strips were the problem but the redness doesn't extend to my armpits, it's only on the front, on both sides.

I talked to Garramone about it today and he didn't seem worried since it's not swollen and there's no fluid or pus or anything. He said to try Advil but it hasn't seemed to help.

Also, two nights this week it got little worse, like just covering a bigger area and brighter in color, but then seems to settle down by morning. It also doesn't really hurt, but you know, it's all still pretty tender so who knows.

Has this happened to anyone? Any ideas on if there's anything I can/should do? I'm a little worried. I've made it this far, don't wanna get it all messed up now!

Thanks guys.

There are faint pen lines in this pic where I was keeping track of whether it grew or shrank (it shrank). (Also the redness around my nipples is just from the bandages as per usual)

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i also went to nipples and chest turned all different colors of the rainbow while healing....bruising, inflamed, red....its usually normal and judging by your pics looks great for 4 weeks post 4 weeks my incisions were not only very red but my chest was bruised yellow and brown in certain takes a while to heal.....i am 11 months post op and still having issues with sutures not dissolving and coming out through my skin and forming little infections.   If the redness gets worse and starts hurting very bad i would give Garramone a call.....i had to do that for excess swelling.....he will likely tell u to see a GP or go to the ER depending how bad it is......when i showed him a pic of my chest at a little over a month he said it looked like i could have fluid build up and make an emergency appt with my GP and if i could not get an ER appointment go to the ER.....but my chest was blown up pretty bad.....yours looks like normal healing
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: newyorker75 on February 05, 2015, 09:47:25 AM
Thanks guys. I went to my Dr yesterday and she isn't sure what's causing it either, but didn't think it was an infection. And it's definitely not bruising. She said to stop using the strips (good call, Jay) and only use the ScarGuard, if anything. Of course, if it gets worse, she'll throw some antibiotics my way, but we're holding off on that for now.

It does seem to be fading a tiny bit today. I'm not putting anything on the incisions except neosporin.

AleskiJason, I'm sorry you went through all that, but I gotta say, it really does help to know that not *everyone* looks perfect at 4 weeks (all the youtube vids seem to show these flawless, non-red chests 4 wks post-op, so that's what made me more nervous).

I'm also supposed to stop using the xeroform and neosporin on my nipples by now, but one of the stitches came loose and revealed a sort of red opening underneath, so I'm continuing with that for one or two more days. Figure it can't hurt. Just wanna be very sure to not expose anything to infection at this point. But feel free to correct me if you think I should be doing something different.

Other than this redness, I couldn't be happier with my results so far. 
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: aleon515 on February 05, 2015, 11:43:18 AM
Do NOT use scar guard. This stuff is NASTY. It has acetone and so on in there. It is irritating to the skin. Heck you'd be better off with the strips. You could even be allergic to silicone. You should just stop all this stuff. Get it cleared up first. Your scars are not going to be all that terrible. I know guys who used nothing, and there are other options.

One or two loose stitches aren't going to matter after three weeks, but fwiw continuing for another week isn't going to hurt any.

Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: AleksiJason on February 14, 2015, 06:48:38 PM
Agreed....stay away from ScarGuard!!!   i dont know whats in that >-bleeped-<.....but its mostly bad chemicals.....u open the jar and the entire room stinks up of the dad kept asking me what that smell was.....thats how strong it is......NOTHING like that should be put on your body....nevermind a healing incision.....i have the feeling the makers of ScarGuard payed a >-bleeped-<load of money to get the "doctor recommended" >-bleeped-< on made my scars hurt and get very red and inflamed and soon as i stopped using it they got better.....  I recommend ScarAway Brand Silicone Gel .....its very soothing on the scars, has no smell, and is 100% silicone without any scars/incisions immediately got better when i switched from scarguard to scaraway gel.   You can get it on Amazon......i think the Gel is better than the strips cause u can massage the gel into your scars which is good for them.....the strips u cant massage them.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: newyorker75 on February 18, 2015, 12:04:10 AM
Hey guys,

Things are healing up nicely, six weeks post-op but... now I'm having a little nipple issue. That redness is slowly fading, scar strips are back on with no problems, but I've had this little bump/lump on one nipple.

I actually saw my dr today and we didn't even talk about it because it hadn't been bothering me, but then tonight it looked a little bigger. I gently poked around on it. It feels hard underneath and almost looks like it could pop if I tried to squeeze it hard (I tried a little, very very very gently, but then stopped). It's all red now, but so is the entire perimeter of that nipple, so I don't know. It also looks like it has a pore or tiny hole in the center.

Anyone got any ideas what it could be? Piece of stitch underneath? Gnarly pimple? Normal healing stuff?

I coated it with neosporin now, but just wondering if anyone had seen this before and has any ideas.

Adding pics below but be warned, they're super close-ups of my nipple!

(It's the little bump at the bottom left. The pics obviously don't do it justice, but it's fairly raised.)

Thanks as always.


Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: aleon515 on February 18, 2015, 12:17:17 AM
Those are CLOSE UPS!! (And then I found out I had my screen at 120%! Still close). DOn't think there is really a big issue given you are only 6 weeks out. Doesn't look very unusual to me.
They really don't look that great til much later, imo.

Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Alexthecat on February 18, 2015, 01:10:15 AM
My nipples have produced a lot of white puss. The first time it came out hard and fast. There is a chance that it could be puss but I wouldn't pick at them at 6 weeks. My puss happened months later and due to what looked like a brown scab, not a red bump. It is close to the incision line so maybe a stitch is irritating it.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: sebster on February 18, 2015, 03:00:28 AM
This is my first post in the thread. Had my surgery last month and I couldn't be happier. I was at a lowish weight at the time so they managed to do peri with resizing and aesthetically I'm very satisfied. Sensation isn't completely back yet, but I really don't care. My one concern is a little dent I have on the left side about an inch and a half down from the areola at the natural end of where the breast tissue used to be. Doc says it is scarring and has recommended massage, but I'm not seeing a difference.  Counting my blessings though!
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: lost.cowboy on February 20, 2015, 07:30:53 AM
Hey guy,
just had a DI revison + mansculpture. Will do a proper write up as I feel a bit better.
currently feeling pretty rough and lonely (came alone from UK)
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Ayden on February 20, 2015, 04:56:19 PM
Quote from: lost.cowboy on February 20, 2015, 07:30:53 AM
Hey guy,
just had a DI revison + mansculpture. Will do a proper write up as I feel a bit better.
currently feeling pretty rough and lonely (came alone from UK)

Hey man, I feel ya. I traveled over an ocean and a country to have my surgery done. Take time to rest. That travel really wrecks the body under the best of circumstances. Positive thoughts to you.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Bimmer Guy on February 20, 2015, 05:52:58 PM
Quote from: lost.cowboy on February 20, 2015, 07:30:53 AM
Hey guy,
just had a DI revison + mansculpture. Will do a proper write up as I feel a bit better.
currently feeling pretty rough and lonely (came alone from UK)

Hey, man, congrats on the surgery!  Are you by yourself in a hotel?
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: lost.cowboy on February 21, 2015, 10:41:51 AM
Thanks guys, feeling a little more 'with it' now than in my original post!

So it's my 2nd day post-op. I'm staying in a hotel by myself about 5 miles north of Garramone's office.

As a couple of guys have noted, the mansculpture is just... uncomfortable, but overall pain levels are ok - just a sore throat from the surgery tube, and tightness of the bandage!

I've been doing ok timing my meds and emptying drains. Today I went down to breakfast in the lobby, although it was tiring and I felt disguisting!

Do you guys think a 5min walk over the road to subway would be a bit ambitious for maybe a couple of days time? I'm going to run out of pot noodles! Haha.

Only thing I haven't done is taken off the mansculpture girdle to remove the yucky gauze from underneath, I'm worries about knocking the drains and not being able to do it up tight again. Although, I've got to do something otherwise I'm guessing it will be quite a smell for Dr G on Wednesday!

Thanks for reading, I will do a proper write up of my experience when I get my laptop charged up (think it's too soon to start wiggling my plug adaptor out of the wall).

Good luck to all you out there also in recovery!
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: lost.cowboy on February 27, 2015, 06:21:30 AM
8 days post op and flew back across the Atlantic today

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I couldn't be happier with the result - I'm just a bit worried it's maybe looking a bit bloody, and that I overdid it somehow on my travels? Does this look a cause for concern at day 8?

Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: aleon515 on February 27, 2015, 11:12:59 AM
L.C. you look pretty normal for day 8. Congrats!

Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: newyorker75 on February 27, 2015, 12:18:07 PM
Quote from: lost.cowboy on February 27, 2015, 06:21:30 AM
8 days post op and flew back across the Atlantic today

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I couldn't be happier with the result - I'm just a bit worried it's maybe looking a bit bloody, and that I overdid it somehow on my travels? Does this look a cause for concern at day 8?


Is it actively bleeding? If so, you should see a dr. If it's just dried up blood stuck on that tape, you're probably good. It's messy for a while.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: lost.cowboy on February 27, 2015, 01:32:56 PM
Thanks guys! (yeah it's just dried on the tape)
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Bimmer Guy on February 27, 2015, 07:25:01 PM
Looking great lost.cowboy!  Glad you made it back safe and sound! :)
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: lost.cowboy on February 28, 2015, 05:43:34 AM
Thanks Brett!

I really could not be more impressed with Dr G, Kelli and Jodi.

I had a bit of a nightmare trip - my suitcase didn't get picked up by Delta on the inbound transfer, had accommodation trouble which they went out of their way to solve - and it wasn't an easy fix. And then when my bank back home put a block on my card for "suspicious activity" they created a guest wifi just for me so that I could skype the bank and sort it out so I could pay for my prescriptions.

Already going above and beyond - and this is all of course an aside from the result itself which I'm really pleased with.

This was actually a 4th surgery for me - I had my original done in 2012 and then two subsequent revisions by the same surgeon. Dr G was able to point out exactly what had been done wrong and why I was so unhappy with it. And then he fixed it! Apparently a good 20% of his work is revisions from other surgeons.

On another note - if anyone is doing this on their own and considering staying at NBR please PM me. I know there are mixed reviews on this subject and I don't want to bad mouth the whole thing I'm just concerned for any potential lone travellers like myself.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Bimmer Guy on February 28, 2015, 06:43:24 AM
Quote from: lost.cowboy on February 28, 2015, 05:43:34 AM
Thanks Brett!

I really could not be more impressed with Dr G, Kelli and Jodi.

I had a bit of a nightmare trip - my suitcase didn't get picked up by Delta on the inbound transfer, had accommodation trouble which they went out of their way to solve - and it wasn't an easy fix. And then when my bank back home put a block on my card for "suspicious activity" they created a guest wifi just for me so that I could skype the bank and sort it out so I could pay for my prescriptions.

Already going above and beyond - and this is all of course an aside from the result itself which I'm really pleased with.

This was actually a 4th surgery for me - I had my original done in 2012 and then two subsequent revisions by the same surgeon. Dr G was able to point out exactly what had been done wrong and why I was so unhappy with it. And then he fixed it! Apparently a good 20% of his work is revisions from other surgeons.

On another note - if anyone is doing this on their own and considering staying at NBR please PM me. I know there are mixed reviews on this subject and I don't want to bad mouth the whole thing I'm just concerned for any potential lone travellers like myself.

Interesting background.  I bet Garramone enjoys the challenge of fixing surgery mistakes.  It changes up from the usual.  Thanks for sharing your story.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: lost.cowboy on March 05, 2015, 12:36:21 PM
Me again!

2 weeks post op today, and I just wanted to share a before/after pic - the before pic is from my original surgery plus TWO revisions.

I'm really pleased, I think Dr G has done a great job of fixing it up - just wish I went to him first.

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Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: aleon515 on March 05, 2015, 02:24:40 PM
Yes, I think it is a profound difference. I'd be very happy.


Quote from: lost.cowboy on March 05, 2015, 12:36:21 PM
Me again!

2 weeks post op today, and I just wanted to share a before/after pic - the before pic is from my original surgery plus TWO revisions.

I'm really pleased, I think Dr G has done a great job of fixing it up - just wish I went to him first.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Bimmer Guy on March 05, 2015, 05:00:08 PM
Quote from: lost.cowboy on March 05, 2015, 12:36:21 PM
Me again!

2 weeks post op today, and I just wanted to share a before/after pic - the before pic is from my original surgery plus TWO revisions.

I'm really pleased, I think Dr G has done a great job of fixing it up - just wish I went to him first.

( (

Looking great, lost.cowboy.  Glad you are happy with your outcome.  So the first picture is after 3 surgeries?  Wow.  Was it the same surgeon?  Would you mind telling us who that was?

It didn't look bad, just a lot of tissue left.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: lost.cowboy on March 05, 2015, 06:40:02 PM
Thanks Jay and Brett.

Brett - it was Miles Berry in London. Both revisions were done under local anaesthetic, and after the second one had a year to heal I went back to speak with him about still not being happy. His response was that there was no more he could do, and this was the best result I could hope for with my body.

Well, Dr Garramone sure proved him wrong!

Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: AleksiJason on March 12, 2015, 08:36:23 AM
Quote from: lost.cowboy on March 05, 2015, 12:36:21 PM
Me again!

2 weeks post op today, and I just wanted to share a before/after pic - the before pic is from my original surgery plus TWO revisions.

I'm really pleased, I think Dr G has done a great job of fixing it up - just wish I went to him first.

( (

Hey dude you are looking great.....i was in a similar situation when i went to garramone....i had not had top surgery but did have a breast reduction prior to seeing garramone.....i expressed my concerns about having rounded scars .....he showed me in the mirror where he would cut......he said it had to be below the line of my previous scars from the reduction in order to remove all the scar tissue from that surgery......did he do the same with you?   he said if he didnt cut below the prior surgery lines i would have a huge lump of scar tissue on both sides of my did he explain how he would approach "fixing" your chest?  anyways i am also very pleased with my results.....i wound up with fairly straight scars, a little angular but nowhere near rounded
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: AleksiJason on March 12, 2015, 08:37:24 AM
and to add quickly my scar lines look very similar to yours....and also meet in the middle.....but i am over a year post op now and the scars have faded significantly
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: aleon515 on March 12, 2015, 12:10:07 PM
Mine nearly meets in the center, it has to do with reducing the likelihood of puckering. I didnt' care for it, but now it looks very natural.

Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: lost.cowboy on March 12, 2015, 03:42:48 PM
Thanks Aleksi,

Yes Dr G did explain in the mirror at the pre-op what he was going to do. He explained as you say about cutting under the original incisions, and removing scar tissue (post op he said there was a lot to remove!)

He did also say at the post op that he'd probably have to join the incisions, otherwise there would be puckering and/or tissue remaining in the middle which was my problem area.

Glad you were pleased with your results, it's definitely worth the revision isn't it!

Aleon - I saw pics you posted, your chest looks great.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Bimmer Guy on March 13, 2015, 06:22:28 PM
Quote from: aleon515 on March 12, 2015, 12:10:07 PM
Mine nearly meets in the center, it has to do with reducing the likelihood of puckering. I didnt' care for it, but now it looks very natural.


I guess it depends on the person.  There is a space between mine.  Garramone seems to be the only one who individualizes this (at least as far as I have personally seen).

It seems like some surgeons (for example, McGinn), always has the incision meet, regardless of body type.  So, if I had gone to her, for example, I would have had a longer scar.

It is interesting to see how surgeons do things differently.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: AleksiJason on March 14, 2015, 05:47:17 AM
from what i understood from my pre op the dudes who have scars that meet either prior to surgery had extremely large breasts or had prior surgery......i know other guys who either had revisions or reductions before surgeries and all their scars meet too
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Alexthecat on March 14, 2015, 06:31:51 AM
My scars don't meet in the middle but for months after surgery there was a big indent there where he sucked it out to make it flat. It seems to have fixed itself but it was weird at the time.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: aleon515 on March 15, 2015, 01:16:22 AM
Mine don't quite meet, it's close though.

Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: makipu on March 25, 2015, 08:51:17 PM
From what I can tell, everyone's nipples look normal. Mine are mixed dark brown and bright pink on both nipples. I first thought that the dark brown areas were going to peel like how other areas peeled off on their own but this wasn't the case. Basically each nipples look like a puzzle piece with them not even being the close shade colors. I checked Transbucket too and I only saw a couple of guys have this but I don't know what caused this as I was and still am taking care of them carefully.

I am applying Neosporin and using non stick pads.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Bimmer Guy on March 25, 2015, 11:09:21 PM
Quote from: makipu on March 25, 2015, 08:51:17 PM
From what I can tell, everyone's nipples look normal. Mine are mixed dark brown and bright pink on both nipples. I first thought that the dark brown areas were going to peel like how other areas peeled off on their own but this wasn't the case. Basically each nipples look like a puzzle piece with them not even being the close shade colors. I checked Transbucket too and I only saw a couple of guys have this but I don't know what caused this as I was and still am taking care of them carefully.

I am applying Neosporin and using non stick pads.

It will get better.  unfortunately, some part of mine stayed pink in color.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Elijah3291 on March 26, 2015, 12:11:55 AM
My nipples had discoloration too. Dr G said that it was hyper pigmentation. Pre Op they were pink in color, now one of them is mostly pink and the other is half pink, half brownish pink in color. I first noticed this about 1-2 months in, and Its still there, unfortunately time has not changed it. It kinda bums me out but I'm still just grateful to have had surgery.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: makipu on March 26, 2015, 12:37:05 PM
I was searching for hyper pigmentation and found Meladerm, anyone uses this?

Also for scars, I was told to use Scarguard. Which kind is better;the liquid or the sheets?
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Daft on March 26, 2015, 01:02:38 PM
I've been post-op as of Monday morning at 9:30am--I get my drains removed next week. Hope to post a picture some time soon.

I'm eager to see how my chest turned out, same with starting scar treatment (I already bought BioOil, Vitamin E, and Silicone Scar Sheets) though I know I have to wait a couple months beforehand when the scars have pretty much healed over.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: makipu on March 28, 2015, 10:24:50 AM
So I got ScarGuard (what I was told to get) and the smell is just unbearable. Not only do I need to put on a mask but I need to protect my eyes too because I get this burning sensation.
And it peels off within minutes of application so how do I even know if it's doing its thing?  I noticed it being more expensive than all the other products available at the stores too but it's so inconvenient.

By the way, I was told to start scar therapy after 1 month (I am not sure why the wait time was because isn't starting sooner the better?)

Anyways before I even started scar care, I noticed what seems like hyper tropic scars ONLY on the edge areas (where the arms are) of the incisions and not anywhere else.  I am just worried that it will take over the entire incisions because I don't even know what caused it in the first place. 

Do you guys think using hypertropic scar specific product like Kelocote as soon as possible not just on those areas but the normal looking parts would help more in terms of preventing it from occurring more?
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Bimmer Guy on March 28, 2015, 11:48:48 AM
Quote from: Brett on March 25, 2015, 11:09:21 PM
It will get better.  unfortunately, some part of mine stayed pink in color.

Quote from: Elijah on March 26, 2015, 12:11:55 AM
My nipples had discoloration too. Dr G said that it was hyper pigmentation. Pre Op they were pink in color, now one of them is mostly pink and the other is half pink, half brownish pink in color. I first noticed this about 1-2 months in, and Its still there, unfortunately time has not changed it. It kinda bums me out but I'm still just grateful to have had surgery.

I got it backwards.  I meant to say that unfortunately mine stayed brown in some areas.  Like you mine are pink with brown.

Quote from: makipu on March 28, 2015, 10:24:50 AM
So I got ScarGuard (what I was told to get) and the smell is just unbearable. Not only do I need to put on a mask but I need to protect my eyes too because I get this burning sensation.
And it peels off within minutes of application so how do I even know if it's doing its thing?  I noticed it being more expensive than all the other products available at the stores too but it's so inconvenient.

By the way, I was told to start scar therapy after 1 month (I am not sure why the wait time was because isn't starting sooner the better?)

Anyways before I even started scar care, I noticed what seems like hyper tropic scars ONLY on the edge areas (where the arms are) of the incisions and not anywhere else.  I am just worried that it will take over the entire incisions because I don't even know what caused it in the first place. 

Do you guys think using hypertropic scar specific product like Kelocote as soon as possible not just on those areas but the normal looking parts would help more in terms of preventing it from occurring more?

I would strongly, strongly, strongly suggest using kelocote.  It will not only help with keeping the regular scarring from happening, but it will help if your scars start to go hypertrophic as well.  Scar Guard is crap.

The other one that a lot of guys used (and I used for the first 6 months) was Scar Away.  I think this is a fine choice, but if I had to do it over again, I would use the Kelo cote, due to my hypertrophic scarring.  Thing is though, you can't keep hypertrophic scarring from happening.  If it is going happen it is going to happen, but it may be relieved a bit, or not be as bad if you use the Kelo cote.  I still use the Kelo cote daily.

Garramone said start scar tx two weeks after bandages come off, which equals to 4 weeks from day of surgery.

Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: makipu on March 28, 2015, 12:45:20 PM
Yes,Scarguard is horrible. I wish they at least had the sheet form at the stores.  I was also looking at ScarAway because I personally prefer adhesive on the surgery site to have a visual protection (I am afraid if the incisions OR the nipples touch the clothing directly something bad will happen) but the mention of it being not sterile made me a bit hesitant.  Or is this fine?

Does Kelo-cote only come in gel form?

Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: AleksiJason on March 28, 2015, 02:51:49 PM
ScarAway Gel works like magic ....much better than the strips
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: aleon515 on March 28, 2015, 05:02:18 PM
It comes in only a gel type form. It's not too messy, also you use just a tiny bit. More is not better.

Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: makipu on March 30, 2015, 09:23:38 PM
Thanks guys, I will get that next then. 

Can you guys recommend anything for the swelling to go down?  I am using Arnica cream for this whole time 3 times a day and I honestly can't say I see any difference. I even took pictures from how it was in the beginning to now but nothing.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: aleon515 on March 30, 2015, 10:23:06 PM
I believe arnica is effective for bruising but not necessarily for swelling. It just takes time, actually took a LONG time for me, months and months. NOt sure there is much to do with this. Time and patience. It WILL go away.


Quote from: makipu on March 30, 2015, 09:23:38 PM
Thanks guys, I will get that next then. 

Can you guys recommend anything for the swelling to go down?  I am using Arnica cream for this whole time 3 times a day and I honestly can't say I see any difference. I even took pictures from how it was in the beginning to now but nothing.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: AleksiJason on March 31, 2015, 06:09:52 AM
You dont need any product for swelling.  Swelling is natural and goes away on its own.  It took me about 5 months post op for all my swelling to go down.  3 months for 90% of it to go away.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: newyorker75 on April 01, 2015, 07:44:57 AM
Quote from: Brett on March 28, 2015, 11:48:48 AM

I would strongly, strongly, strongly suggest using kelocote.  It will not only help with keeping the regular scarring from happening, but it will help if your scars start to go hypertrophic as well.  Scar Guard is crap.

The other one that a lot of guys used (and I used for the first 6 months) was Scar Away.  I think this is a fine choice, but if I had to do it over again, I would use the Kelo cote, due to my hypertrophic scarring.  Thing is though, you can't keep hypertrophic scarring from happening.  If it is going happen it is going to happen, but it may be relieved a bit, or not be as bad if you use the Kelo cote.  I still use the Kelo cote daily.

Brett, can you tell us more about why you think kelo-cote is better? I'm currently 3 months post-op and my scars are fairly red/purple and raised. Though there seems to be a lot of confusion between keloid vs hypertrophic, I'm almost certain these are hypertrophic (I guess the big difference is that keloids can spread to beyond the original wound site).

I've been using the ScarAway strips pretty religiously for the past two months so it's almost time to re-up my supply. That's why I'm curious about the advantages of kelo-cote. I also have the ScarAway gel but the strips are really convenient so I haven't used it much.

Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: aleon515 on April 01, 2015, 11:05:05 AM
I don't think kelocote is better than the sheets. I think it is advantageous to do the sheets as they help keep the incision line flat. That said, I did go to the kelocote for various reasons. It certainly is easier, imo.

Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: JandJ on April 01, 2015, 01:37:23 PM
Good Afternoon All -

I am both excited, and a little nervous to be joining this thread.  I'm not recovering yet, but I had my Pre-Op appointment yesterday :)  My surgery is scheduled for April 13th.  I am getting more nervous and antsy every day.  I find that my doctor's lack of interest in my medical soundness a little unnerving.  My doctor assumes his patients are healthy and does zero pre-op workup!  No lab work, no EKG, no Mamo, NOTHING!  I even reported that I have had blood clotting issues and they didn't even ask.  I have talked to a couple of local guys that have used this surgeon and all speak very highly of him, but I find it very odd and unsettling.  I am 50 and have never had a Mammogram.  I am actually fine with that part, but my family feels very uncomfortable that the surgeon is not requesting one.  I am most unsettled with the fact that they did not even ask about my clotting issues.  I was supposed to be on Coumidin for the rest of my life, but quit taking it about two years ago.  I do have a filter in place, so that allows me to feel somewhat OK, but still feel like they should have asked!  The surgeon does not even know that I have a filter or use to take Coumidin - only that I do not take it now.  I answered all the questions on the medical forms completely and honestly so I guess I should just be grateful that he is not ordering a bunch of tests that I don't need?  When I asked about lab work and mammogram at the consult I was told that 'we assume you are healthy'!  I have actually only spent about 5 minutes with the surgeon (combined time of my two office visits).  He seems very rushed and set in his ways to me.  He just recently decided to change his preparation to include having his FTM's stop taking their Testosterone two weeks prior to surgery.  I'm not thrilled about that!  He admitted that he is still undecided if he will keep this policy, but is evaluating the situation now.  His reasoning is that he has seen a lot of issues with hematoma's and THINKS he MIGHT see less of this problem if the T is stopped.   I also wanted to talk with him about the drains, as I know there are some surgeons that do not use them and my growths are less than a B cup.  I would have been a good candidate for a Peri procedure - had I had this done 30 years ago, before age and gravity started taking effect.  I know that most say the drains are the worst part of recovery.  Anyway, he would not even discuss it!  I did not even get to present my case before he cut me off and said it was not up for discussion!

At any rate...  I guess I just wanted to vent a little.  Thanks for listening.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: AleksiJason on April 01, 2015, 02:35:58 PM
I used ScarAway GEL for 7 months....I'm a year and 1 month post op now and my scars are completely flat and faded to the point they are barely noticeable

The strips are a waste of money.....they fall off and dont stick......they say u can take them off when u shower, wash them and put them back on and keep doing that with the same strips for 6 days.....but they dont stick for more than 8 hours before they start falling off

I used them for a few weeks and was leaving a trail of strips all over my house

The gel has no smell....its not uncomfortable and great for massaging your scars....washes off in the shower.....does not peel at all or become crusty....its like putting aloe gel on your scars
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: makipu on April 01, 2015, 02:52:24 PM
Quote from: AleksiJason on April 01, 2015, 02:35:58 PM

I used them for a few weeks and was leaving a trail of strips all over my house

This is what happened to me with Scarguard.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: aleon515 on April 01, 2015, 11:16:22 PM
Advantages of ScarAway aka Kelocote. You stated them well.


Quote from: AleksiJason on April 01, 2015, 02:35:58 PM
I used ScarAway GEL for 7 months....I'm a year and 1 month post op now and my scars are completely flat and faded to the point they are barely noticeable

The gel has no smell....its not uncomfortable and great for massaging your scars....washes off in the shower.....does not peel at all or become crusty....its like putting aloe gel on your scars
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: MacG on April 02, 2015, 12:24:07 AM

Quote from: JandJ on April 01, 2015, 01:37:23 PM
Good Afternoon All -

I am both excited, and a little nervous to be joining this thread.  I'm not recovering yet, but I had my Pre-Op appointment yesterday :)  My surgery is scheduled for April 13th.  I am getting more nervous and antsy every day.  I find that my doctor's lack of interest in my medical soundness a little unnerving.  My doctor assumes his patients are healthy and does zero pre-op workup!  No lab work, no EKG, no Mamo, NOTHING!  I even reported that I have had blood clotting issues and they didn't even ask.  I have talked to a couple of local guys that have used this surgeon and all speak very highly of him, but I find it very odd and unsettling.  I am 50 and have never had a Mammogram.  I am actually fine with that part, but my family feels very uncomfortable that the surgeon is not requesting one.  I am most unsettled with the fact that they did not even ask about my clotting issues.  I was supposed to be on Coumidin for the rest of my life, but quit taking it about two years ago.  I do have a filter in place, so that allows me to feel somewhat OK, but still feel like they should have asked!  The surgeon does not even know that I have a filter or use to take Coumidin - only that I do not take it now.  I answered all the questions on the medical forms completely and honestly so I guess I should just be grateful that he is not ordering a bunch of tests that I don't need?  When I asked about lab work and mammogram at the consult I was told that 'we assume you are healthy'!  I have actually only spent about 5 minutes with the surgeon (combined time of my two office visits).  He seems very rushed and set in his ways to me.  He just recently decided to change his preparation to include having his FTM's stop taking their Testosterone two weeks prior to surgery.  I'm not thrilled about that!  He admitted that he is still undecided if he will keep this policy, but is evaluating the situation now.  His reasoning is that he has seen a lot of issues with hematoma's and THINKS he MIGHT see less of this problem if the T is stopped.   I also wanted to talk with him about the drains, as I know there are some surgeons that do not use them and my growths are less than a B cup.  I would have been a good candidate for a Peri procedure - had I had this done 30 years ago, before age and gravity started taking effect.  I know that most say the drains are the worst part of recovery.  Anyway, he would not even discuss it!  I did not even get to present my case before he cut me off and said it was not up for discussion!

At any rate...  I guess I just wanted to vent a little.  Thanks for listening.
I'm staying over night, will have leg compressors, and have a prescription for a couple shots of Lovenox to take after surgery. All this because I have a blood clotting issue. I've had one PE and am not on Coumadin.
I'm 44, had a recent mammo (mandatory for this surgery with my surgeon) and will have pre-op blood work done.
I don't understand your surgeons perspective. If YOU don't feel comfortable with him, I'd really reconsider using him.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: AleksiJason on April 02, 2015, 07:58:19 AM
Quote from: aleon515 on April 01, 2015, 11:16:22 PM
Advantages of ScarAway aka Kelocote. You stated them well.


ScarAway Gel is the same as Kelocote?  i wasnt aware of that.....anyways yes its extremely fantastic

ive had many surgeries in my life and im also an ex-cutter and my scars dont naturally heal well

but my top surgery scars are flatter and look better (more skin colored) than the scars i have from 10-15 years ago and im only a year post op

i didnt use anything on all my other scars and they still look terrible but my top surgery scars are seriously amazing
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: AleksiJason on April 02, 2015, 07:59:17 AM
How do i post a picture on this site?
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: AleksiJason on April 02, 2015, 08:03:16 AM

If this photo works u can see the scars lines near my armpits still have some slight color because the scars were thicker by my pits.....but my surgeon joined my scars in the middle of my chest....but u can see the scars arent noticeable in the middle of my chest

so about 85% of the scarline is not even noticeable right now
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: AleksiJason on April 02, 2015, 08:03:44 AM
i guess the photo didnt work i have no idea how to post a photo
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Konnor on April 02, 2015, 09:18:20 AM
Alexsi, you have to upload your picture to a site like photobucket, then use the little photo icon on your post (above the smilies) to insert the image tag. Hope that helps!

In regards to scaraway gel vs Kelocote, why is Kelocote more expensive? I already got the scaraway strips, but would like to get a gel too. Any experiences of scaraway gel vs Kelocote gel, or am I fine to get the scaraway?
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: makipu on April 02, 2015, 10:07:19 AM
I just want to make sure I am going to buy the better product.  The actual Kelo-cote brand: (
is the one worked better for you guys?

While the Scar Away gel that mentions the word "Kelo-cote' ( is just as effective?
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: JandJ on April 02, 2015, 10:33:23 AM
Quote from: MacG on April 02, 2015, 12:24:07 AM
I'm staying over night, will have leg compressors, and have a prescription for a couple shots of Lovenox to take after surgery. All this because I have a blood clotting issue. I've had one PE and am not on Coumadin.
I'm 44, had a recent mammo (mandatory for this surgery with my surgeon) and will have pre-op blood work done.
I don't understand your surgeons perspective. If YOU don't feel comfortable with him, I'd really reconsider using him.

Exactly!  I've thrown several PE's over the years thus the filter.  I am having surgery locally so I don't have the usual travel concerns but it just has me very uncomfortable that he nor his staff even asked.  My family is very concerned about the missing pre-op blood work and mammogram.  I had lab work done last month for my T and all looked good - BUT the surgeon does not know that!  I don't know...  I have waited a long time for this, and I might not have the opportunity again for some time but...  I told them that I was bed ridden and in a wheelchair for several years - for them to assume I am now the picture of health just feels odd.  Yes, I am MUCH better now and do try to appear healthy.  I know that I look healthy now and since starting T, I feel healthy for the first time in years.  But I spent a decade being anything but healthy and I do not ever want to go back!
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: AleksiJason on April 02, 2015, 11:42:09 AM
There is NO difference between Scaraway gel and Kelocote i just researched them

both are 100% silicone.....same exact ingredents (just silicone).....ScarAway gel is just cheaper and worked like magic for me
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: AleksiJason on April 02, 2015, 11:46:07 AM
I dont know what photobucket is and when i click on the picture saved on my PC there is no option to open with photobucket

they should make it a little harder for us to upload pictures
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Alexthecat on April 02, 2015, 03:16:59 PM
Quote from: AleksiJason on April 02, 2015, 11:46:07 AM
I dont know what photobucket is and when i click on the picture saved on my PC there is no option to open with photobucket

they should make it a little harder for us to upload pictures
Its easy you just haven't learned how to internet.

Go here push upload photos, take link and post it here.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: SyrBigDog on April 02, 2015, 04:30:56 PM
I'm two days post op.  Soreness has kicked in today.  Drain tubes hurts like a bear but I am so happy!!  Unveiling happens on Monday!
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Konnor on April 02, 2015, 09:53:41 PM
Congrats Syr! You will likely feel better once you get the drains out. They weren't as painful as I had feared, but definitely gross and a nuisance! Hope you are taking it easy!  :) Don't be afraid to take the pain meds and rest up!
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Whynaut on April 03, 2015, 12:48:59 AM
Maybe my nerves are starting to wake back up but I feel like I've gotten MORE sore. I'm 2.5 weeks post-op and at the 2 week mark I started getting very itchy and very sore. It doesn't feel bad to just sit or stand or walk, but reaching got more difficult and touching the incisions (like drying off after showering) got more painful. I'm sure it's fine -- there are no signs of infection or anything. It's just annoying.

Also, my nipples are even with each other as far as placement goes, but they look VERY different. I'm not concerned with aesthetics (cis bodies aren't perfect) so it's sort of funny to me. :]

Finally, I'm pretty swollen. I wish the swelling would go down because I want to admire my chest but I'll just have to be patient. How long did it take for the majority of the swelling to go away?

I went to Dr. Satterwhite and I gotta say I loved not having to deal with drains. My experience was very positive. The only downside was that the office is very busy so it took a while for them to return emails. They are much better at returning calls.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: AleksiJason on April 03, 2015, 09:46:17 AM
Quote from: Alexthecat on April 02, 2015, 03:16:59 PM
Its easy you just haven't learned how to internet.

Go here push upload photos, take link and post it here.

I've been using the internet since i was 11 years old....I'm 28 now....I was using it back in the AOL days when u had to dial up to get a connection and couldnt use the phone while u were on the net because of it.....I'm just not a nerd who knows EVERYTHING and all the ins and outs about computers or the internet
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: AleksiJason on April 03, 2015, 12:52:43 PM

My surgeon nearly joined my scars, there was only about 1/4 inch between them (at most)

I used nothing but ScarAway gel and my scars (in the past) DO NOT heal well......I have many scars from both many surgeries and also being an ex-cutter and used nothing on those scars and they healed horribly.....raised and dark colored

My camera is VERY good at picking up the slightest bit of u can see my scars are not even visible in the middle of my chest... and just get only slightly more noticeable as they get closer to my armpits (where the incision was much deeper so takes longer to go away and heal)

u can even see the light purplish color of the lines on my stomach from losing a lot of weight (i used to have fat rolls) but scars are not visible except by my pits.....that was 1 year post op

the lines on my stomach from losing weight are more visible than my scars
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Bimmer Guy on April 04, 2015, 12:36:10 PM
Quote from: AleksiJason on April 02, 2015, 11:42:09 AM
There is NO difference between Scaraway gel and Kelocote i just researched them

both are 100% silicone.....same exact ingredents (just silicone).....ScarAway gel is just cheaper and worked like magic for me

ScarAway bought Kelocote or vice versa, I can't remember about a year ago.

The Kelocote is thicker, which is why I like it.  It also mentions hypertrophic scars, which is why I used it.  I used the Scar Away roller ball for about a year because Scar Away gel wasn't out yet.  I tried the Scar Away gel and then tried the Kelo cote.  Kept with the kelo cote because it was thicker and I have hypertrophic scars.  It was soon after that the companies combined.  But yes, any gel that is 100% silicone should work fine.  I still use the Kelo cote daily and I am 1.5 years out.  I am going to have to go to a dermatologist to get steroid shots to flatten these scars.  They are pretty light in color for hypertrophic scars, though.

The Scar Away strips stayed on for me.  I would wear them for 24 hours.  I would wash them as instructed.  I never even had the hint of a corner come up and I wore them daily for 4-5 months.  I know that Jay said Target's came off.  So, maybe it is a name brand thing.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: AleksiJason on April 04, 2015, 02:57:23 PM
The ScarAway gel was thick enough for me....if it was thicker I think it'd be more uncomfortable and more suffocating.....the scar needs to heal and breathe....i actually think that is what made me choose scaraway gel.....they advertised it as "breathable" technology or some crap like that

I just bought an aloe plant for my scars now because im a year and almost 2 months post op and dont wanna use heavy duty stuff anymore

and also my scars are completely flat level with the rest of my skin....there is absolutely no hypertrophic scar tissue (like there was with previous operations and cutting).....the right side is still fairly dark in color but is completely flat level with my regular skin.....and with the aloe plant gel im hoping within a year it will get lighter
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Bimmer Guy on April 05, 2015, 03:22:10 PM
Quote from: AleksiJason on April 04, 2015, 02:57:23 PM
The ScarAway gel was thick enough for me....if it was thicker I think it'd be more uncomfortable and more suffocating.....the scar needs to heal and breathe....i actually think that is what made me choose scaraway gel.....they advertised it as "breathable" technology or some crap like that

I just bought an aloe plant for my scars now because im a year and almost 2 months post op and dont wanna use heavy duty stuff anymore

and also my scars are completely flat level with the rest of my skin....there is absolutely no hypertrophic scar tissue (like there was with previous operations and cutting).....the right side is still fairly dark in color but is completely flat level with my regular skin.....and with the aloe plant gel im hoping within a year it will get lighter

Hi, Aleksi, I am glad to hear that you didn't get hypertrophic scarring even though you have a history of them.  It was the opposite for me.  I had a colon resection which means an incision line from above my belly button down to the top of my mons pubis and it didn't get hypertrophic.  I didn't even know what it was.

Aloe is some good stuff.  Who did your surgery? 
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: AleksiJason on April 05, 2015, 06:46:17 PM
yeah ive got scars from when i used to cut when i was 15 (13 years ago) that look a hell of a lot worse, darker (and raised) than my top surgery scars which were just over a year now.....but i didnt use anything on my arm scars....i have a scar on my scalp u cant see cause of my hair but when i pull my hair away it looks horrendous from a benign brain tumor that was removed when i was 20

i went to garramone and stayed at new beginnings and had a mixed experience there....there were positives and negatives.....i know most guys would like highly recommend it but i had some bad moments there......for example Leland kept pushing me to make my bandages looser the day after my surgery but i was not comfortable with loosening them so soon

so a few days after surgery i agreed he can loosen he re-wrapped me

when i went to my post op appt dr. garramone looked shocked at my bandages....he asked why the ace bandage was so low on my chest (all my white gauze was popping out) and why it was so loose

i told him Leland rewrapped me and he looked hella >-bleeped-<ing pissed and rolled his eyes

i knew there was a problem when he rewrapped me because the ace bandage was so loose it was falling down my chest onto my stomach and all hte white gauze on my chest was showing

it didnt even cover my chest

my dad took me for my top surgery and when i was waiting in the waiting room for my Pre-Op appt... Leland came in looking for new "recruits" and talked to me and my dad and was SOOOOO nice and personable and just seemed like a great guy

but once we payed him for my week's stay he started getting rude and passive aggressive and i just got a bad vibe
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: AleksiJason on April 05, 2015, 07:00:40 PM
They (Leland and wife) live in a mansion in Florida.....both are nurses but i dont think Leland even works as a nurse anymore....and nurses dont make enough money to afford a mansion

there is no way they can afford that gigantic beautiful house if it was not for all the guys they take in (not even legally) after surgery to recover

Leland even said we couldnt tell anyone about it and i couldnt go outside without my chest fully covered and buttoned up....they dont have a license to make their home a recovery center
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: makipu on April 05, 2015, 08:58:27 PM
Right now I am using the Scaraway strips and I was initially pleased with how it stayed on and the way it looked. It's not even a week yet but 2 of the pieces fell and I don't even know where, it happened 3 times now without my notice.  I would understand it if the corners were a bit off. Is it rejecting my skin?
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Bimmer Guy on April 05, 2015, 10:17:36 PM
Quote from: makipu on April 05, 2015, 08:58:27 PM
Right now I am using the Scaraway strips and I was initially pleased with how it stayed on and the way it looked. It's not even a week yet but 2 of the pieces fell and I don't even know where, it happened 3 times now without my notice.  I would understand it if the corners were a bit off. Is it rejecting my skin?

Are you removing them, washing them and then leaving them to dry, every 24 hours?
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: aleon515 on April 06, 2015, 12:00:51 AM

Oddly the stick better when clean. But they do lose the adhesive after about a month. The generic really is less good than the brand name.


Quote from: Brett on April 05, 2015, 10:17:36 PM
Are you removing them, washing them and then leaving them to dry, every 24 hours?
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Bimmer Guy on April 06, 2015, 05:10:58 PM
Quote from: aleon515 on April 06, 2015, 12:00:51 AM
Oddly the stick better when clean. But they do lose the adhesive after about a month. The generic really is less good than the brand name.


You are supposed to throw them out after 7 days (scar Away)
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: aleon515 on April 06, 2015, 11:16:36 PM
Okay that's right. The month is how long I got out of a box.


Quote from: Brett on April 06, 2015, 05:10:58 PM
You are supposed to throw them out after 7 days (scar Away)
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Aazhie on April 07, 2015, 03:43:10 AM
Quote from: JandJ on April 02, 2015, 10:33:23 AM
Exactly!  I've thrown several PE's over the years thus the filter.  I am having surgery locally so I don't have the usual travel concerns but it just has me very uncomfortable that he nor his staff even asked.  My family is very concerned about the missing pre-op blood work and mammogram.  I had lab work done last month for my T and all looked good - BUT the surgeon does not know that!  I don't know...  I have waited a long time for this, and I might not have the opportunity again for some time but...  I told them that I was bed ridden and in a wheelchair for several years - for them to assume I am now the picture of health just feels odd.  Yes, I am MUCH better now and do try to appear healthy.  I know that I look healthy now and since starting T, I feel healthy for the first time in years.  But I spent a decade being anything but healthy and I do not ever want to go back!
As someone who works at a hospital... This attitude concerns me :C  Are you able to call the office and talk with someone about it? Have you known anyone who has gotten this kind of surgery from the specific surgeon you are seeing?  It's one thing for a surgeon to be a bit cocky/overconfident as that is generally the personality one has to have to literally be holding people's lives in one's hands.  However, this sounds like it's getting into negligent areas rather than simply confident?  How does the doctor that handles your lab work feel about this?  I know it's an important surgery but I have concerns for your health and safety if they aren't even doing some basic screening pre-op, unless they are secretly getting your lab work without your knowledge, whcih should NOT be happening!
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: JandJ on April 07, 2015, 08:42:11 AM
Thanks for the reply :)

The main reason I have NOT canceled this is because I have talked to a few others that have used this surgeon and all have had glowing reviews.  At the moment, I am without a primary care provider.  I have an appointment scheduled with a new (hopefully) primary, but he couldn't see me until the end of the month (a couple of weeks post-op). I hear you with the cocky/overconfident (most definitely) vs. negligent!  At my pre-op I completed all the questionairs with complete honesty and was prepared to discuss my past medical issues - I was never even asked.  I was able to work in some of my prior history but still did not raise an eyebrow.  I had a copy of my latest labs with me to give them, but again never asked. 

Six days to go and trying not to over think things!

Quote from: Aazhie on April 07, 2015, 03:43:10 AM

As someone who works at a hospital... This attitude concerns me :C  Are you able to call the office and talk with someone about it? Have you known anyone who has gotten this kind of surgery from the specific surgeon you are seeing?  It's one thing for a surgeon to be a bit cocky/overconfident as that is generally the personality one has to have to literally be holding people's lives in one's hands.  However, this sounds like it's getting into negligent areas rather than simply confident?  How does the doctor that handles your lab work feel about this?  I know it's an important surgery but I have concerns for your health and safety if they aren't even doing some basic screening pre-op, unless they are secretly getting your lab work without your knowledge, whcih should NOT be happening!
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: AleksiJason on April 07, 2015, 09:22:15 AM
yeah ive got scars from when i used to cut when i was 15 (13 years ago) that look a hell of a lot worse, darker (and raised) than my top surgery scars which were just over a year now.....but i didnt use anything on my arm scars....i have a scar on my scalp u cant see cause of my hair but when i pull my hair away it looks horrendous from a benign brain tumor that was removed when i was 20

i went to garramone and stayed at new beginnings and had a mixed experience there....there were positives and negatives.....i know most guys would like highly recommend it but i had some bad moments there......for example Leland kept pushing me to make my bandages looser the day after my surgery but i was not comfortable with loosening them so soon

so a few days after surgery i agreed he can loosen he re-wrapped me

when i went to my post op appt dr. garramone looked shocked at my bandages....he asked why the ace bandage was so low on my chest (all my white gauze was popping out) and why it was so loose

i told him Leland rewrapped me and he looked hella >-bleeped-<ing pissed and rolled his eyes

i knew there was a problem when he rewrapped me because the ace bandage was so loose it was falling down my chest onto my stomach and all hte white gauze on my chest was showing

it didnt even cover my chest

my dad took me for my top surgery and when i was waiting in the waiting room for my Pre-Op appt... Leland came in looking for new "recruits" and talked to me and my dad and was SOOOOO nice and personable and just seemed like a great guy

but once we payed him for my week's stay he started getting rude and passive aggressive and i just got a bad vibe
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: AleksiJason on April 07, 2015, 09:22:47 AM
They (Leland and wife) live in a mansion in Florida.....both are nurses but i dont think Leland even works as a nurse anymore....and nurses dont make enough money to afford a mansion

there is no way they can afford that gigantic beautiful house if it was not for all the guys they take in (not even legally) after surgery to recover

Leland even said we couldnt tell anyone about it and i couldnt go outside without my chest fully covered and buttoned up....they dont have a license to make their home a recovery center
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: aleon515 on April 07, 2015, 03:00:51 PM
They are licensed for business in FL. I don't know how they are licensed. I believe it would be classed as a BandB. I think they would say they have a nursing background, but if you have real problems, they won't handle it. Most people stay in a motel, so it doesn't require any actual nursing. Of course, they could not afford a 5-7 bedroom house, nor would they need one. 

They live in a housing development. So the problems they may face are more to do with various Housing Associations. But they are licensed as a private business in FL.

I am very surprised that incident happened. Leland loosened my bandage, what it amounted to was unwinding a tiny bit and rewinding a little looser. To totally rewind and reapply would have taken a LONG time. It took 3 minutes or so for what he did. Dr Garramone didn't notice it. It didn't loosen them very much at all.


Quote from: AleksiJason on April 07, 2015, 09:22:47 AM
They (Leland and wife) live in a mansion in Florida.....both are nurses but i dont think Leland even works as a nurse anymore....and nurses dont make enough money to afford a mansion

there is no way they can afford that gigantic beautiful house if it was not for all the guys they take in (not even legally) after surgery to recover

Leland even said we couldnt tell anyone about it and i couldnt go outside without my chest fully covered and buttoned up....they dont have a license to make their home a recovery center
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Aazhie on April 07, 2015, 03:45:31 PM
Quote from: JandJ on April 07, 2015, 08:42:11 AM
Thanks for the reply :)

The main reason I have NOT canceled this is because I have talked to a few others that have used this surgeon and all have had glowing reviews.  At the moment, I am without a primary care provider.  I have an appointment scheduled with a new (hopefully) primary, but he couldn't see me until the end of the month (a couple of weeks post-op). I hear you with the cocky/overconfident (most definitely) vs. negligent!  At my pre-op I completed all the questionairs with complete honesty and was prepared to discuss my past medical issues - I was never even asked.  I was able to work in some of my prior history but still did not raise an eyebrow.  I had a copy of my latest labs with me to give them, but again never asked. 

Six days to go and trying not to over think things!
Okay that sounds better though...
If they have good reviews, that makes me feel better.  Perhaps they had you sign over old medical info for them to review?  If you filled out all the questions regarding medications and history generally that stuff will tell them a lot.  If that was as complete as you could get it, I am more reassured that they have relevant info.  Some doctors are not great at social stuff, just like any other person can be.  They're also overbooked in most facilities these days so things like consultations usually have to be quick.  Your surgeon may prefer to get his details from the paperwork rather than in person.  Professionally, as well, I think there's a need to be detatched from the patient's emotional state.  I imagine it can make the job more complicated if you are focusing too much on the person rather than the physical act of surgery and this often reflects in a bad bedside manner.  While I believe all healthcare professionals need to be, well, professional, there's a lot of interpretation of the word.  Nurses and the daily care staff are usually much better educated on how to interact with patients as people, since the surgeon usually only sees you for a consult, then on the table.  I feel like for how unnatural it is to cut someone open and do surgery, it's probably better in some ways for the doctor to not get too concerned for the person versus their actual body, as their job is to get your body taken care of first and foremost. 
Take care and do your best not to stress- I hear that being calm and realistic can help the short and long term healing process. Stress hormones can linger in your body longer than the stressful event lasts, so deep breathing and chillout sessions would be a great ideas for you to work on.  :D Best wishes and take care of yourself!
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: makipu on April 08, 2015, 09:49:01 AM
Quote from: Brett on April 05, 2015, 10:17:36 PM
Are you removing them, washing them and then leaving them to dry, every 24 hours?

Yes, I did. I don't know if this makes a difference but I used antibacterial soap.  It's odd because not all of the pieces are falling, only from the scar areas that seem raised.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: JandJ on April 08, 2015, 11:47:35 AM
Thanks Aazhie.  Trying to stay positive.  He has a nurse that does the majority of the Pre-Op appointment for him.  I've seen the surgeon for a total of MAYBE 5 minutes iIn my two appointments - I understand that, to a point.  She spent a good bit of time going over post-op instructions with me etc.  No - they have requested no prior medical records from anyone and I have signed no release (only an ABN for payment).  Hopefully my concerns and my families fears are unfounded and all will go well - but I did have my SO take out a life insurance policy for April, just in case LOL

I do appreciate your reply :) Hopefully, soon I will appreciate the scar treatment conversation more :)

Quote from: Aazhie on April 07, 2015, 03:45:31 PM
Okay that sounds better though...
If they have good reviews, that makes me feel better.  Perhaps they had you sign over old medical info for them to review?  If you filled out all the questions regarding medications and history generally that stuff will tell them a lot.  If that was as complete as you could get it, I am more reassured that they have relevant info.  Some doctors are not great at social stuff, just like any other person can be.  They're also overbooked in most facilities these days so things like consultations usually have to be quick.  Your surgeon may prefer to get his details from the paperwork rather than in person.  Professionally, as well, I think there's a need to be detatched from the patient's emotional state.  I imagine it can make the job more complicated if you are focusing too much on the person rather than the physical act of surgery and this often reflects in a bad bedside manner.  While I believe all healthcare professionals need to be, well, professional, there's a lot of interpretation of the word.  Nurses and the daily care staff are usually much better educated on how to interact with patients as people, since the surgeon usually only sees you for a consult, then on the table.  I feel like for how unnatural it is to cut someone open and do surgery, it's probably better in some ways for the doctor to not get too concerned for the person versus their actual body, as their job is to get your body taken care of first and foremost. 
Take care and do your best not to stress- I hear that being calm and realistic can help the short and long term healing process. Stress hormones can linger in your body longer than the stressful event lasts, so deep breathing and chillout sessions would be a great ideas for you to work on.  :D Best wishes and take care of yourself!
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: AleksiJason on April 08, 2015, 05:43:24 PM
Quote from: aleon515 on April 07, 2015, 03:00:51 PM
They are licensed for business in FL. I don't know how they are licensed. I believe it would be classed as a BandB. I think they would say they have a nursing background, but if you have real problems, they won't handle it. Most people stay in a motel, so it doesn't require any actual nursing. Of course, they could not afford a 5-7 bedroom house, nor would they need one. 

They live in a housing development. So the problems they may face are more to do with various Housing Associations. But they are licensed as a private business in FL.

I am very surprised that incident happened. Leland loosened my bandage, what it amounted to was unwinding a tiny bit and rewinding a little looser. To totally rewind and reapply would have taken a LONG time. It took 3 minutes or so for what he did. Dr Garramone didn't notice it. It didn't loosen them very much at all.


Aleon they are definitely NOT licensed....because Leland even told my dad and I they were not licensed and we could not tell anyone

I'm glad he re-wrapped u right but he screwed up mine big time and Garramone was pissed as **** swelling was enormous because i had no compression on my chest

i dont know WHY they are not licensed....he didn't say....but im assuming they may have to pay a lot of money to become licensed and dont wanna fork over any of their profits.....OR u cant even get a license to run a recovery center from their house.

*mod edit- watch language please.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Bimmer Guy on April 08, 2015, 06:48:33 PM
Quote from: aleon515 on April 07, 2015, 03:00:51 PM
They are licensed for business in FL. I don't know how they are licensed. I believe it would be classed as a BandB. I think they would say they have a nursing background, but if you have real problems, they won't handle it. Most people stay in a motel, so it doesn't require any actual nursing. Of course, they could not afford a 5-7 bedroom house, nor would they need one. 

They live in a housing development. So the problems they may face are more to do with various Housing Associations. But they are licensed as a private business in FL.

I am very surprised that incident happened. Leland loosened my bandage, what it amounted to was unwinding a tiny bit and rewinding a little looser. To totally rewind and reapply would have taken a LONG time. It took 3 minutes or so for what he did. Dr Garramone didn't notice it. It didn't loosen them very much at all.


Quote from: AleksiJason on April 08, 2015, 05:43:24 PM
Aleon they are definitely NOT licensed....because Leland even told my dad and I they were not licensed and we could not tell anyone

I'm glad he re-wrapped u right but he screwed up mine big time and Garramone was pissed as **** swelling was enormous because i had no compression on my chest

i dont know WHY they are not licensed....he didn't say....but im assuming they may have to pay a lot of money to become licensed and dont wanna fork over any of their profits.....OR u cant even get a license to run a recovery center from their house.

*mod edit- watch language please.

Hey, Jay, I believe that they aren't licensed, which was Garramone's issue.  I do know that they had problems with the Housing Association (at the first house).  Honestly, if you are living in a fancy neighborhood, you might not appreciate 7-9 new faces a week walking around your neighborhood.  That can make people uncomfortable simply for safety issues.

Leland was a nurse, I don't know if he still has his license.  Bonnie was/is a "massage therapist" (I don't know if she just calls herself that or is actually certified), and I see that she is now touting herself as a "life coach" on their website (anyone can call themselves a "life coach", btw.  no training required).

I was very pleased with how Leland loosened my bandage as well.  I swear that alone made it worth the price of staying there!  Garramone told us we could loosen it a bit after a day or so, but I never would have trusted myself to do it right, so I am sure I would have just suffered!

I think the license issue is that where they were living was a residential area, it wasn't zoned as a business, so that was the problem (this was at the old house.  I know nothing about the "new" house).  A bit shady?  Probably.  Am I glad that I stayed there?  Yep...for a lot of reasons!

Anyway, we are getting off track from the purpose of the thread...:)
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: aleon515 on April 08, 2015, 10:32:05 PM
Leland told me he had a business license in FL. But I doubt he is licensed as a B&B (which is what I think they are, regardless of the "recovery center" concept. I doubt there is such a license. Not sure how business licenses work in FL. When I got a business license in NM, I had to state the nature of my business, but that may all be separate (B&B vs business license). (BTW, I never saw the license so...)

Housing Associations have rather strict rules, but they aren't "laws". It's rather an agreement you make. I lived in a condo with one, and i got to say they are a royal PITA.
But I would gather they don't tell the HA what they are up to. So I agree  with Brett (not surprisingly) re: somewhat shadiness.

Yes very happy to have the bandage loosened. Was worth the price of admission. Yes, it's something he says you can do after a couple days. You unwind around the body twice, and rewind. That's why I was surprised that would be noticeable. There are at least 20 winds around the body, I'd think.

Perhaps someone would like to start a new thread.

Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: SyrBigDog on April 09, 2015, 12:25:47 PM
I'm 9 days post op.  Had the drains out 3 days ago.  Dr. said I'm supposed to wear the binder vest a solid 2 weeks and as much as I can for a 3rd.  It's the biggest pain for me.  What is everyone elses results and experience with the time frame that they wore their binders post op?
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: AleksiJason on April 10, 2015, 05:33:27 AM
i had an allergic reaction to my ace bandage that made me break out in hives and itched and was didnt start happening though until about 8 or 9 days post i stopped wearing mine

but if u arent having a reaction i highly suggest u listen to your doctor's advice
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Bimmer Guy on April 10, 2015, 06:41:38 AM
Quote from: SyrBigDog on April 09, 2015, 12:25:47 PM
I'm 9 days post op.  Had the drains out 3 days ago.  Dr. said I'm supposed to wear the binder vest a solid 2 weeks and as much as I can for a 3rd.  It's the biggest pain for me.  What is everyone elses results and experience with the time frame that they wore their binders post op?

Hi, SyrBigDog, like AleksiJason, I didn't have a binder vest since I went to Garramone.  Sorry I can't answer your question!

I popped in here to tell you that you may get more responses if you make a new thread in the top surgery section.  Although I assisted in keeping this sticky thread off track the last couple of days (my bad), it is mainly for just updates/pictures and not problems related to healing (in  general).  My point is, I don't know that everyone reads it (just those interested in results), so you may get more bang for your buck writing in the top surgery section and not this sticky.  The issue will also "stand out", more.  Good luck.  I would have hated having to wear a vest!
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Konnor on April 11, 2015, 11:40:47 AM
Quote from: SyrBigDog on April 09, 2015, 12:25:47 PM
I'm 9 days post op.  Had the drains out 3 days ago.  Dr. said I'm supposed to wear the binder vest a solid 2 weeks and as much as I can for a 3rd.  It's the biggest pain for me.  What is everyone elses results and experience with the time frame that they wore their binders post op?

Congrats on post op! It's a great feeling. I wore my vest for 3 weeks after surgery, and then switched to an abdominal binder just around my stomach. The reason I'm still doing compression is because I'm retaining fluid at my stomach/love handle lipo sites, nothing to do with my actual chest. This was my first week of the abdominal binder and expect to have to wear it at least 1-2 more weeks. So I would say your plan to wear your vest for 2-3 weeks post op sounds right. Hope this helps!
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: SyrBigDog on April 13, 2015, 01:40:57 PM
Quote from: Konnor on April 11, 2015, 11:40:47 AM
Congrats on post op! It's a great feeling. I wore my vest for 3 weeks after surgery, and then switched to an abdominal binder just around my stomach. The reason I'm still doing compression is because I'm retaining fluid at my stomach/love handle lipo sites, nothing to do with my actual chest. This was my first week of the abdominal binder and expect to have to wear it at least 1-2 more weeks. So I would say your plan to wear your vest for 2-3 weeks post op sounds right. Hope this helps!

Thank you!   Dr. switched me to a wide bandage and doing much better now. 
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: SyrBigDog on April 14, 2015, 09:06:32 PM

Not a great pic or angle but wanted to post the 2 week post op mark.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: JandJ on April 15, 2015, 10:20:09 AM
Well, I finally get to join this thread:) my surgery was Monday, April 13th with Dr. Morehouse in Albuquerque.  Still much too soon to admire, but Dr. Morehouse wanted to see me in his office the day after surgery.  At that time He told me that my surgery went very well! And I got my first look at my new chest!

Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: FTMax on April 15, 2015, 09:25:58 PM
Yay, you guys are looking great! I hope you're both healing up nicely. I'll be joining the club next week!
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: JandJ on April 17, 2015, 09:57:28 PM
Drains removed today! Yeah!  Nipple packages to be removed Tuesday.  Doctor says everything looks great so far. The pics I took when I got home from the drain removal don't look so great to me - more like I was cut in half and sewn back together LOL but I am VERY happy to have the drains out!

I am kidding (somewhat) - everything looks pretty much as I expected for only 4 days post-op.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: aleon515 on April 18, 2015, 12:59:39 AM
I imagine everything went well as I haven't gotten any frantic texts or calls. :)
Happy you are looking so good, and happy for you that the drains are out. Drains suck. LOL, well literally.  If you need to get out, let me know. (We are both in ABQ).

Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: jumpthenexttrain on April 19, 2015, 10:01:47 AM
I had surgery (DI) on Friday. Felt surprisingly ok afterwards, minus feeling nauseated from the vicodin. Puking and being nauseated freaks me out, gives me panic attacks, so I haven't taken my vicodin just plain tylenol. I tend to have a high pain tolerance though so that's probably in my favor.

On Friday my left side was way more swollen than the right side which had hardly any swelling at all. I'm a bit of a hypochondriac so it worried me and I used ice on that side and the swelling has gone down since the first day but it's still more swollen than the right side. But everyone I've talked to said that's normal. I'm just ready to get my drains out next week cuz this ace wrap around my chest as a post surgical dressing is driving me crazy cuz its loosening itself up and sliding around.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: FTMax on April 22, 2015, 03:17:56 PM
Surgery was yesterday, at home recovering now. So far, no real pain, just a little tightness where the bandages are. Had a little nausea right when I woke up in recovery, but it went away immediately.

Thanks for all the contributions to this thread and others on the board. They all really helped me get myself together and feel mentally ready. I'll post some pics after my unveiling next Tuesday.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Amadeus on April 25, 2015, 09:43:50 PM
Two days post-op here, double incision with nipple graft.  Had it on Thursday, 23 April, at 7.30am.  Dr Farzad Nahai did it.  He's in Atlanta and is much less expensive than Dr Lincenberg.  Dr Nahai took photos of my body after the surgery and showed them to my friend Faerycake, who has been my biggest cheerleader.  Faerycake assures me that it looks great.

So far the only problems I had were just before surgery and right after.  They were putting a mask over my face in the operating theatre and I lost it.  Three people had to hold me down, I was freaking out so bad.  Everything went black after that and I had weird dreams, then I remember hearing my name being called.  A nurse asked if I was in pain.  Oh yes, I was.  I pointed to my left pectoral, which hurt like a mofo.  Took two injections of Dilaudid to get rid of it.  Since then, I've had hardly any pain.

I actually feel really good.  The drains are cumbersome, annoying, and a little uncomfortable.  The Percocet makes me itchy.  If I move the wrong way I feel the incisions sting.  But otherwise...this is a bloody cake walk compared to my gallbladder surgery back in 2010!

And the nurses were just...wonderful!  There were a couple of missed pronouns, but they were fine referring to me as 'he' and 'him'.  My pre-op nurse actually looked a little upset that she had misgendered me, so of course I felt bad and I told her, "Look, it's all right.  Until these are gone [prodded mannaries] I'm not making a huge fuss."  But my friends did gently correct everyone for me before and after surgery.

But the coolest part...Northside Hospital is fully staffed.  No joke!  I stayed overnight and there was one nurse per patient in that recovery ward.  She and I got on really well, she answered all my questions, just made me feel really good.  Said I was her "A+ patient".  Le blush.  The food was even decent.  And before I left, the pre-op nurse came to check on me, wished me luck.  I've never felt so loved in a hospital!

So if you're in Atlanta and want top surgery, I definitely recommend Dr Nahai and Northside Hospital.  Whenever I have my hysterectomy I'm going to see if I can have it up there as well, it was just that great.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: jumpthenexttrain on April 26, 2015, 02:25:25 AM
Had to have a second surgery on Thursday because I developed a huge amount of swelling and a hematoma on my left side. My right side is fine, drain already taken out and my stitches are all internal so my right side is feeling ok. I go back on Tuesday to have my drain removed from the result of the second surgery on the left side. I can't wait to get this bandage off and wear normal clothes again, wearing a button up shirt for the last week and a half is driving me crazy! And laying here with Xbox and Netflix, I'm still bored to death. sitting around all day without working or doing anything is definitely not for me
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Amadeus on April 26, 2015, 01:25:36 PM
Quote from: jumpthenexttrain on April 26, 2015, 02:25:25 AM
Had to have a second surgery on Thursday because I developed a huge amount of swelling and a hematoma on my left side. My right side is fine, drain already taken out and my stitches are all internal so my right side is feeling ok. I go back on Tuesday to have my drain removed from the result of the second surgery on the left side. I can't wait to get this bandage off and wear normal clothes again, wearing a button up shirt for the last week and a half is driving me crazy! And laying here with Xbox and Netflix, I'm still bored to death. sitting around all day without working or doing anything is definitely not for me
That sucks you had to go back in.  I hear you on the 'going crazy' part.  I was so bored yesterday that I made banana bread.  Just not enough Archer and Family Guy on hulu+ to keep me sane.  Anyway, hope everything is okay on Tuesday.  Keep us updated!
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: MacG on April 26, 2015, 10:45:39 PM
If you have an iPhone or Apple TV, you can get a free month of HBO Now (you don't have to have cable AT ALL). Tons of TV to zone out to.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: JandJ on April 28, 2015, 01:05:22 AM
Well, I am now two weeks Post-Op.  I'm a little concerned because my nipples both look really red today and my results don't look as good as the pics I've seen of others at two weeks out, but I am still glad I was able to have it done and I will be be even happier when my nipples heal enough that I don't have to keep them covered :)

Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: FTMax on April 28, 2015, 02:40:16 PM
Not such a good angle, but no one else was home to assist with the picture-taking.

One week out. Just had all my bandages and drains removed. The white pads over my nipples are to be removed tomorrow in the shower. There is some bruising in my left armpit from the drain, and around the incision. I have a lot of sensation throughout my chest (nip area is in and out, no sensation directly over the nips). No pain whatsoever the entire week, and I haven't exactly been gentle with myself.

Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Bimmer Guy on April 28, 2015, 05:42:49 PM
Quote from: ftmax on April 28, 2015, 02:40:16 PM
Not such a good angle, but no one else was home to assist with the picture-taking.

One week out. Just had all my bandages and drains removed. The white pads over my nipples are to be removed tomorrow in the shower. There is some bruising in my left armpit from the drain, and around the incision. I have a lot of sensation throughout my chest (nip area is in and out, no sensation directly over the nips). No pain whatsoever the entire week, and I haven't exactly been gentle with myself.



Looking great!  Keep us updated, including a picture of your new areolas! (wait...that sounded weird).

Congrats on the surgery!!
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Bimmer Guy on April 28, 2015, 05:50:55 PM
Somehow I missed 3 other guys getting surgery done.  Usually I am on top of this thread.  Congrats to JandJ, Amadeus, and jumpthenexttrain.

JandJ and jumpthenexttrain, who were your surgeons?

JandJ, try not to worry too much about what you are seeing right now.  There is swelling and craziness that goes on with the skin before it settles down.

jumpthenexttrain, how are you healing up now?
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: FTMax on April 28, 2015, 05:55:05 PM
Quote from: Brett on April 28, 2015, 05:42:49 PM

Looking great!  Keep us updated, including a picture of your new areolas! (wait...that sounded weird).

Congrats on the surgery!!

Haha, will do. I am interested to see them as well. Dr. Fischer said she was very pleased with them.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: JandJ on April 28, 2015, 07:03:16 PM
Thanks Brett :). My surgeon was Dr. Morehouse in Albuquerque.  So you think it's normal for the nipples to be bright red?  I don't have another appointment until next Thursday.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: AleksiJason on April 29, 2015, 07:12:38 AM
It's normal for the healing nipples to go through color changes for a few months.  Mine went from brown with tints of green and yellow cause i think  i had a small bright bright pink....then back to their normal color of a mix between dark pink and dark puprple

whatever your nipple color was before the surgery is what they will be when they heal
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: makipu on April 29, 2015, 08:22:57 AM
How many months did it take for your nipples to even out AleksiJason?  Mine are still mixed with dark brown+light pink after 2 months.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: JandJ on April 29, 2015, 10:31:01 AM
Quote from: AleksiJason on April 29, 2015, 07:12:38 AM
It's normal for the healing nipples to go through color changes for a few months.  Mine went from brown with tints of green and yellow cause i think  i had a small bright bright pink....then back to their normal color of a mix between dark pink and dark puprple

whatever your nipple color was before the surgery is what they will be when they heal

Thanks - I'm just a little concerned because I'm only 16 days  out a and they have been BRIGHT red ever since the day after the stitches were removed - Friday (day 11).  Hoping I'm just being paranoid!
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: MacG on April 29, 2015, 12:53:37 PM
1 day post op oophorectomy and di top surgery. It all hurts in various way, but getting more awake. I should be discharged today.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: AleksiJason on April 29, 2015, 01:03:08 PM
Quote from: MacG on April 29, 2015, 12:53:37 PM
1 day post op oophorectomy and di top surgery. It all hurts in various way, but getting more awake. I should be discharged today.

whats an oopherectomy
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: AleksiJason on April 29, 2015, 01:05:15 PM
Quote from: JandJ on April 29, 2015, 10:31:01 AM
Thanks - I'm just a little concerned because I'm only 16 days  out a and they have been BRIGHT red ever since the day after the stitches were removed - Friday (day 11).  Hoping I'm just being paranoid!

dont worry, its an impossibility for your nipples to change color permanently just because they were operated took 2 months or even more for me to get my normal nipple color back....doesnt come back til they are 100% fully healed....theyre just irritated right now like a wound
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: AleksiJason on April 29, 2015, 01:07:36 PM
i've seen guys whose natural nipple color is dark brown

but after surgery they are bright pink or red until 2 or 3 months post op and then become dark brown again
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: MacG on April 29, 2015, 01:12:54 PM

Quote from: AleksiJason on April 29, 2015, 01:03:08 PM
whats an oopherectomy

An oophorectomy is the removal of the ovaries. I had my uterus removed several years ago.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: mm on April 29, 2015, 01:19:48 PM
Dex, I hope you continue to have a good recovery.  Was your oophorectomy done through a small incision so little muscle repair was necessary.  I look forward to having my ovaries/uterus removed so no more monthly bleeding to be concerned about every month.  I know top surgery results wills be great too.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: MacG on April 29, 2015, 01:29:57 PM
Mm, are you asking me? Luckily I had a laparoscopic oophorectomy., so two tiny incisions and one small. Both surgeons have been by and things look good. I'm incredibly sore.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: JandJ on April 29, 2015, 01:40:49 PM
Quote from: AleksiJason on April 29, 2015, 01:05:15 PM
dont worry, its an impossibility for your nipples to change color permanently just because they were operated took 2 months or even more for me to get my normal nipple color back....doesnt come back til they are 100% fully healed....theyre just irritated right now like a wound

Oh yes, I get that - I was just concerned they might be getting infected or something because they wer SO red.  This morning I decided to clean them of all the gooey stuff and just leave them to get some air for a while and already they look better and less red 😎 - or maybe not?

Thanks for the replies - I do appreciate it.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: jumpthenexttrain on April 29, 2015, 06:29:43 PM
Quote from: Brett on April 28, 2015, 05:50:55 PM
Somehow I missed 3 other guys getting surgery done.  Usually I am on top of this thread.  Congrats to JandJ, Amadeus, and jumpthenexttrain.

JandJ and jumpthenexttrain, who were your surgeons?

JandJ, try not to worry too much about what you are seeing right now.  There is swelling and craziness that goes on with the skin before it settles down.

jumpthenexttrain, how are you healing up now?

My surgeon was Dr. Gregory Baum in Syracuse NY. He's a regular plastic surgeon, not specifically known to the Trans community. He's only an hour drive from me and accepted my insurance and they covered the whole thing except for $150 copay so I jumped on that opportunity.

I had my drain out from the second surgery on Tuesday. So my right side which didn't have any complications is almost 2 weeks post op, and my left side is now 2 weeks from the original surgery and one week since the second surgery to repair the hematoma. My right side feels pretty good, still sore and a bit swollen but not bad. My left side is more swollen and sore than the right.

How long did it take for you guys to have swelling go down? I spent forever standing in the mirror, worrying if they left too much tissue behind and worrying that I'd have man boobs :/
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: jumpthenexttrain on April 30, 2015, 12:29:24 AM
( (
Front view

( (

Bad side which had the hematoma and is now a week post op from the second surgery

Good side which is 2 weeks post op
( (

I know both sides still have some fluid (the bad side has more) and have plenty of swelling left to go down but at first I was like noooooooo. The good side is acceptable to me cuz I had some pec muscle before surgery but the bad side side freaked me out. I don't have "man boobs" Do i?
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: AleksiJason on April 30, 2015, 07:11:15 AM
Quote from: JandJ on April 29, 2015, 01:40:49 PM
Oh yes, I get that - I was just concerned they might be getting infected or something because they wer SO red.  This morning I decided to clean them of all the gooey stuff and just leave them to get some air for a while and already they look better and less red 😎 - or maybe not?

Thanks for the replies - I do appreciate it.

If they aren't turning yellow or green dont worry....inflammation is normal....yellow or green means infection.....mine became tinted greenish yellow for 1-2 weeks but i decided to let it go but planning on seeing a doc if it got worse but luckily it didnt and went away on its own
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: FTMax on April 30, 2015, 04:12:10 PM
Brett, here are the nips I promised you  :P


Tape started dropping off yesterday in the shower. The rest came off today. The purple along the incision is Dr. Fischer's line - whatever kind of marker she used, it does not want to come off. Overall, very happy with it. There's a lot of caked on blood around my right nipple. The ends of the line under my armpits where the drains were are probably the worst looking.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Bimmer Guy on April 30, 2015, 10:34:27 PM

Looks great.  Fischer rocks.  Are you pleased with it?
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Bimmer Guy on April 30, 2015, 10:37:23 PM
Quote from: jumpthenexttrain on April 29, 2015, 06:29:43 PM
My surgeon was Dr. Gregory Baum in Syracuse NY. He's a regular plastic surgeon, not specifically known to the Trans community. He's only an hour drive from me and accepted my insurance and they covered the whole thing except for $150 copay so I jumped on that opportunity.

I had my drain out from the second surgery on Tuesday. So my right side which didn't have any complications is almost 2 weeks post op, and my left side is now 2 weeks from the original surgery and one week since the second surgery to repair the hematoma. My right side feels pretty good, still sore and a bit swollen but not bad. My left side is more swollen and sore than the right.

How long did it take for you guys to have swelling go down? I spent forever standing in the mirror, worrying if they left too much tissue behind and worrying that I'd have man boobs :/

Outside of the swelling on the sides, I really didn't have that much at the time of removal of the bandages at day 6.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: jumpthenexttrain on April 30, 2015, 11:52:16 PM
My bio male friend told me it looks fine and to stop freaking out lol. So I think I'll just relax and wait for everything to settle
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: FTMax on May 01, 2015, 04:28:03 AM
Quote from: Brett on April 30, 2015, 10:34:27 PM

Looks great.  Fischer rocks.  Are you pleased with it?

Very pleased. I'm still a bit swollen where she did some extra lipo under my arms, but once that goes down, I have no issues with anything else. I think she did a great job.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: AleksiJason on May 01, 2015, 06:44:37 AM
i still had a large majority of swelling until at least 2 months post op....and 5 or 6 months for it all to go away

i went to garramone and most post op guys dont have swelling during their post op reveal but i had a lot

probably depends on your body
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: MacG on May 01, 2015, 02:25:55 PM
3 days post-op di top. My left chest feels like it's vibrating sometimes. Like maybe a muscle spasm. It really feels like I'm holding a small vibratory on low there. Is this common? It doesn't hurt, but if it bothers me more, I'll contact my surgeon's office.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: FTMax on May 01, 2015, 03:47:16 PM
Quote from: MacG on May 01, 2015, 02:25:55 PM
3 days post-op di top. My left chest feels like it's vibrating sometimes. Like maybe a muscle spasm. It really feels like I'm holding a small vibratory on low there. Is this common? It doesn't hurt, but if it bothers me more, I'll contact my surgeon's office.

I have had a few small muscle spasms in the chest area in the last week. Short-lived, not painful. Right below the incision line. Maybe things are getting reconnected?
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: MacG on May 01, 2015, 03:50:32 PM
Maybe.  seems soon. It's really a fast vibration. And it doesn't hurt. It feels like if I had my phone on vibrate laying in my chest and a call comes in. Zzzzzt zzzzzzzzzt a few times then done for a while.
No burning at all, like I'd expect with nerves healing.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: AleksiJason on May 01, 2015, 05:39:49 PM
the nerves are reconnecting....
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Konnor on May 01, 2015, 06:13:02 PM
I guess I'll add my photo to the mix! I'm about a month and a half post-op with Dr. Medalie. I'm happy with my results, just waiting for the swelling to continue to go down (mostly in my abdomen from the lipo). I have a small dog ear on the right side but it's not too bad and might still settle out.

I started using the ScarAway long strips this week. They stick pretty well on the first application, but after I wash them and air dry them, the ends won't stick anymore. I have some chest hair but not a lot. Are there tricks to using these things??

I also got the ScarAway gel, but am hesitant to use it. I can't feel it on my chest once it dries so I'm afraid it won't be effective. What was your experiences in the effectiveness of gel vs strips? Thanks guys!

Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: FTMax on May 01, 2015, 06:21:49 PM
Konnor, you look great!
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: jumpthenexttrain on May 02, 2015, 01:39:18 AM
Update: I lightly wrapped my chest with an ace bandage for a few hours and the swelling went down some thank god. I'm not a patient person, I just want to be healed already. Happy with how my chest is turning out though.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: MacG on May 03, 2015, 09:23:32 AM
Rotator cuff injury?
I'm 5 days post-op DI. Since surgery, my left shoulder has hurt, with the pain ramping up while surgical pain gets less intense.
I can't move my arm in specific  directions. Could this be caused by the position of my arm during surgery? Anybody else experience this?
If the pain gets worse, I'll get ahold of one of the surgical residents, and I have my post-op in three days anyway.
Until then, my chest is wrapped in Ace bandages and gauze, so I don't get to see yet.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: aleon515 on May 03, 2015, 11:57:45 AM
Sounds like a wise friend. :)
Yes things take time to settle.


Quote from: jumpthenexttrain on April 30, 2015, 11:52:16 PM
My bio male friend told me it looks fine and to stop freaking out lol. So I think I'll just relax and wait for everything to settle
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: jumpthenexttrain on May 03, 2015, 05:24:04 PM
Starting to worry a bit because my left side goes back to being swollen when I don't have things compressed. It's still about as swollen as it has been, and one part of it is a little firm now on the side. I could be just being a worry wart but idk.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: HeyTrace19 on May 03, 2015, 06:08:22 PM
Quote from: MacG on May 03, 2015, 09:23:32 AM
Rotator cuff injury?

I can't move my arm in specific  directions. Could this be caused by the position of my arm during surgery? Anybody else experience this?

It is possible that you have a shoulder impingement.  I have experienced them from time to time in my life when my arm was held for a position too long (usually above the head), such as painting ceilings, or trimming tall hedges, tennis tournaments, and yes, also from being immobilized during surgery.  When your post-surgical mobility returns, there are range of motion exercises to do that set the ligaments and tendons back in place and strengthen the muscles (look up Codman's Pendulum).

Of course, you will ask at your follow up appointment and find a solution.  I also have nerve damage from an abdominal surgery that affects my left leg, so it could be something like that. heals.  Well wishes to you.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: FTMax on May 03, 2015, 06:20:28 PM
Quote from: MacG on May 03, 2015, 09:23:32 AM
Rotator cuff injury?
I'm 5 days post-op DI. Since surgery, my left shoulder has hurt, with the pain ramping up while surgical pain gets less intense.
I can't move my arm in specific  directions. Could this be caused by the position of my arm during surgery? Anybody else experience this?
If the pain gets worse, I'll get ahold of one of the surgical residents, and I have my post-op in three days anyway.
Until then, my chest is wrapped in Ace bandages and gauze, so I don't get to see yet.

How are you sleeping? In the recliner, I had a lot of shoulder pain upon waking up that would only start to go away 5-6 hours after the fact. I would not call it debilitating, but it was the most painful part of recovery for me. If you're propping your arms up at all, maybe try just crossing them over your stomach instead.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Konnor on May 03, 2015, 06:44:51 PM
Quote from: ftmax on May 03, 2015, 06:20:28 PM
How are you sleeping? In the recliner, I had a lot of shoulder pain upon waking up that would only start to go away 5-6 hours after the fact. I would not call it debilitating, but it was the most painful part of recovery for me. If you're propping your arms up at all, maybe try just crossing them over your stomach instead.

This is what I was thinking as well. I was miserable the first few days post-op because I couldn't find a comfortable position to sleep in. I was always stiff and sore upon waking up too. What helped for me was putting pillows under my head, the small of back, and under my legs at the knee. Seemed to help keep me aligned better. So perhaps try playing around with your sleeping position or just the way you're sitting when hanging out. Also, try a heating pad on the sore shoulder (or a hot shower once you're allowed to shower). Good luck man, the first week or two are pretty rough but it gets better!
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: MacG on May 03, 2015, 07:46:43 PM
I'm sleeping in bed in my back. My arms on my belly or at my sides. I'm having trouble getting my muscles to relax. Everything tenses up. The resident on call told me to double my pain medicine dose and ice the shoulder.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: AleksiJason on May 03, 2015, 08:05:24 PM
Quote from: jumpthenexttrain on May 03, 2015, 05:24:04 PM
Starting to worry a bit because my left side goes back to being swollen when I don't have things compressed. It's still about as swollen as it has been, and one part of it is a little firm now on the side. I could be just being a worry wart but idk.

That could be fluid buildup which is dangerous....if your surgeon is far away make an appt with your GP

same happened to me (lots of swelling) and i called my surgeon and he told me he cant tell from pics (and since i live a 3 day drive away he couldnt inspect me) but told me to make an emergency appt with my gp and if theyre not available go to the ER

the firmness sounds weird to me....let us know how it goes
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: jumpthenexttrain on May 03, 2015, 09:18:12 PM
Quote from: AleksiJason on May 03, 2015, 08:05:24 PM
That could be fluid buildup which is dangerous....if your surgeon is far away make an appt with your GP

same happened to me (lots of swelling) and i called my surgeon and he told me he cant tell from pics (and since i live a 3 day drive away he couldnt inspect me) but told me to make an emergency appt with my gp and if theyre not available go to the ER

the firmness sounds weird to me....let us know how it goes

Oh god....I'll ask them tomorrow

When you had that did you end up going to the er or anything or did it go away?
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: AleksiJason on May 04, 2015, 07:18:14 AM
Quote from: jumpthenexttrain on May 03, 2015, 09:18:12 PM

Oh god....I'll ask them tomorrow

When you had that did you end up going to the er or anything or did it go away?

Luckily a GP was able to take me right away so i didnt need to go to the ER.  Turns out was just swelling, took a while to go down though

But like my surgeon said he cant tell whether its just swelling or fluid buildup without feeling my chest

if u cant get an appt with a GP today i'd say go to the ER, better safe than sorry, good luck bro
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: FTMax on May 04, 2015, 07:51:28 PM
How long should I expect my nips to be scabby? The outer edge of them has peeled off and looks amazing, but the middle is still black and scabbed over.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Alexthecat on May 05, 2015, 01:08:36 AM
My surgeon said 2 months for nips.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: jumpthenexttrain on May 06, 2015, 01:39:17 PM
Saw my surgeon about the swelling, they stuck in a needle to make sure it wasn't another hematoma and they said it's ok and to wear an under armor type of compression shirt, but nothing more compressing than that (not an ace wrap like I used a few times)
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Amadeus on May 06, 2015, 04:37:15 PM
Quote from: ftmax on May 04, 2015, 07:51:28 PM
How long should I expect my nips to be scabby? The outer edge of them has peeled off and looks amazing, but the middle is still black and scabbed over.
Mine are like that too, and I'm thirteen days out.  My doctor said it'd take about a month for my nipples to return to their normal colour, and about that long for all of the swelling to go away.  I have to keep wearing this binder, too.  I've never worn a binder until now and I think it's helping with my anxiety.  Kinda like when you put a thundershirt on a dog.  So I might keep this thing around after I've healed for when my nerves are really, really bad.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: FTMax on May 06, 2015, 05:29:29 PM
Quote from: Amadeus on May 06, 2015, 04:37:15 PM
Mine are like that too, and I'm thirteen days out.  My doctor said it'd take about a month for my nipples to return to their normal colour, and about that long for all of the swelling to go away.  I have to keep wearing this binder, too.  I've never worn a binder until now and I think it's helping with my anxiety.  Kinda like when you put a thundershirt on a dog.  So I might keep this thing around after I've healed for when my nerves are really, really bad.

Ugh, I'm glad someone likes it! Mine is making me so sweaty and uncomfortable. My doctor said I could have it off for an hour or so per day outside of showering. It comes off as soon as I get back in the house. Hate it so much. I just keep telling myself it's only two more weeks.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: JandJ on May 09, 2015, 11:32:02 AM
Quote from: ftmax on May 06, 2015, 05:29:29 PM
Ugh, I'm glad someone likes it! Mine is making me so sweaty and uncomfortable. My doctor said I could have it off for an hour or so per day outside of showering. It comes off as soon as I get back in the house. Hate it so much. I just keep telling myself it's only two more weeks.

Amen to that Max!  I took that Bra off every chance I had and did a little happy dance on my way out of the office the day my Dr. Told me I could stop wearing it!  For me, that was 11 days post op - even though he had said I would have to wear it a month.  I don't know if he just forgot where I was at post-op wise or not, but I took it off that day and never looked back!  I just had my next appointment with the surgeon, on May 7th, and he again said I could stop wearing it.  I didn't even bother reminding him that he had told me that two weeks ago LOL.  He also told me at the May 7 (just shy of one month) appointment that I no longer had any restrictions!  Work out, lift weights, run, jump, live life and enjoy - no restrictions - see you in two months.

Yes, technically it is not a brace, it's a bra!  They tell us it's a vest to make us feel better about wearing it, but it's a bra !
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: FTMax on May 09, 2015, 04:13:40 PM
My skin started breaking out under mine and I was having pretty bad shoulder pain. Despite being adjustable, it was pushing my shoulder too far down. Bad, stabby pain on the spine-side of my shoulder blade. I am not swelling at all, so I am allowed to keep it off now. I'm only wearing it to bed currently, and will probably stop that in another week when I'm less tender.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Amadeus on May 09, 2015, 06:38:20 PM
Ah.  So I'm not the only one with shoulder pain.  Like, upper back, right across the shoulder blades it hurts like a mofo sometimes.  I've got a good muscle relaxer but sometimes that doesn't even help.  I really wish I had a partner right now so I could beg her/him to sort of massage the pain away.  With Tiger Balm.  And vodka.

I'm also having weird pain across my chest, in the upper pectorals.  I know I had some irritation from the paper tape I was using for my nipple bandages, but this is deeper.  It's worse when I move too much or too fast, or go down stairs too fast.  The jostle sends a shock of pain through my chest.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: jumpthenexttrain on May 10, 2015, 07:16:00 PM
Quote from: Amadeus on May 09, 2015, 06:38:20 PMI'm also having weird pain across my chest, in the upper pectorals.  I know I had some irritation from the paper tape I was using for my nipple bandages, but this is deeper.  It's worse when I move too much or too fast, or go down stairs too fast.  The jostle sends a shock of pain through my chest.

Sounds normal, if it gets unbearable you should ask the surgeon but pain like that is common (despite how alarming it seems)
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Amadeus on May 11, 2015, 12:01:11 AM
Quote from: jumpthenexttrain on May 10, 2015, 07:16:00 PM
Sounds normal, if it gets unbearable you should ask the surgeon but pain like that is common (despite how alarming it seems)
Hasn't really alarmed me.  I mean, I had massive mannaries.  Triple Ds, if not bigger.  This was not a quick get-in-get-out surgery.  This was a Gilligan's Island surgery.  This was a three hour tour.  Dr Nahai was scooping fat and mammary glands from all over my chest.  This is going to take a while for the tissues to reconnect, settle down, and resume normal function.  So yeah, I've earned my Percocets.  Mind you, I mostly save them for night time pain management.

What's really freaking me out are my nipple grafts.  I know that our bodies can do some amazing things and I have complete faith that my body is rewiring its nerves, reconnecting everything to my nipples so they'll be sensitive again one day.  But DAMN.  I mean, I don't feel anything right now when I touch them or put the ointment on them.  But if I get, you know, a little chilled or aroused it's like someone is stabbing me with needles all around the graft sites.

Has anyone else experienced this?
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: FTMax on May 11, 2015, 09:04:25 AM
Quote from: Amadeus on May 11, 2015, 12:01:11 AM
Has anyone else experienced this?

Yes. I've been back at work since the week after surgery, and I'm often going from room temperature to 30/40 degrees. The cold is definitely not pleasant. It's also not just the nips for me, though it does seem more concentrated there. The upper span of my chest above and between the nipples also has a lot of little stabby pains in the cold.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: jumpthenexttrain on May 12, 2015, 11:16:40 PM
Quote from: Amadeus on May 11, 2015, 12:01:11 AM
What's really freaking me out are my nipple grafts.  I know that our bodies can do some amazing things and I have complete faith that my body is rewiring its nerves, reconnecting everything to my nipples so they'll be sensitive again one day.  But DAMN.  I mean, I don't feel anything right now when I touch them or put the ointment on them.  But if I get, you know, a little chilled or aroused it's like someone is stabbing me with needles all around the graft sites.

Has anyone else experienced this?

I didn't have nipple grafts but I had the t anchor procedure, which leaves the nerve stalk intact and so the nipples aren't removed entirely just resized. But they still feel strange... the weirdest sensation was the feeling of my nipples getting hard, it was so weird and it actually hurts. It feels like tingly or stabbing or aches.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: invisiblemonsters on May 12, 2015, 11:38:32 PM
Quote from: Amadeus on May 11, 2015, 12:01:11 AM
Hasn't really alarmed me.  I mean, I had massive mannaries.  Triple Ds, if not bigger.  This was not a quick get-in-get-out surgery.  This was a Gilligan's Island surgery.  This was a three hour tour.  Dr Nahai was scooping fat and mammary glands from all over my chest.  This is going to take a while for the tissues to reconnect, settle down, and resume normal function.  So yeah, I've earned my Percocets.  Mind you, I mostly save them for night time pain management.

What's really freaking me out are my nipple grafts.  I know that our bodies can do some amazing things and I have complete faith that my body is rewiring its nerves, reconnecting everything to my nipples so they'll be sensitive again one day.  But DAMN.  I mean, I don't feel anything right now when I touch them or put the ointment on them.  But if I get, you know, a little chilled or aroused it's like someone is stabbing me with needles all around the graft sites.

Has anyone else experienced this?

i'm almost two months post-op and when you get cold, it feels like the nipples are getting hard like they normally would but that isn't happening and the whole area for me is still numb and i can't even feel the change in water temperature. i can feel pressure but it's just..yeah..weird. you'll experience it for a bit.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: HeyTrace19 on May 13, 2015, 02:16:04 PM
Quote from: Amadeus on May 11, 2015, 12:01:11 AM

What's really freaking me out are my nipple grafts.  I know that our bodies can do some amazing things and I have complete faith that my body is rewiring its nerves, reconnecting everything to my nipples so they'll be sensitive again one day.  But DAMN.  I mean, I don't feel anything right now when I touch them or put the ointment on them.  But if I get, you know, a little chilled or aroused it's like someone is stabbing me with needles all around the graft sites.

Has anyone else experienced this?
I am nearly 5 years post chest surgery and have NO feeling in my nipples...well, a sensation of general pressure from touch, but really, no feeling in them.  What I DO feel, is that little bit of itchy, tight sensation that my nipples used to get before they were cut off and reattached to my body...but it is somewhere else on my chest!  I try to satisfy the itching sensation by scratching somewhere up near my armpit, or on the side of my chest.  It is really kind of freaky!  Maybe you will end up with nipple nerve endings in your pits... ;D
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: AleksiJason on May 13, 2015, 06:38:23 PM
i have too much feeling in my nipples....they are too sensitive...wish i could trade places with u

i might get them removed, i associate them with femininity because of breast aren't supposed to have nipples anyways
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: MacG on May 14, 2015, 01:15:01 AM
Question: I'm done with the wrap part of recovery and now have a week left of just dressing my nips. I've quickly discovered that without the wrap helping hold the dressing in place, whatever I do it slips off. Ice tried large band aids, two kinds of tape, combo. The bacitracin just gets in there and makes things not stick.

What did you do, if you had this issue?
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: FTMax on May 14, 2015, 10:19:31 AM
Quote from: MacG on May 14, 2015, 01:15:01 AM
Question: I'm done with the wrap part of recovery and now have a week left of just dressing my nips. I've quickly discovered that without the wrap helping hold the dressing in place, whatever I do it slips off. Ice tried large band aids, two kinds of tape, combo. The bacitracin just gets in there and makes things not stick.

What did you do, if you had this issue?

I've used the same things you've tried. I think the key here is using less ointment. I really didn't need as much as I was putting on the first week, and I can see how things would've slid around if I wasn't compressed.

Use a little less ointment and give it a few minutes to air dry before you cover them and see if that helps.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: MacG on May 14, 2015, 02:21:34 PM
Great advice ftmax!
And now another post-op q:
Itching! I think it's from healing rather than the tape, what do you do? It's driving me mad!
Is benedry the only option?

The nips. So itchy.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: FTMax on May 14, 2015, 05:57:40 PM
Same. I think mine was mostly healing and dry skin from the tape. Cocoa butter seems to help a little bit. While I was still in bandages, benadryl was fine. I can't say that it made a huge difference for me though. Think it will mostly be a time thing.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: trumi on May 19, 2015, 09:21:14 AM
Hello everyone, I just joined here because I wanted to have opinions regarding how my chest looks. I cropped most of the parts because I am not comfortable sharing everything.
Before I had the surgery, I was told that I wouldn't have dog ears because I am a thin person but this is obviously a dog ear right?

My one side isn't like this at all and I am thinking it was because of the way that this side was tied? You can see it in the next pic below where the slit is so maybe that's what's making it pop out.

(Also, can you tell if this scar is hypertropic or not?)

I am also wondering about if a revision will even be considered for me.  Do any of you guys had revisions and did you have to pay extra even though it obviously wasn't your mistake?
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: AleksiJason on May 19, 2015, 09:57:37 AM
Quote from: trumi on May 19, 2015, 09:21:14 AM
Hello everyone, I just joined here because I wanted to have opinions regarding how my chest looks. I cropped most of the parts because I am not comfortable sharing everything.
Before I had the surgery, I was told that I wouldn't have dog ears because I am a thin person but this is obviously a dog ear right?

My one side isn't like this at all and I am thinking it was because of the way that this side was tied? You can see it in the next pic below where the slit is so maybe that's what's making it pop out.

(Also, can you tell if this scar is hypertropic or not?)

I am also wondering about if a revision will even be considered for me.  Do any of you guys had revisions and did you have to pay extra even though it obviously wasn't your mistake?

When was your surgery date?  who did u go to?  free revisions depend on your surgeon and his policy

looks like a dog ear to me....u can be thin and still have dog ears on the sides, its loose skin, u might had a lot of breast tissue on the side of your chest despite being thin

scar looks raised in one part but might not stay that way it depends how many months post op u are
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Bimmer Guy on May 19, 2015, 04:56:53 PM

It looks like a dog ear and it looks hypertrophic to me.  When was your surgery date?  Hypertrophic scarring can "grow" up to two years and then will settle down.  I unfortunately have extensive hypertrophic scarring, but it did start going down after one year.  You didn't do anything to cause it and neither did your surgeon.  I obsessively used Scar Away scar gel and Kelo Cote 24hours/7days a week for more than one year, and it didn't make a difference.  Except, I suppose it could have been worse  :-\

Garramone told me it would just come back if I got a revision (You pull the scar away and then restitch).  What I've read is that it doesn't come back in all cases.  Even though it wasn't his fault he said he would redo it.  You have to pay for the operating room costs, though.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Bimmer Guy on May 19, 2015, 05:00:31 PM
To all the new(er) guys:

There are a number of you who have gotten surgery over the past two months.  Would any of you be willing to post pictures of your chests along with information requested on the first post of this thread (date of surgery, name of surgeon)?

The more pictures and experiences we can get for future top surgery guys to see and read, the better!   :)


ETA:  It is crazy to look back at my picture and see how small my pecs and shoulders were pre-T.  I have really broadened out since on T! (I also have a gut, but that is besides the point!  ha)
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: FTMax on May 19, 2015, 07:35:43 PM
Quote from: Bimmer Guy on May 19, 2015, 05:00:31 PM
There are a number of you who have gotten surgery over the past two months.  Would any of you be willing to post pictures of your chests along with information requested on the first post of this thread (date of surgery, name of surgeon)?

As soon as my nips heal all the way! They are not very cute right now.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Bimmer Guy on May 19, 2015, 08:15:06 PM
Quote from: ftmax on May 19, 2015, 07:35:43 PM
As soon as my nips heal all the way! They are not very cute right now.

Well, if all of us waited until we looked good, it would be a year before we ever posted pics!  It's the point of the thread, my show how we heal.  ::)

How is the healing going, anyway?  Are you pleased with how you look?
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: AleksiJason on May 20, 2015, 02:10:12 AM
Quote from: Bimmer Guy on May 19, 2015, 08:15:06 PM
Well, if all of us waited until we looked good, it would be a year before we ever posted pics!  It's the point of the thread, my show how we heal.  ::)

How is the healing going, anyway?  Are you pleased with how you look?

Bimmer how r your results
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: JandJ on May 21, 2015, 08:58:38 AM
Okay Gentelmen -

Here is my one month pic.  I still think I was left with too much skin, but I'm still happy to be able to wear whatever shirt I want to wear!  My surgeon feels that massage does more for scar reduction than any product on the market.  I will admit that the massage has done a LOT to reduce things - but I am also using a scar gel AND strips!  I will not know what worked best - but as long as it works, I don't think I will really care :) (
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: FTMax on May 21, 2015, 02:21:25 PM
Quote from: Bimmer Guy on May 19, 2015, 08:15:06 PM
Well, if all of us waited until we looked good, it would be a year before we ever posted pics!  It's the point of the thread, my show how we heal.  ::)

How is the healing going, anyway?  Are you pleased with how you look?


Officially one month post op, so I will share  ::)  This is cropped and angled because of tattoos.

The healing itself has gone really well. I haven't had any mobility issues, and I've been back at work doing fairly physical things since one week post op. I don't think it's had a negative impact on the aesthetics at all. My nipples are the only thing still scabby, but even those seem to be clearing up.

I have gotten a lot of chest acne that I didn't previously have, I think due to all the stress on the skin there. It doesn't feel as tender anymore, so hopefully I can get that cleared up now that it doesn't hurt to touch.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: jumpthenexttrain on May 21, 2015, 08:50:26 PM
Quote from: Bimmer Guy on May 19, 2015, 05:00:31 PM
To all the new(er) guys:

There are a number of you who have gotten surgery over the past two months.  Would any of you be willing to post pictures of your chests along with information requested on the first post of this thread (date of surgery, name of surgeon)?

I've had more swelling than most, but I know it's just swelling and not tissue Because when i wear compression it goes down and stays down for like an hour after i take it off. My swelling has steadily gone down but is still there. I'm 5 weeks post op, and 4 weeks post op on the other side cuz of the second hematoma surgery. again it was Dr. Gregory Baum in Syracuse NY

Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Amadeus on May 25, 2015, 12:22:14 AM
Right, here are my one month post-op pics.  Be warned: I'm a tubby mofo.  I got on the scale at pre-op and was 221.  Bets were made and Dr Nahai announced that the left one was 3.5# and the right one was 3#.  So my left side got more damage, I lost 6.5# in three hours, and then another five in three week  Before I know it I'll be able to get into my friend's skinny-bitch jeans.  Only for a minute, though, just to prove a point.  And check out my arse.

All this is the work of Dr Farzad Nahai of Atlanta, Georgia.  I'm maybe his third or fourth double mastectomy with nipple graft, but I am definitely impressed.  These were taken one month post-op; my surgery was 23 April.  The side view is my left side, which was bigger and has had the most swelling.  My nipples are numb, but I know the nerves are reconnecting [weird story later and when I'm not on Ambien] and the thick band of numbness around my chest and under my arms is starting to reduce.  So, hooray!  And you can tell that the scar line is very thin already, which is why he changed his mind about that specialised scar tape and just gave me some cheap paper tape to use for a couple weeks.  There is still a lot of swelling and there is a little puckering that Dr Nahai says will go down within 3-6 months.  Exercise will help with some of it [let's face it, I'm a big guy with more jiggly than a Jello factory.]  Everyone who has seen this up close can tell he really does a great job, and if he gets to work on more FtM guys, he's going to get better and better.

Metroderm is the surgery/clinic/practise where he works, on Johnson Ferry Road, practically next door to Northside Hospital.  They accept insurance that pays for surgeries like this.  I'm on Medicare with a Medicaid supplement.  If Medicare denied coverage, I'd have to pay $4000 out of pocket.  Which is damn good.  However, they charged Medicare $3000, and Medicare paid out.  My final bill: $60 for the compression garment they put on me after the procedure.  And I had lots of Percocet to keep me happy for about a month!

Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: MacG on May 26, 2015, 09:05:07 AM
Amadeus! Looks like you're healing up well and looking flat!
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: kaidenhendricks89 on May 26, 2015, 09:31:55 AM
Quote from: Jack_M on December 29, 2013, 01:29:46 AM
I had top surgery with Dr Bowman in Vancouver, Canada on Dec 17th.

11th day update:

I'm amazed with the scarring.  It's so pink and fine already!  I'm really hoping for good results here.  No redness at all, just a very, light pink.  I have Gilbert's Syndrome (recently diagnosed) so I haven't taken any pictures because I don't want people getting a hold of my pictures and attributing it to the surgeon.  My left side isn't so bad now but my right side is still quite swollen and my chest is yellow.  I got jaundiced after the surgery and didn't cope well with the blood loss (because of the Gilbert's Syndrome).  My right side got the worst of it so the bruising is bad.  I don't see if affecting the results too badly but I think it's affecting me psychologically because I keep expecting pain that doesn't come just because it looks sore!  Lol.

My left side - I can raise my arm to about 3/4 range.  Right side only 1/2 with it only slightly above shoulder line before I feel pulling. The worst part for me is actually under the scar on the right side where the worst of the bruising is.  It feels tight and it's annoying but it's getting better day by day.

My nipples are looking amazing.  There's still some scabbing and bleeding associated with that but once the scabbing is over and done with I anticipate good results.  There's no stretching there and I can barely see where the stitches were now.  I keep them covered with gauze and tape to try to prevent more bleeding so the scabs can form and fall at their own rate.

The top right scar has a more open part to the scar, likely because of the swelling and that could well affect scarring, but not worrying too much about that too be honest.  I'm not going to be going top half naked too much anyway as I don't actually swim!  I CAN swim but because of bad ears I'm not allowed to get my ears wet so swimming is a rarity.  Otherwise the more top half naked I'll likely get is what you can see while wearing a dobok that can get pulled open a bit during sparring and that's it.

My scars aren't like Dr. G's.  They follow the pec line more so they go across and then up the way around the pecs.  Once the swelling goes down I'll be able to see what I'm working with pec wise and then when I'm allowed, hit the gym to improve that!  Lol.

I have a compression vest that I'm going to keep wearing for 6 weeks but I'm used to it now and it's not as bad as a binder.

So far so good!

I'm going to start scar guard soon, there's a couple of areas I want to close up a little better before I touch them with scar guard.  As for when you use scar therapy: as soon as the wound is closed.  Don't use it on open wound!  Watch what you get too.  Something that says it works on stretch marks as well as new scars is a BS product.  Scar therapy should be specific to age of scar.  What will work on a new scar won't work on an old keloid scar for example.  Bio oil isn't the best IMO.  It's better for stretch marks and fine lines like that.  The mechanisms of how they say it works are a bit weird too.  It's more vitamin based but the skin is a barrier for that so really all it's doing is keeping the scar hydrated, which is good for the scar, but I don't see it doing much for the actual healing asides from that.  I used it for about 2 months on a surgery scar on my back years ago and it did nothing, but it did admittedly help with stretch marks. A silicone based gel has much better documented results and targeted specifically to new surgical scars and recommended by plastic surgeons.  It wasn't available for a long time because the application wasn't so great and you had to keep applying it all day but it's been improved since.  It does rely on you being quite vigilant with it though.  So 3-4 times a day would be optimum but at least twice.

Jeatyn, I suggest you put on the binder, sleep on your back and follow the advice!  If you're noticing issues now, follow the advice now before it gets worse :-/.  As you are healing your skin will conform to how it is post surgery.  If you're sleeping on one side and pulling on that.  You'll be affecting the healing process because your skin will think this is the normal way it should be and the scar will heal with that stretched skin idea rather than how it should be.  That's why compression post surgery is important too.  It helps the scar form in the optimum way where everything is kept together and in a tight fashion and not pulled by uncompressed sleeping on your side which could lead to puckering as the scar doesn't know where the norm is meant to be, and a potentially wider, stretched scar rather than fine.
Hey I just came across your post about your surgery with Dr Bowman,  I'm going for my consultation with him on Thursday and should be going for surgery within three weeks. I know you said you didn't want to share pics but was wondering if you'd mind sharing with me your experience with him and how you feel about your chest now that your over a year since surgery.  I'm super excited and a little nervous so just looking for as much info as possible. :)
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: FTMax on May 26, 2015, 01:56:55 PM
Quote from: kaidenhendricks89 on May 26, 2015, 09:31:55 AM
Hey I just came across your post about your surgery with Dr Bowman,  I'm going for my consultation with him on Thursday and should be going for surgery within three weeks. I know you said you didn't want to share pics but was wondering if you'd mind sharing with me your experience with him and how you feel about your chest now that your over a year since surgery.  I'm super excited and a little nervous so just looking for as much info as possible. :)


Might be better to send that as a message. He may get a notification if he has a message, but probably isn't checking a thread he posted in so long ago.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: amd on May 28, 2015, 06:41:42 PM
Hi all!

I haven't posted here in a million years, but I am now almost 9 months postop DI with Garramone.  My scars unfortunately got more hypertrophic despite semi-consistent silicone tape use.  The good news is that the swelling under my right armpit went down a lot over the months. 

Quick question, though: Did anyone have an area of pain/tenderness in their armpit that stuck around for a long time after surgery?  I have a sore spot that a local surgeon isn't quite sure of the cause (leftover glandular tissue, a lymph node that's irritated, etc).

Anyway, I hope you are all well!

Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Amadeus on May 29, 2015, 12:01:13 AM
Quote from: amd on May 28, 2015, 06:41:42 PM
Quick question, though: Did anyone have an area of pain/tenderness in their armpit that stuck around for a long time after surgery?  I have a sore spot that a local surgeon isn't quite sure of the cause (leftover glandular tissue, a lymph node that's irritated, etc).
My left side has more swelling and numbness than the right side, and the left pectoral sometimes feels like it's being peeled off my body.  I'm five weeks post-op.  I ended up seeing my surgeon today because the pain became too much.

If I were you, I'd talk to my GP about that sore spot.  Yeah, it could be a gland or lymph node that's angry.  It could also be a lump of necrotic adipose that the body is trying to break down.  Either way, a GP would have a better idea of how to diagnose and treat it.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: caliyr on June 01, 2015, 08:33:46 AM
Sorry for opening a topic for this, I somehow didnt notice this thread. Thanks Mariah2014 for merging!

A few hours post-op

5-days post-op

More here
PS. the two extra plasters you see are there because I requested the surgeon to remove two moles.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: KamTheMan on June 01, 2015, 09:52:11 AM
Looks great dude but we already have a thread for this, the Top Surgery Recovery Thread. It's pinned at the top of the page.,156574.0.html <-- there's the link. It's for every to post pics as they're recovering.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Mariah on June 01, 2015, 09:57:52 AM
Topics have been merged. Thanks
Quote from: KamTheMan on June 01, 2015, 09:52:11 AM
Looks great dude but we already have a thread for this, the Top Surgery Recovery Thread. It's pinned at the top of the page.,156574.0.html <-- there's the link. It's for every to post pics as they're recovering.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Xandr on June 04, 2015, 09:51:45 AM
Hello everyone!

Long time lurker but first time posting.  Thought I'd share my surgery results and recovery with everyone here. :)

I'm currently a bit over 4 months post-op and had peri(non-circum, aka 'keyhole') with Dr. Grubnik in South Africa.  Everything was done through government/public care so I paid almost nothing.  It was all done through excision, no lipo, with dissolvable stitches and drains exiting from the nipple incision rather than under my armpits.  Drains were removed after a full week and I suffered no complications whatsoever at any time.  They removed about 150g of tissue.
Recovery was really easy and quick for me overall.  Very little pain. 

Presently my scar-care consists of taping my incisions with paper tape and a daily massage for about 20mins with a standard arnica-based massage oil.  Technically supposed to do it twice a day but I rarely find the time for that.
Unfortunately I've lost complete sensation in the nipples themselves, with some areas that surround it--particularly two spots extending from the nipple outwards toward the side/armpit--remaining numb or only partially sensitive.  This was despite leaving the pedicle intact, which as I understand is somewhat rare.  I don't really mind though, as I could never stand nipple or breast touching pre-op and never got to enjoy those sensations.

So far I'm very happy with my results and am only going back in July so they can complete the nipple reduction they were originally going to do in tandem with the surgery but was unable to.

Here's me one week post-op

And at roughly 4 months

You can view the entire album here:
(NSFW--Contains pre-op boobies!) (

Happy to answer any of your questions!
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: caliyr on June 04, 2015, 01:55:33 PM
8 Days Post-op, it looks amazing so far, Im very content with the results
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Bimmer Guy on June 04, 2015, 10:52:00 PM
Wow, guys, thanks so much for posting pictures!  Everyone is looking great.  It seems to me that more and more surgeons are improving their techniques.

clayir, you didn't say who your surgeon was?  The angle of the incisions does not remind me of any surgeons' work that I know, so I am curious.  I am thinking either someone who is not as known, or someone outside the U.S.?  Or maybe it was just your body shape, that encouraged such slants for a quality outcome.  It looks good to me.

P.S. Xandr, thanks for being so thorough about your surgery and recovery.  You look great!
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: jumpthenexttrain on June 06, 2015, 01:26:09 AM
Saw my surgeon on Thursday. I'm 7 weeks post op and he said I'm good to go back to my usual routine. Allowed to work out my chest and stuff now. He did say though that the stuff that I thought was swelling, is probably some left over tissue. He said it's probably still a bit of swelling but some tissue also. He said there's still plenty of time for my chest to heal and the tissues to settle. He said that my true results will be clear within a year and that if after a year I'm still uncomfortable with the bit of tissue left over then he can remove it in the office for free. He's an awesome guy, he talked for a minute about his gay brother and how gay marriage doesn't hurt anyone and how he feels about transgender stuff (he supports it). He had an excellent bedside manner and I'm thankful that I'm lucky to have had my surgery covered by insurance. I'm going to work on building up my pec muscles and see if that makes my chest look a little better then, and makes the excess tissue go away. Either way, I'm glad he offered to suck out the excess tissue for free.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: caliyr on June 06, 2015, 09:30:34 AM
Quote from: Bimmer Guy on June 04, 2015, 10:52:00 PM

clayir, you didn't say who your surgeon was?  The angle of the incisions does not remind me of any surgeons' work that I know, so I am curious.  I am thinking either someone who is not as known, or someone outside the U.S.?  Or maybe it was just your body shape, that encouraged such slants for a quality outcome.  It looks good to me.

Hey, yeah, sorry about that. I forgot to add. My surgeon was Ms Chaterine Milroy, she's a very highly respected plastic surgeon in London, she's one of the two surgeons people get sent to from the Gender Clinic and she also does this on the NHS.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Amadeus on June 06, 2015, 11:17:18 PM
Welp, guess who's six weeks out and has an infection?  This git.  I pulled what I thought was a scab from my right side Monday night.  Tuesday morning I woke up to a puddle of yellow and pink gunk in my bed.  Had to wash everything.

Dr N took a culture and 'scripted out some hardcore antibiotics for me.  Swear to God, I opened up the sulfa vial and the tablets were wearing leather.  The ciprofloxacin cracked a whip at me.  So twice a day, every day until Tuesday, my housemate and/or her girlfriend will be shoving a wick into the hole.  And it HURTS.  Dr N 'scripted out some pain pills but they do sod all when these two start poking stuff into my body.  The antibiotics make me feel horrible.  I go back on Tuesday morning for a recheck.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Frank on June 09, 2015, 10:08:09 AM
This is seven days after surgery with Dr Medalie.

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Sorry for the bad quality at the moment, I'll try to get better pictures later. I'm withholding judgement at the moment, since my results didn't follow the usual path. At my post-op, the doctor (a different one) thought I had a small hematoma or whatever it was, that side is swollen more for some reason. So we pulled the left drain out and we're leaving the right one in a little longer, just to prevent problems down the road.

Personally, my right side has been the more swollen and difficult of the two. My left arm was pretty much good to go right after surgery, so it's been doing all the work. It would be really great if the right side would learn to cooperate...other than that, it's not too bad. It'll look a lot better when everything's settled in I think.

I also have to wear the vest another ten days (which doesn't hurt as much as a binder, since there's not really much there to squish, so to speak...) but I've been cleared to shower pretty much how I want.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: JayDawg on June 14, 2015, 09:52:58 AM
Quote from: JayDawg on January 14, 2015, 08:23:14 AM
4 weeks post-op. Dr. Parker, Athens, GA, USA


5 months post-op follow-up picture.


I've gotten some sun, but I put SPF 50 on the scars and also cover them with a dog leash when I sunbathe to further protect them from UV. I'm enjoying the heck out of my flat (and now fuzzy) chest :)

Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: JandJ on June 15, 2015, 11:42:28 PM
Quote from: JandJ on May 21, 2015, 08:58:38 AM
Okay Gentelmen -

Here is my one month pic.  I still think I was left with too much skin, but I'm still happy to be able to wear whatever shirt I want to wear!  My surgeon feels that massage does more for scar reduction than any product on the market.  I will admit that the massage has done a LOT to reduce things - but I am also using a scar gel AND strips!  I will not know what worked best - but as long as it works, I don't think I will really care :) (

And here's my 2 month pic (
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Amadeus on June 17, 2015, 05:46:59 PM
Nearly two months post-op with Dr Nahai, who has been watching my minor staph infection like a hawk [hence the bandage on my right side].  There's a little more scarring on the right side because I've been moving around too much.  I'm kicking back in my recliner with my shirt pulled over my head, like I'm about to do porn or something.  Because damn it, this surgery has just increased my confidence and overall feelings of worth.  I feel sexy, damn it.

Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: kaidenhendricks89 on June 26, 2015, 04:14:47 AM

This is me 9 days post op. So far I'm very happy with the results. . . Still in quite a bit of pain but it's getting less as the days go on. My surgery was done by Dr Bowman in Vancouver.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: RaptorChops on June 26, 2015, 07:53:34 AM
Had D.I with Dr.Fischer in Timonium MD ($8450)

I'm 10 days post op and I'm very pleased with the results. I'll take a picture of my nips when the surgical tape around them falls off.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Jak on July 06, 2015, 02:30:34 PM
Been offline for a while. Congratulations on your surgery! I'm getting ready to book my flights now. Since I'm using miles I don't want to wait too long, even though surgery isn't until December. Hope you're feeling great soon!
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Dante on July 07, 2015, 11:58:23 PM
Hey everyone! I finally had top surgery yesterday, and a hysterectomy at the same time. It was DI with free nipple grafts and a laparoscopic hysterectomy with bilateral oophorectomy. It's been an experience so far. I battled a bad case of vertigo upon waking up in recovery which made getting back home pretty awful, and I also was severely dehydrated last night and most of today (I expected it at least, but no joke, my pee looked radioactive  :o).

I'm still slightly dizzy but no longer dehydrated and I'm feeling much better! I'm a lot more mobile than I thought I would be on the first day, and my arms seem to be working well, which I'm quite thankful for. I have had some moderately bad chest and stomach pain which has been off-and-on throughout the day, as well as some muscle aches and general puffiness/swelling all over my body.

I was prescribed norco and I've been taking my dose every four hours as prescribed, but I'm finding that it really only takes the edge off and not much else, even with the addition of ibuprofen; anyone else experience this?

Overall, I feel like I got hit by a train but am surprisingly not that much worse for wear.  ;D
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: RaptorChops on July 08, 2015, 09:44:55 PM
Quote from: Dante on July 07, 2015, 11:58:23 PM
I was prescribed norco and I've been taking my dose every four hours as prescribed, but I'm finding that it really only takes the edge off and not much else, even with the addition of ibuprofen; anyone else experience this?

I was also prescribed Norco and it honestly just kind of took my mind off the pain.

Congrats on doing both you're a damn trooper in my book!
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Amadeus on July 09, 2015, 08:55:34 PM
Quote from: Dante on July 07, 2015, 11:58:23 PM
Hey everyone! I finally had top surgery yesterday, and a hysterectomy at the same time. It was DI with free nipple grafts and a laparoscopic hysterectomy with bilateral oophorectomy.

Dude, you had DI and hysto at the same time?!

You're a braver man than I.  I was bricking sh*ts just having DI.  Hysterectomy is one hell of an invasive surgery, so I'm not surprised that you're in agony.  I didn't have much pain with my DI.

Congrats, mate!  Good luck with your healing!
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Bimmer Guy on July 12, 2015, 07:34:01 PM
Wow!  Everyone is looking so good.  New chest and updates.  Thanks so much for posting guys.  I know lots of pre op guys appreciate this thread!
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: AndrewB on July 12, 2015, 08:22:17 PM
Quote from: Bimmer Guy on July 12, 2015, 07:34:01 PM
Wow!  Everyone is looking so good.  New chest and updates.  Thanks so much for posting guys.  I know lots of pre op guys appreciate this thread!

I super appreciate this thread, have it bookmarked and everything as I prepare for my own surgery. It gives me a good idea of what to expect at certain intervals, and also gives me hope for what my own results might look like.  :) Some seriously awesome results here.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Dante on July 13, 2015, 01:45:28 PM
Quote from: RaptorChops on July 08, 2015, 09:44:55 PM
I was also prescribed Norco and it honestly just kind of took my mind off the pain.

Congrats on doing both you're a damn trooper in my book!

Quote from: Amadeus on July 09, 2015, 08:55:34 PM
Dude, you had DI and hysto at the same time?!

You're a braver man than I.  I was bricking sh*ts just having DI.  Hysterectomy is one hell of an invasive surgery, so I'm not surprised that you're in agony.  I didn't have much pain with my DI.

Congrats, mate!  Good luck with your healing!

Thank you guys! I wanted to get both out of the way at once, so I wouldn't have to deal with recovery both times. I was realllly regretting it those first few days, but after that it got much better. All the lower pain is gone, and the chest pain is definitely manageable without any meds now (one week post). I'm finding I'm much more able to do things than I thought I would be, which is making it hard to keep myself from doing too much.  :laugh:
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: RaptorChops on July 13, 2015, 07:01:27 PM
So here are a few photos of my chest from my surgery

This is 2 weeks after my surgery. Have swelling on my left side.
( (

This is from today 4 weeks post up. Swelling is going down a little bit and I started using Scarguard strips. The middle of my chest is still healing and that's why the strips haven't fallen off yet. Also the scar under it on the left side is puffy and a purple. I'll be seeing my surgeon in about a week or so for a follow up. I plan on using Rosehip oil on the scars in about a month or so when I run out of the scarguard.
( (
( (
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: FTMax on July 13, 2015, 09:25:48 PM

Almost 3 months post-op. Not doing any kind of scar treatment, and not avoiding direct sunlight. Everything is healed up nicely and I'm very happy with the results.

Posting mostly to giggle at the similarity of mine and RaptorChops's nips. Perhaps we should start a Fischer clone club  :D
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: RaptorChops on July 13, 2015, 10:18:20 PM
Quote from: ftmax on July 13, 2015, 09:25:48 PM

Almost 3 months post-op. Not doing any kind of scar treatment, and not avoiding direct sunlight. Everything is healed up nicely and I'm very happy with the results.

Posting mostly to giggle at the similarity of mine and RaptorChops's nips. Perhaps we should start a Fischer clone club  :D

Hahaha, Fischer Clone Club represent!
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Dante on July 16, 2015, 12:16:48 AM
Everyone's looking great! I wonder how many clone clubs we're going to end up with.  ::)

Small update for me! I got my drains out today. The tubes were much longer than I thought they'd be; I was quite surprised when he pulled them out! I also got to see my nipples; I honestly never thought my own nipples would be on the 'top ten list of nastiest things I've ever been forced to touch' but here we are, haha. By far the best part of the day was finally having a shower, though. It's nice to be clean again.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: JandJ on July 16, 2015, 10:11:18 AM
Quote from: JandJ on June 15, 2015, 11:42:28 PM
And here's my 2 month pic (

Hard to believe it's been 3 months! Lots going on with life, so I've really been slacking on my scar care, but here's my 3 month pic :) (
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: RaptorChops on July 16, 2015, 10:27:50 AM
Quote from: Dante on July 16, 2015, 12:16:48 AM
I honestly never thought my own nipples would be on the 'top ten list of nastiest things I've ever been forced to touch' but here we are, haha. By far the best part of the day was finally having a shower, though. It's nice to be clean again.

Dante- yeah it's pretty gross after a week or so when they pus yuck. I was so afraid of touching them when I started showering. I'm so glad I can finally shower facing the jets..I actually felt clean for the first time in weeks.

Every one has really great results. I haven't seen any bad ones!
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Frank on July 16, 2015, 11:38:41 AM
It's been six weeks since my surgery with Dr Medalie. I am a mixed person so it seems my nippes have to regain their original dark pigment and are doing so at a reasonable pace. I also had a rather large hematoma on my right side so it's taking a while to go down, but it's half the size or less it originally was.

( (

I'm only massaging the scars a few times a day with aloe vera and not minding the sun. It's 98 degrees outside for godssake. So I think the scars are doing just fine, all things considered. Despite the hematoma, I think everything has gone rather well.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: RaptorChops on July 16, 2015, 11:47:22 AM
Quote from: Frank on July 16, 2015, 11:38:41 AM
It's been six weeks since my surgery with Dr Medalie. I am a mixed person so it seems my nippes have to regain their original dark pigment and are doing so at a reasonable pace. I also had a rather large hematoma on my right side so it's taking a while to go down, but it's half the size or less it originally was.

( (

My chest was doing the exact same thing on the opposite side. Mine has gone down considerably compared to what it was a few weeks ago. Looks like your nipples are healing really really well and your scars are very clean and small. You'll barely even see those in a year or so!
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Xandr on July 20, 2015, 09:47:36 AM
Hi guys, so another update.  Recently had my scheduled nipple reduction and finally have some pics to show for it now I'm allowed to change my own dressings.
I had it done in the hospital again but under local anesthesia this time, same surgeon who did my initial op (plus a resident.)

This was before:

And after, about a week and a half:

I wouldn't have minded them a bit smaller but overall I think they look well-proportioned, so I'm quite happy with the results.  Everything is healing very well and at this point I don't think there'll be a need for any kind of revision in future.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Bimmer Guy on July 22, 2015, 06:20:33 AM
Xandr, I think your chest looks really, really great.  Congrats!

Frank, your chest is looking good.  Good to hear the hematoma is going down.

I appreciate that people keep posting in this thread!
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: RaptorChops on July 27, 2015, 02:58:15 PM
I just had my post op for 6 weeks with Dr.Fischer and her lovely ladies.

I still have some very minor swelling and puckering marks on my left side. I also have a small lump which is again some minor swelling on my right side. On the left the middle area had some sutures that they had to pull out but it didn't hurt. I have a keloid scar there but over time it will fade. I'll just tell people I got stabbed haha (I mean it technically is true). My nipples are healing very well and I just have a couple crusty scabs on both sides but nothing alarming. I can work out more and I don't have to wear a binder or anything now! Other than that i'm ready to get back to work!

( (

the two top photos are of where the drains were. Those spots are looking a little rough but again they'll heal over time.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: anchor on July 28, 2015, 04:01:53 AM
Hey! I'm one month post op tomorrow, which means no more surgical binding. I was just wanting to gauge how much tenderness/general soreness peeps had at about this stage? I am still feeling pretty tender, like bruising under the skin. Not much swelling left really, but defs sore to touch. Mostly the upper part of my chest, collarbone to nipple area. It made me wonder if I should keep binding a bit longer, but I really am not keen on it. Thanks!
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Samu on July 30, 2015, 02:02:02 PM
I can finally join this forum! This is my chest 1 week 1 day post op by the amazing Dr. Garramone. I'm pretty happy with it. Both nipples look pretty good. One question though, how soon should the outer layer start coming off? When I changed the bandages on them this morning my right nipple seemed to pull up a little on the bottom. Should   I be worried? Thanks in advance. :)
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Bimmer Guy on July 31, 2015, 04:24:15 PM
anchor, congrats on getting your surgery done.  I would call your surgeon to ask about continuing to wear the bind.

Samu, you look great.  My areolas/nipples didn't peel at all.  I went to Garramone.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: RaptorChops on July 31, 2015, 04:44:55 PM
Quote from: Samu on July 30, 2015, 02:02:02 PM
I can finally join this forum! This is my chest 1 week 1 day post op by the amazing Dr. Garramone. I'm pretty happy with it. Both nipples look pretty good. One question though, how soon should the outer layer start coming off? When I changed the bandages on them this morning my right nipple seemed to pull up a little on the bottom. Should   I be worried? Thanks in advance. :)

Grats on your surgery. Your nipples will peel and bleed but they will eventually fill in wherever they peel. Just continue to put neosporin and the Xerofoam on them. They can take up to 3 weeks and maybe even longer to actually heal. Mine are still in the process of healing and i'm at a little over 6 weeks post op. Obviously don't pick or pull at it, let it do it's thang ;)
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: AndrewB on August 03, 2015, 02:28:49 PM
After seeing my results, all I have to say is: if you're considering Dr. Jennifer Murphy at the Sunnyside Medical Center in Oregon, go for it! Here's 1 week post-op with very little swelling or bruising, and awesome aesthetics. See for yourself!

I don't know which stitches are dissolvable, but I am going in to remove at least some sutures, somewhere, next Tuesday. Until then, it's business as usual.  :)

Edit: modified post to detail surgeon & location.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: RaptorChops on August 03, 2015, 04:15:27 PM
Andrew- THERE ARE THE NIPS YEAH SON!!!!! It looks really good and hey soon you'll be able to get rid of that binder tan ;). My sutures were like clear plastic and all I did was cut it close to the skin. I still have a few that the nurse didn't take out but I'm leaving them alone and letting them do their thing. I'll tug them out if they start to bother me.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: AndrewB on August 03, 2015, 05:00:34 PM
Quote from: RaptorChops on August 03, 2015, 04:15:27 PM
Andrew- THERE ARE THE NIPS YEAH SON!!!!! It looks really good and hey soon you'll be able to get rid of that binder tan ;). My sutures were like clear plastic and all I did was cut it close to the skin. I still have a few that the nurse didn't take out but I'm leaving them alone and letting them do their thing. I'll tug them out if they start to bother me.

Yes!! Everything looks awesome; I was a little worried, not going to one of the popular surgeons, but I don't think I could be any happier with what I got. Her methods seem a bit different than what I've seen from a lot of guys on here, but it worked out just as well, I'd say. 
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Bimmer Guy on August 03, 2015, 10:46:43 PM
Andrew, I think your chest looks excellent.  I think you are right that even if she hasn't done a lot of these surgeries, she did a very good job.  You should modify your post to give her full name and location. I suspect people scan through this thread looking mainly for pictures and names of docs who did the surgeries.

It looks like the usual double incision method.  What did she do differently from other surgeons?
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: AndrewB on August 03, 2015, 11:05:29 PM
Quote from: Bimmer Guy on August 03, 2015, 10:46:43 PM
Andrew, I think your chest looks excellent.  I think you are right that even if he hasn't done a lot of these surgeries, he did a very good job.  You should modify your post to give his full name and location. I suspect people scan through this thread looking mainly for pictures and names of docs who did the surgeries.

It looks like the usual double incision method.  What did he do differently from other surgeons?

Edited based on your suggestion.  :) She actually has done quite a few top surgeries, but there's just not a lot of results of hers online, probably because she's not private practice, she's an in-network provider specifically for Kaiser Permanente Insurance.

It wasn't so much her surgery methods that were different, but more stuff in the postoperative. For example, she stitched bolster dressings to the nipples grafts, which I don't think I've seen a lot with guys on here, but maybe I'm just blind and forgetful.  :D aside from that, it's mostly just care, use of non-disolving sutures on some of the incisions (I'm not sure if all or just some), and the solid areola and nipple grafts; I've seen some surgeons take the areola and graft separately, but mine was just one solid piece, she just cut down the outer areola.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Alexthecat on August 04, 2015, 01:51:06 AM
Quote from: AndrewB on August 03, 2015, 11:05:29 PM
I've seen some surgeons take the areola and graft separately, but mine was just one solid piece, she just cut down the outer areola.
That depends on how big it is to start with. If the nipple is huge then it needs to be separated from the areola so it turns male.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Bimmer Guy on August 04, 2015, 07:38:17 AM
Quote from: AndrewB on August 03, 2015, 11:05:29 PM
Edited based on your suggestion.  :) She actually has done quite a few top surgeries, but there's just not a lot of results of hers online, probably because she's not private practice, she's an in-network provider specifically for Kaiser Permanente Insurance.

It wasn't so much her surgery methods that were different, but more stuff in the postoperative. For example, she stitched bolster dressings to the nipples grafts, which I don't think I've seen a lot with guys on here, but maybe I'm just blind and forgetful.  :D aside from that, it's mostly just care, use of non-disolving sutures on some of the incisions (I'm not sure if all or just some), and the solid areola and nipple grafts; I've seen some surgeons take the areola and graft separately, but mine was just one solid piece, she just cut down the outer areola.

Hi, Andrew.  First of all, shame on me for making assumptions that your surgeon was male (I went back and modified my post).

There are definitely surgeons who use bolster dressings and it makes sense to me that a surgeon would take the areola/nipple together if the size makes sense.  I haven't heard of other surgeons doing that, but it certainly makes sense if it can be done.

I guess when I say "many of these surgeries", I mean 40<.  That is just in my head, though.  You might want to put a picture on transbucket for other guys to see for her to get some exposure.  Can I ask if you had a large chest prior to surgery?

It is great that you mentioned Kaiser Permanente insurance.  I think it is good to mention if we were able to get our top surgeries covered by insurance and which one.

Incidentally, I am 95% positive Curtis Crane is in-network for KP (plus United Health care and CA medicaid).  So, if you want bottom surgery at any point, get it before your insurance changes.  I am assuming you are on your parents insurance and can keep that until age 26?  I just wanted to highlight that for you. 

Again, congrats!  You look great!
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: AndrewB on August 04, 2015, 09:04:41 AM
Quote from: Bimmer Guy on August 04, 2015, 07:38:17 AM
Hi, Andrew.  First of all, shame on me for making assumptions that your surgeon was male (I went back and modified my post).

There are definitely surgeons who use bolster dressings and it makes sense to me that a surgeon would take the areola/nipple together if the size makes sense.  I haven't heard of other surgeons doing that, but it certainly makes sense if it can be done.

I guess when I say "many of these surgeries", I mean 40<.  That is just in my head, though.  You might want to put a picture on transbucket for other guys to see for her to get some exposure.  Can I ask if you had a large chest prior to surgery?

It is great that you mentioned Kaiser Permanente insurance.  I think it is good to mention if we were able to get our top surgeries covered by insurance and which one.

Incidentally, I am 95% positive Curtis Crane is in-network for KP (plus United Health care and CA medicaid).  So, if you want bottom surgery at any point, get it before your insurance changes.  I am assuming you are on your parents insurance and can keep that until age 26?  I just wanted to highlight that for you. 

Again, congrats!  You look great!

Hi Bimmer, before surgery I think my surgeon measured me at around 36C, but they hung pretty sad and low, mostly due to losing 35 lbs before my surgery; at some point I was a 42D. Binding didn't help, but I think the weight loss was the main culprit.

Also, while if I were in CA that might be the case for Crane, I think because I'm in Oregon that it might not. Either way, I'm not really interested in current technology, and I'm fairly young, so I'll probably just hang around a while to see if they start growing genitalia for us on rats or something (wouldn't that be bizarre?  :D).

Thanks again, I was going to take a pic this morning before I showered and post on transbucket, I just had to wait for my drain holes to heal a little, per nurse's orders.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: FTMax on August 04, 2015, 01:55:30 PM
Andrew! Looking great dude, and glad to hear that you've had a good experience and are happy with everything. Your whole experience with Kaiser seems to have gone very well. Do you know what specific plan you're on?
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: AndrewB on August 04, 2015, 02:12:50 PM
Quote from: ftmax on August 04, 2015, 01:55:30 PM
Andrew! Looking great dude, and glad to hear that you've had a good experience and are happy with everything. Your whole experience with Kaiser seems to have gone very well. Do you know what specific plan you're on?

Thanks Max! Unfortunately I'm not sure what plan I'm on, since it's through my dad. He works at Intel, but that's all I really have that might narrow it down. I do know that covering trans surgeries is an option for larger companies now, and Intel decided at the start of the year that they would include it. I wish I had more info, maybe I'll ask my mom tonight.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: genderirrelevant on August 08, 2015, 12:26:30 AM
I had my top surgery this morning with Dr Tony Mangubat in Tukwila (Seattle area).. Feeling like I'm doing okay. Had a peek already when changing the dressing. The drains are just short 'straws' coming out near the middle with no blood grenades.

I'm going to take my oxycodone, do another dressing change and head to bed. I haven't slept all day after the anaesthetic wore off.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: RaptorChops on August 10, 2015, 08:11:02 PM
So I'm almost 2 months post op and the only thing that's really bothering me are sutures that are randomly showing up. The main one that hurts is under my right arm pit where the drain was. It stings and burns when I do too much and I can feel it when I graze my fingers over it. I had two on both sides of the middle of my chest which I was able to cut a bit near my skin but they are both still slightly irritating.

Anyone have any solutions? I don't see my doctor until Octoberish and I can't cut or pull the one out that's bothering me. It's turned into a bump almost..ughh it's bugging me lol. Maybe I should just try and put a bandage on it or something. It's just hard to get anything to stick there because of sweat and deodorant.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: AndrewB on August 10, 2015, 08:55:59 PM
I remember on one of the surgeon's recovery websites, they said don't pull sutures but instead cover them with neosporin and a band-aid until they dissolve. Other than that, I'm too early into recovery to have any real suggestions, but at least a band-aid would keep it from rubbing against clothing, skin, etc.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Bimmer Guy on August 10, 2015, 10:14:57 PM
Quote from: RaptorChops on August 10, 2015, 08:11:02 PM
So I'm almost 2 months post op and the only thing that's really bothering me are sutures that are randomly showing up. The main one that hurts is under my right arm pit where the drain was. It stings and burns when I do too much and I can feel it when I graze my fingers over it. I had two on both sides of the middle of my chest which I was able to cut a bit near my skin but they are both still slightly irritating.

Anyone have any solutions? I don't see my doctor until Octoberish and I can't cut or pull the one out that's bothering me. It's turned into a bump almost..ughh it's bugging me lol. Maybe I should just try and put a bandage on it or something. It's just hard to get anything to stick there because of sweat and deodorant.

I would:
1) take a picture of it and send it in email to the doctor.  call the office to let them know you sent it
2) call the office and describe it and ask what to do
3) put anti-biotic ointment on it and slap on a band aid.

Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Dante on August 11, 2015, 01:00:41 PM
@RaptorChops - I agree that putting a bandaid on it would be a good idea, to at least keep it from snagging or rubbing on things.

I had my one month post-op appointment last week, everything seems to be fine but I was told I have to wear the binder for two more weeks, which was a little disappointing. My left side is still pretty swollen--with the binder on it looks only a tiny bit smaller than it did before, and I'm really self-conscious about it, even though I don't think it's that noticeable unless my shirt is pressed quite close to me. But it is often windy where I live, so that's a fairly common occurrence, and it's bothering me quite a bit.  :(

Anybody have any advice on coping with the swelling? I know it's pretty much a sit a wait type of affair but I want to feel comfortable before I have to go back to school next week.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: FTMax on August 11, 2015, 03:45:00 PM
RaptorChops - Ointment and a bandaid for a few days, send a picture to Fischer in the meantime and see what her ladies say. They may tell you to clip it yourself. That is what I ended up doing with two of them.

Dante - I had very minimal swelling, but if you can stand wearing a compression vest or shirt, they should help. An ice pack on the worst spots may also make you feel a bit better.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: RaptorChops on August 11, 2015, 07:42:08 PM
Thanks Max i'm gonna keep doing that on the area instead of keeping the Scar Away on it until it clears up. Unfortunately the suture is barely poking out and I can't cut it. If it keeps bothering me in a week i'll send Dr.Fischer a photo and see what she or her nurses say.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: genderirrelevant on August 13, 2015, 01:19:47 AM
6 days of recovery seem to going well so far. My energy is pretty good, I've walked ~7K today in short stints. I'm having a lot of drowsiness and maybe more trouble than usual focussing. I stopped the oxycodone so I hope that mental sharpness improves soon. TMI but the constipation is going away with no problems.

The chest looks great under the marker lines and gore. It feels right. I'm finally content with something I see in the mirror. I can hardly wait until the swelling goes down and I don't have to wear the binder anymore.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Majikbrat on August 15, 2015, 11:47:17 AM
Hi guys.  I am a cis-female Mum of a 17 yo FTM.  He is still early in the process and on track to getting HRT.  YAY!

I promise not to gunk up your thread with a bunch of posts from me.  I KNOW and respect that this is YOUR thread.  But I had to say a few things to you.

First may I say, you guys are amazing.  So funny, and compassionate with each other.  And you are all badass.  You look amazing.

Second, you have helped me more than you can ever know.  I was terrified about my son taking this step, because my mother had a radical double mastectomy 15 years ago and she looked a hot mess.  It was awful.  I was so scared for my boy.  Then I read every post in this thread, over the course of 3 days, and I feel so so much better.  The two surgerys are completely different things.  I knew that in my head, but now I know it in my heart also.  Thank you.

The third is a funny.  Buy about page 10 I had completely forgotten you were all misgendered at birth.  You were just guys to me.  Guys having plastic surgery, but just guys.  Then I hit a post near the end by one of you that had a hysterectomy at the same time as top surgery.  My brain went "Wait, what?  Why is a guy having a hysterectomy?"  then of course the "Duh!" moment. This was with seeing all of your pics, even some before pics.  So if you worry if you pass, don't.  Not a single one of you made my brain think "female".



PS  I will now leave the thread to you guys.  But I bookmarked so I could share it with my son when it is time.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: RaptorChops on August 15, 2015, 04:00:25 PM
Hi Majik and son!

My mom also scared me about the double mastectomy and how her aunt had it and it looked horrible and didn't help her (cancer). Best thing to do is when he is ready for his top surgery is to be completely supportive and positive with him. My mother supported my surgery but she was very negative and scaring me about it being "botched". That's when she told me about her aunt and then how she watched "botch" and how everyone had surgeries that were jacked up. I didn't allow her to go with me for my surgery which hurt her feelings and I did apologize but it was my decision, I also thought it would be for the best so I didn't have the stress of her being a mother with me lol.

The surgery is really not as painful as it may sound or look. Yeah it's sore and all that but it's not horrible. It was my first major surgery to ever have and I was nervous as crap. I pulled through that though and don't remember anything after I laid down on the operating table. It felt like a second went by and I woke up feeling groggy and just a little sore but not a lot. Just do some research and make sure he has everything he will need when the time comes. Just let him know it is life changing and you can never go back. I was 100% happier after getting to see my chest and I'm still happy. The only thing that bothers me a little is the scar but I know in time it will fade. Tomorrow is my 2 months post op and I don't regret it for a second. Good luck!
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Majikbrat on August 15, 2015, 07:42:51 PM
I know that I promised to go away now.  But I wanted to clear something up.  I did have the good sense to not communicate my fears to my son.  And after what Raptor said I am very glad I didn't.  How scary.  I just came and lurked in your thread, and wore out my google button.


Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: AndrewB on August 20, 2015, 10:51:38 PM
Hey all! Just past the 3-week mark on my recovery and doing way better than even the plastics dept. staff expected. I was even allowed to take the binder off on Monday, since there wasn't any swelling! Here's a torso shot:


aaand one from an angle:


There's closer shots of the nips and the sides in this album here, if anyone's interested: (

On the side shots in that album, it might be of interest to note the small, dark dots that maybe kinda look like moles, on my sides, near/on my ribs; those are where my drains were inserted, rather than sticking out of the ends of my incisions, and I think it made a HUGE difference in my pain levels while the drains were in. I really hardly felt 'em, and I've been wondering if that's the reason. Might be something interesting to discuss with a surgeon?

Oh and the discolouration under my incisions and pecs isn't from the surgery, it's mostly like scars from sweat rashes and stuff I used to get and itch at when I bound, and even before that when I wore bras. It actually looks better than it did, now that I'm not binding.  :P
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: captains on August 20, 2015, 10:59:42 PM
Damn, bro, your results look amazing! You said you got yours done at Sunnyside, right? The one in Clackamas? >-bleeped-<, I'll switch to Kaiser for that.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: AndrewB on August 21, 2015, 12:40:53 AM
Quote from: captains on August 20, 2015, 10:59:42 PM
Damn, bro, your results look amazing! You said you got yours done at Sunnyside, right? The one in Clackamas? >-bleeped-<, I'll switch to Kaiser for that.

Yup! Kaiser has been awesome about everything so far, with constant follow-ups and great communication, in and out of the doctor's office. Their team really has it all together, I've been nothing but impressed.

I think I'll be able to start scar treatment on Monday, I already bought some scaraway strips, and my nips have even regained a lot of colour, they're pretty naturally brown in the centers.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: harlee on August 22, 2015, 11:18:44 PM
So I'm pretty much 1 year post op with Dr. Garramone!

Left side

Right side (still not 100% with this nipple, it's a little raised near the top edge and the colouring is a little weird)


I've been using nothing but 3M Micropore tape on my scars (just peeled it off in these pictures which is why there are a few red marks). It is like a sticky tape made from paper that you cut off and place over your incisions. It is really cheap ($4 for a roll will last me around 3 months) and it is great for lazy people as you only need to change it once a week. I have been wearing the tape on my scars 24/7 for the whole year but will stop now. It is a great way to keep your scars thin and you dont even notice it's there!
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: RaptorChops on August 23, 2015, 07:45:57 AM
Andrew-It looks like you are healing really really well, I'm glad you're happy with your results!

Harlee-Looking awesome dude it's not even noticeable!
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: palexander on August 28, 2015, 02:46:26 PM
i can finally join this thread... :)

i had surgery on the 27th with dr. medalie in cleveland. his entire staff is incredible. very friendly and they make you feel at home.... my chest reveal is on tuesday, the 1st so i don't have any photos right now, other than one of my swollen stomach, in a vest, and with the drains.

the drains don't really bother me, though i thought that they would. the main thing for me is the center of my upper chest, to my right collarbone— the numbness wore off so i can feel where he cut through everything. :-X
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: RaptorChops on August 28, 2015, 08:55:11 PM
Congrats Pale! Welcome to the club! Just keep taking those meds and relax in bed ;). Can't wait to see your results. The drains really aren't bothersome at all. I just didn't enjoy the tugging when they took them out. I would recommend taking one of your pain pills before you go to have them removed. It's not painful getting them out, it just stings a little bit. Good luck though sir!
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: AndrewB on August 28, 2015, 10:28:29 PM
Quote from: RaptorChops on August 28, 2015, 08:55:11 PM
Congrats Pale! Welcome to the club! Just keep taking those meds and relax in bed ;). Can't wait to see your results. The drains really aren't bothersome at all. I just didn't enjoy the tugging when they took them out. I would recommend taking one of your pain pills before you go to have them removed. It's not painful getting them out, it just stings a little bit. Good luck though sir!

For some reason when I got the second one out, my body decided it wanted to try and make me pass out.  :D I went all lightheaded and my vision went pretty dark, it was the first time that'd ever happened to me; mentally I was fine about getting them out, but I guess my body had other plans. Weird!

Anyhow, glad you're feeling upbeat, Palexander, you're gonna feel even better in the coming weeks!
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: palexander on August 29, 2015, 09:06:07 AM
yesterday was definitely my worst day for pain, but today i feel a lot better. Last night I accidentally ripped the stitches on my right drain because I opened the car door to without thinking.... I had my friends mom look at it (she's a nurse) and she said its normal. The drains still function— there's barely anything anyway. I had less than 30cc my second day. just a few more days...... (9/1 is when I get them out)

Sorry if some of this doesn't make sense. I've been taking the pain pills routinely and I'm incredibly lightweight  ^-^
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: RaptorChops on August 30, 2015, 10:56:38 AM
Oh yikessss!!! I did the same thing when I was heading home from my surgery minus ripping the stitch out. I forgot about everything and was opening doors and reaching up for things. Just gotta relax and try your best not to do anything. My drain areas turned into bumps but they are now starting to smooth and flatten out. So don't be concerned if this happens to ya.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: palexander on September 01, 2015, 08:43:36 PM

5 days post op with dr. medalie
insanely happy with my results :)
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: RaptorChops on September 01, 2015, 08:56:37 PM
Wow your chest looks fantastic dude! Nipples look good and it doesn't look like you have much swelling either. Very nice!!
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: FTMax on September 01, 2015, 09:19:32 PM
Dude! Looking good! How are you feeling? Just wait till all the tape comes off :)
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: AndrewB on September 01, 2015, 09:43:51 PM
Looks amazing, bro! Super studly chest! How's it feel, joining the post-club?  :D
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: palexander on September 02, 2015, 10:03:47 AM
Quote from: RaptorChops on September 01, 2015, 08:56:37 PM
Wow your chest looks fantastic dude! Nipples look good and it doesn't look like you have much swelling either. Very nice!!

thanks man! i am a little swollen where i had lipo/drain site but other than that, it's just some bruising.

Quote from: ftmax on September 01, 2015, 09:19:32 PM
Dude! Looking good! How are you feeling? Just wait till all the tape comes off :)

thank you! i'm feeling great now that the drains are removed. still haven't had a decent bm since surgery, so now i'm struggling with that.... pain is only a 1 or 2, it was a 3-4 with drains. i'm going to finish out the bottle of pain meds because i do have some tenderness if i wait too long in between doses

Quote from: AndrewB on September 01, 2015, 09:43:51 PM
Looks amazing, bro! Super studly chest! How's it feel, joining the post-club?  :D

thank you!! i had no idea i had pecs underneath the tumors...... are we allowed to post pre op photos? or ones with the nipples crossed out at least? if you guys only knew what i started with.... the transformation is insane. and it feels surreal! i woke up forgetting that i had surgery, but my lungs reminded me that i'm free. truly amazing
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: AndrewB on September 02, 2015, 10:27:46 AM
I think pre-op pics with the nips blurred/blocked/otherwise concealed would be fine. I think you and I both were a bit surprised to find pecs underneath our moobs! I love it, wearing a tank undershirt makes me look like the manliest of men—definitely an esteem booster!
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Nathan90 on September 06, 2015, 01:00:34 PM
I finally had topsurgery last thursday by dr van Loenen here in the Netherlands and this is the first look I had at my new chest on friday morning.


I was very happy to have the drains out yesterday and feeling okay on the whole. Most pain/irritation is coming from the left drain hole but could be worse. :)

Next friday I'll have to go back to have the nipple spondges removed and then I'll be allowed to shower again haha. Can't wait! :)
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: RaptorChops on September 06, 2015, 01:21:47 PM
Looks awesome so far Nathan! Congrats bro!
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: talex on September 07, 2015, 02:29:01 AM
Hey all, I'm two weeks post-surgery tomorrow, and so far everything's going pretty ok except for I  have a pretty decent size hematoma on one side and there's also swelling - that one side is significantly bigger than the other side, which looks really good overall. Thanks for all the info you've all shared here, I've learned a lot and it's really helped, but I'm super worried that maybe I should get a second opinion from another doc on this because my surgery doesn't seem very concerned - she said it's unusual and doesn't happen to her often and thinks it's 'non surgical', but idk.. Did anyone else have a ton of swelling that's gone down? Thanks for any info.

Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: RaptorChops on September 07, 2015, 08:33:33 AM
Talex- If you can you should post some pictures so we can get an idea of what your swelling is like.

I also had swelling causing my left side to be much larger than my right. The swelling has gone down quite a bit but it's still there (i'll be 3 months post up next wednesday). Also my nipple on the side that was swollen is also a tiny bit larger and puffy compared to my right. I also have a lot of creasing on my left side which I assume is from the swelling going down and the skin being stretched from it. A lot of guys on here always seem to have that "problem" side. It will go down in time and just continue to take good care of it. I use cocoa butter soap on my scars and nipples in the shower. Afterwards I massage cocoa butter into my scars and nipples. I also still occasionally put neosporin on my nipples because they do get a little itchy at times.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: talex on September 07, 2015, 10:33:49 AM
Thanks Raptor, I saw your pics and def thing our swelling is similar. Pic is here - (

I plan to do a follow up photo this week at my appointment with the doc (Dr. Yokoo at Kaiser in Richmond, California.)
Other than the hematoma and swelling, over all the surgery was a very positive experience. I was VERY nervous and anxious (I get that way about all medical stuff regardless of how nice the doc/nurses are). Everyone at the hospital was super nice, especially the first nurse who prepped me. They gave me an anti-nausea patch behind one ear and with the exception of some nausea in the recovery room, I felt fairly ok throughout. Currently moving past the pain meds, which feels great and my energy is returning. Living in the compression binder is getting old, but I managed to wash my own hair yesterday which felt GREAT - we have a tub with one of those hose sprayers, the previous owner used it for her dog I think, lucky for me.

Thanks for any advice or support, I know these things happen sometimes and overall I'm pleased with my outcome, just a little concerned as I feel like other people's surgeons felt these areas need to be drained and mine didn't!

Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Bimmer Guy on September 08, 2015, 07:34:05 AM
Nathan, your chest looks great.  Great incision lines (thin and straight lines) and great areola shape/size and placement.  I am glad you posted on the thread.  Looks like a good surgeon to recommend.  Please make sure you show us after you get everything off. 
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: RaptorChops on September 08, 2015, 04:08:56 PM

Everything looks good to me. They probably didn't use drains because maybe you didn't have much breast tissue? Anyways you're lucky because those things are such a pain lol. Over all I think you will heal well just take good care of it :)
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: palexander on September 08, 2015, 06:52:07 PM
gotta love when your nipples start peeling and feel raw :embarrassed:
i know that it means i'm healing, but it's still pretty nasty....
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: AndrewB on September 08, 2015, 09:08:24 PM
Quote from: palexander on September 08, 2015, 06:52:07 PM
gotta love when your nipples start peeling and feel raw :embarrassed:
i know that it means i'm healing, but it's still pretty nasty....

Aw I'm sorry dude, that must suck. I think the fact that my surgeon used bolster dressings or maybe the fact that I wasn't supposed to dress them at all after she took those dressings off changed how mine healed—I never went through a goopy, bloody, gross nipple phase; at the 3-week appointment the PA just flaked off a bunch of scabs and revealed pink skin underneath. Aesthetically they look awesome, but no more or less feeling than had I treated my nips the way Crane or Garamone or any other well-known surgeon seem to instruct. Wonder why they don't explore their methods a bit and try this one for size?
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Nathan90 on September 11, 2015, 09:37:23 AM
I'll definately post updates BimmerGuy :)

Here's the first. This morning I had the nipple spondges removed, have to be honest that my nipples aren't looking as bad as I expected. There's a bit more swelling on my right side so maybe I'll need to bind it for a bit longer than average and if it increases she'll remove it herself.

Here's a dark picture so it doesn't as horrible as in real life (with the bruise colours ;) )
Title: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: billystuart92 on September 24, 2015, 04:51:00 AM
Nathan!! Looking amazing :o
Those incisions are just perfect!

I got my top surgery about three weeks ago with Dr Hassall but only just found out about this sticky haha
I'm wearing surgical tape or whatever it's called on my incisions atm so I'll post pics of that later but here's my nipple progress:

One is healing better than the other but both look pretty good imo :)

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: captains on September 24, 2015, 04:58:15 AM
Hey Nathan, does your surgeon have a website? I was pretty impressed with your results, but I couldn't find your doc (van Loenen, right?). Just curious, tbh. Doubt I'll be flying from Ireland to the Netherlands to get my work done, haha. Although who knows!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Nathan90 on September 24, 2015, 11:27:45 AM
She doesn't have a special website since she's officially just a 'normal' plastic surgeon but I think she might be the best we have over here. So sadly there's no place online where you can see a lot of her work besides a hidden Dutch Facebook group.

But I must say her work is rather consistent and best with the double incision, the peri usually needs a revision later.

I just had a look a the hospital website (Slotervaart Hospital in Amsterdam) but they don't seem to have an English page, so if you'd decide to contact them to discuss possible options just send me a PM and I'll send you the correct number and emailaddress. ;) I can't tell you anything about price though since we're fully insured for it.

That being said, today's my three week mark. I took all the tape off this morning for showering and drying up and retaped it after. I'm feeling great, can do a whole lot more than I thought I might. Can't wait to start light workout next week 'cause I'm bored stiff by now haha.

Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: RaptorChops on September 24, 2015, 04:52:06 PM
Quote from: Nathan90 on September 24, 2015, 11:27:45 AM
She doesn't have a special website since she's officially just a 'normal' plastic surgeon but I think she might be the best we have over here. So sadly there's no place online where you can see a lot of her work besides a hidden Dutch Facebook group.

But I must say her work is rather consistent and best with the double incision, the peri usually needs a revision later.

I just had a look a the hospital website (Slotervaart Hospital in Amsterdam) but they don't seem to have an English page, so if you'd decide to contact them to discuss possible options just send me a PM and I'll send you the correct number and emailaddress. ;) I can't tell you anything about price though since we're fully insured for it.

That being said, today's my three week mark. I took all the tape off this morning for showering and drying up and retaped it after. I'm feeling great, can do a whole lot more than I thought I might. Can't wait to start light workout next week 'cause I'm bored stiff by now haha.


Looks really good Nathan. It looks like you won't have thick and noticeable scars. She did really good making thin incisions!
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Nathan90 on September 25, 2015, 07:56:44 AM
Thanks! I'm really happy with how it looks and am curious to what they will look in the future.

Though to be honest, right now I don't really care about how they will end up, I just want have my body back to normal. Getting really tired of spending my days like I am now.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: billystuart92 on September 25, 2015, 09:20:42 AM
Haha I feel like such a slob on these forums, so many people with such great bods!

Here's a pic of my chest including incisions
I don't usually get acne THIS badly on my chest, I had a bad reaction to the adhesive on the dressings...

The scars look kinda gross but it seems to mostly be bits of adhesive stuck to them which I'm gonna try and get off tomorrow.
If you look closely they're not so bad, I think??
I like how they curve down compared to the ones I've seen curving upwards, just a personal preference for my own chest I guess.

There's only one spot that kinda bums me out, it's hard to see in photos but you might be able to see it better here:

The end of one of my scars to the middle of my chest kinda ends in a large very noticeable bump
:( I'm assuming it's because I'm a chubby guy and therefor the surgeon had some trouble, and I don't think it's something that's gonna fade or go away with time, which is kind of a bummer...
Still, beasts having breasts!!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Konnor on September 25, 2015, 12:30:51 PM
Quick update post because I haven't shared a photo in a while. I had surgery in March with Dr Medalie, so I'm a little over 6 months post-op. I sucked at using the scar strips and gel, so this is my results with minimal scar care. I'm very happy with the contour of my chest and scar healing at this point.

I'm not super happy with my liposuction results but that's more just the way my body reacted and not the surgeons fault. I had lipo done on my love handles and they filled up with fluid after surgery and had to get drained. The remaining tissue there is rather firm and likely will not soften and dissolve the way it was supposed to. Oh well.


Nathan, your surgeon did an awesome job! You are looking fantastic, especially for only 3 weeks out. Just don't try to get back into your routine too quickly or you risk stretching/damaging your scars.

Billy, you're looking great! I know what you mean about the dog ear, I had a similar one on the inside of my right scar. It does seem to be flattening out and getting smaller with time though, so don't give up hope! My nips stayed pretty nasty til about 5-6 weeks post op. A lot of it was the scab tissue before it sloughed off. I gently s rubbed with a wash cloth to get the dead bits and bandage bits off. Just try not to pick at them too much, they'll heal up on their own pretty quick. I know what you mean about the chest acne too, it sucks!!  >:(
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: talex on September 30, 2015, 01:58:34 PM
Woot! Five weeks and the scabs are finally off my nipples. They aren't totally symmetrical, but I'm ok with that.

Question - how long did y'all continue to use bandaids/ointment over the nipple grafts? I'd love to be able to stop soon, because between that and the silicon scar tape, I'm SO over having all this stuff taped to my chest.

I'll do an updated pic soon - the overall swelling from my hematoma is down a lot, that side is still bigger than the other side, but I'm not fretting too much about it as I know it's likely to go down and the results are still a thousand times better than what I had before.

I've also moved past the anxiety/depression stage of things, barely take ibuprofin, and hope to start working out again in a week or two - I still get twinges of nerve pain and numbness when I lift heavy stuff so I'm taking it REALLY gentle.

Thanks for the support, I felt weird posting here as a total stranger but it really really helped while I was recovering. You are a really terrific community.

Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: FTMax on September 30, 2015, 05:45:05 PM
Quote from: talex on September 30, 2015, 01:58:34 PM
Question - how long did y'all continue to use bandaids/ointment over the nipple grafts? I'd love to be able to stop soon, because between that and the silicon scar tape, I'm SO over having all this stuff taped to my chest.

Until the scabs were completely off. I didn't want my shirt to rub anything wrong and accidentally peel anything. After that I'd play it by ear. If you think there is still surface level healing going on, I'd wear them for another week. I think I stopped after 2-3 weeks.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Nathan90 on October 29, 2015, 01:40:40 PM
I'm at eight weeks postop today. Healed without much trouble and was able to do practically everything again from 4 weeks on (reaching and lifting). Which seems to be faster than average.

Couldn't be happier with how it's looking so far. :D


Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: talex on November 13, 2015, 05:21:37 PM
Hey all, wanted to update now that I'm 13 (!) weeks post-surgery, and I REALLY appreciated everyone who took the time to send some support and answer my questions while I was recovering.

Link to current state of things -

I'm really happy with how my results came out. You can still see a little bruising on one side from the hematoma, but it's almost entirely absorbed at this point which is a huge relief. I did have one other little issue when a few stitches came through in the center (eeeek!) I waited until they came to the surface and then pulled them gently - snipped them down to the skin and used antibacterial ointment and bandaids along with warm compresses until they settled down. A friend told me last night that he had surgery 3 years ago and once in a while a stitch still comes out!

I'm back to working out, and have full mobility. Nips aren't symmetrical, but that doesn't bother me much. Nothing compares to the delight of just throwing on a tee shirt and going outside, plus my clothes just fit right. I've never been someone who enjoyed summer, but I'm already looking forward to next year.

Thank you again. I was SO fricking nervous before surgery, the recovery did take a little longer than I thought, I suspect if I'd done this in my 20's I would have bounced back a bit faster. No regrets, although I'll be honest, there are days when it does feel a little odd to not have the extra skin! I don't miss 'em.


Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: MrAction on November 13, 2015, 10:40:55 PM
Surgeon: Andrew Ives
Where: Melbourne, Australia
What: Double incision w/ free nipple grafts
Time: 2 weeks 3 days post op

I wholeheartedly recommend this surgeon. He is extremely nice, takes care to get pronouns correct and make you feel comfortable, and is clearly quite competent. I was tossing up between Ives and travelling to Sydney to see Hassal, I felt that I preferred Ives' work in the end and I live in Melbourne so felt it would be much easier to get it done here.

I haven't had any complications, but a couple of freak outs. The first time I changed my dressings by myself, I found a lot of green pus and thought I had an infection. I texted a photo to the surgeon and he responded letting me know that it was pretty normal and I looked fine.

The second freak out was today. It looks like one of my nipples is lifting from my skin. Again, I texted the surgeon with a photo. He says it's likely just a scab coming off and nothing to worry about.

Here are some pictures:



Excuse the rectangles over certain parts of the images.

Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Bimmer Guy on November 14, 2015, 05:11:11 PM

Your chest looks really great.   :)  I am so glad you posted, it is nice to see a variety of surgeons' work.  He really did a nice job with his incisions, nice and straight.  Please keep us updated with pictures.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Jak on December 16, 2015, 07:12:16 AM
I'll post more, and with photos, when I'm home and not typing on my phone. But, I wanted to make a starter post to say that my surgery was Monday, with Dr. McLean in Mississauga, Ontario. It went great and I'm only needing half a Tylenol 3 every two hours. I 've actually had more pain and bruising from the binder which I think was originally a bit too tight. I came out of surgery around 11:30 and was quite nauseous at first, vomiting several times. That diminished and I was pretty loopy all day. Those two side effects were worse than any pain. I couldn't stand the loopiness! But, fortunately I was able to just lie in bed and doze in and out while every cheesy Christmas movie made ran in a cable marathon. Once the nausea from the anesthesia subsided I've been fine and haven't needed any of the anti-nausea meds with the pain meds.

Two quick notes - I'm 59, not on T and don't plan to be. I particularly want to share my experience because of these factors as well as my size. Although I've not worn a traditional bra for years, I was about a 44D. They removed about 5 pounds via the lipo. He went pretty far back to try to avoid dog ears. I don't care about the scarring, but really don't want dog ears.

Second, Dr. McLean and his staff were phenomenal. Some have described him as 'odd,' but I thought he was great. Maybe that's an age thing. It was a bit disconcerting to have Christian holiday music playing while I was in the waiting room, but then I remembered that in Canada there isn't the same, um, correlation between religion and intolerance. Everyone - from office staff to OR to recovery - was just fantastic! Oh, and while I paid in Canadian funds that I still had in the bank here, the current exchange makes this ideal for those in the US. At today's rate, a price of $7910 CAD is about $5945 USD. His rate may have risen, but that's what I booked at.

That's it for now. We fly back to the US late this afternoon. Wish me luck!
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: FTMax on December 16, 2015, 03:09:22 PM
Good luck on your return trip Jak! Glad to hear everything went well and you're feeling pretty good. Just remember to take it easy when you get home!
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Jak on December 17, 2015, 11:05:10 AM
Thanks, FTMax! I got home last night. Today I am exhausted and just lazing about. I think yesterday's schlepping through the airport, etc. took their toll.

I'm having very little pain, except for my right nipple graft - which makes me a tad nervous. I've had almost no pain at all on the left, more on the right, and most of that at the graft. I can already notice increased mobility in my arms, but am not overdoing it. Let's just say that some of the basics of personal hygiene are already a bit easier.

When I'm up to it and have the binder off I'll share a photo.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: hardyboy on December 20, 2015, 03:10:17 AM

Had top surgery with Garramone ten days ago; the picture was from about a week out, shortly after unwrapping the bandage for the first time. So far no real pain, and no swelling at all. Incredibly happy with the results.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: FTMax on December 20, 2015, 08:25:02 AM
Looks good man, congrats! Glad to hear you're healing well.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Jak on December 20, 2015, 04:52:32 PM
As promised. Before and six days out. The cushions come off on the 23rd. Lots of bruising, but then he had to do a lot of liposuction, as you might imagine!



McLean, Mississauga, 14 Dec 15.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Jak on December 24, 2015, 09:10:06 AM
Sorry for posting this here, but - is there any way to edit one's post. I am thoroughly stumped. Thanks!

And, #FAIL to Photobucket for censoring a photo that had already had the "offending" nips obscured. Sheesh.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: FTMax on December 24, 2015, 09:13:11 AM
Quote from: Jak on December 24, 2015, 09:10:06 AM
Sorry for posting this here, but - is there any way to edit one's post. I am thoroughly stumped. Thanks!

And, #FAIL to Photobucket for censoring a photo that had already had the "offending" nips obscured. Sheesh.

You can edit a post within the same day of posting it. Otherwise, a mod can do it for you. Since I'm here, what would you like changed?
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: hardyboy on December 26, 2015, 11:11:58 PM
Hey, so I'm around two weeks post op with no real visible swelling here, but one of my incisions seems to have some blood trapped behind it? It makes the incision line look like a flat blood blister for about two inches. When the last of the tape fell off, it made a tiny hole in the blood blister part, and there's been some drainage (old blood, looks like) from that area for the last couple days. The discoloration has been fading, so I've just been keeping a gauze pad over the bleeding bit and changing it every day. I haven't been able to reach Garramone due to the season--should I be concerned, or is this within the realm of things-I-can-handle-at-home?

Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: FTMax on December 26, 2015, 11:16:40 PM
I had a section that looked like that. I was bad and punched a little hole in it to help it drain. Just a pocket of blood. It healed over in a day or so, no lasting damage done.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: hardyboy on December 26, 2015, 11:21:38 PM
Oh man, that's really reassuring, thank you! I was getting a little concerned that it was serious--I don't recall ever seeing anyone's incisions looking like that, so I was worried I messed something up by moving wrong in my sleep or something.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Jak on December 27, 2015, 05:03:05 PM
FTMax - Thanks, but no worries. I was just going to remove the image from where the "offending photo" was removed. Not to worry. And, while I'm here...

So, tomorrow is two weeks from my surgery. I had the bolsters off on 12/23, nine days after. That felt good. I can gauge a little improvement each day just in terms of little things. E.g., fastening my seat belt is no problem where the first time was, whoa! Since I had traveled for surgery, I saw a local surgeon for the removal. He was fabulous! I still have all the tape on the incisions. Tape tends to stick to me. He said that was great and to leave it on as long as it will stay; citing some study about the length of time with tape and impact on scars. I'm still pretty nervous about losing a nip, but have convinced myself, "Whatevs..." and think about tattoo options.

I've been surprised at how well I've been sleeping. I was really concerned about having to sleep on my back. But, using one of those back pillows they sell for dorms and three more pillows I've been quite comfy. My biggest complaint is that between recovery, no exercise, and the holidays, I think I've gained back the 5 pounds I lost in the surgery! Damn! Oh, well. New year and all that. I can't wait until February when I can get back to the gym. I constantly have to remind myself not to reach up or lift more than five pounds - because I feel like I can.

For those who - like me - scoured the web, reading everything you could get your eyes on, I'll say this. It is absolutely, 100% true that the process is different for everyone. Pain levels, range of motion, doctor's guidance, everything. Soak up all the info you can, but know that your experience is unlikely to mimic anyone else's in all ways. On some things I feel like I'm 'behind' some in recovery; yet in other ways I seem 'ahead' of others. I had, as you can see in the photo posted earlier, lots of bruising, probably due to the volume removed. Others, at the same date, had none. Some have considerable pain; I had pretty minimal pain. There's just no one path. Be prepared, but keep that in mind.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: hardyboy on January 03, 2016, 06:00:22 AM
That open spot is still a problem, but it's healing. My scar line will be gnarly, but that's okay! My nipples are almost (not quite) all the way healed, and I'm nearly out of xeroform. I'm hoping that it'll last!
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Jak on January 03, 2016, 05:17:50 PM
I need some insight! These photos were taken on 12/31 - two weeks and three days post-surgery. My surgeon's guidelines are to use an antibiotic ointment and dressings. I've emailed him to ask how long as I'm now unclear on that. Comparing to the many, many images I've seen, I think my healing might be a tad slow. And, given all I've read about goopy grafts, redness, etc. I'm not really concerned. But, I did wonder if folks thought there was anything about which I should be concerned.



Also - and this is the only way I can describe it - the only discomfort I have at this point is that my "skin hurts." I don't know if this is just the "things reconnecting" that I've read about or if it's a reaction to the tape. I didn't switch to sensitive skin tape because I have no real redness, rash, etc. where I've used tape for the dressings. Thoughts?

Lastly, unlike many of the photos I've seen, most of the surgical tape remains firmly in place. The surgeon I'm seeing for follow-up here at home said "the longer, the better" so I've left it in place. I've emailed the surgeon who did the work to ask these questions, but wondered what folks here might think.

Your insight is very much appreciated.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: FTMax on January 03, 2016, 06:27:41 PM
Hi Jak,

I kept my nips covered with ointment for around two weeks. Once the scabs had totally come off, I switched over to bandaids and ointment for another few days. After a certain point (once it was clear that they weren't going anywhere, or as sensitive), it seemed better to just let them breathe as much as possible.

Could you describe more of what you mean by the skin hurting? I had some tenderness, very little swelling, but I did react poorly to all of the tapes/adhesives. They dried my skin out and I did have a little bit of a reaction to it (some redness/bumps). Your surgeon is right about the tape - it should stay on as long as possible. Mine came off very quickly, likely because it was warm in my house and I sweat a lot by default.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Jak on January 03, 2016, 06:46:29 PM
Thanks for your note! Sensitive to touch, kind of all across the chest - which is why I was inclined to think it was more about what was happening underneath. But, it's not soreness like bruising and it feels no different if I press on it. Even just a light glance with fingertips and it's just, well, sensitive. As I write this it occurs to me that it's how my lips feel when the novocaine wears off so maybe it's just residual to the lidocaine, or whatever they used? Thanks, again!
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: FTMax on January 03, 2016, 07:06:32 PM
Hey Jak,

Yes. Definitely experienced that. I think it is mostly related to the nerves reconnecting and getting active again post-pain killer. You're a little under 1 month post-op right? It may take some time for everything to feel close to normal again. I still have some weird twinges of pain every now and then at close to 9 months. If it is pain-pain and not just soreness, contact your surgeon's office. Otherwise, consider trying a low dose of Benadryl. That should help you figure out if it's nerve related or if it's skin-related.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Jak on January 05, 2016, 01:53:16 PM
Thanks, again! Since the last post I'm down to no tape, using ScarAway, and I heard back from the nurse who thought things looked fine. She said a couple of more days with ointment and I should be good to go. I tried some Benadryl and it didn't make a difference. Good idea to test, though! Of course, it wouldn't affect contact irritation as opposed to an actual allergic response. But, glad to rule that out. I'm going to go with it just being nerve stuff and some residual swelling. I switched to a compression tank that is as "compressing" as the binder, not at all scratchy/irritating, and covers more area. So far, so good. Thanks, again, for your input.

Aside from all that. Today is the first day I was able to see everything without any tape, etc. and I am very pleased. While I know the scars will likely stretch, right now they are very thin and pretty symmetrical except on the side just under my pits - and I don't care about that. I've got some "wrinkling" in the very middle; chalking that up to age. ;) Not much I can do about that! We'll see what happens when I get back to working out, lose the swelling, etc.

Take care! 
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: palexander on January 10, 2016, 07:42:15 PM
has anyone had small pockets with blood and a small amount of pus (with no smell) form around their nips? i get this from time to time, but it's completely odorless and the substance is a lot thicker than actual blood. i typically just apply antibiotic ointment and it's fine within a day or so. didn't know if this was normal or not...
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: teddybear_zach on January 16, 2016, 10:39:23 AM
Morning fellas, well I'm officially a member of the 2015 top surgery class. I had my surgery on 12/08/15 with Dr Alan Dulin in Plano, Texas. I'm over 5 weeks post op. I will post a photo when I'm off work (at work typing this). The doctor was a real cool dude and my results are amazing. being a MOC I had to worry about losing color in my nips but the color is coming back faster than the year he quoted me. I have pics on transbucket under zachp80, also.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: FTMax on January 16, 2016, 12:31:11 PM
Checked out transbucket, and looking good man! Congrats! I'm glad the healing has gone well for you.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: teddybear_zach on January 16, 2016, 12:55:29 PM
Quote from: FTMax on January 16, 2016, 12:31:11 PM
Checked out transbucket, and looking good man! Congrats! I'm glad the healing has gone well for you.

Thanks man!! I appreciate it
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: green27 on January 21, 2016, 01:22:22 AM
I'm just getting into posting here, but I had top surgery on Jan 13th with Dr. Garramone. So I'm about 8 days post op. I got my drains taken out after only 5 days but everything looks great.

Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: rpm15 on January 21, 2016, 01:49:12 AM
Hey guys! Long time reader, new to posting. Just had surgery last week, on Jan 14th, with Dr. Medalie. He was very professional and efficient. Can't say much about his bedside manner, since (no exaggeration) I spoke to him for no more than 10 minutes including pre- and post-op conversations, but I picked him because I liked his results and not for the conversation, haha. His staff was awesome and I have really no complaints about that side of the experience.

Pre-op I was 6.5 months on T and, size-wise, I was a 40DD. Generally wore 2 binders (a gcb half binder underneath an underworks full length binder) every day, so really stoked to be done with that. At this point, a week out, my chest has a weird mixture of soreness and utter numbness. The numbness feels exactly like novocaine, but across/up and down my entire chest, which is super trippy.

All in all, awesome experience. Super excited to see how things heal up over time. Will definitely continue to update! This thread was such a life-saver for me in my long research phase, so I'm glad to finally be able to contribute :).


One week after:

[not sure how else to insert images into a post, sorry to make you click!]
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: mm on January 21, 2016, 09:52:49 AM
rpm15, you look great; I can see how you feel so much better with them gone.  Keep us informed on how you are doing, should have a nice looking chest in a few month be ready for a shirtless summer.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: rpm15 on January 21, 2016, 12:20:04 PM
Thanks, mm! Will do on the updates and yeah, soooo excited for my first shirtless summer  8)
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: veniamviam on January 22, 2016, 02:57:06 PM
Looks great rpm15! Especially at just a week out, I hope my chest looks as good as yours so soon.

Quote from: rpm15 on January 21, 2016, 01:49:12 AMThis thread was such a life-saver for me in my long research phase, so I'm glad to finally be able to contribute :).

I'm having my surgery with Medalie on the last of February, so please continue to update so you can carry on the life-saver legacy! :)
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: rpm15 on January 23, 2016, 01:48:40 AM
Thank you! And dude, congrats on your upcoming surgery!! Only like a month away. Stoked for you. Will definitely continue to update between now and then, and I'll look forward to seeing you continue the awesome legacy after your surgery too :)
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Bimmer Guy on January 24, 2016, 01:20:00 PM
Quote from: green27 on January 21, 2016, 01:22:22 AM
I'm just getting into posting here, but I had top surgery on Jan 13th with Dr. Garramone. So I'm about 8 days post op. I got my drains taken out after only 5 days but everything looks great.


PERFECT!  Garramone is the BEST!

<------ Garramone clone
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: hardyboy on January 28, 2016, 05:54:27 PM

One month post op with Garramone; time seems to have resolved the complication I was worried about. I'm a little shy about my results, but I love my chest. I'm glad I went with Garramone.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: RaptorChops on January 28, 2016, 10:13:00 PM
Quote from: hardyboy on January 28, 2016, 05:54:27 PM

One month post op with Garramone; time seems to have resolved the complication I was worried about. I'm a little shy about my results, but I love my chest. I'm glad I went with Garramone.

Looks really damn good. You're going to heal up nicely.. Makes me wish I went to Garramone haha :P
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: hardyboy on January 29, 2016, 12:48:55 AM
Thank you for the encouraging words! I've been a little nervous, since I popped a stitch and feel like I've been healing pretty slowly as a result. You went to Fischer, right? I hear she does really good work!
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: RaptorChops on January 29, 2016, 08:20:19 AM
Quote from: hardyboy on January 29, 2016, 12:48:55 AM
Thank you for the encouraging words! I've been a little nervous, since I popped a stitch and feel like I've been healing pretty slowly as a result. You went to Fischer, right? I hear she does really good work!

Yeah I went to Fischer but i'm happy with my results. I think my nipples and scars just healed weird. I also popped a few stitches and my left side was oozing in the center. So my left scar is alot thicker and deeper than my right. I've been using scar tape on it though and it's all starting to heal pretty well. I just need to make an appointment to visit with Fischer for a follow up.

The other thing about your chest is it seems like you already have a good starting point for pecs. Mine were just super flat but i'm working on it lol.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: hardyboy on January 29, 2016, 04:28:11 PM
I feel you--the scar on my right side is definitely a bit thicker/ deeper than the left. I'm glad scar tape has been working out for you! I tried using some, but I may be allergic? For now, I'm just keeping my chest moisturized and being gentle with it. I hope that my scars fade well, though I have no idea if they will, since I've never had surgery/major injury that scarred before.

Thanks RE: the pecs--I didn't focus extra hard on them when working out, but I live on a farm, so heavy lifting is par for the course. I was worried that my chest would end up concave!
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: unclesean on February 02, 2016, 01:03:27 AM
Third day post-op here.  Had my first follow-up appointment today and got my first look at the new chest.  Very happy with how everything looks so far.

Surgeon: Robert Anooshian (through Kaiser Permanente's Gender Pathways Clinic in San Francisco).  I was told Kaiser's doctors aren't allowed to promote their work directly, but you can find examples of his work on youtube, including a very funny series of hip-hop videos one guy did documenting his surgery and recovery. 

Where: San Francisco, California, U.S.A.

What: Double incision w/ free nipple grafts

Time: 3 days post-op

Cost: covered by Kaiser Permanente insurance, $5 USD copay.  Yes, 5 bucks for surgery.  Plus about $60 for optional compression vest. 

Post-op sensation: TBD, so far nipple area is more sensitive than I thought - always hated having sensitive nipples and was looking forward to the unattached nips feeling more neutral.  Not too much pain, a little bit of itching where the drain tubes rub against my skin under the compression vest. 

Post-op satisfaction: TBD, so far very happy.

Seeking a revision: TBD, but so far everything looks good to me. 

Just posted a couple pics on transbucket - easy to find since only a couple other patients of Dr. Anooshian have posted there.  T̶h̶i̶s̶ ̶i̶s̶ ̶m̶y̶ ̶f̶i̶r̶s̶t̶ ̶p̶o̶s̶t̶ ̶o̶n̶ ̶t̶h̶i̶s̶ ̶b̶o̶a̶r̶d̶ ̶s̶o̶ ̶I̶ ̶h̶a̶v̶e̶n̶'̶t̶ ̶d̶e̶l̶v̶e̶d̶ ̶i̶n̶t̶o̶ ̶h̶o̶w̶ ̶t̶o̶ ̶i̶n̶c̶l̶u̶d̶e̶ ̶p̶i̶c̶s̶ ̶w̶i̶t̶h̶ ̶p̶o̶s̶t̶s̶ ̶h̶e̶r̶e̶ ̶y̶e̶t̶.̶ UPDATE - here they are.



Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: hardyboy on February 02, 2016, 11:15:40 PM
Congratulations! Your chest looks great
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Bimmer Guy on February 04, 2016, 07:03:01 PM
You look fantastic.  Congrats!  Thanks for posting!
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Bimmer Guy on February 04, 2016, 07:05:38 PM
Quote from: Bimmer Guy on February 04, 2016, 07:03:01 PM
You look fantastic.  Congrats!  Thanks for posting!

Hardyboy, you are looking super awesome, too!  Welcome to the Garramone club!
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: unclesean on February 04, 2016, 08:23:13 PM
Quote from: Bimmer Guy on February 04, 2016, 07:03:01 PM
You look fantastic.  Congrats!  Thanks for posting!

Thanks!  Nice to have a place to share these pictures. Oddly, not too many other friends were enticed by my "hey, wanna see my post-op chest pics with drain tubes hanging off and nipple sutures?" but I have been very psyched to show my new look, however unfinished.   

Day 6 post-op.  Today the drains came out and the nipple dressings were taken off.  Tomorrow, a shower is going to feel really good. 
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: veniamviam on February 05, 2016, 11:52:00 AM
Looking great!! Hope that shower is everything you want it to be haha
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: hardyboy on February 05, 2016, 06:49:16 PM
Oh man, that first shower post-surgery is super nice. I hated going a week without a proper wash!
(Baby wipes helped a lot though, and I have this forum to thank for knowing to bring 'em!)
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: RaptorChops on February 06, 2016, 09:24:30 AM
bathing cloths, a memory foam neck pillow, and circulation socks were my best friends for my recovery :p
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: unclesean on February 06, 2016, 12:24:45 PM
Quote from: veniamviam on February 05, 2016, 11:52:00 AM
Looking great!! Hope that shower is everything you want it to be haha

Oh, it was...  Shower and shave did wonders. 

Did anyone else notice that pain meds in addition to slowing down digestion slowed down hair growth?  I swear my stubble was growing at about 1/3 the normal speed - three days in and I had one day's worth of shadow.  Hadn't heard anyone reporting that before but it was a significant difference.  I guess the pills slow *everything* down. 
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: unclesean on February 10, 2016, 09:07:04 PM
Pic from day 11, yesterday, taken during my 30 minutes with the compression vest and bandages off. 

The other 23 hours and 30 minutes of the day, I have bacitracin covering the nipples, bandaids over that, and two puffy "abdominal pad" square bandages as padding over the incision and chest area, with a tight vest holding everything together, preventing scarring, encouraging reabsorption of fluid from any swelling (of which there is hardly any), and protecting the whole area. 

Some skin breakouts where the bandaids around the nipple grafts stick to my skin.  There's a line of blemishes that traces the exact outline of each bandaid - maybe I'm allergic to the bandaid material. 

In two days the tape over the incisions comes off.  Look forward to seeing what they look like, and to getting that tape off of my skin finally.  The doc gave a box of Mepiform (?) silicone strips to use starting at the two-week mark, after the tape comes off.

Drain holes on the far lateral (armpit) end of the incisions seems like they healed fine.  When I put bacitracin on the nipple grafts every day, whatever is left over I put on the drain holes.  (Still using the few mini packets of bacitracin from the doc until I can buy a larger tube.) 

Nipple sutures are sticking out a little - surgeon told me I could trim them if they were bothering me, but they are absorbable and will go away on their own eventually.  Since they are covered with a bandaid 23 1/2 hours of the day they aren't bothering me but if they were exposed I wouldn't want them brushing up against things. 

There's a white bubble-looking spot on the edge of one nipple. Looks similar to what others have posted in this thread, so I am not worried about it. 

All is well so far, just a bit tired of having limited range of motion and having to sleep on my back.  I have a pillow under my knees and other pillows arranged so I can fall asleep OK, but by the morning all I want to do is roll over, and I can't, so I end up not sleeping as much as I should because I can't get back to sleep comfortably. 

Pain is intermittent, not terribly intense.  In 12 days since surgery I have cut down from 4 pills per day to 1/2 or 1.  Sometimes I feel the incision, sometimes I feel the nerves where the nipples were attached, sometimes my whole chest spasms or twitches a little bit.  Honestly the worst pain is the back pain from not being able to turn on my side while I sleep.

My skin does feel really tight, but that's better than having it loose, right?  Feels like I'm going to stretch something to the breaking point when I push my shoulder blades together or lift my arms too high. 

Surgeon: Robert Anooshian (through Kaiser San Francisco). 

Where: San Francisco, California, U.S.A.

What: Double incision w/ free nipple grafts

Time: 11 days post-op

Cost: covered by insurance, $5 USD copay.  Yes, 5 bucks for surgery thanks to the excellent insurance plan my wife's union secured.  Plus $67 including shipping for the optional but strongly suggested compression vest.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: unclesean on February 13, 2016, 02:45:56 AM

  • Surgeon: Robert Anooshian (through Kaiser San Francisco). 
  • Where: San Francisco, California, U.S.A.
  • What: Double incision w/ free nipple grafts
  • Time: 14 days post-op

Two weeks post-op. Butterfly dressings (steri-strips, micropore tape, whatever you want to call it) came off the incision today.  Here's what it looked like freshly unwrapped, before I showered or put ointment on it or anything. 
I'm pleased with the size of the incision.  It's slightly raised but looks OK to me as a starting point. 

Nipple grafts are still in progress, lots of change from day to day, and lots of discomfort now.  The bandaids were soaked through when I changed them today.  Everything looks normal as far as I can tell but something's definitely going on in there, and it involves twinges of intense sensation in the nipple and incision area. 

Around the graft area, skin breaking out everywhere the bandaid adhesive covers - and it's latex-free.  Also some suture ends poking out. I trim them with nail clippers if they're unreasonably long, but they're covered with bandaid 23.5 hours of the day, so nothing is going to brush up against them. 

Some of what looks like peeling along the incision is just leftover adhesive from the tape, but the skin is peeling a little lower, below the incision line, right where my skin seems to be taut or stretched.   

Nipples in the last day or so got much more raw, soaked through the bandaid for the first time, and the area is very sensitive.  This is the most discomfort I've felt since surgery, though granted I am taking minimal pain medication, at most 1/2 pill a day. 

At the drain end of the incision on this side, there's a hard raised nub of skin that's very uncomfortable.  Not sure if this is a suture being rejected by the body or a skin tag that happened to be along the incision or what, but it's an irritated lump. 


Put the silicone strips (Mepiform brand) on for the first time.  I put bacitracin ointment on under it but am not overjoyed about putting petroleum all over my skin so might try something else, like silicone lubricant or some organic jojoba oil with arnica.   Cut the strip horizontally in half, and then had to cut pieces to fit the rectangular strip along the round incision.  On one end, as you can see in the picture, the strip wasn't sticking well, even 2 minutes after I put it on, when this pic was taken.  I did my best not to spread bacitracin so wide that it interfered with the adhesive, but something was keeping it from sticking well. 

Current recovery routine is like this

  • compression vest with abdominal pad bandages (medline brand abdominal pads, 9" x 12") for cushioning on all day except for 30 minutes to shower and change dressings.  I re-use the abdominal pads - no need to replace them every day unlike the bandaids.
  • don't reach overhead or too far forward
  • sleep on back with pillow under knees and extra pillows to ease the back/neck strain
  • don't lift anything heavier than 5 lbs.
  • don't raise heart rate
  • take some pain medicine but I don't have much left and don't use tylenol or ibuprofen for other reasons so I'm trying to research alternative pain relief in a hurry
  • eat healthy and take zinc, quercetin + bromelain, coenzyme Q-10, B vitamins, spirulina (for vitamin A and K and other vitamins), selenium, and probiotics

during 30 minutes with vest and abdominal pads off, I

  • peel off bandaids
  • shower
  • take pictures as needed
  • spread a pea-sized drop of bacitracin on each nipple graft
  • put new bandaids back on
  • put a thin line of topical treatment - bacitracin, or organic jojoba with arnica - on incision, thin enough so silicone strips will stick over it
  • put silicone strips on incision
  • put vest back on, and before fastening it, slide abdominal pads in for cushioning, one on each side covering nipple graft and incision

Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: unclesean on February 15, 2016, 08:23:13 PM
Quote from: unclesean on February 13, 2016, 02:45:56 AM

At the drain end of the incision on this side, there's a hard raised nub of skin that's very uncomfortable.  Not sure if this is a suture being rejected by the body or a skin tag that happened to be along the incision or what, but it's an irritated lump. 

Sutures are starting to poke out.  There might also be a skin tag or other things going on there, but a spitting suture is part of it.  VERY uncomfortable.  Wish I'd been warned that this phase of recovery would be more painful than the first two weeks. I would have been more frugal with my pain meds so I'd have some left over.  Ouch. 
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: FTMax on February 16, 2016, 08:42:03 AM
Posting by request. I had DI w/ grafts done by Dr. Fischer in Baltimore, MD on April 21st, 2015. Top picture is from ~1 month post-op. Bottom picture is today, at basically 10 months post-op. Please ignore the belly button bruise and general bloating in the bottom picture, I had a hysto last week.

I have not and am not planning to use any kind of scar treatment.

Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: trumi on February 18, 2016, 03:46:05 PM
Hi guys, I was wondering if any of you here use cocoa butter for your scars?  If so, what kind?  I recently bought Palmer's that also has Vitamin E and I read mixture of reviews on what it does to scars.  Can anyone say from their experience?
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: unclesean on February 20, 2016, 01:55:12 AM
Quote from: trumi on February 18, 2016, 03:46:05 PM
Hi guys, I was wondering if any of you here use cocoa butter for your scars?  If so, what kind?  I recently bought Palmer's that also has Vitamin E and I read mixture of reviews on what it does to scars.  Can anyone say from their experience?

No personal experience here yet as I am just starting my scar care regimen.  All reliable sources I've read say Vitamin E makes scars look worse. 

OTOH, if there's just a tiny amount diluted in the cocoa butter, I doubt it would be a problem - the problematic effects seem to be from rubbing Vit E directly on scars.  Does it say how much vitamin E is in there? 
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: trumi on February 21, 2016, 05:27:30 PM
I was told to use Cocoa Butter by the surgeon but the one I found was the Palmer's, which is this one:

Unfortunately, it doesn't mention the amount of Vitamin E. 
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: unclesean on February 22, 2016, 06:31:14 AM
Quote from: trumi on February 21, 2016, 05:27:30 PM
I was told to use Cocoa Butter by the surgeon but the one I found was the Palmer's, which is this one:

Unfortunately, it doesn't mention the amount of Vitamin E.

It's the eighth ingredient listed, so it has less Vitamin E than fragrance or alcohol.  I'd guess not very much.  Wouldn't worry about it. 
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: RaptorChops on February 22, 2016, 07:30:23 PM
I used Palmer's Cocoa butter for a little bit after my surgery. I didn't really notice much from it but I was using other things like scar strips and that. I know the strips definitely helped my drain holes flatten and smooth out.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: AlexanderMiles on February 28, 2016, 12:47:06 PM
Okay. I have a slight concern. So far, my healing has vee. Exceptional. I got my surgery on February 11th and thingS have been going great except...

It looks like my nipples are pulling. Could be worse I know. But the idea of it concerns me. I noticed it first yesterday and today it's a bit worse. Anyone else have any kind of experience with it? The areola is mostly healed with stretched red marks around the ring where the graft was originally placed. Help...?
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Alexthecat on February 28, 2016, 01:11:47 PM
Quote from: AlexanderMiles on February 28, 2016, 12:47:06 PM
Okay. I have a slight concern. So far, my healing has vee. Exceptional. I got my surgery on February 11th and thingS have been going great except...

It looks like my nipples are pulling. Could be worse I know. But the idea of it concerns me. I noticed it first yesterday and today it's a bit worse. Anyone else have any kind of experience with it? The areola is mostly healed with stretched red marks around the ring where the graft was originally placed. Help...?
Could you take a picture so we can see what you are talking about?
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: AlexanderMiles on February 29, 2016, 12:16:21 AM
This is what I'm talking about. Not sure if it's just how it's healing or what :\
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Alexthecat on February 29, 2016, 10:49:45 AM
Can't see the picture. Try uploading to
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: AlexanderMiles on February 29, 2016, 12:43:42 PM
Whoops. I'm sorry. Try this one.
My bad.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Alexthecat on February 29, 2016, 02:27:22 PM
The picture is kind of blurry so I can't see the nipple clearly but it just looks like a nipple to me. Incision line is nice and fine.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: veniamviam on February 29, 2016, 05:42:00 PM
got nothin for ya, 'cuz those nipples look fine to me, alexander, but i have joined the wonderful world of post-op as of like an hour ago (dr medalie, in cleveland). he was absolutely fantastic, standing shirtless in front of someone other than my partner actually didn't feel weird. the anaesthesiology staff were wonderful, my nurses were great, just all around a great experience. currently i'm parched and a little sleepy, with just a little soreness along where i'm thinking the internal bits of the drains are sitting (based on where he drew the prelim incision lines). currently waiting to get my script for pain meds filled, but i don't think i'll have to use them for a little while yet.

honestly i feel so great. never have to wear a binder again, weird tubes in my armpits, really chalky dry mouth. 10/10 would wholeheartedly recommend (but we'll see how i feel tomorrow after trying to sleep ^__^)
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: palexander on February 29, 2016, 10:09:54 PM
Quote from: veniamviam on February 29, 2016, 05:42:00 PM
got nothin for ya, 'cuz those nipples look fine to me, alexander, but i have joined the wonderful world of post-op as of like an hour ago (dr medalie, in cleveland). he was absolutely fantastic, standing shirtless in front of someone other than my partner actually didn't feel weird. the anaesthesiology staff were wonderful, my nurses were great, just all around a great experience. currently i'm parched and a little sleepy, with just a little soreness along where i'm thinking the internal bits of the drains are sitting (based on where he drew the prelim incision lines). currently waiting to get my script for pain meds filled, but i don't think i'll have to use them for a little while yet.

honestly i feel so great. never have to wear a binder again, weird tubes in my armpits, really chalky dry mouth. 10/10 would wholeheartedly recommend (but we'll see how i feel tomorrow after trying to sleep ^__^)

dr medalie is absolutely incredible! i had surgery with him.... 6 months ago now. crazy how time flies by..
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: palexander on February 29, 2016, 10:15:23 PM
five days post op

six months post op
*this is me on saturday, before starting to eat clean and work out again

six months post op
*this is me today, just two days after starting to change things around

i starting using cocoa butter two or three weeks after surgery (as soon as i was allowed to) and i did that twice a day until recently... i got lazy and starting doing it once. i'd also like to add in that the stretch marks on the left are because of my previous chest (dd, maybe ddd)
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: veniamviam on March 01, 2016, 12:08:47 AM
you're looking great! your nipple placement looks so fantastic and your scars look nice and thin. i've got to wait until monday for my Big Reveal, but i'll post a picture as soon as i'm able. seeing your progress has made me even more eager to see!

on a related note, since i lost some significant weight between my initial photos and this morning (50lbs overall) so i took new before pics, i wanna ask: does having a 'before' and 'after' set that are pretty close make the change feel more significant to y'all? also, i know that obviously i'm not allowed to post the before photo here, but can i post a link here to a b/a photoset when i post update pics? one of the things that really helped me was the guys on transbucket who did put before pictures, and i know a lot of guys come here to see results to help decide where and if they want surgery.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: unclesean on March 03, 2016, 12:09:21 AM
Surgeon: Robert Anooshian (through Kaiser San Francisco).
Where: San Francisco, California, U.S.A.
What: Double incision w/ free nipple grafts
Time: one month post-op

One month after surgery

( (

Incisions look much better already.  Still a little creased toward the drain/armpit ends but getting better.

At the one month follow-up, the doctor told me I don't have to wear that vest anymore, and don't have to put bandaids over the nipple grafts anymore.  He said no more restrictions of any kind - I can swim or whatever. 

Been exercising since three weeks post-op but am gonna hold off on weightlifting for a little while longer.

Range of motion is much improved but reaching overhead still feels like I'm stretching, so I don't do it. 

The greatest struggle now is dealing with the silicone scar sheets, which peel off. 

I've tried three different kinds of tape from the drug store to keep them on.  Had to go with the heavy-duty cloth tape, which has scratchy edges and hurts to pull off, but at least it doesn't peel off while I'm out in public so I have to go mess around with it in the men's room. 
The tape I am using now works fine but I'll be really happy when the kelocote gel arrives in the mail. 

Trying to decide what to do to keep the sun off of the scars. Shirts don't provide full UV protection but I don't want to get sunblock all over my clothes or to smell like sunscreen all day either.  Maybe I'll use the white cloth tape over the scar gel when it's sunny out.  I don't really want to buy high-UPF fabric just for this, and can't wear that all the time anyway. And sunny season is just beginning in this hemisphere. 

Do you all use sunblock on your scars all the time? 
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: AlexanderMiles on March 03, 2016, 02:05:22 PM
How long until the hooks from the stitches fall out? Dr. G said up to 3 weeks buuuut mine are still in. Most of them at least. A couple fell out the other day when I was changing the bandages, but there are a couple that hurt when I touch them and I'm afraid they might be getting stuck. Feel like I'll need to call his office soon. Any ideas?
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: unclesean on March 03, 2016, 04:04:49 PM
Quote from: AlexanderMiles on March 03, 2016, 02:05:22 PM
How long until the hooks from the stitches fall out? Dr. G said up to 3 weeks buuuut mine are still in. Most of them at least. A couple fell out the other day when I was changing the bandages, but there are a couple that hurt when I touch them and I'm afraid they might be getting stuck. Feel like I'll need to call his office soon. Any ideas?

I asked my doc and he said it depends.  Just said that if they poke out and are bothering me to cut off the end that's poking out and if needed put bacitracin and a bandaid over it. 

Wikipedia chart shows a range from 7 to 200 days depending on the materials (
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: veniamviam on March 07, 2016, 12:40:22 PM
Surgery date: 29 Feb 2016
Surgeon: Dr Medalie

Just had my post-op appointment where my drains got pulled (not bad at all, just a pinch on the right side and a mild burning sensation on the left) and I got to see my post-op chest for the first time. I am literally so happy I almost cried then and there—my chest is flat! I have basically no bruising (the nurse was very impressed), just a little bit of yellow. My nipples are nice and scabby, with plenty of bacitracin gooping 'em up at the moment, but the size looks really good and I'm pretty happy with the placement (I'll get a better judgement when I get my shower tonight, as I'll be able to look at myself in the mirror instead of just looking down, but it looks really good). I'm really pleased with the angle of the incisions, too—since I'm stealth and trans visibility is becoming more and more of a thing, I was worried about getting ID'd by someone based on 'typical DI scarring' (even if other surgeries leave very similar scarring). My incisions are very lateral on my chest, with the medial ends stopping just about under my nipples, running about 50-60° angles. The numbness is pretty weird, but that should fade out in a few months. Still ten more days in this best, but after that, I've got total freedom with what I wear for the rest of my life and I couldn't be happier about it :D I didn't get a chance to snap a picture when I was at the appointment, but I'll take a picture when I shower tonight and post it so I can show y'all what I mean about the angles (and what one week out looks like ^__^).
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: veniamviam on March 08, 2016, 10:23:29 AM
So I got home last night and immediately got in the shower (and what a nice shower that was) so I'd be all nice and clean so I could take this picture:


My left nipple (left in photo too) is a bit oval-shaped, but I honestly couldn't care less so long as both grafts take. From the time this picture was taken to the time I changed the dressings this morning (~12 hours), they're already looking better, and I'm a pretty quick healer so hopefully everything'll go smoothly. I'm not sure if they look un-even in the photo, but they're actually very level in person, I just have pectus carinatum and it's difficult to photograph so there's some optical illusion going on.

(Here ( is a link to the tumblr post that includes pre-op comparison pics, taken a few hours before surgery.)
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Muscle Matt on March 08, 2016, 03:51:10 PM
Congrats on your healing so far! You don't at all look like you had surgery so recently! You're a lucky one. I've never honestly seen DI scars like that before, but they look very even.

2 weeks post-op, "keyhole"/periareolar with Dr. Beverly Fischer (Timonium, MD)

I suffered a hematoma on the left side as soon as I got out of surgery. Right drain came out at 9 days, left drain at 13.

FINALLY got my second drain out yesterday (2 weeks for the left side). When I had my checkup the day after surgery, my entire left side was a purple-black bruise. Pretty upsetting, but after the first week, it healed almost completely (I only have a small bruise line under my left breast, I'm honestly not sure how the rest of it healed so quickly, it was BAD!) My left side is very swollen still, but the right side's as flat as can be (you could see the drain from my right side showing through my skin, kinda weird). Finally got to shower today, and took the tape off my nipples. My drain from my right side ended up being defective (they believe the whole box they were shipped was full of defective drains). The seal around the top of the drain was leaking, so it would immediately inflate again when I would squeeze the air out; I actually watched it leak blood when I would squeeze it from the tube. Let me just say how LUCKY I am that the defective drain was NOT on the hematoma side. I would have had to immediately go back into surgery.

Nipples are a good size (almost a little too small, but I'm sure they'll look bigger once scar tissue starts to settle in). The right one looks like it's a perfect circle, and the left one looks pretty close, so I guess it's pretty good overall. There's still so much swelling, I can't tell exactly how good the placement of my nipples are yet. :/ I think they're where they should be?

As far as recovery, I didn't take any pain pills (they prescribed me percocet, which makes me vomit endlessly, so I tore the script up immediately). The first few days, I was cursing every time I had to stand up from the bed or the couch, but other than that, it really wasn't painful at all. I'm at 2 weeks and already feel like I can do pushups (but I'm gonna wait just a few more days, just in case). I can drive my stick perfectly fine by now, and can reach and stretch almost as well as I did before. The worst part really is being trapped in this binder for so long. With my scoliosis, it's killing me. There have been a few times where I've just barely turned in the wrong direction at the wrong moment, and fell to the ground crying in pain, trying to clutch my poor back. I'm waking up almost all night long every night because I want to sleep on my side and can't. The first week and a half I was ok with it, but I guess now that my body's gaining strength back, I want to lie in all kinds of positions.

I have my next appointment in 2 weeks. Hopefully I don't have to drive back up there before then; I still gotta keep an eye on this left side and make sure it doesn't need to be drained further. Fingers crossed!
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: veniamviam on March 22, 2016, 07:40:59 AM
three weeks (and one night) post op, and things are looking pretty good. apologies for the cruddy lighting quality of the pictures--that's what living in the dorms'll do for ya. pictures, in order: my chest, my left side, and my right side.




i know the lighting doesn't make it easy to see, but things are for the most part looking really good. on my left side (second pic) i think the top half of my scar is longer than the lower half, weirdly enough, so everything's looking rippled and odd, and i hope that flattens out soon (it's only been three weeks, so i know things'll only get better from here). the darkness of my right nipple is a scab right in the middle, which i hope falls off soon bc that is kinda gross to deal with (though way less gross than the initial scabbiness, let's be real here). the lighting makes my right side (third pic) kinda hard to see, but the scar looks fantastic already. i scar really well, and even for me, it's coming along great. there's a dog-ear type thing at the sternum end of that side, which i hope flattens out really soon so i don't need any revision on it. [i have an eating disorder and my brain likes to hyperfocus on that small pucker of skin as a massive area of fat despite me knowing otherwise. idk man. brains are weird.]

i'm wearing scar strips today for the first time, but they didn't stick terribly well so i wound up taping them on this morning. pretty sure that's because i massaged my scars with cocoa butter (as per medalie's instructions) not long before they got put on, so hopefully they'll stick better in the future. i've been using the cocoa butter for about four days on the left side and six on the right (since the surgical tape came off) and have been back and forth on using vaseline and cocoa butter on the nips since i was allowed to stop bandaging them (last bandages were wednesday night, so five days).

no pain to speak of, for the most part. i'm back to sleeping on my side full-time (have been for over a week now, only had discomfort the first night), and aside from mild twinging whenever nerves reconnect or whatever is happening, the only pain i've had at all is when i'm little spoon with the boyfriend and his arm happens to settle right along my scar and even that's pretty mild. so, feeling really good. itching to get back to the gym for anything other than treadmill use and slowly stretching my arms/shoulders so i get range of motion back in the meantime.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: unclesean on April 29, 2016, 10:09:05 PM
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: palexander on May 03, 2016, 09:14:38 PM
surgeon was dr. medalie in cleveland! other than having little to no sensation around my nipples, and on them, i'm beyond happy with my results. i would choose him without hesitation if i had to have surgery again...

pre op

eight months post op
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Nick S. on May 05, 2016, 05:31:49 AM
Palexander - Your chest and scars look great! What kind of scar treatment did you use? (I'm 5 weeks post op with Dr. Medalie)
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: palexander on May 06, 2016, 07:45:39 PM
Quote from: Nick S. on May 05, 2016, 05:31:49 AM
Palexander - Your chest and scars look great! What kind of scar treatment did you use? (I'm 5 weeks post op with Dr. Medalie)

thanks man! i did cocoa butter twice daily for 5 or 6 months, and then i went to once a day. i didn't massage the scars like some people, just rubbed it on (took a few minutes) and went to sleep. make sure you go shirtless/wear a white shirt because it'll stain your clothing
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: trumi on May 06, 2016, 10:03:16 PM
Hi everyone, I was wondering from those who are 1 year + post op: 
Is it normal to have numbness not necessarily on the nipples but rather the surrounding areas of the chest?  I had my left side messed up along with an unfortunate dog ear that not only looks ugly but more importantly hurts and I don't even have to touch it. I could be moving my left arm in a certain way and it would get triggered. 
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: FTMax on May 07, 2016, 10:08:09 AM
Quote from: trumi on May 06, 2016, 10:03:16 PM
Hi everyone, I was wondering from those who are 1 year + post op: 
Is it normal to have numbness not necessarily on the nipples but rather the surrounding areas of the chest?  I had my left side messed up along with an unfortunate dog ear that not only looks ugly but more importantly hurts and I don't even have to touch it. I could be moving my left arm in a certain way and it would get triggered.

1 year, 3 weeks post op. No numb zones, but I do have spots that still feel tender. They're mostly in the middle part of my chest just above the incisions. No sensation whatsoever in my nipples, but they can feel cold which is kind of cool. No pain or soreness though. I have to specifically touch the tender spots to know that they feel tender.

Is it possible for you to go back and see your surgeon? If the dog ear is causing pain, it's not a cosmetic fix and would be medically necessary for them to fix it for you. And from what I understand, dog ear correction is much easier than the initial procedure. I think the numbness is pretty normal, but having pain and not having full range of motion at over a year post-op is not right.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: tjack77 on May 13, 2016, 09:44:39 PM
Finally post-op! Got to the hospital 6:30 this morning, and they sent me home at 12:30pm! No compression vest or ace bandages, just drains and dressings. I'll post pics later!
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: RaptorChops on May 13, 2016, 11:29:47 PM
Quote from: tjack77 on May 13, 2016, 09:44:39 PM
Finally post-op! Got to the hospital 6:30 this morning, and they sent me home at 12:30pm! No compression vest or ace bandages, just drains and dressings. I'll post pics later!

Congrats and take it easy ;)
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: tjack77 on May 15, 2016, 10:27:28 PM
Thanks RaptorChops, now I just need to figure out how to post pics lol
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: veniamviam on May 16, 2016, 09:41:30 AM
So as of today I'm 11 weeks post-op (Medalie, in Ohio) and have been less than diligent about scar care. (I need to be more diligent. My left nip looks weird.) Wanted to post some update pics! In order it's my right side, left side, and the obvious front shot.




I'm really happy with how everything's coming along... except my left nipple. I don't know why it's so pale in the middle, and with the ring around it that matches the other nipple, I'm vaguely worried about having mucked something up and neglected them somehow? (Also, how does one even explain two different-coloured nipples? Plus the odd shape of the left one. Right one's perfect though, so at least there's that!)

I don't do much to my scars, because I'm crap : P I meant to be super diligent about things and wear scar strips all the time and whatnot, but at this point I'm just doing cocoa butter massages when I remember to. So like one to three times a week, on average. It's a good thing I scar really well, but I wish I could fix my left nipple : / I don't wanna go in for a revision on it, and it's probably just being slow to heal, but I wish I knew what to do to help things look better.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: JandJ on May 19, 2016, 10:16:41 AM
Quote from: JandJ on May 21, 2015, 08:58:38 AM
Okay Gentelmen -

Here is my one month pic.  I still think I was left with too much skin, but I'm still happy to be able to wear whatever shirt I want to wear!  My surgeon feels that massage does more for scar reduction than any product on the market.  I will admit that the massage has done a LOT to reduce things - but I am also using a scar gel AND strips!  I will not know what worked best - but as long as it works, I don't think I will really care :) (

Just thought I would add my 1 year Post-Op pic.  What a year it has been!
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Nick S. on May 26, 2016, 06:42:07 AM
Post op nipple graft care question:

I'm a few days shy of two months post op DI w/ Dr. Medalie. Im a little confused about what my nipple graft care should be going forward.

I've been putting a little cocoa butter on them when I put it on my scars two times a day.

Is this  necessary? Or should they be good to go now? (For reference I stopped covering them with band aids about two - three weeks ago).
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: RaptorChops on May 26, 2016, 09:44:29 AM
( (

(for the poster above I didn't do anything else with my nipples i just let them breath and washed them with cocoa butter soap in the shower)
couple weeks away from my one year. Only thing I'm a little sad with is how my right nipple turned out but, other than that I'm happy with my results.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: FTMax on May 26, 2016, 10:20:06 AM
Quote from: Nick S. on May 26, 2016, 06:42:07 AM
Post op nipple graft care question:

I'm a few days shy of two months post op DI w/ Dr. Medalie. Im a little confused about what my nipple graft care should be going forward.

I've been putting a little cocoa butter on them when I put it on my scars two times a day.

Is this  necessary? Or should they be good to go now? (For reference I stopped covering them with band aids about two - three weeks ago).

I cocoa butter'd mine when I remembered to. If you've stopped covering them and they aren't "goopy", they should be good to go. You may want to check on them and keep a small bottle of lotion to use throughout the day if they seem dry for the first few months.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: palexander on June 02, 2016, 06:45:57 PM
@nick: i also went to medalie :) i continued to do vaseline until they were more hydrated. they're 'normal' now for me at 7 months post op.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: lionheart on June 18, 2016, 09:11:33 PM
I'm currently 3 days post-op with Dr. Mangubat in Tukwila, WA. I'm on mobile right now but I don't have any great pictures yet anyways. I'll definitely update that once the stents come off next week, though. One thing I've noticed is that I have a lot more mobility than I expected to. I'm worried I'm gonna push myself too much. Does anyone have any tips of specific things I should avoid doing or take it easier as to not stretch my scars (or I guess reopen the incisions at this point)?
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: trumi on June 22, 2016, 08:13:40 AM
I was just wondering if there are any guys who had tattoos for their scars specifically? I don't see many of them online, just a few.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: tjack77 on June 24, 2016, 11:42:22 PM
I'm 6 weeks post-op, here's day 1 vs 2 weeks vs 6 weeks:

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: RaptorChops on June 25, 2016, 10:18:17 PM
Quote from: tjack77 on June 24, 2016, 11:42:22 PM
I'm 6 weeks post-op, here's day 1 vs 2 weeks vs 6 weeks:

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Looks good dude! Congrats! Nipples are a good size and looks like you'll heal up nicely.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: tjack77 on June 25, 2016, 10:24:02 PM
The scabs came off as one whole piece instead of peeling off little by little. Also my surgeon didn't use that yellow stuff on my nips like most of you had.
I wonder what the surgeon used to create my nips, because they're definitely not the same color as b4  ???
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: lionheart on June 26, 2016, 12:21:34 PM
This is from 10 days post-op, I believe. Still looking pretty gory. I think I like the right side better so far.

To be honest, I'm starting to become really self-critical about my results. I just keep trying to tell myself that nobody looks great the first week or so post-op, and I'm sure it'll look a lot better once it starts to heal more. But I can't stop comparing myself to other people. I don't know if it's just my body in general because I never really looked at it a whole lot before the surgery and now I'm realizing how many problems I have with that too.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: groudon18 on June 28, 2016, 06:59:14 PM

almost 4 weeks post op with Dr Sajan, I'm super pleased with the progress so far
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: veniamviam on July 04, 2016, 06:06:50 AM
18 weeks (!) post-op with dr medalie. pardon the lowness of my shorts, i've been losing a lot of weight and none of my clothing really fits at the moment. anyway, the pics: my left side is the one with the pinker/oval-shaped nip. right side's the pretty side. image quality isn't great for reasons of cropping out my face area, but honestly for me not having the mental capacity to keep up with scar care i'm surprised with how well they're doing.


you can see from the front that my left side is definitely not the pretty side but it is more balanced/level than it looks like in that picture, i'm just hecking exhausted so my ability to stand upright is. wonky.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Chive on July 05, 2016, 02:22:06 PM
Hey first post here! I am 10 days post-op and worried about the amount of tissue or swelling that I have on the top part of my chest, close to my armpit but on the front of my chest mainly.. There was a fair amount of swelling on both sides that popped up above my ace wrap in the first week or so.. It has gone done considerably on the right side. But the left side their is a marked difference (it stands out more than a finger width beyond the rest of my chest below. Both sides are tender to the touch but unlike the lower part of my chest (near nipples) the feel is not as mushy. So I don't know if it is just normal swelling that escaped compression or excess tissue (breast or adipose) that got pushed up to this area or was not removed enough.... Any similar experiences or thoughts on what this could be or what to do about it? I've tried to wear my ace bandage higher,, but there's only so far it can go especially when I'm a lil active and it slides down
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: RaptorChops on July 05, 2016, 08:17:21 PM
Quote from: Chive on July 05, 2016, 02:22:06 PM
Hey first post here! I am 10 days post-op and worried about the amount of tissue or swelling that I have on the top part of my chest, close to my armpit but on the front of my chest mainly.. There was a fair amount of swelling on both sides that popped up above my ace wrap in the first week or so.. It has gone done considerably on the right side. But the left side their is a marked difference (it stands out more than a finger width beyond the rest of my chest below. Both sides are tender to the touch but unlike the lower part of my chest (near nipples) the feel is not as mushy. So I don't know if it is just normal swelling that escaped compression or excess tissue (breast or adipose) that got pushed up to this area or was not removed enough.... Any similar experiences or thoughts on what this could be or what to do about it? I've tried to wear my ace bandage higher,, but there's only so far it can go especially when I'm a lil active and it slides down

Could you post any pics so we can get an idea? Did you have drains by chance?
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: tjack77 on July 05, 2016, 08:34:41 PM
Seems everyone who had DI wore some kind of compression / ace bandage for awhile post-op, and to my understanding is to keep the swelling down? My surgeon never put any type of compression on me. Sure the area swell up a little which is normal after any kind of operation, but nothing to worry about. You can see the photo I posted the day of surgery, just bandaged up with drains and that is it. If you really concern about the swelling, you should get in touch with your surgeon though.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: lionheart on July 05, 2016, 09:08:21 PM
Quote from: Chive on July 05, 2016, 02:22:06 PM
Hey first post here! I am 10 days post-op and worried about the amount of tissue or swelling that I have on the top part of my chest, close to my armpit but on the front of my chest mainly.. There was a fair amount of swelling on both sides that popped up above my ace wrap in the first week or so.. It has gone done considerably on the right side. But the left side their is a marked difference (it stands out more than a finger width beyond the rest of my chest below. Both sides are tender to the touch but unlike the lower part of my chest (near nipples) the feel is not as mushy. So I don't know if it is just normal swelling that escaped compression or excess tissue (breast or adipose) that got pushed up to this area or was not removed enough.... Any similar experiences or thoughts on what this could be or what to do about it? I've tried to wear my ace bandage higher,, but there's only so far it can go especially when I'm a lil active and it slides down
I also have swelling in the same region, although I can't tell if it's swelling or just fat as at this point pretty much all of the swelling has gone down. The only thing is I don't know if it would be breast fat or just regular fat.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Chive on July 05, 2016, 11:20:55 PM
Quote from: lionheart on July 05, 2016, 09:08:21 PM
I also have swelling in the same region, although I can't tell if it's swelling or just fat as at this point pretty much all of the swelling has gone down. The only thing is I don't know if it would be breast fat or just regular fat.

That's what I'm worried about.... Like that it is any kind of tissue (breast or adipose) that got pushed up there and will take longer to shift around (or just go away when I can get back to exercise). It's such a dramatic difference in the contour.

Can I ask how long post op you are?
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Chive on July 05, 2016, 11:23:31 PM
Quote from: RaptorChops on July 05, 2016, 08:17:21 PM
Could you post any pics so we can get an idea? Did you have drains by chance?

Yea.. DI but nipples preserved (untouched areolas) with drains in for one week.. I have photos but I'm just trying to sort out where to upload them to share. Will do soon
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: lionheart on July 06, 2016, 01:34:23 PM
Quote from: Chive on July 05, 2016, 11:20:55 PM
That's what I'm worried about.... Like that it is any kind of tissue (breast or adipose) that got pushed up there and will take longer to shift around (or just go away when I can get back to exercise). It's such a dramatic difference in the contour.

Can I ask how long post op you are?
I don't know that it could've been pushed up, but I think breast tissue extends out a lot further than most people realize so I don't know if it's just something they missed. I intend to ask my doctor the next time I see him if it's even still an issue by then. I'm 3 weeks post-op.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: groudon18 on July 08, 2016, 02:04:02 AM
( (

5 weeks post op today, feeling amazing
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Jacqueline on July 11, 2016, 01:29:06 PM
Quote from: Chive on July 05, 2016, 02:22:06 PM
Hey first post here! I am 10 days post-op and worried about the amount of tissue or swelling that I have on the top part of my chest, close to my armpit but on the front of my chest mainly.. There was a fair amount of swelling on both sides that popped up above my ace wrap in the first week or so.. It has gone done considerably on the right side. But the left side their is a marked difference (it stands out more than a finger width beyond the rest of my chest below. Both sides are tender to the touch but unlike the lower part of my chest (near nipples) the feel is not as mushy. So I don't know if it is just normal swelling that escaped compression or excess tissue (breast or adipose) that got pushed up to this area or was not removed enough.... Any similar experiences or thoughts on what this could be or what to do about it? I've tried to wear my ace bandage higher,, but there's only so far it can go especially when I'm a lil active and it slides down


Sorry to interrupt the thread. However, I wanted to take a moment to welcome you to the site. I hope you find the information you are looking for.

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Once again, welcome to Susan's. Look around, ask questions and join in.

With warmth,

Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: lionheart on July 12, 2016, 10:33:42 AM
Looks great, Groudon. It really is amazing how quickly the body is able to heal. Comparing my chest now with pictures from less than a week ago, I just can't even believe how much better it already looks.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: RomeoEcho on July 13, 2016, 11:09:38 AM
Had my surgery yesterday. Feeling surprisingly good so far. Won't be able to look until tomorrow. But pain is manageable and am up and walking around already.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: lionheart on July 15, 2016, 11:32:43 AM
I'm officially one month post-op. Time really flies.


One thing I've been starting to notice is that the placement/curvature of the incisions seems kind of weird? You can tell a lot more in this picture, but I don't really know how to describe it. You can kinda see (especially on the left side) there's still some (what I believe to be) fat left under the incision that looks kind of weird. I don't know that it's breast tissue but I don't know exactly what it could be, maybe just swelling, maybe chest muscle. I'm hoping that it'll just flatten out with time, but it's hard to tell because I haven't really seen anyone else like this.

Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: devention on July 17, 2016, 12:14:10 AM
I'd shoot your surgeon an email to err on the side of caution, but given you're just a month out, it's probably just swelling. It can take several months for it to fully flatten out, so I'd give it a bit of time before starting to worry too much.
If you ever want to talk, my inbox is open. I don't post much on the forums anymore, but I do try to reply to every pm I get. Sometimes just getting things off your chest (no pun intended) can help you feel better. :)
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: dylanjakoby on July 30, 2016, 10:12:01 AM
1 week post op

1 year and 2 months

Dr. Rumer
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: tjack77 on August 12, 2016, 11:11:35 PM
Here is my 3 months post-op

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: groudon18 on September 03, 2016, 12:36:21 AM


3 months post op by Dr Sajan in Seattle
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: JulianWS on September 04, 2016, 07:38:41 PM
Looks great dude  :)
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: veniamviam on September 11, 2016, 05:54:19 PM
6 months and one week post-op from dr medalie (cleveland, ohio)


i think my last update was about two months ago, and since then my scars have been under more regular care. i got scaraway gel, because the scar strips were kinda a pain to deal with (mostly a pain to wash, really. i'm lazy) and i put it on........ on mornings when i remember to. so usually 3-4 times a week. overall, still thrilled as heck with how everything looks, the placement of the incisions is really good, the nipple placement is really good, there's no dog-earing at my armpit on either side.

there's some dog-earing at the sternum on both sides, though, which i'm hoping flattens out on its own. it's not enough that i'd actively seek out revisions (especially because, y'know, money and travel and all that), and it's not as pronounced as it appears in the pictures, but it does bug me a little when i notice it.

my left nipple still looks wonky as heck, and it definitely wasn't two-toned prior to surgery so i have no idea what's happened to it. it's not as sensitive as the right side, but it looks healthy enough to me. it does make me kind of really embarrassed, though, because who's got one two-toned nipple? i'm not sure if it's worth emailing medalie over, because it does look healthy enough, but. if anyone has any suggestions as to what might be up / how i might help it get to the same colour as the areola and other side, that'd be fantastic.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: FTMax on September 11, 2016, 08:38:10 PM
Looks great man! You might have just sold me on the scar gel. I might buy a tube just to see how it goes. I don't really care about the aesthetics of my scars at all, but I'd be interested to see if it can lighten them at all.

As far as the center of your chest - you may be able to reduce the appearance of that by building your pecs? That's my first thought anyway.

Looking at the pics you posted, I actually didn't notice the coloration in the two individual pics. I noticed it in the full frontal pic only because I was specifically looking for what you were talking about if that makes you feel better. It's such a small detail that I'm sure most people are not going to notice it. And I'm sure they'd be much more interested in your scars than the color of your nips :)
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: veniamviam on September 12, 2016, 04:57:27 PM
i'm glad it's less noticeable if you're not me and awkwardly aware of it ^__^ thanks for saying so. i Think the brown is slowly starting to fade upward onto the nipple proper anyway, it might just be a matter of keeping it well-hydrated (like, a glob of cocoa butter on it or something) and let it take its time.

as for the gel, at the very least, it's not gonna hurt them. i'm a habitually good scar-er, but the huge difference between my last two posts has me pretty sold on the gel actually working. i'm not sure if it's making much change in whether they're flattening or not (there's some ripples) but i'm not bothered about that one way or the other. the scar strips were good, but the gel is so much more convenient.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: RaptorChops on September 14, 2016, 10:15:51 AM
Your scars look good for the amount of time. Mine around 6 months were still very reddish purple. Mine are now in a whitish pink stage (about a year and 4 months now). I was using the scar away gel but I got too lazy and only use it once in awhile. Now it's all about trying to gain muscle in them but that hasn't worked out very well for me so far ;p.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: bootsradical on October 03, 2016, 08:56:55 PM
i had di top surgery on september 22nd, and the first week post op was so incredibly boring.  it has gotten less boring now that i am driving again and i have done a couple of nice chill outings.  my wonderful & supportive friends have gathered in my home a couple times however not drinking and smoking with them rn sux, it's weird being the sober friend.  i have another week off work and time is a Void but i got a library card.
i've been healing pretty well, i have had no bruising and not much swelling.  apparently the nipple grafts are supposed to scab?  they have not done that, but are turning pink color, and seem to be healing?  the surgical tape is gross and i want it gone.  i bought some googly eyes to put on the nipple bandaids.
when can i smoke?
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: FTMax on October 27, 2016, 05:07:18 PM
18 months post-op. I had DI with free nipple grafts done by Dr. Fischer in April 2015. Started a chest piece yesterday for scar cover up.


Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: lionheart on October 28, 2016, 01:08:22 PM
Looking good, Max. Can't wait to see how the finished tattoo looks. How was the pain over your scars compared to other areas?
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: FTMax on October 28, 2016, 03:02:24 PM
Quote from: lionheart on October 28, 2016, 01:08:22 PM
Looking good, Max. Can't wait to see how the finished tattoo looks. How was the pain over your scars compared to other areas?

No feeling whatsoever in the scars. I could feel them being pressed on, but nothing beyond that. Everything else hurt way worse. Definitely my most painful tattoo.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Bimmer Guy on October 29, 2016, 10:14:53 AM
WOW, max!  That is awesome looking!  When will you start getting it filled in?

As an aside to our conversation, you do not have fat on the sides like I have.  Quite the opposite.  Mine is right where the incision lines end and yours actually looks like there is less fat there than I would expect on a cis guy. 

Did she do some lipo on you there?
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: FTMax on October 29, 2016, 11:46:14 AM
Quote from: Bimmer Guy on October 29, 2016, 10:14:53 AM
WOW, max!  That is awesome looking!  When will you start getting it filled in?

As an aside to our conversation, you do not have fat on the sides like I have.  Quite the opposite.  Mine is right where the incision lines end and yours actually looks like there is less fat there than I would expect on a cis guy. 

Did she do some lipo on you there?

We haven't set a date for the shading yet. My tattoo artist said scar tissue sometimes takes a little longer to heal than regular skin, so we're playing it by ear. He said it would probably be fine to do in 2 weeks. I will probably wait until after Thanksgiving just to be on the safe side.

Send me a pic! I'm trying to imagine how this looks. I feel like she did some lipo on me, but I have no documentation saying she did, so not 100% sure.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: lionheart on December 26, 2016, 03:25:02 PM
6 months post-op as of last week. Still waiting for the color to come back in some parts of my nipples, although you can't really tell here. I also just started using Mederma on my scars.

Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Alexthecat on January 12, 2017, 01:56:33 AM
I am now 3 years post op. Here are comparison pictures. Overall I think they are fading and flattening.

8 weeks post op.
1 year post op.
2 years post op.
3 years post op.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Farm Boy on January 21, 2017, 12:13:20 AM
Guysss!  I can finally post here!!  I had peri top surgery with Dr. Medalie on Jan. 16, 2017.  I've always been scrawny, and my chest wasn't that big, so he felt that we could just do a partial incision around my areolas.  (I will be putting up before and after pictures on Transbucket after I have more time.)  The incisions were made on the outer side of each areola.

The drains came out today, and I got my first shower since Monday!  It's nice to be clean.  In case you're wondering, the yellow is the stuff they put on me, and yes, my right shoulder and nipple are lower than the left.  This is due to scoliosis, so it's normal for me.  I'm thinking that's why there's a slight droop under my right nipple, but I hope that will flatten out as the skin re-attaches itself.  They shaved my chest hair (I was wondering if they would), so I feel kind of bald.  Haha!

I feel numb/tingly (tingly if I press on it, sort of like my foot has fallen asleep) on my nipples, and for about 3" around each one.  I can't raise my arms very high, but I was able to carefully wash my hair.  My back did not get washed.  lol  Being semi-helpless through recovery is going to suck, but I'm so excited!!  ;D


Quote from: veniamviam on September 11, 2016, 05:54:19 PMmy left nipple still looks wonky as heck, and it definitely wasn't two-toned prior to surgery so i have no idea what's happened to it. it's not as sensitive as the right side, but it looks healthy enough to me. it does make me kind of really embarrassed, though, because who's got one two-toned nipple? i'm not sure if it's worth emailing medalie over, because it does look healthy enough, but. if anyone has any suggestions as to what might be up / how i might help it get to the same colour as the areola and other side, that'd be fantastic.

I think you look great!  I don't see a difference in your nipple color.  It's probably not as noticeable as you might think.  Did you ever decide to email him about it?

Quote from: FTMax on October 27, 2016, 05:07:18 PM
18 months post-op. I had DI with free nipple grafts done by Dr. Fischer in April 2015. Started a chest piece yesterday for scar cover up.

That is an awesome tattoo!  Have you had it filled in yet?

Quote from: Alexthecat on January 12, 2017, 01:56:33 AM
I am now 3 years post op. Here are comparison pictures. Overall I think they are fading and flattening.

Definitely fading and flattening!  Your scars are much lighter in your last picture!  Looking good!
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: JandJ on April 28, 2017, 05:10:13 PM
Quote from: JandJ on May 19, 2016, 10:16:41 AM

This is one month Post-Op...
Just thought I would add my 1 year Post-Op pic.  What a year it has been!

Just thought I would add my 2 year Post-Op picture...

Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: CatBat on April 30, 2017, 11:29:16 PM
Hey guys, I got top surgery 2 weeks ago with Dr. Sajan in Seattle. Very pleased w the results; no complications. No drains. Very little post op pain. Gonna look dope healed up. Here are a few pics (NOTE still a bit swollen - those ain't no man titties).

Day after surgery (Apr. 14)

Day I got the bandage off: (Apr. 17)

Nipple dressings off (Apr. 25)

Today (Apr. 30)

I've been using the scar gel that the clinic gave me (contains aloe vera, mupirocin & tranilast) and today I just started on the vitamin E oil. Will update again. Tell me what u think.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Wolfy on May 14, 2017, 04:46:41 PM
Had surgery may5th, this is my week post op visit may 12th. I'm still pretty sore and haven't realized yet that I need to take it easy still. I hope the soreness and pain gets better in the coming weeks

Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Effervescent_elegy on May 27, 2017, 10:55:07 AM
Hi everyone!

This is my first time posting, but I've been stalking this thread for so long that I feel like we're good buddies already....! *Activate super stalk and make everyone feel awkward*

Firstly, I want to thank all of you have been posting here for so long and provided such rich discussion for stalkers like me. I'm actually a very introverted social media hater (no FB, no Twitter, no nothing over here) but I wanted to create an account and post here because I feel like I've been so helped already by everyone on this site, and on this thread in particular. So, in the interest of giving back (!) I wanted to share some information and updates being now just about 22 hours post op! I'm actually non-binary, not FTM, but again, have felt really helped by you guys and most of my info about top surgery came from my FTM brothers, so it felt right to post here. No T for me. Obviously I'm still in my bandages and vest today, and will try to post a photo later. So far everything feels good, mostly like pinching at the top and sides of my chest.

I had my top surgery yesterday with Dr. Javad Sajan here in Seattle. I want to start there, as I can't say enough good things about this man. From consult to surgery I felt well taken care of, treated respectfully, and, honestly, loved. Dr. Sajan and his whole team made it clear that not only did they want to give me a surgery I could be proud of, but that they cared about me as a person and worked with me to make sure I was always comfortable and confident. For those in Seattle or Washington State who are in the process of trying to choose between Dr. Sajan and Dr. Mangabut, I would strongly recommend Dr. Sajan. It's nothing against Dr. M at all, and, in fairness, I did not do a personal consult with Dr. M, however I already knew both the doctors, as I am a psychologist who works with a lot of trans and gender variant folks, so we actually attend the same consult groups! Why I chose Dr. S over Dr. M:

1) Dr. S. does not use drains - hallelujah! I heard ENOUGH from you guys about the pain of having and removing the drains
2) Dr. S DOES do lipo around the sides, whereas for Dr. M this is a separate procedure, for which I believe you would have to pay extra
3) Dr. M does a more curved incision, whereas Dr. S does a straighter incision with a little curve (though I haven't seen mine yet!)
4) Dr. S does a lot of research and some teaching - as a part time academic myself I know how important this is to keeping your practice and skills sharp

Both doctors also take Group Health (now Kaiser Permenente) insurance, so I was able to have 80% of my surgery covered with insurance, which was fantastic! For reference for everyone: the total cost of surgery was $8500, of which I ended up paying about $2500 (had not met my deductible yet). The meds were about $90 (including 6 scripts filled at the pharmacy and a packet of Arnica that I bought directly from Dr. S) and I'm told there will be about $100 in post-surgery scar treatments. I think I will probably have a $30 co-pay at each of my post-ops as well, so all told this is probably going to wind up at about $3000. I did NOT have to have any pre-op blood work, x-rays, or other procedures. I'm being really specific here, as I know I had a lot of particular questions approaching this, and I know there are probably other stalkers out there who aren't yet in recovery but want to know what it's all about!

Dr. S has an office in Ballard and also his own surgery center, both of which are beautiful. It's a bit weird hanging out in the waiting room with a bunch of ladies waiting for their facelifts but, meh.

Consult: I went into my consult totally unprepared, as I had some questions that I thought might bar me from getting the surgery at all so I didn't do a bunch of research, not wanting to get my hopes up. That meant unfortunately that I didn't get to ask a lot of questions that I needed to, but I sent Dr. S a packet of information about my preferences as well as about 12 reference photos a few weeks later and he was so helpful and collaborative - he went over everything with me, and even reassured me that we would do my marks together pre-surgery so we could agree on nipple placement (which I was worried about). He or his staff always returned my emails and phone calls promptly and absolutely NEVER made me feel weird, out of place, or like a freak. Everyone asked my name and pronouns, and it was charted appropriately. Super win.

Preop: Got TONS of info here, and a lot of questions answered - mostly done by the nurse, but Dr. S made time to pop in and go over my pictures again with me and make me feel comfortable. He does several top surgeries a WEEK, so he really knows his stuff. They also let my partner in with me the whole time, which was great. I would recommend making sure you schedule this at least 3 weeks out, since there's stuff they want you to stop at 2 weeks (alcohol, some meds, etc)

Surgery day: I got a call from anesthesia 2 days before, and my anesthesiologist was a total delight. He reassured me about my bizarre and admittedly totally irrational fear of waking up during surgery with stats (of the 4 million cases of general anesthesia administered every year, there are 24 TOTAL documented cases of this happening. Ever. Set your minds at ease, gents!). The nurse was very kind and both eased my nerves and played up my excitement, reminding me of those excited parts too! I waited around for about 1.5 hours after check in as various folks came in and out to meet and check in on me - anesthesiologist again, nurse, then Dr. S to do my marks. I consented to have before and after photos, as well as allow the Dr. to snapchat my surgery (without my face), so he was narrating my marks as he also asked me questions and made sure we were working together. Again, I felt very comfortable and cared for. I was SO grateful to those of you who advised to bring reading/distracting materials for this waiting period before things got started - I would've been going out of my mind otherwise! I would recommend something silly and or funny to keep you lightly entertained and spirits high - I brought Hyperbole and a Half, which was bang on PERFECT! My partner and I could read together and were laugh-crying, which was exactly what I needed.

Post-surgery: I came to in the recovery room already dressed and having apparently been "awake" for almost an hour. My partner was already there, which was great, and they discharged me about 30 minutes later. Dr. S gave me his personal phone number to text whenever I needed and repeatedly encouraged me to do so - LOVE. THIS. GUY. Was pretty out of it throughout the afternoon and evening, and Dr. S called at 10pm (clearly on his drive home) just to check in on me and answer any questions I was having. Sleep was rough - even with a pillow fortress and several good neck pillows I'm still sore and it was touch getting in and out of bed during the night (drinking lots, so needed to pee lots!)

Some special things about my case that I wish I had heard more stories about:

1) I have fairly severe endometriosis (hysto here I come in August!) and take estrogen and progesterone to stop bleeding and pain. I couldn't stop my estrogen prior to surgery, as the last time I did I wound up in the hospital on and off for a week as they tried (and failed) to contain the catastrophic bleeding and pain. Dr. S was really reassuring that this would be ok, although it does increase my risk of clotting, and took extra measures to help mitigate this. I work compression massage boots during the surgery itself, and was sent home with compression stocking to wear until my post-op Tuesday (surgery was Friday, yesterday). I have also been ambulating 500 steps every hour that I'm awake, and got the go ahead from the Dr. last night to walk as much as I feel comfortable. So, if you're out there worrying about taking estrogen, this is what's been working for me - so far so good!

2) I use marijuana to treat endo pain, as well as insomnia and some other issues, and was worried about this prior to surgery. I don't smoke, but I do usually vape. I stopped this 2 weeks prior to surgery and switched to edibles (about 30-50mg per day) and so far have experienced no problems. If you also use marijuana, be very honest with your anesthesiologist, as they will need to administer more anesthesia to keep you under, and with your doctor. Unfortunately as long as it remains federally illegal (legal here in WA state) they can't do proper research on the effects, so we're all flying a bit blind - my Dr. advised me that he "couldn't say yes or no" but also that he's had other patients using edibles up to the surgery and they have all been fine, which so far is the case for me too.

3) Other meds - I tend to respond better to promethezane (phenegran) than odenstron (zofran) for nausea, so I swapped these. No problem according to my doc. I also got a Scope patch, which I think has been helpful. We had an hour long drive home and I threw up almost as soon as I stood up in the parking garage, but after that haven't been nauseous at all. I was prescribed oxy for the pain and have been taking 1-2 every 4-6 hours so far - I have a hypermetabolizing liver, so I tend to metabolize substances much faster than other folks and therefor need a bit more to stay on top of the pain.  I also have a script for Tramadol (acts like a narcotic, but isn't) for my endo and the docs also cleared me to use this pre and post surgery as needed so I can avoid taking any more narcs than I need to and get back to work earlier (I can work on the Tram, definitely NOT on the oxy)

I think that's all for now! Thanks again to all of you for all your help so far, and I'll try to keep posting in the coming days and weeks as things heal and shape up!

Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Effervescent_elegy on June 04, 2017, 01:40:52 PM
Quote from: Wolfy on May 14, 2017, 04:46:41 PM
Had surgery may5th, this is my week post op visit may 12th. I'm still pretty sore and haven't realized yet that I need to take it easy still. I hope the soreness and pain gets better in the coming weeks

I hear you on this, Wolfy! I'm one week post op as of yesterday and it's pretty demoralizing how slowly I still have to go at everything, and how tired I get by EVERYTHING. For some reason I feel like now that the immediate aftermath is over and I am not running a physical obstacle course every day I should be basically back to my usual self. I know that's not true, but it's hard still having to ask for help for everything and not being able to do the things I used to (or at least, not as many of them).

I dressed myself and went out for brunch yesterday and just the effort of getting clothes on and sitting someplace else totally wore me out... I ended up taking an hour long nap at home after! I hadn't anticipated how tired I would be, and how everything takes about 2-3x effort and time. I'm off the prescribed pain meds and just on Tylenol now, but my side/armpit areas are also still very swollen and sore.

Are you back at work? I tried to go back Thursday but only made it a couple hours before I had to cancel and go home. I'll be trying again tomorrow *fingers crossed*.

You look great, by the way! I like how straight your incisions are and it looks like your nipples are healing up nicely and looking good and red! I had a DI too and have been so paranoid about my grafts taking!
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Effervescent_elegy on June 04, 2017, 01:49:53 PM
Quote from: CatBat on April 30, 2017, 11:29:16 PM
Hey guys, I got top surgery 2 weeks ago with Dr. Sajan in Seattle. Very pleased w the results; no complications. No drains. Very little post op pain. Gonna look dope healed up. Here are a few pics

Looking good CatBat! I had surgery with Dr. Sajan too on 5/26. He's awesome, and I've been super happy with the team and the results so far. Plus, no drains = the >-bleeped-<ing best. Now I just gotta wait until Tuesday to take this stupid corset-ey binder off. Can't wait for that (I mean, I get that we have to wear something to keep everything in place, but it feels a little cruel that the last binder we have to wear is like a hook and eye ladies' lingerie deal, amirite?).

Wanted to ask about your April 30th pic - looks like you've got a kind of black patch on your right nipple. Is that a scab or something else that ended up going away? I've got a similar dark patch on my left nipple right now that I was a little worried about, since obviously they told me to look for darkness as a potential sign of nipple death. I think it's just the blood flow returning and maybe a scab forming, but since you had a similar one thought I'd ask your experience. There was a gray sort of patch on the nipple when they took the bolsters off Friday (6/2) and now that patch has turned mostly pink, with that bit of dark in the center (really similar to your 4/30 pic). Will probably email them tomorrow if it looks the same or worse, but just wondering about yours.

Thanks, and hope your recovery process is continuing to go well! How does it feel now at 6 weeks post-op? I'm still getting used to (read: STRUGGLING) with the exhaustion and extra effort that everything takes.

Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: mrxsm on June 07, 2017, 09:29:43 PM
Hey all, I'm officially one day post-op with Dr Andrew Ives in Melbourne, Australia!

I've had no nausea and very little pain so far. Most of the pain is on the left side of my chest, which I think they took more tissue from. I have much better mobility than expected, especially now I don't have a cannula taped to my hand so I've have to actively remember not to push myself.

After about 12 hours, my back was just as much a source of discomfort as my chest. I (surprise, surprise) have a bad upper back and struggle to get to sleep lying on it, but it was more uncomfortable than I expected to lay on it for so long. All in all I think I managed 5 hours sleep last night, but i'm hoping I'll get used to it now I'm out of a hospital bed and back at the hotel.


I'm making more detailed updates on my Tumblr blog. Shouldn't be hard to find if you search my surgeon's name.

I'll be posting photo updates here once I get my drains out next week and have more to actually show you guys! Feel free to ask questions - I don't think there's enough info out there about my surgeon but I think his results are amazing.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: mrxsm on June 09, 2017, 05:58:52 AM
2 days post-op now. Forgot to mention I had a double incision w/ nipple grafts.

I was able to take my binder off to have a bit of a wash today even though I don't get my drains out until next week.


There's some swelling but very little bruising. I'm very happy with what I can see so far. The only thing I'm worried about is the drain appears to be poking out of my skin on the right side. You can see it a bit better in this photo:


There's still fluid coming out, so it's working fine. I'm more concerned about it leaving me with a permanent dog ear on that side. :-\
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: veniamviam on July 11, 2017, 12:19:04 PM

wanted to post an update about 14 months post surgery with dr medalie. still have some dog-earing at the middle of my chest, but it doesn't bother me much at all. the weird nipple discolouration that i had noticed in the past has basically evened out, my scars have faded very nicely and only stretched a little bit. sorry for the poor picture quality; it's very difficult to keep my tattoo and other identifying features covered up and also take a good picture : p
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: mm on July 14, 2017, 08:31:39 AM
veniamviam, nice results, your scars have healed very nicely. What size were you before?  I hope my scars look like yours in time.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: mrxsm on July 23, 2017, 04:42:42 AM
Just over 6 weeks post-op now! Really happy with how it's healed up so far ;D


Right areola is more puffy than my left (which is absolutely perfect) and there's still a bit of swelling on my left side, but I expect that'll continue to settle over the next few months.

Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: veniamviam on July 25, 2017, 10:30:21 PM
Quote from: mm on July 14, 2017, 08:31:39 AM
veniamviam, nice results, your scars have healed very nicely. What size were you before?  I hope my scars look like yours in time.

thank you! i'm very pleased with how everything turned out ^__^ i was very nervous about this being the one time i've scarred badly, but a combination of good resilience and silicon gel has done wonders for fading my scars out. i don't know what size i was pre-op, as i think i went proper bra shopping, uh.... once? and i was eleven at the time lol. i wore a medium sports bra when i wasn't binding, but i don't know what that means in sizing. i could never do a proper bra thing even if i could get the strength to try presenting femme, as the underwire in most bras was a very painful pressure on the centre of my chest. i have pre-op pics on my transition tumblr somewhere, though!
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: CursedFireDean on September 12, 2017, 10:23:38 AM
6 weeks post-op with Dr. Keelee MacPhee in Raleigh NC
It's turning out exactly as I want it, and I'm really happy with how it's healing.

Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: emptyspiral on September 20, 2017, 08:36:19 AM
Hey guys! I'm currently three weeks post op double incision with Andrew Ives in Melbourne, Australia. More than pleased with the results, and he and his team were amazing and super nice. I very highly recommend him! I've still got quite a lot of swelling on one side though, and I've been looking through Transbucket etc and haven't seen anyone at three weeks post op with this much swelling. Ives did say at my one week post op appointment that when I see him again (I see him in one week) that he's going to have to drain that side if it doesnt settle. I'm not super stressed out about it, just a little uncomfortable as it's quite alot of swelling and it hasn't gone down from when I saw him two weeks ago. In fact, the swelling actually got a little worse on that side around the two week mark, but has slowly gone back to what it was. What do you guys think? I know there's nothing I can do until I see him in a week, but I guess I'm just wondering if anyone else has had this amount of swelling because I can't seem to find any pics out there like it. The photo was taken at 14 days post op.

Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Elis on September 26, 2017, 05:08:32 AM
7 days post op and just had the bandages taken off yesterday. Very happy with how it looks but cant help but feel I'm not 'flat enough'. Hopefully it'll just take time for bruising to go down and to become accustomed to how my body now looks. And I suppose it suits my body type better to not looking completely flat.

7 days after surgery
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: emptyspiral on September 26, 2017, 07:06:42 AM
^ looks great! Swelling can take months to completely settle, it's hard but we just gotta be patient :) . I'm now one month post op and had to have some fluid drained from one side today, and it instantly reduced some of the swelling. Now both sides are even and over the next few months will just slowly settle on their own. It's so hard to keep patient when all we want is to be flat straight away, but if we have waited so long already a few more weeks or months is easy!
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Elis on September 26, 2017, 07:35:29 AM
Quote from: emptyspiral on September 26, 2017, 07:06:42 AM
^ looks great! Swelling can take months to completely settle, it's hard but we just gotta be patient :) . I'm now one month post op and had to have some fluid drained from one side today, and it instantly reduced some of the swelling. Now both sides are even and over the next few months will just slowly settle on their own. It's so hard to keep patient when all we want is to be flat straight away, but if we have waited so long already a few more weeks or months is easy!

Thanks :). I can't help but check out my chest each time I pass a mirror  :D
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Rengar on October 08, 2017, 08:38:12 PM
6 Days post op with Dr. Steinwald in Golden, CO! Only took one of my narcotics then switched to CBD and cannabis edibles/vapor. Been coastin' for a while. Little swelling or bruising. I've just been takin' it easy. My left nipple is strugglin' a little though! You can do it little guy!
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Jared on October 09, 2017, 10:19:26 AM
I finally took some pics, this is how my chest looks after a month post-op. I'm not satisfied with the shape of it, but tomorrow I'll get an appointment for revision. Also, I like that I have very little scars.
What do you think? Most of you guys are a lot more flat than I am, and I feel like I still almost have half of what I used to have. However, my friends and family are telling me not to undergo correction sugery, because it looks fine. It's not a question, I want it, still it would be nice to get some feedback.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: mm on October 09, 2017, 01:21:04 PM
Jared, you look great especially for 1 month post, wait for sure before thinking about revisions.  You have nice chest good natural make contour.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Elis on October 10, 2017, 03:35:45 AM
Quote from: Jared on October 09, 2017, 10:19:26 AM
I finally took some pics, this is how my chest looks after a month post-op. I'm not satisfied with the shape of it, but tomorrow I'll get an appointment for revision. Also, I like that I have very little scars.
What do you think? Most of you guys are a lot more flat than I am, and I feel like I still almost have half of what I used to have. However, my friends and family are telling me not to undergo correction sugery, because it looks fine. It's not a question, I want it, still it would be nice to get some feedback.

Yeah the shape does look a bit odd and unsymmetrical. The nipple on the right side also looks slightly too feminine.  Hope I'm not being too harsh :/. But it's impressive how flat you are already and how quickly the nipples have popped out.

I'm still not happy with how flat I am (you can see my pics on the previous page) but hoping that'll change as it heals.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Jared on October 10, 2017, 05:59:52 AM
Thanks for reply guys. I didn't say anything about revisions and my surgeon suggested it to me first, so I guess I really need it if he said so.
Elis, you're not harsh, thanks for the honesty! Your chest looks really good, and not weird to your body shape I think. Also I guess we have too high expectations and it makes hard to see what's"normal". My mom even said I'm anorexic in the chest area lol.
The surgeon did an awesome job with the scars, they are thin and very few and I feel I heal pretty quick. That's why I don't mind at all that I'll need some correction.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Elis on October 10, 2017, 06:34:50 AM
Quote from: Jared on October 10, 2017, 05:59:52 AM
Thanks for reply guys. I didn't say anything about revisions and my surgeon suggested it to me first, so I guess I really need it if he said so.
Elis, you're not harsh, thanks for the honesty! Your chest looks really good, and not weird to your body shape I think. Also I guess we have too high expectations and it makes hard to see what's"normal". My mom even said I'm anorexic in the chest area lol.
The surgeon did an awesome job with the scars, they are thin and very few and I feel I heal pretty quick. That's why I don't mind at all that I'll need some correction.

Thanks! :). It's hard for me to make up my mind whether I look like I have pecs or just small boobs  :D. I keep staring at topless guys every chance I get just to see if I look 'normal' lol

Hope the correction goes well; looks easily fixable
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Jared on October 10, 2017, 07:44:50 AM
Yeah, I'm also too focused on this right now  :-X
Thank you, I hope your healing process also goes well and you'll be more pleased as time passes ;)
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: emptyspiral on October 12, 2017, 04:03:36 AM
6 weeks post op, still quite swollen but it's going down slowly. Nipples are starting to look like nipples now too!

Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: mrxsm on October 18, 2017, 04:52:32 AM
4 1/2 months post-op with Andy Ives and have been using cica care silicone strips for about 2 months now. There's a few things I'm still hoping will still settle out in time, like the dent on the left side but I'm really happy with how it's healed up so far!


Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: emptyspiral on October 19, 2017, 03:46:37 AM
Quote from: mrxsm on October 18, 2017, 04:52:32 AM
4 1/2 months post-op with Andy Ives and have been using cica care silicone strips for about 2 months now. There's a few things I'm still hoping will still settle out in time, like the dent on the left side but I'm really happy with how it's healed up so far!



Your chest is looking really great! I'm 7 weeks post op with him now and really happy so far. He always has really great results!

I'm not sure about my left nipple though (see photo above), it seems too close to the centre? I assume it's just the swelling pushing it towards the centre, because I've never seen him to have nipples not in the correct spot. What do you guys think? I'm guessing that as the swelling goes down and the skin retracts to fit the new contour that it'll be further out. I've also developed some kind of irritation around my nipples and incisions in the past week and I think it's just from the adhesives, so I've switched from micropore tape to Dermatix silicone scar treatment gel today.

Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: mrxsm on October 19, 2017, 06:28:44 AM
Quote from: emptyspiral on October 19, 2017, 03:46:37 AM
Your chest is looking really great! I'm 7 weeks post op with him now and really happy so far. He always has really great results!

I'm not sure about my left nipple though (see photo above), it seems too close to the centre? I assume it's just the swelling pushing it towards the centre, because I've never seen him to have nipples not in the correct spot. What do you guys think? I'm guessing that as the swelling goes down and the skin retracts to fit the new contour that it'll be further out. I've also developed some kind of irritation around my nipples and incisions in the past week and I think it's just from the adhesives, so I've switched from micropore tape to Dermatix silicone scar treatment gel today.

It does look closer to the centre. There's every chance it might even out though. This is what my chest looked like at the 1 month mark. I was pretty concerned about my nipples being different shapes, but they healed up almost identically. And I still had some bruising and swelling at 7 weeks.


Regardless, I don't think your nipple looks too out of place as is.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: emptyspiral on October 23, 2017, 07:17:44 AM
Quote from: mrxsm on October 19, 2017, 06:28:44 AM
It does look closer to the centre. There's every chance it might even out though. This is what my chest looked like at the 1 month mark. I was pretty concerned about my nipples being different shapes, but they healed up almost identically. And I still had some bruising and swelling at 7 weeks.


Regardless, I don't think your nipple looks too out of place as is.

I think it's just me being impatient about healing, I have seen so many photos of Andy's results and his nipples have always been in the perfect positions. I really doubt he'd put my nipple too close to the centre. I'm still quite swollen so hopefully it moves out a bit
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: hgamad on October 27, 2017, 12:28:27 AM
Alrighty then where shall I start... Let me get a bit of history out of the way. My husband has been on T for about 3 years now. September 11, 2017 he finally had his top surgery ;D So 1 1/2 months ago. Of course all bandages are removed and stitches have dissolved. He has had a couple of "spit stitches" that we trimmed a bit and they just fell into place and the skin has grown and covered. He has since returned to work (on October 6th; forklift operator). I told him that I think it would be best that he compresses while at work to avoid stretching the incision site and to prevent swelling and pain but he does not want to because "I will sweat and I don't want it to get gross and infected and its very tight and uncomfortable". So with that, he compresses while he sleeps. We have been using Bio Oil, I have heard mixed reviews everywhere I look. Some say its wonderful and reduces scar appearance nicely and some say it does absolutely nothing so I guess it just depends on the person. Can't hurt to continue using it if its not causing any skin issues.

I read around and do my homework as much as I can, but I still feel like I need opinions on his specific case. His MAIN concern is that he feels as though not enough was removed to give him the flat look he wants. I have told him time and time again that he is still healing and it will take time. He just got cut open and stuff taken out for goodness sake! I also remind him that he will need to begin to workout as he is not in shape (which he agrees with). Building muscle in that area will give him the pecs he is looking for. But sometimes, I look at his chest and wonder the same thing... "did the surgeon really not take enough out? Will this really smooth out over time?"

He also has some hard places around the incision site, in which case I told him to massage the area and perhaps it could break up what is there. As of the last week, he has been telling me his nipples are becoming painful and he is just sore all in that area. When I read similar experiences, they are told to wait it out at least 6 months to one year (when he is fully healed) to have revisions as things may fall into place over time. I also see that he needs to workout (clearly within reasonable limits) to build the muscle but he is VERY dead set on revisions. With all that said I will now post pictures. Please, don't hold back, I want honest opinions and suggestions.

This picture is 1 week and 5 days post op.

This picture is one month post op.

The next three pictures are from right now. I tried to get up close as much as I could for detail.



Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: emptyspiral on November 01, 2017, 08:20:26 AM
@hgamad, I am very certain that it's just swelling. Have a look at the immediate post op photo compared to the recent ones. He was really flat initially! My swelling got worse a few weeks post op and I had the same worries. I am now just over 2 months post op and still fairly swollen. It can take months for it to really settle for some guys. He just has to be patient, it's not easy but that's all you can do. I wore my compression vest 24x7 for 8 weeks because my surgeon recommended it due to the extra swelling I had, and i definitely think that the compression helped
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: bonetheif on November 03, 2017, 11:06:53 PM
I'm happy to say that i can finally join this thread! I had top surgery (double incision) with Javad Sajan yesterday at 7 in the morning. Everything went well. when I woke up afterwords I was super groggy and when i got home i just went straight to bed. No nausea and only a little bit of pain specially in my throat. Mostly right now im itchy. The pain hasn't been too bad. I think I took my stronger pain meds twice before switching to Tylenol.

The worst thing i've dealt with was just getting myself to sit up cause i keep sliding and that the medical binder I have to wear was digging into my armpits. but when the nurse called to check up with me she said I can pull the binder down a bit but to make sure everything is covered. i also had to deal with a ton of leaking the first day/night and had to lay on towels so i wouldn't stain anything. I keep ending up walking slouched over cause if i stand up more straight it feels like my incisions get all tight.

Monday is when i get to see the final result in person. My dr, with patients permission actually snapchats his surgery's. which he did for mine! i was able to get a copy of all the videos for my surgery which was super cool! lipo totally looks brutal lol. So i did get to see my chest at the last bit of the video and i love it! But honestly this doesn't feel real? it really hasn't set in yet. My first post op is on Monday and hopefully i can get this stupid binder off. its suuuuppperr uncomfortable maybe then it will feel more real.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: November Fox on January 23, 2018, 06:52:58 PM
I'm not happy about replying to this thread and seeing everybodies nipples looking normal and clean, instead of abominations...

You guessed it, still early for me (1 week). The left nip is fine, I can't really see because it still has a dressing over it, but the other one...I'm scared to look at it. It's nothing more than a pink disc oozing wound fluid and drops of blood. Sometimes I'm terrified it'll come right off.

So if anybody else has gruesome stories of the first weeks, please get back at me, help me ease the terrified mental state my nip put me in (joking but serious)
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Elis on January 25, 2018, 01:37:47 AM

One week post op

4 months post op
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: November Fox on February 08, 2018, 11:43:08 AM
@Elis it´s on your google drive, people need permission to access :)
Which is okay but I thought I´d mention it.

- update on periaureolar -

Left side looks fantastic.

The wound on the right side still closing. I get shooting pains in my right chest muscles, specially when I yawn.  >:(
Hoping that the right nip will end up looking like the left one. It looks kinda off.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Elis on February 08, 2018, 12:16:50 PM
Quote from: November Fox on February 08, 2018, 11:43:08 AM
@Elis it´s on your g7oogle drive, people need permission to access :)
Which is okay but I thought I´d mention it.

Thanks; fixed it :)
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Khatru on February 21, 2018, 09:36:35 AM
Wooo I can finally post here! I had peri-areolar surgery by Dr Selvaggi in Gothenburg, Sweden, 5 days ago.

First few days were the worst, especially the day of surgery. I got to go home the same day and I was miserable, I had lost a lot of blood and the anaesthesia hadn't worn off and made me very dizzy. I had to lie down all the time or else I'd pass out or throw up... Now I'm feeling pretty good though. I'm still on antibiotics and cyklokapron (to treat the blood loss) so I'm still very tired all the time, but at least I'm off the stronger pain meds! The compressive bandage is a pain but I've started to sleep without it and only wear it during the day. I'm able to move my arms pretty easily but my torso mobility is still limited. I've had one drain out, the other will be removed on Friday when I do my 1 week checkup. Could have it removed today but there are no available appointments left at the health centre today or tomorrow so I'll just have to wait... I hate the drains, I really do. I can feel them move around under my skin and it's extremely uncomfortable. And the side where it's removed I can feel air bubbles? Or at least it feels like air bubbles.

On Friday I'll get the nipple gauze removed and I can start shower normally!! Picture below is from 4 days post op.


it's obviously still swollen and bruised but so far it looks promising. Can't wait for it to heal!
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: November Fox on February 21, 2018, 02:48:02 PM
Let me see if this works. I never get this "adding pictures" thing right.


The other nipple is covered on purpose - still healing. After several complications, the end result is nipples with two different sizes, but I´m thinking about having that fixed later on (through medical tattooing).
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Khatru on February 23, 2018, 06:46:48 AM
( (

1 week post op! I'm finally allowed to take off and change my dressings and I get to SHOWER! I'm still very swollen and the skin is numb everywhere, and the nips are nowhere near healing, at least not the left one. But I'm feeling better every day and I'm off most meds!! Yay! So far I'm quite pleased with the result, although I feel like the nipple is a little big... If the surgeon decides to not reduce it further I can live with it though, it's still much smaller than before
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: November Fox on March 12, 2018, 03:54:31 PM
I think this thread is dead.  :P
How's the recovery going, Kathru?
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Khatru on March 14, 2018, 01:51:50 PM
It's going great! Less puffy now almost 4 weeks in and the nipple scab has fallen off. Soon binder free! Just 2 weeks to go.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: dissipate on March 21, 2018, 03:40:43 AM
Just had surgery yesterday with Garramone. Bandages are real tight and causing a backache. Left side of chest hurts when I am in an upright position. Better when I am lying down. Did not take any painkillers... maybe I should but am afraid of constipation :|
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Hex on April 22, 2018, 03:55:10 PM
Well it's been several years since I last poked my head in at Susan's but figure now would be a good time as any.
I had my top surgery last Tuesday 4/17 and this is my official check in.
Took 4 years to finally get here but I'm ecstatic that it has happened!

I'll be going in for my one week check up tomorrow morning and to most likely get my drains pulled etc. I'll be taking pictures than.

Had my surgery done at University Health Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeries center with Dr Carol ann Aylward. Who btw is so amazing and sweet.

I had a double mastectomy with free nipple grafting and some lipo.
I'll try and update with a pic tomorrow :)
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Hex on May 11, 2018, 02:11:50 PM
Quote from: Hex on April 22, 2018, 03:55:10 PM
Well it's been several years since I last poked my head in at Susan's but figure now would be a good time as any.
I had my top surgery last Tuesday 4/17 and this is my official check in.
Took 4 years to finally get here but I'm ecstatic that it has happened!

I'll be going in for my one week check up tomorrow morning and to most likely get my drains pulled etc. I'll be taking pictures than.

Had my surgery done at University Health Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeries center with Dr Carol ann Aylward. Who btw is so amazing and sweet.

I had a double mastectomy with free nipple grafting and some lipo.
I'll try and update with a pic tomorrow :)

Update to my previous post with follow up pics
This was one week post-op
This is at 3 weeks.
I'm approaching 4 weeks as of Tuesday now :)
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: kattskatt on May 26, 2018, 07:52:44 AM
Hey, I'm 9 days post-op today. I had a double incision without nipple grafts and I did not have a happy reveal when I was 7 days post-op because I was (and still am) very swollen. I can still so clearly see the outline of my old chest and it's causing a lot of dysphoria. I know/hope that it will go down in a few weeks/months, but I wasn't prepared for this because this swelling doesn't look anything like what I've seen from other people who've had DI. I'm worried I will need revision surgery to actually get a flat chest.

Picture from when I was 7 days post-op:

Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: mm on May 26, 2018, 10:27:12 AM
kattskatt, you are only a few day post; you need to give yourself time before you consider a revision. How large were you before?
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: kattskatt on May 26, 2018, 04:57:48 PM
Quote from: mm on May 26, 2018, 10:27:12 AM
kattskatt, you are only a few day post; you need to give yourself time before you consider a revision. How large were you before?
I've never really worn bras so I can't answer in those sizes, but I was basically borderline for being too large for keyhole. The first surgeon I spoke to (not the one who ended up doing my actual surgery) said that if I kept my nipples I might have been able to get keyhole from him but that a double incision was a safer bet for good results.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Oblivion on July 16, 2018, 05:46:36 PM
4 days post op with Mr Miles Berry in London. I'm going back tomorrow to have the bandages off and the dressings on my nipples removed to see my chest for the first time and I'm a mix of nerves and excitement. Finding it more difficult to sleep tonight than I did the night before surgery.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Aiden In Progress on September 07, 2018, 11:25:24 AM
I know this thread is kind of dead, but I couldn't really find much on my surgeon before my consult.
I had double incision with free nipple grafts on August 27, 2018 by Dr. Susan Lovelle. Her staff were very competent and sensitive.
I got my drains out on September 4, 2018
Most of my discomfort was from the drains, but I'm still fairy sore and stiff. I do have more range of motion than I thought I would, but I fatigue very easily.

I took my first post-op shower yesterday (September 6, 2018) and this is before getting rebandaged

( (
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: CursedFireDean on January 01, 2019, 04:10:53 PM
Quote from: CursedFireDean on September 12, 2017, 10:23:38 AM
6 weeks post-op with Dr. Keelee MacPhee in Raleigh NC
It's turning out exactly as I want it, and I'm really happy with how it's healing.

Here's an update over a year out and 25 lbs down
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: Kylo on January 02, 2019, 08:56:17 AM
That's a great result.
Title: Re: Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)
Post by: The Flying Lemur on February 16, 2019, 10:37:41 AM
This is me a week after top surgery with Dr. Wilkins at University of Michigan Hospital.  I'm really happy with the result.   Dr. Wilkins went above and beyond to make sure I didn't have really bad dog ears, removing tissue almost all the way around my back.  Lots of doctors charge extra for stuff like that.   Wilkins was plainly more interested in doing a good job, though.  I definitely recommend him if you're considering surgery at U of M!  (The horizontal scar on my belly is unrelated--from a surgery many years ago.)
