Community Conversation => Transitioning => Topic started by: Jennygirl on December 23, 2014, 02:01:28 AM Return to Full Version

Title: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: Jennygirl on December 23, 2014, 02:01:28 AM
QuoteDISCLAIMER PLEASE READ FIRST: There will be ZERO tolerance in discussing or referencing of illegal procedures not approved by the FDA. Any references to illegal or black market practice will be deleted immediately and the user dealt with accordingly and swiftly. I cannot stress this enough! ANY reference at all is grounds for said action! We do not support dangerous and illegal procedures on this site! This falls under Rule #8 in the Susan's Terms of Service (

Well with the disclaimer out of the way...

Hi guys and gals!! (well probably mostly gals on this one ;)) It's almost another year and with a whole new set of goals and challenges that lie ahead for me. I've been having to postpone my SRS on repeat due to a dicey situation where I live, so that is on the backburner until September or maybe even later due to circumstance. Who knows. All I know is, lately I've been feeling great with my body as is and I am not feeling any pressure in that department to have it done. I know I will someday, but I don't want to rush it.

What I AM super excited about, though, is that I've officially made the decision to move forward with some body feminization of another kind and a lot less talked about. Literally, this desire was my first indication of dysphoria... Why I am waiting until almost the very end to tackle it is kind of unknown to me.. I guess save the best for last? In my head, perhaps. Honestly, I think I have been giving the estrogen time to have its way with my body before doing anything there. And while HRT has indeed helped me in huge ways, I still desire a little bit more in the hip department. I blame it on my history! More on that to follow

I have indeed decided to move forward with a fat transfer to hips and bum, ideally sometime in late winter or early spring this year. If you could live inside of my mind, you would know how incredibly exciting this is. I have dreamed of having a more curvaceous body for practically my whole life! I can hardly believe it's finally time.

There are two main reasons why I am posting it here. #1) I am just so flipping excited I had to tell someone and #2) I know that I am not alone when it comes to struggling with some dysphoria from hips. I want to detail my journey in this process, because honestly I haven't been able to find much on the internet for trans girls. I have found a lot with cis females, but nothing for the trans ladies. This one is for y'all. Well, and for me too :)

I have been researching several methods and doctors for at least a decade. The research predates my transition and even coming out to myself... I was looking into this stuff even before I really had a grip on being trans :o Hopefully this is all starting to make a little more sense.

Anyway, on with the research for how to get a bigger hip/bum:

Methods (PLEASE, oh please, read the disclaimer up at the top too, we can't have anyone talking about illegal stuff)
-Fat Transfer

The problem with this one is that I don't like to exercise. I am very much an "applied strength" type of person. I am super busy, and don't really have the time to add a gym regimen. Plus, that's too hard haha

The problem with this one in my eyes is that they can come out looking unnatural, and on top of that there are very few options for augmenting the HIP which is my primary area of interest. Also, implants are very rough in that area of the body. The recovery is HARSH. Complications are common, and even the best doctors have difficulties. It's just not an area I'd want to be putting an implant. Honestly I don't really want implants at all, but that is just my decision. They work wonders for some people obviously

The problem with chocolate (and other calorie adding methods) is that it is not really my desire to be overweight just to have a bigger posterior, because that means the rest of my male pattern fat areas get bigger as well. Being that most of us transition sometime after first puberty, the fat cells have formed where they form. There is no changing that. It is my understanding that our bodies can store things differently within these fat cells (aka HRT fat redistro), but ultimately we will not see a complete reversal in body shape without some kind of more drastic modification. I have witnessed this to be true. I have noticed my measurements change over the two years I've been on hormones, but it has been a more subtle change than I would like.

Fat Transfer:
The clear winner in the debacle, for me at least. Low risk, low complication, fully customized result. The only worry I have with this method is having enough "donor fat" to move to the areas I want. It also has the added benefit of fully reorganizing the fat cells on a body to better match that of a cis female. Once you have an area transferred somewhere else, if you gain weight it goes there and behaves as the old area did. Pretty neat if you ask me!

Okay sorry for the super long winded post. If you're still with me, then awesome. I have gone back and forth between implants and fat transfer for years, mainly due to the fact that normally I am rather thin, with not much extra fat to spare. I have found several doctors who are good with implants, but I was still never sold on them due to the possible complications and rough recovery. It honestly sounds harder than SRS!

When it comes to finding a doctor for Fat Transfer, it is quite different. There are loads of doctors who perform this surgery, but that is both good and bad. Good being that there are lots to choose from, bad being WHO do I choose?? Gah. So many options! Basically it comes down to preference and their artistry of the procedure. It comes down to before and afters, much similar to FFS and SRS. Here are some of the many doctors I have checked out, in no particular order:

Dr. Cerpas (Tijuana)
Has a good rep for implants and comes highly recommended, very caring. Still, not down with implants

Dr. Campos (Tijuana)
Has easily one of the best (if not THE best) reputation in Mexico for making patients incredibly happy. Specialty procedure: Brazilian Butt Lift aka Fat Transfer to Butt & Hips. I am incredibly impressed with the before and afters.

Dr. Cardenas (Guadalajara)
Has a great reputation with trans girls, offers a multitude of procedures. Butt and even hip implants, and fat transfer, along with the more well known FFS procedures. Hip implants were of interest to me, but I was somewhat leery after realizing that there would be such a large scar for entry of the implant. Apparently also does amazing fat transfer work

Dr. Markmann (Baltimore)
Has one of the best reps in the US, also probably the most expensive option. Seems to have a lot of research backing the procedure. Great results, but I was not as much a fan of the art. Personal opinion! Fat Transfer specialist.

Dr. Hughes (Los Angeles)
On par with Markmann in terms of great reputations for US surgeons. Has amazing results and incredible patient satisfaction. I have been watching this one for a long time. Fat Transfer specialist.

Dr. Ghavami (Los Angeles)
Seems to be a top contender with Hughes in Los Angeles, a bit pricier but results are great. Fat Transfer specialist.

Dr. Salama (Miami)
Another top contender, not as expensive. Fat Transfer specialist

Where I am at now
I could go on and on here, I think you are getting the picture. There are tons of doctors out there, I have spent way too many hours digging on realself and contacting them for information. After everything, I have basically settled on Kenneth Hughes in LA. He has one of the top reps and happens to be located about 2 miles from where I live. I am scheduling my consultation for early 2015 with hopes of getting somewhere good on the waiting list.

In the meantime, I am intentionally gaining a little weight so there is more to move. There is some controversy among surgeons whether having extra weight is a good or bad thing. The consensus seems to be that extra weight is okay NOT at the expense of general health. I am adding about 10-15 extra lbs and staying just as active as I am normally. I am generally a very healthy person, I don't see gaining 10-15 as being that huge of a risk factor. I'll know more after my consultation, but I've already seen reports of Dr. Hughes saying it's fine if his patients want to gain a little weight before the procedure. So, I am taking advantage of the holiday season I suppose ;)

If anyone has anything to share.. info, pictures, opinions, please post it. Research is an ever evolving process as we all know. I plan on detailing my experience with it here, in hopes that it might help someone else interested in the same thing.

I'll be amazed if you got all the way through that. My fingers hurt
Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: kelly_aus on December 23, 2014, 02:46:50 AM
I've looked in to lypo-transfer, I'm looking to move some of the belly a little higher up the torso..

Seems the gold standard is a 2 stage procedure.. Fat is removed and cleaned/stored.  Stem cells are cultured and returned to the fat.. Which is then injected back in to you.. Seems the additional stem cells aid in the transfer taking. IIRC, up to 50% loss could be expected without the stem cells.. And about 20-30% with.

Given that I also have issues with my breast shape, implants might be the better option for me. But, depending in cost, I might try lypo-transfer first.
Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: AnonyMs on December 23, 2014, 06:33:46 AM
I was researching fat transfer a while ago, and the one thing that really stuck me was how great it all sounded, yet how few reports I could find of people actually doing it. You'd think it would be ideal. It made me somewhat suspicious actually.

Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: warmbody28 on December 23, 2014, 06:55:25 AM
I had fat transfer of this kind you speak of and it turned out pretty darn well (for me at least). The first three days after were crappy. So uncomfortable. But after that surprisingly easy. And even a year later i retained like 60-70% of the fat transfer. The surgeon told me he only transferred 150cc which initially made me really mad. But like he said, I already had some hips and that was the perfect amount to add for me. I was pleased in the end and so was my boyfriend at the timeZ. He loved the extra stuffs to grab on too
Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: Lynne on December 23, 2014, 06:46:44 PM
Jenny, thanks for sharing another part of your journey! I'm looking forward to hearing more after your consultation and your experiences after the procedure.

You say "Once you have an area transferred somewhere else, if you gain weight it goes there and behaves as the old area did. "

I'm concerned because of the same thing what AnonyMs said:

" thing that really stuck me was how great it all sounded, yet how few reports I could find of people actually doing it. You'd think it would be ideal. It made me somewhat suspicious actually."

I'm very interested in the long term effects because this could be great for my girlfriend and myself too. I understand that not all of the fat is guaranteed to be retained but how does that work after a few years?
Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: kelly_aus on December 23, 2014, 07:59:58 PM
Quote from: Lynne on December 23, 2014, 06:46:44 PM
Jenny, thanks for sharing another part of your journey! I'm looking forward to hearing more after your consultation and your experiences after the procedure.

You say "Once you have an area transferred somewhere else, if you gain weight it goes there and behaves as the old area did. "

I'm concerned because of the same thing what AnonyMs said:

" thing that really stuck me was how great it all sounded, yet how few reports I could find of people actually doing it. You'd think it would be ideal. It made me somewhat suspicious actually."

I'm very interested in the long term effects because this could be great for my girlfriend and myself too. I understand that not all of the fat is guaranteed to be retained but how does that work after a few years?

IIRC, it depends on whether the transfer 'takes' and achieves proper vascularisation.. If a proper blood supply is created, then yes, the fat will be maintained - including new deposits or loss, depending on the bodies needs.
Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: spooky on December 23, 2014, 10:07:27 PM
I am booked with Dr Salama in February. ;)  Very excited.
Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: Jennygirl on December 24, 2014, 01:32:09 AM
Really happy to see these great responses :)

Kelly- I have looked into the stem cell enriched transfer a lot. I just haven't found any doctors that offer that where I like the results very much. It's like you can have one or the other, a fat transfer that sticks perfectly or looks perfect and loses some volume. There seem to only be a few doctors offering it. Maybe you have found one that I haven't? You seem to know a lot about this procedure as well. Thanks a lot for sharing your input, it is much appreciated :)

AnonyMs- Yes I have gone back and forth between the idea of FT and implants for a very long time, but finally settled on FT. Too many reports online. On realself, the brazilian butt lift case satisfaction is a whopping 93%. Holy wow on that!

warmbody28- Can I ask what your pre-op weight/height was? I think one of the main reasons I like Hughes' work is that he is not afraid to give the patient what they want. Some want big, he is willing to go big. I want moderate, and I'm already pretty happy with my butt profile. It's the hips that get me! I have also seen that hips are a hard area to inject into for some, because the skin tends to be more taught there. I would imagine this was the case for you? Could be the case for me too, really looking forward to the consult with Dr. Hughes.

Lynne- It's absolutely my pleasure to share this here. I've kind of done that for all the previous procedures so it only seems natural for me to do it with this one too. It's definitely obvious that we need more experience reports just for trans girls. Realself and sites like that are great for the cis-population, but the trans experience is practically nonexistent!

spooky- Congrats! Ahh I have read so many good things about Salama. He is just so far away from me. If I lived in Miami, I would go to him in a heartbeat. If he offered the stem cell enriched approach, it might be enough to sway me towards him! Oh, and if you wouldn't mind sharing your height/weight that would be extra interesting for me to know. I think with us trans women, we tend to be a bit taller and finding good examples of our height/weight class is more difficult when there are so many 5'1" - 5'4" cis females reporting their pre op weights.

Btw, I am currently 5'8" weighing in at around 141. I was down to 125 at the beginning of 2014, but I've been intentionally slowly gaining a little weight because I think I look healthiest around 135. I've gained some past that now, too, in prep for having a little more to move around.

And on the stem cell enrichment stuff.. I have also read about PRP (platelet rich plasma) which is added by extracting it from the blood and mixing with the fat to be transferred. I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of doctors do this. I'm hoping that Hughes employs one of the two methods to increase fat survival, but I also believe that it depends a lot on the skill of the surgeon and technique when lipo-ing out of the body as far as survival. I would imagine injecting just the right amount of tumescent fluid has something to do with it. Hoping to know more after my consult. Reading online can only get you so far!

Thanks again for all the great responses, this seems to be a very positive conversation and I appreciate it a ton!
Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: Natalie on December 24, 2014, 02:51:40 AM
Give it time. I literally gained 50 pounds (went from 125 to 175) and it all went to my thighs and butt. Now I am contemplating liposuction just to get rid of some of it.
Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: lilacwoman on December 24, 2014, 05:41:52 AM
over last winter I put on about 10pounds and it gave me lovely hips but then I dieted it off during summer and autumn and now got slimmer hips but with small waist I still have nice enough shape to really make some of the ladies jealous at our club Xmas lunch other day.

I was surprised at how quickly the diet took fat off my hips so I wonder about the long term stability of injected fat and whether it spreads smoothly or just look slumpy like some collagen/botox injections do?

I used to watch the various Housewives of...' and some of those had not very nice lumps and hollows on their faces when they were due for another series of injections.
Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: Seras on December 24, 2014, 07:12:49 AM
I think the coolest part of fat transfer is that if you have residual male fat storage you can take it out and put it somewhere better. Even if it doesn't take because of cell migration or whatever due to being on E the fat cells are at least not in their old locations and won't go back. I am going with the chocolate method though since having lost all my muscle after being on HRT i went down to 120lb @ 6 foot  ( :O). In the last three weeks though I have put on almost 9lb. Its pretty awesome I have to say. Seems to be working well for me since before HRT I only weighed about 126lb anyway.
Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: Jennygirl on December 24, 2014, 05:29:52 PM
Quote from: Seras on December 24, 2014, 07:12:49 AM
I think the coolest part of fat transfer is that if you have residual male fat storage you can take it out and put it somewhere better. Even if it doesn't take because of cell migration or whatever due to being on E the fat cells are at least not in their old locations and won't go back.

^^ This. Yes!!

QuoteI am going with the chocolate method though since having lost all my muscle after being on HRT i went down to 120lb @ 6 foot  ( :O). In the last three weeks though I have put on almost 9lb. Its pretty awesome I have to say. Seems to be working well for me since before HRT I only weighed about 126lb anyway.

Good for you, sounds like a bit of weight gain will do you a lot of good. 120 @ 6'?? That seems almost dangerously skinny! I thought I was way too skinny at 125 @ 5'8". I have a small frame but yours must me supa-slim!

Quote from: Natalie on December 24, 2014, 02:51:40 AM
Give it time. I literally gained 50 pounds (went from 125 to 175) and it all went to my thighs and butt. Now I am contemplating liposuction just to get rid of some of it.

Sounds like you got the pear shape gene. I probably wouldn't do this if I had it. A lot of the weight does go to hips n bum, but a lot of it also goes to belly and lovehandles. I've been on a mega high dose of the 'mones for a little over 2 years now, and I just don't feel like waiting any longer. You probably have different prefs than me. I would be totally happy having an extra 50 in my butt as long as it was nicely shaped, lol. Seriously.

It's all just a matter of preference. Sorry to hear you aren't happy with things, but it sounds like you know that it's an easy fix with a little lipo. I bet you'll have a great result from that, actually I have no doubt! I would think it is much more easy to sculpt by taking away than having to do a two step take-away and add. I would consider yourself lucky!

Quote from: lilacwoman on December 24, 2014, 05:41:52 AM
I was surprised at how quickly the diet took fat off my hips so I wonder about the long term stability of injected fat and whether it spreads smoothly or just look slumpy like some collagen/botox injections do?

I think the lumpiness depends a lot on the skill and detail of the surgeon, and why some surgeons gain such great reputations- as with any kind of plastic surgery. The ones that have a detailed and artistic eye are held up on a pedestal. Luckily the internet makes it pretty easy to see who is on top of their game. Websites like realself are amazing resources for this sort of thing, patients can post before/afters without consent of the doctor- it really makes for an open source way of reviewing and helping others make educated decisions based on shared experience. That's kinda what I hope to do here, I might also double it up on realself. Haven't decided yet.
Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: warmbody28 on December 24, 2014, 08:28:06 PM
im 177.8 centimeters and 64.86kg. i agree with you. some doctors are not into giving you what you want.
Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: Jennygirl on December 24, 2014, 10:55:54 PM
Lol, did you convert from std to metric to get those numbers? They convert back from decimal to whole numbers! Haha!

You are very close to exactly the same height/weight as me at this current moment, though I think I've probably put on about 5lbs more eating so many christmas cookies ;D Anyway, it makes me happy to hear it worked out well for you!

What was the choice of donor area(s)? Besides everywhere else, I am noticing I am getting quite a bit on my upper abdomen, just below the boobs. Not too sure if they can lipo there... I sure as heck hope so!
Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: Jennygirl on December 30, 2014, 03:28:14 PM
Consult is scheduled for Jan 6th with Dr. Hughes. Exactly one week from now.

I gained a small amount of weight, now at 144. Just talked to my friend who gave me the suggestion of a raw vegan diet that could be good to both gain weight and increase my immune response before surgery. It's basically half sprouts, rice/quinoa, lots of olive/hemp oil, and a protein such as hummus. There are other options but there is no sugar and it is about 80/10/10 carbs/fats/protein. He suggested upping the fat portion by a lot to get more calories, and to try to fast for as long as possible during the first part of the day and try to eat as big of a meal as possible. Basically, what sumo wrestlers do ;) Slow down the metabolism by skipping breakfast, then eat in excess of 500 calories in one sitting. I'm still doing some of the research on my own before embarking. But, I am starting to skip breakfast.
Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: Seras on December 30, 2014, 06:29:46 PM
I went with the eat until I feel sick diet. :P

Normally with a huge breakfast of a bag of rice and some sausages or bacon, a reasonable lunch and then again a nice big dinner. Snacks when possible. Far as I can tell it is all about the calories.
Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: Jill F on December 30, 2014, 08:24:29 PM
I had lots of that happen over the holidays so far.   I shall spill my secrets...

Pumpkin pie

No surgery necessary.  I even got some bigger bewbs as a bonus...

Act now and I'll throw in a free double chin and flabby thighs.

*le sigh*
Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: Jennygirl on December 31, 2014, 03:21:42 AM
Quote from: Seras on December 30, 2014, 06:29:46 PM
I went with the eat until I feel sick diet. :P

Normally with a huge breakfast of a bag of rice and some sausages or bacon, a reasonable lunch and then again a nice big dinner. Snacks when possible. Far as I can tell it is all about the calories.

Yeah that has been happening to me too, the eat until almost sick thing.

Today I did the fasting before lunch. Literally had nothing more than a glass of water right when I woke up, and another glass when I got to work.

I was thinking about lunch options and decided to go to In N Out at around 2:45p, actually ate 2 cheeseburgers and about 80% of animal fries. about 1600 calories by my calculation, and I know that the fasting made it easier to get everything down. Sidenote: I don't want to be doing this kind of stuff for much longer, this is probably the most unhealthy way to gain weight. Luckily it "kind of" balanced out when I came home to one of my roommates cooking a huge family style vegan dinner with baked potatoes and tons of fixin's to make a mash of monster proportions. I piled my plate high and ate a ton! Brussel sprouts, 3 smallish baked potatoes, beets, kale, onions, hummus type sauce, and mushrooms. YUM. I have also been reading you tend to eat more calories in a social setting, and I definitely shocked myself with how much food I put down.... I think that was around 8:30. Then as a nightcap, I had a huge fudge brownie that one of my roommates brought back from the cookie shelf at work! ...Back to not being so balanced ;) I would say I definitely got close to 2700 if not 3000 calories or more today, and with the fasting early in the morning my metabolism should have been a little slowed down for lunch. I feel like giving myself a pat on the back!

I really do believe in the skipping breakfast thing. I dunno why, it just makes perfect sense to me- and that particular tidbit seems to be everywhere online. We'll see if it actually works for me. I have a feeling it will.

At the very least, something is definitely working. I am getting kinda pudgy and not in a way I've really seen on myself before having a moderately high metabolism. Honestly it's kinda fascinating me, hah! I don't think it's noticeable to others yet, but I have to be getting darn near close to that mark. To me it's a huge difference, the one thing that keeps me from feeling the least bit bad about it is knowing it's going to be for a good purpose. I never did think that gaining weight past ideal BMI could actually be exciting, but it is in this case! I just want to get on that healthy train soon, can't be doing this fast food stuff for much longer or my body will probably become very unhappy with me... and that is not what I want (especially during recovery, but really at all too).

Quote from: Jill F on December 30, 2014, 08:24:29 PM
Act now and I'll throw in a free double chin and flabby thighs.

I am already seeing that I'll likely be accepting your offer at some point during this lead up process. I'd already been thinking I would have him do the under chin area, being genetically predisposed to that. I've had the flabby thighs for a few weeks now, but I don't mind that one bit. Kinda like the way they squash out- I dunno why people always complain about them!
Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: Jennygirl on December 31, 2014, 03:26:37 AM
Oh and forgot to mention, it seems that most of the weight is going to my outer thighs (just below my hips) and my belly and lovehandles. I just noticed I can pinch an inch on my outer thighs. My guess is he will have no problem injecting into that area. 2 or even 1 year ago, I barely had any fat there. To get fat transferred there then would probably have failed, skin was too tight and not enough underlying tissue. Now at 2 yrs it is completely different, thank you estrogen!
Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: Seras on December 31, 2014, 09:30:13 AM
That's cool. I literally feel the exact same way :D

I am pretty sure it is all good anyway. I don't think it is possible to break your metabolism, when you have a quick metabolism like this all you have to do to lose weight again is go back to eating like a normal person! Only problem is how much money I have to spend on food to do this. First world problems incarnate.
Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: Amy1988 on January 03, 2015, 05:53:34 PM
Quote from: Jennygirl on December 23, 2014, 02:01:28 AM
Well with the disclaimer out of the way...

Hi guys and gals!! (well probably mostly gals on this one ;)) It's almost another year and with a whole new set of goals and challenges that lie ahead for me. I've been having to postpone my SRS on repeat due to a dicey situation where I live, so that is on the backburner until September or maybe even later due to circumstance. Who knows. All I know is, lately I've been feeling great with my body as is and I am not feeling any pressure in that department to have it done. I know I will someday, but I don't want to rush it.

What I AM super excited about, though, is that I've officially made the decision to move forward with some body feminization of another kind and a lot less talked about. Literally, this desire was my first indication of dysphoria... Why I am waiting until almost the very end to tackle it is kind of unknown to me.. I guess save the best for last? In my head, perhaps. Honestly, I think I have been giving the estrogen time to have its way with my body before doing anything there. And while HRT has indeed helped me in huge ways, I still desire a little bit more in the hip department. I blame it on my history! More on that to follow

I have indeed decided to move forward with a fat transfer to hips and bum, ideally sometime in late winter or early spring this year. If you could live inside of my mind, you would know how incredibly exciting this is. I have dreamed of having a more curvaceous body for practically my whole life! I can hardly believe it's finally time.

There are two main reasons why I am posting it here. #1) I am just so flipping excited I had to tell someone and #2) I know that I am not alone when it comes to struggling with some dysphoria from hips. I want to detail my journey in this process, because honestly I haven't been able to find much on the internet for trans girls. I have found a lot with cis females, but nothing for the trans ladies. This one is for y'all. Well, and for me too :)

I have been researching several methods and doctors for at least a decade. The research predates my transition and even coming out to myself... I was looking into this stuff even before I really had a grip on being trans :o Hopefully this is all starting to make a little more sense.

Anyway, on with the research for how to get a bigger hip/bum:

Methods (PLEASE, oh please, read the disclaimer up at the top too, we can't have anyone talking about illegal stuff)
-Fat Transfer

The problem with this one is that I don't like to exercise. I am very much an "applied strength" type of person. I am super busy, and don't really have the time to add a gym regimen. Plus, that's too hard haha

The problem with this one in my eyes is that they can come out looking unnatural, and on top of that there are very few options for augmenting the HIP which is my primary area of interest. Also, implants are very rough in that area of the body. The recovery is HARSH. Complications are common, and even the best doctors have difficulties. It's just not an area I'd want to be putting an implant. Honestly I don't really want implants at all, but that is just my decision. They work wonders for some people obviously

The problem with chocolate (and other calorie adding methods) is that it is not really my desire to be overweight just to have a bigger posterior, because that means the rest of my male pattern fat areas get bigger as well. Being that most of us transition sometime after first puberty, the fat cells have formed where they form. There is no changing that. It is my understanding that our bodies can store things differently within these fat cells (aka HRT fat redistro), but ultimately we will not see a complete reversal in body shape without some kind of more drastic modification. I have witnessed this to be true. I have noticed my measurements change over the two years I've been on hormones, but it has been a more subtle change than I would like.

Fat Transfer:
The clear winner in the debacle, for me at least. Low risk, low complication, fully customized result. The only worry I have with this method is having enough "donor fat" to move to the areas I want. It also has the added benefit of fully reorganizing the fat cells on a body to better match that of a cis female. Once you have an area transferred somewhere else, if you gain weight it goes there and behaves as the old area did. Pretty neat if you ask me!

Okay sorry for the super long winded post. If you're still with me, then awesome. I have gone back and forth between implants and fat transfer for years, mainly due to the fact that normally I am rather thin, with not much extra fat to spare. I have found several doctors who are good with implants, but I was still never sold on them due to the possible complications and rough recovery. It honestly sounds harder than SRS!

When it comes to finding a doctor for Fat Transfer, it is quite different. There are loads of doctors who perform this surgery, but that is both good and bad. Good being that there are lots to choose from, bad being WHO do I choose?? Gah. So many options! Basically it comes down to preference and their artistry of the procedure. It comes down to before and afters, much similar to FFS and SRS. Here are some of the many doctors I have checked out, in no particular order:

Dr. Cerpas (Tijuana)
Has a good rep for implants and comes highly recommended, very caring. Still, not down with implants

Dr. Campos (Tijuana)u
Has easily one of the best (if not THE best) reputation in Mexico for making patients incredibly happy. Specialty procedure: Brazilian Butt Lift aka Fat Transfer to Butt & Hips. I am incredibly impressed with the before and afters.

Dr. Cardenas (Guadalajara)
Has a great reputation with trans girls, offers a multitude of procedures. Butt and even hip implants, and fat transfer, along with the more well known FFS procedures. Hip implants were of interest to me, but I was somewhat leery after realizing that there would be such a large scar for entry of the implant. Apparently also does amazing fat transfer work

Dr. Markmann (Baltimore)
Has one of the best reps in the US, also probably the most expensive option. Seems to have a lot of research backing the procedure. Great results, but I was not as much a fan of the art. Personal opinion! Fat Transfer specialist.

Dr. Hughes (Los Angeles)
On par with Markmann in terms of great reputations for US surgeons. Has amazing results and incredible patient satisfaction. I have been watching this one for a long time. Fat Transfer specialist.

Dr. Ghavami (Los Angeles)
Seems to be a top contender with Hughes in Los Angeles, a bit pricier but results are great. Fat Transfer specialist.

Dr. Salama (Miami)
Another top contender, not as expensive. Fat Transfer specialist

Where I am at now
I could go on and on here, I think you are getting the picture. There are tons of doctors out there, I have spent way too many hours digging on realself and contacting them for information. After everything, I have basically settled on Kenneth Hughes in LA. He has one of the top reps and happens to be located about 2 miles from where I live. I am scheduling my consultation for early 2015 with hopes of getting somewhere good on the waiting list.

In the meantime, I am intentionally gaining a little weight so there is more to move. There is some controversy among surgeons whether having extra weight is a good or bad thing. The consensus seems to be that extra weight is okay NOT at the expense of general health. I am adding about 10-15 extra lbs and staying just as active as I am normally. I am generally a very healthy person, I don't see gaining 10-15 as being that huge of a risk factor. I'll know more after my consultation, but I've already seen reports of Dr. Hughes saying it's fine if his patients want to gain a little weight before the procedure. So, I am taking advantage of the holiday season I suppose ;)

If anyone has anything to share.. info, pictures, opinions, please post it. Research is an ever evolving process as we all know. I plan on detailing my experience with it here, in hopes that it might help someone else interested in the same thing.

I'll be amazed if you got all the way through that. My fingers hurt

Estrogen has done pretty good job for me.  I definitely notice a big difference in the legs and ass. 
Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: Jennygirl on January 06, 2015, 04:21:30 AM
Consult with Dr. Hughes in about 12 hours! Starting to get excited!

Current weight 145 @ 5'8" and very curious to see what kind of numbers he throws out as far as cc's to play around with. I've definitely got a little more cushion now, and it's not just water-weight!
Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: Madison (kiara jamie) on January 06, 2015, 04:34:06 AM
Good luck tomorrow, I think you are going to look amazing after your surgery is done and then your surgeon is going to have a flood of us trans women going to them like how yeson turned into the must have surgery on this forum because of your results

I can't wait to see your before and after Jenny
Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: Jennygirl on January 06, 2015, 05:04:26 PM
The consult went well, he didn't seem rushed or try to talk me into more areas than I needed. Very straight up kind of doctor *thumbs up*

I am scheduled for February 19th, the procedure as follows:

Liposuction of
- upper arms
- full back
- flanks
- abdomen
- inner thighs

Estimated fat injection of
- 250-300cc per hip
- 500cc per buttock

Cost: $11,000

I asked him a bunch of questions, my main concern being shoulder to hip ratio. He said that he will try to get the best result possible (duh, ha) but that he is not a "miracle worker". He tends to do a moderate estimate (as far as guessing amounts to be lipo'd/injected) and usually is able to get more. I asked him about gaining some more weight, and he said he typically doesn't recommend it because people tend to revert back to their old weight, and that makes sense to me. I still want to gain a little more though! When I brought up upper arms as an area of my concern, he said that the difference would be barely noticeable- he mentioned that other doctors would probably gladly do it. I told him it was still an area I would like him to do, because I feel like I might as well while I'm in the process of this all and I feel that any little bit will help me there. I want to do it right the first time.

The procedure is done right in their office, which is really nice in my opinion. His office is just around the corner from me. All costs are part of the total, including compression garments, office visits, yadda yadda. Both Dr. Hughes and Adam his coordinator were incredibly nice to me, and Dr. Hughes didn't even bat an eye about my trans status.

I did forget to ask him how many trans patients he has worked on, but at this point I don't really care. I know that he is the right surgeon for me. Super down to earth and realistic with his words. Seemed to have a great demeanor about him, too. Can't wait to do this! Blood work is already being processed and my pre-op is two weeks from today. Actual surgery date is about 6wks. So that means 6 weeks to gain about 10lbs. Should be pretty easy I would hope

Overall I'm feeling great about this, though it hasn't really even hit me yet.
Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: Jennygirl on January 06, 2015, 05:17:48 PM
Oof, 1800 calories for lunch today.

I am very determined
Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: Christine Eryn on January 07, 2015, 02:57:56 PM
Quote from: Jennygirl on January 06, 2015, 05:17:48 PM
Oof, 1800 calories for lunch today.

I am very determined

Lucky you! I remember the days I would eat anything and everything (not saying you do though). Chinese buffets, pizza, hamburgers, pasta, etc. Now I eat none of those things. I've mentioned before, I had a visit with a plastic surgeon who does feminizing fat transfer, and he said I was too thin!  :icon_confused2:  I'm also 5'8" and range in between 135-141 lbs. I don't want to gain weight, but I do need help in the hips/thigh region. What to do what to do...  :eusa_think:
Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: Jennygirl on January 07, 2015, 05:14:26 PM
If there's one thing I learned throughout my experiences with plastic surgeons, it's that not all of them are created equal. It may just be a matter of finding one much the same that I found Dr Hughes. Being thin doesn't stop him. It just means he's going to have to work harder
Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: Jennygirl on January 09, 2015, 01:47:40 PM

148 this morning :o

The gain is starting to become noticeable. I feel like a sausage
Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: missymay on January 16, 2015, 04:49:59 PM
Quote from: Jennygirl on January 09, 2015, 01:47:40 PM

148 this morning :o

The gain is starting to become noticeable. I feel like a sausage

Congratulations on your upcoming surgergy!  I'm having fat transfer to my hips and butt also, plus liposuction to more than 3 areas.  My surgery date is February 7; I'm very excited and happy. :)
Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: Jennygirl on January 16, 2015, 04:56:19 PM
Quote from: missymay on January 16, 2015, 04:49:59 PM
Congratulations on your upcoming surgergy!  I'm having fat transfer to my hips and butt also, plus liposuction to more than 3 areas.  My surgery date is February 7; I'm very excited and happy. :)
Congrats!! You are going to beat me to the butt party ;)

Who is you surgeon? And care to share any details about yourself to do with your upcoming procedure? I am mega curious what your measurements and expectations are. I'm not quite sure what to expect for myself.
Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: missymay on January 16, 2015, 07:02:43 PM
I'm having my surgery done by Dr. Cardenas. My goal is to have a rounder fuller buttocks and hips to  give me the curves I want. And I also want to have the highly sought after S-curve where the low back and butt meet. And I'm hoping to get a more curvaceous figure from the liposuction as well.
Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: Jennygirl on January 16, 2015, 08:55:22 PM
I have heard great things about Cardenas. I wish you the best!

I just had an email exchange with Dr. Hughes. It took me a few tries to really get my point across, but he finally agreed to put most of the fat in my hips rather than butt (which I am already pretty happy with projection-wise).

He said he can do 500cc per hip and he will put the rest in the butt. He said that is "really stuffing it in there" but he will try to do that for me. For a frame of reference, at the consult he estimated he would do 250-300cc per hip and 500cc for the butt. I'm happy to have those figures flipped around. My main goal is shoulder/hip ratio. Having a bigger butt would just be icing on the cake, not really necessary in my eyes. Plus I think with the projection I already have, making my hips wider will make the butt look considerably larger anyway.

I've been pining over this my while freakin life. Gahhhh so excited!!
Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: jasmine.m on January 17, 2015, 10:14:07 AM
This is super great info. Thanks for sharing!  :icon_chick:
Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: Jennygirl on January 20, 2015, 04:27:46 AM
My pleasure! :D I think us trans girls need more info/experience reports about this procedure. A lot of trans women seem to have done it, but there is very little info out there unless you know the person personally. That makes it really hard to access the information, not everyone is so forthcoming with it either. I have never really cared much either way about sharing my sub-journeys of transition.. especially here on these forums where support is a given :)

A little update on my weight gain journey:

Last night there was a little get together here. I counted: there were 5 people that came up to me and mentioned that I looked like I was gaining some weight. I was wearing a tank top that showed a little midriff (aka belly), so it's not a really huge surprise. Still, it is obviously noticeable now. I am just rocking it anyway, it doesn't bug me at all.

I think I will miss this little tummy I've grown for myself. But I know I will be SO much happier sacrificing it to correct the shoulder/hip ratio thing. I just hope my surgeon puts it where I want it. I do trust him completely, I am just very particular about the way I want it to look. I think to balance my shoulders, I am going to need to be a bit wide down there- which I am completely hoping for. Big legs and small upper body has always been my ideal. Small waist and a big booty would just be icing on the cake.

My pre-op appointment is in 10 hours, and I have all my final questions and concerns written out and ready to ask:
• I need to ask him where on the thigh he is going to lipo. I'm not quite sure where exactly I want it to be taken from, but I'm starting to think I'd rather have him lipo the back of the thigh instead of the inner thigh. I would like to keep the thickness of my legs intact
• Concerned the weight I've gained just below my breasts will not be lipo'd out, and I want it gone. I feel like this will add to the projection of the girls.
• Also need to go over that I want my whole back lipo'd, not just the lower back. This would make the result more in line with my ideal of small top and bigger lower half.
• As I mentioned earlier, I see myself as having to be a bit wide in the outer thigh/hip in order to match the shoulders. I'm not afraid at all if this makes me look less slender and more "thick" pear shape (though I know a true "pear shape" is probably wishful thinking considering what I'm working with).
• Need to ask about risks of skin irregularities. If a particular area that I am having lipo'd has a high risk of skin weirdness, I might leave it off of the list...

That pretty much sums it up. Hopefully he will be able to clear all of that up for me! I honestly don't even know if the appointment will be with him or with one of his assistants. Hopefully it's Dr. Hughes!

Oh yeah. I think I ate close to 3500 calories today, and it wasn't even that hard. Stomach is definitely getting stretched out. I'm totally going to be ready for an eating competition at the end of this!
Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: Madison (kiara jamie) on January 20, 2015, 11:54:47 AM
i hope all goes well, i also have a little bit of a belly but i just call it my farm, since its just for farming fat lol

i have the same concerns that you have, most fat transfers to hip area usually still look weird since most of them show and increase in buttock prominence and have a very slender thigh, i worry about finding a surgeon that will inject fat into my thighs also and taper the fat so that it doesn't look like a pillow butt with stick legs

i can't wait to see your results jenny, good luck
Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: Jennygirl on January 20, 2015, 12:39:07 PM
That's a really good point. I am going to bring it up today at the consult for sure

Though with this weight gain at 2yrs HRT, I have the slightest bit of a saddlebag which blends nicely into outer upper thigh. I do think if he injected most of it just above that would be very effective, but some to the outer thigh couldn't hurt.

I looked back at my first email to Dr. Hughes, almost 14 months ago. When he saw my pictures, he said he could inject to the outer thigh as well as the hip, in the amount of 300cc. My goal is to get him to do that same thing but with 500.

Judging from the other reviews I have read on realself, I think he will be able to find a lot more than he said at our original consult. I am hoping for 500cc in each hip and up to 700cc in each side of the butt. One pound of fat equals just under 500cc, with probably a fraction of that going to the areas I'll be having lipo'd. Let's say it's 25%. So with 5 extra pounds of fat, maybe I'll get another 1200cc taken out- making an extra 600 available for injection. This is just pure speculation and wishful thinking.
Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: Madison (kiara jamie) on January 20, 2015, 01:22:04 PM
I was wondering the other day about doing the procedure twice and only transfer half the fat each time for the purposes of the fat having time to vascularize better with the first transfer.

I remember researching a surgeon that was doing fat transfer on a smaller scale with better results since he had a different way to extract the fat that wasn't traditional lipo and that he could fine tune the fat injectios
Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: Jennygirl on January 20, 2015, 06:36:57 PM
I actually asked Dr. Hughes about exactly that at the initial consultation, he said multiple stages wouldn't make a difference. He has kinda touted himself as a "get it right the first time" doc with a good history and few revisions necessary- and stellar patient satisfaction. I found other methodologies in my own research of different surgeons, with some even mentioning the stem cell enriched method. It was tempting to go that route, but I wanted an aggressive surgeon the most- Dr. Hughes seems to be best in the business as far as his determination to "get all the fat out". My kinda doc.

As far as my pre op earlier today, unfortunately I only had a few minutes with him and wasn't able to go over all of my questions/concerns. He assured me we would have about an hour right before the surgery, though. That seems right to me. Most of the time I spent in the scheduling office with Adam signing papers.

I did ask Dr. Hughes about augmentation along the outer thigh. He told me he would need another 2L of fat in order to build it up enough to make a noticeable difference- which is simply not possible given what I have to work with. He said that injecting higher up on the hip is not only more effective per cc, it also looks better. I see what he is getting at, it makes sense to me.

Also I added under chin lipo to the bill, which brought the total up to $12,500.

I asked Adam what he thought the absorption rate of Dr. Hughes' patients is, he said usually 75%-85% of the fat stays. Dr. Hughes told me confidently 50%, but Adam said that figure is just a quote from the board of plastic surgeons. Online research will tell you it's really the skill and technique of the surgeon that matters most, I believe doing 3x fat transfers every day gives Hughes a big advantage over most other doctors, and probably why his patient satisfaction is so incredibly high.

I told Adam how I had been steadily gaining weight and he said "NICE. I like your style". He encouraged me to keep enjoying myself and not worry about gaining even more if I felt like it. Lol.. Don't mind if I do!

4 weeks to go!
Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: Paige on January 20, 2015, 07:56:49 PM
Jenny you're a marvel, always blazing new trails.  I haven't looked into fat transfer in years.  I thought it basically didn't work.   I'm stunned with the actual success people are having. Thank you so much for starting this thread.

Good luck with the transfer,
Paige :)
Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: Jennygirl on January 24, 2015, 01:50:31 PM
It's my pleasure to share this here, Paige! Thanks for your message

A short update:

My weight is stabilizing at around 148 no matter how much I consume, but I think some of it has gone from visceral fat (under muscle & very unhealthy) to subcutaneous (the soft kind above muscle that can be lipo'd). So that is good. I no longer look like I have a potbelly, it's spreading all over now.

I've been getting comments from friends about it every day like "Whoa! Check out your belly!". Even my face is starting to look a little softer/rounder. Most notably my butt, hips, and lovehandles seem to be taking the brunt of it besides the tummy area. So far so good. I know for sure this is buying me more material to work with.

I have just under 4 weeks to go, and I don't think I'm going to reach my goal of 155 at this rate unless my body gets the picture fast that I just want it to store everything. I feel like I am doing all that I can within reason. Still it is working though- this is the most I've ever weighed, and that is a feat in itself being that I have never been able to gain weight.

Just before my surgery I am doing the annual party in the desert with friends, I have many belly shirts planned to wear. It's going to be hilarious, and then poof. Goodbye belly and hello, butt.
Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: missymay on January 24, 2015, 06:06:58 PM
Countdown to booty... ;D
Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: Ruth Ruthless on January 25, 2015, 03:40:28 AM
Hi, I've read a lot of the thread and I don't intend to discourage but I had a couple of questions pop up in my mind that I couldn't find answers for so far. Obviously I'm pretty ignorant on the subject and please excuse me if this was already addressed.

How does it work? It's the actual fat being siphoned, not the fat cells, yes? How do you make sure it goes into the right fat cells you want, for example, you might inject a certain area but what is to prevent that fat becoming visceral rather than subcutaneous? Does it necessarily go into fat cells or could it actually just hang out in all sorts of places where perhaps it shouldn't be?

Furthermore, what's to prevent the body from spreading the fat back in the pattern it is used to?

I wish you success with the procedure and the process towards it!
Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: Jennygirl on January 25, 2015, 05:11:47 AM
Quote from: missymay on January 24, 2015, 06:06:58 PM
Countdown to booty... ;D

25 days! :D

Quote from: Ruth Ruthless on January 25, 2015, 03:40:28 AM
Hi, I've read a lot of the thread and I don't intend to discourage but I had a couple of questions pop up in my mind that I couldn't find answers for so far. Obviously I'm pretty ignorant on the subject and please excuse me if this was already addressed.

How does it work? It's the actual fat being siphoned, not the fat cells, yes? How do you make sure it goes into the right fat cells you want, for example, you might inject a certain area but what is to prevent that fat becoming visceral rather than subcutaneous? Does it necessarily go into fat cells or could it actually just hang out in all sorts of places where perhaps it shouldn't be?

Furthermore, what's to prevent the body from spreading the fat back in the pattern it is used to?

I wish you success with the procedure and the process towards it!

When they perform liposuction, the fat cells are fully removed. The whole cell is intact. The extracted stuff is then allowed to sit for about 30mins, which separates the good fat cells from the other miscellaneous stuff that comes out (such as the tumescent fluid they inject before lipo as well as some inevitably damaged fat cells and blood). The good cells are scraped from the top, and loaded into blunt tipped syringes. I get the feeling it is around 60% of the fat is suitable. For example, if you were to lipo 5L of fat out of someone, you'd have 3L of fat that can be reinjected.

So next, the surgeon injects these good cells using a technique called "micrografting". Basically they lay a small bead of fat cells in kind of a line throughout the area of augmentation. They do this where the fat cells will easily find a blood supply. Survival seems to typically be good in the gluteus muscles, for example, because of the high vascularization of the area. Basically they are trying to avoid blobs and areas with low vascularization, because the fat in the center of the blob would have a very difficult time creating the necessary blood networks or there would simply be a lack of blood supply in the area to latch onto.

As I just mentioned, it is inevitable that some of the fat cells will not find a blood supply with the current standard techniques. This is why they say 20-50% of the transferred cells die and get reabsorbed into the body. Most surgeons seem to say that after 3 months what you see is permanent. The really neat part is that the fat behaves just like it did in the donor site. So, say your belly was the last thing you lose weight from (what they call a "problem area"). If you transfer that to your butt, your butt will now have fat cells that stubbornly hold onto fat lipids and will be one of the last things that you lose weight from. Hopefully that makes sense. Pretty neat.

With this procedure you are literally rearranging where the fat cells are located on the body. They say that it is permanent, and the body will never revert to the way it used to store fat. The same is said with lipo alone. Areas that have received aggressive lipo will theoretically never get fat again (no fat cells there anymore). That is why it is such an effective procedure for "problem areas". The issue with lipo alone is that if you gain weight, the body will have to store it somewhere. It will put it in all the other areas that did not get lipo'd.

The vascularization thing seems key, and I think it's why a lot of surgeons don't inject much into certain parts of the hips. Sometimes that area is very thin muscle-wise and the fat survival might not end up being very good. Results seem to vary a lot. I have seen more than one report of people saying they had a lot injected into their hips and the hips lost a significant amount of volume during healing. I trust that Dr. Hughes knows what he is doing in that regard.
Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: Ruth Ruthless on January 25, 2015, 08:05:48 AM
I read here that by adulthood the body maintains a constant amount of fat cells, and that the fat cells themselves die and are replaced with new ones to keep the same amount at a rate of 10 percent per year. How does this siphoning of fat cells and repositing them affect the body's sense of how many fat cells need to be replaced and if it's true that fat cells die at this rate, wouldn't that make the fat revert again unless by that time the body is listening to the hormones and placing new fat cells there on its own?
Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: Ruth Ruthless on January 25, 2015, 08:20:55 AM
I mean, how can it be permenant unless fat cells live until the end of our lives, which from what I see they don't... They eventually die and are replaced. Unless I'm wrong and the liposuctioned fat cells live until the end of our lives? Or perhaps the body knows where a fat cell died and tends to replace it in the same place? Asking honestly.
Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: genderirrelevant on January 25, 2015, 10:38:43 AM
I'll throw in my cautionary 2 cents as someone born female and genetically cursed with major curves (think the love child of J-Lo and Beyonce). It's hell finding pants that fit. If it fits my butt then the waist gaps 10-12cm in back. If I grab something based on waist size then I can't pull it up past my fat ass. I can't afford tayloring like the above celebs. Do NOT request an extra large booty.

Another aspect to consider is overall balance. I'm also cursed with big boobs so you'd think I have good proportions (if I liked being female) but I have unusually disproportinate fat distribution. Very little subcutaneous fat on my upper body (my veins show easily) and something more normal down below. This combined with my curves results in people who I meet only occasionally constantly declaring I must have lost weight (even when I'm positive I've gained since they last saw me). You'd think I'd like the compliment but it sucks because it means their mental image of me is fatter than reality. I've heard this dozens of times over decades so it's not just me obssessing over one or two comments.

The upshot? Moderation. HRT affects the whole body in balance and surgery affects specific sites without automatic balance. I wish everyone good luck and good results but I caution against indulging any desire for hypercurves. It's no fun.
Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: Jennygirl on January 25, 2015, 12:58:51 PM
Quote from: Ruth Ruthless on January 25, 2015, 08:20:55 AM
I mean, how can it be permenant unless fat cells live until the end of our lives, which from what I see they don't... They eventually die and are replaced. Unless I'm wrong and the liposuctioned fat cells live until the end of our lives? Or perhaps the body knows where a fat cell died and tends to replace it in the same place? Asking honestly.
I'm not a biologist, but I thought that a cell reproduces itself before dying (in the same location). And also, if the body spawns new instances of fat cells, I believe it comes from the stem cells carried amongst fat cells. The stem cells are transferred to the new location as well.

So no, you will probably never be able to get as fat as you once were in an area after it has been lipo'd. At least I'm pretty sure about that. It's what most docs say online.
Quote from: genderirrelevant on January 25, 2015, 10:38:43 AM
I'll throw in my cautionary 2 cents as someone born female and genetically cursed with major curves (think the love child of J-Lo and Beyonce). It's hell finding pants that fit. If it fits my butt then the waist gaps 10-12cm in back. If I grab something based on waist size then I can't pull it up past my fat ass. I can't afford tayloring like the above celebs. Do NOT request an extra large booty.

Another aspect to consider is overall balance. I'm also cursed with big boobs so you'd think I have good proportions (if I liked being female) but I have unusually disproportinate fat distribution. Very little subcutaneous fat on my upper body (my veins show easily) and something more normal down below. This combined with my curves results in people who I meet only occasionally constantly declaring I must have lost weight (even when I'm positive I've gained since they last saw me). You'd think I'd like the compliment but it sucks because it means their mental image of me is fatter than reality. I've heard this dozens of times over decades so it's not just me obssessing over one or two comments.

The upshot? Moderation. HRT affects the whole body in balance and surgery affects specific sites without automatic balance. I wish everyone good luck and good results but I caution against indulging any desire for hypercurves. It's no fun.
I appreciate the advice. On account of the little body fat I have to work with even after gaining 15-20lbs, I'm going for all I can.

I would rock the heck out of hypercurves anyway, but I know I'm not going to get them. I'll be telling the doctor to do the best he can, in the most aggressive and artistic way possible. It is what he is known for, and why I chose him.

I am looking for something proportionate to my shoulders, and that is all I really care about. For me there is no such thing as "too big" given what I know I have to work with as well as my starting point. I'm not worried about him going overboard, I don't think it's possible. If he proves me wrong, so be it. I always wanted to be a big bootied girl- since I was a young teenager. I think at the very most I'll look "curvy", or balanced. Realistically I might not even get all the way to there. We will just have to see!
Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: Ruth Ruthless on January 25, 2015, 01:20:45 PM
If it always works that way then how does hrt have any possibility of changing fat distribution if the cells can't be created in new places to varying degrees for different people? Is it more a matter of the body prioritizing inflation of other cells?
Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: Lady_Oracle on January 25, 2015, 04:45:17 PM
Quote from: genderirrelevant on January 25, 2015, 10:38:43 AM
I'll throw in my cautionary 2 cents as someone born female and genetically cursed with major curves (think the love child of J-Lo and Beyonce). It's hell finding pants that fit. If it fits my butt then the waist gaps 10-12cm in back. If I grab something based on waist size then I can't pull it up past my fat ass. I can't afford tayloring like the above celebs. Do NOT request an extra large booty.

Idk if I'm intersexed or not (assigned male at birth) but I've been dealing with the same issue regarding pants, which I'm pretty tired of so I'm switching to dresses. Idk what else to do, I can't afford getting my stuff tailored either.
Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: Ruth Ruthless on January 25, 2015, 04:48:05 PM
I just have dresses that don't fit my proportions fixed for very small sums.
Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: Eva on February 02, 2015, 10:51:42 AM
Hey Jenny and Missy Im following this and I just wanted to thank you for posting this :)

Its something I want to do eventually... I had to do VFS first because thats my worst masculine trait... Im going for full FFS next with Dr Spiegel on 2-24 ;D  THEN Im thinking GCS, BUT I might end up doing exactly what you girls are doing first depending on how soon I can get a date with Brassard...

Im only 9 1/2 months on HRT though so as much as Id like to get lipo'ed NOW it makes sense for me to wait :-\

I read about you girls pigging out TRYING to gain weight  ::) I WISH I had that problem >:(

Im 5' 7" and last summer I made it down to 148 lbs as the HRT really worked fast on me destroying muscle ;D   Since quitting a heavy smoking habit in September along with switching to injections Ive gained 20lbs I cant shake no matter what I try :(

Sure some has gone to the right spots and the T&A ARE coming along nicely at least ;D

But my belly is also a real problem area :'(   I did try Coolsculpting .... It does work too.... The thing is while the fat is gone right around the belt line it seems to have just moved upwards >:( ::)

Im in no danger of not having enough fat  :laugh: Im thinking if I have aggressive lipo on my belly and my back and maybe even my arms that it will all just move to places like my bra line and yes maybe even my thighs and ass where I already have cellulite....

Id do as much above the belt line as I can and Id go for injections in the hips mostly and maybe in my boobs....  Im doing well there at least with a full B cup (and still growing) and I doubt I will ever need implants ;D But Im sure a little strategically placed fat might help get a better shape,  and a natural C cup with a lipo'ed upper body would be PERFECT I think 8)

So Im behind you here and I will be watching how this goes for ya'll 8) I have started my research but not really... Voice and facial feminization first, one step at a time and PATIENCE I guess :-\ 
Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: Eva on February 02, 2015, 11:25:07 AM
Recovery does sound really unpleasant though :'( I dont want to think about wearing a compression garment for months.... It also sounds PAINFUL, just like everything else :'(
Good Luck ;)
Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: missymay on February 02, 2015, 01:32:05 PM
Quote from: Jennygirl on January 16, 2015, 04:56:19 PM
Congrats!! You are going to beat me to the butt party ;)

Who is you surgeon? And care to share any details about yourself to do with your upcoming procedure? I am mega curious what your measurements and expectations are. I'm not quite sure what to expect for myself.

I had to reschedule my surgery (new date is 04/01/15), so you will arrive at the butt party before me.
Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: spooky on February 02, 2015, 06:21:48 PM
Had my surgery this morning. Definitely want having much fun for a while afterward, but now I'm just chillin and feeling good.

Obviously my body is going to go through a lot of changes during recovery and I haven't seen myself out of the compression garment yet, but I feel SO POSITIVE about my result already. :)
Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: missymay on February 02, 2015, 07:55:10 PM
Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: spooky on February 02, 2015, 08:45:52 PM
Thank you :)

They weren't really forthcoming about the amount of blood that I would be losing, but after calling them and asking what to do about it they actually suggested buying shower curtains to lay on to avoid soaking my bed with blood.  So heads up about that one, ladies. ;)
Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: Jennygirl on February 02, 2015, 08:57:42 PM
Quote from: spooky on February 02, 2015, 08:45:52 PM
Thank you :)

They weren't really forthcoming about the amount of blood that I would be losing, but after calling them and asking what to do about it they actually suggested buying shower curtains to lay on to avoid soaking my bed with blood.  So heads up about that one, ladies. ;)

Wow noted. Congratulations by the way!

I am sure with Salama you will have really great results!

Any idea how much fat he was able to remove and how much went into each side of hips/bum? I am hoping to get 500 in each hip and at least 400 in each side of the butt.

I am 17 days away from my surgery, I'll be eager to know how you are recovering and how things are going. Thanks so much for sharing here, spooky!
Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: spooky on February 03, 2015, 12:48:18 AM
I'm seeing the doctor again tomorrow and I will definitely ask!

I can tell you that my butt is currently ENORMOUS and that, especially from behind, my waist is itty bitty!

My selfie game is about to go through the roof.
Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: missymay on February 03, 2015, 01:06:01 AM
Sounds like everything went well.  How much pain are you having?
Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: spooky on February 03, 2015, 01:45:21 AM
Very little pain, a lot of discomfort.

It's already feeling like torture to not be able to sit up.

I generally feel great when I'm laying down, but after just a few minutes of standing/walking I start feeling light-headed and nauseous.  To me nausea is just about the most unpleasant feeling in the world.

The first thing I did when I got out of the car today on the way home from the hospital was to puke several times on the sidewalk. ;) I haven't vomited since bit I've felt close a few times and I'm going through my anti-nausea medication super fast.
Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: Jennygirl on February 03, 2015, 02:17:41 AM
Yikes aww. Thanks for the update. Yeah I am not looking forward to the not sitting up part.

Super glad to hear how happy you are with your results!

I am super curious too- what was your preop height/weight? I'm 5'8 getting really close to 150lbs. At this weight I feel like I should have more than enough to work with, but I am curious what you went in with.
Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: spooky on February 03, 2015, 07:23:14 AM
I'm 5'9 and went in at more like 190, so theres was definitely plenty to work with. I have no doubt that you'll be fine though. :)

The doctor actually advised me to lose a bit of weight but after doing lots of research I decided that I didn't want to be in a position where I would be at risk of ever gaining weight after lipo. I was afraid of putting the weight on in funny ways if that happened. I also wanted to have the control of being able to easily lose weight if I felt that my butt was too large.
Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: spooky on February 03, 2015, 12:33:56 PM
Just saw the doctor and he said that he removed 4 liters of fat and put 1500ccs into each side.
Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: missymay on February 03, 2015, 02:27:59 PM
Wow, that's great, so after all of the swelling goes down, and some of the fat is lost, you should still have some good volume.  What areas did your Dr. Lipo?
Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: spooky on February 03, 2015, 03:15:20 PM
I had him lipo my stomach, flanks, entire back, and upper arms.

If you guys are curious you could pm me with an email address and I could send you gross bloody recovery pictures. With nudity, fyi. EDIT: This offer stands for Jenny and Missy and possibly anyone else who is willing to make case for themselves as someone who is both not a creepy rando and also serious about having a BBL.
Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: spooky on February 05, 2015, 05:48:02 PM
Quick update. Day 3 post-surgery.

I feel pretty great today. I've been able to be up and about and much more self sufficient and have also been able to sleep for a few consistent 3-hour blocks. I think during the first 24 hours I was sleeping only 20-40 minutes at a time, then about an hour and a half at the most yesterday.

I'm in considerably less pain.  There is still the occasional searing pain in my lower abdomen but it's no longer a near constant.

Here are a couple of photos that aren't so personal that I'm unwilling to post them publicly. These are graphic so please don't click if you are uncomfortable with seeing blood.
The drains. These are not cute. There is one in the back and one in the front. The back one is scheduled to be removed on Monday; the front one I may end up having to take home with me and arranging to have removed by my pcp or a local plastic surgeon.
This was my "bed" at the end of day one. Very bloody!

My first massage was today. I had it done at Dr Salama's office by Celia, who actually had a BBL performed herself about two years ago. She had an amazing touch - it was excruciating at times but felt so healing.

Still very excited about my results, although it remains difficult to tell exactly what they are or will be due to crazy amounts of swelling. Even my hands are effing ENORMOUS. They look like rubber gloves that have been blown up like balloons.
Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: Jennygirl on February 05, 2015, 11:17:29 PM
Wow I am so so so grateful for you sharing your experience here!! It's nice to know what I'm in for.

1500cc per side is a lot!! I am jealous! I think I can hope to have 1000cc per side at best with this extra weight I've gained.

Once again thanks for sharing! I'm going to do the same thing with my recovery :)

I do know that my Dr does not use drains so I wonder how different it will be. It looks like you have drained a lot of fluid, I guess I'll be stuck trying to get rid of that the natural way or something. Bleh!
Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: Serena on February 06, 2015, 12:36:29 AM
Ok I have a question lol not that I am considering this or anything but maybe I don't know  ???, so since it's your own fat it's not supposed to like have any side effects on your muscles there or move into weird positions right? And about the costs, the more cc you get transfered the more it costs right? Is it less safe if you get too many cc? How long is the recovery for this procedure?
Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: spooky on February 06, 2015, 12:47:14 AM
Quote from: Serena ♡ on February 06, 2015, 12:36:29 AM
Ok I have a question lol not that I am considering this or anything but maybe I don't know  ???, so since it's your own fat it's not supposed to like have any side effects on your muscles there or move into weird positions right? And about the costs, the more cc you get transfered the more it costs right? Is it less safe if you get too many cc? How long is the recovery for this procedure?
Oh I meant to mention cost at some point. The baseline cost with Dr Salama is $9499 and that includes lipo of stomach, back, and flanks. Adding other areas for lipo (upper arms and thighs were definitely options, maybe others - I people get liposuction anywhere else though?) were $500 each. Two massages, boppy pillow, and compression garments were included in the cost. To schedule my procedure I needed to make a 10% deposit of the total amount.

Another relevant detail for anyone considering Dr Salama is that I booked back in July and had to be put on a waiting list for a spot in February because he was already booked until March or April.
Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: spooky on February 08, 2015, 10:50:21 PM
I just made this beautiful collage of close-up pictures of my butt to show you all of the various colors it has turned so far.  Six photos for six days of recovery, presented chronologically, left to right, top to bottom. Yes, laying face-down in bed all day for a week is extremely boring.

Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: Dee Marshall on February 08, 2015, 11:04:29 PM

Quote from: spooky on February 08, 2015, 10:50:21 PM
I just made this beautiful collage of close-up pictures of my butt to show you all of the various colors it has turned so far.  Six photos for six days of recovery, presented chronologically, left to right, top to bottom. Yes, laying face-down in bed all day for a week is extremely boring.
Pretty sure I used number 3 or number 4 with a purple glaze over knotty pine wainscoting in the dining room of a house I used to own with a tiffany style chandelier. I called the style "Nevada Bordello".  :)

Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: spooky on February 08, 2015, 11:07:13 PM
Quote from: Dee Walker on February 08, 2015, 11:04:29 PM
Pretty sure I used number 3 or number 4 with a purple glaze over knotty pine wainscoting in the dining room of a house I used to own with a tiffany style chandelier. I called the style "Nevada Bordello".  :)

If my butt falls clean off tomorrow it will all have been worth it.  :icon_bunch:
Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: Madison (kiara jamie) on February 19, 2015, 01:30:42 AM
so jenny your probably having your surgery soon, just wondering if you have had it
Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: Jennygirl on February 19, 2015, 11:58:17 AM
I'm about to head into surgery, I am supposed to be there at 10:30a PST, I think I'll be spending about 1hr or less with the Dr going over exactly what I want, so I will probably go into surgery sometime around 11:30
Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: ReDucks on February 19, 2015, 12:17:35 PM
good luck, happy dreams!
Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: Jennygirl on February 19, 2015, 12:27:24 PM
Thank you! In the waiting room now, still not nervous at all!
Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: Dee Marshall on February 19, 2015, 12:30:54 PM
Best of luck, happy bum!
Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: Jennygirl on February 19, 2015, 12:35:16 PM
My preop measurements are:
38-32-38 with 32.5" under bust.
Weight is 151lbs.

Pre weight gain measurements:
37-28-36 with 32" under bust

Height is 5'8"
Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: Jennygirl on February 19, 2015, 12:51:14 PM
Just got asked to do a pregnancy test.. Lol!
Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: mmmmm on February 19, 2015, 12:57:06 PM
Quote from: Jennygirl on February 19, 2015, 12:51:14 PM
Just got asked to do a pregnancy test.. Lol!

Do it... You never know!
Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: Christine Eryn on February 19, 2015, 01:38:35 PM
Quote from: Jennygirl on February 19, 2015, 12:51:14 PM
Just got asked to do a pregnancy test.. Lol!

When looking over my paperwork, I had a nurse ask me if I recently had a pap smear. ;)  Since I now own a few pairs of skinny jeans that compliment my figure oh so nicely, I'm rethinking this whole procedure. Definatly on my list following GRS and a boob job. Good luck BTW!
Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: Jennygirl on February 19, 2015, 02:01:18 PM
Thanks gals. Pretty much everything cleared up, now waiting for the doctor to get out of surgery with the patient before me! This guy does do about 3 of these a day I guess!

Looking forward to talking to him and getting this show on the road. I think they are minus one person in the O.R. today so that's why he is a little behind.
Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: Lynne on February 19, 2015, 02:15:49 PM
Good luck with the surgery!
Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: Paige on February 19, 2015, 02:21:35 PM
Quote from: Jennygirl on February 19, 2015, 02:01:18 PM
so that's why he is a little behind.

No pun intended? ;)  Good luck.

Paige :)
Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: missymay on February 19, 2015, 02:52:40 PM
Quote from: Paige on February 19, 2015, 02:21:35 PM
No pun intended? ;)  Good luck.

Paige :)

Lol  :)

Best wishes, Jenny
Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: spooky on February 19, 2015, 06:03:56 PM
I'm so excited for you! Keep us updated.
Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: Carrie Liz on February 19, 2015, 06:05:23 PM
Good luck, hoping for a speedy hassle-free recovery, and I hope the results are everything that you were hoping for! :)
Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: Jennygirl on February 20, 2015, 01:02:10 AM
Thanks everyone. I am out of surgery and doing well. The ride home was rough with the anesthesia, but I made it home with no nausea.

Pain is mostly in my butt where he injected, a little sore on my abs and back. Arms barely hurt at all.

I don't know how much he was able to inject, nor have I seen the results yet. I'm so eager!
Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: Jennygirl on February 20, 2015, 03:07:32 AM
Well see but I am really underwhelmed by the pain. It could be that the tumescent fluid is still numbing me, but if I can maintain this level of pain (really just discomfort) I think I'll be able to avoid the pain pills altogether- which I would love. Hate pain pills!
Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: Jennygirl on February 20, 2015, 05:12:54 AM
Some of my foam pads slipped out so I had to redo my compression garment. Decided to take some pictures

Please PM me for the pictures! They are kinda nakey, not really appropriate here

I've had probably 3 gallons of water since getting home, I'm actually feeling pretty great! Hopefully I am doing everything right and the swelling stays low, but I expect that it will probably get worse before it gets better. Lots of water for me though!
Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: Dee Marshall on February 20, 2015, 06:36:57 AM
Wonderful result so far!
Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: Jennygirl on February 20, 2015, 10:13:47 AM
Thanks Dee I have to agree! I am so STOKED!

Still off the pain pills, slept pretty well. I arranged 3 body pillows (those long ones) across the bed like this:

This way my pelvis and chest are supported, and my knees can bend a little bit forward while stomach sleeping, keeping my feet elevated slightly. Then the neck pillow is really easy to adjust. I slept decently well.

My face was really swollen when I woke up, I had heard that would happen so no surprise. Its already going down.

Also appears I still have totally minimal bruising, and haven't leaked anything at all. I think my body is pretty happy with me regardless of the circumstances. I have been on my feet quite a bit and guzzling water so I'm sure that is helping.
Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: ReDucks on February 20, 2015, 10:29:29 AM
wow!  Can't wait to see how things shape up after the swelling goes down.
Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: spooky on February 20, 2015, 10:34:14 AM
Your butt is so big! Congrats. :)
Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: missymay on February 20, 2015, 10:38:46 AM
I'm glad everything went well, and your pain is minimal.  And yes, your butt is big! :)
Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: Jennygirl on February 20, 2015, 11:18:46 AM
Thanks gals! It does seem pretty big! I think it's perfectly proportioned to my body :)

Here is an image I just took while changing the garment. Swelling is actually not too bad

PM me for pic if you want to see this stage!

Either this surgeon has great technique or my attitude is making this recovery easy, or maybe both. I feel great today!
Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: Eveline on February 20, 2015, 11:57:04 AM
Wow, you look great Jenny. Cute curves!
Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: Eva on February 20, 2015, 12:05:06 PM
WOW thats gotta be nice, congrats :)

Im amazed your not more bruised!!! Id love to have the back of my arms done, they still LOOK kinda strong but its mostly flab now...

I really want to do that someday but Im doing FFS and GRS first and hoping to grow my own :P

Why do you have your head wrapped up????
Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: Jennygirl on February 20, 2015, 03:03:03 PM
Thanks Eveline!

Eva- yeah I am surprised too. I have been on my feet a lot so I dunno if that has anything to do with it. The swelling is there but it doesn't seem that terrible. I'm not doing anything special, not even arnica tabs.

My head is wrapped because they lipo'd my under chin. Had to beg the Dr to do it, but I know I am genetically predisposed to a double past the age of 35 so I figured I may as well take care of that now ;)
Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: AnonyMs on February 20, 2015, 03:42:31 PM
Those photos are amazing. Just awesome. Please please update them over time. I'm dying to know how it works out a year from now.
Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: Eva on February 20, 2015, 04:00:14 PM
Ahh OK Im going to make sure Dr Speigel does under my chin on Tuesday... We didnt talk about that, just face/neck lift but I want it done ;)

I hope it all sticks around for you, your result gives me hope, thank you for posting the pics ;)

I can only do these surgerys one at a time though and FFS is Tuesday... Im not sure I want to do what you just did right before summer and Id have to wait at least three month after FFS... How long do you have to wear the compression garment and how long did the doc say for you to heal??? I dont think I would want to deal with that or recovering from GRS in the heat of summer when Im usually pretty busy as well :-\ Im hoping to get through FFS and then recover over the summer and go for GRS in the fall... Recover in the winter ect...

Of course after only 10 months on HRT it makes sense for me to wait and hope I can grow my own by the time Im done with all that... If not though this is an option ;)

Your looking good though, again congrats 8)
Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: Lynne on February 20, 2015, 04:59:19 PM
Thank you for posting your results Jenny, it looks great so far! I'm glad the surgery went well, hopefully most of the rearranged fat will stay there.

Based on the results I've seen from the wonderful members here who decided to share them, I'm more and more inclined to start saving money for this procedure.

Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: Jennygirl on February 20, 2015, 05:08:08 PM
Eva- the compression garment varies. I think it is around 1 month, maybe more with a less powerful one.

I just measured my hips. Holy cow

Preop & pre weight gain
28" waist
36" hip

1 day post op
31" waist
41" hip

Massive difference to the hip. I think it'll either be 39" or 40" once swelling subsides, with a 28" waist. I am totally in love with those prospective numbers
Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: Lady_Oracle on February 20, 2015, 06:50:28 PM
Congrats Jenny!! I'm very happy for you!

Sounds like you'll be exactly at my measurements. Welcome to the booty club, where your butt is the best cushion ever :laugh:
Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: JenJen2011 on February 20, 2015, 09:45:49 PM
congrats!..i'm looking into hip implants + fat transfer to hips.
Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: spooky on February 21, 2015, 02:43:42 PM
Jenny, I'm interested to see if you notice this too, since we seem to have had different kinds of lipo, but almost 2 weeks after surgery, purely out of curiosity, I stepped on the scale and it showed me a number that was almost 30 lbs higher than what my pcp's scale said about a month ago.

Since then it's consistently been going down 1.5 lbs every day as the swelling subsides. Today I'm just over 10 lbs down from a week ago, and of course I'm not dieting by any means. Pretty wild, I think.
Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: Madison (kiara jamie) on February 21, 2015, 06:02:30 PM
QuoteSide effects such as bruising, burns, misshapen areas and swelling after liposuction such as facial edema can happen
Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: spooky on February 21, 2015, 06:07:10 PM
Err yeah I was aware that swelling happens and is normal, thanks. I am interested in comparing experiences with different types of liposuction.
Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: Jennygirl on February 21, 2015, 08:52:39 PM
Hi spooky, I am about 10lbs heavier than preop.

I have been doing GREAT today, barely any pain and swelling is going down down down. Barely any bruising.

Also, Dr Hughes was able to inject a total of 1600cc, 420cc to each hip, 360cc to each buttock, and a little to each thigh.

I put on a dress this morning and this is what happened :o
Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: missymay on February 22, 2015, 11:11:47 AM
looking very voluptuous, Jenny  :)
Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: Jennygirl on February 22, 2015, 12:05:01 PM
Thank you missymay :) Still getting used to the extra inches, I keep bumping into door handles and arm rails. Ouch! Luckily not too hard.

It is now day 3 and Recovery is going fantastically well. I had about 7 hours of sleep last night broken up into two sessions. I have definitely turned the corner, and the bruising and swelling continues to subside. Still can't believe how easy this recovery has been, I was prepared for so much worse.

The paper towels I was instructed to put under the compression garment are all dry now, and the only major swelling is really in my lower legs- probably because I have been standing and walking around so much. Everything seems to be looking VERY good to me especially considering that it has only really been 2.5 days since I got out of surgery.

*please PM for pics at this stage*

The one slightly strange and uncomfortable thing is that I am very swollen "down there". It's like the cyst sack has swollen to it's pre HRT size which is very not cool, lol. However last night I tried on a different dress when the compression garment was off and noticed when I had underwear on for 5 minutes that everything went back to normal. Whew.

Also I am still right at 160lbs, 10lbs heavier than my preop weight. It will be interesting to see if that changes today/tomorrow
Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: Jennygirl on February 23, 2015, 03:43:00 AM
Some pics from my dress up session tonight for some of my roommates. This dress was by special request! I used to only wear this with hip pads. Now I am filling it out even more than I was with the pads. People went silent at first when I entered the room, lol. Then came a few questions about how this is even possible. I am always happy to explain. I have been liking the comparison to a 2L bottle for a frame of reference to how much fat was moved around.


Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: possessed on February 23, 2015, 08:34:42 AM
Amazing results. I am looking to have this surgery done by Dr. Alfredo Hoyos. I am totally in love with his results. He uses vaser liposuction. What kind of lipo did your doctor use? Have you ever researched Dr Hoyos for fat transfer?
Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: Damara on February 23, 2015, 08:44:58 AM
Omg! This is awesome! So happy for you, Jenny! This thing will definitely be something I look into if HRT doesn't give me results I'm comfortable with! <3 Thanks for sharing your experience!
Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: Jennygirl on February 23, 2015, 09:11:39 AM
Possessed- Hoyos is great, I remember researching him quite a bit and being very attracted to his vaser approach. Somewhere I read that he mostly just teaches classes now, but maybe that's not the case. Dr. Hughes, my surgeon, just uses standard tumescent lipo techniques. Most research has lead me back to the saying (as far as lipo) that it's not at all the tool, it's the technique if the surgeon. I believe it. I bet vaser takes just as much if not more skill to use than standard. Some even said that vaser is harmful to the cells and the fat survival is not as reliable. Maybe Hoyos has found a way around this, but I saw it enough around the net to stick with the standard approach.

Damara- you're welcome! I am always happy to share and help educate from my own experience, it's one of my favorite things I've been able to do here :) Your appreciation is definitely what drives me forward!
Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: possessed on February 23, 2015, 09:35:28 AM
The thing is that i have underwent tumescent lipo with bo results. It was perhaps bad technique, but i also know many people who underwent it with no results what so ever. I guess the vaser technology can destroy some of the fat tissues but at least the results of the lipo are certain.....
Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: JenJen2011 on February 23, 2015, 09:40:15 AM
work it  ladies with ya bad selves!!!!
Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: Jennygirl on February 23, 2015, 10:01:07 AM
Quote from: possessed on February 23, 2015, 09:35:28 AM
The thing is that i have underwent tumescent lipo with bo results. It was perhaps bad technique, but i also know many people who underwent it with no results what so ever. I guess the vaser technology can destroy some of the fat tissues but at least the results of the lipo are certain.....
That right there makes me think it was the skill of the surgeon. One of the reasons Dr Hughes made so much sense to me as a whole package was because the man is literally ripped. He is very very strong. To be aggressive with lipo of any kind (including vaser) the surgeon needs to put a ton of muscle into it - it is an incredibly repetitive and physically grueling task I am sure... Probably more so the more detailed/thorough they need to be to meet the needs of the specific patient. For a lot of us thinner trans women especially, a light approach is just not going to cut it. We need someone who is willing to go the extra 1 mile (or maybe 5) to get all of the fat out for a good result. Vaser vs tumescent doesn't seem to make much difference to me, I have been lead to believe that it's all in the hands of the surgeon.

Luckily today with sites like realself, it is incredibly easy to see which doctor might or might not be such a good idea... based solely on the firsthand reports of actual patients. Pretty awesome. That site is how I found Dr Hughes, btw.

Anyway I'm sorry to hear you didn't have the results you wanted from previous lipo. I'm sure you are not alone at all. Being that it is one of the most common procedures, I'm sure there are a plethora of surgeons out there who don't really know or care what they are doing as long as they follow the directions in the book.
Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: michelle gee on February 23, 2015, 10:04:55 AM
HRT has done me good in that dept. it seems. However, I have always had a somewhat protruding bum my whole life.
Some girls in grade school used to comment on it and it bothered me so much I tried sleeping on flat floor to correct it. See avatar I think it shows there.

Jennygirl has me beat though.
Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: Jennygirl on February 23, 2015, 10:06:10 AM
Quote from: JenJen2011 on February 23, 2015, 09:40:15 AM
work it  ladies with ya bad selves!!!!
And thanks JenJen I am working on it. Now if I could just do away with this stupid extra compression pad at the front of the compression garment, I wouldn't look like a hobbling hobbit ;) Such a transformation when I take that off and put real clothes on!!
Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: michelle gee on February 23, 2015, 10:06:31 AM
Quote from: Jennygirl on February 23, 2015, 03:43:00 AM
Some pics from my dress up session tonight for some of my roommates. This dress was by special request! I used to only wear this with hip pads. Now I am filling it out even more than I was with the pads. People went silent at first when I entered the room, lol. Then came a few questions about how this is even possible. I am always happy to explain. I have been liking the comparison to a 2L bottle for a frame of reference to how much fat was moved around.



Nice!  ;)
Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: Jennygirl on February 23, 2015, 10:15:25 AM
Quote from: michelle gee on February 23, 2015, 10:04:55 AM
HRT has done me good in that dept. it seems. However, I have always had a somewhat protruding bum my whole life.
Some girls in grade school used to comment on it and it bothered me so much I tried sleeping on flat floor to correct it. See avatar I think it shows there.
It definitely looks like you've got a great one! Honestly people said the same to me sometimes, but just maybe not as often. Though especially after 2yrs HRT and then gaining 20lbs in prep for this procedure, I already had a nice butt going on :D

I remember early on in HRT, my endo was implanting HRT pellets at the top of my rear and exclaimed "wow nice butt! You will feminize nicely!" Comforting words, but I already knew I would want some help in the hip department being that I was transitioning past the usual age  of pelvic development. I think it's easy to get carried away with the butt. Truly for me, I did this all for the hips. I was not blessed with the gynecoid shaped pelvis. Even my mom needed a c section to birth me because her pelvis was nearly android shape. Not even a good genetic starting point, let alone with some t damage added in there!!

Oh well. I am resting easy now. I don't think I'll ever be jealous of another female's curves again :)
Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: Paige on February 23, 2015, 10:32:41 AM
Hi Jenny,

You're going to look marvelous.  So what's next on your bucket list.  You always have the greatest threads.

Paige :)
Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: Kitty June on February 23, 2015, 10:42:47 AM
Simply wow.

Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: Dee Marshall on February 23, 2015, 10:46:46 AM

Quote from: Jennygirl on February 23, 2015, 03:43:00 AM
Some pics from my dress up session tonight for some of my roommates. This dress was by special request! I used to only wear this with hip pads. Now I am filling it out even more than I was with the pads. People went silent at first when I entered the room, lol. Then came a few questions about how this is even possible. I am always happy to explain. I have been liking the comparison to a 2L bottle for a frame of reference to how much fat was moved around.

Jenny, as a lesbian transwoman I will say that you are definitely drool-worthy!

Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: Wynternight on February 23, 2015, 11:28:22 AM
Damn it!! At work and the pics won't load so I'm missing sexy bum shots!!
Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: michelle gee on February 23, 2015, 11:43:32 AM
Quote from: Wynternight on February 23, 2015, 11:28:22 AM
Damn it!! At work and the pics won't load so I'm missing sexy bum shots!!

That's a Bummer!  :icon_sad:
Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: Jennygirl on February 23, 2015, 11:44:40 AM
You guys, I took the earlier more revealing shots that show the bruising down at the request of some of the other mods. I had the private parts censored, but the policies here don't really permit the level of a reveal that I was posting. That was my bad.

Please just PM me if you want to see the early progression photos. Really, you can get a better idea of the effect with the clothed shots anyway, so the only real reason to see the revealing photos is to see how the bruising is progressing... which may I add, is almost gone! :)

Quote from: Paige on February 23, 2015, 10:32:41 AM
Hi Jenny,

You're going to look marvelous.  So what's next on your bucket list.  You always have the greatest threads.

Paige :)

Thank you Paige!! :D I simply cannot wait to get out into public with my body locked in like it is now. I don't think I've ever felt this good about myself! As I mentioned in my original post, me wanting hips and curves predates me even knowing that I wanted to be a girl. It was the first sign for me. This is an absolute huge deal in my head. Life changing!

I'm glad you like my threads! Thank you so much! I really enjoy sharing here, and you all are always such great support!

I don't really have a transition bucket list after this! I am done! :D :D :D

Quote from: Dee Walker on February 23, 2015, 10:46:46 AM
Jenny, as a lesbian transwoman I will say that you are definitely drool-worthy!

It's going to be interesting! I am getting that feeling from a lot of people- especially my friends that have seen me dress up so far. I hope the attention is not too much for me to handle. Either way, I know I will be very happy with my body. I could really care less what other people think about my figure! I did this for me.
Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: Paige on February 23, 2015, 11:53:14 AM
Quote from: Jennygirl on February 23, 2015, 11:44:40 AM
Thank you Paige!! :D I simply cannot wait to get out into public with my body locked in like it is now. I don't think I've ever felt this good about myself! As I mentioned in my original post, me wanting hips and curves predates me even knowing that I wanted to be a girl. It was the first sign for me. This is an absolute huge deal in my head. Life changing!

I'm glad you like my threads! Thank you so much! I really enjoy sharing here, and you all are always such great support!

I don't really have a transition bucket list after this! I am done! :D :D :D

Hi Jenny,

Your very welcome.  I didn't think there could be anything else.  You look so amazing.

Paige :)

Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: mmmmm on February 23, 2015, 12:31:22 PM
Quote from: Jennygirl on February 23, 2015, 11:44:40 AM
You guys, I took the earlier more revealing shots that show the bruising down at the request of some of the other mods. I had the private parts censored, but the policies here don't really permit .....

... they were just a little jealous and bitter those mods.. And who can blame them! You look seriously fantastic  ;)
Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: Jennygirl on February 23, 2015, 02:48:18 PM
Nah I don't think so. We have to keep it the same for everyone here, we would have treated any other similarly revealing photo the same way I'm sure. I feel kinda like a dufus for even posting them, thinking back [emoji14] :)

Anyway it's all cleared up now. I'm going to keep the revealing ones to PM request and the fancy clothed ones that you probably want to see more anyway flowing like the rain!

I think I can probably show the bruising without being revealing, either. Not hard at all!
Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: Jennygirl on February 24, 2015, 10:44:30 AM
Sorry for the lack of update yesterday

Day 5

Things have been progressing seemingly at lightning speed. I can now bend down on my knees just fine and I am out of the head compression garment. My butt already seems to be softening up around the side-butt area where he injected the most.. but it is still pretty stiff. I am being super careful not to sit on it or apply any pressure at all.

I slept pretty well last night, my sleep times keep getting longer and longer and I wake up more refreshed every day with a less swollen face.

My weight is down to 155 this morning (presurg 150 and immediately postop 160), so I think I will be through a lot of the swelling soon too.

My measurements are reflecting the swelling loss..

Waist 30.5" (down from 32 or 33 I forget)
Hips 40.5" (down from 41)

Bruising is doing great!! This is all I have left around the butt.

Though still a nice chunk around the sides of my abdomen. They are changing color though. All good things!

A pic of another dress (sorry the only thing that fits right now are dresses, all my pants either wouldn't fit me after the weight gain or were destroyed by it as I grew). I can't wait to get new pants! Here is the progress on hips. Pics don't really do it justice from this head-high angle, but I am still really happy with this pic!

Different angle

Hope you like the update! I feel like I am already recovered, feeling wonderful :)
Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: Stanna on February 24, 2015, 11:52:45 AM
Jenny, just wow! You look amazing, and your figure is so cute. I am very happy for you, and hope you enjoy your life as a beautiful girl.

Hugs, Stanna
Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: Jennygirl on February 24, 2015, 12:43:28 PM
Thanks Stanna! Its crazy how much different clothes play a part now. At the very least though, in clothes that don't really show off the booty I just feel balanced... which is exactly what I was going for!
Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: missymay on February 24, 2015, 01:24:14 PM
Quote from: Jennygirl on February 24, 2015, 10:44:30 AM
Sorry for the lack of update yesterday

Day 5

Things have been progressing seemingly at lightning speed. I can now bend down on my knees just fine and I am out of the head compression garment. My butt already seems to be softening up around the side-butt area where he injected the most.. but it is still pretty stiff. I am being super careful not to sit on it or apply any pressure at all.

I slept pretty well last night, my sleep times keep getting longer and longer and I wake up more refreshed every day with a less swollen face.

My weight is down to 155 this morning (presurg 150 and immediately postop 160), so I think I will be through a lot of the swelling soon too.

My measurements are reflecting the swelling loss..

Waist 30.5" (down from 32 or 33 I forget)
Hips 40.5" (down from 41)

Bruising is doing great!! This is all I have left around the butt.

Though still a nice chunk around the sides of my abdomen. They are changing color though. All good things!

A pic of another dress (sorry the only thing that fits right now are dresses, all my pants either wouldn't fit me after the weight gain or were destroyed by it as I grew). I can't wait to get new pants! Here is the progress on hips. Pics don't really do it justice from this head-high angle, but I am still really happy with this pic!

Different angle

Hope you like the update! I feel like I am already recovered, feeling wonderful :)
Using your current measurements, your waist to hip ratio is 0.75, which is ideal for women.
Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: ImagineKate on February 24, 2015, 01:40:39 PM
Jenny, those results are amazing!

I have 39" to 40" of hips already but my shape seems... I dunno, and this is only a few months on HRT. I may opt for a scaled down version in the future if I need it. I was a plump kid through puberty though, so my fat cells were in the right place to begin with and there is a lot of it.
Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: tlo4589 on February 24, 2015, 06:21:26 PM
Super jealous! That's the kind of shape I dream about! You look incredible.

Toni x
Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: amber roskamp on February 24, 2015, 07:23:37 PM
I am homo-ish but in this case I mean no homo.

your butt/body looks wonderful. I am now considering getting a fat transfer done in the future,  but I have to wait to let hrt take its coarse.

you look fabulous. hope ur recovery goes well!
Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: michelle gee on February 24, 2015, 09:35:10 PM
Sexy legs too  :eusa_drool:

Quote from: Jennygirl on February 24, 2015, 10:44:30 AM
Sorry for the lack of update yesterday

Day 5

Things have been progressing seemingly at lightning speed. I can now bend down on my knees just fine and I am out of the head compression garment. My butt already seems to be softening up around the side-butt area where he injected the most.. but it is still pretty stiff. I am being super careful not to sit on it or apply any pressure at all.

I slept pretty well last night, my sleep times keep getting longer and longer and I wake up more refreshed every day with a less swollen face.

My weight is down to 155 this morning (presurg 150 and immediately postop 160), so I think I will be through a lot of the swelling soon too.

My measurements are reflecting the swelling loss..

Waist 30.5" (down from 32 or 33 I forget)
Hips 40.5" (down from 41)

Bruising is doing great!! This is all I have left around the butt.

Though still a nice chunk around the sides of my abdomen. They are changing color though. All good things!

A pic of another dress (sorry the only thing that fits right now are dresses, all my pants either wouldn't fit me after the weight gain or were destroyed by it as I grew). I can't wait to get new pants! Here is the progress on hips. Pics don't really do it justice from this head-high angle, but I am still really happy with this pic!

Different angle

Hope you like the update! I feel like I am already recovered, feeling wonderful :)
Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: spooky on February 25, 2015, 12:12:39 AM
I'm so jealous of how fast you're recovering. Our processes have clearly been very different and I have no regrets because I chose Dr Salama for his results and I'm willing to suffer for what I want - but damn! I'm still really jealous.

I just switched to a size medium garment today. The size they put me in immediately after surgery was 4X! And as I mentioned before, that was almost 30 lbs of fluid and swelling, which is still not gone yet. I'm about halfway there by the scale.

I'll attach a photo that I took earlier, and please let me know if it is too revealing and needs to be taken down. I'll link to it so nobody has to see it if they don't want to (it's just my silhouette in profile, but may be nsfw):
The butt's very large but I think it works really well on my body and fits the proportion of my legs, which have always been fairly meaty (and which I have come to love and embrace).
Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: Kristyn74 on February 25, 2015, 03:16:50 AM
Maybe I should google it but just a question once you " remove " the fat from one area and put it somewhere else it's not " attached " to the internal system so to speak anymore so when you put more weight on it won't get bigger? It's just a filler yeh?
Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: possessed on February 25, 2015, 08:21:20 AM
Spooky, i love the projection of your butt. As i'm researching different doctors and different techniques available, what kind of liposuction did you have prior to the fat transfer?
Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: Jennygirl on February 25, 2015, 08:52:47 AM
Thank you all for the wonderful comments! I was very busy yesterday, still getting my new place all set up and moved into. I'm trying really hard not to be too active, but my body keeps telling me go go go and I have lots of motivation which is hard to ignore. Luckily my butt is still there!! ;) and I haven't bumped it or anything. I figure the muscle movement of walking around and actuating the leg muscles probably has done wonders for my recovery. One of my roommates yesterday said to me, "holy crap, you already look normal and healthy again!"

It feels like a blessing to recover so quickly right now, because I have tons going on at the moment with moving into a new warehouse space and building it out.

I am almost down to my presurgical weight, but I am still cramming calories like there is no tomorrow.

Re:Krisytn fat transferred permanence/behavior
It does become attached, and forms a new blood supply. Then even cooler, it behaves like it did at the donor site. So say for example if you transfer belly fat to your booty and used to gain weight in your belly first/most, now you gain weight in your booty first/most. That is why I have zero shame eating calories like it's my job right now. I have also read a few times on various websites that it is good to have the body in fat storage mode during the recovery of this procedure, to help coerce the body to assimilate the newly transferred fat cells.

Many reports online will show that after a Brazilian butt lift, when patients gain weight their butt will get bigger.

Spooky I love the projection! Looks incredible!! I would love for you to post more pics of your amazing results from Salama, I don't think that one was too revealing at all. Also with clothes on you really cannot go wrong ;)
Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: Jennygirl on February 25, 2015, 10:06:49 AM
Just had a look under the compression garment.

This morning's measurements

37 bust
29 waist (minus 1.5"!)
40.5 hip (same)

0.716 WHR

Yesterday's activity must have been awesome for the swelling. I am starting to see my abs again for the first time in a year! My thinnest waist measurement ever since transitioning was 27", so I still have a little bit to go. But dang, I was not expecting to be unswelling at this rate.
Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: missymay on February 25, 2015, 10:22:29 AM
Quote from: spooky on February 25, 2015, 12:12:39 AM
I'm so jealous of how fast you're recovering. Our processes have clearly been very different and I have no regrets because I chose Dr Salama for his results and I'm willing to suffer for what I want - but damn! I'm still really jealous.

I just switched to a size medium garment today. The size they put me in immediately after surgery was 4X! And as I mentioned before, that was almost 30 lbs of fluid and swelling, which is still not gone yet. I'm about halfway there by the scale.

I'll attach a photo that I took earlier, and please let me know if it is too revealing and needs to be taken down. I'll link to it so nobody has to see it if they don't want to (it's just my silhouette in profile, but may be nsfw):
The butt's very large but I think it works really well on my body and fits the proportion of my legs, which have always been fairly meaty (and which I have come to love and embrace).
Hi Spooky, you have great projection, and you also have a well defined s-curve. 
Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: possessed on February 25, 2015, 11:24:25 AM
I think that i will start to research your doctor more seriously: ) how is your chin lipo progressing as i'm considering the same procedure
Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: spooky on February 25, 2015, 11:55:32 AM
Quote from: possessed on February 25, 2015, 08:21:20 AM
Spooky, i love the projection of your butt. As i'm researching different doctors and different techniques available, what kind of liposuction did you have prior to the fat transfer?
I'm really not sure. I asked one of his patient care coordinators this question before booking and she told me that Dr Salama uses only traditional tumescent liposuction, but I think I remember him saying something about ultrasonic. It could be that he was saying that he *doesn't* use ultrasonic, but I don't recall.

And the reason that I'm unsure about it when I asked one of the patient care coordinators directly is because I have since come to realize that he and his staff are terrible with communication and attentiveness in I kind of wouldn't be surprised if she just made something up so she could stop dealing with me.
Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: Jennygirl on February 25, 2015, 01:06:54 PM
Quote from: possessed on February 25, 2015, 11:24:25 AM
I think that i will start to research your doctor more seriously: ) how is your chin lipo progressing as i'm considering the same procedure

Well you know I have only the best things to say about him. The only thing I would have to say is that he is pretty reluctant to inject into certain areas that we may find important such as the hips. I really had to go back and forth with him on that. Luckily I did, and I did get exactly what I wanted. If you just let him do his thing, he may not give you as much hip as say Salama or other docs in Mexico might. That's just my own speculation, though.

My chin lipo, I don't really notice much of a difference so far. I think it is still kind of swollen there. It just looks the same. I wasn't too worried about it to begin with, as I didn't have much fat there at all. It was more of a precautionary thing so down the line I'll never get a double chin as I age! I don't really expect there to be much of a difference. I think I would need a neck lift or some crap like that in order to notice a huge change.
Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: Jennygirl on February 26, 2015, 02:09:44 PM
Just got back from my 1 week checkup. I didn't see the doctor, but the lovely sweet Olga who was BLOWN AWAY with the speed of my recovery. When I first walked in, she said "are you sure you had surgery a week ago? It looks like a month ago!". Then I took the compression garment off and she said woooowwww you look great! I have very little swelling, there is absolutely nothing for her to drain.

She cleared me to switch to a different compression garment at just one week! I am floored and so flipping excited!

I think what I did differently from most other people is did NOT take ANY pain pills except for one immediately getting home after surgery. And, I was on my feet pretty much all waking hours. As well I switched to regular food pretty early on (no nausea from pain pills). I am so happy I didn't take those pain pills, I feel like they would have made this recovery take 3X longer.

Anyway, gotta go find a compression garment and then JEANS SHOPPING!!! :D :D :D
Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: Jennygirl on February 26, 2015, 04:26:01 PM
Some pics with the new compression garment. It is Lycra brand, "Lipo Express". It has cutouts for the butt. $120 down the street from where I live- kinda pricey but convenient to find one about 1mi from home

Can't believe the hips, I am over the moon. So comfortable in my body I don't even know what to do with myself today. Possibly the biggest milestone I've felt in my individual transition. Words cannot explain.

Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: spooky on February 26, 2015, 06:37:57 PM
I really know what you mean when you say that you're over the moon. Going into this surgery I was a little worried that I might come out feeling like my breasts were suddenly SO inadequate compared with the rest of my body and that would necessitate more surgery and be really difficult.  Breast implants have always been something that I thought I would probably do but were never a priority of mine. Now honestly I feel like my body is so strongly feminine that I don't *need* anything at all and I just feel so damn sexy that, like, why would I mess around with that?? It's an amazing feeling.
Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: April_TO on February 26, 2015, 08:12:21 PM
Hi Jenny,

I am impressed with your results and I am very happy for you :)
Congrats girl.


Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: JenJen2011 on February 26, 2015, 10:39:29 PM
Congrats! Now go strut your stuff, lol.
Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: Jennygirl on February 27, 2015, 10:16:44 PM
Got new pants today! Size L at american apparel. The "Easy Jean" came highly recommended to me from a friend and I ended up getting four pairs.

A more natural face-high profile angle


The other colors/washes I got (two were discounted by a lot!) The red is kind of shimmery, I love it!

This music video was running through my head all day today. Hope you enjoy it
Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: missymay on February 27, 2015, 11:07:04 PM
Wow Jenny, you look amazing!  :)
Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: Jennygirl on February 27, 2015, 11:59:15 PM
Quote from: spooky on February 26, 2015, 06:37:57 PM
...Now honestly I feel like my body is so strongly feminine that I don't *need* anything at all and I just feel so damn sexy that, like, why would I mess around with that?? It's an amazing feeling.

Couldn't have said it better myself. I keep getting turned on, too, just from the feeling of sexiness. It's almost a serious issue!

Thanks missymay, April, and Jen for the congrats. It means a lot to have your support here girls!
Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: Damara on February 28, 2015, 12:57:36 AM
Ooo! I am envious of the hips and booty!! Reminds me of a song by Trina "Whoop! Whoop! Pull over that *** too fat!" So happy for your speedy recovery, Jenny!!  ;D
Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: amber roskamp on February 28, 2015, 09:26:56 AM
Quote from: Jennygirl on February 27, 2015, 10:16:44 PM
Got new pants today! Size L at american apparel. The "Easy Jean" came highly recommended to me from a friend and I ended up getting four pairs.

A more natural face-high profile angle


The other colors/washes I got (two were discounted by a lot!) The red is kind of shimmery, I love it!

This music video was running through my head all day today. Hope you enjoy it

Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: Stanna on February 28, 2015, 09:40:37 AM
Hot damn girl, that is some serious bootay! Congratulations and I thinks you are going to get a lot of attention! You go girl.

Hugs, Stanna
Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: Jennygirl on February 28, 2015, 12:00:53 PM
Quote from: Stanna on February 28, 2015, 09:40:37 AM
Hot damn girl, that is some serious bootay! Congratulations and I thinks you are going to get a lot of attention! You go girl.

Hugs, Stanna
Thank you. On account if being honked at 4x during day one in public alone, I think you are right.

As my friend said to me, it's the kind of booty you can see from the front ;)
Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: possessed on February 28, 2015, 12:35:48 PM
I'm so happy for you Jenny. I think your results are just amazing. I can't wait to have some fat replaced: )
Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: Jennygirl on March 01, 2015, 12:55:45 PM
Quote from: possessed on February 28, 2015, 12:35:48 PM
I'm so happy for you Jenny. I think your results are just amazing. I can't wait to have some fat replaced: )

Thanks. I am amazed, too, by the results. It came out a lot better than I had initially thought it would.

The biggest result I am noticing is that my general mood when out and about has completely changed. I used to look at other women with a hint of jealousy / envy over their hips/butt/curves. I no longer feel that. I no longer feel any jealousy around other women. It feels life changing to me to a huge degree. I cannot describe how happy I am in words.

Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: Lynne on March 01, 2015, 01:48:49 PM
I can relate to that jealousy / envy feeling that you are describing. I have the same when I'm looking at other women. I'm happy that your life is really changing for the better and you are no longer poisoned by these feelings.

Now where is that damned lottery ticket :D
Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: lemons on March 02, 2015, 02:47:10 PM
So I'm interested in getting fat transfers done because of my lack of hips and bum.  Which surgeon did you see and what was the total cost?  And what were your measurements going into this/are they now?  Thanks!
Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: WillowRyder on March 02, 2015, 03:46:59 PM
Awesome Jenny! You can now be one of those women we all look at with envy and jealousy =P

I hope this is an option for me in a year or two, it's hard for me to gain weight though - I'm 6' and was 115 before hormones, 7 months later and a loott of burritos and I've finally passed 120. Hah!

I found your breakfast skipping thing interesting, as I haven't eaten breakfast in years, and have always had trouble not becoming invisible when viewed from the side ;P

Anyways you look superb, good job!
Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: Jennygirl on March 03, 2015, 09:02:57 AM
Lemons- the details are all in the thread, but I'll make it easy on you and answer now. My doctor was Kenneth Hughes.

Pre op pre weight gain measurements (height 5'8" @ 132lbs)
36 / 28 / 36

Pre op post weight gain (150lbs or +20lbs)
38 / 33 / 38

Now (@ 156 lbs)
37 / 29 / 41

My hips are about as wide as my shoulders and butt has 3.5" projection.

Willow- thanks! And good luck to you :)
Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: Stanna on March 03, 2015, 09:57:32 AM
I can also relate to the jealousy/envy issues when looking at curvy women. I guess for now I'll just have to live vicariously through jenny!  Ha ha    :laugh:

Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: PrincessPatience on March 03, 2015, 10:47:02 AM
I'm considering getting this done but it's not on the top of my list in regards to surgery. (VFS & SRS come first). However jenny your results look great! it's like you're becoming the poster girl for all these surgeries! Lol  :) thank you opening up the doors for a lot of us. If it wasn't for you I doubt I would even know a successful VFS would exist.  I'm just scared my body will end up like Kim kardashian if I get this done. I don't want that deformed and uneven thigh/butt ratio the majority of trans girls get (especially in the ballroom scene).  :laugh:
Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: Christine Eryn on March 03, 2015, 03:38:46 PM
Well, after seeing such magnificent results, I'm bouncing back and forth (pun intended) deciding if I want this down the line or not.  :icon_confused2:

Question for you, Jenny. Do you plan to lose the additional weight or are you comfortable as is? It's tough enough for me to maintain a good figure at 5'8" 138lbs, I couldn't imaging me gaining an additional 20 pounds. Of course I'm not sure how any of this would work for me personally, if my extra weight would work itself away somehow or what.
Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: Jennygirl on March 03, 2015, 05:14:25 PM
Quote from: PrincessPatience on March 03, 2015, 10:47:02 AM
I'm considering getting this done but it's not on the top of my list in regards to surgery. (VFS & SRS come first). However jenny your results look great! it's like you're becoming the poster girl for all these surgeries! Lol  :) thank you opening up the doors for a lot of us. If it wasn't for you I doubt I would even know a successful VFS would exist.  I'm just scared my body will end up like Kim kardashian if I get this done. I don't want that deformed and uneven thigh/butt ratio the majority of trans girls get (especially in the ballroom scene).  :laugh:

Lots of people get this surgery hoping to look like Kim K. I heard that she pads her butt with pads. Who knows. If that's what she likes, I say all the more power to her!

Quote from: Christine Eryn on March 03, 2015, 03:38:46 PM
Well, after seeing such magnificent results, I'm bouncing back and forth (pun intended) deciding if I want this down the line or not.  :icon_confused2:

Question for you, Jenny. Do you plan to lose the additional weight or are you comfortable as is? It's tough enough for me to maintain a good figure at 5'8" 138lbs, I couldn't imaging me gaining an additional 20 pounds. Of course I'm not sure how any of this would work for me personally, if my extra weight would work itself away somehow or what.

I am comfortable as is. I don't mind the extra pounds at all. I guess my whole life I always wanted to have curves. A few extra pounds comes with the territory. I have no issues with it at all. In fact I am still trying to stay on the thick side of the diet now, packing in the calories as much as possible. I read in a few places that the body might do a better job keeping the transplanted fat cells around if it is in fat storage mode, so there you have it. Not sure if that's true or not, but frankly I don't mind gaining a few more anyway.

I think down the line I may even see what 5 or 10lbs extra will do with the new fat cell arrangement. It's kind of like an experiment to me. At the very worst, I know I'll have no problem losing it because my metabolism is still really high. But I have high hopes that it will just add to the curves in the right places, or at least the places that I like!

EDIT: I wanted to expand on the extra curves. There is no fat around my midsection at all now, and the fat that was reinjected is intramuscular to my butt. So basically it's like having large butt muscles. It's not just all flabby ;) So really I guess that's why I don't see the extra weight at all. I feel skinny like this, actually, because of my waist.
Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: Madison (kiara jamie) on March 03, 2015, 10:21:21 PM
so was Dr Hughes able to inject the muscle on the out hips intra-muscular also or was it just subcutaneous?
Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: Jennygirl on March 03, 2015, 11:58:25 PM
Quote from: Madison (kiara jamie) on March 03, 2015, 10:21:21 PM
so was Dr Hughes able to inject the muscle on the out hips intra-muscular also or was it just subcutaneous?

it seems to be intramuscular, and it looks better and better every day. I have crazy hips and a teeny tiny waist. Pictures do not do it justice at all. In person my figure is insane yet totally natural looking. Nobody in a million years would guess that I am trans.

I have been described as having a "booty you can see from the front" on multiple occasions. He really went there with the hips and it's exactly what I wanted and always dreamed of. It is turning out so much better than I thought I could have hoped for, with clothes completely off my jaw still drops every time I see my body.

Girls, if you don't have much fat to work with and you are looking for a good doctor, I would recommend looking at the size of their arms. Liposuction is a grueling procedure and with not much fat you will want someone who is aggressive enough to give you the best possible result the first time around (and the stamina to do so)... along with the artistic skill to inject it to make it look great. It's a pretty all encompassing procedure so I can see why it tends to cost a lot. It requires a lot of skill, patience, stamina, and artistry on the surgeon's part.
Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: Seras on March 05, 2015, 07:18:58 AM
Awesome result. I don't mean American awesome either. I mean reserved British awesome ;)
Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: Wynternight on March 05, 2015, 11:13:26 PM
Quote from: Jennygirl on March 03, 2015, 11:58:25 PM
it seems to be intramuscular, and it looks better and better every day. I have crazy hips and a teeny tiny waist. Pictures do not do it justice at all. In person my figure is insane yet totally natural looking. Nobody in a million years would guess that I am trans.

I have been described as having a "booty you can see from the front" on multiple occasions. He really went there with the hips and it's exactly what I wanted and always dreamed of. It is turning out so much better than I thought I could have hoped for, with clothes completely off my jaw still drops every time I see my body.

Girls, if you don't have much fat to work with and you are looking for a good doctor, I would recommend looking at the size of their arms. Liposuction is a grueling procedure and with not much fat you will want someone who is aggressive enough to give you the best possible result the first time around (and the stamina to do so)... along with the artistic skill to inject it to make it look great. It's a pretty all encompassing procedure so I can see why it tends to cost a lot. It requires a lot of skill, patience, stamina, and artistry on the surgeon's part.

How much did it cost, if I may ask? I hadn't considered it before but now I am.
Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: Jennygirl on March 07, 2015, 08:54:24 PM
Quote from: Seras on March 05, 2015, 07:18:58 AM
Awesome result. I don't mean American awesome either. I mean reserved British awesome ;)
Thank you :)
Quote from: Wynternight on March 05, 2015, 11:13:26 PM
How much did it cost, if I may ask? I hadn't considered it before but now I am.

Hughes is pricey. And I had a lot of places lipo'd. My cost was 12,500. Priceless to me now, though :)
Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: ImagineKate on March 12, 2015, 03:15:43 PM
Quote from: Jennygirl on March 03, 2015, 05:14:25 PM
Lots of people get this surgery hoping to look like Kim K. I heard that she pads her butt with pads. Who knows. If that's what she likes, I say all the more power to her!

I have actually met her and I don't think that is true.

But, I was only able to look, not touch so maybe she did a really good job of hiding them!
Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: spooky on March 12, 2015, 07:37:34 PM
Quote from: ImagineKate on March 12, 2015, 03:15:43 PM
I have actually met her and I don't think that is true.

But, I was only able to look, not touch so maybe she did a really good job of hiding them!

There are plenty of bikini pictures out there that demonstrate that she doesn't need to pad.  And in my opinion that is due to a skilled surgeon. ;)
Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: possessed on March 16, 2015, 06:12:14 AM
I'm wondering one thing. How long after the fat transfer are you allowed to seat on your butt? I am still inclined toward Dr Hoyos. I am just wondering how long do I need to stay in Bogota before flying safe back home.
Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: spooky on March 16, 2015, 10:23:18 AM
 My doctor instructed me not to sit at all (when avoidable) for 4 weeks, at which point I could sit on a Boppy pillow.

His staff also taught me a trick whereby you place a yoga roll under the backs of your legs and use a pillow to support your back, allowing you to "sit" with your butt hovering in the air and not touching anything.

I was also sent home with a travel letter explaining that I needed to be allowed to stand whenever protocol allowed, which I gave to the flight crew on my plane home, and they let me stand at all times except takeoff and landing.

I ended up staying in Miami for almost two weeks, which may be unnecessary for some, but my recovery was so difficult that I would not have been able to stand for more than maybe 20 minutes at a time before the 10 day mark. Obviously other people, Jenny for example, have a really different recovery.
Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: Jennygirl on March 16, 2015, 10:32:08 AM
Wow yeah. Total opposite for me. Just goes to show you what they say is true, that everyone does recover differently
Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: possessed on March 16, 2015, 12:58:32 PM
Thank you so much for sharing. So 4 weeks mark should be enough for recovery...
Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: Kova V on March 28, 2015, 09:32:48 PM
Quote from: spooky on March 16, 2015, 10:23:18 AM
My doctor instructed me not to sit at all (when avoidable) for 4 weeks, at which point I could sit on a Boppy pillow.

His staff also taught me a trick whereby you place a yoga roll under the backs of your legs and use a pillow to support your back, allowing you to "sit" with your butt hovering in the air and not touching anything.

I was also sent home with a travel letter explaining that I needed to be allowed to stand whenever protocol allowed, which I gave to the flight crew on my plane home, and they let me stand at all times except takeoff and landing.

I ended up staying in Miami for almost two weeks, which may be unnecessary for some, but my recovery was so difficult that I would not have been able to stand for more than maybe 20 minutes at a time before the 10 day mark. Obviously other people, Jenny for example, have a really different recovery.

I was wondering how that works. I'm in the middle of the country and it seems that all best surgeons are on the coasts. I'll have to fly too.

So I just found this thread, congrats on everyone's rear end! Jenny, were you close enough to the doctor office that you could travel by car, or did you have to fly too? How did either of you get around town after you got home?

I'm in the process of figuring out my ffs right now, but my bum is next on the chopping block.
Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: katiew88 on April 01, 2015, 08:52:55 AM
Wow, I did not even know this was possible....  Does anyone know if this is available in Canada?
Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: kira21 ♡♡♡ on April 01, 2015, 12:49:23 PM
Hiya Jen. I am loving the afters. Do you have any before and after for comparisons?

Thanks :-)

Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: Jennygirl on April 06, 2015, 12:58:24 AM
Quote from: Kova V on March 28, 2015, 09:32:48 PMSo I just found this thread, congrats on everyone's rear end! Jenny, were you close enough to the doctor office that you could travel by car, or did you have to fly too? How did either of you get around town after you got home?

I'm in the process of figuring out my ffs right now, but my bum is next on the chopping block.

Hi Kova, sorry for the late reply. I have been bustling with work and life from all angles.

I was close enough that I easily drove, about 15 minutes by car :)

Good luck with the FFS!

Quote from: kira21 ♡♡♡ on April 01, 2015, 12:49:23 PM
Hiya Jen. I am loving the afters. Do you have any before and after for comparisons?

Thanks :-)


Hi Kira! Looking fabulous by the way :)

I will try to take some before and afters in days to come. I think I have 1 more week of work and then I am taking a bit of a break, hopefully have more time to update my progress here!
Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: kira21 ♡♡♡ on April 09, 2015, 05:55:48 AM
Thanks Jen. :-)
Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: possessed on April 10, 2015, 03:40:21 AM
After doing a lot of research about fat transfer I think I have decided against vaser lipo transfer and dr Hoyos, and I have narrowed my choice to Dr Alexander Aslani in Spain or Dr Salama in Miami. The fat transfer technique of Dr Salama is unclear and Dr Aslani uses waterjet lipo transfer with +80% survival rate. Does anybody have any experience with Dr Aslani in particular?
Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: Emily E on May 04, 2015, 06:28:59 PM
WOW :o that is one sexy booty... I would never in a million years think you were trans looking like that.  Congratulations you look fantastic 
Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: mmmmm on May 04, 2015, 07:03:30 PM
Is it time for an update measurements yet?
Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: kittenpower on May 04, 2015, 07:34:27 PM
I'm curious too; telleth me, dost thy booty still please thee?
Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: spooky on May 04, 2015, 09:48:07 PM
I've noticed some volume loss recently (my hips are down from 48 inches to 47), but I'm still having tons of fun causing scandals at the club.  :angel:

Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: Jennygirl on May 16, 2015, 08:49:01 PM
Holy wow spooky, you are looking fantastic! That is wonderful!

I just updated my realself review ( with a few pictures if anyone wants to see.

I have had very minimal volume loss- about a half inch to be exact. On the other end, I lost another inch around the waist.. which brings me to:

28 waist and 40.5 hip. No complaints there :)

Anyway I really apologize for being away for so long. Life kind of grabbed me full on the past couple of months, and I've been riding the wave like never before. I know it's partly due to this surgery, because with basically no body dysphoria I've gotten back to doing many things I was doing pre-transition. I've recouped my social life, and I am not focused on how I want to change my body. I'm even starting to become interested in dating again :o ;)

Hope you have all been well, it's nice to come back and write this post!
Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: JLT1 on May 17, 2015, 09:33:44 AM
Wow! !

You look great.   I mean wow.


Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: SonadoraXVX on May 17, 2015, 02:04:24 PM
Incredible jenny, without the use of silicone, you are proof positive that a female body can be achieved, ALBEIT much more expensive, BUT alot more safer on the body [emoji41] [emoji4].

Kudos to you and much respects [emoji41]
Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: Jennygirl on May 17, 2015, 06:14:56 PM
Thank you so much!

I wouldn't call it perfect, but I do feel confident that it's probably the best option I could have chosen at this point in time given today's surgical techniques. I am definitely happy with the physical and resulting mental change following the procedure. It made a monumental difference to do with the way I feel about my body as a whole- which is exactly why I decided I needed to do it. Major success.

For anyone looking to have fat transfer performed, I think it's important to really hone yourself in on having realistic expectations. Sometimes it can yield very minimal change, and sometimes there are complications leading to a less than optimal result. I was fortunate enough to have good results for both. Probably a lot of it is choice of surgeon, following post surgical directions to the tee, and keeping a positive attitude during the recovery process.

I had a LOT less post-surgical anxiety following this procedure compared to others like FFS and VFS. Maybe I am used to it now... just in time to be done with everything ;)
Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: Jennygirl on June 16, 2015, 04:33:44 AM
4 month update


So I've gained about 10lbs since surgery, kind of intentionally I guess. It does seem to be going to the right places, and a few of my friends keep saying how good I look with a bit more weight- especially in the face I guess (a bit softer/rounder). It is definitely softening my features.

Additionally, my hip measurement has gone back up to 42"- which is the highest it's been since probably the 2nd or 3rd week after surgery. It dipped down close to 40" at one point, and then slowly climbed again as I gained a bit of weight. I am very happy with how my butt looks!

I have to be honest- I'm considering round 2 focused solely on hips. A lot of the fat in the hip grafts seems to have gone by the wayside, probably because I didn't have much tissue to start with and the fat didn't find a blood supply & got reabsorbed. A lot of the new fat has accumulated in my thighs, which is both good and bad. The good is that a lot of it is going to my outer thigh, which makes my hips wider while standing and sitting. The inner thighs are starting to get rumbly, though, along with a lot going on the back of my thighs (below butt), too. I think those would both be great donor sites.

I have a 4 month checkup scheduled with Dr. Hughes this week, and I'll be asking him about it. If I do decide to do a round two, it wouldn't be until Summer is over- probably around late September.

Anyway, hope you appreciate the update.
Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: SonadoraXVX on June 16, 2015, 10:30:21 AM
Daaayummmmm jenny[emoji4] , now I know I will end up doing that procedure in the future.

Muchos kudos[emoji41]

Sent from my SCH-I605 using Tapatalk

Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: AmySun4400 on July 06, 2015, 02:54:37 PM
Hi Jenny, I just had this same procedure done a week ago!

I was wonderng at what point, you found it appropriate to start sitting and driving around?
Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: Jennygirl on July 07, 2015, 12:57:02 AM
Quote from: AmySun4400 on July 06, 2015, 02:54:37 PM
Hi Jenny, I just had this same procedure done a week ago!

I was wonderng at what point, you found it appropriate to start sitting and driving around?

Congrats, Amy!

I started sitting cautiously and only on soft surfaces at around 2 months, and I was very leery to do so. I started driving with a towel rolled up underneath my thighs at around the same time.

It wasn't until about 5 months p/o that I started not worrying at all, sitting on all surfaces including hard ones. I still sit cautiously though if it's concrete. I haven't noticed any volume loss in the past month, I'm holding steady at 42"


It was around my hip dent area that I lost the most volume. It has gone from pushed out and very round to perfectly flat. At my 5 month checkup, I talked to Dr. Hughes and decided to go for a round two. With the weight I have added since surgery, my upper abdomen has gotten a bit bigger as well as my upper back and inner thighs. He is going to lipo lower abdomen again along with the upper this time, flanks, upper back, and inner thighs. He said he could get at least 400cc more in per hip. I wasn't sure if I wanted to go in again because of price, but it turned out to be half the cost since it is kind of a revision of sorts. This made the decision pretty easy for me.

I think realistically where most of us likely start, that area where the hip dent is does not have much tissue. This leads to a good amount of resorption, because the fat is not able to easily find a blood supply the same way it can in the glutes. He said now that I have more tissue there, the graft survival should be better the second time around. Even pre-op, I was thinking I might need to do two rounds because a lot of things online say that multiple rounds might be necessary to reach desired size for people starting with very little in an area to be augmented.
Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: AmySun4400 on July 07, 2015, 02:44:26 PM
8 weeks!  That must have seriously taken otherworldly constraint.  I know that there is no way I will be able to reach that length of time (going crazy at just a week).
Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: Jennygirl on July 07, 2015, 05:28:23 PM
Quote from: AmySun4400 on July 07, 2015, 02:44:26 PM
8 weeks!  That must have seriously taken otherworldly constraint.  I know that there is no way I will be able to reach that length of time (going crazy at just a week).

Lots of laying belly-down ;)

I tend to air on the side of caution when it comes to recovery procedures, I think I was technically allowed to sit on thigh pillows at around 4 weeks. Just follow your doc's routine and you'll probably get the results seen in their other patients' results!

I am not sure if my caution was actually worth it, but I don't seem to have lost much volume at all (besides some roundness in the hips).

Oh yeah, I also tried to be as active as possible (on my feet / walking around gingerly for the majority of the day). I was very careful not to overdo it, but I do think that helped the fat survive as well because blood flow was probably increased. You really have to be careful, though, because you don't want the lipo'd areas to swell / develop a seroma. Drink tons of water and it will help flush all of the edema from your body. When I went in at 1 week, they thought I was already at 4 weeks ;)
Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: possessed on July 07, 2015, 11:12:06 PM
Your experience has been so inspiring that I am about to book my surgery. I am getting the hips, butt and supergrafting of the boobs with Dr Aslani in Spain. I decided to do the procedure in Europe based on the distance and the doctor's experience. Dr Aslani seems very experienced with fat transfer and I am confident he will do a good job. I was seriously considering Dr Hoyos for this procedure but because of his vaser technique I decided against. When are you getting the round 2?
Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: Jennygirl on July 08, 2015, 03:44:57 AM
Congrats on being so close! I read conflicting things about Vaser for fat transfer, right there with you

Round 2 is scheduled for Sept 21st
Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: possessed on July 08, 2015, 06:13:03 AM
let's hope this time you get what you want.

Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: paty1000 on July 16, 2015, 06:36:04 AM
Hi, Jenny!
I'm so glad you shared so many steps of your procedure. It has been very helpful for the ones that are looking for it. In fact I've found this topic a few months ago when looking for info about liposculpture procedures on trans woman. Well, I can say It's very well documented here thanks to you and all other forum members.
I wish you can be happy with the "fine tunning" on september.
despite having read all posts a few weeks ago, I just realized now you have posted some pictures on realself. It made  me very excited about the results I can expect. As a designer, I know a little bit about body proportions and yours is doing very well! Keep Going!

Quote from: Jennygirl on July 08, 2015, 03:44:57 AM
Congrats on being so close! I read conflicting things about Vaser for fat transfer, right there with you

Round 2 is scheduled for Sept 21st
Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: Jennygirl on July 21, 2015, 10:27:49 AM
Quote from: paty1000 on July 16, 2015, 06:36:04 AM
Hi, Jenny!
I'm so glad you shared so many steps of your procedure. It has been very helpful for the ones that are looking for it. In fact I've found this topic a few months ago when looking for info about liposculpture procedures on trans woman. Well, I can say It's very well documented here thanks to you and all other forum members.
I wish you can be happy with the "fine tunning" on september.
despite having read all posts a few weeks ago, I just realized now you have posted some pictures on realself. It made  me very excited about the results I can expect. As a designer, I know a little bit about body proportions and yours is doing very well! Keep Going!

Thank you very much! (from one designer to another ;))
Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: paty1000 on July 23, 2015, 09:33:50 PM
Nice! lol
I'm curious about how much fat you could keep all this months after the surgery. Sorry for being a bit cheeky, but would you mind to put some atual pictures on realself for comparison? It would be nice to compare with those front and side pictures you took just a few days after the surgery.

Quote from: Jennygirl on July 21, 2015, 10:27:49 AM
Thank you very much! (from one designer to another ;))
Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: Nema on September 29, 2015, 05:37:03 PM
I realize that it has been a few months since this thread was replied to, but I would really like to know how things are going after having the BBL surgery. Are you still satisfied with the results? Have you decided to go through with a second round?
Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: ErinS on September 30, 2015, 05:28:50 AM
I just got back from bbl with Dr Hughes last Wednesday, I'm absolutely blown away! I'm a bit stocky up top, but he managed to balance me out. I had him do outer thighs as priority then rear, and he did amazing even with my concerns I simply wouldn't have enough fat. I'll have to dig around for before pics, but basically I had no butt or hips and looked crazy top heavy.



Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: Nema on September 30, 2015, 05:49:13 AM
Wow, Erin! You look great! It's good news to me that you can have an area prioritized over another (in your case the outer thighs). Keep us updated on how it works out for you.
Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: Jennygirl on October 06, 2015, 08:50:35 PM
Erin and I have been talking a bunch outside of the forums, but I actually just had my round 2 procedure 4 days ago. She is just over a week longer in recovery than me ;)

This second round I had him re-lipo my abdomen, sides, and back. Only this time it was full abd and back instead of just the lower part. Also, he did my inner thighs.

This was a few nights ago, the first time I tried on a dress with the garment off. Keep in mind this is still way too early to tell as far as an actual result (still very swollen), but I am STOKED nonetheless!!


The fat graft this time was to the hip area only. He said he got about 320cc per side.

Sorry for being such a ghost around here!
Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: Dodie on October 06, 2015, 09:01:37 PM
Late on this one girls.
I had body sculpting done by Dr. Z..
He did my BA.. I was super top heavy.. basically the shoulders.. I am a thick girl..only about 5-7 if that.
Anyway, I have a great butt and hips.. I gained about 20lbs for the surgery..
I am a 38DD now... and fairly stout chick.. at 46 33 46.. hoping to get the waist down a bit more,,, I have a very long back and short legs about a 29 to 30 inseam.
The nice thing is to be able to wear tight clothing... skin tight and look ok.. I still have some of the weight to lose I gained.. but taking it slow... letting all the new areas settle in first.
BTW.. I had no restrictions on sitting..
I am a lucky girl and congrats to anyone who has done this..
Going to Thailand for SRS soon.. yea!
Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: SonadoraXVX on October 07, 2015, 01:52:15 AM
Congrats Jenny  ;D, you give some girls on this forum hope, meaning me, and some others who pop in and out of this thread without saying anything.

Kudos on the results so far :)
Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: Jennygirl on October 07, 2015, 02:32:40 AM
Quote from: SonadoraXVX on October 07, 2015, 01:52:15 AM
Congrats Jenny  ;D, you give some girls on this forum hope, meaning me, and some others who pop in and out of this thread without saying anything.

Kudos on the results so far :)

Thank you! Yes hope is something I love to give. It does suck that it comes with a pricetag, but at least these things are possible and DO EXIST!

That said, I just want to disclose that I am still very early in the recovery game, very swollen, and trying to not get ahead of myself in terms of excitement. If round one taught me anything, it's that I should be weary of that. I was very very happy with my final results even leading into round 2, but my butt was not nearly as "plump" by month 3 that it was during the 1st month. It looked more like a normal (very well proportioned) girl butt, but not the big bubble I started with. That volume loss was due to swelling and I am sure some reabsorption, too. There was way more resorption in the hips, which lead to round two as a touch-up. I have however read in a few doctor's responses on realself that during the second round there is less resorption. Here's to hoping!
Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: Jennygirl on October 07, 2015, 03:03:35 AM
Also Erin- I can't wait to see you post some booty hugging dress shots or a high waisted jeans pic ;)
Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: ErinS on October 08, 2015, 07:56:05 PM
Quote from: Jennygirl on October 07, 2015, 03:03:35 AM
Also Erin- I can't wait to see you post some booty hugging dress shots or a high waisted jeans pic ;)

Hey girl! How about these:    ;)


Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: Jennygirl on October 10, 2015, 02:14:34 PM
I love it! Now your next assignment, should you choose to accept, is to get some high waisted skinny jeans on that butt ;)
Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: ErinS on October 11, 2015, 06:15:30 AM
Yes ma'am! :D
Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: Nema on October 20, 2015, 05:59:30 AM
Jenny, Erin... those pics are amazing. Seeing how you look makes my stomach flip knowing that looking that good is possible. This is my absolute favorite thread on this forum. Keep the updates coming! :laugh:

Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: Jennygirl on October 21, 2015, 01:24:58 PM
Thanks Nema :)

Here is a not amazingly flattering pic I took just before going to bed last night, but it gets the point across for the purpose of this thread.

For the first time, I am feeling balanced from shoulder to hip. Also not trying to pull my shoulders back like I normally do in this photo

2.5 weeks into recovery

Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: Roni on October 22, 2015, 05:18:19 AM
Jenny, might I say that you look absolutely incredible! Add me to the list of girls who have silently been watching this thread over the months, and who you have given hope to!

While I was scrolling through the thread, your pictures caught my boyfriend's eye. He doesn't usually comment about other women, but upon seeing your pictures he said "that girl looks REALLY good." I did get a tad bit jealous haha.

Currently, I wear padded bodywear to achieve a feminine figure. I am looking to get fat redistribution some time in the next 18 months, after breast augmentation. I know Dr Cardenas was mentioned once or twice on this thread, and that he is one of only a few surgeons in the world who provides this surgery for trans women. Has anybody heard good things about his fat redistribution procedure? When I was in Guadalajara for my hair transplant there were a couple of girls there who were getting the same procedure done. I just think Cardenas fits my price range a lot better.
Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: SonadoraXVX on October 23, 2015, 05:27:32 AM
A true trailblazer, if I have ever seen one Jenny, who shows what can be done to the tg community at large and bring us out of the darkness, at least for me :)
Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: Jennygirl on October 26, 2015, 01:09:33 AM
Thank you so much Roni and Sanadora!! If there was one thing I had always wanted out of transition, it was to feel balanced from shoulder to hip. I feel like I've done as much as I can at this point without doing 5 million lunges every day ;) I'm glad that you see what I see, and I feel like a huge weight has been lifted!

Roni- the fat redistribution offered by Cardenas is exactly what I had done. It's basically a fat transfer. First, they lipo areas with localized fat deposits (the best area being the abdomen and lovehandles). Then, they reinject the usable fat into areas like hips and butt. You can really use it anywhere though, it's kind of like having a permanent filler made of your own cells.

I used to wear that padded bodywear stuff, it does help a lot. But it always felt kinda icky- knowing when I take my clothes off, the curves disappear. I was pretty used to dealing with this, because I'd been padding my butt since I was probably 13 :P I have to say that now, for some reason the new distribution is even more apparent when clothes are off. The pictures truly do not do it justice. I am so incredibly happy with what I see in the mirror with no clothes on.

Now it's been two days over 3 weeks since I went through with round 2 to the hips. My thighs are a lot less swollen, and I am starting to notice the difference post inner-thigh lipo. My waist has also lost a lot of swelling, and I am back to a 28 inch waist. Hip measurement is 41", which is a kind of ridiculous .68 waist/hip ratio. Still, I think most of it is in my butt, but the curvature from waist to hip is noticeable from any angle. I catch people looking at my hips from the front now, which I take as a compliment ;)

I've also lost a bit of weight since the procedure. I went in at 165, and now I am about 158. I stopped eating so much (for a long time there I was kind of "fat farming" by eating a ton so I could gain weight to be transferred). Returning back to my normal diet, my body is quickly getting rid of excess. My goal is to get back to 140s (when I first started gaining weight for round one, I started at 135). I don't want to lose too much weight, because I know I will also lose some of the volume from the fat transfer. What I am more concerned with is how my arms, upper body muscles, neck, and face all got a little larger from the gain. It feels a bit unnatural to me to be bigger up top, so losing some weight is my next main goal (crossing fingers that my hips n bum don't shrink too much!). I'm not really trying to lose weight though, I plan on letting my body settle wherever it wants to. I am in my 30s now, and I know my metabolism probably isn't what it used to be before I gained 25-30lbs. We will see :)

Thanks again for all the nice comments!
Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: Jennygirl on October 26, 2015, 01:29:45 AM
Some week 3.5 update pics.




This is probably the most curve-revealing dresses I own, so keep that in mind.

Also still only 3 weeks, things aren't fully settled until 6 weeks.
Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: SonadoraXVX on October 26, 2015, 06:13:02 AM
Awesome awesome awesome development Jenny :-). Why other girls are not focused on this thread is beyond me.  That hip to waist to shoulder ratio it's extremely important in my eyes, along with other features, which you carry it all very naturally, which again is very important in my eyes.

Kudos again :-), I'm sold on this procedure BTW :-)

Sent from my SM-N920V using Tapatalk

Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: Paige on October 26, 2015, 09:12:50 AM
Wow Jenny, that's a marvelous result.  You're truly an inspiration.

Paige :)
Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: Nema on October 26, 2015, 09:37:59 AM
Omg, Jenny... I'm so happy for you! Your results are amazing. I normally follow this thread to get an idea of what it's like to get that type of work done, but now I'll be coming to check you out! Wow is all that I can really say.   :)
Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: Jennygirl on October 26, 2015, 04:52:46 PM
Sonadora- I agree 100% about shoulder/hip ratio. As I'm sure I've mentioned a whole bunch already in this thread, obsessing over that ratio during 1st puberty was my first clear indication of my transness to myself. It's been a long arduous process... 15 years to line up all of my eggs and two stages of the procedure over the past year.

I feel a lot more balanced, and way more outfits tend to work. I don't feel so self conscious about having such wide shoulders for a girl.

Thanks for all the kind words! :-* :-* :-* :-*

To all who are interested in this procedure:
It's VERY important not to seek or expect perfection from this procedure. There are always minor differences (mainly pelvic) that we as trans women have to deal with, that is just part of the gig if you are past 1st puberty. You have to be realistic about the amount of fat you have available to transfer, and also very realistic about how much will reabsorb. Perhaps in the future they will have a fat graft that takes 100%, but I think this is the best we currently have (60-70% by my estimates- depending on surgical technique and how well you respect the recovery process). I read a lot of places that two stages is often required to achieve the desired shape. Maybe you will be luckier, but that definitely held true for me. A lot of my hip augmentation during the 1st round reabsorbed. That left me WAY better off than before in the butt, but still kind of flat on the hips. Round two further contoured my waist, and gave me the little boost on the hips which really seemed to finish things off.
Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: stephaniec on October 26, 2015, 05:00:23 PM
nice butt and hips
Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: Nema on October 26, 2015, 05:04:51 PM
One thing I've wondered is how many times you can have the grafts done. Did your doctor discuss the ratio of fat absorption based on how many times you've already had the procedure? Is there a limit on how many procedures you can have due to scar tissue or other reasons?
Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: Roni on October 26, 2015, 05:53:55 PM
JENNNYYY you look SO good! I can't stop looking at this thread lol. It kind of sucks that the re-absorption rate is that high. I would hate to pay $6k (Cardenas' price for the procedure), only to go through the healing process to find out I still have to rely on padded bodywear. Money doesn't come easy for me either, so if I experience any fat loss, I will probably have to wait another year of saving for any further grafts to the areas.

I'm curious as well. Can you technically keep gaining weight over and over to produce more fat grafts?
Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: judithlynn on October 27, 2015, 08:28:17 PM
Hi Jenny;
Have you had BA yet or is your bust just as a result of your rapid feminisation under Dr ODay. If you haven't had BA, would you consider it or is it best to wait and if so how long would you recommend.

I was considering BA last year, but friends counselled against it as they reminded me I am still growing ( I have added a Cup size since then - so it was wise counsel), but I really would like to be about my mothers size - DD rather than the B=Cup I am now

Do you think pellets helped to set you up towards getting what I really envy you now is a fabulous figure.

By the way I would love to see some pictures of you in a short figure hugging dress. Back front and side profiles!
By the way what are your overall measurements now?
Judith Lynn
Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: CrysC on October 28, 2015, 12:03:18 AM
Jenny girl, you look good!
Those are awesome results.
Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: Jennygirl on October 28, 2015, 12:58:02 AM
Thanks Stephanie and CrysC! :)

Nema- No limit except for fat availability, but I think the more times you have lipo to one area the harder it is for the surgeon (due to scar tissue) and the higher likelihood of complications like skin unevenness or loose skin. It's basically revision lipo, so you'd want to choose that surgeon wisely. Usually revision procedures are more complicated from what I understand...

I found it mentioned online a few times that the second time an area is augmented via fat transfer, the fat survival tends to be higher. Seems to be due to more tissue being there from the previous transfer and therefore more blood supply- meaning less absorption. Seems like a feeling, though (rather than proven science).

Roni- Thanks! Technically yes you could do it over and over, but the body would start putting the fat in weird places like face, arms, neck, legs- anything that hasn't been lipo'd. You'd probably end up looking a little disproportionate- I wouldn't recommend it over and over and over. I spaced round 1 and 2 by 8 months and don't plan on doing it again.

As far as fat loss/reabsorption, it does happen regardless. It's just a matter of how much.. depending on the surgeon's technique and how rigorous you are about not sitting on your butt during recovery.

Judith- No I haven't had a BA and don't want it. I hardly ever think about my boobs. I got a decent B from hormones and I am happy with that :) I think the hormones did help with subtle fat redistribution- especially the soft stuff right underneath the skin. My thighs now are completely different, for example, and I have the start of "saddlebags" on my outer thighs. That is all from hormones- Dr. Hughes refused to inject anything there.

I'll post update pics sometime soon with a different dress :)

My current measurements are 37/28/41

When I began transition:
43" around shoulders
15" neck
35" bust
34" under bust
10.5" arm un-flexed
29" waist
34" hip
21" thigh
5' 9"

3 years later (currently)
41" around shoulders (-2")
13.5" neck (-1.5")
37" bust (+2")
34" under bust (no change)
12" arm unflexed (+1.5")
28" waist (-1")
41" hip (+7")
23" thigh (+2")
5' 8" (-1")
158lbs (+28lbs)
Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: judithlynn on November 04, 2015, 05:59:02 PM
Hi Jenny;
Do you have any pictures of yourself in a swimsuit/bikini both before and post the bbl as I notice that you love swimming.
This is part of the reason I am looking seriously at BBL , because whilst I love swimming my buttocks and hips are just too flat and a dead giveaway, although I do have quite well developed B Cup breasts now.
Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: emma-f on November 07, 2015, 06:19:49 AM
Jenny. I posted on here yesterday but it looks like its gone as part of the whole website down thing. I just wanted to say thank you so much for this thread. My hips, to me, are the biggest issue, as I look ok with padding on, but it does limit the clothing choices. I'd looked at this and was a little bit pessimistic (I remember fat transfer being mentioned 15 years or so ago as one of these "things for the future" and all the surgeons spoke of the body just absorbing it all) so you're story has really given me renewed hope. Thanks again. Em
Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: Jennygirl on November 07, 2015, 10:55:14 PM
Quote from: judithlynn on November 04, 2015, 05:59:02 PM
Hi Jenny;
Do you have any pictures of yourself in a swimsuit/bikini both before and post the bbl as I notice that you love swimming.
This is part of the reason I am looking seriously at BBL , because whilst I love swimming my buttocks and hips are just too flat and a dead giveaway, although I do have quite well developed B Cup breasts now.

I have some from several months after round 1, but I think it's still too early to tell what is permanent for me following round 2.

When the time comes (in a month or so), I'll do a comparison pic. Unfortunately I don't have any from pre round 1.

Quote from: emma-f on November 07, 2015, 06:19:49 AM
Jenny. I posted on here yesterday but it looks like its gone as part of the whole website down thing. I just wanted to say thank you so much for this thread. My hips, to me, are the biggest issue, as I look ok with padding on, but it does limit the clothing choices. I'd looked at this and was a little bit pessimistic (I remember fat transfer being mentioned 15 years or so ago as one of these "things for the future" and all the surgeons spoke of the body just absorbing it all) so you're story has really given me renewed hope. Thanks again. Em

I remember when it was mentioned, too, as a future popular surgery. I was researching hip augmentation / body feminization at that time, too- years before I fully realized I was trans. So, I get you on the hips thing! It's very important to me, too.

Glad I could help to restore some hope :)

I am now 5 weeks post op, and things are still looking good despite losing a bit of weight. I am no longer wearing the compression garment (only occasionally) and the waist is still holding tight at 28... bum is a smidge over 40". Waist/hip ratio 0.7 :D :D
Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: Harley Quinn on November 08, 2015, 01:22:32 PM
Holy Hips Batman! I'd say 200% success. You look amazing Jenny!
Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: Jennygirl on November 10, 2015, 05:04:00 AM
Thanks Harley Quinn!

So nice to be out of the compression garment. I am convinced that my mood suffers a lot wearing that thing. Like, the thing makes me cranky or something. I feel way better now!
Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: Harley Quinn on November 10, 2015, 09:34:06 AM
Looking forward to hearing how everything settles. From the looks of it, it's going to be simply amazing!
Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: audreelyn on November 11, 2015, 02:16:10 AM
OMG! Jenny...

Absolutely amazing. You're my heroine :)
So, you haven't done BA, what other surgeries have you done, if I can ask?

And for the other girls, what type of padding do y'all use??

Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: Harley Quinn on November 11, 2015, 08:21:51 AM
Quote from: audreelyn on November 11, 2015, 02:16:10 AM

And for the other girls, what type of padding do y'all use??

Sofa cushions/egg crate is common practice for drag... closed cell foam is also very easy to manipulate. It looks good, but is like a sweat magnet. It is also extremely noticeable if you brush against it. So it works well for performances, where you have a stage to separate you from public, but is less than prime on the street. If you think wigs are hot, you have yet to see miserable.

I am more of a 1 billion squats, and lunges. Followed by 3 billion crunches. Its not nearly as awesome as Jenny's figure, but you can forego the padding; which is a major annoyance/hassle. I'm definitely going to go Jenny's route when I am further along. She looks incredible!!
Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: audreelyn on November 11, 2015, 08:45:04 AM
Sweet Harley costume, btw!

Yeah I'm more of an active person... But being active won't produce a derriere as nice. Sigh, only 2.5 billion squats to do! Haha. Well, I'd rather have a flared skirt do the work in the mean time.

What kind of work out regiment do you do? Right now I'm doing t25 with Shaun T. It's painful, but worth it.
Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: Paige on November 11, 2015, 09:56:23 AM
Quote from: Harley Quinn on November 11, 2015, 08:21:51 AM
I am more of a 1 billion squats, and lunges. Followed by 3 billion crunches. Its not nearly as awesome as Jenny's figure, but you can forego the padding; which is a major annoyance/hassle. I'm definitely going to go Jenny's route when I am further along. She looks incredible!!

I always thought belly dancing would be a good way to help the hips.  Yoga can also help a bit with hip opening and strengthening.

Paige :)
Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: Harley Quinn on November 12, 2015, 08:20:36 AM
Quote from: audreelyn on November 11, 2015, 08:45:04 AM
Sweet Harley costume, btw!

Yeah I'm more of an active person... But being active won't produce a derriere as nice. Sigh, only 2.5 billion squats to do! Haha. Well, I'd rather have a flared skirt do the work in the mean time.

What kind of work out regiment do you do? Right now I'm doing t25 with Shaun T. It's painful, but worth it.
Thank you on the Costume! I poured my heart into making it. And it made my tushy look amazing!

I like weight training.. heavy weights lifted as many times as possible. I can't do a lot of the super active run in place stuff. My joints won't appreciate any of it, and I'll be immobile for days to recover. 10 major motorcycle accidents, 14 years as a Paratrooper, and 6 tours has destroyed my joints. I take what I can get.

Probably shouldn't get too off topic though. Feel free to PM if you want to discuss anything.
Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: Harley Quinn on November 21, 2015, 04:29:11 PM
** Bump ** How is round two turning out?
Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: Joi on November 22, 2015, 12:34:05 PM
Amazing results!  Congratz!  Something like this might be in my future, but (no pun intended) GCS 1st.


Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: NataliaDoll on November 29, 2015, 01:13:10 AM
Hi Jenny I wanted to congratulate you for going through with the procedure and let you know that you look gorgeous! Very curvaceous and feminine shape! I love the hips and you have booty :)

People are talking about the fat absorption I have heard not all of it lasts?

I think fat transfer is a great procedure and the results are mostly permanent, but I'm surprised no one has really brang up hip/butt implants. I guess each procedure choice depends on the person because everyone's body is different so both surgeries are good choices. When I get to the point I think I will more likely choose the butt and hip implants they are 100% permanent and someone I know got it done from Cardenas in Mexico and total cost for everything is 11k. I love the look of implants and they move and jiggle lol.
Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: ErinS on November 29, 2015, 07:27:39 AM
The thing about implants vs. fat transfer is iirc you can't put implants in that little pocket on the outside of the hip/thigh area that most genetic males have. Another advantage of the transfer is the doc can actually sculpt the midsection and hips/thighs into a more feminine shape.

Both procedures have their place, and it's going to really depend on a case by case basis which is better.
Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: Lagertha on November 29, 2015, 08:49:28 AM
Hip implants are really BAD idea. Not only it can be very noticeable, especially if you dont have really generous fat deposition (in which case you wouldnt exactly need implants). And it doesnt move naturally... so it can look convincing on the right angle photo, but not so much in real life.

Butt implants on it's own also doesnt improve the whole thing. It only improves projection, but doesnt do anything for the fullness on the sides.

If you have BMI less than 23, you are not ideal candidate for fat transfer, and you cant expect dramatic improvements. Simply said you need enough donor tissue. This is where butt implants actually come into place, for combination of both, butt implants and fat transfer. For someone with BMI around 21 or less, this is more or less the best solution (unless if they decide to improve their BMI). Implants would improve projection and fat transfer would be used to shape and fill everything out also on the sides.

Not everybody who offers either implants or fat transfer or both seperately is willing to do this combination, because it can be little more tricky... so one would need to go to someone who does this regularly.
Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: NataliaDoll on November 29, 2015, 12:30:01 PM
I wouldn't have any fat to transfer so I would need to consider implants instead. They usually offer a round shape which fills out the sides as well. I heard they have a surgery for implants and then whatever fat you have they can transfer to hips this would probably be best for me. I have seen hip implants on girls they don't look most natural they kind of give it a dramatic look but it still looks good to me lol depends what you are going for. As far as safety I wouldn't really know about the hip implants.
Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: Lagertha on November 29, 2015, 01:03:44 PM
You can always develop more fat. Its not so hard, trust me  :)

Butt implants placed under the muscle, will not fill the sides. If you have a lot of natural padding there, yes it can have some effect like that, as it pushes some also towards the sides. If you don't have much padding, that's not happening. The solution is to use whatever fat there is, and transfer it to the sides, and some on hips.
The size and shape of implant generally depends on the size of gluteus maximus.

As for hip implants... that has no chance of ever looking natural, because there is no muscle to place implant under, so it has to be placed above muscle. Result of that is visable shape of implant (unless if you have like 2+ inch fat layer over implant), which doesnt move naturally when you walk, exercise, etc, and can be noticeable even under tight clothing, like dresses, leggings, etc. So its not just a problem for swimsuit occasions, but everyday life. Until they find a much better solution (for him implants) than what is available now, stay faaaar away.

Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: kittenpower on November 29, 2015, 01:47:45 PM
Quote from: Lagertha on November 29, 2015, 01:03:44 PM
You can always develop more fat. Its not so hard, trust me  :)

Butt implants placed under the muscle, will not fill the sides. If you have a lot of natural padding there, yes it can have some effect like that, as it pushes some also towards the sides. If you don't have much padding, that's not happening. The solution is to use whatever fat there is, and transfer it to the sides, and some on hips.
The size and shape of implant generally depends on the size of gluteus maximus.

As for hip implants... that has no chance of ever looking natural, because there is no muscle to place implant under, so it has to be placed above muscle. Result of that is visable shape of implant (unless if you have like 2+ inch fat layer over implant), which doesnt move naturally when you walk, exercise, etc, and can be noticeable even under tight clothing, like dresses, leggings, etc. So its not just a problem for swimsuit occasions, but everyday life. Until they find a much better solution (for him implants) than what is available now, stay faaaar away.
From what I've read, butt implants have a high complication rate (e.g., surgical wounds opening [dehiscence], and infection [if this happens the implants have to be removed] )especially with larger implants; they are extremely painful, you can't sit down naturally for a couple of months, and it's difficult and painful to walk for many weeks. I don' know anyone with hip implants, and there's barely any information about them on the Internet, so I personally wouldn't get them since they seem to be in the experimental stage right now. The only two surgeons I know of who do hip implants right now are Dr. Chugay, and Dr. Cardenas.
Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: NataliaDoll on November 29, 2015, 01:54:30 PM
I wasn't sure where the hip implant was placed if it goes right under skin that's kind of strange I thought there was some kind of pocket.

I have never heard about complications with butt implants I have only heard complications with the illegal injections which is not good.

As far as recovery I know it's a process but it's worth it
Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: Lagertha on November 29, 2015, 02:34:39 PM
It's not placed under skin, but rather under fat layer.

It's true what kittenpower said, complications with butt implants are quite high. Infections can happen to anybody, regardless of who the surgeon was. But less than ideal placement, or poorly chosen implants (wrong size and shape) can cause it to move, which can reportedly really hurt, and needs to be taken out. Another complication can be with fat transfer injections. If surgeon doesnt know exactly what they are doing, and how to perform fat injections on a patient with under muscle implants, they can cause severe infection. So it necessary to have this done by a surgeon who specializes in that, and is experienced in performing combination of both techniques (implants and transfer). Many surgeons offer both, but they are not experienced in doing combination. Make shure you go to the right surgeon for that. And I would strongly suggest against looking for cheap options.. Those who are experts in this and do the combination approach regularly and safely, also have their price set accordingly. When you take into account that it will be most likely needed to repeat fat transfer to hips (and smooth some things here and there), because of some reabsorption, you are looking at SRS or FFS type of money.
Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: kitten_lover on November 30, 2015, 10:57:57 AM
Quote from: Roni on October 22, 2015, 05:18:19 AM
Jenny, might I say that you look absolutely incredible! Add me to the list of girls who have silently been watching this thread over the months, and who you have given hope to!

While I was scrolling through the thread, your pictures caught my boyfriend's eye. He doesn't usually comment about other women, but upon seeing your pictures he said "that girl looks REALLY good." I did get a tad bit jealous haha.

Currently, I wear padded bodywear to achieve a feminine figure. I am looking to get fat redistribution some time in the next 18 months, after breast augmentation. I know Dr Cardenas was mentioned once or twice on this thread, and that he is one of only a few surgeons in the world who provides this surgery for trans women. Has anybody heard good things about his fat redistribution procedure? When I was in Guadalajara for my hair transplant there were a couple of girls there who were getting the same procedure done. I just think Cardenas fits my price range a lot better.

Hey Roni & All

I am currently considering having FFS and a fat transfer to the hips. As I don't really want to have to go into the operating room too many times, for one it's an added expense everytime, so combining procedures, if you believe your body can take it, I think is a good idea. Actually that is one of the questions I wanted to ask... Is that a problem? I've heard of people having SRS and breast augmentation's before, so why not FFS and a fat transfer. I would love to know more information about that.

Like Jenny, the main reason I'm opting for this procedure is for a more hourglass figure. Like you, Roni, I also wear padded undies (like everyday....not the same ones everyday though, I have many pairs) - but now Im with a boyfriend, it can get awkward as I'd rather he not ask me why my undies are padded. Up until now ... he's not really noticed. My butt isnt actually too bad, it protrudes a bit, but could be more fatty. The main reason I want this procedure done is for bigger hips - to feel more comfortable in myself and for it to be natural. Up until I'd read this post I was going to opt for hip implants - I hadn't really researched the complications that were mentioned on this thread, and then when I saw Jenny's incredible results - I was like WOW

So...bringing me to what I was originally going to say...Dr Chettawut in Thailand can also do this :) Dr Cardenas does as well I know and I've no idea about how good the results are, nor am I for Dr Chettawut for that matter, however, I am really keen on Dr Chettawut's jawline and chin contouring - he's very aggressive to help his patients achieve that V - Line and has plenty of before and after pics on his wesbite - which tell me he's consistent with his work. I haven't seen too many consistent photo's on Dr Cardenas's site, which is why I'm more reluctant to go to Mexico. Oh and Dr Chettawut isn't too expensive either, not as competitive as Dr Cardenas but not too far off either.

Actually any advice on this would be really good. Is anyone here aware of other surgeons who can combine FFS with fat transfer to the hips?

Look forward to hearing from y'all

Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: kitten_lover on November 30, 2015, 11:02:55 AM
Quote from: Jennygirl on October 26, 2015, 01:09:33 AM
Thank you so much Roni and Sanadora!! If there was one thing I had always wanted out of transition, it was to feel balanced from shoulder to hip. I feel like I've done as much as I can at this point without doing 5 million lunges every day ;) I'm glad that you see what I see, and I feel like a huge weight has been lifted!

Roni- the fat redistribution offered by Cardenas is exactly what I had done. It's basically a fat transfer. First, they lipo areas with localized fat deposits (the best area being the abdomen and lovehandles). Then, they reinject the usable fat into areas like hips and butt. You can really use it anywhere though, it's kind of like having a permanent filler made of your own cells.

I used to wear that padded bodywear stuff, it does help a lot. But it always felt kinda icky- knowing when I take my clothes off, the curves disappear. I was pretty used to dealing with this, because I'd been padding my butt since I was probably 13 :P I have to say that now, for some reason the new distribution is even more apparent when clothes are off. The pictures truly do not do it justice. I am so incredibly happy with what I see in the mirror with no clothes on.

Now it's been two days over 3 weeks since I went through with round 2 to the hips. My thighs are a lot less swollen, and I am starting to notice the difference post inner-thigh lipo. My waist has also lost a lot of swelling, and I am back to a 28 inch waist. Hip measurement is 41", which is a kind of ridiculous .68 waist/hip ratio. Still, I think most of it is in my butt, but the curvature from waist to hip is noticeable from any angle. I catch people looking at my hips from the front now, which I take as a compliment ;)

I've also lost a bit of weight since the procedure. I went in at 165, and now I am about 158. I stopped eating so much (for a long time there I was kind of "fat farming" by eating a ton so I could gain weight to be transferred). Returning back to my normal diet, my body is quickly getting rid of excess. My goal is to get back to 140s (when I first started gaining weight for round one, I started at 135). I don't want to lose too much weight, because I know I will also lose some of the volume from the fat transfer. What I am more concerned with is how my arms, upper body muscles, neck, and face all got a little larger from the gain. It feels a bit unnatural to me to be bigger up top, so losing some weight is my next main goal (crossing fingers that my hips n bum don't shrink too much!). I'm not really trying to lose weight though, I plan on letting my body settle wherever it wants to. I am in my 30s now, and I know my metabolism probably isn't what it used to be before I gained 25-30lbs. We will see :)

Thanks again for all the nice comments!

Hi Jenny

Really glad this procedure went well for you second time around. I noticed though after your first round you'd mentioned your hips measurements were around 42" ? So have they gone down now to 41" ?
Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: kitten_lover on November 30, 2015, 11:10:20 AM
Quote from: Jennygirl on October 26, 2015, 01:29:45 AM
Some week 3.5 update pics.




This is probably the most curve-revealing dresses I own, so keep that in mind.

Also still only 3 weeks, things aren't fully settled until 6 weeks.

Hey Jenny do you have any pics you could upload with your arms straight down - It's just I've noticed in ALMOST all the pics posted your arms are up or back, making it a little difficult to see the hip/shoulder ratio. I'm only saying it because I think it might be helpful for others, including myself, when deciding if this is the best way forward.

Sorry I don't mean to be a pest by posting this....

Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: kitten_lover on November 30, 2015, 11:11:53 AM
Quote from: Roni on October 26, 2015, 05:53:55 PM
JENNNYYY you look SO good! I can't stop looking at this thread lol. It kind of sucks that the re-absorption rate is that high. I would hate to pay $6k (Cardenas' price for the procedure), only to go through the healing process to find out I still have to rely on padded bodywear. Money doesn't come easy for me either, so if I experience any fat loss, I will probably have to wait another year of saving for any further grafts to the areas.

I'm curious as well. Can you technically keep gaining weight over and over to produce more fat grafts?

I am completely with you on that, that's my main concern too.
Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: kitten_lover on November 30, 2015, 11:18:48 AM
Quote from: Jennygirl on November 07, 2015, 10:55:14 PM
Waist/hip ratio 0.7 :D :D

I just happened to look this up and thought I should share...First hit on google

It is thought that a small waist-to-hip ratio is equated in the mind with good health and high fertility. Dr Dixson said: 'It is likely that perfect 0.7 ratio sends a biological signal to men that that woman is most fertile and most likely to produce a healthy offspring, no matter what size that woman is.25 Aug 2010

Well done Jenny
Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: kitten_lover on November 30, 2015, 11:23:42 AM
Quote from: audreelyn on November 11, 2015, 02:16:10 AM
OMG! Jenny...

Absolutely amazing. You're my heroine :)
So, you haven't done BA, what other surgeries have you done, if I can ask?

And for the other girls, what type of padding do y'all use??


These are the ones I buy time and time again - they work really well for me. I would highly recomend buying the bigger sizes - at least a large. I'm 5'3" 120 pounds and use the XL ones. With increased size you get thicker padding too...bear that in mind ;) - and also, look how much money you can save!

Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: Lagertha on November 30, 2015, 11:35:07 AM
Quote from: kitten_lover on November 30, 2015, 10:57:57 AM
I am currently considering having FFS and a fat transfer to the hips. As I don't really want to have to go into the operating room too many times, for one it's an added expense everytime, so combining procedures, if you believe your body can take it, I think is a good idea. Actually that is one of the questions I wanted to ask... Is that a problem? I've heard of people having SRS and breast augmentation's before, so why not FFS and a fat transfer. I would love to know more information about that.

Bad idea!
When having FFS you need to sleep and rest lying on your back with raised head and upper body ( ...  or just plenty o stacked cushions... ). This is essential to prevent inflamation, infections... and allow for normal healing. Two weeks sleeping with hear straight up, without laying your head on the side, is pretty much given.. Maybe couple days less maybe a week or two more, depends on your swelling and healing process. 

For fat transfer you need to sleep and rest on your belly for month or two (sleeping on back or sides or sitting not allowed)... so this two recoveries really doesnt go together.
Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: kitten_lover on November 30, 2015, 11:38:56 AM
Quote from: Lagertha on November 29, 2015, 08:49:28 AM
If you have BMI less than 23, you are not ideal candidate for fat transfer, and you cant expect dramatic improvements. Simply said you need enough donor tissue. This is where butt implants actually come into place, for combination of both, butt implants and fat transfer. For someone with BMI around 21 or less, this is more or less the best solution (unless if they decide to improve their BMI). Implants would improve projection and fat transfer would be used to shape and fill everything out also on the sides.

Not everybody who offers either implants or fat transfer or both seperately is willing to do this combination, because it can be little more tricky... so one would need to go to someone who does this regularly.

That sucks so much... :( I've just measured by BMI and I'm 21.8

This is my healthy weight so bringing my weight up for the sake of a fat transfer won't be sustainable I imagine.

Jenny, what was your BMI if you dont mind me asking (pre- transition)?
Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: kitten_lover on November 30, 2015, 11:41:27 AM
Quote from: Lagertha on November 30, 2015, 11:35:07 AM
Bad idea!
When having FFS you need to sleep and rest lying on your back with raised head and upper body ( ...  or just plenty o stacked cushions... ). This is essential to prevent inflamation, infections... and allow for normal healing. Two weeks sleeping with hear straight up, without laying your head on the side, is pretty much given.. Maybe couple days less maybe a week or two more, depends on your swelling and healing process. 

For fat transfer you need to sleep and rest on your belly for month or two (sleeping on back or sides or sitting not allowed)... so this two recoveries really doesnt go together.

Oh ok... well that is really useful to know - I had no idea for FFS you have sleep like that (makes sense) and then for fat transfer you need to sleep the other way (okay well there's two days of wishful thinking out the window....) darn
Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: kitten_lover on November 30, 2015, 11:44:44 AM
Quote from: NataliaDoll on November 29, 2015, 12:30:01 PM
I wouldn't have any fat to transfer so I would need to consider implants instead. They usually offer a round shape which fills out the sides as well. I heard they have a surgery for implants and then whatever fat you have they can transfer to hips this would probably be best for me. I have seen hip implants on girls they don't look most natural they kind of give it a dramatic look but it still looks good to me lol depends what you are going for. As far as safety I wouldn't really know about the hip implants.

Hey Natalie
You mentioned previously you know someone who has had hip implants? Are they on this website? I would like to ask more questions to someone who is living proof as having had it done and also ask more detailed questions, see photos etc. That would help me to work out what is best to do, seeing as i'm not a good candidate for this now.
Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: ErinS on November 30, 2015, 12:41:15 PM
Quote from: Lagertha on November 30, 2015, 11:35:07 AM
Bad idea!
When having FFS you need to sleep and rest lying on your back with raised head and upper body ( ...  or just plenty o stacked cushions... ). This is essential to prevent inflamation, infections... and allow for normal healing. Two weeks sleeping with hear straight up, without laying your head on the side, is pretty much given.. Maybe couple days less maybe a week or two more, depends on your swelling and healing process. 

For fat transfer you need to sleep and rest on your belly for month or two (sleeping on back or sides or sitting not allowed)... so this two recoveries really doesnt go together.

I have to agree with this, and it's also a big reason i decided not to do boobs and bbl at the same time. 
Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: kitten_lover on November 30, 2015, 01:21:03 PM
Quote from: ErinS on November 30, 2015, 12:41:15 PM
I have to agree with this, and it's also a big reason i decided not to do boobs and bbl at the same time.

What is BBL? I've just looked into the total cost of fat transfer with Dr Cardenas - its $7300. Seems quite affordable, possibly.

Also, on the back of your comment Erin, do you know if it's possible to have breast augmentation and FFS at the same time? Since I can't have the fat transfer with FFS - I may as well think about combining it with another surgery I would have otherwise considered in future.
Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: kittenpower on November 30, 2015, 01:46:36 PM
Brazilian butt lift
Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: ErinS on November 30, 2015, 02:51:50 PM
Quote from: kitten_lover on November 30, 2015, 01:21:03 PM
What is BBL? I've just looked into the total cost of fat transfer with Dr Cardenas - its $7300. Seems quite affordable, possibly.

Also, on the back of your comment Erin, do you know if it's possible to have breast augmentation and FFS at the same time? Since I can't have the fat transfer with FFS - I may as well think about combining it with another surgery I would have otherwise considered in future.

Kittenpower handled bbl, but regarding ffs and boobs you should be good to go on that. Of course confirm with your doctor.
Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: kitten_lover on November 30, 2015, 06:15:55 PM
Quote from: kittenpower on November 30, 2015, 01:46:36 PM
Brazilian butt lift

Hi Miss Kittenpower

Did you combine your BBL with something else? Like...FFS?

(does anyone else confuse FFS with for F***s sake sometimes?) Lol just wondering

Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: kittenpower on November 30, 2015, 07:16:36 PM
Like in *FFS* I am going to need FFS, lol. No, I haven't done the fat transfer yet, but I almost did several months ago, and then I decided to get my jaw and chin done (my current avatar was taken before the surgery, and when more swelling goes away, I will post a new one) instead, because it bothered me more; however I did combine my BA with a lip lift and tracheal shave. Knowing the pain of major FFS, and BA separately, I think it could be manageable for some people to do them together, but I wouldn't do it, because there is a lot of post op care that you have to do, and BA is really painful; FFS is painful also, but jaw and chin is about 3 times more painful for me than type 3 forehead with scalp advancement and rhinoplasty.
Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: kitten_lover on December 05, 2015, 09:34:55 AM
Quote from: Lagertha on November 30, 2015, 11:35:07 AM
Bad idea!
When having FFS you need to sleep and rest lying on your back with raised head and upper body ( ...  or just plenty o stacked cushions... ). This is essential to prevent inflamation, infections... and allow for normal healing. Two weeks sleeping with hear straight up, without laying your head on the side, is pretty much given.. Maybe couple days less maybe a week or two more, depends on your swelling and healing process. 

For fat transfer you need to sleep and rest on your belly for month or two (sleeping on back or sides or sitting not allowed)... so this two recoveries really doesnt go together.


So, I inquired with Dr Chettawut and Dr Cardenas about having FFS in combination with fat transfer to the are they're responses:

Dr Cardenas:
"Yes, we do offer fat infiltration to the buttocks & hips as well as silicone gel implants for both areas.  Dr. Cardenas does prefer fat infiltration over implants for patients that have enough fat available for transfer to the hips and buttocks.  For patients that have some fat but not enough for both the hips and buttocks, he typically recommends buttock implants combined with fat infiltration to the hips.  Fat infiltration is considered to be a safe and effective procedure when done properly.  We are using your own fat - nothing foreign to the body.  You can have fat infiltration to the buttocks and hips at the same time as facial feminization.  However, we do not recommend buttock implants at the same time as FFS or breast implants for the reason that you mentioned."

Dr Chettawut:
"FFS and breast augmentation and hip fat transfer can be done in one trip. The fats will be transferred to the hip area so you can still lie normally on bed (supine position)."

Are they just trying to make more money out of me? Is this feasible? what are your thoughts peoples xoxox
Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: Lagertha on December 05, 2015, 12:42:02 PM
Its not that they cant do it. Its not really their concern if you will lost 95% of transfered fat due to not being able to follow normal post operative instructions and care. You are not supposed to sit or lay down except on your belly for a month, better two. Not with fat transfer, and not with implants. You need to think this through and make the best decision for yourself. 

Whats the point of having fat transfer, if you will lost most of transfer fat? It makes no sense. You should do this seperately, and do the best you can that most of graft will survive, and not get reabsorbed. Please go to someone who is specialized in fat transfer (and implants) and is actually expert in this surgery. You shouldnt even think about doing this with any of the surgeons who are in FFS business. Much like you wouldnt go to have FFS with someone who spends their days doing boob jobs and brazilian butt lift. Go to someone who will actually give you the result worth of your money.   

FFS recovery is not fun. You dont want to make it worse than it already will be. Where did all this combining multiple surgeries at once, even came from? I know there is one person on this forum who is having SRS and FFS and BA done in one surgery. This is not common sense,............. I understand you want to save some money, but try to find a way to save it elsewhere, not for the cost of less than desired results of both, by going to the doctor who conviniently offers to do them at the same time.

You can have breasts done locally with local plastic surgeon, there are specialists for this surgery everywhere. You can also have it done under sedation and local anesthesia, so the price (and recovery) can be reduced. 

Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: kitten_lover on December 06, 2015, 05:29:10 AM
Quote from: Lagertha on December 05, 2015, 12:42:02 PM
Its not that they cant do it. Its not really their concern if you will lost 95% of transfered fat due to not being able to follow normal post operative instructions and care. You are not supposed to sit or lay down except on your belly for a month, better two. Not with fat transfer, and not with implants. You need to think this through and make the best decision for yourself. 

Whats the point of having fat transfer, if you will lost most of transfer fat? It makes no sense. You should do this seperately, and do the best you can that most of graft will survive, and not get reabsorbed. Please go to someone who is specialized in fat transfer (and implants) and is actually expert in this surgery. You shouldnt even think about doing this with any of the surgeons who are in FFS business. Much like you wouldnt go to have FFS with someone who spends their days doing boob jobs and brazilian butt lift. Go to someone who will actually give you the result worth of your money.   

FFS recovery is not fun. You dont want to make it worse than it already will be. Where did all this combining multiple surgeries at once, even came from? I know there is one person on this forum who is having SRS and FFS and BA done in one surgery. This is not common sense,............. I understand you want to save some money, but try to find a way to save it elsewhere, not for the cost of less than desired results of both, by going to the doctor who conviniently offers to do them at the same time.

You can have breasts done locally with local plastic surgeon, there are specialists for this surgery everywhere. You can also have it done under sedation and local anesthesia, so the price (and recovery) can be reduced.

Wow, I'd be interested to find out who it is that's combining SRS, FFS and BA..? and perhaps have a chat with them.

But I don't understand why fat would be reabsorbed into my body just by sitting now on butt during recovery - if say I had fat transfer to the hips? It kind of doesn't make sense - but I was wondering if you knew the science behind it?

Kind regards

Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: Lagertha on December 06, 2015, 06:19:43 AM
Even if you had transfer done exclusively on hips, you are not likely to have it done on the fronter side of hips, or just directly on the side, but rather mostly on the backsides. You cant just fill the sides. It has to have a 3D shape, as round and uniform as possible. While sitting (or laying on back) the pressure is not just directly under, but it gets distributed to the larger area, which would also apply pressure to the hips. Any pressure means less than ideal recovery, and less chance for the survival of most fat. Im not trying to scare you away of doing 5 procedures at once. In the end its none of my business. Im trying to give you most reasonable advice that I can. Which is primarily: Have fat transfer (or implant & transfer) done by someone who is an expert at it, and does this procedures every day. Dont do this procedure with dr. Cardenas, or dr. Chettawut or Zukowski or your local plastic surgeon who offers brazilian butt lift. Please go to someone who is specialized for this.. for the result that will be worth your hard earned money.
Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: kitten_lover on December 06, 2015, 03:06:39 PM
Quote from: Lagertha on December 06, 2015, 06:19:43 AM
Even if you had transfer done exclusively on hips, you are not likely to have it done on the fronter side of hips, or just directly on the side, but rather mostly on the backsides. You cant just fill the sides. It has to have a 3D shape, as round and uniform as possible. While sitting (or laying on back) the pressure is not just directly under, but it gets distributed to the larger area, which would also apply pressure to the hips. Any pressure means less than ideal recovery, and less chance for the survival of most fat. Im not trying to scare you away of doing 5 procedures at once. In the end its none of my business. Im trying to give you most reasonable advice that I can. Which is primarily: Have fat transfer (or implant & transfer) done by someone who is an expert at it, and does this procedures every day. Dont do this procedure with dr. Cardenas, or dr. Chettawut or Zukowski or your local plastic surgeon who offers brazilian butt lift. Please go to someone who is specialized for this.. for the result that will be worth your hard earned money.

Ok, thank you Lagertha. I think I will heed to this advice. Your explanation's much appreciated.
Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: Wynternight on December 23, 2015, 11:23:08 AM
I would love to get this done but there's no way I can avoid sitting for an entire month short of taking that long a holiday. Work just doesn't make such a thing possible for me. If I ever decide I need some more back I may have to go with implants.
Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: judithlynn on January 05, 2016, 12:40:07 AM
Hi Jenny;
As its now some 3 months plus since Round 2, do you have any pictures of yourself in that  Grey mini dress or bikini so that we can get an idea of how much fat you were abble to keep especially on tyne hips and thighs?
Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: Blush on January 05, 2016, 02:53:52 PM
Your body is designed to not change unless it's made to. The fat migration thing from HRT is a myth. Implants are a personal choice. Any fat transferred isn't permanent. Your best bet is to lose as much weight as you can, then regain it.
Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: Lagertha on January 05, 2016, 03:03:25 PM
Quote from: Blush on January 05, 2016, 02:53:52 PM
Your best bet is to lose as much weight as you can, then regain it.

Which will change what, according to your theory?
Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: Blush on January 05, 2016, 03:34:12 PM
Quote from: Lagertha on January 05, 2016, 03:03:25 PM
Which will change what, according to your theory?
Growing up as one gender, with one gender's hormones, influences fat to be distributed around the body according to that hormone's rules. Changing those hormones doesn't change fat that's already been added to the body. People may without trying, lose a pound here, then gain a pound there while on HRT. That new pound will go where the new hormones dictate, but at that point it's like adding a pitcher to a tub of water - visibly it's a miniscule change.

By losing as much fat as you (healthily) can, then regaining it. You're in effect performing a "do over" of natural growth, where fat is concerned. I've done it and it worked for me.
Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: Lagertha on January 05, 2016, 04:19:58 PM
Great for you, if it worked in your case. Generally speaking it doesn't really happen this way. When you lose weight you don't lose fat cells, they just become smaller, we could say deflated. Fat cells remain where they are, and when you gain weight they happily fill up again exactly as they were before, in exactly the place they are. But fat cells, like any other cells, don't live forever. Old ones die, and new ones form. Where the new one forms is the key for the fat distribution. If a person has typically male predispositions including male hormonal balance, the fat cells will primarily form on male fat pattern. But when a person has female hormonal balance the new cells will form on primarily female areas. But it's not just dependant on hormones but also many other genetic factors, which is why some trans women get amazing "redistribution" results, and others not so much, even if their hormone levels are ideal. Intentionally losing weight is unlikely to cause death of larger number of fat cells.. but some will, as they do all the time. If you were losing weight in healthy way (this would be slow, over a long period, like 1 year), and gaining it slowly (another year), it just might mean that enough old fat cells died during that time, and new ones formed on exactly the right places. If you were to lose weight in 2 months, and gain everything back in another 2 months, that most likely wouldn't make really noticeable difference in body shape.   
Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: Jennygirl on January 14, 2016, 04:37:04 PM
Sorry for basically being nonexistent here! I have been going through a move and been so super busy- it's kinda nutso

I just did an update to my realself review if you wanna have a look at my 3.5 month update

At some point I will try to find time to post an update in the stripey dress :) Probably the next time I wear it!
Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: Patti on January 14, 2016, 05:54:33 PM
I have been following this thread since I discovered this site, cool to see more updates :) You look beautiful girl!

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: judithlynn on January 14, 2016, 10:02:19 PM
Hi Jennygirl;
It would be good to see what you look like now in that Grey mini dress or in a swimsuit/bikini as that would be a great measure of your new curves as a comparison
Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: SusanGorsuch on February 16, 2016, 01:55:29 AM
Great post...
Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: judithlynn on August 06, 2016, 02:10:54 AM
Hi Jenny;
I see that you have posted 4 new pictures of what you now look like after 10 months on RealSelf and with whats been happening with you. Its not really appropriate for me to post what you said there directly, but for others interested the link is here:-

What I am wondering if you have any pictures of what you now look like in a bikini and perhaps that really nice grey mini dress as that would be a great demonstration as to just how gorgeous you now look.

PS By the way are you Number 6014 on Dr Hughes example pictures on his web site?
Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: SonadoraXVX on August 15, 2016, 12:23:51 AM
Great update Judithlynn,

Seeing how this surgery feminizes one very well, I may do this too :)
Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: judithlynn on October 14, 2017, 09:09:04 PM
Hi everyone.

You might be interested to know that Jenny's Nest in Marbella that does care and recovery with Facial Team (for FFS), is now also working with Dr Aslani   ( who does really very nice Brazilian Butt Lift with Fat Grafting where Jenny and her team, provide for al the care and attention including massage therapies to ensure that the very best results from Dr Aslani's BBL are achieved whilst sytaying in the in the beautiful surrounding of Jenny Nest in Marbella. See:

Jenny (Jenny's Nest) has now had her first 2 patients from Cirumed stay for the 3 weeks recovery from surgery. Cirumed also does Breast Augmentation.

Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: Saskia_F on November 03, 2017, 04:37:04 AM
Quote from: judithlynn on October 14, 2017, 09:09:04 PM
Hi everyone.

You might be interested to know that Jenny's Nest in Marbella that does care and recovery with Facial Team (for FFS), is now also working with Dr Aslani   ( who does really very nice Brazilian Butt Lift with Fat Grafting where Jenny and her team, provide for al the care and attention including massage therapies to ensure that the very best results from Dr Aslani's BBL are achieved whilst sytaying in the in the beautiful surrounding of Jenny Nest in Marbella. See:

Jenny (Jenny's Nest) has now had her first 2 patients from Cirumed stay for the 3 weeks recovery from surgery. Cirumed also does Breast Augmentation.



when I was heading to my consultation at Facial Team back in September, I quickly dropped by Cirumed clinic as well where I plan to get my BBL done in future. I met Jenny de Bonis Amann who showed me their facilities, relaxation and massage rooms etc. She mentioned they've just completed another bigger operation theater.

Honestly, the location isn't quite really comparable to FT's or Jenny's Nest neighbourhood since Cirumed is located directly at a busy four-lane speedway (Ctra. de Cádiz). However that won't bother me much as usually right after operation one might want to take shelter in a hotel or airBnB apartment.
Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: ecdw94 on July 18, 2018, 11:37:32 AM
Reading many stories here.
And I was wondering if I can get access to these pictures?
I just want to see examples of how far and how much one can feminize herself physically.
I will probably not be able to start HRT and such for years. But I can't stop researching about it and finding out more just because I can't afford to start HRT.

And also.... My biggest issue are my shoulders or broad upper body. And waist. How much do you think can be changed here? I read that bones don't change obviously, not even hips or whatsoever. But I did read that some peoples shoulders shrink-ed considerably, probably because of muscle mass. But I don't understand how... there isn't really any muscles there.. it's just plain broad...

Quote from: spooky on February 03, 2015, 03:15:20 PM
I had him lipo my stomach, flanks, entire back, and upper arms.

If you guys are curious you could pm me with an email address and I could send you gross bloody recovery pictures. With nudity, fyi. EDIT: This offer stands for Jenny and Missy and possibly anyone else who is willing to make case for themselves as someone who is both not a creepy rando and also serious about having a BBL.
Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: judithlynn on July 22, 2018, 11:51:03 PM
Hi Girls;
You might be interested to note that although not posted on here, Jenny has apparently had a third treatment by a new doctor in Los Angeles Dr Berger. It is not appropriate for me to put her link to the new pictures here. Jenny will need to do that herself. However she has provided details of the results on the web site So you could join real self and search on her name and see the amazing results there. She has used a technique called Sculptra Butt Lift. Certainly her new figure especially her hips results are just amazing as she really now does seem to have an amazing figure.

Jenny if you see this post, hope your bf is still liking the new you!

Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: CAB78 on July 29, 2018, 02:55:20 PM
Thanks for posting this, the 3rd session was an interesting read.

I'm due to have BBL with implants and fat transfer to hips with Dr Aslani at Cirumed in November, I'll post an update\review after. Starting to get nervous about the surgery, its my first.
Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: AnonyMs on July 29, 2018, 03:18:42 PM
Quote from: CAB78 on July 29, 2018, 02:55:20 PM
I'm due to have BBL with implants and fat transfer to hips with Dr Aslani at Cirumed in November, I'll post an update\review after. Starting to get nervous about the surgery, its my first.

I'll be very interested in reading that. I've heard Dr Aslani is good, but there's very little written about him.
Title: Re: Fat transfer to hips n bum
Post by: Charlie Nicki on September 20, 2018, 02:47:12 AM
Hey girls!

It's nice to find this thread. I had this procedure done 3 months ago and I love the results, I didn't have much fat to work with but the surgery gave me a really nice feminine shape, especially small waist, visible abs and nice small hips that I didn't have before. I lost around 20 pounds overall so I'm super skinny but definitely with a more feminine figure. My main concern right now is that I have food and sugar cravings all the time... I'm trying to eat healthy and hit the gym to keep my small frame, it worries me that if I gain the weight back it will not only increase hips and butt but also my upper body, giving me a wider more masculinizing frame and losing my tiny waist in the process. If I knew for sure that I would only regain it in the right areas I would eat away lol. Any opinions?