General Discussions => Health => Weight loss => Topic started by: Adabelle on November 22, 2010, 08:07:17 PM Return to Full Version

Title: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Adabelle on November 22, 2010, 08:07:17 PM
Lately I've been seeing that quite a few members are working on getting their weight down. I'm in this camp too and am working really hard on it. I think of this as my first transition (pre-transition) from fat to healthy :)

Anyway, I'm going to check in here each week with my weight (at least once a week). I think it will give me some additional motivation to be posting my progress here.

I'd love it if others who are in their "weight loss transition" to post here and join me. Please post your progress to keep me encouraged! :)

Okay, so in April of this year I weighed 215. I'm 5'10" (age 33), and have been overweight most of my life. But I just have a "medium" frame. My target is around 145-155 I think (maybe a little lower?). I'd like to hit that before starting HRT.

As of this morning I hit 193.6! My lowest since being a sophomore in college. The progress is slow, but lately I've hit a new burst of energy and commitment to move things along a little faster. I'm just counting calories and it's working great for me. I want the weight loss to be sustainable and not leave me with saggy skin or anything like that - also I want to keep this up for the long term, but I think I can go a bit faster than I have been and still be totally safe.

How about you? Anyone else in a weight loss 'transition' and want to post your progress every once and a while? Or anyone have any encouragement to share?
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: MillieB on November 22, 2010, 08:37:07 PM
Hi Madelyn :)

I have not really started to confront my weight yet as I have and do consider stopping smoking to be my number one priority (3 months and counting yay!) however, once xmas is out of the way I'm right there with you, so if this thread is still going I'll be right here!

Take care and good luck ;D M x
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Adabelle on November 22, 2010, 08:40:52 PM
Hey Millie that is so cool that you're been smoke free for 3 months! That's a huge milestone. I've had friends who have smoked through the years and it always seemed like it was the hardest for them in the first few weeks afterward, but as time went on they felt more and more confident. I'm totally cheering you on and hope you can join me in January :)
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Al James on November 25, 2010, 08:06:32 PM
I'd like to join you but is losing weight a criteria? At the minute mine seems to be going nowhere but up similar to my smoking habit. Think at the minute i'm 189 pounds and would like to be about 140. Got to get both my weight and smoking sorted by january or at least on the downward slope
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Adabelle on November 25, 2010, 09:24:57 PM
Oh there's no criteria. For me it's just keeping on the downward slope like you said, but please feel free to share with us what you're working on and your progress. I think it could be helpful for us to support each other with updates and encouragement.
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Adabelle on November 29, 2010, 12:10:48 PM
Well guys here's my first checkin. I weighed this morning and I'm up to 196.6, so that's about 3lbs more than I was at my lowest last week. It's mainly just because of the disruption in my normal diet around Thanksgiving time. But I'm back on my normal eating schedule so hopefully this weight I just put in will come off quickly.

How did you all do over the holiday?
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Robert Scott on November 29, 2010, 12:19:40 PM
Can I join?

I only gained a pound of the holidays ... but it was extremely stressful for me.
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Adabelle on November 29, 2010, 01:06:17 PM
Welcome Rob!

I really hope I didn't gain 3lbs in those three days over the holiday, but I don't think I did. Since 1lb = about 3500 calories I don't think I ate much more than 3500 calories extra over the holiday. Hopefully that means these extra lbs will come off quickly!
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Robert Scott on November 29, 2010, 01:14:32 PM
Well I weighed 229lbs when I started paying attention to my weight.

I am now down to 216lbs (well 217 after Thanksgiving).  I am trying really hard to loose weight b/c I want to have chest reconstruction surgery and the thinner I am the better success.  I have been at it for about 2 months now.
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Adabelle on November 29, 2010, 01:17:19 PM
Rob that's awesome. What if your preferred method for losing the weight? Any tips?
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Robert Scott on November 29, 2010, 01:21:52 PM
I have tried numerous ways ... so I sat down an really thought about what I wanted to achieve.   Saying I am on a diet and avoiding foods does not work for me.

So, in Oct I joined a gym and set a goal of going three times a week --- I am an overachiever and averaged about 4 times a week.  I also set goals of how much cardio and weight lifting I was going to do.

Then in Nov.  I added that I wanted to eat 2 vegetables & 1 fruit a day -- I am horrible about eating vegetables --- but I found by simplying trying to achieve that goal I am eating less since the veggies & fruit fill me up.

So instead of focusig on what  can't eat I focused on what I needed to eat more month my goal is to improve the amount of water I drink and increase my veggies to 3.   

I also have been increasing the amount of times and length Ido cardio and weight training.

The more positive approach seems tobe working for me.  My doctor loves it too...she has been very encouraging and supportive.  I also have diabeties & high cholestrol...and since I have started focusing those have improved greatly.
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Adabelle on November 29, 2010, 07:33:07 PM
Wow Jennifer that's awesome that you lost a pound through Thanksgiving. That's a real inspiration for me in the upcoming Christmas/New Years holiday. I have family coming to visit for almost a week and so I'm sure there will be lots of good food around, but I need to stay reasonable and try and not overdo it. I'm really glad you gave an update.
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Raven on November 29, 2010, 10:12:13 PM
I'd like to join in if I may. Last time I checked my weight, I weight it showed 250lbs. Which is an improvement seeing that I use to weigh nearly 300lbs. I have an workout buddy on here, which has brought me much encouragement :D I'm a whopping 5 foot tall so my goal weight is 130lbs max if 120lbs is not a good weight for my height. I have major depression so when my depression shows its ugly face all I want to do is listen to my music or meditate and I've been known to post how I feel on here at those ugly times. And being a parent myself it's good to play with my kid (also helps as she's very active so that also helps me loose weight). Umm I guess somehow in the long run I've developed some kind of sick obession with thin peeps (working on that). Well I don't know what else to say at the moment other than the best of luck to the each of you!
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Emmanuelle on November 30, 2010, 07:55:04 AM
I'll pitch in:
Started to reconsider my weight at 250 lbs some 3 months ago (I'm 6'10").
Got to 216 lbs this week and aiming for 205 by New Year. Ultimately, I'm aiming to get in the neighborhood of 180-185 by March (which is the point when I'll start HRT)

Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Robert Scott on November 30, 2010, 08:46:58 AM
I know we all can do it!!!! 
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Adabelle on November 30, 2010, 09:44:12 AM
Emma and Raven welcome!

For me I think Thanksgiving and Christmas have to be the most difficult time of year to eat well. The main problem I have is that normally I feel like I have some control over my intake (though I slip sometimes if we go out to eat or something). But around those holidays we're usually around family, and we love to cook as a family, or go out to eat - that makes it really hard because the foods we eat are usually very calorie dense foods.

I think I'm being more serious about my weight loss now because I consider it a part of transition. I came to the realization that my first goal is to transition from an overweight person (obese actually) to a healthy female weight person. By thinking of it as kind of test for transitions that may be in my future I think I take it more seriously because it's a validation of my true self. It's my old self vs new self I guess. I still sort of slip up here and there, but my weight loss has been slow and steady which is really exciting!

I'm definitely going to keep checking in here and I really look forward to everyone's progress. Even if you go up in weight please post! It's helpful I think to stay engaged.
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: JessicaH on November 30, 2010, 10:50:08 AM
I'll join in! I started the year at 245 lb and I'm 5 foot 11 inches. I had an incredibly busy year due to the BP spill which put me working over 3 months without a single day off and many 16 to 18 hour days. I am down to 199 lbs and now wear 34w jeans very comfortably or size 16 womens.

My immediate goal is to get to where I was in December of 1989 when I left Airborne School at age 19 and I was in incredible shape at 179 lbs and had a 31' waist.  I'll reevaluate after hitting that goal but that's my new goal after passing the 200 mark. I feel wonderful and I can't help but stop and look every time I pass a mirror! It's not that I'm vain but I'm just not used to the reflection yet, lol.

I have been letting my hair grow out and it's driving my wife insane. I didn't look good with longer hair when I was heavier but I think it looks goo on my slimmer face. My mom and her girlfriend told me this weekend that I look soo good with my hair longer and now that I'm closer to my high school weight and hair, people comment that I look SO much younger and that I hardly look like I have changed in 20 years!

It's kind of funny that I run into people from HS who instantly recognize me but I don't have a CLUE who they are. They just don't even resemble the person I know from 22 years ago in HS. I hate my "boy" pics but maybe I'll get brave and post a pic from HS next to a pic from now. It's also funny to see peoples reaction from how different "Stacy" looks compared to the guy I pretend to be, most of the time.
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Al James on November 30, 2010, 07:57:04 PM
Got weighed at the doctors yesterday and its an official 189 pounds. Which makes me about the same weight as 19 years ago when i was pregnant with my son. Have made myself endless promises to go to the gym but so far havent kept to them. Must give myself a figurative kick up the behind
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Robert Scott on December 01, 2010, 10:04:29 AM
Quote from: al james on November 30, 2010, 07:57:04 PM
Got weighed at the doctors yesterday and its an official 189 pounds. Which makes me about the same weight as 19 years ago when i was pregnant with my son. Have made myself endless promises to go to the gym but so far havent kept to them. Must give myself a figurative kick up the behind

Excellent job!!!! Your a motivation to me!  I am working on making better choices with food ... have been working out .. so hopefully soon it will start coming off
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Espenoah on December 01, 2010, 10:01:09 PM
I'm gonna join in. I'm starting my weight loss today. I'm currently 5'6" and weigh 158 pounds. I'm not horribly overweight or anything, but I want to get rid of this extra fat to get more of the body shape I want. So I'm thinking 125-130 will be my goal.

Today I started to be healthier by drinking the recommended 8 glasses of water and cutting out some of my soda intake, which I think will help me a lot, because then I'll be less caffeine dependent, too. And starting tomorrow, I want to try to brisk walk for 30 minutes a day, or do some sort of exercise that's equivalent or more than that. Maybe I'll play more Dance Dance Revolution since it's cold out now...

So I'm starting small, too, but I think that'll keep me more motivated in the long run, to take baby steps.
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: JessicaH on December 02, 2010, 11:50:26 AM
The biggest piece of advice that I can give anyone looking to loose weight and improve their health is clean, study,plan and eat.

1.) Clean-Clean out your pantry and fridge- Get rid of EVERYTHING that is going to sabotoge your plan or tempt you when you are week. Box it up and give to a needy friend or throw it away. Get rid of the cookies, cakes, chips, sugary sodas, white breads, high calorie soups and sauces and all those snacks made of processed white flower and sugar.

2.) Study- Study food labels and learn what is best for achieving your goal. Fats are good for you and necessary for health and even weightloss but keep it to HEALTHY fats and try and keep it so that less than 20% of the calories you eat is fat. Fat is calorie dense so you get a lot less volume for the same amount of calories. Starting the day off with a higher fat breakfast can be good though as it cranks your metabolism up and primes it for metabolizing fat, all day. Avoid hydrogenated oils, trans fats and and high fructose corn syrup as well. Honey is high fructose and is metabolized different so dont try using it as a sugar substitution and limit it's use.

Increasing fiber is good for so many reasons. It's lower in calories, fills you up, cleans you out and lowers colesterol. Soluble fibers help your lipid profiles wher insoluble cleans out your intestinal tract. You can buy low calorie/ high fiber bread that has about 3-5 grams of fiber per serving and is only 35 calories per slice. You can get good powdered fiber that you can mix with milk or juice as a way to get extra fiber as well. Just watch out as some people get gassy and bloated with more fiber but you can used supplements to relieve that. Gas is also not as much of a problem when you cut out the sugars and white flour.

3.) Plan- Know what you are eating for your next meal or you will find yourself too hungry to make a healthy choice. Keep food at the job so that you don't have to go out for lunch. You have to keep healthy foods and snacks around you because getting too hungry is a recipe for disaster. I keep caned soups, raisin bran, fat free milk, lean lunch meats at my work and home so that I always have something. I buy a high fiber pasta at walmart that looks and taste like regular white pasta (SmartTaste) and it is a GREAT alternative. I have cooked spaghetti at work that is incredibly high in fiber and low in fat (use ground chicken). The rednecks, I mean "guys" in the shop beg me to make it now and then even after I told them it was "healthy". Ask me and I'll give you my recipe. I have one for Salmon that my friends love so much that people who normally hate Salmon beg me to cook mine for them. It's really easy too!

4.) Eat- You have to eat enough to keep your metabolism in gear. Eat too little and your metabolism will just slow even more which is why so many people gain more than they lost after dieting. Eat more times per day and smaller meals. Avoid going out to eat as it is too expensive and you will always eat more calories than you think. Eating out has gone from a "treat" in America to almost a daily standard. If I eat on the road, I go by Taco Bell and order from the "Drive Through Diet Menu" or you can order it "Fresco" style. It's much healthier and less calories and doesn't taste too bad. I myself, like it! Make sure you don't go below about 1200 calories a day or you will have no energy and your metabolism will slow. You didn't put all the weight on overnight so don't try and take it off overnight. A reasonable goal would be 2-3 lbs a week.

If you are still having problems, you may want to look into a medical weight loss program. I know people who have lost a lot of weight on them and some docs will prescribe ADHD meds to help.
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: JessicaH on December 02, 2010, 03:28:11 PM
Sure Jennifer! Do you need directions to my place? lol
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: JessicaH on December 03, 2010, 09:59:35 AM
Ok, here's a challenge. For everyone participating in the thread, let's do a weekly check in with weight along with measurements on chest, arms, neck, waist, hips and thighs! It's a good record for you and gives a much better indicator of your progress. It may help motivate you on that week that you dont get anywhere but your hips get a little bigger and your waist a little smaller.

I will do this as soon as I get a hold of my mesuring tape. If you don't have one, they are only a dollar or two so no excuses! lol BTW, Good job Jennifer! I can't wait to be where you are at now. I haven't been able to weigh in for a few weeks fut I will be able to this weekend and I will post all the stats as soon as I can.
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Robert Scott on December 03, 2010, 10:04:19 AM
Well crap...this has been a crappy week for me -- dang depression ...

weight 218.8
left calf 16in
right calf 15 1/2 in
left thigh 22in
right thigh 22in
waist 45in
chest 47 1/2
left arm 14 1/2
right arm 14 3/4
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: JessicaH on December 03, 2010, 10:13:36 AM
I'm sorry you are feeling down, Rob. Are you staying on top of your hormone levels? It would also be a good idea to make sure they are checking your thyroid levels as well as that can dramatically affect your mood and weight. I know how hard it is to get motivated when depression hits but physical activity is better than ANY anti-depressant for most people and it has other great benefits. A brisk half hour walk can do wonders for the body and soul and if you can work up to something that pushes your body to the max limits is even better.

Humans developed over time to move all day in search of food and other necessities. Our bodies didn't evolve to sit at a computer all day so our modern lives are harder on us than if we had to scavenge for food all day and run from predators. Good luck hon and I hope you feel better soon.
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Robert Scott on December 03, 2010, 10:24:32 AM
I am currently not taking I doubt it's that.  Plus I just had a visit with my doctor and everything check out good except I had low sodium.

I go to the gym 5xa week ... I am really trying to get my body in shape so I can have surgery. 

It's been cold & snowy and my arthritis has been acting up so ... ya
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Espenoah on December 03, 2010, 12:01:13 PM
That's great, Jennifer! That's good progress for just a week! Keeps me inspired. :) And to Rob...I'm sorry you were off this week...But don't get too discouraged. I know when I'm feeling down it always helps to talk to people I trust, and if that's not an option, finding a creative outlet does wonders.
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: JessicaH on December 03, 2010, 02:00:33 PM
Quote from: Rob on December 03, 2010, 10:24:32 AM
I am currently not taking I doubt it's that.  Plus I just had a visit with my doctor and everything check out good except I had low sodium.

I go to the gym 5xa week ... I am really trying to get my body in shape so I can have surgery. 

It's been cold & snowy and my arthritis has been acting up so ... ya

Low sodium can be dangerous and the reson for it should be investigated. You could have an adrenal disorder causing low alsosteron levels which is going to cause your kidneys to pull too much sodium out of your system. It can cause low energy and other symptoms. (
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Robert Scott on December 03, 2010, 02:02:37 PM
Thanks ... it's not terribly low & it's the first time I have had ... I am almost in the normal range.  My doctor is going to re-check it in Jan.
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Raven on December 05, 2010, 11:54:25 PM
Well today while out grocery shopping, I made a decent effort to get two cases of slim fast, milk chocolatte and one of vanilla, and a thing of special k bars strawberry. Got shocked though because I also planned on getting another box of super dieters tea (it's an 100% natural herbal tea that's suppose to help promote weight loss and it does something else cant't remember what though). I still have some bags of it, just wanted to get another box even though the stuff taste nasty :/ I was just so shocked that I didn't see any of it and a little bummed. But at least I got my walk in overtime today XD I feel kinda bad though because when we got home we had pizza and I had two slices and kinda raided the chips ahoy :( and had my favorite soda to a offbrand of sprite. But tomorrow is another day so bring it on!
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: xAndrewx on December 06, 2010, 12:07:15 AM
Wow, this is an awesome thread and everyone's weight loss is really inspiring! Anyone mind if I join in?
Weighed myself the other day & I am under 200 lbs for the first time in a year! I'm officially off of the obese chart but at the very top of overweight. Got another 55 lbs to go. I can afford ramen and that's about it so it's all gotta be done by working out.

Starting weight- 197
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Adabelle on December 06, 2010, 11:29:48 AM
Wow, that's awesome Michael. I remember breaking 200 the first time a few weeks back and I was so happy. I'm so happy seeing everyone sharing their goals. It really gives me courage.

As for me I'm staying right at around 194.2 right now. I've been good over the weekend so I know my body is just holding out here for a few days until I drop again. Since I haven't been going over my calorie target this week I'm confident eventually I'll see another little dip.

Healthy boy weight target: ~170 (-24lbs)
Healthy girl weight target: ~150 (-44lbs)

Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Al James on December 08, 2010, 10:12:16 PM
Haven't weighed myself this week but my jeans now need a belt to stay up so ive either lost some weight or theyve stretchexd with wear. Or maybe its all the walking Ive had to do because of the snow. Tried running a little bit but am still far too unfit for that
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Espenoah on December 09, 2010, 03:34:14 PM
I forgot to post yesterday, so I'll do it now. In my first week I've lost two pounds, which isn't bad since all I did was cut down on sugar/caffeine and drank the recommended 8 glasses of water...I'm having trouble finding fun ways to exercise when it's so snowy and yucky outside. :P

So to continue in my baby steps, I'm going to try to eliminate soda altogether. My caffeine addiction is ridiculous, giving me debilitating migraines if I don't at least have a can a day. I won't go cold turkey because of that, but I'll wean myself off it at least.

I guess for a work out I can use my exercise bike, but that's not very fun and I'm afraid I won't stick to it... But I will sure try.
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: JessicaH on December 10, 2010, 08:06:28 PM
Great job Jennifer! I hope to be where you are in two months! I will weigh in and report this weekend.
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: JessicaH on December 10, 2010, 09:10:44 PM
But if I did that, you would make me cook the salmon for you! lol We could have a blast! No snow here, we had a high of 71 degrees amd it was mice and sunny!!! Sure you dont want to come here?
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Adabelle on December 22, 2010, 09:12:04 AM
Well. I have FINALLY broken through this plateau it seems. I had been stuck at 193.6lb for the last month or so and just couldn't get below that. This morning I woke up and weighed myself and I am 191.6! I'm so happy to finally see a lower number on the scale. I've really tried to eat more healthy the last few weeks, but it's also been a bit harder after having a minor surgery on my foot which makes it so I can't do too much walking or standing. But it's healing up nicely I think and hopefully in another few days I can pick up the pace a bit.

Anyway, I just wanted to share here. It's so frustrating when you hit some weight and just can't seem to break through. I was counting calories and eating more healthy for several weeks and just wasn't seeing the weight come off. It's hard not to get discouraged when you are working, but not seeing the results right away. Anyway, I hope I'm back on track with the new lower number.

I am really going to try and be as healthy as I can over the holidays too. Hopefully it won't throw me off base too much. Thanks everyone for your support, and good luck to everyone! I'll check in again soon.
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: xAndrewx on December 22, 2010, 09:20:11 AM
Congrats on the break through Madelyn! I totally forgot about this thread. Oops...

Well, currently I'm 203.6 so I've gone up in weight but I noticed a lot of muscle gain over the past two weeks so I'm not too worried about it. :)
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Tad on December 22, 2010, 12:25:10 PM
Goal is 180.

Last week, loss of 4.5 pounds down to 196.5.
This week.. up to 202. Gain of 5.5.

Donno what's going on. But my weight tends to flucuate in a range of 7 pounds and can jump that much in a day or two and it's not cuz I'm eating mega calories or anything.  If I looked at the last week, I ate enough calories to gain maybe 2 extra pounds.. ??? Damn Christmas cookies
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Adabelle on December 22, 2010, 02:25:00 PM
For me the thing is that different foods I eat move through me at different speeds. So if I have a big dinner with rice, and then weigh myself the next morning it will look like I weight more simply because rice moves through my system really slow. If I have a lot of fruit and veggies for dinner, and then weigh the next morning that won't be the case.

For me the biggest factor in fluctuations like that is how fast the food moves through, sometimes something I eat will "slow down" things and so I end up look like I'm gaining weight, when in reality it's just that there's more food in me than normal that is being weighed as well.

(Trying not to be too gross about this topic :)
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: niamh on December 23, 2010, 03:23:28 PM
Quote from: Madelyn on December 22, 2010, 02:25:00 PM
For me the thing is that different foods I eat move through me at different speeds. So if I have a big dinner with rice, and then weigh myself the next morning it will look like I weight more simply because rice moves through my system really slow. If I have a lot of fruit and veggies for dinner, and then weigh the next morning that won't be the case.

For me the biggest factor in fluctuations like that is how fast the food moves through, sometimes something I eat will "slow down" things and so I end up look like I'm gaining weight, when in reality it's just that there's more food in me than normal that is being weighed as well.

(Trying not to be too gross about this topic :)

That's why it's a good idea to weigh yourself every fortnight or so, rather than every day.
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Adabelle on December 23, 2010, 03:33:36 PM
Well, in my case I like to see the weight on a daily basis because it gives me feedback about the meals I had the day before too. But if you do that you really have to take your "average" daily weight to get your real weight, since some days you have extra food in you and others not.

I totally understand why people would only want to weight once a week or so though.
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Robert Scott on December 25, 2010, 04:35:21 PM
I weighed 215.0 this morning ... so it's coming off ... slowly!
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Adabelle on December 26, 2010, 09:05:44 AM
Rob that's totally awesome.

Holidays are hard for me because I really enjoy cooking (and eating!) with family. For this Christmas my sister came over and we made homemade pizzas together, which was a lot of fun. I hope to really get more healthy this week because I really don't want to gain a bunch of weight over the holidays.

I'm still going to check in here, even if I ended up gaining weight this last week though.
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Jennifer on December 28, 2010, 04:55:19 PM
Hi everyone,

     I just went through a tough time emotionally but I am better now. :) And I am still at 175.6lbs! (I usually gain during a depressive period). Glad to see that all the positive attitudes are still here, it feels good to be back.

Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Adabelle on December 28, 2010, 05:21:05 PM
Welcome back Jennifer. That's so awesome that you didn't gain even though you went through something tough.

Here's a hug. :)


I was very surprised to weigh myself after Christmas and hadn't gained weight. So I'm still at 191.8 lbs. Would love to get down to 190 this week.

I ended up going over on calories both on Christmas Eve, and Christmas Day, but what I did was the day after Christmas I made sure to eat really healthy stuff, like a big salad, some lentil soup, and drank lots of water. When I weighed the next day I hadn't gained! I was really amazed.
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Jennifer on December 28, 2010, 05:35:23 PM
Thanks for the hug Madelyn, I needed that. And congrats on breaking that plateau. That is what happens to me too. But I am more determined than ever now so no cookies for me. ;D I must get to the next level. Glad to see all the other positive people here too! Keep up the good work everyone.

Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Jennifer on December 31, 2010, 03:01:19 PM
Hi everyone,

     It's Friday check-in time for me. After losing 12 pounds in 6 weeks it seems as though I am stuck here at 176 pounds for three weeks now. Better than gaining it back and not bad for the holidays I guess. I hope to here some success stories from the rest of you. Next week I hope to post another loss. Happy New Year!

Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Tad on December 31, 2010, 06:20:50 PM
back under 200 thankgoodness. 198 yesterday, 199.5 today. However the trend seems to be back under 200.. so phew!

Anyone else here dealing with weight loss and SSRI's? I didn't gain weight till SSRI's, and before that weight loss is easy - like losing weight was almost my natural state. Now it's a battle and a half not to gain weight. Any tips?
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: xAndrewx on December 31, 2010, 10:02:53 PM
Ah! I'm up to 215.6 this week :( I think it's from muscle growth and the hunger of starting T so I'm not too upset but geesh. Family member is considering using P90X so if they do I'll be starting that and hoping for loss.

Sorry Tad, wish I could help with advice but congrats on being below 200! :)

Gain-12 lbs
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: niamh on January 01, 2011, 07:29:48 AM
Quote from: Pat Kane on January 01, 2011, 01:56:39 AM
I would like to join in too.

Currently 5'4" and 178 pounds. I want to be around 135, maybe a bit lower depending on how I feel (no lower than 125).

My first goal is to stop giving in to pressure to eat - if people know I'm dieting I feel feminine. But I want to look awesome when I start T, so I can have a great body for my girlfriend. I also hope to reduce my asthma symptoms.

It is human, not feminine, to want to be healthy and have a long productive life. Think about it that way and ignore the idiots that give you grief. They'll die of an early heart attack brought on by a crappy diet.
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Al James on January 01, 2011, 01:43:23 PM
Thinking of buying the kinect for my xbox this week cos i never seem to make it to the gym. Haveny weighed myself since beginning of december cos i darent but actually managed to wear a top yesterday that was too tight last time i tried it
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Sharky on January 01, 2011, 11:07:18 PM
I want to join. I'm more interested in gaining muscle though.

Jan 1
Height 5'5
Weight 155
Wrist 6.5
Forearm 10.5
Bicep 14
Neck 15.5- 16
Shoulders 45
Chest 39
Waist at belly button 40
Hips 39

Quote from: Tad on December 31, 2010, 06:20:50 PM
back under 200 thankgoodness. 198 yesterday, 199.5 today. However the trend seems to be back under 200.. so phew!

Anyone else here dealing with weight loss and SSRI's? I didn't gain weight till SSRI's, and before that weight loss is easy - like losing weight was almost my natural state. Now it's a battle and a half not to gain weight. Any tips?

When I was trying to loose weight the thing that helped me the most was drinking a ton of water and the calorie counter app on my droid.
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Robert Scott on January 03, 2011, 11:25:35 AM
I am totally up in weight...I have been so depressed over the holidays!

I haven't been to the gym in over 2 weeks & I have eatten like total crap.  I am in a downward spiral and just don't care about much these days.  I need to find myself again.
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Tad on January 03, 2011, 06:30:29 PM
Quote from: Sharky on January 01, 2011, 11:07:18 PM
I want to join. I'm more interested in gaining muscle though.

Jan 1
Height 5'5
Weight 155
Wrist 6.5
Forearm 10.5
Bicep 14
Neck 15.5- 16
Shoulders 45
Chest 39
Waist at belly button 40
Hips 39

When I was trying to loose weight the thing that helped me the most was drinking a ton of water and the calorie counter app on my droid.

Calorie Counting doesn't work for me. I can continually eat 500 to 700 less then what I NEED to maintain weight according to reliable calculators based on BMI, weight, sex, activity level, inputing all specific activities done throughout the day and still no loss. :/

But Ima try the water thing. Been trying to include more anyways.
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Sharky on January 03, 2011, 08:05:27 PM
Quote from: Rob on January 03, 2011, 11:25:35 AM
I am totally up in weight...I have been so depressed over the holidays!

I haven't been to the gym in over 2 weeks & I have eatten like total crap.  I am in a downward spiral and just don't care about much these days.  I need to find myself again.

Pretty much everyone gains weight around the holidays. All the baked goods around and the encouraged over eating.

Quote from: Tad on January 03, 2011, 06:30:29 PM
Calorie Counting doesn't work for me. I can continually eat 500 to 700 less then what I NEED to maintain weight according to reliable calculators based on BMI, weight, sex, activity level, inputing all specific activities done throughout the day and still no loss. :/

But Ima try the water thing. Been trying to include more anyways.
I used to think that, but with the counter app I would scan the barcode of the item or pick it from a list. The count was exact. Being really strict with serving sizes made all the difference for me. You know a serving of pasta is only about the size of a deck of cards? Being a little liberal with how much cereal you put in your bowl, and what not  really adds up. You really have to pick between loosing fat and gaining muscle. Be drinking water before you feel thirsty. Thats how I lost 70 pounds of fat.
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Tad on January 03, 2011, 08:16:04 PM
I mostly eat things that are.. pre sized? I don't cook.. so my options of going over serving size are next to nil. So I can be very sure I'm only eating 1800 calories or whatever a day. Plus have a break down of all my vitamins, grams, etc.

i've lost 30 pounds before in the matter of a month and a bit.. just by getting back to my regular diet/exercise reegime, and if i ever strayed before and would gain a few pounds, getting back to normal would lose that weight in a matter of days. My body had a very status quo that it wanted to sit at.  If I lost a few pounds below the status quo - it would go back to that. It was a good weight for me at around 173ish.

Since SSRI's.. none of that works for the 173.. it's status qou has moved up about 25 pounds. If I gain weight, it will drop back to it once I get back to normal, if I lose weight it will rise back to it. It's driving me crazy. And I know this is a very normal side effect of this medication. Many people report gaining 50 on it.. then they can only lose it once off the drug.

However, Ima chug even more water then I do now, and try that out. Thanks for that suggestion.
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Sharky on January 03, 2011, 08:59:02 PM
I was on  antidepressants for years. At first it worked great, but after awhile I couldn't take the side effects. I did find that weight came off easier after I finally stopped taking them. Stopped getting the brain zaps too.
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: sigmafan on January 03, 2011, 11:11:36 PM
I'd like to join in on this as well, if that's fine with everyone.  I started on Dec. 3rd at 320 pounds.  I joined the gym across the street (Mucho Conviencioso!) and so far after 4 weeks, I've lost 7 pounds.  My goal is to be at 211 by the end of 2011, so I'm well on my way.  However, I do have one MAJOR obstacle.

I have really low testosterone, to the point where I would normally drop 20 pounds, I'd drop 7.  So, my doctor is going to refer me to an endocrinologist and more than likely, I'll be taking testosterone shots to help correct my hormonal imbalance.  I hope this helps out my body and helps to get me back to some form of normal.
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Adabelle on January 07, 2011, 04:05:34 PM
Well, I can't believe another week has gone by. We had family visiting for the last week (a kind of late Christmas gathering) and so that meant lots of really delicious family favorites (food) around, and of course eating out together. All this meant that as of this morning it looks like I'm 4lbs up from my lowest point a little over a week ago :(

Granted, I know some of this is probably due to increased sodium intake with eating out, and probably a little extra just from the more frequent eating in general. When I stabilize in another day or two I'll probably see I've gained a couple pounds this last week I'm thinking.

So I'm back on the band wagon again! I entered in my food items this morning into LiveStrong and am going to aggressively track and try and stay within my calorie target.

Thanks everyone for the encouragement and the inspiration.

Even when you gain weight it still is great to post here, because other people are in the same boat - it's good to know I'm not the only one that had a hard week. :)
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Jennifer on January 07, 2011, 05:05:39 PM
Oh poopy! I am up one pound from my lowest point. :'( But on the bright side, I am still down by 11 since I started. ;D
Next week I hope to have better news.

Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Pippa on January 07, 2011, 05:50:16 PM
Joining in as I need to lose some of the spare tyre around my waist.   I tend to look at body shape rather than weight and last year slimmed down significantly by watching my diet and exercising ( a lot of cycling).   Over the past few months, I have gone through a pretty stressful time and turned into a bit of a couch potato.   I have lost my job and I am currently taking legal action to get my contractual redundancy pay plus compensation for constructive dismissal.

Now it is time to get rid of the pounds and to try to obtain a more feminine figure.   I estimate that I need to lose about 15 - 20 lbs but I am worried that by losing the weight, I will lose some of my b cup boobs.

I have started by cutting my calorie intake and by doing some simple exercises.   When the weather (currently snow) improves, I get get my cycling gear on.

Two really useful tips, eat soup at lunchtime as you will feel fuller longer.   Your stomach takes longer to get rid of a soup suspension than it does solid food.   A protein rich diet will also help hunger pangs.   Secondly eat low fat dairy such as skimmed milk and yogurt as this decreases the amount of fat absorbed by your body (it's something to do with the calcium).
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: xAndrewx on January 09, 2011, 01:27:29 AM
Looks like everyone is working hard :)  Well, I'm at 208.3 this week. I'm on T now and working harder than ever. Now to find some affordable but decently healthy things to eat. I'm going for a eating less but not entirely changing my diet approach for now. Good luck everyone!  ;D

down-7.3 lbs in about 10 days
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Jennifer on January 09, 2011, 01:40:39 PM
     I see that I checked in but didn't offer any encouragement: Welcome Sigmafan, glad you joined in. You too Rob, it's never too late to start eating right. And Madelyn I agree, keep checking in even if you have a little setback (like I have), you set a great example for us all. Andrew, as always I love reading your posts, and wow, I want to lose that much too! Great job! :eusa_clap: By the way, what is P90X? Also, hi to all the newcomers I didn't mention. :icon_wave-nerd: Thanks for all the great weight loss ideas.

Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: regan on January 09, 2011, 02:12:47 PM
Quote from: Jennifer on January 09, 2011, 01:40:39 PM
By the way, what is P90X?

A fate worse then death.  :)  I know several people that started it, but I don't know any of them that have finished it.

I start a "boot camp" tomorrow.  Got my measurements today, lets just say there's plenty of room for improvement.  The trainer assures me my numbers will go down.
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: sigmafan on January 09, 2011, 05:53:34 PM
I'm now down to 311, so that's good.  I just hope that these next two weeks don't screw me up that bad.  But I'll make the most of it.
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Double_Rainbow on January 10, 2011, 11:39:28 AM
I've been working on my weight as well.  I am 6'1 and weigh around 220 lbs.  Down 20 lbs from mid last year!  I don't really eat much, but when I do its just like 1 big meal and maybe a few snacks here and there.  I've been trying to balance out my meals so that my metabolism is stable.  I've also been doing moderate exercise, like jogging!  But not regularly enough... :-\  I'm really trying to get down to at least 185. 
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: regan on January 11, 2011, 10:14:36 AM
Quote from: Rini on January 10, 2011, 11:39:28 AM
I've been working on my weight as well.  I am 6'1 and weigh around 220 lbs.  Down 20 lbs from mid last year!  I don't really eat much, but when I do its just like 1 big meal and maybe a few snacks here and there.  I've been trying to balance out my meals so that my metabolism is stable.  I've also been doing moderate exercise, like jogging!  But not regularly enough... :-\  I'm really trying to get down to at least 185.

We have essentially the same goals, we should make a point to keep eachother motivated.
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Robert Scott on January 11, 2011, 02:11:06 PM
I have so been down in a dark hole and not worried about losing weight ... I didn't even want to live ...

However, I seem to be escaping from my hole ... my weight is way up ... but I have gone to the gym two days in a row now so I hope to get back on track
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: regan on January 11, 2011, 04:44:02 PM
Quote from: Rob on January 11, 2011, 02:11:06 PM
I have so been down in a dark hole and not worried about losing weight ... I didn't even want to live ...

However, I seem to be escaping from my hole ... my weight is way up ... but I have gone to the gym two days in a row now so I hope to get back on track

Everyone has to start somewhere.  I started working out last month and I can at least sense a difference already.  It does get to be second nature when you get on a schedule.
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Robert Scott on January 11, 2011, 04:45:07 PM
Quote from: regan on January 11, 2011, 04:44:02 PM
Everyone has to start somewhere.  I started working out last month and I can at least sense a difference already.  It does get to be second nature when you get on a schedule.

I know ... I had been going to the gym 5 days a week for the last 4 months .. and then the holidays hit and bam!  I just stopped doing everything
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Adabelle on January 14, 2011, 01:01:25 PM
Well, I have a bit of good news to share.

After having a somewhat rocky holiday season where I gained some weight back I have finally been able to work that off and then dip a little below my weight before the holiday.

My previous lowest was 191.8lb and this morning I hit 191.0lb

I'm very happy, and now suddenly I'm afraid to put any more food in my mouth for fear I'll go back up!

Hang in there everyone, you can do it!
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Jennifer on January 14, 2011, 05:46:38 PM
That's awesome Madelyn! I am still hanging steady at 177, three weeks on this plateau after losing 11. Better than gaining it all back again, but still hoping for another losing streak. I can do it. Right?

Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Adabelle on January 14, 2011, 10:56:11 PM
Quote from: Jennifer on January 14, 2011, 05:46:38 PM
I can do it. Right?

OF COURSE. I hung out at 193 for several weeks and then finally dropped down again, and just dropped again a little. I really hope next week I can drop below 190. This will be the first time I've been that low for about 12 years, it's really hard to believe.
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: sigmafan on January 15, 2011, 12:25:00 AM
Ugh.  Gained 3 pounds this past week.  Not good, even though I'm doing the right things.
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: regan on January 15, 2011, 09:39:23 AM
I've lost about 12 lbs since the holdays.  Just trying to do the right things,  I think its probably mostly water weight or whatever it is when people get serious about losing weight.  But I'll take it either way, its been a while since I've been under 230.  I know I can get back to 200ish (i've been there lots of times), I'd really like to be under 190 with my goal being around 170 before I go full time (still preHRT so its a ways off).  Maybe that's a little skinny, but I want to compensate for my height by being skinny.

Best advice I've had though is don't worry as much about what the scale says as much as how your body looks.  The numbers on a scale don't really reflect the weight of muscle vs body fat well and its deceptive just to judge your efforts by the numbers on a scale alone.

My boot camp now starts Monday (due the the storms this week), I'll be interested to see just how much "my numbers" go down over the next month.
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: niamh on January 15, 2011, 12:07:46 PM
Quote from: sigmafan on January 15, 2011, 12:25:00 AM
Ugh.  Gained 3 pounds this past week.  Not good, even though I'm doing the right things.

Cut out dairy, oils, salt and sugar.

Then see how you are a week later.
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Jennifer on January 15, 2011, 01:21:59 PM
Quote from: Madelyn on January 14, 2011, 10:56:11 PM
Thanks Madelyn, you're right, we can do it if we stay on task and don't lose hope. :)

Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Adabelle on January 15, 2011, 01:37:32 PM
Here's what's working for me:

  • Tracking my calories daily on LiveStrong (
  • Drinking at least 8 glasses (64oz) or water daily (also tracking my water intake
  • Trying to get as close to 8 hours of sleep as possible at night
  • Limiting salt, processed sugars, and wheat (bread is my addiction)
  • Increasing my intake of fruits, veggies, beans
  • Eating more soup. (Great way to get more beans and veggies, and makes me feel full.
  • Keeping in mind that I'm doing this to become the person I've always wanted to be.

Here's what's not working:

  • Any days that I forget to track calories or water I am over on calories, and under on water :(
  • If I eat a lot of salt, I find that food moves through my system a lot slower and it makes me end up feeling bloated.
  • When family comes for a visit food is a huge part of our activities - so I'm less likely to track, and more likely to go over on calories.
  • Eating out at restaurants is hard - I'm amazed at how calorie dense restaurant food is!
  • If I forget why I'm doing this, and get depressed or feel like a failure it undermines my progress.

In reality if I could only choose ONE thing that works for me it's tracking what I eat. It is amazing to me how if I just am aware of what I eat how I maintain SO MUCH MOE control over myself.

I also am finding myself turning food away now (?!?!?!?!?). I have this little internal evaluation that goes on that goes something like this:

"OMG, look at those cookies right there."
"How many calories is in there?"
"500?! Forget it, they aren't 500-Calories-Good. I'm only like 6/10 desperate for them right now."

There are some days where I want the cookies so bad it's worth the 500 calories and I'll give up my big bowl of soup for the cookies. But whereas before I'd just eat the cookies, now days I do this mental check and see how desperate I really am for them, and if I'm super desperate then I go for it and cut other things that day - but most of the time I end up opting for something that's a better calorie-to-pleasure ratio. It's super easy on things that I only moderately like that are also calorie dense, like ginger cookies - these are never a high enough calorie-to-pleasure ratio for me to eat. :)

Okay, just thought I'd share what is working for me at the moment.
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Double_Rainbow on January 16, 2011, 06:47:27 PM
Well I'm not making any progress since I last posted.  I drink up to 4 energy drinks a day which is most definitely part of the problem.  I eat relatively healthy but the energy drinks seem to be countering the effect.  STILL, 1 serving of my energy drink of choice has less sugar than the same size Mt. Dew!   ;D
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: regan on January 17, 2011, 08:21:25 AM
Quote from: Rini on January 16, 2011, 06:47:27 PM
Well I'm not making any progress since I last posted.  I drink up to 4 energy drinks a day which is most definitely part of the problem.  I eat relatively healthy but the energy drinks seem to be countering the effect.  STILL, 1 serving of my energy drink of choice has less sugar than the same size Mt. Dew!   ;D

Weight loss aside, you really should limit yourself to no more then 3 (2 really) energy drinks a day.  Read up on something called SupraVentricular Tachicardia (SVT) and how its corrected.  None of its pretty, but that's the risk you take drinking as many energy drinks as you do.
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Double_Rainbow on January 17, 2011, 01:15:52 PM
Quote from: regan on January 17, 2011, 08:21:25 AM
Weight loss aside, you really should limit yourself to no more then 3 (2 really) energy drinks a day.  Read up on something called SupraVentricular Tachicardia (SVT) and how its corrected.  None of its pretty, but that's the risk you take drinking as many energy drinks as you do.

Yes I know its bad!   :'(  There are just some days when I have to work a double shift and the energy drinks really give me that extra pep!
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: JessicaH on January 17, 2011, 08:06:41 PM
I gained a few lbs over the holidays but I have just about got back to where I was. My goal is to get to 170 and I will have to go low protein to loose a lot of muscle mass.
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: regan on January 17, 2011, 08:16:54 PM
Today was my first day for boot camp.  I am so sore, but l really loved it!  Ran a mile in 13:32, didn't even think I'd make the 15:00 suggested by the AHA.  Weighed myself this afternoon, I'm down to 227.5 lbs from an all time high of 240 lbs at the end of December.
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Adabelle on January 18, 2011, 11:06:40 AM
First off that's awesome Regan! Everyone is doing really well I think. It takes time to find your groove sometimes in what works for you in terms of weight loss - so I hope nobody gets discouraged if they hit a plateau for a while. Those are good spots to think about your lifestyle habits and make further changes to see how it works.

I weighed this morning and FINALLY broke the 190 mark. I weighed 189.6 lbs. It feels really good. This week actually I actually dropped 2.2lbs which is a little fast for me. I normally drop 1.2 to 1.8 lbs each week. So I guess maybe I'm being a little more aggressive than I need to be.

I really don't want to lose it too fast because I want to give my body time to adjust to the new weight. But I am really happy to see that I finally broke 190.

Keep up the courage everyone! We can do it.
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: regan on January 18, 2011, 12:29:08 PM
Quote from: Madelyn on January 18, 2011, 11:06:40 AM
First off that's awesome Regan! Everyone is doing really well I think. It takes time to find your groove sometimes in what works for you in terms of weight loss - so I hope nobody gets discouraged if they hit a plateau for a while. Those are good spots to think about your lifestyle habits and make further changes to see how it works.

When I've hit plateaus in the past I remind myself at least I'm not gaining weight, that usually gets me through.
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: xAndrewx on January 19, 2011, 10:53:58 AM
211.9 this week. Up 3.6 lbs :( But I didn't work out much. Looks like everyone is doing pretty good though.

Congrats on going under 190 Madelyn :)
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: sigmafan on January 22, 2011, 10:00:10 AM
I'm now at 312, basically losing 2 pounds.  Odd, seeing how I was an utterly bad boy when it came to food as I ate so many things that wouldn't be considered healthy.
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: MeghanAndrews on January 22, 2011, 10:57:28 AM
Hello Everyone!
So I'd like to add my own goal and progress on here, I figure it'll make me somewhat accountable for what I'm doing. I have a goal to get "back into the 140's again." Realistically, I'd REALLY like to get to 140. I used to weigh 186, got down to like 145 pre-transition and got back up to 163.4 (like a week ago or so) and realized I need to get back down in the 140's before I wind up in the 170's again. I'm 5'5" so that little bit of extra weight really shows on me. I'd like to post on here maybe like once a week with where I am. So here's my plan:

1) Limit the amount of sugar (I have a serious sweet tooth, like REALLY bad) I eat
2) Continue with daily diet: 80 cal yogurt at 8:30 am, fruit at 11:30 am, boiled chicken/veggies at 2:00 pm, more fruit 4:00 pm, pretty much same dinner as lunch.
3) I REALLY need to add cardio to my exercise regimen but I get so blah about wearing workout clothes and going to the apartment gym.

So this morning I weighed in at 158.5. That'll be my start point, we'll see how I do. Thank you all for your support :)
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Adabelle on January 22, 2011, 11:37:32 AM
Hey welcome Meghan, and I don't think I welcomed you either sigmafan!

Well guys, after having a really good week of taking a few pounds off it seems I'm in a little rut here. This morning I'm back to 191 again, and I've been doing good on staying close to my calorie target too. I think it might be some extra water weight to be honest. I had to fast this week for blood work and that threw off my eating schedule too.

Meghan 140 sounds awesome! I'd really like to be in the 150's at some point in my life. I'm 5'10.
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Jennifer on January 22, 2011, 05:00:12 PM
I am still at 177lbs. for 5 weeks now. >:( However, my body fat percentage has gone down from 24 to 21! I look better and feel better but 160 is still my goal. Wish me luck. I still remain optimistic and dedicated, just like the rest of you!

Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: xAndrewx on January 22, 2011, 11:20:15 PM
Good luck with your goal Jennifer :) Well while I have this pulled up anyways I'll check in early

Today- 208 so I lost 3.9 lbs in 4 days

Does anyone else find it hard to judge their exact weight? I wear heavy tripp pants with chains and a billion things in my pocket with boots that way 5 lbs together some days and other days light-weight clothes but I'm too lazy (part of my problem) to actually change into constant weight clothes every time I weigh myself.
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: sigmafan on January 23, 2011, 12:42:39 AM
Quote from: Andrew Scott on January 22, 2011, 11:20:15 PM
Good luck with your goal Jennifer :) Well while I have this pulled up anyways I'll check in early

Today- 208 so I lost 3.9 lbs in 4 days

Does anyone else find it hard to judge their exact weight? I wear heavy tripp pants with chains and a billion things in my pocket with boots that way 5 lbs together some days and other days light-weight clothes but I'm too lazy (part of my problem) to actually change into constant weight clothes every time I weigh myself.

That can be a bit of a problem.  My advice for you is that whenever you do weigh yourself, if you do on a weekly basis, is wear light clothing when you do.  That way, you'll have a solid base for yourself.  For me, I weigh myself at the gym, so I always wear gym clothes when I weigh myself before I work out.
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Jennifer on January 23, 2011, 08:34:41 AM
Quote from: Andrew Scott on January 22, 2011, 11:20:15 PM
Good luck with your goal Jennifer :) Well while I have this pulled up anyways I'll check in early

Today- 208 so I lost 3.9 lbs in 4 days

Does anyone else find it hard to judge their exact weight? I wear heavy tripp pants with chains and a billion things in my pocket with boots that way 5 lbs together some days and other days light-weight clothes but I'm too lazy (part of my problem) to actually change into constant weight clothes every time I weigh myself.
Thanks Andrew. And good for you on losing some poundage! I weigh myself every morning when I get up-naked, for the most accurate comparison.

Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: MeghanAndrews on January 23, 2011, 10:33:34 AM
Quote from: Andrew Scott on January 22, 2011, 11:20:15 PM
Does anyone else find it hard to judge their exact weight?
I will only weigh myself nude so that every measurement I get is under the same circumstances. It's worth it in the long run, except for the part where I have to look right down at the weight indicator, lol.
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Adabelle on January 26, 2011, 09:03:36 AM

I've been good for the last week and after being down as low as 189.6 about a week ago this morning I'm 192.6! I've been not going over on my calories either! It's getting frustrating. My body does not want to give this up!
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: regan on January 26, 2011, 09:41:15 AM
Quote from: MeghanAndrews on January 22, 2011, 10:57:28 AM
1) Limit the amount of sugar (I have a serious sweet tooth, like REALLY bad) I eat
2) Continue with daily diet: 80 cal yogurt at 8:30 am, fruit at 11:30 am, boiled chicken/veggies at 2:00 pm, more fruit 4:00 pm, pretty much same dinner as lunch.
3) I REALLY need to add cardio to my exercise regimen but I get so blah about wearing workout clothes and going to the apartment gym.

Make sure you're eating enough calories, or your body will be in starvation mode and store everything as fat.

My daily motivation...I've lost about 1/2 to 1 lb since starting boot camp, but after one week I'm already leaner (I just tighten my belt about an inch) and I cut about 45 seconds off my mile time.
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Shang on January 26, 2011, 11:02:50 AM
I wish I had known about this thread earlier!  Anyway, I'm going to jump on because I really need to get going.

I'm 5'10", medium build, and weigh approx. 170 lbs.  My goal is to be down to 150 and to maintain that.   I'm going to be going on the Paleo Diet soon to help with that and a few other things.  If I can't reach 150, but I can slim down and tone up, then I'm fine with that because I'm aware that muscle weighs more than fat.

I also want to get to the point where I can take the dog for longer walks and so I can run with her, something I currently can't do because of too much weight and not enough exercise.  Woooo cardio! XD
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: niamh on January 26, 2011, 11:38:57 AM
Quote from: LukasGabriel on January 26, 2011, 11:02:50 AMI'm going to be going on the Paleo Diet soon to help with that and a few other things.

Don't. I don't see how a diet rich in animal fats can be healthy. Utter BS. If you want some real scientific thouhts about the human diet do a search for The China Study and Dr. Colin Campbell.
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Shang on January 26, 2011, 01:02:36 PM
Quote from: niamh on January 26, 2011, 11:38:57 AM
Don't. I don't see how a diet rich in animal fats can be healthy. Utter BS. If you want some real scientific thouhts about the human diet do a search for The China Study and Dr. Colin Campbell.

See, I've heard good things from personal friends about the Paleo Diet, which is partially why I want to try it along with the research I've done on it myself and the reviews I've read on it.  It doesn't seem too big of a change from how I'm already eating, other than adding in a bit more veggies and fruits since I fail terribly at that already.  And getting rid of dairy, but I eat little (if any) dairy anyway. 

The animal fat content doesn't seem to be that much, especially given the emphasis on lean meats (I even looked up what lean meat is and what extra lean meat is) and seafoods. 
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: niamh on January 26, 2011, 01:21:23 PM
Well, if you are going from a position of little veggies to one of more then that can only be a positive thing all else being equal. So yah, a move from fatty meat and no veg to lean meat and lots of veg is a step in the right direction. Just like switching from butter to olive oil is good for you. Lean meat and olive oil aren't inherently good for you but they are far better than other fatty alternatives. Good luck with that.
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Shang on January 26, 2011, 01:38:19 PM
Thanks!  I can't give up meat entirely so lean meat is what I mainly stick with already...I just need to eat a little bit more than I have been and not eat what I keep eating.

I'm also giving up coke after today, which is the only soda I like so I just need to develop a taste for water.
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Adabelle on January 26, 2011, 02:48:02 PM
I'm just glad you guys didn't break out into a full on fight over diet. It would have driven me straight to the King China All-You-Can-Eat Buffet to drown my despair with food.
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Shang on January 26, 2011, 02:53:05 PM
Quote from: Madelyn on January 26, 2011, 02:48:02 PM
I'm just glad you guys didn't break out into a full on fight over diet. It would have driven me straight to the King China All-You-Can-Eat Buffet to drown my despair with food.

I couldn't fight over someone's diet even if I wanted to because people are different and prefer different things, and how a person eats is one of those. :D

Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Al James on January 27, 2011, 06:32:33 PM
Quote from: LukasGabriel on January 26, 2011, 01:38:19 PM

I'm also giving up coke after today, which is the only soda I like so I just need to develop a taste for water.
Let me know how you get on with this one as i am thinking ive got to give up coke as well. Can't drink coffee anymore as giving up smoking is playing havoc with the taste of that so water is about my only option left
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: niamh on January 28, 2011, 05:59:20 AM
Quote from: James instead of Al on January 27, 2011, 06:32:33 PM
Let me know how you get on with this one as i am thinking ive got to give up coke as well. Can't drink coffee anymore as giving up smoking is playing havoc with the taste of that so water is about my only option left

I don't know about where you are but here for the same price as coke you have lots of tasty options such as soya smoothies and low-sugar fruit and veg juice drinks. Have you also tried oat milk, rice milk or nut milk? I love my choccy oaty drink!
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: sigmafan on January 28, 2011, 11:46:07 AM
I'm back down to 311.  I'm thankful that I made it back down that far, because of what I've been eating the past 2 weeks with my friend Jamie here.  But either way, Yay for being down to 311. 
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: niamh on January 28, 2011, 11:57:30 AM
Quote from: sigmafan on January 28, 2011, 11:46:07 AM
I'm back down to 311.  I'm thankful that I made it back down that far, because of what I've been eating the past 2 weeks with my friend Jamie here.  But either way, Yay for being down to 311.

And good luck continuing!
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Robert Scott on January 28, 2011, 12:16:38 PM
I am up to 220.4 .... I have been very depressed so not doing much of anything .. just going through the motions of life

However, this week our office started a weight loss challenge ... the winner gets $125 ... it starts next week ... I joined ... money is a good motivator for me
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: niamh on January 28, 2011, 01:08:55 PM
Quote from: Rob on January 28, 2011, 12:16:38 PM
I am up to 220.4 .... I have been very depressed so not doing much of anything .. just going through the motions of life

However, this week our office started a weight loss challenge ... the winner gets $125 ... it starts next week ... I joined ... money is a good motivator for me

Reminds me of the episode of The Office with the same idea. Good luck!
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Jennifer on January 28, 2011, 04:46:57 PM
Good job Sigmafan. Hang in there Rob and Madelyn because giving up works even less and hey, money is a good motivator to get you to start better habits, and once you adopt a healthy habit it's easy because it's a habit. And welcome LukasGabriel, regan, MeghanAndrews and the others, nice to have more motivated and positive people here. Make sure you stick around and check in weekly. Together we can totally lose it. ;D

My weekly check in:

So after losing 12lbs. in 6 weeks and then being on a plateau for 6 weeks at 177lbs. I finally dropped another pound!
Yay for 176!


Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Adabelle on January 28, 2011, 05:05:53 PM
Jennifer that's awesome that you lost another pound. I seem still stuck right here around 190. Today I weighed 190.8 which is 1.2lb above my lowest a couple weeks back. Grrrr I hate these plateaus.

Hopefully I'll see another drop really soon, that would be so great. I've been being good on calories, but I think maybe I need to add a bit of physical exercise to the mix to help.
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Jennifer on February 01, 2011, 04:30:23 PM
Thanks Madelyn, I like your pretty flower avatar. I'm shoveling tons of snow for extra calorie burning so I am hoping for a good check-in this Friday. And welcome Lance, great to see you join us losers. ;D You are so right, the encouragement and accountability has helped to keep me on track, I hope it helps you too.

Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Adabelle on February 01, 2011, 05:02:25 PM
I have some good news. This morning I was 188.8lbs. A new low for me! I'm very happy to see that I've come down a little more, I was so worried there because I was just hanging around at 190 forever (like a couple weeks basically).

It's easy to lose courage when I get stuck like that. I hope it keeps coming off this week!
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: MeghanAndrews on February 03, 2011, 10:59:27 PM
Well, I'm down to 154.0 as of this morning. I think it's attributed to some health issues I'm having but we'll see. Mid 140's, I have my eyes on you :)
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: sigmafan on February 04, 2011, 02:20:13 AM
And now, I'm down to 310.  Another pound lost, and I'm doing it the right way.  Water, working out, and cutting out some wasteful food.
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Jennifer on February 04, 2011, 03:55:58 PM
Madelyn, Meghan and sigmafan that's totally cool! 8) Good for you. And I have gone down from 176 to 175.6. Not a lot but I am happy with that. Slow, steady and healthy. Good luck to all the rest of you motivated people!

Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Shang on February 04, 2011, 04:08:12 PM
After finding out I had gained 7 or 8 pounds in my time over in England (putting me at 175 lbs), I have lost 1.5 lbs.   I started to actually get more active :shock: (this mainly means playing on my Wii Fit right now and playing indoors with the dog because we have an Arctic Freeze occurring and it makes going outside painful for me) on Tuesday.  I couldn't get back onto the Wii today because my calves hated me for having done a couple of the games. xD  And I got my PokeWalker to work, which is a lot of fun and encourages me to walk more because I get to open up neat stuff while using it.

So...I'm now at about 173 and I just need to get down to 155!  Slowly, slowly going down in weight!  And having a blast, especially since I remembered why I love strawberries.

Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Jennifer on February 05, 2011, 06:27:03 PM
Hi Lance,
     I am not familiar with calorie shifting but as you can see I am on this plateau. Please enlighten us if you can. : ???

Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Shang on February 05, 2011, 06:55:29 PM
Quote from: Lance M. on February 05, 2011, 06:32:32 PM
i will definitely put my progress with calorie shifting up here as time goes on. provided i stick to it. i hate counting calories, i wish i was bigger and stronger so that i could just control portions and work out harder.

I'm not certain what you mean.  I'm trying to eat a 1500 calorie diet at the most (sometimes I'm a little over and sometimes I'm a little under), while keeping up with eating good foods (and sometimes not-so-good foods. XD college student and all). (  is good for setting a certain amount of calories and setting a goal weight.  And it's free.
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Adabelle on February 07, 2011, 10:44:41 AM
I have a bit of good news to report! I weighed in this morning and have hit 187.0lbs. That's a new low for me, and it's about time! The lowest I've been in the last 3 weeks is 188.8, and then bounced back up to 190 and have just been hanging around in that 188-190 range for three weeks. It feels good to finally have broken through that area to a new low. I've been good at tracking my calories the last few weeks, and even got a little exercise. So I was disappointed it took me so long to break through, but I finally did.

Hopefully the next few weeks I'll keep losing a pound or two a week.

Here's my progress so far:


Look at that huge spike right around the New Year!  :eusa_wall:
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Adabelle on February 09, 2011, 12:16:57 PM
Hey how is everyone doing? I've popped back up a little in the last couple days, but still am below 190 which is good.
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: sigmafan on February 09, 2011, 01:17:04 PM
I want to let everybody know that I will be posting a weight loss check-in in 2 weeks, because I perfer to use the gym's scales to the electronic one at the place that I am staying at.
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Robert Scott on February 09, 2011, 01:34:27 PM
I am gaining weight
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Adabelle on February 10, 2011, 02:34:05 AM
Hey Lance,

Your plan sounds great. I totally agree that sometimes it's not about the numbers, you have to find what works for you. This isn't the wekly "Weigh in" after all, it's just the "check in" :) PLEASE feel free to post here what is working for you and provide encouragement for others in their journey too.

Personally I think your epiphany is really insightful. I hope you keep sharing here and checking in every once and a while.
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Jennifer on February 13, 2011, 04:32:29 PM
Hi Everyone,

Nice graph Madelyn, I have a handwritten one on my wall. And I agree, it's not just about the numbers, there are many ways to measure progress, like looking and feeling better. For those of you who have gained a little, just look at Madelyn's graph. Just like life there are ups and downs, so don't give up trying.

I am proud to report that I lost about 4 tenths of a pound this week. A gently sloping plateau I guess. From 188 down to 175.2 in about three months. I seem to have developed some healthier habits and I feel so good about that!  ;D

Stay motivated everyone.

Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Adabelle on February 13, 2011, 08:14:00 PM
Hitting another "bump" right now actually. 188.6 again after getting down to 187 last week :(

Hanging in there though!
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: xAndrewx on February 17, 2011, 12:48:15 AM
Haven't posted lately because my weight has been about the same. I'm up 1 lb from my last post. I've been sick but the fact that I have only gained a lb without working out and still eating unhealthy is encouragement for the weight I will loose when I start working out again which will be tomorrow :)

Got a new job that requires a ton of walking, being outside, and constant standing so I have a feeling it will be helping me shed some lbs.

Current weight- 209
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Shang on February 17, 2011, 06:51:14 AM
I'm at 173-ish, again.  But I've lost fat and gained muscle so my weight is being stubborn about going down, but I'm cool with that.  As long as I look tone, I don't care.
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Adabelle on February 17, 2011, 12:16:31 PM
Well, it's been a rough week. I've dealt with a little depression and that has made it harder for me to stay motivated to exercise and stay under my calories. I've been still tracking (even when I go over), but at one point I had gone from 187 up to 191 :(

I've been better the last few days in drinking water and watching my calories and have come down to 188. Just 1lb over my lowest so far. I am feeling better and a little more energetic the last few days. Spent 30 minutes on the rebounder this morning and am going to try and be careful with my calories going forward.

I'm going to try and exercise for 30m each day on the rebounder. I think that will help me pick up the weight loss pace a bit. So far I'm averaging less than 1lb per week, would like to get closer to 2lbs per week.

Hang in there everyone!
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: sigmafan on February 18, 2011, 11:51:52 AM
I weighed in today, I'm now back at 312.  Damned Vacation having such great tasting food!

Anyways, I'll more than likely lose more weight, because my low testosterone levels are being taken care of starting St. Patricks day when I start getting T-Shots through the doctor every month or so.  Maybe that will help out with the weight loss.
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: xAndrewx on February 18, 2011, 09:29:42 PM
Quote from: Lance M. on February 18, 2011, 03:03:51 PM
btw andrew, i like your new avatar.

Thanks Lance :) My friend took that one of me the other night after I had like 30 failed attempts at trying to get a decent 1 of myself.  :D

As for your question I've heard of that happening and apparently once your body adjusts and thinks that you will continue to drink the right amount of water it will slow down a little bit. I know when I was sick I was drinking a ton of water which I never drink and had to go every half hour to hour. After a week of drinking 200 oz or more a day I stopped having to go as often and things went back to normal. I don't know about long term because as soon as I wasn't sick I went back to my caffeine addiction and stopped drinking water.
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Adabelle on February 19, 2011, 12:09:39 AM
Hey Lance,

If your pee is clear and it doesn't smell bad you are probably fine and your body just adjusting to your new intake. I think someone would need to drink a LOT more water for the water to cause a problem.

I drink 2-3L of water daily and it's normal for me. I don't have any troubles. I do usually have to use the restroom about 45m after drinking a lot of water, but I've never had any problem as a result.

If I were to start to get headaches, and/or pain, and or feel thirsty even though I was drinking a ton of water etc then I might be more concerned. But if I felt otherwise normal, and my only symptom is that I was drinking more water and going pee more I wouldn't worry.

Good news is that this morning I got a nice surprise and weighed 186.2lb!
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Robert Scott on February 20, 2011, 10:18:23 AM
down to 217.4!  Yea for stomach bugs
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Shang on February 20, 2011, 10:52:20 AM
I'm down to 168!  13 lbs to go! X3
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: kyril on February 20, 2011, 11:12:55 AM
I don't own a scale. But I've been on the "I can't afford to eat" diet for about 2 weeks now, and it's working wonders, lost an inch and a half off my hips and an inch off my waist. If I can stay broke for another couple months, I may get to see muscle definition.
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Jennifer on February 20, 2011, 06:31:22 PM
Hi. It sounds like most of you are having success, that's awesome. Keep trying and working hard and good things will happen. On that same note, I am doing good also. I lost another half pound or so and my body fat percentage went down too. I now weigh in at 174.6, a number I haven't seen in many years. Thanks everyone for the encouragement and good luck to all of you.

Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Nathan. on February 20, 2011, 07:13:40 PM
I'm late joining this thread but yeah i'm trying to loose weight too.

I'm 15 stone now, according to google thats 210 pounds. I've lost a stone so far due to exercise, I go to the gym at least 3 times a week but i'm not doing great when it comes to food. :-\
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: niamh on February 21, 2011, 01:04:36 AM
Quote from: Nathan. on February 20, 2011, 07:13:40 PM
i'm not doing great when it comes to food. :-\

Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Adabelle on February 21, 2011, 07:30:14 PM
Welcome new thread members!

I have some good news to report! I made it down to 185.2lbs over the weekend! I'm very happy to be down to this weight, and only 15.2lbs away from my short term goal of 170lbs.

Keep the faith, you can do it!
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Nathan. on February 22, 2011, 10:08:55 AM
Quote from: niamh on February 21, 2011, 01:04:36 AM

When i'm down or anxious I comfort eat and my anxiety has been quite bad recently, but when i'm ok i'm better with food, I don't snack and eat ok portion sizes.
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Shang on February 22, 2011, 11:22:28 AM
Good luck everyone! :D :D :D

I'm now down to 167! ^^ I've been monitoring my calorie intake and I've been exercising daily (which allows me to maybe get a special treat if I've done good).  I haven't seen 167 in a year. XD  And I'm about 12 pounds away from where I want to be. 
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Jennifer on February 27, 2011, 09:32:42 PM
Hello all you motivated people,

No weight loss for me this week but a reduction in body fat percentage and my waistline is shrinking...YEA!
Keep up the good work everyone.

Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: niamh on February 28, 2011, 07:40:22 AM
Quote from: Nathan. on February 22, 2011, 10:08:55 AM
When i'm down or anxious I comfort eat and my anxiety has been quite bad recently, but when i'm ok i'm better with food, I don't snack and eat ok portion sizes.

Don't have bad food in the house and when you start to feel sad turn to music, dance, book, movie, go for a walk...there is lots you can do. Don't put it in your mouth and it won't go on your hip.
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: regan on February 28, 2011, 09:34:18 AM
I know its been a while, but I'm happy to report I lost six pounds in my boot camp and an inch off my measurements.  Apparently I'm still full figured, but working on it.  Of course, if I'm going to be full figured, I'd be happy to have the curves to go with it (nobumatol), if only my butt could be a little more shapely - oh yeah wrong hormones, but hopefully for not too much longer.
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Adabelle on March 04, 2011, 11:38:29 PM
Well, since I last weighed in here I hit as low as 183, but as of this morning was up to 184 again. I've been good this week though so I think it's a normal fluctuation. I hope I'll drop again next week.

Stay strong everyone and don't forget that your body hits these plateaus where you just don't lose weight for a little while. It can get discouraging, but it does pick up again. I've stalled for as long as two weeks before, and then my body loses several pounds within just a couple days.

Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: regan on March 05, 2011, 01:23:01 PM
I've lost 17 lbs since the beginning of the year.  My goal is to lose another 15 to 20 lbs by the end of may.  I'm hoping in a years time I can be down to 180ish.
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: xAndrewx on March 05, 2011, 02:49:53 PM
Just checking in real quick. Don't have time to catch up at the moment but will when I get home tonight.

Well previous weight- 209

Current weight- 214.6  but I did go on a 3 day cruise and ate practically the entire time so it could be worse.

Back home and back to the weights so I'm hoping to get back down soon. Good luck to everyone :)
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: regan on March 05, 2011, 02:51:41 PM
Quote from: Andrew Scott on March 05, 2011, 02:49:53 PM
Just checking in real quick. Don't have time to catch up at the moment but will when I get home tonight.

Well previous weight- 209

Current weight- 214.6  but I did go on a 3 day cruise and ate practically the entire time so it could be worse.

Back home and back to the weights so I'm hoping to get back down soon. Good luck to everyone :)

Sounds like my holiday binge...I dropped most of the weight in the first part of January, so you should be fine.
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: sigmafan on March 05, 2011, 09:54:37 PM
I am still at 312 for the 3rd straight week, but I am losing body fat and it's being replaced by muscle mass, and my waistline is shrinking, so that's good news.
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: xAndrewx on March 05, 2011, 10:02:34 PM
Thanks Regan :) I hope so

sigmafan that's great! Soon that muscle will start burning more fat and you'll be loosing fat quick.
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: kyril on March 05, 2011, 10:41:36 PM
Still don't own a scale, but I'm shrinking. My sweatpants are falling off :)
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Jennifer on March 07, 2011, 02:14:18 PM
Hi Madelyn and everyone else,

I am so busy I forgot to check in. I am still the same weight but my figure continues to look better. I am starting to get a little frustrated though. I need some encouragement from all you wonderful people to pick me up again. I must lose some more pounds!


Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Lee on March 10, 2011, 09:54:19 PM
Hey guys, I didn't even know we had this thread.  I'd love to join in.
I'm 5'7 and 256lbs.  Beyond possible health issues, my weight doesn't really bother me.  I would like to have a more muscular look, though.  My weight makes me way too curvy. 
I think my main issue is consistency.  I'll drop weight for a month or so then get distracted by work/school/life and abandon it. 
Good luck everyone  :)
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: sigmafan on March 11, 2011, 09:38:08 PM
Well, I'm back down to 310.  I'm assuming this number will continue to go down when I start getting on my Testosterone Shots (not for trans reasons, it's just that I have super-low testosterone and I need it to balance things out, says 2 doctors and one of them being a endocrinologist.)  Anyways, I hope that stuff gets better and I'll be below 300 near April 15th.
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: regan on March 12, 2011, 08:45:42 AM
My weight is holding this week, but seriously my pants are almost about to fall off.  I can take them off without having to unbutton them.  :)

I'll take that as progress.
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Stephanie.Izann on March 12, 2011, 08:18:02 PM
Okay, I'm in! Better late than never.
I'm around 6 ft. and I currently weigh  223.  I started to lose some weight  but with the new baby it's been hard getting to the gym.  I'm hoping to start sooner than later AGAIN.
My target weight will be 175 to 180.  I don't want to lose all this weight right away because I was told that the extra fat at the beginning of HRT is actually a plus, BUT it DOES take a lot longer to get rid of it. 
As of today, I'm not depressed about any of this, but it needs to be taken care of. I started Sept. 30 of last year, and I HAVE noticed a lot of cool curves in all the right places.  I'm scared to lose what I have but I can't really take looking at my self in the mirror sometimes.  Although I am in great shape as a guy, it doesn't make the girl that is trying to come out very all.
I do have a small "muffin top" that is a left over from the boy side.  I know it's going to be hard to get rid of that. Hopefully, more fat re-distribution will help that by bringing it down.
I'm happy with the HRT results but of course, I always want MORE.
Being on HRT is making me crave salty foods and it makes me hungry, but I think I can turn that around and turn a negative into a positive so that it allows me increase my metabolism some.  So if I eat the right foods, it'll burn the fat.

I'll post my waist and other sizes later when I can find a measuring tape. ;D
That's my rant and what-nots. LOL
Onward! T-girls...and guys!
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: kyril on March 17, 2011, 09:22:21 AM
Checking in:

It's weird. I've been living on pretty much the same diet (roughly 700-1100 calories/day, varying by what I decide to cook) for about 6 weeks. Haven't felt any particular sense of hunger or deprivation - I do have snacking urges, but they're easily dealt with by not having snacks, and by always having a nice cup of hot tea handy.

Suddenly today I am so, so, so unbelievably hungry. I can't eat any more before I go to sleep, but God, I want to. I'm fantasizing and obsessing about cooking and meals and food.

I think my body noticed it was losing weight. Grr.
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: sigmafan on March 18, 2011, 10:58:59 AM
Get in there!  I am down to 308 now.  I also started being put on Testosterone yesterday, so I can only believe my energy and metabolism levels will go up and my weight will go down.  And a deal was struck which helps out a lot.  If I get down to 300, my brother will be forced to go to the gym as well.  He claims that he's 293, and he's wider than me.  There's no way, he's 293.  Anyways, it'll be great when I get back down to 300.
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Adabelle on March 19, 2011, 12:53:40 PM
Hey everyone!

First off, welcome to the new people who have joined the thread. It's great to see new people jumping in. Please keep checking in even if you gain, as you can see we've all gone up and down since starting, but this is a great place for us to all support each other even if we end up going up in weight a little.

As for me I'm 184.2 as of this morning. Since the last time I posted I've been as low as 182.6lbs, but I took a trip down to SoCal to come out to a lifelong best friend and the weekend with he and his wife included lots of great food :)

Anyway, I'm hanging in there and trying to count calories since being back. I hope I break through this little plateau. My birthday is coming up later this month and I'd love to be below 180 for that. I think I can do it if I stay good.
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Stephanie.Izann on March 19, 2011, 08:54:19 PM
I gained 5 pounds but that's because our newborn was in the E.R. these past days and then transferred to a regular room.  We just got back. Baby is doing amazingly well and we're happy she's okay. I guess I can start again with my Diet.  So 123 to start and now 128.  I'll be walking, then running this next week and going back to the gym as well.
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Jennifer on March 24, 2011, 02:40:23 AM
Hi Everyone!

Yes, I have not checked in for about two weeks because I am working so much. No time for anything but sleep.
Which brings up an important subject. One important key to weight loss and good health is proper sleep. The body produces hgh during sleep which burns fat and builds muscle among other important functions. So get your sleep people.

Welcome to the new enthusiastic members. Stephanie, was that a typo or did you lose 100 pounds already? Good job Sigmafan, I like that attitude, get in there! Lee, keep at it, eventually this will become more of a habit and the consistency will come. Regan, yay! Kyril, it's not healthy to eat so little. Slow weight loss is best, but I understand everyone has their own method that works best for them. And of course the lovely Madelyn, the author of this thread and the most encouraging girl around, you are catching me! However, I have dropped off my plateau (finally) and am happy to report that I lost a few more pounds! I now weigh just 170.2 lbs! I have lost 18 pounds in 18 weeks, and if I can do it, anyone can.

Good luck everyone and keep at it!


Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Cindy on March 24, 2011, 03:13:06 AM
Not checking in to join, but to congratulate you all on such a great supporting thread, and for all of you being so dedicated. Keep it going and good luck. It will pay enormous dividends for all of you in every aspect of life.

Hugs to all of you wonderful people.

Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: sigmafan on March 28, 2011, 01:53:11 PM
I now have some bad news.  I've gotten burned out from the gym, so I'm taking a week off.  I'll still do some stuff at home, but I'm giving a week away from the gym so I can get my batteries recharged.  I figure that this short term break will bring long-term rewards.
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Rock_chick on March 29, 2011, 04:57:42 PM
Quote from: Nathan. on February 22, 2011, 10:08:55 AM
When i'm down or anxious I comfort eat and my anxiety has been quite bad recently, but when i'm ok i'm better with food, I don't snack and eat ok portion sizes.

Drink a cup of hot water, it sort of fools you're body into thinking you've had something hot and nourishing when in fact you haven't. plus it's water which is always good for you.
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Adabelle on March 29, 2011, 05:51:28 PM
Well I finally made it down to exactly 180lbs on my scale! It actually happened over the weekend and I was very excited about it because it was a goal of mine to hit 180 before my birthday (which was on Monday). Anyway, since then I bounced up about a half a pound, but I'm still very happy! I'm keeping the faith and tracking daily - Next my goal is 174, which means I'm at a "normal" BMI for the first time in my entire life.

Thanks everyone for checking in and saying how things are going. It really helps motivate me and I know others too when we all share our progress (or even our lack of progress).
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: JessicaH on March 29, 2011, 11:30:51 PM
Good job, Madelyn! My next goal is 179lb which I am about 20 lb away. The reason it is 179 and not 180 is because i weighed 179lb when I put on a maroon beret when I graduated Airborne School at Ft. Benning Georgia in December of 1989. I was 19, not an oz. of exra fat and in the best shape of my life!

It is going to be a challenge  to get that low as I have a lot of muscle mass and will be very low body fat to get that low again so I need to shed some serious muscle mass as well. I think my ideal weight will be about 160 when all is done which shold look ok on my 5-11 frame.
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: asher on March 30, 2011, 08:14:35 PM
Oh sweet! I didn't know this thread existed. Hi everyone! :laugh:
Looks like some awesome progress has been made!

I've been on a diet since November, and lost a little over 20 lbs now. Does anyone here use If not you should check it out, so far it's been really great. It gives you a calorie limit per day based on your weight and height, and how much weight you want to lose per week. As you lose weight it lowers your limit, which is great as it keeps you from letting your metabolism slow down with super restrictive diets.
So right now I'm at 164, I started at 185 >_< Been having trouble kicking a plateau right now. But I eat between 900-1,300 calories a day, though my limit is around 1,400, and do mostly aerobic stuff for now just to kick my pudgey curves, for an hour or more.
After I get down to a more ideal weight I'm gonna start building up muscle. Since muscle weighs more than fat I always feel like I'm not progressing doing both at the same time, lol. And since the muscles don't show under a layer of fat  >:(
Good luck everyone!  :D
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Jennifer on March 31, 2011, 01:42:45 AM
Madelyn-Awesome! You really help to motivate us all.

Stacy-Great to see you checking back in, I'm still thinking about that salmon. And I love your enthusiasm.

Asher-Welcome, it's nice to have another motivated person here. I am going to check out right now...thanks.

Sigmafan-Honest and smart as always. A little vacation always helps the burnout. Hope to hear from you soon.

As for my my success, I am at the 170.5 plateau and that is great for me. Nothing drastic, just a slow and steady drop in weight.
I did drop a dress size too...Yay! Next stop, 169, my high school weight 35 years ago. Good luck all you beautiful people!

Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: niamh on April 03, 2011, 01:08:40 PM
Quote from: Helena on March 29, 2011, 04:57:42 PM
Drink a cup of hot water, it sort of fools you're body into thinking you've had something hot and nourishing when in fact you haven't. plus it's water which is always good for you.

Also, I love to drink hot water with a tablespoon or two of bouillon. I recently bought a big tub of organic vegan bouillon whose cost worked out at 30 euro cents a liter. It's only 10 calories a tablespoon and makes you feel nice and full and the ingredients are all healthy. Plus you can use the bouillon to make cheap soups that are virtually fat free. Bouillon, legumes, veg and wholegrain paste. Cheap, tasty, low in calories and high in nutrients. Great bang for your buck.
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Padma on April 03, 2011, 02:13:41 PM
A spoonful of miso in a mug of hot water is great too. Feels very wholesome, and is.
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: niamh on April 03, 2011, 02:49:21 PM
Quote from: yoxi on April 03, 2011, 02:13:41 PM
A spoonful of miso in a mug of hot water is great too. Feels very wholesome, and is.

Especially with sea vegetables! YUMM-Y!
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Jennifer on April 06, 2011, 11:09:03 PM
Happy hello to everyone here,

Another week has gone by and I am so excited to report I dropped another pound! 169.5 pounds and I feel great now.

And here comes summer...YAY!

Don't lose sight of your goals everyone because you can do it and it is worth it.

Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: sigmafan on April 07, 2011, 10:10:23 AM
Well, at last weigh-in I'm down to 300.  Which is a great thing to have happening.  Hopefully I'll be in a size 40 pants by the time summer rolls along.
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Adabelle on April 07, 2011, 03:52:46 PM
Hey everyone! It's great to see people still checking in. I'm so glad to have this thread :)

Well, I've bounced around a little, but this morning I weighed and looks like I hit a new low of 179.2lbs. I haven't been this low for a very long time, so I'm quite happy about it! I just started Estrogen, so hopefully it won't have too much a slowing effect on my weight loss.
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Jennifer on April 13, 2011, 11:59:57 PM
Quote from: Madelyn on April 07, 2011, 03:52:46 PM
Hey everyone! It's great to see people still checking in. I'm so glad to have this thread  :)

Hey Madelyn! That says it all. And good job cracking 180!

And hi to everyone else who stops here. I'm proud of all those who don't give up and continue to be true to themselves. ;D
It pleases me to see all the motivated people who keep checking in with their updates and tips, keeping in mind that a little hiccup now and then is no reason to give up. Continue to try and success will come.

I am excited to report that I am still below 170 lbs. for 2 weeks now! The lightest I've been in 30 years, and checking in here on a weekly basis has helped me achieve that. My ultimate goal is 155 and I am more than half way there! :)

See you all next week. Good luck and keep up the good work everyone.


Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: xAndrewx on April 15, 2011, 11:02:33 PM
Hey guys congrats on the losses! :) Sounds like ya'll are doing pretty incredible.

It's been a little over a month since I checked in. I'm happy to report I've maintained the same weight. Yup happy... because a huge portion of the fat on my thigh and calf area has become muscle and I've gained a huge amount of bicep & shoulder muscle in the last month from my continuance of lifting weights plus the amount of walking I have to do every day to get to/from work & at work.

Starting a healthier food diet as soon as I can get to the store and fruit market (hopefully tomorrow) so I'm hoping for some weightloss. Because of my current diet I believe I'm eating somewhere around 4,000+ calories a day ugh. Good luck everyone :)
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Stephanie.Izann on April 25, 2011, 10:50:59 AM
Had the baby in the hospital these past few days so I haven't been able to restart my visits to the gym  :(
Hopefully, I"ll be able to this week. I'm still at 223! :(
BUT I have noticed that the weight I have is all on my butt and thigh area and is really contributing to some awesome curves...I just got to make sure they don't go more than that. I'm thin on top and chunky on the bottom like a bowling pin!  Okay, just venting!
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Adabelle on April 28, 2011, 10:27:55 AM
Guys. I want to thank everyone for continuing to check in, it gives us all a lot of encouragement to know others are out there struggling to work on their weight too.

I have a bit of surprising and good news this morning. I finally, after about 3 weeks of struggling to make it to a lower weight, have broken to a little lower level. Since starting HRT I've had such a hard time staying in my calorie targets, but I've tried really hard and I stepped on the scale this morning and I am 176.2lbs! I'm so happy because it's been difficult. The lowest I had been before was 178.

Anyway, please keep the faith friends. You guys can do it.
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: xAndrewx on April 29, 2011, 01:22:31 AM
Congrats Madelyn! :)

Well guys I'm back to 208 exactly so I've lost 6.6 pounds in the last couple of weeks. My diet has been poor due to only having time to eat once a day, usually junk food or fast food because of my schedule not allowing grocery store visits. 2 days off ahead of me and I'm hoping for a trip to the store (maybe I'll bike the twenty minutes up there but won't be able to get any cold food with the 90 some degree weather). Hope everyone is making some progress :)
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Jennifer on April 29, 2011, 02:29:28 PM
Way to go Madelyn!

I love a great success story. And good for you too Andrew, keep up the good work. ;D It's great that you have identified your problem areas and now you are working to address them; that's the the way to do it.

And Stephanie, I'm so glad you are still checking in too. I hope your awesome curves help to keep you motivated. Like Madelyn said, "keep the faith, you can do it".  I hope your baby is doing well also, congratulations! :icon_bunch:

I have some good news too: I am down another pound to 167.2 with a lot of hard work and determination! It certainly hasn't been easy but I have a goal of 155lbs. before I get SRS, so that helps to keep me motivated. :)

See you all very soon,
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Adabelle on April 29, 2011, 04:04:33 PM
Wow Jennifer that is awesome! I'm only averaging about 0.8lbs/wk in weight loss, but at least it's slowly coming off. It does take a lot of work, but it's really nice to see the scale drop down every once and a while.

Keep the faith everyone!
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: regan on April 29, 2011, 08:40:52 PM
I seem to be holding in the 220s lately, but I'm definitely losing "shape" so I'll take that as progress.
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Tamaki on April 29, 2011, 09:27:15 PM
I am hoping that you don't mind me joining this thread, I really need it. Currently I weigh 245 which is the heaviest I've ever been and puts me well into the obese category.  I need to lose around 55 pounds to be close to a reasonable weight.

Recently I came to the realisation that I wasn't just using junk food to cope emotionally but I was hoping it would just kill me. I decided to not give in to urges to harm myself and my diet has really changed.

So now I'm eating better and smaller portions. The weather's getting better and I'm back on my skateboard for exercise. The day I fit in a dress and don't look 8 months pregnant can't come soon enough. 
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Adabelle on April 30, 2011, 12:36:43 AM
Yay guys. We are so glad you joined us.

I was telling my therapist too just a few weeks ago that when it comes to my body I "finally want to be here". I mean, I've lived my whole life with a kind of disconnect with my body and I know I've used food as a way to sort of medicate myself. I too was in the obese category for BMI. As I've come to terms with my gender identity I've started to find it easier to care for my body, and start to be grateful for it. It's given me some strength to try and be more healthy.

After being overweight and "obese" for my size my entire life I am finally in the "overweight" category, and I will pretty soon cross over into the high end of the "normal" BMI.

I am cheering you guys all on, thanks for cheering me on too!
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Lee on April 30, 2011, 01:15:59 AM
Congrats Madelyn :)  I know how you feel about finally wanting to be here.  The more attached I feel to my body the more I want to actually have it look and feel good.

I've been stressing over the end of the semester and slacking off when it comes to eating well and exercising.  I'm up two pounds over the last two weeks :-\.  My major downfall is that I like to snack while I study.  I'll be running to the grocery store tomorrow, so I'll pick up some gum and veggies to snack on.  I have one more week of classes then finals, but I really need to find time to exercise more before then.  Oh well, it'll make good study breaks.
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Jennifer on May 05, 2011, 12:57:33 AM
Hi everyone!

I am holding steady at 167 for two weeks now. Next stop, 166. Very difficult but very rewarding. It is worth the effort.
I wish the rest of you much success, you can achieve your goals.  :)

Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: sigmafan on May 05, 2011, 10:03:27 AM
I'm wondering is it possible for two types of medicine to counteract with one another to make you feel a lot tired?  I mean, I'm now on Testosterone shots and antidepressants and if I take the anti-depressants in the morning, I feel very lethargic and don't hit the gym.  At least, when I take them Later in the day, mainly at night, I retain energy to do the gym and other things that need to get done.

I've probably gained a few pounds back, while figuring this out, but at least my shape is changing for the better.
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Tad on May 06, 2011, 07:48:46 PM
Well Tuesday was the day before going back to summer work. Jumped on the scale 216.. so obviously my losing strategy went out the window. Back to work and I've already lost 7.5 pounds. But that's typical. I lost 30 pounds in around 6 weeks one summer at this job.. that weight stayed off too.. until the meds made me gain.. My goal is to get back to 175-185.
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Robert Scott on May 10, 2011, 09:44:30 AM
My travels helped jump start me!  I am down 10lbs
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Adabelle on May 10, 2011, 10:30:12 AM
Well, I'm having a hard time lately keeping my weight down. I was down to 176 at lowest and in the last week went to 177. I think part of the problem is that I've been slacking a bit on my calorie tracking, so I need to get back to that.

Great to see you have had some success Rob. Great to see Tad's recent success too. Hang in there the rest of you, and thanks for posting updates!
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Jennifer on May 11, 2011, 10:46:26 PM
Yes, thanks everyone for checking in. Good news or not, it helps us all. Welcome to the newbies.

Madelyn, you are doing awesome, you look great in that other thread! And I am stuck at 167 for three weeks now. But I am not starving and I feel great. Time for me to start trying a little harder. Keep up the great effort everyone, see you next week!

Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: regan on May 14, 2011, 08:27:09 AM
Muscle weighs more then fat.  If you're not losing weight, are you losing shape at least?
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Tamaki on May 14, 2011, 02:29:09 PM
Apparently cutting out the junk food hasn't made any difference in my weight so I decided to get some physical activity. I'm getting back on my skateboard and working in the yard and I've lost 2 pounds this week.
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: sigmafan on May 14, 2011, 03:12:54 PM
Well, the Testosterone experiment was a complete and utter failure.  Now, I'm at my highest weight since this time last year.  I'm now at 334.  This is a 40 pound gain within a span of two months.  I doubt all of that is muscle.  It's gotten to the point where I can't fit into my pants and had to find an older pair in the mothballs.

Man, I hate my life sometimes.
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Jennifer on May 15, 2011, 06:47:02 AM
Quote from: regan on May 14, 2011, 08:27:09 AM
Muscle weighs more then fat.  If you're not losing weight, are you losing shape at least?
Excellent question, thank you for asking. I am definitely getting a more feminine figure! I'm on HRT for a while now and I am seeing a very dramatic effect. My waist is slimming, my breasts are filling out nicely and I am gaining curves. So yes, I am losing my masculine shape and I couldn't be happier. :)

Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Battle_On on May 16, 2011, 09:50:59 PM
I wanna join (I'm not late or anything :D), now I just have to remember to check in. About two years ago I hit the dreaded 200 lb mark. I told myself I wasnt allowed to go over and over a course of about four months I dropped 25 pounds. Today I weighed myself and I am at 193 lbs. That means there are only seven pounds keeping me away from from going over a a mark I'd really rather not. I am 5'7'' and I would like to get down to about 150-160.
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Tad on May 17, 2011, 01:25:34 PM
well gained a couple pounds over that following weekend, then lost a few pounds over the next week, gained back a bit over the weekend. It seems that the system is overall I'm losing 2-3 pounds a week which is okay. Really though I spose I should be doing measurements and not weight. I'm likely gaining some muscle at work.
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Adabelle on May 18, 2011, 09:49:36 PM
Grrr. I seem stuck right around 176-178 for the last couple weeks. It's getting really old!! What do you guys think.. should I just give up and hit the fridge HARD tonight and load up on calories? :)
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: regan on May 19, 2011, 05:39:04 AM
Quote from: Madelyn on May 18, 2011, 09:49:36 PM
Grrr. I seem stuck right around 176-178 for the last couple weeks. It's getting really old!! What do you guys think.. should I just give up and hit the fridge HARD tonight and load up on calories? :)

Fall off the horse, but then get right back on it.
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Jennifer on May 19, 2011, 02:00:16 PM
Hi all you happy friends!

O.K., so I have reason to be extra happy today; somehow I lost 3 pounds in the last week! 164.2 now, without starving. If I can do it, anyone can. Focus on your goals and you will succeed. Madelyn, it was you who sparked the fire in me to begin with, so I will say the same thing that regan said, "fall off the horse but get back on". Same to you Sigmafan, Tad, Hannah and the rest, you have the power and the wisdom to achieve your goals, don't give up. :) Well done Rob, keep up the good work and keep checking in!

As always, welcome Keiran and any other newcomers to this thread. :) Together we can lose the weight and get healthier too!

Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Clayton on May 21, 2011, 02:17:11 PM
Weighed in at 219 this morning, that's the most I ever weighed so not too happy.  I'm really hoping this might help get me motivated.  Good luck to everyone with their attempts.
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Adabelle on May 25, 2011, 10:55:13 AM
Well, I didn't lay into the cookies like I thought I might the other day, I've been relatively good on tracking calories but the problem is that I just can't seem to stay consistent. I've been between 176-178 for the last four weeks or so. This morning I was 177.2. I just can't seem to take the weight off.

Then this week I fractured a joint in my big toe after tripping on some stairs, they say that will take 8 weeks to heal so I'm going to have to be really judicious about watching what I eat with the lower amounts of exercise.

At least I'm not gaining, and actually now that I'm on HRT I am seeing a little development so I suppose maybe I'm losing muscle mass that's turning to fat or something.
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Jennifer on May 26, 2011, 02:41:59 PM
Welcome Clayton and I wish you much success.

Madelyn, sorry to hear about the fracture. Stay focused on your goals as you always are and keep up the good eating habits.

I gained one pound since last week but I think I was just dehydrated. At any rate, I am still on a downward trend!
Stay motivated everyone and please keep checking-in.  :)

Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Clayton on May 28, 2011, 12:16:59 PM
Thank you Jennifer

Weighed in at 218.5  Not exactly the success I was hoping for but I'll take it.
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Jennifer on June 02, 2011, 02:15:50 PM
Hi everyone,

Another week and another pound lost! Down to 163.2. Do not give up and you will succeed.
How is everyone else doing? Remember, if you fall off that horse, get back on. :)
Good luck to you all.

Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Adabelle on June 02, 2011, 03:51:16 PM
Well, this morning I stepped on the scale at an even 178. That's two lbs more than my lowest of a week ago. I've kinda been slipping a bit on my diet since I've been going out to eat more often etc. Tonight we have more friends coming into town and I need to try and find something at the restaurant that's not too high in calories.

I really want to get down to about 155!
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Jennifer on June 10, 2011, 01:39:14 PM
Hi Friends,

I continue my successful decline in weight. Lost another pound this week, down to 162.

Madelyn, my target is also 155 and I can see the bulls-eye now! It has been a long and difficult journey but so worth it. I stumbled many times along the way but never gave up and now I am so happy with the results. If I can do it, anyone can.

We try to change our bodies with expensive and painful surgeries and hair removal and make-up etc. And we spend time and money on doctors and potentially dangerous hormones and drugs. The thing we have the most control over is our diet and exercise. We can get healthier, lose weight and look and feel better without any outside help. Yes we can! Just do it!  ;D

Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: JessicaH on June 10, 2011, 04:33:25 PM
I will weigh tomorrow. I know I have slipped a bit with being on the roead so much this year. I have spent about 14 weeks away from home so far this year.
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Battle_On on June 12, 2011, 05:39:08 PM
I know it has been a bit since I have checked in. I am still at 193, but due to some essays in my short summer semester of school I have been cooped up inside. Only a week and a half left and then I'll be free. Im kind of looking forward to being able to dedicate myself to getting in shape. :) I can't wait to go clothes shopping~
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Maddie Secutura on June 12, 2011, 08:51:55 PM
Can I join the check in thread?  I'm 5'7" and currently 150 lbs.  I'm trying to get down to 135 though.  I've started running again so that should help.  I'll check in next week.
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Adabelle on June 13, 2011, 03:29:24 PM
Welcome new members! :)

I myself am STUCK at 177. :(

I am gonna work really hard this week.
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Adabelle on June 15, 2011, 06:55:37 PM
FINALLY. Weighed in at 175.8 this morning that's 0.2lbs below my lowest of like 6 weeks ago. geesh that took so friggen long. I need to get down to 170!
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: KrisRenee on June 15, 2011, 11:09:09 PM
I'm new to this thread, but I know I should be in it.  I'm tired of being unhealthy.  About six months ago I was weighing in at 245-250, last I knew I weighed in at 237, that was at the doctor's about a month ago.  Right now, my scale says just under 230, so It's dropping, but it's dropping slowly.  I just started a new workout routine today, so I'm going to be sore, but I'm hoping it will all be worth it when I have to buy a new binder because mine's too big...
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Jennifer on June 19, 2011, 02:58:46 PM
That is awesome Madelyn! And welcome KrisRenee. :icon_wave:
I hit a bump in the road, fell off my horse and had a big setback. :( I gained three pounds in ten days because I lost sight of my goals. I am now at 165.2. I hope it's mostly water and it will fall off quickly. I just doubled my cardio workout and looked in the mirror and had a talk with myself. Ten more pounds to go and I know I will succeed. Keep checking in everyone, together we can do it! ;D

Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Adabelle on June 23, 2011, 12:06:22 AM
I had a breakthrough today.

Today for the first time in my adult life I am a "normal" BMI. One year ago today I was medically "Obese". I've lost 35lbs to get to this point, and 56lbs from the highest I've ever weighed.

I weighed in at 173.6 lbs.

I seemed to have a plateau for weeks, but am finally making progress. I'm so happy.

Keep on the band wagon guys, if you fall off, get back on!
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: sigmafan on June 23, 2011, 01:59:36 AM
Well, I guess it's time to announce that I have fallen off and am too broken to do recaps.  Apparently after my failed Testosterone trial, I gained all of that weight I lost back + about 20 pounds.  I'm still trying to work hard to lose it, but it's gotten harder and harder with each day, due to a combination of me just being tired, sick, or burned out from the gym and just wanting to dive head first into a pint of Mint Moose Tracks Ice Cream, which thankfully hasn't happened.

I gave it a good effort, I'm still going to the gym, but it's now getting back to being my old weight again.  I just hate it when things fall apart at the seams.
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Lynne on June 24, 2011, 06:57:28 AM
I'm 5 ft 6 inches(5 ft and 5.748031496062993 inches, 167 centimeters, to be exact :D) and currently about 180 lbs so this is the right place for me. I really need to lose some weight. But I need to loose muscle too, not just fat. My current circumstances make it hard to eat and live healthy. I work a lot, including night shifts, I don't have much time to eat at work so I have to rush through the meals. Most of the time when I get home from work I just want to relax, I can't seem to find the strength to excercise after 12 hours of exhausting and sometimes painful work.
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Jennifer on June 24, 2011, 11:01:34 AM
Madelyn, that is totally awesome! You are catching me again. I am on a plateau at 165.2 and I guess I should be happy I am not gaining it back. However, I would like to get down to 155lbs. so I must continue to concentrate on my goal.

Welcome Anne, you can be successful if you put your mind to it. Make a plan and try to stick to it. Small changes add up to a lot in the long run and are easier to accomplish. Keep checking in to raise your awareness.

Sigmafan, if I can do it so can you. You have the power! ;D Good luck sweetie!

Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Ann Onymous on June 26, 2011, 12:21:45 PM
Quote from: Anne Caitlyn on June 24, 2011, 06:57:28 AM
Most of the time when I get home from work I just want to relax, I can't seem to find the strength to excercise after 12 hours of exhausting and sometimes painful work.

I can relate to the wanting to just relax, especially since there are some days I don't get out of the office until well after 7PM and then have a lengthy drive home.  However, I have also found that a good cardio session (at a minimum) helps with the sleep. 

I've got a 24/7 club near the house that I had joined, and if I get in around 9-ish, I pretty much have the place to myself...and at least until I get back to my comfort level, my preference is to be alone in there.  I do not always want to do any of the resistance work, but I always try to get at least the treadmill, bike and elliptical time in...
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Maddie Secutura on June 28, 2011, 05:45:44 PM
I broke 150!  I'm pretty stoked to check in at 148 lbs.
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: JessicaH on June 29, 2011, 11:01:20 AM
Quote from: Maddie Secutura on June 28, 2011, 05:45:44 PM
I broke 150!  I'm pretty stoked to check in at 148 lbs.

That's awesome Maddie! I'm stalled out on loosing right now and need to figure something else to try. I still carry a lot of muscle weight that doesn't want to go anywhere. How long did it take you to loose significant muscle? I have been on HRT 6 months and not noticed any muscle reduction.
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Robert Scott on June 29, 2011, 01:22:22 PM
I so have lost motivation ... I am still right where I began ... I might even be up
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: KrisRenee on June 29, 2011, 01:49:21 PM
Quote from: Rob on June 29, 2011, 01:22:22 PM
I so have lost motivation ... I am still right where I began ... I might even be up

Me too. I've been sitting around 232/233 for the past few weeks.  Not fun.
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Robert Scott on June 29, 2011, 02:03:40 PM
It sucks b/c I just need to loose some weight & I can have top surgery ...aaaarrrrrrgh transitioning is hard!
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Ann Onymous on June 30, 2011, 01:27:11 PM
Quote from: JessicaH on June 29, 2011, 11:01:20 AM
That's awesome Maddie! I'm stalled out on loosing right now and need to figure something else to try. I still carry a lot of muscle weight that doesn't want to go anywhere. How long did it take you to loose significant muscle? I have been on HRT 6 months and not noticed any muscle reduction.

Without knowing what the current muscular definition looked like, you could be one who won't lose much of what exists.  I was a stick back then (20'ish years ago), so there was not a lot of muscle to be lost...other than some change in definition of the calves, I never saw much change.  I've lost some muscle tone in my arms since I am not competing in the athletic ventures I used to participate in on a very regular basis, but that is more of a non-use thing than an post-op HRT thing. 

As far as weight goes, although I never checked in when I decided to hit the gym last month, I did note last night that I am down 6 pounds over the past two weeks with mostly cardio time and some resistance work.  My sessions are usually a good 90 minutes to two hours every other day (at a minimum)...I might actually be back into the juniors 11 that I wore for a while instead of the misses 12's that are feeling really loose.

Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: JessicaH on June 30, 2011, 04:29:31 PM
I think it will just take some time to melt away. I have little fat on by biceps but they are about 15" around. I haven't lifted weights in well over a year but 2 years ago I could bench press over 300 lbs. I still have a lot of muscle bulk in my upper and mid body and arms. I've read that the best thing to do is cut way back on protein and do more of a low-fat, low protein diet but I really like protein! grrrrr...
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Jennifer on June 30, 2011, 07:32:59 PM
Way to go Maddie that is super awesome! ;D I just love a good success story.

Ann...That is the way to do it. We all have our own comfort zones and it looks like you have found yours. Good cardio workouts are the best most productive things to do for good health and weight loss and good sleep which helps for everything including good moods. :)

Jessica, I love your new name. Glad to see you checking in again. I think the muscle mass will reduce in due time, especially when you get your hormone levels correct for a period of time. How is your weight and waistline doing?

Robert, the fact that you are checking in means you have not lost motivation. Don't lose sight of your goals. You are right, transitioning is hard. Anything in life that is worth doing is hard. Quitting is easy. I know you are not a quitter. You can do it. One small step at a time. ;) You too KrisRenee, it is not fun and you have the power to change that! :)

O.K. Time for me to check-in. I may have dropped a half pound from last week down to 164.8 and I feel great and my shape is getting more feminine. Ten more pounds and I will hit my goal of 155lbs. I feel younger and way healthier!  :icon_joy:

Keep posting everyone, see ya soon,
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Lynne on July 01, 2011, 07:20:35 AM
Hmm, It seems that I have lost some weight, but don't know how much exactly because the 180 lbs I wrote in my last post was measured a few weeks earlier. But right now I'm 174 lbs (79 kg). I guess a lot of small changes are starting to add up :)
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Clayton on July 12, 2011, 11:39:42 AM
Down 2 lbs since last time I posted which is almost a month ago. I know slow is good but I gotta speed things up
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Clayton on July 12, 2011, 11:44:44 AM
Quote from: Robert Scott on June 29, 2011, 01:22:22 PM
I so have lost motivation ... I am still right where I began ... I might even be up

I'm right where you are and it sucks but I'm hoping it will change.  Something or someone will come along and get us motivated.
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: niamh on July 12, 2011, 03:29:17 PM
Quote from: Clayton on July 12, 2011, 11:39:42 AM
Down 2 lbs since last time I posted which is almost a month ago. I know slow is good but I gotta speed things up

You should be aiming for just over a pound a week, thus making two kilos in a month. That is realistic and healthy. You just need to keep a food journal and see what you can cut out and where you can add more exercise. I walk alot and that is a great aid for losing weight. The positive effects of avoiding lifts and getting off the bus a stop or two before your destination every day builds up over time.
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: niamh on July 12, 2011, 03:31:18 PM
Quote from: Clayton on July 12, 2011, 11:44:44 AM
I'm right where you are and it sucks but I'm hoping it will change.  Something or someone will come along and get us motivated.

You HAVE to be your own motivation. The drive must come from within you. Stick on some hits, plug in the ear-phones and go kick some ass!
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Born_to_Rune on July 13, 2011, 03:25:26 PM
Well, I don't know exact weight, but I am obese. I have been losing weight over the last couple of months, and it has been noticeable. I feel in the right head space now to do this. I've given up smoking, stopped biting my nails - this is the last nasty habit to break, but for a number of reasons, I've just never felt right about doing it. I know I'll hit some hurdles along the way, so its good to find this thread, where I can hopefully get a kick up the backside when I need it.
The biggest problem I have is I have Rheumatoid arthritis. It means I simply cannot do things exercise wise I could do even at the same weight a couple of years ago. This does NOT help me! So if anyone has good armchair exercises I'm always open to ideas. Does sex count?  ;)
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Tamaki on July 15, 2011, 04:47:20 PM
Quote from: Born_to_Rune on July 13, 2011, 03:25:26 PM
So if anyone has good armchair exercises I'm always open to ideas. Does sex count?  ;)

Funny you should mention this. When I first met my partner we lost a lot of weight doing this exact exercise.

Now for my confession. Things have been chaotic in my life and my eating has matched. I have a knee problem so I'm starting to bike for exercise. The bottom line is that I've gain somewhere around 3 pounds and I'm up to 248, a new record. Clothes don't fit and I look nine months pregnant.  I'm going to pick up from here and watch my eating closer and slowly increase me exercise.
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: regan on July 21, 2011, 05:18:34 PM
At last check I'm down to 211 (-30 lbs since the beginning of the year).  I can't complain, I'm not working out, not watching what I'm eating as well as I should (this oppressive heat is, well, oppressive) so I can't complain.
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: barbie on July 21, 2011, 05:44:32 PM
I run regularly. In July, I ran nearly every day with an iphone at my hand: (

I do not measure my weight, but am thinking purchasing a scale.


Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Kerberos on July 23, 2011, 01:04:36 AM
I want and need to lose weight. Am at about 228lbs, 50 lbs heavier than this time last year.

Joined a gym two weeks back and have been exercising regularly, but haven't lost yet. I have a problem with soda, can't stop drinking it everyday. Anyone else kicked this kind of habit successfully?
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Jennifer on July 23, 2011, 07:40:17 AM
Hi all you motivated people,

I am stalled out at 166 lbs. right now. ??? Still it's the lightest I have ever been. We can all be successful at achieving our goals if we make a plan and stick to it. Stay focused on the target and don't give up. I must revise my plan a little to hit my goal of 155 lbs.
We shall succeed! ;D

Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: amymichelle on July 25, 2011, 11:03:21 AM
Down 20 more lbs this month, total weight loss so far 65 lbs since last Nov.
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: AbraCadabra on July 25, 2011, 11:59:42 AM
Up 3kg from 73kg to 76kg, no idea how I do it.

1 hour exercise EVERY day, and eating normal. Hardly alcohol, only some wine, sparkling water, no soda pop. Eish.

Little added on my waist though, can still just get into size 10 skirt (UK, SA).

Arse and thighs slightly "spreading" which I don't mind. Face slightly fuller also. Why do I think that 70kg is my ideal weight? Not so sure at times being 5' 6.5" "tall"

Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Ann Onymous on July 25, 2011, 12:12:55 PM
The real test for me is going to be checking a scale when I finally get back home...the friends I am staying with keep trying to feed me everytime I turn around.  That combined with no trips to the gym since before I left to come out here have me hoping for having just stayed steady...I *was* down roughly 14 lbs from when I started in June. 
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: KrisRenee on July 25, 2011, 03:41:32 PM
Numbers are finally falling again...I've learned that a little tiny snack (handful of cereal, yogurt, apple, something) an hour or so before I eat keeps me from overeating at meals, taking seconds etc.  That's really working for me.  I'm not quite sure where the numbers are at right now because we have a crappy old scale, but I know they're down.

Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Jennifer on July 27, 2011, 07:23:18 PM
Wow Amy and Kris that's great!

We all are on track here I and downs are normal. But we all remain positive and motivated, that's so awesome! ;D

I have re-evaluated my weight loss plan and made a few small changes, with great results: I have lost a couple more pounds!

YAY for 164 lbs.!!! If I can do it, anyone can. 155 lbs. here I come!

Good luck everyone and keep up the good work.


Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Ann Onymous on July 29, 2011, 10:26:16 PM
Quote from: Ann Onymous on July 25, 2011, 12:12:55 PM
The real test for me is going to be checking a scale when I finally get back home...the friends I am staying with keep trying to feed me everytime I turn around.  That combined with no trips to the gym since before I left to come out here have me hoping for having just stayed steady...I *was* down roughly 14 lbs from when I started in June.

bah...finally got back to the gym tonight.  Gave up 2.5 lbs across the vacation...not a happy camper in that regard since I really didn't eat much on the travels and generally stayed away from bread and soda...guess this week becomes an everyday to the gym week instead of an every-other-day week. 
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Pippa on July 31, 2011, 05:41:09 AM
Well, it's going slowly but I've been lazy of late of late and not always eating the right things.  However, I am now determined to get the weight off.  I think the spur was getting my appointment at the gender clinic, it has given me something to aim for.
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: regan on July 31, 2011, 08:22:05 AM
Quote from: Pippa on July 31, 2011, 05:41:09 AM
Well, it's going slowly but I've been lazy of late of late and not always eating the right things.  However, I am now determined to get the weight off.  I think the spur was getting my appointment at the gender clinic, it has given me something to aim for.

I'm sure I've had a setback as of late, I'm not as careful about what I'm eating and I'm not exercising like I should.  But you fall off the wagon, you get back on it.  I have great plans for next week and the week after that and so on.
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Jennifer on August 07, 2011, 06:43:02 AM
I fell off the wagon and threw caution to the wind for two days. :embarrassed:Gained 2 lbs. How is that possible?

Oh well, back on track today and refocusing on my goals. I am determined to lose.

Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Ann Onymous on August 07, 2011, 11:12:34 AM
Quote from: Jennifer on August 07, 2011, 06:43:02 AM
I fell off the wagon and threw caution to the wind for two days. :embarrassed:Gained 2 lbs. How is that possible?

Oh well, back on track today and refocusing on my goals. I am determined to lose.


It is amazing what just a few days or weeks of letting things like breads or soda back into life coupled with time away from the gym can do...the upside for me (see my post from last week about the slide) was that those new pounds actually came off quicker than a lot of the other pounds (or at least they seemed to have done so). 

Some of it was likely that I overcompensated once I got back to the gym...added an extra 10 minutes for each cardio machine and went on back-to-back days.  Also had a few days where the primary meal was simply a big helping of lump crab...
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: regan on August 08, 2011, 10:58:57 AM
I've started adding fiber to just about anything I can.  It goes a long way towards filling you up and helping you eat less.
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Jennifer on August 20, 2011, 08:11:39 PM
Hi everyone,

The good news is that I haven't gained back any weight. The bad news is I can't seem to get any lower than 165lbs. :icon_anger:
And my body fat percentage is increasing. I think I am losing muscle and building fat in all the right places (due to HRT).
Any success stories out there to help inspire me? Good luck to you all. :icon_flower:

Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: grrl1nside on August 20, 2011, 09:48:20 PM
First off, congratulations to all of you! I've read all the pages to catch up and it sounds like so many of you are making improvements and supporting each other along the way.

I've been working on my own weight loss journey. I'm 6'1" and have went from 238lbs to 190lbs over the last year.  Well done to everyone because I know how frustrating this can be.

Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Jennifer on August 20, 2011, 10:08:51 PM
Quote from: grrl1nside on August 20, 2011, 09:48:20 PM. I'm 6'1" and have went from 238lbs to 190lbs over the last year. 
Now that is an inspirational success story that gets me motivated. Way to go grrl! :icon_dance:

Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: grrl1nside on August 20, 2011, 10:18:23 PM
Thanks for the compliment. Once, I fully accepted who I am, I could decide that I was worth fighting for. Lurking on this site and others gave me hope so I appreciate all of you because that hope made all the difference to me.
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Jennifer on August 28, 2011, 08:03:04 AM
Hiya everybody,

I am still stuck at 165lbs. Not such a bad thing but I would love to get to 155lbs. :-\
How are the rest of you doing?

Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: grrl1nside on August 28, 2011, 10:26:54 AM
Holding steady at 189-190lbs. I am comfortable with it, but am still working on it. I don't have an exact goal anymore since I wanted to hit 190. Now, I'm more about trying to see what I look like. I'll take it 5lbs at a time and find what looks right for me. I hope everyone else is doing well.
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: xAndrewx on August 28, 2011, 03:29:23 PM
Hey everyone, long time no see. Congrats on maintaining the weight Jennifer and grrl1nside!

I've gained a little since my last posts months ago. I did however sign up on spark people which has a mobile app this morning. It's been crazy to realize how much crap I eat like things as simple as a little bit of butter that I don't usually think about. Best of luck on reaching your goals everyone!
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Jennifer on August 28, 2011, 05:03:39 PM
Glad to see you back again Andrew. Let's get after it! :icon_workout:

Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: grrl1nside on August 28, 2011, 07:52:40 PM
I understand Andrew. Definitely, the little things when you figure them all up make a BIG difference. You found the butter, I had to toss the cream in all my coffee...
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Adabelle on September 01, 2011, 12:58:30 AM
Well after getting down to 170 about a month ago, I'm back up to 178 this morning. But I'm back in the saddle again and tracking calories! If anyone is into tracking calories I'm using My Fitness Pal ( so if you do too please add me as a friend on there.

155 here I come!!
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Jennifer on September 01, 2011, 04:08:11 AM
Great to see you again Madelyn! I need to make some changes to achieve my goal of 155lbs. Maybe My Fitness Pal can help...thanks! :)

Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: KrisRenee on September 01, 2011, 10:28:30 AM
So, I'm at college now :) yay for being out of the house and having a trans-friendly roommate.  The food is so good here!  But I am not going back for seconds like I would at home so that's a plus and the food is better/healthier than what I was eating at home (which says a lot). I'm also walking everywhere.  Probably anywhere from 1-4 miles a day depending on what classes I have.  The campus is huge and so beautiful to walk around so we'll see where that gets me.
Go State, Go Green! (sorry, had to.  Kind of a thing here at MSU)
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Ghost Boy on September 01, 2011, 11:06:33 AM
I'm new to this site, and I just found this forum and decided I should post here.

I'm a teenage transguy, and I've always been overweight, but last year it got out of hand. Since nobody was accepting my transition, I was really depressed, and I used food as my way of coping with the stress. I gained like 30 pounds in one year, and it was horrible. No matter how many diets I tried, I just couldn't lose weight.

But finally, I realized that I didn't need to eat all the time, only when I'm hungry. That had been my problem for so long, and now I'm finally changing... I decided to go with my mother and get weighed every week at WW... So I'm going to start posting about my weight loss journey since then.

I want to get down to 140.

So here it is, I just started week 4...

Start- 182 pounds.
Week 1- 183 pounds. (Total: +1lb)  :P
Week 2- 175 pounds. (Total: -7lbs)
Week 3- 171 pounds. (Total: -11lbs)

Congrats to all of you that have lost or maintained, and good luck to those beginning the same journey as me!    :)
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Ann Onymous on September 01, 2011, 11:21:55 AM
Finally made it back to the gym last night...the past week and a half has been crazy hectic for me and playing groupie with a friend's band has not helped matters...I've not been the most diligent at going to the gym since I got back from the vacation in July.  Nonetheless, was down another couple of pounds and will likely be under 160 at the next weigh-in...

Am likely still going to have to pursue lipo for some sculpting though...I have some belly fat that just won't go away no matter what I try.  I'm worried about getting to thin elsewhere and I really don't know that I want to go back to the stick look that I had so many years ago. 
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Sirenia on October 12, 2011, 08:15:26 AM
Greetings, everyone!

Joining in late but reading through the thread inspired me!

So, I started losing weight somewhere around mid september. My initial weight was 220 pounds and weighing myself today, the scale showed 196.2 pounds. I'm slowly but surely progressing to my wanted weight (160 pounds ... -Ish).

I'm thinking of decreasing the size of my meals and increasing the variety of exercises I do (I only do about 40 minutes of stationary cycling and 30 crunches every second day). What I truly want, is to get rid of the tummy fat of which I have a *lot*, since I've been overweight pretty much my entire life. I started my HRT 15 days ago, so I've to take into account that my weight loss is muscle loss, as well, which means I'll have to take extra care on what I'm eating and how much.

- M
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: xAndrewx on October 13, 2011, 01:35:37 AM
Congrats on the weight loss Sirenia, Ann, and AJ!

Well, I'm up to 217 because... well because I chose excuses. Instead of actually going to shop, I chose fast food. Went shopping today and have started the Bob Harper DVD's (from Biggest Loser) and got a punching reflex bag. Also have access to an eliptical daily so I've got my fingers crossed that I'll lose some weight. I'm mentally starving right now though  :(
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Pippa on October 13, 2011, 11:15:50 AM
Going on Holiday to Italy on 1 November, need to trim up a bit and lose 1/2 a stone.  Any tips?
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Sirenia on October 14, 2011, 04:52:03 AM
I've read through this sort of guide which describes dieting in general and how it's done. I found it to be quite enlightening (and *very* simple): (

The site itself is awesome, as well, it lets you check how many calories there in different foods and it has blog posts and whatnot for exercising, too.

I'm sorry to hear you put on weight, Andrew, but with the right mindset and a rather huge amount of willpower (at first) and ambition will get those stubborn pounds down. Been there, done that, still doing it. :D Sit tight!
It's all mostly in the mind and if you really, truly can't hold back, just grab a bite of something you really crave for (mine is cheese :D ), take a large bite of it and take your time nomming on it. That usually works for me. ;)

Pippa, I suggest you do a bit of jogging (15 - 30 minutes), yoga stretching and / or lift small dumbbell weights. It's not going to make you look buffed, just more toned. And of course, eat less 'bad' foods (pastries, fast food, junk food).

In case you have an android smartphone, I suggest downloading this nifty application: (

It's ... Awesome. And free.

- S
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Cyndigurl45 on October 14, 2011, 07:15:03 AM
The day I began to transition I was 250lbs. in a 5'9" frame.

One fat dude having chest pains Blood pressure off the chart and exhausted walking across Walmart parking lot to buy more poison for my body, I woke up on that day and decided to forget all the diets and exercise crap and change my life style, in more then one way ;)

I began with counting calories, I was eating over 3000 a day so I started cutting calories down to 2000 per day to start. I also cut sugar and soda's to ZERO. I also started walking 1/4 mile at a time until I could go 1/2 then one now I run 10 miles a days consuming 1600 calories a day.

At the 2 year mark I was down to 180lbs. another year down to 160lbs. in the next year I want to be in the upper 140's to lower 150's. All from a mind set I'm not ready to die.

So if a 250lb. fat guy can do it anyone can, I will say doing this taking HRT is difficult, my fat has been redistributed small B cups ;)  wider hips woohoo I have a LBD size 4 I plan on getting into next year :)
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Sirenia on October 14, 2011, 09:19:09 AM
That is so inspiring, Cyndi! :o What you've achieved is downright awesome (and something I'm aiming for, too!)

I am nearly 6 feet tall myself and I can totally relate to how you felt. I wonder, though, did you lose weight just by walking / running and cutting down on calories, or did you involve additional exercises into the mix? And do you eat tons of veggies and little to no meat? I can't stand the taste of many veggies, which makes it harder for me to stuff myself with things other than meat and the few veggies I actually do like. As far as drinks go, I exclusively drink water, and nothing else (tea with lemon if I'm ill).

Much appreciated!
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Stephanie.Izann on October 14, 2011, 07:00:24 PM
Quote from: Cyndigurl45 on October 14, 2011, 07:15:03 AM
The day I began to transition I was 250lbs. in a 5'9" frame.

One fat dude having chest pains Blood pressure off the chart and exhausted walking across Walmart parking lot to buy more poison for my body, I woke up on that day and decided to forget all the diets and exercise crap and change my life style, in more then one way ;)

I began with counting calories, I was eating over 3000 a day so I started cutting calories down to 2000 per day to start. I also cut sugar and soda's to ZERO. I also started walking 1/4 mile at a time until I could go 1/2 then one now I run 10 miles a days consuming 1600 calories a day.

At the 2 year mark I was down to 180lbs. another year down to 160lbs. in the next year I want to be in the upper 140's to lower 150's. All from a mind set I'm not ready to die.

So if a 250lb. fat guy can do it anyone can, I will say doing this taking HRT is difficult, my fat has been redistributed small B cups ;)  wider hips woohoo I have a LBD size 4 I plan on getting into next year :)

How inspiring! I lost over 15 pounds recently just by watching my intake. I would treat myself to a coke every once in a while OR I just drink juices in the morning and afternoon and then have a "normal" dinner.
I lost 15 in 2 weeks. I highly recommend getting a juicer. Well, worth it. And you get all the right nutrients with it.

Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: xAndrewx on October 14, 2011, 07:07:14 PM
Thanks Sirenia :) It's tough specially with cravings like you mentioned. My biggest craving at the moment is a sub, I'm addicted to a sub shop down the street, I'm debating working one of those into my diet occasionally though. I started using a calorie counter site and it's been working well.

I'll check-in, in one week from my previous post. I used to consume roughly 3-4,000 calories a day. Now I'm at anywhere from 1500-1800 a day. Frozen fruit and fat free whipped topping instead of a food desert  is a massive help so far.

Cyndi- That is incredible!
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: grrl1nside on October 15, 2011, 08:24:01 AM
I'm around 183lbs at the moment. Seems to be coming off slowly but steadily. I used to have shares in subway sandwiches and lasagna for lunch... Best way around the urge for carbs was to always have a bag of good nuts (not just peanuts) with me and an apple stashed on my desk at work. Don't get the same carb crashes and saved a lot of cash too!
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Fighter on October 15, 2011, 08:21:12 PM
In my quest to get not fat, I seem to be roadblocked at 250. My current goal (because of my height) is about 190. I have found that exercising can help a lot, but the ones I've been doing just don't seem to work as much as they used to.

On the bright side I'm getting much less hungry lately because of work (maybe it's just because I have something to do?). I haven't seen any noticeable change because of it yet, but I'm hoping that it will help in the long run.
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Cen on October 16, 2011, 04:29:02 AM
I started out at around 175-180 at 5'9" at the beginning of the year, and am trying to get down to 145.  I've exercised frequently since I was a teenager (5-7 days of jogging a week), but only so I could eat more without feeling as bad about it.  Like anywhere from 3,000-3,500 calories most days, and a lot more occasionally.  An entire pizza + a pint of Ben and Jerry's was kind of a normal day.  My weight never really got out of control, but definitely higher than I'd prefer.  I topped out at around 200 a few years ago, and have bounced between 170 and 200 since then.  I was pretty lazy about it, but did manage to get back down to 165 by September.  Mostly purely through exercise without any real change in eating habits.

Since 9/21 I cut my calories down to about 1600-1800, started eating more veggies, and cut back on my jogging a bit (was kind of overkill to support overeating before.)  Cutting back on the food was difficult at first, but after a week or so I started feeling satiated by smaller meals.  I also pretty much stopped eating out altogether, opting to stick to food I have to prepare.  So far I'm down about 11 lbs or so since 9/21, at 154.  I'd like to hit 145 by some time in November.  Sodium intake also definitely needs to be decreased, as my BP has been reading around 140-150 systolic for the past few years.  So, that's my main focus at the moment.
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Kristin on October 16, 2011, 05:55:31 AM
You're all really encouraging to me. I am still in the closet, except to anonymous Internet friends, and my wife knows (and is, thankfully, accepting), but still really wanting to get over my fears and find a way to start dressing as a woman outside my own home.

And yeah, last I checked, I was about 285 lbs. and 6' tall. And I...I need to figure out the weight thing, because I don't like the way it looks on me. And I can't summon the motivation to lose weight as a man, but as a woman, I seem to care more about my health.

I don't know what the answer will be for me. Except that I would love to get air in the tires of the bicycle and start getting out and around that way, especially now that the weather is cooling off here. And before I moved down here, I once biked 100 km. I don't know that I'd dare do it down here for that distance,'s far more interesting to me than walking. And I can't imagine walking into a gym. (And these days, can't imagine paying for it either.)

The food thing will be much more difficult. I was bad enough before, but now that I'm married and my wife and I tend to eat together...and the menu isn't necessarily what I want when I want'll be tougher.
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Amazon D on October 16, 2011, 05:24:54 PM
Personally i fast once a yr from 10 to 20 days. I usually drink black coffee and some juice. This time i am eating salsa i made from hot peppers i grew. You can by tomato's and onions and peppers and dice them and add some garlic chips and maybe cayene pepper and heat for maybe 5 minutes. Then drink the juice and eat the salsa. I have consumed maybe a pint and a half in the last 11 days. Every time i am hungry i get a spoonful that is so hot its all i can eat. I am now at days 11 and have lost at least 10 lbs. I feel better and my colon is getting cleansed. Now i am healthy and have no heart issues. I take no meds. I did eat 6 bbq chips last nite and i got a stomach ache. However the day before i did eat a stalk of raw broccoli and had no pain. That all i ate in last 11 days.
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Sirenia on October 17, 2011, 02:05:33 AM
openheart - Given that you can't set the menu to your needs, I suggest eating smaller portions. Load your plate with slightly smaller meals every day, just so it's barely noticeable. By doing that, you'll eat less and clear out the plate, meaning that you won't have the guilt of not eating it all (or at least that's what I have).
As far as exercises go, you should do whatever you find most interesting, otherwise you'll just get bored of it and stop doing it. If you love cycling, hop on a bike and do 5 or 10 kilometers to start with. You'll just increase it gradually. I'm confident that you can do it!

Amazon D - While the described diet may be effective short-term, it's not going to help on the long run. Once you return to your normal meals, you'll gain weight back to the same level, if not even more. Apart from that, the diet is awfully unhealthy as you're not providing your body the vitamins, carbs, fat and calories it needs. By starving yourself out, you're only going to make it harder for you to lose weight because your body will start saving every possible calorie to preserve energy. Losing 1-2 pounds a week is healthy, losing 10 pounds in less than two weeks is very unhealthy. Losing weight slowly will make you keep it down, as well, because you get used to the smaller daily intake.

- S
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Kristin on October 17, 2011, 06:11:29 AM
Quote from: Sirenia on October 17, 2011, 02:05:33 AM
openheart - Given that you can't set the menu to your needs, I suggest eating smaller portions. Load your plate with slightly smaller meals every day, just so it's barely noticeable. By doing that, you'll eat less and clear out the plate, meaning that you won't have the guilt of not eating it all (or at least that's what I have).
As far as exercises go, you should do whatever you find most interesting, otherwise you'll just get bored of it and stop doing it. If you love cycling, hop on a bike and do 5 or 10 kilometers to start with. You'll just increase it gradually. I'm confident that you can do it!

Yeah...I'm horrible at controlling my portions. And the amount of eating out we do doesn't help. But yeah, need to get the bicycle tires inflated. Wish I didn't always worry that I'd somehow pop them by overinflating. Tires scare me (same worries with the car, too). And I need to stop making excuses for inaction and just do it.
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Lynn on October 17, 2011, 01:29:12 PM
I hadn't noticed this thread before, but I suppose I'll jump in as well!
I started with my diet and excercise about 10 or so days ago, and I think it's been going pretty good.

Starting weight: 233.5 lb
Current weight: 223.5 lb

I'm pretty sure I've only lost that much weight because I had been a lazy bitch for the last few years though, and my body's not used to healthy food and stuff. I expect things to considerably slow down very soon.
My goal is 185-190 lb by New Year, so I can make full use of the winter sales. My eventual goal is 165lb.

Definitely doable, but it'll require a lot of effort. :P
I also have the funniest cardio workout ever. Most people go running or skipping rope or stuff like that. I look up some music on Youtube with a lot of bass and stuff (dubstep, electro, house, whatever else exists out there), and then basically just go nuts dancing until I'm too tired to do anymore. It's fun, I can do it no matter what the weather is like AND it gets my heart rate way up there. I make sure to lock my door though, as I surely look very stupid doing it ^^
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Cyndigurl45 on October 19, 2011, 07:01:49 AM
Quote from: Sirenia on October 14, 2011, 09:19:09 AM
That is so inspiring, Cyndi! :o What you've achieved is downright awesome (and something I'm aiming for, too!)

I am nearly 6 feet tall myself and I can totally relate to how you felt. I wonder, though, did you lose weight just by walking / running and cutting down on calories, or did you involve additional exercises into the mix? And do you eat tons of veggies and little to no meat? I can't stand the taste of many veggies, which makes it harder for me to stuff myself with things other than meat and the few veggies I actually do like. As far as drinks go, I exclusively drink water, and nothing else (tea with lemon if I'm ill).

Much appreciated!
Thank you..... Yes walking/running and cutting calories and time, time is important to health is how I lost and have kept the weight off.
I didn't start lifting anything until I was at 180lbs. and that was high reps and light weights going for definition, no bulky girl here.

Veggies makeup allot of my diet but I'm a meat eater, our bodies are designed to eat meat, sorry to any vegetarianism / vegan types just not my thinggy, I make sure the meat is a lean cut or I will butcher it myself, I have some friends that do some deer hunting so my freezer is stocked well in fresh meat and lots lots of local chicken. I try to stay away from the processed foods as much as possible OH and hydrogenated oils are the devil, that oil produces an abundance of subcutaneous fat cells and those fat cells are primarily in your mid section "middle fat" and is the hardest to get rid of cardio is the key to that aerobic exercise for 30 minutes 3-4 times a week.
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Cen on October 19, 2011, 09:08:16 PM
Quote from: Lynn on October 17, 2011, 01:29:12 PM
I also have the funniest cardio workout ever. Most people go running or skipping rope or stuff like that. I look up some music on Youtube with a lot of bass and stuff (dubstep, electro, house, whatever else exists out there), and then basically just go nuts dancing until I'm too tired to do anymore. It's fun, I can do it no matter what the weather is like AND it gets my heart rate way up there. I make sure to lock my door though, as I surely look very stupid doing it ^^

Actually, I do this for about 20-25 minutes whenever I don't feel like going out on a run for whatever reason.  I've been liking electro-swing a lot lately.  Caravan Palace - Clash (Original Mix) (
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Cen on October 23, 2011, 03:09:48 AM
Well, down to 151.8 from 154 this week.  Still going at about 2 lbs per week fairly consistently.
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: barbie on October 23, 2011, 01:21:54 PM
Quote from: Cyndigurl45 on October 14, 2011, 07:15:03 AM
The day I began to transition I was 250lbs. in a 5'9" frame.

One fat dude having chest pains Blood pressure off the chart and exhausted walking across Walmart parking lot to buy more poison for my body, I woke up on that day and decided to forget all the diets and exercise crap and change my life style, in more then one way ;)

I began with counting calories, I was eating over 3000 a day so I started cutting calories down to 2000 per day to start. I also cut sugar and soda's to ZERO. I also started walking 1/4 mile at a time until I could go 1/2 then one now I run 10 miles a days consuming 1600 calories a day.

At the 2 year mark I was down to 180lbs. another year down to 160lbs. in the next year I want to be in the upper 140's to lower 150's. All from a mind set I'm not ready to die.

So if a 250lb. fat guy can do it anyone can, I will say doing this taking HRT is difficult, my fat has been redistributed small B cups ;)  wider hips woohoo I have a LBD size 4 I plan on getting into next year :)

What a great story! I also run about 3 times per week. My recent activity is: (

Recently I thought about the relationship between the minerals and fatness. Human body requires minerals just in a tiny amount, but modern fast food lack them. Human species, together with other vertebrates, tend to seek any diet that seemingly contains the minerals. We tend to endlessly seek and eat foods that our brain believes contain minerals. But the result is we eat food that contains a lot calorie, but no mineral. We repeat this process, becoming fat. One solution is, I think, to eat natural salt made from the sea water, not chemical salt that is just composed of pure sodium + chlorine. Sea water should contain most of the minerals our body requires.

Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: barbie on October 23, 2011, 01:33:05 PM
Quote from: Cyndigurl45 on October 19, 2011, 07:01:49 AM
Veggies makeup allot of my diet but I'm a meat eater, our bodies are designed to eat meat, sorry to any vegetarianism / vegan types just not my thinggy, I make sure the meat is a lean cut or I will butcher it myself, I have some friends that do some deer hunting so my freezer is stocked well in fresh meat and lots lots of local chicken.

Yes. Avoid processed food. Get essential minerals and nutrients from proper sources of food.

I am a big eater, and people ask me how I can maintain my body shape while eating like a hog. My single answer is just running. But, actually running alone does not decrease my body weight so much. More exerciese, then more eat. This is a kind of physiological law.

People at first think that I am at 20s or 30s, tending to be surprised at my true biological age. Exercise can delay aging.

Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Cen on October 29, 2011, 04:53:43 PM
Down to 149.2 this week from 151.8 last Saturday.
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Lynn on October 31, 2011, 04:03:28 PM
I was at 218lb this morning. Progress! :D
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: on October 31, 2011, 06:46:34 PM
Ah yes, my kinda thread.

Well a very brief history if I may.

After starting the new millenium at 5'10 and 175 pounds (mostly of muscle as I just got out of the Marines) I picked smoking back up (cus my momma didn't raise no quitter) and decided to eat what I want, when I want (or can due a quite hectic schedule) and have sleep patterns that would make someone with OCD swandive off the Golden Gate.
Pair that with absolutely no organized exercise and in ten short years I had the body of a GOD!
Well, Buddha that is.

220 pounds with a definate gut and a neck that I think I accidentally left at a Burger King drive through never to be seen again, leaving me with that wonderful 45 degree slow inverted drop from what used to be my chin to my chest. Oh so sexy and appealing!!!

Well after years of telling myself that I will eat better and go to the gym when I quit smoking and I will quit smoking once I get past this project or that deadline or this family gathering or that...

I finally looked in the mirror and asked my multiple chins: "Chins, I am buying you a ticket back to the Great Wall."

I got an e-cigarette (yes I know it ain't quittin cold turkey but as opposed to the patch and gum, it worked.) and that day was the last day I even craved a real cigarette. If you want to know the brand, pm me.

So with smoking "kicked" I turned to my diet and exercise. I joined the local gym and play racquetball with the s/o every other day. As far as the diet, I found this wonderful little app for my iphone (I believe it is availble for android and just regular PC as well) called MyFitnessPal.

There is no miracle diet or carb good/protein bad or vice versa hooey. After answering some simple questions and telling it where I want to be and how quickly it calculates out what my daily caloric intake should be. It has a VAST database of foods that you can just enter a name and it knows the calories you took in by eating them. It also knows the key ingrediants so it can tell you if you are eating too much or too little of a given vitamin, fiber, etc.
More importantly, it also has calories burned for just about every exercise I have been able to muster and it tracks your progress for you.

For me what it does is train me to just make wiser choices about what foods I eat.
I mean I can eat a double quarter pounder with cheese but that would pretty much be my entire allotted caloric intake for the day, or I could have an egg and canadian bacon muffin in the morning, a nice homemade salad for lunch and a decent dinner and get the same amount of calories.

No stress, no muss, no fuss.

So where does this leave me, you ask?

I started this program in June of 2011 at 219 and this morning I was 180lbs. I am consistanly dropping about 1-2lbs per week and keeping it off. I eat what I want, when I want and honestly, having to enter the info in my phone is pretty much second nature to me, and since it has a feature to store commonly eaten recipes and such, most of it is just a couple of seconds.

My goal is about 155 which I plan on reaching by years end. Slow and steady wins the race as from what I noticed, weight dropped quickly is also weight gained back just as quickly. Unless you change the lifestyle choices that got you there in the first place, you are just going to frustrate yourself to pieces wasting time and money on hopeless "wonder diets."
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Sirenia on November 15, 2011, 07:47:38 AM
Felt like updating my weight status because I'm somewhat proud of myself. ;D

Last reported weight: ~196 pounds (October 14th)
Current weight: 186.2 pounds (November 15th)

My weight keeps dropping even though I don't exercise one bit (especially not on weekends, I'm a total couch potato), just being slightly careful of how much I consume. Though I suppose some weight loss is due to HRT and muscle mass but to be honest, I was not muscular at all. Never worked out or anything like that (except for that one time when I tried to lift weights only to get bored ;D ).

- Maja
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: LivingInGrey on November 15, 2011, 08:52:41 AM
I'll jump on this band wagon.

The start of this year I was 255 lbs.

Now I'm 235 lbs.

Not a bad start. For the longest time I had been resting about the 245 range. Attempted to quit smoking at the start of the year and gained 10 lbs instantly.

Went back to smoking and figured I should work on my weight first.
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Jennifer on November 15, 2011, 05:40:06 PM
Wow, good job everyone! I didn't lose any weight for 2 months now after going from 188 down to 165. On the bright side, I haven't gained any back either. Now that my body is used to this weight, it's time for me to buckle down and lose some more. Thanks for the great inspiration everybody and keep up the good work as you continue to check in. :)

Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: on November 18, 2011, 03:10:13 PM
Quote from: Jennifer on November 15, 2011, 05:40:06 PM
Wow, good job everyone! I didn't lose any weight for 2 months now after going from 188 down to 165. On the bright side, I haven't gained any back either. Now that my body is used to this weight, it's time for me to buckle down and lose some more. Thanks for the great inspiration everybody and keep up the good work as you continue to check in. :)


plateuing is tough but stick with it!

I had a couple of special events these past two weeks so sticking to my calories became a little tougher (that and my discovery of an AWESOME recipe for pretzel bread) so I am only down 2 pounds since my last check in. 178 and dropping.
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Embla on December 07, 2011, 04:25:44 PM
Hi everyone  :D

I'm down about -10 to -15 from about a month ago.  Honestly didn't expect to lose as much as I did so fast, but won't be complaining.

I'm basically cutting some calories, cutting much of my meat based protein, and walking/jogging/ etc a few times a week, long duration, low intensity.  My previous diet was okay (no junk food), but was at equilibrimium at my baseline (north of 200).

Goal is to kill upper body muscle mass and reduce overall body fat.  I figure once the overall mass is gone, it would be easy to put back some fat if I needed it.
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Sirenia on December 16, 2011, 05:04:40 AM
Updating my weight status after a month (and an extra day :D ):

Last reported weight: 186.2 pounds (November 15th)
Current weight: 177.4 pounds (December 16th)

All in all, I feel fantastic. Been losing a lot of weight recently because I found this awesome pro-biotic yoghurt (with wholegrains) which I can't get enough of. Om nom nom. Can't wait for the same day the next month, wonder how much weight I'll shed by then.
On another note, still not working out or anything. Like that. Telling myself I will once it gets warmer ... :D

- Maja
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: LivingInGrey on December 17, 2011, 09:18:16 AM
Just an update for myself.

S.O. had a cold so we ended up with an overstock of fudgesicles and chocolate pudding in the house. Like the good person I am I offered to help her reduce our stock after her cold was gone...

Went from 229 to 235 =/

Back down to 231 regularly though and I can't seem to get back down below 230 again =/

Go go 220 lbs.

Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Jennifer on December 17, 2011, 09:52:40 AM
Hi everyone :icon_wave-nerd:

I finally got off of my plateau: I gained 5 pounds :embarrassed:. I lost focus. I suffered a little burnout, maybe a little depression for a couple weeks, didn't get on the scale for a while and before I knew it, bam!  Time to refocus, wish me luck! :icon_yes:

Congratulations to Jaded1, Cyndi, Lynn, Cory, Embla, Sirenia and Living in Grey on your recent hard work and success! Reading your updates helps to motivate me, raise my awareness and give me new ideas to use in my quest to lose weight and be healthy. :icon_workout: Thanks everyone! Good luck to all and please keep updating. :)

Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Sirenia on December 17, 2011, 10:29:50 AM
Quote from: Jennifer on December 17, 2011, 09:52:40 AM
Hi everyone :icon_wave-nerd:

I finally got off of my plateau: I gained 5 pounds :embarrassed:. I lost focus. I suffered a little burnout, maybe a little depression for a couple weeks, didn't get on the scale for a while and before I knew it, bam!  Time to refocus, wish me luck! :icon_yes:

Congratulations to Jaded1, Cyndi, Lynn, Cory, Embla, Sirenia and Living in Grey on your recent hard work and success! Reading your updates helps to motivate me, raise my awareness and give me new ideas to use in my quest to lose weight and be healthy. :icon_workout: Thanks everyone! Good luck to all and please keep updating. :)


Thank you and hope you shed those quickly, and more, I'm rooting for you! :D

P.S. Eating tons of clementine oranges lately, makes me eat less of other things. ;D
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: michelle666 on December 17, 2011, 10:31:12 AM
I've been dieting since August of this year. I weighed myself for the first time in 5 years a few weeks ago and I was down close to 40 pounds from the 5 years ago weight. I know I've gained in those 5 years, I really should have weighed myself when I started, but I was scared to see what it was. On my belt, I was at the last hole when I started and now I'm in the second to the tightest hole.
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: barbie on December 25, 2011, 01:19:54 PM
I purchased a belt for kids, as it fits better to me and far cheaper than lady's belts  ::)

Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: holly on January 06, 2012, 02:59:20 AM
I hope it's not too late for me to get in on this. 

I started trying to lose weight in September, I was 84.6kg (187lb)on September 30, and I'm down to 72.9kg (161lb) this morning.  I'm still hoping to get down to around 65kg so I'm a little over half way! 

People have been telling me and my girlfriend that I seem so much happier and more comfortable with myself since I started losing weight (the real reason is that I finally went and started my transition, and weight loss is one of the first steps, but I guess they'll find that out soon enough)

Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Maja.V on January 06, 2012, 04:22:23 AM
Quote from: holly on January 06, 2012, 02:59:20 AM
I hope it's not too late for me to get in on this. 

I started trying to lose weight in September, I was 84.6kg (187lb)on September 30, and I'm down to 72.9kg (161lb) this morning.  I'm still hoping to get down to around 65kg so I'm a little over half way! 

People have been telling me and my girlfriend that I seem so much happier and more comfortable with myself since I started losing weight (the real reason is that I finally went and started my transition, and weight loss is one of the first steps, but I guess they'll find that out soon enough)

It's never too late to jump on the bandwagon and congrats on losing so much weight!

I've kind of hit a wall at 78.2 kg (172.4 lbs), so now I'm actively trying to drop those and continue to lose weight as I did. Driving me insane, I tell you!
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: niamh on January 06, 2012, 06:25:31 AM
Quote from: holly on January 06, 2012, 02:59:20 AM
I hope it's not too late for me to get in on this. 

I started trying to lose weight in September, I was 84.6kg (187lb)on September 30, and I'm down to 72.9kg (161lb) this morning.  I'm still hoping to get down to around 65kg so I'm a little over half way! 

People have been telling me and my girlfriend that I seem so much happier and more comfortable with myself since I started losing weight (the real reason is that I finally went and started my transition, and weight loss is one of the first steps, but I guess they'll find that out soon enough)

Congrats! That's like 2lbs a week! How have you gone about it? What diet changes have you done and what exercise?

I am 84 myself and I wish also to get down to 65, that's a wished-for loss of 19kgs or 42lbs.

I am throwing my hat in the ring. I started back at the gym this week, my first time in one in nearly three years!

Starting weight (2012.01.04): 84/185
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Cyndigurl45 on January 06, 2012, 06:32:34 AM
I really hate hitting plateaus, that means more change uggggg I feel like I'm hitting one, 5k run everyday I just don't feel the burn anymore, I guess it's time for another set of P90X ;D
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Amalina on January 06, 2012, 10:45:52 AM
Hey all, I am planning on starting a major attempt at weight loss shortly here. It's possibly idealistic but I am currently 33 and weigh 287lbs and am 5'9" and hoping to get down into the 150-165 range. I read somewhere that it was best to lose the weight before starting transition, not sure if it's true but if so I have a bit of a road ahead of me. Unfortunately I think I might have a large frame, though my arms and hands seem to be medium at best.

I know fast weight loss can be unhealthy but when I learned I was diabetic and dropped a lot of sugary foods I lost about 30 lbs in a month or two, the doctor said due to my excessive weight it was fine. I'm wondering how much I can lose fast before it's not fine anymore, if anyone has an idea that wold be awesome to know.

So yeah this should be interesting.
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: niamh on January 06, 2012, 11:11:41 AM
Quote from: Amalina on January 06, 2012, 10:45:52 AM
I know fast weight loss can be unhealthy but when I learned I was diabetic and dropped a lot of sugary foods I lost about 30 lbs in a month or two, the doctor said due to my excessive weight it was fine. I'm wondering how much I can lose fast before it's not fine anymore, if anyone has an idea that wold be awesome to know.

What is safe to lose in any given time period all depends on how big you are to start with.  I once saw an episode of I Used To Be Fat where this guy lost a whole stone (6kg) in a week!

However the average person can hope to lose between 1-3lbs a week. A regular consistent weight loss of about 2lbs a week would be very achievable and would be perfectly healthy. I am working off the plan of 1.5lbs a week, anything extra would be the cherry on the cake. Personally I think as long as you are eating healthly and are not over-exercising your body will lose the weight in the way it sees fit. The body will decide itself. Trying to push it too hard and resorting to fad-diets to lose more in a shorter time frame isn't the way to go as you will not be nurishing your body and you only end up putting the weight back on again when you start to eat again. Shocking the body will lead to it going into survival-mode and storing fat more quickly. Ironically the key to a healthy weight-loss is regular snacking on healthy foods, eating more often but eating better.
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: holly on January 06, 2012, 07:27:01 PM
Quote from: niamh on January 06, 2012, 06:25:31 AM
Congrats! That's like 2lbs a week! How have you gone about it? What diet changes have you done and what exercise?

For the most part it has been eating healthier and smaller portions.  Replace bread with wraps, chocolate with fruit, ice cream with yoghurt, cut out alcohol altogether.  I counted kilojoules for a couple of weeks to see how much I was actually eating, and get an idea of what sort of portions I should have with each meal.

Eating less calorie dense foods means I can actually eat more than I would have before and still lose weight.  It's amazing how much energy I was getting from junk food and beer!

I haven't done a whole lot of exercise other than walking the dog and the normal housework.  Now that I've got my diet under control I'm starting to do a little more walking (and the dog loves it!).  I'm hesitant to do any major workouts, as I put on muscle easily and I'm not on hormones so that is the last thing I want to do.  I just want to lose fat and keep my cholesterol at a healthy level.
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: holly on January 06, 2012, 07:29:41 PM
I've also got some motivation from having had high cholesterol.  The doc put me on lipitor which isn't great for the liver, and I'm worried that it might affect my ability to get the right mix of hrt.  So getting off lipitor is my number one priority at the moment.  Blood test next week so fingers crossed!
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: michelle666 on January 06, 2012, 08:09:48 PM
I'm down another pant size. That makes two inches off the waist since the beginning of Dec!
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: grrl1nside on January 11, 2012, 08:04:09 AM
Whenever I need a pick me up, I love reading this thread because it is sooo easy to see how hard everyone is working. Congratulations to you all. And to anyone sitting on the fence in any number of ways, this is one safe way to make at least some changes...
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Pippa on January 11, 2012, 08:23:34 AM
Need to lose weight after Xmas and an Italian holiday (I love pasta!).  Just trying to be sensible and not looking to a crash diet.  Hopefully weather will improve over the next couple of weeks as I can get out on my bike and do a bit of walking.
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: holly on January 11, 2012, 06:48:33 PM
It's still coming off, 72.1kg today.  I can't wait to see the scales show under 70!  My girlfriend tells me I'm starting to look a bit skinny when I'm in boy clothes, but could still afford to lose a couple of kilos in girl clothes.  Probably because they are a bit tighter and show off what's left of my belly fat. 

And I finally squeezed myself into this gorgeous dress I bought months ago as a target.  Time to go shopping for a new goal!
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Maja.V on January 12, 2012, 01:27:44 AM
holly, may I ask how tall you are?

I'm 5' 11" and I've set the goal to reach 150 pounds. Currently sitting on 170 pounds. Now as far as BMI goes, it's all fine but I've no idea how I'd look. Would I be too skinny or still have some flab left over?

Guess I'll see once I get there, which may take a while. Been losing weight slower the last month (then again, new year celebration does that). :-\
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: holly on January 14, 2012, 11:35:02 PM
I'm about 175cm, I think that's 5' 9"?  At 72.1kgs (158lbs?) I've still got a bit of flab around my belly and thighs, but not a huge amount. 

BMI puts me in the normal category, but on the higher end.  If I can get to 65kg (143lbs) I'd be pretty much dead centre of the normal BMI (and that extra 7kgs would take care of the little bit of flab I've still got).  I know BMI has a huge number of flaws, but I'm pretty happy that it suits me.  I'm not overly athletic and have a pretty average build, so I'm one of the few that it works for.  If you've got a bigger build, or more muscle, you can get away with more weight without looking flabby.

The only way to be sure is to lose it and see.  I weigh myself most days and plot it in an iPhone app.  I wish I'd taken photos as well, sometimes it's hard to tell how much you've changed because the changes are so gradual.

Good luck!  It's hard work, but absolutely worth it.  I've got more energy, better moods, and I've cut down my risk of heart attack/stroke/diabetes etc.
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: niamh on January 18, 2012, 09:01:04 AM
Quote from: niamh on January 06, 2012, 06:25:31 AM
I am throwing my hat in the ring. I started back at the gym this week, my first time in one in nearly three years!

Starting weight (2012.01.04): 84/185

Today (2010.01.18): 82/180.5!  :D

The gym has been going great. It's two weeks now since I started and I've lost 2 kgs (4.5lbs). I am very happy with my progress and I am looking forward to entering the 70's in two to three weeks time. I go 5 times a week for 90 minutes of a work-out using the threadmill, x-trainer, rowing machine and various resistance machines.
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Maja.V on January 19, 2012, 05:10:55 AM
Quote from: niamh on January 18, 2012, 09:01:04 AM
Today (2010.01.18): 82/180.5!  :D

The gym has been going great. It's two weeks now since I started and I've lost 2 kgs (4.5lbs). I am very happy with my progress and I am looking forward to entering the 70's in two to three weeks time. I go 5 times a week for 90 minutes of a work-out using the threadmill, x-trainer, rowing machine and various resistance machines.

Geez. If only it wasn't cold here, I'd do some outdoor things.

I've a stationary bike in the bedroom, but I keep it so darn cold in there it renders me impossible to work out.

Or if the fitness gyms weren't as expensive. They're insanely overpriced where I am. I'd love to be able to work out on different cardio machines. *Le sigh* I'm happy to hear of your progress, though, keep going! :laugh:
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: niamh on January 19, 2012, 05:46:58 AM
Quote from: Maja.V on January 19, 2012, 05:10:55 AM
Geez. If only it wasn't cold here, I'd do some outdoor things.

I've a stationary bike in the bedroom, but I keep it so darn cold in there it renders me impossible to work out.

Or if the fitness gyms weren't as expensive. They're insanely overpriced where I am. I'd love to be able to work out on different cardio machines. *Le sigh* I'm happy to hear of your progress, though, keep going! :laugh:

Thanks! It's freezing here too, that's why I started at the gym. I got a reduced price because I only go in the mornings and afternoons. Thankfully my job allows that. Normally I like jogging and I did a lot of that in the summer and the autumn but with the snow and ice outside for the next three months it means it's inside I have to be. It is quite a bit of money if you add it up but I use it so often and I have cut back in other areas of my life like treats out, books, food etc. In the long run it will be so worth the sacrifice to be able to be proud of my figure again (I've been struggles with weight issues for 6 years now).
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Cyndigurl45 on January 19, 2012, 06:52:42 AM
Toss BMI in the trash, do cardio 3 times a week getting your heart rate up the safe aerobic level, eat lots of protein cut the carbs and PORTION CONTROL!!!!!!  OH and have fun with it!!!!! it's a new life style, if the the life style is a drudgery then it will fail, make it fun and go with it :-)
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Amalina on January 19, 2012, 09:42:22 AM
So I haven't started yet due to money issues but planning on doing a serious shopping trip this weekend. I was gonna do this one book diet to get some structure to follow since I have horrible self control on my own with food. It was really odd and restrictive and hard to follow though so I decided to try another one that is close to what my doctor said I should do for my diabetes issues. The Atkins one, at least as a basis, I take in far too many carbs anyways between pizza and mexican food.

Anyone know if it's as legit as people claim? Any suggestions if not? Just wondering, only going with it really cause it won't be such a harsh change and has some stuff I like on the ok to eat lists. The other one I was gonna do had almost nothing I even remotely liked and wanted you to get a lot of specific stuff that was really odd.
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: niamh on January 19, 2012, 01:52:55 PM
Quote from: Amalina on January 19, 2012, 09:42:22 AM
So I haven't started yet due to money issues but planning on doing a serious shopping trip this weekend. I was gonna do this one book diet to get some structure to follow since I have horrible self control on my own with food. It was really odd and restrictive and hard to follow though so I decided to try another one that is close to what my doctor said I should do for my diabetes issues. The Atkins one, at least as a basis, I take in far too many carbs anyways between pizza and mexican food.

Anyone know if it's as legit as people claim? Any suggestions if not? Just wondering, only going with it really cause it won't be such a harsh change and has some stuff I like on the ok to eat lists. The other one I was gonna do had almost nothing I even remotely liked and wanted you to get a lot of specific stuff that was really odd.

Don't fear carbs. Carbs are the building blocks of civilisations and have been since the dawn of agriculture. But stay away from the processed ones. Exchange white rice and pasta for wholegrain ones. They may be more expensive but it's real food. Eat lots of raw salads, be creative with wholegrains, legumes, things like lentils and seeds like quinoa. Personally I am a vegan but there are many ways of eating. You don't have to be strict veggie like me but people don't consume half the amount of veg and fruit they should. When you eat lots of veg and wholegrains, making soups and such you fill up real fast, it's cheap and you don't feel like you're on a diet. I wouldn't recommend Atkins.

This is a nice website for ideas (
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Cyndigurl45 on January 19, 2012, 02:00:13 PM
niamh is correct, don't fear the carbs control then in moderation, Atkins is a waste as is most the diets out there. This what I did I read somewhere that the Japanese are some of the healthiest groups of people around, so I read up on there eating habits and tried to duplicate it as much as possible. That works for me your mileage may differ ;-)
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Amalina on January 19, 2012, 02:27:19 PM
Thanks you two.

I'm mostly looking for a quick major weight loss gimmick that might help shed some serious excess, then once I get to a reasonable overweight status I can do something proper. I know my carbs are through the roof especially processed ones. Like I was saying was just looking at this as a general guidebook of sorts. To give me something structured. I don't plan on doing the full Atkins deal. My moderation sucks though.

I will keep that in mind for sure though, unfortunately a lot of veggies are really hard for me to even try right now due to teeth issues and chewing, but I hope to fix that in the very near future. Not sure I can do a Japanese type diet, I can't stand sea food and I know a bit of theirs is about that. It really makes me ill to even be around sea food.
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: niamh on January 19, 2012, 03:28:02 PM
It's not all about seafood. Like, you can make awesome vegetable sushi that tastes great and is low calories. Also miso soup with sea vegetables is very tasty. You might get some ideas from cooking with dog (

As for not being able to chew veg. In that case you might want to try processing your veg. Boil your veg and make a soup and then purée it with a stick blender. That's what we often do as it's easier to eat/digest.
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Jeneva on January 22, 2012, 07:27:05 AM
Ok, I'm going to start checking in on this thread.  I'm 5' 11" and my current target is 175.  I know that is still on the high range for that height, but unfortunately I do have a very large frame and also need some muscle to do the stuff I have to do around here.  I suspect my body fat percentage will be ok at 175, but if not I can just try and lose more.

I'm recovering from surgery still (week 3) and am limited to 10 pounds until Thursday (week 4) so I haven't been exercising much.  I did go on a radical low sodium kick because of swelling.  It does seem to help

Today I am 231.4, that is down 1.2 pounds from last week.

Before surgery I was 240.  I gained three pounds in implants, but I'm sure I left many pounds on the table as he thinned my jaw and next tons.

Come Thursday my 10 point lift limit is gone and I'm going to start doing more stuff around here and maybe walk during my lunch break to rebuild endurance.  Of course just doing stuff around here is a decent workout.  All the animals need fed and loading and unloading 50 pound bags of feed is so much fun.  Dr. Z said I should slowly build my lifting back up so I won't be hefting feed bags any time soon, but walking and eventually cycling shouldn't be as hard on me.
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Jeneva on January 31, 2012, 12:32:21 PM
Did I kill the thread?  This was a weekly thread before wasn't it?  Come on, I know you all are still trying to lose.  And if it isn't gone well for you, well we all understand that the holiday's are rough for most people.  And if this was a New Year's resolution that you feel like you've already broken then how about thinking about this.  It is only broken if you stop.  So what if you gained a few, as long as you keep working on it, they will go away eventually.  Somedays you just need a special treat and if that blows your weight for the week then so be it. 

This is a bit over a week, but I kept forgetting to "officially" check.  In these 9 days I've lost another 2.2 pounds. 

I'm still on my super low sodium diet and trying to stay around 2000 calories a day since I'm still healing.  I'm going to try and keep that spreadsheet even after I stop watching my salt just because it has helped me to know that I've already planned on a snack and so don't feel guilty when I have to have one in the afternoon.  We started planning our menu out a few weeks in advance in October to help with the shopping (no last minute run out and get X because we got it over the weekend).  This to me is just the next step of that process.  Actually seeing how many calories are in whatever we've planned.

I did lose my weight limit restrictions, but I was WAY optimistic in how quickly I'd be ready to do "real" work.  I'm pushing my endurance every day, but it isn't coming back as fast as I had hoped.  Right now just one of our normal route family walks would likely wipe me out.  Shannon still isn't letting me feed, but I've gotten an OK to cook and deal with the dishes so at least I'm not just sitting there all day now.

So everyone come back and lets get this going again.  Remember slow and steady wins the race.  And just like the stock market don't look at individual days or even a single week, but look at the general trend over time.
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Maja.V on January 31, 2012, 01:09:59 PM
I was actually meaning to post today, but I changed my mind. Been stuck at 170 pounds for the past month, but lost 4 pounds in the last few days because I started actively working out (every day at least 30 minutes on the stationary bike, plus crunches). So was trying not to jinx it and hold back for a little while longer before updating my weight. :D

Right now, I'm at 166.2 lbs.
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: holly on January 31, 2012, 06:30:43 PM
I've been struggling a bit these last few weeks.  I've been 71.8kg every day for almost two weeks now.  I guess since it's an Aussie summer and too hot to even think about going outside it's good that I haven't gained any.  So long as I don't gain weight I'm happy, but I'd be much happier if I could just get below 70kg!

I'm moving to a new city in a few weeks so the packing and shifting should help me to get back on track (assuming I don't end up eating fast food all the time while I'm doing it).  The hardest part for me is eating out of boredom when I'm at home all day, since I haven't been able to find work.  When I look at jobs that I'm qualified to do, there are usually less than 4 listed in this town, and over 400 in the city I'm moving to.  And I find out about one of them on Friday!
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Jeneva on February 05, 2012, 10:26:42 AM
Ok, trying to get back on track for Sunday to be my check in day.  Last time was late so it was 9 days and that makes this one only 5 days, but I want to set Sunday as the normal check in for me.  I forgot to weigh before my oatmeal, but I still managed to lose 2 more pounds.  I'm currently at 227.2.

Still not able to do much physical activity before just exhausted, but I'm also still sticking to the 2k calorie limit (or +/-10%).  When you are technically obese, then even a 2k diet makes you lose weight.  I'm trying to ramp up to "real" exercise, but it is going slow.
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: chloe23 on February 05, 2012, 01:24:16 PM
Geneva, i do like your weight loss ticker. I'm with you and hoping to see that move to 175. With lots of encouragement i think you can do it girl:).
With proper intake of right calories and exercise you should get there plus it would be healthier and easier on your body. Also walking is another way to lose weight when your feeling better. I wish you the best of luck on your diet and i'm pulling for you to do it.
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Devin87 on February 06, 2012, 05:11:23 PM
I don't like weighing myself.  I started my loosely primal diet on November 1st.  I'm not sure what my starting weight was, but when I was weighed at the doctor's on December 28th, I was 248, which, judging by my inches lost, is probably down a few pounds from my actual starting weight.  Today I had the school nurse weigh me and I was 235, so down 13 pounds since December 28th.  I'm going to try to weigh myself once a month (once a week is just too much for me).

Here are my measurements:
            Starting   Now
waist     44"           38.5"
hips       52"           47"
chest     51"           46"

I'm planning to start exercising more (right now my weight loss is completely diet-- I haven't been exercising at all), so we'll see how it affects it.
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: holly on February 06, 2012, 06:38:35 PM
13 pounds in around 6 weeks is awesome.  Congrats!  Exercise should help, but remember that muscle weighs more than fat so your weight loss might slow down (or you might even gain weight) despite losing fat and looking better.  5.5" off your waist is amazing! 

I've just hopped off the scales at 71.1kg.  My weight loss is slowing down, I was losing around 1kg per week, and now its about 500g per week.  I guess that's probably good, as I'm getting closer to my target weight and I'm probably losing it at a more healthy rate.  I miss seeing a lower number every time I get on the scales though!  I haven't been taking measurements, but I started out with 36" (waist) jeans which were tight, and now a 30" is starting to get a little loose.  Someone joked to me the other day that I'd have to start wearing girls jeans soon (how right they are!) as a 28" is about the smallest you can get!
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Maja.V on February 09, 2012, 01:37:24 AM
I've recently switched from Spiro to Androcur, I'm interested in how much weight gain I'll have, given that I'm not on a diuretic anymore. I've already gone up almost two pounds. ;D Kind of disheartening, but then again it'll be my actual weight.
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: grrl1nside on February 10, 2012, 11:40:57 PM
I've made it to 180lbs at 6' 1.5". Not sure exactly what my goal weight is at the moment. I'm thinking around 175 as it is seems like a good cross-over weight for my height based on BMI (could go down to 167ish). I think that I'll just watch the tape and the mirror. I wonder how people know what is the right weight... I'm not on HRT yet so it feels like a giant guessing game.
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Jeneva on February 12, 2012, 12:20:03 PM
I did go in the right direction this week, but  I am evidentially out of the healing phase from my FFS surgery on the 29th of December.  Dr. Z asked me to ramp up slowly, but he did ok resuming exercise.  I manage to get a full 30 minutes on the elliptical (not quite the cardio setting, but still not a walk in the park either) one day this week.  Now I've just got to get my schedule where I can use it regularly.  Still on my 2000 calorie ultra-low sodium diet, but I think I'm going to drop calories and stop watching the sodium so closely since I'm not swelling as much as before.

I lost a total of 0.8 pounds this last week.  I'm hoping that with a more reduced calorie diet and regular exercise I can drop a bit more, but it may take me a while to ramp up to a good schedule of cardio level elliptical sessions.  After I get enough endurance back I am going to start riding again, but I'm not sure I have the endurance to cover much ground right now.

One positive side effect of the surgery downtime is that I've gotten my body back used to "regular" sized meals instead of huge platters filled twice.
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: veritatemfurto on February 14, 2012, 08:06:19 PM
I would like to join the club!

I dont know what had been causing this but lately I find myself loosing about a 1/2 pound a day doing absolutely nothing.... :-\
still drinking soda, but I have been eating more salads and smaller portions and NO SECOND HELPINGS teehee

I've been loosing like this since November- was almost 230 and pushing a size 20 to a 22 in my Jeans. I'm only 5'3 so that's morbid  ???
But guess what? just weighed myself this morning and I'm down to 205! I can now squeeze into my 16s again  ;D they FIT! ::woot::

have to get down to 155 if I want to go to McGinn...
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Artemis on February 15, 2012, 05:39:00 AM
Maybe it will help me to join in?

I still have a long way to go but I'm loosing about 1kg/wk currently. I wish it could go faster but that would be unhealthy.

I'm about 1.90 meters. Today, this morning, I was 131.6 kg.

My Ultimate Fantasy Goal Weight is 65 kg, but I'm happy with anything under 80kg ;->
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: niamh on February 15, 2012, 10:48:50 AM
Quote from: niamh on January 18, 2012, 09:01:04 AM
Today (2012.01.18): 82/180.5!  :D

2012.02.13: 81/178.

It's going really slowly despite the amount of work I do at the gym but I am moving in the right direction so I am happy about that! :-)
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: veritatemfurto on February 15, 2012, 12:02:51 PM
today I'm back at 206... lots of enabling here, like last night's beef stew,rice, and spam dinner. I am starting to NOT like spam anymore.
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: veritatemfurto on February 17, 2012, 11:43:20 PM
yesterday, 207.2 :(

quick diet and I'm back to 205.2 :)
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Jeneva on February 19, 2012, 09:28:20 AM
OK, this week was busy with a lot of stuff, so no exercise, but I did drop from my 2000 calorie diet to a 1600 calorie one (was a bit high on Valentines day, but rest of week was good).  The average calories for the week was 1605.

I thought since I had no exercise I'd be closer to 1 pound lost, but somehow the scales say 3 pounds.  I guess some of the around the house and farm stuff we do should be counted for exercise.

So I'm at 223.4 right now.
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: gennee on February 22, 2012, 10:04:00 AM
I have lost 31 pounds in the past three months. I went from 220 to 189. I feel much better and my sister says that I look great. Have to get some more skirts in a smaller size.             

Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Sarah Louise on February 22, 2012, 10:21:19 AM
I wish I could lose weight, I have weighed +/- 4 pounds for the last 5 years.

I've tried dieting, riding an exercise bike, no luck.

I'm sure age and diabetes doesn't help the issue.
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: veritatemfurto on February 22, 2012, 02:10:33 PM
down to 204.2 :)

I should note that I do the weighing after removing anything that can be taken off (clothes) or expelled (wash your hands after!) when I get up... IOW my true empty weight.

found that the clothing adds about 1-5 more pounds on the scale...
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: JenJen2011 on February 23, 2012, 10:16:54 AM
Okay guys. I'm going to join in.

Before my FFS on January 7th, I weighed 179. Today I weighed in at 168.8. I will be posting an update every Thursday. My goal weight is between 140-130. I am 5'5" tall.

Best of luck to everyone!
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: michelle666 on February 23, 2012, 10:24:29 AM
Quote from: veritatemfurto on February 22, 2012, 02:10:33 PM
down to 204.2 :)

I should note that I do the weighing after removing anything that can be taken off (clothes) or expelled (wash your hands after!) when I get up... IOW my true empty weight.

found that the clothing adds about 1-5 more pounds on the scale...

I need to buy a scale, I've been putting it off for the longest time now. I want to to know my true weight but that might be a little weird in the scale section of Target.
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Sarah Louise on February 23, 2012, 10:27:04 AM
There is nothing weird about getting on a scale in a store.  I have done it for fun and to test the accuracy of the scale before buying.  I bought one that agreed within ounces of the doctors scale that I had just been on.
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: michelle666 on February 23, 2012, 03:03:44 PM
Quote from: Sarah Louise on February 23, 2012, 10:27:04 AM
There is nothing weird about getting on a scale in a store.  I have done it for fun and to test the accuracy of the scale before buying.  I bought one that agreed within ounces of the doctors scale that I had just been on.

Oh, I weigh myself in the store now, but to get my true weight like mentioned earlier ( without clothes) would be weird in Target.
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Sarah Louise on February 23, 2012, 03:08:21 PM
Grrrr, I'm never weighing myself again, I can't take it.
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Artemis on February 25, 2012, 11:02:05 AM
Today: 129.6 kg  Yeah!
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Jeneva on February 27, 2012, 06:26:20 AM
Ugh, missed yesterday morning, but I did remember today.  Another 3 pounds I lost.  I'm still not sure why I'm loosing so much each week since just the 1600 calorie diet doesn't account for it, but I'm definitely not complaining.  I do eat around 2x the fiber recommendations and very high protein and low fats.  And it may be that some of the farm work is actually vigorous enough to get my metabolism keyed up.

220.4.  Still a long way to go, but I've not been this low since before our daughter was born.
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Maja.V on February 29, 2012, 06:59:43 AM
Checking in after a while!

I've managed to drop down from 168 to 164 in a month after switching from Spiro. My goal is 150 pounds (I'm 5'11"), meaning I 'only' need to lose 14 more and I'm good. I've been doing lots of cardio cycling on my stationary bike and have a "somewhat" controlled my diet. Being a slight bit more careful of my intake, I should reach it before summer.

I'm feeling awesome and confident that I'll be able to do it. Gooo weight loss!

Though I'll probably need a tummy tuck with all the loose skin. Sigh. Moar money spending. *Wants FFS*
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: veritatemfurto on February 29, 2012, 01:36:25 PM
ugh my scale is broke... one of those digital ones... get up do my normal routine and it says 204, redo it to verify it a minute later and it goes up to 209, retry another minute later and its up to 224! WTF! either it needs a new battery or I have somehow acquired the power to spatially shift my weight and its going the wrong way! :s

although I can still fit back into a size 16... comfortably now, so yea the damn thing is broken >:(
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: JenJen2011 on March 01, 2012, 07:24:18 AM
Last week: 168.8
This week: 168.2
Goal:          130-140

Okay. Last Thursday I was 168.8. This morning I weighed in at 168.2. So I've lost .6 pounds which is probably just fluctuation in water. I was scared to weigh myself this morning because I did terrible this week. I ate fast food every day and didn't do much exercise. But I have the ball rolling again. We'll see next week.

Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: niamh on March 02, 2012, 03:28:48 PM
Quote from: Sarah Louise on February 22, 2012, 10:21:19 AM
I wish I could lose weight, I have weighed +/- 4 pounds for the last 5 years.

I've tried dieting, riding an exercise bike, no luck.

I'm sure age and diabetes doesn't help the issue.

Dieting is a waste of time. Deprivation just causes one to jo-jo and leads to weight gain in the long term. What one needs to lose weight is a combination of a long-term change in diet and moderate and regular amount of exercise. Then it's just a matter of the numbers. More energy out than in and you'll lose over an extended period.

Don't give up. Make small changes each week that build on each other. Trying to do everything at the start is just not going to work. Pick a change and do it, stick with it and when it's become natural pick another change. After a few months you'll notice a big change.

But again. No to dieting.

As for my journey. I've lost 3.5kg (7.5lbs) in the last 7 weeks. It's hardly something to write home about but I do feel much better about my self-image as I can see that I do look slimmer. I would have lost more weigh only I think I've added muscle and as muscle weighs more than fat it's lead to be becoming slimmer without causing a major change in the figures on the scales.
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Jeneva on March 04, 2012, 10:49:48 AM
Still losing more than magic numbers say I should, but again no complains.  I did have a big splurge on Friday night.  We took our son out to Texas Roadhouse for getting 1st place in his grade for their science fair.  I still managed to stay under 2100 that day, but it meant that my weekly average was 1640.

218.4 now down from 220.4.  I will have a rough couple of weeks since our son's birthday party and dinner out is this week and Shannon's will be next week.  I'm hopeful that I can still lose some, but I won't be able to stick with my diet as tightly as before.

I also changed my ticker to target 165 just to give myself some room to bounce around and get stabilized at a maintainable weight.  I'm big framed and 5'11", but the 175 target I had doesn't leave much room for gain.
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: JenJen2011 on March 08, 2012, 09:19:16 AM
Last week: 168.2
This week: 171.5
Goal weight: 130-140 lbs

Okay. I'm going backwards. No point in me really posting this.
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Jeneva on March 08, 2012, 09:26:43 AM
JenJen2011 don't give up.  We're all going to have bad weeks.  I'm expecting I'll end up backward this week too.  We ended up at a chinese buffet last night because it was our son's birthday and he ended up sick so we thought it would be a good way for him to graze.  Unfortunately I ate entirely too much and when I checked myself this morning I was up two pounds already.  And we still have his actual party and an outback trip when he feels better.

Just this week as a learning experience.

I've also seen some people use a monthly measurement so bad weeks aren't so depressing.
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: JenJen2011 on March 08, 2012, 09:33:24 AM
Thanks for the encouragement Jeneva. It's really hard. I love food and now you got me thinking about chinese, lol. But we CAN do this! And we WILL do this!
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Jeneva on March 11, 2012, 09:22:01 AM
Ok, just as I suspected I've a bit behind this week.  Today is my wife's birthday and Wednesday was our oldest son's.  He ended up with hand, foot, and mouth and has been fairly freaked out about the blisters so we've tried to cheer him up with a lot more eating out that usual.  After the chinese buffet earlier this week, we had japanese last night.  Needless to say I over ate both times.  We'll still end up going out to a steak house for him eventually, and Shannon wants to hit Mellow Mushroom sometime next week.  So I'm not too hopeful for next week either, but I'm not giving up, just realizing that next few weeks are going to be a see-saw.

218.4 last week
218.8 this week

+0.4 lbs, still even with a bad week I'm lower than I've been in 8 years.
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: michelle666 on March 13, 2012, 11:55:05 AM
I still have no clue what my weight is, but I went to Macy's over lunch and tried some pants on. When I started dieting in August, I wore a size 42/30 Levis. I fit in a 34/30 today!
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: JenJen2011 on March 13, 2012, 12:21:03 PM
That's important Jen, that you don't give up. It'll all be okay. Just continue afterwards. And congrats Michelle.

I started a new eating and exercise routine today. I don't know how much of a difference it will make by the time Thursday comes around but we'll see.
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Shang on March 13, 2012, 01:19:05 PM
I'm starting to get back into exercising and eating right. :)  I fell off the wagon when I met my ex and gained 25 pounds throughout the year of knowing him so now I'm trying to lose that and then some.
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: JenJen2011 on March 15, 2012, 08:54:26 AM
Okay folks. I'm back on the band wagon. :)

Last week: 171.5 lbs
This week: 167.4 lbs
Goal weight: 140-130 lbs

So, this past Monday I changed my eating and exercise routine. This is what I do which may help others on this same journey.

I went to the grocery store and bought several different things to snack on like jello, yogurt, snack bars, poptarts, veggies, crackers, cereal, oatmeal, nuts, etc. I eat every two hours to speed up my metabolism which will help with burning fat. I start off with a snack at 8am, then at 10am. At 12pm, I have a normal lunch. Then I snack again at 2pm, at 4pm, and have dinner at 6pm. I exercise for 45-60 minutes starting at 7pm. I do not drink anything other than water and natural fruit juices.

I find that this method works very well for me. I do not feel hungry at all throughout the day like before.
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Maja.V on March 16, 2012, 02:22:53 AM
Jen, how much of those snacks do you actually eat, by the way? When it's snack time? Just one-two cookies, a few almonds, etc., or more?

I might give it a try.
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: JenJen2011 on March 16, 2012, 07:40:01 AM
Quote from: Maja.V on March 16, 2012, 02:22:53 AM
Jen, how much of those snacks do you actually eat, by the way? When it's snack time? Just one-two cookies, a few almonds, etc., or more?

I might give it a try.

The loose snacks like dry cereal, nuts, small carrots, etc..I use sandwich bags. It's about a handful or little more. Don't force feed though. If I don't feel like eating it all, I don't. You should definitely try it and let me know how it works for you.
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Maja.V on March 16, 2012, 07:45:53 AM
Quote from: JenJen2011 on March 16, 2012, 07:40:01 AM
The loose snacks like dry cereal, nuts, small carrots, etc..I use sandwich bags. It's about a handful or little more. Don't force feed though. If I don't feel like eating it all, I don't. You should definitely try it and let me know how it works for you.

Well, the thing is, I'm 5'11 and sitting at 163 pounds, and I really want to get down to 140-ish, and I've kind of hit a wall now. So I'll give your method a try and see how it works out for me.

It's frustrating that I used to lose so much weight and now it has slowed down considerably to almost a stop. Might have to revise my eating habits and portions yet again.
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Artemis on March 18, 2012, 03:17:06 AM
The worse thing about weight lose is that to get to the weight you want to have you actually need to consume less/burn more then you would when you finally are on your goal weight and want to maintain it...

The last few weeks I'm at a stand still. Today it's 130 kg. I drink about 3 lt water every day so there is a margin of about 1.5 kg that's just water, so the difference between 129 and 130 is not significant enough to say anything.

I think I need to do more (low resistance) cardio for longer ::)

I also got the "ballet beautiful" series and I'm looking into yoga, Pilates, contortion as a way to get more in contact with my own body; to push what I can do with it; to tone for a long, slender look, not bulk; to optimize for endurance, to be stronger for longer; and to learn to move with graceful fluid movements and a greater agility.
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Shang on March 18, 2012, 12:22:50 PM
I have to start exercising more than once a week and I have to stop with the Coca-Cola, which should be relatively easy given I've no money to buy it.

Anyway, here are the dates and weights of when I bothered to do the body test on the Wii Fit (starting with when I decided to lose the 25 lbs I gained over the last year):

03/01/2012:  202.6 lbs

03/02/2012:  201.3 lbs

03/11/2012:  199.7 lbs

03/18/2012:  198.4 lbs

10 lbs until my goal of losing 15 lbs in the next 3 months. :)  I think I'm going to make it because I'm really wanting to do this to feel better physically and emotionally.

Eating wise, I could be eating better so I just eat a little less/try and eat cheaper healthy things given that I am a college student with limited funds.

Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: MeghanAndrews on March 18, 2012, 02:56:07 PM
Quote from: MeghanAndrews on January 22, 2011, 10:57:28 AM
I have a goal to get "back into the 140's again." Realistically, I'd REALLY like to get to 140. I used to weigh 186, got down to like 145 pre-transition and got back up to 163.4 (like a week ago or so) and realized I need to get back down in the 140's before I wind up in the 170's again. I'm 5'5" so that little bit of extra weight really shows on me. I'd like to post on here maybe like once a week with where I am. So here's my plan:

1) Limit the amount of sugar (I have a serious sweet tooth, like REALLY bad) I eat
2) Continue with daily diet: 80 cal yogurt at 8:30 am, fruit at 11:30 am, boiled chicken/veggies at 2:00 pm, more fruit 4:00 pm, pretty much same dinner as lunch.
3) I REALLY need to add cardio to my exercise regimen but I get so blah about wearing workout clothes and going to the apartment gym.

So this morning I weighed in at 158.5. That'll be my start point, we'll see how I do. Thank you all for your support :)
Um, so it's a year and a few months later and I weighed 165.3 this am. I feel so big. I did cut out sweets for the most part (I don't buy my own candy anymore but I'll eat some at work if someone has some). I've exercised a few times but not regularly. For me, it really just comes down to DOING what I say I'm going to DO! Ugh, frustrated.
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: barbie on March 18, 2012, 08:41:53 PM
Although most jeans of size 4 in the US always fit comfortably to my wiast, A CK denim jean of the same size I purchased several years ago was always too tight for my waist. Today I wear it again, feeling comfortable with it. Yesterday I ran about 29 km, or 18 mile, burning 1,847 + 365 = 2,212 cal: ( ( .

Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: King Malachite on March 20, 2012, 05:03:47 AM
I weighed myself a few minutes ago with nothing but my glasses on and I'm 250. and I'm 5'4.  I am morbidly obese but lets try and see if I can bring that weight down some within the next few months.   I have been lazy in drinking water but I'm about to start back up and drink less sodas and juices.....or at least try to.  :)  I'm going to work out more as well on my ps move as soon as I can figure out how to put the leg strap on.
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Val on March 20, 2012, 05:21:10 AM
I got the P90X stuff from a friend who never really used it, so got a work out program.
Eating differently will have to happen slowly, since I grew up in a household that basically ate whatever tasted good, and since I have a sweet tooth I never really ate much vegetables, BUT I'M WORKIN' ON IT.
As of today, I'm a hefty 231 pounds and about 5'6'' tall.
I'm ready for the fight.
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: King Malachite on March 20, 2012, 05:40:16 AM
Quote from: Vine on March 20, 2012, 05:21:10 AM

I'm ready for the fight.

I got an extra pair of gloves and the "Shes a maniac" song ready to go for ya.  :)
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Maja.V on March 20, 2012, 06:23:40 AM
Quote from: Malachite on March 20, 2012, 05:40:16 AM
I got an extra pair of gloves and the "Shes a maniac" song ready to go for ya.  :)

And don't forget "The eye of the tiger". ;D
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: King Malachite on March 20, 2012, 06:35:27 AM
Quote from: Maja.V on March 20, 2012, 06:23:40 AM
And don't forget "The eye of the tiger". ;D

How could I forgot that song?   :o

As a back up track we can have "I'm so excited".

Time to break out the 80's music.
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Jeneva on March 25, 2012, 08:50:29 AM
We were out of town last weekend on a long road trip to pick up Shannon's new dog so I didn't update this thread.  Unfortunately there was a lot of fast food and snacking since I drove the entire trip and it was around 36 hours on the road (east TN to Ft Lauderdale FL).  We also had a couple of out nights for birthdays that week.  But I've stuck to the diet this week and it isn't much loss, but something is better than nothing.

In the last 14 days I've lost 1.2 pounds and I'm almost out of the obese range.  One more good week should do it for me, so I'm going to try for it this coming week.
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: veritatemfurto on March 26, 2012, 07:57:32 PM
well, i went to my gyno today and got confirmed to be back down to 207... been stressing out recently...
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Maja.V on March 27, 2012, 12:04:08 AM
Well, after dieting and exercising vigorously, I've plateued (spelling) for a while. Finally found the reason behind it - I've not been eating enough.

I took in about 1200 kcal daily, and burned around 800 through exercise, leaving my body with only 400 to work with. My weight stopped dropping, even went up, because it went into starvation mode and nommed onto muscles for energy instead of fat.

So guys and girls, be careful of your intake. You *must* consume at least 1200 calories for your body to still burn fat, and that's with exercise included.

So for example, you workout in the morning, burn 600 calories, so you have a deficit of calories which need to be replaced:

-600 (calories burned) + 1800 (calories taken in) = 1200 (weight loss calorie deficit)

I've used the 1200 in my example for my body mass, height and age, producing an approximate number to be reached for weight loss (2 pounds per week). I suggest googling for a BMR calculator to see your daily caloric needs, and work from there.

If you own a smartphone, I would suggest downloading an application called MyFitnessPal, it's free (with some annoying ads) and it has a massive database of foods to track your daily calorie intake and usage. You can also add in your own foods, etc.

Anyway, I hope this helps out someone out there to lose weight. Wish you all luck with it, I know it's a pain.
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Jeneva on April 03, 2012, 07:47:07 AM
And this past week has been terrible for weight loss.  We ended up eating out 3 times and we had a big birthday party + a big breakfast the next day since his best friend slept over too.  I enjoyed every bit this past week, but it has had a terrible cost to my goal.  I'm 222.4 today.  So that is up 4.8 pounds from 217.6.

To be honest I expected to gain weight last week so I suspect my weight then was a fluke and over the past 4 weeks I've really gained each week.  Fortunately the birthdays (except mine) are all over now so maybe I can get back on a schedule.  I also had a few really down days last week and I tend to eat a lot more then.

I did notice that the BIG gains came back when I wasn't able to plan my meals last week.  I didn't track anything and gained a lot, so that has sold me on tracking and preplanning.


I'm not giving up and this does CLEARLY show how important it is to keep track and preplan.
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: ShawnaB on April 23, 2012, 01:54:28 PM
Hi All-

Okay - time to jump in.  Around new years I was about 93.5kg and now I'm about 87.5kg and hoping to get down to 70ish but would be happy enough with 75ish.  At 6', 75kg (165lbs) isn't too bad, but if I can get to 70kg (~154lbs) I'll be really.  And back to my weight at 18...

Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Jeneva on April 29, 2012, 07:48:24 AM
This thread has died again.  Sorry I've not been posting because we've had equipment here to dry out some water damage and now we're going to lose our kitchen for 2-3 weeks while they tear out everything to clear any possible mold behind the cabinets since it was the dishwasher that was leaking.  Flying up to Detriot was almost like a vacation because I could set the temp in the hotel to whatever I wanted and didn't have to melt.

I think I'm a bit up, but we've had to eat out so much because of the heat and noise here at the house.  And now we're coming up on eating out tons because we won't have the kitchen even if we can stand the heat.

We at least have a home and will have food so I won't complain, but I am not expecting no losses for a month or so.
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: michelle666 on May 02, 2012, 06:20:17 AM
I still haven't weighed myself, so no clue how much I lost, I've been doing it by sizes. I can not fit comfortably in size 12 jeans. I used to not even come close to getting them buttoned.
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: ShawnaB on May 05, 2012, 01:09:47 PM
86.5 - nothing significant though - or not sure if it's just water weight fluctuating from 87.5 of my last check-in.  Need to get my work-out regime  back on track...
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: niamh on May 10, 2012, 05:13:57 AM
Down 1/2 kg (1lb) this week. Current weight is 79kg (174lbs), down from 85kg (187lbs) from start of 2012.  :)
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: michelle666 on May 10, 2012, 06:39:39 AM
I actually weighed myself the other day. I was in Macy's and saw a scale in the bath section. The last time I weighed myself was about 6 or 7 years ago and I gained since that time. I'm down 65 pounds from the last time I stepped on a scale.  I'm figuring with the weight I gained after that time, I'm down about 75-80 since August.
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: barbie on May 10, 2012, 09:46:38 PM
Yesterday, I tried to wear very old Jordache jeans of Junior 5 size (25 inch). It is very tight, and probaby was produced about 20 years ago. I purchased it at a salvage army thirft store about 10 years ago. It was difficult to eat lunch fully, but I felt that my girth decreased a little bit more.


Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: ShawnaB on May 12, 2012, 09:52:23 AM

Okay so last week when I was about 1kg shy of where I was the week before I was kinda sceptical about it being a result.  But this week, the scale is at 85.5kg so -that's 2kg down from 2 weeks ago.  And I'm a little more convinced I'm losing weight :)

I'm using myfitnesspal to keep track of food and excercise, and according to the goals I set in there, I seem to be achieving them :)  I'm aiming for about 1kg (about 2lbs) per week. Overall I'm down about 8kg (17.5lbs roughly) since the new year.  I was doing well until the end of Feb when I got sidetracked but am now back on course.  Ten kg more to go and I'll be happy.  At the current rate, that'd be some time towards the end of July.  I can live with that :)

Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: barbie on May 12, 2012, 10:16:06 AM
Spring is a good season for running outdoors. I do not check my weight, but just feel whether my girth has decreased or not.

My activity history: (

Sometimes I also took a few photos which you see by clicking the black icon along the track.

Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: niamh on May 17, 2012, 07:12:58 AM
Quote from: niamh on May 10, 2012, 05:13:57 AM
Down 1/2 kg (1lb) this week. Current weight is 79kg (174lbs), down from 85kg (187lbs) from start of 2012.  :)

77kg (170lb) today. Loss to date in 2012: 8kg (17.5lb)
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: niamh on May 17, 2012, 07:20:45 AM
Quote from: ShawnaB on May 12, 2012, 09:52:23 AM

Okay so last week when I was about 1kg shy of where I was the week before I was kinda sceptical about it being a result.  But this week, the scale is at 85.5kg so -that's 2kg down from 2 weeks ago.  And I'm a little more convinced I'm losing weight :)

I'm using myfitnesspal to keep track of food and excercise, and according to the goals I set in there, I seem to be achieving them :)  I'm aiming for about 1kg (about 2lbs) per week. Overall I'm down about 8kg (17.5lbs roughly) since the new year.  I was doing well until the end of Feb when I got sidetracked but am now back on course.  Ten kg more to go and I'll be happy.  At the current rate, that'd be some time towards the end of July.  I can live with that :)


Good luck with the last 10kg! I also have another 10kg to lose until I reach my own target.
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: barbie on May 17, 2012, 03:26:42 PM
Yesterday I checked my weight in several years. It was 65.4 kg (or 144 lbs), which indicates I am in a best condition. Several years ago, I was surprised that my weight was 70 kg = 154 lbs. Now I am relieved.


I am going out for morning exercise right now.

Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: niamh on June 06, 2012, 07:36:46 AM
Quote from: niamh on May 17, 2012, 07:12:58 AM
77kg (170lb) today. Loss to date in 2012: 8kg (17.5lb)

75kg (165lb) today. Loss in 2012: 10kg (22lb)
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: ShawnaB on June 06, 2012, 02:50:26 PM
i kicked my cheap $3 ikea scale and instantly I gained 5kg.  it's been going down again but now I'm not really sure where I'm at anymore :(

I don't think my body's gone into starvation mode, and gaining 5kg in a day seems pretty improbable to me.  slowly, another week and another kg off.  so relatively I think I'm still on track...
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Jeneva on June 11, 2012, 07:27:57 AM
Ok, well we finally have a temporary kitchen again.  We're still trying to get the insurance to cover new cabinets since I have to buy some even if they won't cover it, and we have little counter space, but we've got functional appliances and a temp sink and tables for work space.  I've been back on my diet for 4 days now, but it has been 2 months of almost constant eating out or microwaveable meals so I'm up 4 pounds.  I expected a gain and honestly am glad it was not worse, but that doesn't mean I'm happy with the gain.  Oh, well I'm back on track now and should be able to start losing again.  Also we've been much more active outside so hopefully that will help too.

   226.4 (current)
-  222.4 (last measured)
+ 4 pounds :(
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: barbie on June 12, 2012, 05:47:38 AM
For the past few weeks, I ran nearly every day, and I feel that my girth decreased by one inch to 25 inch. Today's photos. While running, and after running.




Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: barbie on June 13, 2012, 09:52:19 PM
I guess my weight is now 64 kg (141 pound). Today after running ( ( ), I took some photos using the iphone camera timer. I guess my girth is approaching 25 inch. Drought prevails nationwide, but my hometown is relatively humid.



Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Jeneva on June 17, 2012, 11:34:26 AM
Ok, I seem to have more anomalies with my weight....

We have been much more active lately to try and help fight anxiety.  But I also had three nights where I had to take a benzo and went straight to bed after dinner.  Have been able to stick to my 1600 calorie diet pretty well since I've been feeling so sick to my stomach lately.  Several nights I was sure I would lose my dinner, but managed to stave it off.

I also started back on a diuretic.  I went off spiro a bit after my orchi and I had been noticing that I was swelling like a ballon each day.  I asked my Dr last Friday if it was HRT induced edema and she agreed that it likely was.  So she started me on a very low dose of a potassium discarding diuretic so now I get to eat all the bananas and leafy greens I want without worrying.  The diuretic was a HUGE help.  We've recently discovered Vibram Five Fingers and I either wear nothing, those, or a flat pair of sandals.  Both the Five Fingers and my favorite sandals have been leaving deep marks on my feet by the end of the day where it has swollen so much since morning.  Now it is down to just a bit of marking.  I still can't easily get my rings off like I could when I was on spiro, but I'm hoping it will continue purging all the excess water.

Now for the reason I explained so much

for the past 6 days

     218.2 (current)
-    226.4
=  -8.2 pounds.

Losing 8.2 in 6 days is absurd, so it must be the edema finally relaxing.

In any even I was happy to see that weight this morning because it means I may be out of the obese zone soon.
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: GhostTown11 on June 23, 2012, 10:44:25 AM
22 inch waist
32 inch hips
28 inch chest

Dropped from 130 to 124(currently, I'm 5'9)
I'm officially underweight. Yay -_-

Maybe I should start a weekly weight gain check up thread?
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: barbie on June 24, 2012, 02:52:32 AM
Recently I ate too much pork. My waist is now 27 inch while hips is 35 inch. I will decrease my waist to 25.5 inch very soon.

Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: veritatemfurto on June 27, 2012, 04:10:44 PM
its been way too long since i posted mine, but...

I've apparently been working my arse off at Banana Republic, now just a few points away from rejoining the 100 club...  AND just the other day, i bought my first pair of (us) size 14 pants in a LONG time ^_^ ( (next to go is the frizzy volumized-whether i-like-it-or-not hair :P)
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: barbie on June 30, 2012, 07:29:38 AM
Quote from: veritatemfurto on June 27, 2012, 04:10:44 PM
its been way too long since i posted mine, but...

I've apparently been working my arse off at Banana Republic, now just a few points away from rejoining the 100 club...  AND just the other day, i bought my first pair of (us) size 14 pants in a LONG time ^_^

It sounds that you have done a lot of work. Congrats.

As a lof of guests visited here and I guided them this week, I did not exercise for 4 days and my waist size increased considerably. I ran again today and will do tomorrow.

Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: veritatemfurto on July 25, 2012, 02:45:53 PM
I can almost fit into my work's size 14 blazers again  ;D should be there just in time for the holidays

definitely now a size 16 in pants - all my size 18's are almost too big to wear even with a belt (i can forget about 20's completely  :) ) and I'm starting to be able to fit into more size 14's than just the curvy ones... although my weight is still hovering at 203.... no diet changes, just working my ass off and staying active  :)
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Apples on August 04, 2012, 07:57:53 AM
Interesting topic.

5' 8", 29. This morning I was at 65.2 (143.7 lb) , which means almost 5 kg (11 lb) lost since the Eight of July. No junk food, reduced calories intake, no sodas, beer, bread, chocolate, a lot of cardio and ab exercising every day. Still a lot of work until I feel ready.

And four saggy jeans now. Crap. I'm going to need new holes on my belts. At least I can use S sized T-Shirts for the first time on my life.
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: ShawnaB on August 05, 2012, 07:57:41 AM
first five weeks of hrt and back up to 90kg, slowly coming back off again, back down to 88-89... :/
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: randall on August 05, 2012, 08:29:55 AM
5' 7, 135 pounds. 16% body fat. I decided to make August gym month to lose fat. I started resistance training because that's a good method but it makes me afraid of being super bulky as I just want to look slender.
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Apples on August 11, 2012, 05:27:59 AM
5,8", 63.6 kg (140 pounds). If I managed to set the scale properly, 15% body fat. Next week I start the 6 days exercising program. When I can't see more abdominal fat I'll switch to resistance training, and try to get stablished on 60 kg. If the body gets used to a good level of cardio and exercising, keeping the weight should not be a problem.
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Apples Mk.II on August 22, 2012, 03:26:21 AM
Back in 64.4. Gym is closed, It is too hot on the street and I won't be able to exercise outside until I recover from laser. Call this a vacation...
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: grrl1nside on August 22, 2012, 08:44:24 AM
I seem to be in a holding pattern at the moment... What is it with that? My body likes these long pauses prior to the next shift in weight. It likes to sit at least a few months at a set weight (was stuck at 232 then 226, 212, 206, 198, 192, 186, 184, and now in my case 178 or 179 lbs (I'm 6'1.5"). Homeostasis. Sometimes it just means I've started cheating a bit here and there, you know adding cream back to my coffee, eating an extra cookie or two or three, ice cream... The nice thing is I've added a touch of running lately which I haven't done in eons. So, I'll see what happens. I think I would like to get to around 172 prior to hormones... It is hard when you don't really have a goal weight anymore and it is more by look. My goal was 182 originally and since I'm less than that, it is now by eye which is challenging when you have gender dysphoria that plays on the old brain map!
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Apples Mk.II on September 01, 2012, 06:47:39 AM
62.9! Although checking the weight immediately after coming back from 3 hours of gym is a bit like cheating.
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: michelle666 on September 01, 2012, 08:10:31 PM
My size 14 jeans that I got back in June no longer fit, way too loose. My girlfriend is a size 12 and her pants fit nicely now. I'm shooting for a size 10 by Halloween.
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: barbie on September 02, 2012, 04:45:03 AM
Quote from: Apples Mk.II on September 01, 2012, 06:47:39 AM
62.9! Although checking the weight immediately after coming back from 3 hours of gym is a bit like cheating.

I think it's a dramatic decrease in weight. Underweight?

My goal is to keep < 65 kg, but it has been difficult. My dad and relatives say that I look too skinny, but I think I need to decrease a little bit more.

Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Apples Mk.II on September 02, 2012, 04:58:04 AM
Nah, I'm back to 63.6. When  I took that measuring I was probably depleted of any liquid after 2 hours of cardio (Hence the cheating part). I still have abdominal marks from where my gut protrudes.

It´s odd. I only have gut and tiny love handles, and maybe in the legs, the rest of my body is almost bones. I even have a tiny hourglass figure thanks to a really small torso.

Anyways, it will be impossible whilie I am staying with my parents, as they are hell bent on breaking my diet or exercising routines by  deliberately preparing the mos greasy things and trying to force feed me.
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: ShawnaB on September 03, 2012, 07:48:57 AM
So it's been a long time since I've posted an update.  Since my last one I've probably been on hrt for 2 months, getting that right has sent me all over the scale.  Finally back to 86kg and not retaining stupid amounts of water anymore.

Working out again with 2 days on and 1 day off. I'm also eating properly again but with a weekly calorie deficit of about 4000-4500 calories per week which should get me around 0.5kg off per week, or maybe even a little more as I'm not sure how muscle mass is going to figure into it all. Or so goes the theory :) It would be pretty cool to be down to 80kg in the next 3 months and overall I'm aiming for 77 to 80kg.
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: swatch on September 03, 2012, 08:14:31 AM
Started at 211 in January
176 pounds now (80.0k), aiming for 147 (67.0k).
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: ZoeNicole on September 07, 2012, 06:47:43 AM
Started at 135kg in August 2011. Took almost a year to get down to 114kg in August right before I saw the endocrine for the first time.

Since then I have gotten down to 104 as of today.

I am 181cm tall.
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Shang on September 07, 2012, 05:14:15 PM
Started at ~205 lbs in March.

I'm now at 194 lbs. :)  3 lbs were last in the last two weeks.  [I'm taking it slow.]  My goal weight is 160 lbs and I'm 5'10".  160 lbs puts me a little overweight, but I look like a stick when I get under that so I'm fine with 160 lbs.
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Apples Mk.II on September 07, 2012, 05:20:21 PM
62.4 (137.5). I'm back to a normal diet with a few indulgences, but...

I never though I could lose weight so easily with a bit of discipline.
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Devin87 on September 12, 2012, 05:06:35 PM
Ignore the bra-- it's really the only way to show it...  First pictures taken last October, 2nd pictures taken today.  So like 11 months.  We don't have a scale, so I have no idea how much I weight.  At the beginning I know it was around 260 and last time I weighed myself in June I was at 214, so I'm gonna guess I'm around 200 now.  I really should find a scale...

Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Shang on September 12, 2012, 06:27:27 PM
Quote from: Devin87 on September 12, 2012, 05:06:35 PM
Ignore the bra-- it's really the only way to show it...  First pictures taken last October, 2nd pictures taken today.  So like 11 months.  We don't have a scale, so I have no idea how much I weight.  At the beginning I know it was around 260 and last time I weighed myself in June I was at 214, so I'm gonna guess I'm around 200 now.  I really should find a scale...


Looking good! :D  Keep it up!
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: barbie on September 19, 2012, 05:15:13 AM
I did not exercise during past 1 week, as it rained and a big typhoon came. But I feel that weigt gain is marginal. I had some time to run today morning. A photo taken one week ago while running to my office.



Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Stephanie.Izann on September 26, 2012, 04:25:30 PM
I have been going up and down in wait for such a long time now. Part of the reason is because I have been in the hospital with my daughter off and on. And it's hard. I went from a weight of 255 20 wEight of 230.  The thing is that I've been at this for a while and I should be doing better by now.I wanted to ask this question again because I can't see or find anywhere the question that I had posted many posts ago so I wanted to see me what a person that is around 6 foot tall should be weighing as a woman? I also wanted to know if there was anyone that was around that height that could maybe mentor me to get me to the appropriate weight.I am currently thinking of doing the Paleolithic diet. This diet seems to be working for some of my friends. They have done very well on it. And it's not too bad. So I'm hoping that this diet will help me out. I've also tried juicing. You see part of my problem is that I am taking forever, to get to the point where I need to go with my weight and my transition. So many obstacles in my way and 1 big 1 seems to be my size. Although I don't think that I am is big is I am sometimes, I do have people saying Oh you're a big boy, you're a big guy. And that really bothers me. I mean I think I have I shape of maybe Quarterback at most! But some days it's really bad, and it depresses the hell out of me. Well, that's enough b******* for now. Thanks for your help a head of time.
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Maja.V on September 26, 2012, 06:22:19 PM
I wouldn't recommend any diet which limits eating of certain things.

I'm 5'11" and I weigh 160 pounds, which is a healthy weight for someone my height. I used to weigh a bit over 220. What I did, was severely cut the portion sizes, start being more active (exercises, etc.), and cut out all the sugary drinks and replace them with water. That last bit helps out immensely. If you like certain vegetables, go crazy over them and use those instead of stuff like potatoes. I would suggest cutting out bread from your diet, though, or at least replace it with wholewheat (and even then small amounts of it).
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Shang on September 27, 2012, 05:32:52 PM
Quote from: Stephanie.Izann on September 26, 2012, 04:25:30 PM
I have been going up and down in wait for such a long time now. Part of the reason is because I have been in the hospital with my daughter off and on. And it's hard. I went from a weight of 255 20 wEight of 230.  The thing is that I've been at this for a while and I should be doing better by now.I wanted to ask this question again because I can't see or find anywhere the question that I had posted many posts ago so I wanted to see me what a person that is around 6 foot tall should be weighing as a woman? I also wanted to know if there was anyone that was around that height that could maybe mentor me to get me to the appropriate weight.I am currently thinking of doing the Paleolithic diet. This diet seems to be working for some of my friends. They have done very well on it. And it's not too bad. So I'm hoping that this diet will help me out. I've also tried juicing. You see part of my problem is that I am taking forever, to get to the point where I need to go with my weight and my transition. So many obstacles in my way and 1 big 1 seems to be my size. Although I don't think that I am is big is I am sometimes, I do have people saying Oh you're a big boy, you're a big guy. And that really bothers me. I mean I think I have I shape of maybe Quarterback at most! But some days it's really bad, and it depresses the hell out of me. Well, that's enough b******* for now. Thanks for your help a head of time.

I have a friend who does the Paleolithic diet and zie enjoys it and is doing really well on it.  If you use the BMI, the weight for a woman at 6'0" is 140 to 177 lbs (18.5 to 24.9 is the BMI to aim for, according to most doctors).  However, the BMI doesn't take into consideration a person's bone structure or muscle mass so someone can be perfectly healthy, but still be considered overweight or obese with the BMI scale.

I'm one of those people.  I'm 5'10" and the BMI says I should be able to be safely 136 lbs to 145 lbs, but that's not going to happen.  I haven't been that size since I was freshman in high school, when I had a slimmer bone structure and was 3 inches shorter.  I have a large bone structure so I carry a bit more safely and probably shouldn't get below 160 lbs, maybe 150 lbs.  If I weigh less than that, I'd look horribly thin and probably wouldn't be doing well when it comes to my health.
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: ZoeNicole on September 28, 2012, 08:08:32 AM
A slow two weeks for exercise due to getting a cold. Finally got below 100kg though. 99.4 kg as of today ^_^
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Stephanie.Izann on September 28, 2012, 06:24:54 PM
THank you Maja and everyone. Looking into things. I appreciate you taking the time. HUGS
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: ZoeNicole on September 30, 2012, 07:38:46 AM
Hi Stephanie, this isn't quite related to what you were asking, just decided I should share what I am doing as it might help. I have basically lost 77 pounds with it so far (over a year but I haven't lost any ground doing this) what I do is basically stabilize 2 of my meals, my breakfast and my lunch to between 400-500 calories. And then just make sure my evening meal gets me to the difference of 1400-1500 calories (I plan to increase that once I get to my goal weight). I have also replaced certain foods with healthier alternatives such as wholewheat bread or spinach pastas etc. I also make use of to track the food intake. I still have a further 41 pounds to go., but using this method I have not really stopped myself from eating things I enjoy, just more controlled quantities. Getting myself to have 2 meals that are a certain amount of calories my body has also gotten used to it and I feel full if I try eat more than 500 in a single meal.

Oh if it makes a difference I am also on HRT.
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: ShawnaB on September 30, 2012, 07:49:23 AM
I've been doing basically the same thing as ZoeNicole has and while there was an annoying gain at the start of HRT, that's come back off.  I've been at a plateau now for a few months which is really frustrating but am aiming for about 1500-1600 calories a day and it's been a slow pound/week off usually.  I'm just eating healthier and being more active and so far it's worked.

Anything that'll crash weight off is bound to be short term in my experience.  I lost about 5-10lbs in a week or two in Feb when I got food poisoning, but it came straight back.

Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Apples Mk.II on October 31, 2012, 07:12:24 AM
This can't be good. It's been a long time since I stopped caring about my weight. I went back to comfort eating (I think), giving myself little indulgences, eating a bit of junk food on the mornings... I did not want to weight myself.

Until yesterday I did it again.

60.6 Kg, 133 pounds. (5,8" height)/

I don't have love handles anymore. My legs are almost skinny now and I only have untoned muscle. It's been almost one month without exercising, and I am worried about losing too much weight. My safe minimum BMI was 58 Kg and I wanted to leave it at 60.

I think I feel more tired, andlifting things is difficult and even the S size t-shirts look big. Oh, and I can't withstand the cold as better as before. Yes, I can fit inside girl jeans now, but... People are even more worried about me than usual.
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: ZoeNicole on October 31, 2012, 11:12:16 AM
Just started exercising after a month of not being able to due to colds and flu. Wow. Its so hard now. Third month on hrt now so nothing to fall back on, but I will persevere! Down to 96 kgs in those 5 weeks. So at least loss continued. Now to go do something about the fact that I feel like I want to die. Body is not happy.
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: holly on October 31, 2012, 10:08:49 PM
It's so great to see everyone's progress! Great work all!

I haven't checked in for a loong time, but I'll give you all an update.

I'm down to 64.3kg (141lb) which is really great!  Im generally eating healthier and working a more physical job, so that really helps.  I'm not making a particular point of losing much more weight, just trying to maintain it and maybe lose a couple more kilos at most.

Started HRT a few months ago, so that has made it a little more challenging, with the increased appetite and cravings that go along with it, but so far so good :)

Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Pippa on November 01, 2012, 06:47:42 AM
slow and steady but the weight is coming off.  The weight loss round my waist is actually enhancing my boobs.  However, at least another stone and a half to go!
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Charley Bea(EmeraldP) on November 12, 2012, 12:46:58 PM
You girls are going to hate me but as of I want to say June last year when i was at my heaviest on average of 125kg I am down to 108kg without any exercise or diet....and no i do not know how i did it. I seemed to have plateaued at 108kg the lowest I got was 105kg. now if only I could get more off.
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Apples Mk.II on November 17, 2012, 09:57:57 AM
60.8, just a quick check on the first day going back to the gym.

I will be adding body balance a few days per week (tai-chi + yoga + Pilates), in hopes of strenghtening my back and improving my balance.
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: delia_dunno on November 17, 2012, 10:24:51 AM
I began at 230 in August 2012 and am down to 197 as of this morning. 5'8". Calories at 1500 on non-exercise days and 1800 on exercise days. Spinning at gym four days each week. Balancing carbs and protein grams, no more than 30% of calories from fat, and no sugar. With increased muscle mass from exercise, taking off about 2.5 lbs per week right now. Brutal. But worth it. Now, if I could only quit smoking.
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Apples Mk.II on December 07, 2012, 10:45:07 AM
Ok, this is not normal. I came here to check my last recorded weight (60.8 two weeks ago).

I am at 59.8 Kg now. I have been eating properly, and i have not exercised properly (other than sweating at work) for almost two months. This can only mean that I am already suffering from muscle loss. PROBLEMS.

I wanted this week for recovering my gym routine, but between the extra work I'm doing and the mood swings, I have miserably failed at it. I would not mind losing weight while exercising, but doing in on a lethargic mode is not good.
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Charley Bea(EmeraldP) on December 22, 2012, 11:39:11 AM
Well about a day ago I weighed myself and I was 105kg my lightest yet I think at least in about 8 years, however weighed myself this morning...well yesterday morning for me and I was back upto 108kg how did I put 3kgs on in 24 hours? I didn't eat much at all either.
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: AusBelle on December 30, 2012, 01:00:40 AM
Maybe your scales are broken?   3kg in one day can't be right.  Variations of 1/2 kg would be the norm depending on fluid intake.
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: AusBelle on December 30, 2012, 01:05:02 AM
I'm down to 93 kg (205 lb) from 101 kg (222 lb) 6 weeks ago.  I'm using Myfitnesspal to monitor food intake and excersise.

I also started on a program called The New Rules of Lifting for Women which is doing amazing things for me  ;D
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: veritatemfurto on January 20, 2013, 01:09:46 PM
broke past the barrier finally and am down to being full at 197 :) not much in the way of changes just eating better food at smaller sizes, hydrating more,  being more active, and not letting the stress get to me so much... at this rate I'll be where I want to be (170-180) just in time for bikini season B) last year was 230.
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Devin87 on March 14, 2013, 03:34:07 PM
Took some new pictures today.  Weight loss has been stabilizing a bit lately though I've been putting on a bit more muscle and I know as I get lower the loses are going to come more slowly.  Granted, I've been losing pretty slowly all along-- about 5lbs a month for the first year and now a little less.  I'm fine with that rate as long as it's coming off and I'm able to enjoy life while it's doing it.

First pictures are from October 2011.  I was about 260 with a 43 inch waist and 52 inch hips.

Middle pictures are from September 2012.  I was about 205 with a 38 inch waist and 45 inch hips.

Last ones are from today.  I haven't weighed myself in awhile, but I'm guessing I'm around 180-185 with a 35 inch waist and 41 inch hips.


My favorite part is how you can see my collar bone now.  People must think I'm really weird because I keep feeling it and pinching it...
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: holly on March 14, 2013, 06:19:37 PM
Wow, Devin, that's awesome! Great work!
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: DriftingCrow on March 14, 2013, 07:40:29 PM
Devin you look amazing!
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Devin87 on March 15, 2013, 03:47:54 PM
Thanks.  You can't really see much difference in the stomach area from the last pic (it's only down about 2 inches, so there isn't much difference), but I think you can see a big difference in my face and upper body.

And even though you can't see it much, I am down about four inches in the hips (and butt) as well as down two more inches in the moobs (though my posture in the new pic makes them stick out a little.  I don't usually stand with that good posture), so it makes me look a *little* less curvy.
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: AbbyJamz on March 22, 2013, 08:03:51 AM
I guess I'll join in on the fun!  I started last year around mid to late March at 226lbs.  As of this morning, I weigh 178lbs.  I'm 5'9", so I'm trying to get down to about 150lbs.  I've kind of fell off around Christmas and went back up to nearly 190lbs, but I'm starting to get back on track. I'm a lil concerned because my neck has a bit of slope to the chin instead of good definition.  I'm hoping losing another 20lbs and doing jaw exercises will tighten things up and rid me of this double chin-ish look for good! Anyone had any luck with this type of then?
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: grrl1nside on March 27, 2013, 10:24:06 PM
It certainly can be a challenge to stay on top of it. With a long cold and dark winter, I often put on a few too many pounds. Yes you probably could hear the sigh from here... But spring is here and I have a bit of catching up to do but ultimately I'll get there. Shame I like chocolate and wine so much lol!
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Devin87 on May 06, 2013, 07:54:24 PM
So I found out today my little sister has a scale hidden in her room...  So I asked her if I could borrow it and weighed myself for the first time since November.  I'm at 180, which is about what I was guessing.  It's only down 12 lbs since the end of November, which isn't very much, but as it's only 5 pounds from my original goal weight of 175 (started at 260).  So yeah-- I'm pretty happy with it.

And now that I know she has that scale, I'll ask her if I can borrow it a little more often.
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Charley Bea(EmeraldP) on May 16, 2013, 09:28:13 AM
Got weighed at my endo appointment and according to her notes(which I read upside down) I am down to 105 kgs although she joked she would allow 2 kgs because of my boots so if she did then her scales would say I am 107 kgs and my scales say 108 kgs(bare foot) I prefer the 105 kgs, I 'd prefer even less but at least I haven't put weight back on.
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: D0LL on May 20, 2013, 11:02:59 PM
Devin, those results are great! The pictures are amazing! Congrats, man!

I'm not necessarily here for weight loss, as I'm also trying to build muscle at the same time. But even if my weight itself doesn't drop, I've still got a good bit of fat to get rid of! Trying to lose my butt (most, not all of it), thighs, stomach, boobs and arms. The fat in those places now is keeping my muscles from showing through, and keeping me from looking toned. I'd say I'm at about 19-20% body fat (stupid curves). Not sure how low I wanna be able to get...maybe around 15%? I don't need to be super ripped or nothing, just manly-toned.

So far I can tell I've lost some arm fat and gained some arm muscle. My shoulder muscles and biceps actually have slight definition now (I'm "skinny", but my arms have always been huge for my body). Seeing the change is really motivating me to try my hardest at the gym. Hopefully soon I'll have actually lost enough arm fat for my triceps to show through (but I'm not holding my breath on that one, haha!)
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Alaia on May 26, 2013, 10:05:33 AM
So I started working on my fitness after having some heart palpitations that scared the heck out of me. After visiting the doctor he said that it was normal for adults to get these on occasion and while stressed (which I was). However, my blood pressure did show pre-hypertension and so I decided to do something about it (heart disease runs in my family, so it's not something I'm going to take any chances with).

Anyway, I began working out in late January. I started at 206 lbs--I'm 6'1'' so I was a little overweight. It's four months later now and I'm down 24 lbs (182). People that haven't seen me in a while have asked me if I've lost weight and commented that they can see a difference, especially in my face. I've also checked my BP again and it's now down in normal levels :)

I'm not sure how much I'd like to lose. Maybe down around around 155, I'll have to see as I go. I still have belly fat and love handles that I'd love to get rid of. I'll see if I can do some measurements and post them up so I can show progress.
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Naomi on June 02, 2013, 09:35:00 AM
I've been in the process of trying to loose weight for a few months now and I've made some decent progress, about 10 lbs quite rapidly but I'm having trouble getting out of the 190's since stuff just keeps coming up in my life that throws me off track. I'm currently floating around 195. I'm 5'6" by the way so my target weight for hopefully September is to be in the 160s.
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: veritatemfurto on June 05, 2013, 12:09:18 PM
down to 185 from 230 last year... been working my ass off at two jobs and exercising by swimming and climbing the stairs at the disney water parks

* when you have fun while exercising, it won't seem like hard work. :)
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: SciNerdGirl on July 12, 2013, 10:02:29 AM
Can I Play too.

I'm down to 214 (from 268 in august of last year).  My goal is 165 (I'm 5'9) but right now I'd be happy being below 200lbs.

I run 6-8 miles a week and diet (Mostly vegetarian and low carb during the week, enjoy lean meats on weekends), but my weight loss has stalled.  I've only dropped about 4 lbs in the past 3 months.

I used to think that there was nothing in the world that would make me look the least bit feminine, but since I've lost so much weight, I am feeling a lot better about myself.

Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: mikaelmackison on July 13, 2013, 10:45:52 PM
My goals lean toward general fitness & muscle bulk, rather than weight loss itself.  Despite that, I've dropped 30 pounds since the beginning of the year & decreased my BMI by 18.5%.  I've gained a significant amount of muscle & couldn't be happier in that regard.  >:-)

I had always hoped to drop below 200 pounds.  Currently, I've got a lean body mass of 201 & still haven't reached my muscle development goals.  So, it looks like that "199 or less" goal is shot to heck.  lol

Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: KabitTarah on September 14, 2013, 07:11:17 AM
Can I join in? It says "weekly" but it looks like the thread died in June / July!

I am under 210 today (209.8)! I'm also reaching college weights... I probably gained 20-30 lbs in college going from swimming daily in HS to no exercise at all and constant high carb buffet meals. This only got worse after college... I tried many times to reverse it, and had a max weight of around 250-260 when I was diagnosed with early diabetes. A year later I'm out and fixing myself (in more ways than one).

My Weight loss history (approx. weekly)

8/5 - 235 (starting weight, coming-out day)
8/10 - 224.6
8/17 - 220.2
8/24 - 216.8
8/31 - 213.2
9/7 - 212.2
9/14 - 209.8

I suppose it's normal to drop like a rock at first (I'm pre-HRT -- want to get healthy before starting). It's slowed down a lot recently, but the 210 milestone is awesome...because it means I'm only 10 lbs away from 200 :D

I am 5'11" & mid 30s, MAAB.
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: DriftingCrow on September 14, 2013, 07:28:57 AM
Good work Kabit!
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Adabelle on September 14, 2013, 11:12:42 AM
Wow, it's been a long time since I checked in with this thread. The last time I posted I was 174lbs just after I came out publicly. In those two years I actually slowly climbed back up to as high as 194 again just due to a new job and related stress etc. I was able to get back to 180 about a year ago before surgery, but then in the months after surgery I climbed back up to 190 again just because it was more difficult to exercise.

But in the last few months I've gotten back on track again and have slowly been able to exercise more and watch what I eat. I made it down to 177 again last week. This time I'm doing Atkins and it's really helping - I think maybe my body is well suited for it because I don't feel starving and yet I'm losing weight. So I'm happy.

So glad this little thread is still going :)

Quote from: Adabelle on June 23, 2011, 12:06:22 AM
I had a breakthrough today.

Today for the first time in my adult life I am a "normal" BMI. One year ago today I was medically "Obese". I've lost 35lbs to get to this point, and 56lbs from the highest I've ever weighed.

I weighed in at 173.6 lbs.

I seemed to have a plateau for weeks, but am finally making progress. I'm so happy.

Keep on the band wagon guys, if you fall off, get back on!
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: KabitTarah on September 14, 2013, 01:00:03 PM
Quote from: Adabelle on September 14, 2013, 11:12:42 AM
But in the last few months I've gotten back on track again and have slowly been able to exercise more and watch what I eat. I made it down to 177 again last week. This time I'm doing Atkins and it's really helping - I think maybe my body is well suited for it because I don't feel starving and yet I'm losing weight. So I'm happy.

So glad this little thread is still going :)

Congrats! This is all very hard work, and you clearly have put yours in.

It's hard for me to say (no HRT yet, and still in the "honeymoon" phase of both losing weight and coming out), but I think my modified Atkins (not sure what else to call it... carbs in the morning and mostly avoiding them otherwise) is a good way to go for me. It's definitely sustainable long-term... and that's most important.
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: bethany on September 14, 2013, 01:02:57 PM
I started my diet back in November of last year. My starting point was 184. I am down to 155 now, but seem stuck at this weight for the past 2 months or so. My goal is 145.
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: barbie on September 14, 2013, 02:53:19 PM
Quote from: Bethany Dawn on September 14, 2013, 01:02:57 PM
I started my diet back in November of last year. My starting point was 184. I am down to 155 now, but seem stuck at this weight for the past 2 months or so. My goal is 145.

Your goal is the same as mine. I am 6 feet (183 cm), and maintain 145 (65 kg) if I keep exercising intensively everyday.
It is not an easy job, as I sometimes feel anemia.

Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: KabitTarah on September 14, 2013, 08:21:22 PM
Quote from: barbie on September 14, 2013, 02:53:19 PM
Your goal is the same as mine. I am 6 feet (183 cm), and maintain 145 (65 kg) if I keep exercising intensively everyday.
It is not an easy job, as I sometimes feel anemia.


Barbie is right! You're super skinny :D You must have great legs.

I'm 5'11" and will be very lucky to beat 180 (middle of my BMI "normal" range)... and that's still more than double what I lost so far (just barely, though...). Mine is still coming off, but I expect it to get very difficult now w/o extra exercise. Given what I eat now, I'll have a hard time cutting more (and probably really shouldn't). My "cheat" is usually just a glass of whiskey in the evening (~75 calories).
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: KabitTarah on September 23, 2013, 10:56:39 AM
A little late... but this morning was the end of another great week!
in 9 days, that's 4.2 lb lost
in 7 weeks (to the day), that's 29.4 lb lost!

In talking with someone on MyFitnessPal, and this is an idea I had for Christmas, I've decided that I'll be getting some matching Alex & Ani bracelets for me and my sisters (one by birth, one SIL) who are supporting me in this. Mine will be silver (colored) and theirs gold (colored). Gold represents strength, but silver represents changing, cycles, and femininity (after the moon). I'll do that once I'm <200 for a week... or possibly once I'm inside my goal range of 170-190. It's super close now - just over 15 lb to go!! (4 more weeks like this and I'd be squarely inside).

It's amazing how a little thing like being yourself can help you with health & weight... and the desire for a healthy HRT regimin is a big driver, too.

QuoteMy Weight loss history (approx. weekly)

8/5 - 235 (starting weight, coming-out day)
8/10 - 224.6
8/17 - 220.2
8/24 - 216.8
8/31 - 213.2
9/7 - 212.2
9/14 - 209.8
9/23 - 205.6
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: barbie on September 23, 2013, 07:03:50 PM
Quote from: kabit on September 23, 2013, 10:56:39 AM
It's amazing how a little thing like being yourself can help you with health & weight... and the desire for a healthy HRT regimin is a big driver, too.

Yes. It is not an easy job, but it is not impossible.

It is rather easy to loose weight for a short term. For example, you can loose weight considerably within a few months. But for several years, it is not easy at all. Measuring weight everyday is not recommended, because loosing weight requires a long-term strategy.

Anyway, your determination seems promising.

Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: KabitTarah on September 23, 2013, 08:07:01 PM
Quote from: barbie on September 23, 2013, 07:03:50 PM
Yes. It is not an easy job, but it is not impossible.

It is rather easy to loose weight for a short term. For example, you can loose weight considerably within a few months. But for several years, it is not easy at all. Measuring weight everyday is not recommended, because loosing weight requires a long-term strategy.

Anyway, your determination seems promising.


I think it's important to eat sustainably. If your diet now can be continued when you're at your goal weight, and you remain mostly at the same weight... it's probably pretty good. The scale is an important tool. I do terribly if I measure weekly or monthly. I understand statistics and stagnant weight, or an extra pound tomorrow doesn't mean I'm not losing. Stagnant weight for a week or more probably means I need an extra cheat day... and possibly to begin exercising more. It all works for me... and it hasn't stopped working yet (other than one week of no change somewhere around week 5). It has slowed down somewhat since the first month, and will probably slow again once I hit 200 or so.

I can't see going back to the way I was. I think if I were forced back into the closet, I might go back to food... I don't know what other outlet I'd have... but as long as I stay out, I know there are more important things than going back to obesity, diabetes, high cholesterol, etc. The speed one loses weight is only important if they're not doing it in a sustainable way.

I also take a multivitamin and calcium supplements (mmm... tums) twice a day.
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: KabitTarah on October 24, 2013, 12:40:41 PM
Wow... another month (or so) has gone by.

I'm approaching 12 weeks on the diet and I'm at 196.2 this morning.

8/5 - 235 (starting weight, coming-out day)
8/10 - 224.6
8/17 - 220.2
8/24 - 216.8
8/31 - 213.2
9/7 - 212.2
9/14 - 209.8
9/23 - 205.6
9/30 - 204.4
10/7 - 201.0
10/14 - 199.8
10/21 - 197.4
10/24 - 196.2

At this point, I don't know what my goal is or should be. I'm aiming for 180 (top of my BMI range) but ideal body weight calculators ( (medium frame, 35 years old, 5'11") range for 145-155 for women and 150-165 for men... which will be more accurate for me?? (broad chest: male... muscle mass: female)

I'm not anorexic... just want to know what a realistic final weight to aim for is (especially considering I may not reach it before HRT... or after HRT ;))
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Alaia on October 24, 2013, 05:48:55 PM
Wow Kabit, great job!

I'm 6'1" and I'm gunning for 155 if I can. I'm not sure what the ideal BMI is for my height, but I know I was super skinny 20 years ago at 135 lbs. I figure I don't want to go that low cuz I really was a toothpick.
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: KabitTarah on October 24, 2013, 06:15:58 PM
A friend on My Fitness Pal sent me this: (

It's interesting... as Female, I have a large frame... as Male, a medium one... sounds familiar!

Anyhow... I think all of these calculators are nice guesstimates, but not very useful. For me, at 5'11" and 7" wrist this gives me 155-176 for Female and 154-166 for Male... the only calculator ever to give a higher range for a woman with the same stats. I'm going to have my secondary goal of 160-170 (primary goal is 170-180). It just feels reasonable... maybe I can go lower, but I'm not built to be a twig! :D

And HRT part I starts soon... two short months (I should be very close to my primary goal by then).
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: LordKAT on October 24, 2013, 06:48:51 PM
The WHO calculator said between 111lbs and 150.  At 20 I tried to lose weight to get in the navy. If I was male, no prob, but for F no way. I got to 165, had a 27 inch waist, and though very active, and ate only one meal a day often just a few soda crackers. I also ended up in the hospital for malnutrition.   I was quite happy with being 180 and having a 28 to 30 inch waist.

Calculators can be very wrong and calling someone obese due to a chart even when they have no measurable excess fat is wrong.
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: LordKAT on October 24, 2013, 06:54:35 PM
Quote from: kabit on October 24, 2013, 06:15:58 PM
A friend on My Fitness Pal sent me this: (

It won't do anything. I input everything but it does nothing.
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: KabitTarah on October 24, 2013, 07:11:55 PM
Quote from: LordKAT on October 24, 2013, 06:48:51 PM
The WHO calculator said between 111lbs and 150.  At 20 I tried to lose weight to get in the navy. If I was male, no prob, but for F no way. I got to 165, had a 27 inch waist, and though very active, and ate only one meal a day often just a few soda crackers. I also ended up in the hospital for malnutrition.   I was quite happy with being 180 and having a 28 to 30 inch waist.

Calculators can be very wrong and calling someone obese due to a chart even when they have no measurable excess fat is wrong.

I don't trust my BF% scale... they're terribly inaccurate. That leaves weight and inches as my measurement... and the camera. I've been lax on photos, but I try to do them every week or two.

I agree on calculators. They are there for very, very general ideas on goals. I have no doubt I can hit my 180 lb goal (as "Male hormoned") and probably even 170. Without testosterone I figure it can even go a bit lower (due to lower muscle mass)...

... but my plan isn't to aim for 150 hell-bent. My plan is to keep eating as I am and see how low I can get... then maintain or gain just a bit. I average 1600 recorded calories per day (which I figure is actually closer to 1700-1800 with unrecorded and under-recorded items). I eat incredibly healthily. (three meals: Cereal & yogurt, salad & meat, salad & meat).

I want to add exercise and am having a tough time with it. Mainly cardio & core/ab work until AAs... then slowly adding in some muscle work after my T drops. I will have to start eating more, though... I'll probably add a protein shake or something.

If I maintain 180 by doing all that... great. If it's more like 150... super. I assume it will be around 160-180, though... just mainly wondering what the calculators say.

I'll also need to figure on my calorie / exercise balance changing with my metabolism changes (due to AAs and eventually E). The scale and calorie counter (MFP) are the most important tools in balancing health and healthy weight.

Quote from: LordKAT on October 24, 2013, 06:54:35 PM

It won't do anything. I input everything but it does nothing.

...the magic of the internet, I guess. It works for me - I enter my numbers and the "Frame size" and "Ideal weight" fields change.

I fit into size 16 Levi's. That alone makes me pretty darned happy. If that goes to size 14 or 12... you can just call me pleasantly surprised. I'm not going to aim for something that might not be achievable.
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Apples Mk.II on October 26, 2013, 07:26:10 AM
I keep with my weight issues. Yesterday I ate like a pig and did not abuse the cardio, and I still weight under 58 kg.
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: KabitTarah on October 27, 2013, 10:03:15 AM
I'm glad you can keep weight under control with HRT. I'm a little nervous - I think I want to keep losing on AAs (but near-target slow) and probably start maintaining just before E.

Big loss for me today... I'll be up tomorrow. I always seem to lose a lot after stressful days.

194.0, a day's loss of 1.8 lbs!!

I'll almost definitely will be a pound heavier tomorrow (though I've been surprised), but that's still a 0.8 loss and the momentum is good! :D Something to be happy about...
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: KabitTarah on November 24, 2013, 08:01:11 AM
I guess I'm doing this approx. monthly, not weekly. I'm no longer losing fast enough for weekly... and if my mini-binging keeps up I won't be losing fast enough for monthly either ;) And who knows how I'll do on HRT!! Time to get back to JUST SALAD.

Oct Weight: 194.0
Old Height: 5'11"
Old Goal: 180.0 (MAX BMI Normal)

Nov Weight: 189.6
New Height: 5'10"
New Goal: 170.0 (5 lb under Max BMI Normal)

Just shy of 20 lbs to goal weight!!!!!
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: veritatemfurto on December 19, 2013, 06:33:42 PM
oh you've done well, it's been ages since i checked in here too. I seemed to have settled in at around 185ish. still a bit big for my height, but much better than the 220ish i started with.
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: KabitTarah on December 19, 2013, 07:17:28 PM
Quote from: veritatemfurto on December 19, 2013, 06:33:42 PM
oh you've done well, it's been ages since i checked in here too. I seemed to have settled in at around 185ish. still a bit big for my height, but much better than the 220ish i started with.

I've gained at least 5 lbs... and Christmas isn't here yet!!
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Apples Mk.II on December 31, 2013, 10:51:36 AM
Long time since I last stepped here.

My goal moved from losing weight to gaining it. After finding three more centimetres of height, I had to increase weight. Well, Between the 12/12 and today I moved from around 56 to 60-61 kg. I've been gulping a lot of junk food and not exercising since the middle of november due to depression, but I have severe suspicions about spiro being responsible for my inability to keep the weight. Literally, I lived in a semi permanent state of diarrhea for months.

A few days ago I restarted my exercising again. I'm doing a bit more of cardio every day, and being careful with abs and legs. If I don't keep it, I will keep weight at the same time I lost too much muscle, which can be a bad issue if the balance changes.

PS: 4kg and all of them to the gut. God damn it!
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: oh hai! on January 10, 2014, 03:27:11 AM
Posting here for accountability and motivation  :police:

Lost considerable weight and waist circumference last year, but plateaued since around October. Since starting HRT, I've lost muscle mass but not as much weight, so I know what is replacing that muscle mass. Given that lean muscle burns more calories than extra padding, that has added to the challenge. Already eating around 1200-1600 calories/day so all that is really left is for me to ramp up the workouts (aiming for at least 4x /week. as I've slacked of to no times per week.)

Starting weight: 193.
US Sizing for trousers: 14

Goal Weight: 140 lbs.
Goal Sizing: 10

Will report back, even if just to keep me honest every week.
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: TessaMarie on January 10, 2014, 01:05:47 PM
I have been posting in this thread:

I'll keep posting weekly weigh-ins there (for now, anyway).

Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: barbie on January 10, 2014, 03:19:26 PM
I have removed all of the flab in my belly, which was accumulated in last December.
Friday's outdoor exercise.


It was a little bit cold, but anyway....

Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: oh hai! on January 24, 2014, 08:02:10 AM
24/Jan/2014 - Current weight 188.

Weight lost since previous check in: 5 lbs.

Which thread should we post in for the Friday check ins btw?
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: TessaMarie on January 24, 2014, 10:25:29 AM
Quote from: oh hai! on January 24, 2014, 08:02:10 AM
24/Jan/2014 - Current weight 188.

Weight lost since previous check in: 5 lbs.

Which thread should we post in for the Friday check ins btw?
Congratulations!  :D

And I have been using the other thread (,156250.0.html).
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: oh hai! on January 24, 2014, 11:11:18 AM
Thanks Tessa, I'll post in there. Don't want to have too many threads for the same thing going.
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: ShawnaB on April 29, 2014, 01:57:41 AM
so the forum's even warned me this is a stale topic - I haven't posted here in ages.

reading the last page about strategy, lifestyle eating and so on, I agree with all the sustainable arguments. I've just finished the attack phase of the dukan diet and have lost 7lbs in the last 10 days. I read the book cover to cover and just kinda started it and it's been interesting just watching the weight drop. But now's the tricky part - sustaining it. Thankfully there're are some amazing recipies (including from michelin star chefs who went on this diet) and I'm learning to cook too! Largely my food habits tended towards convenience and were just kinda crap. This diet is as much about (re-)education, if not more, as it is about losing weight

And now i'm enjoying food!

Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Adabelle on April 30, 2014, 01:16:29 AM
Loving this thread! I'm so glad it's still alive.

Well, around the time I started this thread I was just coming off 215 lbs. Since then over the last three years I've made it down to 166 lbs. The progress has been slow but I've learned a lot about my health and what works for me and what sets me back along the way. I hope to make it to 157 and I think I'll see how things look at that point.

Courage to all!
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: ShawnaB on May 04, 2014, 01:59:01 AM
just made "diet" Eggs Benedict. If I can eat like this and still lose weight and be healthy, I'm sold.

Another 3lbs gone too.

Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Jessi Lee 1970 on May 18, 2014, 03:24:03 AM
I work at a job where I walk 7-9 miles every day, so I cut my calories to a third of what I was eating and am watching the weight come off slowly, but surely. I'm 5'11" and I weighed 225 on Feb 25th.. my heaviest in my life! But my dysphoria hit hard at the beginning of April and the stress of it plus dieting to help prepare for HRT has helped me overcome years of weight apathy. I weighed in tonite at 195 lbs.  I'd like to get down to 150-160 lbs or so.   :)
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: ErinS on May 30, 2014, 04:02:30 AM
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Jeneva on December 14, 2014, 09:58:59 AM
Bringing this back to life because it has tons of history and may spur other users to reply.

I was using this thread a couple of years ago before I got diagnosed with type I bipolar and started psych meds that cause weight gain.  Unfortunately I'm not starting at the 218 from then, but rather a much higher number.  My medical record shows a steep incline since that med started just shortly after I quick posting the first time.

I will be posting at least bi weekly as I have to provide 14th and 28th on my mood char for my PDoc.


Appointment tomorrow to discuss metformin which often helps psych patients lose weight even if they aren't type II  diabetics.  Also discussing new meds since these are so sedating and may be able to find less weight gain causing meds.

I'm on a 1600 calorie diet and exercising 20-40 minutes 5-7 days a week.
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: silentone on December 29, 2014, 05:48:53 PM
I may begin transitioning again. I have been lurking on the forum for a while now. Two years ago I decided to go with my wishes of the family members I came out to and not transition. My mother thinks it may be the best option since she understands more of everything now. I ended up trying to become as masculine as possible during the time. I ended up gaining lots of muscle working out hours a day in the gym.

I am now 175 pounds at 5 foot 9. I want to get back down to 110-115 pounds like I was 3-4 years ago. I will begin running today for the first time in a long time. I will run for a minimum of 5 miles and hope to get past 8 miles if I can. Hopefully I can get back to running 120-150 miles per week to speed up my muscle loss and fat loss.
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Jeneva on December 29, 2014, 06:12:54 PM
Still heavy exercise but two week weight is

I have got to get off these meds that cause sugar cravings. Meet pdoc again next week.
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Aubrey1day on March 23, 2015, 09:49:01 PM
I decided one of my first steps would be to slim down so I changed what I eat, how much I eat, and started exercising. 5' 7" and 192lbs as of last Monday and I'm down to 186 as of today. =D

Lots of salad, water, fruit for snacks, chicken, and tuna. Plus 60 minutes a day (well except for on Friday) on my Gazelle freestyle elite.
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: awkward-shark on April 12, 2015, 11:01:51 PM
I think I'll join this thread since I need the motivation... I want to lose weight because of health (I'm overweight and have an obesity and diabetes family history) and because the first step to a more masculine look is to lose weight and gain muscle. My biggest motivation is to lose fat on my hips and tighs so I can wear men's jeans.
I'm 5'1'' and currently 81.6 kg (180lbs). My fist goal is to reach 70 kg. (154lbs).
What I'm doing is cutting off junk food and trying to be careful on how much I eat.
I bike to school but I don't really rush then, so I don't think I burn a lot of calories doing that. I try to bike on the mornings as well (I go to school on the evenings) taking longer routes and pushing myself to go faster. I'm biking 3-4 times a week and also doing push-ups, planks, crunches and such to build muscle slowly (it won't be noticeable untill I lose body fat, I guess). I tend to focus on chest and arm exercises to lose fat around my chest area.
My biggest weakness is that I sometimes lack the motivation to pick up my bike, I'm afraid I'll look silly or I'll be slower than other bikers.
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: dex_paradox on April 13, 2015, 06:48:59 PM
I'm around 180 lbs, have lost 16 pounds in the past year (coming down from 196), but would like to weigh around 140
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Felicity R on April 26, 2015, 09:02:37 PM
I sincerely hope this thread can stick around. Weight loss has been one of my primary goals over the last few months. I've lost a fair amount of weight, but I've recently hit a dreaded weight loss plateau (mostly due to less strict calorie counting and slacking off at the gym on my part). I first began making a genuine effort to lose weight around September last year. At the time I weighed about 290 lbs. Last time I weighed myself I was at about 197 lbs. I'm unfortunately rather tall at 6' with a bigger frame, so my goal weight is somewhere around 160-165 lbs. I figure checking in here once a week will help me get serious about losing weight consistently again.
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Venom on April 27, 2015, 08:51:44 AM
A weight loss check-in and encouragement thread? Sign me up!

I started seriously considering my need to lose weight in March of this year, and have made some steps toward making that happen. I've been overweight since I was a young teen, though I played soccer at 13 which helped keep me fit. At 14 all of that stopped due to a medical condition, so I've gained heaps of weight and my fitness level is pretty much nonexistent.

My first step to weight loss was quitting softdrink. This was pretty difficult in that I used to drink softdrink in place of water. The caffeine withdrawal headaches were killer for the few days after I went cold turkey on caffeinated softdrinks, and the sugar cravings weren't enjoyable either. I switched to drinking cordial for about a week, and now I'm drinking water. I'm still not drinking enough water every day, but it's a whole lot better than not drinking it at all.

The next step was a diet change. I used to eat one big meal a day at dinner, where we had take-away more than once a week at times as cooking just wasn't fun when each person wanted something different. More food went to waste than what we actually ended up eating, so we switched to a program that provided a meal plan and the food as well. So far so good, we're five weeks into it now and nobody regrets the change.

The last change for me was exercise. I have muscle weakness and foot drop among other problems, so running is out of the question for the most part. I can jog, but the other problems interfere with that more than my muscle weakness. I've been a bit slack these past two weeks because of the bad weather, and that's on me. However I am switching between cycling and walking. I live near a beach so my exercise route takes me along the beachfront, which is both peaceful and enjoyable when people aren't calling me a fatty from their balconies. It takes me two hours to walk 6kms and one hour to ride 8kms, so some days I've gone on a 2km walk/jog instead of the 6km walk. I'm hoping to get into weight training soon to build muscle, though for now cardio is better than nothing.

My biggest issue at the moment is battling appetite, I've always had a big appetite but when I was eating one meal a day, I would hold off until dinner whilst ignoring concentration issues if I wasn't drinking softdrink. Now that I'm eating three meals a day plus snacks, that hasn't changed. Everyone else in my family is struggling to eat their three meals and snacks, meanwhile I can eat all of my food and whatever they don't end up eating. It's a source of unease for me, they're losing weight quicker while I'm yo-yoing between going up and down and I'm the only one that's exercising and also the only one that's stopped drinking softdrink or coffee. I know I shouldn't compare myself to them, but it's frustrating to not be seeing the results I want... in time they will come.

Overall however, I'm losing weight. When I first started this lifestyle change I was at 107kg (235lbs) and had a BMI of 37.9. Now 7 weeks later, I'm down to 98.8kg (217lbs)and a BMI of 35. Will make an attempt to keep posting here, I could do with the motivation of keeping track of my weight loss.
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: barbie on April 27, 2015, 12:12:31 PM
Quote from: Venom on April 27, 2015, 08:51:44 AM
A weight loss check-in and encouragement thread? Sign me up!

I started seriously considering my need to lose weight in March of this year, and have made some steps toward making that happen. I've been overweight since I was a young teen, though I played soccer at 13 which helped keep me fit. At 14 all of that stopped due to a medical condition, so I've gained heaps of weight and my fitness level is pretty much nonexistent.

My first step to weight loss was quitting softdrink. This was pretty difficult in that I used to drink softdrink in place of water. The caffeine withdrawal headaches were killer for the few days after I went cold turkey on caffeinated softdrinks, and the sugar cravings weren't enjoyable either. I switched to drinking cordial for about a week, and now I'm drinking water. I'm still not drinking enough water every day, but it's a whole lot better than not drinking it at all.

The next step was a diet change. I used to eat one big meal a day at dinner, where we had take-away more than once a week at times as cooking just wasn't fun when each person wanted something different. More food went to waste than what we actually ended up eating, so we switched to a program that provided a meal plan and the food as well. So far so good, we're five weeks into it now and nobody regrets the change.

The last change for me was exercise. I have muscle weakness and foot drop among other problems, so running is out of the question for the most part. I can jog, but the other problems interfere with that more than my muscle weakness. I've been a bit slack these past two weeks because of the bad weather, and that's on me. However I am switching between cycling and walking. I live near a beach so my exercise route takes me along the beachfront, which is both peaceful and enjoyable when people aren't calling me a fatty from their balconies. It takes me two hours to walk 6kms and one hour to ride 8kms, so some days I've gone on a 2km walk/jog instead of the 6km walk. I'm hoping to get into weight training soon to build muscle, though for now cardio is better than nothing.

My biggest issue at the moment is battling appetite, I've always had a big appetite but when I was eating one meal a day, I would hold off until dinner whilst ignoring concentration issues if I wasn't drinking softdrink. Now that I'm eating three meals a day plus snacks, that hasn't changed. Everyone else in my family is struggling to eat their three meals and snacks, meanwhile I can eat all of my food and whatever they don't end up eating. It's a source of unease for me, they're losing weight quicker while I'm yo-yoing between going up and down and I'm the only one that's exercising and also the only one that's stopped drinking softdrink or coffee. I know I shouldn't compare myself to them, but it's frustrating to not be seeing the results I want... in time they will come.

Overall however, I'm losing weight. When I first started this lifestyle change I was at 107kg (235lbs) and had a BMI of 37.9. Now 7 weeks later, I'm down to 98.8kg (217lbs)and a BMI of 35. Will make an attempt to keep posting here, I could do with the motivation of keeping track of my weight loss.

I know how much difficult it is to control appetite. Walking and biking within a few hours tends to increase appetite as the glucose level decreases in blood, but running for more than an hour tends to decrease appetite, as our liver runs out of fuel (glucose) and starts to take it from our body fat, increasing again the glucose level in blood. You may need to walk or bike for more than 4 hours to decrease appetite.

Regarding meals, you have better to eat breakfast and lunch enough and skip dinner to decrease your weight in the long term, but it is very difficult to do in modern society.

Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Gwendolyn_Szabo on April 28, 2015, 09:19:45 AM
I am doing some weight loss as well. I am on adipex at the moment to assist with weight loss because I am quite heavy. I was 330 lbs April 23rd thanks to the medicine, diet, and exercise I am down to 313 lbs in just 5 days. Though I will say that the adipex does pose some difficulty of maintaining a healthy diet because I have absolute zero appetite and could go an entire day without eating so I try to keep my calorie count low (Roughly 1200-1500 quite low for my weight) and eat atleast three times a day.
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: dex_paradox on April 28, 2015, 01:25:02 PM
Quote from: dex_paradox on April 13, 2015, 06:48:59 PM
I'm around 180 lbs, have lost 16 pounds in the past year (coming down from 196), but would like to weigh around 140

Now I'm at 176.
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Tiffers on May 02, 2015, 08:09:19 PM
Hi this is great!  I am trying to lose weight as well - have gained 30 lbs over the past few years and want to get back to where I was.  It will be nice to have a check in.  I lost 2 lbs in my first week.  Now I am 144.5 lbs.
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Felicity R on May 03, 2015, 02:52:12 PM
I weighed in yesterday at 195. I'm mostly just happy to see the scale moving in the right direction again  ;D Weight loss plateaus really are the worst.
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Felicity R on May 09, 2015, 09:49:47 PM
192.8 lbs as of this morning. I've noticed that getting back into running in particular has helped a lot.
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: LordKAT on May 09, 2015, 11:34:46 PM
Small grr, gained a 1/2 pound. 212.4
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: barbie on May 10, 2015, 09:53:28 AM
Today I hiked to the top of Halla Mt. (1,950 m altitude).  It typically takes about 9 hours by walking, but I finished it in 5 hours as I ran whenever the course condition allowed.

Google Earth Simulation of my hiking course.

Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Felicity R on May 16, 2015, 07:34:50 PM
Down to an even 190lbs this week.
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: LordKAT on May 17, 2015, 04:30:08 AM
212.4 I think I need to work on this a bit more. Gratz to all those doing well losing weight. Keep plugging away for the rest of us.
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Nicodeme on May 30, 2015, 02:14:06 PM
141 lbs. Goal is 130.

Today is my "eat whatever" day so hopefully I don't lose too much progress lol.
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Felicity R on May 31, 2015, 02:15:06 PM
Missed my check in last week because I was out of town. I'm currently at 187.4lbs.
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Tiffers on June 02, 2015, 05:27:10 PM
Ok I have missed a few check-ins, but I am down 3.5 lbs so far from where I started a few weeks ago.  145 lbs, goal 120.
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: awkward-shark on June 08, 2015, 10:16:31 PM
I lost 1.7kg (weighed on saturday). I'm currently 78.5kg. My goal is 70.000 kg.
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Felicity R on June 09, 2015, 12:10:55 AM
My last weigh in was at 183.4 lbs on Saturday.
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Alex_or_Ben on July 12, 2015, 06:14:30 PM
I started with 283 lbs and right now I'm at 253.3 lbs.  That is 30 lbs lost!  WHOO.  I'm very proud of myself.  My gym regimen is helping with my body dysphoria, and anything that helps - I'm definitely up to continuing!  I hope you don't mind my continuing this thread since it's been a while since anybody has written in it.  I just need to share this accomplishment, I'm very proud of it.
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: KatelynBG on August 01, 2015, 09:07:35 PM
I just found this thread and no one has posted in awhile. On December 16, 2014 I was 318 lbs and my height is 6'2". This morning I weighed in at 339.6 lbs. That's 79 lbs. I "Let myself go" as part of my deep denial but I have she'd that garbage and am really going for it. My wife wants me to stop at 215 which was the weight I was when I met her but I'm secretly going for 190 which would make me a "normal weight" according to BMI.
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: ChiGirl on August 01, 2015, 09:56:28 PM
Quote from: KatelynBG on August 01, 2015, 09:07:35 PM
I just found this thread and no one has posted in awhile. On December 16, 2014 I was 318 lbs and my height is 6'2". This morning I weighed in at 339.6 lbs. That's 79 lbs. I "Let myself go" as part of my deep denial but I have she'd that garbage and am really going for it. My wife wants me to stop at 215 which was the weight I was when I met her but I'm secretly going for 190 which would make me a "normal weight" according to BMI.
Congratulations, Katelyn!  80 lbs is a heck of an accomplishment.  I'm proud.  I assume you meant 239.  [emoji1]

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Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: KatelynBG on August 02, 2015, 03:52:40 AM
Yes 239 hahaha
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Sarah82 on August 02, 2015, 08:06:10 PM
Decided to join this topic as I have started loosing weight.
I was recently diagnosed with severe sleep apnea and 2 months ago started cpap. I have been told by my doctor that weight loss will be difficult until my metabolism recovers.
I made some dietary changes this year and managed to loose weight but then it stopped.
I'm as of today 270lbs (122.7kg, I'm Australian) that's down from 306lbs(139kg) in December last year.
My goal is 213lbs or 97kg as I am 6'3" that would put me just inside my recommended bmi.
So I'll see you all in a week, hugs,
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Alexandra T on August 04, 2015, 04:25:23 AM
As of my weigh-in this morning, I'm 83.7kg or 184.5lbs. On January 1 last year, I weighed in at my biggest - 112.5kg (246lbs). My goal weight is 77kg (169lbs), which would place me within the 'healthy' range of my BMI, albeit at the far end. Unless I hit another plateau (the bane of us on weight-loss programs...), I should be on target to hit that goal by mid-October. Hopefully.
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Sarah82 on August 14, 2015, 08:28:47 PM
A little late with my check in but I'm down to 120.7 kg (266lbs).
Good luck guys and girls, you can do it.
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Lex Six on August 14, 2015, 08:55:30 PM
I'd consider myself an expert on weight loss. There are no shortcuts, eat less and exercise is an age old but effective mentality. Watch what you eat too, I gave up fast food and junk food a long time ago. Greasy food is addictive if you eat frequently, if you cut it out of your diet you will stop liking it. As far as exercise goes... choose activities you enjoy doing, don't make working out a chore or you won't stick with it. If you want to lose weight quickly you've got to ignore the bruises, pain and blisters. Just grind grind grind!
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Alexandra T on August 15, 2015, 12:00:57 AM
I'm a couple of days late with my check-in as well, but happy to report that I'm down to 82.3kg. I'm still on track to get down to 80kg by the end of the month. Well, as long as I don't give into those naughty cravings...
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Sarah82 on October 31, 2015, 08:18:59 PM
Resurrecting the weight-loss thread.
Klaatu Barada Nikt-ahchoo!
Oh oh.

So a bit late with my check in, for a few weeks my weight plateaued at 112-113kg.
But as of yesterday it started moving again and today I'm 111kg, that's over 25kg(Yay milestone) lost of far and only 14kg till my goal.
My end of year goal is under 100kg.
See you in a week,
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: KatelynBG on November 01, 2015, 07:14:56 AM
Hello all,

In mid-December I decided to change my nutritional lifestyle. I was extremely depressed from GD and had eaten myself nearly to death. On December 14th I weighed 318 lbs. My wife asked, how much weight are you going to try to lose? Thinking for a minute, I said, how about 100 lbs, thinking I'd never get there. She replied, when we first met you were 215, how about that? So I went for it, expecting to fail quickly like all those other attempts.

This morning I weighed in at an even 215 lbs. I can hardly believe it.
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: JenniRP70 on November 01, 2015, 09:17:20 AM
Sunday morning is a good day for me to post to this, before the Sunday roast!!!

In December 2014, once I realised everything about myself and set my goals, I was 93kg (at 5' 10", BMI 28) and set myself a phase 1 target of 80kg.  The main objective is to get sub-80kg and as close to 70kg as possible.  Having progressed well throughout the last 11 months, with help from Bootea, I've reached the point where I slide above/below the 86kg mark and this morning was 85.3kg with a body fat of 20.9%.  Thankfully I'm, closer to phase 1 than the starting point and this is with just a cut down in food intake rather than strict diet and heavy exercise.

My target weight of around 70kg was where I wanted to be prior to beginning HRT so I could accommodate some weight gain and work to try and keep things sensible as the HRT took effect.  Being a little more desperate to take HRT now, I might just try to get to that 80kg mark first and see where things are.
Title: Re: The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement
Post by: Sarah82 on November 11, 2015, 03:32:45 AM
OK a few days late with my check-in but I was waiting to do this:  109.8kg! Woo-hoo! The first time I've been south of 110 since I was a teenager.