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Hiya! Status Update

Started by audreytn, January 22, 2013, 12:47:04 AM

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I've already introduced myself over in the Intro area, but I initially joined in July, and got busy on another forum but the admin team is getting pretty bad over there. 

But I am here now, so I will just give an update on my status.

I am a 32 year old pre-op M2F transwoman.
I knew I was transgender at age 7
Been on hormones since September Estradiol, and Spironolactone
GID therapy since Memorial Day 2012
Full time transition since May 14, 2012
I recently found out 2 days before Christmas 2012, that I was born with both male and female parts...but my parents decided I should be a male 2 weeks after birth.  Obviously it was the wrong choice.  They hid it from me all of my life.

I started having laser hair removal on my face last June.  Couple more treatments to go, then we'll clean up with electrolysis on the rest.
Last week I started having laser hair removal done on my underarms and my chest. 
Next up will be my neck and my stomach area/belly button, and pubic area and genitals. 

I will be moving to Denver in a few months for a fresh start. I've grown tired of the Bible Belt righteous, holier than thou, casting judgement, and fire and brimstone preaching upon me.  Headed home to my Rocky Mountains where I was born, and so I can have a better quality of life healthwise.  Here in Nashville, these allergies are always making me sick and I don't feel good. 

I will get my surgery letters in May, and after I secure a job and housing and save some money, I will be scheduling my lower GRS.  I'll wait on the FFS and the breast augmentation.  I'd rather be an ugly girl with a vagina, than a pretty boy in a dress with a penis.  The lower must be changed and soon. 

I plan to go to Thailand to Dr. Suporn to have my lower surgery done. 

I will probably stay stateside to have my FFS done.  Depending on how my breasts develop, I may or may not have breast augmentation...cross that bridge when I get there. 

I am nearly college educated and will graduate with a Bachelor's in Digital Media Comm in May.  I won't say the University as I have no need to. 

I am self-sufficient, very independent, and most importantly of all, I have very emotionally stable and rational.  I addressed my emotional issues long before I transitioned, and I'm glad I did. 

My transition, has not been the "HELL" I have read about so often, and has not resembled the horror stories I have, but I also had a positive outlook as well, good and supportive friends, a good support system in place, people I can rely on all the time.  I don't fall into the depression state and resort to drinking, drugs, smoking, or being promiscuous.  Not touting myself as better than anyone, but I am just proactive, set myself up for success, as opposed to failure.  This journey is long, and tedious, painful and emotional, but it doesn't have to be HELL, it can be manageable if you want it to be.   :)

I am also not gay, I am bi, enjoy the sexual company of both men and women, however, when it comes to relationships, I will pursue a relationship with a woman, as women are who I am attracted to and I enjoy the company of a woman, her caress, her kiss, and her soft smooth feminine body.  If I get married, it will be to a woman.  Emotionally men do nothing for me.  I find some cute, but not really attracted to men, and can't ever see myself loving one, marrying one or being in a relationship with one. 

Men are like toys, pull them out of the box for a while, play with them, then drop them off at Goodwill for someone else to get at a discounted rate.   ;D   Sorry boys...truth hurts.  poon power rules the world. 


Hi Audrey

Just be careful. We do not list our HRT dosages per TOS 8:
C. The discussion of recommended or actual dosages is strongly discouraged to prevent information obtained on this site from being used to self medicate.

I omitted your dosages.

Jamie D

Welcome back, Audrey.  Congratulations on your impending graduation from college.


Quote from: Annah on January 22, 2013, 02:45:26 AM
Hi Audrey

Just be careful. We do not list our HRT dosages per TOS 8:
C. The discussion of recommended or actual dosages is strongly discouraged to prevent information obtained on this site from being used to self medicate.

I omitted your dosages.

sounds like the rule needs an adjustment then, because being "strongly discouraged"  does not mean it is "not allowed".  I'll respect your decision, but the language in that rule might need to be tidy upped a bit so as there no confusion if it indeed is not allowed, in the future.
