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(Graphic content) Photos of SRS performed by Dr. Suporn Watanyusakul in Thailand

Started by tinkerbell, May 25, 2007, 07:27:27 PM

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Quote from: regina on June 10, 2007, 02:51:05 PM
If it means anything, I was in a discussion on the Yahoo SRS forum where someone stated anyone who didn't go to Suporn was crazy... his technique was that much more advanced than any other SRS surgeon. I then posted 5 random pix of Suporn results I found through Google. None of them were chosen for being problem outcomes, nor people who were dissatisfied with Suporn but, from my aesthetic standpoint, they didn't happen to be results I would have been happy with.

The Suporn supporters on the forum refused to believe the results shown were by Suporn and they refused to believe they were within the last 4 years (except one that was just slightly over 4 years old). They insisted I was doing this to discredit Suporn. My reason for posting them was purely because he's the only main surgeon not represented on the Anne Lawrence site.

Btw, there is a another person who just had SRS from him (she's still in Thailand) who just had necrosis of her graft and has to stay there another 2 weeks. And yet another person who posted at the beginning of that forum's discussion had a flesh-eating infection of her graft (which she didn't inform the rest of the forum of). I have nothing against Suporn but I do have BIG issues with people who claim he's better than other SRS surgeons but keep a blind eye to the frequency of postop complications his patients have. Yes, what he does is more complicated, and yes, there do seem to be a lot more of his patients who have complications or slow recoveries. I wish there would be honestly about this.

Gina M.

exactly my feelings.  i've heard too many horror stories about suporn and other thai surgeons.  i feel sorry for the girls who believe that suporn and others are amongst the best.  nothing could be further from the truth. it's just rubbish!

Laura Eva B

We can all cherry pick good and bad results from a given surgeon ...

Ell deliberately posted a "mediocre result" from Brassard. 

These pics are far more representative and show his very good consistency and remarkable similarity of result, the main reason I went with him.

I'd say my own result was not very different from these, probably even better ....

[removed links]

With Brassard I was sightseeing Montreal in a modest way in the days between my discharge on day 9 and my flight home on day 14 - would you be up and about and up to walking a couple of miles with Suporn around the 10th post-op day ?

The best thing my psychiatrist (Russell Reid) ever did was dissuade me against Suporn (I too was charmed by the "legend" and those oh so clever "viewfoils" on his site).  He said he knew many women under his care who had gone to Suporn and he said they came back physically wrecked by the ardure of the surgery, often looking as if they had aged 10 whole years !  And he knew personally of some recent very problematic outcomes.

Laura x


Oh, boy.

I think that discussing surgeon's worth is perfectly worthwhile.
The oh, they'll all fine because its ugly down argument is wooaa!
But still, the esthetics thing doesn't phase me, everybody's got an opinion.

But, surgery risks and consistency of results, are a totally seperate issue.
That's the one that SHOULD be used to select a surgeon.

The photos online are a small non representative sample no matter the surgeon. Stories, I hear much much more from all sides than pictures can cover. Gets real tiresome after awhile.

Its well known that a plastic surgery patient will defend their own doctor vehemently unless the outcome is catastrophic; I've seen it many times on rhinoplasty forums. Same precise arguments back and forth as for SRS. The patient went with that doctor; saying it was an error, would like admitting to themselves something that maybe your not ready to hear yet (if ever).

There really needs someone, a clearinghouse, who would collect post-op followup information in a way to clear the air. So, we will all stop this he said, she said, eternal pointless diatribe.



Well, again, SRS is not a game and everyone should be aware of what they are about to do before having it performed.

The Downside of SRS

tink :icon_chick:


Quote from: Ell on June 10, 2007, 05:53:18 PMLaura, dear, i did not choose them. that link was posted by Mawd.

May I suggest you take a peek at this site [link removed KA]It's good for getting a decent grasp of what things down there look like on the average woman, then look at the brassard result I posted again and ask yourself "if I saw that on the-clitoris would I think it was out of place", that's why I like that result so much, it's a bit weird but then again so are allot of women.

@laura, Christ! those pics are scary, it's just the way that it looks stuck together and not quite right that puts me off most, and the whole gaping hole vaginal entrance thing.


Quote from: Mawd on June 11, 2007, 01:43:23 AM

May I suggest you take a peek at this [link removed] that's why I like that result so much, it's a bit weird but then again so are allot of women.

[gulp!] tell me about it. that's possibly more information than i needed.
thanks, i think


It really was an eye opener for me, I've never been with a girl before, looking at that and then looking at some porn really shows how unnatural the average guy's image of a vulva really is.


Vulva's go from kinda messy, to oh so prim.
So look like party fiends while other look like virginal debutantes.

Though after seeing 50 or more, it kind of all blends into one.

I feel so naughty and
slightly embarassed looking at the slick "excited" ones...   ;D


Geez Mawd, I had never seen anything like it so closely...Thank you for the enlightening experience.  I was just going through the link and saw this.  IMHO, that looks like a small penis.  If that is ,in fact, a clitoris, that person may be intersexed or her genitals are chemically masculinized. ???

tink :icon_chick:


Well these photos are just what a nervous girl needs to see before she goes to see Suporn in a few months.

Actually I had seen these pics before deciding to go but I have also seen lots more which look a lot better. I've also seen some of his results in real life close up and was really impressed. Of course there are lots of photos from other surgeons that are just as scary.

The dilation regime and extended recovery time seem to be the biggest problem of his technique but thats why I have three months off work.

See you on the other side.



Good luck to you Anonymouse and more power to you.   :D
I think it is true that every surgeon has poor results at times including the heavily favored N. Am. surgeons apparent on this thread, but I think it's pretty sad when girls use a few bad examples to beat up a surgeon whose dedicated his career to helping T's.  There are many, many more girls who quite obviously have been thrilled w/ Dr. Suporn and his staff.  I hope you are among them when you wake up, hon.
As for myself, just to be on the up and up, I'm still pre-op, but it's come down to Bowers or Suporn.  I have two friends, one going to each very soon, and I think it's pretty shabby the way girls talk down accomplished surgeons on this site sometimes.  It especially annoys me that the assumption is made that girls who go to Thailand have no money and/or no sense.  Get off it, girls.  :police:
I like Meltzer ALOT as a person and know his results are good, but nobody's cutting me twice, I don't care how many limosines they send to pick me up at the hotel.


Wow, that was an awesome sight!  (pun intended)

But, it's weird to look at a photo and see someone that looks exactly like you down there.

pretty pauline

I found this to be a most interesting topic, we can all have the benefit of hindsight, we should have done this and should have done that, when I woke up from my surgery 22years ago my new vagina looked gross, at the time it wasn't 100% success, anyway to make a long story short, I went to another surgeon who preformed labiaplasty, a cosmetic procedure around my vulva, anyway now my vulva looks normal, looks very similar to the photo in Tink's link, infact it could be me in hindsight I probably go to a different surgeon, I also had a lot of nerve ends removed, which explains why I'v no sensation in my clitoris, male partners got more enjoyment from my vagina than I did lol, but at this stage it doesn't bother me, I prefer to be cuddle, fondle and caress by a man, whisper sweet nothings in my ear, prefer all that, than sex, I get no enjoyment from sex, so if a guy has sex with me, I just fake it, keeps the guy happy.
My FFS surgery was and still is more important that SRS, when I went for FFS, I had the full works, eyebrow lift, rhinoplasty, the scar where I had my trachea shaved is well healed and no longer seen, today I'd never pass as a male even if I wanted to, 2years ago I had botox injections around my eyes to treat wrinkes, but I didn't repeat the procedure, well we can't stay young forever.
Im no regrets having SRS, I just regret the surgeon and its a pity there wasn't more information, at the time all I wanted was a vagina and the other thing gone, no internet in them days, anyway every morning when I step out of the shower and glance in the mirror, I see, yes, difinitely a girl.
If your going thru hell, just keep going.


Hi Pretty P,

Just wont to say hi and I like your post, which is very realistic and mature... Thanks for sharing...

A.R.  :)


Links removed. Blah! So I don't know what people are talking about.



Quote from: ell on November 03, 2007, 04:55:54 PM
Quote from: gothique11 on November 03, 2007, 02:10:39 PM
Links removed. Blah! So I don't know what people are talking about.

Aw Gothique, you are so silly. post-op pics are available all over the internet. but, here's is the play by play of the pics that were posted on this thread.

1) Tink started by showing a page which presented a trans woman who had her SRS done by Dr. Surgeon 1

2) Soon, girls were saying how awful it looked. and one girl posted some pics by Surgeon 2, which she said were better.

3) Then, another girl posted pics by Surgeon 2, which some people said were also appalling.

4) Finally, a girl posts a series of pics of ordinary natal women's um, gear, and then everybody also says, Ewww!

5) Moral of the story is it's all raw, sweetie. it's raw like sushi!!!


Oh, okay, thnx. :)

What do people expect? Vagina's aren't that pretty. Sure, I wouldn't like some mutilation or something that looks so off kilter that when a girlfriend goes down there she thinks it a Picasso painting. LOL So, of course, something that looks within the range is fine, but sometimes I don't know what people honestly expect as for looks. I've seen all kinds of different ones.

And to a side note, penises aren't pretty, either. (ick) LOL



I would also like to add that the clitoris is like a mini penis, when it is aroused it stands up and hard just like a penis, and it has a hood like an uncircumcised penis.  That is what is taken off in some cultures, which takes away the sensitivity of that area and the women's pleasure.
The picture of the vag with the enlarged clit was taken probably in an aroused state and maybe dark-skinned women have larger ones. ???  But they are still all within normal range as far as I know.  My 2 cents worth.


I clicked on your link and all I got was Barney Frank. What happened? It sounds like some bad surgery from Suporn. I do know some girls who used Suporn and they liked the out come. I don't know what these pictures look like as, like I said, all I got was Barney Frank picture. If that is what you mean, that would be the ugliest Vagina around. I went to Thailand and I feel I got a good surgery. It looks like a vagina, I have sensation and enough depth for me and what I had told my surgeon. I went to Dr. Preecha and I have had absolutely no problems. I was at work after 5 weeks, I admit that I took it really easy though. Bad surgeries could happen to any surgeon, even Dr. Melzer. I have even heard of thing happening to Brassard and the other surgeon in Canada. Lets face it, it can happen. I didn't go to Bowers at the time of my surgery as she was botching things up. I heard since then she has got her act together and is doing a good job. There is still the chance of something happening.


QuoteAnd 4 hours recommended daily dilation even at six months !

It just rests my case that cosmetically Suporn is easily the worst of the "name" surgeons .... I'm still looking for independent links to "pretty" Suporn outcomes that might substantiate his claimed status as the "best" !

Guess the only reason to go to Suporn is that he requires no "letters" or referrals, and pretty much operates on demand if you have the cash.

All not true. I been to Suporn and my experience and all those I met and talked to that went to Suporn have nothing but praise. Just as Dr.O has great success and my experience. No matter how great you are someone for some reason will bad mouth you. These people would not be in such demand if they did not have a good track record.

He does require letters and dilation is 1 hour twice a day for 6 months. There are others that are less expensive but money cost was not my concern. I went to the very best because it is my body.