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Non-Binary Introductions

Started by ativan, October 20, 2011, 04:08:48 PM

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        A warm welcome to you from another who is bi-gendered, presents mixed gender, slightly confused but happy.  ;D


Welcome and see you around the forest here.


My name is Dacey (although I go by Dace) and I am 19. I have always known I was a manly kind of a girl but only recently have I come to discover that the "official" name for how I have always felt is androgynous.
Firstly, my real name really is Dacey, which is extremely lucky because it is both rare and unisex, so it is not something I ever have to worry about. I prefer to be called Dace because... well I just do, it sounds pretty funky in my opinion.
I am extremely comfortable with my sexuality (pansexual) and gender identification and I refuse to be bullied at all. However I am an easy target due to my asperger's and strange appearance. I am fairly Gothic and enjoy piercings and other body modifications, they allow me to feel pain in a controlled way whilst boosting how awesome I look.
For years now I have only worn oversized men's shirts because they make me feel more comfortable, as well as unisex boots (anything from large "mosher" boots to Doctor Martens). I generally hate feminine things and find myself interested in the more stereotypical "manly" things. One of the biggest loves in my life (probably due to my asperger's) are JCB diggers. Most people think this is a strange obsession but I just love them so much!
In other things, I have gay and trans friends so I'm not alone in real life, although nobody fully understands how serious I am about how I describe my gender identity: "I do not identify as female, please stop emphasising that I am a girl". My current struggles only include how to make it clear to people that this is my gender identity, other than that I am extremely happy.
So far this forum has shown me kindness and I am thankful for that, I hope to speak with many of you over the course of my being here. :D


Hey Dace welcome, you came to the right place and you fit right in!  :)


Seconding the welcome! :) Your piercings sound pretty bad*ss! If you don't mind my asking, what kinds do you have?


Hey Shantel and Brainiac, thank you for your greetings.
In regards to my piercings I have 4x ear (soon to be a lot more), 3x lip (snakebites + vertical labret), 2x nipple and 1x tongue, so ten all together so far :). I also have two scarification cuttings (just a little extra there aha).
I'm always happy to talk and answer questions I have nothing to hide. :P I also love to be a listening ear to anybody that may need it. I don't believe my message centre is open yet but when it is I'm more than happy to chat.



Hi i am brand new to this website  I am in my late 50's i was born female and have had to identify with the lesbian community.  Since back in the 70's you did not ask for a sex change in a small town .  I have learn to just be me but was never happy with the body i was given.  I have dated mostly straight women who wanted to be with a women.  So i enjoy sex with women, and still do.  I know in my head i have a big ass penis.!!  So its good to find a site i can just reach out and read .  I have come to accept  the i am bi gender.  but my male side is so damn strong.. i cant find the female sometimes.. So i want to start packing, again it helps .  But i can also go without packing..because someone once said sex and who you really are is all in your head.. AND i know because he is always there..
Thanks for listening


Welcome MickeyK03!

Lots of topics to look through, there are older pages of them, too.
Some short lived, others have been running a long time.
And new topics are always welcome, but look through the ones already up, their pretty good and informative.
We're a diverse group here, learn from each other, always.
So ask and advise.
A Moderator should be along shortly with some stuff for you.

On the run,  :icon_walk:


Hi! I'm a female bodied Pansexual Monoamorous Androgyne from Upstate NY.

I currently present as a "Soft Butch" woman, and don't much fuss myself over pronouns, because I really don't feel like having to educate every single person I meet about gender neutrals, and I don't identify as 'he' or 'she' so they're going to get it wrong either way. I'm actually a little chuffed when I get called 'he' since 'she' happens most of the time... like it's evening the scales or something.

Here, where you get it, as among close friends, I'd love to be 'xe.'

I have been content for most of my life as being regarded someone who "doesn't really COUNT as a GIRL" but the older I get the less that's a thing, especially since I left college in 2006. Like I was going to grow into being binary gendered.

I also mostly feel like I'm not REALLY trans, compared to my FTM and MTF friends, but my closest friend, who's MFT, who apparently I inspired to transition during an attempt to get her to stop being ashamed to have aspergers, (take off the mask and be yourself, yadda yadda yadda) has in turn been encouraging me to want more than just to tolerate being regarded as a "boyish woman."

So... that's how I got here... because it seems like the only good forum out here for this... and I'm hoping to learn, and stick around long enough to pass on that knowledge to others.


PS: I'm also super sad that "Negative. I am a meat Popsicle" was not a valid answer for "Are you human?" in the spambot filter questions.


Hi Mayo...
     You came to the right place, welcome!  :eusa_dance:

Ms. OBrien CVT

Hi Mayonnaise, :icon_wave:

Welcome to our little family. Over 10707. That would be one heck of a family reunion.

Feel free to post your successes/failures, Hopes/dreams.  Ask questions and seek answers. Give and receive advice.

But remember we are family here, your family now. And it is always nice to have another Andro.

And be sure to check out these links ( MUST READS )

Janet  )O(

It does not take courage or bravery to change your gender.  It takes fear of living one more day in the wrong one.~me


Thanks Ms. OBrien!

That saying in your sidebar: "It will be alright in the end... and if it is not alright, it's not the end."

That something Molly (my MTF bestie) says to me all the time when I'm having anxiety attacks.

I think I'm going to like it here.


Jamie D

Ms. O beat me to the punch, but a warm welcome to Mickey, Dace, and Mayonnaise.

Dace, I have an entire topic dedicated to the Docs I wanted so bad, but could not get in my size.  >:(

Mickey, I am like to flip side of the coin from you.  Yep, we did not have a lot of options, or access to information in the 70's and 80's.   8)

Mayo, me and pronouns have a tacit agreement.  I don't get upset if one is used for me, and they don't get upset when I use the plural form for everybody.  ;)


Hmm... I seem to have missed welcoming some of you, lately.
Consumed with things lately.
So Welcome!
(trying to catch up around here)


Quote from: Mayonnaise on April 04, 2013, 01:29:49 PM
Hi! I'm a female bodied Pansexual Monoamorous Androgyne from Upstate NY.


So... that's how I got here... because it seems like the only good forum out here for this... and I'm hoping to learn, and stick around long enough to pass on that knowledge to others.

Hey Mayonnaise, Welcome here :-) ! There are many of us who do not fit into the gender binary. I come from the other side, but still in a similar situation as yours :-)



Hi all!  I'm Dana.  (Woohoo unisex birth name!)  I'm female by birth and have thought a lot about whether I'd be more comfortable as a male since about age 16, but this is the first year that I've started opening up about it to family and friends.  (I'm 26.)

I always thought of the question of whether I'm transgendered as a strict yes or no thing - basically I needed to get in touch with myself and figure out "what I really am", like an abstract sense of being a "real man" or a "real woman".  For about a year I've been trying something else, which is to just look at it as a bunch of different preferences and desires and learn what works for me by trying stuff.  Not surprisingly, it's been way more productive.  : )  Some of the changes I've made (presenting male part-time in public, packing around the house, just being open about it with people I'm close with) have made me a much calmer and happier person. 

So far I'm pretty certain I don't want to go on T or do top surgery, but I'm still not sure whether I'm going to go full-time male socially, or swing back and forth.


Welcome! You have already fit right in here!
A moderator should be along shortly with an official forum welcome and info.

Ms. OBrien CVT

Hi Dana, :icon_wave:

Welcome to our little family. Over 10786. That would be one heck of a family reunion.

Feel free to post your successes/failures, Hopes/dreams.  Ask questions and seek answers. Give and receive advice.

But remember we are family here, your family now. And it is always nice to have another brother/Andro.

And be sure to check out these links ( MUST READS )

Janet  )O(

It does not take courage or bravery to change your gender.  It takes fear of living one more day in the wrong one.~me


Thank you!  I'm really happy I came across this site.  Looking forward to getting to know all of you better.


Hey Dana,
      Welcome to our gang!  :)