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The All New 'Before & After Topic (v 2.0)

Started by Jennygirl, July 01, 2013, 03:41:32 AM

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Wow!! thank you all so much for the kind words. It really means a lot to me. Miranda, you are so inspiring to me - such a beautiful woman. Well done.

<3 Di

Miranda Catherine

Quote from: PrincessDi on July 09, 2013, 10:01:10 PM
Wow!! thank you all so much for the kind words. It really means a lot to me. Miranda, you are so inspiring to me - such a beautiful woman. Well done.
<3 Di
Di, thank you so very, very much. You know what I said and wrote about you when I first saw you and read your blog. You're a truly beautiful young woman, inside and out, and you'll still far outdistance my looks when you get my age, girl! You're one of the truly gorgeous, cis born looking girls. Just remember, God gave you a wonderful gift, so appreciate His work (and yours, obviously!) when you look in the mirror. God bless you, sweetie! Mira
These three years have been the best of my entire life
ones I've been able to live without lying
and the only time I've had since the age of twelve
I haven't constantly thought about dying



Videos. 1 year  into transition (April 2012) and then 1 month ago (June 2013):

My face got rounder. lol




Love your hair cut Kelly! Frames your face so well


Quote from: Keaira on July 10, 2013, 06:09:43 AM
1 year  into transition (April 2012) and then 1 month ago (June 2013):

My face got rounder. lol

You've come a long way Keaira, you both have!


I should have made a before video. But, when you really hate your own appearance, you kind of dont want to. I was on a low estrogen dose ar the time of the 1st video.


Just joined this forum a few days ago.  I must say everyone I've seen looks amazing!!!  It's great to see all the authentic beauty everyone is allowing to show through as their true self. 


Carrie Liz


...which means I'm overdue to update my "Before and After" pictures. So here we go:

First off, a before and after of just my face... no wigs, no nothing, just my natural appearance:

Before: (1/8/13)

After: (7/11/13)

Next up, a before and after of myself with wigs on, attempting "girl mode"...

Before: (1/30/13, 4 weeks into HRT)

After: (7/11/13)

And finally, full body!

Before: (4/25/2009)

After: (7/11/13) [side note: no feminizing trickery here, IE padded bras or hip pads or anything... just my natural body now.]

HRT is awesome!!! And this is only 6 months in. I can't wait to see what I'll be looking like by the end of the year!

Till next time...

Love ya!



OMG Carrie Liz, you are totally rad girl! What a huge change in your transition, kudos!


Hey folks, I've been reading stuff on this forum on and off for years. I just came across this before/after thread and WOW it's AMAZING!

This is my first post so go easy on me eh? :P

I'll take a quick bit of time to tell yall a little about me:

I'm 39, born with Reifensteins Syndrome, also known as Partial Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome (Grade 2/3). I had problems with my testicles since birth since they never descended until I was 8. I had problems with male puberty so long story short, my pediatrician put me on testosterone shots.

I got seriously depressed, because I loved the androgynous body and face I had before testosterone. My voice didn't even really started to break until the testosterone. I got out of my parents house as soon as I could and moved away. Tried to play the male game, I became a FAA licensed aircraft maintenance tech. I tried to play butch, but I was always read as effeminate or gay even though I married a woman when I was 21. My wife knew about my unusual body, and the problems I had with puberty and how testosterone shots made me feel physically and psychologically.

I wound up stopping the testosterone, because it was causing dangerously high blood pressure and keeping my glucose levels up. I hated my male body, facial hair, some arm hair and chest hair (thank god, I never got back hair and the chest I had was sparse, thin and not much of it). I told her due to being born with Reifenstein's, I was sterile - but she wound up falling in love with me anyway.

Fast forward to 2006: I was developing a lot of pain in my testicles, and found out I was entering the first stage of testicular cancer most likely due to my testes not descending until I was 8. So I had a bilateral orchiectomy in 2007. I wanted to transition then, but I decided to see how I felt once the testosterone was out of my body - maybe I would be 'healed' of feeling female. In short: no. Depleted of testosterone brought me psychological relief, I still had to transition.

2010: I started HRT, had a bunch of electrolysis, laser on the face, Radiesse to my cheeks and Restalyne to my lips

2013: I'm just a normal, happy person neither 100% male nor 100% female, but somehow, somewhere in the middle who is mentally and physically androgynous still married to the love of my life who stuck by my side through all of this


Here is a link to a video of mine on Youtube that shows a lot more pictures in your typical "before/after" slideshow thingy.

You are all beautiful!



Jamie D

Hi there and welcome Mikki!  This topic is inspirational isn't it.  Part 1 has rolled down off page 1, but it can still be found.


Wow, Carrie Liz!  This has to be (without a doubt) one of the best transitions I've seen in the 15 or so years I've been around.  You should be very proud with what's happened in such a short period of time. ;)


The main things to remember in life are Love, Kindness, Understanding and Respect - Always make forward progress

Superficial fanny kissing friends are a dime a dozen, a TRUE FRIEND however is PRICELESS

- V M


Thanks V M.  :)

I don't identify as transgender/sexual... I guess I fall somewhere in the gender queer section.  ::)

All my life people said I had to look/be/act male. Then I transitioned to 100% female (minus SRS I "think" I'm happy with just the orchiectomy) and wasn't happy. I felt too conscience about my surroundings; meaning always wondering If I was getting "read". I live in Ft. Worth Texas. Not a too GLBT friendly town. So I started dressing androgynously (is that a word?). To me, gender isn't about clothes, make up, shoes, jewelry, perfume, etc. it's about being comfortable in ones skin. I feel very... no, V E R Y fortunate having come from a loving Italian/eastern euro background. My family would fight for me and protect me at all costs - not accost me, so I knew I had their support. :) My mother was afraid I was going to turn into some Jerry Springer miniskirt, high heel wearing, well, you get the idea.  ::) My changes were subtle. I did the hormone thing and gave it time. Took pictures each month to document the progress as you could see from the Youtube link in my original post. I figured it was time to go fulltime when in 'male' clothes, I was getting "maam/miss" when out and about - in which I did.  ;D The only time I got "dressed up" was to go to a function with my family at some redneck play in this hick town and I wore a full length dress, heels, professional makeup applied and got my hair done. Everyone was staring esp. my brother in law. I asked him if I looked like a freak show and he said 'no, you look gorgeous.' which shocked the hell out of me since he's a crazy ass redneck.  :D My in-laws had a hard time at first, but now they keep their opinions to themselves. My wife who loves me to death, I could tell a bit of her was constantly in mourning after I fully transitioned. So between that and me always worrying about being 'read', I found this wonderful balance between male and female. I still get maamed and now stared at when I talk as a male, but whatever, I just hit this "I just don't care what people think" point. I just tell them I'm the prettiest um, male you will ever meet next to Andrej Pejic.  :angel:  >:-)


How come I cant add a picture next to my name? It says I'm a "visitor"


The main things to remember in life are Love, Kindness, Understanding and Respect - Always make forward progress

Superficial fanny kissing friends are a dime a dozen, a TRUE FRIEND however is PRICELESS

- V M


@Mikki, welcome, wow, you have come through on the right side of a difficult early years. A remarkable video of your transition. As you say "blessed," to have your health, a supportive family, friends and a loving wife that has come out on the right side with you. Have a Great life.

@Carrie, you are blazing a trail to Beauty in a short time. Love the last pic.

We are made of star stuff - Carl Sagan
Express Yourself
Own your zone


Thanks V M and Jamie - I couldn't find where it said about being able to post an avatar! Awesome group of folks here!

Cheers!   8)



Carrie Liz

Quote from: Byron on July 11, 2013, 10:23:15 PM
Wow, Carrie Liz!  This has to be (without a doubt) one of the best transitions I've seen in the 15 or so years I've been around.  You should be very proud with what's happened in such a short period of time. ;)

Wow... completely was not expecting to get a comment like that! Thank you! :D

And yes, I am indeed very happy with it. This is the first time in my entire adult life that I've actually started to like my own body.

Thanks so much, everyone! I couldn't have done it without your support, as well as the inspiration from this very topic. Just 7 short months ago, I still believed that it was completely impossible... that I would always be stuck in a body that I hated. And then I stumbled onto this very thread, and it was one of the primary things that gave me hope that it really was possible. And now here we are!

Thank you so much everyone! Thank you! :D :D :D