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The Official "You Look....Alright" Thread

Started by Pica Pica, May 21, 2011, 02:26:03 PM

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Quote from: Shantel on August 01, 2013, 06:32:24 PM
Been missing you Ativan, hope it wasn't anything I said. I have been known to have a foot in mouth problem at times.
As have I


Quote from: Ativan Prescribed on August 01, 2013, 12:35:35 PM
I'm always checking in for a look-see.
There was a comment a while back that I took offense to.
It triggered some problems that I'm dealing with.
Nothing related to gender, but it was something that was coming on anyways.
Working my way through a CPTSD thing. It's difficult, there's to much to take in about it.
So I just lurk for the most part here lately.
If you use facebook, you can find me there, same name, same old Ativan.
Susans has been pretty quiet. I don't seem to find it in me lately to comment much,
but I have here and there.
Oh, one of these days I'll be making a page long comment again, lol.
You can count on it.  ;)
found you.
good to know you're lurking at least. i tend to forget even that when a forum is quiet. then i come back just to see that people have missed me.
always weird to realize i'm not invisible. that someone even finds me worth remembering.


I just returned from my ever first trip to Hong Kong. Frankly speaking, once is enough and I am not willing to visit Hong Kong again. But it was any way nice as I traveled with my family. People were kind and it was a very safe place. The water quality in the harbour does not seem to be good, as it is summer. It smells bad. Air conditioning was too strong for us. Except shopping centers, not so much to see around. I missed forests and grasses in my home town.

Me in Hong Kong:

Behind me is a statue of Bruce Lee in the harbor area. It was dawn and I was running around.

Just do it.


     I like the yellow shorts and black top, nice eye catching combo!

Adam (birkin)

I have to admit, I am jealous of your life Barbie. You always look so happy for one, and you always have such beautiful scenery behind you!


Quote from: caleb. on August 08, 2013, 05:09:48 AM
I have to admit, I am jealous of your life Barbie. You always look so happy for one, and you always have such beautiful scenery behind you!

She is indeed a very serene self-assured type of person, always looks darling in whatever she's wearing and those great looking long stems are absolutely to die for!


Quote from: caleb. on August 08, 2013, 05:09:48 AM
I have to admit, I am jealous of your life Barbie. You always look so happy for one, and you always have such beautiful scenery behind you!

Thanks! Caleb and Shantel, always.

I also have thought that I am far different from most m2f transgender people here in my country. I have a very stable job, do not transition, and get some respect from my students or colleagues regarding academia. It is sometimes difficult to maintain some authority, which people here request me as a male professor. Fortunately young college student here do not care so much about what I wear.

Yes. I think sometimes not transitioning can be better for m2f transgender people, especially those who have wife and children.

After cutting my hair short, it becomes more difficult to pass as a woman, but anyway I can endure it.

Just do it.



Lara the Lover and the Fighter



welcome, ryanu! looking very alright there.

@barbie: your long hair was so nice, it's almost sad that it's gone. but you're a beautiful enough person that you don't really need it.

Jamie D



Oops, perhaps I can't exactly stay anymore in the forest...



You'll always have the forest as home anytime you like.


Quote from: Taka on August 10, 2013, 11:44:33 AM
welcome, ryanu! looking very alright there.

@barbie: your long hair was so nice, it's almost sad that it's gone. but you're a beautiful enough person that you don't really need it.

Yes. Many people have responded to my shortened hair, and most of them say they prefer my short hair. Fortunately, a few say they miss my long hairs, which I like to hear.

Yesterday I went to a nearby beach with my wife and daughter. I was just so so.

Finally the summer begins to retreat.

Just do it.


so so? that is also alright on some days.

Quote from: soulfairer on August 15, 2013, 11:56:45 PM
Oops, perhaps I can't exactly stay anymore in the forest...

looks like your avatar or at least very close.

i'm pretty sure the only prerequisite for visiting the forest is... wanting some fresh air, feel like going for a walk. looks at least don't matter at all, you'd only make the forest an even more interesting and beautiful place to be.


Quote from: soulfairer on August 15, 2013, 11:56:45 PM
Oops, perhaps I can't exactly stay anymore in the forest...

It looks like the former guy is rapidly giving way to someone with a rather pretty face!


Quote from: Ativan Prescribed on August 16, 2013, 12:32:47 AM
You'll always have the forest as home anytime you like.

Thank you, Ativan! I'll stay :) Long time no see, but we always come and go!

Quote from: Taka on August 16, 2013, 05:36:06 AM
so so? that is also alright on some days.
looks like your avatar or at least very close.

i'm pretty sure the only prerequisite for visiting the forest is... wanting some fresh air, feel like going for a walk. looks at least don't matter at all, you'd only make the forest an even more interesting and beautiful place to be.

Thank you! It's just that some people said I wasn't being so androgynous in my current stage, but... But we can try :)

Quote from: Shantel on August 16, 2013, 07:55:22 AM
It looks like the former guy is rapidly giving way to someone with a rather pretty face!

:)) thank you! That was hard to achieve (3-year HRT, since 2010) and let's see how it goes next year!


Quote from: Alice In Genderland on August 17, 2013, 07:01:03 AM

I wasn't allowed to be myself anymore due to my girlfriend wanting me to be more "manly".  Happy times.  What I have learned, don't change yourself for anyone, love is great but its not worth pretending to be something you're not.

That's one of the first self-realization steps for any trans-person. Once you arrive at that point and those emotional shackles are removed then it's easy to forge ahead with your life as "the real you!"


@ soulfairer
We can have any gender role we want.
Our gender identity is who we are.
Even if you have multiple identities, and even gender roles.
If one of them fits here, it's home.
Not everyone stays here all the time.
There are vacations or better still, adventures and quests.
Life isn't something to stand and stare at, go live it.
Knowing you will always be able to call this place a home.


@ alice: that color suits you. what a shame if you stopped wearing it just because it isn't "manly" enough. once upon a time, only men could wear such colors, strong reddish colors were considered too aggressive for a woman.