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Video Games You Regret Purchasing

Started by King Malachite, July 29, 2013, 07:48:53 PM

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I bought Alan Wake on Steam one day, because it was super cheap. Thank goodness it wss cheap because I played it for all of 10 minutes, couldn't get the controls to work right, and haven't gone back since. I don't know if the port to PC was crap or if the game is just crap.



I hope I'm not thrown out of here for this, but I regret ever buying Borderlands 2. OMG it was horrible. What on earth was the company thinking with this. The first was awesome, but the second......sooo many problems and not enough time or energy to explain them all.


I agree with PaleDragoness about Borderlands 2.
Brink... That game I was so excited for when that came out. Worst launch of a game I've ever bought so many bugs.
Gears: Judgment was another one that was pretty bad. I loved and competed competitively in the prior Gears titles. 
Byes!!!! It's been real but this place isn't for me. Good luck in the future everyone.

♥︎ SarahD ♥︎

Hands-down: Duke Nukem Forever! *headdesk*

I know that's kinda "jumping on the bandwagon" and all, but for very good reason - that game was freakin' *AWFULL*!
"You never find the path to your true self, but rather - you find your true self along the path"


Recently: X Rebirth.
Played as much as I could stomach (an hour) and haven't looked back. Which is a crying shame. :(
Don't lose who you are along the path to who you want to be.



Games i regret purchasing?

Dreamcast: Chronicles of Pern Dragon Riders. I admit I bought it because the art work on the cover was beautiful and I thought I was really going to ride of dragons...No...It's a cutscene and although epic and majestic wasn't what I was a expecting. Also the game was flawed day one. It took 2-6 tries to get the disc to load (it wasn't the dreamcast as every other game played splendidly). Once the system heated up, or whatever I was doing at that tender young age, the game loaded and you will discover it's rushed. Alot of voice were redubbed badly and the game would freeze if it got too excited or you move awkwardly. I enjoyed the game I still regret buying it

N64: bought WCW Mayhem after remembering how cool it was when I was a kid....Big mistake The animations for the intros were good but I failed to remember the bad wrestling machincs. Even thought I got it cheap yeaa. I wish I hadn't bought it..


PS3: Regret buying COD: MW2. It brought out a very old and unwanted competitive side within me and I rage quick quite alot on the campaign. I also don't like certain graphics scenes I had to grit through to finish the game. Eventually I had a major rage quit and broke the disc and chucked it and all its' contents in the bin. I regret the money and the time I wasted on that game.
What do the eyes say when you look into them? What do you see?


Metroid: Other M.  I played it for about 30 minutes in 2010 and haven't touched it since...
Sometimes I blog things

Of course I'm sane.  When trees start talking to me, I don't talk back.



Quote from: Anna 2.0 on December 01, 2013, 07:33:24 PM
Metroid: Other M.  I played it for about 30 minutes in 2010 and haven't touched it since...
totally agree. Such a horrific piece of sexist crap to bear the Metroid title....



Quote from: Jaelithe on December 01, 2013, 08:04:51 PM
totally agree. Such a horrific piece of sexist crap to bear the Metroid title....

I'm currently working on a video review for it. But unfortunately, I had to buy it again and play it... again... to get footage. I don't think I can make it through this...
I'm not here to decorate your world.


Recently... Lost Planet 3 on PC. Got it right when it came out. Waste of 60$ or whatever the hell it costed me. Storyline is not that great and the online multiplayer has so much issues and they are not even trying to fix them and it has been MONTHS. Never again.


Halo Wars. I used to be into Halo as could be AND I love RTS games. I was wary of a console RTS because they have never been easy to control. Well my friend convinced me that it was worth getting and sure enough it was terrible. We bought the collector's edition too.
Trying to take it one day at a time :)


Hellgate London and defiance are the two worst offenders. IMO
Be the change you wish to see in the world


I have found that there aren't too many games I regret buying, I think I have regreted many more book purchases than games, and it is mainly because in general Video games have such great reviews. What I mean by this is with things like metacritic, youtube, and friends who buy the games it is reasonably reliable for me to know enough about a game to know if I would enjoy it or not (whereas with books the reviews seem pretty inconsistant, and lots of times reading the back of the book or rather the Amazon description is all you have).

That isn't to say I never regretted buying any. I sorta regretted buying Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Hearthfire, mainly due to the fact that it was basically a package of things that mods already did, and jumping thru the hoops to build your house was a bit of a needless grind of gathering materials, Dawnguard was awesome, but I am indifferent to Dragonborn, even though i did pay for it.

Whatever games I buy, I get very cheaply, lots of games from 2010-2011 are $5-$10 on steam sales and will run at max settings on my cheap hardware (Asus G75vx, and A10/R7 260x powered desktop). I would never spend much on games mainly due to needing money for transition.
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I only really have played ps3, but I have a long list
I regret buying
Saints row the third because the graphics sucked and I was not drawn to the story at all
Uncharted 3  the multiplayer is horrible and the story was nothing compared to Uncharted 2 (and I shamefully payed for the season pass and I am also ridiculously good at the Multiplayer),
Beyond two Souls because the story wasn't worthwhile. I didn't feel drawn to it as much as I am a sucker for female protagonists
Every Call of Duty game that I have owned. The story is horrible and I have a bad internet connection so I don't really get to enjoy the multiplayer.
That's all that I can think about right now.
~I am everything I thought I could never be~

King Malachite

Quote from: Caleb18 on December 28, 2013, 07:14:42 PM
I only really have played ps3, but I have a long list
I regret buying
Saints row the third because the graphics sucked and I was not drawn to the story at all
Uncharted 3  the multiplayer is horrible and the story was nothing compared to Uncharted 2 (and I shamefully payed for the season pass and I am also ridiculously good at the Multiplayer),
Beyond two Souls because the story wasn't worthwhile. I didn't feel drawn to it as much as I am a sucker for female protagonists
Every Call of Duty game that I have owned. The story is horrible and I have a bad internet connection so I don't really get to enjoy the multiplayer.
That's all that I can think about right now.

Saints Row: The Third was complete trash and I regret spending $60 on it.  I spent about $30 for the strategy guide and it's nothing more than junk now.  Absolute WASTE ugh!  I would have had mre fun playing frisbee with the game.

Uncharted 3 was highly overrated and wasn't as good as Uncharted 2 (but better than Uncharted 1).  Uncharted 3 I felt was just rushed with some fancy action and graphics.  At the end of the game I had more questions than answers.  The whole game only had one "in the zone" moment and that was the horse riding action.
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"Sometimes you have to go through outer hell to get to inner heaven."

"Anomalies can make the best revolutionaries."


Quote from: Malachite on December 28, 2013, 07:26:52 PM
Saints Row: The Third was complete trash and I regret spending $60 on it.  I spent about $30 for the strategy guide and it's nothing more than junk now.  Absolute WASTE ugh!  I would have had mre fun playing frisbee with the game.

Uncharted 3 was highly overrated and wasn't as good as Uncharted 2 (but better than Uncharted 1).  Uncharted 3 I felt was just rushed with some fancy action and graphics.  At the end of the game I had more questions than answers.  The whole game only had one "in the zone" moment and that was the horse riding action.

Do you play the Uncharted 3 multiplayer? I completely agree with you though. I renamed it :  Uncharted 3 Lies and Deception
~I am everything I thought I could never be~

King Malachite

Quote from: Caleb18 on December 30, 2013, 10:00:46 AM
Do you play the Uncharted 3 multiplayer? I completely agree with you though. I renamed it :  Uncharted 3 Lies and Deception

I did play it for a while when I had the game and then I playedthe F2P version after I traded it in.  I admit it was a little bit fun but the extremely long waiting loading times made me just delete it.  Uncharted 3: Lies and Deception is certainly a more appropriate name for then game. I hope the next Uncharted is better (and that it comes for the PS3).
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"Sometimes you have to go through outer hell to get to inner heaven."

"Anomalies can make the best revolutionaries."


Quote from: Hayley on November 21, 2013, 07:45:44 PM
I agree with PaleDragoness about Borderlands 2.
Brink... That game I was so excited for when that came out. Worst launch of a game I've ever bought so many bugs.
Gears: Judgment was another one that was pretty bad. I loved and competed competitively in the prior Gears titles.

I loved Borderlands 2 and the torque expansion. a friend just bought brink for a bunch of us to try. I wish someone would pick up the brink ip and work out the kinks. Brink had so many good ideas, just felt unfinished.
Be the change you wish to see in the world


I've had far too many to mention, normally budget titles. However, a few games that do spring to mind (Older titles though, haven't bought many games lately):
Sonic 2006 (That game pretty much killed a lot of childhood memories for me, and I think I barely touched any of the classic Sonic games after that!)
Hitman Absolution (Regretted it as soon as the install took hours, enjoyed the game for a few levels, and then just got...meh)
Neverwinter Nights 2 (Loved the first one, and the Baldur's Gate games, but this one was just tedious, and I had to buy a new computer just to play it, and just got left feeling disappointed!)
Tomb Raider Angel of Darkness (This was another one that struck me as a huuuuge disappointment, expected an awesome new Tomb Raider game for the first PS2 game, and instead found a buggy unfinished mess with awful story and cut content)
SimCity (That newer one. It's just not the Sim City I know and love, and the bugs made it unplayable)


Quote from: LJP on December 30, 2013, 09:35:48 PM
I loved Borderlands 2 and the torque expansion. a friend just bought brink for a bunch of us to try. I wish someone would pick up the brink ip and work out the kinks. Brink had so many good ideas, just felt unfinished.

The only reason I regret BL2 is the nature of it. Playing the first one the idea felt new and fresh. The second one really didn't feel like anything more than an expansion to me. Also to many modded weapons and people who would just mod it to the point of not being fun.

Brink I got when it came out. Day one it was so bugged. You couldn't find matches and when you did it was to laggy to even play. The idea behind the game was amazing. Felt like it should be a pc game and yet it got pretty big console push.
Byes!!!! It's been real but this place isn't for me. Good luck in the future everyone.