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95 days to go...!

Started by Ms Grace, February 27, 2014, 08:43:16 PM

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Can hardly wait to hear how it went :)
Only a dark cocoon before I get my gorgeous wings and fly away
Only a phase, these dark cafe days


So did I miss the blastoff?

There was meant to be a almighty blastoff.....

Yes Jessica, I'm running, running away very afraid! :D

So long and thanks for all the fish

Ms Grace

70 days... BLASTOFF!!

Woo! So today was the big day! Had hella crazy dreams last night - including one where I was at work and every time someone said my dude name I said "who?"! In another one there was a huge crowd of people I'd never met there to wish me well, including an impersonator of a former Prime Minister in a bad wig!

Got to work bright and early. The boss said she wanted to give me a big hug, she's pretty damn proud of me, she's been with me on this journey since I revealed I was transgender back in early March last year! Another close colleague, the other one who has been with me on this the same amount of time, bought me some beautiful pink lilies. Truly beautiful!

I received this email from a member of our Board (as a community, non-Government organisation our Board members are volunteers, not paid but usually managers in other NGOs):

QuoteDear Grace,

Congratulations and in a way welcome to (the organisation)! Thank you for asking A (the boss) to share your exciting news with us. I am so pleased that you are undertaking your transition while continuing to work at (the organisation). I imagine that today in some respects might feel like your first day at work, hence my welcome statement.

I've said this to A and the rest of the Board but want to say to you directly that although I'm confident that the (organisation) staff, Board, members and our associates will be supportive of you should you ever experience any discrimination or vilification that this is something the Board will take very seriously and we will stand beside you and deal with it in a timely and appropriate manner through our complaints and disciplinary procedures.

Congratulations on taking this important step. If there's anything I can do to support you feel free to contact me directly anytime.

Wishing you bucket loads of happiness and peace.

How awesome is that?

I received a number of nice emails from other Board members, plus from some people who work outside my organisation.

But you know, it was a busy day and it was soon down to work. Had a few people slip and call me by my dude name. I just said "who?" ;) But overall they are trying hard. Some of them have known me for many, many years so I'm going to cut them a little bit of slack.

It was certainly the longest I've tried to maintain the "Grace persona" and it did feel a little bit of an effort at about the five hour mark but that evaporated because I was too busy to care. By the end of the day I was almost part of the furniture, which is great! So it was both an extraordinary day and an ordinary one. The important thing is it felt good. I didn't have to worry about trying to keep the girls hidden away. i wore my favourite dress, been dying to wear it to work for the longest time. I felt normal and I felt respected. I work for such a great place with a load of awesome people.

Commuting was a breeze too.

Got a wonderful call from Catherine to check up on me, a really nice end to the day!

I'm going to keep this transition thread going for a while longer, this certainly is only the beginning of this phase in my life and I figure it would be cool to write about the process and other developments.
Transition 1.0 (Julie): HRT 1989-91
Self-denial: 1991-2013
Transition 2.0 (Grace): HRT June 24 2013
Full-time: March 24, 2014 :D



Really delighted that the big day came so quickly and went so well

Safe travels



Hi Grace I am so very pleased for you that it went so well .The best possible result that a person can get is that things just go on as usual if you think about it .No reaction is far far better then a bnad reaction after all .You did everything right and got a almost perfect result a completely trouble free and hassle free transition to being yourself ,what more can anybody ask for  ;D ;DWELL DONR GIRL and lets hope every thing you want to achieve goes as well
The girl inside is just as important expecially to Yourself :)


I agree, Well Done Girl!

I am so happy for you right now. This is a wonderful outcome.

I am interested how you feel as the days go by with respect to a routine and all the extra care in the morning preparing for work.
HRT  5-28-2013
FT   11-13-2015
FFS   9-16-2016 -Spiegel
GCS 11-15-2016 - McGinn
Hair Grafts 3-20-2017 - Cooley
Voice therapy start 3-2017 - Reene Blaker
Labiaplasty 5-15-2017 - McGinn
BA 7-12-2017 - McGinn
Hair grafts 9-25-2017 Dr.Cooley
Sataloff Cricothyroid subluxation and trachea shave12-11-2017
Dr. McGinn labiaplasty, hood repair, scar removal, graph repair and bottom of  vagina finished. urethra repositioned. 4-4-2018
Dr. Sataloff Glottoplasty 5-14-2018
Dr. McGinn vaginal in office procedure 10-22-2018
Dr. McGinn vaginal revision 2 4-3-2019 Bottom of vagina closed off, fat injected into the labia and urethra repositioned.
Dr. Thomas in 2020 FEMLAR
  • skype:Rachel?call

Jessica Merriman


I am so happy for you! You did it girl!! ;D

Ms Grace

Thank you everyone for your well wishes, it has helped like you wouldn't believe!

+2 & counting

My second day! And it went well, just as busy as yesterday and I'm already old news I think. Just the way I want it! ;)

We're kind of almost nearly heading in Autumn/Fall here in Sydney - and yet we're still getting late Summer weather for the most part, warm, humid thunderstorms with flooding deluges and temperature drops. Plus the mornings are very chilly. Normally I'd know how to dress for that kind of weather, but that's in dude mode and I'm at a bit of loss with women's attire. Could have overdressed today, turned out it was borderline OK but I really need to develop a better sense of what I'll need for the climate. In part it's also because I don't have a big wardrobe so my options are limited. Gonna have to buy more clothes tomorrow.

BTW, been on HRT for 9 months!

More well wishes from associates coming in today, it really is wonderful how accepting everyone has been (that I know of). I changed LinkedIn today and will probably do Facebook next. That's when it's "really official" right??! ::)

Bought my lunch from a cafe I'm a regular at - the guy who has been serving me for that long and who knows my dude name didn't even recognise me. Never blinked. I gather he registered me as a completely different customer.
Transition 1.0 (Julie): HRT 1989-91
Self-denial: 1991-2013
Transition 2.0 (Grace): HRT June 24 2013
Full-time: March 24, 2014 :D


Ah more shopping. The things a girl has to do. ;)

So so happy for you.

Came out to the girl who head the company Pride organisation today.
Thanked her for last night as the company had an event.

It will be interesting to see if she got it as I identify as part of LGBT but not LGB. :-\
She is L herself and is high up....
So long and thanks for all the fish


You can add that one to the 'you know you pass when...' Thread :D

Absolutely fantastic, Grace. I'm so happy for you and how it's working out.

I'm a long way off being able to go full time, but I'm starting to get impatient for it and my time frame keeps shrinking :). Your story has been a real inspiration for me.

Keep the updates coming!
Only a dark cocoon before I get my gorgeous wings and fly away
Only a phase, these dark cafe days


Ladies I am so proud of you!

Jenny you are going great, just take your time and it will fall into place. Same for you Joan, you will know when you are ready.

Grace a girls best friend, Brands Direct, you buy cute clothes for a vastly reduced price and I have never had an issue with them at all, they have been great.

Is it true Sydney siders are building an Ark? I hear you have had some precipitation :laugh:

Jill F

Quote from: Ms Grace on March 25, 2014, 02:46:34 AM
Thank you everyone for your well wishes, it has helped like you wouldn't believe!

+2 & counting

Gonna have to buy more clothes tomorrow.

More well wishes from associates coming in today, it really is wonderful how accepting everyone has been (that I know of). I changed LinkedIn today and will probably do Facebook next. That's when it's "really official" right??! ::)

Bought my lunch from a cafe I'm a regular at - the guy who has been serving me for that long and who knows my dude name didn't even recognise me. Never blinked. I gather he registered me as a completely different customer.

Yessss!  Rule #1- you can never have too many outfits. I love fall/winter because I love the warm embrace of a soft sweater and cute boots.

I came out on Facebook as well.  You can't exactly put the genie back in that bottle, but OMG did I shock a lot of people!

The thing where people don't recognize you is pretty cool, yes?   My wife and I have frequented a Mexican restaurant for almost 15 years.  The day I came in after losing 50+ pounds was one thing, but when I went in girl mode for the first time, the hostess who had known us for at least 7 years asked my wife, "Where's your husband tonight?" The look on her face when my wife pointed to me was indescribable.

You did it!  Congraceulations!!!


Quote from: Cindy on March 25, 2014, 02:58:45 AM
Jenny you are going great, just take your time and it will fall into place.

Small steps constantly moving forward or is that upwards?
Then the huge jump...or is that push?

I hear banging on the door! No!!!
So long and thanks for all the fish


Quote from: Jenny07 on March 25, 2014, 03:12:19 AM
Small steps constantly moving forward or is that upwards?
Then the huge jump...or is that push?

I hear banging on the door! No!!!

That is the sound of the wall breaking, soon you will step over the debris.


Quote from: Cindy on March 25, 2014, 02:58:45 AM

Jenny you are going great, just take your time and it will fall into place. Same for you Joan, you will know when you are ready.

I guess so, Cindy. Small steps for me too though I'm slowly gaining confidence and really loving that feeling :D
Only a dark cocoon before I get my gorgeous wings and fly away
Only a phase, these dark cafe days


Great work Grace and you are doing so well and I wish you all the best!
HRT on and off since January 20, 2014
Diagnosed with GD: March 2018

Ms Grace

+3 & counting

Day three! Almost hardly worth a mention except for a few notable moments...

I wore a black dress today, quite a nice one but I wasn't sure if it would be "too much" for the office - nothing outrageous I just wondered if it wasn't a bit "too black" for day wear, if it was more of an evening dress. But I got good comments from a few of the women. One said she'd seen me in in the street but hadn't initially realised it was me, apparently her first thoughts were that she "really liked the dress". She also told me she was rather jealous that I could wear it as well as I was. Quite the compliment, methinks!

My boss was also telling me she thought I had "the walk" just right - she's noticed me walking down the corridor and apparently thought that it looked very natural. So that's a good bit of free feedback.

It's remarkable how natural I feel being in the office presenting as a woman - like I am finally the real me, not having to pretend to be "dude me". The constant gender pressures from presenting as male have all but melted away. I believe I am in fitting in easily, that my colleagues are remarkably accepting of me now being at work in a dress, a wig and using a differently pitched voice... I can only think that is because I've been able to put them at ease and sell myself as nothing out of the ordinary. I've never been a workplace where someone has transitioned so I don't have any way of gauging how typical or atypical my workplace transition has been thus far.

My colleagues are certainly making an effort to get my name right although there is still the odd slip up. I just say "who?" ;) When they use my old dude name. One woman has even written my name on a post-it note and stuck it to her computer monitor in an attempt to ensure she gets it right.

So anyway, it is going well. Tomorrow will be a major test because my work is having a public function with about 130 attendees and I'll be mixing with a number of people I know and who may have not heard of my transition at all, or heard only second or third hand.
Transition 1.0 (Julie): HRT 1989-91
Self-denial: 1991-2013
Transition 2.0 (Grace): HRT June 24 2013
Full-time: March 24, 2014 :D


I say do the black dress all you like :) What Do you have picked out for today?  :D

Having so little confidence in my own voice, when I imagine myself going full time using it with colleagues I've known for so long is one of the things that would fill me with dread.  You're taking it all in your stride!

Enjoy the function :)
Only a dark cocoon before I get my gorgeous wings and fly away
Only a phase, these dark cafe days

Jessica Merriman

Quote from: Ms Grace on March 26, 2014, 04:23:42 AM
+3 & counting
Day three! Almost hardly worth a mention except for a few notable moments...
Tomorrow will be a major test because my work is having a public function with about 130 attendees and I'll be mixing with a number of people I know and who may have not heard of my transition at all, or heard only second or third hand.
Super Grace wont even break a sweat for this! ;D You rock Sis!


Quote from: Ms Grace on March 26, 2014, 04:23:42 AM
+3 & counting

One woman has even written my name on a post-it note and stuck it to her computer monitor in an attempt to ensure she gets it right.

That's proper cute! bless her haha

Oh and hi :) I have lurked in ure thread here for a while