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What kind of creature are you in the Unicorn Forest? Come play with me - please

Started by Satinjoy, August 12, 2014, 10:41:51 AM

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Portia and Laura shook their heads and rub their eyes simultaneously. "Laura. Did you see...or not see, what I think that was?" Laura nodded at Portia. "Yeah. It was like, they were there and then, POOF! They just vanished. I hope we aren't having any flashbacks from eating those strange mushrooms." Portia nodded. "Yeah. I've seen enough weird stuff today to last me a lifetime."



The forest is quiet today, quiet, listening.

There is a wailing in the wind, a cold wailing, chilling to the heart.

The fairy follows it quietly, looking for the source.

In a dark place, she finds the succubus, wounded, harmed, the victim of a mugging in the city, crying in a heap, thinking she is alone.  The fairy is outraged.  Her nails become claws, her eyes become fire,  she does not understand, she knows nothing of the why's, she doesn't care about why's and wherefores, they mean nothing to her and is not her business, all she sees is a suffering succubus, a lonely giver of warmth in the woods,  a visitor and a friend of the forest, trying to hide from the cruelty of this world, to gain her strength and rise again.  Wings unfolded and heart aflame, the fairy stands guard over the succubus, friend of the fairy, dweller of the city, and loved of many.

You cannot hide from our love for you, my dear succubus.  You are embraced here, and anyone that challenges that will feel the full impact of the fairy's wrath.  There is a place in h'er treehouse for you, and you are welcome in this place.

Nails out, crying hard, flying anyway, and glad the succubus will remain, and get out of the stife, and live anew.
Morpheus: This is your last chance. After this, there is no turning back. You take the red pill - the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the little blue pills - you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit-hole goes

Sh'e took the little blue ones.


And another sound stikes the fairy, now she is worried over the evils of this day.  A melancholy song is in the wind.  She listens, and she sees the pretty witch with the little black dress sitting on a log, a broken broom in her hands, dreams she had, now in need of mending.  Her rainbow hat sits beside her carried by the fuzzy minions that are her friends, she sits, she is quiet, she is too quiet...

Gather round, creatures of the forest, the fairy does not know but she does hear, let the warmth and love of this place surrounds our friend, to bring the songs of joy and dreams back to her bosom.

Jess42, rainbow witch of the forest, you are loved in this place and you are never alone.  None of us are alone here, and our love is powerful.  I heard a whisper in the wind, nothing more, it was a whisper about the rainbow witch and her songs, and we are here, whatever your needs may be.  Let us know hon, we care a lot...

Love to all in the forest. 
Morpheus: This is your last chance. After this, there is no turning back. You take the red pill - the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the little blue pills - you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit-hole goes

Sh'e took the little blue ones.

Jessica Merriman

Quote from: Satinjoy on August 26, 2014, 10:33:32 AM
Wings unfolded and heart aflame, the fairy stands guard over the succubus, friend of the fairy, dweller of the city, and loved of many.

Just when she thought no more tears would fall the dark succubus once again succumbs. But wait, these are different! The inner glow she has carried which were almost extinguished starts to shine a little brighter. Is it possible she will once again be the carefree spirit full of vitality and desire? She drifts off peacefully under the protection of true love and dreams as if it was a warm dome which no one can harm her in. As she sleeps in peaceful slumber her body starts to repair itself and she wonders what she will be when she wakes. Her last thoughts before sleep overtakes her are not of the dark seductress preying on the souls of the unsuspecting, but something far gentler. She falls asleep smiling. What magical spell is she experiencing now?


Quote from: Jessica Merriman on August 26, 2014, 11:49:55 AM
Is it possible she will once again be the carefree spirit full of vitality and desire?
What magical spell is she experiencing now?

Jessica Merriman

Quote from: Ativan Prescribed on August 26, 2014, 01:08:07 PM
You are so right! I was the dark succubus living in a world of all kinds of tragedy and suffering. I was a creature cursed to live a dark meaningless life without emotion, compassion or respectful desire. I came to this magical forest and the creatures of light here have given me the most precious gift of all, true love and acceptance.

Jessica awakes from her peaceful slumber. As her eyes open the sun fills her spirit and awakes her true self. As I stand I feel very different. I go to a nearby stream and gaze into the water. I gasp at what I see! My dark, black hair is now the color of golden wheat. My face is light and painted beautifully, not dark and foreboding. My eyes once black with contempt are now the clearest blue. My dark clothing has changed as well. Gone are the dark garments which hid my approach from unsuspecting people whose souls I sought out. I am now clothed in the lightest most beautiful pink. I stretch and to my surprise my once dark sinister wings have transformed to the color of the most beautiful butterfly. I flex them and they shine brightly in the sun filling me with joy. I realize the changes are not just on the exterior as my soul feels refreshed and new. I smile and seek out the one who allowed this to happen to me to express my gratitude. I feel that it is not one person, but a whole community worked together to save this once lost soul. As I fly off I have new purpose in my life and that is to spread the very love that changed me and give hope to those without. I am eternally thankful community and I shall never again consider leaving this forest of love.  :)



Jessica Merriman

Quote from: Laura Squirrel on August 26, 2014, 09:53:12 PM
Laura and Portia threw apples at Jessica and ran away, giggling.
Jessica made apple pies and chased them down with the fresh, hot baked pastries of love!!   ;D


Portia turned to Laura. "Awww, that's so sweet. Now I feel bad about throwing the apples at her." Portia lowered her head. "I'm sorry."

Jessica Merriman

Quote from: Laura Squirrel on August 26, 2014, 10:13:04 PM
Portia turned to Laura. "Awww, that's so sweet. Now I feel bad about throwing the apples at her." Portia lowered her head. "I'm sorry."
Jessica smiles and says "sisters do crazy stuff like that! What would worry me is if you didn't". *Giggle* Who want the first slice sisters? :)


Fly high, sweet city butterfly, friend of the forest.  Rise above, my dear, and be blessed.

Now, pass that pie, although I still have to keep my gorgeous 5-9 143 lb figure LOL.  Now I'm hungry...

Many many thanks for your help in this place.  Enjoy your freedom and be at peace, we are so glad you stayed.

Morpheus: This is your last chance. After this, there is no turning back. You take the red pill - the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the little blue pills - you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit-hole goes

Sh'e took the little blue ones.

Jessica Merriman

Quote from: Satinjoy on August 27, 2014, 08:12:22 AM
Now, pass that pie, although I still have to keep my gorgeous 5-9 143 lb figure LOL.  Now I'm hungry...
Forget that! Your piece of pie is special and comes Ale Mode with real dairy whipped topping!!!! :laugh:


I suspect that Laura and Portia, the squirrel and porcupine, have been in the mushrooms again and have the munchies for the butterfly's pie.....

Morpheus: This is your last chance. After this, there is no turning back. You take the red pill - the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the little blue pills - you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit-hole goes

Sh'e took the little blue ones.


Edited thurs night.  The wrong draft got posted, I found the draft offensive.  --SJ

There is a path in the forest often followed.

The path of transition, up a mountain on the edge of the forest, accessible by the forest, and on the other side, the city.

It is guarded at the start by the wizards of change, the gatekeepers, the guides.

The witch with the rainbow hat walks by the entrance, feeling the familiar pull.  Soon it may be too much for her, and she will walk the path.   For many it is irresistible, a power and a spell useless to fight, the feet follow to the first gate, willing or not.

The Fairy walks the path, it is in two parts.  She has seen the tree of hormones, she eats of its fruit.  She has a guide, a gatekeeper walks with her.  She skirts the edges of the cliffs, sh'e has not fallen.   Staggered, yes, but not fallen from the path to the rocks below.  The walk has been victorious, it is the path she must take, it brought her peace. 

There are clearings in the path, looking out over the forest from on high, beautiful in the rising sun.  Breathtaking in its promise of joy. 

There are rocks too, the rocks of facts of transitions, the truths of who we are.  Storms, and sunshine, winds, and calm, thorns, and flowers its all there on the path.  .

At the  top of a mountain, the path is edged with cliffs on both sides, and the view is spectacular.   A gatekeeper stands at this next  stage of the path.  Another wizard, or maybe a witch, or an enchantress, or an angel,  they stand guard, holding a silver pen, to give the access letters, for those who understand the consequences of their walks.

There is no turning back from there once that gate is passed and the magic is done.

At the top, a crystal palace, filled with light.  A strange place, this, from another world, white and austere, and stern.  It holds the promise of joy for many, sorrow for some.  Choose well, dear creatures, choose well before passing the second gate.

Within, the diamond cutters, the sculpters in flesh, shaping our cores to the final glory of transition, knowing every nuance, every corner, to make us shine.  Once done, the creatures are truly revealed, in all their glory, if the glory was not already revealed before, with no need of the path, the diamond already showing, already made, born to shine.  Not all need to walk the path, and all are beautiful in the forest, whether they walk, or choose not to.

The fairy walks that path, but sh'e will not pass the second gate.  One gate is enough for her, she rests in that, and the view is wonderful indeed.

Tell us of your journeys, dear ones of nonbinary trans, tell us of your joy..   Did you walk the path?  Tell us of your path.  This is but a glimpse, a dream, a fairy's vision.  Where does it lead for you?
Morpheus: This is your last chance. After this, there is no turning back. You take the red pill - the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the little blue pills - you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit-hole goes

Sh'e took the little blue ones.


Watching from the deepest corners of the magical forest, a small snowy fox yawned from its curled up position under its log. The creature was new to the forest, having traveled the world over for such a wondrous place!
The little arctic fox slinks tiredly from /his/ dark hole, stretches out his long and slender body, down to the tip of his long, bushy, white tail, and then sits to observe the strange antics a bit more.  His fluffy, beautiful fur tends to make him a bit larger than he really is, with long strands that drape over the two curious eyes.  Glistening green eyes, laced with golden glints that suggest, perhaps, this is no ordinary fox, but maybe, a kitsune? A magical shapeshifter from the outside world?

Out of character (ooc) talk: It's nice to see such a neat place. I don't mind other players interacting with me, but please don't make actions for my 'tsune character on my behalf, thank you. I'm a little touchy about the things I do, because my fox is me on my most personal level. Thank you.
Hey all, I've created a new account because my life has begun anew.  This is to protect my identity.  Thanks for your understanding!


The genderless kitty child floats through the night sky, moving silently through the clouds, the illuminating stars dancing in the reflection of their light teal eyes.

Their attention clung to the silver crescent moon, wishing to be cradled by the moonlight's solace. They outstretched their hand to touch their dear friend, the moon. So close, yet so far away.

The sound of chains restricting could be heard but they were invisible. The chains belonged to each binary city, pulling the child down under the ground, into the darkness beneath.

Swirling black water was all the child could see. Toxic, the chains held onto them tightly, refusing to let the child go, the pressure slowly building up...

The child gave a small mewl and let go. That's all they had to do.

Fear only has power if you give it such.

The chains broke away, shattering into many tiny pieces. Blue and pink shards filled the water of darkness. Glowing emitted from within the child, the shards mixing together to a faint purple.

There was never anything to fear in the first place... the child thought the binary cities would keep their grip on them until Death knocked on their door.

No, freedom was there all along. The child disappeared from the water and rose to the moon once again. Freedom is always within your reach.

"Thank you..." The kitty child smiled before fading into the shadows, having found comfort in the darkness once again, knowing they are not alone in this journey.   


The eagle was watching the forest, as they always do, looking for creatures to help with their formidable strength and valour.  Looking down, they saw the fairy all tangled up in the thorns of hiding and fear.   Being an eagle, they swooped down and gently grabbed onto the many thread, and then rose pulling the threads with her.  But something else was tangled in the  thorns, some kind of mask, a costume of an avatar.

Unexpectedly, the true form and figure and face of the fairy was revealed....

This is what the fairy looks like when sh'e lets herself out of the thorns of the cis-world and is genuine in the forest.... and now sh'e doesn't feel like a fake anymore.

Love to all here, nails out and hair down, and feeling free.

Morpheus: This is your last chance. After this, there is no turning back. You take the red pill - the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the little blue pills - you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit-hole goes

Sh'e took the little blue ones.


I'm a green eyed dragon, who sometimes lives as a human woman when it suits her. Though I miss my wings when I'm human.


the eagle circles over the fairy a few times, surprised to see a mask tangles in the threads it picked up, and stunned by the beautiful fairy's appearance. it silently glides to the ground and as it lands, takes the form of a human wrapped in shadows. he then proceeds to hang up the threads between some trees, decorating with flowers of all shapes and colors, and placing the mask carefully between them, so the fairy can find it if she ever needs it again.