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What kind of creature are you in the Unicorn Forest? Come play with me - please

Started by Satinjoy, August 12, 2014, 10:41:51 AM

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The Fairy quietly moved to the pool, the water rippelling in the gentle breeze, and gasped at her reflection.  She saw what Wishton had given to her, she had wished for bigger boobs, and Wishton had said that they gave her perfect ones.... but she couldn't really see, not here, not with her clothing still concealing her body in its modesty.  So, she decided to walk back to her treehouse.

It was getting late anyway, the sun was starting to set, the fireflies to come out, the stars would be seen soon, the silent watchers of the forest, sometimes ready to fly into the fountain and be born as creatures of the forest, sometimes staying distant and silent, either afraid to enter, or just listening, learning, drawing on the wisdom of the forest meant for all who can listen, to hear.

As she walked up the path, she was excited about what she had done... she wondered how this was going to go.  It was late.  The ciswoman would be coming into the treehouse by way of the diamond tightrope  that connects the worlds for the fairy. 

The fairy began to get nervous.

What had she done....

She thought about it.  She had gone to Wishton with high and lofty desires, wanting to better the world, and then, in a moment of dysphoric pain, she had asked them for the first thing that popped into her mind.  Bigger boobs.  How foolish of her, she thought, yet, her desire for that perfect female body was so strong, so blinding, that she would do anything to get it, even to kill the other component within her, the almost-he that watches out for her and takes control when she feels threatened or hurt.

She continued to walk  and her walk started to stumble.  Nervousness became anxiety, anxiety grew to fear, paralyzing fear all too familiar to the fairy, fear of what the cis-wife would do when she saw the sudden  transformation, fear that the promise to remain only on the hormone nectars was broken, fear that she was going to lose it all in a moment of dysphoric impulsivity, not well thought out, something done out of deep need, something that came flying out of her mouth in a moment of time, her guard having been let down.

She thought of the path she had walked now for 20 months up the path of transition on the mountain, accompanied by her guide and her doc, one a doctor of the mind, the other a doctor of the body.  She thought of the 4 month wait for her letter proving she was a transsexual, the surprise when it said she was not, but that she was not otherwise either, she fit no definitions, there was no box, there was only a letter validating her nonbinary diagnosis, and then in the end, saying that she needed hormones to remain sane and alive.  To end her chronic and awful pain.  She though of the investment, of the money, and the agonizingly slow changes in her body, creating the female, yet leaving many hints of the almost-male that was.

Now more than fear she began to feel sick.  She had jumped the wisdom of her guides, she had skipped on the course of the paths, with its needed milestones.... she had not prepared the cis wife.  She was terrified.

She reached her tree, and did not want to fly, she could not do it.  Her wings are powered by hope and passion and love, she felt only remorse.  She found the golden rope that led to the treehouse, one that only the elf and the shadow knew how to climb.  She heard a rustle in the leaves, she knew they were close, they always are, as is the green warrior woman that protects her, and who keeps a place in the city should she fall.

So up the rope she went, holding her breath as she entered the beautiful treehouse, the night beginning to fall.  The sun still bright high in the air, she walked to the mirror on the wall, the mirror of truth, how could she hide from it.  Her wings were spread wide, facinating things these, not visible to the cis, only to the forest, and later in the world to come, visible forever, out and andro, a promise of joy.

Slowly she began to disrope, on layer after another.  She closed her eyes, fearful of the next step, fearful of seeing Wishton's granted wish, her wish for bigger boobs.

She let herself be bare, she does not like this, it tells too much, to much is revealed.

Her eyes filled with tears.  She must open them.  She must face the truth of what she had done.

As the hot tears fell, she forced herself to face it, excited but terrified to see the big changes she had asked for, a mess of conflicting emotion. 

Her mouth fell wide open, her eyes opened even wider, as she saw what Wishton had done.

There in the mirror she was, her unaltered breasts as they still were, her transitioned body the same, she had not changed.

She began to laugh.  What had Wishton said?  "Perfect breasts."  Her own, natural breasts... Those the hormones she should have had at birth had finally brought to reality....The wisdom of the snail.  Incredible.

Night fell, and she wanted a special one after this, after the emotions of the day.  She turned to her clothes, no longer hidden from the cis-wife, and decided on her choices, nylon and lace, garters and stockings, and over it, only the thinnest of androgyne nightshirts, not fully hiding the truth of who she is.  She gently removed her outer hair, revealing the androgyn cut beneath it, and placed it upon the throne of its pedestal, a monument to who she is when she is she.

Taking a last look at her authenticity, she breathed and relaxed, feeling the release of the fear.  Instead of big breasts, Wishton gave her perfect ones.  Authentic to the core, she could hold her head high, and be free.

She quietly walked in her special presentation, one that is reserved for only one person in the universe, a presentation of truth, all of the components there, unvieled, as real as the day is long.  She moved slowly from candle to candle, incense to incense, the scent permeating the forest.... Her guardians noted it, and were pleased, happy that at least one creature had been freed.

As she lit the last candle, a warmth upon the back of her neck, a breath, then long and beutiful hair brushed her back, a head dropping upon her shoulder, arms embracing her, though never touching her breasts.  A moment of fear, a moment of decision, and the fairly let go, she released the she within her, she unleashed  the passion that had been withheld and chained for 55 long, long years.  Turning into the ciswife's embrace, she folded herself in, pulling her to the bed, thowing her on top of her, wrapping herself into a knot of body and mind never to be broken apart.  Leg upon leg, nylon on nylon, and breast to breast, they locked in loves embrace, and held each other, the ciswife holding the old that she knew and more, and  the fairy holding on for dear life, letting her female self flow through her in wave after wave of passion and joy and raw sensual pleasure.  And so they sleep, for what else can they do, sleep entwined, two bodies as one, two hearts joined, souls united forever and ever.

Later in the night, she wakes and gently untangles herself and slides over to the window.  She looks out over the forest, her sharp eyes see the elf and the shadow with them, the powerful story of the elf having helped so many, the mysterious shadow constantly looking for those they can free.  In the wind she hears the joyous laughter of the kittychild, brining a smile to her face, and the eagle flies above, seeking those needing their help.  Far off there is a pile of fur and scales and all kinds of flesh, heaped in a huge pile of warmth and cuddling, cuddling of the unicorns, rare.... the unconditional love of the forest, never to be taken lightly, always protected, and not trivial at all.

So this is the true story of Satinjoy the fairy.  This is the story of a miraculous life, in what was thought to be a fairy tale forest, but it is a place of so much more than that.  This is a place where dreams sometimes really do come true, where the chained are set free, where authenticity reigns supreme.  Far from being a game, it is the place where we reveal our deepest selves, where we can tell our stories, in ways that could never be expressed anywhere else.

That is the dream of Satinjoy, the truth revelaed of who we are, the life we live here, a forest of visions and dreams, of pain and anger, of joy and gladness, lonliness and fear, love and passion.  A place of the truth.

Love to all here--  Satinjoy.
Morpheus: This is your last chance. After this, there is no turning back. You take the red pill - the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the little blue pills - you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit-hole goes

Sh'e took the little blue ones.


Traveling ever farther into the deepest and darkest places that the forest has.
To other places where light can also shine through the thickness above,
The Shadow has been traveling the paths forgotten.
The ones from times long past, yet they are still open to wander on...
A sojourn of a sort, not an exile, maybe self imposed.
A journey to find those paths that need to be walked again, by others.
The Shadow walks to the ends of these paths and finds them entering into the realms of the cities.
Where different kinds of creatures live, disguised.
The maps that are used by the creatures of the forest don't show these paths any longer.
They were lost by those who used to use them.
The Shadow see's the many creatures who hide as they too are walking these paths in secret.
Without disguise, to fool the ones who deny them these paths.

But the Shadow is hidden as well, moving from hide to hide, armed with words that fly off of a pointing finger.
The Shadow see's those who dare to walk the ancient paths that were once used before the darkness fell on them.
There is thickness of growth that hides them that has grown even more as time had passed.
These creatures without the other realms disguise, hidden on those paths, they dare not reveal themselves to the other realms.
Nor to the others who freely walk the paths well lit in the inner places of the forest.
The fear of being found out, a fear of an unknown, they walk these distant paths in loneliness.
Afraid of what any and all other creatures would think of them.
They are afraid that the creatures in the inner twining of paths will think of them as their own.
Afraid of what the creatures from the other realms will do and say to them for venturing into the forest at all...
A forest that seems to be only for the creatures of it's inner paths, where they are free to be as they choose to be.
They are afraid that they will be seen as trespassing in a place that is not theirs.
A forest that belongs to the creatures of the inner paths that intertwine and lead to places that only they know of.
They have the maps they need to find their ways through them.

It has been long forgotten that the forest is never owned, it exists as it is, a place to heal.
Long have the creatures of the other realm looked at the darkness they see when they look into the outer edges of this place.
They too, have forgotten that the creatures from the inner circles, who have grown in numbers, who now have names for some of their paths...
All have forgotten that the inner paths they walk are their's to walk...
That they are also the caretakers of the forest as it is, as it has grown closer to the other realms.

The Shadow wanders back towards the inner sanctum of the forest and points a finger, and the words are there to those who can hear them.
"It is also the way of the forest to keep the outer paths open.
To let those who wander them, to let them walk the inner twining of paths as well.
To let them discard their disguises they have, to let them be the creatures they are as well, as different as they may be.
To welcome them from the outer paths that used to be more worn, that were once used at will.
To never let them disguise the creatures who are the caretakers of this forest.
To make them appear as they have had to be, to live in the other realms.
Those days of when they brought their stories of how the creatures must be disguised as well.
To keep them hidden by their disguises from the watchers from the other realms."

They are gone, only a handful of watchers still look, still trying to find those who have wandered into the inner circles of the forest.

Their powers are diminished, they hold no sway over those who dare to wander the inner paths as they are.
They hold no sway over those who have left their disguises behind as they walk the inner paths as well.
The creatures from the paths that have grown outwards towards the other realms,the caretakers of the forests...
They welcome those who leave their disguises behind and simply live as they are, not unlike the caretakers, not unlike at all.

The Shadow throws out the words for those who can hear...
"The forest belongs to all who understand that there is no disguise that is needed.
That all who enter into the forest are welcome, welcome to be who they truly are, without disguise.
Without the commands from the other realms, that here they can be free as long as they wish to stay.
To visit, to wander paths that are theirs to wander, to try the other paths as well."

To be who they truly are, to discover what it means to be free from the watchers steady gaze.
The ones that holds no sway, not any longer.
The Shadow still walks those outer paths as well, moving from hide to hide.
Ready to use the words from a pointed finger, the ones the watchers fail to hear.
But the Shadow knows that these words sometimes are heard at another time.
When the watchers have looked away and wonder...
What was it that they caught a glimpse of out of the corner of their eye?
The one that can't be seen by looking at them?
The Shadow has moved on to a other paths to watch over and to continue their journey, as well.


 ;D The snail wants so badly to come be with all of his friends in the forest, but his eyes are sore from playing in the sun all afternoon, and mama snail wants to go out to dinner with him soon...

Wishton looks out his window longingly, and looks forward to coming out to play later...  ;)
"The soul is beyond male and female as it is beyond life and death."


The merman smiles at the dormouse, thanking her quietly and carefully examining the little acorn. Delicate strokes and colors danced around its smooth shell and he breifly wished that he had that kind of finesse ouside of the water. 

He'd never felt so at home, already there was a comfort that he'd never known before. The guardians, the many creatures who worked tirelessly to make this place a home for the homeless were surely thinking of everyone here, as they always seemed to be.

Gratefulness overflowed the merman as he rested on a small bit of land that jutter out into the water. His tail swayed idly in the pond behind him as he drifted off to rest as well.
No matter what happens, I'll be right here beside you.

If you ever need someone to talk to, please feel free to message me at anytime.
I live to help people.


I am a beautiful golden shapeshifting dragon who has huge magical golden feathered wings that glimmer in the sun when I spread them. I'm a good dragon, a friend to the forest and all creatures living there, and will defend it and them with a vengence if threatened by outside evil forces. I sometimes take people and creatures for rides letting them enjoy my happiness and the miracle of flight.

Ally :icon_flower:

P.S: Sorry I'm late to the story.
Full Time August 2009
HRT Dec 27 2013
VFS [ ? ]
FFS [ ? ]
SRS Spring 2015





The green eyed dragon bugles a welcome and dives from the cloud tops, she lands gracefully and as she does she transforms into her human form. Walking forward she wraps her arms around the golden dragons neck.

"welcome to the forest"


Quote from: Dread_Faery on September 12, 2014, 03:53:44 PM
Cerys smiles, "you guys might want to stand back a bit."

She hugs her arms to her body and then spreads her wings wide, where there had been a willowy woman with elfin features now stands a great dragon, with piercing green eyes and glittering purple and copper scales.

She stretches sinuously, like some great cat, before furling her wings and curling up so she's not towering over everyone.

"This is the other part of me"

The fairy flies by overhead, h'er flight restored by joy and laughter, and sees the transformation.   Sh'e is confused, which is the more beautiful?  Both are authentic, both are valued, both are special.

Sh'e gives up trying to figure it out, thinking of the fun they will have playing with clouds, while kittychild flirts with the moon, thinking of the gentle dragon, raw power for the good of the forest, and of the elfin woman, with her own enchanting power.

Sh'e smiles, and lets the wonderful scented wind of the forest blow through her hair, taking in all that it has to prepare h'er from the days to come.  She is wondering where that squirrel with the fluffy tail went, the one with a gift to make us laugh out loud in joy, capturing the spirit of the forest.  Maybe sh'e will chase her again,,,, sh'e chased tail once before, but now, h'er own gets chased.... oh my sh'e did it again, naughty little fairy....
Morpheus: This is your last chance. After this, there is no turning back. You take the red pill - the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the little blue pills - you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit-hole goes

Sh'e took the little blue ones.


Quote from: Mark3 on September 15, 2014, 12:07:30 AM
All of the forest creatures make they're way from near and far, to greet the new member of the forest family they had heard about from the winged fairy who announced his arrival into the forest from high on the clouds...

Greetings of love and peace to you Merman, the other creatures also repeat, your battle scars must have amazing stories to go with them, the dragon asks..? As Merman begins telling them of his bravery and fierce loyal soul, magic in the fire they all were sitting around makes the flames grow, with crackling rainbow colored sparks fluttering overhead towards the clouds.. Now that everyone is warm again, even on that cold night, they sit for hours, long into the night, telling stories, laughing, arm in arm or holding hands, sharing that special night with they're forest family...

At dawn, everyone is awakened by the fairy who flies around all the creatures, telling them of magic Keys that she found beside a forest pool, and all the creatures get up and follow the fairy there, where sure enough, several sets of keys were waiting... By the keys is a message written into a stone, and it explains how all of the forest creatures get 2 keys, one key to represent maleness, and the other for femaleness.. The stone explains how the creator of the forest eons ago, made all of the creatures there with a most special gift, the best qualities and tributes of both male and female, and with secret abilities given only to them, to be able to have insight and wisdom of both binaries in one creature.. We, all of the creatures inhabiting the forest today, are they're ancestors, possessing all of those same gifts.. The keys were given to each generation of forest creature, to open both kingdoms of the males and females anywhere in the world...

The creatures then all go to they're favorite place in the forest, by the magic pool, to admire the special keys, and dream about the insight and wisdom they now know they possess as non binary creatures of the unicorn forest.....

Ahh says the fairy, but  there is yet another key, there is a third choice,  Look behind the stone, see the whole of it, not its face, and there is another keyhole, it is  the door to freedom of, and freedom from, the constrictions of gender, where male and female limits melt, where illusions are rejected, and our truths can be found.  Choose your keys wisely, the fairy, sh'e chooses to be free.

--Love to all here.
Morpheus: This is your last chance. After this, there is no turning back. You take the red pill - the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the little blue pills - you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit-hole goes

Sh'e took the little blue ones.


The wood elf slowed their breathing.  The scented smoke from the prescribed herbs moved across and through the elf's unconscious.  In spirit form it stood up and, selecting a random thought, rose through the starry sky to observe the denizens of the forest.   Most were sleeping.  Looking beyond their chosen guise or familiar, the elf saw their glittering souls, crystal like, multi coloured and transparent, capturing, bending and splitting light and energy as their corporeal form slept.   Looking farther the elf saw the coruscating colour of the fairy, so similar to its diamond wings and under her tree a blaze of light coming from the shadow themself.  Sometimes the wisest, occupy the background, avoiding distraction, remaining intent on protecting those in need.

Looking back to its sleeping form the elf flew back to its body, entered into its dream state and allowed their soul to sing in celebration of the myriad souls so recently come to the forest.


The genderless kitty child sits near the forest pool, furry ears turned back, staring at the keys before glancing down at their wrists where scars of the invisible binary chains once held them down settled.

I thought I was free, the child thought, shaking their head, No, I was fooling myself and I hurt my dear friends here.

Their blonde hair layered with pink streaks covered their face, their knees drawing to their chest, draping their arms lazily around their legs. Their tail curled around their body instinctively.

I thought I had understood what it means to be non-binary... but sticking to terms such as two binaries and androgynous for simplicity's sake only begins to unravel my ignorance..

The kitty child gave a sigh, staring at the two binary keys in front of them, shutting their eyes gently. The third key was possible to obtain, they just had to open their mind, their soul...

And their eyes...

Deep within the kitty child, a mysterious yet familiar purple energy stirred, opening its eyes for the first time.

The kitty child opened their eyes and the scenery had transformed around them. Am I still in the forest? The child thought before correcting themself, No, I'm within my mind...! The kitty child recognized the inner world of their consciousness, a galaxy of many twinkling stars, numerous planets and moons that stretched for what appeared to be infinity. Endless beautiful shades of color illuminated through the galaxy like ripples on water as the child floated, giggling as they glided through the stars effortlessly.

The comfort within their own mind, they felt free. The darkness was lingering behind the stars, silent yet neutral towards the child who reminisced of their past, present and future. How far they had come, how many ordeals they tirelessly pushed through, gaining a higher level of self-awareness each time. However, the child noticed a disturbing pattern...

A shining white light appeared from within the child's chest and they gasped, watching the white light move outside their small frame, settling within their tiny hands, glowing brightly before fading. A key? Is it... my key? To my truth? The child reacted, blinking as they held the key firmly in their hands, tears brimming their teal eyes.

Refusing to let the two binaries restrain them down was easy enough but the disturbing pattern was that they hadn't let go of the binary ideals. They only saw pink, blue and purple - nothing else. A glowing white keyhole appeared on the middle of the child's chest, slightly to the left. The child looked over the key closely and slowly inserted it into the keyhole on their chest, it didn't hurt - it tickled. They knew what they were going to do, it would be inevitable... unlocking their true self had to happen if they wanted to embrace their body, every little bit of happiness and all the colors that existed and beyond.

The key turned and something clicked inside the child's body, transforming as bright as the brightest star in the galaxy. The child's body sitting in the forest in front of the keys took on the same shape as well. From the feet upwards, the white light unraveled off the child like petals being carried away by a gust of wind, revealing their true self for all to see.

"A-ah...!" The child centaur was startled by their new appearance that was reflected in the forest pool beside them. They took a moment to admire their new appearance, touching their long brown locks of hair, that they had desired for quite some time. Their body was still androgynous and petite, thank goodness... They smiled enthusiastically until their hands reached their lower body, realizing it was that of a small horse. "Wahh!!" They jolted, moving into an excited canter, circling back to the pool, their braided tail swishing back and forth. The child centaur slowly adjusted to their new body, in awe and feeling more comfortable than ever before.

The child centaur is kind, loving and willing to give fellow creatures of the forest a ride on their back, a helping hand, a shoulder to cry on, an ear for listening and a place to curl up with at night under the starry sky while the creatures of the forest drift off to slumberland.

Thank you... The child whispers, forever grateful to the non-binary community for opening their eyes to the truth and their truth within them.

Peace and happiness... Their heart feels so full it could burst with love and tears of joy!


P.S. Please forgive my horrendous horse anatomy, it's been years since I've drawn horses! I think I drew them when I was a child~ so it was wonderful to revisit that feeling again! :)


The little snail finally makes his way through the inner circle, through the protective shadow covered paths on his one foot, and meets some of the other creatures, to share his small bits of food under a big orange and blue mushroom with them.. He is refreshed and strengthened by the smiles of his friends, feeling so peaceful and safe, in knowing this is where he belongs, even though he must visit the outside world often, and has a mate in the outside as well, he always finds a way to return, and rest where dangers are no more, and the dark paths twisting through the protective forest, keeps harm and worry far from they're minds and hearts..

Wishton makes a special effort to welcome and make comfortable the new creatures that have braved the forest paths, overcome many obsticles in they're lives, and join us.. He explains how this special place and family of diverse yet similar creatures have in them powers, strengths and beauty that many outside the forest choose not to see, but surely would be amazed and in awe if only they could open they're hearts and see with love and acceptance the magical, wonderful world and creatures who flourish here.. 

Wishton is happy the wish he granted the winged fairy ended in a night of love and happiness, he knows only how to grant a wish, but not how the wish will affect the future of the one wishing..
He is happy to see the magic shape shifter has made the journey through the pathways to the inner circle of the forest.. Someday Wishton wishes she will teach him to catch a fish from the emerald pool..

Not wanting to leave, remembering the tasty acorns that the door mouse shared, Winston wants to stay all day.. But he knows he must be strong, and go to the city to buy ingredients for his magic herbal tea's..  So bracing himself and taking a deep breath, knowing many in the city where he must walk won't understand him, or will say mean hurtful things because of they're ignorance, Winston reluctantly walks away, down the maze of shadowed paths only he and the other creatures know, until he disappears from sight...
"The soul is beyond male and female as it is beyond life and death."


That evening, after a long day of traveling to and from the city, the tired thirsty snail makes his way back through the maze of shadowed paths to the inner circle, and rests by his favorite shady toadstool, wondering what all of the other creatures did today while Wishton was away..??  :D
"The soul is beyond male and female as it is beyond life and death."


The day is rather unexciting when you can't leave the water. He'd swim around a bit, watching the other creatures andoccasionally peering out of the forest from a pool by its edge. Keeping watch over the forest as best as he could. Then when there was a lull In activity he'd swim back to the pool and gaze at the sky, it was his namesake. Aether, the clear upper air. What a silly name for a merman.

He was never sure what to say, even though there were many things that he wished to contribute he could never find the words. He had wanted to congratulate the child centaur for finding their true form, to welcome the wood elf whom he had noticed earlier, but he could never find the right way to do so.

Aether watched Wishton return, he hadn't known where the little snail had went, but it was obvious that he was tired.

The merman plucked a leaf from a nearby plant and dipped it in the pool. It glowed softly for a moment as he purified it, and gradually returned to its natural clear. He carefully placed it on the bank and pushed it towards the snail, hoping that he would understand.
No matter what happens, I'll be right here beside you.

If you ever need someone to talk to, please feel free to message me at anytime.
I live to help people.


Kel the dormouse watches the snail return and sees that the snail is tired and takes him an acorn..

The dormouse has spent her day exploring the Unicorn Forest and seeing what other creatures she could find..


Apparently oblivious to all that has happened, a rather haggard looking woman comes running into the group, flapping her arms hysterically.

"Someone has stolen my mushrooms!" she cries. "You've got to be careful with those."

She runs off just as abruptly, as a large albino tiger pads into the clearing, where he sits to rest. It almost seems as though the tiger is grinning.


Cerys walks softly through the twilight, lost in her own thoughts and with no destination in mind. Eventually her feet carry her to the forest pool, where she sees the dormouse bringing the tired snail and acorn. Slipping through the shadows with a quiet grace, she seats herself at the edge of the pool where the merman keeps his lonely vigil. She raises her voice in wordless song, a fierce lament of the dragon kin about a world that can feel so alien and unwelcoming for her kind. At some point during her song she shifts back into her dragon form, her scales and barbs physical protection against the world. As the last, defiant note soars into the darkening sky she lays her head at the waters edge not saying anything but letting the merman know her was not forgotten


Aether floated quietly until Cerys finished her song, watching as the magnificent dragon rested her head near the pools edge. The merman was suddenly aware of how small he was in comparison. Hesitantly he lifted a hand and gently rested it on her snout, reciting an old incantation  that was said to protect one's health before retracting his hand again.

"... Thank you", he says with an unsure but kind smile.
No matter what happens, I'll be right here beside you.

If you ever need someone to talk to, please feel free to message me at anytime.
I live to help people.


The tired snail moves over to accept Mermans cool wet leaf, and Kel the doormouse's acorn, and lays down with a relaxing Sigh... The moist cool leaf refreshes Wistion, and gives the snail the water that the hot sun traveling had taken from his body.. The acorn was the first food he had eaten all day, as the food in the city was much too expensive, and he needed his magic ingrediants for tea's for his family in the forest, which was much more important to Wishton.. Thank you he says, you have a way of knowing just what others need, and are such a special part of the inner forest family..

What beautiful music he hears Cerys the dragon singing by the pool with Aether floating near by listening with quiet peaceful undulations under the water by her tail, like a the most precious of musical instruments...
The other creatures tell the amazing story about the beautiful grinning tiger that chased a hysterical woman looking for her stolen mushrooms running out of the forest today.. Wishton is mesmerized by the story, and keeps asking where they went, hoping to see them himself, and maybe buy a mushroom for his magical potions from her..?

The tired little snail falls asleep on the soft leaf, and dreams of all he had seen today, a peaceful dream feeling the presence of the other creatures close by, even as he slept.......
"The soul is beyond male and female as it is beyond life and death."


The fairly flies above the forest.

Sh'e hunts for the ones that are gone.

Sh'e sees the changes in the outer edges, sh'e lets it be as it is.  Sh'e sees the creatures in their self discover, sh'e wonders if it reflective of their true selves.  Authenticity.  Only they know.

She glides down to the path, and starts looking for the old forest.  The old forest is the unicorn forest, where non binaries are as rare as unicorns, a place birthed from pain, and need.  A holy place.  A deep place, of serious questions and answers, of untamed paths, some leading deep into the mind, the heart, the soul, some to other places.  The deep things of non binary trans.

Sh'e looks for the keepers of this place, the wise ones that know of it, the answers to our questions, the preservers of what is good in the forest.

She knows they are there.  She thinks she may know who they are.  Or not.

The fairy walks the forest.  Searching.  Watching.  Learning, more and more, that sh'e knows so little, and there is so much in the deep places.

A serious place is this forest.  This thread. 

The fairy walks and searches.  Looking for unicorns.  Rare gifts in this world.

The fairy, sh'e is here
Morpheus: This is your last chance. After this, there is no turning back. You take the red pill - the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the little blue pills - you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit-hole goes

Sh'e took the little blue ones.