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What kind of creature are you in the Unicorn Forest? Come play with me - please

Started by Satinjoy, August 12, 2014, 10:41:51 AM

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Sensing Aether's nervousness at her great size, Cerys smiles and shifts forms once more, though she keeps her wings, wrapping them around her body like a blanket.


The fairy glimpses something in the deep forest.  Sh'e quietly sneaks up on it, is it a unicorn?  Sh'e holds h'er breath, sh'e parts the thicket.

And there is the unicorn staring h'er straight in the eye with a level gaze.  Sh'e says "who are you".

In h'er mind the answer.

I am you, I am your gender.

And they spread their wings, facing each other, scared to the core.
Morpheus: This is your last chance. After this, there is no turning back. You take the red pill - the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the little blue pills - you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit-hole goes

Sh'e took the little blue ones.


Awakened from a dream, the snail wipes his sleepy eyes, and from his hidden place under the great stone deep in the center of the forest, he glimpses the fairy and unicorn... Quietly, he opens his pouch of magic and wishes, and using almost all of the most precious ingredients he has collected in the forest, he mixes a special magic powder, and gently and invisibly blows a twinkling magic cloud over the fairy and unicorn..

The magic powder is meant to bring healing, peace and wellbeing to the fairy, and turn the fear both the fairy and unicorn had upon seeing each other, into love and togetherness, so the fairy and unicorn would never wander from each other again, and be a source of healing, peace, and a strength for the fairy to share her heart here, in the safest of places, and allow all of the creatures, and even the life force of the forest itself, to send out waves of healing energy to cover them both...
"The soul is beyond male and female as it is beyond life and death."

Kimberley Beauregard

I'm a sloth.  I spend a lot of time sleeping and moths and flies have an affinity for me.  They also taste nice.

I'm a fairly simple creature with simple needs and nice hair.

(I'm not very good at this.)
- Kim


The unicorn forest sends a warm welcoming breeze through the trees to greet the Sloth..  ;) The snail reaches out, wanting to touch the Sloths beautiful hair and long curved fingernails..
The snail wishes he could climb up high in the trees and live too..
The sloth and snail sit by the pond, eating tasty wild mushrooms, waiting for other forest creatures to arrive and join them.....
"The soul is beyond male and female as it is beyond life and death."


Kel the dormouse scampers on to the top of a rock near the pond, next to the sloth and the snail.


the eagle circles lazily over the forest, searching for something, but not falling down to pick anything up. after a while, it finally decided on a good spot, and drops a little black ball which it was carrying in its talons. the eagle leaves without paying heed to the squeals of the odd little ball as it falls towards the ground. surely, they were curses meant to make feathers fall off.

"wheeeyeeaaaa... noooo! no no no, not there, you stupid eagle, that's not a good place. water.. water... it's bad for myaouch..!"
with a poofy ploff, the ball hit the ground right beside a pond where a lot of big and scary animals were gathered. except for the snail. the snail didn't look very intimidating. though sliiimyyyyy... the ball shook off some soot as it shuddered at the thought of what all these animals could do to it, and muttered a few curses in a squeaky voice too small for anyone to make out the words.

"umm... ummm..." the little thing finally started, hoping to get some positive attention. "sootball doesn't know this place, is it scary? is it fun? can sootball play here?"


     The Shadow has traveled on many paths today, from the center of the forest, near the water, to the outer paths that lead into the realm of the cis.
Their short sighted vision, as dimensionless as it is, it's an easy task to find ones way through their own mazes of ideas, the ones they themselves seem to be lost in. It is also a simple matter to leave them to their task of building the wall they insist on surrounding themselves out of the fear that one such as the shadow can simply walk among them without care, the shadow leaves them to the task of building a wall that will do nothing for them. It is made out of an illusion, out of nothing at all, it is made of the stuff of their fears.
     Back to the outer paths, the ones the Shadow has been on many times and knows many of the those who use them as well. The Shadow finds one that is well worn and easy to follow, finds the one who cares for all who live in the vast expanse of the forest, and is assured that all is well and that trespassers from the cis realm have been dispatched with a warning to leave the forest and the creatures it shelters.
The Shadow sees one who is in distress, but leaves knowing they will be well cared for in the places they gather on the outer paths of this great place.
     The Shadow is looking for the paths for all to use, to travel freely to all the paths that are still used. There is a need to find shorter routes from one place in the forest to another, it has grown over time and is growing ever faster, perhaps a path that is like a doorway, where one passes through and comes out at the place they choose, the places they have been thinking about, a magical doorway for all to use. The shadow knows this is fantastical thinking, but also knows the power of the forest to make such things possible.
     The Shadow wanders off again, lost in thought of who to seek out, to find those who's powers combined can make such a doorway. There is much to think about from the events of the last few days in the forest, there have been a lot of creatures who have stood up and have come out to make themselves known to the others.
     This is the power that this place holds for all who live here, all who know that no matter how different we may seem to be, we will always be creatures of this place, a place that is a great family, one that those who live in the realms of the cis and others like them will never know of the strange and wonderful things the creatures here know in their hearts. Even the wind is alive, capturing warmth for those in need, even the sounds of the songs can be heard if one is still and listens while quieting the noise of their thoughts...
     We are all different, and we live in different ways, but know the truth, that we are more alike as a family than we would be if left to struggle alone as the different creatures we are. This is the power that makes this vast expanse of forest, water, and grassy fields the safe place it is, the shelter that is ours, the place that is home for so many...


//Aether was slightly surprised at Cerys' shift. Her dragon form, he assumed, was her protection. He smiled warmly, taking her change of form as a sign of trust. Her wings were beautiful, powerful, yet delicate at the same time.

He mentally flailed while trying to find the right words, hoping desperately that he wouldn't mess up like usual.

"...You're very kind, Cerys. Even with all of what you've faced in life... you still have the courage... to let down your barriers for all of the creatures here. It's... really hard to get past those memories enough, I wish I had the courage."

The merman paused in thought for a moment, watching the sootball amusedly out of the corner of his eyes.

"...Your wings, are lovely." Thats all he could come up with, yet again stricken by his appaerent lack of communication skills.
No matter what happens, I'll be right here beside you.

If you ever need someone to talk to, please feel free to message me at anytime.
I live to help people.


The golden Dragon smiles at the warm welcome everyone has given her. especially Cerys happy to meet another creature similar to her. She thought she was the only one. Now she knows she is not alone and is happy. She spreads her golden feathered wings preparing to take flight and dance among the clouds. Many marvel at how sunlight shimmers off of her golden wings as with one swift jump she is airborne heading skyward for the clouds while watching over the forest and all it's creatures.

Ally :)
Full Time August 2009
HRT Dec 27 2013
VFS [ ? ]
FFS [ ? ]
SRS Spring 2015



Having seen the transformation of the others, Kel the dormouse scampers to a rock near the edge of the pond, looks for the merman, shyly waves a paw at him and leaps into the water.. As she hits the water, Kel becomes a fragile, delicate, leafy sea dragon.. The sea dragon swims over to the merman, swimming around him, even doing an impossible jump right in front of him..


the sootball blinks at the merman when it notices him looking at it. suspicious, very suspicious, but... will he play?
nobody answers the sootball's question, so it bounces around like a bouncing ball that was dropped to the floor yesterday.

suddenly, the dragon creature transforms! it slides down into the pond, splashing water everywhere.
sootball jumps back, terrified at what the water could do to it, and scurries hurriedly up into a nearby tree to hide.


Realising that she hadn't yet given the sootball a welcoming paw-painted acorn, the sea dragon leaps up on to the rock she leapt in to the pond from and lands as a slightly damp dormouse. She runs off in the to forest and returns a short time later, a painted acorn held gently between her teeth. Finding a patch of sun, she sits and looks around for the sootball, wondering where it might be.


the sootball studies an interestingly active dormouse which runs around on the ground, disappears between trees, and suddenly turns up with... an acorn? don't dormouse sleep all the time? odd. very odd... sootball stares at the dormouse where it finally sits down in a sunny spot and wonders, could it go down to meet the little animal? a thing not much bigger than itself can't be very dangerous, can it?

after thinking for a while and drizzling soot onto the ground below where it sits on the branch, sootball finally decides to take the risk. it lets itself drop down from the tree, and rolls as quickly and silently as it can into the sunny spot and chitters the dormouse a greeting.


Smiling shyly, Kel holds the acorn out to the sootball, hoping it's seen as the gift it is. She also looks somewhat curiously at the sootball, never having met one before. Kel chatters back to the sootball happily.


In that other part of the forest, the fairy still remains standing in front of the unicorn.

"Ride with me," the unicorn speaks in her mind.

"I am frightened", says the fairy, "you are too large, too powerful, how can I control you?"

Says the unicorn "You can't."

"Look into my eyes, and ride the winds and the paths into your heart, join to me, be freed"

"Ride with me"

Eyes locked, they look at each other, one spirit, yet separated by walls of fear, and denial, and pain, and deceptions.

"Ride with me my dear, I am you, you are me, ride with me, it is your destiny, I will not allow you to come to harm."

"Ride with me.  Trust me, and Ride"

Bursting into tears, sh'e mounts her gender.  The unicorn and the fairy become one, h'er head spins, sh'e is pulled deep into the eyes of h'er soul, and letting go of the reins, sh'e lifts her hands to the sky.

Morpheus: This is your last chance. After this, there is no turning back. You take the red pill - the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the little blue pills - you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit-hole goes

Sh'e took the little blue ones.


Just as she does I enter the forest from the thicket I am a Sirin (a Greek mythological bird with a woman's head who lures men to their deaths) seeing the beautiful fairy in front of me I am stunned by her beauty and pause for a minute to make sure that she is safe.

May I join your forest of great and wonderful creatures I ask, I have been so lonely here in the thicket by myself I would love to join your extensive forest if you will let me as I pause for a reply -


Yes my dear.  The way this works is that our creatures represent who we are deep inside, our interactions reflect our experiences in trans, as well as some banter, the thread is quite serious.  I would ask at the moment that I continue to work the fairy post alone at the moment, I am in the middle of doing just that, exposing my journey into my gender.  Ativan if you wish to comment or add to this, please feel free to do so...  Yes I am safe, I am well protected in this place.  ;)  Blessings and warmest greetings- Satinjoy
Morpheus: This is your last chance. After this, there is no turning back. You take the red pill - the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the little blue pills - you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit-hole goes

Sh'e took the little blue ones.


Spinning freely, hands in the air, the fairy breathes.  Sh'e lets go, sh'e wants so badly to understand and to be free.  H'er mind spins, it is big, it is a big thing to be a sh'e, a body corrected, a mind trapped, a soul still learning they are free.

Pulled into those deep, stern, loving eyes of the unicorn sh'e, her mind begins to travel in.  Loud cymbals and clashings and drums and noise surrounds her, shouts of anger and fear, judgement's given, bodies cast around, victims of the alcohol they used, trying to silence their genders, never truly successful.  Resolute, she summons the courage she needs to go on, drawing from the universal strength of all the unicorns, and from another One far above..  In this dark place, with the stars of the other travelers surrounding her, near but far, she travels her own path, all do, she continues on.  Led by the relentless power of her unicorn gender, she went deeper within.  The shouting began to be muffled as she draws close to her heart, and there, around the jewel within, she finds the first of so many walls, walls deep within the soul.

She cries out, in the full power of her pain, screaming her names to the wind, "open", she cries, "open and be, feel and be, who are you?"

The first of the walls shatters, the wall of fear, revealing more to come.  Each wall falls with a cry, walls of abandonment, of pain, of bitterness, of want, of overwhelming need and desire, all fall into the dust of oblivion, as she courageously faces her truth.

Then, under the pain, under the fear, under the great and terrifying walls of overpowering emotion, she sees it.

The great diamond of h'er core.  A diamond of light, but more, not just the white light, but every light imaginable, ever facet alive with it, every part of the stone, breathing the courage to be free.  Indestructable and strong, harder than nails, sharp as knives, smooth as silk, glorious, a wedding stone of the heart and mind to the body and the soul, never to cut, but always to shine.

Into the core she flies, deep inside her diamond,  soul uniting to flesh, spirit to bone, heart to love, passion to body.  Then, a voice in the sudden stillness, thunderous, it echoes throughout time and space.

"Know thyself, and be free.  The truth, your truth, has set you free."

And h'er world explodes with light, and sh'e stands again in the forest, staring into air, the unicorn, where is it?   Sh'e is alone... 

...Or is sh'e?

Sh'e is a unicorn, a unicorn is sh'e, the unicorn fairy of the forest, light, and free.  As undefinable as mist, and as real as the day, sh'e is.

Sh'e turns on the path, startled, seeing creatures sh'e has not known, some of them new, some only new to the forest, h'er heart melting in compassion for them, from the depths of h'er diamond core.   Sh'e is still the fairy, the fairy with the unicorn heart, the diamond heart of trans, on fire with h'er love of this forest.

Hoping the friends who guard h'er will approve, sh'e moves quietly into the forest, seeking to accept all sh'e has learned, in so short a time, learning so much, and knowing nothing, except how precious, precious is h'er truth.  None can take it away from h'er, only sh'e can give it away, by rebuilding the walls of fear, and self deception.  May it never be so again.

Sh'e moves, ready to meet those who desire to be free.

Deep love to all who journey here.  The journey, for me, continues deep within...
Morpheus: This is your last chance. After this, there is no turning back. You take the red pill - the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the little blue pills - you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit-hole goes

Sh'e took the little blue ones.


There's a Unicorn here. Easy prey, or is it, really?

The tiger watches, waiting to strike. This unicorn is beautiful, it thinks. This will be a good hunt. This will be a very special meal.

It is white, like me. It is rare, like me. It is entirely precious, like me! So many do not believe this exists, like me.

I can destroy it now. I can destroy all that is me, in this creature. It will never see me coming.

It must be a broken creature, like me. I want it gone.  Destroying what is broken, what is missing within me, can make myself whole. I must remove this broken thing! We must be whole.

"It won't work," comes a soft, gentle voice from behind the giant Cat, as tender fingers come to scratch just behind the ears, where we like it best.

"You might even succeed, little one," the haggard woman says to the tiger twice her size. "You may even kill that beautiful creature. But to do so will be to destroy yourself. There is no healing along that path; you will also kill yourself. To wound the unicorn is to wound yourself, dearling. And that is one wound that will never heal; you will ever bleed."

"Come, let us go home," she says quietly, as both tiger and witch pad softly into the darkness.