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The All New 'Before & After Topic (v 3.0)

Started by Jennygirl, July 02, 2014, 05:49:20 PM

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Quote from: galaxy on June 15, 2015, 04:44:19 PM
I had two breast augmentations  :P

Makes sense then. It really does make you look proportional.


Quote from: Evelyn K on June 16, 2015, 12:49:33 AM
Did you have laser on your skin? It looks so smooth!!!!!

Its called Photoshop noise remover.  ;)
Body measures are the same in both pictures.


Quote from: Boo Stew on June 15, 2015, 11:27:18 AM
As a fellow New Jersey resident I also loathe the no smiling policy which makes me look like a serial killer.

Interesting tidbit as well, the last 5 digits of your DL number are your gender, month and year of birth and your eye color. In fact the rest of the number is part of your name encoded.

So in the last 5 digits I now get a 5 and not a 0. When I change my name the middle numbers will change too.


Quote from: Joanne Feliz on June 14, 2015, 01:09:56 AM
I have to ask but do you get any hassle from colleagues or the prisoners?  Do you get any coming up to you and saying this is what drove me to prison etc your inspirational etc...  Was a great story and very inspiring

Co-workers seem like a mix bag, most are pretty quiet about everything while others are very supportive and a few look at me like "your evil now" expressions.  So to bad so sad for the haters. I did not transition to please them! But overall co-workers seem unchanged with how they interact with me. Though I'm sure the rumor mill is turning full speed because I've already heard stories of myself...  ;)

As for inmates they constantly call me sir or bro or dude or F*g or every foul word you can think of. Even despite the fact almost none of them have seen me as a male and they somehow "magically" believe I look like a man. So foul name calling is an everyday thing I expect to hear now, so I just shrug it off as pointless bigots. But thankfully those "types" of inmates are in the minority. The actual majority just think I'm the new hot babe in town. lol :angel: So everyone wants to talk about something and I hear cat calls when I'm not looking from time to time. (But secretly I enjoy hearing the positive "signs" of transition that I'm not suppose to acknowledge while at work.  :laugh:)

One of my favorite quotes from an inmate that I over heard. " I dont care if she was a dude! I don't I believe it just look at her! Shes F***ing hot and better looking than most women around here!".   


Hold your head up sister; you're beautiful  :)


Me almost a year ago

Only have about six pictures of me taken, always hated how I looked in photos.

And me today


Hannah Samira

Quote from: RavenL on June 18, 2015, 08:44:40 PM
Me almost a year ago

Only have about six pictures of me taken, always hated how I looked in photos.

And me today

You definitely look much happier as a woman, and you're definitely a very pretty woman too!! Hugs!! :) xx
Twitter: @HannahSamira14
Instagram: @hannah_samira14



Quote from: Kyra553 on June 03, 2015, 11:51:59 AM
Two years of before and after  :o

Two years ago I looked at this photo as a 225 pound man and could no longer stand how I appeared or how anything I did, could ever mean anything to me. I looked at this photo and decided to finally start being the person who I knew I should of been in the beginning.  The many many years of questioning myself "why do I want to be a girl" seemed to finally push me to change.

So I tried on a wig for the first time and I couldn't stop staring at myself for an entire afternoon.

I began attending therapy to determine if I truly had gender dysphoria. I also began dieting and exercising every morning. My hair had a huge balding patch in the front and it has been the vain of many struggles. However I stopped having my hair buzzed cut and it began to grow.

Then the hard part began, I started to learn and practice how to walk, talk, interact, and live as a woman. Even though I knew my appearances was horrid. My therapist still recommended I should dress more often instead of only at home on the weekends. I never left the house because it was not worth any negative social interaction looking like a man in a dress in my mind.

After enduring therapy for six months and finally beginning hormone replacement therapy, I called a close to year one.  This was the last photo I saved as male me. This was the starting point of my happiness and an end to constantly asking myself "why".

By some miracle I managed to find a fellow transsexual in my local town my same age. We became instant friends and I regard her as the truest friend I have ever had. She truly helped me to have confidence and I finally found someone who understood what I couldn't explain to others.

So we move in together and share a house as friends. By this point I have lost 65 pounds and with waist cinching eight hours a day. My figure truly started to show and I could wear normal women sized clothes.

Nine months of HRT pass by and I'm tearing myself apart having to switch from a man at work to a female at home. Luckily I kept my HR department at work up to date about my transition since day one of therapy. So my HR sets up a meeting with the Warden (the big cheese) and all they truly wanted to know was is if I'm sure about this and inform me of the increased danger of this in prison. So after explaining how I need to do this and how its been on my mind since early childhood. I was given the OK and began fulltime as a female. So yes I work as a corrections officer and yes I transitioned while working in a male prison.  This photo is my first day as a full time female.  :angel: 

My hair is still growing out but I feel confident in how I look and how I speak. I'm only going to further improve with time.

So there it is, my full story with zero holding back! Two years as of today, of my hard work, stress, and determination is posted before you. But the best part out of all of this is...I can finally begin my life the way I have always felt it should have been. I've never been this happy and go getting in my life. All the hard times and pain was worth it, I cant wait for the future instead of dreading it now.  :)

Wow Kyra!  You're absolutely gorgeous!  You go girl. :). Such a splendid transition.  Do you still work in a male prison? Any plans to be transferred to a female facility?


Quote from: Sophie Hannah Alexis on June 18, 2015, 10:49:26 PM
You definitely look much happier as a woman, and you're definitely a very pretty woman too!! Hugs!! :) xx

Thank you Sophie! I feel a lot more happy and actually smile now.



Quote from: amber roskamp on June 15, 2015, 06:19:25 PM
Really just ur chest but it makes the rest of you like a lot better. They really give you very femme proportions!

My chest never changed. HRT wont change bones. What makes you think?  ???

amber roskamp

Quote from: galaxy on June 19, 2015, 07:18:06 AM
My chest never changed. HRT wont change bones. What makes you think?  ???

Sorry I worded it funny. I don't mean that I think it changed your bone structure. I think what your breast augmentation did besides making you boobs bigger was it made your overall shape much more feminine. Your BA really did a lot for your proportions  :D


sorry , I couldn't resist posting I like how things are moving along at 20 months


Quote from: amber roskamp on June 19, 2015, 09:09:25 AM
Sorry I worded it funny. I don't mean that I think it changed your bone structure. I think what your breast augmentation did besides making you boobs bigger was it made your overall shape much more feminine. Your BA really did a lot for your proportions  :D

yes, clear - the boobs change to shape of the upper body.


Quote from: Tristan on June 18, 2015, 11:07:16 PM
Wow Kyra!  You're absolutely gorgeous!  You go girl. :). Such a splendid transition.  Do you still work in a male prison? Any plans to be transferred to a female facility?

Thanks Tristan =D

Currently I have no plans to change to a female facility. Their typically more nasty than mens anyway...  ;)


Hi Here is my before and after, this is my first time showing my before.  :o I start back in the day that we don't really have camera on the phone so I didn't have much picture of me before it was 2003. So I hope this post is not too long

Me at 2003 (as fully a complete guy)

On my first years I didn't take much photo, as I hated myself, I dress up occasionally. I go around with wig, I thought I never going to be a woman. I want all operation in the world to make me feminine. I go on a crazy diet and lose 20lbs. It was the most depress time of my life.  Very low self esteem and feel bad with social.

and This is my first dress up with a wig. This was like 2005 (I already forget this, this thread make me dig up these ten years photo again)  ;D This time my mind start to be like, I don't care anymore, I overcame the depress feeling. I gonna do the best for myself. I don't know if I going to be a woman or not, but I will just go on. I start going out to people, everyone, friends, parent, etc. As I was social independent, and job and financial independent, so I was like I don't cae if you accept me or not, I am here to inform you that I am a woman!! inside out. I lose some friend though but I feel so good at that time ^__^ It's like a relief feeling.

Then I start HRT and grow my own hair  :D , no more wig ( I still keep that wig ) and this is me 1 year after HRT. I went to a party in devil costume.

And that time of my life, I call "Anything make beauty, you tell me" I start doing every things that make a woman look pretty, I learn many technique of make up, hair do, spa myself, treatment. I get hair removal laser treatment at my face and my leg twice a month for 12 months straight up. I was super pampering myself, I was really strict about my routine beauty treatment, I scrubed my skin every 4 days, I do facial mask every weeks with different formula, I cream myself everyday, etc. And this is the second year HRT result

That time was the big change, I was surprise too! never though so. And then on the third to forth year it start to go to the peak of transition, I think I look the best on that time.

My first swim suit photo

Then after that, it more like try to keep yourself like that  ;D and I start to want to have a little sexy girl masculine look so I start to go to gym again, but doing different exercise than when I was a guy and this is the result, this is me last year

so the exercise I regular do at that time was the running, abs works like sit up, I turn on youtube and search "train like an angle of Victoria Secret and regular do it. And it turn out really healthy. I use to be really afraid of exercise when I first start transition as I don't want any muscle, but after sometime I learn that if you are on HRT you won't really gain that muscle like guy did.

And today, it's been more than ten years, I admit that I really loose myself. I didn't really care much on myself. I enjoy eating no more control!!!  my weight is getting over control, too many fat covering me. I getting older, I start to gain wrinkel, scar. now I try to fight weight control, the weight keep going up and not come down. I try to keep myself look young, even though I am not LOL. I plan that I will turn 50s like Madonna  ;D .  And today, I still didn't get any surgery that I plan on the first year of transition, I just get the laser treatment for hair and continuously HRT. I still plan on doing breast imp, but something always came up. I went several doctor and sit right there and something make me decide " let's do it later then " :P And I am pretty scare of getting cut too. I didn't even get the ear pierce as I am too scare  :o

This is recent of me,


You a stunningly beautiful woman, and most importantly, you look so happy.  Hugs!

Sent from my SM-G900T using Tapatalk



Thanks for sharing Kyra,

I think your story and photos are truly inspiring, kudos to you as you look beautiful and the hormones really have done wonders with all your hard work!

- Antonia

Quote from: Kyra553 on June 03, 2015, 11:51:59 AM
Two years of before and after  :o

Two years ago I looked at this photo as a 225 pound man and could no longer stand how I appeared or how anything I did, could ever mean anything to me. I looked at this photo and decided to finally start being the person who I knew I should of been in the beginning.  The many many years of questioning myself "why do I want to be a girl" seemed to finally push me to change.

So I tried on a wig for the first time and I couldn't stop staring at myself for an entire afternoon.

I began attending therapy to determine if I truly had gender dysphoria. I also began dieting and exercising every morning. My hair had a huge balding patch in the front and it has been the vain of many struggles. However I stopped having my hair buzzed cut and it began to grow.

Then the hard part began, I started to learn and practice how to walk, talk, interact, and live as a woman. Even though I knew my appearances was horrid. My therapist still recommended I should dress more often instead of only at home on the weekends. I never left the house because it was not worth any negative social interaction looking like a man in a dress in my mind.

After enduring therapy for six months and finally beginning hormone replacement therapy, I called a close to year one.  This was the last photo I saved as male me. This was the starting point of my happiness and an end to constantly asking myself "why".

By some miracle I managed to find a fellow transsexual in my local town my same age. We became instant friends and I regard her as the truest friend I have ever had. She truly helped me to have confidence and I finally found someone who understood what I couldn't explain to others.

So we move in together and share a house as friends. By this point I have lost 65 pounds and with waist cinching eight hours a day. My figure truly started to show and I could wear normal women sized clothes.

Nine months of HRT pass by and I'm tearing myself apart having to switch from a man at work to a female at home. Luckily I kept my HR department at work up to date about my transition since day one of therapy. So my HR sets up a meeting with the Warden (the big cheese) and all they truly wanted to know was is if I'm sure about this and inform me of the increased danger of this in prison. So after explaining how I need to do this and how its been on my mind since early childhood. I was given the OK and began fulltime as a female. So yes I work as a corrections officer and yes I transitioned while working in a male prison.  This photo is my first day as a full time female.  :angel: 

My hair is still growing out but I feel confident in how I look and how I speak. I'm only going to further improve with time.

So there it is, my full story with zero holding back! Two years as of today, of my hard work, stress, and determination is posted before you. But the best part out of all of this is...I can finally begin my life the way I have always felt it should have been. I've never been this happy and go getting in my life. All the hard times and pain was worth it, I cant wait for the future instead of dreading it now.  :)



You are beautiful and I think your new workout routine is paying off, you look like you are in top physical shape, wish I had the guts to do swimsuit photos, one day perhaps who knows :D

- Antonia

Quote from: Naeree on June 20, 2015, 04:06:10 AM
Hi Here is my before and after, this is my first time showing my before.  :o I start back in the day that we don't really have camera on the phone so I didn't have much picture of me before it was 2003. So I hope this post is not too long

Me at 2003 (as fully a complete guy)

On my first years I didn't take much photo, as I hated myself, I dress up occasionally. I go around with wig, I thought I never going to be a woman. I want all operation in the world to make me feminine. I go on a crazy diet and lose 20lbs. It was the most depress time of my life.  Very low self esteem and feel bad with social.

and This is my first dress up with a wig. This was like 2005 (I already forget this, this thread make me dig up these ten years photo again)  ;D This time my mind start to be like, I don't care anymore, I overcame the depress feeling. I gonna do the best for myself. I don't know if I going to be a woman or not, but I will just go on. I start going out to people, everyone, friends, parent, etc. As I was social independent, and job and financial independent, so I was like I don't cae if you accept me or not, I am here to inform you that I am a woman!! inside out. I lose some friend though but I feel so good at that time ^__^ It's like a relief feeling.

Then I start HRT and grow my own hair  :D , no more wig ( I still keep that wig ) and this is me 1 year after HRT. I went to a party in devil costume.

And that time of my life, I call "Anything make beauty, you tell me" I start doing every things that make a woman look pretty, I learn many technique of make up, hair do, spa myself, treatment. I get hair removal laser treatment at my face and my leg twice a month for 12 months straight up. I was super pampering myself, I was really strict about my routine beauty treatment, I scrubed my skin every 4 days, I do facial mask every weeks with different formula, I cream myself everyday, etc. And this is the second year HRT result

That time was the big change, I was surprise too! never though so. And then on the third to forth year it start to go to the peak of transition, I think I look the best on that time.

My first swim suit photo

Then after that, it more like try to keep yourself like that  ;D and I start to want to have a little sexy girl masculine look so I start to go to gym again, but doing different exercise than when I was a guy and this is the result, this is me last year

so the exercise I regular do at that time was the running, abs works like sit up, I turn on youtube and search "train like an angle of Victoria Secret and regular do it. And it turn out really healthy. I use to be really afraid of exercise when I first start transition as I don't want any muscle, but after sometime I learn that if you are on HRT you won't really gain that muscle like guy did.

And today, it's been more than ten years, I admit that I really loose myself. I didn't really care much on myself. I enjoy eating no more control!!!  my weight is getting over control, too many fat covering me. I getting older, I start to gain wrinkel, scar. now I try to fight weight control, the weight keep going up and not come down. I try to keep myself look young, even though I am not LOL. I plan that I will turn 50s like Madonna  ;D .  And today, I still didn't get any surgery that I plan on the first year of transition, I just get the laser treatment for hair and continuously HRT. I still plan on doing breast imp, but something always came up. I went several doctor and sit right there and something make me decide " let's do it later then " :P And I am pretty scare of getting cut too. I didn't even get the ear pierce as I am too scare  :o

This is recent of me,


amber roskamp

Quote from: Naeree on June 20, 2015, 04:06:10 AM
Hi Here is my before and after, this is my first time showing my before.  :o I start back in the day that we don't really have camera on the phone so I didn't have much picture of me before it was 2003. So I hope this post is not too long

Me at 2003 (as fully a complete guy)

On my first years I didn't take much photo, as I hated myself, I dress up occasionally. I go around with wig, I thought I never going to be a woman. I want all operation in the world to make me feminine. I go on a crazy diet and lose 20lbs. It was the most depress time of my life.  Very low self esteem and feel bad with social.

and This is my first dress up with a wig. This was like 2005 (I already forget this, this thread make me dig up these ten years photo again)  ;D This time my mind start to be like, I don't care anymore, I overcame the depress feeling. I gonna do the best for myself. I don't know if I going to be a woman or not, but I will just go on. I start going out to people, everyone, friends, parent, etc. As I was social independent, and job and financial independent, so I was like I don't cae if you accept me or not, I am here to inform you that I am a woman!! inside out. I lose some friend though but I feel so good at that time ^__^ It's like a relief feeling.

Then I start HRT and grow my own hair  :D , no more wig ( I still keep that wig ) and this is me 1 year after HRT. I went to a party in devil costume.

And that time of my life, I call "Anything make beauty, you tell me" I start doing every things that make a woman look pretty, I learn many technique of make up, hair do, spa myself, treatment. I get hair removal laser treatment at my face and my leg twice a month for 12 months straight up. I was super pampering myself, I was really strict about my routine beauty treatment, I scrubed my skin every 4 days, I do facial mask every weeks with different formula, I cream myself everyday, etc. And this is the second year HRT result

That time was the big change, I was surprise too! never though so. And then on the third to forth year it start to go to the peak of transition, I think I look the best on that time.

My first swim suit photo

Then after that, it more like try to keep yourself like that  ;D and I start to want to have a little sexy girl masculine look so I start to go to gym again, but doing different exercise than when I was a guy and this is the result, this is me last year

so the exercise I regular do at that time was the running, abs works like sit up, I turn on youtube and search "train like an angle of Victoria Secret and regular do it. And it turn out really healthy. I use to be really afraid of exercise when I first start transition as I don't want any muscle, but after sometime I learn that if you are on HRT you won't really gain that muscle like guy did.

And today, it's been more than ten years, I admit that I really loose myself. I didn't really care much on myself. I enjoy eating no more control!!!  my weight is getting over control, too many fat covering me. I getting older, I start to gain wrinkel, scar. now I try to fight weight control, the weight keep going up and not come down. I try to keep myself look young, even though I am not LOL. I plan that I will turn 50s like Madonna  ;D .  And today, I still didn't get any surgery that I plan on the first year of transition, I just get the laser treatment for hair and continuously HRT. I still plan on doing breast imp, but something always came up. I went several doctor and sit right there and something make me decide " let's do it later then " :P And I am pretty scare of getting cut too. I didn't even get the ear pierce as I am too scare  :o

This is recent of me,

Wow.....  I'm wow'd

You are so pretty. All with out any surgeries or anything.


Quote from: ChiGirl on June 20, 2015, 05:20:56 AM
You a stunningly beautiful woman, and most importantly, you look so happy.  Hugs!

Sent from my SM-G900T using Tapatalk

Thank you  Chigirl, Yes I am happy but I also had some bad times too. ^__^

Quote from: antonia on June 20, 2015, 05:38:10 AM
You are beautiful and I think your new workout routine is paying off, you look like you are in top physical shape, wish I had the guts to do swimsuit photos, one day perhaps who knows :D

- Antonia

I have no more top physical shape now, I working on my way back to it.  :D And right one day just do swimsuite ;)