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My low dose HRT experience (was 9 month low dose HRT)

Started by luna nyan, November 21, 2012, 08:05:19 AM

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Regarding the new 3mm pellets, I asked about them. They are from a new supplier, and there were problems making the larger ones, so he implants 2 smaller ones rather than one big one. Or one small one I guess.


Quote from: judithlynn on July 23, 2015, 11:09:09 PM
Hi Luna Nyan;
I have been considering asking my GP for a referral to Monash to an Endo to get a pellet implant as I take  my Oestrogen twice a day (12 hours gap) sublingually, and its a hassle. (My GP says he doesn't do pellets). But reading your situation I am wondering if this might really push me over the edge. Since on my trip to my house in the UK, many of my friends and relatives commented how well I looked and how I somehow looked 10 years younger and so much more relaxed. In fact my closest female relative sorted of guessed by saying how radiant I looked almost as if I was a pregnant woman!. So I reckon that although I would like not to have the hassle , the pellet approach may be too much and really push me over the edge so as to speak into 100% male fail..
Yes you are absolutely right  taking Oestrogen long term is a slow but sure cumulative effect at least that is what I have found with my T levels now getting very low, but my Oestrogen climbing al the time. Its almost as though my T  production has shut down almost completely. Whats surprising is that this is without any Anti Androgens ever.
Here might be some pointers for your doc:,192044.msg1713877.html#msg1713877


luna nyan

Update time:

I got 10 months out of my last progynova implant.  Hormone assays were 350E 0.5T before insertion of another implant, same dosage.  The pellet alone has been extremely effective in suppression of T.

The smaller 3mm pellets have been kind to me.  Other than a minor scar from the incision, I'm not getting an angry mass of keloid tissue over the implantation site.  I haven't required sutures on both occasions - a bit of surgical tape, and a big bandaid, and I'm up and about.

Changes continue.
Upper body strength loss is now significant.
Fat continues to slowly migrate to hips n bum.
Breasts are now definite A cup
Facial changes are significant enough now that if I were to let my hair grow a little longer, it'd be easy to male fail.  I'm getting away with this as changes have been so slow and gradual and people expect to see what they want to see.

I definitely feel a lot more emotional.  I was watching a movie once and ended up bawling my eyes out uncontrollably for the last 15 minutes.

Libido is low, and it takes a bit to get things going these days.

Dysphoria is well under control.

Drifting down the river of life...
My 4+ years non-transitioning HRT experience
Ask me anything!  I promise you I know absolutely everything about nothing! :D


Thanks Luna, as always, for keeping us updated! I know I'm not alone in the excitement I feel when I'm notified that you've posted to this thread!


Quote from: luna nyan on November 12, 2015, 05:06:02 AM
Update time:

Thanks so much for this Luna.  Do you feel like you'll eventually be presenting female since you're so close now? 

Paige :)

Tessa James

The sounds like really wonderful progress to me and I hope those changes are what you want and near to what you expected. :D
Open, out and evolving queer trans person forever with HRT support since March 13, 2013


Many thanks for the update, about this experience you started about 4 years ago if I am correct. This is very helpful for me as I also manage my dysphoria with low dose since 3 months, without plans for a full transition (mainly to protect my family). It would be great if you could tell us a bit more how it works in your daily life: how easy is it to present as a male at work and with your family and friends?

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luna nyan

Quote from: Paige on November 12, 2015, 12:45:41 PM
Thanks so much for this Luna.  Do you feel like you'll eventually be presenting female since you're so close now? 

Paige :)
Not at this stage.  The whole aim of this is to avoid transition.  I have a happy personal life and professionally, I'm at a critical point in my career and the disruption transition would have outweigh the benefits for me.

Quote from: Tessa James on November 12, 2015, 01:41:02 PM
The sounds like really wonderful progress to me and I hope those changes are what you want and near to what you expected. :D
I have a love hate relationship with my changes.  I love them as they mean I'm not getting the age related male changes, and also because I'm feminising.  But at the same time it's a bit much for my States aims.

Quote from: Autrement on November 13, 2015, 09:50:29 AM
Many thanks for the update, about this experience you started about 4 years ago if I am correct. This is very helpful for me as I also manage my dysphoria with low dose since 3 months, without plans for a full transition (mainly to protect my family). It would be great if you could tell us a bit more how it works in your daily life: how easy is it to present as a male at work and with your family and friends?

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To date, presentation wise it hasn't been an issue, but some people will pick up that something is up but may have difficulty voicing what it actually is.  The most common comment is "you look young"

Careful clothing choices go a long way, and as I've always favoured dark and slightly loose fits, it does help me get away with it.
Drifting down the river of life...
My 4+ years non-transitioning HRT experience
Ask me anything!  I promise you I know absolutely everything about nothing! :D


Hi Luna Nyan;
I thought I would give a brief update on my latest HRT results, especially since its been about 9 months since I last posted to this thread. I have now been back on  HRT now for 2 years and 9 months.

My latest results on my Hormone Assays are:
T : elevated since last Blood Test (was just 2.5), but now 4.6
Oestradial: Has increased remarkably - now at 197

I am still not on an implant as I am struggling to find someone to do it in Melbourne.  Obviously I cannot disclose dosages (except to say that I was still on just a low dose of Progynova only, but my Doctor wants me to double my intake (from once a day to twice a day) over the next 4 months, to try to bring my T down to under 2 (preferably 1.5), to really knock the T levels down.

The reason I slipped back was that (again I cannot discuss dosages) but I had found that I had lost something of my competitive edge (business related). Almost as though emotionally I wasn't focussed enough business wide - to interested in feminine things like fashion etc. The result is raised (slightly) levels of T.

Overall though I have been feeling quite good and over the last month have been on a Paleo Diet - Absolutely no carbs, no fruit juices, no sugar, no Coke etc. And writing everything down that I eat. Over 3.5 weeks I have lost 3Kg, but a long way to go. Also following someone else advice, I have started taking CoQ10 and is does boost Energy!

But I just myself a new pair of Black Skinny Women's jeans (I cannot wear Mens any longer as my buttocks are too big - I kept splitting my male trousers at the seams as the fabric stretched across my rounded buttocks!) and I tried on size 22 (normal size), but they were too loose, surprised I tried on size 20 and again to loose, Size 18 fitted perfectly. This is amazing as I haven't been in a Size 18 in years. Target though is size 14. I can only hope.

In terms of other things:-


I have started to get out more and have joined a couple of Lesbian/Bi-Sexual  groups and been to a number of Womens only functions. I now identify as a Lipstick Femme Lesbian. I definantly though feel very passive and I think the HRT has made more submissive. Also before I re-started HRT I was an out there guy (Not alpha but one of the party). These days I am happy to flirt, but want others to be in control, as I feel thats more natural for me.

Recently I have been having a few Hot Flashes . My Gp reckons that was because of the slightly increased amount of T, but feels that the next 4 months should quell that and hopes to have me on a steady 250 level of Oestradial the next time I am tested. Also Crying has become very easy for me
My crying bouts seem to happen much more often and I seem to burst into tears  much more easily.


I have added about 3.5 inches to my bottom cheeks and male trousers don't fit anymore so I wear women's jeans, shorts and pants most of the time as they fit my bottom much better.

With a pretty hard exercise regime (Gym, Diet  and Water aerobics) my waistline has dropped a little and I am finally just under 110Kg, but  am much fitter that I used to be. But I am aiming for 85Kg

I am keeping up my deportment coach sessions and trying to do at least one hour practice each day in heels  and I am becoming much more comfortable now wearing them.  Also now its summer I can wear open toe stockings and pant hose and wearing my open toe shoes and keeping my toes nicely polished with my favourite OPI Colours. I have also just started vocal training, but am considering Vocal surgery in Lorea as I am so impressed by Jenny girls results

Libido is still down thanks goodness. If I do have a orgasm, it is definitely an all body affair  and I cannot help it, but I get a bit vocal now  and when it comes  its seems to last for a long time.

Physical changes
Weight:As above I am finally under 110kg

Breasts: I am now a large B Cup, and these days wear a 44B or 42C bra. I especially have a lot of breast tissue at the sides, but my breasts are rather tubular (unless held up in a support bra. I  like Marks and Spencer for pretty lace bras in these sizes. Nipples are extended all the time - so I cannot weary white T shirts without a bra as my Nipples are very in evidence. In fact I am close to Malfail just on my breasts alone.

I am these days wearing a bra all the time as I need to keep them from jiggling up and down with Shirts etc as they have become very obvious. . Also about 1 hour after I take my morning dose my nipples seem particularly sensitive.  My breasts are also still growing, but they seem to have growth spurts (not at the same time). 
My nipples are very female in shape and size and always extended. They are periodically incredibly sensitive , but a little Elocon ointment smeared over the nipple and around the Areolae at night can help if the pain and itching gets too much. For me this really helps tremendously and the pain subsides quite rapidly.  My muscle mass has decreased a lot it has a more slender appearance now. and My arm strength has completely gone and I really struggle now to open tight bottles
I did consider BA Last year and went for a Consultation, but the surgeon advised (as did some other girlfriends) not to do it until I have had 4-5 years of solid growth  as all the women in my family have been big breasted. My mother and grandmother were all DDD.

Body Hair:  Hair has disappeared in my lower legs and is a very fine on my upper legs. Two years ago after waxing they would be back especially on the bikini line and upper thighs in 2 weeks. Now even after 12 weeks they are just very fair and thin. My back hair has almost gone and I no longer have any hair in the small of my back or on my buttocks.

In fact my buttocks with the increased shape are starting to look really nice, but having seen Jennygirls result from Dr Hughes Brazilian Butt lift I am really thinking about going to him a those curves are really something!.

Hair: No real change these. On my face all my black hairs are gone and I have only 1 Laser treatment this year. Now I am starting on Laser for my décolleté and underarms as I have a few hairs around my nipples and cleavage that must go

Skin: My skin is very very soft all over especially my face legs and inner thighs.I am also having a peeling facial once every two months.

Facial changes: A couple of people have embarked about my facial features have changed and they have noticed my facial "glow". I have also got a more rounded face. These days I keep my  Eye lashes and eyebrows tinted and well shaped

Overall I think the biggest changes though for me is the emotional and mental changes in that I really think  and feel different now and I am noticing men much more that I though I would, but I remain interested only in Women



Quote from: judithlynn on November 17, 2015, 08:37:02 PM
I am still not on an implant as I am struggling to find someone to do it in Melbourne.

If you can manage to travel to Sydney Dr Hayes does have interstate patients (I asked), and for implants you'd not need to do it very often.


Hi Anonymous, Thanks - What is Dr Hayes website/address. I do come up to Sydney about 3-4 times a year on business. So that might be possible.



Quote from: judithlynn on November 19, 2015, 12:43:04 AM
Hi Anonymous, Thanks - What is Dr Hayes website/address. I do come up to Sydney about 3-4 times a year on business. So that might be possible.

Hi Judith, he does like blood tests so it might be a good idea to get one done before you visit. Ask him, or failing that others' that have been there. It would be disappointing to get there and find he wants the test done first, or some other paperwork. I believe his wait list was 6 weeks in St Leonards last time I asked. No idea about the other places yet.

He has 3 offices in different parts of Sydney, Bondi Junction, Mona Vale, St Leondards
His phone number is 02 9966 8556

Jon Hayes
Level 2 Room 11
66 Pacific Hwy Street,
NSW 2065

I believe this is his website, but there's nothing there yet

I'll pm you his email address so he doesn't get spam.

luna nyan

dr Hayes loves his pint of blood.   As I'm not due to see him for 9 months he gave me not 1, not 2, but 3!!!! Referrals for blood tests.  He is nice about it in the fact that he also is closely monitoring some other possible long term issues I may end up with.


It seems like things are going well for you.  I'm personally skeptical about the paleo diet, but I'm happy that it works for you.   I love sweet things too much to give them up - I'd rather eat less of everything!
Drifting down the river of life...
My 4+ years non-transitioning HRT experience
Ask me anything!  I promise you I know absolutely everything about nothing! :D


Hello, I hope you don't mind me butting in but I had a question for Luna and the others on low dose HRT.  I was wondering if you experienced both physical and social dysphoria, and if so, does low dose HRT help with both kinds?


Keeping my E level in the 'low dose' range significantly decreased my physical dysphoria.  If anything, I have become WAY more social than I was...which was already an extroverted nature.  I was maintaining T in the low range (for GM) and lowish (top end of low end) E for a while, though was not on guided HRT.  Started HRT through my Endo last month and jumped the doses in to mid range and moodiness is now obvious, where it was 'just a little' more fiery maintaining low levels.

Breast growth is more of a fill from the loss when I went off full HRT in 97.  The girls shrank a little, but stuck around enough to start up again just fine.  No real pain until several months in to low levels.  This actually helped bury some of the dyshporia as I now had a focus letting me know that I am in motion.
Katherine Lynn M.

You've got a light that always guides you.
You speak of hope and change as something good.
Live your truth and know you're not alone.

The restart - 20-Oct-2015
Legal name and gender change affirmed - 27-Sep-2016
Breast Augmentation (Dr. Gupta) - 27-Aug-2018


Hi Luna and others on low dose,

Has anyone discussed the difference between low dose anti-androgen to block T versus low dose E.    Would just blocking some T be enough for some people? 

Paige :)

luna nyan

The issue with suppressing T alone is the risk of hypogonadism - much of that may be desirable for MTF (decrease in beard/body hair growth rate, loss of muscle mass, possible gynecomastia), but with some possible unfortunate side effects (loss of libido, general energy, concentration, and most notably, osteoporosis).

It also may not necessarily prevent male age related changes such as hair loss, if one is predisposed that way.

YMMV of course.

Most people would find that a small dose of E would be desirable for reducing the risks of the above, and for some feminisation effect.
Drifting down the river of life...
My 4+ years non-transitioning HRT experience
Ask me anything!  I promise you I know absolutely everything about nothing! :D


Quote from: kaitylynn on November 21, 2015, 02:19:43 PM
Keeping my E level in the 'low dose' range significantly decreased my physical dysphoria.  If anything, I have become WAY more social than I was...which was already an extroverted nature.  I was maintaining T in the low range (for GM) and lowish (top end of low end) E for a while, though was not on guided HRT.  Started HRT through my Endo last month and jumped the doses in to mid range and moodiness is now obvious, where it was 'just a little' more fiery maintaining low levels.

Breast growth is more of a fill from the loss when I went off full HRT in 97.  The girls shrank a little, but stuck around enough to start up again just fine.  No real pain until several months in to low levels.  This actually helped bury some of the dyshporia as I now had a focus letting me know that I am in motion.

Almost the same here, I have been on low oral doses for years, certainly I became so much more social, massive benefit... and I don't think I am lacking in the upstairs dept. considering how late I started and family history ;)

Katy xxx
Long term MTF in transition... HRT since ~ 2003...
Journey recommenced Sept 2015  :eusa_clap:... planning FT 2016  :eusa_pray:

Randomly changing 'Katy PIC's'

Live life, embrace life and love life xxx


Since 4 months on both low anti-andro and E, I experience reduction in dysphoria, both physically and in relationships, with more emotions and easier connection to others.

I am thinking of reducing or removing E if at some point in time, too much feminisation becomes a problem for my life as a male.

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Quote from: luna nyan on November 23, 2015, 04:00:14 AM
The issue with suppressing T alone is the risk of hypogonadism - much of that may be desirable for MTF (decrease in beard/body hair growth rate, loss of muscle mass, possible gynecomastia), but with some possible unfortunate side effects (loss of libido, general energy, concentration, and most notably, osteoporosis).

It also may not necessarily prevent male age related changes such as hair loss, if one is predisposed that way.

YMMV of course.

Most people would find that a small dose of E would be desirable for reducing the risks of the above, and for some feminisation effect.

Hi Luna.

I guess a small dose of E doesn't reduce T as much as anti-androgen and so many negatives don't apply.  By the way you describe it, it sounds like my wife would be happier with the low E.  It's too bad there isn't more info on low dose E.

Thanks so much,
Paige :)
