I think I mentioned elsewhere that over the weekend I updated my LinkedIn page. For months it had no picture, and just the initial 'M' for the first name. I put up my avatar picture there and my full first name. That kicked up page views 600%. Then, last night, I put up my 'coming out' letter, "Dear friends; For many years..." as an article, public, and appearing in the streams of my 120 or so connections.
I have four younger brothers, whom I haven't heard from in many years. One of them is connected to me on LinkedIn...
He saw the update, and was wondering who this Michelle was. Same workplaces as his older brother had, and... submarine service? Hey... He messaged me asking if I had four younger brothers that he named.
"Yup, that would be me. Hey, you know how you get bored in retirement and look for something new to try?"
"You changed your hair."
"Yeah, that and a few other bits..."
"Give me a call at xxxxxxxxxxx"
So, we had a nice phone call. He's very accepting of the whole thing. (I thought he might be. Pretty mellow person, really.) I have some other relatives on LinkedIn, cousins and nephews. It'll be interesting to see if this prompts a connection of some sort.
All in all, a nice result from poking the universe again.
My brother forwarded the post of the image of my old name tag to his son, my nephew, with no other clues. So, he gets a post from Michelle P with a name tag for Mike P.
Naturally, he recognized the name tag name, and clicked through. My phone rang while I was in the shower, so I called him back...
"Hi (nephew). This is your Aunt Michelle calling."
(I'm having way too much fun with this.)
We talked for about 30 minutes. It turns out he's totally accepting. One off his wives (plural) sisters has a spouse transitioning MtF who has surgery scheduled in San Francisco this summer. He's been totally supportive of her, defending her to the snarky and rather pushy mother-in-law. Pretty neat! I may get together with some of the extended family when they are here.
My old family is more accepting than I knew.