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What kind of creature are you in the Unicorn Forest? Come play with me - please

Started by Satinjoy, August 12, 2014, 10:41:51 AM

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I stand at the edge of the forest looking in, no-one can see me.  I am watching all the wonderful, beautiful creatures playing in the light.  But I can't enter.  I am bound.  Bound by invisible ties, they drain my energy, the more I pull against them the more they drain me.

The colours of the forest enchant me, the laughter I hear delights and the creatures I can see fill me with longing, longing to join them, be one of them and play their games.  I look down at myself, I am grey and colourless, not even the enticing black of the shadow.  Where the beauty of the forest touches me it lasts only a moment and is drawn away by my bonds.

If only these glorious creatures could see standing here trapped and help me.  If only I could enter the forest what kind of a glorious creature could I become?  If only these ties were not so strong, if only, if only, if only.....

If only I was as brave as the guardians of this magical place.  If only I could take that step forward into the light.
It isn't hard at all to make a wish. The difficultly lies in how to make what you wish for a reality


The silence dims the bright clear sound of victory and joy, where the once was tarnished shimmer, shine, flutter and are free.
The glimmer of the gilded wing, the breathless height ascended.
The glories of our faerie be, true mercies those attended. Whilst in this victory flight of some, clear eye upon the ground, we shuffle and in exploration stumble on those still bound. The ties are deep, they are so strong, I can smell the forest air they cry, I can see the creatures, life and all that passes there, when all at once the real strikes, and they are really here.
How can I pull, when pulling drains, when in reverse is simple, soft welcome then, and at once is crowned guardian of their temple.
Within the forest truth abounds, frail state of creatures moving. Their shape and name and form have yet, and yet to be profound.
And yet the call comes "Who are Thee" their story to define. Oft shuffle by, a bear in white with cubs in rascal playing, and all at once will alight and gently calm with soothing balms and words.

Up in the treetop high above the candle does still flicker, the incense still comes wafting down h'er presence is still here.

Tessa James

Quote from: IzzyM on January 06, 2017, 08:08:25 AM
I stand at the edge of the forest looking in, no-one can see me.  I am watching all the wonderful, beautiful creatures playing in the light.  But I can't enter.  I am bound.  Bound by invisible ties, they drain my energy, the more I pull against them the more they drain me.

The colours of the forest enchant me, the laughter I hear delights and the creatures I can see fill me with longing, longing to join them, be one of them and play their games.  I look down at myself, I am grey and colourless, not even the enticing black of the shadow.  Where the beauty of the forest touches me it lasts only a moment and is drawn away by my bonds.

If only these glorious creatures could see standing here trapped and help me.  If only I could enter the forest what kind of a glorious creature could I become?  If only these ties were not so strong, if only, if only, if only.....

If only I was as brave as the guardians of this magical place.  If only I could take that step forward into the light.

You are brave and you do share and you have paid the price of admission.  Your ticket is created by your imagination set free and your presence here can take any form.  We do see you, i can almost feel you and we want you to join in the fun
Open, out and evolving queer trans person forever with HRT support since March 13, 2013


Sh'e sees the one that is frightened, that dared not enter.  And sh'e remembers h'er mask.

It is still there, in the little clearing.  Where sh'e revealed h'erself to the world.

They were gentle with me, when i lost my mask.  They were loving, and kind, and became lifelong friends.

It is a scary thing, to entercthe paths of the forest, to walk the diamond tightropes of our genders.

But here, the chains can fall away, one link at a time, until finally we find our way.

Its hard, when we are bound to the ciswives.  In the end it is our choices that our ours alone.  The diamond tightrope of gender, dysphoria and relationships that hurt our feet as we dance across it, is ours alone to walk.

But there are those who watch and pray you do not fall.

Come out of the shadows, my dear one, and discover who you are.

Morpheus: This is your last chance. After this, there is no turning back. You take the red pill - the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the little blue pills - you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit-hole goes

Sh'e took the little blue ones.


I was born a dryad, my tree was overly pruned for many years to make way for some stupid power lines from a damned dam.

I guess someone was worried her limbs would entangle the lines and interrupt the flow of power.

Not long ago the dam was removed, I guess the fish in the stream proved more important than a bit of electricity.

So the power lines were removed, and my tree, even though old, started to grow properly.  The injury to my tree and me started to heal.

I then met other dryads who had suffered the same as I had, and I listened to their stories.

Around that time a wonderful inventor came by and gave me a device that would allow me to leave my tree and go find other creatures of the forest.  I believe the device is called 'The Trans-Ether Arithmetic Machine'.

I wandered for a long time, listening to those who had been injured by the dam, creatures of all types.  I also found a very small part of the forest that had not been injured.

There I learned of a clearing in which two statues stood, of a god and a goddess.

So I went there, which wasn't hard because the the 'Trans-Ether Arithmetic Machine' included some pretty good maps, all I had to do was go to a place not on the map.

Now we have all heard that silly story about the nymph Salmacis and her over aggressive desire for the young boy Hermaphroditus.

Turns out they were a quite consensual couple, really just couldn't keep their hands off each other, so they decided they would live the rest of their lives together.  So much for biased history.

They had two children, twins, who of course, given their lineage, are a god and a goddess.

In the clearing is where they are, the statues just a representation, as you know, gods and goddesses are very hard to represent.

One statue is masculine, narrow waste with broad shoulders, firm and forceful, his vulva quite evident due to the fact he is nude.  In his hand, sharp and deadly, a spear.

The other statue is feminine, small breasts and wide hips, soft and resilient, her penis clearly visible, again due to the nudity.  Over her shoulder, slung like a purse, a cornucopia.

On both their faces a look of concern, but underneath is Wisdom and Understanding.  And Kindness and Strength.

I get the feeling they can swap their tools as needed.

Their names are hard to decipher (I don't read Godish) I think they are hyphenated, I'm guessing they are something like "Hermaphroditus-Salmacis, He" and "Hermaphroditus-Salmacis, Her".  Something like that anyway.

I can't tell you how nice it is to see them, there in that clearing, they really are quite beautiful.

That's my story so far.



Throughout the forest little lights burn.

Diamond hearts, brought back to life.

Morpheus: This is your last chance. After this, there is no turning back. You take the red pill - the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the little blue pills - you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit-hole goes

Sh'e took the little blue ones.


For me - a bengal tiger.  Tigers have been my totem for many many years, and are very special to me.
One day they woke me up; so I could live forever.


The forest creaks a little,
Changes now a little clearing,
Finely lit upon the sky, deities endearing.
On the statute time has passed, but still the script stands bright,
Of interchangeability and flexibility of life.
The dryad stretches out and feels the list of those felled boughs,
The litter and restful space they sanctity endow, for creatures here hide and play, but for some safety clamour, unless they are fierce of heart and in the clearing standing
One creature bold and clear and sharp, a navigator plainly dressed to deal
In places, where machine and time and compasses are trinkets toys and banners
Yet through the ground grub thorn of growth the bear moves slowly on, wary now, a scent a sense of things that linger on. A flash of orange gainst the dark in sunset hides plain sight,
A cautious tiger has passed here, with naming and full right.
Once again the tale meanders whistful and quiet passing, incense, masks, and candles lit and hearts that shimmer shine, when a tricky flicker grows and burns claims brightly mine.
The memry of that awkward trune, the cis, our selves, and pain, the hearts that flit and shimmer still, sweet gender is they name.
We'll move along, as winter is descending, once more a sunset to be seen, and chattering unending. The slick white hiss of hoare around, the nightfall and the stars, the twinkle radiant is both dazzling and unending, and moving, moving, crackling on, sweet chill the air, and sharp each breath the pathway feint and dim, and in a treehouse far above S'he hums a merry song.

Tessa James

Wonderful forest music shared by those set free to sing their own songs.  Makes it so much easier to take wing and fly about the countryside.  thank you!
Open, out and evolving queer trans person forever with HRT support since March 13, 2013


AMAB Born: March 1994
Gender became on radar: 2007
Admitted to self : 2010
Came out: May 12 2014
Estrogen: October 16 2015


Ahhh, I know this place, thank you for reminding me of it, it has been sooo very long...

I was the infant child, found in the basket, floating slowly downstream, discarded as trash by my mother back in that awful city, only to be found by the wood faeries as they bathed in the enchanted stream, down by the meadow, and pulled from the water, trembling and hungry, yet wide-eyed, and not afraid.

Adopted by the mystical ones, adorned with raiments of silk, and fine linen, decorated with precious stones, and tiaras of fine silver, a favorite playmate of all manner of creatures, great and small, a rider of unicorns and wolves, a climber of tress, and a passenger upon the backs of the raven and other birds of prey. I was sheltered by the tallest of trees, and warmed by the dry grasses of the plain, shown the hidden majesty of all the wilderness, and all the magic therein, as I supped of the wild roots, and succulent berries, and the sweet leaves of tender greens...

I was guarded by giants, and schooled by the wise ones, washed and dressed and groomed by elven and faerie hand-maidens alike, so very loved by all, in innocence, without carnality, for who would dare besmirch such a girl, such a pure, wide-eyed, sweet, innocent, and precious little girl?

My joy was always the joy of the free ones, the magical, mystical, humorous, and noble ones, I was raised as a princess in exile, allied with the dwellers of the forest, the dancers upon moonlit meadows, and the sage storytellers, lit by warming fires..

For countless ages, I lingered there, never reaching the age of fertility, always clinging to my purity, and my hope, and the dream that someday, someway, somehow, my true love would come into the forest and find me, and my truest love, he would take me from my wondrous sojourn in this enchanted, pastoral paradise, and he would teach me the ways of humankind, and womanhood, and the ways of his world, and show me who I was truly born to be...

Living in exile, I never pondered the world beyond the forest, I was mostly content to frolic and dance and play and sing and swim and listen and learn and enjoy the marvels of such exquisite and magnificent forms, so when the trumpets of the watchers of the edge sounded, and the tingles ran down my spine, the tears began to flow from my face, and they fell wet upon my blouse, and my hands began to shake, because all my friends and allies and protectors, one and all, began to turn, and look to me, and their eyes were full of sadness, and then I knew, I knew in my very soul, that my time with them was growing short, for someone of my kind, somebody great, somebody with authority, somebody full of true righteousness, was entering the forest, and he was entering unopposed, for all the dwellers therein knew why he had come, for his mission was just, he had come for ME.

And so, my time amongst the faeries, and trees, and elves, and giants, and snakes, and wizards, and unicorns, and all the other noble  creatures, great and small, had come to pass, and the age of womanhood was now upon me, so they came to me, one by one, and hugged me, and left a trail of soft kisses upon my rosy cheeks, and they then disappeared back into the trees and left me sitting there, in the meadow, with the sun glistening in my long blonde hair, and when this man emerged from the dark wood a moment later, and entered the meadow, he saw me, and his face lit up like the stars, and his sweet, strong, intelligent eyes, they looked deep into my very soul, and a smile broke across his handsome, rugged face, and my heart melted, and I stood up, and I ran to meet him, and he swept me up into his arms, and he wept as I wept, and he carried me away.

And it was good. It was so very, very good.


The subdued hush, a pensive wait
the quiet call the forest waits still and serene

The damp chill silence fills the air with heavy expectation of scrying eyes and questions clear, confusing and debating.
Stranger is the hush, in quiet anticipation, of seekers who wish, demand, desire an explanation.
Their time will come when the world turns, quite sudden and collected,
what once was north, is now due south and all events connected.
The trials will then begin, but hush, sweet hush they are within, a pronoun step away.
And in the quiet time reflected, golden light abounding, sweet loss and then return of a deep desired foundling.
The forest rang a welcome clear, and deafened, stunned the sounding.
The path was clear, at once to rear in magjick and pure pleasure, a child filled with love to transform and nurture ever.
Her time will come, at once was said, and said again in stillness, when loves sweet breath upon her breast will stir remembrance wild and yet
in the passion of the forest, quiet and still abiding, a gentle hand, a touch, a guide, and all the stars aligning.
''Twas ever thus" the sigh of one was lost when found, the sadness comes when such sweet love is lost on open ground.
The duty is quite clear to see, the creatures passing by, to gift great love around, sometimes for folk, some times for trees and all creatures that abound.
But still.
Still the silence falls.
the explanations quested, for in the forest answers lie, both ancient and behested.


The old groundhog sits up at the edge of the forest, just outside, looking in.  She (she goes by "she" now) wishes she could enter, but the faery part of her has been dead so long she wonders if it ever really existed or if it was merely wished for, and when she walks towards the forest, it receeds from her, and the faster she runs towards it, the further away it is.

She sighs.  She has dishes to wash, dinners to make for her little ones, dirty clothes to scrub on the boulders by the river.  She has food enough stored away, she has a warm dry den for herself and her family that keeps the winter away.  At night, they all sleep cuddled together in the den.  It is a good life by anyone's standards.

She sighs again.  For in her quieter moments, she remembers -- or thinks she does -- of long-ago days spent in the forest.  And she wonders, or perhaps it is hopes, that when the Dark Mother comes to take her in her arms and comfort her and sing her sweet lullabies to gently ferry her into that sleep from which she need never awake, she will dream, and in her dreams she will gambol and play with the other creatures in the Unicorn Forest.


But the tigers come at night
With a voice as soft as thunder
Til they tear your soul apart,
Til they turn your dreams to shame.
"...  I think I'm great just the way I am, and so are you." -- Jazz Jennings



I am the elven princess sauntering sedately and majestically through the forest.  The diffuse light falling between the branches causes my scarlet tresses to blaze like fire.  My emerald eyes flash brightly, keenly aware of all the beings and intelligences within this magical place, always on guard for those that would harm it's denizens.  My sapphire gown shimmers with an unearthly glow, enhancing my slim form.  I silently and respectfully honor those that have arrived at this place before me and created such a paradise.


Solemn tales of ending times,
Of understanding once confounded, when once a welcome to this place, is now so clearly bounded. The heart it beats heard hard on chest, a rhythm most divine, of understanding, whist and jest, of pleasure past and sweet remembrance. The play of light within the trees, the spell of joy and dance, a merry sight is weaved, flickers and is passed. The time was spent within the place a start and some a finish, for others clear a pathway through, and pass on through the gates.
Sanctity sits and quietly waits their place, in hearts so welcome beating, if all remains within the mind is distant mem'ry fading, then their pleasure is that for a time in distant joy, the forest was a sacred space and remembered for with love.

And all the while the fairies dance, step quicken, life, a pulse, a princess steps through the glades a flicker flash of blue, a mere reflection of the skies, the mere a mirror fine, of fiery tress, clear sparkles sight reflected of the forest. Clear piercing of the light, with vibrancy and life.

The paradise was found and lost and found and shimmer still, with nymphs and faeries in the glades, the statues, guardians quiet waiting, for in the play the power resounds, the forest is still growing, the beauty for the creatures bound to thrive and sit and while is transformed by their lives and through the leaves takes form.

The sweetness of the earth is calling, shadows light will flicker, a stream will sound within a glade the music ever changing, when up above s'he sits, and lights a candle for the souls to forest bringing, the incense smoke quiet upward curls, and in the moonlight hazy.


doesnt my name say it?  oh well in the unicorn forest i am the last lunacorn
Lunacorns are adorable

Pronouns: she / they

--Admin ATTN--
Agender is not avail nor is NB in gender list under profile settings


The Fairy has been gravely ill, and is fighting h'er way back.

In the world of the cis, things sometimes go awry, sometimes go amiss.   But why is an unanswered question.

Sh'e is in h'er treehouse still, but h'er candle has gone dim, the light nearly had faded out to none, it has been a hard and long time.

Sh'e misses the others of the forest here, the brilliant writers of the past and of the now.

The forest nearly lost their fairy, another day that the cisworld let h'er bleed and sh'e would have been gone.   6 pints of blood sh'e lost, one they gave h'er back, but only for h'er to lose it again, as those who were pledged to save h'er dragged their heels and waited too long.

The candle burns, it burns low, but it still burns.

Sh'e is sleeping.   A third operation awaits h'er tomorrow, sh'e is frightened, but it is not a large one.

Far from the corrective surgery sh'e would have prefered, this one is just one of those things. 

Sh'e is aging, my dear ones.  Sh'e has gone past h'er prime, but sh'e still fights, the warrior Fairy fights on.

The candle is dim.   it will be months before it flames bright again.   But it burns, the darkness did not put it out.

It was an old injury, to a vein inside h'er, one that ruptured right after Christmas.   An old injury, that took 30 years to finally work its darkness.   But the bleeding is over, and they just need to fix the last of it, the stub that remains is painful.

But when it is done, sh'e will fly again.

Sorry to have been so quiet.    I have been asleep,  and weakened, regaining my strength.

6 pints.   At least 2/3 of my blood supply was lost.   And you would not believe what sh'e had to do to get h'er help.

Yup, the Fairy almost died.

But sh'e did not.
Morpheus: This is your last chance. After this, there is no turning back. You take the red pill - the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the little blue pills - you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit-hole goes

Sh'e took the little blue ones.


In the bright gleam of springtime, a shimmer of a morning.
When sun strokes the eye and rainbows from the drop, the reminder sits still of the forest, its ancient splendour, for those loving,
Many living and still, yet to be
Sh'e sat waiting for a miracle, the fount of strength and birth.
The quest of life anew, stepped from silent greenery, for many years a forest grew, paths lain, homes made quiet, still the life in quite serene reflection.
Our Fairy lives! her light alive it flickers and is fickle, the dormant nature of the quiet still forest crackle. ''Twas wintertime dear faerie thus the silence did abound, there are few old some new, and visitors abound.
The clarity of path, they said, the words writ large, sonorous and clear, for where should a folk be, than sitting, quiet here.
In the darkness shone a light a creature most rare. A welcome to the forest green, a Lunacorn is here. The solstice time has been and passed and once more round the sun.
For in the forest, one is all, and all at once is one.

The growl, the keening flies the wind, the tortured boughs are. insight and strength to carry on, still seeking.


Sh'e wakes and smiles, not having been aware enough to remember the reach of h'er truth, and the things entrusted to h'er here.

Sh'e rolls over and lights another candle, and insence, and calls to thecwind for a gentle warm breeze to stir h'er skirts.

Sh'e is spread so thin, but sh'e must remain.

Ahhh this place, made so long ago.  It was a masterpeice then, and still it lives on.  The wars appear over, and a new generation born.

Slowly sh'e walks to the fireplace, it had gone cold.

So sh'e smiled at it and blew it a kiss.

Embers rekindled.

Warmth returned.

And sh'e wants h'er elf here with h'er.

Back to bed.  H'er door is open.
Morpheus: This is your last chance. After this, there is no turning back. You take the red pill - the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the little blue pills - you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit-hole goes

Sh'e took the little blue ones.


For a short time h'er picture shall be seen.  Then it will return to the pics of h'er in the world of the cis.
Morpheus: This is your last chance. After this, there is no turning back. You take the red pill - the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the little blue pills - you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit-hole goes

Sh'e took the little blue ones.