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A totally awesome day

Started by krobinson103, November 30, 2017, 10:36:55 PM

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Interesting. Yesterday I was playing with a basketball while supervising morning tea. Usually I'm pretty clumsy with throwing and catching, but one handed I simply couldn't not catch it. Despite my mostly blind eye on side (Which has been the bane of my existence for a lot of things) my spatial awareness seems to have improved.

I've also found myself driven to seek out other people's company. Before I would have been happy to sit and do my own thing. Now I feel almost compelled to join a group when there is an interesting discussion going on. This too is a good thing as people often called me stand offish and dour at times.

Presently I feel... odd. When it comes to getting something important done I go into male mode and drive for the goal (with a bit more patience and more easily distracted). But when its done my mindset quickly shifts - I'm hardly ever impatient anymore and if there is any irritation or anger it doesn't last very long. My need for hobbies seems to be shifting. The old hobbies would be an all consuming passion. Now they are good if I can get them, or if not its ok.
I'm actually quite happy just walking quietly listening to nature and watching people interact.

I'm learning a whole gamete of new skills from necessity. Asking for help (a flaw my wife often points out) was never my strong suit - I do it more now. I've had to learn a bit about makeup and its actually quite  fun. I find myself being more engaged with others and notice and express emotions more often. Little details on personal appearance and tidying up I never would have bothered with now annoy me so much I have to deal with them as well.

This was definitely what I needed to do. I don't feel regret about the timing either. Roll on tomorrow for the next new and interesting surprise.
Every day is a totally awesome day
Every day provides opportunities and challenges
Every challenge leads to an opportunity
Every fear faced leads to one more strength
Every strength leads to greater success
Success leads to self esteem
Self Esteem leads to happiness.
Cherish every day.


Well today at work I faced a few aggressive situations. Usually I'd get angry in return, but today it was easy to just brush it off and deal with the situation in a smart way. I'm also getting less self conscious of physical changes and even wore some foundation to work to hide my annoying permanent five o'clock shadow. Think I may get through the day without my beard being visible. Yay! The dude at the garage was interesting "Do you want anything else Ma'... Sir?" You could see he was working hard to figure out what was more appropriate. Silly beard hair starting to show tipped him off I think. Things are getting a bit easier. :)
Every day is a totally awesome day
Every day provides opportunities and challenges
Every challenge leads to an opportunity
Every fear faced leads to one more strength
Every strength leads to greater success
Success leads to self esteem
Self Esteem leads to happiness.
Cherish every day.


Yesterday was interesting. Had a chat with some of the managers at work finally. They were supportive, but worried about things might affect the way people see me a professional capacity. I replied that the next 6-8 months will bring some challenges as being gender ambiguous confuses people. I also said that for the time being it would be easy enough to dress male enough to redirect most peoples thoughts. The conflict comes in that I really don't want to, however sensible people make ripples not instant tidal waves.

On a more fun note a female came and offered me some highly fattening food yesterday. She has been supportive the whole way along. I asked her if she was trying to sabotage my diet and she said yes, you look better in jeans than I do and that's not fair! Breasts keep getting bigger which is good for me but it makes  some interesting looks from people when I'm dressed for work. Trusted friends report that I look curvier though looking at the mirror I can't really tell. I do know that Women's clothing fits rather nicely now. :)

Weight loss is going well. Finally hit 247 pounds from 264 at the start The initial target is 195. I'll need an iron will over xmas to keep the momentum. I've been restricting portion sizes, and avoiding all carbs and sugar for the last 8 weeks now. Massive difference in the way I feel. I think that will become the new normal for me. Need to add more salt as spiro sucks it out of me.

I've been thinking about hairstyles lately. What I really want to do is grow it long. Pretty sure once it gets long enough - which would take 6 months or so the game is up in terms of being gender ambiguous - just that alone when I'm thin
had people calling me a girl. That will mean there is going to be an interesting conversation at work and home halfway through next year.
Every day is a totally awesome day
Every day provides opportunities and challenges
Every challenge leads to an opportunity
Every fear faced leads to one more strength
Every strength leads to greater success
Success leads to self esteem
Self Esteem leads to happiness.
Cherish every day.


Today was an eye opener. I decided that I'd simply put on Jeans ans and a t shirt and go shopping. Well... unless they are super baggy (not my style at all!) Male jeans don't fit. Ok, one size larger female jeans. Don't look too bad except my legs and ass are just about there so there is no hiding now. T shirt all good, breasts not easily hide able, and curves emphasized, but not too much. Oh well I care not I go anyway. Yeah, looking male without wearing baggy clothes is going to be an issue.

Not really passable as female either. Suppose with a really good wig and makeup I'd do it, but my hair is short still and needs to grow longer before I can style it. Also breasts really aren't quite big enough to look right yet. Many people see what they want to see, but when you start interacting in stores etc you can see people don't know what to think.

Going to have to ask the Doctor to up the really low does of e he has prescribed after xmas and the next round of bloods because this in the middle stuff sucks. Public gendered bathrooms are going to be interesting for the next few months I suspect. Hopefully it passes soon.

On the plus side I went to the op shop and found a dress that I thought might fit. Mixed it up with some other stuff but the clerk saw right through it. "Dress is for you then?" I looked her right in the eye and said yes and we had an interesting conversation about the anti aging propeties of hrt. She was surprised that I was 43 and pegged my age as early 30's at the most. Dress didn't fit. I overestimated the size, but for $5 its worth the experience anyway.
Every day is a totally awesome day
Every day provides opportunities and challenges
Every challenge leads to an opportunity
Every fear faced leads to one more strength
Every strength leads to greater success
Success leads to self esteem
Self Esteem leads to happiness.
Cherish every day.


Always hated ublic bathrooms so I got in the habit of never using them - got through highschool having never seen the inside of the bathroom there.
Recently got told by a guy that he was strait but thought I was sexy.
Public bathrooms most definitely off the list of options.

At this point i have lengendary bladder control so it's never a problem but before they were uncomfortable. Well so much so that i flat out didn't use them despite the discomfort so I feel your pain on that one.

Congrats on a good store experience! As much as I like to believe that the majority of retail people are saints who really just want you happy and out the door I know that isn't always the case.

Your posts are always sort of grounding for me they give me something to think about and I enjoy them keep it up!


Quote from: Cenna on December 16, 2017, 04:52:05 AM

Always hated ublic bathrooms so I got in the habit of never using them - got through highschool having never seen the inside of the bathroom there.
Recently got told by a guy that he was strait but thought I was sexy.
Public bathrooms most definitely off the list of options.

At this point i have lengendary bladder control so it's never a problem but before they were uncomfortable. Well so much so that i flat out didn't use them despite the discomfort so I feel your pain on that one.

Congrats on a good store experience! As much as I like to believe that the majority of retail people are saints who really just want you happy and out the door I know that isn't always the case.

Your posts are always sort of grounding for me they give me something to think about and I enjoy them keep it up!

Thanks. The purpose is to externalize and record whats going on. I need to stay grounded and remind that raging teen inside me who is growing stronger that her turn will come, just not yet! I have a relationship and job to keep intact along with some very suspicious neighbors who won't even talk to me any more. Not that I care. :P The battle as such is over and in probably less than six months I'll have no choice other than to present female all the time. Just need to give my kids a chance to process first,
Every day is a totally awesome day
Every day provides opportunities and challenges
Every challenge leads to an opportunity
Every fear faced leads to one more strength
Every strength leads to greater success
Success leads to self esteem
Self Esteem leads to happiness.
Cherish every day.


The first 2 times were the hardest. Now I can go in public bathrooms without any fear. If someone starts anything with me, I'll tell them what to do and let me pee!

That would do the trick. If they put their hands on me, I'm having a police report filed.

My state still has trans protective laws.

"Discrimination, harassment, and bullying have no place in our classrooms or at our schools. Despite the actions taken by the federal government yesterday, the State of Connecticut remains committed to ensuring that every student has access to a high-quality education in a safe, supportive and welcoming school environment," Governor Malloy said. "Every child, no matter their gender identity or expression, should be treated equally and fairly in a safe, supportive environment. Connecticut will remain a state of inclusiveness because we strongly believe that diversity makes us stronger."

"Connecticut will proudly continue to protect civil liberties and the rights of transgender residents," Lt. Governor Nancy Wyman said. "President Trump is wrong to open the door to discrimination. His action only serves to destabilize our schools and our communities, causing anxiety among vulnerable youth and emboldening those looking for an excuse to victimize others. Governor Malloy's executive order reinforces Connecticut's absolute commitment to equal protection."

I'd like to see them  try and stop me! There'd be heavens to pay.


Interesting day. I explored the power of the five o'clock shadow and loose clothing to distract people from curves and breasts. Met a parent of my eldest's friends. She didn't blink or notice anything despite a T shirt that was a tad clingy in places. A very different experience from yesterday with more form fitting clothes and a concealed five 'o clock shadow. I think I may actually be able to pull off another 3-4 months before things get out of hand. This is good. It will give my family time to adjust. Then I got home and did exactly the opposite. Hide the beard, put on Womens sport clothing play around with make up. While not entirely passable as a  Women (mostly due to my inept use of said makeup!), a very large difference indeed. I most certainly wouldn't pass as male with all that on.

I have a plan now to keep work and family happy for a while. Loose fitting male clothing, and a close shave but no concealing. Going to let my hair continue to get longer but contain it while at work. Swimming will be an entirely different matter but I only need to keep a couple of conservative people happy at work. Most don't care. Not sure how long I can tolerate it, but hey keeping the job and not having the family run away are quite important.

On we go!
Every day is a totally awesome day
Every day provides opportunities and challenges
Every challenge leads to an opportunity
Every fear faced leads to one more strength
Every strength leads to greater success
Success leads to self esteem
Self Esteem leads to happiness.
Cherish every day.


Went to the laser hair removal clinic today to discuss prices etc. They are not too bad, but somewhat steep in that it will definitely cause an issue with the wife. However, given the progress of HRT unless I want to wear makeup all the time, or become the bearded lady it will soon have to be a priority.
Every day is a totally awesome day
Every day provides opportunities and challenges
Every challenge leads to an opportunity
Every fear faced leads to one more strength
Every strength leads to greater success
Success leads to self esteem
Self Esteem leads to happiness.
Cherish every day.


Yesterday when filling out forms for the laser place the box that said gender confounded me a little. It didn't feel right to put male there, but as female as I feel inside the body needs to catch up. So I wrote transgender mtf instead - somehow that felt right for the time being. A small step yes, but a step in the right direction.

I went to my girl's school to pick up their stuff and my eldest's teacher didn't recognize me for a moment. Still being gendered as male, but its a hard look first.Sadly on this day I had to be Christine's Dad. There in lies a dilemma. To support my kids   acceptance of my ongoing transition process I must present as male for a while. To create issues with her friends etc at this point would be foolish. This causes no end of issues in my mind - because I simply don't want to, however I know I must if I am to keep my family.

I'll be pleased when my body moves past ambiguous because then the option of presenting male will be gone and the last of the dysphoria will be gone as well. Bring on the day.
Every day is a totally awesome day
Every day provides opportunities and challenges
Every challenge leads to an opportunity
Every fear faced leads to one more strength
Every strength leads to greater success
Success leads to self esteem
Self Esteem leads to happiness.
Cherish every day.


This morning I went for a walk in the local park and met up with another transgender person who had transitioned ftm around a decade ago. We had a good chat about the experience and anxiety. One look and he of course knew, I thought I had be so clever in dressing to minimize today as I don't have the emotional energy to deal with people staring atm, but I guess its not so easy.

It felt good to talk about the last 3 months face to face with someone who really knows how I feel. Today I feel that my decision and the process I have followed was absolutely the right one and that I will, given time reach the goal and be able to live in the open as the person I know I am.

Uncertainty weighs on what my reception will be when I greet my family at the airport on Thursday, but I have to have faith that all will fall into place as I hope it will. On the plus side I got down under 110kg today for the first time in a long time!

Today is a great day. Tomorrow will be even better.
Every day is a totally awesome day
Every day provides opportunities and challenges
Every challenge leads to an opportunity
Every fear faced leads to one more strength
Every strength leads to greater success
Success leads to self esteem
Self Esteem leads to happiness.
Cherish every day.


It's not that bad! If you change the mentality from "blending in" to "embracing who you are", being seen as trans is a blessing. I personally love people looking at me and being filled with wonder. Especially when they hear my deep androgynous voice! When they realize who I am, the smile on their faces makes me smile. ;D Yeah! Want a piece of this hotness?! :-*

I'm extremely open-minded! Am attracted to virtually any gender/race.


That's what I usually do. Today I didn't have the energy for it. To be honest, its easier just letting them wonder. :P Tomorrow? No Dad visiting, no kids at work who cares what people think I'll just be me. Guess the approaching reunion with wife and kids after so long is weighing on my mind.

That being said my inner rebellious teen wouldn't let me go out without at least open shoes to show off my bright pink toe nails and a t shirt that didn't do much to hide my breasts. :)
Every day is a totally awesome day
Every day provides opportunities and challenges
Every challenge leads to an opportunity
Every fear faced leads to one more strength
Every strength leads to greater success
Success leads to self esteem
Self Esteem leads to happiness.
Cherish every day.


"The more clearly we can focus our attention on the wonders and realities of the universe about us, the less taste we shall have for destruction."
― Rachel Carson

"Remember to delight yourself first, then others can be truly delighted."
― S.A.R.K.


Well today was the opposite of yesterday. I felt empowered this morning to not care what people think. I dressed as I felt and went to work to get some paperwork out of the way then did a bit of shopping for eye makeup - I have no idea how to use it, but I want to learn how. As I was walking through a crowded discount clearance store (it is xmas and I need money for the kids and wife) I noticed that there are many men who look a bit like women, many women who look a bit like men, and many people who at a distance you really couldn't gender easily. That made me feel confident that even if I feel I look a bit out of place no one else does. That is exactly what happened. As soon as I thought that I felt more at ease and anxiety went away, even when browsing the makeup section. :)

I shall put my fears to rest and be proud to me. If anyone doesn't like me thats too bad. I've never cared before, why should I care now?

Also thought I'd add a profile picture, it isn't the greatest but I have nothing to hide. Still think there is along way to go but its a bit of an improvement as compared to four months ago.
Every day is a totally awesome day
Every day provides opportunities and challenges
Every challenge leads to an opportunity
Every fear faced leads to one more strength
Every strength leads to greater success
Success leads to self esteem
Self Esteem leads to happiness.
Cherish every day.


Lead balloons would have done better than the reception that greeted me after our return from the airport. Wife while ok with things when discussed over the phone can't handle the undeniable physical reality. Says I should 'fix' myself and be male, something I cannot do. The kids were ok, I think given time they will adapt. Called the marriage a 'fake' and that somehow I lied to her 12 years ago. Something I most definitely did not do.

I fear things will not go well from this pass....
Every day is a totally awesome day
Every day provides opportunities and challenges
Every challenge leads to an opportunity
Every fear faced leads to one more strength
Every strength leads to greater success
Success leads to self esteem
Self Esteem leads to happiness.
Cherish every day.


Hey hun, sorry for the tough times. I was given very similar message by my Ex. It's not a criticism,  but Cis people often can't comprehend the situation where we've either denied or never understood the problem until this point.
Sadly we can't 'fix' ourselves, or for those in real need, a transition is the fix.

Have a ((hug)). X

Sent from my MI 5s using Tapatalk



Quote from: Megan. on December 21, 2017, 08:29:27 AM
Hey hun, sorry for the tough times. I was given very similar message by my Ex. It's not a criticism,  but Cis people often can't comprehend the situation where we've either denied or never understood the problem until this point.
Sadly we can't 'fix' ourselves, or for those in real need, a transition is the fix.

Have a ((hug)). X

Sent from my MI 5s using Tapatalk

It seems there are more hard choices in the near future. I know I won't be able to comply with the restrictions She is bound to hang on any acceptance. Nor am I willing to accept the emotional abuse She will attempt to lay on me (a recurring them over the years). It may be time to do something we have considered for a while and go our separate ways, living close enough that the kids still get to see both of us. I don't see many other options that will work for everyone's mutual well being.
Every day is a totally awesome day
Every day provides opportunities and challenges
Every challenge leads to an opportunity
Every fear faced leads to one more strength
Every strength leads to greater success
Success leads to self esteem
Self Esteem leads to happiness.
Cherish every day.


I'm sad to say that this is what happened to me, but we both tried hard to make it work, and still care alot for each other. I live a 15 minute drive from my Ex and kids,  I support them as best I can.

I wish you both happiness, regardless of the outcome. X

Sent from my MI 5s using Tapatalk



I've seen a lot of these cases. The best thing you can do is be nearby so that you can be there for your children! Remain friendly with the mom of course, as to avoid any unnecessary complications. It's very unfortunate that people can't accept their loved ones for whom they are, but whom they believe they should be. We don't decide other peoples realities. That decision is on the beholder, not the viewer.

Be supportive, continue to be who you are, and reach that goal you crave and desire so much of being your true, authentic self! Heck, there may come a day she looks at you, sees your overwhelming joy & happiness, and may be filled with thoughts of regret. You can always be her friend, so long as she doesn't continue to criticize you even as a friend. In which case I would probably stop even that level of communication and solely focus on being there for the kids.

The last thing you want is to be hundreds of miles away, in agony towards thoughts of your children feeling abandoned, or forgetting whom their other parent is. That's not a good place to be. Especially when you love them, and they love you.

I can't say I know for certain what it feels like to go through that with your own biological kids. I did go through something similar. My ex girlfriend had a kid when she broke up with the baby's daddy. We fell in love with each other at that time. I've been through everything with that baby for over 2 years. I raised her, fed her, bathed her, changed her diapers, took her out to places, walked around and watched her smile as she pointed at the bumble bees, and even when she was little would take her out for walks in her stroller all over the beautiful landscapes and had what I considered to be some of the most peaceful days of my life.

My ex girlfriend would always complain about how feminine I am, and that she wasn't attracted to feminine qualities in a man, and that she wanted a "man". She'd constantly mention it to me, her family, and her friends. It was a bit bothersome yes, but I didn't let it affect my judgement. I still continued to be the best parent I could be for the child that wasn't mine, yet I saw her as my child regardless. I even told other people yes when they asked if she was my daughter.

2 years later, she broke up with me, and I had to move back to my home states away. All I could think about was the daughter, and how hurt she must feel losing someone that was a huge part of her life. I even told my family many times that I missed the baby far more than the mom. I was right. Even years later when I talked to her mom over the phone, her daughter knew it was me, and started crying her eyes out, saying she missed me so much. That was traumatizing to not just me, but the daughter as well.

Please don't put you and your kids through that.

It took me years to get over that, and move on.

The interesting thing is not just her, but all of her cousins that I used to babysit remember me to this day (nine years later) as well, and reach out to me on social media from time to time to see how I'm doing. I'm always here if they need someone to talk to. They think it's wonderful that I've come out, began transitioning, and support me 100%.