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Christine's Adventures on the "Transition Highway"

Started by christinej78, March 29, 2018, 10:48:07 PM

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Hi Christine,

  I'm Laurie And I said hi to you when you joined us. I am sorry  to say I haven't been keeping up with this thread but have read some of it tonight. It's a pretty good read from what I did read. Keep it up.
  I see you have your own following of girls that are in my age bracket and that being a little younger than yourself. They say it's never too late to transition and you are putting the truth to that as are we. Btw I am 65 so I pass the age restriction. You all are having a very nice conversation here and I won't interfere with it. I just thought I'd drop in and say hello.

April 13, 2019 switched to estradiol valerate
December 20, 2018    Referral sent to OHSU Dr Dugi  for vaginoplasty consult
December 10, 2018    Second Letter VA Psychiatric Practical nurse
November 15, 2018    First letter from VA therapist
May 11, 2018 I am Laurie Jeanette Wickwire
May   3, 2018 Submitted name change forms
Aug 26, 2017 another increase in estradiol
Jun  26, 2017 Last day in male attire That's full time I guess
May 20, 2017 doubled estradiol
May 18, 2017 started electrolysis
Dec   4, 2016 Started estradiol and spironolactone



Quote from: Laurie on April 27, 2018, 08:53:44 PM
Hi Christine,

  I'm Laurie And I said hi to you when you joined us. I am sorry  to say I haven't been keeping up with this thread but have read some of it tonight. It's a pretty good read from what I did read. Keep it up.
  I see you have your own following of girls that are in my age bracket and that being a little younger than yourself. They say it's never too late to transition and you are putting the truth to that as are we. Btw I am 65 so I pass the age restriction. You all are having a very nice conversation here and I won't interfere with it. I just thought I'd drop in and say hello.


Good Morning Laurie,               28 April 2018

Thank you; muchas gracias! I do remember your welcome; thanks a bunch. You and anyone else that wants to join is welcome on this thread.

When I was a snot-nosed kid most people my current age resided in boneyards or nursing homes. In 1979 there was a documentary on PBS; it was about two doctors in St. Paul, MN that had a theory that there was no excuse for getting old. They went to nursing homes and found people that had been bed ridden for long periods of time. They put them on special diets and exercise programs. In a months time they had these folks up and walking around.

At the end of the program one of the doctors made a statement that I'll have to paraphrase. He said that there was no reason why someone 85 couldn't do anything they wanted to do; obviously you can't do anything about wrinkles, falling  and or graying hair. He said that the biggest problem people have is that many of them think that when they become 55 or so they have the idea they should just sit and watch TV. That inactivity then becomes a self fulfilling prophecy. Never forgot that message.

In 1990, one of my co-workers suggested an "Office Ski Trip." I was almost 50. It was organized by a travel agency so there was a plane load of skiers going to the same place. One of those folks has been an inspiration ever since; he was a man of 85 years young. Won't ever forget him. It turned out to be a fun trip. Went from crashing multiple times on the Bunny slopes to skiing the Black Diamond runs. Continued skiing spending lots of time skiing Taos Ski Valley, New Mexico. They have some of the most difficult runs in this country. Between Ski Valley and the emergency room in town I was a regular visitor to both. Never was a good skier but I enjoyed the thrill of those dangerous runs. I now pay a price for that "fun." Everything in life has a price tag attached; it's just when does the bill come due.

I would hazard a guess I may be close to being one of the oldest members on this site. Anyone out here 78 or older? Hope there is, I don't need the title "Geezerina" just yet; I want to complete the fourth quarter and then go into overtime. Once in overtime I'll willingly accept the title. I hope we are all still here then.

Best Always, Love,


Keep Moving.
Veteran - US Navy                                       Arborist, rigger, climber, sawyer
Trans Woman 13 Apr 18                               LEO (Cop)
Living as female - 7 years                             Pilot
Start HRT san's AA's 27 March 2018              Mechanic
Borchiday completed Friday 13 Apr 2018        Engineer Multi Discipline
IT Management Consultant                            Programmer
Friend                                                          Bum, Bumett
Semi Retired                                                Still Enjoy Being a Kid, Refuse to Grow UP
Former Writer / Editor                                   Carpenter / Plumber / Electrician
Ex-Biker, Ex-Harley Driver                             Friend of a Coyote
Ex-Smoker 50 years and heading for 100


Quote from: christinej78 on April 28, 2018, 11:03:41 AM
I would hazard a guess I may be close to being one of the oldest members on this site. Anyone out here 78 or older? Hope there is, I don't need the title "Geezerina" just yet; I want to complete the fourth quarter and then go into overtime. Once in overtime I'll willingly accept the title. I hope we are all still here then.
You may be the oldest transitioning member but as for members near your age, I think we have several. They don't post often but they do pop up every once in a while.

I though I was the oldest surgery for a while but we have had a few come through that their surgery before me. Seems like just when you think your the winner, somebody will outdo you.
Rebirth Date 1982 - PMs are welcome - Use [email][/email] or Discord if your unable to PM - Skype is available - My Transition
If you are helped by this site, consider leaving a tip in the jar at the bottom of the page or become a subscriber


Quote from: Dena on April 28, 2018, 11:39:10 AM
You may be the oldest transitioning member but as for members near your age, I think we have several. They don't post often but they do pop up every once in a while.

I though I was the oldest surgery for a while but we have had a few come through that their surgery before me. Seems like just when you think your the winner, somebody will outdo you.

Dena,            28 Apr 2018

You're still a Spring chick; stay that way and never grow up.

Best Always,
Veteran - US Navy                                       Arborist, rigger, climber, sawyer
Trans Woman 13 Apr 18                               LEO (Cop)
Living as female - 7 years                             Pilot
Start HRT san's AA's 27 March 2018              Mechanic
Borchiday completed Friday 13 Apr 2018        Engineer Multi Discipline
IT Management Consultant                            Programmer
Friend                                                          Bum, Bumett
Semi Retired                                                Still Enjoy Being a Kid, Refuse to Grow UP
Former Writer / Editor                                   Carpenter / Plumber / Electrician
Ex-Biker, Ex-Harley Driver                             Friend of a Coyote
Ex-Smoker 50 years and heading for 100


Quote from: christinej78 on April 28, 2018, 12:12:03 PM
Dena,            28 Apr 2018

You're still a Spring chick; stay that way and never grow up.

Best Always,
Who ever said my avatar was current? It dates back to around 1986. Problem is I haven't been able to take a good replacement image because my photographer passed away about 5 years ago and my selfies turn out really bad. I am better behind the camera instead of in front of it.
Rebirth Date 1982 - PMs are welcome - Use [email][/email] or Discord if your unable to PM - Skype is available - My Transition
If you are helped by this site, consider leaving a tip in the jar at the bottom of the page or become a subscriber


Quote from: Dena on April 28, 2018, 02:27:30 PM
Who ever said my avatar was current? It dates back to around 1986. Problem is I haven't been able to take a good replacement image because my photographer passed away about 5 years ago and my selfies turn out really bad. I am better behind the camera instead of in front of it.

Hi Dena,             28 April 2018

I bet you're even more beautiful today.

Best Always,
Veteran - US Navy                                       Arborist, rigger, climber, sawyer
Trans Woman 13 Apr 18                               LEO (Cop)
Living as female - 7 years                             Pilot
Start HRT san's AA's 27 March 2018              Mechanic
Borchiday completed Friday 13 Apr 2018        Engineer Multi Discipline
IT Management Consultant                            Programmer
Friend                                                          Bum, Bumett
Semi Retired                                                Still Enjoy Being a Kid, Refuse to Grow UP
Former Writer / Editor                                   Carpenter / Plumber / Electrician
Ex-Biker, Ex-Harley Driver                             Friend of a Coyote
Ex-Smoker 50 years and heading for 100


Quote from: 2.B.Dana on April 14, 2018, 12:48:18 PM

As a veteran I would suggest working with the VA to get your patches. Would be a lot less expensive. You should be able to coordinate a outside physician requesting and an VA physician ordering the meds. My dad did it for years.  They will also do breast forms etc if you want them prior to the real thing showing up.

Hi 2.B.Dana             01 May 2018

Went to the VA today to get fitted for new hearing aids; that's done so they should be ready by 31 May. While there decided to see my primary VA doctor. When I sprung the Estradiol patch script my endocrinologist wrote for me yesterday, he asked me if I knew what the side affects are. It was time to educate him on some basic transgender issues. I'm his first TG patient. Told him about the gender Dysphoria, the long desire to be a woman, counseling, HRT and the orchi. He asked If I still had a penis and prostate, to which I answered in the affirmative. He then wanted to know if I was going to hook up with men, to which I responded in the negative. He sat there with a puzzled look to which I responded I'm a lesbian, I love women. He seemed relieved.

He has referred me to the women's clinic for OBGYN consultation. He did approve the Estradiol patches, which he was initially hesitant to do. I think our frank talk alleviated his concerns so I ended up with my other prescriptions corrected and the patches compliments of the VA.

Well Dana, I owe you big time; you gave me the nudge needed to get may butt in gear and give the VA a shot. Thank you bunches.

Are you anywhere near the Dallas Fort Worth area? If you are ever close by contact Susan, she knows how to get hold of me. Lunch or dinner is on me; I don't do McDonald's. I'd consider it an honor.

Best Always, muchas gracias mis amiga,

Veteran - US Navy                                       Arborist, rigger, climber, sawyer
Trans Woman 13 Apr 18                               LEO (Cop)
Living as female - 7 years                             Pilot
Start HRT san's AA's 27 March 2018              Mechanic
Borchiday completed Friday 13 Apr 2018        Engineer Multi Discipline
IT Management Consultant                            Programmer
Friend                                                          Bum, Bumett
Semi Retired                                                Still Enjoy Being a Kid, Refuse to Grow UP
Former Writer / Editor                                   Carpenter / Plumber / Electrician
Ex-Biker, Ex-Harley Driver                             Friend of a Coyote
Ex-Smoker 50 years and heading for 100


Well done. More first step on top of a life time of first steps. Interesting him asking about the prostate. I don't think may think about that uniquely man part. Just glad mine fell in the cancer grave yard and I don't have to consider it.
December 2015 noticed strange feelings moving in
December 2016 started to understand what my body has been telling me all my life, started wearing a bra for comfort full time
Spiro and dutastricide 2017
Mid year 2017 Started dressing and going out shopping etc by myself
October T 14.8 / 456
Came out to my wife in December 2017
January 2018 dressing androgenes and still have face hair
Feb 2018 Dressing full time in female clothing out at work and to friends and family, clean shaven and make up
Living full time March 1 2018
March T 7.4 / 236
April 19th eligard injection, no more Testosterone
June 19th a brand new freshly trained HRT and transgender care doctor for me. Only a one day waiting list to become her patient 😍



Quote from: Donna on May 01, 2018, 08:18:20 PM
Well done. More first step on top of a life time of first steps. Interesting him asking about the prostate. I don't think may think about that uniquely man part. Just glad mine fell in the cancer grave yard and I don't have to consider it.

Good evening Donna,              02 May 2018

It was obvious he didn't know too much about transgender. I schooled him as best I could with my extremely knowledgable old wives tales (sarc). He said he would put in a consult with the Women's Clinic for me. Sure enough they called today and asked me if I wanted to transfer to their part of the VA clinic. I told them I'd make an appointment with them and stay where I am. As I have had time to think things over I now think it best if I move there as I won't have to compete with all the guys that use the regular clinic. I'm going to call them tomorrow and make an appointment for my regular physical come this October.

The lady I talked with kind of made me laugh when she said I could move up there (2nd floor) where I could have my vaginal swabs, mammograms, birth control and what not taken care of right there. I had to remind her that I'm transgender post orchi, with a Willy and on HRT.

She did verify my Estradiol patches have been approved and ordered. I should probably have them by early next week.

Now I won't have to give up $70.00 worth of feel good (junk) food each month. That's a lot of "Marinela Sponch Marshmallow Cookies" I can eat. If you have never tried them, don't, they are habit forming. I started buying them 28 years ago when I lived in Mexico City. When I returned to the US I couldn't find them until recently. Phoned Bimbo (pronounced Beembo) Bakeries of Horsham, PA. They told me I could find them in certain Wally-World stores and Fiesta Super Markets. Every time I find them I buy all they have on the shelf. I'm not addicted to them; really I'm not; honest injun. (Hope that's not a derogatory comment as it isn't intended to be; it's from my earlier childhood days, which have yet to end.)

I noticed something today, maybe it's just my imagination, but I think my facial skin is sagging less and smoothing out. Is this possible this soon after starting HRT? Hope it's not wishful thinking. I would take a picture but my camera broke the last time I tried. Gotta get that thing fixed one of these days. Can you believe this: The camera and lens both cratered at the same time. That's what I get for trying to take a selfie.

Best Always,
Veteran - US Navy                                       Arborist, rigger, climber, sawyer
Trans Woman 13 Apr 18                               LEO (Cop)
Living as female - 7 years                             Pilot
Start HRT san's AA's 27 March 2018              Mechanic
Borchiday completed Friday 13 Apr 2018        Engineer Multi Discipline
IT Management Consultant                            Programmer
Friend                                                          Bum, Bumett
Semi Retired                                                Still Enjoy Being a Kid, Refuse to Grow UP
Former Writer / Editor                                   Carpenter / Plumber / Electrician
Ex-Biker, Ex-Harley Driver                             Friend of a Coyote
Ex-Smoker 50 years and heading for 100


Hi Everyone,                  04 May 2018

Called the VA Women's Clinic yesterday and had them transfer me to it; they made an appointment for me on the 21st of this month. That's the quickest I have been scheduled for an appt. It usually takes 2 months; think the decision to move will prove to be a good one.

Hope you like my new avatar; she is one of my munchkin rescues. Thanks Dena for the help with the photos.

Was thinking of something today; if we could take Susan's Place and all the members and build a city where we all could live together, I bet it would be the safest, happiest and most peaceful place on earth. Just a thought.

Best Always,
Veteran - US Navy                                       Arborist, rigger, climber, sawyer
Trans Woman 13 Apr 18                               LEO (Cop)
Living as female - 7 years                             Pilot
Start HRT san's AA's 27 March 2018              Mechanic
Borchiday completed Friday 13 Apr 2018        Engineer Multi Discipline
IT Management Consultant                            Programmer
Friend                                                          Bum, Bumett
Semi Retired                                                Still Enjoy Being a Kid, Refuse to Grow UP
Former Writer / Editor                                   Carpenter / Plumber / Electrician
Ex-Biker, Ex-Harley Driver                             Friend of a Coyote
Ex-Smoker 50 years and heading for 100


Great news with the woman's clinic. So mind settling for you to have them working with you and not against. It should be great to get everything in one place and quicker as well.
Great and best luck moving forward
December 2015 noticed strange feelings moving in
December 2016 started to understand what my body has been telling me all my life, started wearing a bra for comfort full time
Spiro and dutastricide 2017
Mid year 2017 Started dressing and going out shopping etc by myself
October T 14.8 / 456
Came out to my wife in December 2017
January 2018 dressing androgenes and still have face hair
Feb 2018 Dressing full time in female clothing out at work and to friends and family, clean shaven and make up
Living full time March 1 2018
March T 7.4 / 236
April 19th eligard injection, no more Testosterone
June 19th a brand new freshly trained HRT and transgender care doctor for me. Only a one day waiting list to become her patient 😍



Hello Christine

I am so glad to see things are progressing for you. Not to long to wait till 21st.

As for Susan's City, what a wonderful thought. Everyone would live in harmony friendship love and peace.





Quote from: pamelatransuk on May 05, 2018, 08:27:30 AM
Hello Christine

I am so glad to see things are progressing for you. Not to long to wait till 21st.

As for Susan's City, what a wonderful thought. Everyone would live in harmony friendship love and peace.



Hi Pamela,                   05 May 2018

Thanks, I sure wish you were close by w/o all the water separating us. I guess that's why they make ships and planes.

I am anxious to get there on the 21st. All the doctors in the Women's Clinic are women, which I like and as is my civilian Endocrinologist, who I can't say enough great thing about; she is an absolute jewel.

I cannot believe how lucky I have been on this journey. The only thing I may have done to help things along is I don't take NO for an answer when I want or need something.

If I had stayed with the 1st endocrinologist I went to I'd still be waiting to see him. As it is I saw two counselors, my primary doctor, my new endocrinologist, on HRT, saw the surgeon, had my orchi, all in less than 6 weeks.

Today is our monthly MTF transgender group meeting; look forward to being there this afternoon and seeing all the gals.

Take care, and tell your wife I said Hi. Best Always, all my love,

We need to work on making Susan's City a reality.
Veteran - US Navy                                       Arborist, rigger, climber, sawyer
Trans Woman 13 Apr 18                               LEO (Cop)
Living as female - 7 years                             Pilot
Start HRT san's AA's 27 March 2018              Mechanic
Borchiday completed Friday 13 Apr 2018        Engineer Multi Discipline
IT Management Consultant                            Programmer
Friend                                                          Bum, Bumett
Semi Retired                                                Still Enjoy Being a Kid, Refuse to Grow UP
Former Writer / Editor                                   Carpenter / Plumber / Electrician
Ex-Biker, Ex-Harley Driver                             Friend of a Coyote
Ex-Smoker 50 years and heading for 100


Quote from: christinej78 on May 04, 2018, 08:16:55 PM
Was thinking of something today; if we could take Susan's Place and all the members and build a city where we all could live together, I bet it would be the safest, happiest and most peaceful place on earth. Just a thought.

Best Always,

Quote from: pamelatransuk on May 05, 2018, 08:27:30 AM
As for Susan's City, what a wonderful thought. Everyone would live in harmony friendship love and peace.


Haa, two potential moderator who have no idea what they are in for.   >:-)
Rebirth Date 1982 - PMs are welcome - Use [email][/email] or Discord if your unable to PM - Skype is available - My Transition
If you are helped by this site, consider leaving a tip in the jar at the bottom of the page or become a subscriber


Quote from: Dena on May 05, 2018, 01:08:34 PM
Haa, two potential moderator who have no idea what they are in for.   >:-)

Hi Dena,               07 May 2018

Maybe one of these days after I develop a better feel for how things are "Supposed" to be rather than how I might think they should be.

Had my second post op today; while I was with the doctor and his assistant, they called me "sweetie" several times. I liked it; moving right along!

It's been three weeks and three days since my surgery; the doctor looked a lot younger than he did the day of the surgery. Do the hormones change the way we perceive what we see?

In one of Chelsea's posts she mentioned her sweat smelled sweet. I have noticed I don't stink like I used to when I would perspire during heavy physical activity; now there's no odor "atoll." Thank you "GoneNads."

My next post op is six months out; all these have been included in the one price they charge.

Received my meds from the VA; unfortunately, they sent the wrong strength patches; talked with them this AM, just waiting to hear what they are going to do. I've also transferred to the "Women's Clinic;" moving right along, even more so.

All is well, hope the same for you and everyone here at Susan's Place, our happy home.

Got to run, I hear a tree calling me.

Best Always,
Veteran - US Navy                                       Arborist, rigger, climber, sawyer
Trans Woman 13 Apr 18                               LEO (Cop)
Living as female - 7 years                             Pilot
Start HRT san's AA's 27 March 2018              Mechanic
Borchiday completed Friday 13 Apr 2018        Engineer Multi Discipline
IT Management Consultant                            Programmer
Friend                                                          Bum, Bumett
Semi Retired                                                Still Enjoy Being a Kid, Refuse to Grow UP
Former Writer / Editor                                   Carpenter / Plumber / Electrician
Ex-Biker, Ex-Harley Driver                             Friend of a Coyote
Ex-Smoker 50 years and heading for 100


Excellent post and great news. Don't know about changing vision unless it's my dirty glasses. For sure the body odour thing is real. I really notice how pleasant mine became and no put odour at all. I can get away with deodorant once or twice a week now. I really notice other people's strong smells more so now.
December 2015 noticed strange feelings moving in
December 2016 started to understand what my body has been telling me all my life, started wearing a bra for comfort full time
Spiro and dutastricide 2017
Mid year 2017 Started dressing and going out shopping etc by myself
October T 14.8 / 456
Came out to my wife in December 2017
January 2018 dressing androgenes and still have face hair
Feb 2018 Dressing full time in female clothing out at work and to friends and family, clean shaven and make up
Living full time March 1 2018
March T 7.4 / 236
April 19th eligard injection, no more Testosterone
June 19th a brand new freshly trained HRT and transgender care doctor for me. Only a one day waiting list to become her patient 😍



Quote from: Donna on May 10, 2018, 05:33:32 PM
Excellent post and great news. Don't know about changing vision unless it's my dirty glasses. For sure the body odour thing is real. I really notice how pleasant mine became and no put odour at all. I can get away with deodorant once or twice a week now. I really notice other people's strong smells more so now.

Hi Donna,              10 May 2018

Hope all is great with you; things are fine here. Back to doing tree work, and that be me up in the tree. That was shot in 2013 while wrecking out that tree. It was about 65 feet tall, which is fairly large for this area of Texas. Along streams and lakes it's a different story, they can get quite tall.

The VA is sending me a duplicate of the prescription they originally sent; I'll just apply two patches twice a week then when I order a refill, they will supply what was originally prescribed. I'll probably have the additional meds by Monday.

I don't seem to be losing any strength, I'm not gaining weight, but my butt & hips appear to be changing. My jeans and slacks are tighter in that area and I think the booty looks a bit more fem like. The boobs are making themselves known, albeit slowly. The nips are definitely getting more sensitive. Fortunately, I have a sport bra; I think I'll wear it when I climb. You do get banged up a bit and lots of stuff will hit you, especially when trimming limbs above ones position. You can't always be above what you are working on.

The tree in the photo was an old Cotton Wood; notorious for being weak, limbs will snap off w/o warning. Most folks think when you fall out of a tree that you are injured or killed by the fall. Not true, it's the sudden stop at the end.

There is a lot of rope up there with me. I usually climb with double lines for safety and maneuverability.

Weather here has finally turned the corner, it's summer here even though it's not official. I do love the hot weather. I have a good bit of tree work to do. I need to find a cheap pair of hot pink shorts and a matching top. I want to wear them while up in the tree and have someone photograph the event. It'll be a good way to finish off my outing.

Time for me to go to our local Braum's Dairy Store. They have great products, I especially love their fat free milk and their Ice Cream. It's a family run business; they have a 48,000 acre dairy farm in Tuttle, Oklahoma. They deliver their products within a 350 mile radius of Tuttle. I am out of milk; I go through about 2 gallons per week. I need to stop eating cookies and milk for lunch and dinner.

Take care mis amiga.

Best Always, Love
Veteran - US Navy                                       Arborist, rigger, climber, sawyer
Trans Woman 13 Apr 18                               LEO (Cop)
Living as female - 7 years                             Pilot
Start HRT san's AA's 27 March 2018              Mechanic
Borchiday completed Friday 13 Apr 2018        Engineer Multi Discipline
IT Management Consultant                            Programmer
Friend                                                          Bum, Bumett
Semi Retired                                                Still Enjoy Being a Kid, Refuse to Grow UP
Former Writer / Editor                                   Carpenter / Plumber / Electrician
Ex-Biker, Ex-Harley Driver                             Friend of a Coyote
Ex-Smoker 50 years and heading for 100


Thanks for the update. No cookies, I need natchos as the salt craving on spiro are getting to me.
I don't mind being that high up in an loft but not a tree. I have to move a couple 15 ft trees beside a building but I'm just going to strap them to a lift then cut them and lay them down that way.
We have hit a cold snap again with rain. Not nice for outside work.
December 2015 noticed strange feelings moving in
December 2016 started to understand what my body has been telling me all my life, started wearing a bra for comfort full time
Spiro and dutastricide 2017
Mid year 2017 Started dressing and going out shopping etc by myself
October T 14.8 / 456
Came out to my wife in December 2017
January 2018 dressing androgenes and still have face hair
Feb 2018 Dressing full time in female clothing out at work and to friends and family, clean shaven and make up
Living full time March 1 2018
March T 7.4 / 236
April 19th eligard injection, no more Testosterone
June 19th a brand new freshly trained HRT and transgender care doctor for me. Only a one day waiting list to become her patient 😍



Quote from: christinej78 on May 02, 2018, 10:26:28 PM
Good evening Donna,              02 May 2018

I noticed something today, maybe it's just my imagination, but I think my facial skin is sagging less and smoothing out. Is this possible this soon after starting HRT? Hope it's not wishful thinking. I would take a picture but my camera broke the last time I tried. Gotta get that thing fixed one of these days. Can you believe this: The camera and lens both cratered at the same time. That's what I get for trying to take a selfie.

Best Always,

Most of the wrinkles and crows feet that had started to form left with hrt. People say I look in my 30's when I'm 43 so I say yes, skin is one of the first things to change and it makes you look younger. I used that how old are you website the other days and it came out with 28! I think it was being a bit nice but it agrees with my co-workers who asked what the secret to looking younger was.
Every day is a totally awesome day
Every day provides opportunities and challenges
Every challenge leads to an opportunity
Every fear faced leads to one more strength
Every strength leads to greater success
Success leads to self esteem
Self Esteem leads to happiness.
Cherish every day.


Quote from: krobinson103 on May 11, 2018, 02:21:14 AM
Most of the wrinkles and crows feet that had started to form left with hrt. People say I look in my 30's when I'm 43 so I say yes, skin is one of the first things to change and it makes you look younger. I used that how old are you website the other days and it came out with 28! I think it was being a bit nice but it agrees with my co-workers who asked what the secret to looking younger was.

Hi Krobinson,               11 May 2018

Thanks for the info. I need to get a camera that I can use for a selfie. Looking in the mirror doesn't give me anything to compare my current looks to. My memory can't do a comparison of what I looked like yesterday vs. today. I'm fairly certain something is changing, just can't be sure it's not wishful thinking.

Another problem is hairy ears. I have had them waxed, which turns out great but doesn't last too long, I pluck what I can with tweezers; that's time consuming and the results are iffy.

I haven't tried electrolysis on them; has anyone had it done? My concern is the electrical energy imparted is close to the brain. At my age I don't have brain cells I can spare. I remember when I was having my pubes done, every once in a while a nerve would feel electrical pulses which made my legs jump around. If you have had electrolysis for your ear garden, I'd like to know how it went.

Today I received my gender confirmation letter from the doctor that performed my orchiectomy. It's filled with legal mumbo jumbo, which I am sure some lawyer composed. My take on it is I now have the necessary paperwork to initiate my legal name and gender change. The only thing I have to do is contact my health insurance provider to obtain a letter that states they will alter both without causing a change in my insurance. The reason I'm a bit concerned is I have a policy that covers more that what is currently being sold. I am grandfathered in on this policy. If I can maintain this w/o losing my grandfather status, I'll proceed.

Things seem to still be moving along smoothly. the VA fixed the problem with the meds; a new supply should be here tomorrow or Monday. This just reminds me, it's time to change my patch.

I was your age once upon a time, 35 years ago. I wish I had done this back then; I'm sure the results appearance wise would be better. Since I feel better, am more content and have diminishing aggression, I am happy with whatever I get. I am experiencing an inner peace I have never known before. If that is all I receive from my transition, it will have been well worth it.

Sunday, I plan on visiting the nudist resort I am a member of. I talked to one of the owners and asked if they had any policies regarding LGBTQ persons. Everyone is welcome, their policy is all inclusive; everyone has to abide by the same set of rules, no exceptions. It is a family resort.

Thank you very much for the info; I'd sure like to put an end to the weed gardens that grow in my ears. I haven't even mentioned the nose; saving that for later. Take care.

Best Always,

Veteran - US Navy                                       Arborist, rigger, climber, sawyer
Trans Woman 13 Apr 18                               LEO (Cop)
Living as female - 7 years                             Pilot
Start HRT san's AA's 27 March 2018              Mechanic
Borchiday completed Friday 13 Apr 2018        Engineer Multi Discipline
IT Management Consultant                            Programmer
Friend                                                          Bum, Bumett
Semi Retired                                                Still Enjoy Being a Kid, Refuse to Grow UP
Former Writer / Editor                                   Carpenter / Plumber / Electrician
Ex-Biker, Ex-Harley Driver                             Friend of a Coyote
Ex-Smoker 50 years and heading for 100