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Chelsea's Transition Adventure

Started by Chelsea, February 21, 2018, 11:59:29 AM

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Quote from: Alaskan Danielle on May 17, 2018, 10:05:01 PM
@Chelsea .... wow, that is a great and wonderful report from you today.... what a difference that a day or two can make.  I know that besides me that there were lots of your readers very worried about you.
It is so very good to hear a happy and positive vibe coming from you this evening.

Oh yeah, isn't it like a big weight is now off of you shoulders after coming out to your mother???  Enjoy the peace about your transition journey now.  It was nice that your mother had a good reaction to your announcement and you were wise to not just blurt out that you are transgender, instead you took the time to explain your feelings and the how and why... again, very smart move on your part. 

Regarding your childhood as a boy or young man,  I had similar problems, in high school and in college I was a skinny runt of a guy, no muscles, no bulk, very short, only 5'4"... 5'5" if I fluffed up my hair...   I had a soft girlish face, and a voice to match. very light and thin body and face hair and basically looked like a flat chested girl.  I was constantly and rudely bullied and had a difficult time being around my male classmates because they had turned into men with bulk, muscles, tall height, face and body hair, and deep male voices.  The locker room scene was torture.   All of that, of course worked in my favor as I transitioned in my early 30's.  Even the girls I dated noticed and commented on all of that.... not exactly what a guy wants to hear from a potential girlfriend.
Some of what was going on with me sounds similar to some of your story too.

Wow, and you reported that you have "work and more work" ...  hopefully that turns into proceeds and profit for your business and you can start getting caught up.... another big burden lifted!!!

Thanks for reporting in and your wonderful update.
Hugs and hugs,

Danielle, that story of your childhood give me cold chills. You described my 5th grade through 9th grade exactly like it happened, Except for the soft voice. I always had a feminine build but was easily hidden with the way I dressed. Now that I think because of that I should do good transitioning. At least I hope it does.  :)

First Therapy Appointment 2-26-18
Came Out To Sister 2-27-18
First Endocrinologist Appointment 3-7-18
Started HRT! 3-7-18
First Voice Therapy Appointment 4-23-18
Came out to my Brother!!!! 5-3-18
Came out to MOM!!!! 5-17-18



Quote from: Chelsea on May 17, 2018, 10:27:48 PM
Danielle, that story of your childhood give me cold chills. You described my 5th grade through 9th grade exactly like it happened, Except for the soft voice. I always had a feminine build but was easily hidden with the way I dressed. Now that I think because of that I should do good transitioning. At least I hope it does.  :)


Dear Chelsea,                17 may 2018

From how you describe yourself, you should have one of the easiest transitions.

I remember when I went to my first high school reunion. The reunion committee assigned the seats so as luck would have it, I was seated directly across from the most beautiful woman in the dining room. All eyes were on her; I couldn't remember who she was and couldn't remember anyone looking as good as she did.

After dinner I went and got my yearbook and looked her up. I could not believe what I saw. In high school she was so plain looking I don't think anyone would have given her a second glance and most likely not even a first.

The first reunion I attended was the 30th so she was now 48 years young. The first thing that came to my mind was "How are the gals that were the class beauties doing these days?" I won't say what I thought back then cause it "weren't purddy."

Everyone has his or her day, and that day was hers.

Chelsea, you will have yours big time because you already poses natural beauty.

Best Always, All my Love,
Veteran - US Navy                                       Arborist, rigger, climber, sawyer
Trans Woman 13 Apr 18                               LEO (Cop)
Living as female - 7 years                             Pilot
Start HRT san's AA's 27 March 2018              Mechanic
Borchiday completed Friday 13 Apr 2018        Engineer Multi Discipline
IT Management Consultant                            Programmer
Friend                                                          Bum, Bumett
Semi Retired                                                Still Enjoy Being a Kid, Refuse to Grow UP
Former Writer / Editor                                   Carpenter / Plumber / Electrician
Ex-Biker, Ex-Harley Driver                             Friend of a Coyote
Ex-Smoker 50 years and heading for 100


Chelsea, I am so glad you came out to your mother the way you did and that it went smoothly. It must feel amazing for you to be out to everyone that matters to you. Also, great news about work and more work.

Life has a way of presenting us with unexpected opportunities when we least expect them. Never give up hope! I am so happy for you.



Hi Chelsea I'm so happy that things are looking up for you  and your how you mother said she wants you to be happy that means alot .when I told my mother I thought same as you but she was also accepting and is coming to my apointment
I hope that you continue to get good  business  and can get on top of everything


Started hrt 3/7/2018!
Came out to team at work 15/8/18



Ahhh! congrats on coming out! I'm proud of you and happy for you!!


Thank you ladies. :) You all are so good to me.

Yesterday I was so busy from work that I'm sore all over like a hard workout. I have been running the CNC machines and in between sanding on my brothers car for final buff. Yesterday he come over and wanted to get my old Mustang out. We literally had to dig it out of my basement. This is the first time she (I have always give my cars girl names. lol)  has seen daylight in over 23 years. This has been a ongoing joke with my brother for years. He used to say my basement was like death row for cars, once in, they never come out. Well now she's out and next week shes going to my brothers for repair. I know its just a car but it was a big part of my growing up and I'm gonna be so happy once I'm in the drivers seat, especially as Chelsea with the T-tops out.

The scale this morning was looking a little better. :) I have put on 2 pounds finally. This is the first time I have put on any weight at all sense starting HRT. I started drinking those Ensure drinks that are way too expensive, and they seem to be doing something. The only thing is they also have 400mg of potassium. I don't have another blood test for a few weeks and hope these are safe with me taking spiro. I have only been drinking them with my evening meals.

Also I noticed yesterday that the palms of my hands are super soft. Alivia said it felt like she was holding a girls hand. When she said that I lost it and started crying I was so happy. I'm approaching month three and I can tell the emotions are stronger. I cry at the drop of a dime, but its usually happy things.

I know my post are a little jumbled and all over the place, but you girls know me by now. :)

First Therapy Appointment 2-26-18
Came Out To Sister 2-27-18
First Endocrinologist Appointment 3-7-18
Started HRT! 3-7-18
First Voice Therapy Appointment 4-23-18
Came out to my Brother!!!! 5-3-18
Came out to MOM!!!! 5-17-18



See what your test say Chelsea, I was surprised at the potassium levels in protein bars as well. I did find one brand that has none. Last blood work potassium was right where it should be.
December 2015 noticed strange feelings moving in
December 2016 started to understand what my body has been telling me all my life, started wearing a bra for comfort full time
Spiro and dutastricide 2017
Mid year 2017 Started dressing and going out shopping etc by myself
October T 14.8 / 456
Came out to my wife in December 2017
January 2018 dressing androgenes and still have face hair
Feb 2018 Dressing full time in female clothing out at work and to friends and family, clean shaven and make up
Living full time March 1 2018
March T 7.4 / 236
April 19th eligard injection, no more Testosterone
June 19th a brand new freshly trained HRT and transgender care doctor for me. Only a one day waiting list to become her patient 😍



Quote from: Chelsea on May 19, 2018, 08:11:56 AM
Thank you ladies. :) You all are so good to me.

Yesterday I was so busy from work that I'm sore all over like a hard workout. I have been running the CNC machines and in between sanding on my brothers car for final buff. Yesterday he come over and wanted to get my old Mustang out. We literally had to dig it out of my basement. This is the first time she (I have always give my cars girl names. lol)  has seen daylight in over 23 years. This has been a ongoing joke with my brother for years. He used to say my basement was like death row for cars, once in, they never come out. Well now she's out and next week shes going to my brothers for repair. I know its just a car but it was a big part of my growing up and I'm gonna be so happy once I'm in the drivers seat, especially as Chelsea with the T-tops out.

The scale this morning was looking a little better. :) I have put on 2 pounds finally. This is the first time I have put on any weight at all sense starting HRT. I started drinking those Ensure drinks that are way too expensive, and they seem to be doing something. The only thing is they also have 400mg of potassium. I don't have another blood test for a few weeks and hope these are safe with me taking spiro. I have only been drinking them with my evening meals.

Also I noticed yesterday that the palms of my hands are super soft. Alivia said it felt like she was holding a girls hand. When she said that I lost it and started crying I was so happy. I'm approaching month three and I can tell the emotions are stronger. I cry at the drop of a dime, but its usually happy things.

I know my post are a little jumbled and all over the place, but you girls know me by now. :)


Dear Chelsea,                 19 May 2018

Please be careful while on Spiro; too much Potassium can cause problems. I'm sure you already know this, just "a-remindin."

Best Always, Love,
Christine "the old nag" that cares
Veteran - US Navy                                       Arborist, rigger, climber, sawyer
Trans Woman 13 Apr 18                               LEO (Cop)
Living as female - 7 years                             Pilot
Start HRT san's AA's 27 March 2018              Mechanic
Borchiday completed Friday 13 Apr 2018        Engineer Multi Discipline
IT Management Consultant                            Programmer
Friend                                                          Bum, Bumett
Semi Retired                                                Still Enjoy Being a Kid, Refuse to Grow UP
Former Writer / Editor                                   Carpenter / Plumber / Electrician
Ex-Biker, Ex-Harley Driver                             Friend of a Coyote
Ex-Smoker 50 years and heading for 100


I've been away for a couple days and just caught up.  Great news about the work.  I hope it continues.  That was nice of your brother to get you to pull out the Mustang.  What year is it?  With t-tops I assume it's a Fox body?  5.0?

Awesome news about your mother.  It will take a bit for her to digest the news but it sounds like all is well.  As you say, no more hiding.  Wonderful.   

Like several others I was always small in stature when young.  I did have a growth spurt at 18 but my frame stayed the same so I am far from having a bulky build.  It's worked out great now.  Ha!   

Hugs, Judi
But now old friends they're acting strange
They shake their heads, they say I've changed
Well something's lost, but something's gained
In living every day.


Quote from: Donna on May 19, 2018, 11:55:52 AM
See what your test say Chelsea, I was surprised at the potassium levels in protein bars as well. I did find one brand that has none. Last blood work potassium was right where it should be.

I think my blood is fine too, I always worry about everything heath wise. I have only been drinking them at night and so far they are helping with the weight issue. :)

First Therapy Appointment 2-26-18
Came Out To Sister 2-27-18
First Endocrinologist Appointment 3-7-18
Started HRT! 3-7-18
First Voice Therapy Appointment 4-23-18
Came out to my Brother!!!! 5-3-18
Came out to MOM!!!! 5-17-18



Quote from: christinej78 on May 19, 2018, 12:13:04 PM
Dear Chelsea,                 19 May 2018

Please be careful while on Spiro; too much Potassium can cause problems. I'm sure you already know this, just "a-remindin."

Best Always, Love,
Christine "the old nag" that cares

Thank you Christine. Caring is not nagging. :)

First Therapy Appointment 2-26-18
Came Out To Sister 2-27-18
First Endocrinologist Appointment 3-7-18
Started HRT! 3-7-18
First Voice Therapy Appointment 4-23-18
Came out to my Brother!!!! 5-3-18
Came out to MOM!!!! 5-17-18



Quote from: JudiBlueEyes on May 19, 2018, 12:47:46 PM
I've been away for a couple days and just caught up.  Great news about the work.  I hope it continues.  That was nice of your brother to get you to pull out the Mustang.  What year is it?  With t-tops I assume it's a Fox body?  5.0?

Assume news count your mother.  It will take a bit for her to digest the news but it sounds like all is well.  As you say, no more hiding.  Wonderful.   

Like several others I was always small in stature when young.  I did have a growth spurt at 18 but my frame stayed the same so I am far from having a bulky build.  It's worked out great now.  Ha!   

Hugs, Judi

Thank you Judi.
Mom is actually taking it better than I thought. I talked a little more about it last night with her and everything went great. I'm just worried about when she see's Chelsea for the first time.

You ask about the Mustang, its a 87 Gt T-top. Of the 87 through 93 Fox body's the T-top was only available in 87 and optional in 88. The pic below is after it came out of the basement with a inch of dust on it. It looks rough but I had it ready to paint years ago.


First Therapy Appointment 2-26-18
Came Out To Sister 2-27-18
First Endocrinologist Appointment 3-7-18
Started HRT! 3-7-18
First Voice Therapy Appointment 4-23-18
Came out to my Brother!!!! 5-3-18
Came out to MOM!!!! 5-17-18



You are a talented lady, Chelsea! I have a hard time figuring out one end of a wrench from the other. Not a mechanical bone in my body (unlike my brothers!).


Chelsea, I'm so glad things are looking up for you. Work is busy, putting on a little weight, HRT is doing its's wonderful to see. The stronger emotions from the HRT are something to get used to, but not a bad thing. I found it to be really nice to be able to feel a complete range of emotions.

Don't stress your self too much about your Mum seeing Chelsea for the first time. It might be worth easing her into it by not presenting overly feminine the first time so she can get used to seeing presenting as a woman. I think it will be ok, just like when you came out to her as being trans.

Thanks for your update.



Quote from: Chelsea on May 17, 2018, 09:45:41 PM
Had Another Great Day!

It started off with work and more work. :) After all that I went to mom's as always I check on her every day. Alivia cooked dinner and we all sit around and had a good time. About 2 hours later Alivia went back home and I spent the next two hours with mom. I did the impossible and told my mother I'm transgender. I didn't just up and say "I'm transgender" I had to explain to her everything. If I had not done it this way she would have just gotten angry because she had a different outlook on transgender people until today.

At the time all the boys my age hit puberty and had a growth spurt, I did not. All the guys around me had harry legs and muscles and I was still like a kid. My mother takes me then to a doctor in Knoxville that give me testosterone shots for a month or so to "kick start me" the doctor said. I never told mom but after about 2 or 3 months after those shots is when I started having my first gender thoughts. I sit down today and told her everything that has been going through my head from that moment. She just sit and listen to me the entire time without getting emotional or angry. (Like I thought)

After I was done she ask me a lot of questions and end the end her last comment was "I just want you happy and I love you." Just like my brother I did not think this was going to go well. I would not have told her if it wasn't for the stress I have been under this week over finances. I was to the point of "It can't get any worse". She said It's gonna take some getting used to so I'm not going to take Chelsea around her just yet. I am so lucky to have her still in my life.

So good news..............    I'm OUT!!  I don't have to hide anymore!! :D

BIG Hugs

Wow, Chelsea, congratulations!  I know it is stressful to come out to those we love, but you did it!  And congrats too to your mom for taking it so well.  It sounds like you did a good job of explaining it to her.

Now you can move forward without that weight on your shoulders.
2015-07-04 Awakening; 2015-11-15 Out to self; 2016-06-22 Out to wife; 2016-10-27 First time presenting in public; 2017-01-20 Started HRT!!; 2017-04-20 Out publicly; 2017-07-10 Legal name change; 2019-02-15 Approval for GRS; 2019-08-02 Official gender change; 2020-03-11 GRS; 2020-09-17 New birth certificate


Wow what an amazing thread! I just read this whole thing and had moments where my eyes had dust in them. And that's pre hrt for me so I'm normally have the emotion of a stone lol. Following your story is certainly inspiring to me. I hope my journey can be similar. I'm also so impressed by your gf so much. What a great lady she is! My wife has come a long way since coming out to her but she still hasn't gotten to that level yet. Make sure you let her know how great she is! Oh and I will join the club in saying how great you look already. Sure we all have our issues but you are a very attractive woman. Hope things continue to go well in your journey!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


The Mustang looks fine Chelsea.  I'm sure your brother will do it right.  I've painted a number of cars over the years and can set up a temporary paint booth in my shop complete with ventilation.  I'm sure you'll be thrilled when you get it back on the road.  You'll be one cool chick cruising in her pony! 
But now old friends they're acting strange
They shake their heads, they say I've changed
Well something's lost, but something's gained
In living every day.


Thank you girls for the nice comments. :)

First Therapy Appointment 2-26-18
Came Out To Sister 2-27-18
First Endocrinologist Appointment 3-7-18
Started HRT! 3-7-18
First Voice Therapy Appointment 4-23-18
Came out to my Brother!!!! 5-3-18
Came out to MOM!!!! 5-17-18



Quote from: Cheaney on May 19, 2018, 07:03:34 PM
Wow what an amazing thread! I just read this whole thing and had moments where my eyes had dust in them. And that's pre hrt for me so I'm normally have the emotion of a stone lol. Following your story is certainly inspiring to me. I hope my journey can be similar. I'm also so impressed by your gf so much. What a great lady she is! My wife has come a long way since coming out to her but she still hasn't gotten to that level yet. Make sure you let her know how great she is! Oh and I will join the club in saying how great you look already. Sure we all have our issues but you are a very attractive woman. Hope things continue to go well in your journey!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Thank you Cheaney and welcome to my silly thread. That is the first time anyone has told me that I inspired them. Nothing really inspiring about me but that made my day. :)

Alivia says "Thank you" for the comments. I told my GF about 4 years ago the I liked to dress like a girl thinking she would be ok with me doing so. My idea was to gradually lead into me being transgender slowly, but that didn't work because I could immediately see that it upset her. It took me until about 6 months ago to tell her. She said it all makes sense now. She thought I was gay and just didn't want to tell her all these years lol. After I told her it had nothing at all to do with sexual preference she has been completely supportive of me transitioning.

First Therapy Appointment 2-26-18
Came Out To Sister 2-27-18
First Endocrinologist Appointment 3-7-18
Started HRT! 3-7-18
First Voice Therapy Appointment 4-23-18
Came out to my Brother!!!! 5-3-18
Came out to MOM!!!! 5-17-18



Quote from: Chelsea on May 20, 2018, 01:06:15 PM
Thank you Cheaney and welcome to my silly thread. That is the first time anyone has told me that I inspired them. Nothing really inspiring about me but that made my day. :)

Alivia says "Thank you" for the comments. I told my GF about 4 years ago the I liked to dress like a girl thinking she would be ok with me doing so. My idea was to gradually lead into me being transgender slowly, but that didn't work because I could immediately see that it upset her. It took me until about 6 months ago to tell her. She said it all makes sense now. She thought I was gay and just didn't want to tell her all these years lol. After I told her it had nothing at all to do with sexual preference she has been completely supportive of me transitioning.


Buenas Tardes SeƱorita Chelsea,                        20 May 2018

Males wearing women's clothing is not a gay thing; my understanding (covering my A**) is that most gays do not want to be women so they don't dress in women's clothing. There are always exceptions (covering it again).

Best Always mis amiga, Love,
Veteran - US Navy                                       Arborist, rigger, climber, sawyer
Trans Woman 13 Apr 18                               LEO (Cop)
Living as female - 7 years                             Pilot
Start HRT san's AA's 27 March 2018              Mechanic
Borchiday completed Friday 13 Apr 2018        Engineer Multi Discipline
IT Management Consultant                            Programmer
Friend                                                          Bum, Bumett
Semi Retired                                                Still Enjoy Being a Kid, Refuse to Grow UP
Former Writer / Editor                                   Carpenter / Plumber / Electrician
Ex-Biker, Ex-Harley Driver                             Friend of a Coyote
Ex-Smoker 50 years and heading for 100