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What to expect starting HRT @66

Started by Joanne ONeal, August 18, 2018, 08:06:01 AM

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I'm a bit younger at 43. I had been resigned to never living the way I wanted to but the pull got too strong. I have to say the word astonished is about right! I look in the mirror and see.... a women in her early 30's at worst AND the mental peace and stability is amazing. I used to be withdrawn and unwilling to talk to people now I love interacting in groups. Breasts went from zip to d cup, measurements are now 46 35 44, skin is softer, body hair fell out and I couldn't pass as a man if I wanted to. HRT is the best thing I ever did bar none. I don't think how old you are matters, if you feel the need, do it.
Every day is a totally awesome day
Every day provides opportunities and challenges
Every challenge leads to an opportunity
Every fear faced leads to one more strength
Every strength leads to greater success
Success leads to self esteem
Self Esteem leads to happiness.
Cherish every day.


Quote from: Lady Skylar on August 21, 2018, 09:22:21 AM
Transitioning is the only option I have at this time. That is what is going to make me happy. I'm 54 and the immediate family members I have told that I'm transgender mtf, all have said they were not surprised, including my mother. Apparently I have shown signs, some that even I was not aware of that I was a woman. Looking back through time though I do now see the early signs that were there, just didn't realize they were actually pieces to my ongoing puzzle in the wrong spots. Now that I have accepted my true gender and true sexual orientation I can work to complete my puzzle so that everyone sees the true and finished masterpiece.

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Quote from: krobinson103 on August 21, 2018, 05:57:15 PM
HRT is the best thing I ever did bar none. I don't think how old you are matters, if you feel the need, do it.

Lady Skylar

I am so happy you have found your true self and that you have decided to complete the puzzle and go for the finished masterpiece. I wish you every success. I am on HRT 28 weeks and going Fulltime next year.


Precisely! HRT brilliant. Age irrelevant.

Hugs to you all



Joanne ONeal

Signed the paperwork today to start the new journey. Therapist is more than happy to submit her letter of recommendation to the endocrinologist. I am so excited and scared!