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Christine's Adventures on the "Transition Highway"

Started by christinej78, March 29, 2018, 10:48:07 PM

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Thank you Chris, for keeping us informed.  For us young folks it is very important to watch the blood clot thing.  So far, I seem not to have anything. 
Do you, or did you take low dose aspiring prior to this thrombosis?  I wonder if daily intake of low dose aspirin could have avoided your problem?
I have slightly swollen feet for a few days now, but this is very common with estrogen intake (cis women on estrogen therapy have the same problem).  My swollen feet are actually the only indication for me that estrogen is doing anything for me!
02/22/2019 bi-lateral orchiectomy



Yikes!  Sorry to hear about your DVT, Christine.  Good move to get to Emergency and have it treated right away!

We get told about the risk when we sign our informed consent forms, but it is important to know that the risk is real.  Thank you for spreading the word.
2015-07-04 Awakening; 2015-11-15 Out to self; 2016-06-22 Out to wife; 2016-10-27 First time presenting in public; 2017-01-20 Started HRT!!; 2017-04-20 Out publicly; 2017-07-10 Legal name change; 2019-02-15 Approval for GRS; 2019-08-02 Official gender change; 2020-03-11 GRS; 2020-09-17 New birth certificate


Hello again Christine

I am so sorry to hear it has been confirmed you have DVT. I think most of us will or at least should have been informed of the possibility of DVT as side effect of estradiol. However I think most of us will not  - certainly I was not - aware of the symptoms and some of us may have brushed aside at first. I thank you for providing details of the whole matter and for highlighting the urgency of seeking medical diagnosis and treatment.

I wish you a speedy recovery.

Thanking of you &  sending Hugs




@Alaskan Danielle

Hi Danielle, Davina, Linde, Kathy, Pamela,                    28 November 2018

I am going to try and answer all of your questions in the order of there occurrence to my DVT issue.

I was cautioned about DVT prior to receiving a prescription for Estradiol patches. After my Orchie and having been on the patches about one month I had a blood test for my hormone levels. I had been on Estradiol for 16 days sans AA's when I had my orchie and about 30 days of Estradiol so far. Believe me I was feeling great, no more problems with peeing due to BPH, sleeping better, aggression mostly gone after a lifetime of that BS, happiness, Boobs presenting themselves, which by the way I make every effort for them to be noticed and when they are I am greatly thankful.

When I went back to my Endo after the blood test, my "T" was 10 and Estradiol was 58. I had a second blood test about a month or so later and my "T" was <3 (not detected) and "E" was way down. (don't remember the exact number but it was low). I asked if we could bump the "E" and she said yes and also reminded me of the very real possibility of DVT, which by the way is well documented in medical literature.

We went ahead and bumped it up and tested it a month or so later; it was now 128 and "T" was still <3, all well and good. I was feeling great and the boobs, albeit slowly, were becoming more noticeable, which I really liked.

I had been mowing the pasture for several years using a combination of a tractor and a commercial walk behind mower. I preferred the walk behind because it afforded me a lot of exercise while mowing. I calculated I was walking about 7.7 miles each mowing. Last year, prior to HRT and me even knowing how to spell Transgender. I was noticing what appeared to be a slight rash around my ankles that looked like Petechiae though I assumed it was a rash because I knew my platelet count was high (clotting factor), I was on 81mg low dose aspirin and bled quite easily if cut. This fact in itself made me think it was Petechiae except for the fact that it cleared quickly and responded well to OTC salves. The other reason: It only appeared where my socks weren't covering my ankle.

I discontinued the aspirin thinking it might possibly be "P." The fact that it cleared quickly and responded well to salves kind of ruled out "P."

Have to back up here; in 2007 I noticed I was limping a lot. I analyzed my gate and sure enough my left leg was weaker than my right. I went to a sports medicine doctor that ran tests on my legs and determined that I had Asymmetric Peripheral Neuropathy. That was exciting. I started walking more and working out my legs. I managed to strengthen the left leg to where the limp was gone.

Sometimes Peripheral Neuropathy of the leg presents itself with severe pain, sometimes with numbness, sometimes both. My case was numbness, which is better than pain. I had tests run twice by a neurologist who confirmed the original diagnosis both times. His conclusion was that at some point I had damaged the Sciatic Nerve. He didn't know when or how and neither did I. I had numerous injuries while skiing (never a good skier though I enjoyed the excitement of skiing the dangerous terrain). I beat myself up pretty good, destroying my knees in the process, but having what I thought was fun (If I only knew what was ahead).

The last time I skied was in 1998 when I realized if I kept it up I was most likely destined for a wheelchair. Not an option I wanted to even consider so I quit that endeavor. Over time I figured out that everything we do has a price tag attached; we just don't know when the bill will come due; my bills were and are piling up.

Back to DVT and its precursor. I never had an indication that I knew of that indicated the possibility of a DVT, until this past Thursday 28 Nov 2018, Thanksgiving Day. That's when I realized that what I had been thinking was a rash really was "P" and now there were additional symptoms that indicated a blood clot (DVT): Itching, leg red, "P" present and leg hot. I took a couple of Alka-Seltzer tablets dissolved in water, which helped calm the heat and "P." When this hiccup occurred, I removed all patches as a precaution. Oh how I miss my Estradiol.

The next day we came to the conclusion I had better go to the emergency room. Now let me set the record straight; It wasn't me that convinced me to head to the hospital emergency room. It was the love of my life who I had been Skyping with that convinced me to go there and not to one of those "Doc-In-a-Box" places, which do have their place in the scheme of health care but not when time is of the essence.

Just so you know, she's right here at Susan's Place though most of you don't know who she is. She is the most beautiful, intelligent, Lady I have ever known and I love her more than anyone or anything else on this earth. There are many more great adjectives to describe her, which I would do if Susan's servers had enough capacity for all of them.

In the emergency room they drew blood and did an ultrasound of my left leg. The diagnosis was DVT. They prescribed a standard treatment, Xarelto starter pack. Since this has nothing to do with transitioning, I'm going to supply dosage as there is only a standard dose available. I was prescribed 15mg bid for 21 days and 20mg qd until the doctor says to discontinue it; bid = twice a day, qd = once per day. This med must be taken with food. There is no generic for it and it's relatively expensive. I'm also back on the 81mg low dose aspirin.

Thursday will be the day I visit my Endocrinologist to see where we go, hormone wise, from here. My thinking is the problem was already here before I started my transition. "E" may or may not have played some part in the DVT, which already was an accident waiting to happen. I'm going to present to my Endo what my love suggested and that is to reduce the "E" to post menopausal levels.

Tomorrow I'll update this thread with anything I know that is pertinent to this topic. Some day I'll tell you who she is unless she tells you first.

Now I have a few PM's to answer so I'll attend to that after I take care of the kids; they need to eat and go out so they can pee and poop.

Thank you all for your kind thoughts and concerns. Hopefully we all can learn something from this.

Best Always, Love
Veteran - US Navy                                       Arborist, rigger, climber, sawyer
Trans Woman 13 Apr 18                               LEO (Cop)
Living as female - 7 years                             Pilot
Start HRT san's AA's 27 March 2018              Mechanic
Borchiday completed Friday 13 Apr 2018        Engineer Multi Discipline
IT Management Consultant                            Programmer
Friend                                                          Bum, Bumett
Semi Retired                                                Still Enjoy Being a Kid, Refuse to Grow UP
Former Writer / Editor                                   Carpenter / Plumber / Electrician
Ex-Biker, Ex-Harley Driver                             Friend of a Coyote
Ex-Smoker 50 years and heading for 100


Hi Folks,                 29 November 2018

Back from the Endocrinologist; news is not what I wanted to hear but is what it is. I have two clots, both in the deep veins of the left calf. One is about midway up and the other is where the knee bends. I have to stay off the hormones for a couple of months or until the veins clear. No massaging the muscle, no support socks/hose, no heavy work, running, mowing, etc. I get the picture.

My Doctor thinks the Estradiol is the culprit, especially since this occurred after increasing the dosage. I was totally aware that this could happen; since I was "bullet proof" I didn't have a thing to worry about. What happened to that Kevlar I was supposed to be made of?
Weather beaten and worn from deflecting too many bullets.

I'm going to take it easy for a bit; think I'll retire from  Football, boxing and marathon running. Don't know how the Oakland Raiders are going to do without me.

Why couldn't this be as simple as the Orchie? I am going to go to the hospital and retrieve the reports from my emergency treatment. Want to keep informed as well as possible. So that's it for today.

Best Always, Love
Veteran - US Navy                                       Arborist, rigger, climber, sawyer
Trans Woman 13 Apr 18                               LEO (Cop)
Living as female - 7 years                             Pilot
Start HRT san's AA's 27 March 2018              Mechanic
Borchiday completed Friday 13 Apr 2018        Engineer Multi Discipline
IT Management Consultant                            Programmer
Friend                                                          Bum, Bumett
Semi Retired                                                Still Enjoy Being a Kid, Refuse to Grow UP
Former Writer / Editor                                   Carpenter / Plumber / Electrician
Ex-Biker, Ex-Harley Driver                             Friend of a Coyote
Ex-Smoker 50 years and heading for 100

Northern Star Girl

Dear Christine:
Even though you did not get the report from your doctor that you wanted to hear, the very good news is that you are alive and (mostly) well.  Your followers are very happy indeed that you are still able to post about your interesting life endeavors...

Hmmm, so you will be retiring from the Oakland Raiders NFL team... does that mean that Colin Karprinick will be coming back to the team to take over your head QB duties???  This is a big disaster for sure.

Well, as we all know, DVT blood clots are nothing to fool around with... you don't want a clot going to your brain that could cloud your brilliant sense of humor and a knack for your transition musings. 

Please follow your doctor's orders, get the frequent checkups that are required, and stay positive...

Hugs and well wishes,

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Check out my Personal Blog Threads below
to read more details about me and my life.

             (Click Links below):  [Oldest first]
  Aspiringperson is now Alaskan Danielle    
           I am the HUNTED PREY : Danielle's Chronicles    
                  A New Chapter: ALASKAN DANIELLE's Chronicles    
                             Danielle's Continuing Life Adventures
I started HRT March 2015 and
I've been Full-Time since December 2016.
I love living in a small town in Alaska
I am 44 years old and Single



Sorry to hear the latest piece of bad news. However I know you will pull through it. Sorry also you must temporarily cease HRT.

As you say, take it easy for now.

I wish you a speedy recovery.

Thinking of you and sending Hugs



Susan Baum

Quote from: christinej78 on November 28, 2018, 04:20:34 AM
Hi Davina,                   28 November 2018

Thank you for your thoughts and post. You're not an old f**t, you're a young one. Growing older is mandatory, growing up is optional. I prefer and practice the latter.

Best Always, Love
Hi Chris -
Why does that line sound familiar? Could it be I resemble that remark?

I'm sorry to hear about the DVT but it sounds as though the medics are trying to get a handle on the problem. Thank you for listening to Your Beloved - she does have a well-vested interest, you know. Does your forced hiatus mean you will have to postpone any trades to other football teams?

Take care - please?

Aging is inevitable - growing up is optional.


Quote from: Susan Baum on November 30, 2018, 06:02:39 PM
Hi Chris -
Why does that line sound familiar? Could it be I resemble that remark?

I'm sorry to hear about the DVT but it sounds as though the medics are trying to get a handle on the problem. Thank you for listening to Your Beloved - she does have a well-vested interest, you know. Does your forced hiatus mean you will have to postpone any trades to other football teams?

Take care - please?


Hi Susan,                       01 December 2018

I stole that from you. Should have attributed it. Sorry, next time.

I think the DVT is under control; the meds I am on are supposed to work very well. I did stop the estradiol as soon as she figured out what was going wrong. God, she is one brilliant woman and Lady. She has made me happier than I have ever been in the 78 years I have been riding this spaceship.

There won't be any trades, I want more than ever to get to Phoenix and leave this place. Since meeting her and falling in love with her, it's the first time I have considered leaving my home of 40 years. Now it can't happen soon enough; I wish I could leave tonight.

Hope all is well with you and your family. Take care and I'll do likewise; I now have the best reason in my life to do so.

Best Always, Love
Veteran - US Navy                                       Arborist, rigger, climber, sawyer
Trans Woman 13 Apr 18                               LEO (Cop)
Living as female - 7 years                             Pilot
Start HRT san's AA's 27 March 2018              Mechanic
Borchiday completed Friday 13 Apr 2018        Engineer Multi Discipline
IT Management Consultant                            Programmer
Friend                                                          Bum, Bumett
Semi Retired                                                Still Enjoy Being a Kid, Refuse to Grow UP
Former Writer / Editor                                   Carpenter / Plumber / Electrician
Ex-Biker, Ex-Harley Driver                             Friend of a Coyote
Ex-Smoker 50 years and heading for 100


Hi Folks,                               01 December 2018

Did retrieve my records from the medical department; lots of paper filled with technical/medical globally-guck. Now a quick "cut to the chase" splains it all:

Occlusive deep vein thrombus identified in the left popliteal and posterior tibial veins. It means I have two blood clots in the deep veins of the left calf muscle. I now have to behave myself, no more mowing the pasture with the walk-behind-mower, no climbing trees, ladders, long plane flights, parties, horseback riding, dancing, you name it. A life filled with exciting things like watching grass grow, a favorite pastime here in Texas.

Now to top off this whole ordeal, I went to another doctor today due to a non healing infection in my right index finger, yes index finger, the one just to the left of the "signal" finger. Back on antibiotics and sits baths for my finger. I have an infection of the nail bed. Had a manicure about four weeks ago; came down with the infection. Either the lady that worked on my nails caused it or I stuck my finger somewhere I shouldn't have. Where would that be you ask? I haven't a clue cause I don't stick my fingers where they shouldn't be.

About time for me to retire for the evening even though it's early morning. I'm going to treat myself to Klondike bar before I retire.

Best Always, Love
Veteran - US Navy                                       Arborist, rigger, climber, sawyer
Trans Woman 13 Apr 18                               LEO (Cop)
Living as female - 7 years                             Pilot
Start HRT san's AA's 27 March 2018              Mechanic
Borchiday completed Friday 13 Apr 2018        Engineer Multi Discipline
IT Management Consultant                            Programmer
Friend                                                          Bum, Bumett
Semi Retired                                                Still Enjoy Being a Kid, Refuse to Grow UP
Former Writer / Editor                                   Carpenter / Plumber / Electrician
Ex-Biker, Ex-Harley Driver                             Friend of a Coyote
Ex-Smoker 50 years and heading for 100


Quote from: christinej78 on December 01, 2018, 04:22:08 AM
Hi Folks,                               01 December 2018

Now to top off this whole ordeal, I went to another doctor today due to a non healing infection in my right index finger, yes index finger, the one just to the left of the "signal" finger. Back on antibiotics and sits baths for my finger. I have an infection of the nail bed. Had a manicure about four weeks ago; came down with the infection. Either the lady that worked on my nails caused it or I stuck my finger somewhere I shouldn't have. Where would that be you ask? I haven't a clue cause I don't stick my fingers where they shouldn't be.

Best Always, Love
Now you are talking about my field of specialty in the medical world, infection control & prevention!  Manicure and pedicure places are notorious for causing infections on treated digits.  Very often they do poor or no real cleaning and sterilization of their tools, and carry infections from one client to the next! 
You should alert the licensing authorities about this to make sure they inspect the place and ensure proper tool cleaning and handling!
02/22/2019 bi-lateral orchiectomy



Quote from: Dietlind on December 01, 2018, 09:14:21 AM
Now you are talking about my field of specialty in the medical world, infection control & prevention!  Manicure and pedicure places are notorious for causing infections on treated digits.  Very often they do poor or no real cleaning and sterilization of their tools, and carry infections from one client to the next! 
You should alert the licensing authorities about this to make sure they inspect the place and ensure proper tool cleaning and handling!
Hi Linde,                      01 December 2018

Thanks for  the suggestion to report the nail incident. I'll do that Monday. I can guarantee there will be no more manicures for me from anyone other than myself. It was the first manicure I have had since the one I had in Oakland CA around November 1964. Good thing they don't rely on me to make a living, 54 years between visits won't do much for their bottom line.

Best Always, Love
Veteran - US Navy                                       Arborist, rigger, climber, sawyer
Trans Woman 13 Apr 18                               LEO (Cop)
Living as female - 7 years                             Pilot
Start HRT san's AA's 27 March 2018              Mechanic
Borchiday completed Friday 13 Apr 2018        Engineer Multi Discipline
IT Management Consultant                            Programmer
Friend                                                          Bum, Bumett
Semi Retired                                                Still Enjoy Being a Kid, Refuse to Grow UP
Former Writer / Editor                                   Carpenter / Plumber / Electrician
Ex-Biker, Ex-Harley Driver                             Friend of a Coyote
Ex-Smoker 50 years and heading for 100


Hi Folks,                          05 December 2018

It's been 2 weeks since the clot problem reared its ugly head and one day shy of 2 weeks from going to the emergency room. I hope I'm not premature in letting you know my leg appears to be getting better. The swelling has diminished considerably since the onset of the DVT symptoms. The magic pill, XARELTO, appears to be working. I won't know for certain until I have another ultrasound of my left leg, where the problem appeared. This time, 29 January 2019, they are going to do both legs.

DVT is a serious problem that can cause many health issues including death and is not something one should ignore thinking it'll clear up on it's own. Had it not been for Dena, I would not have gone to the emergency room when I did. She probably saved my life and/or saved me from losing my leg.

What caused this problem? Don't yet know for sure. Dena and I have discussed all the symptoms I have noticed over the past few years; at first they seemed minor, then as time wore on, they came more often and with more severity culminating in my trip to the emergency department the day after Thanksgiving.

One thing I do know is that Estradiol can cause this to happen. Again, Dena and I have discussed this and it is a possibility but, considering the symptoms I have had, which I also had last year prior to my orchi, HRT and transitioning, the chances of the Estradiol/estrogen being the culprit is doubtful. My opinion is that the Blood Pressure med I had been taking until recently, Lisinopril, was a major contributor to this issue.

Bottom line, we need to take charge of our own health care by monitoring our bodies for any changes that may be occurring no matter how insignificant they seem, and asking our health care providers questions. As I learn more about my problem, I'll update this thread. Take care of yourselves.

And now you know who she is. Thanks Dena, I Love You.

Best Always, Love
Veteran - US Navy                                       Arborist, rigger, climber, sawyer
Trans Woman 13 Apr 18                               LEO (Cop)
Living as female - 7 years                             Pilot
Start HRT san's AA's 27 March 2018              Mechanic
Borchiday completed Friday 13 Apr 2018        Engineer Multi Discipline
IT Management Consultant                            Programmer
Friend                                                          Bum, Bumett
Semi Retired                                                Still Enjoy Being a Kid, Refuse to Grow UP
Former Writer / Editor                                   Carpenter / Plumber / Electrician
Ex-Biker, Ex-Harley Driver                             Friend of a Coyote
Ex-Smoker 50 years and heading for 100

Northern Star Girl

Dear Christine:
I am so glad that you are still alive and kicking and have not had another emergency room forced visit...   
Regarding med Lisinopril, I have a friend taking it for her blood pressure and it has so many bad side effects, her biggest issue is dry coughs and terrible continuous headaches.

For her blood pressure it has been working great but she is due to visit her doctor next month and talk about alternative blood pressure meds... there are so very many available and perhaps her doctor can be comfortable prescribing something different...   then of course with a different med there may be new and different side effects to deal with or it just may not work as well for her.   So far she has had no issues with blood clots as you have experienced.

.... I am so glad that you have found a very good advisor and confidante in our lovely @Dena  .... based on her myriad and plethora of past posts here on the Forums she is quite knowledgeable on things like this and other issues relating to transitioning.

Thanks for posting and keeping us up to date....  try to stay out of the emergency room if you can, the food, if there is any is not good, the beds are uncomfortable and it is so noisy that you can't sleep!

Hugs and wishing you good health as always,
****Help support this website by:
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Check out my Personal Blog Threads below
to read more details about me and my life.

             (Click Links below):  [Oldest first]
  Aspiringperson is now Alaskan Danielle    
           I am the HUNTED PREY : Danielle's Chronicles    
                  A New Chapter: ALASKAN DANIELLE's Chronicles    
                             Danielle's Continuing Life Adventures
I started HRT March 2015 and
I've been Full-Time since December 2016.
I love living in a small town in Alaska
I am 44 years old and Single


Congratulations to you, Chris, and to @Dena. You are both important to us here on Susan's, and now to each other as well! I hope your recovery goes quickly.

Sent from my Victor 9000 using Tapatalk

If so, then why not?


Quote from: christinej78 on December 05, 2018, 04:42:39 PM
Hi Folks,                          05 December 2018

What caused this problem? Don't yet know for sure. Dena and I have discussed all the symptoms I have noticed over the past few years; at first they seemed minor, then as time wore on, they came more often and with more severity culminating in my trip to the emergency department the day after Thanksgiving.

Best Always, Love
Good to hear that you are doing way better Chris!
Have you ever smoked, if yes for how long and when did you stop?
Tobacco use can cause delayed blood clots and vein problems.  The clotting could have been caused by a combination of different small issues that together resulted in his clod.
I wish you a continuous good recovery, and hold back a little with that aggressive foot ball playing of yours!
02/22/2019 bi-lateral orchiectomy



Quote from: Dietlind on December 05, 2018, 10:51:54 PM
Good to hear that you are doing way better Chris!
Have you ever smoked, if yes for how long and when did you stop?
Tobacco use can cause delayed blood clots and vein problems.  The clotting could have been caused by a combination of different small issues that together resulted in his clod.
I wish you a continuous good recovery, and hold back a little with that aggressive foot ball playing of yours!

Hi Linde,                        05 December 2018

Did I ever smoke? Does a steam engine smoke? When I was smoking you couldn't tell the difference between us except I gave off more soot than those old Iron Horses.

I started smoking around 3      I mean 13. whatever I could steal from my folks packs. Not a lot until about the tenth grade. Then it was about a pack a day of Lucky Strike LSMFT regular size and no filter. I really didn't smoke the cigarettes all the way to the end; took a few drags off of it and handed it off to someone else. We did this between classes.

My total smoking amounted to no more than 10 years and wasn't heavy until the year I quit for good, 05 March 1969, 49 years and 9 months as of today. When I quit I was smoking 3 packs a day of those same Lucky Strike coffin nails.

Something a lot of folks don't know is that if you ever smoked you are susceptible to aortic aneurisms, which is why I have an abdominal ultrasound done every other year during my physical. It's non invasive, painless and quick.

I wouldn't doubt that the smoking I did caused damage that is just now presenting itself. As I have said for many years: "Everything we do has a price tag attached; we just don't know when the bill will come due.

I can say this with 100% certainty, there is nothing that would get me to take even one drag off of a cigarette or any other smoking device.

Dena and I are skyping at the moment, just a few minutes ago I measured both of my ankles. When this whole thing started my left ankle was 2" larger in circumference than my right. I measured them about a half hour ago and the left is down to 0.75" larger; quite a reduction in size.

I gave up my football career with the Oakland Raiders to be on the safe side. Really don't miss it as I never was comfortable showering with a bunch of men. Now I can shower with us ladies and I enjoy it.

So far the magic pill is doing the job they said it would. The thing they cautioned me on was to not massage the muscle where the clots are, no support hose/socks, and to not lie or sit around doing nothing.

So far so good, I'm just glad I was Skyping with Dena when I noticed the swelling and the red and hot area on my leg. She sent me packing to the Emergency Department probably saving my life and/or my leg. All I can say is since she came into my life I am happier than I have ever been in the 78 years I have been on this spaceship.

Thank you for the additional info. I also have asymmetric peripheral neuropathy in my legs, with the left side being the worst. Oddly enough, my feet have been feeling better since I started on the XARELTO protocol. I hope it improves my ability to walk like a sober person. I carry a letter from my doctor explaining I cannot pass a field sobriety test due to this condition. I didn't realize how much I staggered around when I am walking until we had a snow fall. When I went down to the pasture and walked across it then looked back I could see I had been wandering around like a classic drunk.

Take care my friend and enjoy the fantastic trip transition provides us with.

Best Always, Love
Veteran - US Navy                                       Arborist, rigger, climber, sawyer
Trans Woman 13 Apr 18                               LEO (Cop)
Living as female - 7 years                             Pilot
Start HRT san's AA's 27 March 2018              Mechanic
Borchiday completed Friday 13 Apr 2018        Engineer Multi Discipline
IT Management Consultant                            Programmer
Friend                                                          Bum, Bumett
Semi Retired                                                Still Enjoy Being a Kid, Refuse to Grow UP
Former Writer / Editor                                   Carpenter / Plumber / Electrician
Ex-Biker, Ex-Harley Driver                             Friend of a Coyote
Ex-Smoker 50 years and heading for 100


Good news its clearing, just had a random thought- does this mean if you walk like your drunk when you are sober do you walk sober when your drunk??? (I do have a VERY random brain)
a long time coming (out) HRT 12 2017
GRS 2021 5th Nov

Jill of all trades mistress of non
Know a bit about everything but not enough to be clever
  • skype:davina61?call


@ Christine
Good to hear that you are doing really better!  And I hope that the rest of us will be lucky enough to find our own version of Dena for the case that we are looking for a partner (I do I am still hoping for Dena's sister  :angel:).

When you get older, your body can play funny games with you.  My extreme spinal stenosis had put me into a wheel\chair for a while, until back surgery got me out of it again.  But I lost about 26% of my nerves in ach leg, I think it might be more in the left on.  Anyway, my legs don't give the proper feed back to my brain, after I stood still for a while without any real movements.  Once I want to walk again, i have to first stamp my feed onto the ground for a few times, to tell my brain in which position they are.  Once that is achieved, i can walk for miles without problems.
I think it must look kind of odd for bystanders, to see this person stamping the feet onto the ground for no obvious reasons!
Oh well, C'est la vie !
02/22/2019 bi-lateral orchiectomy



Congratulations Christine on both counts. I am so happy that you are progressing well and wish you a full and speedy recovery. Wonderful that Dena and you are together. Your stories are always interesting and this latest news is so uplifting!


