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Chelsea's Transition Adventure

Started by Chelsea, February 21, 2018, 11:59:29 AM

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Quote from: Chelsea on November 29, 2018, 08:32:01 PM
Thank you Lacy. 

I started the business in 2013 back when I started taking herbal hormones thinking I was going to sneak and transition or something. lol  I have always been into high end remote control cars so I decided to make custom parts for them. I always loved machining and RC so why not. I have two online stores that I sell these parts on. The eleven week order is actually parts for bristling machines that make toothbrushes. I will do custom orders of almost anything.
I posted a few pics below of some things I make. I have about 40 products so far but designing more.


Nice! Oh wait! I see a bit of chatter in the OD groove on the part in the upper left ;D Nice gear work!
Rebirth 06/09/2017. HRT 08/22/2017. RLE 07/14/2018. Name and Gender change 10/19/2018. FFS 09/06/2019. GCS 05/26/2021.


 Quick update.      I am 99% sure that I know now why I cant gain weight. My sister is a RN and has been in the medical field over 30 years. I have every single symptom of a ulcer. I'm also pretty sure that it is from worry.  I had forgot that I have had these in the past but its been over 20 years ago. I started taking some over the counter things and its unreal how much better I feel after eating.  I was in bed all day yesterday with my chest burning. I thought it was my heart. ( I always think the worst. ) Maybe now I can put some weight on.

First Therapy Appointment 2-26-18
Came Out To Sister 2-27-18
First Endocrinologist Appointment 3-7-18
Started HRT! 3-7-18
First Voice Therapy Appointment 4-23-18
Came out to my Brother!!!! 5-3-18
Came out to MOM!!!! 5-17-18



If you think you have an ulcer, see a doctor.  Most ulcers are caused by a bacterium (helicobacter pylori), and respond to the right antibiotics.  Worry probably makes you more susceptible.
2015-07-04 Awakening; 2015-11-15 Out to self; 2016-06-22 Out to wife; 2016-10-27 First time presenting in public; 2017-01-20 Started HRT!!; 2017-04-20 Out publicly; 2017-07-10 Legal name change; 2019-02-15 Approval for GRS; 2019-08-02 Official gender change; 2020-03-11 GRS; 2020-09-17 New birth certificate


yes, do see your dr, for ulcers are very treatable today.


Quote from: KathyLauren on December 03, 2018, 12:37:09 PM
If you think you have an ulcer, see a doctor.  Most ulcers are caused by a bacterium (helicobacter pylori), and respond to the right antibiotics.  Worry probably makes you more susceptible.

Chelsea,                    04 Dec 18

I quoted Kathy because she is absolutely correct; see a gastroenterologist, they will figure out exactly what bacteria are causing the problem. They will most likely prescribe a proton pump inhibitor and an antibiotic. This is not a do-it-yourself project, you've got the money now, go see a doctor.

Good Health and Luck,
Veteran - US Navy                                       Arborist, rigger, climber, sawyer
Trans Woman 13 Apr 18                               LEO (Cop)
Living as female - 7 years                             Pilot
Start HRT san's AA's 27 March 2018              Mechanic
Borchiday completed Friday 13 Apr 2018        Engineer Multi Discipline
IT Management Consultant                            Programmer
Friend                                                          Bum, Bumett
Semi Retired                                                Still Enjoy Being a Kid, Refuse to Grow UP
Former Writer / Editor                                   Carpenter / Plumber / Electrician
Ex-Biker, Ex-Harley Driver                             Friend of a Coyote
Ex-Smoker 50 years and heading for 100


Month 9 Update.

Is hard to believe that I have been on hormones 9 months. It seems like just a couple days ago I started this thread.
Well first off I have been to the doctor about my stomach issue. Turns out it was not a ulcer but GERD. Same thing I had about 15 years ago that eat a hole in my esophagus. My stomach is making an insane amount of acid. I have got meds for this now so within two weeks I should see some relief. Also the doctor told me that this could be some of my weight problems. I sure hope shes right. I'm at 125 at the moment.

Now for my body measurements I did not take any because of the weight I have lost. I have changed a lot but to keep me from getting down I have avoided the scale. I have focused only on the business and keep my mind busy playing guitar.

On my last doctor visit she ask how the fernasteride was doing. It has helped more than I thought it ever would already. I told her the more hair comes back the less I will need to spend on a transplant later and she upped my milligrams. lol Something I didnt know the doctor told me it could take up to two years to see the complete results of the fernasteride. Sounds about right. Everything takes years.  ::)

Other changes I have notice my breast are tingly and hurting again. I think the change machine has started back up. It seems like they grow then stop and start again. They have done that like 4 times already in the last 9 months. I have noticed more physical changes this month then any before. Its been substantial enough that I have been a lot happier and not depressed in a while. Another thing I have noticed my arms are a lot more girly looking now. I have lost a lot in my arms and can tell I have lost some strength but not too bad.

Mentally I have noticed I'm a lot more compassionate then I ever was. That is the only thing that I have noticed in the last couple of months. I still cry very easy but its mostly happy tears.

Well, I'm sure I have forgot something like I always do but I will post about it later. lol



First Therapy Appointment 2-26-18
Came Out To Sister 2-27-18
First Endocrinologist Appointment 3-7-18
Started HRT! 3-7-18
First Voice Therapy Appointment 4-23-18
Came out to my Brother!!!! 5-3-18
Came out to MOM!!!! 5-17-18


Northern Star Girl

Dear Chelsea:
Let me mark this down as one of your most positive and happy updates that I have read....  I am so very happy for you that your HRT/transition changes in your body and your mind are going along so very nicely...  before you know it you will start having difficulties passing as your old male self.

I trust that you business is still going well and that you are starting to get caught up a little with your finances.
Have been able to re-start your voice therapy yet?   

Again, Chelsea, thank you for keeping your followers tuned into your continuing and improving journey.
Hugs and more hugs,
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             (Click Links below):  [Oldest first]
  Aspiringperson is now Alaskan Danielle    
           I am the HUNTED PREY : Danielle's Chronicles    
                  A New Chapter: ALASKAN DANIELLE's Chronicles    
                             Danielle's Continuing Life Adventures
I started HRT March 2015 and
I've been Full-Time since December 2016.
I love living in a small town in Alaska
I am 44 years old and Single


The change is wonderful!
Quote from: Chelsea on November 28, 2018, 10:30:25 PM
I just thought I would check in to let everyone know business is booming. Did I actually get type that out?? lol
I landed two pretty large jobs that will take about eleven weeks to run but I'm so thankful for them. I will finally start voice therapy again next week after months of waiting to have the cash.

I have been limiting myself to 12 hours a day. I was working more but its just to much for me. I have also put on 6 pounds in the last few days and I'm up to 125. I would love to be around 150.

The only thing that has been bugging me is being lonely all the time and my good friend dysphoria driving me crazy. I have friends and family come by the shop to see me but its not the same you know. I'm still waiting to see a girl look back at me in the mirror everyday. I see a glimpse of her every once and a while.

One thing that helps me is making before and after pictures. It lets me see how far I have actually gone in this journey.
I found a picture of me from 4 years ago. Today I took a selfie in the shop (almost 9 months hrt) wearing the same hoodie I had on back then. Its amazing how much I have changed in that amount of time. I don't even remember looking like that. I'm not happy with myself yet, but I know I have a few years left and I do see improvement.

Love all of you! 




Hi Chelsea -

What an amazing transformation! Yes, it does help looking at before and after pictures. What amazes me most when I look at old pictures is the change from a sad, unhappy male to a smiling girl!

Congratulations on the new job you got, so happy to see your business improving which in return allows you to get back to voice therapy.

Overall a very happy report! And so am happy for you!





Hi Chelsea,  you look fantabulous!  What an amazing before/after.  And then you throw machining/gear porn in there!  LOL 

And yeah, GERD.  Your sister most likely could have told you what it was based on your description you shared in a previous post.  Reflux is not a fun thing.  Long term and uncontrolled it can lead to Barrett's esophagus (small risk actually...) which in turn can lead to esophageal cancer (also small risk but it's there).  There's lots of meds that can be used to effectively treat it, some prescription some OTC.  You just have to work with you MD to see what works best for you.  You have one thing that can aggravate it - being overweight, especially having a lot of belly fat.   
~~Be kind~~


Quote from: Chelsea on December 06, 2018, 09:06:24 PM
Month 9 Update.
Well first off I have been to the doctor about my stomach issue. Turns out it was not a ulcer but GERD. Same thing I had about 15 years ago that eat a hole in my esophagus. My stomach is making an insane amount of acid. I have got meds for this now so within two weeks I should see some relief. Also the doctor told me that this could be some of my weight problems. I sure hope shes right. I'm at 125 at the moment.


Hope your doctor told you just how serious GERD can be. If they didn't you should see a Gastroenterologist and have them do an Endoscopy so they can see just how much damage the GERD has done. I have it and it was bad. I have been on Prilosec / Omeprazole for 10 or so years because of it, which keeps it under control and prevents further damage. I had an Endoscopy in June and all was well.

Do yourself a favor and take good care of your health, it's the only health you have.

I'm not trying to rain on your parade, GERD is serious business.

Best wishes for your health,
Veteran - US Navy                                       Arborist, rigger, climber, sawyer
Trans Woman 13 Apr 18                               LEO (Cop)
Living as female - 7 years                             Pilot
Start HRT san's AA's 27 March 2018              Mechanic
Borchiday completed Friday 13 Apr 2018        Engineer Multi Discipline
IT Management Consultant                            Programmer
Friend                                                          Bum, Bumett
Semi Retired                                                Still Enjoy Being a Kid, Refuse to Grow UP
Former Writer / Editor                                   Carpenter / Plumber / Electrician
Ex-Biker, Ex-Harley Driver                             Friend of a Coyote
Ex-Smoker 50 years and heading for 100


I'm glad to hear you got that issue checked out.  I am also on Omeprazole (OTC generic Prilosec) for GERD. It helped with my voice as the reflex was burning my vocal folds according to my ENT. 

Yes the growth does come in spurts and will take some time to be considered complete.  Like @Alaskan Danielle I am so happy to read such a positive post!  The calmness and compassion are certainly bonuses you never expected.  Its a new and different Chelsea!  All my best to you! 
But now old friends they're acting strange
They shake their heads, they say I've changed
Well something's lost, but something's gained
In living every day.

Northern Star Girl

Quote from: muyun on December 07, 2018, 04:04:49 AM
The change is wonderful!
Dear Muyun:
     I see that you have just joined Susan's Place and this is your very first posting on the Forums.
     I am most pleased that you had decided to join the Susan's Place site and the Forums.

    This is the right place for you to be to find out what others may have to say that may have been in your circumstances and with your questions and concerns.
    There are a lot of members here that will be able to identify with your situation as you continue to feel free to share it.

    I also want to warmly WELCOME you to Susan's Place
You will find this a safe and friendly place to share with others and to read about others similar trials, tribulations, and successes.

    As you are certainly aware you can share with others and involve yourself with some give and take with other like-minded members.  When frustrated or if you have successes you can share it here if you wish and receive support from others and offer support to others. ....
     ***There is a very good chance that you might find that you will make some new like-minded friends here. 

    Please come in and continue to be involved at your own pace.
    There is information and important LINKS that I have included below.   You will find information about the site that will help you navigate around and best utilize the features here.   
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Again, Welcome to Susan's Place.

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             (Click Links below):  [Oldest first]
  Aspiringperson is now Alaskan Danielle    
           I am the HUNTED PREY : Danielle's Chronicles    
                  A New Chapter: ALASKAN DANIELLE's Chronicles    
                             Danielle's Continuing Life Adventures
I started HRT March 2015 and
I've been Full-Time since December 2016.
I love living in a small town in Alaska
I am 44 years old and Single

Northern Star Girl

Quote from: muyun on December 07, 2018, 04:04:49 AM
The change is wonderful!
Oh, and another thing Muyun:
Would you please make a point to stop by
the Introductions Forum to tell more members about yourself.

Your introduction will permit other members here to know of your arrival... and you can expect more sharing of thoughts with other members... an as you get more involved in exchanging comments on various posts other members will be along to offer their thoughts and comments in response to any of your specific questions and concerns..

You may even make some new like-minded friends here like so many others have done.

Also be certain to look carefully at the informational and important LINKS that I included in my welcome message...  the information there will help you to safely navigate around the forums and to take advantage of the features here.   also pay particularly close attention to the LINKS IN RED, you will find answers to many questions that new members have.

Again, Welcome to Susan's Place,
NOTE:  I will now let @Chelsea have her thread back.
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Check out my Personal Blog Threads below
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             (Click Links below):  [Oldest first]
  Aspiringperson is now Alaskan Danielle    
           I am the HUNTED PREY : Danielle's Chronicles    
                  A New Chapter: ALASKAN DANIELLE's Chronicles    
                             Danielle's Continuing Life Adventures
I started HRT March 2015 and
I've been Full-Time since December 2016.
I love living in a small town in Alaska
I am 44 years old and Single


Hi Chelsea!
I'm sure my condition is probably different from yours but I have lived with acid reflux most of my life. My doctor prescribed Protonix years ago. I was having trouble eating anything without feeling like I was having a heart attack.  After taking this med, I was able to eat and I started to gain weight again. I'm glad to hear your feeling better now.

Rebirth 06/09/2017. HRT 08/22/2017. RLE 07/14/2018. Name and Gender change 10/19/2018. FFS 09/06/2019. GCS 05/26/2021.


Quote from: Chelsea on December 06, 2018, 09:06:24 PM
Month 9 Update.

Is hard to believe that I have been on hormones 9 months. It seems like just a couple days ago I started this thread.
Well first off I have been to the doctor about my stomach issue. Turns out it was not a ulcer but GERD. Same thing I had about 15 years ago that eat a hole in my esophagus. My stomach is making an insane amount of acid. I have got meds for this now so within two weeks I should see some relief. Also the doctor told me that this could be some of my weight problems. I sure hope shes right. I'm at 125 at the moment.

Other changes I have notice my breast are tingly and hurting again. I think the change machine has started back up. It seems like they grow then stop and start again. They have done that like 4 times already in the last 9 months. I have noticed more physical changes this month then any before. Its been substantial enough that I have been a lot happier and not depressed in a while. Another thing I have noticed my arms are a lot more girly looking now. I have lost a lot in my arms and can tell I have lost some strength but not too bad.

Mentally I have noticed I'm a lot more compassionate then I ever was. That is the only thing that I have noticed in the last couple of months. I still cry very easy but its mostly happy tears.



Hello again Chelsea

Sorry to hear about the GERD and I note it may also have affected your weight. I am glad you had the matter checked out and I wish you a speedy and full recovery.

It is so uplifting to read of your continuing physical and emotional improvements. Aching breasts are a plus as you know with probable further development! I am so happy that you are well above the line mentally and no longer depressed.





I just jumped in here to let everyone know I'm still alive and kicking. Business is doing very well, and I actually had to hire help for once. I know I have not posted much lately just because I have been so busy. I did get over my stomach issue and hopefully I will finally put some weight on.

I kind of put my transition on the back burner for a little bit. I'm not really depressed. I'm just letting it do its thing in the background while I stay busy. I haven't had makeup on in a month. Dysphoria has been hard to deal with this month for some reason. Its like every time I see a good looking woman, it feels like someone turned my dysphoria switch on.

Good news though.....  Within the next three months I am having my dental work done and laser on my face. You might get to see me actually smile then. lol

Until next time.....     Love you all!!

First Therapy Appointment 2-26-18
Came Out To Sister 2-27-18
First Endocrinologist Appointment 3-7-18
Started HRT! 3-7-18
First Voice Therapy Appointment 4-23-18
Came out to my Brother!!!! 5-3-18
Came out to MOM!!!! 5-17-18


Northern Star Girl

Dear Chelsea:
It is so very good to read your long awaited update.   I am so very happy that your business is taking off, now you will be able to get caught up with your bills.... and wow, you are so busy that you had to hire an employee... kudos to you and believing in yourself and plowing forward instead of giving up.

I can hardly wait till you are able to go full speed ahead with your transition journey...
All of us will be eagerly looking for your future updates... but for sure, your time spent with your business and it's success takes priority for now... please,

Just don't delay your transition plans too long, we all want to see the new Chelsea ASAP.

Thank you for posting and sharing...
Hugs and more hugs.... and well wishes.[emoji173]
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Check out my Personal Blog Threads below
to read more details about me and my life.

             (Click Links below):  [Oldest first]
  Aspiringperson is now Alaskan Danielle    
           I am the HUNTED PREY : Danielle's Chronicles    
                  A New Chapter: ALASKAN DANIELLE's Chronicles    
                             Danielle's Continuing Life Adventures
I started HRT March 2015 and
I've been Full-Time since December 2016.
I love living in a small town in Alaska
I am 44 years old and Single


Hi Chelsea, that's awesome to hear!  Being in business for yourself can be tough and it's great to hear it's going in the right direction.  Being busy is a gooooood thing.  :-)  You take care, have a wonderful holiday season, and keep us posted as you get time. 
~~Be kind~~


I am relieved, Chelsea, that you recovered from the stomach bug and delighted that your business is now doing so well - hopefully you are or soon will be "in the money". Sorry the GD has bothered you more this month; alas it troubles us all sometimes to a small and sometimes to a large degree.

May I take this opportunity of wishing you a Happy Christmas.

Hugs and Hugs for Christmas.

Pamela  xxxx
