I had my bottom surgery 8 months ago, and overall things are well and my result is fine.
I did however f**k up on the whole dilation thing - I stopped dilating according to schedule pretty early on, and as soon as I went back to school I barely dilated all together.
There have been binges of trying to get back to dilating for a few weeks, then quitting, then going back.
I haven't lost much depth (maybe half an inch), but my real issue is my width.
I never made it up to the bigger dilators, and I am scared my super narrow vaginal opening is stuck and there is nothing I can do to widen it.
I have been dilating now for two weeks regularly - and have tried widening and softening the vaginal opening, but it just won't widen. It's super tight - it's impossible to fit more than a finger in there.
Help on regaining width? Is it even possible? Do you think the only way to fix this is another surgery?