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Sex change regret ?!

Started by Mari, May 04, 2008, 09:16:41 AM

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These people honestly are nuts. There's some glitch in their brain, or their so blinded by their need to invalidate what they see as an immoral process that they can't see straight. All they seem to care about are definitions. What "is" female and what isn't. I don't know where to even begin arguing the point, as their assumptions of what we're arguing are just so... weird.

My mother said something similar to me early on, when she said she'd heard, "sex changes don't work." News to me of course, sitting there as Kate, successfully transitioned socially and living for most intents and purposes as a female. But... hey, my chromosomes are still xy, so I guess "it didn't work?"

Well OK then... I can't imagine how cool it'd be then if my transition had worked! Are you guys holding out on me? Did I miss something and I'm deluding myself? You mean *THIS* is what failure is like?

Hey, fine by me.



Quote from: Kate on May 05, 2008, 08:29:11 AM
Well OK then... I can't imagine how cool it'd be then if my transition had worked! Are you guys holding out on me? Did I miss something and I'm deluding myself?

I keep telling you ladies to keep up with the Transsexual Agenda Meetings!!!  Kate, you obviously missed the meeting where we issued the karyotype altering paste.  Apply twice a day and *poof!* you go from XY to XX!

Don't let the mundanes know, ok?

Out of the darkness, into the light.
Following my bliss.
I am complete...

Shana A

Quote from: Mari on May 05, 2008, 04:51:39 AM
Thing that recently came to my mind is: Is there really anything in your opinion that can
be done for transgendered/transsexed that is not the traditional sex-change procedure?

Yes, another solution or "cure" would be to change society so that ALL people are accepted for exactly who they are, regardless of gender identity and expression, and can live safely anywhere on the continuum that is right for them, with or without surgery as they choose.  ;D

Of course, that's not the answer they want to hear. In their belief system, we can only be cured by Jesus. Sorry, that ain't gonna happen anytime soon for me.  ::)

"Be yourself; everyone else is already taken." Oscar Wilde



Wont work.... well will for some, but not for others.

Personally, i could not live in a male body, even if i was totally accepted as a female.
its wrong for me
i hate it
it caused me pain....

the ONLY solution was transition.... The only other way to end the pain is death....
R >:D


Quote from: Mari on May 05, 2008, 04:51:39 AM
Thing that recently came to my mind is: Is there really anything in your opinion that can
be done for transgendered/transsexed that is not the traditional sex-change procedure?
They all say sex-change is wrong but never mention any alternative route (to running a
website promoting their own mistake, or writing a book about your failed life)

The only other "cure" that was put forth in past decades by health care professionals is "deprogramming".  Which usually consist of shock and avoidance therapy combined with support from family, friends and church.  Much like was opined for curing homosexuality.

Since "obviously" it was a choice and not a birth condition, then whatever caused the homosexual or transsexual to CHOOSE to be that way could be changed by therapy.  Of course the individual would have to WANT to change for it to be completely effective.

Effectiveness was questionable and in the long run completely abandoned by health care providers as being absolutely the WRONG thing to do.  Goddess help those poor souls who were "cured"...

The fundie religious right have continued to bray that deprogramming can cure gayness, transsexuality and baldness.  They, of course, have never submitted themselves to such a treatment to cure stupidity.  As they say beauty is skin deep, but stupidity is to the bone!

Out of the darkness, into the light.
Following my bliss.
I am complete...


/rant on

I have nothing but contempt for people who go all the way with transition and SRS only to find later that they didn't really want it and pin the blame on someone else; suing the medical establishment and making it way harder (ie more hoops) for those of us who actually know what we are doing with our lives like (hello!) adults. It sickens me to watch them prostitute themselves for sympathy at the hands of fundies who care nothing for them, only for the validation their failure represents.
What a waste of blood.

/rant off

There's people who find out transition is not for them and face up to the consequences of their choices, coming out wiser for the whole ordeal. I know people like this and I'm glad to know them, regardless of whether they transitioned or not.


Quote from: Kassandra on May 05, 2008, 09:05:52 AM
Quote from: Mari on May 05, 2008, 04:51:39 AM
Thing that recently came to my mind is: Is there really anything in your opinion that can
be done for transgendered/transsexed that is not the traditional sex-change procedure?
They all say sex-change is wrong but never mention any alternative route (to running a
website promoting their own mistake, or writing a book about your failed life)

The only other "cure" that was put forth in past decades by health care professionals is "deprogramming".  Which usually consist of shock and avoidance therapy combined with support from family, friends and church.  Much like was opined for curing homosexuality.

Since "obviously" it was a choice and not a birth condition, then whatever caused the homosexual or transsexual to CHOOSE to be that way could be changed by therapy.  Of course the individual would have to WANT to change for it to be completely effective.

Effectiveness was questionable and in the long run completely abandoned by health care providers as being absolutely the WRONG thing to do.  Goddess help those poor souls who were "cured"...

The fundie religious right have continued to bray that deprogramming can cure gayness, transsexuality and baldness.  They, of course, have never submitted themselves to such a treatment to cure stupidity.  As they say beauty is skin deep, but stupidity is to the bone!


I believe that the therapists, or in some cases just one, Kenneth Zucker, PhD, of the Centre of Addiction and Mental Health at Clarke in Toronto, yes, that Clarke, currently promote and champion "Reparative Therapy," particularly for gay and trans teens. You know, where you get locked in a ward and go to 'groups' daily to be brow-beaten, made fun of and generally have it insisted that you are a crazy moron who cannot possibly have a happy life if you persist in such a delusional sense of self.

"Just renounce yourself and be male & straight and we will let you out of here if your parents agree and you can start making yourself that happy life that all heterosexual, cissexuals have as a matter of course."

And guess what the esteemed professor Zucker and his buddy Michael Bailey say? It WORKS like a charm. Seldom do any 12-year olds persist in these awfully obsessions to ruin their own lives and embarrass their parents and Prof. Zucker! Imagine that, most prisoners patients take less than 3 weeks to wear down and reform into the very dreams they were supposed to have been when they were born.

Here's a Link that recounts some of Zucker's background, etc. And this one here at Susan's discusses what he's doing now as reported here.

This stuff REALLY works and is profitable as well!!

Ok, enough irony.




There is a reasonable estimate that 1 in 2000~2500 males is a post-op MtF.

That's 60,000 post-ops in the U S and A.

Less than 1% strongly regret having had SRS, with up to 6%, depending on who you talk to, having mild regrets.  Let's go with the 1% for this example.

1% of 60,000 is 600 intense regretters in the U S and A.

With an average of 4 transgenders on any given Jerry-Springer-like show, that's about 150 Transsexual Regret! shows, or about 3 a week for a year, give or take...



Quote from: Karen on May 05, 2008, 09:51:31 AM

There is a reasonable estimate that 1 in 2000~2500 males is a post-op MtF.

That's 60,000 post-ops in the U S and A.

Less than 1% strongly regret having had SRS, with up to 6%, depending on who you talk to, having mild regrets.  Let's go with the 1% for this example.

1% of 60,000 is 600 intense regretters in the U S and A.

With an average of 4 transgenders on any given Jerry-Springer-like show, that's about 150 Transsexual Regret! shows, or about 3 a week for a year, give or take...

Anyone ever tell you that you have waaay too much time on your hands???

How about a 24/7 transsexual regret channel?  Better still!  A transsexual SATISFIED channel?  I think those stories would be a lot more uplifting!

Out of the darkness, into the light.
Following my bliss.
I am complete...


Quote from: Karen on May 05, 2008, 09:51:31 AM
With an average of 4 transgenders on any given Jerry-Springer-like show, that's about 150 Transsexual Regret! shows, or about 3 a week for a year, give or take...

And the rest of the weeks can be filled with 'trailer-park trannies,' 'sex-worker trannies,' 'trannies who steal real men from real women,' and other assorted trannie celebrities!!!

So, what's Springer gonna hire you as , Karen?  :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
QuoteBetter still!  A transsexual SATISFIED channel?  I think those stories would be a lot more uplifting!

O, Sandy!! I'm shocked at you, an ENTIRE channel, 24/7/365!!? Hasn't anyone clued you that Montel and Oprah with their twice a year shows have exhausted all the possibilities of 'uplifting' and 'satisifed' trans people?


Ummm... so maybe that up there was NOT enough irony after all!!  >:D >:D



Quote from: Kassandra on May 05, 2008, 09:05:52 AMThe fundie religious right have continued to bray that deprogramming can cure gayness, transsexuality and baldness.  They, of course, have never submitted themselves to such a treatment to cure stupidity.  As they say beauty is skin deep, but stupidity is to the bone!

Religion is a personal lifestyle choice!


I think we should all nominate Sandy to go on Oprah and set everyone straight.



Quote from: Kristi on May 05, 2008, 10:25:24 AM
I think we should all nominate Sandy to go on Oprah and set everyone straight.


Maybe I have misunderstood her, but I was thinking that Sandy is not straight:laugh:


Quote from: Kassandra on May 05, 2008, 09:57:53 AM
Quote from: Karen on May 05, 2008, 09:51:31 AM

There is a reasonable estimate that 1 in 2000~2500 males is a post-op MtF.

That's 60,000 post-ops in the U S and A.

Less than 1% strongly regret having had SRS, with up to 6%, depending on who you talk to, having mild regrets.  Let's go with the 1% for this example.

1% of 60,000 is 600 intense regretters in the U S and A.

With an average of 4 transgenders on any given Jerry-Springer-like show, that's about 150 Transsexual Regret! shows, or about 3 a week for a year, give or take...

Anyone ever tell you that you have waaay too much time on your hands???

How about a 24/7 transsexual regret channel?  Better still!  A transsexual SATISFIED channel?  I think those stories would be a lot more uplifting!


I agree, Sandy and that was a very interesting post, Karen.

Shana A

Quote from: Karen on May 05, 2008, 09:51:31 AM

1% of 60,000 is 600 intense regretters in the U S and A.

With an average of 4 transgenders on any given Jerry-Springer-like show, that's about 150 Transsexual Regret! shows, or about 3 a week for a year, give or take...


Darn, the things I miss by not watching TV....  ::)

"Be yourself; everyone else is already taken." Oscar Wilde



Quote from: Nichole on May 05, 2008, 10:40:15 AM
Quote from: Kristi on May 05, 2008, 10:25:24 AM
I think we should all nominate Sandy to go on Oprah and set everyone straight.


Maybe I have misunderstood her, but I was thinking that Sandy is not straight:laugh:

And proud of it! ;D :D ;D :D

Out of the darkness, into the light.
Following my bliss.
I am complete...


Hi Kate

QuoteYa know, that's just... creepy. What, was Walmart out of "Female Parts" that day? I mean... what's that supposed to mean? Surgeons have an inventory of "female parts" on their shelves?


"Hee, hee, hee." I laughed till I nearly pee, peed myself on the part about Walmart.

Honny please don't put to much weight to this. We are as woman as we feel we are, it's not a stupid biological thing, it goes much deeper then that and you know that. Some people probably do make a mistake but it must be an awful few of them. Why in tarnation would they want to go through all this if they weren't 100 convinced of who they were to begin with? Unless it was because of some ulterior motive, like how much money and publicity does this bird thinks he is going to get out of it, see. Same as with that character from the (Australia) sorry, a we while back. Good God how could any one be that greedy.

I know who I am and I would die first before giving away the only me that I respected and loved out of my entire life. This little lady has more compassion for others around her then most would care to even think of showing.



Quote from: Nichole on May 05, 2008, 09:44:33 AM

I believe that the therapists, or in some cases just one, Kenneth Zucker, PhD, of the Centre of Addiction and Mental Health at Clarke in Toronto, yes, that Clarke, currently promote and champion "Reparative Therapy," particularly for gay and trans teens. You know, where you get locked in a ward and go to 'groups' daily to be brow-beaten, made fun of and generally have it insisted that you are a crazy moron who cannot possibly have a happy life if you persist in such a delusional sense of self.

"Just renounce yourself and be male & straight and we will let you out of here if your parents agree and you can start making yourself that happy life that all heterosexual, cissexuals have as a matter of course."

And guess what the esteemed professor Zucker and his buddy Michael Bailey say? It WORKS like a charm. Seldom do any 12-year olds persist in these awfully obsessions to ruin their own lives and embarrass their parents and Prof. Zucker! Imagine that, most prisoners patients take less than 3 weeks to wear down and reform into the very dreams they were supposed to have been when they were born.

Here's a Link that recounts some of Zucker's background, etc. And this one here at Susan's discusses what he's doing now as reported here.

This stuff REALLY works and is profitable as well!!

Ok, enough irony.


This is something that should be considered Illegal, immoral and completely an unethical practice.

I believe if the person really is gay or trans etc etc- This can in the long-term cause more difficulites and depression later in life. It's basically brain-washing the brain. They assault people to the point that they give up and let other people go against their will. I think they make your sub-consious mind believe you are a straight and hetero. This may last and the person may feel happy but this treatment will begin fading off because your subconscious mind needs to continously be commanded to act a certian way because it's the brain going against it's own nature! It's telling the brain to live a lie and be happy at the sametime even though it's going against itself, which may feel like everything is normal but when your life has ended it's journey, you WILL feel something missing.

If you want to live a lie and let other people choose your fate- Then go ahead, go to this "mental prison hospital for faggots", In the end you will be a failure in life because you pleased others but not yourself. You must please others to be successful BUT violating your own rights will never insure your happiness. Without happiness, nobody can be successful.

PS. You must attend those >-bleeped-< and queer curing classes regulary b/c your mind needs continous brain-washing and motivating influence to last.

GOOD LUCK and have fun in your prison cell,

jus jokin  :P


Quote from: Mari on May 05, 2008, 04:51:39 AM
And this is exactly why I started this topic. From time to time articles in, what could
be considered relevant, newspaper surface questioning weather SRS is important, or
appropriate treatment. They are uaually backed up with statements like this:
from a know-it-all guy
who puts the blame on surgeon for "mutilating" him. :o
Also, it is very often to hear that they started questioning their sex-change after they
joined a churh of some kind, that later attempted to cure their "illness" and have them
return to former gender.

Omg she was beautiful...what was the complaint???

"In my world, everybody is a pony and they all eat rainbows and poop butterflies!"

If the shoe fits, buy it in every color.


Quote from: redfish on May 06, 2008, 09:28:21 AM
Has anyone else noticed how he looks like Hugh Jackman?

I can see a little bit of wolverine in him lol. Omg I just can't beautiful....pretty...feminine...and then living as an amputee. Oh puhleeeezzzzzz!!
"In my world, everybody is a pony and they all eat rainbows and poop butterflies!"

If the shoe fits, buy it in every color.