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(Graphic content) Photos of SRS performed by Dr. Suporn Watanyusakul in Thailand

Started by tinkerbell, May 25, 2007, 07:27:27 PM

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What is the criteria involved in getting a referral in the U.S.A or Thailand for GRS. In England it is very difficult to get a referral and I have been refused a referral without an explanation.
I have complied with all protocols and the HBSOC and lived a RLT for over 5 years?

Miss kelli

I was wondering y would some ppl would turned down on dr. suporn's results??? his results are so good tht it almost cannot be distingushed from the natal female genitalia!

Purple Pimp

Every surgeon has their detractors, just as every surgeon has their not-so-good results from time to time (some surgeons more than others, of course).  It's just the nature of things; some prefer Coke, others Pepsi, and yet others Dr. Pibb.  There are lots of good choices out there.

First say to yourself what you would be; and then do what you would do. -- Epictetus

Miss kelli

I was wondering does Dr. suporn require Therapist letters? Ive heard tht he doesnt and Im kinda skeptical about it


QuoteMinimum Psychosocial requirements for Patients Scheduling SRS:

It is not Dr. Suporn's policy to deny SRS surgery to any patient he believes to be medically and psychologically fit to undergo it. As far as is considered reasonable, The Suporn Clinic follows the guidelines of the Harry Benjamin Gender Identity Disorder Standards of Care (HBGIDSOC). Additionally, we always comply with the Medical standards of Thailand. We require patients to provide written evidence that they meet the following criteria:

For Patients Under the Age of 20 (Adolescent Cases)

Patients must be at least 16 years old, and under age 20

Must not be undergoing treatment for any psychiatric or psychological disorder other than gender identity disorder (GID), Gender Dysphoria or transsexualism

Have had treatment with anti-androgens and/or feminizing hormones (HRT) for a minimum period of 6 months

Have lived full time in their acquired gender for a period of at least 6 months, evidenced by at least 2 documents **

Have a written referral for SRS by a doctor, psychiatrist, psychiatric social worker, clinical psychologist, or endocrinologist/sexologist who is a professionally qualified specialist in the field of gender dysphoria

Have written consent from legal guardians (usually parents)

For Adult Patients Between the Ages of 20 and 40

Patients must be considered - legally - to be adults under the law of their originating country, and be under the age of 40

Must not be undergoing treatment for any psychiatric or psychological disorder other than gender identity disorder (GID), Gender Dysphoria or transsexualism

Have had treatment with anti-androgens and/or feminizing hormones (HRT) for a minimum period of 6 months

Have lived full time in their acquired gender for a period of at least 6 months, evidenced by at least 2 original documents **

Have a written referral for SRS by a doctor, psychiatrist, psychiatric social worker, clinical psychologist, or endocrinologist/sexologist who is a professionally qualified specialist in the field of gender dysphoria

For Mature Adult Patients Between the Age of 40 and 65

Patients must be at least 40 years old, and under age 65

Must not be undergoing treatment for any psychiatric or psychological disorder other than gender identity disorder (GID), Gender Dysphoria or transsexualism

Have had treatment with anti-androgens and/or feminizing hormones (HRT) for a minimum period of 6 months

Must :

Have lived full time in their acquired gender for a period of at least 6 months, evidenced by at least 2 documents **, and / or:

Have a written referral for SRS by a doctor, psychiatrist, psychiatric social worker, clinical psychologist, or endocrinologist/sexologist who is a professionally qualified specialist in the field of gender dysphoria

** Documentary evidence needs only to be sufficient to show the patient's acquired (female) name, and bear a date at least 6 months prior to surgery. Suitable examples would be - but are not restricted to - passport, driver's licence, official ID card, household utility bill, bank statement...etc.

Exceptional Cases and Patients aged Over 65

For exceptional cases where suitable evidence cannot be provided in the form above (for whatever reason, and as determined on a case-by-case basis) - and for patients aged over 65 - Dr Suporn will consider undertaking surgery providing the patient is able to provide firm, clear and written evidence to their suitability (both psychologically and physically) for surgery. This evidence will take the form of a full written description of the patient's gender dysphoria (as written by the patient) along with personal screening of the patient. Dr Suporn reserves the right not to schedule surgery if he considers an individual patient to be unsuitable for surgery.

Suporn's recent results - click on SRS results
The laws of God, the laws of man, He may keep that will and can; Not I. Let God and man decree Laws for themselves and not for me; And if my ways are not as theirs Let them mind their own affairs. - A. E. Housman

The Bri Girl

Thanks all you girls here at Susan's Place!~ 
(not to discount the great posts from you guys, and I'd swap parts with you in a second!)

     My Primary Care Doc wants me to give him two tentative choices this week so he can start networking with them. 

But that leaves me having to make a choice, at least a primary and secondary,  this week.  I know it's a flexible decision at this point, and since I'm thinking of a two year plan (Money being a big issue, I only make about $1000 a month, plus whatever under the table jewelry I sell).  I'm an impatient person, but it's early in the planning stage, I can be flexible, plenty of room to change my mind on doctors, but I am nervous of making a wrong choice.  I wish there were a step by step guide for doing the research.  Which questions to ask,  post-op evaluations, a General Consensus in one location.  Still I guess this is a very individual thing. 

I don't care what the depth is..  I just want it to look reasonably pretty and natural.  Despite what porno films want us to believe, There's a great deal of variation down there from girl to girl (and guy to guy for that matter),  And if I take my clothes off in a locker room to swim, or undress in front of a future boyfriend I just want to be comfortably secure that my pink parts aren't going to draw undue attention to themselves.



I was not able to view the image for some reason but I'd like to voice my opinion in general about Dr. Suporn:
The pictures on Suporn's website are impressive indeed but the question is, do all Suporn vaginas look that good? I have not met him in person but I have read a lot on the internet and I have a friend who has been to Dr. Suporn for her FFS and is considering SRS. My feeling is that he is a very good salesman since he is offering something other Thai surgeons don't do; he puts all the evidence on the internet like photos in different angles, photos showing depth along with use of dilators etc..
It's interesting how he uses a different technique for his SRS that is meant to provide extra depth.
But then again, it makes me question a few things like;
- How come he charges as much as North American surgeons
- Why the other reputable Thai surgeons have not adopted his technique
I am undecided about his work, my friend who has been to him for FFS told me she met a few girls there who were happy and had active sex lives with their boyfriends but she mentioned a lot of people waiting to get a revision as well. Then again, we have to remember that SRS is an imperfect surgery and even if one does not have acute complications, other complications can develop down the track that require revision like deviation of the urethra, excessive spongy tissue, depth and width problems etc..So it is not uncommon for people to go back to have more revisions.
I had my SRS with Dr. Preecha in 2004 and I still had to have 2 seperate revisions, not because I was being fussy but they were essential for function in my case. No surgeon is infallible, they can have a good reputation but still can produce unsatisfactory results, they are just unheard of and people who suffer from complications usually hide in the dark because ts women have a tendency to brag about their results and how good everything is etc..they don't like to admit it if things have gone wrong. I personally think there are no gurantees and the outcome of SRS is the luck of the draw.


I am going with Dr Meltzer, as he has the most experience in the US and has done many revisions because of unsatisfactory outcomes that were done in Thailand, especially one using the uretha mucosa as the inner vagina lining.  He will also use the lining if a patient want it, but advises not to have it done for various reasons.


    No comments have been made on this particular post for a while so pardon if I'm just keeping some kind of argument alive, but this is one of the first google hits if you search Dr. Suporn and the pictures in question are not even available for viewing, following some kind of zealous rage that would deterr those looking for information.

  The point of my posting is that the pictures originally were of a presentation of someone performing surgery, in which they were not at a fully healed post op status and thus were swollen and still in the healing process. Anyone that has had srs knows that the "midway" between recovery and the final product are two different things. Meltzer's first stage surgery without the second stage would be an unfair way to judge his general technique because; the process is incomplete. Thus was the photos used that started this post/debate.

   Having had surgery with Dr. Suporn myself, I am rather bewildered by the results given to me and as a very young, yet experienced woman - I feel it is almost appropriate I apply this input because I do believe the choice I ultimately made to go to Suporn in particular was at once waivered by this post, and I have found my results to be completely opposite of the negative slandering of what did appear to be a biased/overzealous poster.

   Why did I make it come alive again? Yet again, it's the 2nd google hit for the surgeons name, and I am glad I took this entire post with a grain of salt because my results are effin rad and the traffic of transexuals you see here in Chonburi would prove how word of mouth of said results like mine get wind - and the majority of the people here are under 30, interested in a healthy sexy life, which they will -surely- have as I have. And that is that. =P


Almost all the reputable modern surgeons are capable of producing excellent work, witness the fact that so many old timers like me now come back to have our results updated to modern standards. My earlier result was perfectly functional, had good depth, but was anatomically somewhat compromised. Now, after an extensive revision it is all but bio identical and looks and feels fantastic.

Suporn is undoubtely one of the best surgeons, but it is a sad fact that even the best can have a few that don't go so well through no fault of their own. Sometimes it really is just bad luck, and of course those who end up disappointed always shout louder than the many of us who end up delighted with what our chosen surgeons achieve.

So yes I agree NEVER allow yourself to be put off any surgeon by one or two bad reports. Always DO YOUR OWN research and find out the whole story.


Quote from: Laura Eva B on June 09, 2007, 08:12:45 PM
Thought the obvious choice in the US was between Meltzer and Brassard ....

With Chettawut and Sanguan in Thailand (and possibly Perovic in Serbia - an unknown genius ?) the surgeons so obviously so much better than the best available in the UK.

Marcie's training and credentials as a surgeon rather worry me !

And her "aftercare" arrangements ruled her out for me (as did certain serious allegations about her "fitness to practice", which might be quite untrue, but which I guess we all know about).

Laura x
I talked directly to Dr. Eugene Shrang about 5 months b4 i made my decision, because i gave him a call (Not joking), I was going to be willing to pay him 3 times his amount to do my SRS. Of course he has retired a a few yrs ago, a shame.  I think he has done the best SRS ever, but he told me that he used to do clinics of his techniques (which he said were actually very easy procedures, but none of the now known SRS surgeons want to learn these simple methods).  I asked him who he would have me use for my SRS (btw, i am extreeeeamly picky).  He said all the SRS surgeons now are "butchers"  His exact words, but this "Perovic" was the only one that he saw that was anywhere near his level of expertise.  Just throwing him out there...I didnt use him because I had no one to judge by, so I went with Dr. Meltzer.   This Dr Perovic did call me personally.  I would suggest anyone new to doing research to check this guy out.  If Dr Shrang says he is the ONLY one out doing half-way decent work, there must be something to it.?



After 5 years of HRT I am finally getting SRS scheduled. I am planning on using either DR Suporn OR DR Meltzer but every time I find some info on them. I hear both Good and Bad. Can you perhaps share your insight with me  ?  I am totally overwhelmed and confused.

I would really appreciate any help.

PS: Apparently the Pix for this thread have been removed.



there  is only one site i know of that shows Dr Meltzers post vaginoplasty and labiaplasty.  Dr. Suporn i do not know.  I do know if you want to see post op pics Dr Meltzer will show you what he has. Ive shown you a couple.  As you know i am VERY picky, so maybe some of the post op stuff im having will resolve in hopefully 3-5 months.  If not there are other options depending on the issue.  Ive heard that Suporn will give you the option to have an 8" depth, but it comes with some risks or go with the standard 7", but ive been hearing most are getting 7-7.5" with him, but you have to understand that your typically going to loose some depth after the healing process.  Could be 1/2 to 1" It all varies per patient.  Imo,  if you  have the $ and want to stay in the US go with Meltzer.  He has done the most MTF without complications (major that is or permanent).  Suporn would be my other choice if going to Thailand or the guy from Serbia that Dr Shrang referred me to.  He was highly regarded by  him.  I know though when youve had mishaps, it can make one leary about any Dr.  I dont think you will go wrong with these two tho.  They are the top in their fields.


Sava Perovic died April 4, 2010.

Unless there is bad reporting going on again.


^That is horrible news!  He was the only Dr. that Dr. Eugene Shrang even would consider as an SRS that was up to his standards. 


Quote from: Michelle Hayden on April 11, 2010, 05:58:02 PM
^That is horrible news!  He was the only Dr. that Dr. Eugene Shrang even would consider as an SRS that was up to his standards.

So what would Shrangs opinion be of Dr. Brassard?


It is indeed horrible news. He was who I wanted to go to. Now I have no idea of what I am going to do.


Quote from: Kristyn on April 11, 2010, 07:03:42 PM
So what would Shrangs opinion be of Dr. Brassard?
dont know??  I talked to him on the phone several times then about a yr b4 he passed then.  I called him (Dr. Shrang) because i thought from his photos and ppl ive talked to, that his work was the pinnacle of SRS..his MTF was so close to genetic you could not tell the difference.  And i have seen his work directly from a person i know that he did.  He told me..and these are his exact words.." All the surgeons out there now are butchers".  I guess he when he used to give clinics, he tried teaching these new up and coming drs who are now the predominants..his techniques, which he said are very simple, but they did want to learn, so he stopped doing them.  They wanted to do their own thing.  I was willing to pay him triple what he charged, but he laughed.  I know after two yrs of retirement that he had lost all his hospital privileges, but i was serious.   I  would have paid him up to... well lets just say a small fortune to get his butt out, but i think he was pretty well settled into retirement.  He did say he had been thinking about getting out of retirement just to do a few ppl of referral, but i guess he opted out. Thats when he mentioned the Dr. from Serbia.  He couldnt remember his name, but he said it started with a "P" so  i did alittle searching and found him., I personally think Brassard does pretty  good work, but imo no where  near what Dr.Shrang did. I hadnt seen any of Perovic's work and he sounded really busy, so in haste i went with Dr. Meltzer.  I wish i could find someone that this Perovic did so i could see how good he was. Its a shame, cause he wasnt that old.  I wish someone would have learned Dr. Shrangs techniques.   


Quote from: Michelle Hayden on April 11, 2010, 10:00:08 PM
dont know??  I talked to him on the phone several times then about a yr b4 he passed then.  I called him (Dr. Shrang) because i thought from his photos and ppl ive talked to, that his work was the pinnacle of SRS..his MTF was so close to genetic you could not tell the difference.  And i have seen his work directly from a person i know that he did.  He told me..and these are his exact words.." All the surgeons out there now are butchers".  I guess he when he used to give clinics, he tried teaching these new up and coming drs who are now the predominants..his techniques, which he said are very simple, but they did want to learn, so he stopped doing them.  They wanted to do their own thing.  I was willing to pay him triple what he charged, but he laughed.  I know after two yrs of retirement that he had lost all his hospital privileges, but i was serious.   I  would have paid him up to... well lets just say a small fortune to get his butt out, but i think he was pretty well settled into retirement.  He did say he had been thinking about getting out of retirement just to do a few ppl of referral, but i guess he opted out. Thats when he mentioned the Dr. from Serbia.  He couldnt remember his name, but he said it started with a "P" so  i did alittle searching and found him., I personally think Brassard does pretty  good work, but imo no where  near what Dr.Shrang did. I hadnt seen any of Perovic's work and he sounded really busy, so in haste i went with Dr. Meltzer.  I wish i could find someone that this Perovic did so i could see how good he was. Its a shame, cause he wasnt that old.  I wish someone would have learned Dr. Shrangs techniques.   

So, what is it that differentiates Shrangs technique from the rest?  Are you happy with the results Meltzer gave you?

I think calling all the other surgeons doing srs  'butchers' is pretty harsh, many do good work. 

