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(Graphic content) Photos of SRS performed by Dr. Suporn Watanyusakul in Thailand

Started by tinkerbell, May 25, 2007, 07:27:27 PM

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Quote from: Michelle Hayden on April 14, 2010, 10:11:57 PM
My sensation i will describe as waking up in the middle of the night with a male hard on but on my clitoris.  Is that  common??  Ive heard of tingling, but ive not had this once.

Actually I have heard of this.  There are medical studies online regarding phantom sensations post srs.  I'll find them and PM them to you

..I am 6 months post op from vaginoplasty.

Six months is a relatively short time.  Please give it at least a year and try to stay positive.  The stress can only make things worse.  Stay positive and try to visualize the results you want.

Post Merge: April 14, 2010, 11:05:40 PM

Quote from: gentle_patience on April 14, 2010, 10:45:09 PM

BTW, How do you join this group and not just be a visitor ?  ???

I think all you have to do is register and wait for an approval :)  Then ther's a certain amount of posts you must reach before you view profiles and PM people, etc


  About not being able to trust your own opinion; your post op result is one thing if you are truly 100% biased on your outcome. Having this surgery completed involves more than the surgery itself, with aftercare correspondence and management as well as your own body's way of healing. Michelle is taking all things into account her experience as a whole and from a seemingly negative standpoint, which I think is a wonderful way to learn about the pros and cons of a surgeon.

   As for taking people's results for a grain of salt? I don't agree. If we were to ask the surgeon themselves of their results and photos then we would receive the highest level of bias: a sales perspective from the surgeon. I've sat down and spoke to all Brassard/Meltzer/Bowers themselves before I made my choice and I was humoured by their ease to insult other surgeons work, and their inability to say no. Research is best done with your own studies of a procedures mechanics, and the patients that have had it done - just watch for outlandish statements.

  In closing, my own experience was good as far as outcome goes. However, the caveats to my choice with Dr. Suporn is the particular strenuous dilation schedule his procedure calls for. It is rather a test of my will and it takes me quite some time to relax enough to do it so I can honestly say that the next 2 months of my life are shot and owned by dilation. It gets far easier after the 3rd month I am told but that remains to be seen. The other downside being the lack of a posterior fourchette, which in some patients can look like a somewhat obvious hole where the vaginal entrance should be. On myself this is not so, because my penile skin was long enough to provide the illusion of a posterior fourchette with my labia minora. My own personal result was excellent, evidenced by his pride in his work on me so I am not sure if I am the "norm".

  One other downside is just the complexity of the procedure. Asides from the colon method you can find elsewhere, Suporn's technique is far the most invasive. How this is handled by one's body is very subjective. Complications are very low, but they happen as with any surgeon. What Suporn's technique will rob you of is time and energy for the first 3-6 months because of the sheer amount that was changed. This is coming from a 22 year old cardio and yoga fanatic who has a very good diet. I was back on my feet and walking the day out of the hospital,  but even at 40+ days there are days where my ass is just kicked. For many of the older patients I speak to, normal life really didn't resume for them until six months post op because of how taxing the recovery process is. The upside to this, is that through the complexity, and through all the hard work - I felt it would be worth it because I felt that through his procedure, all of the tissues were in their right place and the end result 1 year post op would be something I would be comfortable having on my body. Years and money went into my "Sweating Bullet" process and I have every right to remain critical about my outcome, and be happy about it and share both sides with others.

  Aftercare is, however, excellent. One should stay the 30 days or so post op in Chonburi for that reason alone. As a nurse myself, I am still in awe at the treatment I received there and can say that a spoiled brat like myself could want for nothing. (Except a few food items I couldn't find there perhaps!)

Post Merge: April 15, 2010, 09:57:32 AM

QuoteMy sensation i will describe as waking up in the middle of the night with a male hard on but on my clitoris.  Is that  common??  Ive heard of tingling, but ive not had this once.

   Meltzer's technique purges the erectile tissue of the penis. I have another Meltzer patient friend who has the same complaints about sensitivity but another strange problem; her sexual sensation comes from the mons pubis instead of the clitoris itself. That would be rather hard to explain in a bedroom situation I think! "Hey baby, I actually prefer if you lick me atop my pubic mound instead, away from my clit or even the hood!"

   My own experience with the phantom penis pains is a rather short story. For me they only occured in the hospital, when I had packing on. I told my partner that it was like having the worlds biggest boner in the tightest leather pants available!

  Anyway, what you are experiencing is common. I can feel my clit swollen when I wake up, but it doesn't feel like a hard on at all. However, when my clit gets engorged I've called it's place under the hood "The Iron Maiden" because the self dissolving stitches in that area are pretty poky when it gets swollen (UNCOMFORTABLE!)

  I would interpret tingling as a good thing, as it can be nerves reattaching or some other indication of life. Don't lose hope yet, 6 months is relatively new as post op!

Tammy Hope

Am i gathering here (I'm slow, bear with me...) that Suporn doesn't do penile inversion?

He's getting these well reviewed results with what? the procedure that uses colon tissue or whatever (don't know at the moment what it's called)?

Someone give me the "for dummies" explination on that.

Also, if anyone has a link to any "comparative photography" source, yahoo group or whatever, i'd appreciate it - either here or via PM
Disclaimer: due to serious injury, most of my posts are made via Dragon Dictation which sometimes butchers grammar and mis-hears my words. I'm also too lazy to closely proof-read which means some of my comments will seem strange.


QuoteAm i gathering here (I'm slow, bear with me...) that Suporn doesn't do penile inversion?

  Hi there Laura. Suporn does NEITHER Penile inversion or Colon surgery. He uses a technique in which he uses the scrotal tissue as the entire vaginal canal and fashions the penile skin as the labia minora, clitoral frenulum, hood, and the bundle of nerves that provide sexual sensation to the penis as the clitoris. That's a very simplified explanation of his technique but it will do to dispel your confusion. Most people around here just call it the "non inversion technique". But scrotal flap technique will do. =)


He using the inner mucosa lining Metzer doesnt and Meltzer is 2 stage.  I guess what i am trying to convey here is that although his staff initially are very nice, later if there are issues they will not answer u back.  Yes, a post op nurse will call on their behalf, but she is not the one that was there when you had your pre op consult or post op, as she is based in Oregon.  My question, would you want this kind of aftercare??  I am not telling you all this to make anyone feel sorry for me or to validate anything, just to let ppl know the TRUTH of what my experience with him were.  My issues are NOT in my mind.  I know what pain and irritation is and i know my own body as i have worked for myself in the heathfood and supplement industry for a long time.  I workout/trained for yrs to get my body like this, and it isnt easy, so i know full well how my body reacts and functions.  Although Dr Meltzer is a very good plastic surgeon, especially on face,  if i had to do it over again I would def go with Dr. Suporn with the SRS.  This is coming from the interaction with him and his staff..they just dont have it together.  And Patience, you will see they are extremely nice especially b4 SRS and afte SRS, but it is when you have issues or have further surgeries that you will find.."Where is Linda"  Tashia,  imo is not all that good with answers although she may be pretty, lol!  I am telling u this so you know up front b4 u make a decision and i know you are very apprehensive.  Do you want to have to wait a yr or more for orgasm? or to have good dilation? I know it is kind of a hassle going to Thai, but it may well be worth the trip.

Post Merge: April 15, 2010, 10:55:26 AM

Quote from: Kristyn on April 14, 2010, 11:03:40 PM
Actually I have heard of this.  There are medical studies online regarding phantom sensations post srs.  I'll find them and PM them to you

Six months is a relatively short time.  Please give it at least a year and try to stay positive.  The stress can only make things worse.  Stay positive and try to visualize the results you want.

Post Merge: April 14, 2010, 10:05:40 PM

I think all you have to do is register and wait for an approval :)  Then ther's a certain amount of posts you must reach before you view profiles and PM people, etc
Please if you can find out what this " phantom sensations" are i would appreciate it.  Sorry for all my typos bu i am in a huge hurry,lol

Post Merge: April 15, 2010, 04:34:30 PM

Quote from: Shryke on April 15, 2010, 09:21:23 AM
  I would interpret tingling as a good thing, as it can be nerves reattaching or some other indication of life. Don't lose hope yet, 6 months is relatively new as post op!
What i was implying is that i dont know what this tingling is, because i have not had it.  No tingling yet, only when i wake up at nite sometimes it is like a little hard on, but on the clitoral area.  That is the only sensation i get after six months and dilation is nothing but a trauma course in getting it up to where its supposed to be.  It take at least 30-40 minutes to get to the 6" mark and not easy pushing.  It is irritated and hurts until i  get it all the way in then to get to the 6" mark im pressing on it and moving it around until finally i reach that mark, then i wait the 20mins. So a total of at least an hr each dilation,  I dilate twice a day still.  If i dont and only do it once a day, its even harder.  Ive used different lubes, starting with surgilube, but about about 2-1/2 monts is when this all started.  At first Dr. Meltzer thought it was granulation tissue, so his post op nurse had  me  using Triamcinolone cream every other nite on the last dilatior with the #1 then when he saw me at my pre op for labiaplasty he did an exam and said he  saw no granulation tissue, but was very inflamed, so he though i might has got allergic reaction to the surgilube, so he said to use a silicon based on, so im not using something called Wet Platinium with alittle pure aloe along with Premarin cream every other day put the premarin on the tip of #1 dilator and have been doing this ever since. Sill no releif, but at my post op from my labia revision he said that the inflamation had gone down, but the skin was thin.  So im supposed to keep using the premarin and everything else the same.  Im still having pain and very hard time getting it up.  Btw, this is only one issue.  I have a Mons area now that looks as tho it is dented in, not the natural curve.  My top of the mons is fine, but right underneath it looks like it is sunken in.  Like a loss of fat or something like uneven.  Im very frustrated, cause i paid alot of money for this.

Tammy Hope

Quote from: Shryke on April 15, 2010, 11:26:11 AM
  Hi there Laura. Suporn does NEITHER Penile inversion or Colon surgery. He uses a technique in which he uses the scrotal tissue as the entire vaginal canal and fashions the penile skin as the labia minora, clitoral frenulum, hood, and the bundle of nerves that provide sexual sensation to the penis as the clitoris. That's a very simplified explanation of his technique but it will do to dispel your confusion. Most people around here just call it the "non inversion technique". But scrotal flap technique will do. =)

Oooo...sounds fascinating. I'd been pretty much dismissing Suporn out of hand because I was intimidated by the logistics of the trip (as if I'll ever have the money for SRS anyway) but this, particularly the reports about sensitivity to stimulation, have really got me reconsidering...
Disclaimer: due to serious injury, most of my posts are made via Dragon Dictation which sometimes butchers grammar and mis-hears my words. I'm also too lazy to closely proof-read which means some of my comments will seem strange.


Quote from: Michelle Hayden on April 15, 2010, 11:48:15 AM

Post Merge: April 15, 2010, 10:55:26 AM
Please if you can find out what this " phantom sensations" are i would appreciate it.  Sorry for all my typos bu i am in a huge hurry,lol

PM'd you some links :)


Thanks Michelle - Good advice. I checked in with Suporn and soonest availability is Feb 2011 :-( I see Meltzer in 2-3 weeks and I promised myself I would wait till then to decide). Wish is was all over and done tho... yesterday


wait it out telling you the truth.  Waiting tell Feb should tell you something about how many ppl he has wanting to have SRS with him.  I would bet you could have Dr. Meltzer do in in the beginning of summer if you wanted, but that should tell you something too.  I learned the hard way. Even if you have to fly out to Thai to see this guy to make up your mind.  I know the difficulties youve had and you dont want another one. Im thinking about seeing a specialist in vaginal/and urology in Atlanta to have this Mons area fixed.  I dont trust Meltzer, and if he didnt read his notes from my prior pre consult (or didnt write it down as i wanted it) on the Mons sides and just forgot and did lipo on the middle and sides, then at is why it is looking like this.  It actually looked better/tighter b4 he did the lipo when he did the labiaplasty.  I told him too i only want alittle on the sides, nothing in the middle and now i have this indentation in the middle of the mons area and actually sagging in the middle.  I work so hard on myself you know that..It is very, very frustrating, and summer is coming soon and you know im in the east coast.  Wanted to be truly done and have a good summer, not have to wait and do yet another revision.  Im going to get an opinion with this Maybe they can help me.  I dont want Dr. Meltzer touching me again!  And not even a tingling yet at 6months only a hornyness at nite, but its like i said a feeling on the clitoral area like a hard on would be but on the clitoris.  It isnt this Phantom thing either.  I know what that is and it doesnt feel like i have a penis, just i was trying to explain the feeling on the clitoris. Im telling u everywhere i go all i hear is Suporn, Suporn etc and everyone is elated with him and his staff, saying it is no coparison to a US hospital the care and treatment you get.  It may be a hassle but in the long run wouldnt you want to have a fulfilling sex live post op?  Im doning alot of research now..Hoping i can find someone else,but this person i speak of I met her, so i know she is telling the truth and she is a pre med student, so she know alittle more than the average girl.


Hi to all

I just dropped in searching for news about Suporn and came across this thread. It made me join this forum so I am going to be honest - from my perspective.

I am 55, from the UK and now 3 months two weeks post op and yes Dr Suporn was my surgeon. I am so glad I went to him and have nothing but praise.

I am not going to quote others here, if you have read the thread then you will see who I am answering.

The aftercare is first class and I doubt you will get this anywhere else as is his lifetime guarantee for any revision both cosmetic and surgical to be carried out free of charge. You just have to get there.

His technique is very invasive but the result, in my opinion is well worth it. Healing is slower but then we are all individual and will heal at different rates. We are all told not to compare to each other as it is unproductive.

My immediate depth in the hospital was 7 1/2 inches and I still retain 7 inches now and for those in the know I am using the large 34mm diameter dilator. I dilate twice a day for around 20 minutes so it does not take over my life! Yes I know I am lucky , I also have a friend who is 4 days less post op than me by Dr Suporn and she still takes  over 1 hour and needs to do it three times a day. She is still using the 32mm dilator. She is also nearly 10 years younger than me and was probably a lot fitter - not that I am unfit I just dont exercise.

So dont compare each other we are all different. However that said I have good results which look as natural as anyone who has been hit by a baseball bat for a number of hours. It is swollen and we are advised to wait 12 months for full recovery. It is not a quick fix it requires patience. I can see what I am heading for and I think a natural result. Now at 3 months it is fine and I am now into wearing jeans again. I have no overt tierdness I can do everything now that I did pre-op just take more care. No I am not into horse riding, a step too far I think!

I did my research before making my descision but I did not do a lot, I knew where I wanted to go and I am very happy with the result now and what it will become. yes I was sensate as I left hospital and remain so now. I have no partner so cant give you another opinion. I will bide my time on that one.

I also have to say after care service is excellent. Any queries by email are answered with 24-48 hours, we are not left to stew. It is best to send pictures with queries it helps a lot. The hardest thing is to find someone to take them for you! I am glad I have another TS friend in the same situation who helps. We meet monthly just to take progress shots. Well worth it and it allows us to see just how well we are healing, although at different rates.

You do your research and take your pick from what is available. I am sure every surgeon has a result which is less than satisfactory at times - do you expect them to shout that from the roof tops, no of course not. It is how it is dealt with afterwards that counts. Remember, and I will keep saying this, we are all different and will recover at different rates and with different results. There is no absolute promise to this surgery so be realistic.

My opinion is that I chose the best in the world and I will not change that. I suspect any other girl will say the same about their surgeon of choice so go with the flow, your instinct and most of all have absolute trust in your choice. I did and I am very happy.


Sorry no pic I dont know how. however I am not hiding I am proud to be transsexual and now the woman I always knew I was.



   I too went to Dr Supron, I am 100% satisfied with the results almost 2 years on. Still am alittle over 7 inches which was remarkable as I was small, soo much soo that beforehand he made it adamant that I only expected 5 or so inches so as not to be disappointed. There was some necrosis on the inner right labia however I cannot tell if it effected me in any way, getting the small surgery to remove it was annoying because it was like going back 4 days of healing progress  :P

  Clitoris was hypersensitive, almost like whacking your funny bone 1000 fold for the first few weeks, but now is a pleasure button. My first orgasm was approx 3 months post op and took very little effort to maintain. What really gets me was how he did the clitoris/frenium/hood, my labia are really nice too and make my opening convincing aswell. It really is uncanny how dead on it is :o

  Staff and care were wonderful, and from what I hear is if you have the time and money for a plane ride getting revision work is easy as giving warning and showing up. Would love to see the pictures of the bad result, but that seems no where to be found. If there's any truth to it being his will just make me more grateful for what I have as a result of his work.

I'm am sorry that not all doctors and results are as good as mine, I've not seen any other work in person but based on the photos and feedback is what made me decide. The very fact that my results (on my biased little opinion) are greater than the very photos that convinced me on his website, makes me confident to recommend him to anyone thinking about SRS.


  Yea I found it rather amusing that my personal results look far more impressive than what's on his site. He needs to update those or something. Anyway, as you mentioned above in your post, I do really think there is no better doctor for the hood and frenulum over the clit, as well as the labia. The top part of Dr. Suporn's vagina is spot on, while the bottom is variable. For me my bottom part was very well done, but I've seen a few where a small revision could be made. Bottom line is, I would do surgery over again with Dr. Suporn in a blink of an eye.


I work in a Pathology lab, so the actual op was neither here nor there, I just wish the resolution on the picture had been better so I could see more detail of the actual procedure.
"Don't ask me, it was on fire when I lay down on it"


Re Circumcision with Suporn patients

I emailed the office of Suporn to find out what the story was on circumcision and if that disqualified anyone.
Here is the answer to clear it up :

RE Circumcision / DR Suporn policy

" The rumour you have heard has no basis. About 40% of Dr Suporn's patients are circumcised prior to surgery. Circumcision makes no difference to the outcome, and very little difference to the method Dr Suporn will use on the day. Only if the circumcision has been badly done with hard scarring, accompanied by a small penis would circumcision make any difference - and even then only to the degree of difficulty Dr Suporn will have in achieving an excellent result. In any event, such an unusual circumstance would - as far as the patient is concerned - have little or no effect.

Being circumcised does not affect sensitivity at all. The clitoris and secondary sensate area is created from the glans penis tissue, which is present whether the pre-operative condition is circumcised or not.

Similarly, prior orchiectomy (castration) similarly has little effect on the outcome, unless it has been done with bilateral scarring on the scrotal sac, is accompanied by a very small circumcised penis, and the scrotal sac has atrophied or hardened."

Hope that helps !


Tammy Hope

Disclaimer: due to serious injury, most of my posts are made via Dragon Dictation which sometimes butchers grammar and mis-hears my words. I'm also too lazy to closely proof-read which means some of my comments will seem strange.


More Dr Suporn Info

        Dear Sophie
                I was reading more info wanted to clarify a few items

       Does Dr Suporn criteria say :

1.        Can not have been circumcised;

2.         Can not had genital electrolysis other than the perineum

3.        Can not been taking antiandrogens/ hormones for more than a few years

        Do any of these exclude anyone from having surgery with DR  Suporn?

        Thanks you so much



Dear Patience

Our web site does not say any of those things, so I think you must have misunderstood. It does not say those things CANNOT be accepted. What it says is that the BEST results are obtained if one has not had those done. That is not to say that excellent results will not be achieved with all of them.

About 40% of Dr Suporn's patients are circumcised prior to surgery. Circumcision makes no difference to the outcome, and very little difference to the method Dr Suporn will use on the day. Only if the circumcision has been badly done with hard scarring, accompanied by a small penis would circumcision make any difference - and even then only to the degree of difficulty Dr Suporn will have in achieving an excellent result. In any event, such an unusual circumstance would - as far as the patient is concerned - have little or no effect.
Being circumcised does not affect sensitivity at all. The clitoris and secondary sensate area is created from the glans penis tissue, which is present whether the pre-operative condition is circumcised or not.
Similarly, prior orchiectomy (castration) similarly has little effect on the outcome, unless it has been done with bilateral scarring on the scrotal sac, is accompanied by a very small circumcised penis, and the scrotal sac has atrophied or hardened.
A "small penis" would be considered to be one smaller than about one to 1-1/2 inch flaccid. Anything larger than that can be considered "normal" in terms of the technique Dr Suporn will employ, and the results he will achieve. Some grafting might be necessary to supplement in certain cases
With Dr Suporn's technique a vaginal depth of 6 inches is virtually guaranteed irrespective of penis size. The average depth over the past 2 years for SRS patients has been in the region of 7 inches (17 cm).

Genital Electrolysis
Requirement with Penile Inversion (NOT Dr Suporn's technique)
With the alternative penile inversion technique (which Dr Suporn does NOT use and stopped using 10 years ago) prior permanent depilation (rarely achieved) is essential to stop hair growth within the depths of the vagina, and regular internal depilation with hair removing cream is often necessary to remove the "hair ball" that can gather at the deepest parts of the vagina causing discomfort, and harbouring germs and bacteria - and consequent odour.
The "standard" penile inversion technique requires genital electrolysis (or similarly "permanent" depilation method) because the penis is literally inverted, and the outer penile skin - which bears hair - becomes the vaginal lining. The only way to remove that hair is by electrolysis or similar permanent hair removal technique prior to surgery. Genital electrolysis (or any other form of "permanent" depilation such as Laser or IPL) is very costly, and painful. More importantly, irrespective of the skill of the electrologist or machine operator it causes some internal scarring around the follicular bulb (it is exactly the same as cauterizing). In order to create the most perfect result possible it is important to avoid such scars. They damage the tissues used to form the vulva - and in particular the vaginal lining - and can cause hardening of the skin tissues, which should remain as soft and pliable as possible. Hence electrolysis - particularly of scrotal skin - is discouraged.

Dr Suporn's Technique
With Dr Suporn's technique, a scrotal skin graft is used to line the vagina. Prior to insertion of the skin graft, the entire hair bearing layer of skin is excised, leaving it impossible for hair to grow within the vagina, at a depth greater than about one half inch.

Vaginal Hair Growth
Postoperative incidence of hair in the vagina is extremely rare for Dr Suporn's SRS patients. Out of about 200 SRS patients each year, 3 or 4 report minor growth of hair. On the very rare occasions it occurs, it is limited to a few hairs only near the vaginal orifice, and never grows deeper than about a half inch (one centimetre). Growth cannot extend beyond that depth. This is the region at which the vaginal skin graft is joined to skin from the perineum. On the few patients where growth has occurred, the number of hairs that occur is usually no more than about 20 - no different than is experienced by a number of genetic women - and the treatment is the same. These are easiest removed postoperatively by plucking or - if one wished to have them permanently removed - they can be depilated by electrolysis if preferred.
If one wishes totally to avoid the minor risk of any hair growth, you can optionally depilate preoperatively a selected area of the perineum about 4cm x 2 cm (2 inches x 1 inch) as depicted on this sketch: (* Sorry I could not copy the sketch)

The choice of whether to depilate this small area is entirely left to the patient, and the costs and inconvenience of doing so need to be balanced against the likelihood of a few stray hairs in the immediate vaginal opening becoming a nuisance.

I hope that helps, but please do not hesitate to ask at any time if you need any further information or guidance.



hey all hope all is well....can someone guide me on how i can see the pics ????
Dreams are illustrations...from the book your
soul is writing about yourself....



I think they were removed.
There are still a lot of photos on the TS roadmap site. Check that out maybe . If you can not find it, let us know and someone can post som Doctrors photos.
Good luck !