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Non-Binary Introductions

Started by ativan, October 20, 2011, 04:08:48 PM

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Eva Marie

Good to see you around again Ativan  :)


Thank You!  Nice to see you're still here.  :)


Bridal Wish

I am Andrew! I am a assigned male, but am looking into MTF or Androgyn... becoming or whatever the term should be <<...


Hello, everyone. I think I'll probably be hanging out here a bit so I figured I should introduce myself.

I am Fitz, though I have several names that are not Fitz. I am gender-fluid leaning non-binary and consider myself transitioning to androgyne. I have no idea how I'm going to go about that yet, I just know it's something I need to make happen. My pronouns are subject to change on a whim because my gender is all wobbly, but either singular they or spivak pronouns are always acceptable.


Hi Fitz!
     You'll be safe and find kindred souls here!


Welcome to Susan's Androgyn section for Non-Binary.
You don't need to transition, you are already here.
How you deal with it, I think is more to the point.
Many paths in the forest here. Have fun.


Hi, people. Greetings from Brazil!

It has been a while. I continue to dwelve through the forest. Months after HRT started, I'm somewhat more femalish than before, but not by much (other medications block my progress because they "eat" estrogen and I'll not afford to stress the liver, so going slow).

Still not comfortable seeking clothes with the colors I like in the womans' section, but I've already bought (myself, got others by the internet but going out and buying some and asking for the female counterpart is a "victory" that cannot be explained). Someday it will change, and it is near :)


Oh, my! I saw the cogiati test (didn't know it existed) and scored 205. Maybe time to think... Or seek some advice!

Jamie D

Quote from: soulfairer on February 07, 2012, 11:33:54 PM
Oh, my! I saw the cogiati test (didn't know it existed) and scored 205. Maybe time to think... Or seek some advice!

Class 4 - Probable transsexual

"Probable" leaves a lot of uncertainty, especially with this sort of test.

(For some reason I've got "The Girl From Ipanema" stuck in my head.)


Androgyn, and questioning on possibility of FtM?

I love the idea of being masculine, I wish I were more tall, square jawed, flat-- You get the idea. I even get thrilled when people call me 'he' or 'sir'.

At the same time though, I love feminine things. I don't mind skirts or dresses. I'll wear heels and make up.. and just...

I'm 19, going 20 and I've dealt with these problems for years. Always questioning. I love the thought of Androgyn, I do. When I learned the term, I kind of fell for it. Yet I'm still not sure... I'm worried on my friends not taking me seriously, I wouldn't know what to do with myself in public situations.. I've never brought my issues up to people before, so this would be kind of out of the blue to them.

I'm mainly really confused and questioning, I love being masculine, and feminine and all that.

In short, I came here for a bit of guidance and understanding... and this seemed like the place to go.


Hi Apollo!

This is a good place to ask questions. The answers are varied, but there is always value in peoples answers here.
I just identify as Non-Binary lately, but I have been aligned with Androgyn for quite some time also.
It's fun here, topics seem to drift off some, but questions can help keep the discussions on track.
Read for a while or jump right in.
There are always new people, so don't feel you need to understand something to ask questions on any topic.
People here are friendly and understanding.


Quote from: Apollo on February 10, 2012, 01:40:07 AMI love the thought of Androgyn, I do. When I learned the term, I kind of fell for it. Yet I'm still not sure... I'm worried on my friends not taking me seriously, I wouldn't know what to do with myself in public situations.. I've never brought my issues up to people before, so this would be kind of out of the blue to them.
What I did (very recently... I'm still a newbie myself) is take it one step at a time.  It's hard to figure out what you are if you're worried about the results.  So figure out what you are first, then worry about what people might think of it.


I've been meaning to post in this thread for a while and I'm only now taking the time to do so.  So, hi!

I am physically male, with no plans to transition.  I don't really feel physically like things are *wrong*, though perhaps if I'd been born female I would never really have considered myself outside the bounds.  If I could try a different body risk-free, or shapeshift at will, that'd be ideal.

I don't feel male in terms of social or spiritual gender though.  Some aspects of masculinity fit me just fine and others are alien to me and seem uncomfortably wrong.  When I was younger I came up with a concept similar to two-spirit (without knowing anything about it) to describe myself, and then partially forgot about it until a couple of years ago.

At that time, partially triggered by reading about "crossdreaming" (which I think partially, but not fully or adequately, describes me) I started questioning my gender and increasingly feeling the need to define and express it, even if in subtle coded ways.  Last summer it finally occured to me that nonbinary was even a real possibly, and that was key.

My understanding of myself and of gender are still evolving, but I think something in the vague zone of androgyne, two-spirit, and fluid is about right.  "Liminal" is word I like a lot.  I feel as if different parts of my self are one definite gender or the other while others are vague and/or mutable.


Quote from: foosnark on February 10, 2012, 11:11:25 PM
I am physically male, with no plans to transition.  I don't really feel physically like things are *wrong*, though perhaps if I'd been born female I would never really have considered myself outside the bounds.  If I could try a different body risk-free, or shapeshift at will, that'd be ideal.

I don't feel male in terms of social or spiritual gender though.  Some aspects of masculinity fit me just fine and others are alien to me and seem uncomfortably wrong.  When I was younger I came up with a concept similar to two-spirit (without knowing anything about it) to describe myself, and then partially forgot about it until a couple of years ago.


My understanding of myself and of gender are still evolving, but I think something in the vague zone of androgyne, two-spirit, and fluid is about right.  "Liminal" is word I like a lot.  I feel as if different parts of my self are one definite gender or the other while others are vague and/or mutable.

Hi, foosnark,

I've came to the same conclusion until two years ago. Then I started being interested in the subject, then started HRT, then started buying more gender-neutral clothes. It is constant learning and I agree: fluid is about right, even if I still have a strongly (for me, some say it's not, but the mirror tells otherwise) male appearance.


Hi, Apollo. I love the idea of being feminine, and I wish I were somewhat shorter, round jawed, curvy. We're all kinda in the same boat.

I think this is a place we can talk. Don't know about you, but I still don't know how to introduce the conversation to some people I'd like to talk about this. So when times are tough, I end up reading here and noticing many, many other people think as I do.

Still considering about removing my beard (not that I 'have' one, but the dots seem very masculine to me). Never been called ma'am, though.


Quote from: Apollo on February 10, 2012, 01:40:07 AM
Androgyn, and questioning on possibility of FtM?

I love the idea of being masculine, I wish I were more tall, square jawed, flat-- You get the idea. I even get thrilled when people call me 'he' or 'sir'.

At the same time though, I love feminine things. I don't mind skirts or dresses. I'll wear heels and make up.. and just...

I'm 19, going 20 and I've dealt with these problems for years. Always questioning. I love the thought of Androgyn, I do. When I learned the term, I kind of fell for it. Yet I'm still not sure... I'm worried on my friends not taking me seriously, I wouldn't know what to do with myself in public situations.. I've never brought my issues up to people before, so this would be kind of out of the blue to them.

I'm mainly really confused and questioning, I love being masculine, and feminine and all that.

In short, I came here for a bit of guidance and understanding... and this seemed like the place to go.


Quote from: Ativan on February 10, 2012, 05:28:05 AM
Hi Apollo!

This is a good place to ask questions. The answers are varied, but there is always value in peoples answers here.
I just identify as Non-Binary lately, but I have been aligned with Androgyn for quite some time also.
It's fun here, topics seem to drift off some, but questions can help keep the discussions on track.
Read for a while or jump right in.
There are always new people, so don't feel you need to understand something to ask questions on any topic.
People here are friendly and understanding.

Baw, you guys are the coolest.

Quote from: BlueSloth on February 10, 2012, 02:30:02 PM
What I did (very recently... I'm still a newbie myself) is take it one step at a time.  It's hard to figure out what you are if you're worried about the results.  So figure out what you are first, then worry about what people might think of it.

I've actually spoken and mentioned my issues with most of my close friends, and their understanding is actually really comforting and helpful.

Quote from: soulfairer on February 11, 2012, 01:32:24 AM
Hi, Apollo. I love the idea of being feminine, and I wish I were somewhat shorter, round jawed, curvy. We're all kinda in the same boat.

I think this is a place we can talk. Don't know about you, but I still don't know how to introduce the conversation to some people I'd like to talk about this. So when times are tough, I end up reading here and noticing many, many other people think as I do.

Still considering about removing my beard (not that I 'have' one, but the dots seem very masculine to me). Never been called ma'am, though.


It's okay, we'll figure out what we're doing together.

Thanks for such a welcome you guys.


Hey there! This is more a re-introduction on my part (I keep doing this, I know, the leaving for months on end and then coming back) but hello, my name is Fenrir, and welcome to all you new people! Lovely to see you all, good luck finding things out and working out how you feel. (:




Quote from: Ativan on February 15, 2012, 08:28:01 PM
I say, "Hey!"
What a wonderful kind of day (hey)
Where we learn to work and play,
And get along with each other...

(From the Arthur theme tune... anyone remember that cartoon?)


Quote from: Fenrir on February 17, 2012, 08:49:15 PM
What a wonderful kind of day (hey)
Where we learn to work and play,
And get along with each other...

(From the Arthur theme tune... anyone remember that cartoon?)

;D Nice. I used to love it...watched it after school every day, up until high school was over.