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How do I get rid of an obsessed lesbian stalker...?

Started by VoicesOfTheWind, September 09, 2012, 04:50:06 PM

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Hi, a few nights ago I get this random friend request on facebook from this girl. A couple weeks pass and we don't talk. Then I make a status that she comments on....which leads to a short conversation. We exchanged numbers [bad idea] to talk. At fIrst she seemed decent and like a nice girl. But now...[the day after] she won't stop texting me ...calling me....and telling me how much she likes me. She calls me several times a day...texts me things like "I miss you" 5 minutes after we hang up. I'm starting to get seriously creeped out.

She doesn't seem all there in the head....HELP

How do I block her number via iPhone?



I went with the "ignore" idea when somebody started really bugging me. I deleted and blocked her on facebook, stopped answering her calls, etc. It's more passive than saying "eff off" which might also work. Could tell her you're not interested in her and that you would like her to leave you alone.


this is all way too common among my lesbian friends, it's actually pretty creepy how boundary-less they seem to be with each other O.o.
I can see me
I can see you
Are you me?
Or am I you?

Amazon D

However, you do it remember what goes around comes around.. be nice but firm
I'm an Amazon womyn + very butch + respecting MWMF since 1999 unless invited. + I AM A HIPPIE



There are apps for the iPhone you can get that block both calls and texts, Mr Number is one of them.  The only problem -- at least with the android version that I used, I don't know if the iPhone one is quite the same -- is that for about half a second they can still call you before it cuts in and automatically ends the call, but it's better than nothing.  The only other alternative that I found was changing my number which was done free of charge when my mother rang up my provider twice saying that she'd take it to the police or just cancel my contract and get a pay as you go sim if they did nothing about it.  My situation was a little different though, it was a bit more serious and a lot more emotional than that so you might not want to go to such a drastic measure.

Adam (birkin)

I say just ignore her. she sounds creepy, but not entirely obsessed. Only take more drastic measures if she starts getting demanding and way in your space after you ignore her.


I think you should tell her in a nice enough way that you arent interested. If she doesnt stop texting and calling you could tell her again more firmly or just ignore her. I dont know how to block numbers on an iphone but that is a good idea if it gets really bad.



Quote from: Alex000000 on September 09, 2012, 05:15:32 PM
There are apps for the iPhone you can get that block both calls and texts, Mr Number is one of them.  The only problem -- at least with the android version that I used, I don't know if the iPhone one is quite the same -- is that for about half a second they can still call you before it cuts in and automatically ends the call, but it's better than nothing.  The only other alternative that I found was changing my number which was done free of charge when my mother rang up my provider twice saying that she'd take it to the police or just cancel my contract and get a pay as you go sim if they did nothing about it.  My situation was a little different though, it was a bit more serious and a lot more emotional than that so you might not want to go to such a drastic measure.

i dont seem the point of blocking a specific number , they can still call you from a public phone or someone elses cell


I think you're just going to have to let this run it's course.

Or, you could do what I always do and just seal her in a box with no holes and ship her to hong kong...and NOT by express courier either...

wait, did I say that aloud???

I can see me
I can see you
Are you me?
Or am I you?


Shallow grave and quicklime, just like they do in Jersey.
FIGHT APATHY!, or don't...


Quote from: mementomori on September 09, 2012, 11:19:54 PM
i dont seem the point of blocking a specific number , they can still call you from a public phone or someone elses cell

True, but most people would get pretty sick if you asked them for your phone seven times a day just to harrass someone, and if they're not in the same friend group as you, just block their numbers as well :P  Eventually they'd run out of phones.


Quote from: tekla on September 09, 2012, 11:31:27 PM
Shallow grave and quicklime, just like they do in Jersey.

Where is the Like button?!

I had two of those early in transition when I looked like a butch lesbian.  I was NOT a lesbian, nor am I straight, and def not into girls of any flavor (other than as friends, that is!).  They were coworkers and it took management intervening, unfortunately.  One got canned (other reasons).  The other left for greener pastures.  In my case they were TOUCHING ME at work (not in a sexual way, but unwanted hugs, pats, etc).




Blocking never works even with email because they can just open a new account and start over. If it looks like she is going to persist, politely ask for her address and be sure and get her phone number, then tell her that if she doesn't cease and desist that you will file a complaint and have her picked up for stalking. It doesn't matter if it's do-able or not, she will realize that she is suddenly very vulnerable and will become frightened by the possibilities. Been stalked by a very controlling lesbian chick I once worked with, I know this ploy works!


Try to ignore but be careful especially if you find yourself with someone else...

An evil ex can ruin everything.


I think you should tell her in a nice enough way that you arent interested.

November Fox

It´s easy enough to block calls from people on iPhone.
Google it, it´s somewhere in settings. You don´t need a special app of any kind.


Er... just thought I'd point out that this thread is from 2012 and the OP hasn't been online since about a month after it was posted.

This is probably still generally useful information though.
