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"Don't make any sort of proclamation just yet."

Started by 4A-GZE, January 12, 2012, 08:03:42 PM

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I thought that by telling everyone I know, I would be free from all my doubts. So I just posted this Facebook status:

"Okay. So... Much like sexual orientation, gender is set along a spectrum, not two set points. By now, I feel confident enough to say that I'm definitely on the feminine side of said spectrum, though closer to the center than other transgender people. That doesn't mean I'd be a straight girl, though; as long as I'm coming out as one thing, I'm totally meant to be a lesbian as well. I'm 99% sure of these facts, and i don't care what you think."

Well, my parents talked about transgendered people who would cry as little kids because they didn't want their genitals, or who would always want to cross-dress, etc. They convinced me that my feelings aren't strong enough to warrant such a massive change. And really... That's fine. The part that's making me cry right now is that I thought I finally knew who I am. But I guess I don't. And it doesn't seem impossible that I never will.
Still, I can't stop thinking I would be happier as a girl. I guess I just don't absolutely despise my body like they think I need to, but I couldn't care less about it and I would like the other kind better. I think....
I'm just so confused about this all...


I never made a big song and dance about things when I was younger.. OK, I did cross dress, but only in private, although I got caught once or twice.. That doesn't make me any more or less trans than anyone else.. I know I'm a woman. I've pretty much always known - I just found accepting it a little tricky..

You are the only person who can know what is right for you.. TBH, it seems like your parents are in denial - this is fairly normal though.. Do what you know deep down is the right thing for you, don't let others make the choice for you using spurious arguments..

Tazia of the Omineca

Psh just do it. You're a big girl.
I don't despise my body or my "junk" I just like being a girl.
It's comfortable for me. Don't listen to a 3rd party, 1st person is the only thing that matters in the end.

Just sayin'. You know throwing pennies.


I almost dont hate my penis or anything.  I just feel I'd be a lot happier as a girl, and that mindset is what is driving me to change.  I never played with dolls or anything like that as a small child.  People develop these feelings at different ages.
I may side with the angels, but don't think for one second that I'm one of them.