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Getting in straight clubs as newly transitioned

Started by Alainaluvsu, March 25, 2012, 11:30:31 PM

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I've had this fear with gay clubs. Haven't tried it since changing my license though.
everybody's house is haunted


The 1 I go to is fun. But... since I'm pretty much transitioned (except for work), nobody there wants anything to do with me except the bi guys that are trying to make their boyfriends jealous... and >-bleeped-<s.

Not that there's anything wrong with >-bleeped-<s, but they're few and far between, and alot of them expect me to make the first move and just want sex. That's not me!
To dream of the person you would like to be is to waste the person you are.



I've been there. Door men are usually professional,  and they've seen things too. Back when I was in your shoes I would just hand it to them and say "yep, before you ask that really is me" and the most horrible thing that ever happened was a double-take and an "okay."

They just don't care, and gosh I have been to loads of clubs in that situation (for example I eveb once enter a lesbian bye very licky about letting in an unescortrd bloke and they didn't bat an eye at my CLEARLY DIFFERENT id)

As for what I'd do, poop I'd go with the two licence solution. If they ever ask why you have two ID's ya just say you lost the other one, got a new one, then found the old one. Worst that could happen is it gets confiscated. Just don't keep the two together to be seen at the same time and they'll never be the wiser (I say this because I once got pulled up and when I opened my wallet he saw two ID cards, and took my old duplicate


the problem with saying you "lost" it, and getting a new one with a more female picture on it is this:  if you use the "old" one with the male picture on it when you present as male, if you get pulled over, all they do is slide your license, and yes, it will be coded that it is a lost license.  You probably won't get in trouble, but the officer will ask why you're using what is not basically an expired license.  Of course, that is against the law, so who knows what the officer will do.  He may just ask where your new license is..... he may just take the old one.... or he may fine you  / ticket you for using an outdated license.

An ID card would probably work best.... if anyone at the door of a club asks why you don't have a DL, just tell them you're epileptic, and cannot drive. (I've seen people give others a hard time for an ID card, and this excuse works wonders).

Keep yourself legal.  You don't want to add legal problems just trying to figure out how to get a different picture.

Also, if you only need a new picture, and you do decide to change your license, you can just go in and say that law enforcement told you that you need an updated picture on your license.  A lot of states, since it is all digital now, just print up the new license with the old pic that is on file... and you won't have a choice for a new pic.  But using law enforcement as an excuse works great.
"To live both the yin and the yang, the male and the female, is a divine gift." ~ Me

"Know the masculine, but keep to the feminine, and become a watershed to the world". ~ The Tao Te Ching


You see I also thought that, but it's not what I experienced.

I received a duplicate licence and not only was the number the same, but all other information was identical....even the expiry...ah and I just realised that in my case the photo was the same too. It was a true blue duplicate...a I dunno if having a new photo taken will change that. Your centre or whatever may require use of the old photo that's on file, hence defeating the purpose...but alas I digress.

I do know its not illegal to posess two duplicate ID's so long as you are the same individual on both, and profess no prior knowledge ("how did that get in there!?"). Now after a name change and/or gender change it becomes another matter, as the clerk explained, "you would then have two identities!" ( yes she really EXCLAIMED those words too as if I had just put an idea in her head).

Don't take my word though as I'd not even bat an eyelash at owning two ID's...and yea I''ve never been much for rules, much less following them.  ;D

For a while I considerd ordering a novelty ID card for those social outings. They're very nice, and expensive, but I thought it'd be worth it to have my female name and gender ahead of schedule. **Please note I am not condoning presenting these cards as official identification that would be STUPID** ...but just to enter a club...why not?*


There is a quick solution.  I made my own license. Took about an hour.  I still carry my real license but when I need a female id I use the one I made. I'm not full time so it comes in handy.
Happy T Gurl living as Vicky half time.

Renee D

Using a fake id to get into a place that serves alcohol can get you and the person checking ids in trouble if they don't catch it. 


Just an update: My ID barely even passes in the gay club, where transsexuals are the norm. I was asked who the person in the ID was... and after some thinking about it by the bouncer, he let me in.

Either way, the point for me is moot. I've filed for a legal name change, so I will retake the photo when that is official. The local DMV also said when the name change is effective, I can wear make up in the photo. Issue solved :)

But by all means keep the discussion open for those that are experiencing the same problem!
To dream of the person you would like to be is to waste the person you are.



Another update...

As the very last time I will ever get carded with an ID where I look male (unless my new ID has a horrible picture of me on it), I went to a straight club. They had no clue it was me and I simply told them "I'm a transsexual!" ... he looked at me with a look of approval and let me in :)
To dream of the person you would like to be is to waste the person you are.



Quote from: Rabbit on April 10, 2012, 02:46:27 AM
Heehee, I had this problem at the airport the last time I had to fly.

The guy was checking my ID and ticket... looked at me... then said just a minute as he called over another TSI person. I was just grinning the entire time going "Is there a problem? What, is it the longer hair that is throwing you?"

Just an aside, when I hear TSA I immediately think "Trans Sexual American". Is it just me?
History, despite its wrenching pain, cannot be unlived, but if faced with courage, need not be lived again.
~Maya Angelou

Personal Blog: Madeline's B-Hive


Quote from: Alainaluvsu on May 15, 2012, 02:17:52 PM
Either way, the point for me is moot. I've filed for a legal name change, so I will retake the photo when that is official. The local DMV also said when the name change is effective, I can wear make up in the photo. Issue solved :)

History, despite its wrenching pain, cannot be unlived, but if faced with courage, need not be lived again.
~Maya Angelou

Personal Blog: Madeline's B-Hive


Thanks, it's an important step for me :)

I'm getting my new DL Monday! Thank God, if I have to tell 1 more stranger I'm transsexual to get in somewhere or to buy liquor, I'm gonna scream.
To dream of the person you would like to be is to waste the person you are.


Jamie D

Quote from: Alainaluvsu on July 01, 2012, 02:15:24 AM
Thanks, it's an important step for me :)

I'm getting my new DL Monday! Thank God, if I have to tell 1 more stranger I'm transsexual to get in somewhere or to buy liquor, I'm gonna scream.

Well, if you do, make sure it's a really good girl's scream.


My roommate does say my male voice comes out when I'm mad lol
To dream of the person you would like to be is to waste the person you are.



Quote from: Alainaluvsu on July 01, 2012, 02:15:24 AM
Thanks, it's an important step for me :)

I'm getting my new DL Monday! Thank God, if I have to tell 1 more stranger I'm transsexual to get in somewhere or to buy liquor, I'm gonna scream.
When you're my age, getting carded will actually be something to look forward to. I got carded while buying beer last night, for the first time in years. It made me grin when I realized what she was actually doing - flirting. She was about my age or a little younger and about my height. People card ciswomen who are over 30 to compliment or flirt. She "loved" my hair, touched my arm, and mentioned when she was getting off work. LOL. Too bad for her I'm already taken. She checked me out again when she realized the sex on my DL was M, then smiled and said "Be safe out there!"
History, despite its wrenching pain, cannot be unlived, but if faced with courage, need not be lived again.
~Maya Angelou

Personal Blog: Madeline's B-Hive


Honey I'm 29.. lol! I get carded everywhere no matter what I do, still!! One girl carded me for buying a rated M video game! And I have to explain to everyone that I'm transsexual because they don't think my old DL photo is even me.
To dream of the person you would like to be is to waste the person you are.


Dawn Heart

There's more to me than what I thought


As far as clubs it shouldnt ever be a problem as long as the ID is valid and real. I show up to clubs with a photo ID and no problems, even though the gender marker is M and I look fairly femme in the photo. I think I am not totally passable but I am attractive, this usually gets me no extra attention at the door. Sometimes it will actually help me get into a busy club because I am trans. But, then on the way home a cab might refuse me, haha, but anyway...

For legal stuff, cops etc, it may be more of a problem, but still totally legal so who cares. Coming from someone who doesnt have a real job either...


My old ID looks almost nothing like I do now. A few weeks before I got it changed, when I got carded I had to explain I was trans because they thought it was fake.
To dream of the person you would like to be is to waste the person you are.
