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Started by Imreallyconfused, February 27, 2013, 08:12:17 PM

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Ranma is timeless, but the first 3 seasons are when it was the most fun and the most fresh, plus the OAVs and two films.
Well being TG is no treat, but becoming separated has sure caused me more trouble that being TG ever will be. So if I post, consider it me trying to distract myself from being lonely, not my needing to discuss being TG. I don't want to be separated a lot more than not wanting to be male looking.


Agreed. When I first saw them I laughed so much and the sexual parts I didn't really notice as being sexual. They were fresh as hell now that I think about it, but it was more fun because its not every day a boy turns into a girl and gramps turns into a panda.

Carrie Liz

Totally love anime!

I got started with "Sailor Moon" back in middle school, and the rest is history.

I've always loved magical-girl series, so right now I'm in the process of watching "Cardcaptor Sakura" and "Princess Tutu," and I also love the more dark-subversion type shows like "My-HiME" and "Madoka Magica."

Same deal, usually I really don't like the horror genre stuff, or the gore/violence ones. I tend to be more into fantasy, romance, slice-of-life series, and pretty much any other series that combines supernatural elements in order to get into the characters' heads. "Angel Beats" was one of my favorites, (so... much... crying... that series is so beautiful...) as well as sillier comedies like "Azumaga Daioh" and "School Rumble" that are all just in good fun, and I love the good romance/comedies like "CLANNAD" that make you both laugh and cry. I'm admittedly still relatively early in my fandom, as there are a LOT of very popular series that I still haven't gotten though, but I love it!

Really, the reason I love anime so much is because it gets so emotional. I LOVE it when the shows can make me cry, and really start to explore the psyche behind what makes us tick as humans, and really gets into the characters' heads. I LOVE shows that do that kind of thing.

Anime series I'm in the process of watching right now:
-Princess Tutu
-Cardcaptor Sakura
-The Beast Player Erin
-School Rumble
-His and Her Circumstances (Kare Kano)
-Revolutionary Girl Utena
-The Vision of Escaflowne


I My Me Strawberry Eggs is great for the cross dressing crowd to laugh at. How far would you go to get a job basically.

Kashi Mashi, for the gender changing, what would you do if you woke up after near dying to find out they rebuilt you as the opposite sex?

Tenshi na Konamaiki, what if some outside force changed you into the other gender with you never knowing if you could go back?

Kampfer, what if you were altered by an alien force to fight in some manner of elimination contest, and your 'power' converted you to the other gender, and you had no ability to control the moments of transformation?

Kamen no Maid Guy is hillarious. A guy that is incredibly strong, a body guard and also a maid.

Ran the Samurai girl, feudal Japan, and everything is as normal with the exception the lead person is a samurai that is female.

Doujin Work, where the lead is a girl that likes writing perverted doujins.

B Gata H Kei, all about a girl that is dedicated to something more like what a lot think most teen boys might dream about.

Ore no Imouto, basically about a guy's sister and her obsession with playing hentai games meant for boys.

Yep, the nice thing about anime, is it is not afraid to go anywhere if it can be made funny.

Homosexuals, no problem, transgender, no problem, sex changes and cross dressing, no problem. They willingly will exploit religion if it makes for an interesting plot notion. And they don't worry about the details being accurate as they clearly are just using the parts that are fun. They willingly push buttons most will not go anywhere near. Age range differences are not an issue.

I recall the trouble that was caused by a 500 year old vampire drawn to look like a loli in half dressed scenes acting like a randy adult.
Hey she's not a minor, she's 500 years old eh.

One show has a girl, she's very loli looking, and yet she is also sharing her soul with a tree. So she's not 100% human, and she is not from earth and she's hundreds of years old. But she's drawn like a loli.

One girl is a tree spirit that comes into physical form as a young girl in a carving an art student had made. She knows nothing about being a human, or how to behave, and just happens to look like a school girl.

I have seen it all. The most outrageous, was a pop can, that when you drink from it, becomes a young girl.

North American cartoons simply have absolutely NOTHING worth interesting me. South Park, crudely drawn chibi humans that are rude and crude and spouting dated humour. PASS. The Simpsons, trendy humour and the usual lame themes, father figure that is a doofus, under achieving son, not noticed daughter, weird wife, and dated gags. PASS. Cartoons have sucked since the 70s.

If not for Pixar and well made feature films, non anime based animation would be utterly without value.

You can compare anime and cartoons by saying anime is to theatre, what cartoons are to YouTube.

But so much of what makes cartoons what they are is cultural, or rather the culture cartoons are made in is basically so full of >-bleeped-<.

In North America, it is ok to state homosexuality is something you can be openly and not suffer from, we don't want it in our cartoons, because 'think of the children'. Ok, so if homosexuality reality isn't something society should be beating up, then why the sudden turn around in cartoons? It's because, the reality is mainstream hetero society does NOT accept the homosexual crowd in spirit. They do it because they were made to legally accept it.

That's probably the harshest truth of all. All the acceptance we often like to claim is there, is a thin veneer facade at best in a lot of cases.

In Sailor Moon, Sailor Uranus is a dyke lesbian and Sailor Neptune is her girlie lesbian lover. In North America though, they translated her to be 'a cousin'. The never got aired in North America season 5 the Sailor Star lights are GUYS that transform into female scouts wearing very provocative hot pants. I guess they just couldn't come up with anything to sort that one out in the 90s.

Times do change though. Today you can find an increasing number of anime where girls apparently have nipples.
They are no longer using pantie shots for fan service, now the girls spend plenty of time on the show with nothing on at all.
But I am sure most of the content is limited to the DVD retail sales. And because of the internet, your capacity to buy items not routinely on sale or broadcast on North American channels has meant the anime fan is not forced to care what is culturally accepted in North America.
Well being TG is no treat, but becoming separated has sure caused me more trouble that being TG ever will be. So if I post, consider it me trying to distract myself from being lonely, not my needing to discuss being TG. I don't want to be separated a lot more than not wanting to be male looking.


I haven't watched much, but I was so obsessed with Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood I stayed awake for almost 3 days straight to watch all of it. A friend of mine did a marathon of Furuba in high school but I never really got into it. Have to feel bad for the manga Akito, though. I also got hooked on DeathNote and the Cain Saga/Godchild series, but they both ended as soon as I started reading them. I think I read up to volume 7 of Loveless... but I'm not sure.

Now I wanna watch FMA again. But I need to sleep. This sucks.  ;D
I did my waiting! Twelve years of it! In [my head!] Azkaban!


Anime is amazing. I love the way of expression of Anime characters. I am a big fan of Kashimashi, don't know why. it's sort of Gender related. And happy!

I want to watch more sorts of comedy anime's, any ideas? :) thank you!


You have no idea how many hours I've spent watching Anime. My first was Ranma 1/2, mostly because I had some kind of resonance with the main character. (shocking, I know) I prefer the dark, twisted, horror type anime out there, as  well as any kind of giant robot anime. (I'm looking at you, Big-O, that fits the bill for both. How I <3 you so much.) My other favorites are Paranoia Agent, FLCL, FMA (not brotherhood, but the first one), Gurran Lagann, Eureka 7, Future Diaries, Noein, the aforementioned Madoka Magica, and Steins: Gate (even if the last two episodes did kind of cop out).

Between Naruto and Dragonball* I kind of got burnt out on tournament style anime, and I just can't stand harem style anime. I really liked the first season of Is This A Zombie? because it was more of a deconstruction of the magical girl and harem genre, but the second season stopped being a deconstruction all together. I powered through it but, ugh.



Quote from: zeekoe on April 04, 2013, 06:38:59 PM
Anime is amazing. I love the way of expression of Anime characters. I am a big fan of Kashimashi, don't know why. it's sort of Gender related. And happy!

I want to watch more sorts of comedy anime's, any ideas? :) thank you!

Best advice, seek out Crunchyroll (google that).

They have a LOT of good anime and it is well defined by genre.

Anime is rapidly leaving behind the days when you had to download it.
Well being TG is no treat, but becoming separated has sure caused me more trouble that being TG ever will be. So if I post, consider it me trying to distract myself from being lonely, not my needing to discuss being TG. I don't want to be separated a lot more than not wanting to be male looking.


Quote from: Lesley_Roberta on April 05, 2013, 06:33:33 AM
Best advice, seek out Crunchyroll (google that).

They have a LOT of good anime and it is well defined by genre.

Anime is rapidly leaving behind the days when you had to download it.

Thanks, that site is awesome <3


I like AMVs and going to anime conventions but I don't actively watch any anime anymore.



There was nothing about that anime show I liked, but, that AMV was not bad.

I have experienced a lot of great AMVs that often used hohum anime shows.
Well being TG is no treat, but becoming separated has sure caused me more trouble that being TG ever will be. So if I post, consider it me trying to distract myself from being lonely, not my needing to discuss being TG. I don't want to be separated a lot more than not wanting to be male looking.


Anime/manga is some of the best stuff ever. I mostly go for scifi or weird suernatural stuff although I do have an embarrassing soft spot for stupid sappy romances I've probably seen most of em.

Things like FMA, Eureka 7, Gantz manga, Kekkaishi, I just started watching Bakemonogatari, and reading Shingeki no Kyojin (Attack on Titan), and my all time favorite is Ghost in the Shell; everything manga, anime, movies, btw there's a new GITS anime coming out soon!!!!

If its even a little bit weird or involves space I'm all over it ;D


Quote from: Jeepgirl90 on February 27, 2013, 08:24:05 PM
I love anime, I love Space/future type anime, Things like Outlaw Star, Cowboy Bebop, Macross, Space Battleship Yamato, etc..



I love hunter x hunter, yu yu hakusho, macross, gundam outlaw star, oreimo :]

Vera C

I've been a pretty big anime fan for awhile now. I got my start on Sailor Moon back when they used to show it on network TV at 6am. Samurai Pizza Cats and Ronin Warriors were awesome then. I kind of went through the whole parade of anime at that point, and have been a fan of DBZ, Eva, Robotech, Outlaw Star, Cowboy Bebop, Kinnikuman (yes, Nisei as well,) Beck, Fairy Tale, and tons of others, but especially One Piece. :p

Sir Real

I like anime!  I love pretty much most sports anime.  Some of my favourite animes are 12 Kingdoms, Moribito: Guardian of the Spirit, Macross/Robotech, One Outs, all the Full Metal Panics and Gundam Seed Destiny.  My favourite movies are Howl's Moving Castle, Appleseed, and Grave of the Fireflies.



Quote from: Vera C on May 24, 2013, 04:55:11 PM
I've been a pretty big anime fan for awhile now. I got my start on Sailor Moon back when they used to show it on network TV at 6am. Samurai Pizza Cats and Ronin Warriors were awesome then. I kind of went through the whole parade of anime at that point, and have been a fan of DBZ, Eva, Robotech, Outlaw Star, Cowboy Bebop, Kinnikuman (yes, Nisei as well,) Beck, Fairy Tale, and tons of others, but especially One Piece. :p

You make me so happy talking about Ronin Warriors. That was my first anime.  Most people my age always say that Sailor Moon or DBZ was their first.  Ronin was mine.  I tell people that and they always are confused because they have never heard of it.  Which is why watching Cardcaptor Sakura in English is so funny because Kero's voice is done by Ryo from Ronin.  Always made me laugh.

Anyho, I enjoy Yu Yu Hakusho, Pokemon, Sailor Moon, Black Rock Shooter (Although I haven't finished it all), Cardcaptor Sakura, Escaflowne (Although I have to stop at a certain point every time because it just gets too damn depressing; I know how it ends but I can't STAND watching Vahn scream like that), Immortal Rain, and, sadly, I do love a few yaois.  Like Junjou Romantica.  I go to conventions and work at them, but to be honest I am so out of the loop when it comes to new stuff.  Black Rock Shooter is probubly the most recent thing I have watched, and I only watched it after having seen a really neat figurine from it.  I also own all of Rahxephon but I haven't watched it all.  I do that.  Buy whole series of something because it is cheap and I have always wanted to watch it, and then never finish it.  I should probubly stop doing that.  The only reason I know of half of the new stuff is because I often work for a vendor and I have to know the names of things so that I can tell them if we have it.  A friend of mine I made literally because she was always looking for Saint Seiya stuff and I began pulling the stuff we had out ahead of time to show her.  I didn't know her name for the longest time, only that I called her "Saint Seiya girl".
Courage is the power that turn dreams into reality.


Quote from: Asa on May 26, 2013, 12:20:27 PM
I like anime!  I love pretty much most sports anime.  Some of my favourite animes are 12 Kingdoms, Moribito: Guardian of the Spirit, Macross/Robotech, One Outs, all the Full Metal Panics and Gundam Seed Destiny.  My favourite movies are Howl's Moving Castle, Appleseed, and Grave of the Fireflies.

Howl's always seems to be the most disliked one of his films I've found.  I'm not including Naussica in this because most people I talk to have never HEARD of it.  I liked Howl's, thought it was kind of refreshing.
Courage is the power that turn dreams into reality.

Sir Real

Quote from: Darkie on May 26, 2013, 01:25:53 PM
Howl's always seems to be the most disliked one of his films I've found.  I'm not including Naussica in this because most people I talk to have never HEARD of it.  I liked Howl's, thought it was kind of refreshing.

Really? I didn't know that. I found Howl's to be stylish and fascinating. Hayao Miazaki is a genius in my books. It's been too long since I've seen Naussica, I should go back and watch it again.



Quote from: Asa on May 26, 2013, 03:18:36 PM
Really? I didn't know that. I found Howl's to be stylish and fascinating. Hayao Miazaki is a genius in my books. It's been too long since I've seen Naussica, I should go back and watch it again.

I meant that most people I talk to don't seem to like Howl's.  Not sure why.  And Kyh, I own all of DITVB, but I haven't watched it.  Is it really good?  I own some of the manga.
Courage is the power that turn dreams into reality.