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Anyone like they way they look and don't want to change that?

Started by insideontheoutside, November 23, 2013, 06:17:33 PM

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Just curious if, amongst the non-transitioners, if there's anyone else who doesn't have a huge issue with the way they look? I don't mean you have to be 100% okay with your whole body. There's certainly things I'd like more when it comes to body stuff, but I don't think that sort of thing is just a trans* issue either. Plenty of people who have no problem with their assigned gender want to change things about their bodies, and plenty of people DO change things about their bodies. There's been plenty of times in my life where I didn't like the way I looked, but I'm not sure I can say that now. I don't mind the way I look.
"Let's conspire to ignite all the souls that would die just to feel alive."


I guess it depends on what your definition of non-transitioner is...

My general hope is not to need to transition. There is a stark difference between before and after I decided to take on the trans beast a few years ago. I am finally happy to be in my own skin. When I look in the mirror I don't see some fat, tall, bald, mouth-breathing geek. I mostly see the real me. I see and feel the joy she brings to my life as well as into others.

I still do not need to go full-time. In an ideal world I would in a flash
.          (Pile Driver)  
(ROCK) ---> ME <--- (HARD PLACE)


Only thing i don't like about the way i look, are the saggy breasts. Almost evetything else can be fixed with the right workout. Except for the part that's lacking, but it's not as if i really need that one.

Now that i've finally given up on transition, i can start to concentrate on the things i can do without the help of medical professionals.

Gonna have to start creating a good menu for weight loss and muscle gain... Hopefully i'll end up liking it when i start. Waiting for the new year though, too many birthdays before christmas.


mtF, mid 50's, always a girl since childhood, HRT (Spiro, E & Fin.) since 8-13. Hormone levels are t at 12 & estrogen at 186. Face lift & eye lid surgery in 2014. Abdominoplasty/tummy tuck & some facial surgery May, 2015. Life is good for me. Love long nails & handsome men! Hopeful for my GRS & a nice normal depth vagina maybe by late summer. 5' 8", 180 pounds, 14 dress size, size 9.5 shoes. I'm kind of an elegant woman & like everything pink, nice & neet. Love my nails & classic Revlon Red. Moving back to Florida, so excited but so much work moving


Quote from: insideontheoutside on November 23, 2013, 06:17:33 PM
Just curious if, amongst the non-transitioners, if there's anyone else who doesn't have a huge issue with the way they look? I don't mean you have to be 100% okay with your whole body.

I find my body repulsive still... But I don't want to transition and put myself at mercy of men who should harm me. I'm already emotionally damaged as it is being mentally ill. I don't need to be alone and have the rest of the world against me.

So, I'm at least happy I'm cute for chunky, tall "boy."

There's certainly things I'd like more when it comes to body stuff, but I don't think that sort of thing is just a trans* issue either. Plenty of people who have no problem with their assigned gender want to change things about their bodies, and plenty of people DO change things about their bodies. There's been plenty of times in my life where I didn't like the way I looked, but I'm not sure I can say that now. I don't mind the way I look.

Uh, I have arthritis and every time I say I think I have Klinefelter's, I get told not to make assumptions without a diagnosis. My weight can't be good for my bones as they are now.
Let's Get Better Together.

Antonia J

Not sure if this qualifies,  but I don't have a destination or pre - determined end goal in mind.  I like me as I am, but also enjoy experimenting with mixed gender fashions. HRT is having lovely effects,  but at my age any changes are a bonus and I am not expecting miracles. So, the main thing for me is just being authentic... in whatever form that takes shape on a given day,  or a given moment. If I don't progress any farther in my transition physically, then I may be a bit disappointed,  but I will know I am being true to me.


I am overall OK with how I look. A beard would be cool though. :)

But I am fine being short and little, I am fine with my face and so on. Just need to keep exercising and I am good.
ਮਨਿ ਜੀਤੈ ਜਗੁ ਜੀਤੁ

Bimmer Guy

I'm ok.  Getting top surgery is what I needed.  I am ok without testosterone (I think).  Overall, I like living between the two worlds.  The one thing I would like from T is the ability to build more muscle.  Transitioning with T would certainly make my life easier when it comes to dealing with the public.  However, I am 43 years old and I am deep into my career (I started in my field at age 24).  It is possible that if I was 21 years old right now I would "transition" (take testosterone).  Getting cancer at 40 years old resulted in me no longer entertaining the idea.  I prefer to not put any chemicals into my body at this point if I can help it.  I don't think cancer just "happens". I believe that it is what we put into our body (food, chemicals), stress, and exercise (or lack there of), is what causes the genetic predisposition one might have toward certain cancers to get triggered (or not) and result in cancer.  I try to avoid all chemicals now, even if there is no link to disease found at this time.  The cancer helped solidified my decision.  I don't want anything to effect my chance of staying in remission.

So, in sum, I am "ok", but I do think that if things were different (if I were younger and had not had cancer), I would consider it in a more serious way.

Good thread topic.

ETA:  Something else.  My body structure is very male, and I pass as male typically (without trying).  I do think that if I had less of a male body shape (if I had hips or a feminine face), there would definitely be a greater possibility of my seeking out testosterone and "transitioning".  I MUCH better chance.  I think having a different body shape would be very dysphoric for me.
Top Surgery: 10/10/13 (Garramone)
Testosterone: 9/9/14
Hysto: 10/1/15
Stage 1 Meta: 3/2/16 (including UL, Vaginectomy, Scrotoplasty), (Crane, CA)
Stage 2 Meta: 11/11/16 Testicular implants, phallus and scrotum repositioning, v-nectomy revision.  Additional: Lipo on sides of chest. (Crane, TX)
Fistula Repair 12/21/17 (UPenn Hospital,unsuccessful)
Fistula Repair 6/7/18 (Nikolavsky, successful)
Revision: 1/11/19 Replacement of eroded testicle,  mons resection, cosmetic work on scrotum (Crane, TX)



I am still moderately young, have feminine enough face, long hair, has been called "miss" from behind a couple of times  :) Though I am not happy about my butt, it is still OK, but dresses look ugly on me, unless I do some hip padding.... And what bugs me is that with age it will be harder and harder to do the same, and an idea of ageing as a male makes me feel bad.

Lake James

Hello :) I am very much new here and indeed new to thinking about my identity but this is one of the aspects I find the most confusing (I am born female btw, but feel more on the male side of things).  I am pretty much ok with the way I look, I have a tiny frame, however its very athletic and quite boyish.  I like my face, love my hair and the rest is alright.  The only part I dislike is my female chest..but even then, its not a hatred, more just I would prefer a male chest.  So its more how I feel I guess.  How I feel so wrong in women's clothes, how my mannerisms are so male etc.  When I picture myself as a male, I see me...that's how I would want to look...just maybe with hairy legs and no breasts.  Then I think, if I am so comfortable with body, perhaps I am the right gender.  Then I get more confused, then I get a headache and have to go arrange my cd collection into alphabetical order ;)


I did like the way I looked pre-transition. Much better than I like my post transition looks. I was a good looking man, I've transitioned into being a plain looking woman.

Like the rest of myself much better, though.
Have you read my short story The Eve of Triumph?


Quote from: Lake on November 26, 2013, 03:52:48 PM
Hello :) I am very much new here and indeed new to thinking about my identity but this is one of the aspects I find the most confusing (I am born female btw, but feel more on the male side of things).  I am pretty much ok with the way I look, I have a tiny frame, however its very athletic and quite boyish.  I like my face, love my hair and the rest is alright.  The only part I dislike is my female chest..but even then, its not a hatred, more just I would prefer a male chest.  So its more how I feel I guess.  How I feel so wrong in women's clothes, how my mannerisms are so male etc.  When I picture myself as a male, I see me...that's how I would want to look...just maybe with hairy legs and no breasts.  Then I think, if I am so comfortable with body, perhaps I am the right gender.  Then I get more confused, then I get a headache and have to go arrange my cd collection into alphabetical order ;)

I had to dig up this topic, because wow, this is exactly how i feel. I like my face, my hair, and all. It's quite easy, partly because i'm a bit boyish, and i have no trouble in seeing myself as a man when i look in the mirror, well except for the chest. I've bought a binder years ago, and i started wearing it more often a few months ago. But it's when i'm home alone mostly. Sometimes to go out on a errand. Just because it's makes me happy to pretend that i have a flat chest. But transitioning is not something i wish to do right now, because i don't know if i want to. My body is my body for a long time, and we are quite accustomed to each others by now.
Some days i think that it's just a whim, some days i think that something is out of place. And so i get confused, and get a headache and have to go arrange my videogame collection into alphabetical order ;D
Mal: "If anyone gets nosy, just know ... shoot 'em. "
Zoe: "Shoot 'em?"
Mal: "Politely."


sad panda

I liked how I looked before taking any HRT more than now I think. Though guys like how I look now a lil more. I wish I could look mostly like before but with some style changes.

Joanna Dark

Quote from: suzifrommd on November 26, 2013, 04:17:45 PM
I did like the way I looked pre-transition. Much better than I like my post transition looks. I was a good looking man, I've transitioned into being a plain looking woman.

My ex said something like this to me once several years before she broke up with me as we were having dinner at TGIF. I don't know why we were talking about it but she was all "sometimes it scares me how feminine you look and act but if you did it you'd just look all plain and wouldn't get a second glance. Right now, you're good looking but as a woman you'll just be bleh. Just stay androgyous, that's what I love about you." She went so far as to program the song Androgyny by Garbage as her ringtone when I called.

Ironically, within three months of starting HRT, I landed a hotter guy than she could ever get. heh heh heh. I don't think she brought hormones into the equation in her head though. She was talking about if I, ya know, transitioned without HRT, or at least their effects, which she knew little about other then developing boobs. I already had them, so she was always all "Just be satisfied with what ya got."

I know this is more for detanstioners/non-trans-transtioners, but I do like the way I look a lot better.


Quote from: Antonia J on November 24, 2013, 10:29:30 AM
Not sure if this qualifies,  but I don't have a destination or pre - determined end goal in mind.  I like me as I am, but also enjoy experimenting with mixed gender fashions. HRT is having lovely effects,  but at my age any changes are a bonus and I am not expecting miracles. So, the main thing for me is just being authentic... in whatever form that takes shape on a given day,  or a given moment. If I don't progress any farther in my transition physically, then I may be a bit disappointed,  but I will know I am being true to me.
Antonia J
It qualifies.  I feel very much the same.  Spiritual and emotional peace is what drives me post ffs.  I seem to have control over my look working with a great endo.
So my answer is that I like and accept the way that I look but I will change as I move further along my life path.  Not sure where I will end up but it is my journey, I own it and am much, much happier since I started my travels.


One of my concerns since I transitioned is how I look..

I've been on testosterone for two years and as the fat moved from my butt to my belly, I realized that this is something I do not like or want.
For the past two years I haven't been looking at photographs of myself from before I started hormones, but now that I have, I realize I liked my face better then too.
Can I go back? Will I look the same as I used to? I'm in my 20s so I don't think my bones changed, maybe it would just take two years to look like my old self again?

I have pics if anyone thinks they could tell..

Is there a site showing people who transitioned and then transitioned back to their birth gender?

I am going to keep living as a male but I want my old face and flat stomach back. I passed 99% of the time before if I had men's clothes and hair style so I don't think there's anything wrong with being content in my body.
Was falsely diagnosed as a female-to-male transsexual.
I'm just a cisgender female picking up the pieces.


Not me!!! I'm having a face lift, neck lift & upper eye lid work soon & want more! Going to have my upper arms reduced in diameter, have excess sag removed. I may have my ears pinned back, etc..........
mtF, mid 50's, always a girl since childhood, HRT (Spiro, E & Fin.) since 8-13. Hormone levels are t at 12 & estrogen at 186. Face lift & eye lid surgery in 2014. Abdominoplasty/tummy tuck & some facial surgery May, 2015. Life is good for me. Love long nails & handsome men! Hopeful for my GRS & a nice normal depth vagina maybe by late summer. 5' 8", 180 pounds, 14 dress size, size 9.5 shoes. I'm kind of an elegant woman & like everything pink, nice & neet. Love my nails & classic Revlon Red. Moving back to Florida, so excited but so much work moving

sad panda

Quote from: ChaoticTribe on April 26, 2014, 10:15:13 AM
One of my concerns since I transitioned is how I look..

I've been on testosterone for two years and as the fat moved from my butt to my belly, I realized that this is something I do not like or want.
For the past two years I haven't been looking at photographs of myself from before I started hormones, but now that I have, I realize I liked my face better then too.
Can I go back? Will I look the same as I used to? I'm in my 20s so I don't think my bones changed, maybe it would just take two years to look like my old self again?

I have pics if anyone thinks they could tell..

Is there a site showing people who transitioned and then transitioned back to their birth gender?

I am going to keep living as a male but I want my old face and flat stomach back. I passed 99% of the time before if I had men's clothes and hair style so I don't think there's anything wrong with being content in my body.

hugs :c

i think you can mostly go back... your skin might be a little less flawless and some hair growth will be permanent, but not most of that even. Just look at MTF transitions, that is basically the same thing because them going thru puberty was basically hormonally just (a longer version of) you going thru transition. Of course your voice and bome structure and stuff will not change again.But yeah the effects on your skin should basically be the same, and tbh a 14 or 15 y/o boy still has pretty good skin. Speaking as a cis boy, my skin didn't get much worse until about 7 years into my puberty.


Quote from: sad panda on April 26, 2014, 02:58:22 PM
hugs :c

i think you can mostly go back... your skin might be a little less flawless and some hair growth will be permanent, but not most of that even. Just look at MTF transitions, that is basically the same thing because them going thru puberty was basically hormonally just (a longer version of) you going thru transition. Of course your voice and bome structure and stuff will not change again.But yeah the effects on your skin should basically be the same, and tbh a 14 or 15 y/o boy still has pretty good skin. Speaking as a cis boy, my skin didn't get much worse until about 7 years into my puberty.

Thank you for replying to my post, Sad Panda, I've actually never thought of it that way but you bring up such a really good point.
Was falsely diagnosed as a female-to-male transsexual.
I'm just a cisgender female picking up the pieces.


I actually do like the way I look. I think as a guy, I'm a pretty good looking guy.

I don't know if any amount of surgery and hormones would make me a good looking woman.

I'd simply rather be seen by most as a good looking guy than an ugly woman. I like to think, of course, that I'm the most beautiful woman in the world on the inside, but the world is shallow, as am I. This is a large part of why I don't want to transition.

I have some issues with what's between my legs, but it's really mostly what that represents.

I never really cared all that much about my legs themselves, or arms, or other overall bodyfat distribution. The bodyhair bothers me quite a lot at times, and sometimes I'll take a razor to it. I guess I just don't have body dysphoria like so many of you do. I'm really glad I don't, as much as the bodyhair bothers me, there is a quick, simple, cheap, non-permanant solution to it.