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Thread of a blue flower hoping to bloom

Started by Stacy, July 05, 2018, 07:41:09 PM

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I'm still new here, I wrote an into, and I don't know really how to continue, so I decided to create a thread and share something with you. I wanted to share a dream, joy and hope. We all need those right?

I tried my best, english is not my primary language. So you may see a glitch or two.

I woke up. The first thing my eyes saw was white clouds bathing in an ocean blue sky. But something subtle was different. I started to sit and I saw that I was in high grass. Then I felt my hair on my back, tied in a high ponytail. I touched my head, and I started to see me from a different angle at the same time, like if I was also seeing through a camera at 6 feet of me, and it's when I really saw me in whole, from my eyes and from around. I was a girl, the girl I always was. My blond hair was with 2 french braids from the top of my head on each side, that were running and joining like forming an arrow to a high ponytail behind my head. By siting I felt my breast and the soft fabric on my body.

It was a light dress like a mix of silk and velvet, of a deep blue with lighter blue patterns. The end was pleated and at my thighs, finishing with 3 different layers like a rose blooming. The dress was with blue sky long sleeves.

Upon standing up, I realized that I was in a vast plain of tall grass with flowers, buttercups, harebells and delphiniums. A chain of mountains was in one of the direction, not too far away. The air was warm and full of flower scent. Sounds of insects were buzzing around this wonderful place. Then I watched myself from head to toes. My skin was soft and delicate. I was feeling the sun on my face. Then I saw my breasts in my dress. I held them for a few seconds, then I saw that my nails were painted in a blue similar to my dress. And I could not stop myself to check lower, to touch my legs, to find that everything was like it should. I had sandals, but I decided to remove them to be able to feel the ground and more of this amazing place. I touched my face and my soft hair for a long time, looking to the skies, as I was also able to see me from every side and angle, like if I was also around me. I've done a few steps in the grass with my nude feet and with a large smile I started to cry. All was too beautiful and perfect. I was feeling a boundless gratitude. Like if the universe had decided to give me this moment as a gift. This place, my body, my real body, my true nature. Like if I had the right finally to be free. "You are a part of the universe, and without you, a piece would lack. In this way, you are important. The universe is also you. It expresses itself through you. This part of it is your existence. This is a gift. You have the right to be yourself, in appearance and also in your soul. You are loved, in each particle of your being and in all the complexity of your soul. Be here, right now and fully. Embrace your life and your place in the universe. Breathe, be a part of it. Be delightfully happy, no matter the hard events you lived and the future ones. Because you are loved and will always be forever in a total unconditional way. Fear and ignorance are temporary. Be confident, you are not alone and again, you are loved. Now be the girl you are, take a deep breath, and run, engage yourself totally in this moment and enjoy every part of it."

I ran in the grass, fast, without really checking where my feet could end. Maybe because I knew that nothing bad could happen. I felt my hair in the wind, like the extension of my soul that was also expressing all its joy through this magnificent body. My heart was pounding heavily as I was feeling my breasts moving with the movements. Feeling this body running was at once joy and a striking natural, as if it was always so. I was feeling like when I was a kid and that I was running in similar fields, totally innocent, without worries, with a total free heart. I reached a lake where I continued to run to literally dive in it, fully dressed. I got out, I was soaked and I simply burst into laugher. Then I was stunned again, this laugh, was also feminine, also me. I could not stop myself but to start crying again.


Such a beautiful vision.  I wish you a happy journey through your transition.

Hugs, Carly


That's beautiful, I hope your dream comes true x
Deed poll 17/10/2017
Passport 09/02/2018
Drivers License 07/03/2018
Electrolysis 03/07/2018


Thank you CarlyMcx and anastasialea. I know that "it's just" a dream, but emotions are real and sometimes a surprise like that is much better than reality at some point. I crave for those dreams. Even if it would be unreal, I would definetely dream more often like that.

Do anyone ever experienced a dream of this kind? Of course it has a side effect, reality may taste bitter after this. But I prefer to take it as a gift.

I wondered at some point if this was usual in the TG world, or if it's just me. Or maybe I'm just lucky.

Anyway I wish you all happiness, whatever the way you take to reach it.


Thank you for sharing this!  I could feel your joy and I wept happy tears for you.

Hugs and smiles, Jessica

"If you go out looking for friends, you are going to find they are very scarce.  If you go out to be a friend, you'll find them everywhere."



Ok time to more Stacy's rambling :) Sorry to not write often, but when I do it I think it's worth it.

I discovered that it's possible to change our voice chirurgically. And I've "seen" some results, it's really amazing...I said often that I could not bear to live without being 100% on the female side. But with all what is possible today, I think that if I would have no family at all, no one to shock and affect, I think I would do it. To change entirely. Appearence is important but voice is something even more powerful, enough to re-think my position. Ive heard myself in a dream with my feminine voice and it was a major moment of emotion. Voice is very intimate, and i didnt known that having a so natural voice was physically possible without the right biology.

A major thing happened to me lately. I think it can be inspirational for you too.

I don't know how people can be happy, but for me, every time I approach the girl I am more, every time I cherish it, get closer to it, let it go and live it, I'm clearly happier and simple days get a completely new color. So I have built the hypothesis of the definition of happyness. And I do think it can also apply to non-transgenders: "To be happy, you will have to first discover or re-discover your primal true nature, your purest form, and get closer of it the more you can (by being it). After, you will have to find people that will love it, both the simplicity and the richness of it, and one person in particular (as we could define a lover)." I think we are near our true form during childhood, maybe not in transgender terms but at least in happyness terms because of a more simple life and the honesty of our hearts at this time, and as we pass through the painful forced changes and influences of society and the adult world, it changes us so much that we lose sight of our purest form. So much for some people that they may not even remember how it was of if it even existed. Even for people born in the right body, I think they have to reconnect with their true self, remove the fake pieces, listen to their hearts, get rid of everything that being put in their personality to protect themselves or to appear as someone they are not for being accepted by others.

Going further, i see our true form without a physical body. I'm a follower of the spiritism theory and i think that we try male and female to get all possible windows of learning. I believe that during multiple incarnations, we will choose a side to represent and shape our image, with which we have much more affinities. Like imaginating a ball of light as our first form, molding it to a human image with the correct gender and our colors. Still we sometimes must have a life on the other side unfortunately, certainly again for learning purposes. But as we prefer chocolate or vanilla, blue or red, white or black, we feel true and naturally happy being male or female, because we are following our deepest self. We discover which are our colors. So its not about choice, its about discovering and following our true nature. So yes, I think each soul is very unique and fit in a gender, as it would fit with certain type of music and colors. I dont decide to be a girl. I feel me being it like if it always being. We are more than a gender, but its probably the biggest thing that definate us at our poor level of spiritual advancement since we know nothing more that dont need it. Sorry for this very personnal rambling part of seeing existence but i see very logical and natural reasons to be who we are and i think they can be very encouraging once we believe it to be the truth. And considering the gender, I think childhood interests are a mix of what define us the most.

Recently I got passionate about Japanese culture, animes in particular, seeing a lot and accumulating music. I love the richness of their culture, I share with all my heart the greatness of the cuteness they expose in animes, school life of girl circle of friends in particular. It reconnected me to all form of joys including those of my childhood, but also how it's good to be a girl, and I got this wonderful idea: write the story of three girls that are very special friends, including a large part of me in one in particular, starting just before the puberty. Mainly to dive into a powerful friendship from its origins in which each one find it's complementary in the other, while the 3 personnalities are totally different and yet match in a surprising way one with the others. From one being totally princess, to the third more on the tomboy side, and yet all three just being different kind of girls covering the large range, while most people only see one way to be female. For me, girls defined as tomboy are still girls, representing the most energetic and powerful side of being female. It may look like boys, but it's still female. We just need to open our eyes and see how many girls are different in the entire world and still being girls. I started this writing project, and found at the same time that living so close to them is like if I can live with them, feel their joy and happiness, have a bit of a life I never had as a girl, and explore it, with a focus on joy, purity of youth, energy and beauty. The simplicity of sharing happyness during day to day activities. One girl depending on the other in various ways, creating a strong bond. I put in the characters so much of me, so much of my universe, that it's like to expose myself without anyone able to understand the links with me and see them straight, even for the family. Yet, I unhide me this way, I don't have to block my mind in any ways. I just cleverly avoid direct similitudes with me with enough differences to diminish the clearness. Differences of life, families, and on what is happening. So for the common eye it's just a story from some author, but it's an open window on me, so my need to live as I am have a big opportunity to do it. My characters are like my children, I love them deeply and even more with time, and they allow me to explore my inner girl like I never found any kind of activity to touch the heart of it so much. They are a kind of miror of who I am, my deepest hopes and the happyness I run after. I put a lot of time elaborating their personnalities, families, and their psychology. Since those changes happened in my life, I feel like if the girl I am got a huge space to exist, more than never before, and even if it may not always look on the physical appearence, those feelings radiate in my body, the happyness is real. I don't know if it will stay, but I've always liked to write and I have a gift for it (don't be mistaken by my not so good english, my primary language is french so I write in french!).


How to be happy...
- Be yourself
-> They will not let you
- Don't care about them
-> I'm shy and too emotional, it doesn't work
- Don't change
-> Not happy
- Move somewhere where there is enough people that don't care or accept reality (bold-ing the word "reality" 30 times) (which by the way doesn't stop at their belly button and event not at the planet radius)
-> Tried to move in the biggest city inside 700-800km radius. Anxiety issues, didn't worked for long. Being myself was easier though, and much more ressources and possibilities
- Move where no one can hurt you
-> Okay, I got to build a house in the forest. I could become a witch.
Wow, it seems the most valid and achievable possibility from the batch...
Do I feel funny, pissed off, desperate or all of them, I don't know.


By now most anyone can know that I'm in a good mood most of the time. But an old story got me again yesterday. In my personal description in my first post I described a relation I had over the internet long ago. Purely. A lesbian relationship with her not knowing my physical form. It was not fake at all, the only fake part was the physical form. I was plainly myself with her like it's rarely possible otherwise. She was loving me for who I am, a girl. She was directly connected to my soul. We were writing each other almost everyday for 3 years. But then I expected one day the new demands, wanting to meet, anything physical. This was going to a huge disaster eventually. Not even mentionning she hated boys with all her heart for traumatic reasons. She never asked anything like to meet, but I was convainced that it would come, and I finally decided to break it before it happens. How could it not come? How to stop when all is so good? Who would not want to push this to the fullest? I thought the longer we were together, the tougher it will be to break at the end. It was not my decision alone to make, but I was having anxiety issues and I've being convinced that this relation was for a big part of it, which may be true but I've always had anxiety issues all my life so I think it was just not really this. Anyway I don't try to diminish my role, I caused that pain. Mine is her too in this story.

I'm not making excuses I'm the one that initiated the break, I despise myself for it and I'll probably never forgive myself for all the pain I caused. I can't even explain or apologize since I totally lost any sight or her with the years. Today it was the day about it. An unexpected find of a music piece and I was back to it...All the fun we had, the love we shared, her personnality, the subtle moments of affection for each other, her stubborn ideas... I cried a part of the night and most of the day. I'm dehydrated and exhausted. Because of what? That body, that will always prevent any relation like that to happen to it's full state. I've never being so happy with her, and this kind of paradise is totally denied because woman may like men or women, but not the kind of mutant I am. I'm not judging others, only me for how I see myself. I may be happy in a simple hetero relation, but I feel whatever I do, the girl in me is always denied to fully live, this burns and never go away. It's like being partly dead. It's maybe worst even now since I tasted the paradise with her. It was so good that I don't care at all that it was not physical. I could be egoist and seek another like that. But it will again bring only pain at the end, and it's enough unbearable as it is right now. I don't want make any girl to suffer like this, and worst the treason that she would discover one day because of my apparence. I would prefer never had a chance to have a relation again than to live with this pain and weight. Of course I may meet one that don't seek physical, but what kind of human may want this? We are all pushed by nature to make physical contact. We always want more. It's always a question of time before it happens.

I can't even talk about this to anyone, because no one knows who I am inside. How much a life could be a so perfect dead end? And something that no body can understand except people living with this? So you are the pros. I know that you could say just change myself, make the transformation. It's not so simple and it will solve the girl to girl problem, even with a perfect appearence, a past is following me negating being a girl. You don't know how stuck up I am and my family is even worse. I came from a 1700 people town, I let you imagine how close they are with the entire world. I don't live there anymore but I'm still in region and big city where I could find ressources that you use, it was no match for my anxiety. After one year I was in too much pain to continue going to school (a return after years) and I finally moved. I guess I could try to live not too far and going time to time...I think there is no support elsewhere. I talk about Montreal in Canada in the eastern province. I think it's the only city with this kind of support.

I guess I could get a girl that have a twisted fetish for trans, which is totally not what I want. I know I'm a trans, but I don't want to be a trans I want to be a girl, but I've not the courage that some got to go through all the transformation, and I can't change my family too, nor my past. I really feel alone in all this. I don't know what to do. It seems hopeless. Sorry to drag some people's mood down. You know the movie Avatar? Spoiler warning... At the end, the real physical form of the guy is revealed, but it's at least still a guy as it was as an avatar. There is still no problem for them! And he got transfered totally to the new body form. I wish i could be transfered entirely like this in another body. Maybe it would not be mine, but I could at least live as a girl entirely. So girl to girl love is impossible? I guess I have greater chances of happyness to nourrish the girl in me in others ways, which will never be the love I seek. At least I guess half happyness is better than nothing.

Is there at least any stories of trans that had a girlfriend that "liked" your true self? I don't mean "accept", I mean enjoying it at least. I don't know, some kind of revelation after some time of successful relationship, in which the love was strong not only enough to bring "acceptation" but also interest, and by any chances, passion, admiration, some kind of delight towards your entire being that even give more richness to the existing love...Or I'm only dreaming...


I just wanted to say, it's so good to be a girl. That powerful feeling of happyness and freedom. To dance through it, to feel grace, beauty and cuteness. Walking lightly on the top of clouds, feeling the wind on our soft skin. The sun gently rubbing our face, the feeling that even nature embrace this wonderful harmony of being who you really are in body and soul. I can't stop loving the feeling of long hair moving around with every body move, like an extension of my soul. That even if I'm not attracted by guys, I love the charm I apply on them, and them treating me like a girl, in their eyes and their words, boosting every feminine sensation in me, like a celebration, love for what I am. Girls born that way don't realize the luck and power they have. It's like a long dance that i would never end, it's completely intoxicating. I enjoy every second of it.

I started to listen to old 90s music and randomly I've fallen on "Britney Spears - I'm Not A Girl, Not Yet A Woman".
I'm listening to it again and again, some lyrics are making me cry right now, they are perfect, like if the universe was pating my head saying "be strong":

I'm not a girl
But if you look at me closely
You will see it in my eyes
This girl will always find
Her way

I wish everyone here that need it, maybe desperately as me, to find strength too.


Hi again

I learned something recently, and some of you may already know it, but I wanted to share anyway for those that don't. It really help especially if you are depressive and feel hopeless. So I wanted to share some powerful light.

Native americans used the term "two spirit" for people not being the standard "full" man and "full" woman. They were revered and families having them were considered lucky. People was given the possibility after childhood to embrace who they really are, with rituals. Gender identity, as well as sexual orientation, were all took as natural. It has nothing to do with "tolerance", it's far above, it was known to be natural. Two spirit people were loved and respected, seen as having both gender eyes and skills, making them more important for their role in the community. Within this culture it was considered highly offensive to approach a two spirit for the purpose of them performing the traditional role of their biological gender.

From what I understand of it, what nature allow to exist, is by default natural. And if there is a creator, it also implies that she/he/it wanted it to exist this way. So american natives just took the nature as it is, the will of the creator, and integrated everything as natural, so "normal". This is so simple and beautiful. They have understood it all... I don't care for religions but if this one would have been worldwide, imagine how today could be. The only abnormality and anti-nature I see, is being against nature itself, by denying us to exist. Religion in this way, could really give us a wonderful freedom. It always has cons but for us, it would have been a fresh new ground.

Still, knowing that all this existed is really a balm for the heart. Living with those people would have been really something amazing. For people wanting to know more, try keywords two spirit american native on google.


You're words make me cry. They are poetic and immensely beautiful, and they speak to the woman in me in a language I can't not hear.  Like a megaphone would reach your ear through the palm of your hand they would resonate inside of me no matter how in denial I was of my femaleness. I hope you keep posting here. Thank you. <3


Thank you Rae321!

I'm really happy to have touched your heart that much. It's being a while without reactions on my thread so I never really know what others think. So it's really good to read you. Even if I may feel really alone, when I see that I can generate the reaction you had, I feel less alone, I see that my words and thoughts have a meaning not only for me and it's important for me. Thank you for having took the time to say what you feel.


I love how positive, uplifting, beautiful and spiritual your thread is!  Thank you for sharing your sensitive soul.


Trans-cendental Musings Blog and Art:



I read this again today and i was thinking about what you said about voice being a more powerful kind of change and it reminded me of my struggle to make my inner voice real and you don't need surgery for that.  With a voice coach you can train your voice to be almost anything.  It doesn't take away your original voice so it doesn't have to shock anyone but whenever you wanted to you would be able to hear the woman in you speak out loud.  Like putting on an audio dress with a little makeup.  It might help you a little to feel you are living out your feminine life even if it's just a voice you use by yourself or with select people.  It sounds like you are very far from a place where you can consider even the possiblity of transition and that sounds very very lonely. It really puts my fears about the possibility of actual transition in perspective and clarifies my path so that i see so much more clearly how i need to follow it as i could just as easily not have the choice. Maybe a voice coach would be a small way for you to reach out to your inner girl while still feeling safe in your universe and uoy can do it online.  Is just a thought, as i'm thinking about you this morning.  Hugs <3


Thank you Jeal for your kind words. I'm not always so positive actually but I try to emphasis on good things.

Rae: your "audio dress with a little make-up" analogy is really cute and funny. I've not just issues with where I live, I've anxiety issues and I'm easily affected by health changes and body feelings, it would be too risky to use pills like hormones, I already use anxiety meds and I'm already barely breathing above the surface. I cannot see how i could mix hormones with all this and hoping to feel good. But it's not the right place too, of course. Just to give you an example, I got harassed by family and unknown people just for having long hair, just that. And it was not changing with time. I've also some social phobia so I've not the profile to change my appearance. I would need at least to move somewhere else. Like Montreal, the place where I feel myself like nowhere, but it's a crazy place to live with anxiety. I tried it and got out after 18 months, plus it's expensive.

I had no choice but to live who I am by other ways like I described. It seems light and very far from what others do but beside of nothing it's already something. I've a lot of land here in nature to feel myself through physical activities, feeling alive, feeling my silhouette, I just need to look away from my body, or simply stay there and meditate. And if I'm really alone, I can unlock me even more with the moves I want and my more crazy self. I exchange the word "crazy" for "uniqueness" those days. But I still like the word crazy, I see it more and more positive with time since nobody want someone boring with no colors. And it's maybe just in my head but I feel nature on my side, to see my true self and always encourage me to be myself. It's like the best place to let it go. I thought to buy clothes...but I don't want to see this on a body that deny the femininity it's too painful. More than doing nothing. I would need at least to remove all hair, legs more than anywhere else, and this would not pass outside...even more with a new friendship that I got lately, a girl that I want to get closer. So I use my safe ways to be. Only one friend and my brother know about who I am. And this friend is still not accepting it, but want to stay with me so she simply do like if she doesn't know, pushing away what she doesn't want. Since my appearance doesn't change, she can manage it.

Rae of course if I could change my voice without surgery it would be perfect. I know nothing about the voice training you mentioned. I thought that our vocal chords are physically designed and never change, so the sound should not change too. I thought that people that can do that are simply gifted and special, like a skill that is not for everyone. I knew that singers can work, like on high pitch to increase a bit, but high pitch is not necessarily feminine, it's just higher, but I guess you don't talk about that. There are trainers for that? Is that have a name? It would be something to talk to myself alone in a feminine voice...I whisper sometimes on songs with a female singer, almost feeling it from me. We take what we can.


Absolutely. If you google search voice feminization there are coaches you can pay for lessons and theres a lot of YouTube videos with techniques and excersices that will give you more control over your voice and let you speak in a feminine voice when you want to and in a msculine voice when you need to. If youre self training through exercises it wont happen fast but little by little it might lead you to a voice that helps you cope with your situation. Im sorry you cant embrace your inner woman more. I would like to say 'you should move some place thats more open' but we should all know thats not always an option and often its impossible so know that from however far away it is from here to there im rooting for you and i see you ( like namaste see you).  <3


Quote from: Purplewisp on April 02, 2019, 01:14:43 PM
Thank you Jeal for your kind words. I'm not always so positive actually but I try to emphasis on good things.

Rae: your "audio dress with a little make-up" analogy is really cute and funny. I've not just issues with where I live, I've anxiety issues and I'm easily affected by health changes and body feelings, it would be too risky to use pills like hormones, I already use anxiety meds and I'm already barely breathing above the surface. I cannot see how i could mix hormones with all this and hoping to feel good. But it's not the right place too, of course. Just to give you an example, I got harassed by family and unknown people just for having long hair, just that. And it was not changing with time. I've also some social phobia so I've not the profile to change my appearance. I would need at least to move somewhere else. Like Montreal, the place where I feel myself like nowhere, but it's a crazy place to live with anxiety. I tried it and got out after 18 months, plus it's expensive.

I had no choice but to live who I am by other ways like I described. It seems light and very far from what others do but beside of nothing it's already something. I've a lot of land here in nature to feel myself through physical activities, feeling alive, feeling my silhouette, I just need to look away from my body, or simply stay there and meditate. And if I'm really alone, I can unlock me even more with the moves I want and my more crazy self. I exchange the word "crazy" for "uniqueness" those days. But I still like the word crazy, I see it more and more positive with time since nobody want someone boring with no colors. And it's maybe just in my head but I feel nature on my side, to see my true self and always encourage me to be myself. It's like the best place to let it go. I thought to buy clothes...but I don't want to see this on a body that deny the femininity it's too painful. More than doing nothing. I would need at least to remove all hair, legs more than anywhere else, and this would not pass outside...even more with a new friendship that I got lately, a girl that I want to get closer. So I use my safe ways to be. Only one friend and my brother know about who I am. And this friend is still not accepting it, but want to stay with me so she simply do like if she doesn't know, pushing away what she doesn't want. Since my appearance doesn't change, she can manage it.

Rae of course if I could change my voice without surgery it would be perfect. I know nothing about the voice training you mentioned. I thought that our vocal chords are physically designed and never change, so the sound should not change too. I thought that people that can do that are simply gifted and special, like a skill that is not for everyone. I knew that singers can work, like on high pitch to increase a bit, but high pitch is not necessarily feminine, it's just higher, but I guess you don't talk about that. There are trainers for that? Is that have a name? It would be something to talk to myself alone in a feminine voice...I whisper sometimes on songs with a female singer, almost feeling it from me. We take what we can.

If it makes you feel any better, it took me eight years to work through enough trauma and abuse issues to the point I could even approach this about myself.  In the process I learned many valuable coping strategies and learned to live a life with more gratitude and love, and eventually honesty. In some ways it feels like the stars just aligned for me, but in reality it was the culmination of many many little choices and actions that added up until I had a place where I could begin to unfold.

I feel really impatient, but I still need to go slow.  One day at a time :D


Trans-cendental Musings Blog and Art:



Jeal,                                     This.. Just This.

    In some ways it feels like the stars just aligned for me, but in reality it was the culmination of many many little choices and actions that added up until I had a place where I could begin to unfold.

I feel really impatient, but I still need to go slow.  One day at a time :D

right now this sounds like the wisdom i need to remember and repeat to myself a lot.


Even if it's not our fault, living in a black hole consume people around. The pain spread to others, and because in my case it's difficult to help me for people around me, I tend to choose who can take some of my issues, because they cannot all help, and some fall easily under too much stuff. Although I've not enough help, I hardly can put my issues on everyone at the same level. I avoid it completely for one, I give more to another, and for one another that can take only half or a part, I motive myself to "help him to help me" by sending to him what good is happening to me, I share the sun, whatever it is. So I don't just become a black hole. I don't have a lot of people and I care for what I share, for the weight of it. I felt guilty each time I talked about stuff that hurt, or talked about it for too long. But if I completely stop to talk, I will collapse on myself. So now I try to give only a part to who that can take it and share some sun, and it's like a kind of gratitude in return, too. And then I'm not seen desperate, completely. So I don't lose people. But you both know what it is, we need to get all this pain outside, and I have a lot to get out. That's why I'm on a waiting list for psychological help. One person that can take most of it without danger and without me feeling darkening someone I love. I've never talked to any "professional" of who I am really, it was mostly always for anxiety issues. I also need to find a way to live happy, and a meaning for my life.

Despite all this, what I wrote here is true. I can feel happiness, even if it's harder during winter. I'm not crying all day, it happens a few minutes per day or two days randomly depending on my thoughts or accidentally on some music that I don't stop myself to listen to when it starts, but I'm also in joy with my personal writings, I enjoy piano, and I don't work anymore so I'm taking the time to think, how I could be happy, what I could do of this life, finding a meaning for my existence, change bad habits. And I'm looking forward this new summer to start, to go outside and feel alive and move fast and with music. Also being at the beach again. Since I stopped setraline I've lost almost all the weight it got me on, I'm at 9 pounds of my healthy weight so I don't feel shame anymore to show me on a beach, and my body is so light I can move a lot and fast, without being tired. It's like if I'm back in old time.

And since we are talking about it, during the last 5 years I've finally done what my family was expecting of me, returning to school, get a specialty diploma (computer sciences and networking), then a job...I was on meds, I was stoned, not caring much for anything, empty. The job was too much pressure, and I'm not too good with big responsabilities. I stopped the med that was stoning me since it was doing nothing good anyway, I got my feelings back, but also my creativity. I took this med all my life...and now I decided to control my life myself. And my will to feel my inner self started to be stronger than ever before by leaving this drug. Just saying, meds can freeze everything, joy included, it's a kind of protection but you never change, you never experiment and evolve. Unlocking the good also unlocked the bad and the pain, but I still think it's the only way. So I was saying, I've done what people wanted. I thought it would indicate to me how to be happy, and give my life a meaning. It's false. It's a magic thought. For me the conclusion is simple: I'm not everyone, so it doesn't suffice to just do like them to be happy, especially for us. But yes I believed it to be true... Now I took a break of work and I don't know what I will do, but instead of doing anything (new job) that could end fast and got a really bad background, I prefer to take my time. I lived like a blind rocket not knowing really where I go for 5 years. Before this I got a lot of time in the hell of medication trying, isolation and not caring for anything.

Even meditation is pretty new for me. Writing is new from this last summer too, an awesome finding, to create the life of the girl that I could have been, in a threesome with an amazing friendship going through adolescence, living the experiences I was never able to live, and finding this fabulous love I met, but this time, bodies are good, everything is good, and nothing can stop the love to work. I'll never have kids, but this work is my kid, my only heritage, maybe the biggest thing I will be proud of, and having the feeling to leave my mark behind. Some may say it's unreal, but it's a powerful source of light for me, I feel being this girl since it's me even if family and life is different, I feel the feelings and the happiness, I live all what I was not able to. The danger in suffering is to give up, so if an unreal thing can give joy and make life to continue, it doesn't matter at all the nature of what it is.

Thank you for the voice training, I'll look at this! I can't pay for now so I'll check the free stuff. I hope it can be done on pretty much everyone. I guess it must be long, but it's ok if it can work. Also thank you for caring about me and helping. Rae and Jeal. I'm grateful.


I've started to read about voice training and check some results, it's amazing! I really don't know how it would sound for me, but I've not a so low voice, so I may achieve good results I guess. I'll try to stick with the free stuff for now. The idea to have such a voice at will...anywhere, when I want, wow...This would be really felt real compared to other things. It's huge when you have near of nothing. You are bringing me the first buds and the first summer rays of the season! Thanks!