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Above the law for a day

Started by Kaitlyn, September 29, 2008, 10:25:50 PM

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If you were above the law for a single day, would you use the chance to commit a "crime"?  (see below for details)

37 (50%)
24 (32.4%)
7 (9.5%)
Other (explain)
6 (8.1%)

Total Members Voted: 35


Let's just say, mass murder, genocide, many many people and groups of people would be cast into the dark abyss rangeing from the >-bleeped-<s whom I hate in my everyday life, to groups like the KKK, Black Panthers, Terrorist Groups and Religous Leaders alike. All I can say is as Nightmare from the Soul Calibur Series once said "It's time for a Bloodbath!!!"




You do not fight your enemies with animosity you forgive them for their trespasses then forgive yourself, whether you are in the wrong or not, then release it then move on. The more you try to use aggression to fight aggression, the more soured off one gets thus resulting in attracting more aggression and negative attention unto yourself because of the resulting attitude. Just something I learned for my self but then every one has their own way of dealing with things. I prefer to be perceived as the little mouse not a roaring lion.

Negative attention is something an individual in early transition can ill afford if at all possible to avoid. I mean whats the sense of going around looking like a beautiful lady and going around acting like a red neck tobaki chawin macho male.

I have no desire to break any laws but that doesn't mean I agree with them all. There have been a few people I have wished I could wrap my scrawny fingers around their throats but I know that it would only make things worst instead of resolving anything. So I just do what I can to stay clear of possible aggressive encounters or do what I can to resolve it peacfully. It is a choice.

Well, that's my on and off topic and all over the map response.




I voted yes... in the interest of complete honesty, and then I've thought out what I'd do very seriously.
I would obtain a marajuana cigarette, or a doobie, and smoke it. (It's the only thing that has Ever helped my fibromyalgia, I only smoke it once every year or two as it's illegal here.)
I would instantly travel to about 50 people I know online, slap them upside the head and tell them "stop being stupid!".
I would instantly travel to about 10 people I know online and castrate them to remove their stupid from the gene-pool as no amount of slapping would give me hope that they'd think a little bit.
I would rob a bank, cause I'm poor.
I would steal the deed to the house I live in and kick out the a-holes living upstairs.
I would rob some of the people who've put Iceland into debt and give that money back to the people (by putting it in the gov. fund).
I would Personally re-write the money-related law to try and prevent this from ever happen again.

I "might" re-write the law of the entire world to make me Evil Overlord of Earth, but I'm sure it'd be just too much work to do while I transition.

"Everyone who has ever built anywhere a new heaven first found the power thereto in his own hell" - Nietzsche

Genevieve Swann

I would not do anything that could harm another person or thing. However, I live in Utah so it is easy to commit a crime without even knowing it is illegal. Since the predominant religion controls a great deal of the government the laws have alot to do with moral values of that majority. Cindi Jones knows about that.  ByBy Genevieve


It's aliiiiiiiive!
"The mind is not a vessel to be filled but a fire to be kindled."
— Plutarch


And it's looking for you.

Coming to a closet near you



Yes, I would.

But I'd have to figure out what to do first...
If you do not agree to my demands... TOO LATE


Yeppers, I totally would! Someone hit my mom last year, and threatened MY life if she told anyone. He also did a LOT of other things that should have gotten him in trouble with the law but the stupid pigs out here looked the other way. So, I'd love to be able to torture the hell out of him and make him feel everything he made us feel, maybe tenfold. In the end, after I'm satisfied he suffered more than enough, I'd make him just, disappear. I think he's the only person I actually HATE. Beyond dislike, and not just annoyed with. I can pass a random guy that just uses teh same colonge and automatically start snarling. Lol. ((course, being he's the only one I hate, theres ALL the hate and frustration and so on directed just towards him))


yes.. all the banks would be empty.  ;)


...all the banks would be empty by way of electronic fund transfer. Well not completly a few billion would do.

Or I could carry out any number of schemes whose only draw back ended in a long prison term.


Maybe... I mean, i'd love to steal several brand new, totally un-affordable computer systems and maybe a bank or two. XD

I haven't done anything illegal before tho.