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Non-Binary Introductions

Started by ativan, October 20, 2011, 04:08:48 PM

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Hello everyone, I'm going by Sam on this forum. I'd rather not post my real name to avoid any link to my real life right now. The hex code at the end of my username is for the colour azure, just a title I use in games.

For the longest time I considered myself to just be weird. When I first came across the term non-binary I thought it was a bizarre (to put it lightly). Over the last year however I've discovered many things about myself which I would have previously just considered personality flaws. I'm in a long-term relationship with someone else who identifies as non-binary, which is very fortunate.

I decided to join this forum to better understand myself by reading the posts of others and to occasionally ask questions. I'm still in a very confusing place right now, I'm 30 and spent most of my life in denial and mocking myself. A lot of my childhood memories related to gender I suppressed and it came flooding back in January.

Tessa James

Welcome to the Place Sam Azure.  Weird, bizarre and denial are terms we are familiar with around here ;D  We love questions and reading about other experiences so feel free to share.
Open, out and evolving queer trans person forever with HRT support since March 13, 2013


Hi, not sure where to start, 29 y/o, amab GQ-NonBinary persn here.

I fit into too many boxes so I figured I'd best just keep it simple for now.

Lady Smith

Welcome to the N-B forum Alexx :)

Who wants to fit into boxes when you can just be yourself instead.


Hi! I'm Ani. Star Wars fan.
I identify as Non-binary leaning to masculine (possible trans boy) , which has been a terrifying step for me since I was comfortable in my girlyness (but feeling like I was not a girl, you know) and now I have found true happiness in being male. I'm bisexual. My wife is a trans female and has been supporting me on my journey much the same I had and have been supporting her. I am so lucky to have her. We have a son who's 6 and we've been together for 7 years, married for three and a half.

Hope to find answers to all that I'm feeling on here.

Lady Smith



Hey friends, new to this site but not really new to the trans world. Im currently struggling to find a title for myself: not because I need to define who I am to myself but so that I can better explain my identity to others who are either just curious or dont understand.

I consider myself "internally" androgynous although slightly more female than male. And externally I prefer a masculine physique/clothing/appearance. I'm about to have top surgery and I'm on a small dose of T. I dont want facial hair because I find it too masculine.

How on earth do I say this in the most condensed way possible?


Hi Shap. Welcome to Susan's.  :icon_wave:

Here are some links to site policies and other helpful information:

Quote from: Shap on October 21, 2015, 10:51:59 PM
How on earth do I say this in the most condensed way possible?

I've seen a lot of non-binary people wear themselves to exhaustion trying to find a label they're comfortable putting on themselves. My gender therapist has discouraged me from this sort of activity. She asks instead how I want to live, rather than trying to shoehorn a label onto my experience.

Labels are comforting because they make us feel like we're not alone, but I'm not sure they help a whole lot beyond that. Once I figured out how I wanted to relate to the gendered world (in my case I transitioned and now live happily full-time as a woman), the need for a label seemed less important. I call myself a non-binary trans woman if people ask how I identify, though it seems like that's saying more about what I'm not than about what I am.
Have you read my short story The Eve of Triumph?

Lady Smith

Welcome to the forum Shap :D  I was going to say all manner of things, but Suzi has said them already.


yo ok so ive been here for a while now 
originally i identified as a trans girl sort of (so demigirl but nobody cared) but recently im starting to realize that i dont believe in gender and i dont think i want anything to do with it so im agender. this is me officially coming out. cool
i still gotta do that 4 my pals because they stil use she/her pronouns (any pronouns r fine for me i think)

Tessa James

Congratulations for coming out agender and making your own declaration of independence.  I like the idea of not being misgendered when any pronoun is fine.  Chart you own course.  Yes, cool! ;D

Quote from: topit on October 25, 2015, 06:52:52 PM
yo ok so ive been here for a while now 
originally i identified as a trans girl sort of (so demigirl but nobody cared) but recently im starting to realize that i dont believe in gender and i dont think i want anything to do with it so im agender. this is me officially coming out. cool
i still gotta do that 4 my pals because they stil use she/her pronouns (any pronouns r fine for me i think)
Open, out and evolving queer trans person forever with HRT support since March 13, 2013


Hello, I'm Flynn.

I have recently been discovering that I am non binary. I identify either gender fluid or bigender. I feel that I am either masculine or feminine at the same time or that I am femme masculine. I feel that he/him pronouns honor the best even if I am dressed femininely. 


Quote from: FlynnEmery on October 31, 2015, 11:44:20 PM
Hello, I'm Flynn.

I have recently been discovering that I am non binary. I identify either gender fluid or bigender. I feel that I am either masculine or feminine at the same time or that I am femme masculine. I feel that he/him pronouns honor the best even if I am dressed femininely.

Hi Flynn. Welcome to Susan's.  :icon_wave:

Here are some links to site policies and other helpful information:

Have you read my short story The Eve of Triumph?


I'm Dinah. I'm gender fluid. Someone once told me to "just pick a gender, and stick to it!", but I can't, no matter how hard I try. I'm a woman, I'm a man, I'm neither, I'm both.

I worry you'll think I'm "not trans enough" to be here. :(

Tessa James

Quote from: Dinah on November 04, 2015, 04:57:54 AM
I'm Dinah. I'm gender fluid. Someone once told me to "just pick a gender, and stick to it!", but I can't, no matter how hard I try. I'm a woman, I'm a man, I'm neither, I'm both.

I worry you'll think I'm "not trans enough" to be here. :(

Please feel welcome and safe here Dinah.  Many of us may have felt "not trans enough" by some standards or yardsticks but we are in different places in our journey that leads to what, maybe self??  Some of us have dithered along the way and distracted ourselves with any number of interesting life paths.  Sharing more about our experience is valuable and builds a community I only dreamed of 50 years ago.  Whats up with you?
Open, out and evolving queer trans person forever with HRT support since March 13, 2013


Quote from: Dinah on November 04, 2015, 04:57:54 AM
I'm Dinah. I'm gender fluid. Someone once told me to "just pick a gender, and stick to it!", but I can't, no matter how hard I try. I'm a woman, I'm a man, I'm neither, I'm both.

I worry you'll think I'm "not trans enough" to be here. :(

Couldn't have said it better myself!  :)  Welcome to Susan's Place, Dinah!

Hugs, Devlyn


Hi Dinah. Welcome to Susan's.  :icon_wave:

Here are some links to site policies and other helpful information:

Quote from: Dinah on November 04, 2015, 04:57:54 AM
I'm Dinah. I'm gender fluid. Someone once told me to "just pick a gender, and stick to it!", but I can't, no matter how hard I try. I'm a woman, I'm a man, I'm neither, I'm both.

I worry you'll think I'm "not trans enough" to be here. :(

Being trans isn't a contest. There are no requirements or prerequisites. We accept you exactly as you are.

Have you read my short story The Eve of Triumph?

Micah (Alecia)

Hello Devlyn I know exactly how you feel, this is me on a daily basis and I am just trying to make since of it all, if you ever need to talk about it feel free to pm me I check in daily
Be yourself whoever that may be and forgot what anyone else says.


Quote from: Tessa James on November 04, 2015, 11:51:45 AM
Please feel welcome and safe here Dinah.  Many of us may have felt "not trans enough" by some standards or yardsticks but we are in different places in our journey that leads to what, maybe self??  Some of us have dithered along the way and distracted ourselves with any number of interesting life paths.  Sharing more about our experience is valuable and builds a community I only dreamed of 50 years ago.  Whats up with you?

Thank you, I really appreciate your kind words!


Hello everyone,

I am Futurist. Anyway, here is some information about myself:

I am currently a 23-year-old university student who is currently living in Southern California. I was a transvestic fetishist (to some extent) ever since I began having a sex drive at age 9 or 10 (though I am unfortunately currently way too hairy to actually act on my transvestic fetishistic desires :(). In addition to this, though, a couple of years ago I began to cross-dream (primarily in a non-sexual way), though I would also like to point out that I would be pretty content being a girly guy/girly eunuch if I could sufficiently feminize both my body and my face. Indeed, while I myself am certainly willing to identify as a male (and/or as a eunuch as well :)), I certainly want to permanently get rid of as much of my body hair and facial hair as possible, to somewhat feminize my face (indeed, think of Stav Strashko or Andreja Pejic before she began physically transitioning), very possibly to take female hormones (though I am flexible on this part considering that I want to be able to continue being able to get erections using my penis and to have penis-in-vagina sex), to get rid of the large bald spots on the top of my head (due to my premature baldness due to poor genetics on my own part), to sometimes cross-dress, et cetera. In addition to this, though, I also certainly want to get rid of my testicles both for sterilization purposes (considering that vasectomies can and sometimes do fail and considering that vasectomy doctors certainly won't pay all of my child support payments for 18+ years in the event of an unplanned pregnancy) and, if possible, to help me feminize my body and my face. Also, I would like to point out that I have previously heard some good things (well, good from my own perspective :)) about estrogen from both trans-women and trans-men. Finally, I would like to point out that I myself want to have a face similar to that of a pre-FFS trans-woman; seriously--after all, while I am presuming that many, if not most, trans-women want to look completely like cis-women, I myself want to look much more like a pre-FFS trans-woman than like a cis-woman.

Anyway, does anyone here any thoughts on what I wrote here? :) If so, then please don't be afraid to speak out. :)