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weight gain on T

Started by -JR-, May 05, 2012, 10:55:42 AM

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Suggestion: remove all scales where you live. Don't touch them ever. I find I
simply not knowing what I weigh as being the most helpful. I still have an unhealthy relationship with food.

I don't think I gained weight on T. I sort of stayed at around the same weight until I started having food problems.


I don't remember how much I gained, maybe 5-8 pounds.  But I didn't gain fatty weight, in fact I probably lost fatty weight because my hips went down and ass got smaller, but yeah some muscle weight.


I've only gained maybe 3 pounds in 4 months.


I gained a lot of mass, but that's mostly from working out.

Testosterone is actually supposed to help speed up your metabolism.



I didn't gain weight after starting T.  I've only lost and maintained.


Quote from: Adio on May 05, 2012, 12:43:56 PM
I didn't gain weight after starting T.  I've only lost and maintained.

I've lost fatty weight too and in the process gained upper body mass since being on T (but through working out that part of my body).

I think it depends on your body type before T... if you have a very small frame and are thin, chances are you will gain some weight in the process of your face and upper body "filling out" but not fatty weight. It just makes you look less "delicate", if that makes sense. But it's very unlikely that you'll gain 10lbs of fat on your stomach in a month.


About two months in I have lost about 10 pounds.


hmm hard to answer..
I started out pretty normal weight, then I lost around 2 kilo or somethin for top surgery, (4 pounds?)
and then I started working out and gained my normal weight before the surgery.. + some more..

so I guess in general I gained maybe 6 kilos? im not sure? but I try to live alittle healthy where Pre T I didnt care much.
(13 pounds?)

btw, I arn't sure about the pound numbers I converted, thats why I put a question beside the numbers.. but I hope there correct.


T should cause an increase in muscle mass and strength. Muscle weighs more than fat. Muscle cells also burn calories all the time, even while asleep, whereas fat cells only burn calories while you're active. In that sense, yes, it should increase your metabolism.

In short, weight gain should not be surprising and should not (automatically) be interpreted as a bad thing, health-wise. Men, in general, certainly weigh more than women. If you really don't want an increase in muscle mass, you might want to talk to your doctor about T and whether you want to go on it.


I've been on T for a little over 10 months now and I've actually had a lot of trouble gaining weight.  I gained some muscle when I started T, but my weight stayed fairly steady because I lost most of the fat that I had.  Right now, I'm trying really hard to gain weight (both from weight training and my diet) and it's quite a challenge for me.  Before I started T, I thought I'd have to really watch my diet and exercise a lot more because people said I would put on weight really easily but that hasn't been my experience at all.  I have to make a conscious effort to not lose weight (perhaps due to metabolism changes?).  It really depends on the person.


I gained some muscle but lost a lot of fat. It was a net loss. And I've never had an eating disorder, so I can't speak to that. But do keep telling yourself that gaining muscle is normal on T. Do you talk to a pro about your body image issues?
"The hammer is my penis." --Captain Hammer

"When all you have is a hammer . . ." --Anonymous carpenter


Quote from: -JR- on May 06, 2012, 09:49:14 PM
and yes I am talking with a pro and I have a nutritionist, I had to actually gain weight before I would even be allowed on T and now we are all hoping some of my body image issues resolve themselves when I start seeing what  I want to, meaning a male body.

Apart from my bottom dysphoria, I have a much better attitude about my body now. Getting rid of the chesticles was FANTASTIC. Getting rid of the "unhappiness" weight was great as well. I remember shopping for oversized shirts when I was at my heaviest and really close to cracking...I caught a glimpse of myself in the store mirror and was profoundly shocked at how unhealthy I looked. That was fifty pounds and a surgery ago. Now I am much more comfortable and self-confident. I even think I look pretty good, for an old man. :P

I hope you have a similar shift in your thinking.
"The hammer is my penis." --Captain Hammer

"When all you have is a hammer . . ." --Anonymous carpenter