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"God Doesn't Make Mistakes"

Started by King Malachite, May 20, 2012, 08:22:57 PM

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King Malachite

**For the main point please skip to the bottom.**

This phrase has been burned into my brain by my sister who is the pastor of the church I go to.  I talked about this a few times but it's still bothering me.  When I told her I was transgendered she asked me what does that mean and I told her I feel like a male trapped in a woman's body.  She told me that I've had a "masculine spirit attached to me" because of a lot of things that happened to me as a child and because of that I've build up a wall.  I asked her to tell me what those bad things that happened as a child to me were and she refused to tell me.

She says that she knows for a fact that I'm not transgendered because "God doesn't make mistakes."  She brands being transgendered and homosexuality (which she is strongly against) on the same tree.

Then she questioned my spritual life.  I told her that it has grown and that I am slowly finding my peace with God about me being transgendered.  Before that I was not a spritual person.  I'm not religious but I do find my peace in many forms but that's for another thread.

After that she basically disagreed about my spritual life and told told me to open myself up to God and you will know when deliverance will happen because tears will fall from my eyes.

I think it's selfish of her to say something like that.  If that's the case how do you explain those who were born with birth defects?  What about people who were born intersex?  I view what I have as a birth defect.  She doesn't know what I had to go through because she has had the luck of being a cis woman.  If she doesn't think we should alter our bodies then why do people get tattoos and hairstyles?  Should those who need surgery not get it?

I just wish she would take the time to understand.  However she's my sister and it hurts me that she would say that and it has me wondering what if I should stay as female and be miserable the rest of my life since obviously it was the way I was made.

Why should I be forced to be unhappy while everyone else can be content with their bodies?  If this truely not a mistake then gosh it's a cruel joke.
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"Sometimes you have to go through outer hell to get to inner heaven."

"Anomalies can make the best revolutionaries."

Ms. OBrien CVT

Of course "God doesn't make mistakes.".  Which means we were make to glorify His name as we are.

But then again, I am not Christian.  And the Goddess knows what She is doing.

It does not take courage or bravery to change your gender.  It takes fear of living one more day in the wrong one.~me

King Malachite

Wow I didn't mean to post this thread.  I wanted to make it shorter so it wouldn't be as long and tedious to read for yall so I was going to start over.  Well since it's up I might as well continue so while you are reading this I'm going to edit the other post.

Sorry about that again.
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"Sometimes you have to go through outer hell to get to inner heaven."

"Anomalies can make the best revolutionaries."

Star river

I don't baleave that being trans is a mestake. I baleave we are who we are to show strantgh and will power to the world. We can show support and open mindedness to those that want to see. Stand firm to those that hate, and love all for who we are not what we are. " we can only be who we are no more and no less to do otherwise is to profane against the creator."


If there is a God, how can anyone truly know what he is thinking?
The people who assume they are speaking for God however do make mistakes and that resonates with me more than the latter.



Let's not turn this into a religion bashing thread please. Malachite is speaking of a very specific example of one person's beliefs and interpretations. The same does not apply to all practitioners of every religion.
Natura nihil frustra facit.

Jamie D

Quote from: Malachite on May 20, 2012, 08:46:37 PM
Wow I didn't mean to post this thread.  I wanted to make it shorter so it wouldn't be as long and tedious to read for yall so I was going to start over.  Well since it's up I might as well continue so while you are reading this I'm going to edit the other post.

Sorry about that again.

It's okay, Malachite.  There is a contentious thread on the Intersex talk board which has drifted into the same general question.


Have you asked her to if she is wearing mixed fabrics, and if so where she would like to be stoned to death? Or whether she has eaten shellfish lately.  They are definitely listed as being big no-no's, compared to no real mention of transsexualism as such.

"Don't ask me, it was on fire when I lay down on it"

King Malachite

Quote from: justmeinoz on May 21, 2012, 06:20:32 AM
Have you asked her to if she is wearing mixed fabrics, and if so where she would like to be stoned to death? Or whether she has eaten shellfish lately.  They are definitely listed as being big no-no's, compared to no real mention of transsexualism as such.


I've let her know and told her that the Bible doesn't directly mention being transgender as and that's where she actually told me "yeah I know but God doesn't make mistakes".  I've told her that if she followed the Bible like she mentioned then techniqually she has no right to be a pastor since "women are to stay silent in church".  She just said that that certain part was related to particular women in the story and that it was old testament so no longer can be used.
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"Sometimes you have to go through outer hell to get to inner heaven."

"Anomalies can make the best revolutionaries."


I still haven't found any passages referring to transsexualism.  Has she been able to point any out, or is she just airing her prejudices?  If she is doing that she is commiting the sin of lying.
I bought a copy of the Bible last week so I could research the statements of trans and homophobic extremists.

"Don't ask me, it was on fire when I lay down on it"


If (G)od doesn't make mistakes, then what about people with diseases, or other birth defects.

Perhaps those born with diabetes should not seek medication to control their diabetes and suffer a slow painful death rather than live a long and fruitful life.  They should instead read scripture (at age two) and see that (G)od loves them as their blood sugar drives them into an irreversible coma.

It's not a mistake when a infant is born with a club foot.  That child should suffer being an invalid all their lives because it's wasn't a mistake in the first place and the relatively simple surgery that would correct it and allow that child to be an olympic runner is an abomination to (G)od.  Rather they should seek comfort from the stories where Jesus healed the deformed and pray that he comes Tuesday, next week at 2:00 and schedule his healing.  Jesus is a very busy deity, you see.

It is an absurd statement to say that (G)od doesn't make mistakes.  We are all born as we are, and perhaps (G)od places these blessings-inside-curses on us to seek life and salvation.  Our spiritual path is not for any man to see.

What they are really doing when they say these incredibly ignorant and stupid lies, is cover their own ignorance and hatred in between the covers of the bible.  In their hearts they say that trans folks are icky.  But instead of trying to understand why they feel like this, and perhaps learning that this is a congenital condition as defined by modern medical and psychiatric research.  They take the easy path of stoking their fear into hatred and use the (B)ible to fan the flames.

* I use (G)od and (B)ible nomenclature to refer to the classic generalized, public belief of a superbeing in a white shirt and the adventures of creating a pocket universe that is in actuality only 5,000 years old, but shows all signs of being magnitudes older.

That which passeth all understanding is just that.  You cannot put God/Goddess/et-al in a box.  Nor use that white shirted image as an excuse to justify your hatred.  Well, you can, of course, it just makes you look stupid.

Out of the darkness, into the light.
Following my bliss.
I am complete...


If God doesn't make mistakes how come Jesus cured diseases, and even supposedly raised Lazarus from the dead? 
Either Jesus, as God incarnate, changed his mind; or  deliberately killed Lazarus as part of an advertising campaign?  Either creates major theological quandries.

How would she react if you said you had found God, and were converting to whatever denomination is the most opposite to her's? 

"Don't ask me, it was on fire when I lay down on it"

King Malachite

Quote from: justmeinoz on May 21, 2012, 07:14:48 AM

How would she react if you said you had found God, and were converting to whatever denomination is the most opposite to her's? 


She would say it's "a trick from the enemy"
Feel the need to ask me something or just want to check out my blog?  Then click below:,135882.0.html

"Sometimes you have to go through outer hell to get to inner heaven."

"Anomalies can make the best revolutionaries."


She can't complain then if you start praying for her soul as she is an Heretic!  ;)
"Don't ask me, it was on fire when I lay down on it"


Quote from: Malachite on May 21, 2012, 06:42:53 AM
I've let her know and told her that the Bible doesn't directly mention being transgender as and that's where she actually told me "yeah I know but God doesn't make mistakes".  I've told her that if she followed the Bible like she mentioned then techniqually she has no right to be a pastor since "women are to stay silent in church".  She just said that that certain part was related to particular women in the story and that it was old testament so no longer can be used.

See it's right there you should stop respecting her opinion. It's not about being Christan, You see this with most faiths and a lot of people. People don't believe what is written as is, but what they think matters and how it reflects their life. Which in a lot of cases is the mature approach, but you can easily become a hypocrite when you start picking and choosing. Nothing you say will ever change that as far as trying to win the argument. She's not interested in winning, She is trying to convince herself she has a reason to feel the way she does about your decision.

Your best option is to tell her that you think she is wrong and that you don't care if she thinks you are wrong or not what you say you are, because you define yourself and if god doesn't make mistakes then you were given this feeling of being out of place in your gender as a test to see if you can overcome the hardships of feeling prejudice from even your sister for just believing and being the person you are.


Susan Larson
Susan's Place Transgender Resources

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While the statement that God does not make mistakes is true,there is also the fact that we live in a broken world. Birth defects,illnesses,and death are all part of it. Some of these are from long term affects of pollution,altered foods and drinks,and lifestyle choices of the mother, and can also be caused by a mother being ill during pregnancy,and also just plain genetic degradation.

The problem is that it leaves out the fact that some of it may be man made consequences of actions taken years ago. How much we may never really know.

Think about this Was it the doctors and researchers who did not do enough research on Thalidomide, to know what the consequences would be,when given to pregnant women that caused the birth defects or was it God causing it?

God gets way to much blame for mans actions.
Answers are easy. It's asking the right questions which is hard.

Be positive in the fact that there is always one person in a worse situation then you.

The Fourth Doctor


The answer I usually use is that there's no mistake, that G'D had given me the extra challenge of being transgendered and leading me to transition because G'D knows I'm up to the challenge.

Yeah, it rarely works. But that's the answer I use.


It is somewhere stated (by Paul, 2nd letter to the Corinthians? Annah..) that God does NOT give you anything you can not deal with.

I learned that just 1 or 2 days after my epiphany when I went in a total "state" to my homeopath (Christian) female practitioner.

It actually helped me to move straight into RLE.
But now... once she found out some few month later... my transitioning was not quite what "she" had had in mind for me, and so acted quite transphobic next time I saw her :)

Interpretations, interpretations, interpretation, eh? :)

Whether she now did like or dislike the result of her biblical message - it did help me!

So - bless her, hum
Some say: "Free sex ruins everything..."


Quote from: Axélle on May 21, 2012, 01:08:45 PM
It is somewhere stated (by Paul, 2nd letter to the Corinthians? Annah..) that God does NOT give you anything you can not deal with.

I learned that just 1 or 2 days after my epiphany when I went in a total "state" to my homeopath (Christian) female practitioner.

It actually helped me to move straight into RLE.
But now... once she found out some few month later... my transitioning was not quite what "she" had had in mind for me, and so acted quite transphobic next time I saw her :)

Interpretations, interpretations, interpretation, eh? :)

Whether she now did like or dislike the result of her biblical message - it did help me!

So - bless her, hum


I am not sure but this may be the verse you may be thinking of.

1 Corinthians 10:12-14

12 So, if you think you are standing firm, be careful that you don't fall! 13 No temptation[c] has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted[d] beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted,[e] he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it.
Answers are easy. It's asking the right questions which is hard.

Be positive in the fact that there is always one person in a worse situation then you.

The Fourth Doctor