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What Made You Both Happy and Unhappy at the Same Time Today?

Started by V M, July 19, 2012, 09:43:01 PM

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Happy: Winnie the Pooh

Unhappy: Eeyore

but that's just how it goes... ;)
~ Tarah ~



Happy: moved out.

Unhappy: everything else.

Overall mood; :)


Happy: Edge is a buddy  :)

Unhappy: Edge is P.O.'ed at me for the Eor comment.  :icon_peace:


No, I'm not. I'm just not in a friendly mood towards anyone.


Dear Mr. Not in a good mood,

Tough luck but you are still one of my favorite people. I hope you can find your way out of that funk.


I slept in until after 3. I clearly needed to catch up on sleep.

I've screwed myself for getting my errands accomplished today.


Quote from: Gwynne on January 18, 2014, 03:58:48 PM
I slept in until after 3. I clearly needed to catch up on sleep.

I've screwed myself for getting my errands accomplished today.

Me too. How unusual.



unexplainable stomach cramps.

i am going to shedule an appointment with my doctor about this.


i have my own technique to ease them and make them go away without them reaching more than a moderate level of pain. amongst other things it involves straigthening my posture (i spend too much time hunched over which is a contributing factor), breathing slowly without allowing too much air inside.



Happy: offers me an escape from life and i often put myself in the place of one of my favorite characters.

Unhappy: its only a temporary getaway that only leads to false hopes and dashed dreams triggering a more pure form of dysphoria that consumes me in the deepest aspects of my life.

All in all, im left satisfied yet hungry, together yet alone, loving yet unhappy. I find myself wanting fantasies that i know will never happen because of the way i am. The way i was made. I can never know a normal life. Only a life of pain.
I dont know what will happen next. I dont know who will be with me or who will be against me. But i do know that my life will go on. It stops for no one. And i will be me. Not an outer shell, not a girl hiding behind a mask, and not that perfect child my parents always wanted. I am human. I am me. Theres no other way i can be in order to be happy.

Ms Grace

A meeting with management about the impending restructure at work...

Unhappy: having to argue against the biggest dumb a$$ decision management has made, one that effects me in many non positive ways.

Happy(ish): got a possible concession out of that them they'll look at my proposed alternative, the first such concession on this issue ever.

Unhappy: now I have to make my proposal rock solid and waterproof.

Happy: I'm gonna win this one and pwn them, dammit!!
Transition 1.0 (Julie): HRT 1989-91
Self-denial: 1991-2013
Transition 2.0 (Grace): HRT June 24 2013
Full-time: March 24, 2014 :D


Quote from: Ms Grace on January 20, 2014, 03:34:17 AM
A meeting with management about the impending restructure at work...

Unhappy: having to argue against the biggest dumb a$$ decision management has made, one that effects me in many non positive ways.

Happy(ish): got a possible concession out of that them they'll look at my proposed alternative, the first such concession on this issue ever.

Unhappy: now I have to make my proposal rock solid and waterproof.

Happy: I'm gonna win this one and pwn them, dammit!!

That's our girl Ms. Grace, take no prisoners!  >:-)


Quote from: Ms Grace on January 20, 2014, 03:34:17 AM
A meeting with management about the impending restructure at work...

Unhappy: having to argue against the biggest dumb a$$ decision management has made, one that effects me in many non positive ways.

Happy(ish): got a possible concession out of that them they'll look at my proposed alternative, the first such concession on this issue ever.

Unhappy: now I have to make my proposal rock solid and waterproof.

Happy: I'm gonna win this one and pwn them, dammit!!

dazzle them with charts and they'll be putty in your hands ::)


so, today marks 17 days until HR and i have set up my coming out at work and starting my full time life, it brings great joy to be this close but the dysphoria is kicking my azz as I have to present in male mode for the next few weeks and i am really not into this at all any more, this dual role is to much for me to deal with. i have committed to waiting until i am scheduled off site for ffs. we decided that making my announcements would be best to do the day I leave so once i come out no one will ever see me as a boy again, hopefully avoiding some of the confusion that can create. any way very happy and very sad even hrt is not pulling me out of this slump.

one day, one step, with grace it will be forward today


Quote from: Ms Grace on January 20, 2014, 03:34:17 AM
A meeting with management about the impending restructure at work...

Unhappy: having to argue against the biggest dumb a$$ decision management has made, one that effects me in many non positive ways.

Happy(ish): got a possible concession out of that them they'll look at my proposed alternative, the first such concession on this issue ever.

Unhappy: now I have to make my proposal rock solid and waterproof.

Happy: I'm gonna win this one and pwn them, dammit!!
You forgot the inspired emote.
--> \(>__<)/


Happy that V M ans Sephiraha are making more of an appearance of late.

Unhappy that they are suffering.

(Who said I could spell. I am the typo king.)


I'm sick which makes me unhappy but... my throatinfection means I have this low raspy voice now and I totally passed while talking all day because of that so that sort of made me happy.


Quote from: LordKAT on January 20, 2014, 01:26:57 PM
Happy that V M ans Sephirah are making more of an appearance of late.

Unhappy that they are suffering.

I worry sometimes that the moderators will hold their own challenges in so as not to affect others. Moderators need support, too.


My landlord decided to go back on our agreement and came back to no home. The family are with relatives now. I wish I could give Caleb a kiss right now. I couldnt get ahold of my friend to maybe crash at their house for a couple days. So Caleb had me book into a hotel for the night. I owe him so much and love him to bits. It just makes me miss him even more. I would be lost without him.


Quote from: Keaira Raine on January 20, 2014, 10:13:30 PM
My landlord decided to go back on our agreement and came back to no home. The family are with relatives now. I wish I could give Caleb a kiss right now. I couldnt get ahold of my friend to maybe crash at their house for a couple days. So Caleb had me book into a hotel for the night. I owe him so much and love him to bits. It just makes me miss him even more. I would be lost without him.

What's happening to you is despicable.


Happy: anime is bringing me out...
Unhappy: i dont know if its real or fake...